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oriye · 1 year ago
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TEXT: 2 Samuel 11:2-3; Gen.34:2
KEY VERSE: I made a covenant with mine eves: why then should I think upon a maid?"Job 31:1
David inquired-Instead of suppressing that desire which the sight of his eyes had kindled, he seeks rather
to feed it; and first enquires who she was; that if she were unmarried, he might make her either his wife or
his concubine.
In the first place how could any woman of delicacy expose herself where she could be so
fully and openly viewed? Did she not know that she was at least in view of the king 's terrace?
Was there
no design or plan in all this? From this passage we can see how Beersheba the wife of Uriah created an
atmosphere of seduction for King David to fall, she was washing herself outside, instead of inside her
bathroom where no one will see her nakedness.
Her husband was not around so she probably decided to
position and bath herself outside the building where she can easily be seen from the storey building
probably she is aware that the king always walk around his roof top in the evenings.
So she set herself to
create an atmosphere of lust to attract the king's attention.
Therefore when she came he lay with her,
she too easily consenting, because he was a great man, and of great fame for his goodness too.
(thinks she) that can be no sin with such a man as David is the mover of Israel. Zeph. 1:8.
Today, it is so disappointing that even Christians are creating atmosphere of lust and seduction.
It is now a
general practice that they are now obeying and following the rules of the fashions of the world, "dressing
to look sexy."
Why do you as a Christian join the worldly to put on short or skimpy skirts or gowns that
expose your thighs, laps and legs to pollute the hearts of your brothers with immoral thoughts and to send
them to hell fire?
Remember you will pay for it, be warned, you are making yourself an agent of
Jezebel and a distributor of sinful thought and desires
You are creating an atmosphere of seduction and lustful
Why are you happy with your wicked way of dressing that is sending your brothers to hell fire and
yet you claim not to know or understand the implication, using cosmetic make-ups, slitted or pencil skirts
and trousers, artificial hairs, padded bra, or women trousers? As an obedient and truthful Christian you
should know that any clothing that shows fitness on your breast to disclose the size and shape of your
breast is seductive and cannot glorify God.
It is all the same as if your breast is bare, dressing that has
fittings on your buttocks, hips, thighs or laps distracts and sends lustful signals to men at first sight.
Therefore just covering your flesh or body with clothing is not enough, care must be taken to also
consciously cover the shape, curves and cleavages of your body from being seen by others.
Every woman
knows that if a man is able to feed his eyes on the shape of their breast, buttocks, hips, laps or cleavages he
will be aroused and lust after them.
That is why the worldly have found a way of putting the shape of the
sensitive parts of their body for public display through the wearing of seductive clothing.
Prov. 6:25 "Lust not after her beauty in thine heart; neither let her take thee with her evelids."
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everyday-quote · 5 years ago
Do not despair when in spite of intense supplication, there is a delay in receiving the expected gift. He has guaranteed that he will respond in what He chooses for you, and not what you choose for yourself, and at the time He chooses not the time you desire.
Ibn Ataallah (rahimullah)
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alegrange · 7 years ago
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#modernwayofgettingaround #newconvertible (at Museu Nacional dos Coches)
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twojaye · 8 years ago
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Tested out a new pen today, this thing should be fun once I get used to it. #doodle #illustration #newpen #fishninja #parallelpen #newconvert #ink #inkdrawing #expressive #aljournalfranklinii #sketch
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alanjosoncreative · 7 years ago
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#hellofreshlife made the Seared Italian Sausage (with couscous and spinach) and as promised took about 40mins from prep to table! #newconvert #whatsfordinner — view on Instagram http://ift.tt/2E2ro9r
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jasrandal · 7 years ago
Some questions for new Christians
Some questions for new Christians - #questions #spirituality #newconverts
In a little while this evening, we’ll have another study with a young couple who have been Christians for about six months. Before we get to the Bible text, here are some questions I plan to ask them tonight. What difficulties have you encountered since your conversion? What has been your greatest challenge? Any positive surprise that you’ve had? What have you seen in terms of spiritual progress…
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thetouts · 11 years ago
Philomena explains how she got her new convertible w @thefoxhimself @oluwakaponeski @chief_obi #NewConvertible #Philomena #thetouts #africancomedians
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oriye · 1 year ago
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Matt.12:33 Either make the tree good, and his fruit good; or else make the tree corrupt, and his fruit
corrupt: for the tree is known by his fruit."1 Peter l:14.
KEY VERSE: James 3:11-12 *Doth a fountain send forth at the same place sweet water and bitter?
Can the fig tree, my brethren, bear olive berries? either a vine figs? so can no fountain both yield salt water
and fresh.
"Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles? Even so every
good tree bringeth forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit. A good tree cannot bring
forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit. Every tree that bringeth not forth good
fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire."Matt.7:16-19
Anyone who has given his or her life to Christ is born-again and does not go back to live a sinful life.
A child of God is somebody that has been cleansed by the blood of Jesus Christ and has become a clean
vessel, therefore does not continue to practice the old life of sin.
The new birth comes with a new life; you
cannot be living the old life in the new birth, and say you are born again.
Anyone who claims to be born
again and continues to live in his old Iife style is yet to be born again, because the new birth always comes
with transformation of heart and change of life style and this change is both inside and outside.
Once you
are born again the first evidence is that you will stop living in your old sinful life, cease from living a life
style that conforms to the world and start living the life of Christ.
The Bible says "Whosoever is born of
God doth not commit sin; for his seed remaineth in him: and he cannot sin, because he is born of God.
1John 3:9.
The Bible also says “But fornication, and all uncleanness, or covetousness, let It not be once
named among you, as becometh saints; neither filthiness, nor foolish talking, nor jesting, which are not
convenient: but rather giving of thanks."
Ephesians 5:3-4
The truth is, when your heart is regenerated and transformed even your dressing will also  change,
you will stop wearing the sexy and seductive clothing you used to wear when you were not born
again, and you will start dressing as a Christian to please God instead of conforming to the world.
You will be much disciplined in your dressing and always stay clear from every form of clothing that can make
others stumble or fall.
It is gross indecency for a born again to wear slitted or short skirt or clothing
exposing the legs, laps, hips or underwear. All skirts and gowns should be free and quite below the knees at sitting position.
Bible says "And it shall come to pass in the day of the LORD'S sacrifice, that I will punish the princes, and the King's children, and all such that are clothed with strange apparel.
The change in your life as a Christian should be therefore both in your inside and the outside life
style and not only either of them.
We therefore cannot deceive
ourselves by still carrying on with our old
life style in the new birth and still say we are born again.
The Bible : says "Nevertheless the foundation of
God standeth sure, having this seal, The Lord knoweth them that are His and let everyone that nameth
the name of Christ depart from iniquity." 2 Tim. 2:19
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oriye · 1 year ago
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TEXT: 2 Sam.12:1-12
MEMORY VERSE: "Stolen waters are sweet, and bread eaten in secret is pleasant. But he knoweth not that the
dead are there; and that her guests are in the depths of hell." Pro.9:17-18
"Bread of deceit is sweet to a man; but afterwards his mouth shall be filled with gravel" Pro,20:17
The stolen waters and bread eaten in secret are things people do under cover, hidden from other's awaresess
which are seemly pleasant and enjoyable to the flesh but the end of it is in doom.
These are things done
illegally in secret.
They are the secret sins men hide to commit in the secret, the secret pornography.
masturbation, secret insincerity, diplomatic styles, the secret bribes, secret deceits etc.
From our text
2 Sam.11:1-27, we can see the secret manipulations of King David how he committed adultery with Uriah's
wife and planned to cover it up by calling back Uriah from the war front and asked him to go horme so that he
can sleep with his wife to cover the adultery and even make him drunk but Uriah refused to go home being a
loyal and patriotic soldier.
So David plotted another secret plan to eliminate his servant Uriah in cold blood
who have been so loyal to him and to the Nation just to cover up the same adultery.
After David killed Uriah
and married his wife, David's secret sins were exposed by God in the open to the whole Israel.
The Bible says
"For thou didst it secretly: but I will do this thing before all Israel, and before the sun." 2 Sam. 12:12
That is
what happens when we sin and try to hide it, God will eventually expose it.
The Bible says "But if ye will not do so, behold, ye have sinned against the LORD: and be sure your sin
will find you out." Num.32:23.
All secret sins are open before God, there is nothing hidden from Him,
therefore the evil motives and secret manipulations people do in the homes, government offices, private
companies, schools, churches, etc. to cover up evil are all open before the Almighty God.
The Bible says
Ihou hast set our iniguities before thee, our secret sins in the light of thy countenance.
Psalm 90:8.
Some of us have secret sins that we have hidden from our spouses, parents, friends or pastors
because of fear, shame or disgrace we still hide them.
These secret sins can only lead us to hell when we do not
open or confess and repent from them.
The secret witch doctor house you patronized, the secret incest,
lesbianism, homosexualism, fornications, adulteries you have committed, the secret stealing, cheating
briberies, nepotism, false witnessing. secret lies etc should be opened up to receive mercy.
The Bible says, "He
that covereth his sins shall not prosper: but whoso confesseth and forsaketh them shall have mercy.
Instead of committing secret sin and hiding it you should rather confess and repent now that
there is still opportunity.
Complete repentance and confession of sin from the heart is one
the requirements to receiving forgiveness, cleansing and salvation and thís ends here on earth while we are
still alive, on the judgement day no confession of sin receives forgiveness.
"For God shall bring e
every work into judgment, with every secret thing, , whether it be good, or whether it be evil."Eccl. 12: 14.
"In the day when God shall judge the
secrets of men by Jesus Christ according to my gospel" Rom. 2: 16.
That is why we have to open up our sins, settle all matters before it is too late.
The Bible says "Some men's are open before hand, going before to judgement; and some men they follow after. I Timothy 5:24.
*Meditation for the day:* "Who can understand his errors? cleanse thou me from secret faults. Psalm 19:12
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oriye · 1 year ago
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TEXT: Nahum 3:4-6
KEY VERSE: "And it shall come to pass in the day of the LORD'S sacrifice, that I will punish the
princes, and the king's children, and all such as are clothed with strange apparel." Zephenia 1:8
It is gross wickedness for a Christian who has been commissioned to go into the world and make
disciples, to win souls for the kingdom of God to start involving herself in the costumes of whores and
harlots, to join others to distribute lustful desires, immoral thoughts, and sexual imaginations, to send
men to hell fire, this is pure and Anti-Evangelistic; this is an absolute rebellion against the Lord Jesus
These costumes of whores are the ornaments and fashions for seduction, these are the make-ups,
the fitted skirts and gowns that show the shape of your breast, stomach, hips, thigh, and buttocks.
The master deceiver, Satan has deceived so many females into seduction in the name of beautification; he
has taken advantage of the scripture in Matt.5:28, to use females to achieve seduction and lustful desires on
our streets today.
When you obey the rules of the fashions of the world to put on short or skimpy skirts
or gowns that expose your thighs, laps and legs to pollute the hearts of your brothers with immoral thoughts
and to send them to hell fire, remember you will pay for it, be warned; you are making yourself an agent of
seduction and a distributor of sinful thought and desires.
The Bible says, "And, behold, there met him
a woman with the attire of an harlot, and subtil of heart." Prov.7:10
As a woman, anything you do, whether ignorantly or subtly to attract men to lustful desire, from shaving
of the eyebrow, special haircuts to all the artificial fashions, like the use of face polish, eye pencils, lip sticks,
bleaching creams, perfumes, beauty powders, perming or jerry curling of hair, the use of attachment,
weave-on, eye lash, are all things that will remove your name from the book of life.
The Bible says those that are
busy working iniquity, polluting the hearts of others with lustful desires, using the costumes of the
whores, they shall have no part in God's kingdom no matter the offerings they give, or the praises
they sing to God, or the miracles they do.
The Bible says, Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall
enter into the kingdom of heaven: but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven. Many will
Say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out
devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works? And then will I profess unto them, I never knew
you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity." Matt.7:2 1-23.
Prov.6:25-26 "Lust not after her beautv in thine heart: neither let her take thee with her eyelids. For by
means of a whorish woman a man is brought to a piece of bread: and the adulteress will hunt
for the precious life.
Prov. 7:25-27 "Let not thine heart decline to her ways, go not astray in her paths. For she hath cast
down mary wounded: yea, many strong men have been slain by her. Her house is the way to hell. going
down to the chambers of death.
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oriye · 1 year ago
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TEXT : I John 3:5-6
"We know that whosoever is born of God sinneth not; but he that is begotten of God
keepeth himself, and that wicked one toucheth him not."
1 John 5:18
The first evidence of being born again is that
you will stop living a wilful sin. 1John5: 18
If you profess to be born again, and you are still living in wilful sin, whether small or big sin.
If you
are not truly or completely born again, you still need to surrender your sins, give up your sins and
surrender your life to Jesus Christ, because to be born again, you have to surrender all your
cherished sins and turn away from them all, by surrendering in part you will only end up still
making yourself a sinner.
Don't allow the devil to convince you that you cannot live without sin.
remember the Bible says “ Whosoever abideth in him sinneth not: whosoever sinneth hath not
seen him, neither known him.
If living a life without sin is not possible the Lord
will not give us such a high standard in the scripture, but because God knows that His grace
is sufficient enough to keep us sinless. 2Tim. 2:19
It has been proven that one can be an active member of a renowned, large congregation without
being born again.
Therefore becoming a born again is not just identifying with a popular religion,
church or observing religious rites: it is not just raising hands in a meeting or signing a decision
There must be a definite time in a man's life, whereby he takes the decision of surrendering
his life to Jesus Christ and turning away from his sinful lifestyle to a holy living.
To come to Christ
means that you must turn your back on the world and forsake all cherished sins and turn to Christ.
Anyone who comes to Christ for salvation must forsake all sinful pleasures and worldly
companions and receive Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour. 1 John 2:3-5
Therefore, a regenerated Christian is born again and does not live in sin, but if he or she makes an
error or mistake in sinning, he weeps and cries seriously for God's mercy in deep contrition, and
our advocate Jesus Christ makes atonement for the sin.1 John 2:1-2.
Because if they mistakenly
commit a sin they will be uncomfortable and restless, their conscience will prick them, until they
make peace with God. 2 Sam 24: 10, 2Cor 7: 10, Isa.66:2.
Therefore, a truly born again Christian
does not live in wilful or habitual sin. I John 2:1-2; 1John 3:9;3 John 1:11
Anyone who claims to be born again, still living comfortably in willful sin and argues that being born
again is a gradual process is still in the deceit of the devil. 1 Sam. 15: 10-21, John 10:10
Question 1: How can just being an active member of a renowned, large congregation save a man?
Question 2: Can a born again Christian stll live in sin?
Question 3: What is the attitude of a truly born again when he or she make a mistake in sinning?
Question 4: Is it possible for a man live without sin?
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oriye · 1 year ago
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TEXT 2 Cor. 6:17-18
KEY VERSE: "Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world,
the love of the Father is not in him. 1John2:15
The second evidence of the new birth is the destruction of every link to sin and unrighteousness.
Anyone who
is truly born again will hate all his or her previous sinful lifestyle, and start a deliberate separation from all
appearance of evil. I Thess. 5:22; Luke 14:33
When you are born again you will have to separate yourself from everything that can link you back to any
sinful life style.
You have to cut off from your worldly friends, beer palours, Disco halls and club houses,
masquerade and other occultic and ungodly groups. 1John2: 15
That is, you have to consciously cut off from anything that can draw you back to sin, you have to burn all
occultic books, worldly or indecent pictures and materials, indecent or seductive items like lip sticks,
bleaching creams, hair relaxers, artificial hairs, (attachments and weavon), artificial eye lash, eye brow
and fingers nails, and every seductive clothing like women trousers, shorts or slitted skirts, short gowns
or skirts, transparent clothes, or show back, open front, deep cut, off shoulder or any undersized clothing,
like tight or fitted polo or t-shirts or any clothing that advertises the shape of the body etc.
Zeph. 1:8,Pro. 7:1 0,Acts 19: 18-19; Nun. 33:52
Stop all Strange haircuts and styles like ponk, galaxy, grace jones, Obama, Mon hawk, etc because these
are all of the world and not of God.
Worldly ways of shaving of beards is also against God's word.
If you are born again, you will cleanse yourself from the pollutions and corruption of the worldly things
and worldly clothing. If you are a female, you will stop using slitted or short skirts or clothing exposing
your legs, laps or underwear. The Bible calls these kind of clothing "the attire of an harlot. The Bible
says"And, behold, there met him a woman with the attire of an harlot, and subtil of heart." Pro.7: 10.
All your Skirts and gowns should be quite below the knees at sitting position and should be free
on your body. Avoid all kinds of Sleeveless clothing exposing the arms, pubic hairs or underwear, and
you should not wear sexy or padded bra to project your breast, you should desist from the use of
tight or pencil skirts, tight blouses, tight T-shirts or tight gowns, that stick to the skin like glue to
reveal your female shape, or contour of your body, underwear or pants, avoid Transparent
clothing revealing parts ofyour body or exposing your underwear. These types of clothing are all the
attire and costumes of harlots and God said He will punish all those that are clothed with such strange
apparel. Zephaniah 1:8.
A Christian woman who wants to make heaven should avoid wearing of trousers, shorts, pyjamas,
tight, track suit, coverall, these are all men's wear and are abominations before the Almighty God.
Deut. 22:5
You should forsake the use of cosmetic make-ups (All artificial eye lash, artificial eye brow or
mascara, artificial finger nails, tribal marks and tattoos, use of lip sticks, cortex, eye shadow, or
pan cake, beauty powder, bleaching creams, perfumes, surgical operation for fashion are all items
of seduction and geared to defile and pollute the temple of God.), Rev. 2:20;
I Cor. 3:16-17; 1 Thess.
5:23; Rom. 12: 1-2
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oriye · 1 year ago
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TEXT: Eph. 2:1-3
KEY VERSE: "Jesus answered, Verily, verily, I say unto thee. Except a man be born of water and of the
Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God. John 3:5
The Bible says when we were óf the world we lived in disobedience, we lived according to the prince and
power of the air, we live in fornication, hatred, stealing, quarrelling, fighting, masturbation,
We make our hairs styles as the world dictates to us, we made fashion hairdos, we wore
trousers as women, we wore Jewries, make-ups and put on transparent, skimpy and tight clothing that
exposes our bodies to seduce others and we didn't mind because we were walking according to the course
of the world.
These ungodly fashion and dresses are designed by Satan for his children, the children of
disobedience. But now that you are born-again you have to turn away from these worldly fashions to
godly way of dressing.
The new birth comes with some evidence, and some fruit. In the new birth your life will change from how
you used to be, you will stop going to some of the places you used to go to, you will stop the dresses or
clothes you used to wear that exposes or advertises your body and makes you live a proud life style, your
behaviour and character you used to manifest will be transformed. The evidence is both internal, within
your heart and external, in your appearance; that is the repentance of both your internal and external sins.
To be born again means total repentance, turning around from sin and self-pleasing lifestyle unto holy
living. 1John3:5-6
Sin is of the devil, and anyone who lives in sin has submitted himself to the leadership and control of the
devil, any man who sins, carries a load that belongs to Satan and with that load on him he cannot be
admitted into God's Kingdom.
The Bible says "Jesus answered them, Verily. verily, I say unto you.
Whosoever commits sin is the servant of sin." John 8:34
Jesus Christ came to take away the load of sin from man and to destroy its works and effects in us.
1 John3:8
Therefore, do not give yourself to any form of sin, do not go back to your old lifestyle of worldliness and
artificial fashions, drinking alcohol, smoking, fornications, Iying, cheating, masturbation, insincerity.
disobedience etc. again. Rom. 6: 12-13
Some of the evidences of the new birth are if you are born again:
1. You will stop living a sinful life.
2. You will destroy every link or connection to sin.
3. You will start doing your restitutions
4. You will
cut away from every friendship with the world and every worldliness.
5. You will have increased love
for God and the things of God.
Question 1: Can a Christian sister wear Trousers? Deut. 22:5
Question 2: Can a Christian still be a Christian if she paint or bleach in moderation? 2 Kings 9:22, 30-37
Question3: What is the acceptable Christian dressing? 1 Peter 3:1-6; 1 Tim. 2:9-10; Ex. 20:26.
Question 4: Can a Christian couple watch Pornographic film? Ex. 20: 26; Matt.5:28
Question 5: Can my dressing take me to hell? Zeph. 1:8, Pro.7: 10
Question 6: How will my dressing take me to hell? Matt. 5: 28; Matt. 18: 6-9; Rom. 14:13
Question 6: What are the evidences of a truly born again Christian?
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oriye · 1 year ago
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1. To Preach The Gospel Of Salvation To Every Creature Of The World.
Mark 15:16
2. Preach The Message Of Repentance And Forgiveness Of Sins In All Nations In The Name Of Jesus Christ. Luke 24:47.
3. Teaching The Undiluted Word And Doctrines Of Jesus Christ To Every Creature. Matthew 28:20.
4.Raising Disciples Of Jesus Christ In All Nations.
Our goal is to rescue the corrupt and wicked world from the bondage and captivity of satan by opening their spiritual eyes to Salvation through the gospel of Jesus Christ.
When you become born again, you become a child of God. (John 1:12).
You name is written in Heaven and you have the hope of eternal life with God.
You are delivered from the power of darkness and translated into the kingdom of God’s dear Son. (Colossians 1:13).
You cross from death to life ( John 5:24). You are kept by God’s power ( I Peter 5:1), and preserved into His heavenly Kingdom. (II Timothy 4:18).
• This gift of the new birth is free and available to you. Why waste such a precious gift?
Come to Jesus right now and receive the gift of salvation, embrace the opportunity to be born anew. Are you ready?
If you are, take the following steps to become a child of God right now:
• Admit you are a sinner. ( Romans 3:23) “ For all have sinned and come short of the glory of God” ( Romans 6:23) “ For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord”
• Repent now. ( Acts 3:19) “ Repent ye therefore; and be converted, that your sins may be blotted out” (I John 1:9) “ If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness'
• Believe that God loves you and that Jesus died for you. ( Romans 5:8). “ But God commended His love towards us, in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us’
• Invite Jesus into your life through the prayer of faith. ( Revelation 3:20). “ Behold I stand at the door, and knock; if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him and he with Me”
• Go and sin no more. (John 8:11) “ She said, No man, Lord. And Jesus said unto her, Neither do I condemn thee: go, and sin no more.
• Identify with a Bible believing Church and continue in fellowship with true believers.
Once you have done this, you are born into the family of God, you become a child of God!
You are a new creation in Christ and your name is written in Heaven!
Today, as you begin your new relationship with Christ, you will experience a new change in your life, and will be preserved
in Christ in Jesus name. Am
Lord Jesus, I come before you today to seek for your forgiveness. I admit that I have sinned against you in my words and actions.
Lord, have mercy upon me and forgive me my sins. Wash away my sins with your precious blood.
Give me the power and the grace to live above sin and temptation to sin. Write my name in the Lamb’s book of life.
Thank you Lord for answering my prayers.
Contact us for questions, prayers, and counseling at:
Africa For Christ Network
5, Bolaji Micheal Avenue,
Temidire Community,
Ibafo, Ogun State
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