#newborn puppies abandoned
da-rulah · 8 months
Hello :)
I would love to request the Papas with a s/o who is basically a Disney Princess with animals and is constantly bringing home something new and unusual. Like ducklings in the bathtub or baby opossums in the dresser drawers. They think they get used to it until they bring something new and unusual, forever keeping them on their toes.
This is such a cute idea. 🥹 I've given it some thought, and I hope you enjoy!
It started when he found you hiding a stray puppy in one of his sheds. There was no way he could ever be mad at you; he wonders why you'd hidden it from him to begin with.
He'd given you the space to nurse the puppy and watched on with a softness in his eyes. This was one of those things he loved about you; your soft gentility.
One morning, he found you in the same shed with a box full of newborn fox cubs. They'd been abandoned, and you couldn't leave them out in the cold...
Primo relented easily, smiling to himself and offering to help.
This continued - filling the shed with animals you kept finding in need. They seemed magnetised to you. It astounded Primo...
He surprises you one day, having emptied the old shed of any of his gardening supplies and instead, asking the Ghouls to build you your own little animal sanctuary.
He figured you needed a less cluttered, cleaner and friendlier space for all your little rescues.
He tries to argue with every new animal you bring home, but you've already overrun your shared quarters with three rabbits, two ferrets, a wounded crow and a raccoon
That raccoon was the last damn straw; they were supposed to be vicious! You couldn't keep that here?
But the thing just sat around blinking at him, eating scraps most of the time.
He grumbled and groaned about it like an unexpected new father would.
But you come home from your duties one evening and find him knelt at the edge of the bathtub, shirt sleeves rolled up past his elbows, cigarette between his lips as he coos and whispers to the ferrets who are playing in the water beneath him.
The rest of your furry friends are surrounding him, avoiding the water but calmly enjoying his company too.
He looks so soft, fussing over all of them as if he hadn't been grumbling over their very existence.
"See, you do love them," you smirked, leaning against the door frame.
"Amore, I would kill or be killed for them. But no more..." he told you sternly.
He was not going to like what was waiting for him in the living room.
Total enabler.
He becomes aware of your little obsession very early in the relationship and his favourite little trick, is to tell you "you only got one? But it'll be lonely" and give you puppy dog eyes.
Obviously, you cave every time, finding friends for your rescues.
Your apartment is like Noah's fucking Ark - two by two of everything.
He loves it though, and insists that you name the first, he name the second, every time.
He must say, the weirder the animals get, the more difficult life in your quarters becomes but hey, he likes the challenge.
He figures that soon enough he'd be able to open up "Papa's Petting Zoo" for the Ministry children.
He does indeed make a joke to you about Papa's "Heavy Petting Zoo" that was saved for you and you alone. He couldn't resist.
He started it.
He had two rats when you first started dating, but he just kept bringing them home with him.
And so then, every time you came across a rat that needed shelter, you would bring that little guy home to an ever-growing adoptive family.
Copia's face would light up every time, and together you'd spend the entire evening brainstorming names.
Eventually the enclosures you had for them had to keep getting bigger and bigger, until eventually, your apartment was overrun and their enclosure was the entire living room space.
Neither one of you minded of course, happy to give them the freedom they desired.
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bellysoupset · 17 days
Sick at Home - Part 1
Part 1 of Vince's very long, no good weekend with his sister. Probably Part 1 out of 3.
"Liv can't have sweets after five," his mother repeated, probably for the fourth time already, "and don't let Sophia puppy eye you into having her friends over, she's grounded until college."
Vince snorted at that, helping his dad bring their bags downstairs. He had known he'd be playing babysitter before his mother even requested him to, since he had taken a look at the calendar and there'd be a holiday on Monday, lining up with his parents wedding anniversary. Vin didn't mind it, he was looking forward to spending some time with his sisters.
"Alright, ma-"
His mother pushed her car keys in his had, "Babbo's prius is staying here, I don't want any of the girls on that deathtrap of yours."
"It's a bike, mamma-"
"None of you!" Magda interrupted him with a glare, "there's food in the fridge and emergency numbers-"
"Mamma," Vince grabbed his mom by her shoulders, "I've babysat a thousand times before. When Liv was a newborn, remember? I can handle them now."
His mother pouted, then sighed as Giuseppe walked back inside the house, "cab's here, amore."
"Have fun," Vin pushed his mom towards the door, straight into his father's arms, "but not too much fun, I cannot handle a third baby sister."
"Vicenzo!" Magda cried out, her whole face turning red as she entered the backseat. His dad let out a snort, pulling Vince into a hug.
"I make no promises."
"Giuseppe! Don't encourage him, get inside!" The woman called, scandalized.
Vince was still chuckling as he walked back in the house. It was Friday evening and Ma and Giuseppe had chosen leaving now, instead of in the morning, to avoid Liv's possible meltdown.
He grabbed the car keys and went to pick up his sisters. Livia was only a block away, at a friend's house and she lit up like a light bulb when she saw Vin getting out of the car, instead of her father.
"Viiin! What are you doing here?"
"We're gonna have a sleepover, bambi," Vince picked her up by the armpits, throwing the girl up and causing another set of giggles. At the doorway, her little friend Ollie was waving shyly.
"Hi, Mr. Mo!"
"Hi, Ollie!" Vince waved at her, "are your mom or dad home?"
A minute later the woman appeared behind her daughter, face all red and holding a dishcloth, stammering, "Hi Giu- Oh, hi, Vince!" she opened a huge smile, blushing even more, "sorry about the mess, home's chaos- Liv can stay for dinner if you want. You too-"
"No, Mrs. Watson, it's alright, thank you," Vince smiled, kissing his sister's cheek, "she behaved?"
"Like an angel," Mrs. Watson nodded, petting her daughter's hair, "I think she'll crash in a minute, they were running around all evening."
"Liv? Crashing? Doubt it," Vince rolled his eyes, "thank you for watching them, Mrs. Watson. I'm gonna be with the girls all weekend, if you wanna send Ollie over..."
"Mommy-" the girl immediately turned around, clutching at her mom's leg in a pleading way, so Mrs. Watson snorted.
"I'll talk with David," she nodded, "you just holler if you need anything, sweetheart."
"Yes, ma'am," Vince grabbed Livia's abandoned glittery backpack and waved one last time, walking to the car. He strapped Livia in the backseat, then got in the front, "we're gonna pick up Sophia now, Liv."
"Okay," Livia yawned, causing Vince to raise his eyebrows in surprise. It was rare that his sister got tired before her bedtime, she often ran him to the ground with ease.
"Sleepy, bambi?"
She nodded, sliding slightly down on her seat, "can we have cake for dinner?"
Oh there it was, the typical Monacelli girls manipulation. Vince snorted, rolling his eyes , "No, we can't, baby, I'm sorry," he turned up the music slightly and Livia was clearly too tired to argue. She started mouthing along the lyrics of Lost In The Woods, from Frozen 2, and Vince relaxed.
Sophia was still in the school. She was head of the cheerleading team and was just finishing practice, so Vince waited in the parking lot with Liv as he watched Soph jump around with her friends, joking and laughing. It made him super nostalgic of his team days.
She jogged to them once practice was over, wiping the sweat off her forehead and momentarily forgetting her cool girl persona, as she tackled Vince into a hug.
He was stunned in silence, then squinted as Sophia pulled back, "mamma told me you're still grounded until college, so don't even try it."
Her soft smile faded and Sophia pouted, stomping her feet in a way that made her seem so much like Liv, "you're never any fun."
Vince rolled his eyes, then shoved the car keys in her hand, "I'm plenty fun. C'mon, you'll drive us home."
"Really!?" Sophia's blue eyes lit up.
"Nooo, Vinny," Livia groaned as Sophia got in the driver's side, "Soph is bad-"
"Shut up, Liv."
"You shut up!"
"Language both of you," Vince scoffed, putting on the seatbelt, "Soph, don't make me regret it."
"You're not," she was overeager to do it and Vince immediately clutched the hand rest over his head as she sped forward and nearly hit the safety guard, "SORRY!"
Behind him, Livia let out a groan.
A drive that was supposed to be 10 minutes long ended up being a good half hour and Vince was feeling more than a little carsick by the time they got home. He braced against his knees, while Sophia circled the car and Livia jumped out as well.
"Sorry..." Sophia's shoes appeared in front of him and he could hear how genuine the apology was, "I was trying to go slow..."
"Any slower and we'd still be in the parking lot," Vince rolled his eyes, straightening up and muffling a burp against his hand, "it's okay, you're learning..." he looked to the side and cringed. Livia was sporting the typical green shade his family had when nauseous, "how about you, Liv? Your tummy hurts?"
She nodded, wrapping her arms around her belly and making a small frown. Sophia let out a whine, "I didn't mean to make you sick, baby..." she crouched down in front of her sister, clearly feeling guilty.
"We'll practice your driving more during the weekend, relax," Vince messed Sophia's hair, before crouching down as well, "hey, baby-" he pushed Livia's curls away from her clammy face, "take a deep breath for me?"
It took two minutes of breathing exercises before Livia stopped hugging her stomach like something was moving inside. She was still pouting as they walked inside and refused dinner when Vince offered, opting for curling up in the living room with a sour mood that was unlike her.
"I think she's pissed," Sophia cringed, walking back downstairs thirty minutes later, wet hair creating a dark spot in her sweater, "so, Vin..."
"No friends over," Vince shook his head, "mamma's orders, sorry kiddo."
His sister let out a long suffering sigh, "I know. I'll have you know it's so unfair, I didn't even do anything wrong. I smoked one single joint, sue me."
Vince snorted at that, "they already let you drink, why were you trying your luck, Soph?" he rolled hie eyes, "what do you want?"
"There's a party at Josh's tonight," Sophia jumped so she was sitting on the kitchen island, "it's not gonna be big, just us from the team-"
Vince snorted, "oh yeah, the team. I teach those boys, Sophia, you're not helping your case here."
Sophia cackled at that, "they're idiots," she agreed, "but c'mon, I promise I'll behave... And mamma didn't say anything about me going anywhere. Just that I couldn't have friends over..."
"Did you ask mamma?" Vince smiled at her, knowing already his sister hadn't. She wouldn't risk getting a negative, plausible deniability and all that.
Sophia rolled her eyes, shrugging.
"You're gonna get me in bad waters," Vince sighed and caused his sister to perk up, clearly realizing her win, "I don't want any of you idiots driving. You call me and I'll go pick you up, okay? I don't care how late."
"And no getting wasted. Promise me."
"I'm not even gonna drink, I promise," Sophia nodded, smile so wide he could see her molars, "maybe just one beer."
"One," Vince measured her up, "please don't make me regret this, Soph."
"You're not, you're the best!" She squealed, jumping from the counter and planting a kiss on Vince's cheek, before she was running up the stairs to change clothes, "open the door for Rita, she's coming to pick me up!"
Vince groaned, feeling very much like he had just been played.
Thirty minutes later Sophia was rushing down the stairs just as her best friend, Rita, got inside. Vince could recognize her from class and from seeing the girl around the house before, so he couldn't understand why the teenager got all red whenever he was around. Sophia clearly could, as she shoved her friend forward, "don't look at him, let's go."
"Hi Vin-"
"Let's goooo," Sophia grabbed her best friend by the shoulders, almost jumping on her back, "c'mon, c'mon-"
"Sophia call me!" Vince shouted after her, "so I can pick you up!"
"I can bring her home, Vinc-" Rita started to say, but Sophia quickly shoved her friend inside the car, clearly not wanting to stay behind a minute more, lest Vin change his mind.
He let out a long suffering sigh and closed the door, rubbing his face and trying to ignore the stress headache already forming.
Livia looked up from her cocoon in the couch when he walked in and Vince crawled on the couch so he could cuddle her, "promise me you're not gonna become a troublemaker like Soph?"
Instead of answering him, Liv let out a groan, "Vinny," she curled up more, "I'm cold."
Vince frowned, it was a fairly warm night... He scooted closer, then pressed his lips to her forehead. He could feel the steady heat rolling off Liv, making her dark eyes all sparkly.
"I think you caught a bug, Liv," Vince scooped her up as if she was a toddler and his sister promptly threw her arms around his neck, seeking warmth, "let's get you some meds."
His mother kept a whole stash of medicine in the cabinet of the master suite, so he climbed up the stairs with Liv. It was a hassle to go through the pill bottles and boxes since his sister wouldn't let go of his neck and Vince pressed a kiss to her temple, planting her sat on the sink, "sorry, baby, you gotta let go so you can take meds..."
"No," Livia whined, curling up and hugging her stomach. He was almost grateful for how transparent his family was when it came down to sickness, because he could see the immediate shift in her face and jumped out of the way right as she projectile vomited, missing his chest by a second.
Chaos broke out, as she folded in half and almost fell off the sink, starting to sob. Vince's heart squeezed as he planted a hand on her forehead, keeping her from falling, "oh bambi," he cooed, rubbing her back, "why didn't you tell me your tummy hurt?"
She coughed, crying harder, "Vin... Vin, I don't like this..."
"I know," Vince kept a hand on her shoulder, stretching in order to grab the roll of toilet paper. He grabbed a bunch of squares, using it to dab the puke away, "how's your tummy? You still feel sick?"
Livia nodded, tears streaming down her face and he sighed, grabbing her by the armpits and pulling her off the sink, so she could lean over the toilet, "can you stay here just for a second? I'm going to get the cleaning supplies for the floor, okay?"
"O-okay..." Livia hiccupped, looking terrified and Vince's resolve to clean up the mess almost vanished. He really wished he didn't need to leave her.
He ran to the laundry room as fast as possible and when he returned, she had managed to puke inside the toilet, but also down her pink shirt and was sobbing copiously, as if a family member had died.
"Shhh-shhh," Vince jumped over the puddle, crouching down in front of her and used his hands to wipe away the tears, "hey, bambi, I'm here. I got you-" his hands were bigger than his baby sister's whole face and Livia shook with a new set of sobs.
Vince let out a whine, pressing a kiss to her brow, mess be damned, "take a deep breath, baby, you're alright. It's just vomit, it's not a big deal..."
She sucked in a sob, pointing at her shirt and Vin snorted. Girls. "It washes off, Liv," he promised, "arms up, let's get you out of this sticky shirt."
With a lot of effort, and another ten minutes with her leaning over the toilet spitting meager mouthfuls of puke, he managed to manhandle Livia inside his parent's bathtub, taking a bath while he cleaned up the mess.
She was leaning over it, cheek pressed to the rim, face all flushed when Vin finished up the cleaning, feeling disgusting himself. He felt his own stomach churn at the mess, all rags now discard in the bucket, the bathroom smelling like disinfectant, "I'm sorry..."
"Oh, it's fine, baby," Vince moved so he was sitting down next to the tub, pushing her wet hair back until it was all sleeked back, "at leas this time you didn't throw up on me, uh?"
She opened a little smile at his teasing tone, closing her eyes, "my tummy hurts, Vinny..."
"Like you're going to be sick again?" His hand went for the bin, but she shook her head, "no? Hurts where?"
Vince was a little at loss, but he had dealt with them sick before, this wasn't new. He could do this. Livia pointed at her belly button, making a cry face all over again, "hurts..."
"Okay, let's move to bed and I'm going to give you a belly rub, how about?"
She perked up at the idea and Vince rolled his eyes fondly, pressing a kiss to the top of her head, "let me get your robe and your pjs."
In the end, she didn't want a belly rub, just to curl up in bed, using him as a teddy bear. She was happy to let him run his fingers through her hair, curls all frizzy since he had dried the humidity off with a hairdryer.
Vince was dozing off in his baby sister's bedroom, continuing to rub her back, when his own stomach squeezed with a cramp. He squirmed in the bed and Livia let out a sleepy whine, pressing her overheated forehead to his shoulder.
"Sorry," he pushed her off and tucked her under the blankets, "I gotta use the bathroom, I'll be right back, Liv."
She pouted, "promise?"
"Can you leave the door open?"
Oh, hell no. Vince squirmed as his intestines complained once again and he wondered if he had eaten something with milk, "I-"
"I'm scared," she hugged her pillow, "and the lights on?"
"Yeah, okay," he tucked her in once more, "stay in bed."
Vince rushed down the hall, to his own bathroom instead of the one Sophia and Livia shared, and nearly didn't make it, hands hastily shoving down his pants.
His intestines were cramping like hell, sending hot flashes that had him sweating enough he removed his shirt, and he rocked as his lower belly squeezed and expelled everything inside. Vince gulped down as a woozy feeling washed over him, causing his mouth to feel sticky and braced against his sink, unable to stay still.
Down the hall he heard Livia say something and Vince made a silent prayer that she stayed in bed and didn't come trailing after him, as she often did.
He forced himself to finish up as quickly as possible and decided to simply enter the shower to clean up, since his whole body felt heavy as hell. Once he was changed into a new set of sweatpants and sweater, he walked back to Livia's room and then froze at the door.
Somehow, in the thirty minutes he had been gone, she had managed to puke all over her blankets.
"VIN!" She cried out, desperate, as she saw him and Vince was on his feet immediately, queasiness and stress forgotten. He hated that sound in her voice, like her whole world was collapsing and he hadn't been there to help.
"Oh baby," he knelt next to the bed, using a clear patch of the blanket to clean her mouth and chin, "you couldn't get up?"
She shook her head, hiccupping again and he sighed, pulling her hair back as Livia vomited another mouthful of bile. Her hand shot up to her throat and she clutched at it, "hurts..."
"I know, I know," his heart squeezed, "are you done?"
"Ye-yes," her bottom lip trembled and more tears ran down, as she looked up in a pitiful manner, "I'm sorry... I made a mess..."
"No, bambi," Vince switched to italian, noticing the way she visibly relaxed as it probably reminded her of her parents, "it can be washed, don't worry about it. Let's get you out of this mess."
It was another trip to the laundry, now with the puke covered blankets, but at least she hadn't gotten sick on her new pajamas and only needed a fresher bed. More than anything, she wanted cuddles and wouldn't let go of Vince's neck as he redid her bed, with a fresh load of sheets and blankets.
He settled her down again, wondering if he should even try medicine once more. She had already puked it up twice, at this rate they'd either run out of children's syrup or she'd get intoxicated by it.
"C'mere," Vince pressed a cold washcloth over her forehead, hoping to bring the fever down in the less efficient way, "feels good?"
"Uh-hum," Livia's eyes drifted closed, "you're not leaving, right?"
"I'm not leaving," he promised, climbing on the bed that was far too small for him and Liv let out a happy noise, curling up like a cat.
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quitealotofsodapop · 7 months
For the adopted Bai He idea, I just imagined-
Tang, back from a work trip with a baby Bai He: "..."
Pigsy, holding a toddler Qi Xiaotian: "..."
Freenoodles: "What the F-"
I'm just imagining them separately finding these children and forgetting to tell their husband only to find that their husband also forgot to tell them about the kid that they found.
Both are just mortified... and accepting of the situation.
Oh gosh, imagine Tang was away on something for college or work, and on his way back he just sees this unremarkable box in the middle of the rainy street, with noises coming out of it. He runs up, thinking it's kittens or puppies that have been abandoned.
He sees a newborn baby girl, crying weakly and completely alone.
Tang ofc panics(!!!). China has a infamous history of families dumping baby girls, something that has become thankfully rare at the time of Megapolis. Tang has no idea what to do - he just grabs the baby and just books it to Pigsy's restaurant, almost flying in his haste.
And when he ducks into the warmth of his love's kitchen, he's equally startled to see; not only Pigsy awake, but tending to an equally rain-soaked toddler...
Tang and Pigsy decide it simply isn't a coincidence - whats the luck of find *two* unrelated abandoned babies in the same night, in the same city? Maybe their parent(s) dumped them both?
The resulting call to protective services and paperwork is a nightmare obvs - the toddler only seems to know his name (Xiaotian) and nothing else, and neither child appears in to have a genetic match in the DNA database. The newborn girl has no name, Tang only remebers that her baby blanket had white lillies on it.
It's during all this chaos that Pigsy and Tang look at one another and decide silently; "This is a sign. It's fate sending us children we might not be able to have." And so the adoption process for both little kids begins.
Of course depending on their relationship status at the time, Pigsy and Tang *might* need to quickly marry to keep the kids together/present themselves as suitable parents.
Pigsy's Grandmother aka "Zumu [grandma]" is super delighted either way to hear that her xiaozhu [piglet] and his beloved have given her two beautiful great-grandbabies! The moment she meets Xiaotian (or "MK" as Pigsy as nicknamed him for the only word he seems to say), she scoops him up into a tight, warm grandma hug - the little boy ethusicasically hugs back, giggling all the way.
From the shadows of the city, a pair of birds - one golden like the sun, the other dark as night - separatley watch the new parents with cautious curiosity. They both hope that they made the right choice.
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maryleclerc · 1 year
𝐛𝐞𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐞 𝐦𝐫𝐬.𝐡𝐮𝐠𝐡𝐞𝐬
quinn hughes x reader
summary: quinn and y/n as a newlywed couple
social media au!
warning: english not my first language, all images credit to owner, i do not own any of these images
reblog, like & follow me for more smau!
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Liked by elblue6, jackhughes and 140,781 others
_quinnhughes Today i can finally ask my Y/n to marry me, my one and only love just for you. I love you baby
tagged: y/username
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y/username I love you too Quintin bear ❤️
quinnhughesfan.43 Gosh so sweet & CONGRATZZZZ
canucks We all so happy for you!
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Liked by _quinnhughes, elblue6 and others
y/username Can’t wait to spend the rest of my life with you,
tagged: _quinnhughes
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elblue6 Welcome to the Hughes Gang Y/n 🧡
y/username Thank you Mrs Hughes ❤️
lhughes_06 I will be the greatest uncle EVER!
y/username Oh shut up Luke 😂
jackhughes @lhughes_06 No i’m better than you
lhughes_06 Are you sure u Lil Jizzy
kyliejenner My girl is engage now!!! love u two so much!!
y/username Yay finally!!
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_quinnhughes 12/20, my mrs.hughes
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y/username Hi my hubby 😉
elblue6 I remember it’s clear as day, when me and your dad hold you for the first time, its always so special moment with your first born first time being a parents to take care of a newborn and he’s a family man now
_quinnhughes Mom you gonna make me and Y/n cry again
y/n.hughes43 Mom i’m gonna cry
elblue6 I don’t mean to make you cry, me and Jim are so so happy for you both, but we both waiting for my grandbabies
_quinnhughes Me and Y/n will be work on it soon
y/n.hughes43 Hey
quinnntin43canucks I still don’t think she deserve you Quinn
fanofy/nandquinn Couple goal 🎉
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Liked by elblue6, _quinnhughes and others
y/nhughes I am now stand here wearing this gorgeous wedding dress and call you my husband, i am the luckiest person on this planet ever exist. Let’s build our own Hughes family together Quintin ❤️
Dec 20 💍
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y/m/n My baby is a women now, so so proud of you and quinn
_quinnhughes I will take really good care of Y/n mrs.Y/l/n
y/m/n Oh Quinn just call me Mom 😁
y/m/n I know you will Quinn, you gonna be a great husband and a great dad too
elblue6 Y/n you are so sweet
y/n.hughes43 Thank you Mom 🥺
trevorzegras Beautiful Bride
_quinnhughes Excuse you? That’s my wife
trevorzegras Wow okay okay Huggy Bear
y/n.hughes43 Aww my Huggy Bear is jealous huh?
y/bf/n You look stunning in that dress
y/n.hughes43 Go and ask Trevor out sis!!! I’m sure he like you too
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Liked by _quinnhughes, y/n.hughes43 and others
_quinnhughes Owner of my heart
tagged: @y/n.hughes43
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hated.u.y/n He seem so obsess with her, everything, every post is just about her, what she did to him like this
y/nandquinnlovers Ofc, girl you’re just so jealous that Quinn not your husband right? He just about his wife, what’s wrong about that? Isn’t that what husband should do????
ethanblues She’s so fine
j__04 I just wish that i’m her
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Liked by lhughes_06, gigihadid and others
y/nhughes Just chillin’ and watching the sunset with my love
tagged: _quinnhughes
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y/dad/n Y/n your mom just got me puppy
y/n.hughes43 No way, i’ve beg you to get me a puppy since i was 13 and you said no pet allow in the home
y/mom/n Sorry baby, i just have to rescue this little fluffy baby golden retriever, someone abandon her on the middle of the road
y/n.hughes43 Can i name her Layla?
elblue6 ❤️
y/n.hughes43 ❤️❤️
_quinnhughes ❤️❤️❤️
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Liked by elbule6, lhughes_06, jackhughes and 201,308 others
_quinnhughes Baby Hughes is 7 weeks now, see you in November mommy and daddy
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elblue6 Is Y/n have bad morning sickness?
_quinnhughes She is having a bad bad morning sickness, i just don’t know to help her feel better
elblue6 I’ll bring some decaf tea to help her sickness
_quinnhughes Thank u mom
jackhughes So cute already
lhughes_06 That baby will gonna look like Y/n, that would be so freaking cuteeee
_quinnhughes Ofc it’s gonna look like both of us Luke
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y/n.hughes43 Good morning w.41 and 4 days left (!)
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_quinnhughes Things are def growing
trevorzegras Any name yet?
y/nhughesNo not yet, any ideas?
y/bf/n He’s gonna name its Trevor for sure, he told me yesterday 😂
y/n.hughes43 What if it’s was a girl? Trevor too
y/bf/n Yeass
y/u.hughes43 Oh hell nah
elblue6 I’m so excited to meet our first grandbaby!!!
_quinnhughes I’m so nervous and excited to be a dad
y/n.hughes43 You’re gonna be a best dad ever
jackhughes And me, i’m gonna be the greatest uncle
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Liked by y/n.hughes43, elblue6 and others
_quinnhughes Welcome Quintessa May Y/l/n - Hughes, the latest Hughes edition is finally here. Y/n you’ve done a very very great job to bring our baby girl into this life, i’m so proud of you and will never forget all the stage of your pregancy. I will always love you and our baby girl unconditionally.
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elblue6 I always love the idea of Quintin and Quintessa since you tell me her name Y/n
_quinnhughes I love that name too, and Y/n she already chose name for next baby, its will be Quintina..
y/n.hughes43 She’s gonna be a daddy girl
_quinnhughes Don’t be jealous of your own little daughter
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irradiatedpiratebooty · 9 months
Pleeeease do tell me more about Francis. Why did he leave the Children? Why did he join them in the first place? What did he do down in that bunker for three years, and what was getting out like? How did he meet the companions he hangs around with?
so, i'm gonna go in order of the timeline of events in his life. and please forgive some mistakes in the writing, i unfortunately didn't luck out with my abilities, and don't usually write anything more than footnotes. though i'm hoping the more I write out posts like this, the better i'll get :)
I also made goofy doodles to accompany the writing to compensate, and to better visualize what i'm trying to convey.
growing up, he mostly drifted from place to place with his family, which mostly consisted of him, his aunt, uncle, and two other cousins of his. his aunt adopted him at a very, very young age.
they mostly kept to DC, but eventually wanted to travel more east.
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eventually though, due to family drama and disagreements, his family disbanded and he just traveled with his aunt. His aunt was VERY close with the rest of his family, so their departure took a toll on her.
she was pretty desperate to fill the void that was left, so when the children of atom offered relief from the feeling of abandonment, it didn't take much convincing.
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the only catch was they had to leave DC and join the expedition to the commonwealth.
so, how did Francis join the children of atom?
Francis was about 18 at the time, and was used to just- going wherever his aunt went. so he didn't really question it and tagged along. He listened to the preachings and started to buy into the ideology himself. his aunt began to firmly believe too, so that helped condition Francis.
why did he eventually leave?
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he left at the age of 20, knowing damn well what the cult does to dissenters. he was aiming to make it all the way back to DC and rejoin his family, but without the travel supplies that isn't realistically possible.
plus he's never been to Boston before, so he had no idea what direction to go in.
what did he do for 3 years?
he managed to wander his way to sanctuary, where he met Nate. (who i decided to make into an old ghoul, who protected vault 111 from the outside. he believed in the rumor that the vault was a cryo-facility, and that comforted him.)
Francis was half-dead when he wandered onto Nate's front yard, but Nate is nice and saw Francis as the exact opposite of a threat. think a newborn puppy on freshly polished tile.
he offered Francis his own bomb-shelter to stay in, taught him how to cook (which ended up being a new hobby for Francis.)
Nate is like a dad to him, so it worked out nicely.
Francis has high perception, and he's not stupid. (he just has TERRIBLE charisma)
so, with his S.P.E.C.I.A.L. attributes in mind, He began to question the fact Nate had never opened the vault, and tried to convince Nate to finally check in on his family. Nate refused at first, but after sleeping on the idea, he agreed. only to be met with the realization that his spouse was mysteriously murdered, son kidnapped, and only a recording of the crime. (thanks alternate start mod)
baffled by the fact that nobody ever opened the vault doors since the bombs fell, and now troubled with grief, Nate struggled to even face it all. Francis, wanting to repay Nate for giving him a place to live comfortably and safe from the cult who may use him to set an example for others who are thinking of turning their back on atom- promised that he'll seek out Nora's murderer, and most importantly, find their infant son.
where the rest of the game's plot plays out.
one thing to note though is his face markings. like the third eye of atom and the other rings around his face. usually its just makeup in game, but francis, at the time, wanted to prove his devotion in the most... non-lethal way he could think of. and so he got it basically tattooed. talk about regretful tattoos. with all that backstory being said, Francis is pretty happy most of the time!
sure, he's been through a lot, but he tries to see the positives in things. his main goal in life, during the acts in the main story, is to just finally have a place he can call home. maybe one with a comfy couch and a nice garden.
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kittiesandkillers · 6 months
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WTF Harper!? >:(
PSA: Don't separate newborn puppies from their parents and abandon them in the woods.
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mychlapci · 8 months
More chase porn because YESSS (same anon :3)
Blades having to explain to chief burns, and (probably) dani since she’s medically trained in being an EMT so naturally she’d probably be somewhat curious, how cybertronian pregnancy works, but then both of them regret asking. Realising Chase’s need for interface is gonna get even 𝘸𝘰𝘳𝘴𝘦 the more the sparklings grow. And it couldnt have been little then over a month before Chase starts showing- then he’s grumpy because Chief benched him for his and the sparkling’s safety.
The bunker is officially offlimits for everyone by the time its the third month. Because 9/10 times someone goes down there Chase is pinned under one of the bots, being pushed through multiple overloads and just begging for more, theres dents in a complete concrete floor from how rough they are. And even though Chief would love to not get involved he ends up worried for his partner because of how rough the three of them are with him.
Blades has to explain again that: Yes its normal for them to be rougher with a carrying mech and yes he asked for it.
Maybe they cant even get rescues done properly because all three current bots are distracted and difficult to work with, happy to do their duties at protecting the island but sire-coding tells them they shouldnt be out of Chase’s sight, So even Boulder, who’s usually as friendly as a puppy, can be a complete ass to try and work with when the other’s get to go back and see their pretty speedster before he does!
And its hard to work with stubborn bots who weigh up to a couple tons, and the aggression has to be personally handled by Optimus- who’s quite surprised to hear that the rescue bots he formerly thought we’re all a bunch of sweethearts, were piling up on eachother and putting spikes in whatever hole they can in a twisting ball of who can fuck who the fastest.
Cody sometimes visited Chase when the bots are on rescues, but that very quickly changed to that theres a temporary command centre down there, none of the family sees how stressed Chase gets when he’s without any of the bots. So usually Cody’s sat there on Chase’s shoulder or sitting on his knee-plate infront of a few set-up tv’s connected to the Cctv so he can help the team and make sure Chase isnt too worried.
One downside of this is that chase gets overprotective and 𝘧𝘢𝘴𝘵, Whenever he isnt getting his valve filled with transfluid and frame groped like a pleasure-bot before the war until he’s mewling and sobbing in overstimulation and sheer exhaustion, he’s making sure Cody is in his line of sight. The more logical part of him knows its silly but Cody’s so small, brain-fog mixes with creator-protocols and unless the kid needs to sleep or he’s being filled with transfluid, he’s usually insight of atleast one of the bots to settle Chase’s anxiety.
Because timing is impeccable, Chase probably comm’s one of the bots in the middle of a mission trying to explain in cybertronian that he’s going into Labour, not wanting to worry Cody. And everyone sorta just freaks when Heatwave up and abandons a nearly-finished rescue to speed back to the firehouse. He gets forgiven ofcourse but Blades and Boulder are right behind him moments later and everyone’s just stood there like…what?
He’d definitely be carrying more then one? Three sire’s and the amount of transfluid he gets stuffed in him on the daily there has to be more then one in there.
Hopefully Blades is trained enough to help without them having to hail the mainland for Ratchet to be sent over, Chase having four or five bitties before he’s absolutely exhausted and finished, And Blades makes sure he’s had enough rest before daring to let everyone down, The bonding process between carrier’s and their newborns is fragile and extremely important, and disturbing the silence can cause too much stress, orphan babies during a war would not go well.
Ooh wait, Chase’s carrier instincts going haywire and he gets super attached to Cody is a super sweet concept to me. His programming basically starts registering him not as a human child but as a sparkling, just a little glitch caused by the slowly stabilizing carrier program. It’s probably endearing to the rest of the bots and very weird to Chief Burns. 
haha, at first everyone thinks that the “sparklings need transfluid and charge to develop” thing is just an excuse for them to get their hands on Chase more often, but over time it really doesn’t matter, because excuse or not, they’re not gonna stop. Heatwave is almost completely unresponsive to Kade’s authority, Blades is even more distracted and Boulder, for the first time that they know, actually starts getting mad and frustrated when asked to go on missions. Sire coding causes everyone to go a little crazy, is what i’m saying.
And bless whoever decides to come down and try to get one of them to go on a mission. The sight of Chase pinned down with his hips in the air and a spike up his valve is forever going to be carved into their brain, and the sound of Heatwave screaming at them to get out rings out in their ears for days. The bots getting competitive between each other, which is nothing unusual in cybertronian society - assuming the coding information contained in transfluid can dominate over someone else’s coding if prevalent enough, it makes sense that multiple sires would want to get as much of their coding into their carrier as possible. The fights never get too heated, never get physical, but it’s come close. Chase’s request for someone to come and just fill him up usually breaks up the fights. 
hghhhh the bots dipping from a rescue mission because Chase is about to have his babies and they’ve gotta be there to help him. The rescue team is very mad at them, and once they manage to make their way home (since the bots literally left them stranded on the other side of the island) Chief Burns is more than ready to give them the chewing out of their life. That is, until he walks in on little bitlets crawling all over Chase… well, that certainly explains the urgency.
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adelha-mathilde · 11 days
Gonna build on what was written out here by @jellys-compendium due to how much I enjoyed their post.
Creature!Vash finding his way to where Dragon!Adelha currently is swimming along the coast. Their eyes meet for the creature to just fumble and tumble into the water with loud chirps and squeaks. Thankfully, the dragon is able to get him to the sandy shore for both to sunbathe.
Dragon!Adelha finding an abandoned boat to coax Creature!Vash to sit in. So she pushes the boat far out to sea for them to head for her island home. Lots of pretty fish swim by and a few mermaids visit to play.
Creature!Vash falls in love with the island and all it's wonderful gardens. Lots of things to see and find (and eat). Dragon!Adelha enjoys his enthusiasm and pure joy of discovery. Even when he eats bad mushrooms and is left with a tummy ache for a day.
Creature!Vash just LOVES the two little pets that Dragon!Adelha has adopted. Wesson the puppy is a bit timid around this odd bird creature. But Aqua the kitten is over the moon with cuddling Vash and chasing him around.
Dragon!Adelha ends up showing her human form first. Which leaves Vash spellbound and at a loss to make any real noise for a good minute. But Adelha just hums to gently pet his face feathers.
Creature!Vash has to learn how to shift into a human form. It takes a LOT of practice and a few weeks of wearing the poor bird boy. But he does succeed. Albeit forgetting he would need clothes after. Much blushing and noise making.
When the yearly family reunion happens with Dragon!Adelha's Fae family, the ensemble of mostly vampires are glad to meet Creature!Vash and immediately welcome him into their family. Vash also gets to meet a newborn human baby that Adelha's adopted father has taken in. Vash is star struck and spend a full day just watching this tiny waif with pure love in his eyes.
A few years pass before Creature!Vash and Dragon!Adelha choose to travel the world. Once Vash is sure he can hold a human form for more than a few hours at a time without incident. By the time they get back to the island, the two have adopted four more puppies. Possibly because puppies just adore Vash as much as he loves them. Who knows.
Creature!Vash ends up as Dragon!Adelha's mate after they've been together on the island for over a decade. With them adopting various children who have special needs or have no one else to love them. With scheduled flights for each kiddo through the week.
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queentala · 2 years
I don't know if you aren't doing anymore of these requests and that I'm just late, but Aedion and Fenrys if you are. I hope you're having a great day/night.
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Lol, so my first thought was like... Aedion is Gavriel's son and Fenrys is like a son to him, so that would mean that Gavriel is your daddy... (in law ofc)
Which is great because whenever they do something dumb or make you sad you can go complain to Gavriel, and he’s immediately on his way to smack them on their heads and give them an hour long lecture on how they’re idiots that don’t deserve you
Luckily it barely ever happens
They are amazing boyfriends, willing to do anything to see you happy
First of all, they have very similar personalities. Both Aedion and Fenrys are extremely loyal, caring but also funny and affectionate. Each of them, however, has those small things that make them different and special
When cuddling, Fenrys loves to have deep conversations, share stories and laugh, while for Aedion cuddles = napping
Both hate waking up in the morning and if they could, they’d sleep till the afternoon. The difference is that Fenrys goes to bed early and sleeps long but with few kisses and sweet words you’re able to wake him up without whining. With Aedion it’s a different story. Very often he stays up till late hours, either because of work or he’s out with his Bane mates, and because of that he’s like a zombie in the morning. Not to mention you have to flip the mattress over to get him out of bed.
Also that’s why he loves napping during the day so much. Sometimes he looks so miserable it breaks yours and Fenrys’ hearts, so you just cage him between your bodies, letting him rest. It starts with you playing with Aedion’s hair as he dozes off on your chest, and Fenrys cuddling him from behind, placing kisses on his neck, but five minutes later you’re all sound asleep
Neither of them have anything against a good party, and in fact, pretty often you find yourself stumbling from tavern to tavern, bottle of alcohol in hand and your lovers stumbling on your sides, laughing and singing for the whole city to hear
Loving Aedion and Fenrys is like a puppy love. They can make you feel like you’re just three careless teenagers, doing dumb mistakes and enjoying the beauty of life
With them you’re going to have the best memories, taken straight out of teenage romance; dancing on the streets during rain, swimming naked in a lake in the middle of a forest, breaking into abandoned houses, drunk making out in the club when it feels as if the time doesn’t exist...
Oh and they are masters at making you laugh
Fenrys can turn every situation into a joke, and Aedion with his smart mouth can throw the best one-liners at any moment of the day, making it hard for you to don’t piss yourself from laughing
Also, they have this something in them that makes you feel so comfortable in their presence. Suddenly when you started dating them, you stopped feeling the urge to suck in your tummy, or the pressure that your hair always need to be fresh and done into fancy hairstyles, or your body must be smooth like baby’s
Whenever you feel insecure, they always like to remind you that both of them lived in war camps most of their lives, and they’re fully aware how a real body looks like
They love all your stretch marks, your curves and folds of their lack, and truly, neither of them care if your legs are shaved or not
But stubborn as you are, you still didn’t feel comfortable enough with the short dark hair on your legs, and didn’t want them to see you that way
So one night when you came back to your chambers and saw your lovers, clearly in the mood for some night fun, you immediately threw at the the famous “I haven’t shaved”
At what they answered “No worries darling, we did” with the biggest grins on their faces
And in fact, when Aedion and Fenrys took of their pants, their legs were smooth and shiny just like newborn’s face
When you finally stopped laughing, or more like choking and crying, after few minutes, they kissed you deeply and told you how idiotic you were for thinking they would be disgusted by your body hair which are the most natural thing
From that moment you never felt insecure around them ever again
Yeah, and while we’re talking about sex...
So Aedion is bi and Fenrys most likely pan or bi, and I headcanon both as switches, with Fenrys having a preference to dominate, but not always
Basically, each of your times is different and you never get bored with them. All of you always make sure everyone are satisfied and given the exact amount of attention and pleasure. Some night are rough and hot, other are goofy and you need to take a break in the middle of sex to catch your breath because Aedion said something dumb and now all of you are laughing like idiots
So yeah, dating Aedion and Fenrys is magical. You have arguments, you don’t agree in everything and sometimes all of you says things none of you meant, but at the end of the day you always figure it out and it ends up with a lot of kisses and cuddling (because how can anyone be mad at those two sweet puppies?!)
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dani-the-goblin · 1 year
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He's got that abandoned-newborn-feral-puppy-you-found-under-the-house energy now ♥
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jojobegood1 · 6 months
Rescue of Abandoned Mama Dog and Newborn Puppies - Part 1 #dogrescueshel...
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adarkrainbow · 1 year
Regional French fairytales: The two golden-star children
Region: Alsace. It is one of the frontier-regions of France, marking its border with Germany and Switzerland.
Collected by: Marie-Claude Grohens, Marie-Noëlle Denis and Henriette Lucius (Récits et contes populaires d’Alsace), 1979
The story:
Once upon a time, there was a prince whose mother was a dreaded sorceress. Since his father died young, he quickly became king. One day he went hunting, but got lost in the woods. He wandered for three weeks before reaching a valley, and there, behind some haystacks, he eavesdropped on three young girls. One said she wanted to marry the hunter of the king ; a second said she wanted to marry the gardener of the king, and the third (who was the most beautiful) said she wanted to be the mother of the children of the king - and she added she would give him a boy and a girl, that each would bear a golden star on their chest. The young king left discreetly, returned to his palace (of which he found back the way), and as soon as he returned he summoned the three girls and gave them the marriages they desired.
Soon, the new queen fell pregnant - but the mother of the king, who already disliked her, hated her even more upon hearing she was with child. She faked a letter informing her son there was a war at the borders of the country and he needed to leave. He left the palace as his wife was about to give birth, and he trusted her to his mother. But as soon as the child was born - with a golden star on their chest - the mother-in-law asked a servant to get rid of it, and replaced the babe with a puppy. She then wrote to the king, to inform him of how the queen had given birth to a pup - the king was very sad, but he ultimately accepted it, because he loved his wife a lot. The poor mother cried to have her child returned to her, but the sorceress warned her if she ever said the truth, she’d be killed. 
Meanwhile, the servant who was tasked to abandon the baby in the wild, actually placed it in a basket and placed the basket on a river - it drifted to the house of a fisherman, who raised the boy with his own children. One year later, the young queen fell pregnant again, and once more the wicked sorceress had her son far away while she switched the newborn little girl with a star on her chest, and a kitten. When the king returned home and heard about it, he lost all love and interest for his wife. And the little girl, abandoned the same way by the same servant, also ended up at the fisherman’s house, and was also raised there.
They grew up into beautiful youths. One day, as the little boy with the golden star was at school with the biological son of the fisherman, he asked him to share his bread - and the boy simply replied dryly that he wasn’t his brother, and that he was found in a basket drifting by the river. The fisherman was forced to admit the story of their arrival at the house, and the two children decided to leave to find their real parents. However, given the fisherman would never let them go, they decided to escape in the middle of the night. They travelled down the roads, until they reached a thick wood, and in it they found an empty castle. Given the castle had no one in it, but a lot of riches and treasures, they decided to make it their new home.
They sent more than a thousand letter to all the kings and emperors of the world, hoping to find their parents - and one of the letter reached their parents’ court, but the sorceress intercepted it. Discovering that the children were still alive, and where they were hidden, she decided to get rid of them. She went to the castle, asked to get a tour of the building, admired their beauty, but said “What a pity it doesn’t have a fountain! It would make the place so much more beautiful. But you know how you could get one very easily? Go to a castle nearby, one hour away from here. There is a miraclous spring in it: take three drops of it, place them on your lawn, and you’ll have a beautiful fountain.” The following day the boy went to the castle the sorceress had talked about - but in front of the door he found a giant guardng it. The giant asked him what he was doing here, but the boy, without fear, explained what he was fetching. The giant agreed to let him in, but warned him that the spring was guarded by numerous evil spirits who try to terrorize all those that come nearby - because as soon as someone shows the mere sign of fright, the spirits kill him on the spot. The boy was brave, and so he still entered the castle, found the stream and filled a container he had brought with him. The evil spirits tried to terrify him by making lots of noise, taking horrible shapes, jumping on him as if to kill him - but he was not afraid, so the spirits were powerless and he could return home. Thus they created a fountain for their castle.
The children sent again letters around the world to ask if somebody knew their parent - again the sorceress intercepted the letter, and visited the children with a new trick. “Your fountain is very beautiful, but it could be even more wonderful. Take three more drops of the magical spring, place them in the water of the fountain, and in it will appear golden koi fishes that will sing beautifully.” The boy returned to the castle, and the giant guarding him warned him again - telling him this time the spirits would be twice as terrifying and horrifying. But the boy was brave, and vanquished the spirits again. 
A few years went by, and the two children became superb young adults. With still no sign of their parents, they sent a third wave of letters. The sorceress, enraged at hearing her grandchildren were still alive, went to see them with one final plan. “Your castle still misses something... The most beautiful thing one can imagine, but very rare. You can find it by the same old castle deep in the woods: near it there are two enormous trees. Their leaves are of gold, and each one sings a different song. Take some to decorate your fountain!”. The boy went there again, and this time the giant told him no amount of bravery could save him: the only way to reach the trees was to break free a princess turned into a dove locked inside the castle. The giant explained that the boy had to go down a long, dark corridor without ever hitting or touching any of its walls. Then he would reach a great room with a man writing and a white dove. He had to catch the white dove without touching it with his bare hands, and only then would she become again a princess. If he fails to do any of this, he would die.
The boy, very brave, went in, crossed the corridor, and reached the room. He took a piece of cloth to wrap his hands in it, and then tried to capture the dove - she escaped one time, but he captured her back, however as he secured his grasp he touched the bid. mmediately he became a pile of stones. Her sister, who was waiting for him and saw he did not return, went to the old castle. The giant warned her the same way he had warner her brother, but she still went in. Reaching the room, the man who was writing told her: “If you capture the dove without touching her with your bare hands, you’ll free both the princess and your brother. However, to truly return your brother to his original form, you’ll have to beat the pile of stone until it bleeds. The young girl did everything right: the bird turned into a beautiful princess, the old abandoned castle turned into a magnificent palace, and the pile of stone became again the girl’s brother. The brother fell in love with the princess, who agreed to marry him.  And as they returned to their won castle, they sent a fourth wave of letters. This time the old sorceress could not intercept them - she had died. So their parents discovered their children were alive, and immediately rushed to their castle. They proved their origin by showing the golden stars on their chest, and their mother could finally reveal the secret she had been forced to keep.
There was a great feast, and the happy family, plus the dove princess, all lived happily ever after. The end.
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pawsomedogpicks · 1 month
Mama dog chained and abandoned with newborn puppies
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petnews2day · 6 months
! Murcia Today - Newborn Puppies Found Dumped In A Bin Bag In Murcia
New Post has been published on https://petn.ws/HFAWS
! Murcia Today - Newborn Puppies Found Dumped In A Bin Bag In Murcia
Date Published: 27/03/2024 The Guardia Civil in Spain has launched a campaign against animal abuse and abandonment The Guardia Civil in the Murcia municipality of Cieza rescued 11 puppies that had been tossed into a plastic bag and were about to be dumped by their owner. Officers spotted the offender just as he was about […]
See full article at https://petn.ws/HFAWS #DogNews
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seemasubash · 1 year
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Trigger and Zorro.
60 days.
That’s how long I hold my breathe every single time I meet a newborn puppy for the first time. Whether it’s been abandoned or if it’s one of our own, T-60 is the preliminary goal.
Everything could be fine for the first 45 days, then on day 46, everything changes. You recognise the symptoms. You smell it on them. You see it in their eyes. And you pray to God there’s still time left.
“Canine parvovirus is a highly contagious virus that can affect all dogs, but unvaccinated dogs and puppies younger than four months old are the most at risk.
Dogs that are ill from canine parvovirus infection are often said to have "parvo." The virus affects dogs' gastrointestinal tracts and is spread by direct dog-to-dog contact and contact with contaminated feces (stool), environments, or people. It is resistant to heat, cold, humidity, and drying, and can survive in the environment for long periods of time.
Some of the signs of parvovirus include lethargy; loss of appetite; abdominal pain and bloating; fever or low body temperature (hypothermia); vomiting; and severe, often bloody, diarrhea. Persistent vomiting and diarrhea can cause rapid dehydration, and damage to the intestines and immune system can cause septic shock.
Most deaths from parvovirus occur within 48 to 72 hours following the onset of clinical signs.
No specific drug is available that will kill the virus in infected dogs, and treatment is intended to support the dog's body systems until the dog's immune system can fight off the viral infection. Treatment should be started immediately and consists primarily of intensive care efforts to combat dehydration by replacing electrolyte, protein and fluid losses, controlling vomiting and diarrhea, and preventing secondary infections.
When a dog develops parvo, treatment can be very expensive, and the dog may die despite aggressive treatment. Early recognition and aggressive treatment are very important in successful outcomes. With proper treatment, survival rates can approach 90%.” - American Veterinarian Medical Association
Trigger and Zorro were born to one of our own. It was, as usual, LOVE at first sight. I loved my two boys. I did everything I could to make sure they were kept safe, clean and healthy. I was counting down to the day they would turn 60 days and get their first vaccination. I would be able to breathe a little easier then.
But one morning just short of that, I woke up to see Trigger and Zorro looking pale and disoriented. The smell of blood hit my nostrils almost immediately. “No, no, no this can’t be happening…no, no, no!!!”
We drove like demons to what was considered the best animal hospital in KL. The pups had parvo. A regular neighbourhood clinic wasn’t going to do. Only the best could save them.
Or so I thought. But that’s a story for another day.
A CPV test kit confirmed that Trigger and Zorro had parvo. I cried and hugged them both. I was devastated. Why would God to such a thing? I remember holding them and contemplating if I should I ever let them go. But then I remembered Flipside, who also at 2 months old tested positive for CPV but an early admission saved her life.
I thought, “I’m in the best hospital in the country. If anyone can save my pups it’s them.”
Or so I thought. Again, a story for another day.
3 days later, I received a call that Zorro had just passed on and Trigger the night before.
Even as I write this, I can feel my heart break again as the tears roll down my cheeks.
I remember every single puppy I’ve lost to that horrible virus. Sometimes, the pup would show the first signs of infection late into the night, and with no vet to rush them to, all I could do was hold them in my arms and tell them how much I love them. That I’m sorry God created such a painful way for a sweet, innocent puppy to die. Often, a sick puppy would be too weak to bark or whine, except during the final few minutes of its life when it feels its body breaking down inside and the pain becomes unbearable.
Parvo virus is so dangerous that sometimes the period of time from first symptom to death can be less than six hours.
Those few minutes my whole world falls apart. I start sobbing and saying how sorry I am that I couldn’t fix this. That I’m so sorry that I couldn’t find a way to make this pain go away. I tell my pup how much I love him, that I’m here, that he’s not alone.
“I’m so sorry my baby…”
I hold him and rock back and forth until I hear the final whine, before he exhales his last and his body goes limp in my arms. Then I find myself wailing. I find myself broken inside. And I find myself angry with God.
I’ve lost too many puppies to this virus to ever take their safety and health for granted. How many times can someone experience losing puppies this way before she loses her mind?
It is the most painful way for a puppy to die. How many times can I forgive myself for not doing what needed to be done because I didn’t want to embarrass myself or inconvenience anyone?
Seeing so much death has thickened my skin, which in a way is perhaps good, seeing that nowadays I do whatever I have to do to make sure the days of losing parvo puppies are behind me.
I cannot begin to stress how very important it is to keep puppies safe and ensure they get their vaccinations on time. A clean environment and lots of food is key to building a strong immune system.
I try my best not to share sad stories of the work we do, for these are the painful and heartbreaking parts no one sees or knows about, but when I do, I can only hope it educates and creates some sort of awareness about our puppies.
Trigger and Zorro are probably with Outkast, Sunny and the rest of the parvo puppies we’ve lost over the years. My one consolation is knowing that one day I’ll cuddle my two boys again.
I love and miss you my babies, Trigger and Zorro.
In Loving Memory.
- Seema Subash
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