rednite-dork · 3 months
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Garreth is REALLY enjoying the reactions he's getting 😏💕
Thank you @newbienewness for commissioning me! ♥️💕
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Worship 🛐😍🥺
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HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO THE LOVELY @newbienewness 🥳🎉🎇✨💐
Today is the birthday of the goddess of Hogwart Legacy AI pics 😍😍😍
You're such a fun and sweet person to be around and your AI pics are always a delight! It was a lot of fun to draw this for you and I can't wait what you'll draw in the future too, as we continue to learn more and more digital art 🥰
I hope this drawing has lit up your day as intended and that it'll keep your fantasies running wild 😉😏
To everyone else, go on and show Krissy some lovin' today 💖💖💖
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timelapse under the cut
God, how I struggled with Gar's hair and writing hahaha 😂 (this is btw not the final version in this video, because when I cut the image to the right size, it messed up the timelapse 😅)
Please be aware that my art is almost always heavily referenced as I'm still learning and I do not do art commissions! Thanks 💕
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blueraineshadows · 13 days
Devil's Snare
Garreth Weasley x F!MC
3.4k words NSFW 🔞 smut / bondage / slight tentacle kink vibe
This is a one-shot smut fic in collaboration with @newbienewness Her NSFW artwork has a censored version under the cut. Full version available on her Poipiku HERE
Despite the early afternoon hour, the skies were dark and heavy, the air thick with the impending promise of rain. MC looked up at the swollen clouds suspended above the Highland peaks and felt that frisson of expectation, the atmosphere heavy and full of anticipation, the pressure that always came before a storm. Adjusting her satchel on her shoulder, she turned back to see where Garreth had gotten to. She noticed the comforting sight of his copper hair, all tousled and in disarray, through the boughs of a bush. He was foraging for potion ingredients, humming a nonsensical tune as he carefully wrapped leaves in muslin and tucked them safely in his bag.
Smiling fondly, she brushed some loose strands of hair back into the twist at the back of her head and pursed her lips into a low whistle, the sound making Garreth turn expectantly.
“Maybe we should seek some shelter,” she suggested, pointing up towards the angry sky. “I think there is a storm incoming. Or, should we head back?”
Garreth squinted up at the darkening sky and nibbled thoughtfully at his lower lip. “We can’t go back yet, my angel cake,” he said, digging in his pocket to retrieve a crumpled piece of parchment, scanning his list of requirements he had scrawled hastily in ink earlier that morning. “We still need to find horklumps, and I could do with some more dittany, I’ve not gathered nearly enough considering the amount of healing potions I seem to make.”
He gave her a look through his lashes that brought a smirk to her lips, her hands planting themselves firmly on the curve of her waist as she looked at him. “I hope you aren’t suggesting I am accident prone, Weasley,” she huffed.
His grin was as infectious as ever as he tucked his list back into his pocket. “Darling, you are worse than me at stumbling across calamity,” he winked. “It’s one of the many things we have in common, including a rather wonderful habit of enjoying very inappropriate and addictive snogging.”
“Garreth…” she warned, her hands leaving her waist and lifting upwards as he strode purposefully towards her, a mischievous glint in his evergreen eyes. 
“Mmm, yes please,” he murmured, his arms snaking about her waist and tugging her closer against his solid frame, his lips seeking out eager kisses along her jaw before claiming her mouth in a warm and lingering kiss.
Her giggles immediately melted into a soft sound of pleasure at the swell of languid bliss only he could conjure as the kiss deepened, the impending downpour above their heads momentarily forgotten as his hands roamed downwards to cup her hips. Apparently the slow, and steamy sex they had shared in bed first thing this morning had not been enough to temper the burn in Garreth, his hands urging her hips against him as he hummed in appreciation. Six months married, and the honeymoon period was still firmly in full swing. 
Their feet scuffed through the long grass until MC felt the press of rough bark against her back, Garreth’s breathing becoming heavier and more heated as she threaded her fingers through the glorious tumble of his thick hair.
“Hmm, this isn’t finding your dittany, is it?” She murmured, her eyelids lowering as he mouthed along her throat with teasing lips.
“Dittany can wait, my love. I’ve caught the scent of a very different kind of foraging.” He smirked, his fingers dipping lower under the curve of her arse and pressing urgently into her soft flesh through her skirt. Her body responded eagerly, heat pooling with a swiftness that had her back arching wantonly. She could feel her resistance slipping away, the isolated wilderness of the Highlands and the blistering burn she had for her husband, making her willingly lose herself in the moment.
However, the distant rumble of thunder that cut across the goliath peaks surrounding them had other ideas about their lusty intentions. Glancing up at the ominous clouds, she clutched Garreth’s shoulders with a soft sigh.
“We need to get a move on, Garreth,” she warned. “If I remember correctly, there is a cave network up round the next bend in the path. We can shelter there.”
“And continue this rather enticing exploration?” He suggested, one eyebrow quirked salaciously as he nuzzled the tip of his nose against hers.
She huffed in amusement, cupping freckled cheeks in her hands and pecking him lightly on the lips. “How about we find those horklumps on your list?”
“And then nookie?”
Laughter bubbled up her throat as she looked at his eager face, her chest swelling with affection as she shook her head. “You are insatiable.”
“Can you blame me?” He grinned, squeezing the soft curves of her backside greedily.
“Come on,” she said, capturing his wrists and straightening away from the tree. “Let’s find that cave.”
Another louder roll of thunder echoed across the valley, and the first few drops of rain began to pepper the ground, splashing onto their cheeks as they began to hurry along the path. Flickers of sheet lightning lit up the sky, the birds that had been chirping in the trees falling silent as the atmosphere became loaded with tension, the very air they breathed thick with humidity and anticipation.
“Hurry,” Garreth said, catching hold of her hand, glancing up at the sky as larger splats of rain began to fall. “How far is this cave?” 
“I’m sure it’s just round this bend,” MC said, running now, their feet thudding against the dirt path with renewed urgency.
Wishing she had worn a cloak, MC clutched Garreth’s hand as they ran, the sky finally bursting and releasing a torrent of huge raindrops that began to plaster their hair to their heads. The path inclined up the side of the peak, her calf muscles beginning to burn from effort as Garreth urged her on. The rain was so heavy it obscured the view across the valley, her vision blurry as rain ran down from her hair and into her eyes.
Ahead, to the side of the path, yawned the black maw of the cave entrance. A creeping vine grew over the rock, long boughs drooping across the entrance and swaying gently in the quickening breeze.
“Quick, inside!” She shouted, a huge crash of thunder sounding above their heads.
It had been a long time since she had explored the caves in this part of the valley, their plans to forage slightly further afield than usual in order to seek out a higher abundance of crop seemingly landing them with fresh adventure. With the weather chasing them into shelter, MC glanced around the gloom of the cave entrance as she wiped rain from her cheeks, praying to Merlin that they wouldn’t disturb a nest of giant spiders.
“Oh, look! Horklumps!” Garreth stepped further into the gloom, dripping rain water as he crouched down near a cluster, pulling out his wand and a glass bottle for the juice. Horklumps could be feisty if not handled correctly, but Garreth had a magic touch with them, easing them carefully from their resting place and extracting the juice with gentle but firm hands. 
MC eyed the darkness that lay behind where Garreth was crouched, wary and uncertain of their safety. Drawing out her own wand, she moved carefully around him, lighting the Lumos spell to expose the rear of the cave. White light cast outwards in an orb that glowed brightly, revealing an incline tunnel that was seething with Devil’s Snare, its slick tendrils reflecting the light of her spell as it twisted and recoiled from the brightness.
“Careful, this place is full of Devil’s Snare,” she warned, leaning forward to peer down the tunnel. She lifted her wand to try and make the orb of light stretch further, gasping as a cold tentacle slithered against her arm. She flinched, losing her balance, and tumbled down into the coiling mass of the plant. Her wand flipped out of her grip and rolled down the incline, catching itself against a rock, the Devil’s Snare seeming to hiss as it recoiled from the flickering light.
“Garreth,” she cried, writhing against the twisting tentacles that began to immediately wrap themselves around her limbs.
Garreth got to his feet, hurrying forward with a look of alarm. “Don’t panic,” he instructed, holding his hands out towards her. “The light will keep it weak, you just need to relax and it should let you go. Deep breaths, sweetheart.”
She stared up at him, fighting back her flutter of panic as a chilled tentacle snaked up under her skirt. The cold caress of the plant against her thigh made her breath stutter slightly, a flush colouring her cheeks at the sensitivity it caused, her body already on edge and heated from her passionate kiss with Garreth under the tree. Her eyes fixated on the tentacle, wide and stunned as it wrapped around her thigh, the tip brushing against her underwear and drawing a surprised moan from her throat.
“What is it doing?” Garreth asked, his eyes scanning over her as she arched, writhing with a mixture of fear and shocked arousal. Her arms were pulled tight above her head as the greedy plant pulled her towards the tunnel wall, the leg wrapped snugly being pulled to one side and making her skirt ride dangerously upwards. 
“Garreth,” she gasped, her mouth falling open as the plant seemed to sense the shift in her emotions. “What’s happening?”
The way it moved and curled around her body was almost sensual, the slick tendrils not hurting her, but rather caressing along her limbs and holding her just tight enough to prevent her escape, but not squeezing her to death as one would expect. Her heart hammered as she became suspended within its grasp, her limbs spread and pinned, her skirt bunched up at her waist to expose her high stockings and panties.
What shocked her just as deeply was the darkened look that had crept across Garreth’s face as he watched, transfixed as she was spread before him, bound and helpless and completely stunned at the turn of events. He visibly swallowed, his throat bobbing as his gaze lingered between her thighs. 
“The plant…it’s…it’s touching you…” His voice was hoarse, uncertain, his eyes widening as the tentacle tip writhed right across her most intimate area.
A shocked moan left her, and she tried to look downwards, her arms reflexively pulling against her bonds as desire pooled in her stomach, but the plant subtly tightened and held her arms firm. This couldn’t be happening, and yet it was. Devil’s Snare was attempting to arouse her! A plant made for sin indeed.
“Is this normal?” She squeaked, another shocked sound leaving her throat as another tentacle began to slide up her other leg. 
Garreth slowly shook his head, mouth parted. “I honestly don’t know…but it’s rather…arousing. In a shocking, but darkly erotic way.”
Her eyes widened. “What?”
He was moving forward, his hand sliding up her shin towards her knee, his spread fingers cupping her knee cap in a way that sent tingles of fire straight to her core.
“What…what are you doing, Garreth?” Her leg twitched at the combined touch of his hand and the devilish plant. “You’ll get captured, too. Stop.”
“Oh, I think it’s a bit late for that,” he murmured, his fingers dancing lightly up over the tentacle to curl into the embarrassingly soaked cotton of her panties. “Mmm, you’re so wet, sweetheart.”
“Gods,” she moaned, her head tilting back as Garreth slid two fingers into her throbbing heat, her walls tightening in searing bliss despite the utter disbelief that shuddered down her spine. “That feels…mmph.”
The tentacles writhed and held firm, the cavern lit by the glow of her spell still held by her wand on the ground, holding back the rest of the plant that swayed eagerly in the shadows of the tunnel. Her mind spun in dizzying circles as Garreth pumped his fingers in a toe curling rhythm, the warmth of his closeness in direct comparison to the chilled slither of her bonds.
“You are breathtaking, darling,” he whispered, his emerald eyes glittering with dark desire.
Her sweet Garreth, so wholesome and warm, the truth of her heart, was kneeling on a cavern floor, pleasuring her whilst a deathly plant held her captive. None of this made sense, the madness of it all adding to the building anticipation as her body betrayed all manner of sense and reason. MC found her restraint fading back into the shadows as she allowed the sinful pleasure to consume her blood, every thump and pulse of her heart sending aching need flooding through her body, her hips rolling against Garreth’s hand as the plant caressed and pinned her to the rock face.
She had no control over any of it, not the plant, or her husband as his hot breath fanned across the twitching flesh of her inner thigh. His copper curls brushed along the incredibly sensitive skin as he bowed his head lower, a cry of dark pleasure echoing around the cave as his mouth began to devour her flooded entrance.
She stared up at the writhing darkness of the cave roof, her chest heaving with each rasping breath, her moans desperate and low as she longed to bury her hands into Garreth’s silken hair. He knew what she liked, and he gave it to her effortlessly, despite the lingering potential death that coiled and slithered around them both.
Cool tentacles slid up her sides and curled at her neck, her hair slipping from its elegant twist to tumble about her face and adding to the wanton abandon that shone on her face. The added danger was inexplicably arousing, adding an edge to her pleasure that she couldn’t fathom, her core tightening with delicious fire that rolled in languid waves, back and forth in a building rhythm.
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She thought she should cry out a warning, she should stop Garreth before things become too out of hand, and yet, her hips rocked to his rhythm, the Devil’s Snare seeming to understand and provide just enough pressure that increased the building ache.
His name was a plea on her trembling lips, her chest and neck flushing with heat as a shockingly fierce climax began to rip through her, muscles tightening deliciously and her toes curling into graceful points like a prima ballerina. Her hands flexed into the darkness as the Devil’s Snare slithered soothing caresses along her limbs, coaxing the peak of her pleasure and prolonging the sweet agony as Garreth’s tongue swirled. Wave upon wave of fire rolled through her core, blistering under her skin and pulling muscles into pulsing tightness. The cry that left her echoed around the cavern, like a calling to whatever dark gods would listen.
Garreth lapped greedily, his tongue working her through the most intense orgasm she’d ever experienced, savouring the essence of her release as he coaxed knowing fingers along her contracting walls. He moaned deeply, the low hum of it hot against her flesh, sending vibrations that echoed off the tingling aftershocks of her release.
“I can’t…” She whimpered, her head rolling to the side, her lungs expanding rapidly as she tried to breathe through the fire that consumed her. “Too much…”
“It’s okay,” Garreth soothed, pressing kisses along her thighs as he looked up at her flushed face, the sheen of sweat on her skin glistening in her wand light. “You are shaking, but I’m going to need you to try and stand. Don’t worry, I will catch you.”
Blinking wearily, she tried to focus on him with a frown. “What?” 
“On my word,” he said carefully. “Be ready to grab hold of me. Alright?”
Garreth was holding his wand, his gaze wandering carefully over the tendrils of Devil’s Snare that still writhed along her trembling limbs. MC tried to grasp a sense of reality, her blood still singing and her pulse flickering with an intensity that made the cavern spin. Garreth soothed a hand up her trembling thigh, his touch and the look in his eyes beginning to ground her as he aimed his wand into the heart of the dark, writhing mass that held her bound to the rock face. 
“Now! Lumos maxima!”
Blinding white light flooded the cave, the coiling mass of Devil’s Snare retracting violently with an audible hiss that sent shivers down MC’s spine. The tentacles holding her arms loosened immediately, releasing her from their grip, her upper body lurching forward so suddenly she gasped. Remembering vaguely what Garreth had said, she tried to reach out for him, her arms feeling like useless, weightless entities that missed him entirely. Her eyes were blinded by the sudden brightness, but she felt solid arms capture her as her legs were released from their cold bonds, her body wrapped into the comforting press of her husband’s embrace.
“I’ve got you,” he promised near her ear. 
They were moving, cool air drifting across her flushed cheeks as she blinked, the cavern entrance swimming into view. 
“Did that really just happen?” She croaked.
Garreth paused near the entrance of the cave, setting her down gently before sitting down against the rock face, gathering her into his arms and holding her with a reverent gentleness that was more in keeping with the man she had married, and not the darkly erotic master who had rendered her boneless back there. Meeting his gaze, she stared at the familiar lines of his face, the warm green of his eyes as she shivered and rubbed her hands over her the damp flesh of her forearms.
“I don’t know what came over me,” he said, biting his lip. “You were just…”
He shook his head, speechless.
“It was…sexy,” she admitted, blushing. “Dark…but sexy.”
He nodded, his eyes darkening once again as they travelled over her. “It really was.”
They stared at each other for a moment, the shock and disbelief evident on both their faces. The intensity of her pleasure had shaken her to the core, her soul rising up in an out of body experience that had shattered her mind and turned her insides into molten flame. How was it possible for a plant to invoke such power? There was no sense or reason to it, but the effects had left her trembling and in awe of the capabilities of her own desire. The intense intimacy of it all had her fingers clutching at her husband in an effort to ground herself.
“Don’t you dare tell Leander about this,” she warned, knowing Garreth told his best friend far too much as it was.
Garreth huffed a laugh, and shook his head. “He wouldn’t believe me, even if I did. No. I won’t be telling a soul about this. I can hardly believe it myself.”
Staring into the tunnel, she could see the soft glow of her wand illuminating the dark mass of writhing boughs of the plant, the twisting arms reaching up in undulating turns that seemed to be beckoning her back into their cold embrace. She shivered again, remembering the erotic allure of being bound and out of control. Her heart was beginning to return to a normal, steady beat, her body calming after the shock of that toe curling release. But, the memory of it lingered, a tantalising and erotic tease turning in her mind.
She slid her gaze back to Garreth, eyeing him curiously. “No more Devil’s Snare, but I wouldn’t be opposed to you tying me up like that and having your way with me. If you would so wish.”
His pretty eyes widened at her admission, that dark lust that made the green of eyes filter into the glow that came under forest canopies on summer days, his soft, damp lips parting as he considered her words.
“You still have the power to make me fall for you all over again. You know that, right?”
Her slow smile curved upwards, her eyes filled with the deepest bond of love she carried in her heart for him. “Is that a yes?” 
“It’s a fuck yes,” he said, tugging her forwards so he could kiss her full on the mouth with a groan.
Chuckling, she brushed back his hair and smiled against his mouth. “Then I suggest you go fetch my wand back, and get us out of here. Take me home and have your wicked way with me.”
“Yes, my lady,” he groaned softly, capturing her lips for another long and lingering kiss.
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newbienewness · 5 months
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Garreth Weasley
Sebastian Sallow
Ominis Gaunt
Aesop Sharp
Andrew Lawson
Leander Prewett
Amit Thakkar
HL Boys
Draco Malfoy
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No, I'm not tagging my stories separately ,there is smut and if you are minor, just don't go there. 🔞 They all are HL/HP fandom related.
Raven's revenge (draft, rewriting at the moment)
Magic and Mischief (ongoing, fun project with @juneymont and @leafler , AO3)
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Fluff, angst, more fluff.
Letters HL themed (coming soon)
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SMUT, DON'T TOUCH IF YOU ARE MINOR, there I warned you, you are on your own now.
An Apology f oc x Draco (AO3, Wattpad)
Captains f oc x Sebastian x Garreth (AO3 , Wattpad)
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Garreth X Mc
Garreth 🔞
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Potion storeroom
Gryffindor's common room
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Discord: Newbienewness
My commissions:
@rednite-dork Garreth/Mc
@myokk Garreth/Mc
@giselsann-opencommissions Garreth/Mc
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marketfreshfics · 5 months
List 5 things that make you happy, then put this in the askbox for the last 10 people who liked or reblogged something from you! get to know your mutuals and followers (ू•‧̫•ू⑅)♡
YOU (no but for real you’re such a lovely friend and so creative, and I love hollering about a certain ginger with you)
A freshly-pulled espresso shot with vanilla
When someone goes out of their way to say something kind
Weather that is just cool enough for sweaters to be comfortable and not heat sinks
Impromptu cuddles, the kind that happen midday and linger into the afternoon
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traceyc-uk · 2 days
Part 2 of Room of Requirement - potions with Garreth - Part 1 here
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Beautification Potion was inspired by this post so much credit to @newbienewness 💌☺️ although wish I could’ve got the windswept flowing hair animated
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myokk · 29 days
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commission for @newbienewness 🥹💓🫶
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xxluna-rougexx · 2 months
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To my dearest friends:
@leafler , @sunnyrealist , @juneymont , @newbienewness , v_sallow
I humbly thank you for letting me draw your MCs. 💚
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juneymont · 9 months
🐍🩶 The night after Slytherin’s loss on the Quidditch pitch, you notice the sound of singing wafting into the Slytherin common room. You follow the sound to find…
…it’s Sebastian. He’s singing his heart out to one of his favorite little-sad-bitch songs of all time. 🤭
Equally hilarious and heart-melting.
Or in other words: Elevenlabs added dubbing capabilities aaaaand it’s not *quite* there yet. 😂
Thanks to @newbienewness for the Sebastian AI.
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subastian-swallows · 2 months
Obviously: Sebastian Sallow Bots
I have only had enough creative juice to create Sebastian Bots, which I do apologise for—however I have slipped back through my blog to resurface some AU's that have been asked for, plus some that have not. so I hope you enjoy them! ദ്ദി(˵ •̀ ᴗ - ˵ ) ✧
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Sebastian Sallow — Dragon Rider (Based off Forth Wing)
Sebastian Sallow — Undercover Agent (this might get flagged LOL)
Sebastian Sallow — Office Romance (Enemies to Lovers)
Sebastian Sallow — Lord of the Rings (Mirkwood Captain of the guard)
Lovely photos by the ever-so-lovely @newbienewness and @thesuperiorfeeling ❤︎❤︎
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💚❤️Commission for @newbienewness ❤️💚
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annarielmidori · 3 months
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Gangsta Ominis.
Still here just real life is busy. Also,I want to add another chapter to my fic and go further to the good? stuff. :D
@newbienewness inspired me here because, and I'm not sorry, I need more tattoos,badasz,smoking,gangsta Omi.
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eternalremorse · 8 months
Hogwarts Legacy: "One Year Later" Discord Collab
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For the one year anniversary of Hogwarts Legacy, we decided to do a creative collaboration with our lovely friends in our Discord server, posting whatever their hearts desired, with the theme centred around just that - one year later!
✨ Fic: "A Year In Love" by @grandeoatmilklatte
✨ Fic: "Falling Back Into Step" by @applinsandoranges
✨ Audio: Sebastian x F!MC by @slytherin-paramour
✨ Fic: "One Year Later" by @blueraineshadows
✨ Fic: "Reset" by @skittish1807
✨ Fic: "One Year Later" by @daydreamsonacloudyday
✨ Fic: "When You Know, You Know" by @writing-intheundercroft
✨ Audio: Garreth and Sebastian by @newbienewness
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Fancy joining our community on Discord? The Three Broomsticks welcomes you! Please send an owl to myself, @blueraineshadows or @slytherin-paramour 🦉
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winniesallow · 3 months
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All I know is this man would NEVER have to Imperio me.. Whatever Sallow wants, Sallow gets.
Credit again to @newbienewness for helping me on these!
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newbienewness · 2 months
Just wanted to tell you that you're a wonderful person and it's been a pleasure seeing your posts on Discord and here 😘❤️
Aww, thank you bb 🥹💚🫂
You are the sweetest and kindest person I have met in this fandom / life. And you deserve a freaking moon from the sky 💚💚🫂
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marketfreshfics · 5 months
Beautiful boys, begging.
General NSFW implied (MDNI) \\ title track images: @newbienewness & @starrysallow 🤍
Bonus: Tom Riddle
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