ikayuro · 2 years
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Gift art for https://www.deviantart.com/newageretrovirus, showing off their MerJolle with some leggies!
(Design has since been traded away.)
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Some more of the darling soft child, plus those other dorks
This was supposed to be like Halloween Trick or Treating, but like, I think it’s just become pure cosplay. I am okay with this tho’.
Capri [Asriel] is annoyed about having to be Steven, even though he was his second pic. Cheery [Frisk] is arguing this back at him, and pointing out that they won the right to be Peridot by right of Rock Paper Scissors. Capri in turn casts aspersions that Cheery only wanted to be Peri cuz’ Puff [Chara] wanted to be Lapis, to which Cheery pleads innocence and also that they are thoroughly scandalized by such unsubstantiated slander that is totally true. Puff is just amused by how cute these nerds are.
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ajora · 6 years
newageretrovirus replied to your post: A little blabbing about *that* cesspool because...
(I hope none of that sounds confrontational, I’m honestly in agreement with you that redemption has to be done -well- to work or else it just feels flat)
Nah. I get what you’re saying. While I like a good redemption story too, a lot of it depends on a) the scale of their wrongdoing, b) the person, c) how they go about it, d) the broader cultural context. 
A lot of the time, the person fans most want redeemed is a white guy who hasn’t earned it. In a world where white guys get away with awful things all the time, it’s tiring. The world is so full of injustice perpetrated by white guys who get away with it that I find these narratives more and more grating. 
You’re allowed to like whatever you like. I’m not gonna come into your playground and say “no”. Unearned redemption is just something that bugs me personally because of real world lack of consequences. 
As an aside, one of my favorite shows is Babylon 5, which is full of kind-of-okay/kind-of-terrible people who do terrible things and get smacked by karma or kinda get their redemption if they work for it. Cartagia, the mad king who would be a god who also thinks nothing of torturing people and wiping out his own people to elevate himself to godhood? Yeah, screw him. He deserved his end. Londo, who is pretty much a nationalistic ass and would probably be one of those people with a MAGA* hat? It’s up in the air whether he got his redemption in the end, but at least he worked at it and kept getting karma-smacked for his role in the bombing and enslavement of another species right to the end. And yeah, G’Kar did kinda terrible things because his people were enslaved by Londo’s and he didn’t really have the context of life beyond doing everything he could to fight for his people, but he worked at his redemption, suffered, and became a better person for it**. And so on. It really depends for me. 
I am just so tired. 
* No really, his whole thing in the early seasons was “Make the Centauri Republic Great Again”, and then he started really having Major Regrets once powerful people started taking him seriously. 
** And me. B5 came out when I was young and angry and lost. G’Kar’s development into a good person was sort of a guide for my own. 
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silvysartfulness · 6 years
@newageretrovirus replied to your post “™¥â™¥â™¥â™¥â™¥”
Sending love your way, Silvy. ♥ I hope you'll be all right through all that's being thrown at you right now.
Thank you so much. I hope so too.
I used to be able to be jaded about life’s persistent arseholiness - it sounds really melodramatic, but I’m kinda used to the pain? (I’ve been through a lot.)
But since I hit the wall a few years back, I’ve learned that my brain can still break in all new interesting and all-out neurological ways. So I’m really trying to look after myself these days, and try not push it too much when things are already, well, too much.
I’m very very much looking forward to be done with my current book project. After that I can finally grant myself some vacation and just... do nothing, without guilt or stress. That will be good. That will be really good.
Just need to get through this week first. I both dread and look forward to the funeral, when I’m counting on this numbness to crack and let out some real crying. Hopefully for the better.
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delcat177 · 6 years
@newageretrovirus OMG NEVER FORGET that guy got so UPSET over palette swaps holy shit?  And he wouldn't stop either? But no Del he's gotta destroy you based on your Bad FF9 Opinions
I honestly felt SO bad once I realized what was going on, I legit thought we were having a friendly argument over whether they counted or not, then he got MAD INTENSE and I realized he actually cared and went “Uhhhh whoa okay have fun with that” and posted asking people not to engage.  He just wouldn’t back off though and I think it was Bogleech who went “do you want to have a bad time 8)” and bless ‘im for that, it was such a “Senpai cares ;o;” moment
I hope wherever he is now, he has some more chill and can just enjoy games.  Like, I’m sure we agreed 100% on FFIX being awesome, because it so fucking is.
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I love FFIX Bandersnatches so much I could fucking cry, it’s hard to have absolute favorites in monster design when there are SO MANY but this is in my top 10, look at this precious angel
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adamworu · 6 years
@newageretrovirus reblogged your post and added:
Omg yes. I can’t wait to roast this jerk bear in...
I’ll especially do it double time considering in the handheld games, Moneybags will consciously impede you and your friends’ progress. You go through a yes no option to put up with his fees, but he’s more like “Haha, you can’t get past without a fee!” in the second and third games (console) if you refuse to pay him. Moneybags is way more dickish in the GBA versions when you refuse to pay him.
His answers are more close to “Welp, if the Dragon Realms gets taken over, it’s no skin off my nose...! Lol.” than “Money or gtfo lol.”
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passivechara · 7 years
newageretrovirus replied to your photo “Send me an Undertale character (limit of 5 charas) and a brief…”
I nominate Creampuff, my Chara, to the Drawing 
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* come join the fun.
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giygas-bandicoot · 3 years
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First friendly fire of the year! retroviribae NewAgeRetrovirus has some lovely cute OCs! Plus I love attacking friends :)
Posted using PostyBirb
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It seemed like it was high time to draw some of the original soft, warm child ™
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ajora · 6 years
Hopefully this will work because I am in a restaurant on my tablet and mobile tumblr is weird asf.
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Yeaah. I get frustrated in SU fandom (a medium with mostly female main characters, incidentally*) especially because Jasper, Bismuth, and Amethyst get so much hate and guess what? They’re not the standard slender femmes. Jasper and Bismuth are subject to a fantastic amount of butchphobia, especially from guys who consider themselves “woke” and make jokes about them being unreasonably angry. And that’s especially suspect with Bismuth because she’s *coded* black*. The same guys who, incidentally, think Lapis is a poor pretty uwu delicate water angel who doesn’t want to hurt anyone honest uwu (nevermind, of course, that I think RS?, has gone on the record saying that Lapis wanted to take her problems out on someone and Jasper was convenient. Jasper was a) much less powerful than Lapis, b) subject to months of emotional abuse at Lapis’ hands. But, of course, it’s Jasper that’s the abusive brute and Jasper who’s painted by fanfic authors as an animal who deserves Lapis’ abuse and shattering at her hands). When a slender jasper turned up on the show, Jasper fans were told to stop liking the original because Skinny Jasper is the good jasper, even though she appeared for like a minute and we know nothing about her. When Topaz appeared, we were told that we finally have a "nice" butch to like and can stop liking Jasper and Bismuth now. And so on. 
And Amethyst? She’s a tiny little chubby who is coded Latina, and lapidot fans rip into her and her fans all the time because she’s “fat” and gross and totally doesn’t deserve to be shipped with Peridot. Up until I turned off anon asks a few months ago, I was still getting “kill yourself” messages from angry lapidot fans for daring to like Amethyst. And, of course, if anyone vents frustration about Lapis getting away with things (abusing Jasper for months even though Lapis herself is more powerful, creating a living situation where Peridot did not feel safe enough to express herself or thoughts she felt might incur Lapis’ wrath) and her fans being assholes, we’re all suddenly just mad because she’s ~*~depressed~*~ and secretly we all just hate women.
So, yeah. Woman-majority mediums has their problems, too.
Anyway! I think you’ll like B5, too. Just some notes: It’s not DS9 and was intended to be a novel for television, so it has a lot of novel-variety overwriting in the dialogue. I think it’s fun, though, and enjoy rewatching to pick up all the foreshadowing. Also, B5 really didn’t make a whole *thing* about its same-sex representation the way Dax’s ex-wife did when that episode came out (or, say, evil!Kira falling into Evil Bisexual tropes). It’s just really kinda subtle and you get whammied with the admission in season 3 if you weren’t already open to the growing relationship between those characters. And, of course “you’re just a nice couple on honeymoon” said to a couple of guys going spying to another planet. So I thought that was nice. And the science felt a lot more natural to me. 
Anyway, I love B5. I like Star Trek, too, but B5 filled in all the little cracks in my soul when I was a lost, angry, hurt little late-teenager/young adult and I’ll always love it for that. To quote something I needed back then: “Babylon 5 was the last of the Babylon stations. There would never be another. It changed the future and it changed us. It taught us that we have to create the future or others will do it for us. It showed us that we have to care for one another, because if we don't, who will? And that true strength sometimes comes from the most unlikely places. Mostly, though, I think it gave us hope, that there can always be new beginnings. Even for people like us.”
* Although boy is it telling that most of the male fans all glom onto Steven and the minor male characters/townies or create male gems outright rather than bother with writing the gems, who are generally coded female and stated by RS to be nonbinary women. 
** I would argue that Jasper is coded some variety of minority, but I’ve seen crewniverse human AU art that suggests otherwise and lord who even knows anymore. But she’s Native to me because a) her birthplace is literally on reservation land, b) that whole thing with her being made in a crappy Kindergarten and her sisters being substandard to gem norms. Peridot trash-talking the place sounds a lot like gringo tourists going through the reservation and trash-talking the housing situation and lack of amenities. (NB: While I have been living on the reservation for the past few months, I’ve not grown up here and don’t have the long-term effects of growing up here. *But* I have memories aplenty of spending every summer in a poor, tiny little village in Mexico and crossing the border every time because my parents didn’t want to deal with me, and that had a huge impact.)  
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pteradoxical · 5 years
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More work I have done in my experimental comic booky/spiderverse inspired style! Pieces done for: Me, UnluckyDinoBear on Twitter, and NewAgeRetrovirus on DA
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delcat177 · 7 years
@sarah1281​ said: I really wonder who I followed or what I liked/reblogged that got me sent that email.
Same, I didn’t recognize any of the names.  Really, though, with how many random posts I hit “like” on, it could be fucking anything.  Kinda makes you realize the sheer magnitude of passive interaction on Tumblr.
@newageretrovirus said: I sweat to god “feelmydragonballs” has nothing to do with me newageretrovirus said: SWEAR but sweat works too i guess
Case, let’s be real, the shocking thing wouldn’t be that you were part of an international incident, it’d be that you had a scaly blog and didn’t invite me to it
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adamworu · 7 years
@newageretrovirus replied to your post “Current mood: Guess who’s an Admin for officialevangelion? Honestly...”
Congratulations Adam! ��
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oyasumillie · 7 years
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Commissions for @newageretrovirus! 
Back then, Casey commissioned me to draw their Chara, Creampuff and now here’s their fiance’s Chara, Avatar! 
Aren’t they lovely? Precious babus <3
Commission info
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afancyartblerg · 7 years
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Support me on Patreon!
My half of a trade with NewAgeRetrovirus on dA; it's of their birdfolk Chae and their jolleraptor Yhi.
The color chib on the right looks a bit... sketchy... because my brain don't work too good at 2 AM and I didn't realize that i'd been using the wrong brush setting until I finished the lineart for it. Still, at least it looks cute despite my brainfart. :U
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soranmbane · 8 years
Hey, my first time being tagged for one of these memes! Tagged by @newageretrovirus
✍ Tattoos: None, though I suppose I could see myself getting one someday (probably a bat, because of course it would have to be a bat). 😷 Surgeries: Not ever, luckily. 🏥 Broken bones: None, though the closest I’ve ever come is probably that time I slammed my thumb in a car door when I was really little; it was only a bad sprain, but my thumb turned purple and swelled up bigger than I’ve ever seen one of my body parts swell up before. 🔫 Shot a gun: Not real guns, but I have shot BB guns. 😕 Quit a job: I’ve barely had any real jobs, so I haven’t really had the chance. ✈️ Flown on a plane: I have, when my older sister took me on vacation to Seattle a few years back. 🚙💨 Driven 100mph/160.934 kph: I don’t even have a driver’s license, so no. 🚁 Rode in a helicopter: Nope, though it would probably be kind of cool. ⛑ Gone zip lining: Nope. 🍼 Watched someone give birth: Also nope (and it would probably be really stressful for me anyway). 🏈 Been to an NFL game: I don’t even watch football on TV; I’m not a sports person. 🍁 Been to Canada: Nope, though I did grow up in northern Wisconsin, so I guess that’s close enough. 🚑 Ridden in an ambulance: Nope. 🏦 Visited Washington D.C: I haven’t been IN the city, but back when I was a kid and my dad was a long-distance truck driver, I used to travel with him during summer vacation sometimes. So, I did get to see Washington D.C. from a distance. 🌞 Visited Florida: I'm pretty sure that’s not one of the places my dad took me to. 🗻 Visited Colorado: Maybe? We probably went out towards that way, but we went through a bunch of different states, so a lot of the places we visited kinda just blurred together. 🎉 Visited Mexico: Nope. 🎲 Visited Vegas: Not unless you count all my hundreds of hours spent playing Fallout: New Vegas (punching Roman soldiers with a shotgun fist is the main thing to do in Vegas, right? So, I’d say I’ve already gotten the full Vegas experience). 🍔 Eaten alone at a restaurant: Very rarely; I feel awkward going out in public without someone else with me. 🎤 Sang karaoke: Nope. I have sung along to songs before, but never done karaoke. 🐶 Had a pet(s): I had various pets growing up, including some cats and a dog (a big German shepherd/husky mix named Stasha, who was practically like my little brother growing up). My most recent pet was a black cat named Albert who I had for like eight years, but we couldn’t take him with when we moved to our new apartment, so we had to give him up (not gonna lie; I cried, and it still makes me pretty sad to think about it). Now I don’t have any pets, but when I do get another, it’ll probably end up being something like a tarantula. 🎿 Been downhill skiing: I’ve never been skiing, though I have tried snowboarding before (and completely failed at it). 🎼 Ability to read music: None (even though my dad’s a musician). 🚵 Rode a motorcycle: I’ve never driven one myself, but I have been a passenger on a motorcycle before. 🏇 Rode a horse: Yes, actually. In high school I was once part of some after-school program where me and a bunch of other kids were taken to a horse farm to learn to ride. Plus when I was SUPER young, I went on some pony rides at fairs. 🏥 Stayed in a hospital: I don’t think I’ve ever been sick or hurt enough for that. 💉 Donated blood: No. I probably should, but I just never got around to it. 🏕 Slept outside: Yeah. I’ve been camping (properly, with tents and everything) with some of my family before. 🚗 Driven a stick shift: I don’t drive ANYTHING. 🚓 Rode in a Police Car: Probably a few times, yeah. Not because I’ve been arrested or anything, but for some other family drama reasons back when I was a kid. 😇 Grandkids: ... I’m 24. Also I doubt I’ll ever have kids anyway, so no future grandkids either (I’m fine with just adopting all these sad FICTIONAL children). 🐌 Eaten Escargot: No, not even when I still ate meat. I certainly would have been happy to try it back then, but now that I’m vegetarian it’s definitely not gonna happen. 👽 Seen a UFO: Nope, and I don’t believe in that stuff anyway, so I probably wouldn’t have recognized it as such if I had. 🚢 Been on a Cruise: Nope, and probably never will. ⛽️ Run out of Gas: Again, I don’t drive. 🍣 Eat Sushi: Yeah, though being vegetarian does limit the kinds of sushi I can eat, since most of it has fish. But when I can get decent sushi that just has vegetables, I enjoy it. 👻 Seen a Ghost: Nope (also see the UFO answer).
And... I’m not even sure who to tag. I guess any of my followers could just do this if they feel like it and PRETEND that I tagged them?
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