#new york avatars
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showmeyouricons · 5 months ago
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diabolikartstudio · 1 month ago
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A drawing i made of myself as a na’vi( right) and my Sarentu from Avatar frontiers of pandora character (left)
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oldinterneticons · 2 months ago
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Top SPORTS icons posted to @oldinterneticons in 2024
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daisyfield98 · 2 years ago
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Fire Nation at it again
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thena0315 · 5 months ago
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OMG!!! 👀👀👀
Maiko getting back together comic finally gonna happen!?!?!!!
We've been waiting since Smoke & Shadow for another update!!!!
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olvienavigirl · 15 days ago
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Bailey attended at Maison Close Hosts Bach Mai FW25 NYFW Event. ❤️
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fassylovergallery · 7 months ago
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new orleans/new york
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xxxnightcorequeenxxx · 8 months ago
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By the way, I use nicknames of the rest of the girls not tagged. So it goes Valerie, Kiki, Lucy, Tracey, Merissa, Donna, Danny, Annie, Kath, Star, Paulina, Mia, and Ashely.
Should I tag them using nicknames or?
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catherinebellgif · 1 month ago
[Recherche Designer Graphiste pour Forum RPG sur le thème de New York – Rémunération possible]
Hello ♥
Nous cherchons une personne talentueuse et passionnée pour créer un design unique et immersif pour un forum RPG, qui tourne autour du thème emblématique de New York. Si tu as l’œil pour le détail, un goût pour l’esthétique, et que tu sais donner vie à des concepts visuels, on a besoin de toi !
Ce qu’on recherche :
Un design COMPLET qui reflète l’ambiance de New York (urbain chic, vibrant, et moderne).
Création de :
Une bannière personnalisée.
Des icônes pour les catégories et forums.
Une palette de couleurs harmonieuse.
Des petits détails visuels qui feront toute la différence.
Une touche créative pour rendre l’expérience utilisateur fluide et agréable.
Ce qu’on offre :
Possible rémunération pour ton travail (parlons-en ensemble pour trouver un accord qui te convient).
Si intéressé(e), contacte-moi par MP !
Pense à inclure :
Quelques exemples de tes travaux
Tes disponibilités et une idée de tes tarifs.
Un grand merci.
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rorywritesalot · 10 months ago
The Smallest Man Who Ever Lived.
Prologue: Welcome to Pandora
Warnings: cursing
Ensley's POV
When you’re 20 years old, you’re usually in college, or moving out of your parents house or whatever. Not me! No, I’m on a different planet to learn more about the wildlife and the natives. I like to think that I’m pretty lucky. I get to do what I love and be mentored by the best of the best, Dr. Grace Augustine. I arrived on Pandora just after I turned 18. I’m the first of the Sully siblings to be here. My brother Tom is supposed to join me here soon. I haven’t seen my family in two long years. I miss my parents and above all, I miss my big brothers. They are only a little over a year older than me. Our parents loved to say that I was a perfect mix of both Jake and Tom. I had the wit and humor of Jake and the smarts and curiosity of Tom. Jake and I were the troublemaking duo. We would taunt the kids of the neighborhood and play pranks on our family. Tom was the brother I could seek out for guidance. He and I could sit and talk about theories forever. It was him who got me extremely interested in the Avatar Program and I studied as hard as I could in order to be considered for the program. Growing up, they were the perfect brothers. They still are. 
When I started my process to get my own avatar, there were some complications with my DNA and it was denied. So I do not have an avatar. My brother Tom does, and he’s here waiting for Tom’s arrival. I work directly under Grace kind of as her right hand. I will be honest, I thought Grace hated me when I first showed up here. She probably did because I was so young and she “didn’t want to be a babysitter”, and I quote. Once she realized what I could do, she started to come around. Since my arrival, Grace has taught me so much and helped me grow as a scientist. She has taken me under her wing and has very much become like a mother figure to me. 
Above all, working with Grace has its perks, but it definitely has its downside. One of those is being her runner. Grace will send me on coffee runs at random hours of the day. She also likes to have me run errands for her too. I get tasked with taking files to Selfridge or sitting in on the boring meetings that she refuses to go to. I didn’t mind running her errands in the end because that was how I met him.
I’ve only ever heard of Colonel Miles Quaritch, I’ve never had the pleasure of meeting the well known Head of Security, until now. The first thing I noticed about the man, other than his piercing blue eyes, was the trio of scars on the right side of his head. If the story is true, he was attacked one his very first day on Pandora by a viperwolf, because he decided it was a good idea to go check out the forest. What an idiot. 
On a trip to one of the breakrooms to get Grace her coffee, I space out. My mind is running rampant, thinking of all the things I have to get done that day. In the middle of running down my mental to-do list, I fail to pay attention to how I turn a corner and run right into a muscular chest and take a tumble to the floor, landing flat on my ass.
“Geez, you need to watch where you’re going cupcake. You okay?” The man says as he reaches down for my hand and hoists me up to my feet. 
��Yeah, I’m sorry. I guess I was just really out of it.” I say, visibly embarrassed. He lets out a soft laugh.
“It’s fine. Hey, I can’t say I’ve ever met you before. What’s your name?” He flashes his little smirk at me. This man is so devilishly handsome and I think he knows it. With his tan and defined arms, his silver hair and those damn blue eyes. He knows he’s attractive.
“Um, ha, I’m Ensley, Dr. Ensley Sully. I’m a botanist.” I put my hand out for him. He takes it.
“Ah you’re one of those science pukes ain’tcha?” He says, his smirk replaced with a neutral expression. I can’t tell if he now has a sudden distaste for me or something. Since I've been here, I’ve quickly come to understand that the soldier and scientist have never fully seen eye to eye. All because of their different views and since the important people in RDA favor soldiers over scientists. 
“Yeah I am," I say, going into defense mode. "I don’t believe I know your name either.”
“Oh yes, I’m Colonel Quaritch. You might know me as the head of security.” Why, he’s very modest isn’t he. I mentally roll my eyes.
“Well, it’s nice to finally put a face to the name.” I say and he chuckles. He locks his eyes with my brown ones and he looks almost as if he’s analyzing my face. I feel my confidence cracking under his gaze. Part of me wants to run and hide and another part of me wants to fall to the floor and cry. But I don’t. I stand there until I feel like I’m done with the situation.
“I should probably get going. My boss is probably wondering where I am.” I say as I step around him. He turns his body to keep me in sight. 
“Yes, don’t want to keep them waiting.”
“Mhmm, it was nice meeting you.” I say as I turn and continue my trip to the breakroom for Grace’s coffee. As I walk away, I have the feeling that eyes are on me. As I round the corner to the breakroom, I glance back and see the colonel still looking at me. I hesitantly stop and gaze back at him. I softly smile and wave my fingers at him. He subtly nobs and turns to continue to where he was going. 
I turn on the coffee machine so I can make Grace’s drink as well as making a cup of tea for myself. I’m not a big fan of coffee. I hate the bitterness of it as well as the after taste. So I don’t drink caffeine or anything, I just run off of sheer willpower. 
As I’m doing what I’m doing, I think back to the encounter I just had with the colonel. Everyone made him out to be so mean and cold. He didn’t seem that way with me. Maybe everyone only ever met him as the colonel and I just got to meet him as just him. 
I finish making the drinks and I make my way back to the lab. Upon my arrival, I look around to find Grace. I find her hunched over a microscope. I set her mug down by the scope and she shoots her eyes to look at me.
“Jesus E, what took you so goddamn long.” She says, visibly irritated that she had to wait longer for her precious coffee. She takes a sip and looks back at me signaling that she wants to know what happened to me.
“I just ran into someone and I got to talking to them. It's not that big of a deal.” I say turning my back to her and heading to my desk.
“Who did you run into?”
“Fuck Grace, why do you care?”
“I want to know.”
“If I tell you, will you stop pestering me?” I grumble. She nods her head.
“I ran into Quaritch.” I say and Grace's face slightly drops.
“Oh, are you okay? He didn’t give you any shit did he?” She asks and I shake my head. She seems relieved. She and Quaritch have always had it out for each other and couldn’t be in the same room as each other without wanting to bite the other's head off. So I understand why she doesn't want him to give me or any of her scientists shit or anything.
“Okay well, let's get back to work. There are some Mist Blooms I want you to analyze and make some reports about. Okay?” Grace motions to the pile of papers and files sitting on my desk. I take a seat, sip my tea and dive back into my work.
Note: This is my first ever fanfic and I'm so happy to share this with you. Most of my titles are going to be based off Taylor Swift title tracks. So if there are any swifties here, I hope you enjoy that. Chapter 1 will be out soon!
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showmeyouricons · 6 months ago
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diabolikartstudio · 1 month ago
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Redrew a na’vi oc i made 2 years ago
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natlacentral · 11 months ago
Ian Ousley dishes on the visually stunning series “Avatar: The Last Airbender.”
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cepoilfaitdestrucs · 1 year ago
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SPOTLIGHT : pré-liens amicaux disponibles sur CALL IT MAGIC
Alma, 19 ans (ft. au choix...) - voir le pl
Cameron, 42 ans (ft. au choix) - voir le pl
Alix, 29 ans (ft. au choix) - voir le pl
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ancientfrozenglaciershark · 10 months ago
about the ask about the nyr atla au! i am working on it :D sorry i’ve been quite busy lately, and i’m trying to do some actual writing for you:) so it may take a little bit longer.(I am such a slow writer) here is some Avatar Mika from some of the scenes in the mean time!
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cryingcoyote13 · 11 months ago
New York City
an upcoming story ;3
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" hi " : english
" hi " : na'vi speach translated to english text
Warnings: Violence, Abuse, Not proof read
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When Donnie was able to intercept the radio about the Foot Clan's newest "experiment" he immediately informed his brothers. They eventually decided they needed to go check it out, and in the cover of darkness the descended upon the warehouse. Leonardo was the first to notice it's disarray and the alarms blaring,
" it looks like a horror movie scene " Mikey whispered, earning a huff from Raphael as Donatello looked around nervously, what had happened here?
As they got closer the bodies started to pile up, along with the sounds of crashing and things being thrown. Eventually they heard a guttural growl as they came around a bend, their eyes widened as they spotted a blue huddled form sitting in the middle of multiple bodies. It sat up with a shrill gasp as it whipped around to face them. She jumped up, knife and hands covered in blood as she panted, staring down the brothers. She was as tall as them, if not taller. Was she a mutant? Her tail lashed widely as she let out a hiss as one of the bodies began to groan. She plunged the knife into it over and over again, growling, hissing and panting like a feral animal. She eventually jumped back up and started knocking stuff off tables with shrill yells and yips.
" WHERE AM I!? " She whipped around, gasping and tossing stuff. These demons had brought her here. She knew that much.
She whipped back around as Leo stepped out from behind the corner, she hissed, lashing out with her knife as he stepped out. She climbed behind the metal table that had been dented when she threw it.
" WHO YOU DEMON!? " She screamed, fangs barred as the gaint green creature took in her words, her accent was foreign, something no one had ever heard before. He raised his 3 fingered hands to show he ment to harm as she lashed at him. She backed up, stepping over bodies and broken glass.
" I'm Leonardo, I am not going to hurt you. " He stated calmly as she pressed herself against the wall, ear pressed against her skull and tail lashing. She glanced at the body beside her, reaching down and grabbing the gun from his hand. She cocked it, pointing it at the creature as she hissed, thank god dad taught me how to use this thing, she thought as the creatures eyes widened.
" Back. Now. " She hissed and he glanced at his brothers as they came to his side, she hissed louder. I could try to run past them, but then what? She hissed as the one in purple slammed his pole down on the metal ground that rang throughout the warehouse. She huffed, lowering the gun as her adrenaline started to where off. Everything was so heavy, so.. tiring...
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