#new vegus
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girlsexbattle2 · 2 years ago
i fucking hate the sink vendor. GIVE ME MY CAPS BITCH BOY
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ask-nevadas · 7 months ago
*gives quackity a slice of bred during poker game to try and win* a bribe :33 i will work for this floof if it is the last thing i do istg-
also quackity, for an ask, thoughts on fallout new vegus? my quackity alter likes the game but i want your thoughts
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"I don't eat bread. It hurts my stomach. Just give up kid, i'm not looking for new dealers. "
"I like the game, Interesting sole centered plot compared to the other games..."
Quackity has a personal computer in his suite, and occasionally plays video games. He wears his laziest pyjamas when gaming, and locks all his doors so no one sees him when he's not dolled up.
<< thank you for this ask i love fallout an ungodly amount... >>
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urfavesarequadranted · 11 months ago
dr mobius and dr klein from the fallout new vegas dlc old world blues are kismeses!
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Dr Mobius and Dr Klein from Fallout New Vegus are kismeses!
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extratmnt · 2 years ago
Title: Twins for life
Universe: Rise of the TMNT
Pairings: None
Word count: I mean, what do you expect at this point?
Leo was just practicing his portals. Nothing wrong there. He was being careful.
Okay, maybe not, if accidentally portaling to New Jersey was any indication. Seriously, what went wrong? And... where was his sword? Oh, crap. He must've left it behind.
Well, no time to dwell on that, because he was in a snowstorm in the middle of a forest. He had to get to shelter quick if he was going to make it. Being cold-blooded was no joke. He could easily fall into brumation if he wasn't careful, and that was especially dangerous for him.
Leo decided he should stop thinking about that and get moving.
He trudged through the thick snow for a few minutes before he realized he could no longer feel his toes. Okay, not a good sign, and he didn't have to be a medic to know that.
A few more minutes and he couldn't feel his fingers. He clutched his arms in hopes to save some heat, to no avail.
Only a few moments after that, he tripped. He was confused for only a moment, then he realized the horrifying truth.
Leo had lost the feeling in his legs.
He couldn't walk now. He was stuck.
Leo cried. He was so scared. What was going to happen? He totally was going to die out here. He hadn't told anyone what he was doing, his brothers had no idea where he was.
He only sobbed harder when he lost feeling in his arms.
Leo was going to die.
Donnie was panicking. Leo had gone missing and he only had a vegue idea of where he was. He had insisted that their trackers were not totally precise, because they all needed their privacy sometimes. Donnie have agreed without hesitation. Now, as he was driving over one hundred miles-per-hour, he wished he had been more stuborn on the matter.
All he knew about Leo's location was that he was somewhere in a forest. Said forest seemed to be getting a snowstorm at the moment.
Donnie was scared, scared of what might happen, and he wasn't afraid to admit it. Not as his brother was most likely dying somewhere.
The remaining brothers stopped the tank once they reached their destination, in hopes to find Leo on foot.
They were searching for a few minutes when Donnie finally heard something.
Chirping. Something was chirping in distress, probably hurt.
Donnie thought he would cry. He knew his brother enough to know that it was him.
He ran towards the sound, and nothing could have described the feeling of relief he felt when he saw his brother.... his twin.
Send me an ask for any requests you might have for me to write!
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toadeyes-miqote · 1 year ago
Looks at Thancred - Day one notes and stuff
"This dual wielding... What have you been hiding as a rogue?" "Eh." "I want that quarterstaff blade~~~~~~ Jacke~~~~~~~~"
/Puts on mythril foil hat for Dawn trial Leonardo dual wields katanas so not wrong there. Does Viper requires aether or is speed focus? Thancred goes back to melee DPS? And do all his acrobatic stunts again? Dual wields for real? Dynamis~~~~~ Thancred still has a chance at DPSing Job mentor is Thancred's Sharlayan master.
A wild Zidane somehows appear... oh wait glamour. Now I realised why job demo dude was a Miqo'te I still owe Freya a dragoon
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Frothing at the mouth below with guesses and then collapse
New character Hrothgal is the Viper Erenville is the Viper
Around 7:54:48 mark - Hammer? what's this about potential Hammer wielder and Gaia hopefully and narrowing down stuff to three jobs for Dawn Trial that I hear? Double hammer somehow become dual blades or big old brush? Double shield?(7:56:00) What do you mean no attack involved? How do you double shield? Point to Mash (FGO) and Maple(Bofuri) and Captain America. One shield might be easier? Is get shielder in future maybe never? Vegue memories some movie I seen before regarding shield formation. Shield throwing too close to Chakram throwing?
Was this weapon glamour a test of potential hammering?
Preps a Garuda based outfit somehow Still hopeful for Pictomancer during Tokyo
Obligatory other games references Kanshou and Byakuya...Unlimited blade works!.... well... Musashi Data Loss~~~~ Miyamoto Kirito~~~~
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smittenskitten · 3 years ago
Doing another rewatch in this fine Saturday morning like any other normal person out there.
So in this rewatch what stuck out to me was right before Vegas was smacked in the head by Tankhun, he was riling Kinn up. 
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Bringing up Kinn’s past perhaps? And Kinn was not amuse. Neither was Tankhun, hence the famous smack. Sure Tankhun is acentric but as the eldest he is very protective of his siblings, so how dare Vegus take a jab at his brother’s heartache like that. 
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Tankhun might be more protective of Kinn, as Kinn has to deal with things that Tankhun was supposed to be doing as the eldest. So he is in his own accentric way looking out for his little brother.
Also you can see the door being sliding shut in the back, Tankhun was most likely sitting in the other room before coming over here. Vegas was not in his spot, he was being a dick and got smacked in the head for it.
Then the ‘giving Porsche back to Kinn’ thing. This has me so curious. 
Kinn asked, and Tankhun agreed right away?!? 
Can Tankhun already tell Porsche might be tad bit special to Kinn?! (probably not, but lets say that he can)
And there is the youngest, Kim, When Big shows up to his place the first concern Kim has is, who is protecting Kinn. 
Doing a background check on Porsche cause he is protecting Kinn. 
Going ‘undercover’ to investigate
And lets not forget the murder board behind his own portrait. 
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Their family has been in this business for ages (probably). Dealing with shady business is not new to them. We already heard Tankhun had been kidnapped before. Kinn was attacked in the very first episode. So being part of this family means you are always in danger and need to be surrounded by bodyguards.
So in spite being surrounded by bodyguards Kinn is still attacked and right after the attack he has new bodyguard. So yes, Kim is concerned for his brother’s safety. 
While we don’t know when Kim started digging into all this but lets say it started after the attack on Kinn.
In conclusion: Kinn’s brothers are very protective of him
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tinyunknownflower · 6 years ago
Do you ever get to a point where you just wish someone would just fucking lose it on you? like at least then I'd know you cared I guess? idk I'm in a situation now where this past month has been hell bc I don't know what they're thinking it how they're doing or how they feel. I'm pretty sure I've been blocked on all social media. and for a majority of the past month I've been seeing their side as a malicious, hostile situation but recently I had someone tell me that maybe that's not the case. I guess I just never really understood their side and that's all I want. I want to understand. I want to make amends. I want to fix things. this fucking sucks. and everyone keeps telling me to give more space and I'm trying but at the same time it's eating me alive the way I think about everything almost all the time. it's all I've thought about for the past month. and now that I see a new side to the problem I've gone from angry to sad. now I can see all the places that I went wrong too. I see things that should have been handled differently. and I think I should place blame where blame is due. I think we were so in our own heads and our own feelings that we projected that onto them and that first of all wasn't fair. but then because we did that we justified some of the things we did. I don't think we should have posted specifics on social media. I know they sure didn't. they left it very vegue and very sparse. I think in what we intended as a "if you won't talk to us then we'll have to find some other way to get your attention" kind of turned into public humiliation. and again I'm pretty sure I'm blocked so the people I want to see this probably won't even see this but if they do I want them to know that I'm sorry and that I see now that that was unfair to them. I also know that there are people who will say I'm just making excuses for them again and maybe I am. but I'm telling you right now it is a hell of a lot easier for me to make excuses and form at least some sort of understanding than it is for me to be left in the dark with no clue what the other party is thinking. leaving me in the dark will only give my brain time to demonize someone. honestly at this point making this post is probably pointless. again the people who I need to see it probably won't but I'm so afraid of adding fuel to the fire that I don't want to message them directly but I also need to get this all out somewhere so Tumblr is my solution. I could count on my fingers the followers I have that also know me in real life and I'm pretty sure the strangers on here don't really give a shit. I really don't think anyone is gonna see this post anyway but here we be. I guess that's it tho. idk man shit just sucks
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univcrse · 7 years ago
ok so. i saw infinity war. it ripped my heart out. im not gonna reblog any actual spoilers, and any general vegue/non-spoilery reblogs about the movie will be tagged with spoilers anyway
random thoughts: (spoilers under the cut)
i really liked this one better than most other marvel movies. the excessive humour of those annoys me and it was less here. but at what cost.
i LOVE how marvel is finally getting more serious in phase 3. it makes it more beautiful and like the optimism is still there. love how the phase 1 people all look different, how they changed their morals and worldview and became more wise and mature. how they lost their loved ones and weapons and all. very symbolic. glad its not static.
i love wakanda!! it broke my heart when they sacrificed it and let the demogorgons in for that robot
wanda/vision was weird to watch like “vis” lmaoooo white ppl. still sad he died for nothing. wish marvel stuck to my 15 crackships and 5 approved canon ships...
the guardians initially fighting and then realising theyre allies and teaming up with the 3 white men on the offensive? predictable and cringey but cute. very heroes of olympus.
gamora’s death was traumatic to watch as a south asian woman
i really dont care about loki lol. its sad what it did to thor. and the way they casually wiped out the asgardians after the previous movie’s entire plot was saving them from near genocide... bad. thor is the ONLY one remaining from the trilogy and its so strangely casual? his entire planet and people and family is dead in the opening scene and there aren't more movies n marvel is like who cares lol
the flashback of thanos massacring gamora’s planet was heartbreaking i hate watching genocide in any form
its really interesting how thanos believes he’s a hero and his cause is noble. like yes overpopulation is a problem but the solution is not genocide you freak. use all the power in the universe to better it, to create more resources, to gradually lower population through generations??
so im still not sure, the dust thing at the end was thanos enacting his “erase 50% from existence” shit right
peter crying saying he doesnt wanna die killed me
i hate cap’s new look. and bucky’s. bring back short hair (and clean shaven looks) 2k19. can bucky’s new look be an undercut with eyeliner when he replaces steve lmaoo
i miss baby groot!
why does marvel just constantly change the hair of its female characters? every movie? really??
the planet gamora and thanos went to was so beautiful. like quill’s dad’s planet from gotg 2. gotg has the most gorgeous special effects
remembering the world still sees the avengers as criminals was messy i completely forgot that storyline. politics is a sham in mcu
cap introducing himself to groot <3 <3 love him. 
also love thor now!! :( the asgard thng hit hard even tho it was shown so underwhelmingly
okoye’s lines were hilarious we love a humour queen with no patience for white fuckups
how every avenger fell like a rag doll when coming @ thanos? sad. i didnt know wanda and thor were the most powerful avengers?
quill was just annoying in this movie. im at the end of my patience with all the white men in mcu
really takes the ultimate crossover to make u realise just how many white men there in marvel. love the 20:8 male/female ratio and how 8/9 main/titular superheroes are white men
that one scene where okoye and black widow and wanda (?) were fighting the female titan was wild i remember thinking this is the most amount of women marvel has ever had share a screen and the fact that every team had like 5 men and 1 woman was horrible. its so old ugh marvel is so fucking sexist (not counting black panther obviously)
hulk was so irrelevant lol
dr strange remains ugli
i really thought tony died lol but i like him after spiderman
the forgery made me sad
the answer to “who dies in infinity war” should not have been “almost everyone”
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hoanq2802 · 5 years ago
Đường về gian truân của khách trên tàu Westerdam
New Post has been published on https://khachsanthanhdong.com/duong-ve-gian-truan-cua-khach-tren-tau-westerdam.html
Đường về gian truân của khách trên tàu Westerdam
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CampuchiaKhi được phép cập cảng Shihanoukville, nhiều hành khách đã cảm thấy nhẹ nhõm vì được lên bờ. Nhưng họ lại bị mắc kẹt một lần nữa.
Khi cập cảng Sihanoukville, các hành khách trên con tàu bước vào một trận chiến mới, mỏi mệt và căng thẳng không kém thời kì lênh đênh trên đại dương: tìm đường về nhà. Số hãng bay tại Campuchia dần thu hẹp lại vì nhiều quốc gia từ chối tiếp nhận hành khách từ du thuyền MS Westerdam.
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John Miller, du khách tới từ đảo Orcas, bang Washington, Mỹ đã khuỵu chân, chắp nhị tay thể hiện sự hàm ơn, vui mừng khi được rời tàu. Ảnh: AP.
Một trong những nơi tới từ chối tiếp đón họ là Thái Lan, Singapore, Malaysia, Đài Loan. Điều này dẫn tới việc tìm các chuyến bay tới châu Âu, Mỹ càng phức tạp hơn. Hãng Emirates bay tới Dubai, dừng ở Bangkok, cũng đang hạn chế các chuyến bay.
“Cảm giác thật kỳ lạ khi khách du lịch tham gia vào một chuyến đi và không biết lúc nào khách du lịch có thể về nhà”, Lydia Miller, nữ du khách 55 tuổi trên tàu MS Westerdam san sớt. Cô đang ở một KS tại thủ đô Phnom Penh và ngày ngày kì vọng thông tin thời kì nhị vợ chồng có thể trở về. Ngày 19/2, họ có chuyến bay về, quá cảnh ở Seoul, nhưng sau đó nhận được thông tin không thể lên tàu bay, vì Hàn Quốc từ chối để họ nhập cảnh.
Khi nhị vợ chồng rời tàu và đặt chân xuống cảng Sihanoukville, chồng của Lydia – John, đã quỳ gối, chắp nhị tay để thể hiện sự hàm ơn và nụ cười. Họ quyết định tận dụng tối đa thời kì ở Campuchia để đi dọc sông Mê Kông, thưởng thức ẩm thực đường phố.
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Các khách trên tàu MS Westerdam xem các vũ công Campuchia trình diễn tại KS ở Phnom Penh. Ảnh: AP.
Tuy nhiên, sau khi Malaysia tuyên bố một hành khách trên tàu dương tính Covid-19, họ được chỉ định về một KS – nơi những hành khách khác đang tập trung, nhị vợ chồng biết rằng việc về nhà không đơn giản nữa. “Đó là một cảm giác kinh khủng, khi mọi thứ thay đổi chỉ trong một khoảnh khắc”, Lydia nói.
Tony Martin-Vegue, sống ở Mỹ, có vợ là Christina Kerby, một trong những du khách mắc kẹt trên tàu MS Westerdam. Sau khi nghe tin vợ được cập cảng ở Campuchia và sẵn sàng bay về nhà, anh vội thu dọn nhà cửa. Tony cùng nhị người con, 10 tuổi và 5 tuổi sẵn sàng sẵn hoa, uống một ly cà phê yêu thích và lên kế hoạch cho bữa tiệc chào mừng Kerby. Nhưng bây giờ, anh không kiên cố khi nào điều đó sẽ xảy ra. “Mỗi ngày trôi qua, tôi thấy xác suất về nhà sớm nhường như bị thu hẹp lại, khi dịch bệnh ngày một lây lan rộng. Chính phủ các nước đang phải ứng phó với nó”, Martin-Vegue nói.
“Chúng tôi đã tới một nơi nằm ngoài lộ trình. Mỗi tối nơi đây chỉ có một số chuyến bay, trong khi chúng tôi có rất nhiều người cần về nhà. Đây là một bài toán khó: khách du lịch có bao nhiêu người và khách du lịch kiếm được bao nhiêu chỗ cho họ?”, Orlando Ashford, chủ toạ hãng tàu Holland America Line, nơi có tàu MS Westerdam san sớt phức tạp. 
Ngày 20/2, một chiếc tàu bay chở 250 khách Mỹ và Canada, những người tới từ tàu MS Westerdam, bị mắc kẹt trên đường băng ở Karachi, Pakistan. Kelly Chrjapin, người có bố và mẹ trên chiếc tàu bay đó, kể lại họ đã nhắn tin cầu cứu cô. sau cuối, chiếc tàu bay được phép bay tới Amsterdam, Hà Lan. Tới nay, tin tức về chuyến bay đó vẫn chưa được cập nhật. không chỉ có thế, cũng có một số hành khách đã về tới nhà. Một trong những người may mắn là diễn viên hài Frank King. Anh đã bay tới Seattle, Mỹ vào 17/2.
Tàu MS Westerdam chở 2.257 hành khách và thủy thủ đoàn, đã bị 5 vị trí từ chối cho nhập cảng là Phillipines, đảo Guam, Đài Loan, Nhật khách du lịch dạng và Thái Lan. Ngày 13/2, Campuchia đồng ý cho con tàu cập bến tại Sihanoukville, trong tình trạng nhiều ngày lênh đênh trên đại dương và hết sạch nhiên liệu, thực phẩm. Nhiều hành khách sau đó đặt vé để bay về nhà. Nhưng các hoạt động bị tạm dừng vì một hành khách trên tàu bị phát hiện nhiễm virus. Sau thông tin này, khoảng 155 hành khách và 747 thuyền viên bị giữ lại trên tàu để lấy mẫu xét nghiệm. Ngày 19/2, khi Bộ Y tế Campuchia xác nhận các hành khách đều khỏe mạnh, họ mới được phép rời tàu. 
Anh Minh (Theo MSN)
Theo: https://khachsanthanhdong.com/
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microphoneclearsky · 5 years ago
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((** VeGue UHF Wireless Microphone Dual Set VW-022 brand new great sound great qualit https://ift.tt/3hTJUW0
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themageseeker · 6 years ago
[Translation] Black Clover Chapter 216 Spoilers
rough translation of the spoilers posted on reddit. i’m no expert in japanese and a lot of googling and guessing was done, but at least it’s readable?
Asta’s power is the demon’s.
"The black horns are [something] forbidden for humans to deal with [possibly referring to demonic power]. It's evidence of a different world. It's a curse called 'vegu'..." - Julius (pic)
Secre explains that a demon was sealed there 500 years ago.
Secre can now freely take the form of Nero [probably means she can switch between human and bird, but it doesn’t say so directly]. 
The Clover Kingdom is surrounded by 3 other countries. Thanks to a scholar mage [likely referring to Morris], the Diamond Kingdom has a very powerful military force and invades [other] countries [a lot].
The Heart Kingdom is a unique, neutral nation with a lot of natural magic. They accept and adapt to the magic as it is. [the last sentance could say either “they do not show their own magic” or “it is a secluded/unexplored region”, I’m really not sure; also the word 魔 was used in the beginning, which could indicate something more sinister than just magic].
A mysterious, cold, country, the Spade Kingdom has an ancient calamity that sleeping within it.
The Spade Kingdom, in addition to the Diamond Kingdom, seems to be growing in strength.
Julius explains that the Clover Kingdom’s Magic Knights are more worn out than ever now, especially with how some of them have turned into enemies [referring to them being possessed by elves].
“In order to protect the country, we cannot lose the Magic Knights.” - Julius
“But it’s not like they did anything wrong, right? Since they were being controlled by the elves, and it’s all the devil’s fault. That means they were simply being used by the demon, so it means it’s not their fault--” - Asta
“So that the Magic Council can judge the power of the demon [how powerful his control was], [I can’t really figure this part out, but it’s something about the Magic Knights being substituted by Asta because he’s a “man of the people”/peasant?] - Julius
After running away, Sekke coincidentally ended up [seemingly?] protecting the king, who is extremely grateful. 
The anti-royals try to show the king [something about Eye of the Midnight Sun and trying to kill the king], but the Kira family and Damunaito* block the attack.
“This reaction... finally... the royal family will see the absolute truth of the demon sword!” - Damunaito [idrk about this one, it says something about the royal family, justice and the demon sword? This is mostly an educated guess] *I cross referenced the Japanese spelling of Damunaito with the wiki and didn’t come up with anything, so I’m guessing it’s a new character
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bloglumfia · 5 years ago
Football Betting Methods - A New Time Approaches
In the event that you crash to comprehend chances then you definitely are literally just wasting your money. You could get a couple of bets here and there but you are bound to reduce plenty of your bets if you don't understand odds. To truly have a greater comprehension of odds, you have to know their numerous types. There are three kinds of football odds and the first one may be the fractional odds.
Football chances in fractional format are those Vegus utilized by bookmakers in the UK. Fractional chances are derived from 1 model of stake. When you're making your guess and go through the fractional type of football odds then you will have a way to determine the amount of revenue you will earn by creating 1 product of stake. The fractional structure doesn't state the sum total winnings for each system of share but only the benefit from the bet.
The next type of odds is the decimal odds. Decimal format odds are widely used by bookmakers throughout the world. This sort of baseball betting chances is straightforward and easy to understand. By reading decimal football chances, you will have a way to ascertain the total amount of cash you will obtain from making a 1 device bet.
The machine of share may change and may signify possibly, five or one hundred. To be sure about the unit of stake, it is better to ask the bookmaker first before generally making your bet. Generally, decimal football chances are altered to two decimal places to create it more accurate. The 3rd type of Football betting chances that you may experience may be the American odds.
The American odds are also known as as income lines. This sort of baseball chances features a base of 100 stake. By studying the American odds for the baseball betting, you will be able to determine a poor or good result. If the American chances is positive then you can determine the amount of income you'll generate on your 100 stake.
If the baseball betting odds is negative then you can establish the amount of share that you need to have the ability to make 100 on your own bet. The heritage of baseball features a extended and effective story. Some ace footballers have added an edge to the great game time again. That international game is played on a big scale. It also includes a dark side. It's called baseball betting.
Yes, you heard it right. People bet their money on a particular baseball group and get handsome rewards. Not to forget, there can be problems as well. The overall game of football betting is tricky yet adventurous. You can not show your potential at all. If you have excellent luck, then who understands you will end up flooded with an enormous sum. But, it's neither a blind game.
It is founded on predictions and algorithms. A person who bets his/her money figures a few aspects before small listing a team for the investment. It involves analysis of the performance of the people as well as the team. Occasionally, the evaluation can be identified by the performance of the team in earlier in the day matches. Baseball betting is a careful process.
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teiraymondmccoy78 · 6 years ago
Block Asset Management Launches Blockchain Multi-Strategy Certificate
Block Asset Management Launches Blockchain Multi-Strategy Certificate
LUXEMBOURG, Feb. 14, 2019 /PRNewswire/ — One year on from the launch of their successful blockchain/cryptocurrency fund of funds, the Luxembourg-domiciled and CSSF registered AIFM; Block Asset Management Sarl, have created the Blockchain Multi-strategy Certificate. 
The open-ended tracker certificate is listed on the Vienna Stock Exchange (Wiener Borse) and will track the performance of their Blockchain & Crypto Fund. The underlying Fund invests in a carefully selected portfolio of blockchain/cryptocurrency investment funds using a unique five-prong investment approach: exposure to tracking/index, trading, mining, lending and ICO/STO funds. This diverse selection of managers has a combined AUM of over US$1bn.
Block Asset Management’s founders and directors, Manuel E. De Luque Muntaner and Kevin Ballard, said that they are “thrilled to be able to bring to market a listed blockchain and crypto focused certificate that will allow global asset managers and institutional investors to access this exciting and dynamic asset class.”
Mr. Ballard stated, “After a year of marketing our Blockchain & Crypto Fund of Funds, a year which included hosting Blockchain & Crypto conferences in Montevideo, Sao Paulo and Panama City, as well as presenting at events such as The Malta Blockchain Summit and The Isle of Man Blockchain Summit, we found that feedback on our diverse approach and rigorous multi-layer due diligence was overwhelmingly positive, however, Asset Managers required a listed note or certificate for ease of purchase. Also, in order to access Swiss Asset Managers, we required Swiss Fund representation. Via the tracker certificate, we have broken down these barriers and provided the solution.” 
Mr. De Luque Muntaner, Block Asset Management’s Founder & CEO, added, “Given the performance of the crypto market in 2018, and after the bull run of 2017, investors remain hesitant despite current market conditions offering what many in the space see as a buying opportunity. Difficulties remain in selecting a single strategy or manager. This is compounded by a lack of funds that offer diversification, liquidity or any material performance history. By providing a more diverse investment opportunity, Block Asset Management provide an intelligent solution to the concerns investors have when they consider this exciting new space.” 
Block Asset Management believe that we are in the early adoption stage of blockchain technology and cryptocurrencies, and that investor demand, particularly institutional which is yet to enter the market, will increase dramatically as much needed regulatory framework is introduced, further enhancing values.
Daniel Vegue Dominguez, Block Asset Management, Partner & CSO, highlights the importance of institutional players coming to the space, providing a most stable and robust industrial blockchain layer, stating, “Institutional inflows to the sector will be aided by Fidelity Group’s announcement that they will be providing crypto custody, clearing and trade execution services from 2019. We will also see the Intercontinental Exchange (ICE) in partnership with Microsoft, launch their own regulated global ecosystem for digital assets this year in the form of BAKKT. It is also widely expected that 2019 will see the first Bitcoin ETFs approved by the SEC. Only time will tell the impact these events will have on the market, but Block Asset Management hold a very positive medium to long-term view.”
Block Asset Management has already received substantial commitments from global asset managers and family offices ready for the launch of the Blockchain Multi-strategy Certificate and we continue to actively seek further investment. For more information, contact [email protected] or visit http://bit.ly/2AVIsMq.
Investor Relations Block Asset Management Sarl +44 7624 353305 [email protected] Visit us on social media: Twitter LinkedIn
View original content to download multimedia:https://prn.to/2BBqyRE
SOURCE Block Asset Management
Source link http://bit.ly/2S3KkuL
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bobbynolanios88 · 6 years ago
Block Asset Management Launches Blockchain Multi-Strategy Certificate
Block Asset Management Launches Blockchain Multi-Strategy Certificate
LUXEMBOURG, Feb. 14, 2019 /PRNewswire/ — One year on from the launch of their successful blockchain/cryptocurrency fund of funds, the Luxembourg-domiciled and CSSF registered AIFM; Block Asset Management Sarl, have created the Blockchain Multi-strategy Certificate. 
The open-ended tracker certificate is listed on the Vienna Stock Exchange (Wiener Borse) and will track the performance of their Blockchain & Crypto Fund. The underlying Fund invests in a carefully selected portfolio of blockchain/cryptocurrency investment funds using a unique five-prong investment approach: exposure to tracking/index, trading, mining, lending and ICO/STO funds. This diverse selection of managers has a combined AUM of over US$1bn.
Block Asset Management’s founders and directors, Manuel E. De Luque Muntaner and Kevin Ballard, said that they are “thrilled to be able to bring to market a listed blockchain and crypto focused certificate that will allow global asset managers and institutional investors to access this exciting and dynamic asset class.”
Mr. Ballard stated, “After a year of marketing our Blockchain & Crypto Fund of Funds, a year which included hosting Blockchain & Crypto conferences in Montevideo, Sao Paulo and Panama City, as well as presenting at events such as The Malta Blockchain Summit and The Isle of Man Blockchain Summit, we found that feedback on our diverse approach and rigorous multi-layer due diligence was overwhelmingly positive, however, Asset Managers required a listed note or certificate for ease of purchase. Also, in order to access Swiss Asset Managers, we required Swiss Fund representation. Via the tracker certificate, we have broken down these barriers and provided the solution.” 
Mr. De Luque Muntaner, Block Asset Management’s Founder & CEO, added, “Given the performance of the crypto market in 2018, and after the bull run of 2017, investors remain hesitant despite current market conditions offering what many in the space see as a buying opportunity. Difficulties remain in selecting a single strategy or manager. This is compounded by a lack of funds that offer diversification, liquidity or any material performance history. By providing a more diverse investment opportunity, Block Asset Management provide an intelligent solution to the concerns investors have when they consider this exciting new space.” 
Block Asset Management believe that we are in the early adoption stage of blockchain technology and cryptocurrencies, and that investor demand, particularly institutional which is yet to enter the market, will increase dramatically as much needed regulatory framework is introduced, further enhancing values.
Daniel Vegue Dominguez, Block Asset Management, Partner & CSO, highlights the importance of institutional players coming to the space, providing a most stable and robust industrial blockchain layer, stating, “Institutional inflows to the sector will be aided by Fidelity Group’s announcement that they will be providing crypto custody, clearing and trade execution services from 2019. We will also see the Intercontinental Exchange (ICE) in partnership with Microsoft, launch their own regulated global ecosystem for digital assets this year in the form of BAKKT. It is also widely expected that 2019 will see the first Bitcoin ETFs approved by the SEC. Only time will tell the impact these events will have on the market, but Block Asset Management hold a very positive medium to long-term view.”
Block Asset Management has already received substantial commitments from global asset managers and family offices ready for the launch of the Blockchain Multi-strategy Certificate and we continue to actively seek further investment. For more information, contact [email protected] or visit http://bit.ly/2AVIsMq.
Investor Relations Block Asset Management Sarl +44 7624 353305 [email protected] Visit us on social media: Twitter LinkedIn
View original content to download multimedia:https://prn.to/2BBqyRE
SOURCE Block Asset Management
Source link http://bit.ly/2S3KkuL
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courtneyvbrooks87 · 6 years ago
Block Asset Management Launches Blockchain Multi-Strategy Certificate
Block Asset Management Launches Blockchain Multi-Strategy Certificate
LUXEMBOURG, Feb. 14, 2019 /PRNewswire/ — One year on from the launch of their successful blockchain/cryptocurrency fund of funds, the Luxembourg-domiciled and CSSF registered AIFM; Block Asset Management Sarl, have created the Blockchain Multi-strategy Certificate. 
The open-ended tracker certificate is listed on the Vienna Stock Exchange (Wiener Borse) and will track the performance of their Blockchain & Crypto Fund. The underlying Fund invests in a carefully selected portfolio of blockchain/cryptocurrency investment funds using a unique five-prong investment approach: exposure to tracking/index, trading, mining, lending and ICO/STO funds. This diverse selection of managers has a combined AUM of over US$1bn.
Block Asset Management’s founders and directors, Manuel E. De Luque Muntaner and Kevin Ballard, said that they are “thrilled to be able to bring to market a listed blockchain and crypto focused certificate that will allow global asset managers and institutional investors to access this exciting and dynamic asset class.”
Mr. Ballard stated, “After a year of marketing our Blockchain & Crypto Fund of Funds, a year which included hosting Blockchain & Crypto conferences in Montevideo, Sao Paulo and Panama City, as well as presenting at events such as The Malta Blockchain Summit and The Isle of Man Blockchain Summit, we found that feedback on our diverse approach and rigorous multi-layer due diligence was overwhelmingly positive, however, Asset Managers required a listed note or certificate for ease of purchase. Also, in order to access Swiss Asset Managers, we required Swiss Fund representation. Via the tracker certificate, we have broken down these barriers and provided the solution.” 
Mr. De Luque Muntaner, Block Asset Management’s Founder & CEO, added, “Given the performance of the crypto market in 2018, and after the bull run of 2017, investors remain hesitant despite current market conditions offering what many in the space see as a buying opportunity. Difficulties remain in selecting a single strategy or manager. This is compounded by a lack of funds that offer diversification, liquidity or any material performance history. By providing a more diverse investment opportunity, Block Asset Management provide an intelligent solution to the concerns investors have when they consider this exciting new space.” 
Block Asset Management believe that we are in the early adoption stage of blockchain technology and cryptocurrencies, and that investor demand, particularly institutional which is yet to enter the market, will increase dramatically as much needed regulatory framework is introduced, further enhancing values.
Daniel Vegue Dominguez, Block Asset Management, Partner & CSO, highlights the importance of institutional players coming to the space, providing a most stable and robust industrial blockchain layer, stating, “Institutional inflows to the sector will be aided by Fidelity Group’s announcement that they will be providing crypto custody, clearing and trade execution services from 2019. We will also see the Intercontinental Exchange (ICE) in partnership with Microsoft, launch their own regulated global ecosystem for digital assets this year in the form of BAKKT. It is also widely expected that 2019 will see the first Bitcoin ETFs approved by the SEC. Only time will tell the impact these events will have on the market, but Block Asset Management hold a very positive medium to long-term view.”
Block Asset Management has already received substantial commitments from global asset managers and family offices ready for the launch of the Blockchain Multi-strategy Certificate and we continue to actively seek further investment. For more information, contact [email protected] or visit http://bit.ly/2AVIsMq.
Investor Relations Block Asset Management Sarl +44 7624 353305 [email protected] Visit us on social media: Twitter LinkedIn
View original content to download multimedia:https://prn.to/2BBqyRE
SOURCE Block Asset Management
Source link http://bit.ly/2S3KkuL
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mccartneynathxzw83 · 6 years ago
Block Asset Management Launches Blockchain Multi-Strategy Certificate
Block Asset Management Launches Blockchain Multi-Strategy Certificate
LUXEMBOURG, Feb. 14, 2019 /PRNewswire/ — One year on from the launch of their successful blockchain/cryptocurrency fund of funds, the Luxembourg-domiciled and CSSF registered AIFM; Block Asset Management Sarl, have created the Blockchain Multi-strategy Certificate. 
The open-ended tracker certificate is listed on the Vienna Stock Exchange (Wiener Borse) and will track the performance of their Blockchain & Crypto Fund. The underlying Fund invests in a carefully selected portfolio of blockchain/cryptocurrency investment funds using a unique five-prong investment approach: exposure to tracking/index, trading, mining, lending and ICO/STO funds. This diverse selection of managers has a combined AUM of over US$1bn.
Block Asset Management’s founders and directors, Manuel E. De Luque Muntaner and Kevin Ballard, said that they are “thrilled to be able to bring to market a listed blockchain and crypto focused certificate that will allow global asset managers and institutional investors to access this exciting and dynamic asset class.”
Mr. Ballard stated, “After a year of marketing our Blockchain & Crypto Fund of Funds, a year which included hosting Blockchain & Crypto conferences in Montevideo, Sao Paulo and Panama City, as well as presenting at events such as The Malta Blockchain Summit and The Isle of Man Blockchain Summit, we found that feedback on our diverse approach and rigorous multi-layer due diligence was overwhelmingly positive, however, Asset Managers required a listed note or certificate for ease of purchase. Also, in order to access Swiss Asset Managers, we required Swiss Fund representation. Via the tracker certificate, we have broken down these barriers and provided the solution.” 
Mr. De Luque Muntaner, Block Asset Management’s Founder & CEO, added, “Given the performance of the crypto market in 2018, and after the bull run of 2017, investors remain hesitant despite current market conditions offering what many in the space see as a buying opportunity. Difficulties remain in selecting a single strategy or manager. This is compounded by a lack of funds that offer diversification, liquidity or any material performance history. By providing a more diverse investment opportunity, Block Asset Management provide an intelligent solution to the concerns investors have when they consider this exciting new space.” 
Block Asset Management believe that we are in the early adoption stage of blockchain technology and cryptocurrencies, and that investor demand, particularly institutional which is yet to enter the market, will increase dramatically as much needed regulatory framework is introduced, further enhancing values.
Daniel Vegue Dominguez, Block Asset Management, Partner & CSO, highlights the importance of institutional players coming to the space, providing a most stable and robust industrial blockchain layer, stating, “Institutional inflows to the sector will be aided by Fidelity Group’s announcement that they will be providing crypto custody, clearing and trade execution services from 2019. We will also see the Intercontinental Exchange (ICE) in partnership with Microsoft, launch their own regulated global ecosystem for digital assets this year in the form of BAKKT. It is also widely expected that 2019 will see the first Bitcoin ETFs approved by the SEC. Only time will tell the impact these events will have on the market, but Block Asset Management hold a very positive medium to long-term view.”
Block Asset Management has already received substantial commitments from global asset managers and family offices ready for the launch of the Blockchain Multi-strategy Certificate and we continue to actively seek further investment. For more information, contact [email protected] or visit http://bit.ly/2AVIsMq.
Investor Relations Block Asset Management Sarl +44 7624 353305 [email protected] Visit us on social media: Twitter LinkedIn
View original content to download multimedia:https://prn.to/2BBqyRE
SOURCE Block Asset Management
Source link http://bit.ly/2S3KkuL
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