#new to uniblr
theluwalhati · 9 months
01.08.24 𔓘౨ৎ⋆˚。⋆
Productive Day 5/100
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hey!! i still can't believe that i'm motivated enough to spend the last days of my holiday break studying and studying. i guess that's just what university does to you, haha. ^^;
today's study session was on readings of philippine history. it's not exactly one of my majors, but i definitely think i'd struggle with juggling this alongside my other courses— so why not just get along with it? :PP
i also found it very helpful to incorporate guided meditations before the session, during my breaks, and afterwards. i think everyone should try it!
that's all. much love! <3
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indigomistudies · 14 days
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getting some essays done on a rainy day 🌧️🪴
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mangotalkies · 1 year
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new cities, thrifting, and amateurish meal planning
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ben-learns-smth · 4 months
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I had a lovely time with my friend D this weekend:
we went to a light & sound installation that was really impressive & fun,
had mala tang (I think I technically had mala ban?) for dinner,
tiny mock mojitos on my balcony before bed
and a delicious breakfast in my favourite café.
I'm now reading to bridge the gap between saying goodbye to D and meeting two friends for our museum sunday outing (museum sunday is a Thing in berlin and I love it).
we're going to see an exhibition on menstruation that's supposedly created with an intersectional feminist approach (which also means it uses trans inclusive language, very curious about that!)
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moltes-musings · 6 months
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PhD day 595 | Working on the first draft of my first ever article!
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the---hermit · 10 months
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Today, and last night have been super windy, which means I slept terribly. I don't know what it is but my body despises wind. With this being said I was still quite productive even though I wasn't as rested as I would have liked. In the early afternoon I ran some errands with my mom, we got some early christmas presents, and I also ended up getting a couple of things for myself since there were black friday discounts. I got the coziest floofy pants to stay at home, they're so warm and soft and I love them already. I then ended up buying two books, which means that I should probably go on a book buying ban at least until the holiday season (especially since I am still waiting for two books to get here). I have been pretty good at reading what I bought this year, but in the past while I collected a few new books and I should really focus on those right now. In my defense the two books I got today are very cool unexpected editions that I had never seen before. Lastly in this little treat myself trip I got a new mug, I know I didn't really need one but I had an extra discount for it and it's adorable and brings me a lot of joy. I am still fighting with my immediateresponse of guilt at buying stuff for myself, but rationally I know it's not the end of the world if every once in a while I spend money on myself.
cozy hobbit autumn activities and productivity:
read first thing in the morning
worked on some recorded lectures of my men theories and power practices lectures
daily Irish practice on duolingo
ran some errands with my mom and got some early christmas presents
today's self care:
took my meds
created a cozy space for late afternoon reading
📖: Odyssey by Homer
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sage-academia · 1 year
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week 1 of uni
class has started again, moved into uni housing
air con in my room is broken and they still haven’t fixed it luckily it’s been raining these days
currently trying to get a professor to take me under their wing for a research project, but not having much luck :(
currently reading:
— untouchable by mulk raj anand
— dom casmurro by joaquim maria machado de assis
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indigomistudies · 3 months
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more research paper writing for my nyc internship and a lavender latte! 🪻☕️📓
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mangotalkies · 1 year
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evening walks, comfort food and memory lanes
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ben-learns-smth · 15 days
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"sorry I can't work today, my cats need my desk more than I do"
things I did today:
tidied my room
sort tasks & plan upcoming week
things I didn't do & should've focused on:
broad lesson planning G 9 & E 9 until october
plan first lesson G 10
I'm gonna do one more hour and then I'll call it quits for today. so much for a free sunday :))
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skwpr · 1 year
REAP is a method of studying that can help you when you are studying for an exam or just studying for every day. So, what is REAP?
REAP is an acronym, which means every letter of the word stands for a different word. Here they are:
Read, Encode, Annotate, Ponder
How to Use REAP Studying Method
If you don’t know how to study, this will be a good way to learn how to study. Even if you have a study method you use, you can try this out and see if it does a better job. So how do we use this method?
Step 1: Read
In the first step, just read. Don’t think too much about what you are reading. This is merely an exercise to help you to get a feel for what is going on in the chapter. Don’t worry if you can’t remember or understand anything. The point is to get you warmed up about the content.
Step 2: Encode
What is encoding? Encoding means to convert information into a form that you can understand. So, in this step, write down the content in your own words. Write down what you think the information is about and what things you remember.
Step 3: Annotate
In this step, what you need to do is to write down the things that sound important. Write down significant phrases and definitions that you might need to remember. Also write down the titles and subheading so that you have an idea of what is in this chapter.
Step 4: Ponder
Take a moment to think about the chapter you are studying. What can you remember about it? What do you understand? What parts don’t make sense? Close your eyes, or cover the page you are reading and try to remember important points.
Rinse and Repeat
This is a method for studying new chapters and it is also great for last minute revision. Pondering is very important in this study method. If you do not know what study method works for you, try this one out for your next test or exam.
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the---hermit · 5 months
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New book on Irish myths and a neew beloved bookmark my mum got me.
First day back to class. I am slowly going to get back to my productivity routine. Today my anxiety levels were over the roof, it was really hard especially because it fucks up my stomach really bad and eating becomes very painful and stressful. I will have to find a way to properly manage that, but I know I can overcome it. I did take with me some warm herbal tea and that was a great idea because it was very helpful and comforting. The lecture itself was good, I am very excited for it which is great because it means the motivation will be high. There will be a lot of work to do, but as I said I am excited and there will be different professors talking about stuff so I think the interest is going to be pretty high. After class I took a walk into town with my mom which was a great way to help me relax, I ended up getting this new book I am really interested in. When I got back home I also got to spend a bit of time with my brother who made me tea and we planned not one but two movie afternoons and I cannot wait. Spending quality time with him is something I have really missed in the past few months and this is a great way to spend time together, it's really recharging for me. Finally I took a relaxing bath to also help me reduce the remaining anxiety and it was actually quite helpful.
📖: Nona The Ninth by Tamsyn Muir
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moderngothicbooks · 1 year
so i decided to start something in my chronic unemployment in the hopes of becoming more employable: i made a newsletter!
a friend got me onto substack and i’ll be posting newsletters on there, on an ad hoc basis, discussing the Gothic, contemporary literary theories, and culture. there’ll be articles, book reviews and more, it’ll be developed as it grows. if there is anything you would like to see explored, please let me know!
so if you’re interested in contemporary literature and theory, please go and have a look at The Wandering Scholar on substack, and click subscribe if you want to be notified when i post!
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sage-academia · 1 year
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day 8/100 #100daysofproductivity
woke up earlier than usual today, had lunch and started work early. productivity was high.
— growing up american: the challenge confronting immigrant children and children of immigrants
i’m not american, but as a child of immigrants this was definitely very interesting to read
tomorrow’s agenda:
— project meeting
— sociology reading + notetaking
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wiststudies · 1 month
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life update: i haven't been the best mentally in the past few months but i'm feeling more like my self now, i moved back home and i've been slowly adjusting to my life in the islands <3 oh and i got into college so yayyy me! classes start next week and i'll start posting again once i get a hang off things <3 how have you guys been?
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333ophelia333 · 2 months
. . . intro . . .
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—about me;
𝑨 | 21y.o | ♀
Hi! I’ve decided to create this blog to keep myself motivated on my studies (uni + learning languages), focus on my hobbies and learn new things. <3
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