#new style coffee poster design
atzohaib · 4 months
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Ash please I am begging you for the detailed version of your Louis’ Room at Trinity Gate headcanons 🫢 I gotta know it ALL
so the thing about Louis' rooms at Trinity Gate is that I absolutely believe they're a bit of a cluster fuck. And that is 100% on purpose. The rest of the mansion is so meticulously designed and so incredibly ornate, that Louis' room is purposefully a lot more simple in comparison (it is not actually simple by any means— when I say simple I mostly mean that there's no insane baroque murals on the ceiling or intricately patterned wallpaper or mountains of crown molding on every wall).
Louis' bedroom is his only real sanctuary in the house where he's not expected to be the Head of Household or the Gracious Host. It's also the only room that won't give him immediate Sensory Overload on the nights when the new blood makes everything feel Too Much. So all that being said: I imagine Louis' room is still an interior design dream come true, it's filled with lots of modern luxuries and is very rich, but at the same time it's the most lived in room in the house, so it's cluttered and messy and just very weird looking!!
Honestly I'd be remiss if I didn't start off by just dropping in some inspo pics from some of my favorite scenic design of all time, from Only Lovers Left Alive because I think Eve's bedroom and Adam's parlour both radiate Louis Vibes
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like, look at all of her BOOKS!!! they're everywhere lmfao, the room is so big but it feels so crowded and intimate and even though she's alone on the bed/on the floor she doesn't feel lonely. it's a perfect little nest, and I definitely think Louis is guilty of leaving piles and piles of books around his room just because he likes the feeling of being surrounded by them. those are his comfort Dostoyevsky's.
At the same time, Adam's place is also just so painfully Louis to me with all the clutter from across the centuries:
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like the furniture is beautiful and there was clear aesthetic intention once upon a time, but it's so overrun with shit...there are record crates, but also a walkman and headphones on the coffee table...there's a tv remote with no tv?? there's a fucking candelabra on the middle of the table? I just love it so much, it feels very Louis to me because in my mind even when he's mentally doing okay, Louis strikes me as one of those people who will keep lots of shit lying around.
He's not a material person in the way Lestat is, but sometimes it just doesn't really occur to him that he can just throw stuff away, and also I think he's really fascinated and sentimental about certain Human Things. Like I've said this before, but I've always headcanoned that he likes to keep all the slips of paper and makeshift bookmarks he finds in his secondhand books— occasionally Armand will organize them into a pile or tuck them into a drawer, but otherwise that kind of stuff you'll find scattered about Louis' bedside table, dresser top, and and writing desk.
ANYWAY so at Trinity Gate I think Louis' room itself is surprisingly small, and that's on purpose too. it's meant to be something intimate, so really the only furniture is the bed, a writing desk, some bedside tables, and maybe a small plush armchair for him to sit and read in. a lot of the design and layout is inspired by his familiar late 18th century style, but with a much more modern touch.
I know for a FACT Louis has a fancy four-poster bed, and it's a queen, not a king. He doesn't like all that extra space, he only needs enough for him and Armand to be comfortable in (space gets tight when Lestat sleeps over, but that's okay).
The bedding itself probably isn't too ornate— maybe a sage or navy colored duvet and matching pillow set. No patterns or anything fancy on the bedding, just one straight color. Hanging from the four posters are drapes that Louis absolutely utilizes when he wants a little Extra Privacy. It's also something he's used to from his mortal days (re: sleeping with mosquito netting in louisiana) so it's just muscle memory for him to let down the drapes once he knows he's going to be settling in for the evening.
For reference, I imagine something similar to the structure on the left, with the bedding set on the right
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Actually the photo on the right is very similar to how I picture other aspects of Louis' room: the bookshelves in the wall, the cool gem toned walls, accented with a bit of crown molding but nothing too ornate.
I also love the idea of Louis only having a single painting decorating the wall, but I've always liked to imagine that it's a piece that Armand had made for him, hand-painted as a birthday or anniversary gift. Louis hangs it right above his bed and likes to stare up at it upon waking in the early evening.
And don't even THINK of bringing in overhead lighting into his room!!!! He NEEDS yellow gaslight sconce things on his wall!!
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okay and lastly, I like to think that even though his room is quite small, he does have spaces carved out for all his lovers. Lestat likes to drape himself dramatically on the little ottoman at the foot of the bed and hang with his hair down as he talks for hours with Louis. Armand likes to perch on top of the writing desk like a cat, toying with all the little trinkets Louis has there, or occasionally flipping through his journals and books just to scribble little love notes in the margins.
Sorry I've gone on for too long but YEAH thinking about character's spaces is just such an interesting way to get to know them!! I am never not imagining all of the intricacies of Louis' bedroom!!!! Please I love him so much!!!
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harry-on-broadway · 2 years
Tying You To Me: Chapter Ten
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Chapter Ten 
Word Count: 8.5K || Series Masterlist || Rating: M (contains sexual content)
A/N: Hey, it’s been a minute! I was going to save this for later this week but this is honestly my favorite chapter (I wrote one scene in here before I wrote any of Chapter One) and what better way to fend off the Sunday scaries than with a fic. As always, thank you for reading! Would love to hear from you after you’ve finished! 
February 2020
“Why are your hands so sweaty?” Harry yelped as he wiped his own palm on his pajama pants.
“Because I’m nervous.”
“Because I’m meeting your mom,” Quinn exclaimed.
“So?” Harry looked at her blankly. “She’s just my mum.”
Quinn shot him a confused look. “Exactly, Harry. She’s your mother. Which means I need to impress her. If the two of us don’t hit it off it’s going to be hell. Because I know how close you all are and if she hates me what does that mean for us? I mean –”
Harry leaned across the breakfast table and cut Quinn off with a kiss. “Stop worrying and creating nightmare scenarios that aren’t going to happen. My mum knows all about you and she loves you already.”
“What if she’s just telling you that? Like reverse psychology or something?”
She took a sip of her coffee as Harry looked at her.
“It’s going to be fine,” he said softly. “I promise you. She’s not going to bite you.”
“Well that’s a relief.”
“Gemma’s the biter.”
Quinn rolled her eyes as she stood to take the breakfast dishes to the sink, Harry’s cackle echoing off of the walls.
She’d arrived in London late last night and while she’d yawned as she made her way through Heathrow, navigating the baggage claim and the pick-up area, Harry had boundless energy as he met her and escorted her to the car. He didn’t let go of her hand as he drove through the quiet streets pointing out different landmarks and mentioning places he wanted to take her over the next couple of weeks.
Quinn retained approximately none of what Harry was saying and the combination of the rocking of the car and his soothing voice lulled her to sleep. It didn’t seem like Harry’s house was that far from the airport – though Quinn really had no sense of time or direction in the unfamiliar city – but she stirred awake sooner than she would have liked when they pulled into Harry’s house, a large historical home that didn’t look out of place in the neighborhood. She’d seen his homes in New York and LA, so visiting his London dwelling shouldn’t have felt like a monumental occasion, but for some reason, it did. And when Harry unlocked the door and ushered Quinn inside she understood why.
For the first time, Quinn wasn’t seeing his house. She was seeing his home.
While the buildings she’d seen in the other cities were sterile and empty, this one was filled to the brim with clutter and ephemera that Harry had collected over the years. Posters for bands and films, pictures of his family, stacks of books and records on shelves and on the floor. Art – with no discernable signature style – placed haphazardly around the room. And it wasn’t only stuff. The interior design added to the chaos. Vibrant colors, textures, and prints – it was hard for the eyes to focus and with the added challenge of her foggy brain Quinn was overwhelmed and slowly followed Harry to his bedroom.
He placed her suitcase on a rack and took her carry-on from her hand. “Figured you’d want to get cleaned up and then we could head to bed?”
Quinn nodded, dazed, but dutifully shuffled off in the direction of the master bath where she quickly showered and brushed her teeth before climbing into bed with Harry.
“My mum’s coming into town tomorrow,” he said as she lay under his arm. “I thought we could do lunch? And maybe see her again later on in your trip if schedules align.”
Quinn had sleepily nodded and closed her eyes, not opening them until she felt Harry peppering kissed across her face in the soft light of the morning.
“The reservation is at noon,” Harry called from across the kitchen. “We probably need to leave 30 minutes before or so to give us enough time to walk.”
“Works for me,” Quinn said, returning to the table. She sat down next to him, but her eyes roamed the room, still absorbing all the details she couldn’t last nice.
“Looking for an escape route?” Harry asked.
“No, just trying to take everything in.”
“It’s kind of a mess. Sorry about that.”
“No, don’t apologize. I kind of love it.” She turned to look at him. “It’s nice to see where you actually live.”
“Yeah, your other places are just so empty. They kind of make me sad. But this house is you, Harry. It makes me happy.”
“Well, I’m happy you’re finally here,” he said. “It was starting to feel weird that you hadn’t seen the place yet.”
“It’s very cute,” Quinn said.
“Cute?” Harry’s brows rose.
“I mean, I guess based on your other places I thought you liked that industrial, clean style, but that’s not the case. This house feels like it’s made up of all the little pieces of you that I love. And you’re cute, and the house is just cute and I meant it as a compliment…I’m rambling.” She grimaced.
Harry stared at Quinn, the corners of his mouth twitching. “You’re adorable when you’re flustered.”
Quinn glared at him. “It’s not nice to make me squirm like that. Especially when I’m already nervous.”
Harry leaned over and kissed Quinn. “Are you really that nervous? Is there something I can do to help?”
Quinn chewed on her lip. “I am nervous but I don’t think there’s anything you can do. It’s always nerve-wracking meeting the parents. I’m sure you’re going to feel the same way when I introduce you to my parents.”
Harry let out a slow exhale. “Yeah, that’s going to be…interesting. But I’m going to be right there with you, and my mum is the loveliest woman you’ll ever meet. I’ve told her a lot about you and she already loves you. She’s probably going to ask you a lot of questions, but she’s not doing it to intimidate you – she just doesn’t trust the answers I’ve already given her.”
“She’s heard a lot about me?” Quinn arched a brow.
“Only the good and clean bits,” Harry replied, nipping at her nose. “We should probably start getting ready. I want to take the scenic route on the way there.”
Quinn and Harry returned to his room and while he grabbed a shower, Quinn sorted through her suitcase, hanging some of her clothes up and trying to find something warm yet stylish to wear to lunch. She decided on some leggings and a chunky sweater and was dressed by the time Harry emerged from the bathroom, towel around his hips, toothbrush dangling from his mouth, and steam billowing behind him.
“You certainly know how to make an entrance,” Quinn said.
“I have a guest,” Harry said, shrugging. “I need to put on a show.” Quinn yelped as he shook his head, spraying her with droplets of water.
“Are you OK walking there?” Harry asked a few moments later when he met Quinn downstairs, fully clothed and hair dry, his fringe held back by a tortoise-shell claw clip. “It’s a little cold, but it’s a nice trip.”
“I’ve got a coat,” Quinn chirped, sliding the garment on along with a hat and scarf.
Harry slipped his own outerwear on and held the door open for Quinn, locking it behind him and frowning when he saw she was without gloves. For the first few blocks, the chill in the London air felt very much like the chill in New York, but as they kept walking, Harry pointing out more landmarks of importance and shops and restaurants he thought they should visit, Quinn could feel the cold air seeping into her bones in a manner she was unaccustomed to. She tried to hide the chills and shivers from Harry, not wanting to admit that she should have worn a warmer coat and gloves.
As they waited on a street corner Harry took Quinn’s left hand, rubbing it between his own.
“Where are your gloves?” he chastised. “Don’t you have those in New York?”
Quinn rolled her eyes. “Yes. I just forgot them…and my heavier coat.”
Harry made a tsk sound as he shook his head and grabbed Quinn’s hand and put it in his pocket. “We’re almost there and we can get you thawed out.”
They walked briskly across the street when the light changed, Harry steering Quinn down a quiet side street and into a tiny restaurant. He scanned the tables as they slid out of their jackets, handing them to the hostess, and his face lit up when his eyes landed on a woman sitting at a corner booth.
“This way,” Harry said, gesturing to the table as he reached for Quinn’s hand.
It was clear who Harry took after in his family as he was the spitting image of his mother. The dark hair, the dimples, and the wide youthful smile had all been handed down from Anne, and as she opened her arms to wrap Quinn in a warm hug, it was evident Harry gleaned his personality from her as well.  
“It’s so lovely to finally meet you, sweetheart,” Anne said, pulling away to get a better look at Quinn. “Are you warm enough?” she asked, taking in Quinn’s pink cheeks and cold hands.
“I’m fine, thank you,” Quinn said. “I thought New York winters were cold but they’re tropical compared to London. It was nice to get a walk in and see the city in the daylight though.”
“You walked here?” Anne gave Harry a sharp look. “You made her walk? In these temperatures?”
Harry��s eyes darted between the two women. “She said she was fine. And it’s a nice walk. You’re fine, right, Quinn?”
“I’ll survive, Harry,” Quinn said, giggling as she placed a hand on his shoulder.
“How was your flight?” Anne asked. “No delays? Has jet lag been bad? Although I guess it’s only been one day.”
“Mum, why don’t we sit down before you start the inquisition,” Harry said with a chuckle. “Sorry about that,” he whispered to Quinn.
“Don’t apologize,” Quinn said as they slid into the booth. “It’s really nice.”
When they were tucked into the booth, Anne fixed her attention on Quinn, who tried to handle the questions that were rapidly volleyed at her. Anne wanted to know everything – Where was Quinn from originally and where was that town in relation to where she currently resided? Was she close with her family? Did she have siblings? Did she prefer tea or coffee?
Harry lovingly shook his head as the two women continued with their conversation, pausing only to speak with the waiter when they came around to take food and drink orders.
“Would you all be more comfortable if I just left?” Harry griped.
“Are you jealous that I’m talking to your mom and not you?” Quinn shot back, not missing a beat.
“No, it’s just I’m here too!”
“Oh, hush,” Anne said, swatting her son’s shoulder. She turned to Quinn. “I should be thanking you for sticking with him for so long.”
Harry’s eyes widened. “Hey!” he yelped as Quinn tried to suppress a smile. “I’m not that bad,” he muttered.
Anne ignored his protestations and continued her conversation with Quinn. “Harry said you all met at Saturday Night Live. How do you like working there?”
“Oh, it’s wonderful,” Quinn said. “I keep thinking it might grow old, but it hasn’t. I’m in awe each week and I really hope I never lose that feeling.”
Anne nodded approvingly. “He says the same thing about performing,” she said, tilting her head toward Harry. “I think that’s a sign you’ve got a good head on your shoulders.”
Quinn blushed. “Well, I’m not sure if that’s the case, but I’ll take the compliment.”
Anne patted her hand. “Harry also said you met a while back, no?”
“Yeah, when he was there to promote his first album. It took us a while to get our act together but we managed.” Quinn could feel the smile radiating off of Harry’s face. “Just one of the many reasons I love it there.”
“What do you study in school for that kind of job?” Anne asked. “Communications?”
“I was a film major and an English minor. I figured if comedy didn’t work out I’d at least have the English degree to fall back on.”
“I’m sure your parents were happy about that.”
“They were,” Quinn said with a laugh. “And they’re definitely happy with where I ended up. They always look forward to their trips to the city when they can stop by the studio.”
Anne’s questions slowed as lunch was served and the conversation turned to mundane chatter, Harry asking after people Quinn had never heard of and Anne happily filling him in on the local gossip.
“You’ll meet them all one day,” Harry said nonchalantly as he piled some pasta on his fork and explained who he was referring to. Quinn felt heat all over her body as she basked in Harry’s confidence that she’d be around to meet these people.
When the check was deposited on the table and Harry placed his card down, Quinn excused herself to use the restroom. Harry pecked her lips as she stood from the table, and Quinn shot him a look, surprised that he was being so openly affectionate in public and in front of his mother.
“What?” he asked in response to Quinn’s look. “I can’t love on my girl?”
“I wasn’t complaining, just surprised,” Quinn said as she headed off.
When she exited the restroom a few minutes later, drying her wet hands on her leggings, she caught a glimpse of Anne and Harry talking animatedly. She paused to observe the scene for a little bit longer. Harry’s cheeks were pink and he smiled, dimples emerging as he looked down at his plate. Anne rubbed his arm and nodded, a look of indeterminate emotion crossing her face. Quinn wasn’t sure what they’d been discussing – she hoped it wasn’t her – but the sight made her happy. It was evident how close Harry was with his mother and after meeting Anne, she knew that the woman had played a strong influence in turning Harry into the man Quinn was in love with.
“All good?” Harry asked as Quinn slid back into her seat. Quinn nodded.
“What do you all have planned for the rest of your time here?” Anne asked, sipping her tea.
“We’re kind of playing it by ear,” Harry said, putting his arm on the back of Quinn’s chair and looking at her. “I have to work for part of the time – the video shoot – so we don’t have any definitive plans yet.”
“Oh well you should at least make time to take Quinn around the city,” Anne said. “Since she hasn’t really seen anything yet. Maybe some of the more touristy stuff. London Bridge, a museum or two?”
“That would be nice,” Quinn said. “But honestly, even though it sounds cheesy, I’m really just excited to spend time with Harry,” she said. “Getting to eat dinner with him every night is truly what I’m looking forward to.” Anne smiled as Quinn continued. “I’d like to check out some museums though, do some shopping.” She glanced at Harry. “And since this guy is always skulking around my workplace I thought I might drop by and check out the video shoot.”
Anne laughed as Harry’s face lit up with offense as he mumbled “It’s not skulking if you’re supposed to be there.”
“Well, I should be heading off,” Anne said, standing from the table and wrapping her sweater around her. “It was lovely meeting you, Quinn. I hope you enjoy your time here and that we get to see each other again very soon.” She embraced Quinn tightly. “And I’ll be seeing you again too,” she tutted at Harry. “I’m not that far away you know.”
“I know, mum,” Harry said. “Let me walk you out to your car.” He turned to Quinn. “I’ll be back in a second.”
Quinn watched as they exited the restaurant. Once they were out of the entryway, Quinn made her way over, wanting to give them space. She collected her coat from the hostess and began bundling up, waiting for Harry to return.
He poked his head in through the door right as she finished zipping up, nose pink and hair tousled from the wind. “Ready?” he asked, just a little breathless.
Quinn took his hand in hers and braced for the cold as he held the door open for her. Harry was silent as they began their walk. Quinn could feel a current of joy radiating through him, but stayed quiet, waiting for him to speak first.
“She loved you,” he finally said when they were stopped on a street corner, bouncing up and down to stay warm while they waited for the walk signal.
“Yeah, why are you so shocked?” Harry said, wrinkling his brow as he looked down at Quinn.
“I don’t know, I guess I thought I’d have a lot to be compared to.”
“I mean, I haven’t introduced a lot of women to my mum over the years, but she was by far most enthusiastic about you.”
“I’ll take the win then.”
When they arrived back at Harry’s place, Quinn’s first stop was the shower, where she turned the heat up as high as it would go and stood under the hot spray until she felt the last of the London chill leave her bones. She wrapped herself in a pair Harry’s sweatpants and sweatshirt and came downstairs to find him watching a video on his phone.
“Whatcha up to?” she asked, curling into his side.
Harry pulled her closer, not looking from his phone as he answered her question. “Reviewing some footage for the shoot.”
“This is for ‘Treat People With Kindness?’”
“Yeah, did I show you the treatment?”
“Not yet.”
He usually told Quinn anything she wanted to know about his work, but with the release of his album alongside the holiday season, it wasn’t surprising that this detail had slipped Harry’s mind.
“OK, so you’re not going to believe this but I’m dancing in this one.”
“Dancing?” Quinn bit back a grin. She’d seen Harry dance at parties and on stage, but his moves were not what one would call polished and the freedom with which he moved suggested a spirit that couldn’t be contained by choreography.
“Yes, dancing, and you can wipe that look off your face right now,” Harry said.
“There’s no look.”
“I’ll have you know I’m a very good dancer.”
“I never said you weren’t, H.”
“You didn’t have to use words, your face said it all.”
Quinn rolled her eyes. “Are you working with a choreographer?”
“Yeah, Paul,” Harry said, eyes on his phone as he searched the device for something. “There it is,” he said finally. He rose from the couch and stood in the center of the room facing Quinn. “Prepare to be amazed.” He tapped his phone and tinny music started blasting from the speakers.
“Oh, you’re doing this now?” Quinn asked, straightening herself to get a better look.
“Well seeing as you don’t believe me…”
“Be quiet or you’ll miss your cue.”
Harry grinned as the sound of his recorded voice filled the room, his real life voice overlapping the recording as he started the dance, posing, leaping, and jumping in time with the melody. As he transitioned between moves, Harry explained what the full video would look like – that while it was in black and white, he’d be wearing a sparkly jacket over a pastel argyle sweater vest. That the band would be on stage behind him in a sort of old fashioned club set up, while he and a special guest would dance on the stage and the tables. That the video had an Old Hollywood feel.
“And I jump here,” he pantomimed jumping across the space. “And then I land on the table and pose. And then this…” His enthusiasm reminded Quinn of how the kids she used to babysit for would get excited when showing her a move they learned in their weekly karate class.
“Any hints on this special guest?” Quinn asked as Harry skipped around the room.
“Nope, that’s a surprise.”
“Seriously, no clues?”
“Well, should I be concerned?”
Harry grinned. “I don’t think you have anything to worry about,” he said. “Although it’s kind of cute when you get a little jealous.”
“Oh, I’m not jealous. I’m just concerned for whoever it is and the fact that they have to dance with you.” She grimaced. “I’ve been there before and it’s not fun.”
Before she could process it, Quinn felt her body leave the sofa as Harry picked her up and tossed her over his shoulder.
“Take it back!” he yelled as he dug his fingers into Quinn’s ribs, searching out the ticklish spot he’d found over the years. “I’m a joy to be with in every way and you know it!”
“Do I?” Quinn asked through giggles, as Harry’s fingers probed deeper. “OK, OK,” she finally said, breathless. “You’re a good dancer.”
“Yeah,” he said. “What else?”
“You’re a pain in the ass,” Quinn said quickly, Harry’s fingers resuming their dance on her ribs. “But you’re also a great boyfriend and a wonderful man who I love very much.”
Harry loosened his grip on Quinn’ middle and slid her down the front of his body to bring them face to face again. He bent down and gently brought his lips to hers. “I love you too,” he said, voice no louder than a whisper.
Quinn looked up at him. “Dance with me?”
“Oh, look who’s changed her tune.”
“Stop trying to ruin a nice moment,” she said, pinching his neck.
Harry looked down at his phone, shuffling through apps, before setting it down. A slow tune, something with roots in jazz if Quinn had to guess, started to play.
“I meant for you to teach me your dance, so you can practice,” Quinn said as Harry pulled her in close to him and began to sway back and forth.
“Yeah, I know, but I thought this would be nicer,” Harry said against her hair.
As much as she loved sparring with him, Quinn knew that the moment had passed, so she settled in against his chest and allowed him to move her as she listened to the steady thrum of his heart. The song ended and the next began, but Harry and Quinn remained in the middle of his living room as the music played on. Quinn wasn’t sure how many songs had played, but she pulled away from Harry when the fading light in the room signaled it was time for dinner.
“Where are you trying to run off to?” Harry asked.
“It’s late and I’m pretty sure you need to eat again based on what I felt coming from your stomach,” Quinn said lovingly.
“I guess I could eat,” Harry said, reluctantly, leading Quinn into the kitchen.
They worked in tandem preparing their meal. Quinn chopped vegetables to roast and heated up some bread while Harry marinated some fish for himself and chicken for Quinn. As they worked, Harry pulled out some appetizers to snack on and opened a bottle of red wine, pouring generous glasses for each of them.
They chatted as they cooked and ate, firming up their plans for the rest of the week. They’d spend the next day together – Harry had a mini tour planned – but the day after he’d be in full work mode for the video shoot.
“And you’re sure I won’t be a bother?” Quinn asked as she cut into her chicken.
“Yes, I’m sure.”
“I just know how sets can get kind of crowded with unnecessary people and I don’t want to be in the way.”
“You’re only in the way when I say you are and you’re not so…” Harry trailed off as he chewed. “Plus I want you to meet some people that you haven’t had the chance to yet.”
“Ooh, more people to pump for dirt.”
“I pay them so they legally can’t say anything bad about me.”
They made an early night of it after cleaning up the dishes, retreating to the bedroom where Harry meditated and Quinn got her clothes ready for the next day before they settled in bed next to each other under the thick comforter, reading some books – a philosophy book for Harry and a mystery for Quinn.
Quinn’s friends often teased her about her relationship with Harry, joking about her globetrotting, rockstar boyfriend, the crazy things they got to do together, and the hot reunion sex they’d have in his expensive hotel rooms. But when Quinn reflected on her relationship, it was nights like this that she thought of most often. Their hectic and unconventional careers made nights in fleeting and she held tight to the memories of them.
“Do I have something on my face?” Harry asked.
Lost in her own thoughts, Quinn hadn’t realized she’d been staring at him. “Yeah, two eyes, a nose, a mouth –”
“Wow, that’s funny. Do you work in comedy?” Harry said sarcastically.
“Actually, I do.”
“No way!”
Quinn opened her mouth to reply, but a laugh escaped before she could speak, sending Harry into his own fit of giggles.
When they recovered enough to speak, Harry placed his book on the bedside table and checked his phone to make sure his alarm was set. “I think I’m going to turn in now,” he said. Quinn turned to place her own book next to the bed. “You don’t have to though,” he said. “Stay up as late as you want. I’m sure you’re still a little off from the jet lag.”
“I should start getting into a routine here,” Quinn said as she cut the light off and wriggled closer to Harry under the covers. His hand found her back and he started scratching lightly, their breathing the only noise in the otherwise silent room.
It was a kind of peace Quinn only knew when she was with Harry.
“Ready?” Harry asked a few mornings later, thermos of coffee in his hand as he waited by the door.
“All set,” Quinn replied as she finished lacing her boot, grabbing her tote bag from where she’d left in in the entryway the day before.
“Do you get nervous?” she asked Harry a few minutes later as he pulled out of the driveway and started navigating the city streets. “Or since it’s not live do the nerves just disappear?”
“It’s kind of a mix. Like I know it’s weird to say, but there’s still a set of nerves, kind of like I don’t want to let anyone down, but there’s also the safety net of knowing that it’s not live, so if something goes wrong, I get another try. Kind of like the difference between the live show and pre-taped sketches. If that makes sense.”
“No, that makes perfect sense,” Quinn said as she watched the city flash by through the windows until Harry stopped outside a nondescript building.
“We’re here,” he announced.
When they walked inside, Quinn could see the shift from Harry to Harry Styles. While he was always authentically himself, there was an added sense of professionalism when he was in Harry Styles mode, greeting everyone he passed with a firm handshake, a thoughtful hello, and eye contact so intense you’d think there was only one other person in the room with him.
Quinn hung back as Harry was swept away by the hair and makeup department and she scanned the bustling crowd until she found a familiar face – Tommy – scrolling through his phone in the corner.
“Is this the spectator section?” Quinn asked when she was within earshot of him.
Tommy looked up from the phone. “Quinn!” he exclaimed. “H mentioned you’d be here. How’s your trip been so far?”
“It’s been lovely. I got a personalized tour of London, I got to meet Anne, and I’m apparently meeting more people today.”
“Oh, he probably wants you to meet Gabe, Ben, and Paul. They’ve been around for a while so they’re kind of key players.”
“Where is H, by the way?”
“I think he went to wardrobe? Or maybe makeup? He went that way.” Quinn pointed in the direction she’d just come from.
“Cool, I’ve got some notes for him but I’ll be back in a minute.”
“No sweat,” Quinn said.
By herself once again, she surveyed the room. The chaos of the set was oddly comforting. Music videos were clearly different from sketch comedy, but the process of creating it was the same. It felt so much like home that she actually had to fight the urge to pick up a headset and clipboard and take over.
“Quinn?” she heard someone ask. She turned around, expecting to find a member of Harry’s team, but was shocked by who stood there.
“Phoebe?” Phoebe Waller-Bridge had hosted SNL at the start of the season, fresh off of her Emmy wins, and had quickly become a favorite among the cast and crew. “What are you doing here?”
“I could ask you the same thing,” Phoebe said with a laugh. “But I’m in the video with Harry.”
“Wait, you’re the special guest?”
“I guess so?” Phoebe said thoughtfully. “How do you know Harry?”
“Um, well, we’re kind of dating.”
A huge smile burst on Phoebe’s face. “That’s amazing!” She paused. “I can totally see that. Did you all meet through SNL?”
“Yes, but back in 2017.”
“Oh, so you all have a history!”
“We do,” Quinn said, with a chuckle. “How did you and Harry meet?”
“Through the stage show I was doing. He and Gabe spoke to me after and now here we are.”
“Oh no, this looks like trouble,” a male voice interrupted.
Quinn turned to see Harry, in all of his sparkly, Old Hollywood glory standing next to them, his outfit an identical match to Phoebe’s.
“Why didn’t you tell me Phoebe was the special guest?” Quinn said, playfully slapping his arm.
“And why didn’t you tell me Quinn was your girlfriend?” Phoebe asked.
“How do you all…oh, SNL.” Harry answered his own question as he put the pieces together. “I didn’t realize you all were so close. Should I be worried?”
“You should be very worried anytime women who know you have gathered together,” Phoebe said quickly.
Harry looked a little nervous, but the three shared a laugh before one of the assistant directors called for places. Phoebe bid farewell and Harry stole a kiss from Quinn before heading to take their marks.
As Quinn watched Harry on set, effortlessly shifting from performing on camera to reviewing footage, she was reminded of something he’d told her last November during his week at SNL.
They’d been getting ready for bed one night, when Harry had made the offhand comment: “It’s sexy as fuck seeing you at work.”
Quinn had been initially confused – he’d seen her work before, that’s where they’d met after all.
“Yeah, I know,” Harry had said. “I’m attracted to you all the time, but there’s something about watching you do what you were meant to do, being the boss and all that, it really turns me on.”
She felt the same way watching him dance on stage, and kept stealing glances at her phone to figure out how much time was left before she could get him alone.
After a few hours, the crew broke for lunch and, as promised, Harry introduced Quinn to Paul, his choreographer, and Ben and Gabe, the video’s directors, as they ate some Chinese food that had been delivered to the set. When lunch was over, Quinn made her way back to the corner she had claimed as her own, and settled in to watch several more hours of filming.
As the cameras started rolling, Quinn glanced around the room and noticed two young kids, too small to be school-age she assumed, poking their head into the ballroom that was being used for filming. She had the sneaking suspicion that they knew they weren’t supposed to be there. Based on her earlier conversation with Ben and Gabe, she didn’t think they were the kind of directors to yell over on-set disturbances, but she didn’t want these kids to be the ones to test that resolve. She quietly made her way to the kids and shepherded them out to the hall where they could speak freely.
“Hello,” she said. “I’m Quinn. What are you all doing here?”
“My daddy is working,” one of the kids – the boy – offered.
“My daddy is working too,” his companion, the girl, added.
Quinn searched her brain, trying to think of who she’d met that day that had kids but came up empty. “That’s nice,” she said. “What’s your dad’s job?”
“He does stuff with cameras,” the boy said.
Quinn nodded. That narrowed things down. “Are you all supposed to be waiting somewhere?” she asked.
“We finished lunch,” the girl said, not answering the question.
“OK,” Quinn said. “Well why don’t we sit out here. Have you ever played I Spy?”
The kids shook their heads and took a seat next to Quinn on the ground as she explained the rules. They caught on quickly and eagerly took turns, celebrating when they were able to guess one of Quinn’s objects or when she was stumped by theirs.
Though she had been enjoying watching Harry film, she had to admit, playing with the kids was almost more entertaining and she was only aware that filming had concluded when people started streaming into the hallway.
“Sweetheart, what are you doing out here?”
The little girl jumped up and ran toward Gabe who was looking down at Quinn.
“I’m so sorry, Quinn,” he said, scooping up the child. “You too?” he asked, looking at the boy.
“Do you know Quinn, Uncle Gabe?” he asked. “She taught us how to play I Spy.”
“Did she?’ Gabe asked. “I didn’t mean for you to play babysitter today, Quinn,” Gabe said, continuing to apologize. “You were supposed to be watching and you missed out.”
“It’s fine,” Quinn said. “I’m sure Harry will give me the full recap.”
Gabe barked a laugh. “I’m sure he will.” He turned to the kids. “Say goodbye to Quinn now.”
“Bye, Quinn,” the kids chorused, reaching to hug her.
“Bye, you guys,” she said.
“H is still in here if you’re looking for him,” Gabe said, as he entered the main ballroom.
Quinn picked herself up off the floor and dusted her jeans off before setting out to look for Harry. She found him holding court in the middle of the room, his sparkly attire and perfectly sculpted hair replaced by sweats and his ever present claw clip. He smiled wide when he saw her and broke off his conversation with Gabe to cross the room to find Quinn.
“Heard you made a couple of new friends today,” he whispered in her ear as he hugged her.
“It’s cute when you’re jealous,” Quinn shot back, smiling as Harry turned to kiss her.
The video shoot was a safe space – it was a small set filled mainly with Harry’s team and others who had undoubtedly signed strict NDAs  – but it was nice to be openly affectionate with Harry in a public setting, without worrying about prying eyes or cameras. It was like they were a normal couple for the day.
“Do you want to head home?” Quinn asked. Though he was energized, Quinn could tell that Harry was fading fast. He nodded sleepily and directed her to the garage where he had parked.
Harry hopped in the shower when they got home, washing the day away and trying to soothe his sore muscles. Quinn waited for him in the bedroom, lounging among the blankets and really looking at the room for the first time since she’d arrived. It was warm and cozy and exactly what she’d imagined Harry’s bedroom looking like. He’d set up a small meditation corner and his dressers and bookshelf were filled with photos and other trinkets. She moved closer to the chest of drawers, smiling when she saw a couple pictures of her in the frames interspersed between piles of his jewelry.
When she looked up from the dresser she noticed the closet door was ajar. As fashionable as Harry was, his day-to-day style was remarkably simple, mostly vintage tees and chunky knitwear. Knowing this, she was really intrigued by what the inside of his closet would look like and what work clothes he kept in there. Hearing that the water was still running, she slipped inside and flicked the light on. She was greeted by plenty of racks of clothes, but also a wall of shelves that were filled to the brim with the fancy boxes you’d find at craft and home goods stores, the ones meant to hold photos or other memorabilia. None of them were labeled, but she could tell that they were all stuffed.
She stepped forward, hand resting on the lid when she heard Harry cough.
“Snooping?” His hair was damp, but he’d dried off and was wearing a fresh set of sweats and a questioning smile.
“I believe you said I could make myself at home so I, of course, had to check out the closet space.”
“Seriously though, what’s this?” Quinn asked, nodding to the box.
“Oh, I don’t think you need to look in there,” Harry said, walking over to her.
“Yeah, it’s not important.”
“Oh, I think that means it’s really important,” Quinn retorted, a mischievous glint in her eyes, and before Harry could stop her, she pulled the top off of the box.
When she looked down, she was greeted by a random assortment of objects that had no apparent connection – a couple of shirts, lots of paper scraps, and what looked to be some jewelry.
Quinn lifted the white shirt near the top of the box out to get a better look. It was blank except for a single word in black text: sex.
“Is this what you wore on the show in November?” she asked Harry, furrowing her brow.
Quinn paused, waiting for an explanation but Harry just looked at her, expression indecipherable. “Why is it in this box?”
Harry offered no explanation other than a shrug.
Quinn set it aside and pulled the next item out: it was a receipt from an Italian restaurant in Manhattan. Why was he saving receipts? Did he have an expense report to file? She continued to kneel in front of the box, pawing through its contents as Harry shifted on his feet above her. There was a ticket stub from a film, what looked like the paper tag from a teabag, and a bottle of red glittery nail polish. She still couldn’t figure out the connection between the items until her eyes landed on a stack of papers in the middle of the box. The white sheets were bound together with a brightly colored piece of paper on top and a phrase spelled out in Courier font: “Celebrity Family Feud.”
“Oh my God.” She looked up at Harry, who glanced back at her sheepishly.
“Is this what I think it is, Harry?”
“Is this from that week at SNL?”
Harry nodded. “Yeah. The week we met.”
“Oh, Harry.”
Everything else in the box suddenly made sense. It was the history of their relationship.
She was pretty sure the receipt had come from the restaurant they’d ate at when they first reconnected last year. And the nail polish was the shade she’d used to paint Harry’s nails when he’d asked for a touch-up during a summer visit. She’d blamed its absence on one of her friends, but apparently someone else had swiped it.
“Is this…?” She held up the tea tag.
“From one of the drinks you got me that week,” he said, ears red. “I found it in my pocket afterwards and I couldn’t bring myself to throw it out. It was one of the only things I had from you at that point.”
“Harry.” Quinn could feel her eyes welling with tears. “I don’t know what to say.”
“I know it’s weird,” he said, kneeling down beside her. “But I’ve always just kind of held onto things that remind me of people and places that are important.”
“I’m important?” Quinn said, half joking as she laughed through the tears that were now running down her face.
“Of course you are. Even though you go through my things and are a pain in my neck.”
She sniffed as she looked at Harry. “But that’s why you love me.”
“That’s why I love you.”
“Can I see what else is in here?”
“I mean you’re already halfway through,” Harry said with a shrug.
“It’s so interesting,” Quinn said as she flipped through postcards and pictures Harry had saved. “I know what things I’ve saved that are meaningful to me, but seeing what you saved…I don’t know. It makes me appreciate the little moments a little bit more. Wait a second.”
Quinn stopped what she was doing and looked up at Harry. “If this is what I think it is, you’re dead.”
Harry’s cheeks went from pink to red as Quinn slowly lifted an aged stuffed fox from the pile.
“Is this Toast?” she asked.
Harry just nodded.
“You had him this whole time?!”
“I can’t tell if you’re actually mad or not and that kind of scares me,” Harry said with a nervous laugh.
“Like I’m not mad, but you didn’t tell me he was here. Do you know how much I missed him? Where did you find him?”
Harry cleared his throat. “I found him in my bedroom the night you…left. I was going to try to text you and let you know but I just wanted to have a piece of you.”
“Why didn’t you get rid of him?”
Harry sighed, and then adjusted himself so he was sitting cross-legged on the floor next to Quinn.
“Have you heard of the red string of fate?” he asked.
Quinn shook her head.
“Well, it’s this myth that there’s a red thread that connects people who are meant to be together…it’s kind of like the concept of soulmates. And that whatever happens, regardless of the ups and downs, those people will find their way back to each other.” He paused, thinking for a moment. “When we broke up, I was really down. Like really, really bad, and a friend told me that story and it made me feel a little better. That no matter what was happening at that moment, we’d find our way back to each other.”
“And we did,” Quinn said, voice breaking.
“We did,” Harry said, wiping a tear from her cheek. “And that’s why I held onto this guy. Because I knew I would see you again one day and give him back to you.” He laughed. “I guess I could have returned him a little sooner, but now feels like a great time.” He patted the stuffed animal that was now sitting in Quinn’s lap.
Quinn tossed Toast to the side and climbed in Harry’s lap, pulling him as close as she could, seeking his touch with a new hunger. Harry opened his arms drawing her near, kissing down her jaw before landing on her lips.
“I love you, Quinn,” he said between kisses. “I love you more than I’ve ever loved anyone.”
“I know, Harry,” she said against his lips. “I’m never going to love anyone the way I love you.”
Harry lifted Quinn from his lap and placed her on the floor, climbing over her, just barely resting his body on top of her. Quinn sighed against his lips as she felt the weight of him, the best kind of weighted blanket.
Harry kissed his way down Quinn’s body until he reached the hem of her shirt. “May I?” he asked, his words causing her already buzzing skin to vibrate even further.
“Yes. Always.”
Harry pulled her pajama pants and panties down, not even checking to make sure they were down all of the way before burying his face between her thighs. He parted her folds with his tongue before latching onto her clit, sucking as if there were no sweeter taste. Quinn closed her eyes as she gripped Harry’s curls, trying to savor the heat of his mouth against her core. She moaned but her cries were drowned out by Harry’s own moans, which she felt throughout her whole body.
“Oh, fuck, Harry.”
Harry broke away. “Does that feel good?” he asked, nipping at her inner thigh, before smoothing the area with a kiss.
“Yes, yes,” Quinn responded as Harry resumed his ministrations, quickening the tempo of his tongue. Quinn made an attempt to focus on all of the sensations she felt in the moment, to memorize the feel of Harry’s tongue against her, the silky soft texture of his curls, the little sounds of satisfaction he made as he ravaged her, but she lost all sense of time and place when Harry easily slid two fingers inside of her, deftly coaxing a powerful orgasm out of her.
Quinn opened her eyes, trying to catch her breath when Harry moved from between her thighs, crawling up her body to rest his forehead against hers, panting.
“I could do that for the rest of my life,” he said with a smile. “There are a lot of things I could do with you, actually.”
Quinn smiled dazedly as she traced his jawline. “The rest of your life? Don’t make promises you can’t keep.”
“If I keep one promise in my life it’s that I’m spending the rest of it with you.” He kissed her, long, deep, hard, and Quinn kissed back, saying all of the things she wanted to say in the moment but couldn’t for fear of crying.
“Harry –”
“I know, Agent Q. You don’t need to say anything.”
“I want you, Harry,” she said. “I want you forever.”
Quinn pawed at the drawstring of Harry’s sweats, finally managing to pull them down, freeing his hard, leaking cock from the confines of his briefs. She adjusted herself below him and when she settled, Harry thrust into her in one swift motion.
Quinn knew he was on the verge of coming apart and as she dug her nails into his shoulder blades, she spoke to him.
“Cum, baby, cum for me.”
Harry lasted about two more thrusts before Quinn felt his hips falter and a distinct warm, sticky, feeling on her thighs. Harry collapsed onto her, kissing all over her face, finally at last landing on her lips. He tightened his grip on Quinn before rolling them onto their sides. He looked into her eyes as he brushed his fingers through her hair.
“I meant what I said just now, Quinn.”
“I know, Harry.”
“One day,” he said, more to himself than Quinn. “One day we’ll make it official.”
Quinn could have sworn she’d only been in London for two days, but soon it was time for her to return home. Harry had suggested a full itinerary for her last day in the city, but she protested saying she’d rather spend time with him. Harry eventually compromised, agreeing to a lie-in and leisurely breakfast before heading out for some secret adventure he had planned.
Quinn took her time getting ready while Harry, who usually didn’t care about how fast she did her hair and makeup, followed her around, nagging her to move faster.
“Harry!” Quinn said. “If you keep this up, I’m staying put and not going anywhere.”
When they eventually made it out of the house, Harry walked briskly through the streets, pulling Quinn alongside him until they stopped at an old looking house. Harry opened the gate and led Quinn through the doorway.
“Are we supposed to be here?” she asked. Harry shrugged in response.
They wandered the hallways until Harry stopped in front of a closed door.
“You’re going to need to put this on,” he said, pulling a blindfold from his coat pocket.
“What the fuck are we doing?” Quinn asked. “I know I said I’d do anything with you, but I draw the line at blindfolded sex parties.”
“You think someone is hosting a sex party in this house?”
“Well, you’d want to be inconspicuous–”
“Quinn, just put the blindfold on!”
When her eyes were covered, Harry guided Quinn through the door and helped her sit down on the floor. Eyes still covered, Quinn could sense Harry beside her and could hear the clatter of other people coming in and out of the room. Suddenly, she felt something rough and wet against her hand. She was about to yell at Harry, when he pulled the blindfold from her eyes.
Climbing into her lap was a liver-colored corgi, while two other dogs with darker coats ran towards her. She whipped around to look at Harry.
“So, they aren’t the Queen’s corgis,” Harry said. “She apparently doesn’t rent them out for private events.” He rolled his eyes. “But I have it on good word that these dogs have royal blood and very fancy names.” He pointed at the dog wriggling on her lap. “This one is called Winston if I’m not mistaken.”
More dogs came into the room and Quinn had many questions about where all of the corgis had come from, but all of those inquiries disappeared from her mind when the dogs ran over to cuddle and kiss her and Harry. When playtime was over, Harry managed to get Quinn to leave with zero dogs, despite her pleas that they take at least three.
“You know I was only joking about the corgis,” Quinn said as they strolled home.
“Yes, but when my girl asks for something, she gets it. I also kind of wanted to play with the dogs too,” Harry replied.  
The rest of the day was quiet and simple. Whenever an impending departure loomed, Harry and Quinn dealt with it in different ways. Quinn had a tendency to become a bit withdrawn, not wanting to acknowledge that they’d soon be apart, while Harry became even more clingy, touching and hugging Quinn every second he could. That night as they cuddled in bed, Quinn with her ear pressed to Harry’s chest, and Harry with his hands tracing pictures over Quinn’s back, Quinn finally acknowledged what tomorrow would bring.
“At least we won’t be apart for long,” she said, trying to find the bright side.
“Yeah, just a couple of weeks and I’ll be back in the city.” Harry was scheduled to return to New York to continue promoting his album and had lined up a performance on the Today Show. “I’ll get to…what’s the word you used…skulk…around your place of work.”
Quinn dug her nails into Harry’s back and she could feel him squirm with laughter.
“I hope it rains during your concert,” she muttered.
“You don’t mean that.”
“I do. You look good when your hair’s all wet and disheveled,” Quinn said, yawning.
“Noted,” Harry said. He could tell Quinn was asleep or close to it from the way her breathing had evened out and her grip on his t-shirt had loosened, but he continued to speak. “I’m glad you finally came here Agent Q,” he said softly.
“It’s like the puzzle piece that was missing from my life finally fell into place.”
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catmansquad · 9 months
Excerpt: "Fitting In"
Gabriel spends time raiding with familiar faces, while Miguel struggles with the weight of a new, heavy secret... (Modern AU)
He stood at the door to his brother’s apartment, a bag of two takeaway boxes in one hand as his other nudged his tinted glasses back up his face, then knocked on the door.
He could hear his brother on the other side of the door; the click of keys on a keyboard, an almost frantic tapping, and his brother’s muffled voice. Miguel rolled his eyes and knocked once again.
‘Gabri!!’ He had told his brother he’d be stopping by, and that he’d be bringing dinner.
Exhaling in soft annoyance, Miguel counted to three, then slammed his fist on the door hard enough that he felt the whole frame rattle.
He heard his brother yelp, cursing and muttering apologies, then footsteps squeaking across the room towards the door. Miguel relaxed as he heard the door chain being removed, the click of a lock, and the door was pulled open to reveal his brother’s sheepish expression, hair messier than usual, and a white headset resting around his neck that Miguel could hear noise and chatter from.
‘… Aha…. Hi, Brother… Sorry, I uh… There was a raid happening and I got distracted, and kinda forgot…?’
Miguel’s gaze narrowed softly behind his glasses and he lived in hope that Gabriel could feel the weight of his stare. Once again was his brother wearing an explosion of mismatching colour, worst of all were the bright pink slippers on his feet, designed like rabbits with googly eyes that squeaked with each step he took.
‘Gabri, why do you always dress like you have a hurricane in your wardrobe?’
His brother gave him a judgemental stare, resting hands on his hips.
‘Why are you still mumbling, brother? Why do you not seem to have any colour in your wardrobe?’
Gabriel grabbed at his headset, lifting one side to his ear and listened to it.
‘Uh-oh… C-come in, Miggy. Thanks for bringing dinner- what do we have?’ He stepped back, allowing his big brother into his apartment.
‘Chinese.’ Miguel muttered simply, glancing around the apartment.
Much like Miguel, his brother’s apartment reflected his personality and interests. It was a bright and colourful thing, walls covered in posters of Discordance’s various expansions, plush pastel furniture and a great sofa that faced a very large wall-mounted television. In sharp contrast to Miguel’s far more calm and monochromatic choice of décor. His brother scrambled back to the sofa, dragging a keyboard and mouse back into his lap and pulling his headset back up.
‘Yo! I’m back, sorry… My brother’s here- So, do we need any stuff mended? We’re good for food and pots, yeah?’
Gabriel flicked his headset back to mute as Miguel sat in one of the soft armchairs, placing the takeaway bag on the coffee table and taking out the two white boxes of oily prawn noodles.
‘Thank you, Miggy… They say hello, by the way.’
‘How are you doing on your… thing, Gabri? Your food’s going to get cold.’
At Miguel’s question, Gabriel rested with a finger on the mute button of his headset, eyes darting between his brother and the television screen; where a group of five adventurers in styles ranging from medieval to futuristic were standing in a ravaged street of a post-apocalyptic city beneath blood red skies and an eclipsed sun.
‘I… I’ll just reheat it… Sorry, they’re getting impatient… Yeah, sorry, I’m here. I’m good to go-! Hobie, did you change jobs again? Again? Yeah, I know you “don’t believe in consistency”, but in the past month, you’ve been; Rebel, Gunner, Apostate, Rebel, Chronomancer, Martialist….’
Miguel held a prawn between chopsticks, listening to his brother’s continuing rant before popping it into his mouth. His brother was, once again, going to be left with cold food.
‘…. Extant, Rebel, Technician, Bulwark, Scholar…’
Miguel found his brother’s continuing rant far more interesting than what was happening on the screen. Instead, he focused on his food, rolling the prawn around his mouth, teasing it with his fangs as he focused on learning how to dry bite. It was all well and good not being affected by his own venom, but would still like to not taste its powerful bitter tang on nearly everything he ate.
‘… Judge, Knight Errant, and now back to Rebel again. Please, can we just get started…?’
‘C’mon, we’ve just got the lass boss to get through- Pav… Pav- please let Hobie go first. I know you’re the tank, but he can see the… Traps- and you’re dead again. Big shiny treasure out in the open, what were you expecting?’
Miguel placed the chopsticks into his empty takeaway box, still stained with the traces of oil, and placed it on the coffee table beside the one that his brother had yet to touch. Well fed, and having apparently mastered the art of keeping his venom glands under control, the older O’Hara sibling kicked off his shoes and curled up, sinking deeper into the soothing comfort of his brother’s furniture, feeling very much like a lazy cat.
‘I think your food’s gone cold, brother….’ He had half a mind to pull off his sunglasses, night was starting to fall and Gabriel was far too engrossed in his raiding party to notice how his big brother’s eyes had turned blood red. He was sure his brother hadn’t even heard what he had said.
‘…. Well, it’s a Nightmare raid, Pav. It’s not meant to be easy. This is Nightmare, not “Where’s my medal and plate of orange slices for participation”?- Yeah, great, Pav. You can get your orange slices once we’re done here.’ There was a very subtle edge to his brother’s words, and Miguel knew him well enough to know that irritation was building somewhere deep beneath the surface.
‘I hope you like reheating cold takeaway, brother. God knows I love it as much as I love complete strangers grabbing my ass when I’m performing…’ Miguel murmured, eyes half lidded as he glanced at the screen; to where the raiding party were approaching a colossal figure that resembled Cthulhu, made from wood and dark red crystal.
‘…. I know that, but you’re just putting more strain on me and Peni, our heals aren’t bottomless…’
Miguel closed his eyes briefly, fingers resting on the frame of his sunglasses, ready to pull them off. He hesitated, then opened his eyes again and looked to his little brother, speaking in a tiny, broken voice as he allowed his guard to fall, vulnerability moving to the surface.
‘I… I have superpowers, Gabri…’
His heart skipped a beat as his brother glanced at him, their eyes met for a brief moment, then his gaze returned to the screen.
‘Hey, Peni? Yeah, Mig says your gun looks like a Supersoaker.’
The older O’Hara sibling quietly exhaled a soft sigh, putting his guards back up as he quietly decided that he would count his blessings with his oblivious brother.
‘YES! Get fucked, Bloodmoon Harbinger!’
Gabriel punched their air as the wooden Cthulhu crumbled, the night skies above resuming their usual night blue hues. The assembled party began to emote and celebrate; Hobie’s avatar popping and spraying a bottle of champagne, as Pavtir’s danced with glowsticks, and Peni’s was either dead on the floor or playing at being so. Miguel watched his brother celebrate, and he could even hear the muffled celebrations of his fellow raiders through the headset. He also heard Gabriel’s stomach growl like a hungry beast and watched his little brother’s expression change from joy to a soft frown.
‘… ‘kay, I need to get some food now, like… Desperately. Good job, see you next week, yeah? Yeah? Take care, see you! Bye, bye, adios!’ With a few keystrokes, Gabriel had disconnected from the game and pulled his headset off, hair getting even more messed up. He placed everything aside and grabbed the untouched takeaway box like it was his lifeline.
‘Oh, stone cold, Gabri?’ Miguel asked him with a raised eyebrow.
‘Yeah. Well, that’s nothing the microwave won’t solve! ‘
Miguel pushed up his sunglasses as he buried his face into the palm of his hand and sighed softly. His brother’s joy truly was irrepressible.
‘Have you got a costume for Halloween, Miggy?’
‘Cost-? You assume I still want to go trick-or-treating at my age?’
‘Well, we don’t need to go trick-or-treating, brother! Stop talking like you’re in your forties. Seriously, you’re thirty-four.’ He heard the clang of the door and beep of the microwave running, Gabriel leaned back in from the kitchen.
‘It’s just about dressing up and having fun. Being scary for a night. So, what do you think?’
‘I’m thinking September is too early to start thinking about Halloween.’ Miguel responded, rolling his eyes, already growing tired of the topic of discussion. The last time he had worn any kind of Halloween costume, it had been the year when he’d first started the gig as Spider-Man, his brother had decided in his infinite wisdom, to pick out a costume for him, and had returned with a scarier version of the costume he knew on the stage. It had been the one and only time he’d ever worn it.
‘Alright, alright, be like that… But how’s it going with you and your guy? You got a date yet?’
‘No. I don’t expect to any time soon, Gabri. He-‘
The beep of the microwave made his brother duck back into the kitchen and he emerged back inside, carrying a small plate with the steaming noodles on.
‘Ay… Ay, ay, ay! Caliente! Caliente!’ His brother’s footsteps squeaked across the room, and Miguel stared at the pink slippers, very well aware that a matching set, in bright orange, were left unloved and unworn in his own wardrobe; another one of his brother’s brilliant gifts.
‘He’s… going through a difficult time. Later, we will.’
‘Aww, that sucks…’ Gabriel managed through a mouthful of steaming noodles, trying to pull a pitying expression while chewing. He just ended up looking like he was about to sneeze.
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joieyx · 2 months
Poster Design
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In my recent poster design, I experimented with arranging the type in a different composition to explore new creative possibilities. This approach allowed me to step out of my comfort zone and try unconventional layouts.
What Went Right
The experimentation led to a fresh and simplified design for the "Sip" poster, which I found aesthetically pleasing. The simplicity of the "Sip" poster allowed for a clean and uncluttered look, making it visually appealing and easy to understand at a glance. This experience highlighted the value of minimalism and how less can often be more in design, particularly when aiming for clarity and focus.
What Did Not Work
However, the arrangement of the type for "Brew" did not achieve the desired effect. The text turned out to be less legible and appeared random, which made the poster difficult to read. Additionally, the style did not effectively convey the caffeinated and coffee-related vibes I intended. The typeface lacked the characteristic qualities needed to evoke the essence of coffee, such as warmth, energy, and richness. As a result, the overall composition failed to communicate the intended message effectively.
Challenges and Learnings
However, not all experiments yielded successful outcomes:
Legibility Issues: In my "Brew" poster, the experimental type arrangement resulted in text that was difficult to read and appeared random. This underscored the importance of maintaining legibility, even when trying innovative layouts.
Thematic Consistency: The style chosen for "Brew" did not effectively communicate the intended coffee-related theme. The typeface lacked the warmth and energy associated with caffeinated beverages, which diluted the poster’s impact.
Balance: While the minimalist approach worked for the "Sip" poster, it left the design feeling somewhat empty. This highlighted the challenge of achieving a balance between simplicity and sufficient informational content.
This process taught me valuable lessons about the importance of legibility and thematic consistency in design. While experimenting with type composition can lead to innovative outcomes, it is crucial to ensure that the text remains readable and that the design elements align with the intended theme and message. Moving forward, I will focus on selecting typefaces and arranging text in ways that enhance both readability and thematic expression. Additionally, I will strive to balance simplicity and meaningful content to create designs that are both visually appealing and communicative.
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returntosaturn271995 · 2 months
April 28th-May 2nd: Life Speed
Fuck me, it's been a whirl wind. Just wind, whirling- putting some thoughts down in the meantime.
Saturday- Maddy and I saw Kevin Nealon at the Comedy Cellar in Denver- an amazing show.
Sunday- Walking tour of the Denver Arts District, where I purchased a Thelma and Louise-esque print for Monika's birthday. I also got to meet three incredible artists right before or after seeing their art. Adrienne Norris in a Mexican cafe, Andrea - who gave Maddy and I a free screening lesson at Abstract and let us know that she had an Exhibit in the MeowWolf museum representing dementia, and a bass player for a band we stopped to watch in the Denver Art Society saw us on the street and said hello in a non-creepy way. Oh, I did almost buy a print of smiling and topless Jackie O but I stopped myself...for now.
Monday- April 29th: After getting work done at Maddy's we went to MeowWolf, an interactive and immersive museum in Denver that truly had my head spinning. We then got our new bestie Andrea to keep Abstract open long enough for Maddy to grab her watch and for me to grab a poster print of a playboy bunny symbol with "Not Your Babe" printed on it, and a graphic design T-shirt for Kirby. Afterward, Maddy and I impulsively got tattoos. Maddy was inspired by The Little Prince. Specifically, the quote: "It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eye." Mine is a fine-line crescent moon with floral elements on the inside of my arm, symbolizing growth, renewal, and phases. We then grabbed amazing enchiladas at Wild Flower afterward.
Tuesday- April 30th: Crash landed in San Diego, and immediately had to take a meeting. I legit have nothing else to process from this day other than watching The Dead Boy Detectives while creating a Meow Mix creative brief and looking up famous cats on the internet for a roster.
Wednesday, May 1st: Meetings and emails, emails and meetings. Honestly my brain is little broken. Kirby and I went to the OB farmers market and I purchased an overpriced candle in a tea cup because I felt bad for smelling everything and then not buying. We had an amazing dinner at OB noodle house and Kirb loved the T-shirt I got him...or at least loved that I got him one. I wore a fabulous corset-style black cotton top from reformation, fitted grey jeans, and platform patent leather loafers from Steve Madden along with a black leather jacket and my tiny black backpack (which Kirby insisted on carrying)
Thursday, May 2nd: Created an impressive MLB player and family list for the LLWS series campaign, made a homemade lobster bisque pasta using all ingredients from Trader Joe's, took a long sweaty walk to the beach, meditated with Blue curled around my legs. Drank a cup of coffee at 9 at night because that's showbiz baby.
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Let Us Trip the Light Fantastic
Guess who’s back on their writing nonsense mates! Actually thinking about the designs of characters and what they might be like as people was enough of a kick in the arse of my motivation to get me to actually return to one of my… twenty plus abandoned work-in-progresses. Not counting the fan fiction. But it’s a start! So, be the sun moon and the stars (since it’s nighttime) as my witnesses, let it be known that this writer is actually writing again.
This story is an idea I’ve had for some time, as it sprouted during my “take a random common but kind of old timey saying and turn it into a story” phase. Other notable victims include In for a Penny, In for a Pound, Hell Hath No Fury, Enemy of My Enemy, and A Feather in My Cap. Out of these siblings, I’d always thought that Let Us Trip the Light Fantastic had the most potential, and I think I’ve proven past-me-from-three-months-ago right. So here’s the first chapter(?), section(?), perspective(?), or (insert synonym for section in a longer work of writing here), whatever you want to call it.
1: Three Irish Coffees and Several Jammie Dodgers
It was miserable, stormy, and unseasonably cold that night in Cardiff, and Natasha was looking for a plus-one. The rain dashed through the biting air at the perfect angle to run itself into her coat, as well as dodging her glasses to hit her in the eyes. Fellow pedestrians were few and far between, as everyone in sight was either running for the nearest pub or store, or leaping feet-first into cars whose headlights sputtered weakly against the descending storm. Wiping away the moisture from her eyes and blessing her previous decision not to wear makeup, the wind-battered woman stumbled to a stop in front of the familiarly pale facade of the Chatter & Melody Society, Cardiff Branch. Though the placard in the window said “Closed”, an upstairs light was on, and she could just make out the straining notes of a long-suffering piano from inside. Squaring her shoulders inside her thoroughly soaked overcoat, Natasha trudged up to the front door, made a sharp right, trudged a bit more, made a sharp left, and knocked on the window in the shave-and-a-haircut style.
The lamenting piano faltered slightly, seemingly baffled at the thought that it might have an audience, before picking back up in a much more jaunty manner. Somewhere within, old floorboards creaked and moaned, and a light woke up in the downstairs room. Slowly, the knocks were returned. Five-bobs. The piano shifted into a new tune, and Natasha barely recognised it through the driving rain.
Are you sleeping, are you sleeping…
Hesitantly, she began to knock the responding rhythm back, shifting her movements up and down to mimic the notes on a staff.
Bro-ther-John, Bro-ther-John?
The notes responded.
Morning bells are ringing, morning bells are ringing…
And so did she.
Ding-ding-dong, ding-ding-dong
After the final knock, the piano played a contented chord, and the clattering slides of locks sounded from the front door. Turning around, Natasha watched as warm light cut out into the dreary night, and the person she was least hoping to see poked their head out of the doorway. With a sigh, the redheaded Londoner waved her in.
“Even I can’t stand to see you standing there all sopping wet like a barn cat dropped in a pond. Come on in. Perry’s got tea on somewhere.”
Once she was inside and marginally less waterlogged, Ernest carefully guided the rather damp Natasha through the expected bric-a-brac that all places inhabited by Society members seemed to hoard. The record-keeper gently knocked a framed poster for the Cardinal of the Kremlin with his tail off the slight tilt it had assumed, and brushed away some of the dust on the face of a numberless clock as he walked from the reception room to the staircase. As the light danced over his fiery hair, she could tell that he was forcing the soft behavior. The reflection of his magic in the air was twitching and darting, nervous like an animal faced with an unfamiliar scent in a familiar place.
The Londoner suddenly paused, and flicked his ears. “Whatever it is, is it urgent?”
Natasha involuntary rustled her tail beneath her skirt. “Not particularly pressing. But it is important enough that I came here instead of the Council embassy.”
A gentle laugh, like heather rustling on a moor. “In this storm, I’d not go out unless a Wanderer was with me. Come on. Everyone who’s still here is waiting.”
Before he’d even finished speaking, the piano sprang to life above them with a gentle cantering melody. Ernest looked up and smiled without teeth past a number of wind chimes and nonfunctioning ceiling fans. “Yeah, yeah. I’m on my way.”
A corner of the diplomat’s mouth ticked up as they climbed the wheezing stairs together. “You finally learned Birdsong, then?”
“Kinda. More like a pidgin-tune than any proper Song. Still, it’s an improvement.” The conversation seemed to calm Ernest, as his hooves were clacking less loudly. “Perry’s still teaching me, even after his promotion and the recent influx of Architect work.”
“Still surprised you didn’t learn it sooner.”
“Foxtongue was more than enough for me before.” Brushing aside a kitschy beaded curtain, Ernest knocked on the wall as he entered the second floor, calling out, “It’s nothing immediately dangerous.”
Perry, perched on a barstool and siping at what looked like an Irish coffee, sighed with relief. “Good. I’m incapacitated enough that operating heavy machinery or attempting anything that requires any degree of finesse would probably injure me.”
From the neighbouring stool, an unfamiliar man with skin as dark as cast iron and who smelled of woodsmoke groaned half-heartedly. “What is with your gallows humor every time you get drunk, mate?”
Natasha snorted. “He’s been like that since I lived in London. Surprised you haven’t lost a limb yet, Peregrine.”
The architect just laughed his tinkling laugh and set down his drink before hoisting himself off the stool and wandering over to shake hands. “And I’m surprised you’re still alive after weathering that storm. Did it feel natural?”
“Mostly. About as cold as hell is hot, but normal. Apologies,” she turned to the man of woodsmoke, “I don’t believe we’ve met.”
He smiled, a smile of long days and hard work and hidden steel. “Hayward Coppersmith. Society, London Branch. And you are?”
“Natasha Liu. Council, Cardiff Embassy. It is good to meet you.” They shook hands. “Industry?”
The smile widened, a full and warm expression on his bearded face. “Is it that obvious?”
“Kinda. Unless you’re Flux? Or Duty?”
“We all have our secrets, Natasha. Contradiction, might I assume?”
A new voice suddenly sounded from near the piano, soft and measured. “I mean no offence, but you have a reason to be here other than to small talk, am I right, diplomat?”
Natasha’s smile grew wider and more genuine. “Now that’s who I was hoping to see, not a trio of Londoners. No offence, of course. It’s been a while, Teria.”
The Cardiff Architect stepped out of the shadow of the piano, the slash of purple in her black hair reflecting starry magic in the cozy light. “Truer words have never been spoken, Tasha. Wherever have you been these last four months?”
The diplomat’s smile grew strained. “Perhaps over a drink. Who made you that coffee, Perry?”
Ernest spoke up. “I did. Second one tonight.”
She ambled over to one of the empty barstools, of which no two matched. “Got any more liquid courage?”
He smiled, and opened a cabinet to reveal a significant array of bottles. “Plenty. You sure you don’t want any, Hayward? Wisteria?”
“Maybe something weak.”
“Thanks but no thanks. Caffeine is my drug of choice.”
One old fashioned and several biscuits later, Natasha half heartedly thumped her tail against the side-table-turned-bar, sending a few bottles clinking. “Okay. I guess I should tell you folks why I came here in the first place.”
Perry belched, and swigged down the last of his third Irish coffee. Clicking his fingers a few times, the architect sent strokes of magic ricocheting around the room. As they flew, Natasha saw them grow into fledglings and settle about the clutter. He looked around a few times before nodding. “No-one else is listening now.”
Carefully reaching into a pocket in her skirt, she brought out an old-fashioned paper ticket, red ink on cream cardstock paper. “I got this little thing… in a way that is hard to describe. It’s a single ticket to the Red Dragon Social, some type of opera-slash-cocktail-slash-fancy-dinner-party thingie. Supposedly, the opera will be a recreation of the lost work *Dafne* by Jacopo Peri and Jacopo Corsi. I have to be the one to redeem it, but I can bring a plus-one. So, uh, if any of you guys have some black tie wear on hand, I’d owe the Society one if someone comes with me. It’s on the twelfth. I just though, uh, that you might be interested.”
Ernest looked at her in puzzlement. “Is there a reason why you came here and not the embassy, or the legion outpost? I mean, I’m pretty sure I know why you wouldn’t go to the outpost, but still.”
Natasha just sat in silence looking uncomfortable, and Hayward began tapping his chin. “Probably a promise. Or a NDA. But I’m leaning towards a promise.”
“Er… something like that. I’d really not like to say more, but feel free to speculate as much as you want.”
Wisteria began fidgeting with her halo as she spoke. “Well, we all know how the IPC is when something weird goes down under their watch. Court battles, reams of paperwork, all that bloody bureaucracy and such. Don’t get me wrong, mate, you do things right most of the time. But the Council’s slow. A lumbering beast that takes ages to wake up and show its fangs. It can still eat you, but not quickly. Legion’s the opposite. Fight first, ask questions later. And if a bunch of Sighted walk into a black tie opera-slash-cocktail-party and start swinging, we’re gonna have a debacle on our hands.”
Perry nodded. “Agreed, agreed. The Society’s the middle ground in this situation, then. More cautious than Legion, quicker on the draw than Council, and more discreet than League. So if just one of us were there, especially an out-of-towner, whoever’s putting on this soirée isn’t going to be super on guard.”
“Okay, but whoever goes can’t be too recognizeable,” Ernest interjected, “For example, I’m super noticeable. How many other red-haired, tan-skinned, calygreyhound-afflicted Chatter-folk are in Britain, let alone Wales? I’d like to voluntarily unvolunteer for the position of plus-one. No offence, Natasha, it’s just practicality.”
“None taken.” She popped another jammie dodger in her mouth, willing the slightly stale crunch to drown out her worry.
Hayward hummed agreement. “Sensible. I suppose that if we’re going with that logic, Wisteria shouldn’t go either. You’re rather well known for about fifty kilometres in any direction, mate.”
The legendary Mirror Sight Architect of Cardiff, her telescope halo hanging crooked off one side of her head, the stripe of purple in her hair refracting the light of the cosmos into the eyes of her colleagues and one very stressed out diplomat, gave the Londoner a deadpan look. “Y’think?”
Natasha couldn’t help but snort. “Pfffft… oh, well. I’ve got a week to find my plus-one, so no need to rush. Check your closets for black tie stuff, mates, and tell me whenever you’re ready. Now, is there a couch I might bargain for space on around here?”
Wisteria’s face shifted into a tired smile. “There’s a Murphy bed in Anisha’s office downstairs. She’s out on exchange in Paris, and the Expanse fellow we got rented a room a few blocks away. Feel free to take it.”
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dlight-decor · 5 months
Luxury on a Budget: Achieving the Look with Affordable Options
In a world where luxury often comes with a hefty price tag, the desire to create an elegant and sophisticated living space on a budget is more prevalent than ever. Thankfully, achieving a luxurious look doesn't always require breaking the bank. With a bit of creativity, resourcefulness, and strategic shopping, you can transform your living space into a haven of opulence without draining your wallet. In this guide, we will explore various ways to achieve a luxurious aesthetic on a budget, providing you with practical tips and affordable options to elevate your home's ambiance.
Strategic Furniture Choices: One of the keys to creating a luxurious atmosphere is choosing the right furniture pieces. Opt for timeless and classic designs that exude sophistication. Consider second-hand or vintage furniture, which often carries a unique charm and can be significantly more affordable than brand-new items. Platforms like online marketplaces, thrift stores, or estate sales can be treasure troves for finding high-quality furniture at a fraction of the cost. Focus on pieces that stand out, such as an intricately designed coffee table or an elegant accent chair, to add a touch of luxury to your space.
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Luxurious Textures and Fabrics: The tactile experience is a crucial aspect of creating a luxurious environment. Incorporate sumptuous textures and fabrics to add depth and richness to your home. Look for affordable alternatives to materials like velvet and silk, such as velour or faux silk, which can mimic the luxurious feel without the exorbitant price tag. Plush throw blankets, faux fur rugs, and velvet accent pillows are budget-friendly options that can instantly elevate the overall aesthetic of your space.
Statement Lighting: Lighting plays a pivotal role in setting the tone for a luxurious atmosphere. Invest in statement lighting fixtures that not only illuminate the space but also serve as stylish focal points. Affordable options like decorative floor lamps, chandeliers, or pendant lights can be found in various styles and designs to suit your taste. Consider installing dimmer switches to control the intensity of the light, allowing you to create a warm and inviting ambiance reminiscent of high-end establishments.
Mirrors for Illusion of Space: Mirrors are a secret weapon when it comes to creating the illusion of a larger and more luxurious space. Strategically placing mirrors can reflect natural light, making rooms appear brighter and more spacious. Explore thrift stores or discount retailers for ornate and decorative mirror frames that add a touch of glamour. Consider creating a gallery wall with an arrangement of smaller mirrors for a chic and budget-friendly focal point.
Accent Wall Elegance: Introducing an accent wall can instantly elevate the aesthetic of a room. Instead of expensive wallpaper or custom paint jobs, opt for cost-effective alternatives like peel-and-stick wallpaper or stencils. Choose a bold and sophisticated pattern or a rich, deep color to create a focal point that exudes luxury. This budget-friendly solution allows you to experiment with different styles without the commitment or cost associated with more permanent options.
Affordable Artwork: Artwork can significantly contribute to the overall ambiance of a space. Look for affordable prints, posters, or even create your own artwork to adorn your walls. Online marketplaces and local art fairs often showcase talented emerging artists whose work can be obtained at reasonable prices. Consider framing your prints with thrifted or discount frames to add a touch of sophistication without the hefty price tag.
DIY Decor: Embrace your creative side with do-it-yourself (DIY) decor projects. From customized furniture makeovers to crafting your own decorative items, DIY projects offer a budget-friendly way to infuse your personality into your living space. Explore online tutorials for inspiration and unleash your creativity to create unique, one-of-a-kind pieces that rival expensive designer items.
Luxury on the Floor: Rugs are an often overlooked yet crucial element in creating a luxurious atmosphere. Look for affordable, high-quality rugs that mimic the luxurious feel of natural fibers such as wool or silk. Synthetic alternatives like polypropylene or nylon can be durable, easy to clean, and significantly more budget-friendly. Choose a rug with an intricate pattern or a solid color that complements your overall design, adding an extra layer of sophistication to your space.
Organized and Clutter-Free: A clutter-free environment is synonymous with luxury. Invest in stylish storage solutions to keep your space organized and visually appealing. Consider multifunctional furniture with built-in storage compartments or decorative baskets and boxes that can hide away everyday items. Keeping your space tidy and streamlined contributes to a more polished and high-end aesthetic.
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Greenery for Elegance: Introduce indoor plants to infuse a sense of natural elegance into your home. Plants not only add a touch of luxury but also improve air quality and create a calming atmosphere. Explore budget-friendly options such as succulents, snake plants, or pothos that are easy to maintain and readily available. Consider stylish and affordable planters to showcase your greenery in a way that complements your overall decor.
Achieving a luxurious look on a budget is not only possible but can also be a rewarding and enjoyable endeavor. By strategically selecting furniture, incorporating sumptuous textures, and embracing budget-friendly alternatives, you can create a living space that exudes opulence without the exorbitant price tag.
Ready to transform your space into a haven of affordable luxury? Discover a wide range of stylish and budget-friendly lighting options at D Light Decor. Visit our website today to explore our curated collection and bring a touch of sophistication to your home. Don't miss out on the opportunity to elevate your space with D Light Decor's exquisite lighting solutions.
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Affordable Vintage Interior Decorating Ideas
Nostalgic Charm on a Budget: Mastering the Art of Vintage Interior Design
Vintage interior design is a celebration of the visual splendour of the past and a trip back in time. It’s about bringing back the grace and allure of bygone eras in a modern environment. In this article, we’ll look at how to acquire this classic appearance without breaking the bank.
Recognising Vintage Style
Items that represent the fashions and patterns of the past and are at least 20 to 100 years old are what define vintage style. Each item narrates a tale and combines beauty and nostalgia. The secret is to combine different elements while keeping your design harmonious.
Finding Reasonably Priced Antique Items
Finding antique gems may be just as thrilling as interior design. For reasonably priced vintage items, thrift stores, garage sales, flea markets, and internet marketplaces are treasures. Seek out items that are well-made, unique, and resonate with you.
Tips for thrift store shopping
Examine for Quality
Constantly look for durability, wear indicators, and repair possibilities.
Think Creatively
Consider an item’s potential beyond its present state. With a little care and attention, just think of what it may become.
Have no fear about haggling. It adds to the enjoyment and can result in large savings.
Including Antique Furniture
An eye-catching feature in your space might be vintage furniture. Select items that are both utilitarian and visually appealing. A mid-century contemporary dresser, an antique table, or an armchair from the past may give your room a special touch.
Bringing Back Vintage Furniture
Giving an antique couch or chair a new coat of upholstery will revitalise it.
An aged artwork might be given a fresh coat of paint. Select hues that go well with the furniture’s retro style.
Even little fixes have a significant impact. Replace missing knobs, tighten loose screws, and straighten up shaky legs.
Vintage Decor on a Budget
You may really dabble with old aesthetics in decor. Characteristic elements for your room include retro light fixtures, antique mirrors, and framed old posters. To add texture and colour, use old textiles for tablecloths or drapes.
Handmade Retro Decor
Convert used materials into new ones. You may make a bookcase out of an old ladder or a quirky coffee table out of a suitcase.
Handmade Art
Produce original artwork influenced by retro elements. It’s economical and personal.
Antique Accessories
As part of your décor, incorporate antique items such as typewriters, vinyl records, and cameras.
How to Make a Retro Colour Scheme
When decorating retro, the colour scheme is quite important. Select subdued hues such as navy blue, sage green, or dusty pink. These hues create feelings of grace and nostalgia. To create contrast and intrigue, use vivid colours sparingly.
Blending Vintage and Modern
Blending retro and contemporary components may provide a well-balanced, harmonious style. You can create a timeless and modern look in your room by pairing a modern sofa with an antique coffee table or by adding contemporary art to a room filled with old furniture.
Balancing the Old and the New
Make good use of contrast. It might look amazing to place a sleek modern light on an antique table.
Make sure the flow is harmonic. A room may be brought together by using recurring colours or patterns.
Lighting’s Function in Vintage Decor
In retro décor, lighting is an essential instrument. The vibe may be created with an old chandelier or vintage table lights. Choose soft, warm lighting for a cosy atmosphere since even the temperature of the lightbulb may change the mood.
Antique Textiles: Including Texture and Warmth
Vintage home design heavily incorporates textiles. Layers of warmth and texture may be added with Persian carpets, velvet pillows, or lace curtains. To add depth, mix and combine various textiles.
via Layan Halwani https://www.layanhalwani.com/affordable-vintage-interior-decorating-ideas/
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Project #5 - Airline Rebranding & Course Reflection
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As part of our final project in Typography I, each student was given an extinct airline brand to create a rebrand for. My assigned brand was Continental Airlines, and my task was to conduct research and understand what made the airline successful while identifying areas that required a modern touch to compete with other airline brands. My previous blog post provides a detailed description of my research process and design goals. I particularly enjoyed this project as it introduced me to brand identity and the creative process of rebranding an entire company. Although it was challenging at times, designing something outside my comfort zone was both daunting and rewarding.
My main goal was to modernize Continental Airlines by creating a family-friendly and affordable look and feel. To achieve this, I followed the Innocent archetype, which aims to promote a genuine, kind, and straightforward message. The motto of the brand is "Free to be you and me," and the aim is to provide a sense of peace and paradise, safety, happiness, and independence. To modernize the brand, I prioritized analyzing previous branding ideas and identifying what worked and what didn't. I introduced a new color palette that fosters a sense of safety, security, and playfulness. I also aimed to target middle-income families and promote a family-friendly and affordable atmosphere with a playful attitude and tone. To accomplish these goals, I changed the font system and incorporated a new color palette into various branding products such as coffee cups, crew lanyards, digital posters, plane wraps, and boarding passes.
To create the main logo, I used the "Neulis Neue" font. This sans-serif font has rounded curves that give a youthful and playful look while also looking focused and direct. I incorporated semi-bold and regular line weights to create an overall direct feel. The logo also includes elements inspired by a runway, such as the "C" representing a terminal and the line cutting through the typeface acting as a runway. The secondary logo is found on various branding materials, such as coffee cups and social media materials. It is mainly used when the primary logo cannot be used. It is an abbreviation of the primary logo, where the "C" and "N" stand for Continental, and "Airlines" remains unaltered. The line cutting through the "N" also ties back to the primary logo and includes the mark representing the plane taking off from the runway. There have been various versions of this design, but this version remains the cleanest and easiest to read. The logo marks represent the aircraft itself using various geometric shapes, primarily triangles. This simplified design showcases the innocent archetype and fosters a sense of freedom and straightforwardness. It also incorporates a playful, youth-like quality through its use of geometric shapes. The plane always faces in an upward direction, representing the airline always looking up to the future. The two slogans used for the company's rebranding are directly inspired by the airline's previous mottoes "Up Where You Belong" and "One Airline Can Make a Difference." These marks embody those mottos.
There are three patterns used in the rebranding, but this particular variation is the most commonly used in marketing and branding materials. The design is created using a geometric pattern made up of triangles. These triangles are derived from the logo mark and are manipulated several times to produce a playful, repeating pattern. The inspiration for this style comes from geometric decorative designs that are often repeated to create a distinctive and visually appealing appearance that is unique to the airline.
The brand's color palette consists of a mix of blues and yellows, which create a cooler-toned color scheme with a touch of warmth. The purpose of this color combination is to establish a playful and confident atmosphere that emphasizes the importance of safety. It aims to soothe families with first-time flyers who may be anxious about flying, while also featuring a youthful and playful quality that exudes a sense of ease and calmness. This aligns with the gentle quality of the innocent archetype.
For the font system, I have decided to use the "neulis neue" font family. This typeface represents the "innocent" archetype by incorporating several curves, resulting in a gentle and youthful design. This font family offers different weights, which creates balance and dynamic. To create a direct tone/feel, we are using medium neulis neue for the large headings. Smaller headings and details will be in italic neulis neue, while regular neulis neue will be used for the body copy.
In general, this course posed a real challenge for me, and there were times when I found it quite difficult. However, I enjoyed the experience of starting from the basics of design and working with analog tools, such as exacto blades, rulers, and glue. The projects that involved using these tools were particularly challenging, as it was often difficult to achieve clean cuts and precise details. Moving onto the digital aspect of the course, I appreciated the way each project covered a wide range of design principles. Although many of the projects were challenging, I found them very useful in introducing me to new concepts and encouraging me to develop a wide range of ideas before selecting the best one to work on. While I'm grateful that this course focused on creating final pieces in line with the set guidelines, I feel that I would have gained even more by focusing on the actual process of generating ideas and coming up with concrete solutions. Unfortunately, this would have taken up a lot of time, so I understand why it wasn't the primary focus. Regardless, I'm thankful for the new skill set I've gained, which will come in handy in future design courses.
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Garden Cafe
Going down to KK again for an early Chinese New Year celebration, since my in-laws are unable to get a work leave for the actual CNY, and we wanted to see my eldest bro-in-law's bro's newborn kid. So as usual, road trip again~!
Of course, our brunch place before we take on the super long road was at Garden Cafe. I didn't manage to make a piece the last time coz I was so damn sleepy, but now I finally manage to get it
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Location: Wisma Limbang, Ground Floor, Limbang area, which is within the Sarawak border
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Setting: Typical kopitiam setting style, which is a little odd as it's built within a supermarket. You usually see this in food court area, not alone within the supermarket area
Atmosphere: 8.5/10 (very good atmosphere and a very large patronage, making me wonder how much do these people earn a day)
Design: 7.5/10 (very true to a kopitiam design with nice motivational posters and stuff, but too bad the size is just too small)
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Drinks: Lemon tea (my hubby), Coffee-O (my dad in law), Tea-C (my mom in law) and Milo (mine)
Presentation: 5/10 for all (typical kopitiam style serving)
Taste: 6/10 (for mine at least, the taste and sweetness just right)
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Food: Kolo mee (my hubby and mom in law), wa tan ho (my dad in law) and fish ball tang hoon (glass noodle; mine)
Presentation: 7.5/10 for all (may look simple and clean, but it has an appetizing look that makes you just wanna sink your teeth into it)
Taste: I'm not sure how the others taste (my dad in law's wa tan ho looks amazingly delicious though) but mine I would give a 8/10. It's amazing that the taste is just so yummy, warm and just the right flavour that I can't stop stuffing myself. And best of all, it's the perfect food for me to eat without ending up throwing it up due to car sickness coz by the time we're on the road, it would've been digested already LOL
There, finally, the piece on Garden Cafe. But it will prolly be quite a long while before we can come back here again, maybe on our next trip to KK
Overall rating:
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0 notes
rameshwaramarts · 9 months
Elevate Your Home with Golden Furniture Elegance
Gold has been cherished for centuries for its unparalleled beauty and rarity. Its warm, lustrous glow symbolizes wealth and prosperity, making it a symbol of luxury in various cultures across the globe. Incorporating gold into furniture design takes this opulence to a whole new level. When you enter a room adorned with Gold Furniture, you're greeted with an immediate sense of grandeur and sophistication. The play of light on gold surfaces creates a mesmerizing visual spectacle, casting warm reflections that transform your living space into a palace fit for royalty. In the world of interior design, every detail matters. From the color scheme to the choice of furniture, creating a space that resonates with your style and personality is a meticulous process. If you're looking to infuse opulence and timeless elegance into your living spaces, look no further than Golden Furniture by Rameshwaram Arts.
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Timeless Elegance
One of the remarkable aspects of golden furniture is its timeless appeal. Unlike trends that come and go, gold-infused pieces transcend eras, making them a valuable addition to any interior design scheme. Rameshwaram Arts understands the importance of classic elegance and incorporates it into every piece they create. Whether you prefer a traditional or contemporary look for your home, this furniture seamlessly integrates into both styles. Its versatility is unmatched, ensuring that your investment in this furniture remains a source of pride for years to come.
Rameshwaram Arts: Crafting Luxury
A Legacy of Craftsmanship
We are not just a furniture company; it's a legacy of craftsmanship that dates back generations. Our artisans have honed their skills over decades, mastering the art of transforming raw materials into exquisite works of art. When you invest in our golden furniture, you're not merely purchasing a piece of décor; you're acquiring a piece of history. Each item is carefully crafted with a passion for perfection, ensuring that it meets the highest standards of quality and aesthetics.
Customization at its Finest
One size does not fit all when it comes to interior décor. Rameshwaram Arts offers a bespoke service that allows you to personalize your golden furniture according to your preferences. From selecting the type of gold finish to choosing intricate detailing, your vision is brought to life. The experienced designers and craftsmen collaborate closely with you to understand your unique requirements. Whether you desire a specific design motif or wish to match your furniture to your existing color palette, we make it possible. This level of customization ensures that your golden furniture is not just beautiful but also a reflection of your individuality.
The Rameshwaram Arts Collection
Beds Fit for Royalty
Imagine sinking into a sumptuous gold bed after a long day's work. We offer a stunning collection of gold beds that redefine comfort and luxury. These beds aren't just furniture; they are a testament to your taste and style. Crafted with precision and upholstered in the finest fabrics, they provide a heavenly escape from the demands of daily life. Whether you prefer a classic four-poster design or a sleek, modern silhouette, our gold beds offer unparalleled comfort and elegance.
Dining in Elegance
Your dining area deserves nothing but the best. Our gold dining sets add a touch of regal splendor to every meal. Crafted with precision and designed for comfort, these sets are perfect for hosting lavish dinner parties. The dining table, often the centerpiece of your dining room, becomes a work of art in itself. It serves as a gathering place for family and friends, where cherished moments are created and celebrated. With our gold dining sets, every meal becomes a memorable experience.
Opulent Living Room
Transform your living room into a palace with us gold-infused sofas and coffee tables. These pieces not only exude opulence but also provide the utmost comfort for your relaxation. Imagine lounging on a plush gold sofa, surrounded by the warm glow of gold accents. The coffee table, adorned with intricate detailing, becomes a conversation starter and a piece of art. Your living room becomes a haven of luxury, a space where you can unwind and entertain with style.
If you're ready to transform your living spaces with the timeless elegance of this furniture by us, we invite you to take the next step. Contact us today to discuss your unique design preferences, customization options, and pricing details. Our team of experts is here to bring your vision to life. Elevate your interior décor with the shimmering allure of gold – contact us now and let your journey to luxury begin.
0 notes
The Modern Culinary Space Designing a Kitchen for Contemporary Living
The kitchen is evolving as a reflection of our culture. This exhibit explores how modern homeowners embrace change to make the most of this dynamic cooking space.
Backsplashes, cabinet colors and countertop materials might transform a kitchen in a flash, but it’s those smaller finishing touches that add impact. Take this kitchen by Charlie Coull Designs: matte black paint draws the eye around the room and ties the cabinets and unique accents together.
Sleek Finishes
Modern kitchen design can incorporate sleek finishes, creating a stylish aesthetic that reflects the latest trends. You can also choose to incorporate metallic textures or natural elements, like the rich hues of a muted copper or coal finish. These colors can be used on cabinets and other surfaces or on a backsplash, bringing elegance to the space.
Another trend is to use matte finishes on cabinetry. These finishes are forgiving and conceal fingerprints and smudges. This look is perfect for those who want to make a statement without using bold colors.
The exhibition Counter Space looks at the modern transformation of the domestic kitchen, including MoMA’s acquisition of a complete example of the Frankfurt Kitchen designed in 1926-27 by Grete Schutte-Lihotzky. The show includes architectural plans, posters, archival photographs, and selected artworks. In addition to exploring the kitchen as a site of reform, the show also highlights the ways in which chefs, designers, and architects have shaped its culture and myths.
Smart Appliances
From intelligent lighting to ovens with Wi-Fi compatibility that allow you to preheat or adjust temperature remotely, smart appliances offer new degrees of ease. These devices are also increasingly self-aware, analyzing your cooking habits and learning how to best serve you.
From voice-activated coffee makers to a robotic bartender that can whip up a cocktail at the touch of a button, this cutting-edge technology saves you time and energy and elevates your kitchen experience. This functionality is a key part of modern kitchen design, and it provides peace of mind that your devices are working properly in the event of an emergency.
The latest in connectivity offers revolutionary practicality and gives you the freedom to manage your home from anywhere – even the office. From reprogramming your oven to sending alerts to your smartphone when it’s running low on food, this trend allows you to customize and streamline daily tasks so that they fit seamlessly with your lifestyle.
Versatile Layouts
The kitchen is not just a place for meal prep; it’s also where families and friends gather to socialize and find solace after long days. To accommodate a variety of activities, modern kitchen design includes versatile layouts that allow multiple users to navigate the space.
One of the most popular and versatile layouts is a U-shaped kitchen, which wraps cabinets around three walls for a natural working triangle. This floor plan is ideal for open-concept homes as it eliminates barriers between the kitchen and adjacent rooms, making it easy to interact with guests while preparing food.
Another option is a peninsula kitchen, which connects an island to the rest of the cabinetry for an efficient cooking zone. This layout is ideal for small homes as it minimizes clutter and maximizes storage. Adding a seating area to the peninsula can help transition the space from cooking to dining, making it an ideal choice for kitchens with limited square footage.
Aligning with Your Lifestyle
Some design trends come and go, but sleek style for functional spaces is timeless. Whether you’re hosting gatherings or enjoying a quiet dinner for one, a modern kitchen lets you create the perfect atmosphere to fit your personality and needs.
For example, you can take your open kitchen plan to the next level with a center island that transforms into a dining table at a moment’s notice. Or you can add concealed stools to your floating countertops for a streamlined look. Or you can incorporate a bold color like red or green into your cabinetry to spruce up your style.
According to the 2019 Global Kitchen Study by Cosentino, a leading architectural surfacing company, kitchens are evolving as impactful multi-functional spaces that reflect advances in technology, wellness and sustainability. They’re also becoming increasingly gender-neutral, reflecting the way that women and men share household duties today. This change is having a major influence on kitchen designs, with a focus on products and solutions that offer functionality and versatility for all.
Metro Vancouver’s Premier Kitchen and Bath Renovation Company
Your kitchen is more than just a place to cook; it’s a space that brings people together, connects them, and helps them feel relaxed and comfortable. It’s a space that makes you proud to invite guests over, and it’s a space that lets you show off your personality and style. That’s why Vancouver Kitchen Renovation wants to help you create the perfect kitchen for yourself and your family. Whether you’re interested in updating your existing kitchen or starting from scratch, we can help you turn your dream kitchen into reality. We believe kitchens aren’t just functional spaces; they bring families together, connect them, inspire creativity, and allow them to express themselves. So we strive to create designs that reflect these values, and we’re excited to share them with you.
We understand that to be successful is to stay ahead of the curve. That means staying current with the latest technology and design trends. We always want to improve our products or services without breaking the bank. That’s why we stay connected to the latest technologies of NKBA, National Kitchen and Bath Association. In addition, at Vancouver Kitchen renovation, our primary focus is providing sustainable kitchen design and renovation packages, and we believe in sustainable living. Sustainable living is a way of life in harmony with nature. It is a lifestyle which focuses on the preservation of our environment. Sustainable living is a philosophy emphasizing respect for the environment and concern for its well-being. This means we should take care of the planet and treat it as if it were our home. We should try to preserve what we have and protect it from destruction. If we do this, we will enjoy the benefits of the earth’s resources for many generations. Whether you’re planning a major remodel or adding finishing touches to your current kitchen, we’d love to discuss your project. Book your showroom consultation online.
Main Areas of Service in British Columbia:
North Vancouver
West Vancouver
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the most expensive part of a kitchen remodel?
There’s no definitive answer to this question since the cost of a kitchen can vary greatly depending on the specific project. Experts believe that a high end kitchen remodel could cost from $40,000-$100,000. If you’re looking to remodel your kitchen, expect to pay a high price. Often, your custom cabinetry is the most expensive part of your kitchen remodel if you’re not making any structural changes.
Your custom cabinets compromise 25-35% of the total cost. Flooring, countertops, and appliances are all high-ticket items. If you’re on a tight budget, you may need to prioritize which pieces of your kitchen you want to update the most. But, with careful planning, it is possible to get a luxurious kitchen without breaking the bank.
However, there is a way to lower costs. Instead of focusing on major structural renovations, you can make cosmetic changes. It might be possible to replace countertops or refinish cabinets rather than completely renovating the kitchen. If you’re looking for a larger project to save labor costs, you might be able to do some of it yourself.
There are options that will make your kitchen remodel less expensive, no matter what your budget. It is possible to create the kitchen you desire without spending a fortune.
What are my options for planning a new kitchen?
There are many choices whether you want to remodel an existing space and/or design a dream new kitchen.
Spend some time looking for inspiration online before you start. Look for photos of kitchens that inspire you. Take notes on design ideas. You can then use pen and paper to pinpoint exactly where each element should go.
Now think about ways you can improve on these spaces. What can you do to improve these spaces? What would you add? You can ask someone who is knowledgeable about the subject to get some creative ideas.
Once you have a clear idea of what you want, it is time to get started. Start with the basics. Get rid of any extra clutter. Remove appliances that aren’t used often. Replace old fixtures by newer ones.
Next, find tight areas in your kitchen. This is where storage or countertops are not possible. Consider how you can make the most of these spots. Maybe you can turn them into pantries or wine cellars.
Don’t forget to consider lighting. Are there any areas that could use a brighter light source? A wall sconce may be able to brighten dark corners.
After you’ve made your improvements list, it’s time to implement them!
You don’t have to know everything right away. Just keep working until you’ve got it all figured out. Don’t forget to enjoy it every day!
What are some common mistakes made when renovating your kitchen?
A kitchen installed in an inappropriate location might not work.
Wet floors can be caused by putting the dishwasher too far away.
The fridge can get difficult to open if placed near the oven.
A lack of counter space can cause problems.
Another common error is not having enough storage. You should have enough shelves and cabinets for all kitchen gadgets.
Installing a new kitchen is choosing the appliances at the last minute.
You want to make sure they fit the space and are energy-efficient.
A mistake is not hiring a professional to assist with the design. They can ensure everything is to scale and fits in the space correctly.
Doing too much is a common mistake when renovating a kitchen. For a successful kitchen remodeling project, it is crucial to understand your limits and when you should call in the professionals.
This is a mistake. Kitchens are expensive. Make sure you have enough funds to cover the whole project.
A mistake is not having a clear picture of the final result. Before you begin a renovation, you need to have an idea of the style, layout and finishes that you want.
These are just a few of the common mistakes people make when remodeling their kitchens. For these types of mistakes to be avoided, it is important that you consult a professional first before beginning your project. You can have a successful kitchen remodel by planning well and executing the plan correctly.
What is a timeless kitchen backsplash design?
Subway tile backsplash would always be considered timeless. A full-height backsplash is recommended for kitchens. This would allow you to run the countertop as your backsplash all the way up to your upper cabinets. This creates a feeling of a bigger kitchen.
What type of kitchen backsplashes are in fashion?
For modern kitchens, a full-height backsplash is the best. If you prefer something more traditional, a subway tile backsplash is a good choice. If you’re looking for something with a rustic feel, then stone or brick backsplash would be a good fit. It all comes down to personal taste and how it fits in with your kitchen’s overall style.
Do I need a kitchen remodel?
Remodeling your kitchen can be a large investment. Make sure you carefully assess whether it is right for you. It is important to evaluate the age and condition your current kitchen, as well your family’s and lifestyle needs, as well your budget.
If your kitchen is outdated or needs repair, a remodel can be a great way to update the space and make it more functional. If your family grows, a remodel may provide additional storage and counter area. A well-designed, functional kitchen can help increase your home’s value.
But a kitchen remodel may not be the best option. It doesn’t make sense to renovate your kitchen if it is in good condition. You can make small improvements that will enhance the space’s appearance without spending a lot of money.
So, how do you know if a kitchen remodel is right for you? These are some questions you should ask yourself:
Is your current kitchen functional? Remodeling can be a great option if your kitchen is outdated, inefficiently stored, or not functional.
Is your kitchen in need of repair? A kitchen remodel may be in order if you have old appliances or cabinets that are falling apart. These problems will most likely require a complete kitchen remodel.
Do you want to add value to your home? A kitchen remodel is a big investment regardless of whether you intend to sell your home in the next few months. A well-designed kitchen will make your home more attractive to potential buyers and increase the resale price.
What’s your budget? A kitchen remodel can be costly so it is important to establish a realistic budget. When estimating how much your project will cost, consider labor costs, permits, as well as the cost of materials.
If you answered “Yes” to any questions above, a kitchen remodel could be right for. Talk to a qualified contractor to discuss your plans. The key to creating the kitchen that you dream of is careful planning.
This is rather grim, but according to Business Insider, 12 percent of couples consider getting a divorce while renovating their home! (familyhandyman.com)
In large firms, the commission charged by the GC ranges from 15 to 25 percent of the total job cost. (thespruce.com)
Followed by cabinet cost, labour, and appliance costs consume 20 percent each of your budget. (hgtv.com)
It’s a fantastic thing about most home improvement projects: no matter the job. It often seems like the last 20% is the most difficult. (familyhandyman.com)
Your most significant cost investment for a kitchen remodel will usually be cabinets, typically comprising 25 percent of your budget. (hgtv.com)
External Links
Open Floor Plan History, Pros, and Cons
Find Professionals to Estimate Kitchen Remodeling Prices
Learn how much it takes to remodel a Kitchen. Compose, SEO.
How much does a kitchen remodel increase your home’s value? – HomeAdvisor
Cost vs. value 2021
Cost vs. Value Project: Minor Kitchen Remodel
Amazing Kitchen Remodel Ideas To Refresh Your Home
How To
How do I choose a kitchen contractor?
The following tips should help you make a good decision when choosing a Kitchen Remodel contractor.
Ask around and find out what your friends think about their experiences with different contractors. It is a great place to get honest feedback, especially from people who know the contractors. Ask them about the quality of workmanship, professionalism, cleanliness, and punctuality. You might also ask them about any problems they had with the contractor. Do they have any problems with the contractor?
Ask for quotes from different companies. Provide a detailed description about your project and tell them why you want to work with someone else. It’s a good idea to tell them that your search is for someone who has experience in kitchen renovations. You can also provide details about the area, including the type of material used and its size. Be sure to tell them exactly what kind of finish you want (i.e., countertops, cabinets, backsplash, flooring). Make sure to include any specific requests during the project. If you are looking for new appliances, this is a good example. Do you want a particular style of cabinetry? Would you like to have a special feature such as a wine fridge or built-in oven?
Find out whether the company has insurance and worker’s compensation coverage. Online searches will reveal if there are any trade associations. It’s always best to go with a company that is part of a reputable organization.
Talk to the contractor about your project. Ask about their experience and qualifications. Find out their approach to your project and the timeline they have in mind.
Ask previous clients for references. Don’t take a contractor’s word for it. Ask for references. Call the people he recommends by going through his references. Let them know that you would like to talk to them about their positive experiences with this contractor.
Review past customers on sites like Yelp or Angie’s List. Many homeowners use these websites to leave reviews after completing projects. Positive reviews will assure you that you get a good job.
Consider hiring a kitchen designer to create a plan for your kitchen remodel. A kitchen designer who has experience will know the best way to design your kitchen. The latest trends in kitchen design will be mastered by the designer.
Helpful Resources:
35 Best Outdoor Kitchen Ideas | Kitchen Design 2023 | Kitchen Cabinet Design | Kitchen Design Ideas
Outdoor kitchen design ideas 2023. #kitchendesign2023 #kitchendesignideas #kitchendesign #kitchendesign #kitchenideas
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Multifunctional Kitchen Design Ideas 2023
Kitchens are becoming increasingly important in many homes, serving as a gathering spot for cooking and dining. They are also used as work spaces, homework
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Whether you’re looking to remodel or refresh your kitchen, a transitional design can give you the timeless and versatile look you need. A key feature of a
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Kitchen Hardware Ideas 2023
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Issue Fall/Winter 2022 – Dream Kitchens
All the issues of Dream Kitchens & Baths on our Newsstand. Get the subscription to Dream Kitchens & Baths and get your Digital Magazine on your device.
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The official publication of NKBA and KBIS
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2023 Kitchen design trends
Are you looking to upgrade your home kitchen in 2023 with the latest design trends? Kitchen renovations involve more than just updating décor and replacing
The post The Modern Culinary Space – Designing a Kitchen for Contemporary Living first appeared on Vancouver Kitchen Renovation.
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johnmulanymerch · 1 year
John Mulaney Merchandise Hot Spots
John Mulaney is a comedian to watch. He is well-known for his observational style, sharp wit and sharp humor.
He has been a beloved comedian and writer, winning Emmys. Comedy Central airs a weekly comedy show that he hosts.
What is john Mulaney merch exactly?john mulaney merch John Mulaney's latest merchandise is a top-end shirt, or a cheaper knockoff from Walmart. There are a few more notable characters than the usual suspects. Our list of merch hotspots will give you a comprehensive listing of all the best places to find John Mulaney merchandise. You can find cool shirts in these cities: Austin and Houston, San Diego, Phoenix, San Jose and San Jose.
How often is new merchandise released? The life of the former Saturday Night Live reporter has been quite turbulent. He's had a drug relapse, rehab stint, and a baby (recently spotted with his Uncle Pete Davidson).
Mulaney's silence has been atypical in recent months. He did however perform a brief stand-up set on Netflix’s “Is a Joke Fest” and discussed his sobriety last month on Saturday Night Live.
John Mulaney, From Scratch, is currently on tour across North America and sold out all venues, from Madison Square Garden to Hollywood Bowl. Now, Mulaney has added eight new dates to his current tour, including eight in Canada.
Who decides the best merchandise? Merchandise allows you to spread your brand across the globe. This can include t-shirts, hoodies or coffee mugs. It's a great way of promoting your business and keeping your followers happy.
It is important to have merch that draws attention and encourages people to buy it. This is why it is so important to choose a design that appeals to your audience.
John Mulaney merch comes in many different styles. You can find the perfect piece of John Mulaney merch for your style and budget, whether you are looking for a new shirt or a gift for someone special.
Where can you find the best John Mulaney merch John Mulaney fans will love his merchandise. You'll find something for everyone here, including T-shirts, posters and coffee mugs.
His official website is one of the best places you can find the best merchandise. Hot Topic and Amazon both have a range of merchandise available.
A tee-shirt with one his clever jokes printed on it is the best way to show your support for him. They come in many styles, including crew necks with long sleeves, v-necks, and crew necks. Many of these are made of polyester or cotton and have moisture-wicking and odor control properties. They are available in a range of colors and sizes to meet your individual needs. They are certain to be a hit.
What are some of your favorite John Mulaney merch products? John Mulaney is an actor, comedian, writer, and actor who is most well-known for his observational style comedy. Mulaney has won legions of fans for his comedy skills and Comedy Central's weekly show cements his status as one the best comedians in America.
A great way to show support for John Mulaney is to get merchandise featuring his catchphrases or jokes. There are many options for merch, including shirts, hoodies, and mugs.
John Mulaney T-shirts make great gifts and are a popular choice for John Mulaney merchandise. T-shirts with his albums The Comeback Kid, New in Town and Saturday Night Live logos are available. All sizes are available so that you can find the perfect one to gift or keep for yourself.
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petecaswell · 1 year
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New Post has been published on https://petecaswell.co.uk/wp2/interior-design-decoration-ideas-for-ski-lodges-and-ski-chalet-designs/
Interior Design Decoration ideas for ski lodges and ski chalet Designs
For some great Interior designs and decorations Try out some of Pete Caswells famous ski art and paintings ideas for your next ski chalet or lodge interior design projects.
Please don’t use the same old skis and vintage ski posters for your ski lodge and chalet designs…. “Use my ski art and paintings as well to bring some unique fun and vibrancy to your designs I have some great images of my paintings and close up sections of some of the most colourful or textured parts of many others. Let me get some fun designs for you to add that splash of really unique colour and light for your next interior design ideas”.
This ones just a bit of fun but it can make a great cushion design or some unique ski cups
Try some new ski and snowboard decor ideas to make you ski chalet and lodges unique. There is nothing Pete loves more than working with an interior design project to provide some unique designs and art work to really bring an interior ski chalet project to life.
Take a look at Pete Caswell’s ski paintings which can be bought as ski prints, posters and original art.
Flaine Grande Massif Ski Poster of Pete’s Ski Paintings
For that special touch with some unique style contact Pete Directly. There is nothing he loves more than using some of his famous ski designs to re interpret them into some new ideas to decorate your ski lodge and chalet. The skies the limit with these designs. It’s just your imagination which is holding you back.
Chair Lift at Beaver Creek and the Aspens in Colorado ski painting makes a great repeating pattern
There are so many designs Pete has produced and so much potential to incorporate them into a new ski chalet or lodge interior design project that he has refrained from off the peg designs.
You can order material with some of his colourful mountainscapes or some his crazy skiers and snowboarders on the piste to make into curtains, cushions and throws or just some custom ski themed mugs.
An abstract close up of a skier makes for a great cushion design
Why not order a set of new cups with some of Pete’s unique ski designs on them, or some fun towels and throws or custom order the material to make them yourself. These you need to order from Pete direct by email.
Or order a large print or original painting based on your own favourite resort.
An abstract close up of a skier makes for a great cushion design
Pete has produced a few ideas in a book from of some of his ski paintings which make a great addition for a ski lodge chalet coffee table. Ski Art Books for the Ski Lodge Chalet Coffee table.
Order a set of cards to make a collage ski image wall either direct from Pete or off his ski print site. Choose the print you like and then select the card or print option.
A crazy snowboarder used as a cushion design for your lodge decor
Here are some ski lodge chalet ideas which Pete put together a few years ago for some interior design projects for some cushions using some of his designs and some close up images which were for another interior design project for a client to select some favourite decor ideas for their ski lodge.
Lodge Chalet Decor Abstract section from one of Pete’s mountain paintings to give some great vibrant colours
Take a look through Pete’s back catalogue of ski prints and posters from all the different resorts to get some design ideas before contacting Pete. Or look at his top 30 ski prints and posters.
Or if you need black interior design ideas and white take a look at the skiing feeling collection.
Heading towards black and white but not quite. 3 fun snowboarders for a pillow design.
Or go the whole way and take out the colour completely going for the black and white feel.
Vintage ski poster in a storm on a Chairlift skiing painting black and white
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