#new orleans posting
gardenianoire · 3 months
living in New Orleans October thru May
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living in New Orleans June thru September
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notherpuppet · 3 months
Alastor is a complex character!
Despite being one of the few characters in Hazbin with confirmed identities (his ethnic background and sexual orientation), those identities are in of themselves, complex experiences.
There’s seemingly nothing about the character that is Black or White.
I think that’s why he is such a compelling character! Also, it’s probably one reason why he is such an attractive conduit for folks’ creative expression.
His identities are not necessarily why many people may gravitate towards him, but they do offer a chance for people to investigate him and explore a character—as unique as he is—into avenues they may not have considered before.
I can commiserate with feeling defensive of a character who shares an identity with you—ESPECIALLY an underrepresented one. Discourse is natural and completely fine! (And very educational sometimes in my experience)
But I don’t think it’s fruitful to police a fandom in these matters. Some folks come to my inbox (I delete the really rude ones) or comment sections with a very cop-like attitude to a space that’s supposed to be creative and/or fun *airhorn*
That’s my take as just some guy on the internet 🤓🛜 have a good dayyyyy
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actias-lunar · 8 months
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From Destroy This Memory by Richard Misrach
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hoomandoescosplay · 4 months
Well Aren’t You A Charmer | Alastor x Reader
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Life Is A Wonderful Adventure
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Life After Death Is An Even Better Adventure
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
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harbingersecho · 4 months
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countless days pass by immeasurably;
anniversaries gutter in the maelstrom
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multifan-dump · 4 months
thinking about how IWTV loves to play with the theme of master and servant. thinking especially about that “yes, maître” and how armand’s first appearance onscreen, for almost the entire duration of s1, is in the role of louis’s “rashid.” thinking about how, when I first watched s1, it jarred me a little to see the authoritative, almost imperious way louis spoke to “rashid,” even after having endured to lestat’s tyranny himself, not to mention the tyranny of white people. it jarred me even more to realize that that had actually been armand—the ostensible love of his life—taking louis’s orders, bowing his head, saying things like, “I serve a god.” was that a strange and uncomfortable performance for the ancient leader of the paris coven? or was it perfectly natural for someone whose past means he defaults to the role of the subordinate, the submissive, the servant? is the relationship between the master louis and the servant rashid in fact the truest, rawest representation of the core dynamic between louis and armand?
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smeagles · 2 years
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New Orleans 10.29.2006 | Mandi
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lonestarflight · 5 months
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"Production facilities of the Boeing Aircraft Corporation at the Michoud Plant in New Orleans, Louisiana showing one of the first stages of the Saturn V vehicle in the final phases of assembly prior to shipment."
Date: April 1967
NASA ID: 97-1213
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frenchcurious · 7 months
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"The Dog-House Nite Club" in New Orleans, Louisiana photographed by Marion Post Wolcott in August 1940. - source Colored History.
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moth-lace · 3 months
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This was a quick project that I did for Halloween last year. The concept sprung from watching old films like White Zombie and Dracula.
I've always kind of been fascinated with the idea of a bride that was left at the alter or her groom was murdered just hours before the wedding and in her grief she throws herself from a cliff (or tower, or window, the list goes on) all for the sake of lost love.
So in honor of that age old story I created a 1920's flapper bride out of an old grey bed sheet and draped old toupe colored lace over. The result was actually very nice.
Later that night though I actually ended up being a zombie because I couldn't resist the scare factor. :)
Ghostcore is an aesthetic revolving around ghosts, spirits, cemeteries, and the eerie feeling surrounding them. Ghostcore involves two different factions, one focuses on death and the philosophy behind the meaning of life and death, and the other faction takes the macabre and depressing and makes light of it. People may often relate to ghosts or wish to live as one. This provides a similar overlap with Voidpunk, and is a part of the Otherkin community. The aesthetic of ghostcore is described as "dark, haunted, and ethereal-like landscapes, cemeteries, the spiritual world and connecting to it, haunted artifacts, dark and mysterious history, legends and ghost stories, and more" according to a private Ghostcore Facebook page. The community is open, casual, and accepting of all who are accepting of them.
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How to do Mardi Gras, from someone who has just finished doing Mardi Gras:
Wake up at 9 am. The parades start at 11 but by god you WILL be getting there early
Arrive in the city at 10:45. Drive around looking for parking
Drive around looking for parking
Drive around looking for parking
It is 11:30. You have finally found parking
Discover as you’re walking to the parade that you’re not walking to the parade. You are heading to your dad’s frat brother’s house, because he lives near the parade
Take a moment to erase the memory that your dad was a frat bro from your mind
The house is absolutely full of overly excited middle aged white people. There is one (1) person who is not over the age of 50 and she is very excited to see you.
You know none of these people but they are all talking about how the last time they saw you you were two feet tall. Nod politely and laugh, then run for it
Head to the parade. Your brother declares he has friends further along the route he wants to meet with. Your parents go with him to find the friends so he does not get murdered. This is called foreshadowing
You are now left with a pack of tipsy middle aged white people who are 40+ years older than you and one (1) girl your age. They all start looking for more of their old frat brothers so they can get a spot along the parade
You end up at some tent and everyone is excited to find their old frat brother. You introduce yourself as [dad’s name]’s daughter and pray he recognizes your dads name
He says this is not actually his tent, it’s his son’s girlfriend’s brother’s tent. You and your pack of middle aged white people have just crashed some random guy’s party, but nobody really seems to care
Decide you don’t want to deal with this and head off with the one (1) girl your age to get food. Get completely lost traveling half a block before you find food
Buy food. Wait for 20 minutes to get food. Watch the parade happening out the window and wish you were actually by the parade
Get a series of panicked texts from your father because he thinks he has lost you in New Orleans during a parade and you are dead. This is called foreshadowing.
The parade is over. Nobody is sure which parade is over, because there are three back to back. But this one is over.
Leave the restaurant and discover the pack of now solidly drunk middle aged white people have been kicked out of the son’s girlfriend’s brother’s tent. Rendezvous with the parents and start wandering around until they find another old frat brother whose tent they can crash
They find a tent literally two tents down. There are so many old frat bros at this parade. The pack of middle aged white people, which has grown by at least two couples, crash this tent. You’re just along for the ride motherfucker
A new parade has started. You still have no idea which parade this is
You and the one (1) girl your age push your way to the front of the crowd. Congratulations, you’re now fighting in the trenches for beads
Germs are not a concern here. If it’s not in somebody’s hand or bag it’s free game. This includes grabbing shit off the streets before anyone else can get it. There is no mercy in war. Snatch a bag of beads out of the air before a child can get it and display your spoils of war proudly
A man throws you a hat. You bobble the catch and it falls into the street. It falls to the ground and gets run over by a float. You retrieve and put on the hat anyways. Hat count: 1
Catch a string of the giant honking beads people would quite literally get in fights for. Display your spoils of war proudly
There are rows of stepstools and ladders lining the parade route. The one behind you has been unoccupied for at least an hour. Your ladder now.
With your height advantage you are now more powerful than ever. You have so many beads. You catch another hat (purple). Hat count: 2
Your parents also make it to the front of the crowd. Your mother immediately starts to befriend the couple next to you. Over the course of the parade, you learn their entire life story. He’s in the military. She’s a travel nurse. They are from Pennsylvania. This is their first Mardi Gras. Yelling that it is their first Mardi Gras at people on the floats has nabbed them many many beads
How to get items you want from the float krewes: find someone with an item you want. Point directly at them and make eye contact. Scream, as loudly as you can, the name of the item they are holding that you want. If you’ve done all of these steps correctly (eye contact is most important here) then there is a 75% chance you will get the item, which is much better than normal
Find a man holding a pink hat. Make eye contact. Point. Scream, loudly, HAT. He throws the hat at you but the 13 year old boy next to you catches it. You make a deal with him to get the hat. Hat count: 3. Alliances forged: 1
The parade has stopped moving for a minute or so. The couple next to you is bargaining with one of the riders for a string of the giant beads people will get in fights over. The rider is not convinced this man is military. Photo evidence is not enough proof. The float rides away before they can convince him. Everybody is devastated
This entire time, riders have been throwing rolls of streamers/toilet paper off the floats. You catch a roll of streamers. You copy what everyone else has been doing and throw them across the street. The streamer/toilet paper unfurls beautifully, waving in the air in a perfect arch. You accidentally nail a woman in the boob. You turn away and pretend you didn’t do that.
The one (1) girl your age has caught a pair of shirts. She gives you one. It is Mardi Gras and you have no fucks to give. You change shirts right there on the side of the street. It’s three crawfish in Mardi Gras colors.
Your dad catches a hat (Mardi Gras colors) and gives it to you. Hat count: 4
A pack of old men dressed as Cupid come by. They are handing out roses to people. You get a rose. You realize this is a real rose. You have nowhere to put it where it will not be crushed. It goes in your bra.
Every so often, a group of people near you will know someone riding on a float and will scream their name. A pack of people start chanting for Scott. You also start chanting for Scott. Scott throws you a gray hat. Hat count: 5
Everyone around you is in awe at the amount and variety of beads and hats you are wearing. You are a king atop his stolen stepladder throne. You and your 13 year old comrade exchange tips on how to get better loot from the riders
People are hurling footballs across the street at each other. And streamers/toilet paper. And frisbees. It is chaos
The third dance troupe of scantily dressed old people come by. They are dancing to Dancing Queen. Their choreography is impeccable. You, and everyone else in the crowd, cheer them on enthusiastically
Someone hurls a pack of ramen off the float at you. Food count: one pack of ramen, one pack of off brand Cheetos, one dum dum, one marshmallow chocolate candy thing. You will feast tonight, which is good because all you’ve eaten today is half a bagel and some fries
You still need one more hat to complete your collection. You do the “point and scream” and get a yellow hat. You trade for a green hat with a woman who is friends with the couple from Pennsylvania. These three people are your mother’s new best friends. Hat count: 6
You have collected all six hat colors. Your power is immeasurable. This is how Thanos felt upon collecting all six infinity stones.
You have collected two more (fake) flowers. They also go in the bra. They are stabbing you in the chest because of the weight of your beads. This is fine.
The parade is over. Your mother gives you her yellow hat. Hat count: 7
You want to stay for the following parade in a few hours. Your family vetoes this. You go home sadly
You go home and take a shower because 50% of what you touched today came straight from the ground and that, in the aftermath of the parade, is gross
You go to bed
You wake up the next morning and check your phone. Your dad has sent a text to the family group chat. It is a link to a news article saying that five people were shot and one died at the parade you wanted to stay for that your family made you leave
Dad says “Wow! So glad we didn’t stay.”
Mom says “That’s not far from where [brother] was! So crazy.”
You text “Wow! Crazy” and go back to sleep. You still wish you had attended that parade.
Happy Mardi Gras.
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joshusten · 8 months
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(click for better quality lol)
if you listen closely you can hear badabing and jean's tired sighs
cant believe stacy fumbled my man like that smh /j but in all honesty :")) badaboom is such a national treasure also its so embarrassing how long this took to camscan
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bccs-blackandwhite · 1 month
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Lafitte’s Blacksmith Shop, New Orleans
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jockoppressor · 7 months
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Had a great time at Mardi Gras, btw
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tododeku-or-bust · 2 years
Remember that "Silence is the Sound of Gentrification" article-
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The range i feel as a Black person when they try to stop folks from playing JAZZ at night in fucking NEW ORLEANS
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the-vampire-lazarus · 3 months
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In New Orleans with my family and got to see a few different IWTV filming locations today! Saw Louis and Lestat’s New Orleans home, AKA the Gallier House, and Jackson Square where the vampire family hangs out in season 1!
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