#new one is maybe a pinched nerve in my neck?
I am so sick of inhabiting a flesh vessel someone let me out :/
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imaginaryf1shots · 6 months
Neighbour | Lando Norris
WC: 2K+
Lando x reader
Part 2
Summery: (REQUESTED) Your neighbour and you don’t get along, but what happens when your ex turns up to your house.
Warnings: Cursing, cheating, google translated french
A.N: Not my best work but I wanted to get something out
Lando Masterlist
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You've been living in Monaco your whole life, went to school there, went to college elsewhere before coming back to Monaco. It's true that it's a hub for all the richest of people, plus all motorsport athletes and fans. On most days you don't mind any of that, but you're starting to hate your life there. A lot of people move in and out of the city all the time, some rich some not, some nice some not, your new neighbour is anything but nice.
He isn't always there but when he is, he makes sure you know it, and makes your life a living hell.
But he's the last thing on your mind right now, you're going out with your friends and boyfriend to go clubbing. It's the weekend and you're all wanting to let loose, it's been a long weekend and your neighbour is back in town, so that adds to the sleepless nights and headaches.
Lando was dragged out of his apartment to go to a club with Max and Kelly. He just came back to Monaco a few days ago and his friends wanted to have fun. P was having a sleepover at her friend's, so it was perfect.
Lando knows who you are, he definitely does, he's seen your glare and heard your shouting more times than he can count. Always screaming in French and never letting him let a word out before you're marching off. He has no idea if you think he speaks French, or if you’re just cussing him out. That gets on his nerves, who shouts and then leaves without any explanation or waiting for any response. It irked him to no end, did it make him blast his music a tad bit louder? Yes he did, but she started it, she's the one that annoyed him and kept shouting.
Lando is dressed to go clubbing with a chain around his neck, his curls wild and free to do as they want. He met with Max and Kelly there, he chose not to drive, knowing he'd be drunk by the end of the night, and the club wasn't that far from his house anyways. Walking in the club, he felt the vibrations going through him, his blood was pumping, itching to have a drink and hit the dance floor, maybe ask the DJ for a go. The mood was amazing, everyone was having fun as if there's no tomorrow, Lando was dancing with this random girl and Max and Kelly were having a good time. An hour in, Lando made his way to the bathroom at the back of the club, he drank so much and needed to pee to be able to drink some more. It was much quieter at the back of the club, the music was muted, the lights were a bit brighter, and surprisingly there weren't that many people around. Maybe this is why Lando heard it, there was shouting, in thick accented English, different accents, but both speaking English. Maybe he was nosey, or maybe he just wanted to make sure that everyone's okay, but he quietly made his way to the corner at the end of the hallway, leading to the emergency door, he peaked around the corner. Seeing the back of a female in a short dress and hair loose, his eyes running up and down her figure, shouting at a guy much taller and bigger than her, the guy's face was pinched in anger, his hand was moving around.
"I saw you! Why are you still denying it?" The female shouted, her anger and hurt vivid in her voice.
"You saw nothing, because nothing happened!" The guy shouted back and she huffed, Lando could imagine her rolling her eyes as she crossed her arms. "Love, please believe me, nothing happened."
"How can I? When I saw you! I saw you and you have no excuse." She sounded desperate now, Lando debated walking back but he couldn't get himself to just turn and walk away, something made him stay.
"It's dark here, you're mistaken, believe me, please, I only have eyes for you." The guys said and took a step closer, his hands landing on the female's shoulders, Lando could see her tensing. "I love you, you know that right?"
"I know." Lando almost missed her words, he knew she was about to forgive him, and even though he didn't know what happened, he knew the guy was bullshitting his way out of cheating, and she was falling for it.
"Then believe me." The guy leaned in for a kiss, but she turned her head to the side, and Lando saw her face, his eyes went wide and he dipped his head back out of sight. He just saw his annoying neighbour fighting with her boyfriend and he had no idea. He checked her out and even liked what he saw. He wants to bleach his eyes for checking her out. How could he find her attractive? Knowing that her boyfriend won’t hurt her, he went to his original destination. Standing in the urinal he does his business before someone walks in and stands at another urinal one down from him. Lando looks up and sees your boyfriend standing there, looking unbothered. He even got out his phone and dialled a number.
"Hey babe... yeah, I'm going to be late... don't wait up for me.... I know, I miss you too... don't worry, I have tomorrow off and I'm spending it all with you... yeah... whatever you want... I love you... see you tomorrow my love." Lando is standing there in disbelief, that asshole is two timing girls. He may not like you, he despises you even, but that doesn't give that guy rights to cheat on you.
Lando debates telling you, as the alcohol in his system seemed to disappear and he doesn’t drink for the rest of the night, but he did manage to spot you a few times dancing with your boyfriend with a smile on your face, his first time seeing you smiling. Completely unaware, and over the fight you two had.
He decides not to tell you, you'll figure it out.
And you figured it out, one text sent to you by mistake was all it took. Scott kept calling you at all hours of the day and night, you had to block him but he'd get a new number and start calling you again, it left you sleepless and more sensitive. This is why you're standing here in your pyjamas at Lando's door pounding on his door at 8 PM, it isn't that late but you haven't been sleeping well and just wanted to get
to bed, but the music coming from Lando's house just made it impossible to do so. It took Lando a minute before he answered the door. That minute felt like a lifetime to you, you really wanted to strangle him by the time he made it to the door.
"What do you want?" Lando asked, he now knew you spoke English, he was surprised to see you there. You never come to knock on his door, usually your confrontations happen when he's going out at the same time as you or one of you is coming in and another is leaving.
"S'il te plaît, baisse la musique.” (Please turn down the music.) You say in French pinching between your eyebrows in a desperate need to stop the headache.
"Don't speak French, love." You sigh it takes you a moment to register what he’s saying and it seemed for the first time you realise he doesn't, and frown to yourself.
"I don't speak French." He repeats amused.
"But-But that means every time-“
"Yes, I understood nothing." You huff and push your hair out your face, your pyjama top rising with your hand movement, giving Lando's eyes free access to your skin, he bites his bottom lip lightly.
"Okay, can you please turn the music down a bit, I can't sleep." You ask him to choose to ignore the fact that he can't speak French.
"It's 8" Lengo frowns and you sigh, he then realises how tired you are. "I'll turn it down."
"Thanks" With that you turn barefoot and walk back to your apartment, closing the door behind you, all while Lango is watching you. He shook his head and went back into his apartment and turned the music off.
You don't interact much but Lendo has seen you in passing during the next week, he caught your phone ringing a few times, it seemed to ring a lot lately and you never seem to answer, always declining the call and then blocking the number, he can only guess that you found out.
Finding out that your boyfriend is cheating on you is never easy, but finding out it’s more than one woman, and more than one time is much harder. How could you be so blind? you don’t get why he’s still calling you. You could only guess that he’s been dumped by all the women he was stringing along. You were going through the breakup, not getting enough sleep, not going out, spending your days on the balcony looking over the city.
You were sitting there with a glass of wine, your head leaning back on the chair as you chilled. Blindly taking a sip of the wine, only to find the glass empty opening your eyes you groan. Begrudgingly getting up to refill your glass when you glance down and have to do a double take, Scott’s car is parked in front of your building, the ugly purple car, eye-catching even in a city like Monte Carlo. “Fuck.”
Your brain came to one conclusion, you have to escape. You run inside, through your apartment and outside to the elevator, only to find it already on its way up. Not a lot of floors in the building, turning and looking frantically, your eyes fell onto your neighbours door, you run there and ring the bell while knocking on the door, repeatedly. Lando opens the door, he doesn’t have time to think before he’s pushed back and his door is slammed, his vision is filled with your hair, you have only managed to push him back a step. you’re looking through the peephole not caring that you just barged into his apartment without any rhyme or reason, offering no explanation.
“What the fuck?” Lando whispered to himself, before he heard it, pounding on your door. Your breathing picks up pace, your eye glued to the peephole.
“Shit, shit, shit.” You mutter over and over again.
“What is happening?” Lando asks and it seemed like you didn't hear him, so he gently moves you to the side and it's then you come out of the trace you're in and blink up at him, he looks through your peephole and sees your ex standing there in front of your door, he's started shouting and calling your name. “What is he doing here?”
“I-uh- I don't know.” You say weakly and look up at Lando, eyes filled with tears, shaking you head you continue voice wavering. “I don't know, he's-he's been calling me and sending me texts and I've blocked him but-but…”
You trail off as Scott starts cussing you out, and throwing threats, your eyes went wider. Lando’s jaw clenched, his hand formed into fists. Lando puts his hands on the door handle and just before he twists it, you place your hand on his to stop him, you're shaking. “Please don't leave me here, don't go out, please.”
“Okay, okay, it's fine, I’ll call security and have him kicked out and he'll be off your visitors’ list.” Lando says and places his hand on your shoulders to calm you down, you nod at his words and Lando just pulls gently to the living room where you collapse on the sofa, your head in your hands. “They’re coming up.” Lando says after his call and sits at the other end of the sofa angled to face you, you look up and Lando takes you in, eyes red, lips raw from you biting at them you're not shaking anymore, but still over all a hot mess. His heart breaks for you, all the past transgressions forgotten.
“Thank you.” You tell Lando honestly, you're grateful he didn't kick you out or tell your ex that you're here.
“No worries, couldn't let you out to that asshole.” Lando clenched his fists just in thought of your ex being outside. “Do you want to drink something, water, tea, coffee?”
“Wine?” You ask and Lando chuckles before he gets a bottle of wine and two glasses. “Thank you.”
Lando pours you a glass, the first one you down in one go. The second one you nurse, by the third you're both talking, fourth your mind is off your ex, and then you're sleeping.
Lando hadn't drank as much as you had, he debated moving you to the guest bedroom, but he's slept on the sofa a few times before and he knows that It's comfortable so he just moves you so you're laying down with a pillow under your head and a light bedsheets over you. Lando finds himself sitting on the coffee table facing you, you look so innocent sleeping, snoring lightly, and once more he just takes you in. “Maybe you're not so bad after all.”
Once he catches himself pulling an Edward Cullen he gets up and goes to his bedroom, leaving you to sleep, but all he could think about is you.
All you could dream about is Lando
Maybe he's not bad after all.
Part 2
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wileys-russo · 1 year
looks can be deceiving II a.russo x reader
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you all asked, here's the answer. secretly soft biker gf (au) lessi looks can be decieving II a.russo x reader
"so where's your guard dog today then?" you playfully shoved your best friend with a roll of your eyes at the question as the two of you walked across campus toward the parking lot.
"at work i think, she was gone by the time i woke up." you shrugged, not having spoken very much to your girlfriend given she was far from the worlds best texter and you'd been in exams all day.
"and you're fine with just assuming that? you don't feel the need to like check in?" your best friend asked in disbelief. "well yeah? she told me she was working today, i believe her. it's called trust, maybe you've heard of it!" you teased, smacking her arm.
"i guess she doesn't really have any friends she could be hanging round with anyway." you pinched her for the comment as the girl whined and pushed you away. "don't be rude!" you warned seriously, not accepting anyone speaking badly of your girlfriend, even your best friend.
"i still can't believe you're with her." the girl beside you shook her head as you sent her a look. "and what's that supposed to mean?" you challenged, stopping in front of her with your arms crossed. "she's so...rough?" your best friend analysed with a grimace, unable to really find the words to describe the girl you were so head over heels for.
"you're judging her without knowing her, again." you sighed, the two of you resuming your walking, having just finished your final exam for the day. "because you won't let me meet her properly! you've been seeing her for like four months and i think i've heard her say about ten words?" your best friend chastised.
"she's just independent. and every time i invite you to hang out with us you get all weird about it and make her uncomfortable!" you warned, having admittedly been trying to get the two women to spend some time together with you but so far you'd had no success at all.
"i make her uncomfortable?? she makes me uncomfortable she looks at me like she wants to stab me!" your best friend huffed. "no she doesn't, she's really sweet. plus she treats me well and makes me very happy, isn't that enough for you as my best and most loyal friend?" you gave the girl beside you puppy dog eyes who groaned and pushed your head away.
"didn't she eat the head off a bat once for a dare?" the brunette beside you asked with a grimace, you scoffed at the question. though before you could answer a new voice rang out behind you.
"yeah, was a bit crunchy though. you want me to get you one to try?" you spun around at the familiar accent, your whole face lighting up at the sight of your girlfriend. "lessi!" you beamed, jumping on her as the taller girl easily caught you in her arms.
"alessia." your best friend deadpanned, crossing her arms over her chest as the soft smile which made its way to your girlfriends lips at the sight of you quickly melted away and she placed you back down on your feet.
"layla." the girl replied in the same curt tone, wrapping her arms around you possessively from behind. "well this has been rivoting. get home safe with your personal grease monkey babe, call me later." your best friend smiled at you as alessia sent her a glare over the top of your head.
"i thought you had work baby?" you turned around in her hold, wrapping your arms around her neck and leaning up on your tippy toes to peck her lips. "mm i left early, perks of being the bosses daughter." alessia grinned, pecking your lips back a few times before attacking your face with kisses making you laugh.
"why? i thought you were doing that vintage chief you can't seem to stop talking about." you asked curiously, your girlfriend beaming with pride that you remembered.
"gio was getting on my last fucking nerve with it today. i had to start over twice because he kept sticking his fingers in thinking he knows better than i do, and then something falls off or apart and i'm back to square one." your girlfriend puffed air out of her nose with an annoyed grunt.
"m'sorry baby. but your dad knows you're the best though, why do you think he trusts you with all of the older engines that are more fragile? nobody can love them, care for them and bring them back to life like you can lessi baby." you reminded her softly, smiling as she pressed her face into your shoulder, likely to hide the blush you knew would be creeping down her neck at the praise.
"i hope you didn't bring your bike though. i am not getting on that death trap i already told you." you warned making the older girl roll her eyes and mock you under her breath.
"you're getting on it one day even if i have to tie you to the damn seat. but no, i have the car." alessia sighed dramatically, pulling away to take your hand as the two of you continued across the parking lot.
"god you look good in your uniform." you commented with a grin, eyes shamelessly roaming the grease stained coveralls clinging to her body, the girl working most days in her dads auto body garage working on what was her second love next to you, her beloved vintage motorcyles.
"little perv." alessia rolled her eyes and shoved your head playfully but your grin widened seeing the slight blush which coated her cheeks, as they did anytime you gave her even the slightest hint of a compliment. "after you." she was quick to open the passenger door for you, stealing a kiss as you slid in.
"such a gentlewoman." "only the very best for you baby girl."
"those are for you." your girlfriend nodded to a bunch of flowers sitting on her desk as she let the two of you into her apartment, closing the door and sitting down to take off her boots. "oh lessi." you melted, lips curling into an adoring smile.
"they're beautiful." you sent her a grateful look over your shoulder, moving to find something to put them in given you planned to spend the weekend here, and probably most of next week.
you had your own place, a sharehouse with two roommates, but if you were honest you stayed nights here much more than there, and that was just as alessia wanted it anyway.
her apartment was quintessentially just so her. the dark toned wood furniture, the worn in brown leather sofa draped in throw cushions and blankets that you knew she only bought once the two of you started dating to make it seem a little more 'homey'.
the olive green accents in her minimal decor choices which popped against the numerous amounts of house plants scattered around, the girl shockingly had a fantastic green thumb. then there was the countless amounts of books lining her walls, almost all classics like emily dickinson, bronte and sylvia plath.
then of course there was her baby.
the restored 1941 harley davidson which sat right in the middle of the apartment in place of a dining table, an odd sight to most but it was just so incredibly alessia for her to have it there you'd never minded.
her apartment was her safe space and her haven, littered with trinkets and engine parts and tools, but then there was the typewriter on her desk which sat right by the enormous floor to wall window which let in the most glorious sunlight in the early mornings and late evenings, the vintage cameras and the polaroids of you stuck to her fridge.
it was hers, and you felt privileged that she let you in to become a part of it.
"you're beautiful." suddenly you were turned around as you rummaged through her cupboards trying to find something to use as a makeshift vase, your body pinned to the counter as the taller girl loomed over you with a soft smile.
your hands reached up to tug her hair out which was half up in a bun, a dirty mix of black, brunette and blonde waves falling to frame her face as you tangled your fingers in the soft locks.
"you've done so well with your exams gorgeous. i'm really really proud of you, my smart intelligent wonderful girl." alessia praised with a soft smile, tenderly pulling you into a kiss as her mouth slotted perfectly with yours, her hands gently caressing your sides.
your head swam at the feeling of her kissing you. sometimes she could be rough and posessive and needy with the way she attacked your lips, but most times, like right now, she was soft and slow and tender, taking her time with you to show you how much each kiss really meant to her.
this was the alessia you fell head over heels for. the soft spoken, severely misunderstood sweetheart who wrote you poems and bought you flowers just because, who laid with her legs tangled with yours in the sunshine pouring in from her windows and read to you for hours with a voice like honey.
the girl who touched you so carefully and so lovingly as if you were made of glass and might break if she wasn't gentle enough. who taught you how to make homemade pasta and loved nothing more than to lay down with her head in your lap while you played with her hair, allowing her to let down the walls that she had built up and fortified around anyone else that wasn't you.
not the big tough tattooed biker girl with a smart mouth and a bad attitude who dropped out of school to fix engines, ride her harley and flit from party to party, never caught without a cigarette behind her ear, cocky smirk and a leather jacket on her shoulders.
granted though she was the biggest teddy bear most of the time, she did have her moments where she might live up a little more to her reputation.
if she'd had a bad day at work, maybe argued with one of her brothers over a part that was supposed to be ordered which never came which pushed back the whole job and she'd gotten the blame, then she had no issues treating you a little rougher, using you as a stress reliever in the most sinful ways for hours on end.
but then right after the walls would come crashing down again and she was back to kissing you like you could crumble at a moments notice, crawling into your arms seeking comfort and constant praise about how good she did, how much you loved her, how much you needed her and appreciated her.
"i'm gonna go take a shower." the girl hummed against your lips, pulling away and softly kissing your forehead, pushing her body off of yours. "yeah good, you smell." you teased, kicking her bum as she turned around, pulling yourself up onto the counter.
"you're lucky you're cute." alessia warned, smile tugging at her lips. "get your study in for awhile baby, i'm gonna wash my hair. and when i get back i get your full attention." the taller girl frowned with a slight pout which made you melt.
"someone's needy." you pouted back mockingly as she returned between your legs. "yeah and so what? i've missed you, been on my mind all day pretty girl." alessia confessed pressing her forehead against yours, pout deepening. "you're adorable." you grinned and booped her nose which scrunched up at the simple touch.
"tell anyone and i'll have to kill you." alessia warned, forming a gun with her fingers and pressing it to the side of your head, making a shooting noise with her mouth as she pulled the trigger, her forehead still pressed to yours.
the playful side she let out around you made you swoon, she wasn't like this even around her family and it brought you a sense of pride that you created a space where she was comfortable to be whoever she wanted.
"go study, book worm." with that she pulled away, blowing out and holstering her finger gun with a wink and retreating away.
"i'll say it again, god you look good in those dirty coveralls." you wolf whistled after her, throwing your head back with a laugh as she shook her bum at you with another wink before kicking her bathroom door closed with her foot.
"baaaby!" you heard your girlfriend yell out from her bedroom, glancing up from your textbook at the sudden noise. "yeah love?" you called back, scribbling down your notes as your glasses slid down your nose a little.
"can you come dry my hair for me, please?" you heard the hopeful tone in her voice and chuckled, flipping closed your textbook and standing up from her desk, padding over to her bedroom.
"thank you, i like it better when you do it." alessia admitted, stood in front of you with damp hair hanging down her back, her taller form clad only in a huge harley davidson shirt which hung down to her knees, heavily tattooed limbs on full display.
you perched yourself on the end of her bed as alessia settled down on the floor between your legs, arms resting on your knees as she handed you a brush, her hair dryer already plugged in and waiting beside her.
"have you got anymore booked in?" you asked, gently tracing the small butterfly behind her ear, the most recent in her ever growing collection of body art. "mm not yet, might finish off my moth first." she tapped to the half completed insect on her left knee.
"i wish you'd never bought that stupid gun." you mumbled disapprovingly as you brushed out the knots and tangles in her damp hair. "hey i'm getting really good now! you even said so the other day." her head craned back to look up at you, puckering her lips expectantly as you bent down to kiss her.
"that was before i looked up how common blood infections are with home done tattoos." you tutted as she faced forward again and you resumed your brushing. "i told you to stop googling anything that pops up in your mind babe, you're already a hypochondriac." the older girl chuckled, whining softly as you yanked on her hair for the comment.
"so no chance you'll let me give you one? so much clean skin to work with." alessia sighed longingly, tattooed hands squeezing your bare legs making you roll your eyes. "you've a better chance of getting me on that death trap of a bike." you teased, tapping her shoulders and holding out your hand as she passed you the dryer.
"no! its my time." alessia huffed as you tried to return to her desk once the two of you exited her bedroom, her now dry hair hanging down her back in waves. "baby i just have one more chapter to-" she cut you off with a kiss, closing your textbook and grabbing your hips, and before you knew it you were over her shoulder.
"alessia!" you laughed, reaching down to smack her bum as her shirt rode up. "oo this is new!" you whistled, pulling her shirt up further to reveal the black thong she had on underneath.
"hey you keep those hands to yourself!" the girl retaliating by smacking your own bum with her free hand before she dropped you down on the lounge. "oh wait here." she perked up, rushing off to her bedroom.
"put this on please." she held out a different shirt toward you. "why? i already changed baby." you frowned gesturing to the clothes you'd put on while she was showering. "that's mine, this is yours." your girlfriend replied, shaking the shirt impatiently in your face.
"so?" you pushed, knowing why she wanted you to change but wanting her to say it. "you know why, put it on and don't be a brat about it." alessia huffed with a roll of her eyes. "no, say it. you big ole softy!" you teased, kicking her as alessia dropped the shirt on your head.
"because its my favourite to sleep in and it doesn't smell like you anymore. happy?" the older girl mumbled as you tugged the material off your head with a satisfied grin. "very much so." you quickly changed, your girlfriend tossing the other shirt over her shoulder without a care making you roll your eyes.
"assume the position!" she shooed at you impatiently as you grabbed the tv remote, shuffling down to the end of the sofa with a smile, your girlfriend laying down with her head in your lap, her heavily tattooed legs occupying the rest of the sofa as her feet hung off the edge, which of course were clad in a pair of fuzzy black socks.
"what do you want to watch baby?" you asked pressing a kiss to her warm forehead, clicking into her netflix as your girlfriend shrugged. "anything you want gorgeous."
you browsed for a moment, alessia sighing loudly a few times to show she was becoming annoyed at the lack of attention you were showing her. pecking her lips a few times to hold her off you clicked into the proposal and placed the remote back down on the coffee table.
your girlfriend impatiently grabbed your hands and threaded them through her freshly washed hair making you chuckle. "are you going to sleep?" you laughed as you started to scratch at her scalp, watching her bright blue eyes close almost immediately. "no i'm just resting my eyes." the girl mumbled making you shake your head and press another tender kiss to her forehead.
within five minutes her breathing evened out and you glanced down with a soft smile, her ring covered fingers intertwined and resting on her stomach which slowly rose up and down as she slept.
your big scary guard dog girlfriend, the absolute sap she really was.
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superblysubpar · 11 months
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Secret Moments, In a Crowded Room:
boyfried!eddie munson x fem!reader x steve harrington
summary: your boyfriend eddie and your shared "friend" steve start something messy with you | main menu | song inspiration | 18+ Only, NSFW
1058 words
A/N: I truly...like Idk, it got away from me and now I'm like do I write more? Is it good, do people like this? Idk. Tell me your thoughts. Requested by an anon here - thank you so much! the prompt shows up slightly differently but overall the same!
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The cool evening breeze drifting in through the open window carried freshly mown grass, autumn leaves, and a bonfire from down the road as it made the curtains in your bedroom flutter. Signs of people out and about, enjoying their last few nights of decent weather - meaning anyone could be walking by. Anyone could see. 
Obscene and filthy, wrong and dirty. 
Heavy air that smells like smoke and woods, his soap and his shampoo. Bodies coated in light sheens of sweat, pouted lips and flushed cheeks. Your chest heaving beneath his palms, cool metal soothing against heated skin. 
He had you settled between his spread legs, back to his now bare chest, the thrum of his heartbeat against your spine, a rhythm you locked onto for breathing to settle your nerves, or maybe excitement. Cold metal chain bumping against your shoulder as he leaned forward, fingers pulling at your nipples gently. Circling the bead and pinching just right, just how you liked it. 
Your legs thrown over his thighs, pulled apart wide for him to see and your toes curled into the bunched up sheets as his hand moved lower across your stomach. Eddie tutted into your neck as you threw your head back to rest on his shoulder.
“Nu-uh-uh,” he nosed at your cheek, singing, “Keep ‘em open sweetheart.”
As you lifted your head he pressed his lips to your ear. “Good girl,” kissing just below it, but never taking his eyes off of the foot of the bed. Eddie’s hand sunk lower and lower, until it hovered over your cunt, teasing until you whined and the other boy swallowed. 
Eddie laughed as your hands flew to his thighs, breath caught in your throat as one finger slid through your slick, parting your lips slowly. Eddie mouthed at your neck until you wiggled your hips and his other hand had to hold you in place, two fingers spreading you wider, putting on a show. He left your neck with a loud release of his lips, smirking against your shoulder. 
“Feels like my baby is pretty into this, what’s it look like?”
Your cheeks warmed, legs stretching and bending under the attention as Eddie laughed into your skin, pressing more encouraging kisses. 
The boy at the end of the bed stood before you both in just a pair of black boxers, stark against his tan skin that reminded you of the summer that was now over. New freckles and moles you’d never seen exposed to you, needing him closer so you could explore them all. His cheeks flushed pink, hand reaching up and running back through his auburn hair. Hooded eyes roaming over your body like you were a meal he was about to devour. 
As Eddie’s fingers spread you even wider, thick middle finger running up and down, teasing, Steve rested a knee on the mattress. The bed dipped with his weight as he pressed his palms flat, crawling up towards you as he swallowed, adam’s apple bobbing and you gushed around the thick digits, squeezing at Eddie’s thighs. 
Steve’s tongue jutted out over his bottom lip, tilting his head as he murmured, “She’s practically dripping on the bed for us, Munson.”
Both boys smirked at the noise you made at the observation. Steve’s eyes focused on Eddie’s fingers and Eddie’s on the look of admiration on Steve’s face as you squirmed, pushing back against his chest.
Steve’s fingers ghosted up your thigh, eyes finally roaming higher on your body to meet your gaze. He leaned forward, hand rising to cup your face. Long fingers and thumb holding your chin and jaw, hand so large it felt like it overtook you easily and your breath hitched. His eyes never leaving yours as he tsked, “Man, you sure you wanna let me fuck her? She’s so pretty, don’t know if you’ll get her back.”
It felt so wrong to be turned on by his soft tone that contrasted with the words leaving him. Feeling dirty from the way he pretended to ask Eddie instead of you, the way his compliment was making you roll your hips against Eddie’s fingers, desperate for more. 
Eddie laughed, still confident, “Go ahead Harrington, she’s not going anywhere.” His finger dipped lower finally, circling your entrance and drawing slick up to your clit and making you jolt forward. Fingers on Steve’s shoulders, noses bumping as Eddie followed, cooing in your ear, “Aww, baby, you want Steve to fuck you?”
A pathetic whine when Steve’s palms caressed up your thighs and he kept his lips hovered over yours, waiting, nose pressed into your cheek. Eddie cursed quietly, lips over your ear as he squeezed your waist, never stopping his attentive circles to your clit. His voice lowered, gravel and rasp as he breathed out, “Yeah? I want that too. Gonna watch him fuck my girl.”
Steve’s lips parted over yours as you gasped, both of Eddie’s hands squeezing at your waist as a new finger dipped inside of you, then a second quickly followed, longer and slimmer, curling a different way than your boyfriend’s in a way that had your brain going blank. Steve’s kiss is messy, mouth moving over yours hungry, sharp breaths into you as he licked at your lip, demanding more. Eddie sucked at your neck, teeth grazing over the wet skin and pulling when he heard Steve moan into your kiss, the wet sounds of your tongues meeting and his fingers slipping in and out of you. Your stomach coiled in a familiar taut band quickly from all the extra stimulation - two mouths, four hands, it’s too much. 
Eddie nipped at your ear, fingers bumping Steve’s as he took control of your throbbing clit again while the other boy kept up his steady pumps. Your hands reached for both, curled in the hair at Steve’s neck so he sucked on your bottom lip and made Eddie swear against the edge of your jaw. Your other back into Eddie’s hair, tugging him forward by his curls so he was whispering against your cheek. 
“Shit honey, yeah, I’ll let Steve fuck you. But only so you know I do it better.”
Steve’s smile against your lips had you parting in a laugh that Eddie joined in on. Lips and fingers quick to meet again, the three of you becoming a tangled mess. 
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partycatty · 6 months
Hiee! I love the way you write bi han. When i read new tricks i IMMEDIATELY ascended. The depression i got when i finished reading them was tragic…
Me thirsting: I really wanna make out wit that man, like… imagine a situation where all you do is stare at him and hope he telepathically gets what you wanna do, but he just ignores you cause he dunno know how to initiate that shit 💀 he just needs a little push per say! Maybe one day you decide enough is enough and you sit your happy ass right down on his lap and bat your lashes at him like a menace 💕
ps: i hope u don’t mind me yapping… ik cage is your man, i apologize 😔🙏🏾
bi-han > see me now
notes: i've noticed i've kinda diverted my attention to other mk boys lately... namely raiden, kuai liang, bi-han and liu kang... so this works perfectly for me...
[ masterlist ]
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• bi-han was a common victim to your teasing, particularly because it would render him entirely speechless and still. for a man that tends to rant about glory and strength, you shut him up like nothing else.
• it was really hard to ignore the fact that you were super into each other, the air thick and tension high when you two were in each other's presence. his brothers would roll their eyes as their grandmaster stands dead-still, as if you had the ability to sense fear when you'd bat your eyelashes his way.
• he can't go to anyone for advice. what, he's gonna talk about his feelings? like a loser? no. real ninjas let emotions fester.
• which brings us to where we are now
• bi-han sat at his desk, physically straining himself to focus on the scroll in front of him when he sees your presence in the doorway. shit, he recognized your footsteps down the hall the moment you were in earshot.
• trying to act as if you weren't shitting your own pants at the thought of your plan, you plant your ass on his desk, sitting and dangling your feet from the wooden furniture with a singsong look about you.
• the silence is so thick is almost halts your breathing. his stone-cold face makes you wonder if this was a bad idea in hindsight, at least, until his lips part to speak.
• "what are you doing?" a simple question, really, but the answer was completely lost on you. thinking back, you didn't actually have a plan. what did you expect to happen? this is bi-han we're talking about.
• "sitting," you reply with your nose high, looking down at him like his question was idiotic.
• "on my desk?" another long silence hurts your ears as he pinches the bridge of his nose. "what do you want." his question sounded less like a question and more like an annoyed statement. then again, everything he says sounds annoyed.
• "what's your deal?" you ask your questions in such a light tone, bi-han feels more obligated to feel threatened. "do you like me or not?"
• clearly this isn't getting far. "what?"
• you huff and decide it was now or never. sliding from his desk, you saunter your way around and swing one leg over his thighs, then the other. his hands shoot out to support you, right on the plush skin of the outside of your thighs. bi-han's eyes are wide.
• "you see me now?" you try to sound triumphant past your nerves, looking up at the ninja through your lashes. "always so afraid to look at me. you're not subtle, grandmaster."
• forced to face you, his gruff words feel choked as they come out. "i don't—"
• "yes you do," you smile, albeit a little wickedly as you shift on his lap, making a cold breath slip past his lips.
• "what are you getting at?" he seems eager to end this, to cool his heated temperature.
• you hum in thought before wrapping your arms around his neck. "i want you to kiss me."
• "now?"
• you roll your eyes at his chipping resolve, tugging him in by the back of his head. both of your eyes wander across each other's expressions before bi-han hesitantly meets his lips with yours. as expected, they have a bit of a chill as he makes contact, but even still you feel him melt into the touch, gripping harder on your thighs to ground himself.
• you only get a moment to pull away and breathe, relishing in taking what you wanted from the hard ass grandmaster. the triumph is short lived when he thrusts his head back in, connecting his lips with yours with more fervor after successfully testing the waters.
• he's hungry, craving more of what he sampled after successfully tearing down this stupid barrier he put up. god, your taste drives him wild as his hands guide your hips along his, grinding with hard pressure.
• it becomes open-mouthed and messy rather quickly, bi-han's hands wandering up from your thighs to your waist, the touch making you shiver and gasp as he uses the opportunity to lick his tongue into your mouth, completely absorbing every whimper you give.
• your hands snake into his hair, deepening the kiss when you snag a fistful of his dark locks, and he groans into your mouth just as the tie falls loose. strands litter his face and swirl about, you hadn't even noticed they were wavy from how often he keeps his hair up.
• the want for more is overpowered by your critical thinking skills. "weren't you busy?"
• bi-han shakes his head slightly, jumping up from his chair and bringing you with him. instinctively, your thighs clasp around his middle, holding his shoulders as he shamelessly uses your ass to hold you up. you're slid onto the desk as various items clatter and fall to the floor, his hard body fitting perfectly between your legs as he reaches forward to kiss you again, chasing your lips when you pull away.
• "it can wait."
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webslingingslasher · 2 years
can you do “this is the part where you’re supposed to kiss me” and “i could spend the whole day doing just this” like where peter confessed his feelings to y/n? 🥺
best friends to lovers in the mf chat
Peter shoved you off the couch, and that kind of betrayal wouldn’t stand, so at the last possible moment you tugged at the collar of his shirt to bring him down with you; it worked. 
You landed on your back with a soft thud, your head tapped the ground then Peter’s body dropped right on top of yours, the air was hit from your lungs and you gasped for mercy as Peter held himself up with one hand. 
“You did this to yourself,” Peter watched in amusement as you pretended to groan at his toppling weight. “I just wanted you all over me, pinching my spleen,” you yelped when his fingers started to tickle at your sides, you try to squirm away but he follows you, you jerk your head away and he closes the space, your pushing at his hands in attempt to stop the assault. 
“Peter! You’re, oh my god, Peter!” You blurt words in between your giggles, he’s having too much fun doing this right now. You jolt just the right way and your shirt scrunches under your back and rolls it up, Peter slides his hands up further, he’s never touched you like this before, mostly playful wrestling and five second hugs, he’s your best friend, but the heat of his palms makes you want them to go further. 
“I can’t breathe, please!” Peter finally relents, and allows you to catch your breath. You shake your head at him, like you couldn’t believe the war crime he had just committed. Peter sees you in a new light, he’s always thought about the what if, but lately he’s been more daring with his touches and words. 
He looks over your flush, hair frizzed, your smile is stretched wide as you gulped air in. He dares to move his hand higher, he feels your stomach cave when you sucked in, you arched under his touch, goosebumps prickled your skin. 
You took in account how close Peter was to you, his big brown eyes roped you in, you never understood when people said you could read emotions in someone’s eyes, but you could with Peter. But, maybe it was because you were just close friends for years, it would be impossible to hide when you’ve been so open with a person. And if you were to listen to that impulse that told you to inch forward and press your lips to his, you wonder what could happen. 
You were breathless again, this time it was nerves and excitement. Peter’s hand came to a stop when his thumb brushed your underboob, it went from giggles to deliberate movements, he’s enjoying watching your reaction, it makes your stomach clench with want. Peter’s thumb swipes, you both are watching eachother not moving, not speaking, just existing in the moment you both felt like you should be more than just best friends. 
You broke the silence first, “is the part where you’re supposed to kiss me?” Peter was supposed to laugh, not take it as an instruction. His head tilts, suddenly you’re aware of his eyes on your lips. “I think so,” he leans in, when you meet it’s like time stopped, the world stopped turning on its axis, the only thing that existed was this kiss. You leaned higher to meet him, hands wrapped around his neck he brought the hand exploring back down to your waist, his left hand stayed supporting him, turning himself into a post. 
Peter breaks and kisses your jawline, you gasp and clutch his collar in your hand, “why haven’t we done this sooner?” 
Peter’s nose is under your ear, he kisses your jaw bone and trails back to your mouth, “fuck if I know, I could spend the whole day doing this.
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nburkhardt · 1 year
Of Scissors & Wild Curls
Trying to beat out my writers block by writing an au troupe I absolutely love reading and haven’t written before. Just a heads up, it’s in modern times just so I don’t have to worry about being accurate to anything in the 80s ✌️ (this was stated on June 16th, when I started it)
anyway enjoy!
It’s the worst day of his entire life.
Right now. This is absolutely the day to end all bad days. It’ll be in his autobiography, it’ll be written in news articles and maybe a movie someday.
He wants to die a million deaths, truly.
It’s The Worst.
…. Or he might be exaggerating a bit. Just a little. Really, it’s not the end of the world.
This time at least.
Look, he’s had a long ass week and had a fight with some idiot taking pictures of him absolutely not falling on his ass. And the record label just told him that they need at least another album before letting the band take a much needed break.
Also, if he’s being truthful here, his writers block is a killer.
There’s a wall just planted in his brain, cutting off any and all lyrics the band needs for another fucking album.
Where was he again? Oh, worst day of his life.
“We’re going to stop in the next town, maybe we can find a place to- help?”
He groans and throws his head back, looking over at Gareth, “dude, my hair is a fucking disaster. There’s no helping that!”
Gareth crosses his arms with a deadpan look, “Ed, I think you’re overreacting a little. It’s just a little piece of gum! It’s not even that far in your hair, maybe this can be a little-“
“Don’t say it!”
He glares at him, “a little trim? This piece of shit is near my goddamn neck, Gare! I CAN FEEL IT! That fucking asshole did it on purpose too, I just know it!”
There’s a little five foot asshole out in the world, that’s his number one enemy now. Slapping him on the back with a “great show, my man!” Before walking away with a snicker. At the moment he didn’t think anything of it, too busy focusing on the fans around him trying to get his attention. His adrenaline and energy buzzing too much to realize something off with that guy.
He didn’t even notice it, it was a goddamn fan to point it out. Because they felt it when they took a picture together.
See? Worst day ever.
Right now they’re in the bus already moving onto the next city for the next concert. He isn’t even sure what’s the next one, all he knows is his hair has fucking gum in it and it’s the worst thing to ever happen to him.
“I still think you’re overreacting just a little, look, maybe there’s a way to get it out without cutting anything. We just have to find a place, there’s a two day break before the next concert. Ok?” Gareth pulls his hands away from his face, “Chris even told our driver to be on the lookout for places already.”
Sighing, he leans back and looks at his best friend, “I guess you’re right”
“I’m always right, dude.”
Rolling his eyes, he gets up and decides to take a nap face down because there’s no way he’s making it worse and getting stuck to his sheets.
Okay so, he’s overreacting a little bit. But he’s been growing his hair out for years now. It’s the perfect length and just wild enough that everyone knows him just by the hair.
It’s his thing, okay?!
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A phone is slammed down and he flinches before looking towards the front, “did the phone kill your dog? Or was that-“
Robin whipped her head around a pinched look on her face, “that was goddamn Fran asking for a perm, I swear to god I don’t know how you deal with her! She actually had the nerve to praise you about letting her go so long without paying! She’s scheduled for Friday, because and I quote ‘my hair is straight as a needle’ she doesn’t do shit with her hair, Steve!”
He shakes his head and grabs his water before walking towards her, “Truthfully? I kinda zone out when I’m working on her hair.”
Robin blinked at him before she burst out laughing.
Being one of the only hair salons in their tiny town has some benefits, which is taking some customers that only pay after ranking up to nearly $300. That and he can hire anyone he wants and having a crew of just their friends is a perfect way to deal with the few crazy customers they get.
Oh, and he gets to hang out with them all the time while doing something he actually loves.
When he decided to go to cosmetology school instead of whatever place his dad wanted, he didn’t think he’d end up here. Honestly. His mom told him there was a chance it would go no where, that it’ll just be another thing to add to his list of hobbies.
Baseball, basketball, swimming, drawing and lastly cutting hair.
According to his dad, all of that was pointless. Well, not basketball. To his mom, it just made him look good for future partners. Thankfully their opinions don’t matter to him much anymore, they’re long gone from this tiny town and he’s twenty five now.
Really, he doesn’t need their support or opinions anymore.
“Woah! Dingus come here!” Robin calls out without needing to, the shop is small and he’s just at his station, “there’s your dorky kids jumping around like actual kids”
Rolling his eyes, he stands next to her to find that; yes across the street is the kids- now teenagers jumping around some parked bus. He can’t quite make out what’s on the bus, his vision is shit with letters even with his contacts in. Whatever they’re excited about is probably related to their dragons game.
So definitely nothing he’d understand. Right?
His attention is drawn away from the teens because of the door opening, he spins around with a smile already on his face. “Hello, do you have an appointment today?”
Standing half way in the door is a tiny blonde with a high pony tail and clearly not from around here. He pretty much knows everyone in Hawkins, or at least he knows everyone that comes into his shop.
This person definitely hasn’t been in before, she is adorable though. Totally Robin’s type, actually. Glancing at his best friend, and yep, there’s already hearts in her eyes.
“Hi! No, actually I wanted to see if you did have any openings?” Tiny Blonde smiles and he can see her glance at Robin, “either of you?”
If he could, he’d totally leave Robin to handle this by herself. It’d be pay back for when she ditched him at the bar a few weeks ago, but he’s not that petty. “Technically she can’t cut or color anyone’s hair, but I’m free later. I got a person coming in like twenty minutes. What did you-“
“Actually, it’s for a friend of mine!” She shakes her head and pulls her phone out, glancing at it and typing something quickly before looking back at him, “Can you do like a quick, consult maybe? Not like now, but later?”
Out of the corner of his eye he sees Robin nod her head as if she’s the one going to do it. Rolling his eyes he smiles and moves to the appointment book, taking a quick glance he can technically squeeze in something. “Just a consult?”
“Maybe a trim if all goes well, we could even come in tomorrow if you can’t today. We did just get into town, I’m sure my friend will understand if you can’t” her phone beeps and he can’t tell but it seems like she’s grimacing at whatever was sent, “or maybe you know another place?”
Technically he could send them somewhere else, but he’s curious plus from the glare he can feel from Robin- he glances at her and yep, she’s glaring a hole in his head.
He doesn’t need to ask her that she wants this pretty blonde to come back.
“Nah, you can come back at four. We can chat and figure out what needs or can be done.“ he smiles at her before handing over an appointment card, “I’m Steve, by the way. That’s Robin”
She takes the card with a smile, “Oh! I’m Chrissy, you don’t realize how much this will make my friend’s day. We’ll see you then, it’ll just be you two, right?”
“Yep! See you in a few hours!” Chrissy flashed a bright smile at him then Robin before opening the door and walking away.
He doesn’t even bother looking towards Robin to tell her, “You’ve got it bad”
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There’s a loud shriek and then a laugh as Chrissy walks away. She smiles before looking down at her phone to text the good news.
‘Best news of your life right now, four o’clock. Dummy’
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It’s inching closer and closer to four and Steve isn’t sure if Chrissy just forgot or that her friend decided it wasn’t worth it. Either way, he’s going to clean up now because it’s been a long day and all he wants now is to drink some wine while relaxing on his couch.
He’s listening to Robin vent from across the salon, while cleaning the mirrors. “Despite how pretty she is, if they don’t show up soon I’m closing this place up!”
“It’s not even officially four yet, Robs.” He laughs and turns away from his mirror to clean the chair, “we have like five minutes before we give up on it.”
Robin let’s out a groan, spinning around to point at him with a glare, “It’s Friday night and I have plans, Steven!”
“I hope these plans don’t involve me, Robin. I have to be in here at fucking eight in the morning, I’d like to get at least five hours of sleep” he glares over at her, “the last time we went out and I had to work in the morning, I almost didn’t make it in”
Because of Robin’s loud laughter he nearly misses the door opening, he bounces up with a smile, “hi can I- Chrissy!”
Standing by the front desk is of course, Chrissy along with her is a tall guy with long wild curls standing next to her. He has a pair of sunglasses on and his hands shoved into the leather jacket he has on.
“Hi guys, sorry we didn’t get here sooner there was a crowd and this one couldn’t get passed it withou- ow! Eddie!” She glared at the man, Eddie apparently, and rubbing her arm.
It’s confusing but he’s not going to question it, his relationship with Robin is weird, probably weirder actually. So instead of questioning that he moves closer, “it’s fine, we were just cleaning up real quick. We said just a consult right or did you figure out what you wanted?”
Wordlessly, the two of a conversation right there. Hand movements, head nods and shakes before there’s a bright satisfied smile on Chrissy’s face appears. Eddie looks not upset per-say but definitely like he lost whatever was said in their conversation.
“Yep! He’ll do a trim, but there’s a little problem. You see, someone decided to put gum on his back and-”
Robin’s laughing again while he’s just horrified for Eddie. He can’t help but feel bad for the hair, well, maybe Eddie too. But he hasn’t said a word to them yet, still standing there with his glasses on and now crossing his arms with what looks like a pout on his face. Chrissy’s still talking about the gum and how it’s ruined Eddie’s day and they couldn’t figure out any other way to get it out.
He shakes his head, moving towards his chair and patting it, “well, I can’t figure anything out until you’re sitting in the chair and I get a closer look at the hair”
Eddie looks between the chair and Chrissy, before moving towards him and sitting in the chair. Sunglasses still on his face, a pout very much there as well. Up close, his hair is even more wild than he originally thought. The curls are a mess, that’s clear as he sticks his hand to figure out how much the gum is stuck.
It’s not too terrible, definitely bad but not enough where if he does cut it out, the hair wouldn’t be much different.
There is however, the fact that this guy is clearly not taking proper care of his hair. For as wild as it is, the curls are frizzy and not defined.
“Good news, I could cut the gum out and you’re hair won’t lose too much length or I could also try getting it out using some oil without taking scissors to your hair.”
“And the bad news?”
“You’re not taking proper care of your hair, these curls could be so much more”
He hears Chrissy let out a giggle and Robin’s definitely laughing with her, but his gaze is on Eddie, who’s mouth drops and nearly rips the glasses off to show that his eyes are wide with shock.
Steve can’t help himself, he smiles and lets his own little giggle out.
Eddie looks absolutely ridiculous and Steve might know him, like, at all. But he’s definitely someone he’d like to know eventually, being this dramatic over a little comment? That’s someone worth knowing, he thinks.
Ending it there lol.
Wanna know what’s funny? I started this to get out of my writers block and ended up getting it WITH THIS.
So I used wip wednesdays/weekends to push myself along and finally after also talking with @i-less-than-three-you & @strangersteddierthings I’ve decided to make this a two parter! I get to share what I already wrote AND give myself a way to write them actually getting together.
I also wanna shout out @artiststarme for helping me a bit too! They gave me a few suggestions and helped out so thank you to all three of them 🩷 you all are amazing and I love you!!
Tag list! (If you’d like to be added let me know)
@spectrum-spectre @itsfreakingbats @mysticcrownshipper @artiststarme @thereindeerlady @justforthedead89 @ronniescontinuum @freyaforestafay @littlewildflowerkitten @estrellami-1 @gregre369 @zerokrox-blog @bookworm0690 @flustratedcas @carlprocastinator1000 @marvelmwah @solliesolesito @navnae @i-less-than-three-you
@yikes-a-bee @sc00ps-ahoy @geekymagicalpotato @thesuninyaface @penny00dreadful
PS: if you made it this far you get to know that the thing with someone not paying until the bill is up to $300 is a true fucking story. There’s a lady that comes into my work (a hair salon btw) and gets away with coming in for a hair wash or color or perms and doesn’t pay! Idk why my boss continues letting her do this but she does 🤷‍♀️
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fischltao · 2 years
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pairing: tsukishima kei x gn! reader
summary: tsukishima worries about your future together
warnings: tsukishima and the reader are third years, angst, fluff, heavily inspired by horimiya, swearing, kind of crack? tsuki is baby
a/n: my latest fics have been getting a lot of feedback lately, thank you everyone for your kind words, hope you enjoy this one as well <3 wrote this while listening to be my angel by mazzy star
"just be my angel if you love me, be my angel in the night"
when you met tsukishima kei in your first year in karasuno high, you would've never expected the outcome of that fateful meeting. you had both been a classmate of his and a manager in his volleyball club so crossing paths was bound to be. soon after your first encounter, you fell in love with each other. a small crush that soon blossomed into a wonderful two year relationship.
and two years later, as your salty boyfriend sat across from you in a study date he failed to realize that for the past 30 minutes he hadn't read a single sentence in his textbook and, instead he had been spacing out and staring out the window. he had never thought about what it would've been like being apart from you, there had had never been an actual reason to think so after all. yet a comment by his older brother felt like a slap throwing him back to real life.
"you both are third years now! do you think you'll be together after graduation"
will we be together after graduation? will they want to be with me still? what is going to happen after graduation?
it had been bothering him for a while actually. of course he could've talked to you and the pair of you would communicate your way out of it. however it scared him to think about confronting you about it because what would happen if you still didn't want to be with him after graduation? would you be over right then and there?
he snapped out of his thoughts the moment you settled over his lap and squished his cheeks together, a habit you picked up during your time together whenever you noticed him spacing out. he always acted annoyed but truth is, he loved it. he loved everything about you.
"what's gotten you staring at your neighbors' fence like that? do you not like their new one?" you joked, moving your head to playfully bite at his neck as he kissed your forehead. you expected him to act like he was disgusted and pinch your leg or something but you were surprised when all he did was pull you closer and hug you tighter against his chest "baby whats wrong?"
"nothing's wrong idiot" he whispered tilting his head to rest at the curve where your neck meets your shoulder
"then why are you clinging on me like a koala, hm? not saying that i mind but you need to talk to me kei, i'm here for you" and he knew it. he knew that you loved him just as much as he loved you, which made it harder for him because even if you loved him now, would you grow apart after high school?
"will you still be here after we graduate?"
"in miyagi? yes babe I'll be attending college in sendai city, i thought we talked about this before, didn't we?"
"no idiot i know i mean-" pause "here"
"oh" he wasnt really sure if he liked your reaction. maybe he should've been more prepared before asking you because his nerves had been eating him alive, waiting for you to answer and god were you taking your sweet time"i guess it's time right?"
if he thought he was about to have a heart attack earlier, he definitely would now.
"time for what baby?"
"please make it quick kei"
"what the hell are you talking about"
"huh?" and it was then that he pushed his head off your shoulder to look at you, both of you staring at each other in confusion "oh you're not going to break up with me? ive thought about this a lot and i figured you wouldn't want to be with me after we graduate so i guessed you would just break up with me now"
he looked at you as if you just hit his mother's head with a cast iron pan.
what you didn't expect next was for him to burst out laughing. and now it was your turn to look at him like he hit your mother's head with a cast iron pan.
"you idiot" he exclaimed in between laughter "i thought you wanted to break up with me"
"be fucking for real"
"im serious"
"kei why would i not wanna be with you? i love you"
"i don't know, i thought that maybe you'd want to do other stuff after high school that wouldn't include me- well us. akiteru asked me if we'd still be together after graduation and i didn't know what to say, it kind of took me out" he said,now fully serious "but i dont care about graduating or anything i-i dont want to be apart from you you know? your stupid ass has grown on me"
"yeah i would hope so after two years" you deadpanned "you should've talked to me about it, i-i was thinking the same thing, guess we both worried over nothing, huh?" and with that you laid your haid on his shoulder once again, tracing shapes on his chest with your fingers of the hand that wasnt latched in his sweatshirt.
"marry me in the future, will you?"
"i'd marry you in any life,kei"
the end.
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mamayan · 1 year
I really liked your last Geto work with the witch! Reader. I'd love in any expansion on that.
Ask received Nonnie, expansion on Yandere Geto x his little witch! I’m sorry this took so long ★彡 Enjoy!
Yandere! Suguru Geto x F! Sorcerer Reader
Original Request: Here
tw: NSFW • Obsessive/Possessive Themes • Oral (F) • Sex • Praise/Humiliation • Overstimulation • Dark/Toxic Undertones
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Your fingers grasped at handfuls of hair, thick strands glued to the sweat of your palms as you tugged uselessly to remove him.
It was a futile effort. The strong muscle which tipped you into euphoria threatening to do it again. Those sharp dark eyes not looking away from your own even as he licks another stripe up your overstimulated cunt.
He wouldn’t stop. Nothing you did could make him stop.
He knows it too, as his lips tilt up while he shoves two fingers inside of you without mercy, even as you whine and dig your heels into the bed to escape. “It hurts,” you cry, unable to fathom how he could have so much stamina and time to torment you. “Liar.” He curls his fingers up, dragging the pads over the spongey portion while using his free hand to press down over your uterus.
“I think it’s dropped, your womb,” he murmurs casually, watching as your combined fluids are pressed out of you as you jerk and cum again. “Suguru please—!” He’s been playing with you for hours, slow and sweet, stretching your hole and filling it over and over. The room reeked of your activities, your head muddled and confused from all the stimulation.
“I told you what would happen if you tried to leave,” he sighs dully, as if all this was just a bore to repeat. “Should I tie you up and leave you with a vibrator again?” You squeal when he pinches your clit, flicking his tongue over the abused nub.
“Is it so bad by my side?” He slaps your clit now, light in force but it sends electric shocks up your body as you sob, pretty face covered in tears. You still won’t smile for him, but he’s content to keep this expression on your face. Your stoic facade like a house of cards before his breath. “Do you really think anyone even misses you?”
It hurts every time he reminds you.
“A sorcerer going missing isn’t even news, they’ve written you off as dead already.” He’s speaking so softly, as if he’s not making your walls crumble and world burn. He gives one last kiss to your messy cunt, relishing in your taste as he sits up over your nude figure to grip his heavy cock. “No one is even looking. They’re not even planning a funeral you know?” He lets the soft mushroom tip part through your sopping folds, wetting it enough to press into you. You moan as he stretches you open, sliding his hot length into your tight gooey walls. “You make such a pretty cocksleeve little witch, maybe I should give up on you too and keep you like this forever.” His cruel words don’t match his gentle touch, as he lays over you and leaves open mouthed kisses across your chest and neck. “Tie you up so your sloppy pussy is always ready for me to sink into,” he rolls his hips, letting his cock sink deep and hit every nerve that has you lighting up. You can only tremble and claw at his arms, mewling as he begins a steady pace. “Leave you here as nothing but a cumdump for me fill up.” His tone is dark as you go delirious with pleasure and panic, chest constricting as your arms shift to wrap around his neck.
“I’m sorry Sugu’—,” that’s what he wants, you know it. “I won’t run away, I’ll be good,” you choke as he gives a rough thrust up into your cervix. His narrow gaze filled only with amusement as he pressed you into the mattress. The slap of his balls against your ass almost like clockwork as he works you higher, forcing the pleasure at his pace even as you wiggle and try to grind up. He won’t go any faster though, not when he loves savoring you like this.
He blows a piece of hair out of his eye, looking unruffled as he cups your jaw, tilting your face up so he can kiss you. It’s all tongue and wetness, filthy as he moans into your mouth shamelessly and on purpose. “I think you like being my little slut, why else do you keep being so disobedient?” His hand trails lower to your neck where he squeezes the sides. “You seem to enjoy your punishments too much, naughty girl,” he teases, husky voice and masculine scent driving you while as your pussy tightens around him.
Still the same slow pace, leaving you powerless and out of control as you gasp and moan as he sinks into you. Every little ridge of his cock dragging inside you, so prominent at this speed. You feel your coil tightening nonetheless, orgasm imminent as you try and fail to meet his thrusts.
“Please,” you plead, teary eyes imploring for him to fuck you just a little harder, a little faster, to tip you over into that realm of uncaring pleasure. He ignores you, smile the same as he drinks in your pliancy with delight. The way you cling to him and beg, so desperate for more just how he likes you.
Without changing his speed or power, Suguru brings you just to the tip of your orgasm, before he stops. Pulling his still aching hard cock out, he easily leans up and wraps his hand around it, jerking with hard and quick succession before ropes of his seed platter over your spread pussy.
“No,” you nearly scream, nails trying to dig into his skin to pull him back, but it only draws you up with him, sweaty skin against his chest. “No please, I was so close,” he laughs, the look of agony on your lovely face too amusing for him. Even as you face him, he’s still working his cock slowly to milk out every drop, expression unchanging even as he tilts his head in confusion.
“I told you I’d make you truly fucking sorry if you tried to leave again little witch…” he’s terrifying when he wants to be, eyes open and lips dropped as he grasps your throat again to arch your back, leaning over you while his hair spills like a curtain.
“We’re just getting started.”
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Post dividers/@cafekistune
143 notes · View notes
foxymoxynoona · 2 years
ummm i need an extra scene of Meadow couple exploring anal play pretty please
this is my formal drabble request
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incredible new banner by @borabae-gx
Clarified with submitter they wanted pegging and so here we are! Hope this is what you were hoping for 😎 It is um pretty filthy so...
Story: Meadow Characters: Jungkook and Enikö Word Count: 4878 CW: Explicit sex! 18+, oh boy this is filthy: so much cum, rutting alpha wolf shifter who gets a lil' subby at the sight of his omega with a strapon, power play, dirty talk to begging, anal sex male receiving (fingers & dildo), rimming, prostate orgasm/milking, little bit of ball slapping and nipple pinching, so much cum (just saying it again), safeword is pineapple
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At the start of Jungkook’s rut, Enikö found herself once again lamenting the seasons they’d missed out on because of her pregnancies. How could she not, once she fully understood what her alpha wolf was like in his rut? Why did people complain and roll their eyes about the season so much, and offer her sympathies, as if holing up with him in the uppermost floor of the house and getting fucked brainless for days until he calmed down was somehow a bad thing. Sometimes, enjoyably, several times in a season. It was filthy and glorious and they didn’t even have to feel guilty about the time away from their work and children because it was a medical need! He didn’t have a choice! Maybe he could have tried to suppress it with drugs but… why? Why not enjoy these days sequestered together, getting reacquainted with any inch of each others’ bodies that might have been neglected since last year? And the kids got so much time with their grandparents! Win win!
There was certainly not an inch of Enikö’s body that has been neglected in the last few days. Jungkook’s stamina on a normal day was impressive but after two full days of nearly non-stop fucking, Enikö’s own stamina was reaching its limit. Everything was sticky and sore, and Jungkook’s apologetic attempts to give her a back rub had just riled him up again. She wouldn’t have minded him fucking at the same time except it made the massage too inconsistent to be any good, at times too hard and at other times too soft as he grunted and gasped until his hips stuttered against hers and then he’d dozed off only to wake again hungry and ready to go again. 
“I want to sleep,” she complained when her own attempts at a nap were interrupted.
“I know, baby, I know, one more and I’ll let you sleep,” he promised. Empty words. And she loved those empty words for the first two days but now… now she was ready for something else to finally be empty. She wanted to sleep! A shower and a sleep, and there was no way Jungkook was going to let her shower until he was truly empty and passed out enough to break the rut. 
So the next time Jungkook began to rut against her leg after a frustratingly short meal on the couch, Enikö took matters into her own hands. When his lips moved against hers, she kissed him back harder, and then down his jaw and neck, nipping harder with each kiss until he shouted in pain and his dick twitched against her stomach. 
“En,” he groaned.
“Turn over.”
“Huh?” His voice went lower, his eyes widened as he leaned back to look at her with a mixture of nerves and naked anticipation. 
“You heard me, don’t make me say it again,” she teased, and snapped her teeth at his nose before going to dig through the chest of toys they kept tucked away up here. He sat on the couch, watching her expectantly, twitching dick the only thing moving. Poor baby was hard and leaking and sweaty, flushed, breathing heavily, watching her closely with those wide dark eyes that looked almost soft for the first time since they’d come up here. He’d felt the shift in dynamics and she was glad to see the impact. She hoped that meant this would work. 
She took her time getting the harness on, enjoying how she could practically hear him swallow as she pulled the straps tight around her waist and thighs. She didn’t look his direction; she didn’t need to confirm his attention. Just grabbed a fresh bottle of lube and pushed her hips forward as she sauntered back to the couch, silicone dildo pointing right at him.
“It’s a bigger one,” he noticed, eyes trailing down her body. Already his behavior had changed. Gone was the growling, snapping, aggressive alpha with only a few strokes of her faux-phallus. 
“Yes,” she confirmed. “But I know you can take it, alpha.”
He swallowed and licked his lips and shifted on the couch. It would be easy to read his behavior as nervous but by now, she knew it was more anticipation than fear. He’d been nervous in the beginning, sure, the first time he’d been too embarrassed to look her in the eye as he asked if she could “try that thing you like on me” after years of brushing the offer away. He still hadn’t been able to look her in the eye after either, after he’d orgasmed himself speechless, and it took a long time of soothing and scenting him to get him to curl up against her and admit he was scared about how good it had felt, how much he had loved being fucked by her, and what that meant about him as an alpha.
What she thought it meant was that he enjoyed getting fucked. 
Which was good because it turned out Enikö really, really loved fucking her alpha.
His breath shuddered in a gasp as she grabbed his thigh and lifted his leg up; he grabbed the couch cushion like he thought she was just going to shove in but she only looked. 
“You have covered me in your cum,” she mused. “Hold your leg.” He did, perfectly silent and still as she slid her hand down to brush against his asshole, her other hand still stroking the dildo. “You won’t let me shower or sleep–”
“You’re my mate,” he growled, briefly strong, eyes flickering gold. She stroked her finger over his asshole again and he shivered. It was amusing that he’d tried to sound so possessive while holding himself open for her like that. While trembling with anticipation of what she was going to do to him. 
“You’re so full of cum,” she said. Just her fingers grazing his entrance made his eyes flutter closed. “I’m going to empty you out so we can both get some rest.”
“I’ll keep fucking you until I’m empty–”
She pressed her finger against his asshole and he broke off into a desperate whine. The noise made her shiver. 
“My turn now, baby.”
His voice was much more submissive as he started to move, “You said turn over–”
“I changed my mind. Stay like this,” she decided. She let go of the dildo to run her hands up and down his thighs, spreading his legs the same way he did to her so often. It was a sacrifice, because his grunts as she’d spank him while fucking were so good, but he’d really put her through it this rut, her cunt ached from too much attention, and she would enjoy watching his face as he tried to stay so tough during his rut while splayed out on his back like this. His thighs twitched as she rubbed up and down; his cock bounced against his stomach, begging for touch. She kindly slid her fingers along his shaft and down around his balls, relishing in his groan. His knees bent when her fingers drifted back to his asshole, feet flexing like he was preparing to spring away. 
“Yeah, like this,” she nodded. “I want you to cum all over your own stomach and chest.”
“What’s wrong, too tough-guy to get marked by your own scent?” she teased. He didn’t answer as her fingers dug into the base of his cock, thumbs rubbing the softer skin behind his balls. She leaned forward and spit on his asshole and saw the ragged way his breath hitched in his chest. Everything she knew she had learned from him, which made it even more fun to see him affected by them..
Her tongue against his asshole loosened his voice again. His legs shifted, hips rocking as she held him open and lapped at his hole, then up to suck on his balls, then back down. All the while the sweetest gasps and choked moans floated down on her. 
“I’m not even in you yet and you’re already whimpering,” she taunted, certain it was something he’d said to her before. He clenched as she poked her tongue against the pucker, not surprised when his hands drifted down to her head, probably a desperate attempt not to stroke his cock. When she lifted up to take a good look at his flushed face, she noted too the cum leaking from his tip, a gossamer string connecting to the pearly dab on his abs. 
“I didn’t cum yet,” he insisted. 
“Good boy, not yet.” She bit his inner thigh playfully, amused by his nervous laugh at the feel of her teeth on his skin. He laughed because he liked it, she could tell by the goosepimples that spread across his skin. 
“I feel stupid sitting like this,” he admitted. 
“You’re thinking too much.” She slid her hands along his thighs again to soothe, and kept it up with one hand as her other reached for the lube. “Keep holding your legs up, unless you’d rather spread yourself for me.”
“That’s supposed to be my line.”
“Right now it’s mine,” she countered, coating her dildo with the lube and looking down at him posed for her so pretty. So uncomfortable. So nervous. So eager he was leaking. So hopeful he was willing to do what she said with only a little fuss. “Right now your hole is mine. Right now you’re going to take mine until you’re a whimpering, quivering mess–”
“Fuck, Enna–”
“Until you’re so empty you’ll cry at the thought of cumming again, you couldn’t knot if your life depended on it–”
“You like this too much,” he mumbled, dimples showing as his eyes closed, like he could swim in her dominant words. She knew he loved it, even when he acted above it. It was easy to get into character right now. She was tired. She wanted to sleep.
She squirted a glob of lube on his asshole in retaliation and he hissed, then cried out as she pressed her thumb against him, against and in. 
“Ah ah ah!” he cried out, squirming at the slow intrusion. 
“Shhh baby it’s just my thumb, that’s nothing for a big alpha like you.” She squeezed his thigh and pressed her thumb further against the clench of his muscles, a gentle steady thrust to work out his nerves. “Relax, you know you’ll love this.” He groaned as she pushed past the ring of resistance and twitched as his body clenched to accommodate. “Good, baby, just like that.”
She continued to thrust her thumb, adoring the way his eyes fluttered closed and his brow dropped and he tried to concentrate on relaxing when his body was telling him to do the opposite. She knew he enjoyed the tremor of discomfort mixed with the pleasure; she took her time working the lube into him, pulling out and rubbing around his hole and then back in, easing his body into relaxing and remembering how good this was. She traded her thumb for a finger, slightly smaller, then had him gasping and twisting again as she worked two fingers in. She dumped on more lube, feeling her own heart rate picking up at the sight of his body swallowing her fingers like that. It would never fail to make her proud that though he’d done plenty of things with other women before her, this was one of many things only she would ever do to him. And he loved it.
“En,” he whined, dropping his knees and grabbing the couch cushions, nails scratching against the fabric. “Fuck… finger my asshole…”
“I am. Don’t be bossy.”
“Ah you’re going to make me cum,” he whined, losing himself and pulling his cheeks apart for her, already surrendering to the pleasure. She watched his cock twitch and another glob of cum slowly ooze out, no force behind it. She twisted her fingers and pressed deeper, sliding along his walls to find that spot that made his legs suddenly straighten and his head curl forward as he panted and moaned.
His whine changed in tone as she eased her fingers out, his eyes pitiful in their disappointment. She enjoyed watching him clench around her absence.
“En, please, please just go back to– I was so close–”
“Shhhh.” She leaned forward and kissed away his trembling worry. He groaned onto her tongue and thrust against her stomach so rapidly, clearly his desperate body driven on instinct.
“I need to fuck,” he gasped. “I need to– sit on my cock, En. I need to cum in you. I –aghh,” he gasped out as she slid the head of her dildo across his hole. She kissed him harder, tongue licking into his mouth as she pushed against him. She’d done her best to soften him open but his body resisted the bigger, harder intrusion. “Please,” he panted. “Please, En, I want you in me.”
She gripped the dildo and pushed harder, planting her feet and leaning her weight into it now as the head of the dildo forced him open. He yelled and grabbed the couch cushions behind his head, legs lifting up without her order as she sank into him. If only she could feel first hand the way his body was clenching around her dildo, the way hers did around his other times. He whined and whimpered and twisted, trying to see around his own erratically twitching cock and swollen balls. 
“Shhhh baby baby, you’re doing so good,” she encouraged, peppering kisses over his face as he gasped. “Just sit for a moment, just relax, just get used to me.”
“It’s bigger,” he whined, nose bumping mindlessly against her mouth. “Fuck.”
“It feels that much bigger? It’s not much bigger.”
“Fuck fuck fuck,” he groaned, squeezing the cushions so hard, biceps flexing, as his hip slowly curled up, taking her deeper of his own accord. “Fuck!” he groaned and cum oozed from the head of his cock, spurting over both their chests. “Please pump me–”
“No. Not yet.”
“En,” he whined. She loved his whine so much, this pitiful little noise only she ever got to hear. She kissed him hard and pulled out a couple inches –not all the way– before pushing slowly deeper, swallowing his strangled cries. She let him rest for a minute like that, impaled on her but unpressured, and just kissed his face as he alternated growls and grumbles and sighs and full body twitches.
“Wolf fighting you?”
He panted and nodded.
“I’m not going to stop fucking if you shift,” she teased, though it was definitely not true. “Tell him not to get any ideas and just to let you enjoy it.”
“So un-alpha–”
“Not true. A good alpha can take it harder than this.”
“I can,” he gasped out. “I want…” He shivered. She rocked her hips slowly and could tell the moment she put pressure in just the right place by the heave of his chest. She pulled slowly out and his groan took on a disappointed edge. “En…”
“Yes, alpha?”
He reached for with one hand, pulling her down into a kiss, and gave his cock a few strokes with the other. It took her a second to realize what he was doing, until the gesture made her recognize the shift in his vibe as he decided to take matters into his own hands rather than beg.
She grabbed his wrists and pulled them away; he put up just enough of a fight for her to feel strong as she pressed his hands back to the cushions behind him.
“Uh-uh. Hands off.” 
“You don’t understand,” he gritted out. “I need to cum, and if you’re just going to tease me…” There was an edge in his voice and she saw the muscles in the sides of his neck straining. 
“Sorry, am I going too slow?”
“Yes, just fuck me already! Don’t make me tell you again, little one.”
She didn’t appreciate the tone and so was less gentle as she shoved the dildo back in. He gasped and twisted. She leaned further forward, pressing deeper and deeper, and bit his shoulders and neck and chest until she was flush against his body and his skin was dotted with her white bites. His chest heaved, panting; he stared at her with wide eyes, mouth hanging open. Everything would feel more right now while he was rutting. Good. His teeth clicked as she shoved his jaw up, demanding the exposure of his neck as she pulled out and thrust into him hard. He shouted and grabbed at her hips, thrusting up to meet her. 
“You trying to fuck yourself on my cock?” she asked him sweetly. Outside of this moment, she’d die talking like this, but he loved it so much, it had made her brave over time. She was still holding his jaw up, making his voice sound strained.
“Please. Please, baby… need it so bad…”
“Need me to fuck harder? Say it again without the sass this time.” 
“Fuck me, baby, hard as you can, please, please.” 
“So polite even when you’re rutting, huh?” she teased, leaning down to bite his earlobe as she gave a hard thrust. He grunted and squeezed the couch cushions. “Too hard?”
So she did it again and bit his neck this time, kissing and licking to balance the pleasure and pain. But she wanted to see him, and pushed herself up, hands braced on the back of his legs so she could watch his contorting face and twitching cock with every stroke of her own. It was intoxicating to watch, delicious to listen to the way different strengths and speeds affected the noises he made. His cock looked so needy and desperate for touch but she refused to just yet. That was going to be the orgasm to end all orgasms, the orgasm to let her get some sleep.
He curled forward, grabbing her hips and pulling her harder and faster against him, pounding her into his own asshole as his groan turned into a roar. She fucked as hard as she could as he helplessly hooked his arms under his legs and cried out. Untouched, his cock erupted again, cum shooting up, dashing across the sweaty flushed skin of his chest, across his chin and cheek, dotting his sweaty hair. It was so fucking hot. He looked up at her through his own cum, clearly shocked, and Enikö fell forward to kiss him, not stopping her hips even when he bucked.
“Shit, I–”
“It’s so hot, it’s so hot, alpha,” she gasped. “I love seeing you with your own cum on your face, oh my god.”
“No, I don’t like it– agh, slow down!”
She did, stilling her hips but not pulling out because, “You aren’t done.”
“Let me breathe a second…”
“Hm…” She wasn’t sure she wanted to. She ran her hands along his thighs and across his stomach and chest, smearing in the cum, but when he started wiping it off his face, she leaned forward to lick off instead. Since she hadn’t pulled out, it pushed her deeper and he groaned and shuddered but remained silent under her tongue. So she began to gently rock again, chasing the high of hearing his voice catch like that. She nibbled his mouth and his jaw, his ear, down his neck and twisted them both sideways onto the couch so she could kneel between his legs this time and stretch out on top of him, pressing his cock between them..
“Good, baby,” she murmured against his skin. “I think you like the bigger one.”
“I…” He broke off with a strangled gasp as she pulled all the way out and pushed back in. His body had relaxed more, it was more accepting of her, but she knew he’d still feel every penetration. She pushed against his chest so she could guide the dildo better, out and in. His mouth hung open, eyes dark and slitted, legs splayed. She pressed his knees to his chest with his dick trapped on her side of his thighs, swollen head shiny and leaking. 
“I get it now,” she murmured.
“Why you like watching my body take you,” she grinned, staring at her dildo disappearing into his hole and the way he clenched in the void when she pulled out. His huff preceded him trying to cover himself. “No, don’t be shy. It’s sexy.” She pushed in and leaned forward to kiss him. “Don’t be shy, alpha, it’s just me. Your omega can know something like this about you. You know this about me. You know how hungry I am for you.” She bit his mouth, kissing him even though he could barely return the gesture as she found just the right angle to buck against. His whimper made it obvious she’d hit the spot, just like it was obvious he tried not to whine like that, but she was relentless.
“Right there, alpha?” she asked, stroking into him. “Is that the spot?” His body answered for him since he could not, cum oozing out of his cock like she’d flipped his switch. She kept her pace the same but leaned back to watch the pearly jizz pool and slide down his thighs. She scooped it down to smear around his hole instead, letting it join the mess of lube letting her glide so freely in and out.
“Suck my cock,” he pleaded, a sure finishing move, but she refused. He’d fuck her mouth again and her throat was already sore. Instead she pushed his hands back up and pressed his legs apart and pinched his nipples, not giving him a rest. Maybe it had been an empty demand anyway, she could feel his energy starting to flag; she must finally be getting to the bottom of that cum reserve that seemed so endless during a rut. 
She slapped his nipples and pinched them again, then reached down and slapped his balls to make him hiss.
“How much do you still have for me?” she demanded. “How long are you going to hold out? Let it all out, baby.” She slapped his balls again, harder. He whimpered. She slapped harder until he finally croaked out “pineapple.” More cum oozed out, even before she ran her hands up and down his swollen shaft to chase the pain with pleasure. The shudder ran up his whole body and she quickly pulled her hands away.
“You like hearing me whine,” he complained.
“I do.”
“Please, just finish me.”
“Hard or soft?”
“Hard,” he answered quickly. “Hard hard, you have no idea how hard it is not to flip and fuck you right now–”
“You will not–”
“So fuck me harder!”
She picked up the pace, watching his cock bounce with each thrust, watching another dribble of cum leak out as she reached deep. She grabbed his legs to pull and he braced himself against the arm rest of the couch as she fucked harder, so hard she thought it must hurt him but he liked it if it did. The profanities flowed from his mouth, his whole body writhing and bucking as she split him with the dildo. His moans reached a fever pitch until she finally took pity on him and grabbed his dick, dragging her hands roughly up and down, practically using it as leverage as she whipped her hips against his ass. 
“FUCK” he shouted, legs curled in the air, face contorted in what looked like rage or pain as cum shot out again. He bucked and rolled and she kept going as he gave a completely silent shout and curled up. His gasp made it sound like he hadn’t breathed in hours but she kept going, slowing her thrusts but busying her hands, squeezing up and up, wringing the cum from his body.
“Yeah, cum baby, cum it all out, I’m not stopping until I hear the word so don’t try to shake me off–”
“Fuck fuck Enna,” he practically sobbed, grabbing his legs and curling forward. Another dollop of cum squeezed out, all over her hands. She’d found the spot with the dildo in his ass and just rocked against it, pressing, working him from every angle as he crumbled in her hands. He bucked into her hand but no word, so she kept going, a tight O around his head hard and fast while her thumb dug down behind his balls and her dildo milked that prostate dry. He shouted and she squeezed less cum out, and then less, until he grabbed her hips and pulled her deep one last time, his body convulsing as she wrung the last pitiful drops out of him.
“Pineapple,” he whimpered. “Pineapple pineapple.” Instantly she released him as he whined it again, “Pineapple.”
“Empty baby?”
His cock rocked and twitched in the air but nothing came out.
“God that’s so much cum,” she gasped, looking around. Certainly more than an ordinary day of this kind of play.
“Enikö…” His voice was whisper faint as he collapsed backwards, chest heaving, eyes closed. 
“I have to pull out. I’ll go slow. Are you ready?”
He licked his lips and nodded and winced, though she did her best to be gentle. His hole clenched in complaint as soon as she was out, and he bucked when she stroked it to soothe. How beautiful he was, completely fucked out like that. She watched with interest at the way his cock pulsed but failed to form the knot it no doubt wanted to. She undid the clasps of her harness and set the whole thing on the table to clean later, and stretched out on top of him, and stroked his hair back. He could barely open his eyes but still smiled and turned into her kiss. His skin was filthy, sweaty, but cooler to the touch. 
“I broke your rut,” she murmured.
“You broke me.”
“In a good way?”
His mouth was lazy, slow against hers. Another shudder ran through his body and she smiled and debated about her own need right now. 
“You still need to be fucked?” he asked, which was honestly a wild question considering he clearly couldn’t move right now. She doubted he could even use his hand, frankly. It delighted her, to leave him like that after he’d done it to her so many times during the last two days. 
“You’ve fucked me plenty,” she assured him. “Just go to sleep, alpha.”
“But you smell wet.”
“Ride my face, baby–”
Instead she got up, ignoring the shakiness of her own legs, and retrieved the first vibrator she could find and collapsed back on top of him. He groaned as soon as he heard the noise.
“No, I don’t want it to end with you having to–”
She clamped her hand over his mouth and slid it between her legs. Their faces were inches apart, his lidded gaze meeting hers as she positioned the vibrator just right. Without verbal agreement, neither looked away; everything seemed so still and quiet as Enikö leaned into the building vibration that did all the work alongside the mental video playing in her mind again of exactly what Jungkook looked like when he curled his body up to take her in. It was quick, very quick. She came with a gasp and pulled it quickly away, sensitive sooner after so much activity. The orgasm wasn’t even that strong but it was a needed release, a relief of the tension she’d wound in her body getting to fuck Jungkook like that. Only her. She was the only person in the world he would trust with that need, that vulnerability, that pleasure that still frightened him. Why? Men could be so silly about something that felt good. And damn, did it clearly make him feel good.
“Thank you,” he whispered, pressing a lazy kiss to her forehead.
“For fucking you?” she grinned.
She felt the pout of his lips as he corrected, “For breaking my rut.”
“Thank you for trusting me with your rut and your needs. I’ll do that sooner next time.” Now that she knew he still enjoyed that kind of thing while he was rutting, they could bring so much of their other play into the rut room. She hadn’t known for sure if it would be welcome while he was his most dominant, or whatever but… apparently yes. 
“Hmph. Well. You trust me with yours.” A pause. “Sorry I didn’t get to finish you.”
“Don’t worry. When I go into heat, I’ll be very demanding. It’ll always be even between us, Koo. And anyway, I really enjoy fucking you.”
“Yeah yeah, I can tell.” He chuckled and coughed a little, probably dehydrated. He’d wake up and chug a liter of water in a little bit probably. But for now he stone-cold passed out, body finally at rest, instinct convinced he had successfully pupped his mate –despite her birth control and the fact she was the one who’d left him so dry he couldn’t even form a knot. Enikö, feeling very smug and satisfied and more than a little sore, went right to sleep too curled up on the filthy mess coating her alpha’s body. 
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328 notes · View notes
stormyweaver · 7 months
The Jake + Adam Series 1/0
So! Like I said in an earlier post, having a new laptop has significantly increased my drive to write. This one's actually a commission for the lovely @bigsnzstanacct that I wrote a bit ago but am finally posting!
This definitely won't be the last seen of these two, I became rather fond of them quickly but I'll come up with a better title for their adventures a bit later. Anyways, this was a joy to write for you dear, and I hope everyone else enjoys as well! ;3
Adam had been idly flipping through a magazine when it happened. It wasn’t even an interesting article - something about the benefits of kale vs spinach because apparently that was a debate now? Eh, the world was always coming up with some new bullshit, he supposed. 
But his attention was immediately arrested by the sudden clang of pots and other cookware in the kitchen. Their living room was just on the other side, of a doorway and, considering their tiny apartment, he likely would have heard the clamor either way. He certainly heard the sudden, panicked gasp that followed, along with an equally frantic call of his name. “A-hahhhdam? N-need you in here huhhh’un!” Oh. Oh fucksicles.
All but sprinting up from his place on the couch, the brunette sped into the kitchen, and wasn’t surprised at the sight that lay before him. His boyfriend - his wonderful, spritely, gorgeous blonde-haired angel Jake - who had his back to Adam, but even then it didn’t take a rocket scientist to know just what had Jake hollering for his assistance. Well… maybe a rocket scientist would actually have come in handy, all things considered. As it was, Jake’s broad shoulders were shuddering up and down unsteadily, back muscles spasming beneath his tight, gray v-neck. Even without stepping closer, Adam could see that the poor thing’s frame was dotted in some kind of… substance, and– yep. There was the unmistakable scent of cayenne. Well, that explained a lot. Far more when Jake peeked over a shivering shoulder, and Adam felt his heart ache and also nearly leaped out of his chest at his boyfriend. “Oh, babe…” Jake’s flaxen, wavy hair had speckles of red along it’s tresses and Adam swore he could even see a bit dusting the bridge of his long nose. Which… shit, right, that had to be taken care of – like, NOW. Before Jake could gasp out another word - the poor thing always tried to talk, even though he knew it only made things worse - a firm index finger was rushed beneath his flaring nostrils. Adam shushed him gently, the other hand resting on his hip as he tried to soothe his boyfriend’s nose before it went absolutely nuclear. “You’re okay, baby, we just gotta wash you off real quick, okay? Nod if you can make it to the sink– yeah? Okay, here we go…” Still with a firm pressure beneath the wriggling mass of hyper-sensitive flesh and nerves, Adam gently but steadily urged Jake towards the waiting sink. Thank goodness they had cleaned it out prior - not being able to get Jake all the way beneath the tap would prove to be a real problem. Yeah, as if your boyfriend about to sneeze the entire spice-cabinet to smithereens isn’t considered a ‘real problem’, Adam mused. Although, knowing Jake’s habits, it’d likely be a bit more than just the spice rack. Jeez, they really couldn’t afford to replace the entire upper cabinet space… “HAAHH…!! Ahhh- Adhhahham, I c-c-ahhn’t–!” Pupils shrunk as he felt Jake’s back arch, wincing as a cloud of the aforementioned spice puffed into the air around his boyfriend’s tear-stricken face. His nose lifted from Adam’s finger and he swore at this angle, he could practically see the grains being hovered into the widened, quivering ovals of Jake’s nose.
Adam swallowed thickly. Now was not the time to be both undeniably worried AND incredibly horny. DAMN IT BRAIN, PICK ONE! “Shit baby, please, you gotta try! Just lemme– fuck–” This time, Adam tried to pinch Jake’s massively flared nostrils shut but even that was a struggle all it’s own. The wings protested vehemently, alive with wriggles and flexing that threatened to breach the plug of his index finger and thumb. Despite his urgent panting, Jake’s shoulders loosened a bit, the lift of his chest deflating bit by bit. 
Adam released a breath he hadn’t been aware he was holding. “Just a little more… 'atta boy, here we go…” It took a bit of finagling- mainly to avoid 1. Getting MORE spice into areas where it definitely would irritate Jake’s face and 2. Readying himself for when Jake inevitably did blow, because at this rate there was no denying that his boyfriend would need to get the already trapped spice out somehow. 
And there was only one way they’d both found to truly rid his nose of the most cloying, tantalizing of irritants… “Just tap when you’re about to let loose, k? That way I can get the towel ready,” Adam rubbed his back reassuringly, his other hand almost hovering over the aforementioned cloth. Sure enough, Jake’s slightly damp head lifted a bit, a shaky hand rapping atop the sink counter. Okay, showtime, Adam supposed.
Once he was sure Jake had the towel steady within his grasp, Adam braced himself for what was next to come. The blonde’s back arched once again, but his head and face were still hovering over the towel in preparation. Chancing a glance over a shoulder, Adam felt his cheeks flood with color at Jake’s expression: desperation soaked every single inch of freckled skin, lower lip trembling as his jaw went slack, gulping in breath after behemoth breath. His poor eyes were flooded with tears, the tracks leaking down his own flushed cheeks threatening to be permanent. 
And his poor nose… Christ on a bike, had he ever seen his nostrils flare so massively? 
In all likelihood, yeah. But something about seeing Jake gear up for a sneeze never failed to strike awe into his very being. Sure there was… something else besides awe but, that could wait. For a while. Hopefully. “hHuuhhh… hHHUHHH…” Adam gulped as he saw Jake’s nose quiver intensely, upper lip catching in a tickly snarl. He opened his mouth, thinking that maybe he should urge Jake to go ahead and let it out - but apparently, a verbal allowance was nowhere near necessary. “HUHHHH…!!! HHHRRRRSSCHHHHHH’HIIIIIEEEEEWWW!!!!”
The sound reverberated off the walls of the small space like a bouncy ball, and Adam couldn’t help but wince at how Jake’s large frame nearly tried to snap in half. But he knew there was at least one or - dear God he hoped not - two more in his lover. “hHHAHH–?! IIHHH– HHRRRSSSCHHHH’IIIUUEEE!!! IISSCHHHHUUUEEE!!!”
Ah, yep. Two was a fair bet. Adam felt his own nose twinge in sympathy, speeding up his rubbing across the expanse between Jake’s heaving shoulders. “There ya’ go, baby… get it all out… Christ, might need to reinforce the walls again after that…” He quipped, only once he was sure Jake had indeed finished. The thick, but hopefully relieving emptying of his sinuses into the towel affirmed his suspicions, and he couldn’t help but flash a cheesy half-grin at Jake’s not-so-subtle dead-pan across the damp cloth. “Seriously? SDFK! You’re one to talk, as if we didn’t have to send like… three pies out to the neighbors when you had a cold last month,” Adam felt his cheeks darken at the memory, brushing a thumb against his nose with a shy sniff. “Fair, fair. But we’re talkin’ about you now, big guy. Sure ya’ got all of that shit outta your system?” Jake hummed in thought, scrubbing at his flushed nostrils carefully before exhaling with a nod. “Yeah, think that’s all of it… Geez, we gotta get an actual spice rack, Adam. That thing’s a hazard,” To you at least, Adam mused with a rueful smile. However Jake definitely noticed his musing, and he rose a brow. “Or maybe you’re hoping this’ll happen again…?” If not for the obvious teasing tone, Adam would have likely combusted on the spot. Which was always one of Jake’s favorite fucking pastimes - making Adam blush until he was essentially a walking red crayon.
Asshole… loveable, but still an asshole.
“Tch, no. Absolutely not! What would you’ve done if I hadn’t been here in the first place, huh? Thanks for the assist, Adam! Oh, you’re so welcome, Jake!”
Jake simply rolled his eyes, though there was a fondness within the reaction, only further reinforced when he cupped one of Adam’s overheating cheeks. “My knight in shining armor, I dare say I wouldn’t ever know~ Better?” Adam swallowed past his suddenly tight throat, subtly leaning into the large palm. “... better. Now c’mon, let’s get you outta here before there’s a repeat performance… your highness,”
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watermelonsugarslut · 2 years
Okay this is my first time writing anything, especially smut. So I’m sorry it it sucks haha. Anyways enjoy.
Lawyer AU
Warnings: smut, size kink, daddy kink, PIV, spanking, unprotected sex.
Word count: 2.8K
Harry has always been a hard worker. Being one of the top lawyers in all of London didnt come easy, he had to put in the work. It’s said that Harry could get anyone to confess, he could get the sky to admit it was magenta.
It wasn’t uncommon for you to come home from work in the evening and see him sitting on the couch slaving away at his computer. He would often come home from the firm and continue where he left off,
cramming in information desperately trying to piece cases together.
He was wonderful to observe- so focused on the task at hand. Brows furrowed in thought, glasses resting on the bridge of his nose (a personal favorite for you. Something about Harry in glasses never failed to get you aching and riled up). Still clad in his work clothes, white dress shirt sleeves rolled up to his forearms. Tie off resting on the table, top buttons unbuttoned displaying his tattoos hidden beneath.
Though him being a hard worker had its many pros; you not having to work as much and worry about bills, Harry spoiling you with anything you could ever dream of. It had its cons too. Your sex life was incredible, Harry knew your body better than you, but sometimes you felt a little neglected when he’d be working all the time. It’d resort to you standing in front of him naked- seeing how long it took for him to notice, and acting like a brat to get his attention.
Tonight was one of those nights.
The past few days you Harry had been extremely busy, more so than usual. He is the head of this new criminal case that could really be a big break for him. He’d been staying later at the office, not coming home till way past midnight, only to leave again at 6:00am. You tried hinting at him that you missed him, sitting next to him on the couch, rubbing his bicep and kissing on his neck. Only for him to respond with, “not right now lovie, I’m busy.”
You were fed up, and quite frankly hornier than ever. You got home from work around an hour ago to find Harry in his tan suit and glasses sitting on the couch with his computer- working tirelessly on his case, yet again. You kissed him on the cheek and greeted him, “Hi my love,” he only hummed in response, not even bothering to look up at you. This irritated you, you let out a frustrated sigh and set your stuff down and took off your shoes before walking to your shared bedroom and into the bathroom deciding to take a bath.
As you’re getting your belongings ready for your bath, an idea pops into your head.
You fill the bath with warm water and drop in a ‘sex bomb’ bath bomb to try and set the mood. You sit yourself into the tub after the bath bomb dissolves and your muscles release instantly, “mhm,” you moan at the warmth. Once you’re situated you decide to text Harry, “missed you today.” His read receipts are on but he doesn’t reply, you roll eyes and move on to plan B.
With Harry there are rules and the most important rule is to never touch yourself, which has been incredibly difficult due to his recent neglect towards you. So you decide to push his buttons a little, since he won’t pay attention to you, maybe this will get him to.
You lean back against the tub and let your hand travel down your body starting at your neck. You bring it down over your tits and pinch your nipple a bit getting it to perk up. “Mhmmm,” you moan at the stimulation. A jolt of nerves rushes to your clit the more you fondle your nipple. You bring your hand down more, along your stomach all the way to your cunt. You close your eyes and bring your finger to run through your folds, already wet with need. You grab your phone with your other hand and snap a picture of your current position and sent it to Harry, “Daddy I need you.”
Harry hears his phone “ping” and looks down to see you sent him an image. He sighs and opens his messages to he a picture of you in the bath your hand on your pussy, nipples pert on your plump tits with your eyes rolled to the back of your head.
He tenses and instantly feels the blood rush to his cock, his pants tightening in the crotch. “Fuck,” he curses aloud while palming his stiffening member through his slacks. He feels his heart drop, realizing that he’s been neglecting you, feeling like you had to break rules just to get him to pay attention to you again. “Poor baby,” he says to himself as he forms his response. You don’t need to know he feels bad, he’ll play along with the game you started.
You see the three dots in your messages signifying he’s finally going to respond.
“My poor baby missed her daddy huh? So much that she had to be greedy and stuff herself with her fingers instead of telling daddy she needed to be filled. Naughty girl breaking daddy’s rules like that, think you ought to be punished. Get out of that tub and get down here now.” You stare at the text in awe, happy that you finally broke him. Then realize you’re taking too long and get out of the tub and drain it before putting on one of his white dress shirts and black lace panties then you’re off down the stairs.
You walk over to where he’s sitting on the couch and see him with his leg crossed over the other and arms behind his neck as he leans back against the wall. He looks so stern and serious it makes you nervous, but also causes you to feel a bit a wetness drip out onto your panties.
“Come over here,” he says pointing to the space on the couch next to him. You hesitantly walk over and sit beside him, awaiting his next move.
“Is there anything you’d like to confess?” He asks you while holding eye contact, tilting his head a bit to the side.
You shake your head no but are met with more sternness, “use your words baby.
I’ll ask again, is there anything you’d like to confess,” he asks again.
“No daddy,” you say shyly, not wanting to own up to the fact you misbehaved on purpose.
“Oh really,” he asks taken aback. You nod in response but he lets that slide, “so you don’t want to admit to breaking daddy’s rules just to get attention from him because you’re a greedy little slut then right?” Color swells to your cheeks and you almost succumb to admitting when you decide against it and see how far you can push him. “I plea the fifth. I don’t want to incriminate myself,” you say with a humph as you cross your arms over your chest.
Harry stares at you a bit dumbfounded by your comment. Not expecting you to use his own craft against him. He scoffs, “excuse me?” He questions you.
“I said I plea the fifth daddy, I’m not going to confess to anything,” you smirk at him.
He glares a hungry gaze at you before replying, “I bet I can make you confess.” Your stomach fills with butterflies at the thought of him fucking you into admission, you press your thighs together to get a sense of friction to your pulsing clit.
“Okay,” you throw back at him. “But I demand a lawyer,” you taut. You see something behind his eyes, “oh baby. Careful what you wish for,” he threatens.
He teaches for your arm to grab you to him but you quickly get up and sprint out of the living room and begin running around your house.
“Oh you’re gonna get it missy,” he threatens as he jumps up and chases you.
You go to run through the doorway into the foyer when he quickly blocks it and grabs you.
“Ahhh,” you shriek as he turns you around so your ass is flat against his hard cock and holds your arms behind you. He leans his head to the crook of your neck, his hot breath sends a shiver down your spine.
“Got you,” he taunts as he leads you back over to the couch in the living room.
He sits down on the couch and pats his knee, signaling for you to lay over his lap.
You reluctantly walk over and go to lay over his lap before he stops you, “ah ah,” he ticks. He grabs you by the hips and runs his hands up and down your legs before he hooks his fingers into your panties and pulls them down slowly.
“Gotta take these off first,” he says as he lets out a sigh when he smells your arousal.
“So wet already and we haven’t even started,” he taunts as he lays you over his lap.
“How maybe do you think you deserve?” He taunts.
“Um- 10?” You say a little unsure.
“I think my baby deserves more than 10 for breaking daddy’s rules and challenging him.”
“15?” You ask.
“Alright, 15 sounds good,” he says as he begins rubbing over your ass cheek.
“Count,” he demands as he brings his large ringed hand over your ass, a smack echoing through the room.
“One,” you choke out.
He brings his hand down again this time to your other cheek, jerking you forward and making you drip onto his leg.
“Two” you say with a moan and you shift in his lap to try and get some friction.
This continues for a while, slap after slap placed upon your cheeks until they’re bright red and marked with hand prints and you’re soaking his lap.
“Please daddy I’m so wet,” you say desperately after he finishes spanking you.
“What would you like me to do baby?” He asks acting like he has no idea what you want.
“Make me cum pleaseeee I need you inside me so bad,” you elongate emphasizing your neediness.
“Hmm and why would I do that he says,” and he begins running his hand up your pussy and spreading your lips with his two fingers. “Mmm” he moans at how soaked you are. “Completely oozing into my fingers right now.”
“Daddy please I took my punishment so well,” you beg trying to get him to crack.
“That’s because you like when daddy spanks you, isn’t that right baby,” he says as he plays around with your wetness but never actually shoving his fingers all the way into you.
“Please daddy, I’m aching for you. I need to stretched by your big cock. Please daddy please I can’t take it anymore,” you plead as tears begin to well up in your eyes.
“Okay baby, okay. Since you’re so needy for daddy’s cock and took your punishment like a good girl maybe I can make you cum,” he considers as he sits you up and turns you so you’re facing him sitting on his lap.
“Thank you daddy thank you,” you say ecstatically and you fondle with his pants trying to take him out.
“But I want you to confess.” He says, grabbing your hands from his pants and holding them out behind your back.
“What?” You ask confused and out of breath.
“I want you to confess, and then I’ll make you cum,” he says matter-of-factly, hands still holding yours in place.
“But I-“
“Not buts,” he cuts you off as you roll your hips on his lap grinding your wet pussy onto his covered cock, desperately trying to get any sort of friction you can.
“You confess and I’ll make you cum. As simple as that,” he says as he lets go of you hands and leans back against the couch with his hands behind his head for the second time today.
You sit there a bit dumbfounded for a minute, shocked at what had just happened. Not sure what to do next.
“Well are you just going to sit there? Or are you going to admit to daddy that you’re a greedy slut?” He asks.
“Answer me doll,” he snaps as he pinches one of your nipples when you don’t answer him in time. Making you flinch and roll your hips on him again.
Your clit is throbbing, your pussy aches so bad you can’t think straight. You’re sweaty, overstimulated and your ass is on fire. You really need to cum, so you decide to back down.
“I’m a greedy slut,” you admit softly as you look him in the eyes.
“What was that?” He asks wanting you to say it louder.
“I’m a greedy slut,” you say again, louder this time.
“Good girl,” he says, and you jerks his hips up, pushing pressure into your clit.
“Mmmm,” you moan at the stimulation.
“Since you were a good girl and confessed, I’ll make you cum now,” he says and he unzips his pants and pulls down his underwear. “Ah,” he moans as his cock springs free and slaps back against his stomach, rock hard as can be and leaking pre cum.
“You ready baby?” He asks as he lifts you up and runs his cock through your folds, but not quite pushing into you yet.
“Please daddy no teasing,” you whine, wanting to get to the point.
“Okay baby, let’s fill this tight pussy to the brim. Hopefully you can all of me,” he teases as he pushes into feeling you instantly contract around him.
You both moan out at the sensation.
“Daddy it feels so good,” you say as you moan, gripping your arms around his shoulders and burying your head into his neck.
“I know baby, I know. Daddy’s gonna take real good care of you okay.” He states as he begins thrusting up into you.
“Ughhhhhh,” you moan deeply feeling him brush up against your g-spot, biting down on his shoulder.
“You like that princess? Did I hit your spot,” he groans out as he does it again and again.
“Daddy I can feel you in my stomach,” you yell as you grab one of his hands from you back and press it to your stomach.
“Oh fuck,” he groans as you push his hand down, feeling his cock in you.
He begins increasing his pace, fucking into mercilessly now.
“Ugh daddy, it feels so good, I’m gonna cum soon,” you say as you clench down on him.
“Go ahead baby, want you to soak my cock,” he says increasing his pace.
You feel the bubble inside of you grow with every trust against your g-spot. The friction becoming too much. You throw your head back as the bubble pops and your orgasm takes over. Squirting all over his cock as he continues. “Daddyyyyy!” You scream out as you ride out your high, Harry still thrusting into you at the same pace chasing his own high.
“That’s my good girl, I’m almost there baby,” he says as he thrusts into you a few more times before getting a bit sloppy and exploding inside you. Spurts of his hot cum shooting into you. His thrusts come to a halt as he lays back with you still on his chest. He goes to remove himself from you but you stop him. Still too sensitive to change your positions.
“I’m sorry I’ve been neglecting you,” he says when you finally catch your breath. “I’ve just been so busy with this case, I haven’t had the time.”
“I know,” you say ear pressed against his chest listening to his heart beat.
“I need to make more time for you, I don’t want you to ever feel like you have to touch yourself because I’m not giving you enough love,” he says as he moves a stray strand of hair behind your other ear.
“I love you,” you respond mind still hazy from earlier.
“I was planning on taking the money I get from this case, and maybe taking you to Europe for the summer,” he says with a smile as he looks into your eyes.
“That sounds lovely Harry,” you say as you kiss his collarbone.
“I love you so much, I’m so sorry again,” he rambles as he kisses the top of your head, arms wrapping around your back holding you close to him. Still very much inside you.
“It’s okay Harry, I know how important it all is to you,” you say lovingly, burrowing into him.
“Not as important as you are to me,” he responds.
You smile at him and say, “I love you.”
You sit in silence for a minute enjoying each other’s company before you say,
“hey I guess you really can get anyone to confess.” He chuckles at your comment shaking his head. You giggle at his reaction.
“Alright what do you wanna do for dinner?” He asks changing the subject after awhile.
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goldeneyedgirl · 2 months
day 125 asking for home again please i'm begging u i don't mind if you have a new chapter an idea or just rambling randomly about this fic i'm only asking for crumbs i hope it will touch your heart
Anon, you moved me. I'm so sorry I forgot your request. I have a memory like swiss cheese.
The rewrite has temporarily stalled, only because I have four chapter fics going, three one-shots needing to be finished, and I'm plotting out Whumptober, Nanowrimo, and Ficmas. Plus I have uni work which involves planning and writing a manuscript in 2025. Soo rewrites have escaped me for the time being.
But I do have plans to add a couple of fics to that series. The next fic I was going to publish was second chronologically - Cynthia's wedding. So this takes place maybe eight weeks after Home Again, so everything is kind of new and Jasper gets to experience Alice's family nonsense and how the insanely rich live.
Other fics I was messing with in this universe (the file for these has disappeared, so I have to do a deep dive on my harddrive to see where it was filed but it's totally gone at the moment) includes Alice's father showing up in Mexico for a surprise visit at a very inopportune time; the Brandons deciding to have a pre-Christmas gathering at Alice's house so that Alice's mom can get a bunch of photos for social media; Alice and Jasper in Seattle (I mean, we need to have Maria show up at some point - I love writing Maria); plus drama around the rest of the family - Edward and Bella having a baby, Peter and Charlotte getting married, and just other wholesome nonsense.
I might also drag the OG drafts for celebrity Alice out of the archives for Ficmas because, listen, the original Vision was very different. I think there were three different versions in 24 hours, lol.
Anyway, here is some of the draft of Cynthia's Wedding/the Spectacle.
That was Jasper’s first thought.
He’d never seen so many flowers in one place before.
Or ribbons.
Or people.
“Breathe.” Alice was standing beside him, looking much more at ease than he felt. She looked beautiful but almost foreign on his arm; she’d had hair and make-up people in their suite early, and had emerged with an artfully messy updo and an almost porcelain-doll appearance.
She didn’t seem entirely real, honestly.
None of this did.
They’d arrived in New York City the afternoon before and this had been the most eye-opening twenty-four hours of his life.
First of all, the chauffeur that had picked them up from the airport had swept them to one of the most expensive hotels in the city - he knew Alice had vetoed the Plaza, where Cynthia was getting married, citing a complete lack of privacy - and they had been quickly and efficiently swept up to a suite that was, frankly, nicer than his Seattle apartment. A perfectly tailored suit and Alice’s dress for the wedding had been waiting for them, along with a handwritten schedule and half a dozen floral arrangements - as well as a bottle of champagne and a ‘good luck’ note from Carmen, which made Alice snort.
There had been a dinner reservation made at the hotel restaurant with Alice’s godmother - a pinched woman who downed three martinis and left citing a need for a cigarette before they’d even received their entrees. Alice had laughed at his total bewilderment - “I’ve known her my whole life, Jas, and I’ve never seen her eat anything more substantial than a martini olive - or stay at an event longer than thirty minutes.”
The next morning, Alice had disappeared to spa treatments, hair, and makeup after breakfast, and returned to the room looking rather blank and popped two pain pills on a relatively empty stomach but had reassured him that she was fine. He’d even gone out to get her something to eat, but she’d only picked at it and blamed nerves about being in front of the camera.
And now they were at the wedding.
Alice’s dress was beautiful - dark plum lace tailored close to her body with a high neck and buttons running down her spine. The hem brushed the floor, concealing the fact that she had insisted on nearly four inch heels despite the pain they caused her. A small fortune of diamonds hung from her ears and around her wrist that Alice claimed belonged to the family trust, from a long-dead family member. The suit Carmen had arranged for him was tailored so perfectly that it was one of the most comfortable things he’d ever worn - and one of the nicest, far and away nicer than what he'd worn at his own wedding.
That made him a little nervous - first class flights to New York, the hotel room, the suit… Alice had convinced him that as her date, she was going to cover everything. He was doing her a favour, after all - Cynthia wouldn’t have allowed her to attend without a plus-one. But this whole weekend was costing more than his entire life, and that made him somewhat uncomfortable.
“This is…”
“A lot, I know.” Alice’s smile is pasted on her face, and doesn’t look quite right. “Just look like you’re happy to be here and no one will notice.”
“I’m happy to be here with you, this is just terrifying,” he murmured in her ear and for a moment, Alice’s mask dropped and she gave him a genuine, albeit bashful, smile.
The entrance had an actual red - well, gold - carpet at the entrance, against a wall of white roses. Various photographers were lined up, snapping away. It took him several moments to place a few of the other guests dotted along the carpet - models, celebrities, singers… It was surreal.
Ignoring people calling out to her, Alice carefully guided him inside the hotel.
The ceremony room was all gold and white, adored in hundreds of white candles, and masses of flowers in whites, pinks, and lemons. It was dizzying and oddly hypnotic, like standing in a secret garden but knowing that something wasn't quite right about it.
Gold chairs draped in silky fabric were arranged for the guests - rows and rows of them, negating Alice’s assumption that this was planned to be an intimate wedding. A white and gold bar was set up at the back of the room, where numerous people were clustered around - people Jasper had only ever seen on TV.
“You’ll be seated in the front row,” the perky attendant said, escorting them down the aisle, gesturing to two seats.
Securing a glass of champagne for Alice and a gin-and-tonic for himself, Jasper immediately returned to where Alice was seated - where a man was looming over her. He wearing a well-worn, rumpled suit, clutching a drink like it was a lifeline, and looked like he needed a shave and a good night's sleep. He wasn't anyone that Jasper recognised, but the way he was scrutinizing Alice made Jasper feel oddly protective of her.
"Mary, Mary," the man said in a rough voice that sounded almost mocking to Jasper's ears as he handed Alice her champagne.
“Alistair,” the fake smile is back but Alice doesn’t rise, merely nods at him. “How are you?”
Alistair, the former fiancé - a long-time associate of Alice’s father and not someone Alice has spoken of fondly. He didn’t know the details of the break up - or even the engagement - and he couldn’t bring himself to google search his own ... what? Girlfriend? Either way, it felt very disloyal to google things Alice didn't really want to talk about.
“You look better than I expected,” Alistair is frank, and is inspecting Alice like a piece of meat. “The way your family has carried on, I expected...”
"To be at death's door?" Alice offers sweetly.
"You not to be here," Alistair chuckles, before looking Jasper up and down.
Mr Platt is exactly what Jasper expected; an imposing man with salt and pepper hair and generic movie star looks. He doesn’t acknowledge anyone around him, firmly focused on his phone. There’s a haughty looking woman next to him in a shimmering dark blue dress and smooth red hair that Jasper suspects is his wife, even if she isn’t old enough to be Alice’s mother.
“Fourth wife, former assistant,” Alice murmurs to him from behind her champagne glass. “Mother of two daughters, and she’s very upset that neither of them were boys.”
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danielforshort · 10 months
Physickers Were My Saints
"Physicians are like saints to me; holy." The realization hit me like an earthquake. I had replaced my Catholic saints with doctors. Perhaps I had simply included them in that communion of holy people, and when the catholicism faded from my bones, it was only the healers that remained.
The decay of my body has been creeping its way into my life for almost a decade. I remember laying propped up in my twin sized bed, my parents pointing the fancy family camera at my face. I rant my tongue over my fat lip. I gnawed at it and they scolded me. They took me to the doctors a handful of times where they pricked my skin and shrugged.
I remember being fifteen, laying on a carpeted cabin floor, feeling the taut dull pain in my hip, willing it to slide into place, willing the pain to fade away.
I remember grimacing as I turned a corner a little too quick, the pain now sharp and quick, a kind of plucking pinch that lasted no more than a moment. I remember an aching, stomach turning tingle, running down my shoulder, making my head swim.
I remember my doctor at the time instructing me to bend over and touch my toes, watching me painlessly pull my arm from its joint, showing off my elastic doll divet in the space between the humerus and the scapula. Listening to me turn and roll my femur in its cradle on command, making a grating noise.
I remember her shrugging a little and saying "ligament laxity" and ordering a quick x-ray, some physical therapy, and no suggestion of any follow up, leaving me with a medical bill and no answers.
The physical therapists shrugged at me a little less, but still had no answers. Unusual weakness in some of my muscle groupings, uneven leg lengths from scoliosis, causing gait difficulties. They suggested I see an orthopedic surgeon.
I was twenty when my childhood hives came back in full force. Raised, itchy, red wheals blossomed all over my body, twenty four hours a day. The university nurse practitioner glanced at my chart and shrugged. She prescribed me a few days of steroids that did not work to tame the wheals and an anti-anxiety medication, for my digestive issues "I think you're an overachiever, you see, and that your anxiety is causing the stomach problems", that gave me so much brain fog I could have become part of the sky and not noticed.
I was twenty one when I sat on the floor, alone, felt my world melting and vibrating around me, unable to move, to think, to be. Terrified. Six months of testing: MRis, EEGs, neurology appointments. More doctors shrugging at me. "Don't stress yourself out so much. A kind of sensory overload perhaps. A kind pseudo-seizure maybe. A seizure, possibly."
Shortly afterward the nerve pain began. I was sitting in the spring sunshine. A beautiful day. My skin felt like it was on fire. I stood too quickly and winced when I felt the heat tingle, bite, burn at my scalp, my face, my neck.
At twenty two I was finding myself limping around my apartment after walking about too much (a single afternoon). The orthopedic surgeon ordered a new x-ray and an MRI, and shrugged. "A labral tear, probably. We'll do a quick surgery and it'll be fine."
"What if it's not that?"
He shrugged. No answer.
They didn't find any sign of a labral tear. Some asymmetrical strangeness in my range of motion, a cyst in my abdomen, but nothing explaining the pain. Another medical bill with no answers.
When I was twenty three I fainted on my couch. Later I found myself hunched over my counter, so lightheaded I couldn't be sure of what was truly up or down. The itchy red wheals found their ways onto my body again. Realizing the coinciding symptoms; the fainting, the racing heart, the lightheadedness, the red wheals, I immediately found my antihistamines and made an appointment for an allergist.
I begged the staff to test me for mast cell activation syndrome. I begged them to listen to me seriously. They gave me another skin prick test and shrugged. "Chronic idiopathic urticaria". They ordered a few blood tests but forgot to give me instructions with them, and the tests came back negative. I doubled the amount of antihistamines and prayed it was enough.
I found myself with more days unable to get out of bed. Days of rolling myself around my office, unwilling to chance the racing heart. I found myself leaning on more tables and walls, walking less, counting my energy levels like loose change for the vending machine.
My friends who had been fortunate enough to be blessed with legal diagnoses gave me advice. I had friends who urged to me push the doctors some more, to seek new saints, to "advocate for myself". And I looked behind me at all the sins I was carrying and shook my head in shame. I could not bear it. I could not carry my crosses, my illnesses, my burdens, and beg my saints to bless me any more.
I spent thousands of dollars and probably my entire life, adoring physicians. Thinking healers were good, holy, people, who loved me, who wanted to heal me, who wanted to know me. Every doctor who shrugged at me was just "the odd chance". The rage I felt at the medical system was at "systemic problems but I know individually, these doctors want to help me".
And now I am twenty four and my body is still decaying. My bones still click and creak, and my heart still races when I stand, and my skin blooms red wheals whenever it feels like it, and I am afraid of my next seizure, and now, daily, I deal with unexplained nerve pain that flares when I am too warm, when I am embarrassed, when I am angry, when I stand too quickly, when I am frustrated, when I think too hard...
I don't know what to do. I don't know who I am supposed to turn to, when the healers only shrug and turn me away.
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secretariatess · 2 years
Kylin 12
           The morning found Kylin still in his horse’s stall, having collapsed into a corner after seeing that the horse was set for the night, and not having the energy to stand back up.
           He probably would have remained asleep through the whole morning if his horse hadn’t nuzzled him, reminding him that sun being up meant this horse was deserving of grain.  When Kylin opened his eyes and saw that he was face to face with the horse’s muzzle, it took him a moment to realize that he did not, in fact, return to his room and his horse had somehow found its way in.
           Groaning as he stretched and rubbing the sleep out of his eyes, he managed to sit upright.  With the horse getting excited at his waking, he took a moment to consider his life choice. Particularly the ones he made last night that led to him having a neck with a pinched nerve.
           The horse snorted at him, showing little empathy for any pain he was feeling.
           “Yeah, yeah.”  He finally got to his feet and headed out to find grain to meet the demands of his greedy horse.  When he came back with the desired grains, he found Marta with her own horse, checking the mare over as she ate.
           “Good morning,” she greeted cheerily.  “You have shavings in your hair, by the way.”
           Giving his horse the grains, he absentmindedly combed the shavings out.
           “As a heads up, Ivelios will want us to back out there and see if we can find anything that would give a clue as to why the trees acted up last night,” she said, patting her mare’s neck.
           Kylin nodded.  After a few minutes, he asked, “Has this kind of stuff been happening a lot? It sounded like Ivelios was getting fed up.”
           Marta shrugged.  “We keep getting weird instances. We’re still trying to figure out what cause the dobharchus to travel up to the path for one thing. Last week a part of the forest just caved in. It took a couple of nymphs with it. The clan was able to replant one, but they other didn’t make it. So that’s another thing Ivelios has been looking into. But trees running off? That’s new.”
           Kylin leaned against the stable wall.  “Perhaps they thought the ground was going to disappear from underneath them,” he said, half-jokingly.
           Marta snorted in laughter.  “So why did Rei send you back here? I heard that he wanted you available for Ivelios, but we haven’t really been hurting for Rangers.”
           His lip curled at the thought of the reason.  “The soldiers are trying to blame me for maiming one of their own, and even killing two others.”
           “The ones the dobharchus attacked?”
           “The very ones.”
           “So they’re blaming you because you were on the path together?” she asked.  “I’m pretty sure that’s only circumstantial.”
           “No,” Kylin sighed, “they’re blaming me because I didn’t stick around after bringing back the injured one.”  He paused. “And because Glae is heading the investigation.”
           Marta winced at the name.  “Should’ve known it had something to do with him.”
           “Yeah, well.”  He shook his head, not wanting to think about Glae too deeply at the moment.  “They can’t really say it was me. They didn’t actually see my face. They were able to describe Wylett here,” he gestured to his horse, “and so Glae was able to connect the dots. Rei sent me here to stay out of their way.”
           Marta nodded sympathetically.  “So, you’re here indefinitely,” she surmised.
           Kylin grimaced.  “Yeah. Unfortunately.”
           “If it’s any consolation, we’ll keep you busy!” she chirruped.  “Maybe we’ll have more trees run off on us.”
           He gave her a half-hearted smile to recognize her attempts at cheering him up, but even she knew it was only going to do so much.
           Before anything else could be said, Favel rushed in.  Without even a glance at the two he informed them, “Ivelios wants us back at the trees!”
           Marta gave Kylin a look before going to get her horse ready.
              Thankfully, the trees were still in their places when they returned.  They were as still as they should’ve always been. The marks left behind by the trees were now visible in the light of the sun.  They appeared deeper than Kylin remembered them being the night before. So deep were they that Harn, the tallest of the four of them, was able to stand in them and the earth came up just inches over his head.
           “Thank goodness none of our horses stepped in that,” Marta muttered, kneeling beside the gorge Harn was standing in.
           Kylin left the edge of the gorge to join Favel, who was inspecting one of the trees.  With Favel were two dogs they brought with them so they could try to pick up any scent. So far the dogs were unsuccessful, wandering around the now stationary trees with their noses to the ground.
           Favel was crouched by the roots of the tree, poking at some of the chipping bark close to the ground.  Not looking up when Kylin approached, he remarked, “I’ve inspected three trees and have found nothing. Tell you’ve had some luck.”
           “None,” Kylin said with a sigh.  “Maybe if we lowered one of the dogs in there, they could get something.”
           Favel didn’t respond right away.  He continued fiddling with the bark as though it would help him.  When it still provided no answers, he grumbled something incoherent even to Kylin and called over to the red bloodhound close by. She came bounding over, tail wagging as they led her to the gorge.  Favel and Kylin picked her up and gently lowered her into the gorge with Harn helping to make sure she didn’t crash land.
           As soon as her feet felt dirt, she writhed out of Harn’s grasp and dropped her nose to the ground.  She wandered around for a bit, sometimes lifting her head and smelling the air before returning to searching the ground.  The Rangers watched her, letting her do her work uninterrupted.
           Eventually, she came over to Harn, giving him the most confused dog expression Kylin had ever seen a dog give.
           “Aw, that’s alright Rosie,” Marta told the dog.  “You still did a good job.”
           Harn shook his head.  “If Rosie can’t find anything, then whatever caused these trees to flee didn’t actually come in contact with them.”
           “A lot of weird crap happened when the evil first walked the forest,” Kylin pointed out.  “Maybe we should check with the records to see if this happened then and got overlooked.”
           Favel made a face.  “As far as I know, the barrier’s still holding. Deteriorating, but still holding.”
           “Rei didn’t give it a lot of time,” Kylin reminded him.
           Harn bent down and lifted Rosie to hand back to them.  After Rosie was set back on solid ground, they helped Harn clamber out.
           “I’ll check up on Xane; see if he’s noticed anything,” Harn said, brushing the dirt off his trousers.  “The rest of you can head back to base and check the records. Just my two cents,” he added, “but I don’t think you’ll find anything. In my research of it, I don’t remember anything like this. It was typically vicious creatures.”
           “I am not particularly keen on something else being powerful enough to make trees run off,” Favel said.  “I would rather like to think that it’s the evil somehow extending itself through the barrier.
           Kylin and Marta grunted in agreement, Marta giving Rosie all the attention she deserved.
           Harn shrugged and held out his hands.  “Like I said, just my two cents.”  He headed off to where his horse was waiting for him.
           Kylin gave Rosie a pat himself and went back to the trees.  It was a vain hope, but perhaps he could find something that Favel and the dogs overlooked.
           He kept a hand on a tree at all times, in the small chance that his fingers would catch something.  Around the roots of the trees, the bark was either bent oddly or broken off, but that didn’t seem unexpected.  A flash of how they moved so eerily came unbidden into his mind.  It was a wonder that he didn’t get nightmares after see that.
           He looked up at the branches, narrowing his eyes to see if he could see anything unusual up there.  Or even if it was normal, such as evidence of blight.  Usually, the nymph clans were quick to catch signs of tree disease and tend to it. So if it was a disease that caused the trees to behave abnormally, it would have to have been a fast acting one.
           Alas, it didn’t matter, as there was nothing in the branches that he could see. He looked down to see the other dog, Candel, sitting in front of him and waiting for orders.  It was probably frustrating for Candel not to find anything, especially after getting so pumped to be going out.
           Kylin knelt down to him some ear scratches.  Just as he was about to stop, he realized the dog had something in his mouth.
           “Drop,” he commanded the dog.
           Candel obediently opened his jaws and let the item fall to the ground.
           It was an ugly, yellowy-orange flower, half bloomed.  It didn’t look like any flower Kylin remembered in the forest. While he still had trouble putting a name to all of the plants that didn’t serve any purpose to Elves or Humans, he thought he had a handle enough on what did and didn’t grow in the forest.
           Candel wagged his tail proudly as Kylin picked up the bloom with gloved hands.
           “Show me,” he told the dog.
           The dog immediately whipped around and trotted off.  Candel led Kylin a little ways outside of the trees and stopped in front of a tangle of weeds, browning because of the autumn season.
           But within the tangled mess there was a touch of green . . . and ugly yellowy-orange flowers.
           Kylin crouched down to gently move the weeds to inspect it further.  Before his fingers could even brush it, all the blooms closed and slipped out of sight.  It happened so fast Kylin didn’t have time to startle before it was gone.
           Candel barked his displeasure at the disappearance, and began investigating. Kylin waited until the dog was done and told him if he had found anything.  After a few minutes, though, Candel turned to Kylin, head tilted to the side.
           Kyin glanced down at his hand to make sure the bloom he had was still there. Confirming that it was, he and Candel returned to the others.
           “Candel found something,” Kylin said.  He held out his hand and unfurled his fingers to reveal the ugly flower. Marta and Favel gathered around to see it.  “He found it some ways that way,” he pointed in the direction they came from, “outside the trees that made a run for it. He managed to bring me this, but it slipped away when I tried to touch it.”
           “Slipped away?” Favel repeated, raising an eyebrow.
           “Yeah, it closed up and-” He paused, trying to think of an accurate way to describe what he had witnessed.  “It almost looked like it slipped into the ground. Candel couldn’t find a scent.”
           “How can a flower leave no scent?” Marta wondered, crossing her arms.
           “If I knew, I’d tell you,” Kylin answered.
           “I don’t recognize this flower,” Favel said, picking it up and looking at it closer.  
           Marta took it from him and tried identifying it herself.
           “Well, I’m glad I’m not the only one,” Kylin said with genuine relief.  “There was a moment where I thought I had just forgotten my flowers.”
           “Yeah, this definitely something not native here,” Marta confirmed with the confidence of someone who had spent a lot of free time making up games to help her identify forest flora.
           “Ivelios is going to love this,” Favel said sarcastically.  “Well, let’s head back. At least we have something to go on.”
           Indeed they did, Kylin thought as he pocketed the flower.  That is, if it actually connected to the trees.
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myherokatsuki · 3 years
One Way or Another | Bakugou Katsuki
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Pairing: virgin!Bakugou Katsuki x virgin f!Reader Warnings/Tags: 18+ minors dni, characters are aged up, pwp, porn with feeling, soft!Bakugou, established relationship, loss of virginity, body worship, praise kink, vaginal fingering, oral sex (f!receiving), vaginal penetration, size kink, Bakugou is a big ol’ switch Word Count: 3.3k
Summary: The first night in your new shared apartment with Bakugou, you decide its time to finally lose your virginity after having waited long enough.
a/n: Written for anon, requesting virgin!Bakugou &/or virgin!Reader, I ended up giving you both!  I got a little carried away and this is just one big sappy smut fest.  Hope you enjoy!
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“You sure about this?” you asked as you pulled back, your own insecurity lingering behind the question.
“Course I am,” Bakugou huffed, his own nerves buried under his gruff bravado.  “Never been more sure ‘bout anything,” he insisted, bringing a wry grin to your lips.
“More sure than when you decided you wanted to be the number one hero?” you teased, amusement dancing in your eyes at his frown.
“Don’t split hairs, woman,” he muttered, slipping his rough hands under your shirt and pushing it up, waiting for you to raise your arms so he could rid you of it completely, his hands next sliding down your back to unclasp your bra.
“Someone’s cold,” Bakugou snorted as he tossed the lacy garment aside, your nipples instantly hardening in the chill air of your new apartment.
“Yeah, why don’t you warm them up, huh?” you murmured, arousal pooling low in your stomach as your boyfriend took a moment to admire you first before he chuckled, cupping your breasts almost reverently with his warm hands. 
Letting out a sigh as he began to knead them gently, pressing them together, you arched into his touch, grinding lightly against the growing bulge in his sweatpants and drawing a soft moan from him that he quickly stifled by pressing his face between your tits.
“You’re so fuckin’ beautiful,” he groaned, turning his face to brush his lips over the slope of your breast as he pinched at your pert nipples, rolling them between his thumbs and forefingers teasingly before growing rougher as he left a trail of wet love bites across your flesh.  
Hissing lightly as he marked you, you tangled your fingers in the hair at the nape of his neck, your back arching further as his mouth found it’s destination, his teeth grazing your sensitive bud before latching on to suckle greedily while he continued to knead at your other breast, not wanting to leave it neglected.
The needy whimpers that caught in your throat seemed to embolden Bakugou and he switched breasts, leaving a slick trail of saliva behind that swiftly chilled as the cool air hit it, pebbling your skin.  
“Baby, I want you so bad,” you whined, your fingers tightening in his blonde locks, your nails biting into his scalp as you gave an impatient tug.  
You’d waited so long for this. 
Though you’d been dating through high school, you’d both decided to wait, making your studies your first priority, but now… now that you were graduated and owned an apartment together you were free to give in to temptation, not needing to settle for awkward fumblings during make out sessions in your dorm that left you both wanting, touching yourselves to the thought of the other once you’d returned to separate rooms.
Each lazy swirl of Bakugou’s warm wet tongue over your sensitive bud sent arousal flooding you and you could feel your panties slowly soak through as your cunt ached almost painfully to be filled for the first time.
“Maybe I wanna take my time,” your boyfriend taunted, lifting his face to fix you with a smug grin.  His lust blown ruby eyes, however, belied the desperation coursing through him just beneath the surface, barely restrained, his need now making a prominent tent in his pants, straining under the fabric that yet so cruelly separated you.
“Katsuki,” you whined, pouting as you leaned closer to give him a taste of his own medicine, your lips finding his pulse point as you ground against him, shuddering at the delicious friction that served to curb the needy ache between your legs for a moment.
“Ah, shit,” Bakugou hissed, his fingers digging into your hips as you latched onto his neck, sucking and nibbling, drawing a swiftly darkening red mark to the surface before trailing more open mouthed kisses along his jaw to his ear.  
“Please, ‘Suki, I need you,” you purred, finally breaking what was left of his resolve as you drew his earlobe between your teeth, tugging gently.
“Fuck, babe, fuckin’ needy,” he groaned—as if he wasn’t—carefully shifting you from his lap to finish undressing, pulling his loose grey sweatpants down as you hastily lifted your hips to shimmy your leggings off, leaving you in naught but your soiled panties.
As Bakugou freed his cock, you couldn’t help but stare, your tongue darting out to wet your lips in awe.  Of course you’d seen it before, pulling it free of his boxers to stroke with your hand, or on occasion tease him with your tongue, but you’d never seen it like this, in all its glory, the heavy weight of his length pulling it down, despite being fully hard.
How were you going to fit all that inside you?
Noticing you staring as he fumbled with the unopened box of condoms, Bakugou flushed, his face noticeably red even in the dim room before, giving a huff and focusing on you, eyeing you hungrily til his embarrassment melted away. 
“See somethin’ you like, pretty girl?” he teased, his voice a soft rumble as he crawled back to you, not giving you a chance to answer before claiming your lips in a heated kiss.  As his tongue invaded your mouth, all thoughts leaving your head, he slipped his hands under the sides of your panties, tugging them down and tossing them away, leaving you completely bare before him.
“Don’t think you need those,” he continued, dipping a finger between your messy folds before adding another and curling them inside you how he knew you liked, prepping you to take his cock for the first time, not wanting to hurt you.
“God, you’re so fuckin’ wet,” he groaned, your creamy juices quickly coating his fingers with each pump of his hand while the wet sounds of your sloppy pussy made his cock twitch in anticipation.  “You ready for me, sweetheart?” he asked, his voice tight, almost a growl in your ear, and you nodded, pushing yourself up as he pulled his hand away, his fingers still glistening with your slick.
“‘M ready,” you murmured, reaching for the foil packet he’d left on the sheets and tearing it open for him.  Pinching the tip of the thin rubber, you awkwardly rolled the sides down his length, hoping you were doing it right, while Bakugou tensed at your touch, his breaths leaving him in shallow gasps.
“There, all wrapped up and ready,” you teased, fighting down a sudden swell of anxiety as you crawled into his lap once more, pushing him down and straddling him, hesitating as you hovered over his cock.  Biting your lip, your eyes sought his.  “Are you ready?” you asked again, your voice coming out breathier than you would have liked, but Bakugou nodded, his hands sliding up the tops of your thighs, his touch easing your nerves somewhat.
“Course I’m ready.  Want you so bad, y/n.”
The way he said your name sent a thrill through you and a small grin tugged at your lips.  
Positioning his tip at your entrance, you slowly lowered yourself atop him, barely managing to stuff his thick head past the first tight ring of muscle before needing to stop and adjust, already feeling the sting of being stretched so much.  Bakugou’s fingers bit into your thighs as he breathed through his nose, a look of intense focus on his face.
“Fuck, you’re so tight,” he grunted, biting down on his bottom lip, as if that would distract him from the way you clenched so deliciously around him.
Taking a breath, you wriggled your hips, taking more of him in, lowering yourself inch by inch as Katsuki made the most sinful noises—sounds you didn’t even think could possibly come from your boyfriend—sharp whines and gasps and raspy moans that made you clench even tighter around him.
Sliding his hands up to circle your waist, Bakugou held you in place as you let out a soft whimper, pressing your palms into his chest to slow yourself.  
“You okay?” he asked, his voice tense as your face contorted in pain.
“Mhmm,” you managed to nod.  You were so close, just another inch and he’d be completely inside you.  “I can do it,” you assured him and when you finally lowered yourself all the way, you let out a gasp, tears pricking your eyes as his tip pressed almost painfully against your cervix.  
You’d never felt so full before.  
“Oh—” you breathed, giving an experimental shift of your hips.  “Shit, you feel so fucking good,” Bakugou groaned, his eyes squeezing shut as his mouth fell open, and you couldn’t help but admire him.  You’d thought he was handsome before, but now, with that look on his face, you knew you’d do anything to see him like this again.
“You ready to move?” he asked, focusing on you as he reached up to brush the dampness from the corner of your eye.  “”M not hurting you, am I?”
“No, you’re not hurting me,” you murmured, holding his hand against your cheek for a moment, turning your face to press a kiss to his palm.  “I’m ready.”
“Good,” Bakugou grunted, returning his hand to your waist to help guide you, lifting you easily.  His cock nearly slipped out of you before he eased you back down again.  Holding you in place, he bucked up into you with careful shallow thrusts before letting you settle once more atop him.
Each time you sheathed him fully, you acclimated to his size, your velvety walls stretching to accommodate his girth and before long you were grinding against him desperately, though careful not to push him too deep, gasping each time he got carried away and bucked his hips into you, bottoming out.
Once you’d gotten past the initial pain of being filled, of being stretched near to bursting, pleasure began to roll through you each time his cock dragged against that spongy spot inside you and you let Katsuki set the pace, his fingers digging into your hips hard enough to bruise as he guided your movements, writhing and shuddering beneath you.
“God, you’re so hot like this, ‘Suki,” you breathed, taking his hands and moving them to your chest, encouraging him to feel you up as you took over riding him without his assistance and Bakugou was only too glad to obey.  
“Could say—the same thing—‘bout you—babe,” he panted, letting his hooded gaze follow the path his hands carved over you, his adam’s apple bobbing as he swallowed, trying to fight back a particularly sinful moan as you leaned back, bracing your hands on the tops of his muscular thighs as you rolled your hips, placing yourself on display for him.  “Oh, fuck— fuck, you feel so good,” he growled.  “Take my cock so good, woman.”
His praise and the rush of knowing how much control you had over him like that went straight to your head.  “You, like this tight little cunt, Katsuki?  Huh, babe?” you cooed as you rode him, your eyes glued to his face, wanting to watch him come apart beneath you.  “It’s all yours.”
“Oh, fuck—” he muttered again, his eyelids fluttering as another wanton moan left his lips at your lewd words, and suddenly a panicked expression crossed his face moments before he tensed beneath you, his hips giving a shuddering involuntary jerk.
“Katsuki?” you asked, worry filling you as a scowl twisted his lips and he opened his eyes reluctantly.  When you felt him go limp inside you, you understood.
“Oh,” you breathed, deflating slightly as you sat astride him, disappointment settling in your stomach, though you didn’t want him to see.  It was obvious he was already pissed at himself enough as it was, you didn’t want to rub salt to his wounded pride.  You could only imagine how much he was beating himself up about this—about not being perfect your first time.
“I-it’s okay, babe.  It happens,” you tried to assure him, stroking his cheek, but he merely let out a violent huff, his thumbs digging into your hips as if he could will himself to get hard again and just pick up where you’d left off.
“No, it’s fuckin’ not,” he muttered, not quite meeting your gaze, shame radiating off him in waves.  
“Katsu—“ you murmured, but he didn’t want your comfort.  
“What kinda boyfriend would I be if I just used you to get off and left you hanging?” he exclaimed, finally looking you in the eye.
“Well…” you mused, your lips twitching as you ran your fingers through the hair that fell across his forehead.  “I can think of a couple other ways you could make me feel good.”
At your words, a predatory smirk flashed across his face and he sat up, rolling you to your back in one fluid motion, effectively switching places with you.  “That’s right, I’m gunna make you cum one way or another,” he growled, his fire back.  “Ain’t gunna stop til you’re shaking.”
“Promise?” you asked coyly as he rid himself of the used condom and leaned back over you, his breath ghosting over your skin.
“You can fuckin’ bet on it.”
A sigh left your parted lips as Bakugou didn’t hesitate, trailing kisses down your throat to your chest before moving down further, traveling down your stomach to your navel with purpose, pausing to nip at the skin above your hips.
The feel of his breath so close to where you needed him was maddening and you squirmed impatiently, balling your fists in the sheets.  “Please, Katsu please,” you whimpered as his fingertips ghosted over your thighs before his teeth grazed your sensitive flesh, biting down hard enough to leave a mark come morning and bringing a cry to your lips.
“Please what?” he rumbled, his eyes flicking up to your face from between your legs and you shuddered, suddenly shy.  “Use your words, Princess.”
“Please touch me.  I-I want your mouth, Katsuki,” you begged, your walls fluttering in anticipation, clenching around nothing while you practically dripped with arousal, leaving a damp spot on the sheets beneath you.
“Good girl,” Bakugou praised, settling between your thighs, and you twitched as he parted your folds with his fingers, blowing lightly over your glistening sex.  “Fuck, you’re beautiful,” he murmured, wetting his lips before running the tip of his tongue along the length of your slit, letting out a deep moan as he tasted you for the first time.
“You taste even better than I imagined,” he groaned, slipping his tongue deeper inside you before kissing your clit.  Noting the way your hips jerked, he grinned against your cunt.  “Right there, huh?” he mused, experimentally lapping at your bundle of nerves and for a blissful moment he was right where you wanted him… and then he wasn’t, his tongue wandering.
Letting out a frustrated whine, you tried scooting your hips higher, hoping to position yourself where he’d find your sweet spot again on his own, but it didn’t seem to be working.
“Use your words, Princess.”
Following Katsuki’s orders, you reached for his hand to grab his attention.  “Lower, babe,” you murmured and for a moment he froze before following your advice, prodding with his tongue til you moaned in response.  “There,” you breathed and your boyfriend seemed to double down, making it his mission not to stray from your clit again.
With each teasing flick and swirl of his tongue against you, he soon had you squirming, alternating tactics to see how you’d respond.
“Oh, fuck, Katsu— feels so good,” you whimpered, instinctively rolling your hips against his mouth, and he reached for your hands, guiding them to his head.  As soon as you tangled your fingers in his hair, he moaned into your pussy, his tongue swiping broad unrelenting strokes against your clit as he bucked into the bedding below him—your lewd sounds and the taste of you enough to get him hard again.
“I-I think I’m close,” you gasped, warmth spreading through you, filling you, your pleasure coiling tightly in your gut, and when he shoved two fingers inside you, blunt nails scraping your spongy g-spot the dam burst.
Letting out a cry, your entire body went rigid—your toes curling and your cunt clenching around his digits—and yet he didn’t stop lapping at you, his saliva mixing with your juices as you gushed around his fingers.
True to his word, he had you shaking before he finally stopped, lifting his face to grin smugly down at you, clearly pleased with himself, making up for his earlier mishap.
“Good girl,” he repeated and your heart gave a flutter while you caught your breath, watching Bakugou wipe your juices from his face with the back of his hand.  
“Looks like you’re ready to go again,” you pointed out, sitting up and giving his twitching cock a stroke, smirking as he bucked instinctively into your hand, his pre smearing over your palm.  “You liked eating me out that much?”
“No shit,” Bakugou grunted, surging forward to kiss you hungrily as you continued to caress him, swiping your thumb over the sensitive ridge of his thick head, pleased with the needy moan that caught in his throat, echoing it with your own as you tasted yourself on his tongue.
“Wanna try again?” he asked as he pulled back, his breath ghosting hotly over your lips as his eyes flicked up to yours.
“Yes, please,” you answered sweetly, giggling at how fast he moved, reaching for a fresh condom and roughly pulling you into his lap where he sat.
“You’re not too sore, are you?” Bakugou asked, groaning as you sank down on his cock, easier this time.
“No,” you gasped, tightening around him as he wrapped your legs around his waist, his hands going to your hips.
“Good,” he grunted, pulling you closer as he began to rut up into you, bouncing you on his cock.  “‘Cause by tomorrow, you will be.”
Still sensitive from your first orgasm, each thrust quickly brought you back to the precipice, and as you locked eyes with your boyfriend, feeling his sweat slicked skin pressed to yours,  something carnal seemed to awaken in you, turning you into some desperate feral thing, chasing your pleasure as you writhed in his lap.  
“Oh, fuck, babe, I’m so close,” Katsuki panted, his moans mixing with yours, past caring how loud you might be and if your new neighbors could hear you.
“Wanna cum together, please ‘Suki, wanna—” you babbled, unable to form a coherent sentence.  
Almost as soon as the words left your mouth, however, you felt your second climax slam into you, but Bakugou didn’t stop, bouncing you rougher, his grunts loud in your ear as he crushed you against his chest, holding you tightly as he pressed his face to the crook of your neck, groaning your name as he shuddered beneath you, filling the condom that separated him from you.
For a long moment you merely panted for breath, feeling Bakugou’s chest heaving against yours as he did the same, your mind needing an extra minute to process what had just happened.
“I love you,” you cried softly, a choked sob passing your lips as you clutched fiercely to him.  “I love you so fucking much.”
“Love you too, y/n,” Katsuki murmured, pulling back to press his forehead to yours.  “Fuck, that was intense, huh?  Feel so fucking close to you,” he panted and you nodded against him, a smile curling your lips as your heart ached with affection.
“Guess our new place is properly christened now, huh?” you asked, your grin growing.
“I guess,” Bakugou grunted, glancing around.  “Though, there’s still plenty of other surfaces to break in.”
“You’re right,” you agreed, huffing a laugh.  “We have our work cut out for us, but…”
“But?” Bakugou asked, his brows pinching together as he frowned.
“But I need to rest first.  You were right, I think I’m gunna be sore tomorrow,” you whined while a laugh burst from his lips.  
“Better get used to it, babe.  Now that I’ve had a taste of this fine ass pussy, I don’t think I can get enough.”
“Katsuki!” you gasped, your words melting as he pressed a tender kiss to your lips.
“Don’t worry, I’ll let you rest,” he chuckled lowly.  “But first we gotta change the sheets.”
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