#new addition to my face himbos list
somecallmejohn · 2 years
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Watched The Sea Beast some time ago and…
No thoughts, just pirate!Kristoff.
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theebubblegumbitch · 1 year
i have been thirsting, extremely dehydrated beyond repair for the past three days now bc of Chad Meeks Martin. i beg of you, i need more content, he’s just.. so pretty.
hi hi so if it’s not too much to ask, perhaps could i request a fic where the reader is more so friends with Tara and Mindy since she’s a bit more shy and they invite reader over for the movie night and that’s when she meets Chad?? and he’s being his usual beautiful and charming self and she’s just overwhelmed and flustered
xtra brownie points if they give off bratz doll gf x himbo jock bf pls 🥺🫶🏽💞 i love your fics, your writing is inspiring tbh ahsjwjd
Girl's Night Interruptions~
Chad Meeks Martin x fem!reader
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Request: ahhhhh you’re a GENIUS bunny!! I love this idea!! also i’m so happy to hear that my writing inspires you! ngl that almost made me cry- anyway I hope you love it gorg <333
Synopsis: At first you were reluctant, but when your two closest (and only) friends Tara and Mindy convince you to come to a movie night, you realize sometimes meeting new people is a good thing…
Warnings: none really since this is basically just fluff, use of profanity, Chad being an absolute himbo, reader being a flustered mess!
Series: Pt.1 , Pt.2
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You weren't really sure why you agreed to this. You had told Mindy and Tara time and time again that you didn't really like the idea of parties, or gatherings, or anything of the such. It's not that you were super anti-social, you just- had problems starting conversation is all. Which is why the only friends you had made all of freshman year were Mindy and Tara, who were really good at easing you out of your tiny little comfort zone. Today that came in the form of convincing you to join them for a movie night. They promised it would be super chill and fun, the perfect girl's night to end the year off! So of course, you accepted.
You were now all about halfway through the first movie on the list, Legally Blonde, which was one of your favorites. All three of you quickly ran out of popcorn to share, prompting Mindy to get up to refill the bowl. "I'll be right back guys, pause it please!" Mindy had called out on her way to the kitchen. You were now left with just Tara, who quickly filled the silence by asking you questions. "Soooo how's your college love life been going so far? Had any steamy hookups?" She asked with a laugh as she nudged your arm. You felt your face get warm quick. "Cmon Tara, you know I don't like talking about that stuff." You said casually, not really mad at her for asking. "I know, I know, I was just curious." Just as Tara said that you heard Mindy walking back into the living room, and it sounded like she was talking to someone. "NO Chad, I already told you it's a girl's night. That means you can't join." Mindy had now taken her place sitting next to Tara again, leaving who you assumed was Chad standing in front of the couch.
Did Mindy have a brother? You didn't remember her ever mentioning him. "Cmon please, you know I'm not gonna bother y'all I just wanna watch the movie!" He was looking directly at Mindy as he gestured to the still paused TV, his request being promptly ignored. "You want to watch Legally Blonde? Really Chad?" Tara was questioning him, not fully believing his motive for joining the three of you. "Yes okay? It's one of my favorites I have like half of it memorized." Mindy scoffed at that, but from the look on her and Chad's faces you could tell it was probably true. "It's still a no Chad." He didn't seem to like that answer, continuing to practically plead Mindy to join in. "Ya know what fuck this, I'm watching it." And just like that he plopped down on the couch, right next to you. It was a fairly small couch and even just the three of you had barely any wiggle room, but with the addition of Chad you were definitely squeezed together. Chad didn't seem to mind though, quickly settling in and draping his arm over the back of the couch. Mindy, feeling defeated, grabbed the remote with a sigh as she accepted the crashing of girl's night.
"Fine, I guess you're staying..." She rolled her eyes at him, and he only grinned back. "Thanks, sis!" It was only now that he realized he was sitting next to a completely random girl as he raised his eyebrows at you. "OH I'm sorry, have we met before?" He asked, hoping the answer was no so he didn't have to be embarrassed. "Oh right, no you haven't. Chad this is our friend Y/N; Y/N, this is my idiot brother Chad!" Mindy quickly answered Chad's question, being sure to emphasize the word idiot. "Well thank you Mindy for that, charming- introduction, but I was asking Y/N, not you." He gestured to you as he said your name, now making direct eye contact with you. He was probably waiting for you to say something, considering you had been silent thus far. "O-oh yea I'm Y/N and uh Mindy never mentioned she had a brother." You stuttered out, hoping you didn't offend him in the process.
"Oh she didn't huh? Well now you know!" He said as he shot Mindy a glare and then you a grin. "Anyway it's lovely to meet you, and don't listen to Mindy about me being dumb okay? What I lack in brains, I make up for with Hobbs and Shaw here." Chad flexed each of his arms as he said that, and you now realized how attractive he was. Your felt your face get warm again, now hyper aware of how close the two of you were sitting. "Ah yes classic Chad, flex your muscles within the first five minutes of meeting a girl." Tara had said snarkily, perhaps hoping to annoy him into leaving the three of you be. "Hey they're my greatest accomplishment okay! Plus I'm sure she doesn't mind, do you?" Oh you definitely didn't mind. "N-No it's fine I don't mind." You were sure your voice sounded shaky as hell as you spoke. The longer this gorgeous man was next to you, the more flustered you got. So much for a peaceful girl's night...
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Some time had passed as the four of you watched the movie in what was mostly silence, besides the occasional comment Chad had made on Elle Woods being a "girlboss" and Mindy having something snide to say in return. Their dynamic made you glad you were an only child. You had now reached the scene where Elle Woods figured out that it was actually the daughter who had killed her dad. You loved this scene, and you had the monologue memorized since you were a little girl. You quickly went to match Elle word for word. You didn't even notice that Chad had gotten excited about the scene too. "...at the risk of deactivating the amonium thyglocilate!" You had both said, or rather yelled it, at the TV in perfect unison. You saw Mindy and Tara's heads snap to the both of you in shock. "I guess he really does like the movie..." Tara said as she grabbed another handful of popcorn. "I told you it's one of my favorites!" Chad said before turning his eyes back to the screen. The shared moment between you two made you feel more at ease, so you went to agree with him.
"Yea it's mine too." You were still pretty soft spoken, but at least you had found some more confidence. You had also found hunger. "Hey Tara, can you pass me the popcorn." She swiftly handed it to you and you set in your lap, going to grab a handful. Just as your hand reached the inside of the bowl, you felt Chad's hand bump against yours as he also went to grab popcorn. It was brief, but his hands were so pretty and soft that you felt like you would remember those two seconds for the rest of your life. You were basically gawking down at the popcorn bowl now, hand still in it. "Oh, sorry." Chad said, muffled through his mouthful of popcorn. God he was so cute."Oh it's fine, don't worry about it." You said as quickly as possible, avoiding looking directly at him. He only shrugged as his attention went back to the movie. It was only silent for maybe ten minutes before Chad spoke again.
"Okay it is literally so hot in here. Is the AC broken or something?" Chad asked as he looked towards Mindy. "Yea it stopped working like two days ago, I have to call and have it fixed." Mindy replied, still not taking her eyes off of the movie. "Well it's like unbearable, I don't know how y'all are wearing jeans." He gestured towards you and Tara as he said that. You didn't realize it was hot, you probably thought it was just him. But to be fair you were wearing your favorite bell bottoms and your thin pink tank-top with a black star in the middle. So it wasn't a very warm outfit to begin with. While you were busy reflecting on your clothing choices Chad had found time to stand up in front of the couch. And now he was taking his shirt off...
You thought you were going to pass out. "Cmon seriously Chad! Do you have to find every excuse to take your shirt off?" Mindy yelled out at him. "What I'm hot okay! Leave me be." He sure was hot. Way too hot... You almost wished it was just you and him so- "Hey! You okay there? You were kinda staring off." Chad said as he waved his hands in front of your face. Oh shit. You were staring, and everyone had definitely noticed now... "Oh my god Y/N! Were you staring at Chad's abs?" Tara asked in an almost squeely voice. You wanted the ground to swallow you, mainly because she was right. "What no! I was staring at the movie!"
You rushed to defend yourself, hoping it was believable enough of an excuse. Chad wasn't buying it though. "It's okay if you were I totally get it, I would stare at me too." You were definitely blushing now. Mindy once again rolled her eyes at Chad's comment, causing them to exchange another death glare, which gave you time to change the topic. "Anyway, we should probably keep watching the movie." Chad jumped a little as you said that, realizing he was missing it and going to sit back down next to you. You now realized what Chad meant by it being hot. You only hoped you weren't sweating from the intense shared proximity.
The rest of the movie went well, although there was one moment where Chad went to adjust next to you, spreading his legs open just a little wider so that he was touching yours. You swore you almost passed out. Finally the credits rolled and Chad stood up to start clapping, it was kinda cute. "Wooooo great movie! Gets better every time!" Chad yelled as he turned to face the three of you. "Yea whatever Chad, you done bothering us now?" Mindy asked as she also stood up with now once again empty popcorn bowl in hand. "Yes in fact I am, I will leave you ladies to the rest of your girl's night." Chad said as he grabbed his shirt off of the coffee table. He went to walk back to his room before stopping to lock eyes with you. "And hopefully I'll see you again later Y/N." He said with a wink that hopefully Mindy and Tara didn't catch.
Oh yeah. You would definitely be seeing him again.
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A/N: ahhhhhhh I love this one so much! i hope i did the prompt justice even though i struggled with the Bratz vibes thing. also i feel like i could totally turn this into a series if y'all wanted, just say the word! Happy reading my gorgeous babes!
-With love, Miss Grace<33
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ginger-and-mint · 3 years
Hey, I'm wondering if you have any advice on writing kink stuff? Basically, it feels like I'm writing the same story repeatedly. Coming up with stuffing scenarios that both make sense, and aren't just retreads, is really hard. It probably doesn't help that a) I don't have much writing experience, b) my interests are really narrow, and c) I have no imagination, lol. How do you keep stuff fun and interesting? (Jsyk, I sent this to Tiny as well, I love both your blogs 😊)
Hey, anon! Thank you so much, I’m so glad you enjoy my and Tiny’s content and I’m flattered to be asked for advice! ♡ I have a lot of thoughts about this, so I’ll do my best to boil them down into something useful.
Since you mentioned being pretty new to writing, I broke up my advice into a few different “stages,” starting with things that are easy to implement and moving to things that might feel more manageable as you get more comfortable with writing. Under a cut because Real Heckin Long.

Stage One — Don’t Sweat It
This might sound corny and unhelpful, but I genuinely think that especially when you’re first starting out, it’s best not to put pressure on yourself to write the world’s most original stories. Write to please your inner fiend and nobody else! If repeated versions of the same story continue to light your fire, there’s no shame in embracing that.
Doing this will honestly help you with originality in the long-term anyway, because you’re giving yourself the freedom to learn more about what specifics you really enjoy in kink writing. Later on, you can use that knowledge to put new twists on those specifics and invent new scenarios.
Stage Two — Stuffing Scenario Cheat Sheet
I completely agree that believable stuffing scenarios are really difficult to invent. What’s realistic is a matter of opinion of course, but for me, this is a quick breakdown of logical reasons for a character to overeat. If you’re getting tired of using the same justification in your fics, try picking something new from this list:
Accidental stuffing:
Character is distracted by something during the meal
Character eats so fast they don’t realize when they’re full
Character has been hungry for awhile and overdoes it when they finally get to eat
Reluctant intentional stuffing (motivated by external circumstances):
Character feels social pressure to keep eating **
The food will go to waste otherwise **
Eating contests / challenges **
The character is trying to bulk up
Enthusiastic intentional stuffing (because the character wants to):
Character just enjoys the feeling of being full
Character and/or their partner(s) have a stuffing kink
Character has temporary access to good food and is indulging while they can
Fantasy Shenanigans:
Side effects of being a magical creature (e.g. a werewolf eating too much for their human form to handle, a vampire needing to feed all at once, etc.)
Magic that causes a character to overeat (e.g. enchanted food, curses, potions, etc.)
Magic that requires a full stomach and/or extra energy to work (e.g. my di-mage spell mechanics, the antidote in this fic of Tiny’s, etc.)
[free space because fantasy lets you set the boundaries of what’s realistic, so your imagination is really the limit!]
** If you’re aiming for realism, I would be careful of these scenarios. In my opinion, they can be done believably, but often are not. Some things I would look out for:
Most foods can easily be stored for later, so if you want to use the “avoiding waste” trope, make sure that you’re either in a setting without access to refrigeration or that the food is something that genuinely wouldn’t keep until the next day (or at least would be way less tasty after a night in the fridge.)
Social pressure works best in scenarios with people that the to-be-stuffed character 1) doesn’t know very well and 2) wants to impress or keep face around (e.g. formal events, business dinners, first dates that involve food, meeting their partner’s family, etc.)
Loving friends, family, and partners don’t pressure or guilt people into overeating! Characters stuffing themselves because their loved ones are really insistent that they have to taste-test everything or act so disappointed because they went to all this work on some extravagant feast always ring at best false and at worst abusive to me. What kind of loving relationship is it if you don’t feel safe to say “no thanks, I’m full?” That’s not to say social pressure with loved ones can’t be done well, but it usually indicates some kind of character flaw (i.e. an inability to say no and/or a steamroller-y personality) that in my opinion, has to be acknowledged by the fic’s end if you want the tone to stay light and fluffy.
Again, this may just be my opinion, but eating contests only come across as realistic with certain character personalities and in certain contexts. Like yeah, I can believe that a himbo with YouTuber Energy would take on a hot wing eating challenge in front of all his bros, but not so much that an otherwise self-respecting character would drop everything to eat themselves sick because a friend randomly challenged them.
Stage Three — Change Up Other Elements When Using Similar Tropes

Especially if you have narrow interests, it’s probably inevitable you’ll write same basic story structure over and over. I know I sure do! However, I would say that changing other elements of the narrative can give your writing an entirely different feel, turning it into a whole new story that will not feel like a simple retread to a reader.
One thing you can change up is setting. A lot of times kink writers will just plonk characters in the comfort of their own homes, which is valid — but setting hugely influences the atmosphere of a story, so the same Kink Plot will read really differently if it happens, say, at a campground or on a boat. Providing a rich setting can even become a feature of the kink itself. For example, setting your story at a lavish buffet could introduce an element of indulgence that hits you and/or readers differently than a story that involves casual takeout in the living room, even if the rest of the story is similar. Try bold settings! They’re fun!
Another element to vary is context. For example, the basic trope of “stress eating” would play out really differently if a character is about to go on an important mission vs. if they’re recovering from an emotionally difficult day; a story about about a character intentionally stuffing themselves will have a completely different flavor if they’ve been going hungry for awhile vs. they’ve been overeating all week; and so on.

Finally, consider changing up the focus. An easy way to do this is to switch up whether you’re writing from the POV of the stuffed character or a caretaker. You can also focus on different details of the stuffing — for example, lingering on how delicious the food looks and tastes vs. how the character feels as their stomach fills vs. physical details like whether they’re getting bloated or grumbly.
Stage Four — Connect to Character or Plot
The most surefire way to make kink stories distinct is to give the story an additional purpose besides just being kinky. This doesn’t have to be some big, extravagant plot (although it certainly can be) — it can be a simple as writing a kink story the way you usually would, and just finding something within it that you can use to reveal an aspect of your character.
Start with an ordinary kink scenario and try to dive a little deeper. For example:
Say you want to write a story about stress eating. Okay — what is the character stressed about?
Maybe you come up with something relatively simple and generic, like school. Okay, what about this character makes them so likely to be stressed out by school? Are they a perfectionist? Are they facing a lot of pressure from their family? Do they have a goal that requires excellent grades? Have they struggled with this subject in the past?
Let’s say you decide to go with perfectionism. Now, what scenes can you use to show this struggle? And optionally, can you give the character some kind of resolution by the story’s end?
And there you go! Your fic now not only has kink, but also shows how your character reacts in a certain situation.
Character especially is a treasure trove of uniqueness, in my opinion, because well-developed characters react differently to the same scenario. Stories feel more original because even if a reader has read this exact same plot before, they will not have seen how this particular person handles it. So one of the best ways to make fics distinct is to spend time developing your characters!
If the goal is to simply write solid distinct kinky stories, trying to create detailed plot is more work with lower return than investing in your characters, if you ask me. You have to enjoy the process of creating plots itself for it to be worth it. If that’s something you’re interested in, I have a whole load more thoughts about that -- but since this is already incredibly long, I’ll save that for a separate ramble if anyone is specifically interested.
I hope something in this huge infodump is helpful to you! Some of it may sound intimidating if you’re just starting out with kink writing, but it’s absolutely all something that can be worked up to. Please feel free to ask any follow-up questions if stuff I’ve written doesn’t make sense. Good luck with your writing, anon, and thanks for giving me an excuse to just go off. ^^’ ♡
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12 April 2021 Additions to Reylo Fluff
These fics have been added to the Fluff lists located in the following lists:
Fluff Part 1 Titles A-G
Fluff Part 2 Titles H-M
Fluff Part 3 Titles N-S
Fluff Part 4 Titlez T-Z
Zombie Run by OptimisticBeth (AO3 2018  Rated T Complete, One-Shot, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: During a charity run, Rey is relentlessly pursued by a zombie.) The Road Taken by gogoburritos (AO3 2020  Rated M Complete, One-Shot, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: Rey pulls a prank on her housemate Ben. She doesn't expect it to turn out so well.) Loose Change by spicytofuuuu (AO3 2020  Rated E Complete, One-Shot, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: "I ate your pizza. It was a desperate move. I'm sorry. Not proud of myself. Here is $4." An Oh-My-God-They-Were-Roommates, They-Have-One-Single-Shared-Brain-Cell fic.) just say you love me by darthswift13 (AO3 2021  Rated M Complete, One-Shot, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: In which Rey gets drunk on Saturday nights and confesses her true feelings for her roommate Ben, only to forget on Sunday mornings. Will Rey ever be able to confess her feelings when sober?) r/Relationships by elle_reads (AO3 2020  Rated T Complete, One-Shot, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: Ben's new roommate moves in just before a shelter-in-place order is issued. It's just the two of them—and Reddit, of course.) The Sublet by javajunkie (AO3 2020  Rated M Complete, 5 Chapters, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: Rey and Rose sublet their spare room to Ben Solo.) Knock Me Down by commandercrouton (AO3 2019  Rated T Complete, One-Shot, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: Ben gets a concussion thanks to Rey.) Love in the Language of Sweaters by SaintHeretical (AO3 2019  Rated E Complete, One-Shot, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: Corporate executive Ben Solo mocks holiday sweaters until he sees the delivery girl wear them.) You Need a Tutor by castles_and_crowns (AO3 2018  Rated T Complete, 28 Chapters, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: Rey is an engineering student who finds herself struggling with calculus. Desperate, she goes to the math tutoring center on campus for help. Meanwhile, Ben Solo is a grad student who's required to work a certain amount of hours in the math tutoring center. When Ben reluctantly offers to help Rey with her work, a relationship forms between them that neither are expecting.) Five Times That Ben Saved Rey's Valentine's Day & How She Forever Saved His by AnneAnna (AO3 2021  Rated T Complete, One-Shot, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: Ben makes a confession in his wedding speech: He knew he was going to marry Rey when he and Rey were 4 years old and she gave him a Valentine she made and colored herself. And 21 years later, he still has that Valentine.) Newspaper Hearts by Celia_and (AO3 2021  Rated G Complete, One-Shot, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: “She made her Valentine’s cards. She tore hearts out of newspaper and glued them onto used envelopes and painstakingly wrote each child’s name. She probably spent days making them. And you know what she wrote on mine?” He doesn’t need to read it to know what it says, so he looks down at her instead, and the hand on her heart and the tears in her eyes. “Ben: You are OK. Rey.”) When the party ends by Blueyedgurl (AO3 2021  Rated E Complete, One-Shot, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: Rey gets wasted at a frat party. Ben finds her, puts her in his room, where she's safe. Rey wakes in the morning after Ben comes out of the shower and nakedness ensues.) Fleeced by Blueyedgurl (AO3 2020  Rated T Complete, One-Shot, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: AU where Rey is a mechanic and Ben is her grumpy client. Ben is car shopping and asks her to pretend to be his girlfriend so the dealer won't screw him over.) My Sandwich by Blueyedgurl (AO3 2020  Rated G Complete, One-Shot, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: Someone took Ben's turkey sandwich at work, he is infuriated and eager for revenge, until he finds out it was Rey then those feelings no longer exist.) Sleepyhead by Blueyedgurl (AO3 2020  Rated T Complete, One-Shot, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: Ben, a mere himbo, tucks a stray hair behind Rey's ear in class. He knows he deserves the hot coffee in her hand to be thrown in his face and yet he gets a date. ) When You Know It by Blueyedgurl (AO3 2020  Rated E Complete, 2 Chapters, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: Ben finds out his roommate Rey has never had someone to celebrate valentine's with, so he sends her 25 roses, one for every year she's been alone, in attempt to make her feel better.) Port in the storm by Blueyedgurl (AO3 2020  Rated E Complete, 2 Chapters, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: Rey pretends to be afraid of thunderstorms so she has an excuse to sleep next to Ben. Ben figures it out when he races home early after seeing thunder, fearing Rey will be crying alone curled up in a ball, only to find her totally chill and eating ice cream.) Neighborly by Blueyedgurl (AO3 2020  Rated T Complete, One-Shot, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: Rey and her son move into a new apartment and meets her new neighbor Ben and his cute dog.) Tinder and Cinder by Blueyedgurl (AO3 2020  Rated E Complete, One-Shot, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: Rey joins tinder after a long long dry spell due to her flatmate Kylo's derision, they argue about why and in a fit of jealousy Kylo screams out 'use me instead.') Traditions gotta start somewhere by Blueyedgurl (AO3 2020  Rated G Complete, One-Shot, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: Christmas Tree vignettes of Rey and Ben over the course of their relationship.) All of my wishes came true with you by Blueyedgurl (AO3 2021  Rated T Complete, One-Shot, Fantasy AU, Quick Synopsis: Rey works on a wishfarm for Plutt. One day after she's out of wishes, she catches the star of a man who wishes for an end to his loneliness. She pockets it and after a particularly rough day she grants it with herself.) Knot It by MotherofScavengers (AO3 2021  Rated E Complete, One-Shot, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: When Omega Rey’s heat starts early, the Alpha friend who agreed to assist her is nowhere to be found. When she unexpectedly meets Ben, the delicious smelling Alpha offers his help...and his knot.) It's You by SpaceWaffleHouse (AO3 2021  Rated T Complete, One-Shot, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: Ben and Rey have been costars for years when the time comes for them to film their first kissing scene. Neither of them ever expected their soul marks to appear in the process.) Through the Years by castles_and_crowns (AO3 2018  Rated T Complete, 10 Chapters, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: Ben Solo and Rey Jakkson meet on the playground as children under unusual circumstances and quickly become best friends. This fic follows them through the years, showing glimpses of their friendship as it slowly progresses into something more.) I Hate You by orphan_account (AO3 2018  Rated M Complete, One-Shot, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: Ben has been in love with Rey for two years and so when she storms into his office he finally decides he can't keep it in any longer.) In Small Packages by DyadamDriver (AO3 2018  Rated G Complete, One-Shot, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: It was then that Ben realised three things. 1. He had never had a cat in his life. 2. He had no idea what these little things ate. 3. He had a crippling crush on his neighbour.) ignorance of etiquette by blessedreylo (AO3 2020  Rated E Complete, 2 Chapters, Regency AU, Quick Synopsis: Lady Rey Kenobi lives a life of pristine comfort and luxury on her family's estate in Chesire with her parents Lord Obi-Wan Kenobi and Lady Satine Kenobi. When they receive word that an old family friend, Lord Benjamin Solo, is coming to visit, Lady Rey is reminded of how he tormented her as a child. She decides that she will prove herself not the same girl she once was in more ways than one.) heaven in hiding by blessedreylo (AO3 2021  Rated E Complete, One-Shot, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: They say it's impossible for a guy and girl to be "just friends", but Rey and Ben had managed to discredit that throughout their decade long friendship. What they both have is special, that people would often arrive at the conclusion the two were made for each other. He's her safe haven, her rock. She gives him a sense of clarity and direction. Ben and Rey know each other more than anyone ever possibly could. Therefore on Valentine's Day, their friends decided to secretly set them up together on a blind dinner date.) a quiet storm by blessedreylo (AO3 2020  Rated E Complete, One-Shot, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: Rey gets off to Kylo Ren, a popular audio erotica account online. She hasn’t been on a date in so long until her friend Rose sets her up on a blind date with her boyfriend's coworker, Ben. They seem to be hitting it off and finding that they have a lot in common, but she can’t help but think that he sounds so...familiar.) key to the kingdom by blessedreylo (AO3 2020  Rated E Complete, 12 Chapters, Princess Diaries AU, Quick Synopsis: Most girls get a drunk weekend in Vegas for their 21st birthday, but Princess Rey Kenobi gets the chance to rule the country of Alderaan. But the only way she can become Queen is if she marries a man in 30 days, or the throne goes to the selfish (and annoyingly attractive) usurper Lord Benjamin Solo. Will Rey be able to ascend to the throne or will it all just become a royal pain in the ass?) fueled by fire by blessedreylo (AO3 2020  Rated E Complete, 2 Chapters, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: Ben annoys the hell out of Rey when he tries to write passive aggressive notes about where she leaves her stuff. Rey pisses Ben off by being loud and picking a fight whenever she wants. Being neighbors for the last five months has been interesting to say the least. Their little rivalry comes to a crescendo when their hate for each other turns into another kind of passion.) 1 April Fool by Maloreiy (AO3 2021  Rated T Complete, One-Shot, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: "Honk! Act like you know me! My name is Ben!" Rey sees the sign on the car when she pulls up to the grocery store, and decides to play along. The giant, surly man, apparently named Ben, is not amused.) when I look to you by blessedreylo (AO3 2020  Rated M Complete, 7 Chapters, Harry Potter AU, Quick Synopsis: Best friends since Year Three, Gryffindor's Ben Solo and Rey Niima navigate their final year at Hogwarts. When exposed feelings and unrequited romance get in the way of their friendship, they wonder whether they'll survive the school year.) Dreaming of Hope by adamsackleriskyloren83 (AO3 2019  Rated M Complete, 2 Chapters, Canon AU, Quick Synopsis: Kylo Ren goes to bed one night only to awaken as Rebel Pilot Ben Solo. Discovering that not only is Rey his wife, but he is also the father of a toddler(s) son/daughter.) Talk Nerdy To Me by andabatae (AO3 2019  Rated E Complete, 7 Chapters, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: Grad student Rey is addicted to watching nature documentaries narrated by the mysterious Kylo Ren. In fact, listening to him recite animal facts is her favorite masturbation inspiration. One day, the poetry class she TAs for has a guest lecturer: Ben Solo, a large, cranky man with gorgeous hair, adorable glasses... and a very compelling voice.) Everything You Are by kereia (AO3 2019  Rated E Complete, One-Shot, Canon AU, Quick Synopsis: But the thing she loved most of all, the thing that she was downright addicted to, was the way Ben reacted whenever she touched him.) Eggplant Emoji by trasharama (AO3 2020  Rated E Complete, 5 Chapters, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: A desperate Rey seeks refuge in Poe and Ben's spare bedroom. Ben didn't know she was a girl when he agreed to the roommate trial period--and now she won't stop sexting him? Climb aboard the Smutty McSmuttSmutt train!)
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farshores · 3 years
What mods do you have running for your games?
I'm just gonna share the ones i have in mind for Tei's games bcus I use Vortex's profile feature to make multiple modded playthroughs & that'll just go on forever sharing those lists lol
Note this is an SSE modlist (that gets a lil long) & doesn't represent the load order these mods are in. There's are 4 specific lists for mods I added for: followers, fun/flavor, for general bug fixes/QOL improvements, & the respective patches
also note that im kinda tired atm & also just lack braincells so if there's something wildly misspelled lmk so i can fix it asap lol
Alrighty here we goooooo
Extensible Follower Framework
Interesting NPCS
Lucifer - Argonian Custom Voiced Follower
Khash The Argonian (A Fully Custom Voiced Follower)
Scouts-Many-Marshes Improved
Miraak - Dragonborn Follower SE
Kaidan 2
Lucien - Immersive Fully Voiced Male Follower
Auri - Song of the Green
Gladys the Corgi
A Matter of Time
Fuz Ro D'oh
More Informative Console
Alternate Start Live Another Life
New Beginnings - Live Another Life Extension SSE
Simple Follower Sandbox
Classic Classes and Birthsigns (Reimagined) _ Racial Levelling addon
Optional Starting Spells
SUNS - Season Unending Neutral Stance
Simply Rest Anywhere
Immersive Movement
True Storms Special Edition
Supreme Rainstorms SE
Supreme Blizzards SE
Wet and Cold
iNeed [Will be replacing with Last Seed - Primary Needs]
Touring Carriages
Simply No Fast Travel
Weighted - A Compatible Item Weight Mod
Civil War Aftermath SE
Civil War Neutrality SSE
Diverse Skyrim SSE
Hearthfire Multiple Adoptions and Custom Home Support SE
Forgotten Magic Redone
Mysticism Spells for NPCS (high level + spells for spellcasters files)
Mysticism - A Magic Overhaul
Adamant - A Perk Overhaul
Arena - An Encounter Zone Overhaul + Harder Easy Spawns optional file
Apothecary - An Alchemy Overhaul + Food and Drink Addon
Apothecary - Instant Restore Potions (separate mod someone made to undo the recovery time change Apothecary added to potions)
Pantheon - Worship and Prayer
Blade and Blunt - A Combat Overhaul
Incremental Injuries
Strike Obstruction Systems - Combat Blocking Overhaul
Leviathan Animations...All of em
Manbeast - A Werewolf Overhaul
Canis Hysteria
Diverse Werewolves Collection
Diverse Werewolves Collection - Player Replacer
Werewolf Feral Beast Run - Faster Werewolves
Simple Werewolf Favorite Howls Menu
Unlimited Werewolf Transformations
Werewolf Loot and Activate
Bigger Tails for Werewolves
Hypertrichosis - Alpha Extra Gore Edition-
Hircine Restoration Project
Mundus - A Standing Stone Overhaul
Aetherius - A Race Overhaul
Dragonborn - Shouts Perk Tree + portable optional file
Dragon War - A Dragon Overhaul + Variants Optional File
Forceful Tongue - Shouts Overhaul
Sil Gahrot - Improved Shout Learning
Dragon Combat Overhaul UPGRADED BABY YEAH
Aurbic Alduin
Talkative Dragons
Enigma Series -AIO-
Play as a Dragon
Sets of Skill - A Skyrim Class Mod
You Are Not a Novice - High Level Start (To be soon added)!
TK Dodge SE
TK Hitstop SE
Ultimate Combat SE
True Directional Movement
True Directional Movement - Tail Behavior Fix
Better Jumping SE
d13 Faster Get Up Stand Up SSE
Immersive Armors SSE
Immersive Weapons
Practical Female Armors SE
Redguard Noble Armor
Signature Equipment
Bandolier Bags and Pouches Classic SE
Guard Dialogue Overhaul SE
Immersive Patrols SE
Immersive Citizens - AI Overhaul
Immersive College of Winterhold
Better ICW Map
Convenient Horses
Racial Body Morphs
Bodyslide and Outfite Studio
CBBE Rugged Preset
Pride of Valhalla CBBE
HIMBO (quick note: you don't need the NSFW mods in the requirements list! If you're messing around w/ mods of that nature it's required but if not, it's safe to just up n download the file - just use the underwear options when batch building)
Vanilla Warpaints Absolution
Authentic Eyes
BeastHHBB + Immersive Encounters file + Kharjo alt file
Beast Race Bodypaints SE
Forgotten Argonian Roots (FAR)
Horns Are Forever SE
Argonian Improvement Horns SSE
Digitigrade Beast Races for Skyrim SE
Better Claws and Gauntlets SSE
BAT - Bigger Argonian Tails
Tail Armors
Interesting Beasts and Beards to Find Them
Dominions More Argonians
Adoptable Argonian Hatchling Chases Starlight SSE
My Little Hatchling Ram-Ku
Cyb's Interesting Natural People NPCs SE -3DNPC-
Real Bosses
EVE - Arvak Burning Hooves Restored
EVE - Footstep Sounds Restored
EVE - Giant Campfires Cast Shadows (Standard Vers)
EVE - Tavern Ambiance Sounds Restored
EVE - Ice Skating Fixed
TESL- Loading Screens
Less Boring Loading Screens
Loading Screen Smoke Removed
Immersive World Encounters SE
SkyTEST Bellyaches HD collection
SkyTEST - Better Sheep SE
SkyTEST - Mihail's chicks replacer
SkyTest- Mihail's goose replacer
Seagulls of Skyrim
Serana Dialogue Edit
Vampiric Serana
The Choice is Yours
Timing is Everything SE
At Your Own Pace (Misc & Main files)
Thieves Guild Requirements SE
Barenziah Quest Markers SSE
Autumnwatch Addition
Pandorable's Kaidan SE
Mannequin Stay Put
Simple Forsworn
Simple Outfit Manager (Might need to toss this one, I think EFF handles outfits as well)
Run For Your Lives
Sarcastic Player Dialogue
Let Me Drop It
More Tavern Idles - compatibility version
Honed Metal SSE Updated
Honed Metal Revoiced
Honed Metal - Additional Materials
Death is Highly Overrated 2021
Save the Dark Brotherhood
Your Choices Matter - Dark Brotherhood Expansion SSE
Shut Up Night Mother
Skald's Mail
Headhunter - Bounties Redone
Store Entrance Doorbells
Paarthurnax Quest Expansion
The Library of Paarthurnax
Immersive Good Boy
Smart No More Stupid Dog
PC Head Tracking
Alternate Conversation Camera
Realistic Ragdolls and Force SE
Redguard Children Skintone Fix
Skyland 8K Night Skies
Wearable Lanterns
Wearable Lanterns MCM Fix
Xbox Control Scheme (Full file version)
Unofficial Skyrim Special Edition Patch
SkyUI - Flashing Savegames Fix
Cutting Room Floor
Enhanced Lights and FX
Static Mesh Improvement Mod
Underwater Visibility Fix
Engine Fixes
NetScriptFramework Skyrim SE
Papyrus Extender SSE
PapyrusUtil SE
Address Library for SKSE Plugins
Face Discoloration Fix SE
Jaxonz MCM Kicker SE
MCM Helper SE
Monster race crash fix
Spell Perk Item Distributor - SSE (SPID)
Save the Dark Brotherhood Patch (available under the Your Choices Matter file tab)
Unoffical Enhanced Lights and FX ELFX SMIM fps patch for SE (own mod under same name)
Alternate Start ELFX Hardcore Patch (own mod under the same name)
Apothecary USSEP Patch (Available under Apothecary's files)
Apothecary SktTEST patch (currently unavailable)
Apothecary Hunterborn & Campfire Patch (Both available thru "Apothecary Food and Drink patches")
BEASTHHBB - Immersive College of Winterhold Patch (Available in BeastHHBBs file tab, might need to do a bit of scrolling)
Dragonborn - Adamant Patch (Available in Dragonborn - Shouts Perk Tree's optional files tab iirc)
Talkative Dragons Enigma patch (under files for "Enigma Series Compatibility Patches (Official)")
Forceful Tongue - SimonRim Patch (Under "Forceful Tongue"s file tab)
iNeed Universal Water Patch (own mod under the same name)
True Storms - Supreme Rainstorms Patch (Under Supreme Rainstorms SE files tab)
Interesting NPCs Cutting Room Floor, EFF, Alt Start patches (all available under the Interesting NPCs file tab)
Inigo Marriage Commentary Patch for Kaidan 2 (own mod under same name)
Missives -Solstheim Patch (under Missives Worldspace Additions)
Khash the Argonian Patches (under Khash's file tab)
kryptopyr's patch hub installer (its own mod under the same name, has a lil fomod to help pick out your patches)
lilebonymace patches (same as above)
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dakt37 · 3 years
Avengers Assemble - Feral Outlaw Stony
So I've been expanding on this concept I doodled before Christmas, where Steve goes with Tony into the no-tech dimension at the end of season 3. Probably a lot of stuff isn't canon-compliant (beyond the obvious change that is), but "It's an AU so I do what I want" rules apply. Anyway. 
The tl;dr is: The two of them spend a little time puttering around the weird no-tech dimension, and then get absorbed into Battleworld. They become explorers, helping people out and falling in love along the way.
(Once again, I feel like someone must have had this idea already, but I’ve never looked.)
Cut for excessive rambling.
Not all the areas we see in the show are present in Battleworld when Steve and Tony first arrive, so the boys spend most of their time traveling around, mapping the place out as it expands. A lot of my ideas rely on them still having little-to-no access to modern conveniences. Obviously someplace modern has to show up for them to get their hands on a pickup truck and a motorcycle, but I’m picturing a post-apocalyptic junkyard that’s been picked clean of anything obviously useful. They get the vehicles working by sheer force of “I’m Tony-fucking-Stark.” But like that fully functional NYC area is way too convenient, so it’s not around yet. (tbh I’m not even sure if it’s an alternate NYC or theirs, in which case it wouldn’t show up until the other Avengers do anyway) 
They get the low-down on the "Battleworld" concept by eavesdropping on one of Beyonder's* welcome speeches. They realize that they are uniquely off the grid, because Beyonder didn't know they were in the no-tech dimension when he added it to Battleworld. They decide it's advantageous to maintain this secret status, but they're still Avengers™️ so they can't NOT help out wherever they can. But they don’t stick around any one place for long. Basically, they become vagrant vigilantes in addition to surveyors. They get a lot of their “stuff” (clothes, tools, toiletries, etc) as payment for odd jobs, or gifts from grateful locals they rescue. They get some food from populated areas as well, but also rely on foraging and hunting while on the lam. They have definitely eaten dinosaur at some point.
(*He doesn't get the nickname "Beyonder" until the other Avengers show up. In this AU Steve and Tony refer to him as "The Entity" or "Suspenders." You can probably guess who tends to use which.)
On top of the survival story, it's also a getting-together story. Steve and Tony flirt and pine and bicker and flirt some more, until a squabble turns into a confession and they finally start kissing. There’s plenty of time for “it’s cold in this wasteland and we only have one blanket, oh no,” but they’re firmly established as romantically involved by the time the other Avengers show up and they have the final showdown with Beyonder.
Anyway a lot of the AU notes I've been making are about the functional side of their Big Camping Adventure. So here's a bunch of lists about vehicles, gadgets, and navigation.
Vehicle stuff:
If Tony is riding passenger on the motorcycle, he can clip his repulsor boots into special footrests that reroute the energy and give the bike a speed boost. 
The bike has a tow cable. Steve can harpoon things using a spring-action firing mechanism, including cliff faces to help him scale steep terrain. The cable can also be uncoiled manually, like when Tony takes flight while holding the end so he and Steve can clothesline hostiles. 
Steve can stick his shield several places on the bike depending on what’s convenient. On the front as a windscreen/battering ram, on one side for easy grabbing, and even on Tony’s backpack so Tony can snuggle in properly while riding passenger and keep both their backs protected.
They probably don’t even need a ramp to get the bike into the bed of the pickup. Steve just picks it up and puts it there.
The evolution of Marsha (the truck) into a full Hulkbuster-style mech takes a long time. For the majority of their time in Battleworld, it’s just a truck with an ever-increasing number of weird add-ons.
Marsha can function as a tiny camper home. The cargo bed liner is a false bottom, which can be pulled up and rearranged to form a cover/roof. Underneath the liner, the actual truck bed is about a foot deeper, with most of that storage space taken up by a mattress and bedding. 
Tony can pull a cable out of Marsha’s steering column and plug it directly into his arc reactor. This unlocks extra features and weapons. He generally has things balanced so that Marsha drawing power doesn't affect him any more than his armor drawing power would. But on rare and desperate occasions, he can overclock and hurt himself. Steve of course hates when he does this.
Turnabout is fair play though: at least once, something else damaged the arc reactor, so Tony plugged into Marsha to draw power from the battery for his electromagnet while he repaired the arc.
Gasoline can be difficult to procure, so both vehicles are hybrids. Tony just keeps adding new power conversion elements as they go along, based on what they can find. 
F in chat for Tony’s armor:
Tony dismantles the armor he’d been wearing when they first went into the no-tech dimension.
Obviously he keeps skeletal versions of the repulsor boots and gloves in-tact enough to function. 
He also keeps most of the helmet, for when he’s riding with Steve on the motorcycle. Mostly because Steve insisted. It's gutted of tech though, so if the faceplate stays as part of the design, the eyes are just holes (like in the classic comics).
The rest of the pieces are kept in a large packing trunk.
Tony repurposes some parts into useful gadgets for himself and Cap, plus the odd toy for other Avengers (like Widow’s new stinger gauntlets) because he’s optimistic like that.
Electronics use precious metals like gold and copper, so Tony scrapes some out to pay for things in certain areas of Battleworld, like the cowboy town or the pirate area. He might also barter with other general bits like wires and screws, but he avoids parting with any actual full tech.
Plug-n-play Gadgets
Since the power draw for Tony's electromagnet is actually fairly minimal, Tony makes use of the arc reactor as a charging station, mostly when he sleeps. It's not like there's a corner store they can drop by to get a pack of batteries. Things he charges include (but are not limited to):
Flashlight for Steve. The bulbs for it came from the eyes in the Iron Man helmet. Note: Tony doesn't need a flashlight himself because he can turn up his arc brightness apparently, lmao.
Camp stove. Steve questioned Tony building one for a hot second because hello we can build campfires to cook over? But then it’s raining and they're in a cave and Tony is like, "if you fill this space with smoke I will divorce you before we're even married." And Steve is like "camp stove wow yes okay." Also they had camp stoves in WW2 so honestly it was simply a Himbo Moment to disregard the virtues of one in the first place. 
Walkie talkies. I know they had Avengers comms but I like the aesthetic of walkie talkies more. Maybe the comms relied on satellites that they obviously don't have anymore or something.
Speaking of a lack of satellites, the GPS in Tony’s armor is rendered useless. Steve is real smug about it and pulls out his old-fashioned compass. But Battleworld also doesn’t have proper poles, so it just spins wildly for a few seconds and then points at Tony’s electromagnet. Not to be deterred, Steve declares, “Well, you’re never lost if you can find Polaris.” They look up and realize that the night sky, despite having stars and a moon, is not at all arranged the way it is on Earth. 
Tony takes this as a Challenge. He builds a sextant, then spends the next several nights in a row muttering math under his breath as he painstakingly creates a hand-drawn star chart. This, combined with landmarks, becomes the primary way they orient themselves as they roam around Battleworld.
Many nights, Steve and Tony lie in the bed of the pickup together and make up constellations named after other Avengers and friends. Steve makes a copy of Tony’s star chart and sketches artistic renditions of the constellations on top. To close this post with an interesting visual, here’s an example of what Tony’s star map might look like vs what Steve’s would more resemble:
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if requests are open and you haven’t done smth like this before, how do you think the Hassaikai would handle an S/O with a cat mutant quirk? like, in addition to the ears and tail, they’re super flexible, squishy palms + sharp claws, rubs their cheeks on things, does the loaf position, gets distracted by fast moving objects, pupils dilate when they’re Silly(tm), makes the :3 face, you know what i’m talking about
~Shie Hassaikai S/O Cat Quirk~
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-Overhaul: He’s probably going to wanna get rid of it to begin with. Like he really can’t see himself with anyone that has a quirk. Falling in love with you was the exception. I mean, he’s already outside of his comfort zone. He’s gotten to the point where he wants to touch you but his hives pops up because he’s irritated and unhappy with your quirk. He secretly thinks it’s very cute, but still an abomination in his eyes. He won’t force the serum on you, but he’ll annoy you until you take it. On the off chance that he actually lets you keep it then it won’t be for too long. You have about a month or 2 to make him fall for it, then maybe he’ll let you have the quirk. But you’ve only got a 4% chance at success for that.
-Chrono: Fuck you’re adorable. I mean really cute and he hates that you make him blush so easily. Like it must be a super power at this point. Hari is always secretly taking pics of you and setting them as his wallpaper to his phone. Hari also has a newer car so he sets them as the screen wallpaper in his car too. Plus he’s rather taken with the way you have cat characteristics and mannerisms too. He’s also talking about how you’re the cutest girl/boy/person in the entire world. He really brags about you like a LOT.
-Nemoto: He treats you like a gentleman should, and that doesn’t change. He’s a little more protective of you since you have an appearance altering quirk and he doesn’t want anyone to be rude to you about it. Like you may be cute to a lot of people but there are still awful people out there that think you might look weird as hell. Sometimes when you nap, Shin pokes and prods at your palms while mummering something about soft bean toes. He’s pretty soft with you. 10/10 husband material.
-Deidoro: Literally a bully when it comes to you, but don’t take it personally. He doesn’t hate you. It’s actually quite the opposite when it comes to you. I think he has a hard time telling you that he thinks you’re literally the most perfect person he’s ever met. Therefore it comes out in garbled messes when drunk, and teasing tones when sober. “Hey mittens, got you a bell to go around your neck.” Sometimes you ask him for a drink and he comes back with a bowl of milk. Other times He busts out the laser light just to see if you chase it. He may seem to give you a hard time, but he’d be nothing without you. As soon as he finds out the right way to tell you this, he’ll say it one day. Until then, just endure his teasing lol
-Mimic: No good with relationships, and even worse when they involve quirks like these, but Joi tries his best to make you happy. He’s the type to buy you a lot of cat related stuff in the hopes that it would make you happy. He has to admit you can be a handful sometimes so he kinda keeps an eye on you. He knows the danger comes from you at night time. This is when he learns the hard way when he rocks his legs under the cover. The sudden movement makes your pupils blow and you do a wiggle butt before a pounce, sinking your claws and teeth into the blanket and pushing through the fabric to his legs. That’s when he realized he’s dealing with a wild one 
-Pops: This is no issue to him. He’s taken care of so many stray cats in his young days. He treats you as such, but also doesn’t forget that you’re human as well. Pops is very soft and gentle with you. There are many times when he’s sitting on the back by the koi pond, gently petting you and stroking your tail. Sometimes he gives you a little scratch behind the ear because he knows you like it. Other times he might let you rub your cheek against his hand as you two relax well into the night and watch the moonlight together. 
-Setsuno: Oh my God he swears he’ll never fall in love again and that he should just break things off with you before they get too complicated. Then he sees you in bread-loaf position with your eyes closed happily as you purr, and he realized you have his entire damn heart in your hands (or paws). God his problem is that he falls in love too fast. He’s so whipped for people and super easy to manipulate and exploit. He keeps waiting on the hurt to come, but it never does. You continue to love him and treat him right, returning all the love that he gives to you back unto him. You are his whole world at this point (cat quirk or not) and he’s most definitely determined to marry your ass someday.
-Tabe: He’s not familiar with love the way you give it to him, but he’s willing to learn and try for you. Tabe is a pretty good partner actually, and he seems to get better along the way. He’s learning not just about your personality but your quirk as well, and how it may affect the relationship (or your life). He takes part in cat-like activities with you as well! That’s everything from petting the special spot behind your ears to wiggling a string toy so you can play with the ends of it. He secretly hopes you can eat cat food/treats along with normal human food too. It’ll be his excuse to try that without seeming weird.
-Hojo: For some odd reason he goes into full body-guard mode when it comes to you. It’s mainly because of your quirk that he becomes more protective over you than ever. He knows you might get distracted too easily and dart out in front of a car or something. Also what if someone tries to easily take advantage of you in a dark alleyway because they use a laser light to lead you there? He’s always worried about the worst things while you’re just vibing and sharpening your claws on the couch (which he told you not to do like a million times...uh oh...here he comes with the spray bottle and rolled up newspaper!!!). Although Hojo is protective, he still tries to calm down and give you space to survive as an adult without him hovering. 
-Katsukame: Flexible you say? Oh yeah, he’s bring that to the bedroom for sure. Anyway, aside from that he thinks you are the cutest little thing to exist (and yes you’re little because there’s no way you can add up to his height/size/weight. I mean, how could you not be cute with a quirk like that? You can get anything you want with that damn :3 face alone! Katsukame doesn’t admit to spoiling you but he does, believe me. Aside form treating you like a little baby, he takes advantage of that flexibility in the bedroom ;)
-Tengai: Very respectful regardless of your quirk or not. He loves you and wants to hold you to a certain level of respect that he thinks you deserve. He tries not to bring up your quirk a lot because he doesn’t want to run the mistake of hurting your feelings .Of course you don’t care about any of that! You’re currently too busy sniffing the lock box where Tengai hides all the catnip. Anyway, he really loves you and acknowledges your quirk while being respectful and loving of it at the same time!
-Rappa: First of all you get bombarded with cat related nicknames both inside and outside of the bedroom. On top of that, he’s going to wear that flexibility out and probably add a few new poses to the list. Besides all that, he loves you AND your quirk so he’s no doubt adamant on beating the brakes off ANYBODY that dare disrespect you or your quirk. He really is a sweetheart even though it may be hard to see under that brutish himbo energy. 
TIp Jar: https://cash.app/$YuTakeyama
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velkynkarma · 3 years
So I’m suuuper late to the party, but I finally, finally finished Rhythm of War. 
I am delighted by it. Thoughts and reactions under the cut, just in case for spoilers.
OKAY SO I had a lot of feelings about this book, and I wanted to be able to sit down and read the book properly and devote time to it, instead of sneaking paragraphs here or there during work breaks. So that’s why it took me so long to read it. In a way I feel like a terrible fan for taking so long when I was so excited about reading it for over a year, but in another way I am satisfied that I did it justice.
General thoughts/reactions:
I am legitimately impressed with how well Sanderson handled Shallan’s Dissociative Identity Disorder. DID is one of those mental illnesses that gets butchered so hard in media, and carries such a stigma of being “evil” or “creepy.” But Shallan’s representation seems much more factual in terms of how we know DID works today, including but not limited to:
Created from a severe trauma at a very young age, in which the brain starts splitting itself in order to protect against traumas and form survival mechanisms
Alters exist to protect the system and handle tasks for the host that the host cannot handle. Both Veil and Radiant handle tasks/functions that Shallan can’t
Also establishing that different alters can have different skills (such as Shallan being good at drawing and Lightweaving while Veil is bad at it, or Radiant handling espionage poorly)
Establishing that actual DID treatments do include encouraging alters to learn to work together and establish communication lines between each other. I like that the three create a pact to work together and rules to stand by and enforce them on each other to the best of their ability. They mess up sometimes (Radiant killing Ialai, Veil forcibly taking over sometimes). But they try. 
But also establishing that prior to Shallan’s realization of what was happening at the end of Oathbringer, each of these alters had their own memories and ways of handling things and did not necessarily communicate with each other
Establishing that multiple times in prior books when Shallan thought she was ‘acting’ she was actually Blending with another identity, either Veil or Radiant. This becomes more apparent when Veil or Radiant actively discuss being the ones to do things that were previously from “Shallan’s” perspective (such as Veil learning slight of hand/etc at the beginning of Words of Radiance). This stuck out to me as especially interesting since accounts of people with DID often mention not knowing they have it or are switching for years, but being semi-aware of doing things differently than normal. 
Veil being a protector-type alter and a trauma holder is extraordinarily common in DID cases and made an absolute ton of sense. It also suggests that she’s been around for YEARS longer than before Shallan ‘created’ her which, again, is not uncommon with DID cases
Veil, at least, also acts like she’s much older than Shallan, even calling her things like ‘kid.’ While Veil is, of course, no older than Shallan, this is completely accurate that alters can have different ages and even different genders to the host body in terms of how they perceive themselves
Establishing that fusions/integrations are possible, with Veil being ‘absorbed’ by Shallan at the end. This is a part of DID treatment and I like that it was handled in a way where both alters consented and the trauma was released, but it was handled. Even if Veil developed additional skills over time, it’s clear her first and foremost job was as a trauma holder alter, and once the trauma was no longer being hidden, her ‘purpose’ was done. And now Veil is a part of Shallan, and the expectation is that somewhere down the line, Radiant will join too.
Very very VERY VERY importantly, establishing Shallan’s interaction with other characters as a system with DID in a way that did not make her look like she was ‘crazy.’ DID is super serious and systems are often stigmatized. But I adored that Adolin is supportive and treats each alter on their own playing field (and even seems to be able to recognize them without Shallan changing hair color). I love that other characters like Kaladin admit they don’t exactly get it, but do their best to be respectful of it anyway. I love that nobody treats Shallan like a freak and sticks her in a padded room, and that people DO respect her wishes and treat Veil and Radiant as equally viable people. I love that it’s treated so healthily. 
Honestly my only real ‘hmm, not exactly like that’ moments were thinking back on how Shallan ‘created’ personalities. Veil being a trauma holder for Shallan’s old memories implies she’s been around for a long time, so she wasn’t really “created” in that sense, just given more of a face/name. But Radiant appears to have been created spur of the moment when Adolin was all ‘hey, let me teach you to swordfight!!!’ To the best of my knowledge people with DID don’t really have control over when they split, nor do they really get to actively ‘design’ their alters. It’s more like alters form as needed to handle something. But considering how accurate everything else is, and that possibly this is just Shallan’s way of handling her splitting in a way that makes sense to her, I’m willing to give this a cautious pass.
Also maybe lost memory moments. People with DID generally can lose time. Shallan doesn’t seem to, but then towards the end we also see she’s not a reliable narrator in her own right, since somehow Radiant managed to kill Ialai when we’re reading that passage. So it’s possible we the readers are missing things because Shallan is, too.
That said, the way DID works, it will never really go away even if Shallan does fully integrate. I’m curious if more alters could form down the line. I thought this had been happening with ‘Formless,’ but Formless didn’t turn out to be another alter so much. Oh well.
I had wondered about Shallan and Pattern’s bond for a while, and I’d been wondering if maybe she had a different spren ever since Pattern mentioned he could go away or she might kill him too back in...Oathbringer, I think it was? It seemed strange to me that Shallan wouldn’t have seen him around for a long time in his pattern form, or that she’d get chased by so many cryptics in book 1, if she’d been bonded to him this whole time. Or that she had a shardblade she could summon in book 1, but Pattern hadn’t been established as a character yet. And then when Adolin met a deadeye Cryptic in Shadesmar, I was like, ‘damn, that’s Shallan’s first spren isn’t it.’ And I was vindicated. I feel stupidly proud of myself for catching even one of Sanderson’s twists.
I think this is the first book in the series where Kaladin’s arc didn’t really grab me as much as the others to start. Not that it was bad, I still really enjoyed it, especially towards the end. But I was surprised to find when I got to Part Three and Kaladin’s name was listed but Adolin’s wasn’t that I went, ‘awww, damn,’ and used that as my break point for the night. 
I think part of this is that so much of Kaladin’s story that I love and adore is about not just Kaladin, but Kaladin’s friends and found family arcs with Bridge Four, and so much of that was taken away from him in the early part of the story. Like Kaladin, I guess I was just sad about everyone moving on and him being along. Sigzil going off to be the new Windrunner leader, Rock leaving, Rlain leaving (for a while at least), Adolin and Shallan leaving...it was hard. I felt his depression. Unfortunately, it made it a bit difficult to read, I guess.
On the flip side though, Kaladin’s ending arc in the story was A+ and I loved it. I love that his Fourth Ideal is specifically accepting that he cannot save everyone, which is something he’s struggled with from his very first appearance in the very first book. I love how this sheds so much light on that moment in Oathbringer where Syl is calling for him to speak the words and he just can’t, because at the time, he wasn’t ready to accept that he couldn’t save everyone. I love that he admits to Dalinar that he really did need help and a chance to recover, and that his setup for the next book doesn’t seem to be as Stormblessed, the soldier, but as a healer. And I love that he made up with his dad in the end, and did manage to at least save him.
And yet as always, Sanderson books are the only books where I really feel...ok with character death. It’s sad, for sure, but also deaths have purpose in his stories. Nobody is killed meaninglessly. 
I think my favorite arc was Adolin’s, throughout the whole course of the book? I can’t help it. I love my enthusiastic, optimistic himbo who is just doing his best. Every time he was like ‘well I’m useless since I’m not a Radiant, but I’ll do the best I can’ I was like NO, HONEY NO, YOU’RE SO IMPORTANT, DO YOU UNDERSTAND HOW IMPORTANT YOU ARE REALLY? Look at all the people you help!!! Just look at them all!!! 
As stated earlier, I love that he’s just so damned supportive of Shallan’s condition. Even if they don’t have words for ‘DID’ in Roshar or even understand it in their own terms, he’s just so damn supportive. She tells him she’s got multiple alters and he’s just like ‘cool, how can I help.’ He loves his wife. He’s friendly with Radiant. He’ll share jabs with Veil. He just wants to help, always. 
I love that he’s so supportive of Kaladin too. I adored towards the beginning, where Kaladin’s going into a depressive spiral, and Syl gets Adolin because Adolin is one of the few people he can’t intimidate. And I adore that Adolin is supportive, but in a way that shows he gets it. He knows it’s not safe to leave Kaladin alone with himself and refuses to let that happen. But he also doesn’t force him to participate and acknowledges that yeah, you can feel like shit, and that’s ok, but you’re gonna feel like shit around other people, because it’ll help you. And it does. And I love that a thousand pages later Kaladin starts going into another depressive spiral and happens to mention, ‘fuck, Adolin’s not here to pull me out this time,’ recognizing what Adolin can do. I just love how much their friendship has progressed.
I love that he’s still so supportive of his brother, even if Renarin was barely in this book. I love that he even briefly defends Renarin against Shallan, even when he recognizes she doesn’t really mean any harm. 
I adore his continued arc with Maya. I love that he was so excited to go to Shadesmar so he could see her again. I love how he’s clearly had offers from spren or other Radiants to talk to spren about bonding to him, and he’s like, ‘nah,’ cause he’s loyal to her. I love how everyone keeps insisting ‘deadeyes can’t speak, deadeyes can’t feel’ and he’s just like, yes?? Yes they can??? Have you ever fucking tried??? I love that it’s his genuine connection to Maya that helps her recover enough to actually talk on her own with more clarity, and how she’s clearly coming back to herself. And what a revelation, that Maya and the others deliberately sacrificed themselves. And I love that ultimately it’s his bond with Maya that gives him success with the honorspren. He did this his own way, with his own skills, in a unique way that nobody else has ever done before, because maybe he’s not a Radiant in the shiny new sense of the word, but he’s the only person out there willing to treat his sword like a partner and show kindness to spren and that shows. 
I also really do hope he works stuff out with his dad because he’s got every right to be angry but also, I want him to be happy :( 
Ultimately I adore Adolin’s whole polarity, that he’s a masterful duelist and combatant, and has probably killed hundreds, and yet his best quality is his sheer kindness. He has really grown on me as a character since book one, honestly. I remember not liking him in book one. I still don’t, when I reread it! But in the rest, he’s probably second only to Kaladin as my favorite.
Venli. I remember not really liking Venli in earlier books. I thought Eshonai was cool, but Venli I remember just not really vibing with. Seeing her story really made her a lot more interesting to me though, especially since I love her whole gradual growth as a character. Openly admitting to herself that she’s a coward and just wanted to get attention against her sister...and then doing something about it to better herself. Doubting her abilities to do so and being uneasy about it the whole time, but ultimately doing it anyway. She’s a flawed character, but she’s a good character, and I grew to like her so much more after seeing her story. 
Also, I loved Eshonai’s mercy at the end there. Fuckin yes. Bittersweet smiles all around.
Szeth-son-son-Vallano wore white on the day he was to kill a king, because apparently white is the listener battle color, it makes SENSE now
I am also veeery curious what is going on with Szeth, who wasn’t really in this book all that much. And I’m curious if ‘Sixteen’ in Lasting Integrity is actually his dad, because they sure drew attention to a hiding Shin man and then immediately never mentioned him again. 
Raboniel. MAN. What a fucking character. I was fascinated with her from the beginning. I never knew exactly what to think of her, because we see her from so many perspectives. Leshwi, who has been established as possibly the ‘goodest’ and most sane of the Fused, openly tells us not to trust her. We learn she’s done terrible things in her lifetime, like trying to create a plague to destroy all of humanity, and one of her titles is just straight-up scary af. She learns how to really, truly, actually kill spren, which is terrifying. She tried to kill the Sibling, which is obviously Super Bad. And yet, she’s such a compelling character. She’s polite and reasonable, to a degree. Clever and enormously genre-savvy, but also blunt and to the point, knowing full well Venli is being used to spy on her and Navani is working against her and blatantly stating so. She’s so intelligent, and is willing to both respect Navani and work with her to create things together, and recognize her worth. I never fully trusted her at any point, because we know she’s done so much to be scared of, but man, I enjoyed reading her segments so freaking much. I was sad when she died, and her weird frenemy relationship with Navani was really intriguing. 
I really enjoyed Dabbid’s little segments. I’m so happy he’s comfortable talking around the others. I’m also happy to see Sanderson delving into including more autistic characters in different points on the spectrum, while also showing other people treating them well.
Taravangian. I still don’t know where to stand on this guy and I’m very nervous now that he’s basically a god and apparently smart enough to outwit everyone else again. I was excited when he actually managed to kill Rayse but fuck, we might have been better off with Rayse.
Moash. I just. Fuck. I don’t even know. I’m not even sure if this counts as him killing under his own power or not. He doesn’t really want to take responsibility for his actions, and as long as Odium takes his pain and feelings, he doesn’t have to. But that moment when he wasn’t protected, he seemed upset with what he had done. So I really have no damned clue where his story is gonna go. But fuck, it’s scary how easily he almost undid Kaladin completely. He knew exactly what buttons to press. We’re lucky the Pursuer ignored him and attacked anyway, or he really would’ve won.
I’ll admit, my Cosmere knowledge is less than stellar, so I’m still not entirely sure I understand the stuff with the Heralds and Mraize. But I am definitely curious to see where it’s going on a surface level, at least. 
LIFT USES LIFELIGHT that explains a lot. I wish she’d been in this story more because I adore her lol. 
I know Sanderson announced Ace Jasnah a while back, but I love that it’s been so firmly established in the book itself. No beating around the bush or leaving people to wonder. She just straight-up says she’s got no real interest in sexual stuff and never really got how it drove others. I love it. I love seeing that so honestly and bluntly stated. 
Anyway I’m sure there’s a lot more to be said but overall, A++++ as always, super adored, next one when???? 
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pippinboi · 3 years
Tag Game for Multis
Tagged by the biggest cutie @42idiots
Rules: post your ult biases (from different groups) to see if you have a type and tag 6 mutuals you wanna get to know the types of and let people tell you what they find in yours!
So I wanna start with my first love who will always be the one Christmas present I've ever wanted, my Shinee dad, Lee Jinki or Onew. He is my kpop day one and everything they're doing at the moment continues to blow my mind with how talanted he is.
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Next up, the love of my life who has the strength that I wish for and the face of an angel but also my nightmares, leader of 13 meddling children, Choi SeungCheol or Scoups from Seventeen. Hes always been a source of insperation for me since his hiatus and I love him with all my heart.
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Next, sunshine baby, first wife of mine who I'd never let cover his freckles, Lee Youngbok or Felix from Stray Kids. I always admire people who put themselves out there, even when it's uncomfortable for them. Also, look at that face!
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Next, jacked up himbo, cheesiest smile, cutest dad to his smol kids, Son HyunWoo or, Shownu from Monsta x. His whole demeanor is something I strive towards as people look up to him but he also seems so care free as well as in control.
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Next, the man who will always be prettier than me, backbone to his brothers, fluffiest hair, Park SeongHwa from Ateez. He is a more recent one that I fell for instantly and I will never get over his duality on stage and with his members.
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Next! Resident lesbian, constantly bullied, always trying to be the youngest, adorable kid, Choi YeonJun from Tomorrow by Together. Another more recent one that caught my eye. It took a little bit to chose one from this group but I couldn't look away when he would dance.
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Next! My lesser known but amazingly talanted, avid twitch streamer, Overwatch lover, beautiful man, Park JeUp from Imfact. I wish more people knew about these guys cause they are amazingly talanted and Jeup has one of the sweetest voices I've ever heard. He's currently in the military but I watch his I can see your voice video just about every day.
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Next! The nations baby, who everyone will protect with their lives, but also the biggest and most teasing man I have ever seen, Lee Hoseok or Wonho. He's been through so much and has come around the other side stronger than ever and I'll always want him to succeed and will be behind him 100%.
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Next! Adorable King, new addition to my list but slowly climbing the ranks, Prince of china Yanan from Pentagon. This man is another insperation of mine as he took a very long hiatus to keep himself healthy and I believe that taking time for yourself is more important sometimes than other things.
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Next! Buff baby, amazing rapper, fantastic leader, equally new but one to watch, Park Serim from Cravity. I'm still trying to get to know him but I couldn't keep my eyes off him in everything they do.
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Shout out to Taeil from NCT, YoungK from Day6, WooSung from the Rose, BM from Kard, Donghun from A.C.E.
I have a lot of ults in a lot of different groups and I think it'd be too much to fit in this post but thanks for tagging me love! I tage anyone who wants to do this!
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octoctoctopus · 4 years
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wrimo 2020 : task 21.5
A list of 10+ faceclaims you’d like to see in the RP
Basically you know me, I am a Korean. I was thinking about all the potential different characters in play, but also began thinking about the different faceclaims I would love to see. Then I thought about what my personal expertise is -- Korean faceclaims. This is essentially a list of different Korean faceclaims of actors who I believe have a lot of potential. Kpop singers who have acted are not included because while I love them they tend to be easier (?) to find imo. Do I think people will actually use any of these faceclaims? tbh not really but hey you miss all the shots you don’t take!
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Song Joongki The og flower boy. People cried when he went to the army. Would be perfect for a more clean role (with a dark backstory?) Most of his roles are very # cool, like army guy, but his first prominent role was also being a ‘werewolf boy’, as well as a flirty himbo in historical times. He was also on a Kvariety before so you can find an abundance of more chill yet still good looking gifs.
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Yoo Yeonseok Known for being: hot. That’s it, that’s tweet. But for real, all of his roles are SO good,,, someone please get him,,, Whether it be a rising baseball player, mafia leader, or son of the CEO of a hospital, all of his roles are like for him. Always goodhearted, although sometimes he’s warm and sometimes he’s cold. (disclaimer there are exceptions). Very polite and very nice. Notable work is probably hospital playlist which I imagine people have made gif hunts for.
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Yoo Ah-in Super diverse roles, I haven’t actually watched all of his stuff but what I know is he’s good at acting. tmi but irl he’s like very soft spoken, very awkward and quiet, but while ACTING he can be the titular villain or whatever. Doesn’t necessarily have a lot of ‘happy emotions’ if I had to guess, but he’s also gone on variety shows. Lots of good gif hunts that you can work with as well (many of his films are kind of that niche indie that international people like) that has a large range of emotions.
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Ryu Junyeol His eyes though! Very soft yet he has that edge. Expressions would tend to be more chill yet due to his overall composition they still are pretty diverse. His most popular tv show (Reply 1988) def has some gif hunts of him, but he also was on a variety show which features him smiling more :)
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Lee Byunghan His specialty is the combo of a killer jaw and puppy dog eyes (i don’t know how he does it tbh,,). His role tends to be very cool, yet with a # good heart. Lots of serious expressions. While he has many different popular movies, his historical drama Mister Sunshine is probably the one that is giffed the most. 
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Lee Jungjae Would probably actually die if I saw him used as a fc and it’s a tragedy that I never saw him used as a faceclaim before. His roles are all: bad guys. literally. Sometimes he starts out as being a good guy but then you realize he’s bad. Only exception is when he was the neutral god of the underworld (his costuming was a choice). Super expressive actor and one of Korea’s favorites. Disclaimer would be that he’s not necessarily popular within the tumblr users so I don’t know if gif hunts exists for him. However, there is also more than enough to make gif hunts of!
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Ha Jungwoo True dad. That like describes him perfectly. More on the serious side, yet he has this subtly dorky side to him. I’m also not sure what tumblr users who gif think of him, but again he has the content. 
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Kim Taeri A true ally of the gay community. Her two most notable movie works is being a cottagecore bisexual (note, bisexuality not canon) and being a lesbian in historical times (note, lesbian IS canon). also her drama where like three guys are all pining for her we love that energy. Definitely has a lot of gifs, but note only her cottagecore movie is set in more modern times, the movie/drama are both in historical times where she tends to dress in different clothing. But don’t have that bother you! Really lovely actress. 
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Park Minyoung I’m kind of a fraud because I haven’t watched her like three popular kdrama series, but nevertheless look at her face! Definitely just the standard beauty. I can honestly easily imagine her as a shop owner or a princess or something. I assume she has a lot of different kinds of gifs as well as her kdrama series were well-received by international fans. 
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Park Boyoung Literally one of the cutest actresses out there. Boyoung may have originally gotten popular due to her cute appearance but honestly she’s a killer actress which lends themselves to different kinds of expressions. If possible I also def recommend her being some kind of magick who has super strength, because SHE was in a kdrama with super strength. You also def will have no problem with gifs with her, she’s a little darling.
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Park Sodam parasite parasite parasite. Park Sodam is a side character in many movies, but that doesn’t mean she hasn’t made her own mark. Besides Parasite (which will have a nice amount of gifs), she was the main character in a romance and recent netflix drama. So she already has lots of resources with different outfits / expressions. In addition to that, she’s also a member in a new show (Gamsung Camping) which is just a lot of women chilling and talking. 
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Kim Hyesoo Probably the most underrated actress in terms of international community, she definitely has the resume. Skews more towards movies, but her drama ‘Signal’ (where she plays a police officer) was super popular. Not sure how resources will go for her but man also her face! Definitely is the more suave kind of actress with like the coolest styling. 
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Kim Haesook something something movie industry is bias against older women. I lowkey cannot imagine a lot of resources existing for Haesook but she really is a fantastic actress. While she doesn’t really have the most expressive roles, there’s still lots of diversity in what she brings to the table. Notable works for me would be: Hospital Playlist (she actually plays Yoo Yeonseok’s mom lol) and The Thieves. 
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Kim Hyeja Known as Korea’s mother, she has copious amount of works that I am not aware of but was also the main character in Joonho’s Mother, which was popular internationally. She definitely gives me some kind of vibe, although I’m not exactly sure what it is, so if you need a 50+ Korean women I recommend checking her out! There’s definitely resources for her, I just won’t be sure if they’re giffed or not.
Special mentions to: Gong Yoo, Steven Yeun, Yoo Haejin, Bae Doona, Park Shinhye, Lee Jungeun, Lee Dongwook
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g0dblessthefandom · 4 years
Favorite Female Characters
Tagged by @mini-oddity​. I’m too excited about this, y’all.  Rules: List ten of your favorite female characters in different fandoms and then tag ten people.
(I’m just going to be a blanket **SPOILER ALERT** for every show here, I’ll tag it just in case, but be forewarned.)
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1. Xena (Xena: Warrior Princess) I got to meet Lucy in 2018, and it was basically the highlight of my life. Xena was such a HUGE influence on me as a kid, and I don’t think I ever got over the impact she made on me. Her bravery, her love for Gabrielle, her intelligence, she’s the whole package and spent almost every episode kicking dudes in the face, which is like, the dream. I think that she was very clearly a queer character also made a huge difference for me, because even though baby Frankie didn’t know it, she was gay as hell. Seeing the relationship between Xena and Gabrielle play out and that ‘love that dare not speak it’s name’ was kind of a revelation for me, even though I wouldn’t realize it for a while. 
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2. Martha Jones (Doctor Who)
I think there was something so special about Martha Jones that most people didn’t see (youknowwhy.gif). She was more than just that girl who was pining away for the Doctor. She saved the world at one point just because she was willing to put everything on the line, and in some small ways it was for him, but in larger ways it was for herself. In the end she walked away because she knew that she deserved better, and she was right. She was just in general such an awesome character, and I hope that I can  be more like her one day. 
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3. Dana Scully (The X-Files) 
Scully was the skeptic, but also, weirdly the believer because she was pretty serious about her faith. I remember having so many feelings about Scully and not really being able to explain them (it was the queerness, Lil’ Frankie), but in general beyond just being gorgeous she was so smart, and so good at dealing with Mulder’s BS. She would take things in stride as well, and made the most of the circumstances that left her in a worse situation than before. She was a scientist first, and so when she was elbow deep in a carcass, giving everyone answers that they didn’t know they wanted, she was in her element. I know that people are aware of the Scully effect, and I think that it’s just a testament to how much of an impact this character had on popular culture. I just loved her resolve, and every time she had a terrific storyline, I cheered. 
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4. Captain Kathryn Janeway (Star Trek: Voyager)
I clearly have a thing for no nonsense red heads, so maybe there’s a type here, but also, Kathryn Janeway was an amazing character. I think if she’d been a man she would have gone down as one of the greatest Starfleet Captains of all time, but alas, sexism is a thing, and we’re in the 21st century, not the 25th. Janeway had the absolute worst situation that a captain could ask for, and she made it work somehow. In the end, she gave everything to make sure that her crew (both Maquis and Starfleet) could get home safely, and that’s what a good captain does. I first talked about this in 2007, so, yeah, you know that I mean it. Captain Janeway had to navigate a world without Starfleet, and in her own way manage to build a crew and keep a ship going through the most desperate of conditions, and I think she did an amazing job. (It’s also just a coincidence that my favorite episode is ‘Year of Hell’ where she gets to run around in a standard issue Starfleet tanktop and shoot people)
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5. Santana Lopez (Glee)
If you follow my blog, it will come to no surprise to you that I flipping love Santana Lopez. Played by Naya Rivera, she’s one half of my Forever OTP: Brittana. And Santana on her own is a fantastic character. She comes out to her grandmother, and faces shame, and struggles with some life choices that she was once sure about. She goes from being this grade A butthole who’s dealing with her own problems, to caring about those people who are the closest to her, and in a way, finding her own family. It’s a really beautiful journey, and when it was given the time that it deserved on Glee, I think that the show was better for it. Of course, her being so talented didn’t hurt either. 
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6. Dr. Joan Watson (Elementary)
I’m the kind of her that will pretty much appreciate a genderbent anything. When I heard that a new show was coming out about Sherlock Holmes and they were changing Watson to a woman, I was pretty excited. When I learned that it would be the love of my life Lucy Liu, I was ecstatic! Watson is very much the chocolate to Sherlock’s peanut butter, but their relationship is so good and so real that it’s just the icing on the cake (mixing a lot of food metaphors, so bear with me). She’s a scientist (doctor/surgeon) like Scully, but she’s changed careers and now she works as a sober companion (at least at the beginning of the season). Of course, the reason that she and Sherlock get along so well is because Watson is smart. Super smart. Sometimes smarter than Sherlock, and he readily admits as such. She was her own woman and she made Watson into someone who was on par with Sherlock, and a force to be reckoned with in her own right. And, of course, they were best friends. 
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7. Carol Susan Jane Danvers (Captain Marvel)
I was a big fan of CM before the movie came out, so I’ll mostly talk about the comics, but Captain Marvel in every incarnation is a terrific character. I first read Civil War II with her and Tony Stark going at it, and I couldn’t help but appreciate the passion that she brought to the table. Carol Danvers is the kind of character who, right or wrong, just does what she’s going to do, and you know that her heart in the right place. In the comics, she has a relationship with Rhodey, and that makes for some interesting drama. She’s the kind of person who punches first, asks questions later, and it’s that kind of himbo energy that makes me love her. She goes all in, and god help you if you get in her way. 
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8. Eleanor Shellstrop and Tahani Al-Jamil (The Good Place) Is a twofer cheating? Probably. Do I care that much? Nah, son. For the record, I do ship Cheleanor, but I love these two together in every single imaginable way. They both have their own baggage, and come from less than ideal backgrounds (Eleanor generally, and Tahani because of her family life), but they have learned and grown so much over the last four seasons and I can’t wait to see how things turn out for them. They’re also such good friends, so I really appreciate their relationship with each other. Neither really had friends in their “real” lives. (Even though Tahani pretended to) The fact that they have each other, and really care for each other, just makes both of them so much better in my opinion. I was rewatching the first season and during the episode where they both confess their feelings to Chidi, Eleanor says that she’s going to make sure that they don’t become like to women feuding over a guy, and they proceed to spend a terrific day together. That’s female friendship right there! I love this show in general, it’s definitely my favorite on TV right now, and I’m so glad that it’s on! 
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9. Zoe Washburne (Firefly) I have shipped exactly three het ships in my entire life: Rick and Evie O’Connell, Eleanor and Chidi and Zoe and Wash. I dunno, it was something about their relationship that just moved me. She loved him, and she didn’t care who knew it, and they just had this terribly healthy relationship, and it was stupendous. Sans Wash, though, Zoe is an amazing character. She’s smart, she’s strong, she’s loyal, and she’s played by Gina Torres, who only seems to get more and more attractive as the years go on? Like, I’m not trying to be that person because Gina brings so much to to the table, she’s so talented and clearly intelligent and passionate, but she’s also super duper hot? Like, in the year of our lord 2020? It’s wild. She was also on the Black Lady Sketch Show and she was hilarious, so there’s that. She can do it all! Okay, but back to Zoe, I just love her character, and her relationship with the other folks on the ship. It was something awesome to see. 
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10. Sister Night/Angela Abar (Watchmen TV Series) This is kind of a new addition, but I hope that doesn’t make you think any less of this amazing character. Regina King knocked my socks off in the best way imaginable, and I’m just so enthralled and obsessed with this character, I don’t even know what to do with myself. She has such AGENCY and she’s a woman who makes her own decisions and is in charge of her whole life. Dr. Manhattan fell in love with her because despite everything she put everything on the line for him, and you’ve got to appreciate that amount of determination. Of course, I love that she spent most of the show kicking racists in the head, so you know, I’ve got a type, clearly. 
Throwing out a special shout out to: Kelly and Yorkie (Black Mirror), Alex Danvers (Supergirl), Eve and Villanelle (Killing Eve), The Doctor/13 (Doctor Who), Lt. Uhura, and the thousands of other amazing, bad ass female characters that I didn’t mention. 
So, that’s it. To continue this I’d like to tag @leigh-kelly​ @chuckleshan​ @daborgh​ @battybookworm​ @lesbeauregarded​ @ambirrdy-brittana​ @yourstreetserenade​ @itcameuponamidnightqueer​ @vikingstad1​ @stephanie-beatriz​ @skywalkerchick1138​ @mayqueen517​+ anyone who wants to do this! 
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trashyocstash · 5 years
i should've done this a while ago, but anyways, here's an updated list of all my ocs. descriptions and generally from the original.
rick and morty
my version of rick’s wife from the show “rick and morty”. she’s a very kind, sweet, loving, caring and forgiving person with a big heart. she’s also a huge hopeless romantic and has dreamed of love since she was a little girl, but the problem is, julie is painfully shy, quiet and gets easily nervous and scared. so for the longest time, finding a partner was difficult, until she met and fell in love with rick.
in addition to loving romance, julie also loves to read books, make food, listen to music, stargaze and is a huge girly girl. she likes to wear pretty clothes, make-up and jewelry. she does have a tomboy side, seen in her love of adventure with rick, but overall is very girly and feminine.
during the story, julie is 27 years old. she’s from the 1970s and was born in 1951, the rick/julie story takes place in 1978.
mark is one of julie’s best friends. he’s a peace-loving, goofy and friendly hippie, but don’t make him angry or you’ll regret it. he has a big kind heart, and likes to help people, he sees a lot of injustice in the world and wants it to be a better place. he’s the comic relief type.
he has a learning disability, and also suffers from severe depression, but lives in a world where mental health is taboo, so he tries to deal with it as best he can. his goofiness is really an attempt to hide his pain with a smile, he doesn’t want his friends to know he’s suffering.
he also really loves sci-fi and superheros, big comic nerd. he loves franchises like stars and star trek.
mark is 26 years old during the story, but as he was born in 1951 as well, he’s on the verge of turning 27. his love interest is vivian.
julie’s other best friend, they’ve known each other since they were babies. vivian is more short-tempered and serious, not usually seen with a smile on her face. but despite the fact she comes of callous and humorless, she does have a good heart deep down and cares for others deeply, just isn’t the best at showing it.
she likes reading books, and secretly shares julie love of romance, and reads julie’s books on her, but tries to hide it.
she’s also bisexual, but due to the stigma surrounding lgbt people in the 70s, she avoids relationships with women. mark is her love interest.
vivian is also 27 years old during the story.
the son of rick and julie, and younger brother of beth, christopher “chris” sanchez looks like rick, but his personality is closer to julie’s.
he has an encyclopedia-level knowledge of plants, and works as a botanist. as a child, he also had his own garden in the backyard that julie helped him with. he and julie were also very close, in part due to rick being an absent father, and was devastated when she passed away when he was only 14. this, combined with rick being an absent father and abandoning him at only 11 caused chris to develop abandonment issues.
chris is very friendly and kind, and tends to patient and understanding. however, dealing with his family can cause him to become sour pretty quickly, as they won’t deal with their problems properly and don’t react well when julie is mentioned. on a side note, he’s also the only one who has dealt with her death properly and visits her grave every mother’s day to lay the same flowers they planted in his garden together, and to let her know that if she’s still out there in some way, that she’s still loved and cared about.
she ra
flameria is the princess of tambora and also…an arsonist, she just can’t help but light things on fire. she has a very excitable, extroverted personality and is filled with energy. she yells a lot and can be a bit…much for people…also huge lesbian.
flameria can control fire and survive in extremely hot temperatures, it’s why she can live a volcano.
she’s dating @glampyra‘s oc jungleira.
duerma is the princess or nubelaria, and has a very serene, gentle and mellow personality. she also has the ability to enter people's dreams, which she uses to help people. in addition, duerma can generate, control and manipulate clouds.
she is also known to he very patient and understanding, perhaps due to her dream ability.
crash bandicoot
kallipso is a tiger quoll, and is dating pinstripe. she has a cutesy vintage aesthetic going on, and also named herself.
undead ocs
leila died more recently, so she's still having some trouble adjusting to the afterlife, but thankfully for her, she has her friends and black cat spooks to help.
she has a cheerfully morbid personality, and likes making dark jokes. leila likes to stay positive and keep a smile on her face at all times, feeling it's for the best.
leila is also 20 years old, and died by drowning in algae-infested waters while she was unconscious, evident in her green skin and hair. her love interest is edgar, and she helps him learn more about the modern world.
edgar died in 1924 when he was 23, accidentally getting electrocuted on the job. he's the most adjusted to life in the afterlife, and helps teach leila more about it. because he died in the 20s, he also sometimes spits out 20s slang, and leila, being his girlfriend, is the only one that understands him.
he has a hardworking personality and doesn't quit, even when he should. he has a more realistic view of the world, which is why he appreciates and admires leila's endless joy and optimism.
raine died in 1986 of an eye infection at 21. she has asperger's syndrome, which is why she's so intently interested in fashion and history, and can ramble on about both for hours.
raine loves to make fashions, and likes combing her interest of history into it as well. she makes clothes for her friends and boyfriend servius, just out of the kindness of her heart.
as she's autistic, raine is also very shy and quiet. she has trouble socializing, but her friends and servius are trying to help her out as best they can. it's also why she had the worst reaction to entering the afterlife, realizing she was dead and couldn't see her friends and family and couldn't go home sent her spiraling. but she's thankfully doing better now.
grant died of pneumonia at 22 in 2017, a result of his weak immune system. so because of that, grant is a germaphobe and perfectionist. he doesn't like messes, even though since he's dead, he can't catch any type of disease anymore.
he's also gay and dating xavier, but his overprotective and sheltering parents thought his homosexuality was just a phase and always dismissed it. as they sheltered him, and his weak immune system meant he didn't get out much, grant is terrible at socializing and is nervous to try new things. but he's getting there, slowly but surely.
as sad as it is, grant is more free dead than he ever was alive.
xavier died at 25 in 2015 after falling off a cliff while hiking, as he wasn't looking where he was going. he has adhd and so tends to get easily distracted and forgetful.
xavier loves to pull off stunts and other crazy things. now that he's dead, he has no fear of getting injured or even worse. and it always worries grant, who he helps learn new things.
he's very reckless and headstrong, and excitable. it doesn't take much to make him laugh.
cassandra died at 19 in 2013 after getting murdered by two ex friends. as a result, she keeps herself closed off from others, afraid any new friends she get will betray her. it took her a long time to open up to the others.
she comes off as angry, bitter and moody, but once she's opened up enough, her true personality is revealed. cassandra is a prankster, and loves using her ghost abilities to mess with the dead. she loves to have fun and be wild and crazy.
cassandra also is a music lover, being part of a band when alive. and she's never stopped playing her music.
servius was an ancient roman soldier who died on the battlefield after getting shot in the heart with an arrow. he's very stuck in the past, and even now, he retains a belief in the roman gods. raine is helping teach him new things at least.
he has an intimating appearance, but he's a sweetheart deep down and raine has gotten him to develop a love of art. she finds art therapy is a great way for him to control his anger issues. in one word, he's a himbo.
supernatural ocs
evelyn is an anthropomorphic bat from a large rich family, and so has a lot of expectations placed on her. she's never been allowed to be herself and has been scolded for her interests in the past. however, mona has helped her open up and be herself. so she's a pastel goth instead of a "full on goth", which is normal in their world.
she has a deadpan, snarky and brutally honest personality, but also has a good heart deep down.
mona is an anthropomorphic pumpkin girl, and is basically the equivalent of goth in their world: she dresses up in pink and loves cute things. she comes from a large farming family, who don't understand her, but love her dearly. she also has an irish accent.
mona has a cheerful and excitable personality, and she loves to be silly and goof off. but she's also a hard worker and takes her job on the farm seriously. and she and evelyn and gfs.
yuka is a qalupalik, a creature from the traditional inuit belief system. she has a ghost husky named amaruq, and has an adventurous and fun loving personality. she loves to do various snow-related sports like snowboarding and skiing.
mortis family
the father of the family, victor is a goofball with a dark sense of humor. show him a horror movie, he'll probably laugh. he's a dedicated and caring father, while astra works, he will care for the children and loves to play with them. victor is also a loving husband and can easily make the stoic astra laugh and smile.
the mother of the family, astra is a witch and comes from a family of them. she is a strong, powerful and confident woman, but isn't very front about it. she appears callous, but is really very loving and kind. she cares deeply for her husband and children, and keeps protective crystals in the children's rooms. astra runs an online business selling materials needed for witchcraft. her familiar is a samoyed named "snowdrop".
12 year old ravenna loves gothic fiction and hopes to write novels of the genre herself someday. her room is full of books and she loves to read and write. ravenna is the nicest of the family and has a big heart, but is very socially awkward. the other girls think she's weird and so she keeps her distance, and despite her mother trying to instill self-confidence in her, ravenna struggles with it because of her social problems. she is secretly jealous of ricky's social skills. she also helps her mother with witchcraft and has a familiar of her own, a pet raven named "poe", who she named after edger allen poe.
his name is a pun on "rigor mortis", and he's 8 years old. ricky is fascinated by death and loves learning about anything relating to it, especially execution and torture methods. he has toy replicas of the methods as well and loves to play with them. he wants to be a mortician someday. ricky has his own group of friends who think he's really cool, and they play together a lot.
morella is 3 years old, and is just grasping her magical abilities. she can sometimes be seen climbing around on the walls and ceilings, and is very silly and mischievous. she also loves to draw, and her art hangs up on the fridge.
he's not a member of the family, and instead is ravenna's love interest. he's from romania, specifically transylvania, and has a love of vampires, and specifically dracula due to his name. he's non-judgmental and is close to ravenna.
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