#new Sheoth
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elderscrollsconceptart · 10 months ago
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New Sheoth
Concept art for The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion
Shivering Isles DLC
Art by Adam Adamowicz
- be sure to zoom in. There's lots of Detail here.
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Court of Mania
After the events at Xedilian, Lord Sheogorath has instructed me to study and understand his two courts. I’ve decided to start with the Court of Mania and Duke Thadon. The Duke revealed to me that he suffers from an addiction to Felldew. He sent me to retrieve a chalice that will cleanse him of the bad effects of the drug.
To enter the Burrow, I had to take Felldew myself, which made me understand Thadon’s urgency. The high is amazing, but the withdraws are violently painful. Making my way through the Burrow, I had to periodically take the drug in order to not crumble under the weight of the withdraw. Feeling it flow through my veins, I cursed myself for getting myself in this situation.
Entering the Sanctum, I found a group of people also addicted to Felldew, using the chalice to never fall from their high. I tried to reason with them, but in their drug fueled frenzy, they wouldn’t listen to me. I didn’t want to fight them, their suffering was enough. I felt the same screams as I did when entering the isles, but this time inside me. The blue glow from my hands swirled around me before erupting out and enveloping the addicts. They let out earth shattering screams, shaking me to my core at the raw fear in their voices.
Shaking it off, I took the chalice, drinking from it to wipe away my addiction. When I got back to Thadon, he placed all of his Felldew inside it and drank from it. I personally believe that defeats the purpose, but to each madman their own. My next task is to learn from the Duchess of Dementia, but i am exhausted and still recovering from the after effects of Felldew.
I’m currently in my room in the House of Dementia, the stone walls providing a comfort I haven’t had since Martins death. My heart still weeps for him and just thinking of him brings tears to my eyes.
[three circles dot this passage, most likely from tears]
If I had only been faster. If I brought Martin to the Temple instead of to Ocato. If I had fought Dagon myself. If I stopped Camoran sooner. So many things I could have done. So many ways his death is my fault.
That’s enough for tonight. I am going to walk through Crucible, maybe give Cutter a few of the Madness Shards I’ve found. I don’t know why, but the damp alleys and dirty roads calm me. I believe it’s because they remind me of the Asylum, how little I do remember.
- Velentius Cosades
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cryptid-called-ash · 2 years ago
Have you got any head cannons about Miraak and Vilkas because you have started to make me ship them.
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I Will slowly convert everyone here to shipping these two.
The ship name I went with is Mid Grohiik, which means loyal wolf.
The wolf twins have a similar dynamic to the dragon brothers, bisexual older brother and Ace little brother.
They met when Miraak was dragged along by Breyth to the companions hall in order to dole out some missions. So of course he’s trash talking as always and he ends up in an intellectual debate with vilkas. (At which point, Breyth and Farkas decided to back away slowly and go put dresses and fight stuff)
Neither have any idea of how courtship work! Hijinks ensue. Breyth tries to help, but he grew up in the shivering isles, so his ideas of courtship are wack at the best of times. Farkas keeps suggesting food.
Miraak 100% uses dragon aspect as a way to show off to Vilkas.
Vilkas is pretty much only using ancient texts to parce out how to court a dragonborn.
Dragon Courting Hoards!! Bc it’s a favourite trope of mine.
Miraak’s love language is gifts and words. Vilkas’ is acts of service and words.
Breyth has the rings make by his blacksmith friend Reesa of New Sheoth. One is gold, with a moonstone set between golden dragon wings. The other is hard steel, with a sapphire set in a wolf’s jaws.
I think the wolf twins should definitely join the dragon guard. So romantic rides on dragon back are definitely a thing.
Vilkas helps Miraak get used the modern life. Things like politics and economic condition that a 17 year old from a different province is already struggling to understand and can’t really help with.
That’s all I got for now! How this was to your liking💚
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sirsheoth · 1 year ago
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Very happy to be able to get a copy of this red Dark Magician (:
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uesp · 10 months ago
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Did You Know: The smiths of New Sheoth are in a rivalry with each other, and will complain if you visit the other one?
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znnavigator · 1 year ago
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crossover with wtnv "Welcome to New Sheoth. A friendly city in the middle of the islands, where the sun is blissful, the moon is heavy, and mysterious butterflies flutter above our heads while we all pretend not to lose our minds."
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terramythos · 4 months ago
Oblivion Cities Tier List btw:
S - Anvil, Leyawiin
A - The Imperial City, Cheydinhal
B - Skingrad, New Sheoth
C - Chorrol, Bruma
D - Bravil
Rip bozo - Kvatch
Ok I love you byeeeee
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actual-skyrim-quotes · 1 year ago
Sheogorath: Hit me up if you ever find yourself in New Sheoth! I'm sure Haskill would love to have another adventurer to have to explain basic things to!
Dragonborn: What?
Sheogorath: Later, gator! *disappears*
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007-nightfire-yakuza-agent · 6 months ago
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Thanks for the autism, king. ❤️
You're very welcome! And feel free to come by New Sheoth sometime. We'd love to have you!
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sylvienerevarine · 6 months ago
5, 14, 18, 23 for Sacha and Nelrene!
5. Who does what chores?
Sacha does the running of the Shivering Isles. Nellie does the bodyguarding and the folding of socks.
14. Who does fashion shows after a mall trip and who watches and compliments them?
New Sheoth doesn't have a MALL, so to speak, but occasionally Sacha will go to one of the shops in Crucible and buy a ridiculous suit that a mall-goth Victorian vampire might wear and Nelrene will say "looking very handsome, ma'am."
18. What does a date night out look like for them?
A nice picnic atop a Mania ruin, frequently interrupted by nosy wildlife.
23. Do they like pick up lines?
Sacha does. Nelrene doesn't really get them.
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ehlnofay · 1 year ago
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been experimenting with how I visualise fashion in the Shivering Isles for fun and to help me flesh it out in my head... shoddily ordered design notes under the cut for those who are interested
the figure second from the right is armed and armoured in amber. they are a lumberjack. you never know which plants will take umbrage at being harvested so it's best to come prepared
inspiration was pretty heavily drawn from various historical fashions, as I'm sure is visible - regency and tudor a little bit, among others - but I also drew a lot from various historical costume designers like giuseppe arcimboldo, c. wilhelm and attilio comelli. maybe sometime I'll doodle some ideas that get as Out There as some of their artworks - here I tried to stick to simple drawings and basic shapes and colours, but it would be fun to try something like that. and I do visualise new sheoth's court as dressing exactly like a victorian theatre production
(I took some inspiration from the actual game design and art. very sparingly. I don't trust anything the shivering isles dlc has to say about the shivering isles... the devs have not seen the visions. they do not understand it as I do)
I developed a couple headcanons while making these... one being that the isles have their own distinct culture and aesthetic sense developed over time (most of its denizens were born there and can trace their lineage back over generations - there has been plenty of time for one to be developed) but the customs and conventions of the citizens' heritage has still at times been carried over. I illustrated this a little with the last two figures to the right - the rightmost figure is ohmes khajiit and sports traditional face tattoos, though the design is not at all like what would be designed in elsweyr. the second-rightmost figure is bosmer, and the significance of horned mammals and horns as symbols has carried over in their headwear. (though of course that one is based on the late medieval escoffion as well.)
the shivering isles don't have much in the way of cultural norms, and what there is varies enormously from settlement to settlement, but what is much more wide-spread (though still not universal) is superstition. many of the isles' mortal denizens wear clear silhouettes with sharp lines to make their shape distinct and set themselves apart from the landscape, lest they become indistinguishable from it and lose themselves entirely. hair is often covered for this reason and due to an association with mycelium and the root system. this isn't a hard rule, but it's very common, and not covering one's hair is seen as a statement about one's beliefs and relationship to the isles.
lastly, this wasn't intended from the beginning, but they ended up being in a sort of vaguely mania/dementia/mania/dementia pattern. I messed with the contrast and saturation to emphasise that, though I take that split with a grain of salt and don't know how much visual distinction I actually picture there being
thanks for looking! and reading! xo goodnight
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mothermara · 10 months ago
Badbr growing up under Rasara's statue in Bruma. Rindolin being raised in New Sheoth as her son's cunty manservant. it's all coming together. parallels. thematic relevance. symbolism. they'd rock at degrees of separation from The Mad God
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madgod-of-magic · 11 months ago
If ANYONE sees a crafty blue khajiit carrying a wheel of cheese in his thieving little paws, please report him to your nearest Dark Seducer or Golden saint; he stole that wheel from the palace and assumed I wouldn't notice...
I did, in fact, notice.
His name starts with an I...
Indignant? Indigo...? SOMETHING.
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theofficialsheogorath · 2 years ago
tally hall is blasted 24/7 in new sheoth
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bowlingrowlands · 1 year ago
We were in the house of Dementia, yes.
New Sheoth palace is quite large, and off of each side of the throne room are the houses of Mania and Dementia respectively.
If your memory of your visit is fuzzy, I can understand that; the first time tends to be the hardest to remember, especially for newcomers such as yourself.
The.. Giant mushrooms you spoke of are mushroom trees native to the Shivering Isles, the realm of my lord Sheogorath. You saw them outside, when my lord took you through Bliss into the land of Mania. Those ones are the Greenmote mushrooms.
You also saw black tar mushroom trees after a venture through Crucible, into the lands of Dementia.
My lord does enjoy his mycelium; And you seemed quite fascinated by them as well.
Perhaps you'll remember more clearly next visit. One can only hope, after all.
-Haskill, Chamberlain to his Lord Sheogorath.
Hopefully, yeah, if or when I do come back, I’ll remember it better. The trees were very pretty, I remember that.
As was the sky. I don’t think I’ve ever seen nebulae that close up before.
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