#nevermore university
achromatophoric · 1 month
Yoko: I think it was Sir Lucan?
Divina: Your guess is as good as mine. I only really remember Sir Lancelot.
Yoko: Same. Any ideas, Wolfy?
Enid: *engrossed in texting*
Yoko: Hey Enid, do you remember who the last knight of Camelot was?
Enid: *blushes and keeps texting*
Yoko: ENID!! Last knight of Camelot!
Enid: *looks up* OH! Uh, congrats! So did I!
Yoko: 😐
Divina: 🤨
Enid: Yeah, it was great! Willa was like, grrrr, and I was like, grrrr back! So then—
Yoko: Enid.
Enid: —I slid her typewriter out of the way—
Yoko: Enid!
Enid: —and started peeling off—
Yoko: ENID!!
Enid: —WHAT?!
Divina: Arthurian legend. Tomorrow’s test. Who was the last knight of Camelot?
Enid: Oh, that’s easy. Sir Bedivere. Unless you meant the last one to die in battle? Then that’s probably Sir Lucan the Butler.
Yoko: Cool, thanks.
Enid: No prob! Anyways, I gotta go. Supposed to meet up with Willa for round two. Toodles! *scampers off*
Divina: Make good decisions!
Yoko: Or don’t!
Divina: 🤔
Divina: So what was she going on about?
Yoko: Try repeating the question.
Divina silently mouths the words last, knight, and Camelot until…
Divina: OH! Good on her! 😊
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painted-lemon · 11 months
um can we make this a real thing??????
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please tag any other fandom that could use this meme format
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misswoozi · 2 years
I've only watched clips of Wednesday. Favourite line I've seen is:
"If he breaks your heart, I'll nailgun his."
it's a great show, dude lmao I highly recommend. I didn't think I'd like it AT ALL but it's great. It's very easy to watch and it made me want to write a K-Pop Nevermore AU SO BADLY
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blacknedsoul-blog · 11 months
My bet on what Annabel wanted to do and why
So I'm reading the mansion arc again because the hiatus is over and that scene is coming back to me.
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Now I have a whole theory as to why Annabel did what she did and for what. One of those "all or nothing" ones, but I thought it was interesting to share anyway.
The Background
The first thing to keep in mind is Annabel's role within her group: she's there to get information and to see herself as someone competent and worth following, but also as an agent of chaos in the shadows, actively trying to get them to fight each other (put a pin in that, because it's going to be important).
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The whole scene where Montresor makes Ada bark introduces us to this guy, not as just any bully, but as someone extremely sadistic. While Annabel manages to get him to back down in the end, this makes it clear to her that he's a problem she needs to solve by yesterday, because, as if his sadism weren't enough, he's uncomfortably interested in Lenore.
The Amontillado
So she decides to take the first step to satisfy Montresor's thirst for blood by throwing someone under the bus, and unfortunately Duke is the most logical choice: Berenice and Eulalie share a room, Morella can manifest, and although Prospero is not Pluto's friend, he won't get involved in this kind of shady business. Duke, on the other hand, is an easy prey: he cannot manifest and shares a room with Montresor. It's all advantages.
But Annabel can't allow Montresor to commit murder outright. Not that she gives a shit about Duke's life, but if this guy finds out he can murder people in school, it's pretty certain that it will be impossible to push him back. Next it will be her, or worse, Lenore.
It's hard to tell if she suggested putting him behind a wall or just told Montresor, "Why get your hands dirty? I know you can be more creative." Either way, she's doing it to buy time: again, there's no upside to Duke dying, but maybe she can twist this in her favor somehow. And she needs to do it fast.
The Pendulum
The answer comes to her as if it fell from the sky with the pendulum, which is on the table as an object to be chosen during the test, and the stroke of luck is that it is Lenore who chooses it. So she keeps it: this was the piece she needed to turn the situation around.
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Annabel knows where Duke is. And maybe our friend isn't far away either (there were five people moving through guarded corridors, one of them unconscious), so it's enough to get to where he is, break through the wall, and leave the pendulum aside so Duke can find his way back to school or join his friends more easily. After all, he'll have Pluto looking for him like crazy, and it would be absurd for him not to use his spectre for that. And if these people don't manage to hit the right spot, she has already discovered the pendulum's range during the test, she could do it herself without arousing suspicion.
The test is over. The Misfits get more and more desperate, Lenore is taken to Dreamland and Ada manifests only to fall into Montresor's arms. All of this actually suits her quite well, for one specific reason: Annabel wants to put a target on Montresor's back and make him doubt his "trusted" people.
Will's spectre can copy people's appearance, while Ada shared a team with Lenore during the test. Both could have stolen it. At the very moment Montresor discovers that the pendulum was used to save this guy, there will be doubt as to which of these two (whom he thinks he has in the palm of his hand) betrayed him. After all, they both seemed pretty uncomfortable with the situation.
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Suspicious of Annabel? That was the look on her face as Duke desperately begged her to stop them.
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Speaking of Duke, after he tells the rest of his friends what happened, Montresor would be an immediate target to confront…just like Annabel. But hey, "protect me from your allies and I'll protect you from mine," Lenore will avoid getting her guts ripped out (right?).
Maybe she found out she couldn't manifest after the test, so she left it until the next day. In this image, we are told that Annabel gets up ridiculously early, which is quite possible without anyone seeing her.
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And while Pluto mentions that he still can't manifest again, let's remember that Annabel has a little more control over her spectre than he does.
Parenthesis: on the Widow Watch
The question here is: if this idiot had it all figured out and swears her wife is okay with all this crap, why not tell Lenore?
My answer is summarized in this picture:
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Annabel is a long-term player, this girl doesn't care about Duke's safety, and his life only seems relevant to her because his death doesn't benefit her. She doesn't care about saving him, she cares about how saving him will distract Montresor from Lenore and allow her to take the first steps to get rid of him.
If Lenore runs off to save Duke (something Annabel thinks she will do out of guilt), the only thing she will accomplish is to make Montresor even more fixated on her and possibly blow Annabel's cover: it would be strange if they could suddenly find him easily without anyone telling them.
Another thing to consider is that Lenore arrives at the Widow's Watch in this state:
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She may not have been able to see what happened to Montresor from up there because of how surprised she is, but Lenore's clothes are burned, and it doesn't take a genius to know who inflicted at least some of those wounds on her. All the more reason to try to keep Lenore out of this situation until the time is right.
House of Cards
One thing I really love about Annabel is that while many of the things she plans make sense, and indeed several of her predictions come true (such as the students not being able to manifest themselves by approaching Lenore), to quote her, she is not a mind reader. And watching her machinations unravel because of things she can't control is not only plausible, it's really interesting.
Especially when Lenore is the cause. Immovable object meets unstoppable force, and until they get their act together, this is doomed.
And disaster has arrived at that very moment.
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The first thing that disarmed Annabel at this point, in my opinion, is that Lenore knew what she had done to Duke before she should have: without knowing her intentions, this looks like a completely deliberate and cold-bloodedly planned simple murder attempt. Annabel was confident that Lenore would understand as soon as she saw the pendulum, either as "I got our enemy off your back for now, but he won't stop" or, if I'm wrong and this woman has some self-awareness, as "I found no other way to get our enemy off your back, but I did everything I could to keep this man safe".
While the jokes about Annabel being a masochist are hilarious, on a serious note, I think it's appropriate to note that his complete failure to see how angry Lenore is is because she's never seen her this angry. Or worse, she's never seen her so angry at her. And she knows what Lenore is capable of in that state.
As if that weren't bad enough, her predictions were that Lenore would run to find Duke, but instead this woman picked up a revolver and walked right into the lion's den.
In other words, Annabel has not only failed catastrophically to keep Lenore away from Montresor, she has prompted her into a direct confrontation.
Everything she thinks she knows about her has just gone to hell.
The fallen queen
One last thing I think is interesting about the situation Annabel is in right now is that there is a threat she has no idea about. Annabel was counting on Lenore to protect her from her allies, but…
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If Montresor has eyes, he knows. That means he only has to add 2+2 to see through Annabel's little games.
And the one person who could have protected her right now has no interest in what happens to her.
Hiatus over, people. I hope you're as anxious as I am.
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spirituallturtle · 4 months
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Credit to CDPR for the background
I’m very well aware that the EMP threading isn’t canon to Cyberpunk but it’s already an AU-
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sofiiif · 7 months
Hear me out...
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shouts-into-the-void · 5 months
Hey, can we talk about Prospero complimenting Pluto in episode 102? Like he really thinks about rooming with Montresor and immediately goes "Pluto wouldn't fucking do this to me"
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jockw · 1 month
Can you draw fem Lenore with her legendary braid? Something like this
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In my university au she has kind of sleeper build and she kept the braid.
Thank you <3
🚬🚬🚬🚬🚬 - cigs for your time mate
Inhaling those cigs aggressively
Badabim badaboom!
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l0st-marblezz · 3 months
Hatchetverse x Nevermore Webcomic AU where:
The LIB are the deans
Everyone in the Hatchetverse who have canonically died are students
Everyone has forgotten how they died but slowly remember their past lives like the comic
Tinky constantly torments Ted and Pokey constantly torments Paul
Ruth, Richie, and Max have to deal with each other once they remember their past lives
Paul and Emma get a reunion once they remember each other
Alice and Bill work out their problems
Max’s spectre is his ghost form but more exaggerated if that makes sense
Richie’s spectre is very magical girl / overpowered anime protagonist coded
Ruth’s spectre involves her love of acting and musicals, which terrifies Paul
Like the comic it’s spectres vs spectreless except the spectres in question are hormonal and unstable teenagers and the spectreless are just the regular adults of Hatchetfield
Disclaimer I haven’t seen Black Friday or Nightmare Time yet so keep that in mind
Thank you for reading my ramblings on two very different pieces of media I’m currently obsessing over and is considering writing fanfic of.
If anyone has any more suggestions please leave them in the replies!
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one-pissed-off-child · 7 months
whenever there is an inordinate amount of hate for a female character in fandom, i feel it is my solemn duty to defend her to my last breath. my purpose, even
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barblaz-arts · 1 year
Hi Barb! Hope your doing good i have two questons:
One: is Vega more positive or negative?
Two: what are her toughts on hugs/phisical tuch when it comes to people that aren't her moms?
P.S. : I love how much of a perfect convenation, between Enid and Wednesday, Vega si.
1. Positive. Yanno how Gomez has a cheerful and positive disposition despite loving gothic and macabre stuff? Vega's like that. She probably resembles Gomez the most, now that i think about it. She's a peppy goth.
2. She doesn't usually initiate, but she's fine receiving it from family and close friends. She just stiffens and waits for it to be over when it comes to people she isn't close to, but might bite/scratch/threaten if she doesn't like the person touching her.
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achromatophoric · 8 days
It’s the morning after a particularly sordid full moon at Nevermore University as the girls have brunch between classes.
Enid: Oh yeah, I totes ate her like lunch.
Wednesday: Like lunch? Mi lobita, it was as though your tongue was a legendary former assassin and my cervix the doomed murderer of the puppy gifted to them by their deceased lover.
Wednesday: Simply put, you were relentless.
Enid: Did— Did you just call my tongue “John Wick?”
Wednesday: I prefer “Consequences.”
Enid: 😳
Wednesday gives Enid a searing kiss and sultrily wheelchairs away.
Bianca: *rolls eyes* So I take it she liked John Wick?
Enid: Uh huh.
Inspired by a rough sketch from @thatwomanlovingpotatofromtwitter on her P-Site.
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caracello · 1 year
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“Prophet!” said I, “thing of evil!—prophet still, if bird or devil!"
st‌ar w‌ars s/i, nevermore! a mysterious being blessed (or cursed, depending on who you ask) with uncontrollable visions of the future. the weight of the knowledge rendered them nearly mute — unable to speak anything but their namesake. though nevermore can not use the force in any way, force-sensitive individuals can connect with their mind and communicate in fragmented visions. they were a recluse until da‌rth va‌der sought them out, wanting to use their visions to further his own goals.
[ok2rb ( >|━)7⌒☆ !]
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Lenore, after Thad finds her a suitor: ☹️
Lucille, sliding over a glass of wine: First time?
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spirituallturtle · 5 months
Another Nevermore AU sketch
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Weaponry isn't my forte and I know most of the cybernetics aren't canon but oh feckin well
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cardcaptorsakura96 · 4 months
Kara and Lena's Adventure at Nevermore
Fandom: Supergirl, Wednesday
Characters: Kara Danvers, Lena Luthor, Elizabeth Walsh, Lillian Luthor, Lionel Luthor, Morticia Addams, Gomez Addams, Alex Danvers, Lex Luthor, Sam Arias, Winn Schott Jr., J'onn J'onzz, Harley Quinn, Pamela Isley, Clark Kent, Zatanna
Summary: After an incident and the vanishing of her best friend, Lena is forced to attend Nevermore in hopes of learning to control her powers. She hates the idea because her cousin Morticia, who she detests with a passion, attends there. However, a certain blonde student captures Lena's attention and makes Nevermore more appealing to her.
Note: This this as a part of Supergirl May-hem. Like to give a special thanks to @theredcapeofk for providing art for this fic and @mad2balive for beta reading for me. This was the first time for me to participate in an event like this and I am glad they have helped me make this go as smoothly as possible.
Lena sat with her head against the limo window watching the vast green trees and valleys go by while listening to Don’t Speak by No Doubt. She was going over the things in her life that got her to this point and the unfairness of it all. She just wished that she was back at home underneath the covers. She was suddenly brought out of her thoughts by a soft tap of her knee. 
She pressed pause on her CD player and looked up to see three adults staring up at her with concern: Her father and mother, Lionel Luthor and Elizabeth Walsh, were sitting across from her with Lionel’s wife, Lillian Luthor, sitting to her right. Lena had always found their relationship a little peculiar. Lionel and Lillian entered a polyamorous relationship with Elizabeth about a year before she was born and they had been together ever since. It was not the norm, but she liked it because she had an extra person to love and call Mom. However, now she can’t stand any of them because she feels betrayed by them all. 
Lena narrowed her eyes and snapped, “What?”
Lionel rubbed his temple and said, “You don’t have to answer with that tone.”
“You’re kicking me out of the house and abandoning me in the middle of nowhere. How do you expect me to sound?” seethed Lena. 
Her mother winced but tried to keep a passive look on her face.
“That is not what is happening here. Nevermore is a wonderful school. They have wonderful teachers, the students are friendly, and you will learn more ways to control your magic,” Elizabeth tried to reason.
“I control my magic just fine. I’m even better at magic than you!” scoffed Lena. 
Elizabeth grimaced at that last statement and tried to return to a more passive face. 
“That may be true sweetie, but the way you’ve been using your magic is… less than desirable.”
Lena scowled while looking back out the window. “I have been practicing magic wonderfully,” she muttered. 
Lena felt Lillian grabbed her hand softly. She looked over to Lillian staring at her with a soft smile on her face. 
“You have a gift with magic. While I found the last stunt hilarious….”
Lionel frowned and asked, “Really, Lillian?”
Lillian looked up startled and asked, “What? I’m not going to lie to the girl. It was funny.” She turned back to Lena with a soft smile and said, “As I was saying, it was a funny stunt and I get why you did it, but violence shouldn’t be your go-to when someone has slighted you or someone else in this household.”
“But Morgan Edge was being a jackass,” muttered Lena. 
Elizabeth sighed and said, “Language, sweetie.”
Lena rolled her eyes and said, “Morgan Edge is a butt face. Happy now?”
Lionel rubbed the back of his neck and asked, “You don’t think what you did was the least bit overkill?”
Lena thought back to what happened a week ago. After school, she walked to L-Corp to listen to a presentation that Lex and Edge were putting together about a new energy-saving initiative.
However, Lex never showed up to the meeting, just Edge. He went on to pitch his own idea of replacing steel with nth metal since a new supply of it was found in South America and it is stronger than any metal on Earth. Because of the large supply of it found, it would save energy costs.
While Edge was explaining the numbers, Lena found it odd that Lex was still missing and used her magic to try to locate him. She found him locked in a broom closet with a pit bull. Lex had managed to get to the top shelf where the dog couldn’t reach him. 
She used magic to poof the dog away, but the damage was done. Lex was a babbling mess with scratch marks everywhere, and a urine stain on his pants. She instantly poofed him to a hospital so that he could be treated and given a sedative to calm down. While the doctors were working on Lex, she poofed back to L-Corp and burst back into the boardroom where Edge was finishing up his presentation. She remembers the confrontation with Edge vividly. 
She approached him like a cat about to pounce on its prey. She tapped his shoulder while looking at him passively.
“Is there a reason why you locked my brother in the broom closet with a pit bull?” Lena demanded. 
Edge chuckled. “I have no idea what you’re talking about.”
Lena looked down at her hands nonchalantly and said, “I found him in the closet not too long ago. The pit bull had run him up to the top shelf. The closet is only able to be locked with a key from the outside, so Lex couldn’t have done it himself. When I asked him what happened, all he could say was ‘Edge’ over and over again.”
Edge smirked and said, “‘Edge’ could refer to so many things. Besides, it’s kind of pathetic that Lex couldn’t stand up for himself against a dog. The most basic of people can do that.”
Lena raised an eyebrow and asked, “Oh really?”
Edge laughed obnoxiously which caused Lena’s skin to crawl. “Everybody knows that your brother doesn’t really have thick skin when it comes to business, or anything else for that matter. He comes from a Wasp-y upbringing, but he is anything but. L-Corp needs strong and dominant leaders who can take the reigns. Not those that cry in the corner.” 
Lena narrowed her eyes and frowned. Her eyes turned black and started walking toward Edge, which caused him to gulp. When Edge looked around, his face fell when he noticed that everyone in the room was frozen in place and silent.
Edged looked back at Lena and stuttered, “It’s…nothing…personal….kid….”
Lena stopped within inches of him and smirked. “I find it funny that you think that you’re a Wasp considering you’re really just a worker bee gathering things in attempts to make your mommy richer and hoping that she loves you more for it. Too bad that she’ll still ignore you no matter what you do.” 
Edge took a step back hesitantly and said more confidently, “You don’t know what you’re talking about.”
Lena smiled while brushing her hand against his arm which caused him to gasp. He was so nervous that he didn’t notice a purple glow going from her hand to his arm. 
“Maybe you should be reminded of what bees do when a Wasp tries to enter solo in their hive.”
Lena cackled as she turned around and left. The room became lively again after she left. Everybody left the room except for Edge, who sat in the room in stunned silence. 
Lena has thought back to that day with a smile on her face often. 
Lena looked back at Lionel smiling and said, “I don’t think that it was overkill at all.”
“You had bees burst through the wall at his home and attack him,” Elizabeth said with a deadpan stare.
Lena looked down while pulling at her dress and said, “They just bit him. It is not like any of them used their poison stingers to kill him. If I wanted that, I would’ve done something that didn’t leave a body.”
Lillian raised an eyebrow and said, “You realize that it’s comments like that which have us concerned?”
Read the rest on AO3
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