#never seen that anywhere
d1shsoap · 2 years
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daily-odile · 26 days
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@tawnysoup's critters have captivated me... featuring odile the overworked petsmart employee
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kandicon · 3 months
Now I am not saying that Drumbot Brian on the drums or banjo are over appreciated because I don't think it is possible to appreciate anything about Drumbot Brian too much, BUT I do think that Drumbot Brian on the accordion is terribly underappreciated.
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Look at this. How can you see this and Not want to talk about him on the accordion for the rest of time?? Also the instrument itself is pretty and matches the rose on his hat.
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thedemonraym · 7 months
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Do you feel Season 2 is different from Season 1 in any particular ways? (x)
bonus GIF:
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you just know what they're thinking about
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nerveslikecobwebs · 1 year
Kind of rare bullets era photos
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sasunarualways · 2 months
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Some pages from Riding Sport Magazine’s Special Edition dedicated to Valentino, 2021
[link in source, if you click on the cover you can browse the issue in low rez]
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urmuminnitt · 9 months
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Webber VS Vettel interview - 2011
From "Meet Sebastian Vettel - the Story of Formula One's youngest Champion"
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cl0ud-ninex · 21 days
Babes, I need to tell you something...
If you're one of the 'DaNy StAnS' who believe that Dany has to die to fulfill some bittersweet/tragic ending while also wanting the other characters especially the Starks to live happy health lives and become kings and queens you're not a real Dany stan.
You're just a Daenerys anti. The only difference between you and the antis is that the antis are more honest about how they actually feel about her.
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picklesinabottle · 3 months
as someone whose favorite movie of all time might be jumanji 2, is trans, and loved Alex in mentopolis, nsbu is perfect for me specifically
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sumwan · 10 months
I'm not sure how many people know about this, but the entire script for the Green Festival was actually shown in Tommy's DSMP tribute video from last year. It seems to have been written by Dream (it mentions "I" at some point when referring to Dream), and it's pretty interesting to see how they planned out the lore streams and what changed in the actual streams.
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Transcription can be found under the cut.
Transcription The festival is happening. Fundy, Tubbo, Quackity, Ranboo, Niki, and anyone else that is generally around lmanburg can attend. Everyone starts streaming early for the festival. Before the festival starts, Quackity Tubbo and Fundy (and ranboo? I'm not sure who was there originally), have a meeting about how they're going to kill Dream.
They talk about how Dream trusts Tubbo so Tubbo is going to have to be the one to do it. That they've become sort of friends since Tommy was exiled. Tubbo agrees, still slightly doubtful that it would work. Tubbo says that Dream agreed to show up with no armor to for the first time ever, honor lmanburgs laws.
The meeting ends and they start the festival, talking about how Dream said he would be a little late.
Tommy and Techno at this point have been planning how they're going to ruin the festival (and get back Tommy's disc from Dream). They know that Dream will show up, but they don't know how they'll fight him without him escaping. (Ranboo finds them on the outskirts of lmanburg and tells them that Dream agreed to show up in no armor? possibly?) That sparks that they can hide around lmanburg and ambush Dream when he's at the festival. Tommy and Techno improv and mess around while trying to build an "ambush spot" (all of this is sort of unimportant to the plot so can be adjusted to make funnier/better streams for those two).
Tommy and Techno start streaming about 30 minutes after the others.
After some festival activities have been done, Dream shows up in full armor, placing obsidian again in a wall formation. Everyone sees him and runs over confused about what's happening.
They hop in a call with dream (techno and tommy join too but tell eachother to be quiet before joining.) Dream starts screaming about what Tommy did and how he really screwed up this time (tommy is kind of afraid and is looking at techno for assurance), and everyone is confused about what Tommy did, especially tubbo. Dream yells about the fact that Tommy destroyed the community house, the longest standing structure on the server, and how he has to pay for it. Quackity and the others don't believe it and decide to go look with Dream. (Techno and Tommy follow stealthily behind (invis), no one should see them).
Sapnap and anyone else from the original Dream SMP can log on now or already be on and come over to see. (Awesam, Callahan, George(probably not), Sapnap, BadBoyHalo, Punz)
They stand in front of the shattered remains and everyone is shocked that Tommy would do this, and upset. Everyone is insisting that Tommy really screwed up and that it's horrible.
Tubbo agrees but insists that he and lmanburg had nothing to do with it. Dream says that as long as Tubbo has one of the discs, he has everything to do with Tommy. Tubbo seems shocked and thinks about what Dream said. All of the Dream SMP original members agree and are talking about how he should give it so they can burn it once and for all. Tubbo is reluctant but seems to agree that Tommy keeps doing things that would put lmanburg in danger, so he doesn't want association.
He seems like he is about to give the disc, so Tommy reveals himself (techno too) and gets into a screaming match with Tubbo about it.
--Tommy and tubbo fill in what happens here, but it's a big argument and fight probably mostly improv-
Eventually after both nearly dying, Tommy realizes that he's fighting his best friend and stops. Tubbo is angry and gives the disc quickly to Dream, saying that it's just a stupid disc. Tommy is hurt by that but realizes that he's been blinded and has lost friends because of it. Tommy realizes that Dream now has both of his discs, and that they're back at square one.
Dream has an evil speech about how Tubbo is an idiot and that he never should have given him the disc. That Tubbo was never the president of L'manburg, but that everyone else had more control than him of his own country, even Dream. That he's the worst president because he was no president at all. Expose Ranboo as a traitor that has been working with Techno and Tommy, and that he can't even keep control of his own people. Give Tubbo the book with proof. That l'manburg is weaker than it's ever been, and that the only thing stopping Dream from completely destroying l'manburg was the fact that Tubbo had the discs and so Dream had to befriend him.
Now there's nothing stopping Dream from completely obliterating l'manburg. Everyone seems shocked and tries to talk Dream down, but Dream screams and tells everyone to shut up. Everyone goes completely silent. Dream asks Techno if he has any withers left. Techno responds basically like "oh do III" because he has so many.
--Techno should add more here so he has more of a role-
Dream announces that tonight is the final night of l'manburg forever. That he and Techno will finish the job that Wilbur started, and that l'manburg will be blown all the way to bedrock at (TIME, the next day). He tells everyone to say their last goodbyes, and to not try and stop him because Techno and him will kill every last one of them.
Dream leaves.
Everyone is left in shock, (maybe techno has some funny monologue here like it's awkward that I just left him there with everyone or something)
No one knows what to say. They realize that Dream has gone completely insane and that he has to be stopped. (techno is gone by now) They realize that Dream made a mistake by telling them the time, and they decide that they will all plan to work together and stop them. If all of the server fights together they can beat Techno and Dream. They get hyped about it and Tommy and Tubbo agree to fight together, despite having 1 canon life, that they're willing to put their lives on the line for l'manburg. They kind of have a reunion.
--Possibly Tommy leaves or ends here?-
Quackity seems blood thirsty and wants to punish Ranboo for conspiring with them and being a traitor. Tubbo disagrees and Quackity and tubbo get into an argument, Quackity insists that he HAS to execute him because he was a traitor. Tubbo gets mad and flips out on Quackity insisting that he's not going to be like Schlatt and execute him next to his own festival decorations (call back), that they need to ALL be together, ALL of them, otherwise they will lose to Techno and Dream. As long as he agrees to fight, he will fight with them. Quackity still seems to disagree, Tubbo puts his foot down and mentions what Dream said. That everyone else always pushed him around, but no HE'S the president, and his word is final, anyone who goes against it is committing treason. Quackity reluctantly agrees, but says that what Tubbo said doesn't mean they can't deal with the traitors after they stop Techno and Dream.
-End of this stream-
Bullet points for Tommy-
Starts Stream a little after Tubbo and the others start.
Plan to go to l'manburg to ruin the festival
Show up at l'manburg, with lots of invis potions, investigate what's happening
Dream shows up, join VC secretly Hear Dream freak out about the community house, seem confused, follow them.
Once Tubbo seems like he's going to give up the disc, tommy interjects
Fight tubbo
Give up on fighting tubbo and realize that you're fighting your best friend
Listen to Dream evil speech
After Dream/Techno leaves, convince everyone to work together. Talk about putting your life on the line for l'manburg.
Bullet points for Techno-
Start Stream a little after Tubbo and the others start.
Plan to go to l'manburg to ruin the festival
Show up at l'manburg, with lots of invis potions, investigate what's happening
Dream shows up, join VC secretly Hear Dream freak out about the community house, seem confused, follow them.
Once Tubbo seems like he's going to give up the disc, tommy interjects
Fight tubbo
Give up on fighting tubbo and realize that you're fighting your best friend
Listen to Dream evil speech
Join in when Dream asks if you have withers, *whatever else you want here*
After Dream leaves, awkwardly leave and head back to your house
Dream is there and Techno & Dream briefly talk about what they're going to do, Techno shows Dream the wither room
Bullet points for l'manburg-
Start Stream a little before the festival
Have meeting with cabinet about killing Dream, how Tubbo should be the one to do it because he's trusted.
Start the festival, Dream said he would show up a little later.
Dream shows up in full armor and is building an obsidian wall.
Realize and run over pissed off. Join his VC (don't see tommy / techno)
Listen to Dream, then go see the community house
Be mad at Tommy
Tubbo fights with Tommy after almost giving up his disc
Fight ends, Tubbo gives the disc to Dream to end war
Listen to Dream evil speech
Ranboo was a traitor for Techno/Tommy
After Dream/Techno leaves, Tubbo and Tommy convince people to work together. They talk about putting their lives on the line for l'manburg.
Quackity wants Ranboo executed
Tubbo puts his foot down and insists that he will not be doing that, that he's president.
Bullet Points for original DreamSMP members:
After l'manburg and dream show up at the community house(it's blown up), show up and seem upset and distressed that it was blown up. That it was the oldest artifact on the server and it had a lot of memories.
Follow Dream's lead, mostly agreeing with what he says.
Once Dream brings up the disc that Tubbo has, insist that it be burned and turned over by Tubbo.
Once Tubbo turns over the disc, Dream gives and evil speech
Realize that Dream is taking it too far and l'manburg's a part of history and is a free country
Follow Tommy/Tubbo's lead, talk about how you guys can stop Dream and Techno if you all work together
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nartml · 17 days
I have literally never seen a fandom that so collectively misunderstands everyone and everything about a show they insist is goated like the Naruto fandom does
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marigraphia · 4 months
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Hey remember when Kory was a Justice League member with a bangin' costume
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a-n-i-m-a-t-i-o-n · 2 months
Rough animation and cleanup for a cut scene from Treasure Planet. Source: Treasure Planet 2003 DVD Overview
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totalvarsitymoves · 1 year
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violent138 · 4 months
It'd be quite cool if Alfred was a universal donor and often saves the lives of one of the Bats when they're bleeding out.
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