#never occurred at all. But even that raises the question: is it better to kill someone and spend the rest of your life regretting it
twilightarcade · 3 months
huge fan of married in red's lack of winning and losing and heroes n villains yknow
#wordstag#would make an intelligent post but I don't think I have it in me. Huge fan of investigrave games in general story wise#haven't played all of them (fake fan) but the ones I have played are just tied up enough to feel satisfying#yet still have room for interpretation yknow? They're self contained.#anyways back on topic. Crazy game. No mater how it ends no one is happy yknow ? I think it's a matter of basic reading comprehension#but let's entertain the high school English teachers for a moment. Would be better if the events in the game#never occurred at all. But even that raises the question: is it better to kill someone and spend the rest of your life regretting it#or spend your whole life fantasizing about killing someone? Would really be better if everyone just moved on but that's not how it goes; is#it? But in any case the game always ends in heartbreak. Every ending is after the death of the husband. Horrible world.#endings where bok-su is arrested? da-jeongs wedding is still ruined. Da-jeong is forced to look back to years ago#and consider how that one betrayal led to this. If only she kicked out bok-su while she had the chance.#regardless of the ending though that reflection is a common thread . With bok-su it's a question of does da-jeong deserve this?#in the moment the obvious question is yes. But we all saw the true end; no? Maybe there doesn't need to be mutually assured destruction#maybe. Just maybe. We don't have to destroy the life of someone who destroyed ours. Because you know what it's like; no?#to have everything taken away from you. To be reduced to a murderous criminal; unworthy of relations.#or whatever idk. I'm only 2 years old. Anyway we're gonna bake some mochi
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dvthomir · 2 months
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Synopsis; you’ve always been fascinated by dragons, admiring them from afar but never dared to get close until your friend, Rhaenyra decided to change that.
Pairing; Rhaenyra Targaryen x reader
This is so self indulgent but Milly’s Rhaenyra is so dear to me <3
Ever since you could remember, you had a fascination for dragons, but in all honesty, how could you not? They were majestic creatures, beautiful and terrifying by their sizes. You had heard and read many tales about them, the battles they fought and won along with their riders, the riderless dragons and some old myths.
One of your favorite pastimes was watching the dragons fly, it didn’t exactly occur everyday but whenever you had the opportunity to watch them in the sky, you enjoyed it. Never really daring to come closer to the dragonpit, you hadn’t gotten near a dragon yet, and it wasn’t something you minded, as beautiful they were, they were equally terrifying.
It was amusing really, how your friend Rhaenyra, would tell you about her flights atop her dragon, Syrax. The way she talked about her dragon, you would never think she was this impressively big and tough creature which could kill you in the blink of an eye if willing to.
But honestly, the most amusing part about all this was that you, who never dared to approach the dragons you saw and were fascinated by, had befriended a Targaryen, whose House was represented by dragons and were known to ride them.
Rhaenyra was amused by your fear of dragons and had teased you about it many times, but never to make fun of you- she understood why people feared dragons when they weren’t born or grew up around them. The Princess tried a couple of times to bring you to the dragonpit, she tried to convince you, even bribe you but she would never force you.
She would love to give you a ride on her dragon’s back, she wanted to share this part of her with you but would wait until you would be ready to meet Syrax. Deep down, she was convinced that one day, you two would fly above the Sea together.
Sitting in your favorite spot, you were safely admiring from afar the Dragonpit, as you had gotten here later than usual, you wondered if Rhaenyra had already left with her dragon. Watching her pet Syrax before flying away was what you enjoyed watching the most, the Princess’ bond with her dragon was beautiful.
In a way, they were similar and maybe, that was why their bond seemed to be so special- both of them were majestic and tough, while also being kind, as kind as a dragon could get obviously. You hadn’t gotten to hear Rhaenyra speaks Valyrian many times, but the few times you did, you had been subjugated, the language you didn’t understand rolled off her tongue so smoothly, you could’ve listened to her speak this foreign language for the whole day.
“ What could possibly make my dear friend smile?” questioned a voice- the voice you loved to hear the most as she sat down next to you.
“ My apologies Princess, I was lost in my thoughts.”
Rhaenyra scrunched up her nose, hearing her title, you always liked to use her title here and there- it suited her so well, “ you know I like Nyra better when I’m with you.”
“ I know, but Princess suits you so well, I’m enjoying using it while I can, one day you’ll be Queen Rhaenyra.”
“ If that was to happen, I’d still be Nyra to you.”
You smiled fondly, hearing that no matter her title or position in the hierarchy, your relationship wouldn’t change, “ and I’d always be by your side.”
A comfortable silence settled between the two of you, it was something you deeply enjoyed with Rhaenyra- you didn’t always have to talk to enjoy each other company.
Her hand gently rested on top of yours, earning your attention as you raised a brow at her sudden gesture- not that you minded, the Princess gave you a sheepish smile, “ would you do me the honor to visit Syrax with me today?”
“ You know what my answer to this is already.”
“ Please? For your Princess?”
It was always hard to deny her request when it came to accompany her to the dragonpit, you knew how much it would mean to her but your fear always took over you and you just couldn’t agree to do such, “ do you wish to see me make a fool out of myself? I would be terrified this near to Syrax, or any dragon for that matter.”
“ Nonsense! You would never make a fool of yourself. Syrax is a good girl, she will like you.”
“ And if she does not?”
“ She will. And even if she did not, she would never harm you. She knows I care deeply for you.”
Your heart swelled upon hearing these words, you never doubted that Rhaenyra cared about you, but hearing the affirmation was pleasant nonetheless. She meant more than the Seven Kingdoms to you and you hoped she was aware of it.
As you remained quiet for a little bit, Rhaenyra took it as a silent agreement, that you finally gave in- which wasn’t really the case, but seeing how the Princess’ face lit up as she bounced off the place she was sitting next to you, you didn’t have the heart to tell her she misunderstood.
And there you were, minutes later, walking in the dragonpit, the very place you swore to never walk into- but seeing how excited she was for you to finally meet Syrax, it was endearing and giving you enough bravery to not cower away at the very last moment.
“ Do not hesitate to tell me if you are too scared, the last thing I’d want is for you to keep a bad memory from this meeting.”
You were already scared and apprehending meeting the dragon, so much that you knew words would fail you if you attempted to talk- all you could offer was a thankful nod to your friend, appreciating that she was willing to let you back out if it was your wish, at any moment.
As Rhaenyra called out for Syrax, your heart was pounding in your chest and breathing became harder for you- the dragon was huge, bigger than you imagined when you’d see her from afar but she was also way prettier than what you expected. Syrax didn’t show any sign of distrust as she came closer as Rhaenyra was by your side.
“ Do you trust me, my dear?”
It was such a simple question, and you couldn’t even begin to think if you trusted her- it was impossible to imagine not trusting Rhaenyra. If you hadn’t been so intimidated by the dragon standing in front of your very eyes, maybe you would’ve realized she didn’t ask this randomly, “ of course I do, with my life.”
Rhaenyra’s hand found yours, the same way it did when you were both sitting at the place you enjoyed to watch the dragons from. You didn’t exactly register your friend’s intention yet, believing it was just to reassure you.
“ Rytsas, Syrax. Bisa iksos Y/N, issa jorrãelagon raqiros, ziry iksos zūgagon yn jãhor gaomagon daor ōdrikagon.”
Not understanding a single word Rhaenyra had just said, you were left mesmerized by the way she so gently spoke to the dragon whom huffed as if to reply to her rider. However, you could kind of imagine what your friend said to Syrax when the Princess smiled warmly at you and placed your hand against Syrax’ yellow scales.
It was terrifying really, you froze right there, not sure what you should do or not do, but as terrified as you were, you were also marveled by the dragon- she didn’t seem to dislike your touch or even mind it, allowing your hand to stay on her. You dared to do something you never thought off and slowly moved your hand against her scales, essentially petting the creature.
“ She’s beautiful.”
A smile spread across Rhaenyra’s face as she heard your statement, when you looked at her, her eyes were shining bright with happiness, “ she is, indeed!”
“ What did you tell her?” you couldn’t help your curiosity, you wished you could understand High Valyrian to share the language with the Princess and speak it with her freely.
“ I told Syrax your name and that you were scared but meant no harm.”
It made sense this was what she told her dragon, in a way, this had been a sort of presentation, to know you weren’t a threat. You nodded to your friend’s explanation, you were still amazed to be so close to a dragon, albeit not as scared as you had been right before meeting Syrax.
“ Would you perhaps like to fly with me?”
The Princess’ question was just as hopeful as her eyes were as she asked this, and you just couldn’t bring yourself to say no to her, “ promise me we will not fly too high?”
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websterss · 2 years
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SUMMARY: You still have hard time dealing with the aftermath that occured in Amber’s house. You have the scars to prove it. The ever lasting nightmares that never seem to fade. You tried your best to cope with everything, yet you only knew how to do that with your good ole pal named alcohol.
WARNING(S): SPOILERS, alcohol consumption. cussing again. Fluff, Some angst, mentions of murder, blood, slight gore towards the end???
PAIRING: Ethan Landry x fem!Reader    
A/N: Hope you enjoy it! Feedback is always welcomed!
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The party was in full swing. The music blaring through the speakers set up in the living room. Classmates and crashers making a typical night club look like amateurs. Everyone was having a blast...including you.
“Badda-da-dah, badda-da-bah-bah. Coming out'cha mouth with'cha blah, blah, blah. Zip your lip like a padlock. And meet me in the back with the Jack at the jukebox. I don't really care where you live at. Just turn around boy, let me hit that.” You make a spanking dance motion. “Don't be a little bitch with your chit chat. Just show me where your di-” You began to sing, more like shout, but Ethan is more than perplexed on how you knew word for word.
“Okay!” Ethan placed his hand over your mouth, you muffled against his palm complaining. “Don’t know how you know all the words, but I think you’ve had enough.” He stares at you like you’ve grown two heads. He takes your red cup, taking a whiff of it, then immediately gagging. “What the hell is in this?” He leaned in closer so you’d be able to hear him. You pout, shrugging your shoulders as you start to groove to the music playing again.
“Something Anika whipped up...” You wave him off, trying to get the drink from his hands. You manage to do just that as you sneak in a sip. “I think she spiked it with vodka...” You slur off in thought. Ethan only gapes at you, taking the red cup back.
He looks around then spots a plant to your right. He reaches forward and chucks the drink on it.
“Hey!” You cry out watching your drink be wasted, and practically on its way to killing that poor plant.
“No more.” He gives a slow but firm shake of his head. “I’m gonna get you some water then I’m taking you back to your dorm.” He reaches forward and rubs your arms, up and down. You refuse to let him do so. Your lips downcast into a frown.
“What? No!” You fight against him, trying to remove his hands off you. “It’s not even twelve yet. The party’s still going...” You gesture to everyone around you. “I wanna stay…” You hiccup.
“I just think it’s better we get you home. You were swaying a bit there earlier.” He begins to convince you. “Besides, you were the one that told me to stop you when you steered off too much.” You meet his concerned eyes with a roll of yours. Of course you told him to watch over you. Yeah you had a habit of going off the rails, but you weren’t even close to blacking out, just slightly teetering towards being full on drunk.
“N-No.” You’re whole mood shifts. Your heart feels heavy, trying to find your friends amongst the bodies that were laughing and dancing. “Ethan, I’m not even tired.” You began to argue. He reaches for your hands again but you cross them over your chest. “I’m not tired. I need this.” You declare. “I’m fine-” You push past him only trip over your own feet. If he hadn’t reacted in time you would have fallen face first. Your breath shudders. Your eyes widening as Ethan's. He steadies you into an upright position again. Holding you by the waist as you sway in a place.
“What was that about being fine again?” He emits a faint laugh, but it falls into an unsettled smile.
“You’re such an ass!” You push against his chest, but he doesn’t budge.
“Thought I was your knight in shining armor two hours ago...or did you already forget that you almost stepped into incoming traffic…” He raises his brows in question.
“You know…” You leaned in to whisper in his face. Ethan blinks rapidly as the smell of vodka fanned his face. He mouths a woah, before he gives you his undivided attention. “You’ve been making it a habit of saving me a lot. It’s odd. We barely met a few months back.”
“Well, maybe if you stopped putting yourself in life threatening situations…maybe I wouldn’t need to save you.”
“I’d hardly call- call getting shit faced. Life threatening!” You threw up quota fingers.
“You nearly just face planted!” He scoffs.
“Pish posh.” You groan. “I need another drink…” You pout as you look around trying to scope out Mindy or Chad to save you from Ethan’s hold.
“No, come on I’ll take you home.”
“No…” You squirm against his grip on your waist. “No, you have to check in with Mindy and Chad and Tara.” You gesture loosely to your friends who were nowhere in sight.
“I can shoot them a text.”
“No…Mindy!” You shout, causing Ethan to flinch. “Chad!” It didn’t take long till Chad came into view, Mindy coming up behind him.
“Hey, you okay?” He checks you over then looks at Ethan.
“Ethan wants to uh- wants to take me home, can he?” You swallow your saliva as you lean into his side for support. “D-Do we trust him…yes or no?” You hummed out a giggle.
“Nope.” Mindy rejects the idea immediately.
“Holy fuck you are shit faced.” Chad scoffs in disbelief. Then turns to Ethan.
“Mhmm.” You hummed with your eyes closed shut.
“How much has she had to drink?”
“I lost count after the fourth one she had.” He grimaces as he sets you down on the staircase. You sit with a pout. Chad kneels down in front of you, tapping your face gently as you start to doze off.
“Hey, none of that shit. How much have you had to drink?” He frowns.
“This many...” You hold up five fingers proudly. “Couple shots too, I think...”
“Five! How are you even functioning right now?” Chad exclaims, rubbing a hand over his mouth. “Yeah, okay it’s time for bed princess.” He nods repeatedly. “I’m gonna introduce you to a friend of mine while we’re at it, yeah? His name’s H20, I want you to get familiar with him. Become real good pals. Ethan, get her two water bottles…” He ushers him towards the kitchen.
“Two, go!” He points him off.
“You have a friend named- H20?” You squint at Chad with confusion.
“And that’s how I know you’ve had too much to drink.”
“I thought you said you were gonna lay off tonight?” Mindy raises a brow at you.
“Oops.” Your eyes widen at her.
Ethan comes back rather quickly. He takes a seat next to you, uncapping one bottle for you then handing it over before making sure you have a good grip on it.
“What’s this…” You slur looking at the drink in your hand.
“It’s your best friend. Drink it!” Chad pushes your hand gently towards your face. Though the movement only makes you chuckle.
“You have a friend named H20.” You throw your head back. Ethan and Chad exchange a glance at each other with a sigh.
“Hey, shit face.” You look down at Chad loosely, your pupils dilated. “Ethan’s gonna take you home okay. You hear me?” He tilts his head to try and meet your eyes. “You can’t stay.” Chad shakes his head.
“Why do I need to go home?” You whine.
“Cause you’re fucking wasted.” Chad mocks you.
“So unfair...” You pout.
“You know what’s unfair. Having to look after your drunk ass every time we go to a party. Would it kill you to drink responsibly?”
“You deal with your trauma. I’ll deal with mine...With alcohol.” Your eyes follow a bottle a guy has and steal it from his hands as he passes by. The dude exclaims as you turn away from his glare. Yet before the alcohol can reach your watering mouth. It’s yanked out of your grip.
“Seriously?” Chad scolds you.
“One sip...” You pinch your fingers together.
“No, go home. Ethan's gonna make sure you get to your dorm okay.”
“I hate you, you know that. You’re such a fucking buzz kill.” You cross your arms.
“Love you too, stupid.” He leans in and pecks your temple, then lightly taps the side of your face. You’re startled awake again. He replaces your empty hand with that of one of the water bottles. “Here’s some H20, please get acquainted on your way to the door.” He gestures to the front entrance. He sighs, then looks to Ethan. “Please make sure she doesn’t return, and gets some actual rest.” Chad gives you a pointed look. Ethan and Chad coddle you, help you stand but you were having none of it.
“My heroes...” You smile sarcastically, then push past them, hands up by your face as you exclaim. “I can walk on my own dammit!”
“Oh, Miss Independent can walk now. What a fucking miracle!” Chad laughs as you push through the party to get to the front door. 
“Fuck you Chad!” You flip him off.
“Look after her...please.” Chad’s shoulders slump. He runs a hand down his face. Hands at his hips as he watches you shove innocent bystanders aside. “Make sure she doesn’t try and kill anyone while you’re at it.”
“You think she’d kill someone?” Ethan’s eyes widened, perplexed as he watched someone fall at your hands.
“I wouldn’t put it past her...” Chad winces.
“Move dumbass!” You shove a guy to the ground.
“Go, go!” Chad pushes Ethan towards you.
“Yeah, yup!” Ethan’s foot slides, then hurries off after you.
“I still don’t trust him...” Mindy watches Ethan leave.
“You don’t trust anyone sis.”
Ethan was quite impressed by how fast you were moving in your heeled boots. Ten people knocked onto their asses and three shoves later you were nearing the campus. You had a good few feet in front of him as he continued running after you. He tried his best but he had a bad habit of being polite, helping everyone you pushed, only further increasing the distance between you and him. He had to hold you up early since you were off balance and could barely stand. However, now, you were walking perfectly fine in your three inch heeled boots. You were incredibly remarkable. “Y/n wait up!” 
You eventually decided to let up and halt in place. Your arms crossed over your chest as you looked over your shoulder towards Ethan, who failed miserably to keep up with your pace. It felt like you were the one walking yourself home rather than Ethan, as opposed to Chad making him promise to look after you. Your relaxed features and bored demeanor made him shake his head as he tried to catch his breath.
“How are you upright?” He gave you an incredulous look.
“I’m just walking...” You shrug.
“You-” He swallowed down his saliva, hands on his knees. You rolled your eyes as he motioned to give him a second. You let your hands flop down to your sides. “You walk fast in those.” He reached down and patted your black boots.
“Yeah and?” You raise an eyebrow. “Ethan, how are you out of breath?” You gesture to his curled over form. 
“I don’t know...” He heaves out. He stays this way for a minute till a water bottle is shoved in his face as he’s hunched over. He turns to look at your extended hand with the second water bottle. He shakes his head, denying the drink clearly meant for you.
“Take it!” You push your hand towards him again.
“No, it was for you. I’m okay.” He places his hands over his head to help him breathe easier.
“I always sober up with one Ethan...I’m pretty sure this one was meant for you.” You chuckle as he starts to put two and two together. He closes his eyes.
“He knew?” His chest rises and falls. “How could he have known?” He finds it hard to believe. He graciously takes the water and chugs in down, the remaining sips he splashes over his face. 
“Cause it’s routine...” You give a small smile with a shrug. “It was usually Wes who did this sort of thing though. Walk me home and stuff. He couldn’t keep up either.” You chuckle as Ethan dried his face with the collar of his shirt.
“Wes…Is he the one that- Your-“ Ethan paused. The implication of whether he was the one who had died was clear. You nod to lessen his confusion.
“Yeah…” Your breathing gets shaky. “Look Ethan you’re gonna see a variety of versions of myself. Some nice, some stable, some ugly, some messy, and some right out stupid.” You gesture off behind him. “That was messy…This is messy.” You motion up and down at yourself. Your black thin flowy dress swivels with your movement. “I like to drink my problems away and I know it’s not a healthy way to deal with the shit that’s happened to me, but it frees me!” Your eyes begin to water. “It’s a bad escape, I know that because it could lead to so much worse than trying to sober me up. I tend to go overboard, and I know it’s not your responsibility, but I just want to say thank you. For stepping in and cutting me off…” Your voice trembles. “You shouldn’t have to take care of me, or save me from stupidly walking into oncoming traffic on accident. You shouldn’t have to…but you do. So thank you.”
Ethan’s heart clenches as a tear slips down your cheek. He didn’t know the full extent of how bad it really was for you. Surely the group gave brief examples of how you got, but letting yourself be vulnerable in front of him, had him rethinking his family's plans. You were hurting enough as it was, this would only had onto it. Despite losing his brother, now knowing how fucked up almost getting murdered messed you up, he wanted to do everything in his power to see you smile again. To take over Wes’s role in watching and taking care of you. You watched as he patted his pockets and dug into his front left one. White folded squares came into your view. Ethan stepped closer to hand them to you.
“I have tissues. Well, three tissues…” He let out with a nervous laugh. His smile grew as your face lit up. You scoff in disbelief, yet a smile remains plastered on your face.
“Of course you do…” You chide. You bring them up to your eyes to pat at your waterline. You do this a couple times until Ethan reaches forward to wipe a spot you missed. No smears or smudges from your mascara anymore as he caressed your cheek with his thumb gently. Your doe-like eyes soften as he lets his hand fall back down to his side. “Thanks.”
“No problem.” He grins.
You hold your right arm with your left as your eyes wander. Catching sight of other students and adults passing by the two of you in the middle of the courtyard. All dressed in various recognizable outfits from some movies you liked. Though the only unrecognizable costume you couldn’t quite put your finger on was that of Ethan’s cardboard get up. Your eyes rake up and down him, then quickly look away when he catches you staring. He grows shy as he looks down at himself.
“What?” You look back up at him, trying your best not to laugh at him.
“What was that look?” He nervously chuckles. 
“What look? I wasn’t giving you a look.” You deny it.
“Yeah, you were. What is it? Do I have something on me or-”
“No, no, no it’s not that.” You put your hands out, stopping his fussing.
“Then what’s wrong?”
“I uh-” You tilt your head, eyes furrowed as you take a step back to observe him. “What the fuck are you even supposed to be?” This time you can’t contain your fits of laughter.
“What?” His eyes widened. He looks down at himself again, then grabs hold of his helmet. “I’m uh- I’m a knight. I thought it was obvious...” He looks over his costume again. 
“No kidding...” You tilt your head to the left this time. Hoping the change of angle would make his costume appear more flattering. 
“I look stupid huh?” He takes the helmet off. Guilt eats you up as he tries to avoid your eyes. “You think I look stupid don’t you?”
“No, no....” You trail off trying to come up with something to say. Ethan waits patiently, but rolls his eyes, his arms flopping down to his sides at your lack of response.
“Great.” He nods. 
“No, I promise. You don’t look, stupid. I just wasn’t sure what you were trying to be is all...” You step forward and touch his arms in reassurance. “It’s cute!” You offer a smile, but that doesn’t seem to satisfy him.
“Wasn’t trying to look cute...” He picks the helmet up and kicks it a few feet away. You stare at him, jaw slacked in shock. You hurry over and pick up the helmet before anyone can crush it. The click of your heels causes him to look up at your approaching figure. You do your best to wipe off collecting dirt off the cardboard. You blow onto it and begin to fully inspect his creation. Apart from being cardboard made. His attention to detail was impressive. Your fingertips follow the outline of the carved out visor. Your smile grows as you take in the effort he put into his costume. 
“When’d you make this?” You look up to meet his timid demeanor. 
“Two days before the party...Chad didn’t exactly give me a heads up.” He chews on his bottom lip.
“Two days...” Your eyes grow in amazement. You look back down at the helmet in your hands. Your caress over the visor then turn to place his helmet back over his face. An impressed smirk over your features, as you turn it a slight bit so it was aligned properly. “There...The costume is complete again.” Ethan thinks you're gonna pull away but when you stay in place, your hands slide down to his chest. He hopes then and there you don’t hear the increase in his heartbeats.
“So you don’t-” He swallows down his saliva. “You don’t think my costume’s stupid?”
“I think that...if anyone fails to see the effort you put into it, then they won’t appreciate it as much as they should.”
“You appreciate it?” He mutters out softly.
“More so than pizza guy coming this way.” You beam at him, then turn your heads, watching a group of friends in full body slip on costumes. The hotdog man got to you. You and Ethan turn away to stifle your laughs. 
“Thanks. Really, helps my confidence.” He nods in appreciation.
“Hey, you should be proud of this costume. You made it yourself.” You pat his cardboard chest armor. “There’s an actual thought process behind it...It’s sweet.” 
“Yeah?” He narrows his brows at you with a faint smile.
“Well, then you’d be the first to think so...Harry Potter girl didn’t think so.” He emits a half hearted laugh. Your heart sinks for a second. 
“A girl dressed as Harry Potter rejected you. In this get up?” You gawk at him in shock.
“Yeah, we don’t need to talk about it-” Ethan closes his eyes.
“Where is she?” You start looking around as a joke. Your stomach flutters hearing him chuckle at your antics. “I wanna have a word with her about her lack of taste in men. Dressed as Harry Potter...We do not claim her.” Ethan shakes his head, and nudges your arms to bring your focus back to him. You grow quiet from the close proximity of you two. You can’t help but mutter. “She should be ashamed...” Your eyes flicker to his lips then his eyes. Ethan seems to get your hint and starts to lean in slowly. You gather his hesitation and lean in the rest of the way to press your lips against his. For never having a girlfriend he wasn’t as bad a kisser as you thought he’d be. Ethan curls over a bit to deepen the kiss. His hands slowly sliding from holding your waist, to holding your neck, to cupping one side of your face. You let out a small gasp as he pulls away. You chase after his lips not wanting to break away just yet, even if your lungs burned. Ethan only continues to push you away slightly. The shake of his head causing you to open your eyes, a frown painting on your lips.
“You’ve been drinking, we shouldn’t. You’re not thinking straight...” He pressed his head against yours. The helmet creates a barrier between you, but it hardly bothers you. Your both breathless, chests rising and falling.  
“M-My intentions are sober, Landry.” You try to lean in again, but Ethan is quite adamant on not further continuing the kiss you’ve shared. “Ethan?” Your shoulders slump.
“I want to!” He exclaims, he steps back and takes his helmet off. “Trust me I do...” He reassures you as you cross your arms over your chest. Feeling silly and embarrassed, but he stops your doubts. “Just not like this, okay? Not when you had a lot to drink.”
“I’m fine!” You laugh out in disbelief. 
“You’re drunk.” He gestures to you. You uncross your arms, your mood shifting. “Let’s just get you home okay. Let me walk you to your dorm...” He extends his arm out to you. Palm opened and waiting. “Please...” He tilts his head a bit. He felt shitty enough that he stopped the kiss, but he didn’t want to do it this way. You were hesitant to take his hand, but Ethan sighs in relief when you place yours in his palm. He curls his hand around yours tightly, and walks you home in silence. 
When you had opened the door to your room. You flipped on the lights and started removing your shoes. You looked around, your roommate wasn’t here, which felt odd to you, considering she herself wasn’t as much as a party person. You catch sight of a blue sticky note stuck to your desk lamp. It read. “Y/n gone out with a few friends 2nite, don’t wait up. P.s. I can’t find my room key...Great.” You read out loud. Throwing the note in the trash. “Guess, I’ll have to leave it open.” You say to yourself, but Ethan hears you.
Ethan stands by the door. His eyes shifted to the furthest end of the hallway nervously. Not that you had picked up on it. You remove your jewelry next, then turn to Ethan, who had refused to pass the threshold. 
“You can come in. You don’t need to just stand there ya know.” You emit a faint laugh, eyes furrowed at his closed off body language. His hands stuffed in his pockets as he looks back into the hallway. You take notice of the rapid taps of his foot. “Ethan, you okay?”
“Mmm...Oh yeah, yeah!” He turns back to you. Nodding in reassurance. “I should head back anyway.” He gestures over his shoulder. You nod in solemn defeat. The walk was excruciatingly painful, but you figured that he did have a point not to kiss him while intoxicated. You disappear to the left of the room. The corner hiding you as you change. Ethan catches your witch costume flung onto your bed. He readjusts his stance, shaking his head to not let his inner thoughts take over. Yet he’s a guy, and guys are curious. He leans into the room, head tilted in hopes to catch a peek, but he’s startled back into place once you round the corner again, clad in pajamas. Well, it was really just a Blackmore University shirt, and short bottoms. Ethan’s eyes widened, growing flustered by your bare legs. He looks down as you approach him with a timid smile. It was quite a refreshing sight, to see all your armor come off. Like he finally had a glimpse at the real you. You lean in and press a kiss to his cheek. He grows red, as he looks up at you through his eyelashes. He gives a faint laugh then stands tall. He taps the top of your doorway and begins to bid you a goodbye.
“Get some sleep okay, and definitely drink more water.” He informs you. You nod nonchalantly.
“I still need to take my makeup off...” You look into the hallway now. Remembering the bathroom was down the hallway. Essentially where Ethan was trying to avoid looking towards. “God I don’t want to but I need to.” You rub your eyes tiredly. “Anyway, thank you again.” You laugh. “You have truly been my knight in shining armor tonight...” You pat his chest again. “I had fun tonight and I’m sorry for the-'' You get cut off by his lips that leaned in and pressed against yours. He pulls back slowly, the kiss still lingering, and your mind barely processing. You scoff out in disbelief. “I thought you said-”
“I couldn’t leave without doing that.” 
“I’ll call you tomorrow.” You promised. You lean in this time pressing a sweet kiss on him. He gets lost in the kiss and before he knows it you shove him further into the hall to the adjacent wall. His back hits it, his chest rising and falling. You hold off on wanting to pull him back inside your room, but you knew you shouldn’t. Ethan’s words echoing in your mind. “Get home safe, dork.” You smile at him, then slowly close the door. Your back pressed up against it as you raised your fingertips up to your lips. A giddy grin decorating your face now. Ethan composes himself and walks up to your door. He hesitates to knock, but does it anyway. You grow confused and go to open it, but yelp as it’s pulled shut. “What the fuck!” You exclaim, wide eyed. “E-Ethan?”
“Lock it!” He says through the door.
“The door, lock it!” 
“Don’t leave it open tonight, lock it.”
“Ethan, you’re scaring me.” You go to pull it open again, but the grip on it has you growing nervous. He won’t let up on his grip.
“Just do it!” Once it hears the click of the lock, he lets go. “I gotta go!” He gulps nervously. “I’ll explain later okay, just keep it locked okay. I gotta go.” He gives a tap to the door and you see his shadow walk away underneath the door. You’re left standing there confused as fuck and scared. What the hell was that?
Ethan walked off in haste down the hallway. He kept looking behind him and when he finally rounded the corner where he saw a glimpse of black earlier, he gripped the robe and slammed the person against the wall. The person let out a groan, and slid down the carpeted floor. Ethan glared down at them as he waited for the ghostface mask to come off. It wasn’t long till he was met with Quinn’s annoyed face.
“What the fuck?” She stands up and shoves him.
“Plans off tonight...” Ethan shook his head. 
“What the fuck do you mean its off? You said you were gonna get her alone tonight. That’s why we plotted this whole shit in the first place...” She looks over at him and sees the shift in his demeanor. He wouldn’t meet her eyes. “Holy shit! You didn’t?” Quinn brings her knife up to point accusatory at him. “You fucking dumbass. You got attached. What the fuck did we say about getting close to the oth-”
“We kissed!” Ethan exclaimed. “I kissed her!”
“You’re fucking pathetic…” Quinn rolls her eyes. “I’m not gonna find her room unlocked am I?” She sneers at him. “You stupid fuck!”
“I’m not gonna let you kill her.” Ethan stands his ground. “Not her.” Ethan frowns.
“You fucking like her. That’s why you keep going out with them.” Quinn shakes her head.
“Tell dad she’s off the list. Not her. Quinn, I’m begging you, don’t fucking hurt her. If you do I’m gonna fucking kill you.” He glares down at her. “Not her.”
“You completely screwed up tonight's plans, you know that right? It would’ve been nice to have a heads up. Like you need to tell us when you just suddenly decide to ditch the plans we made...” Quinn pouts. Stomping her foot as she lets her arms fall to her sides. “Like what the fuck am I gonna do with her now?” Quinn and Ethan then look over to your very dead and brutally stabbed roommate next to her on the ground. The blue carpet staining red very fast. 
“Shit…” Ethan runs a hand down his face as he looks around the halls. 
“You need to say shit within reason, dumbass.” She slaps him upside the head. “This is why you don’t make the plans!”
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theemissuniverse · 11 months
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SUMMARY : You always try to impress Kenshi (CONTEXT BECAUSE Y’ALL ARE GONNA COMMENT IT this is before Kenshi gets blind. So shut up) but he is not impressed by you
A/N : I’m lowkey bad at writing Kenshi so this is gonna be the last time I write a full fic about him for awhile
WARNINGS : none. I think
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You didn’t believe you were anything remarkable.
You admitted that you were a lazy individual. That you barely wanted to put in the work. That you didn’t care about being the best.
It was always stuck in your mind from the dawn of time that you weren’t anything special by your family. There was nothing remarkable pertaining you.
That’s why you couldn’t understand why Liu Kang chose you of all people. Even Johnny Cage was a better fit than you. Any time you questioned Liu Kang he would just say, “time will tell.”
You never had motivation for anything. Especially because no one in your life had ever told you that they were proud of you.
At the moment the only thing at this academy that mattered was the people you were surrounded by.
Kenshi wasn’t necessarily naive but he didn’t really see you having a crush on him. I mean, he just didn’t think that he was your type so the thought never occurred to him.
You were glad of it too. You would be completely embarrassed if Kenshi had found out about the crush you had on him.
At the academy, your fellow Earthrealm friends: Johnny, Kung Lao, and Raiden noticed your crush. Johnny and Kung Lao would tease you about it while Raiden told them to stop torturing you but also encouraged you to just go for it.
“There goes your boyfriend.” Johnny said to you. A little too loud for Kenshi to hear.
When Kenshi walked over to you, he raised a brow and smiled. “Boyfriend?”
You started to nervously laugh. “He meant boy…that’s also a friend. He’s a little lost.”
“Sure…” Kung Lao mumbled which caused Raiden to hit him on the shoulder. “Ow!”
Kenshi gave Kung Lao a look before taking a water bottle from the table. “You guys are strange..” He told the four of you before walking away.
You watched him walk away and the turned your attention to Johnny with a glare. “Great. Now he thinks I’m strange. Thanks, Johnny.”
Johnny shrugged slightly. “If it means anything, I’m into strange.”
“And you’re strange yourself so that doesn’t really help your case.” Kung Lao told him.
“Ugh.” You plopped yourself sitting down at the table. “What am I going to do?”
“You could just make the move yourself and ask him out.” Raiden said as if it were obvious.
You gave him a look. “Do you want me to kill myself, Raiden?”
Raiden scratches the back of his neck. “I suppose not…”
“You just gotta impress him.” Johnny said.
“Impress him?” Kung Lao asked as if he was crazy. “He was in a gang! What more could you impress him with?”
While the three bickered about solutions, an idea came to your mind.
And you were prepared to see it through.
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You and Kung Lao were fighting each other for training but you (as always because you are lazy) were barely trying. Kung Lao was starting to get annoyed with you.
“(Y/N)! How are we suppose to take out bad guys if you’re just pushing and shoving them?”
“Ugh. This is too much work. I need a break.” Kung Lao rolled his eyes but let you. You were panting heavily. You felt as though you were going to pass out.
Kenshi walked by and the sparkle came to your eyes. The idea came to you again. “Hey! Kenshi!” When he heard you call out his name, he turned to look at you. “Watch this.”
Immediately, you grabbed Kung Lao by the shoulders and kneed him in the stomach. You then kicked him in the stomach, making him fall to the ground.
He groaned in pain. Kenshi chuckled but continued to watch. Kung Lao stood up from the ground, furious. “Hey! I wasn’t ready.”
You went to punch Kung Lao but he blocked it. You tried to punch him again but he blocked it too. You grabbed both of his arms and twisted them. You then with both feet, kicked him in the chest and did a backflip in the air before kicking him at his feet.
Kung Lao fell to the ground on his knees and you backhanded him. Making him fall completely down.
Raiden and Johnny stood there in shock as that had been the first time you had actually beaten one of them.
Kenshi nodded a little proud. “Impressive. But I bet you couldn’t do it again.”
He challenged you? You were willing to do anything that was going to impress him.
When you started walking over towards Johnny, he shook his head. “Oh no. I don’t want to-“
You ignored him and pulled him by the arm to bring him to the center. You kicked Johnny by the legs making him bend back.
Then you punched him in his chest with your left hand. With your right hand you grabbed his arm and twisted it. Then you head butted Johnny in the face. Johnny fell to the ground in pain.
This time, Liu Kang had watched and was pleasantly surprised. He stood next to Raiden. “Where did (Y/N) get the motivation?” He asked knowing you hated training and you were very lazy.
“To impress Kenshi, Lord Liu Kang.” Raiden replied.
“Ah. That makes more sense.”
When you had finished with Johnny, he clutched his stomach in pain. “At least you didn’t get my face.” He said in pain.
Kenshi again was impressed but he didn’t want to show it. See, unbeknownst to you, Kenshi wanted what was best for you and wanted you to take training seriously.
So in order to push you harder, he would barely give you your credit. “Interesting…but even I could’ve taken Cage. But I guess challenges aren’t your strong suit.” He said before walking away from you.
You stood there in shock. You were actually mad at him. Kenshi had never treated you like that before.
Raiden saw the look you had. You looked angry and sad at the same time. “Are you sad or angry?” He asked trying to see if he should hug you or give you your space.
Kung Lao and Johnny finally got up from the ground. “I gotta put on a Kenshi costume when I’m near you.” Johnny said while cracking his neck.
“Screw Kenshi.”
Everyone, even Liu Kang turned to look at you in surprise when you said this. “Did I hear that right?” Kung Lao questioned.
“Challenges not being my strong suit?! Oh I’ll show him. He doesn’t know who he’s messing with.” You punched your fist with your hand before walking away.
“This cannot be good.” Johnny said.
Liu Kang was the only one to pick up on what Kenshi was doing and he didn’t mind. As long as you were trying then he didn’t care where your motivation came from.
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Every time you looked at Kenshi it was just filled with rage. Every time. You were not only hurt but felt humiliated. So, you were going to be the best. No matter what.
You started taking training more seriously. You worked out every day. You made sure to concentrate on your inner peace.
But your inner peace was beating Kenshi.
That wasn’t enough though. Beating him just by simple hands was not enough.
You were going to beat him without your sight.
You had been training without using your sight and using your other senses for weeks and you thought you were finally ready.
Today, Kenshi was practicing with the gang and when you had showed up, you saw that Kenshi very easily beat Johnny.
“Is that all you got, Cage?”
You had never noticed how cocky Kenshi actually was and it made you roll your eyes some. You still stepped forward. “I thought Johnny wasn’t a challenge to you.”
Kenshi turned to look at you. When he had looked at you, your attitude was different. You weren’t the girl cracking jokes like Johnny anymore. You were serious. “I just needed a warmup.”
“Glad you had it.” You pulled out a blindfold from your pocket. “Ready for another challenge?”
Kenshi looked at the blindfold in your hand curiously before looking at you. “What might that be?”
You smirked when he asked. “I bet I could beat you blind.”
Kenshi couldn’t help but laugh at the challenge. “I respect you, (Y/N) but you cannot even beat me with your sight. What makes you believe you can beat me blind?”
“Because I have something you don’t.”
“What’s that?”
You placed the blind fold over your eyes. It was now at this point you were completely blind. You then got into your fighting stance. “Skill.”
Kung Lao, Johnny, and Raiden both ‘oohed’ in unison. Kenshi looked interested. He did have faith in your fighting ability but to go as far as you could beat him blind was insane to him.
Kenshi looked over at Liu Kang who seemed interested in this challenge so he turned back to look at you. “Well let’s see.”
He got into his own fighting position. There was complete silence. Kenshi was expecting for himself to throw the first punch but you threw it.
Kenshi blocked the hit. You tried to punch him again but he also blocked it. When you tried to kick him, he grabbed your leg and pushed you off.
He was already impressed. You were actually almost hitting him. Without your sight.
Kenshi tried to hit you but you blocked it. This continued for some time until you landed a hit on him.
You backhanded Kenshi across the face. His whole body swerved around and he felt at his lip. His lip was bleeding.
“No way…” Johnny mumbled. “50 bucks says (Y/N) wins.” He says to Kung Lao.
Kung Lao scoffed. “You’re on.”
Kenshi was severely impressed but he still didn’t think you could beat him. This time he would try harder. He got back in his fighting stance.
He immediately went to hit you. You blocked it. He went to sweep at your feet but you jumped over the motion. That’s when he took the opportunity to kick you in the stomach.
You fell to the ground and groaned in pain. You huffed out of anger. There was no way you were going to let him win.
You did a front flip to land back on your feet. You wiped your nose and motioned for Kenshi to come at you.
Kenshi did. He grabbed your right arm but you flipped him around and made him fall to the ground. He quickly got back up and kicked your right leg. He tried to hit you in the chest but you blocked it.
You did a spin kick and you almost knocked him to the ground. When you went to hit him, he blocked you with his hands. He shoved you away from him.
When Kenshi tried to charge at you, you swept his feet. He fell to the ground. You tried to stomp at him but he rolled the other way. Kenshi got behind you and put you in a headlock.
You elbowed Kenshi in the gut and flipped him over to the ground. You punched him in the chest when he was already down and he hissed out in pain.
Then you placed your foot on his neck. “Give up?”
Kenshi tried to move to see if he could get away from your grip. He couldn’t. Kenshi had actually been beaten by you. Blindfolded by that.
He let out a deep breath and nodded. “I concede.”
You removed your foot from his neck. The thought didn’t occur to you in the slightest what you actually did. You had done something all of them couldn’t.
As you removed your blindfold, your fellow Earthrealm friends walked over to you and cheered you on. “Alright, (Y/N)!” Johnny cheered.
“Very impressive.” Kung Lao stated.
“You did great.” Raiden said.
You looked at all of them confused. You didn’t think you did anything remarkable and you didn’t even do this to even be remarkable to begin with. “What? I didn’t do anything special.”
Johnny gave you a look as Kenshi stood up from the ground. “(Y/N)…you kicked Kenshi’s butt blind folded. You deserve your props.”
At this point, Liu Kang started to walk over toward you. “Johnny Cage is right, (Y/N). You’ve been showing an immense amount of skill these past few weeks.”
You still felt confused. Nobody had ever congratulated you before so the weird feeling in your stomach felt uncomfortable. “I was just doing something I was suppose to do. I’m nothing special.”
That’s when Kenshi stepped in. “You did what everyone couldn’t. You beat me. You did good, (Y/N). I’m proud of you.”
The words ‘proud of you’ snagged on your heart strings. No one ever in your life told you that they were proud of you.
As much as you appreciated it, it came out of Kenshi. The man in your mind, doubted you from the very beginning. You didn’t care to hear those words from him.
You threw the blindfold on the ground and walked away from everyone. They all watched as you disappeared.
Kenshi looked at the back of you confused before turning to his fellow Earthrealmers. “What did I say?”
Raiden saw the look on Kung Lao’s face and he shook his head. “Don’t tell him, Lao.”
“I can’t help it. I’m bad at holding secrets. It makes my stomach hurt.”
Johnny placed a hand on Kung Lao’s shoulder. “I got this.” He then turned to face Kenshi. “(Y/N) has a crush on you. That’s why when you said all that rude stuff about her, she tried so hard to prove you wrong. She did all of this for you. And you…hurt her.”
It all made sense to Kenshi now and he had cursed at himself mentally for not realizing sooner. He did notice you would act a tad bit strange around him but your personality was far different than anyone’s that was there so he just thought it was that.
But he did like you. A lot. That’s why he had done all this in the first place.
“But I do like her. That’s why I said all that stuff. To push her because she was the only one that wasn’t taking it seriously. I was trying to help her.”
“Well…” Kung Lao trailed off. “Congratulations because now you got a blind assassin if you need one but was it worth hurting her like that?”
Kenshi never met to actually hurt you. To push you? Yes. But to hurt your feelings? No. He liked you. He liked everything about you. Your awkwardness, your smile, your laugh, your jokes, the way you would nervously laugh yourself out of a situation, just you in general.
“I think it is best if you speak to her, Kenshi.” Liu Kang told him.
Kenshi nodded and walked in the direction to your room. Johnny looked over at Kung Lao. “You still owe me 50 dollars.”
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You sat in your room, writing in your journal. You started to feel bad for even beating Kenshi and you were confused. You were supposed to feel like you were on cloud nine but you just felt bad.
How could you erase this feeling within you?
You heard a knock at the door. You didn’t bother to get up. “Come in.”
The door opens and it’s Kenshi. You sighed some when you saw him. Kenshi closes the door behind him. “Can we talk?”
“You’re already talking to me so I guess.”
Kenshi walked over to the bed and sat at the edge. “You did great out there today. How did you train yourself to be blind folded?”
“I don’t know. It just happened…” You trailed off.
“(Y/N), I didn’t mean any of the stuff I said about you not being able to do it. Well, I mean I did but not like that. I was just trying to push you so you could reach your full potential because I believe in you. And because I have feelings for you.”
“Well so what? Because I did all that for you! And I don’t want to hear how sorry you are because it’s too late! And I don’t need any props! And my vision hurts from being blind folded! And-“ You cut yourself off when you realize what he had said.
Kenshi admitted he had feelings for you.
“I’m sorry, what was that last thing?”
Instead of saying, he showed you. Kenshi leaned over and kissed you. His right hand was at the back of your neck.
You felt stuck in the kiss. You were actually kissing Kenshi. Kenshi Takahashi. You had to be dreaming.
You kissed him back with your hand slightly on his chin. The two of you continued to kiss like you’ve been waiting for the opportunity.
His lips melted with yours. They felt just right with you. Like they were made for you.
Kenshi pulled away slightly and looked into your eyes. It was silent for a moment but then you started to giggle uncontrollably.
He couldn’t help but chuckle at your giggles. “You know I’ve been waiting to do that forever right?”
“Me too.”
“Do you want to have a picnic with me today?”
You cracked your knuckles and faked yawned some. “I don’t know. I’d have to check my schedule. I’m a busy girl.”
Kenshi playfully rolled his eyes. “Well, let me know when you can fit me in.” He gave you another sweet kiss on your lips before pulling away from you and walking out your room.
You heard some knocking at your window. You raised a brow and walked over to go open it. There was Johnny, Kung Lao, and Raiden. “So?!l” Johnny asked curiously, wanting to know what happened.
You rested your hand on your hips. “My life is not your personal soap opera.” But then you smiled and gave in. “He kissed me!”
The three of your friends cheered and high fived you.
Kenshi was great but you were so glad you had your friends by your side.
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slytherinsrule89 · 4 months
Hmmm what about a dark riddle brothers x reader non con ? Something like the reader is their enemy . Maybe you can put reader as Harry's gf or sister and they both get enraged by you so they "form a plan" to show you your place and also weaken Harry 🤭🤭
Okay I went a little off closer to the end I think but hopefully it’s still good :)
This does contain smut and other sensitive things so please be aware and don’t read if it makes you uncomfortable
Riddle brothers x reader
Word count: 1639
You had been an enemy of the Riddles for as long as you could remember. They were cruel and disgusting and you despised every inch of the two brothers. The feeling was mutual as well, they hated you just as much as you hated them.
Being a Potter was pretty much the main reason they detested you. Along with you pissing them off about anything and everything because you knew that they hated you and could use it to your advantage.
You had been on your way to class, almost running there because you were late. Going to be even later when you accidently ran into two people, causing you to fall straight down a groan leaving your lips.
“Merlin’s sake wha-oh of course it’s you two.” You rolled your eyes in disgust, grabbing your books and picking yourself up as the Riddles practically towered over you. “God Potter, can you be any more pathetic?” Mattheo scoffed, shoving you aside.
Tom hadn’t said anything yet but with the look he was giving you, you’d be surprised that you aren't dead yet.
“Right like you two could say anything, you’re the most pathetic of them all.” Mattheo only laughed. The insults went back and forth between you and Mattheo before Tom stepped in which startled you a bit.
Tom didn’t often get into these little bickering’s and most of the time watched with distaste, so when he did it was better to make a run for it.
But being the ever so proud Gryffindor you took a step closer, now standing right in front of Tom. A gutsy move proven by the way Tom had raised a brow at you, almost daring you to make another move.
You could sense the latent hostility between all three of you. It was a matter of who would strike first. Of course that person was Mattheo, considering he could never keep his mouth shut in situations like this with a lot of tension.
“Oh please Potter, you’re absolutely worthless. The only reason people actually talk to you is because your brother’s popular. Get it through your head that you are nothing.”
His words were ruthless and meant to hurt you deeply. Instead of getting upset though you looked him dead in the eyes and spoke.
“I’ve been called far worse by much better men. So I’d think again about who really is the worthless one here Riddle.” You walked off right after that sentence. Not really because you were scared but because the professor was going to kill you for being this late.
It hadn’t occurred to you how much that sentence would infuriate the Riddle brothers though and you continued on your day like nothing had even happened that morning.
The problem was that the brothers were anything but calm. They were hatching a plan at that very moment to get back at you. And if it was punishment from them that you’d be expecting, don’t think mercy will be given.
You had gone to bed early that night after such a long day. First being late, then being later from the encounter with the Riddles, your Professor hounding you about it as well because it wasn’t the first time you’ve been late.
So really you were exhausted and fell asleep quite quickly.
After what felt like the longest sleep of your life, you move to get out of bed. Only to realize…you weren’t even in a bed. Your eyes shot open after what felt like a small caress on your cheek. And there meeting your eyes, Tom Riddle.
He was crouched down looking at you with interest while you stared back in horror. What the hell had happened last night? How did you end up here?
All these questions had swarmed your mind, riddling your body with anxiety and trepidation. Tom had noticed this and only smirked at you an eerie feeling sinking in your stomach.
“Hello little dove” His voice was smooth and calm. A voice so solely his that you could never mistake it for another’s.
You had begun to look around much later than you should have but something in Tom’s eyes made it so alluring not to look away. The things you noticed were blood curdling.
You saw chains wrapped around your ankles and wrists. Curtains were open but only darkness could be seen, making you wonder what was really out there. And from how cold it was you could make a guess that you were in the dungeons of Hogwarts.
But it certainly didn’t seem like the slytherin dorms were anywhere near here which only unsettled you more. Just then the door made a creaking noise and in entered Mattheo with that cocky smile of his.
“Poor little Potter doesn’t look like she has much to say now does she?” He was right unfortunately but you don’t think you’ll ever admit to that.
It was suddenly that Tom had gripped your jaw in his hand and turned you back to him making that fear come back in a sudden pulse.
“Listen here little dove. The words that came out of your little mouth this morning is something you are going to regret for a long long time. And we are going to make sure of it.”
I was sure I was going to pass out right then. Their menacing eyes hadn’t looked away from mine at all and I only wished I’d known when to shut up and move on instead of running my mouth like I did. Especially with these two.
Tom's grip got tighter making me want to cry. Apparently Mattheo was good at reading expressions because he picked up on that quickly and crouched down beside his brother.
“You gonna cry pretty?” His tone was teasing. He knew exactly what he was doing. It was working too.
Though when I was least expecting it I felt Tom’s other hand glide against my leg before gripping my thigh roughly. He’d definitely have me pinned down if it wasn’t for the chains already there.
“Here’s the deal.” Tom began. “We are going to punish you how we see fit and you…little dove are going to take whatever we give you. If you try to deny us, it will only get worse.”
Like any human being you started freaking out and trying to refuse barely registering that you were ignoring what he just said about things getting worse. Boy was that stupid.
The second the words went to leave your mouth Tom had moved the hand gripping your jaw and shoved two fingers into your mouth making you gag hard around his fingers.
“Absolutely pathetic. Can’t even listen to a word I say.” Tom kept his fingers in your mouth and removed the one from your thigh only for Mattheo to swoop in. He took his brother's spot while Tom moved to your side.
Mattheo quickly removed the chains and relief rushed through you. That was until you felt his rough hands begin to grope at your thighs being sure that there will be bruises by tomorrow.
Without hesitation Mattheo had ripped off your sleep shorts without a care as you gasped in shock. Though that only encouraged Tom’s fingers to go deeper in your throat as you tried desperately not to gag.
You felt more and more of Mattheos' hands as they grew more daring. Playing with the soft lace outline of your panties almost teasing you as if to say “guess my next move.”
If you didn’t know what feeling nervous felt like before you definitely knew it now. Not knowing their next move was probably the worst of it.
And that was about the only thing your mind was saying when Mattheo pushed a finger into your hole, panties pushed to the side, and a shocked expression on your face. Both of the boys were smirking at you as he continued to swiftly move his finger in and out quickly before adding a second.
You bit down on your lip ruthlessly when Tom had pulled his fingers out of your mouth so that you could conceal your moans and not give them the satisfaction of it.
As Mattheos fingers continued their assault to your pussy Tom had untied the chains on your wrists as well with you hardly knowing it. He sat behind you now pulling up your shirt and tossing it to the side. Almost groaning at the sight of your braless tits.
His hands were quick to play with your nipples, relishing in how soft and warm they were. Your mind was a buzz to say the least. Mattheo’s fingers pumping in and out of you, Tom’s fingers against your bare chest, as well as his mouth creating dark spots around your neck.
The rest was a blur and just like that you sandwiched between the two with both of them fucking you relentlessly. Mattheo had been lying on his on his back fucking up into your pussy as he had you straddling his waist.
While Tom on the other hand had been above you, his cock hitting from behind, moving their bodies in sink, making you just want to melt into them.
“G-Gonna..mhphhh.” You sputtered out. The pleasure to overwhelming for your mind to come up with a proper sentence. However Tom had helped you out. “Gonna cum for us little dove, gonna cum because of the people you hate?”
You nodded quickly as your moans increased. Your orgasm hit you like a truck as you practically screamed out against Mattheo’s shoulder. He was the next to cum, spilling it all in your sweet cunt. Tom following suit.
Just as you were finally beginning to relax they had both pulled out of you and flipped you on your back.
“Not so fast. We aren’t even close to finishing your punishment.”
Hope you enjoy 😊
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cum-villain · 5 days
I've been musing the ways that MXTX's novels handle systemic power and systems of oppression, and how it's possibly related to her own experiences.
(This ended up very long, so I'm putting it under a cut)
In her debut novel, Scum Villain's Self-Saving System (SVSSS), systemic powers aren't exactly a major motivator. As in, while systemic oppression certainly exists, it mostly serves as motivations for characters and part of their backstory. Who the characters are is, primarily, the choices they make. Even truly impenetrable systems (or Systems) allow leeway. There's an emphasis on people choosing to be who they are, choosing to help or hurt others. Regardless of who you are or where you come from, you always can choose to better yourself, or remain stuck where you are.
And, it's a nice theme, right? In part, yes. But in certain ways, it can be a touch naive. I think the character Shen Jiu is the best way to describe what I mean. Shen Jiu, as readers of SVSSS know, was a slave sold by child traffickers to an abusive master, who eventually killed his way out and to Cang Qiong Mountain. After reuniting with a childhood friend, Yue Qingyuan, who had become heir to the sect leader, he managed to get a position as heir to the second-ranking Peak Lord, and eventually was lord of Qing Jing Peak himself. However, he never recovered from his childhood, and was a highly abrasive character, and when he was a Peak Lord himself, he abused his disciples, even attempting to murder at least one (Luo Binghe) multiple times out of jealousy.
In certain ways, he made his own choices. He had the power to make a new life for himself, and yet he still chose to continue the cycle of abuse and hurt multiple children. It's undeniable he was a scummy person for this. However, one can also make the case that he wasn't entirely at fault. After all, when he murdered his way out of Qiu Manor, wasn't it because, as a slave, he had no other way to flee? For the events that followed, while he made his own choices, can he really be blamed for not being kind when he had very little kindness shown to him? Wasn't he pitiful? Certainly, it's something of a stretch to deny his fault in the abuse he perpetuated, but the fact that it's still a debate a decade after the book's release raises an interesting question: Is the way SVSSS handles systemic problems naive?
I would say, it is. Obviously, we all make our own choices in life, but what if the systems in place force us into situations where there are no good choices? What can we do when the world itself gives us no choice but to be evil or die?
In between the writing of SVSSS, and her second book, Mo Dao Zu Shi (Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation), multiple things occurred. For one, MXTX was only in high school when she wrote her first book, and she grew up. Additionally, danmei is a genre that commonly faces censorship. It's not unheard of for authors to be arrested for writing in the genre. And SVSSS is, famously, her least popular novel. The manhua only had a few chapters before it went on a permanent hiatus, the donghua only had one season before never being seen again, there was no live action or audio drama. To write in the genre is to face a system of persecution that cannot be penetrated.
And so, MDZS has a different tone when discussing systemic oppression. In fact, to contrast her first novel, it's a major theme. All of the characters are affected by systems of oppression, especially the class system. In MDZS, these systems causes much strife, and are never truly eliminated. The characters who oppose the system the most either leave larger society, or die. For this I'll bring up three characters, primarily: Xue Yang, Jin Guangyao, and Wei Wuxian.
Xue Yang, to start, is an orphan. He's a side character who doesn't get much screentime, but his existence offers a lot of insight into the larger systems of power, and how they affect people. He's largely a villain, a heartless murderer who takes joy in great acts of cruelty. However, it's not as though he has no reason for being like this; one of his childhood memories is of being tricked by a cruel adult, thinking he'll get candy as a reward, but in the end getting nothing but broken fingers as a reward, a child getting his hand run over by a cart. After learning demonic cultivation, of which he was a prodigy, he massacred the man who tricked him, who turned out to be a sect leader. Afterwards, he killed this man's entire clan.
Eventually, he was caught, and put to trial, but due to being seen as valuable by the Chief Cultivator at the time, he was held prisoner for life instead of the death sentence he was due. Due to reasons not particularly important to this essay, he later was cast out, injured, and was eventually taken in by a particular cultivator who had originally tried to prove his guilt, and who (for reasons indirectly but majorly related to Xue Yang) ended up blind: Xiao Xingchen. Because Xiao Xingchen did not recognize him, he treated Xue Yang with kindness. At first, Xue Yang used this to trick Xiao Xingchen into killing people, but at a certain point, stopped. It would seem that Xiao Xingchen's kindness affected him. However, when Xiao Xingchen's former partner, Song Lan, found them, Xue Yang tricked Xiao Xingchen into killing him. After realizing the truth of the situation, Xiao Xingchen killed himself, and Xue Yang started desperately trying to find a way to resurrect him.
There's a reason I took the time (and wordcount) to explain the situation in detail. In the story, we see a man who, like Shen Jiu in SVSSS, can be described with the meme, "cool motive, still murder." His past is sympathetic, but no excuse for his atrocities. However, after being shown kindness, he changes a bit. He stops killing people. But when there's a threat to that kindness, when he could lose what security and safety he has, he regresses back to his old behaviour, although he regrets it immediately. It's not as though he's innately evil, but that his history has taught him that being evil is the only way to survive, and he learned to enjoy his method of survival. The systems in place shaped a child who loved candy into a killer.
However, those at the bottom don't always end up so drastically terrible. Jin Guangyao also is of the dregs of society, the son of a prostitute, but he's something of a gentleman. After all, his mother wanted him to be a gentleman in terms of his character, and her final wish was for him to also be a gentleman in terms of his status, to be accepted by his father, sect leader of the Jin clan. But doing so requires terrible actions, as his status as a prostitute's son is very low. From being forced to shelter a known killer (Xue Yang) on his father's orders and against his sworn brother's wishes; to killing that sworn brother with the dual reasons of that sworn brother attempting to murder him multiple times (albeit under influence of a sort of curse), and because his father ordered him to kill the man; to being forced to choose between marrying his sister and losing everything, including possibly his life. In the end, he ends up killing his father after Jin Guangshan disrespects his mother one last time.
Despite this, however, one can argue that he is a gentleman. While cultivators in this setting hunt monsters for glory rather than to aid common people, he institutes a watchtower system that helps alleviate their plight. While there's no way to end his marriage, he both treats his wife (sister) kindly, while never having intimate conduct after he discovers the truth. After he takes power, he kicks out the murderer his father wanted to shelter. While he killed his oldest sworn brother, that was a person who would have kill him if he didn't act first, and he still treats that sworn brother's biological younger brother kindly, one may say spoiling him. In short, when he does not need to commit evil acts to survive, he usually acts virtuously, with the exception always involving honoring his mother.
However, in the end, he dies. Yet, not for something he did; he explicitly dies out of a false accusation of trying to kill someone he cared about, and dies an unjust death out of vengeance for killing his sworn brother. And when the jianghu learns of his evil, they're willing to accept that and more, because wasn't he always just an upstart, a son of a whore? Wasn't he born rotten, lower? Despite his best attempts, Jin Guangyao could never truly escape the shackles of the class system.
To end this (admittedly rather long) section, I'll discuss Wei Wuxian. Like Xue Yang, he's an orphan, but he was taken in by the leader of the Jiang Clan, who was a friend of his parents. Like Jin Guangyao, he was the son of someone lower class, in his case a servant, but he is treated kindly by his benefactor. His position is precarious, not quite a foster child and not quite a ward, but he still grows up among the gentry, accepted by sons of the gentry as one of them. However, even he is not immune from the systems in place. When the Wen clan, once the greatest clan, is deposed for being tyrannical, the members of the clan are unfairly persecuted for their leader's sins. When Wei Wuxian tries to go against the current and save them, he fails to go against all of the world on his own, and dies for his trouble, and all but one of the Wen clan are massacred.
When he is brought back to life, after getting involved again, he decides to leave, not get involved in fighting the cultivation world head on anymore, instead focusing on small change. The new generation can be taught to be kinder than their predecessors, and they are. The change is slow, but despite the grim tone of the book, it ends with hope that change will happen, the world will become kinder, just not fast enough that many of the cast will see it.
With all of this context, one can determine the following about systems in MDZS: They are undefeatable. Maybe, slowly, they can be changed, but a person cannot go against them without paying the ultimate price. Change is possible, but it is slow, and in the meantime, people will be hurt by the system in place. Systemic persecution is a large part of many people's lives, and this is an inevitable fact. A far less hopeless tone than SVSSS's, but more realistic. The change is from naive optimism to a more mature realism.
Now, it is difficult to overstate the effect of MDZS on the world. This book was adapted into the cdrama, "The Untamed", which was a worldwide success. Chinese historical dramas were once a niche genre, but now are one of the most popular genres worldwide. This drama led many people around the world to have an appreciation for Chinese stories, and led a global audience to discover the book it was based on, leading to more books in the danmei genre finding an international audience, which led to the current danmei boom. It's very likely that MDZS is the most popular danmei novel to have ever been written. The novel has been adapted into the live action drama mentioned before, as well as a manhua, a donghua, an audio drama. I've also heard of a Japanese manga adaptation currently being done.
Of course, this attention led to the Chinese government now having more of an eye on MXTX's actions. At this point, while she's more popular than ever, she's also under heavy scrutiny. But, look at what happened: Danmei is a genre that has led authors to being persecuted, but now here she is, influencing people with her works at such a large, international scale. Certainly something, isn't it?
Now I'll turn to her third book, Tian Guan Ci Fu (TGCF), or Heaven Official's Blessing. Thankfully, I don't have to give as much context for this one as MDZS. While large systems are in place that influence people's lives, they aren't unbeatable. The final battle of the book is even a large-scale revolution against the current power structure. While the system is powerful, and causes much harm to people, it is still ultimately a system created by people, and it can be deposed by people. The system pushes people to do evil deeds, but with people working together, being kind to each other and helping each other, that system can be stopped. In short, if SVSSS is naive optimism about systems of power not stopping people from being their true selves, and MDZS is pessimistic realism about systems being unbreakable and barely bendable, TGCF is grounded optimism. Systems of power are very real, and very harmful to many people, but they aren't an all-powerful force, they can be fought against. One person can't do everything, just like Xie Lian could not save his people from a plague and civil war by himself, but if many people work together, like the heavenly officials rising up against Jun Wu, something can be done.
Now, MXTX is quite possibly the most popular danmei author on an international scale. The danmei boom is probably at its peak, I can't really see it growing much more. She's largely gone silent, with rumors of her possibly being arrested at one point. While TGCF is also very popular, due to censorship constraints, it was forced to be less explicit than her other works. With everything that's happened, I'm interested to know what her fourth book will say about systems of power.
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do you think if succession war between aegon II and rhaenyra never happened, would it have happened between jacaerys and aegon III?
would daemon really allow jace to be king because his daughter would be queen?
Hi eve! I could easily go off on so many tangents about Daemon and Aegon III and Jace, but I think the question has a pretty simple answer: yes, a war is inevitable if Rhaenyra or Jace inherits, and if not between Jace and Aegon III, then between Jace any one of the seven remaining trueborn male claimants.
First, I think Daemon's role in Jace's possible succession issues is overstated. Could he arrange three very convenient accidental deaths for the oldest boys to make sure that Aegon III is set up to inherit whether Daemon himself is alive to see it or not? Sure. But he also did not do this to any of Alicent's children, instead he waited to see if Rhaenyra and Aegon would fight. My gut feeling is that by the time Daemon is in his 50s, he just does not care enough. Will he feed Aegon III the idea that he should be the heir, that he has more Valyrian blood, he's trueborn, etc.? Likely. But I think Daemon would leave it up to Aegon III to fight for it, rather than conveniently clearing his way. That said, the fact remains that Daemon could drop dead the day after Rhaenyra took the throne, and there would still be people who would find it advantageous to align themselves with one of the trueborn claimants to the throne. Jace's problems do not begin or end with Daemon.
Keep in mind, this is the argument Criston Cole used to convince Aegon II to fight. It's often conflated in the fandom with "Rhaenyra will kill your family to secure her reign," but interestingly, Criston says that all of the king's trueborn sons have a better claim than Rhaenyra's "brood of bastards," that is, he frames the real threat as occurring when a bastard attempts to inherit ahead of trueborn sons, and although it's not relevant to Criston's point so he doesn't mention it, of course Aegon III and Viserys II are included in this number. Now, unlike most of the fandom, Criston frames this threat as coming from the bastards towards the trueborn sons, rather than the trueborn sons towards the bastards, which is convenient for convincing Aegon, but also happens to be a good point. Daemon and/or Aegon III don't have to have Jacaerys killed, they simply have to corroborate the story that Jace is a bastard, and press Aegon III as a claimant. At that point, Jace can either admit to being a bastard and step aside, or go to war. And it doesn't have to be Aegon III. If there is no Dance, there are still seven trueborn sons and grandsons of Viserys who can raise a legitimate challenge to Jace's claim (and disclaimers apply about bastardy being a construct, no one can prove it etc. etc., but once Rhaenyra, Corlys, and Viserys are dead, it becomes much more difficult for Jace to defend himself against those claims). And this is in essence why it was absolutely insane of Viserys to overlook this issue, but that's a different tangent.
That's the problem with a lot of the arguments that Alicent "lied," or poisoned her kids against Rhaenyra and her kids, that Rhaenyra never would have hurt her brothers, Daemon never would turn against Jace, that Aegon III loves his brother, or what have you. Rhaenyra, Daemon, Jace, and Aegon III do not even have to be the ones who personally initiate violence against their rivals, Rhaenyra, whose claim is already non-traditional, has built her line of succession on shaky grounds. At any time during Rhaenyra's reign, or after she dies, or during Jace's reign, or his son's reign, if the lords of the realm are unhappy for whatever reason, they have a perfect pretext to decide that Rhaenyra wasn't the true heir and/or Jace was a bastard all along (take your pick) and the line was illegitimate, and challenge him.
And unfortunately for poor Jace, regardless of whatever loyalties Aegon III might hold for his brother, Aegon II has two trueborn sons who have zero reason to have any affection or regard for cousin Jace. If Aegon II doesn't want to be king, can we be sure his sons don't? And likewise, even if Aegon III is loyal to Jace, can we be certain his sons will love their uncle and cousins as much as he does? Jace is not stupid and a lot can happen in a decade or two! This is why, even though it's also true that Otto and Alicent probably would have tried to put Aegon II on the throne regardless, Criston's argument that anyone who stands in Jace's way will have to be eliminated (by Jace and whoever upholds him as the true heir) in order for his succession to be clear, is the one that convinces Aegon II. Because it's true, and if Jace does not eliminate the potential rivals, at some point someone will challenge that line, and the result will be as devastating as the Dance.
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Imagine Aemond...
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Imagine Aemond... Coming very frustrated, angry and pissed off in your room, and he starts pacing around and complaining and venting out about how fucking annoying everyone is, and how much he wants to kill everyone, for the injustices they are doing to him.
You were in bed, reading a book, and merely rose your head, looking at him with a calm, unphased expression, your eyes following his moving form from one end of the room, to the other.
“Are you done?” “NO, I AM NOT!”
You simply sigh and put your book on the nightstand, before you get up and get a firm grab on his shoulders, making him look you in the eyes. “Now, you are.”
Confused at what you meant, he doesn’t realise that you ultimately got ahold of both of his hands and put him in bed, while you took back your comfy seat, with your back against the rest.
He looked at you with even more confusion, until you patted you lap and looked at him with an obvious look - Put your head on my lap - Something that you have never done before. Why did you start now? How did this idea just suddenly occurred? He had no idea, but he wasn’t going to deny.
Though skeptical and reticent, he slowly lays down on the bed and lays allows his head to lay comfortably over your lap, facing away from you - And though he didn’t want to admit... It was better than any pillow he ever had. Your thighs were so soft, and the fact that you were wearing a nightgown didn’t help at all.
With one hand, you took your book back and continued to read, while the other found its way easily into his silvery, velvety locks.
As soon as you touched his hair, he found himself tensing up and shivering - What was this soft, loving touch? It was so delicate... So... Different from everything he’s ever experienced before... 
And he was so greedy for it.
He allowed himself to take a deep breath and close his eye as that caressing hand of yours managed to take away any worry and frustration that was plaguing his mind so, yet now, he was in a different realm of peace and content altogether.
At some point, you reached a rather interesting part in your book and you raised your hand from his hair to turn the page, yet it remained mid-air for a prolonged amount of time... And Aemond did not like it one bit.
So he turned on his back to get ahold of your hand, and he put it back on his head... All that, while having the expression of a pouty, spoiled kitten on his face.
Surprised, you merely raised a questioning eyebrow and looked down at him, tilting the book away from your face, so to see him - And upon seeing that childish look, you could only hum in amusement, the corners of your mouth turning up into a teasing smirk.
“It seems that My Lord is enjoying me spoiling him, akin to a baby kitten asking for rubs... Would you also want some scratched behind your ears, My Lord? I heard they can be enjoyable for men as well.” his brows furrowed, hearing that poisoned-honey words that seemed to purposely get a rise out of him, only for you to hide your face again with your book.
“Is that it, My Lady? You tease me with your words, then you hide behind that book?” he grumbled under his breath, remaining on his back further, only to hear a simple “Yep” from you, as nonchalant as ever before. How annoyingly desirable you could be.
With one more deep breath, he closed his eye again, and relaxed into your touch as you played with his hair, and even further down, you would caress that sharp jaw of his and that firm, warm skin of his, until, without realising, he leaned into your touch, and planted a soft kiss on the inside of your skin, making you stop your reading and peek at him, from the top of your book.
“What is it, My Lady? You think you are the only one with the power of flustering someone?” he would ask, thinking he has the upper hand - Yet, he did not, for you merely leaned down to kiss his forehead, before whispering into his ear another “Yep~”, and going back to your reading, for the third time now.
By this time, it was already clear to him, that should he ever allow such self-indulgence, he would get eagerly teased by the woman he holds so dear to his heart...
And he was not about to complain about it.
Imagine Aemond... (Aemond is afraid My Lady will find him ugly) Imagine Aemond... (Aemond is frustrated with the court and My Lady spoils him) Imagine Aemond... (Aemond discovers you pampering Vhagar, the Matchmaker) Imagine Aemond... (My Lady is afraid of the concept of childbirth and pregnancy) Imagine Aemond... (Engaging in a romantic, literal Dance of Dragons in the air ) Imagine Daemon... (Being smitten over an adventurous Lady who flies Balerion)
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hayleythecannibal · 19 days
Sinister Minds: Act I- Chapter One - Extreme Aggressor
TW: Crime scenes, Death, Murder, Kidnapping
Warning this is Fem!reader. You can also find this on Wattpad and A03 under the name @HayleyMarieOfficial. Comment if you want to be added to the taglist.
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Up on the wall screen are photos of various victims. “Anyone recognize these faces?”Gideon asks the class of students. “Victims of the "Footpath Killer."” A girl shouts from the back of the class. “That's what Virginia newspapers are calling him. We refer to him as the UNknown SUBject or Unsub.” The lights go back on. as Jason Gideon is teaching his class. “I told Virginia PD -- we're looking for a white male in his 20s ... who owns an American-made truck in disrepair. Works a menial job. I told 'em when you find him ... don't be surprised to hear him speak with a severe stutter.” 
One of the students raises her hands. “Not to sound skeptical, but come on ... a stutter?”
“Where'd the murders occur? Hiking paths. Isolated. If I'm a killer who has to use an immediate application of overpowering force, even out in the middle of nowhere, I lack confidence. I can't charm them into my car like Ted Bundy did. I can't because I am ashamed of something.” The side door opens and Dr. Spencer Reid steps into the class. He holds up a file folder and taps it.
“Excuse me.” 
Dr. Spencer Reid and Jason Gideon walk through the hallway as Reid fills Gideon in on the details. They're looking at a crime scene photo of a dead body. “They're calling him the "Seattle Strangler." Four victims in four months. He keeps 'em alive for seven days. The handle serves as a crank.” Spencer says as they walk down the Hall. 
“Allowing him to control the rate of suffocation.” Gideon suggests to the very young profiler. “To prolong it?” Spencer responds in question. “To enjoy it. Seattle's hit a wall?” Spencer nods: “Physical evidence is nonexistent. There are no tangible leads.”
 “And another girl is missing.” He grabs the photo from Reid and heads into the office.
Gideon stands behind his desk and looks through the file. “I looked the case file over. I'll get some thoughts to you ASAP.” Aaron Hotchner and Derek Morgan walk into the office. “You're gonna be with us in Seattle ASAP. And a New Profiler is joining the team.” Hotch says as he enters Gideon looks up from the file. Morgan holds up a photo of Heather Woodland. Gideon takes the photo from him. Spencer’s eyebrows furrow, A new Profiler?
“22-year-old Heather Woodland.” Derek Says, When i enter the room: “Before she left for lunch, she downloaded an email with a time-delayed virus attached. The killer's virus wiped her hard drive and left this on the screen. I looked over the file before I arrived” I say as I hand Gideon a photo of the message. He reads it and recognizes it immediately. He glances at Hotchner before walking over to the nearby wall. "For heaven's sake, catch me before I kill more. I cannot control myself." Gideon reads out. On the wall is a framed photo with the inscription on the bottom: WILLIAM HEIRENS, THE LIPSTICK KILLER, 1945. The message is the exact one written on the wall in the photo.
 “He never keeps them for more than seven days, which means we have fewer than 36 hours to find her.” Hotch says as he glances at me. “They want you back in the saddle. You ready?” Derek asks. 
“Looks like medical leave's over, boss.” Spencer says with a smile. I lean against the back wall watching them all interact with curiosity. “They sure they want me?” Gideon asks with raised brows. “The order came from the director.” Hotch nods, Gideon turns and looks at the photo.
“Well, we'd better get started.”
Two black cars stop on the runway in front of the airplane. Gideon and Reid
step out of the car with their gear. They head for the plane. A car pulls up and out of it steps Dr. Brianna Graham, Her heels clicking along the cement of the private runway. “Joseph Conrad said, "The belief in a supernatural source of evil is not necessary. Men alone are quite capable of every wickedness."” Gideon says as He notice Dr. Graham behind them. 
Hotchner and a female agent exit the Third car. They head for the plane with the others. “This girl may only have 36 hours to live. We're not asking for a judgment of Gideon. We want an assessment. We want to know you're there to step in if he can't perform. Are we clear?”
“Of course.” Hotchner gets on the plane.
Gideon walks up the aisle to join Reid, Graham, Morgan and Hotchner. Reid reads from
the file. “His first victim was 26-year-old Melissa Kirsh. Stab wounds, strangulation.” 
“Wait, wait. Back up, back up. He stabbed her ... and then strangled her to finish her off?” Derek says with confused squinted eyes. “Other way around. Why do you think he started using the belt with the second murder?” Gideon says.
“Strangulation with your bare hands is not as easy as one would believe. He tried, probably found that it took too long …” I say with folded arms as I think. “So he stabbed her instead.” Derek says and I nod. “And realized it would be hours cleaning up the blood.” Hotch continues the thought. “Next time, our boy's got a method -- the belt.” Derek  finishes. “He's learning, perfecting his scenario. Becoming a better killer.” Gideon nods. 
The team exits the vehicle and enters the building.
Gideon picks up his bag from the conveyor belt after entering the metal detector. He heads inside. Behind him, Graham, Reid and Morgan follow. Morgan nudges Reid. “You know Her Parents were both Profilers.” Hotchner comes up behind them. “Actually her mom was a Criminal Psychiatrist, Her Dad was a profiler.” Spencer explains softly, “How do you know that?” Derek asks  “Morgan, Her dad was Reid’s Professor.”
Hotchner makes the introductions. “This is Special Agent Gideon, Special Agent Morgan, our expert on obsessional crimes, Special Agent Reid. And our Child and Sex Crimes Expert, Dr. Graham.” Gideon stands over by the map. “Doctor Reid.” Gideon Clarifies. 
“Dr. Reid, our expert on, well, everything, and after two years busting my butt in this office, I hope you remember me.” The office chuckles. Gideon is looking at the board - just one of many they have set up in the office. “He's willing to travel with the body.” Gideon says as he looks at the board with his arms crossed.
“Then he drives a vehicle capable of concealing one.” Derek says, “One in 7.4 drivers in Seattle owns an SUV.”  Spencer reveals, As they talk, Gideon looks at the victim boards. The first board has photos of MELISSA KIRSCH, VICTIM #1. “Explorer with tinted windows.” Derek Says with speculation “Explorers rate higher with women.” Spencer says. The second victim board has photos of ANNE CUSHING, VICTIM #2.
The next board has photos of AMY HABERLAND, VICTIM #3. The board after that has photos of SONDRA WATTS, VICTIM #4. 
“But how do we know it's his car? Ted Bundy drove a VW Bug.” Derek says as he looks at The final board has photos of: MISSING, HEATHER WOODLAND. “What about a Jeep Cherokee?” Hotch suggests. “Jeeps are more masculine.” Spencer says as Gideon turns and looks at the group. “We all know how an Unsub feels about asserting his masculinity.” Gideon says surely. 
“When did the Bureau become involved in the case?” Hotch asks  “After the fourth body. He dumped that one out of state.” The agent says, Hotchner turns and looks at Gideon. “On purpose.”
“If so, knowledge of law enforcement does suggest a criminal record.” Spencer says, i furrow my brows in thought. “Or that he watches television. May I?”  A Seattle Agent  hands Me the file. Another Seattle Agent  looks at Hotchner. “So you wanna see our suspect list?” Hotch puts his hand up with a gesture. “No, we won't look at a suspect list until after we come up with a profile. It keeps our perspective unbiased.”
“When do we sit down with your task force?” Gideon asks the agents, “Four o'clock.” I look up from the file. “An accurate profile by four o'clock today?” Derek says with wide eyes, Gideon is looking at something on the far victim board. He walks past them. “That's not a problem.” Gideon says absently, The agents follow Gideon as he nears the board.
“Agent Gideon, where would you like to start?” Hotch asks as He walks up to the board for VICTIM #2, ANNE CUSHING. He points to one of the Photos. “Let's start at the site of the last murder” 
A sandy-colored dog barks at Graham, Reid and Hotchner. Reid is startled. David grabs Sandy's collar. “Sandy, no, no, no. I'm so sorry.” David says as he keeps Sandy at his side. I smile at the dog. “No, it's okay. It's what we call the Reid effect.” They glance over at Reid. “Happens with children, too. I'm Agent Hotchner. This is Special Agent Dr. Reid and Special Agent Dr. Graham”
“You both look too young to have gone to medical school.” David’s eyebrows furrowed in confusion. “They're Ph.D.s. --three of them.” Spencer says, “I only have one Ph.D. sir.” I say with a smile. “Are you Both geniuses or something?” David asks as Hotchner starts petting the dog.
“I don't believe that intelligence can be accurately quantified--but I do have an IQ of 187 and an eidetic memory and can read 20,000 words per minute. Yes, I'm a genius.” Spencer says as he turns and looks around the room. Sandy barks. “Sandy, you get a lot of attention, don't you?” Hotch asks the dog.
 “Yeah, Heather loves this dog. I feed her when Heather's away.Usually, she's fine, but ... lately, she won't eat. It's almost like she can sense something's wrong.” David says.  “Not sense. Smell. Our apocrine sweat gland releases secretions in response to emotional stress.” I explain as I pet the dog softly. I love dogs. My dad brought a lot of strays home when I was a kid. “Sandy's worried because she knows you are.” Hotch says. David nods. Reid looks at the magazines on the dresser. “David, does your sister drive a Datsun Z?”
‘No, but she's in the market for one. How'd you know?” Reid picks up the magazine and shows it to them. Sandy barks. “Come on, Sandy.” David takes Sandy out of the room. Hotchner looks at Reid. “There's an immediate relationship established between a buyer and a seller, a level of trust. If I want to coax a young woman into my car …” I say as I gesture and uncross my arms
“Offer her a test drive.”
Morgan tosses a baseball and paces the floor as he thinks. “Okay, then how 'bout the fact that on one hand, we have paranoid psychosis ... but the autopsy protocol says what?” Derek asks out loud. Reid twirls around and around in his office chair. “Adhesive residue shows he put layer after layer of duct tape over his victims' eyes.” Hotchner listens as they talk. So does Gideon, who is standing on the other end of the room looking at the photos on the wall.
 “He knows he wants to kill them, but he still covers their eyes. He doesn't want 'em looking at him, apparently. Okay, but then he takes the body and dumps it right out in the open, murder weapon nearby.’ Derek says as Gideon continues to stare at the wall in front of him. We see the various photos, maps and reports flash by. The argument in the background gets louder and louder.
“Not the MO of a paranoid convinced he's being watched or Surveilled.” I say when I pop a raspberry in my mouth. “Paranoid psychosis, but behavior that's not paranoid.”  Derek says,as he continues to throw the ball in the air. “Maybe he's schizophrenic.” Hotch throws in. “Maybe we just don't have enough for a complete profile.” Derek says, I shrug and nod.  “We have enough to narrow our list of suspects.” Hotch says.
“We're looking at less than 12 hours to have to find this woman.” I say and stand up from my seat. “We don't know exactly what –”  “Hey, Hotch, we don't know anything!” Derek says before Hotch can complete his sentence.  “All right, enough.” Everyone is quiet.“Let's tell them we're ready.’ Gideon turns and heads out of the room. Hotchner and Reid are very quiet.
Morgan is stunned. “We're ready?” 
Gideon leaves the room without answering him. Morgan turns to look at the others. “Reid. Graham. You're both good with this? We've got a woman who's only got a few hours left to live, an incomplete profile, and a unit chief on the verge of a nervous breakdown.” The door opens
and Gideon rushes back in to grab something.  “They don't call them nervous breakdowns anymore.” Gideon leaves the room.
“It's called a major depressive episode.” I say with an awkward smile. “I know, Graham.” Derek says with an annoyed tone.
Gideon makes the presentation. “The unidentified subject is white and in his late 20s. He's
someone you wouldn't notice at first. He's someone who'd blend into any crowd.  The violent nature of the crime suggests a previous criminal record -- petty crimes. Maybe auto theft. We've classified him as an organized killer – careful. Psychopathic as opposed to psychotic. He follows the news, has good hygiene. He's smart.”
“Because he's smart, the only physical evidence you'll find is what he wants you to find. He's mobile, car in good condition. Our guess -- Jeep Cherokee, tinted windows. The murders have all involved rapes. But rape without penetration is a form of piquerism, and that tells us he's sexually inadequate. Psychiatric evaluations will show a history of paranoia stemming from a
childhood trauma-- death of a parent or family member.  And now he feels persecuted and watched.”
“Murder gives him a sense of power. Organized killers have a fascination with law enforcement. They will inject themselves into the Investigation. They will even come forward as witnesses to see just how much the police really know. That makes them feel powerful, in control. Which is why I also think ... in fact, I know ... you have already interviewed him.”
Agent Elle Greenaway walks across the street toward the Slessman house. She glances
behind her, then hurries up the grass and up the porch stairs. She knocks on the door. The door opens. “Hi.” An old woman with an oxygen tank, wearing a nasal canula and leaning heavily on a cane answers the door. In the background, we see a young woman carrying a toddler.
“I'm sorry to bother you. I'm house-sitting down the street, and
when I got back, the door was wide open, and the lights weren't working. I feel
stupid asking this, but is there someone who might be able to take a look inside
with me?” Mrs. Slessman turns and calls up the stairs. “Richard. Richard, get down here!”
Richard Slessman and Elle Greenaway walk across the street toward the darkened
green-colored house.“Are you sure you locked it?” “Yeah.” They walk up the front steps. He turns on his flashlight and pushes the door open. “Hello?” He steps into the house slowly and looks around. Elle follows him inside. There doesn't appear to be anyone there. He walks deeper into the house, looking at the dining room area. “Hello!”
Suddenly, armed FBI agents burst out from their hiding places. “FBI! Freeze!” “Freeze!” Richard is surprised. Elle grabs Richard's hands, twisting them behind his back. He drops the flashlight and falls forward to his knees. “Get him down!” She takes out her handcuffs and cuffs him. “Richard Slessman, FBI. You are under arrest for the murder …” Her voice fades into the background. Richard turns and looks to the side. Gideon steps forward and looks at him. Richard smiles back at him.
A framed photo of Richard Slessman hangs on the hallway wall. The front door opens and Hotchner rushes in. Other agents quickly follow. “I'm going up.” Gideon walks into the house; Reid and Graham join him. “There's no sign of the girl here. We can arrest him with probable cause, but we won't be able to hold him.” Spencer says as we follow as Gideon walks down the hallway enough to glance into the kitchen. He sees Mrs. Slessman sitting at the kitchen table, the woman carrying the baby standing next to her.
“Slessman's been at the top of the suspect list.” Spencer says, as Gideon looks at Mrs. Slessman“Is that the mother?” Elle steps into the hallway: “Grandmother. The mother died in a fire when he was 13.” Gideon walks past her and toward the kitchen. “Probably not the only fire in his childhood.”  Reid looks around the room. Morgan is behind him. “Before his "Son of Sam" murders, David Berkowitz set a multitude of fires.” I say with curiosity as I look around the room.
“Exactly how much is a multitude?” Derek asks me.  “According to his diary, 1,400 and …” I say and “...88.” Elle finishes for me, Gideon turns to Elle. “Luring him out was your idea, right? Greenaway?” 
“Elle. I don't send a SWAT team into a house with children.” She clarifies, “Hotch says your background is in sex offender cases. What can you tell us?” Gideon asks. He couldve asked me, its clear this man is an aggravated and anger-excited rapist. But i believe Its a Duo. one dominant one submissive. 
“The last four murders show he's an anger-excitation rapist. He'll keep a victim for a couple of days. He probably records or videotapes them so that he can keep reliving the fantasy.” Elle says and i nod along with her statement.  “You okay with Hotch being in on the interview?” “I'd like him to lead, actually.”
“Fine. But hold off. Slessman's done time, and he knows the process. And all you will get now is a demand for a lawyer.” Gideon turns and heads out. Elle looks a little disappointed. “Hotch, let's check the garage, then show me what you got.”
“Next time, show a little leg.” Morgan heads up the stairs. After a beat, Elle follows him. “Morgan, the only time you're gonna see a little leg from me is when I'm about to kick your ass.” She smiles.
“I still teach hand-to-hand over at Quantico if you need a little brush-up training.” Derek smirks and crosses his arms. Elle sighs “Seriously ... I want that opening at BAU. You got any advice?”
“Just trust your instincts.”
Hotchner opens the garage door. Inside is a dark-colored jeep. “Well, we got the jeep right.” Gideon shakes his head. “And everything else wrong. The bodies had defensive wounds. Richard doesn't have a mark on him.  We're missing something.” Gideon says unsatisfied.
Morgan looks around the second floor and finds Richard's bedroom. He looks around the room and notices the large model airplane hanging on the wall along with the other various items around the room. “Something's not right about this. This is a boy's room ... not a
Two agents sit at the computer. “Log in password.” He hands the slip of paper to agent 2, who starts typing in the DEADBOLT DEFENSE Administrator login password: SLSS6000 Morgan tries to stop them. “No, no -- wait, wait!”
It's too late. The agent hits enter and the computer blacks out. Morgan exhales. “It's not turning back on.”
“Yeah. And it won't. It was a false password.”
Elle walks into the attic and finds Gideon, Reid, and Graham already there. They're both staring at a Go board. Hotchner stands in the back of the room behind them. “What kind of game is it?” Elle asks with a tilt of her head. ‘In China, it's called Wei- Chi. Here we call it "Go". It's considered to be the most difficult board game ever conceived.” Spencer says, I stand beside him, Studying the board.
“Chairman Mao required his generals to learn it.” Gideon explains, I tilt my head to look closer at th board. “It also looks like he's playing himself.” Spencer points out.  “How can you tell?” Asks a confused Elle.
Reid reaches down and spins the board. “This might provide an advantage, actually. Go is considered to be a particularly psychologically revealing game. There are profiles for every
player -- The Conservative Point Counter, The Aggressor, The Finesser.” I say as i study the board and slessmans patterns. “What kind of player is Slessman?” Asks Hotch. Reid leans forward to study the board for a moment. He looks at Hotchner. “Extreme Aggressor.” I respond softly. 
Elle, Reid, Graham, Gideon and Hotchner enter the second floor bedroom just as Morgan
finishes setting up a laptop to get into Richard's computer. “Okay, here we go.” The laptop hums and a DEADBOLT DEFENSE login appears on the screen. “What's the number 6 at the bottom of the screen?” Elle asks confused. “Number of password attempts before the program wipes the hard drive.”
“There could be an email or a journal in the computer, something
that tells us where Heather is. Do you think you can break in?” Suddenly, Gideon is listening in on their conversation.
” In six tries?” Morgan scoffs and shakes his head. "Try again. Fail again. Fail better." Gidon says and Reid looks at Morgan. “Samuel Beckett.” I quote, Morgan blinks. "Try not. Do. Or do not." Derek counter quotes. Reid turns and looks at Gideon. “Yoda.” Gideon turns and looks on the small wall shelf. He suddenly sees something and reaches out to grab a book from the bottom of the stack. He pulls the book out and looks at it. The title of the book is "Journal of Applied Criminal Psychology." 
He flips through the pages of the book and finds a newspaper clipping inside. The partial headline reads: "-BLAST KILLS SIX". The photo under it shows two men. One of them is Gideon, his hands and pants bloodied. Reid, who is standing next to Gideon also looking at the news article, looks at Gideon. “I wanna talk to him.”
Gideon closes the textbook and heads out of the room. Elle and Morgan look up from the laptop as Gideon leaves. 
Richard Slessman sits at the kitchen table. Gideon walks in, tosses the textbook on the table in front of Richard and takes a seat opposite him.
“You read my paper. Learn anything?”
 “Heirens said a man living inside of his head was the one who
committed the murders. You said he was lying, that there'd never been an actual case of multiple personalities.” Slessman says insecurely. ”You have an academic interest in disassociative identity disorder, or you just planning your defense?” Gideon looks at him closely. 
Richard chuckles. Gideon takes the newspaper clipping out from the book. He spreads it out in front of Richard. The Boston Sentinel headline reads: "Shrapnel Blast Kills Six". “You a fan of Adrien Baal's work?”
“No. I'm a fan of yours.  You know ... they never give you the real facts about CPR ... that outside of a hospital, it's only effective 7% of the time. Your friend had a 93% certainty of dying, but you kept trying ... even after you'd broken his ribs, even after his blood was all over your hands.” Slessman leans forward and smirks. “Why don't you tell us where Heather Woodland is?” Gideon asks, but its more in the tone of a demand.
“Woodland ... isn't she the girl that went missing a couple days ago?” Slessman leans back with a smirk. Gideon nods. He looks around the room. The wood block on the counter reads: "Good little boys are like sunshine." The cookie jar on the shelf reads: "Cookies for Good
Boys Only."
“Get him out of here.” Gideon stands up and leaves the kitchen. He briskly walks past Hotchner.
Hotchner walks out and around the side of the house where Gideon is. Gideon
takes several short breaths.“Hey.” Gideon turns around. “He said "isn't she the girl ... ". If he'd already killed her, he would have said–” Gideon says with a concerned/panicked expression. "Wasn't she the girl ..." Hotch finishes for him. “She's alive. We don't know for how long.”
“ Is it true what he said about CPR? I mean, I didn't know.” Hotch asks curious. Gideon scoffs. “You want statistics on CPR, ask Reid.” Gideon says frustratedly.  “I wanna know if you're okay.”
“I'm fine.’ Gideon glares. “Are you?” Hotch seriously questions his friend. “Think I can't do the job?” Gideon raises his brow with a scoff.
“I think you can't be two different people at once. What?” Gideon looks away. He smiles as he realizes something. “Conflicts in the profile.” Quick flashes of: Richard Slessman's interview with Gideon; Heather Woodland's victim board; crime scene photos of another victim; more photos of the victims; the dump site for victim #2; the Unsub appears next to the body, turns, then runs; the computer message; the matching message on the framed photo; the funeral; the child looks at Gideon; the strangers walking along the sidewalk; the first victim's photo with the belt still tied around her neck; strange photos; extreme close-up of an eye; a map with places labeled and stickered in green, yellow and blue; Richard Slessman walks down the stairs; and Richard
Slessman sitting across the kitchen table from Gideon.
“Two different behaviors.” “Two different people. There's a second killer.”
Gideon, Graham, Elle and Hotchner walk down the stairs. “A second Unsub.” Elle says with surprise. “It's not unusual. Remember Lawrence Bittaker and Roy Norris?” Hotch points out.
“1979. They outfitted a van to rape and murder girls in California.” I say, its one of the cases that made me specialize in sex crimes and Crimes against children.  “We're looking for someone who fits a similar relationship?” Hotch asks Gideon.  “They're not equals. Slessman's smart, but he is a submissive personality.” Gideon clarifies, I nod.  “So number two is the dominant.” Elle asks, I nod: “Authoritative, arrogant.” 
“Probably not as smart as Slessman.” Hotch Adds,  Gideon smirks slightly, “He's like the schoolyard bully recruiting a good underling --he'll be protective of Richard. He'll make him feel like he owes him.”
“If Richard's been up in the attic fantasizing about being an extreme aggressor, this guy showed him how to do it.” Hotch  continues the thought. “He helped him take the first step.” Says Gideon. “I think we should interview him, use this as pressure.” Elle expresses. Gideon stops and looks at Elle. “No, no. We need leverage. A name.” Gideon states with thought. “From the suspect list?”
“That'll take too long. There's gotta be a faster way.” Gideon shakes his head. Hotch dons on something. “There is.”  
Hotch hands a cup to Mrs. Slessman. “Here. This might be a little hot.” Hotch sits across from Mrs. Slessman. “Mrs. Slessman, I don't think we've got the right guy. I think the person we're looking for might be a friend of Richard's.” 
“Richard never had many friends.”
“You sure? There's gotta be someone.”
Morgan is on the phone. “Hey, it's Morgan. Need you to work me some magic here. I got a
program called Deadbolt Defense and a girl with only a couple of hours to live, so what do you know?”
“Then you've got a problem. Deadbolt's the number one password crack-resistant software out there. You're gonna have to get inside this guy's head to get the password.”
“I thought I was calling the 'Office of Supreme Genius'.”
“Well, gorgeous, you've been rerouted to the office of 'TooFriggin' Bad.'”
“Thanks anyway.”
In the nearby office, Gideon and the others listen in on Hotchner's conversation with Mrs. Slessman. “Well, there was ... there was this one young man. I think his name was Charlie.”
 “Cross-reference Charlie for the second Unsub.” Elle types it in and gets a result. “Charlie is probably Charles Linder. He was Slessman's cellmate and received a dishonorable discharge from the military.” Gideon uncrosses one of his arms to gesture. “He's bigger, tougher. He could have protected Richard in prison. Where were they incarcerated?”
“Cascadia. Less than a mile from here.”
“Let's go.”
Morgan closes the bathroom medicine cabinet. He's reading the label off of a prescription bottle. “My name is Richard Slessman, and I have trouble sleeping.”
Morgan is lying flat out on Richard's bed. Derek exhales. “Okay. What do I do when I'm trying to get to sleep?” He reaches up into the headboard cubbyhole and grabs a handful of CDs. He looks at them and grabs the portable CD player and headset. He looks inside and finds it empty. He looks on the side of the room and sees the CD rack. He gets up. “Guys, a little help. We're going through every one of these CDs -- scratches, wear and tear. I wanna know which CD he plays the most. Let's go.”
Hotchner enters the office and heads for Graham and Reid. “We get an address on Linder?”
“It's coming right now.” Spencer says as he looks at the fax printout. Hotchner hands something to the agent sitting at the desk. “Does senior management want a field assessment on Gideon?” I ask Hotch. 
“Don't worry about it.” Hotch says quietly, Spencer tilts his head with furrowed brows  “Are they nervous about him being in charge?”
“Aren't you two on your way back to Slessman's house to help Morgan?” Hotchner turns and walks away for a moment. “Do you know why he always introduces me as Dr. Reid?’ Hotchner turns and heads back toward Reid. “Because he knows that people see you Both as kids, and he wants to make sure that they respect you. What's the address?’
“Don't think it matters anymore.” Hotchner sighs. They look at the fax printout.
Reid sits cross-legged in the center of Richard's bed, opened and discarded CDs
litter the bed and floor around the bed. He fiddles with a CD, flipping it around as he thinks. He gets something.
Morgan is up in the attic pacing the floor. “Aw, c'mon. I need a password. I need a password.” He grumbles as He looks around the attic. “What am I looking for? What could I possibly be
looking for?” I’m trying to get the CD player on the Laptop to open. I need some type of pick. Morgan sits down and sighs. “I've been thinking about the CDs.” Reid enters the attic carrying an open paper clip. “Dr. Reid! That paperclip, I need it.” I have my hands open to catch the paperclip. 
“Oh, Reid, come on. We tried the CDs. We searched, sifted, and sorted through every one of this guy's head-banging heavy metal collection. We gotta find something, or this girl is dead.”
Reid Tosses me the paper clip and I start fiddling with the laptop. “Im telling you Morgan. His favorite is in here.”
“What are you doing?” Morgan furrows his brows as I slide the CD holder open and finds a
Metallica disk inside.“what made you Both think of this?”
“It was the only empty case.” Reid says, and I just shrug. “Its the only place that holds CD’s that wasnt opened” 
 “All right. I'm an insomniac who listens to Metallica to go to sleep at night. What song could possibly speak to me?” Morgan responds.
Reid Furrows his brows, he must be in thought. He looks up quickly. “Enter Sandman”
Hotchner talking with Richard. “We found out Heather was buying a used car. You know how car
salesmen get us to buy a car? They call it reciprocity. They drop the price and ... feels like they've done us a favor. We feel obligated. There's a sudden pressure to reciprocate this one little favor. And it's so powerful that we'll ... put a deposit down on a car we're not even sure we really want.” Hotch explains. 
“So what?”
“So Vogel did you a favor. He protected you in prison, and now you feel like you owe him and you need to protect him. Guys like Vogel learn in the schoolyard which kids to bully and which kids to protect, and he's got you convinced that you owe him so much that you'll go to jail for him. Richard ...I'm here to remind you of something. You owe him nothing.”
Morgan is on his cell phone. “Gideon, Heather's alive.”
“How do you know?” Morgan kneels down in front of the laptop. Reid, Graham and the other agents are huddled around the monitor as well. “'Cause we're watching her right now.” On the monitor is a live Webcam viewer of Heather Woodland inside the cage. Video close-up shows Heather taped and gagged inside. 
Gideon is on the phone. “Hotch, he's gonna kill her. He's heading there now. We need a
“I don't have enough time to get it out of him.” “Find something, Hotch, or that girl is dead.”
Reid, Graham and Morgan watch the monitor. “Morgan, can you show me the last twelve images lined up next to each other?” I ask softly, and move closer to the screen.  “Yeah.” 
With a couple clicks the images line up, filling the monitor. “Right there. You see that? The light bulb hanging from the Wire?” I point on the monitor, Reid smiles at me. I smile back akwardly And look at Morgan. 
“Yeah, what about it?” Morgan raises a brow.  “It's shifting positions like it's swaying ... like the earth is tilting.” Spencer says, getting hat I’m putting down. “Not the earth, Doc. The ocean.” I say with a breath. We all look at each other.
“It's a pier or a dock. He wouldn't be able to transmit the Webcam image from the middle of the ocean.” Morgan says over the phone. “You're sure about this.” Hotch asks,  “It's the best we got, Hotch. Even if we're right, getting the exact location's on you, my friend.”
“What is it you always ask Garcia?” Hotch sounds like hes smiling through the phone. “To work me a little magic.”
“Just to let you know ... Gideon's talking to Vogel ... and Vogel's nailing you to the wall.” Hotchner walks around the room. “Yeah, whatever.” Slessman scoffs. “He said it was your idea to keep the girls on a boat. He's talking, Richard. Reciprocity. Tell me where she is, and we make a deal. Is it a dock? A pier?” Hotch leans on the table. Slessman’s eyes widen. “It's a shipyard. Allied Shipyard.”
The dark-colored car pulls into the shipyard and stops. Elle and Gideon get out of the car and look around the area. 
The video cam updates and we see Tim Vogel is there inside the room. “Guys, he's inside.” Vogel unlocks the cage and removes the chain.  “Get Elle on the phone.” Reid gets his phone out to make the call.
Gideon walks down the ramp, his gun out. He opens the gate and enters the
fenced-off area.
Morgan is on the phone with Elle. “Listen to me. You need to wait for backup.”
“If we wait, the girl is dead.” 
“And if we had waited in Boston –”
“I can't. You told me to trust my instincts.”
Vogel opens the cage door and reaches for Heather. She's on the floor Sleeping.  “Come on.” He starts dragging her out toward the door by pulling her ankles. She frees one leg and kicks him in the head. Heather gets up and tries to run. She hits her head on something. Still, she runs and manages to get out of the room and out onto the boat deck.
Vogel follows her. Unable to see, Heather starts crawling away from him. He grabs her from behind and pulls her up. “Stop!” Vogel looks up and sees Gideon headed his way. “Stop.”
“Get back!” Gideon is on the walkway toward the boat.”I'll shoot her.”
 “I wouldn't. If I were you, I'd aim the gun at me. You shoot the girl, you got nothing.” Gideon says as he slowly approaches the Unsub. “Get ... back!” “Shoot me instead. Come on. What, are you a lousy shot?” Gideon moves his gun to the side, his arms spread out. “Fifty feet away. You got a perfect shot. Shoot me.”
“You think I'm stupid?” Vogel gets internally defensive. “I think you're an absolute moron. I know all about ya, Tim. You're at the gym five times a week. You drive a flashy car, you stink of cologne, and you can't get it up. Not even Viagra's workin' for ya. You know what that tells me? That tells me you are hopelessly compensating, and it's not just in your head. It is physical. What did the girls call you in high school? What'd they come up with when you fumbled your way into some girl's pants, and she started laughing when she got a good look at just how little you had to offer?”
“Shut up!”
“Short stack? Very little Vogel? I got it. Tiny Tim.” Vogel pushes Heather away from him and points his gun at Gideon. Elle shoots and hits him a couple of times. Vogel fires at Gideon, hitting him in the chest. Vogel goes down. Gideon goes down. He slumps back against the chain railing.
“Gideon!” Elle heads over to check on Gideon. Heather gets to her feet and yells as she cries. “You okay?”
“I'm fine. Go look after the girl.” Elle runs over to Heather and puts her arms around her. Heather cries. In the distance, sirens approach.
Heather is on a gurney as Gideon looks down at her. He puts a hand on her forehead, turns and leaves as the EMTs put Heather into the back of an ambulance. Gideon walks away. Hotchner and Morgan sit on the side watching Gideon.  “So what kind of report do they want on him?’
“I suppose whether he's fit to be a field agent. You know, Haley and I were looking at a baby names book. Well, guess what Gideon means in Hebrew.” Hotch says as  Reid passes by and hears the question. “Mighty warrior. Appropriate.” Reid says and walks away. Hotchner smiles at him. “So what are you gonna tell them?” Morgan asks.  “What would you say?”
 “Gideon saved her life. That's good enough for me.” Morgan says and stands up and leaves Hotchner there.
Morgan is sleeping in his seat, the file he's reading off to the side. Reid is lying across several chairs, his jacket covering himself like a blanket. He rolls over and clutches his jacket closer. Graham is talking to her Dad on the phone.  Gideon is awake. Hotchner walks over to him with a cup of coffee in his hand. He sits on the armrest across the aisle from Gideon. “Hey.”
“You and Haley pick the baby's name yet?” Asks Gideon as he looks around at his team members. “It's funny ... Haley liked the name Charles, but, you know … all I could think of …” Hotch shakes his head with a soft laugh. “Manson” “Henry” “Lee Lucas”
“Uh ... Jeffrey.” “Dahmer.”
“There's just too many of them.”
“Kind of hard to feel good about catching one when you know there are fifty more still out there.” Hotchner stands up. “How's your report going?” Hotchner smiles and scratches his head. He's busted. “Didn't think you could hide that from an old profiler, now, did ya?” “You know, you saved that girl today. You can feel good about that.”
“It is good. It's a good thing.” Hotchner puts a hand on Gideon's shoulder. He turns and walks away.
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sammysmaddy · 9 months
Normal (Winchesters x Reader) - Part Five
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Summary: Growing up as the baby of the Winchester family led you to be constantly guarded. Soon enough, you start to learn what's normal between families and what's not.
Characters: Sam, Dean, mentions of Brother!Dean x Sister!Reader, mentions of Brother!Sam x Sister!Reader, mentions of Dad!John x Daughter!Reader
Warnings: angst, mentions of manipulation, Sammy makes a very big realization, mentions of incest.
W/C: 3k+
Normal Masterlist
Dean was a mixture of angry and confused but above all that, he was scared. Sam hadn't said anything about catching Dean kissing his baby sister and Dean wasn't sure if he wanted that conversation to occur or not. 
Dean wasn't sure if Sam would be upset or angry with him, and he wasn't sure if he wanted to figure that out. There was the possibility that maybe Sam thought that Dean had forced himself onto her, but Dean could deal with Sam. Dean, however, wasn't sure if he could handle the wrath of John if he ever found out.
Sam said he didn't care, he didn't even seem too fazed by the entire scene in general, but there was no telling how Sam actually felt. 
It could be that Sam said what he said only so that he could get Dean and Y/N to leave the party. Maybe Sam didn't actually mean it. Maybe he was bottling up his emotions, upset for Y/N, maybe he even wanted to kill Dean, but he was hard to read. 
Sam was always good at hiding his emotions, all except around Y/N, and nobody really knew how to get through to him. Dean didn't know if he should have left it up in the air, or if Sam was even worried about it in the first place, but Dean felt guilty and he had to stop the truth from reaching John.
John would kill Dean if he were the one to have caught him. Pressing Y/N against the wall, towering over her body, kissing her until his lips went numb, touching all parts of her body with his large hands. John would lose his cool, and Dean was absolutely sure of it. 
John would probably scold him for the rest of eternity, tell him how bad of a brother he was- say that he took advantage of her, and Dean couldn't afford anything but praise from John. 
Dean had always been the best under pressure, his reflexes were arguably even better than John's, he was the better investigator, the better everything when it came to hunting. That's the way that John had raised him. 
John wanted Dean to be like him. Be a hunter. Risk his life every day for the wellbeing of others. And Dean was exactly that. If John ever found out about what Sam saw, Dean was afraid that he would never be looked at the same again. 
But, what about John?  Where had John been for the past hour? Y/N wasn't home and she's the one who rode with him in the truck. 
Y/N was the one who accidentally told Dean, and although he didn't have much information, he knew that something was going on between the two of them. 
Was John hurting her? Did Y/N tell him about what Dean had done? Did she know that it wasn't normal to be with your father like that? It wasn't right and as much as Dean's perverted mind wanted for her to stay so innocently unaware, she needed to know the truth. 
That started with coming clean to Sam. 
"Where are they? It's been over an hour," Dean asked cooly, trailing his way into a very uncomfortable conversation. 
Dean felt as though he couldn't openly bring up the situation that had occurred earlier, but he was nervously biting his tongue for Sam to.
"Don't know, man," Sam shrugged his shoulders, eyes glued to some book, and Dean sighed aloud. 
Sam was being dry and even though Dean had only made one attempt, he knew that sooner or later he would have to bite the bullet. 
"It's late and Dad wasn't exactly sober, you think she's okay?" Dean asked Sam, but he shrugged his shoulders again. 
Dean frowned to himself, upset that Sam didn't seem to be too worried, and continued to ask questions. 
"What if he got into a car crash or something, Sammy? What if he passed out in the parking lot? Y/N doesn't know how to drive." Dean questioned but he didn't believe any of it was true. 
He was almost certain that they were doing other things.
What if John got upset with her? Dean should have never left her alone with him- he should have never even taken her to that party. How could he have been so stupid? 
Dean wished he could take it all back, even the kiss that he had been wanting to steal from her for years now. He wished that he could have protected her, that he never got her into trouble. 
Dean knows first-hand what happens when John gets angry, especially when drunk, and he would never dream of any of that happening to her. But then again, Y/N never talked about John badly. 
Y/N practically viewed John as a God, he's all that she's ever known, and she didn't know any better. Dean was sure that she didn't know that incest wasn't socially or morally acceptable. 
Dean figured that because it was beneficial for John, John would probably never tell her the truth.
"Dean, they're fine. Y/N has a phone, she knows when to call us, and for Dad? He's driven so many times drunk that he's forgotten how to drive to drive sober. I'm sure it's nothing, maybe they're getting food." Sam answered, looking up from his book and giving Dean an assuring smile. 
Dean's frown deepened, he just wanted for Y/N to be okay. If Sam was hellbent on them being fine, Dean had to address the elephant in the room.
"Can we talk about it?" Dean asked, deepening his voice to seem like it wasn't a big deal. 
Dean knew it was. He knew that maybe Sam would never look at them the same again. He knew it was wrong, but God- he had wanted to kiss her for so long. 
Sam looked up from his book, looking at Dean nonchalantly, almost like he didn't know what Dean was saying. 
"You know what I'm talking about." Dean huffed out, frustrated that Sam hadn't said anything in response.
"For someone wanting to talk about it, you're not very good at admitting what it is," Sam gave him a small, playfully scolding, scoff. 
Dean was trying his best to read Sam but with his snarky comment, he didn't even know where to start. Was he condemning Dean? Did he really not care? Dean didn't know and he needed to.
"I, uh, I kissed Y/N," Dean admitted, a deep blush displaying on his cheeks. 
Dean held his breath whilst he waited for Sam's response. Sam raised an eyebrow at him, Sam's lips curving into a small smile.
"That was a little more than kissing, dude," Sam laughed lightly, no hints of awkwardness in his tone. "I mean, you were practically groping her, pressed up all on her and-"
"Shut up, Sam. I don't want to hear it, I know what I did," Dean cut him off and Sam gave him a small frown. 
Dean didn't want to admit to those things, to the things that made his stomach bubble with an equal amount of guilt and arousal. He didn't want Sam to know that he could think that way about his baby sister.
"I mean, if I hadn't gotten there in time, how far would it have gone?" Sam asked, leaning back into the wooden chair, and Dean gulped nervously. 
All the way, was Dean's initial reaction- but he couldn't admit that. Dean didn't want to even admit that to himself. 
Sam was practically teasing him at this point, making Dean much more anxious than needed.
"I don't know what got into me. I'm sure it was just the alcohol," Dean played it off, skipping the question completely. 
It was a lie, though. Drunk or sober Dean thought about his hands all over her, alcohol just amplified his concepts. Sam shrugged his shoulders, lending Dean a small smile. 
"You've never thought about it?" Sam questioned playfully. 
Dean's eyebrows furrowed in response, frowning a bit at the inquiry. It was almost painfully evident that Sam was scrutinizing Dean for getting caught in the act and it made Dean's face heat up even more. 
"Never thought about what?" Dean asked in return, confused and wondering why Sam didn't seem upset. 
"Y/N, I mean, in that way," Sam confirmed, looking at Dean with wide and examining eyes. 
Dean frowned, knowing that Sam would only ask that question if he too had thought about it. Dean was also upset by his own answer because he thought about Y/N every second of the day. Dean practically lived in his head which was a sick fantasy land, full of him and Y/N being together in every way possible. 
"Are you serious?" Dean scoffed, but the silence that followed after and Sam's gaze made him swallow hard. "No, Sam. I haven't." Dean put his foot down and Sam looked surprised. 
"You sure?" Sam questioned with an eyebrow raised and Dean nodded his head. "You're a bad liar, Dean," Sam scolded, a smile sprawled across his face as he looked back down into his book. 
"Have you?" Dean asked and Sam shrugged his shoulders in return. "I gave you a real answer, now I deserve the same." Dean huffed out, getting a little agitated by how lightly Sam was taking the entire situation. 
"No, you gave me an answer but not a real one," Sam shrugged, looking back up at Dean. "You answer truthfully and I will follow suit." Sam raised his eyebrow at Dean. 
Dean knew he wasn't exactly the greatest at hiding things and Sam's inquisitive nature didn't help. 
"I don't have to answer to you," Dean rolled his eyes and Sam didn't seem to care as his eyes dipped down once again. 
But, Dean needed to know Sam's- he needed to know that Sam wasn't the only perfectly sane person in this family. Based on Sam's steady flow of questions, Dean was almost sure Sam felt the same way about Y/N. 
"Seriously, where are they?" Dean questioned, flipping the subject back to John, and sighing frustratedly as he sat down on the edge of the motel bed. "It's three a.m." He added, looking at his watch. 
Dean was still dressed from the party, anxiously awaiting for the two of them to get home, and couldn't bring himself to not watch the door. He needed to know that she was okay.
"How much you wanna bet that Y/N fell asleep and he just doesn't wanna wake her up? It's probably nothing," Sam replied, however, Dean noticed how his face contorted. 
Dean couldn't read Sam all that well, but he knew at that moment that Sam was hiding something. 
"You don't find that weird? He'd never do that for us," Dean said, trying to catch Sam's eyes as they avoided his. 
"Yeah, well, we're not Daddy's little girl, are we?" Sam scoffed in return, but it was far from his regular scoff. 
Sam's voice shook nervously and Dean was taking whatever he could read off of Sam. Sam was a good liar, but Dean was too desperate to not pick up on every single sign that Sam gave him. Did Sam know about Y/N and John too?
"I mean, if that were true, don't you think he'd be parked in the parking lot?" Dean asked, standing up. 
He walked over to the curtains, pulled them open, and found no signs of John's truck anywhere. Dean knew exactly what was happening, obviously not to its full extent, and he found it weird that Sam wasn't more on edge. 
"They've got to be up to something," Dean added, looking back at Sam. 
"What are you suggesting, Dean?" Sam gulped nervously, frowning at Dean slightly, and it made his blood boil. Sam did know.
"Stop that," Dean growled, turning to face Sam. 
Sam's eyebrows crimped immediately at Dean's change of tone, looking more and more anxious as the seconds passed by.
"Stop what?" Sam frowned in return, looking genuinely curious.
Dean knew by this point that it was all just an act. With all of those questions about Y/N and the way Sam didn't seem to care where she was, Dean knew that Sam's story didn't add up. He either knew as much as Dean did or he was trying to cover his tracks.
"Stop acting stupid, Sam. Tell me what's going on," Dean pried, glaring at Sam up and down. 
Dean just wanted some clarity from Sam and it was aggravating that he was only getting bits and pieces. 
"Look, I'm sure it's nothing," Sam offered, dumbing down the situation, and looking back down to avoid Dean. "Like I said, they're probably getting food or something."
"When is it ever nothing?" Dean scoffed and Sam shrugged his shoulders. 
Every part of Dean told him that Sam knew everything, even more so than he knew. After a long few seconds of bitter silence, Dean had to ask. 
"Do you know?" Dean asked in a way that Sam could only become confused or simply nod his head 'yes'. 
Sam did the latter, looking up with wide eyes at Dean. 
"You know too?" Sam asked, his face pale like he had just seen a ghost. 
Dean nodded his head and they both struggled to find the words that came next. 
"Did Dad tell you?" Dean questioned and Sam shook his head immediately. 
"No, I just figured it out," Sam answered honestly. "Did he tell you?"
"Hell no," Dean scoffed, acting like the same question he asked Sam was stupid. "Y/N told me one night." He added on and Sam nodded his head, not knowing what to say. "Have you, uh, ever, you know, with her?" Dean stuttered and Sam continued to nod his head. 
Although Dean was being hypocritical, he felt the anger course through his veins. Dean couldn't tell if he was upset because it was immoral or because Sam and John had never mentioned that to Y/N. 
"Sammy, you've gotta stop." Dean sighed, turning back to sit on the edge of his bed. 
"Dean, it's not like that," Sam frowned, closing his book for good as he decided to face Dean. 
"Then what is it like, Sam?" Dean asked, anger lacing his tone as Sam tried his best to come up with a viable answer. 
"She, uh, she came on to me," Sam said in a small voice and Dean began to rub his face with his calloused fingers. 
"She doesn't know that it's wrong. You're supposed to be the one who tells her these things, you were supposed to be the person protecting her. You know Dad doesn't give a fuck if she doesn't know it isn't normal. That's our job." Dean raised his voice slightly, making Sam scoff in defense. 
"So, tonight was normal? Kissing her at a party and pressing her against a wall is normal? I know my sister, Dean, and she wasn't sober, so you tell me who's more screwed up: You or Dad? Because at least she initiated it with me." Sam raised his voice in return.
"How can you be fine with this? I'm not justifying what I did tonight, Hell, I'll even apologize for it- but you? How can you sit there and explain to me that it was okay? Don't you feel guilty?" Dean continued to scrutinize. 
"Sam, I kissed her, touched her up and down, and lord knows what you've done to her. This stuff isn't okay. Especially with her, she barely even knows what sex is." Dean frowned, wondering why he seemed to be the only one who felt guilty. 
Sam was a smart kid, he should probably feel more guilty than Dean did, but Sam didn't seem to care. 
"But she let you," Sam reasoned and Dean raised an eyebrow. "She let you kiss her. She wanted it, Dean." Sam made up for Dean's actions, seemingly trying to get Dean to loosen up. 
"It's not about that and you know it," Dean growled, growing more upset with Sam with each little comment. 
Dean closed his eyes for a second, attempting to collect his cool because he was sure that Sam didn't think about how she didn't know any better. Sam wasn't the type to purposefully manipulate people, especially Y/N. 
Dean knew that Sam loved Y/N more than anything in the world, and he knew that Sam would never hurt her. 
"It's not your fault, Sammy. She came on to you- I get it, but if you continue, you better make sure she knows. You can't keep using her like that. She doesn't know it's wrong."
"I'm sorry," Sam apologized in a small voice, looking ashamed of himself. 
Sam was calming down too, starting to finally understand where Dean was coming from.
"It's not your fault, I told you that. It's Dad, he's the one who should have told her if he started all that stuff. You just didn't think about it that way, did you?" Dean sighed and Sam shook his head, beginning to look upset.
Now, just like Dean, Sam was beginning to feel sick within himself. He felt guilty for all of his times with her in the shower, all of the mornings when John would be on a hunt and Dean would be out getting breakfast, and, especially, the nights when John and Dean were on hunts. 
When Y/N was the one to advance on Sam, Sam didn't think twice about whether it was immoral or not because of how much he loved Y/N. All of those months of being ignorant were catching up to Sam.
When Sam did finally question, going back and forth between feeling guilty and soaking up the pleasure he felt with Y/N, he justified that Y/N must have known the implications behind their relationship. Sam just figured that it was common knowledge, but maybe he had learned it in school somewhere. Y/N never got that opportunity. 
By the time the whole sex and incest jokes were being passed around, Y/N was 'homeschooled' and only stayed at the motel. She never got the chance to socially develop- find out the difference between right and wrong, and Sam should have realized that. 
As Sam and Dean sat in silence, contemplating their own acts, Dean began to plan a course of action.
Next Part
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yuesya · 1 year
Okay now I just have to ask. After Satoru kills Toji what happens then. Does Satoru heal shiki's eye? Doe she remain half blind and is demoted a rank? Or does she find a way to unlock reversed cursed technique as well? Will she go up a rank ( assuming that she's a grade one at 16/17 ) ?
You don't have to answer all my questions, I was just kinda wondering.
"You're an idiot."
Shiki sniffs, "I don't want to hear that from you."
Her cousin scoffs, and moves to sit on the ground beside her, arms haphazardly thrown over his legs. "What, you think I'm lying?"
The girl crosses her arms, ignoring the burst of pain that accompanies that movement, and does not respond. As much as it galls her to admit, he's not wrong.
Looking at the situation logically... Shiki should've ran and reported the situation or called for backup the instant she'd seen that Zenin man standing over Satoru's corpse. Anyone who was capable of taking Satoru down without a scratch like that was definitely more than capable of going toe-to-toe with her and likely putting her down as well. And that wasn't even taking into account the man's insane physical capabilities.
Heavenly Restriction was quite terrifying, wasn't it?
... But it hadn't occurred to her to run. The only thought that had been left in her mind was kill, a singularly overwhelming desire that had taken over her entire being.
Satoru always needles her about being a born killer for her instincts, but contrary to what he or anyone else might believe, Shiki has never experienced bloodlust.
Not until today, at least. And as for what she has to show for it...
The girl blinks tiredly with her one remaining eye. Sitting down like this in the aftermath of everything, she can't believe that she'd continued charging that Zenin like a deranged animal while missing half her field of view and with her sense of visual depth shot to hell.
(But at least it wasn't an entire loss.)
"Does it hurt?"
"What do you think?" Shiki deadpans. "Want me to gouge out an eye from your face?"
"Excuse you, that was a yes or no answer," Satoru raises a hand as if to shove her, then takes another look at her bloodied, disheveled state and seems to think the better of it. "... Man, you really need to get on top of learning Reverse Cursed Technique so you can keep yourself in one piece. It's just multiplying negative and negative to get positive energy."
"Don't make me hit you."
Her cousin laughs. "As if you can hit me in the first place!"
Certainly not in her current condition, at least. "What did you do to get the Sorcerer Killer coming after you, anyways? It's not like you to pick pointless fights."
"He was after Amanai, the Star Plasma Vessel," Satoru shrugs. "Not that it matters anymore."
Shiki hums in vague agreement.
The two sit together peacefully in silence on the stone steps for a moment. Neither look back at the cooling corpse of the Zenin behind them.
"You should be Special Grade," Satoru breaks the silence. "I saw you fight. You more than qualify for the rank, even with only one eye. I'll nominate you for it."
"Don't bother," Shiki shakes her head. "With only one eye, I'll be lucky not to be demoted to Semi-Grade One. We both know the reason why I'm not already ranked as Special Grade, anyways. Two Special Grade sorcerers from the Gojo Clan? The Kamo and Zenin will riot."
It had always irked her, that Satoru was Special Grade and she wasn't and would never be-
But somehow, rankings suddenly don't really seem to matter anymore.
Funny, isn't it?
(Geto is the one who finds them later, falling asleep on top of each other and bleeding out in front of the jujutsu school. Shiki only has half a mind to register Wait, is that the Star Plasma Vessel? Aren't they supposed to merge with Tengen? before she's out like a light again.
It's been quite an eventful day.)
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dragonflight203 · 7 months
Mass Effect 1 Replay, first part of Feros:
-Logan - A planet with strange disturbances in its cloud. ME1 like mysterious unexplained phenomena, doesn't it? It certainly contributes to the atmosphere of the galaxy being a large and inexplicable, with mysteries to unravel.
-Feros - The atmosphere is supposed to be clogged with dust, but no one is wearing masks. I doubt Exo-Geni provides good health care, so I'm interested to know what everyone's long term plans for their lungs are
-Why is the debris on this planet dozens of meters? Something the Protheans did? The Reapers? Natural disaster?
-Interesting choice to have all the gameplay occur above the clouds. We never get to see the actual planet
-If you go renegade with David al Talaqani, the colonist that greets you, he says "The geth wait for no one". However, the geth wait for him to finish before shooting him. How polite of them.
-Feros certainly enjoys presenting new enemies dramatically. The new geth platforms get a little cutscene introduction, and later the varren alpha will as well.
-As usual, Tali and Liara present a contrast.
Tali comments that the colony is home, and the colonists will fight to the death to defend it.
Liara says that the colonists tried to build a life here, but now all they have are ruins.
So Tali sees a home worth defending even if it's in ruins, but Liara focuses on what the colonists have lost.
-Ledra, the salarian shopkeeper, says that this is not a safe place. Yes, very observant.
Dude has a fantastic sense of humor. Should have been brought back in future games.
-Colonists: The geth fight like fanatics. That can't just be programming, can it?
Foreshadowing! Sorry, Feros, these geth are fighting because their gods told them too.
-Hana, at the freighter controls - The work must be completed. The geth cannot be allowed into the heart of the colony.
Is that her or the Thorian speaking? Does heart of the colony = Thorian nest?
-Calantha, the lady on the bed - Very well done character on Bioware's part. First play through, you probably think she's handling the geth attacks poorly. Later playthroughs, it's clear that it's the Thorian she's struggling to deal with. She even tries to warn you about the Thorian.
-Fai Dan also mentions protecting the heart of the colony when the geth attack. I'm strongly suspecting that's the Thorian speaking.
-Where is the Alliance??? The geth attacked Eden Prime, and the Alliance raised hell. The geth have been attacking Feros for days, and the Alliance is just going to ignore it?
-There's a geth terminal where the geth were being dropped. That must be a common landing point for them. Why can't we hack or destroy the terminal?
-Back to Fai Dan. "There's something tranquil about this place. Unlike anything I've experienced before."
Why do you sound happy about this??? You're infected with Thorian spores! That is not tranquil!
-In fact, most of the colonists seem to genuinely love Feros and want to build a better future. How much of this is genuine, and how much of it is a side effect of the Thorian? We know it causes pain if you resist it - can it cause pleasure if you don't fight it?
-It's brought up a few times that the colonists are searching for artifacts for Exo-Geni, and implied the geth might be after an artifact. Good thought, but not quite.
-Why do all the colonists say to talk to Fai Dan about the colony? He's not resisting much better than the rest of them. Is it just that he's a leader, so everyone's going to field him the hard questions?
-Why does everyone want to avoid the Normany's resource? Not evacuating, I get - the Thorian won't let them. But why turn down food, water, power cells? Are the reasons they give legit or related to the Thorian again?
-Shepard to Macha Doyle: I have to go. Macha Doyle: I wish you luck.
-First appearance of the Varren, but they don't stand out much. Just a set of enemies rather easily killed. At least they get a codex entry.
-Ian Newton - Oof. Guy's resisting more than any of the other colonists, but he does come off as just crazy.
-If you go neutral, he warns you about sticking around too long. Points for trying!
-Tali: This one is no longer fit. We should leave him.
Cold, Tali. That's just cold. No offer to help? Nothing about speaking to Fai Dan?
-After fixing the water shortage, Marcha Doyle comments that once the geth are dealt with they can get back to growing the colony.
Again: Are we just going to ignore the Thorian??? Are you saying you want to create more victims of it???
-Once you go down the elevator, Liara and Tali again provide a contrast:
Liara: Even in their ruins, the majesty of the Protheans is evident.
Tali: This city was once a marvel of Prothean Technology. Now it's nothing but a graveyard.
Now it's Liara seeing the beauty, and Tali focusing on what has been lost.
-Why is there a geth hanging out beneath the bridge? Everyone else comes out to attack me, and yet this guy is just chilling? Even when I went under the bridge, he didn't attack me - he kept hiding behind cover, and I had to go up to him.
-It never ceases to amaze me that you can completely skip the second set of survivors. I think one of your companions even encourages you to do so, and get on with the mission instead.
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Randomly openeed my MMDS doc the other day and look what I found lmfao i'm so funny 😂
There are a lot of things Eren would do for Mikasa. Without question, he would die for her, he would kill for her, he has done both of those things in past lives, so if need be there is no doubt he would fall on the sword for her. 
Anything, any ask or demand, it wouldn’t matter, words spoken from her lips are a command, a call to action, he is nothing if not her faithful servant. 
And yet, as he sits in his family’s oversized kitchen, large bay windows allowing the blaring sun to shine on his face just so, he wishes she would have at least asked before she rather savagely pushed him onto the sword. 
“Eren Yeager, stop lying to your mother and just admit you ate the stew!” 
It feels all too reminiscent of another time, another place, another kitchen, much smaller, much cozier, his mother in a worn apron and not mom jeans and a white blouse, a pink frilled apron draped around her hips. To cement the imagery Mikasa sits in the corner, just as she had back then, oozing innocence, her sweet pure face, silver eyes wide as she watches Eren get berated. Virtuous, innocent Mikasa who could do no wrong, who would never do something as grievous as steal the last helping of his mother’s homemade stew.  Carla hadn’t even given Mikasa a glance upon finding the Tupperware of her famous potato stew gone, laying transparently empty in the sink, not a drop of the delicious substance left. Instead, his mother had immediately turned to him, Grisha and Zeke. She’d then narrowed it down to one singular culprit, and of course, it would be him. 
It's all too similar to the last time this occurred, when in a much younger, much skinnier body Eren had denied touching the stuff till he was blue in the face. 
Back then, out of pure self-preservation he’d implicated her, “It was Mikasa!” 
His mother hadn’t believed him then either.  But he’d known, the look of faux shock painted onto her face, the surprised gasp at the accusation, the little devious smile that had crept onto her face when Carla had dismissed the idea immediately.  Most wouldn’t expect it of her, Eren certainly hadn’t. Not faithful Mikasa who’d beat up bullies on his behalf, who’d follow him to the ends of the earth if he’d asked even back then, but she had a weakness for that stew. 
It had been one of the first meals she’d eaten with the Yeagers, Carla making her famous recipe solely for the new member of their little family, a comfort in all the horror she’d underwent. It had become her comfort food from thereon in, and since it wasn’t something Carla made often, it was a hot commodity in the Yeager household. Leftovers were hard to come by and were often fought for tooth and nail by Eren and Grisha.  No one expected, sweet, responsible Mikasa to throw herself into the ring. 
Yet she did, and Eren was the one who always got in trouble for it. 
Some things never change, not even that mischievous little smile on her face as she leans back against the counter next to the fridge and out of Carla’s sight. 
He’s going to fall on the sword again for her, as he would a million times over, but this just doesn’t seem fair.  She could have at least shared some of the soup. 
“Ma, it wasn’t me.”  “Eren Matthew Yeager, I raised you better than to lie to your mother, now you admit it right now or I will ground you in front of your girlfriend and send you to your room.”  Eren swallows nervously, he feels as if he’s in an interrogation room, his mother, Grisha, even Zeke all huddled around his chair, glaring daggers into his soul, sweat running down his neck as the sun beats down on him. 
He should just accept it, he really should…
“It was Mikasa!”  Her eyes widen a little, surprised that he’d even suggest it.  No one even turns around and her evil little smirk widens.  “Eren! Shame on you, throwing your girlfriend under the bus? And for what? We all know it was you son.”  “I thought I raised you better than this.”  “Come on Eren, that’s your girl, not cool.” 
Sometimes his fall on the sword is involuntary, but he always does it for Mikasa in the end, and he supposes that’s what matters the most. 
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bafflement · 1 year
Deaged Oz AU - Meeting Team CFVY
"Very funny, you two. I know you like gossip, but couldn't you come up with something more believable?" Daichi sounded fed up. Being a fully licenced huntsman might have made him open up a bit more, but that didn't mean he was going to just believe his team mates like this. Ozpin, as a child? Sounded like nonsense...
"I don't know..." Fox interjected. "It does sound sort of like something Professor Ozpin might have done. But why would he be here in Vacuo? As a child? It just isn't credible, guys, you need to try harder."
"He requested a meeting with us later, so you'll both see soon enough. Does this really sound like something we'd make up, guys?"
"Honestly? If you were bored enough, Coco, yes. That you got Velvet in on it is slightly impressive, but..."
"Yeah, yeah... are you two coming to the meeting or not?"
The boys glanced at each other and shrugged. They ddn't really have anything better to do today, their next mission wouldn't be for a few days, after all. Maybe meeting the little boy that Coco and Velvet were so illogically certain was somehow their dead headmaster would be fun?
The message requesting the meeting appeared on Coco's scroll a few hours later. The person sending it seemed nervous from the language, but the room they'd picked wasn't too far away. Fox, reading it over her shoulder, shrugged to himself. The words used did sound sort of Ozpin-ish, after all. Maybe it WAS magic... after all, the Grimm Queen was supposedly real enough.
There was indeed a boy seated casually in the room as Team CFVY entered. He seemed to be reading, though he looked up when he heard their presence. A familiar looking cane was propped up against the chair and his silver hair was just as tousled as they remembered Ozpin's being. His eyes were Ozpin's, too, though the glasses he wore were a different shape, they were still tinted that same dark shade. He smiled at them gently and nodded in greeting.
Fox stared, as did Daichi. The cane was rather unmistakeable after all and the boy's coloring matched up with their recollections of their old headmaster. The boy was even primarily dressed in green, though there were hints of gold here and there in his outfit.
"Hello again, students." Oz murmured, eyes sparkling. "It has been rather a long while, after all."
"You... are you actually Professor Ozpin? I thought you were, well, dead..."
"The rumors of my demise were a tad exaggerated, I fear. Though I prefer to go by Tip, at the moment. So if you could, please call me that?"
"... Tip?" Velvet ventured... "Umm, what happened to you, if I can ask?"
"Magic, as I told Miss Adel and yourself. This was a backlash from something that occured when Beacon fell. I became a child. At least it appears temporary in that I'm growing up again."
For the first time, Coco really noticed just how small Tip was, how vulnerable he appeared. Her eyes softened in understanding.
"They'd target you, wouldn't they?"
"I rather fear that they would. Salem already has, in fact. I would ask that you keep this to yourself as much as possible, at least for the next few weeks? I am very well aware that this is not the sort of secret that can be kept for long, however despite your love of gossip... it is a dangerous one."
"I'd never think to spread something like this!" Coco was quick to assure, wilting slightly at Tip's single raised eyebrow which was his only response. "... anymore. You're just a boy, professor, I'm not going to put you in danger like that!"
"Thank you, Miss Adel. I'm sure you all have questions?"
"Magic is real, does that mean the person that tried to hurt you has it, too? Or... do you?"
Tip sighed. "The one that tried to kill me is the current Fall Maiden. As such, yes, she has a not inconsiderable amount of magic."
Coco blinked at that, assimilating it, before realising what he hadn't said. "And... do you have magic, too?"
"... yes." Tip sounded very reluctant now. "I do."
"... Prof... Tip? I know the stories, we all do. If you have magic too, does that make you the wizard?"
Tip swallowed before nodding, once, the quick, choppy motion looking very out of place on someone they were used to being so very elegant.
Well then, that was certainly a thing to know...
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sapphirerubycreates · 11 months
Septictober Day 28: “you’re still not dead?”
Part of my Missed Messages AU.
Author's Note: It's a liberal interpretation of the prompt. Kinda a two-parter, and I have an idea where this was going, but it's still a nebulous cluster of how I get this to fit better into my AU, so sorry if it feels off and abrupt.
Content warning: talk of suicide & self-harm (no description), mention of depression
“Where is she today?” Jackie wondered, noticing the calm, quiet demeanor in the house.
“Marvin took her out,” Anti answered. “Don’t know if it’s just to get out, or if they’re actually doing something.”
“That’s probably good. Think she was going a little stir-crazy in here,” Jackie nodded.
“It’s not like we told her she couldn’t go out,” Chase defended her.
“Yeah, but the first time she did, she was missing for hours on end. Kinda hard to trust her on her own after that,” Jackie explained.
Chase made a long sigh. “She’s dealing with a lot of shit. Don’t you remember what this was like for us?”
“...yeah. But we were never this bad... Honestly, I’m surprised she’s not dead yet with how she’s been acting.”
The pause that had been naturally occurring between responses started to drag out. And when it was Chase’s turn to speak, Jackie instead found himself being grabbed by the arm and dragged into another area of the house. “Jeez Chase,” he blurted out, but still continued to let his brother lead him away.
Chase didn’t breathe a word as he pulled them into the <study>. Closed the door once Jackie was inside and locked it. Then he just let out a very stressed breath before very sternly demanding, “Never say something like that again.”
“Huh? Like what?”
And Chase was trying to talk, but then he pressed his lips together tightly and walked a few steps away while making very frustrated noises. His older brother took a few deep breaths to calm down before clarifying, “Saying that she should be dead.”
“I didn’t say that though,” Jackie raised his voice. “She is acting stupid and reckless and it’s going to get her killed.”
“Okay–” Chase stopped himself and thought for a few seconds. “I know that’s what you actually mean, but that’s not how it comes out.”
“On what planet does pointing out someone’s acting reckless equate with saying they should be dead?”
“On the one where that’s the intention; that she’s making choices to get herself killed.”
“What?” Jackie almost laughed at that, and it didn’t help that Chase was being totally too serious right now. “She’s not suicidal. She can’t even bring herself to self-harm, so we don’t have to worry about that.”
“Jackie–” Chase walked to the other side of the room, angrily pacing back and forth, face going through a slough of thoughts and feelings.
“Why are you so worked up over this Chase?”
“Have some sympathy, will you?!” Chase was visibly frazzled. “I mean–” he just kept pacing back and forth. “I don’t care that you hate her. I don’t care if you think she’s overreacting or being dramatic. Because there is a slim, but very real possibility that we wake up one morning and she is gone. And I know you don’t care if she dies or not, but I cannot feel that pain again.”
Jackie was stunned into silence for a few seconds. He came back much calmer than before. “Okay, she is maybe–likely, depressed, but suicidal? She’s barely okay yelling at someone. What makes you so sure she could do that kind of thing?” It was a genuine question too. But now he had some doubts about her. Did Jackie actually misread her? If Chase was so passionate about this, then surely he had felt something in her to warrant this reaction.
“Just trust me on this one,” Chase insufficiently explained. “But Jackie, do not push it right now with her. I don’t need her feeling worse than she already does.”
“I don’t even know what I did wrong.”
“Being bitter. And douchey. I know that you were taught ‘if you don’t have something nice to say, don’t say anything at all’. I don’t know where you lost that, but goddamn relearn it for right now.
“Or better yet, just treat her like a fucking human being who has been through a trauma. You can at least pretend to care for the people you help in your job, right?”
Chase covered his face and let out a muffled yell before letting his hands fall. Started walking towards Jackie, but it wasn’t with the intent of reconciliation. “I’m going for a walk,” he grunted, walking straight past Jackie without eye contact. Unlocked the door, left it wide open, and a few seconds later a different door slammed shut.
And Jackie felt... well not good, but also like he didn’t deserve to be reprimanded like that. It took him a minute to walk out of the room back to where Anti was. Plopped down on the opposite sofa like he had just worked all night, and was immediately hit with a, “You two really had it out, didn’t ya?”
“You could hear,” Jackie moreso stated than asked. The normal walls of the house weren’t soundproof.
“Mmph,” Anti shrugged off, continuing to work on his laptop. And Jackie was going to try and turn on the TV to get his mind off, but it kept circling back and he got so frustrated by it.
Let out an annoyed grumble before asserting, “I didn’t do anything wrong!”
“No, I’m with ya,” Anti mused, his tone more just playing along than actually invested in the conversation.
“I’m serious.” Now Jackie was getting annoyed with him.
“So am I.” Anti looked up at his brother and simultaneously shut his laptop. “Chase is wound up right now.”
“Thank you!” Jackie leaned back into his chair, feeling relief for the first time today.
“You are too.”
“What?” Jackie sat back up. “No I’m not.”
“C’mon. We all are.”
“You’re chill as ever though, like nothing’s changed.”
Anti let out a few seconds of laughter at that. Oh great; yet another thing Jackie missed. “Everyone here is walking on eggshells trying to navigate this. You’re just the only one that doesn’t care about breaking a few eggs.”
“But see, that’s the thing. I don’t think it’s right that we have to upend our life just because her’s was.”
Anti didn’t say anything, but started to make that wobbly upturn of disapproval with his mouth.
“No, see, I know that sounds like a shitty thing to say. But it’s not fair to Chase, to Jameson, to Marvin to stress them all out like this. We only agreed to take her in because it was Marvin, but that doesn’t mean it was a good idea.”
“So what would you propose?”
“A hotel room? Maybe an apartment. You could easily have gotten her one.”
“You think she’d do better there?”
“I think we would be doing better.”
“She’d still be making all those bad decisions.”
“But Marvin wouldn’t blame himself for them. Chase wouldn’t be feeling like shit right now.”
“She’d be dead right now though.”
“Don’t overreact. She wouldn’t be dead. She’s too smart for that,” Jackie begrudgingly admitted.
“You said it yourself, she’s acting dumb and it’d kill her.”
“Yeah, but that’s more like an expression. She’s too stubborn to actually die.”
“Maybe it’s cause she has someone here to stop her.”
“Pssh. Like she’s actually listening to any of us instead of just wallowing in her misery.”
“I think you could be surprised by her.”
“I really doubt that.” Jackie stood up, tired of this conversation. “But fine. No casual talk about self-harm, or suicide, or whatever. But when she slips up, again, I am going to confront her about it.”
“Alrighty then,” Anti was eerily cheery.
“Don’t just agree with me.”
“I’m not... Hero.”
“I am not doing it to save her.” Jackie got really angry now. “I’m doing it to save this family — to save Marvin — because you all insist on keeping her here.”
“Say what you want.”
“Stop thinking that I actually care about her!”
“Would never dream of it,” Anti replied sarcastically.
Jackie growled in frustration. “I’m going out!” He stormed over to the door.
“I’ll watch her while you’re out,” Anti called out instead of saying goodbye.
Jackie left without another word, took off into the sky just to let off some of this pent up energy.
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madebymaryssa · 1 year
Some silly thoughts
You know what can be fun? Assessing things based on criteria which the original thing was never meant to fill. 
To that end, I present ... 
Three Barbie Princess Movies In Descending Order Of How Able I Feel To Respect The Characters As Politicians 
3. The Princess And The Pauper 
The princess’ tutor-slash-love-interest recruits her doppelganger to impersonate her, to thwart the queen’s Evil Advisor’s plan to ... restore economic prosperity by giving back the gold he stole. 
There’s a fun post talking about how easily this movie could be redone with Preminger as a hero. His whole evil plot was basically Robin Hood with extra steps. 
1, steal gold out of the royal mine, slowly enough to not be obvious sabotage rather than the mine naturally running out. 
2, go on a journey to provide a backstory to a sudden mysterious fortune. 
3, marry into the royal family, thus having the status to make policy decisions directly rather than just advising on them, and distribute wealth to the people, saving the kingdom’s economy (after ruining it) and creating a legacy as a hero. 
It explicitly says during the opening narration that the queen wanted to consult with Preminger about the looming economic crisis, but couldn’t because he was out of town! If he’d only delayed his trip or been back sooner, he could’ve made his proposal before it even occurred to her to betroth the princess to a neighbouring king instead! 
Yes the big problems were the lying and the kidnapping and the attempted murder, but only the lying was part of his original plan. 
To be fair to Julian, all he knew at the start was that the princess went missing under suspicious circumstances. 
Anyway, the queen in this movie seems to have a decent grip on things, trying to address a problem before it becomes a crisis. Political marriages go against modern sensibilities but are a historically established thing and therefore understandable in the setting. 
Still. Just abdicate and let Preminger have the crown he wants so badly. 
2. The Island Princess 
A prince falls in love with a castaway, to the dismay of his parents and the mother of his arranged fiancée. Said would-be mother-in-law is also planning to kill off his family in revenge for her family getting banished the last time they tried to kill his family. 
This movie. This. Freaking. Movie. I love Luciana dearly, but every other royal in this movie is SO DUMB. 
Ro’s animals may have brought a sleeping sickness from their island, which is now affecting the local animals? Better throw them all in the dungeon without even asking whether Ro knows of a possible treatment! 
I blame the guard, not the royal family, for dismissing Ro when she tries to tell him she knows a cure, but the king and queen - or, the prince’s scientist friend - really should have asked before that point. The scriptwriters could then have Ro thrown into the dungeon after she makes the ‘baseless accusation’ that Queen Ariana poisoned all the animals.
And I get it, I get that the king wanted to marry off his son before the boy could elope or just run away to sea, but the middle of a health crisis was not the time to be throwing a royal wedding! 
They didn’t know the animals were poisoned! They should’ve had the capital region (or however far the 'sickness’ had reached) quarantined so that the sickness didn’t spread to the livestock of isolated areas, neighbouring kingdoms, and trading partners! 
Priorities are deeply skewed. 
1. Princess Charm School 
The most extreme offender on this list. Not necessarily for specific events, but for part of the premise of the setting: 
Why are other kingdoms letting a foreign school decide whether their heirs to the throne are fit for coronation? 
On some level, I get how failure to graduate could raise questions about an heir’s fitness to claim the throne. The school is a good networking site, and not graduating would hurt your reputation amongst your peers and thus your connections. Also, ages are unclear, so I’m not sure if the school is a metaphor for high school or for college, but either way, dropping out or being expelled might lower public trust in the young royal’s intelligence and/or self-discipline. 
But they could have kept the graduation scene at the movie’s climax without making it a coronation scene for anyone besides Delancey.  
And speaking of Delancey ... “Once I’m crowned, Gardenia is mine for life”? Um, no? There’s this little thing called ‘abdication’ that a ruler can do. If there’s no precedent for it in your country, you could set that precedent. 
I guess they could’ve done a scene where it turns out Delancey literally does not know what abdication is because her mom hid the concept from her in order to keep her as a puppet queen, but that probably would’ve gone a bit over the heads of the target audience. 
Great school for poise, not so much for politics.
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