#never enough purring galra keith out there tbh
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damnspider · 8 years ago
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He’s helping.
Hello @buttonfanatic I am your backup gifter for the @voltron-ss exchange!  I had a lot of fun on this and I hope you like it. :)
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thespace-dragon · 8 years ago
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*completely ignores the last update time and posts this* hahha hey guys!! yes i havent forgotten about this and tbh, im procrastinating on other fics with this, sooooooo have some langst~
Summary: On the battlefield, anything can happen. Never turn a blind eye to the possibilities.
WC: 2470
Chapters: [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]
Alright, so the bonding time he had with Blue didn’t go that great. It was fine, it was the first time they tried it – well, second, but the first time was pretty much an emergency. They had to bond a little or else the Galra would have erased them from the universe.
So, yeah, bonding only happened for the sake of survival.
Keith led Lance out of the cockpit and walked beside him while they meandered throughout the castle. If Lance ignored the way Keith’s jacket shifted (he could hear it since it was the only leather thing on this ship), he could have almost passed the silence off as comfortable. Lately, the two of them have been spending more time together, but it wasn’t a major thing. Like, it wasn’t as if they were actively seeking each other out, it just happened. Mostly when Lance disappeared for too long and Keith came and found him, but after that when Keith knew he was okay, he stuck around. Lance was ready to call them friends in terms of their relationship instead of teammates. Which was a significant shift from teammate and rival.
Keith’s jacket squeaked a little for the umpteenth time and Lance swore it was as if Keith was turning to look at him, think about it, and then look away.
“Okay, what gives.”
He heard Keith stumble slightly before recovering. “Nothing.”
"Keith, you jacket makes a noise every time you turn to me, and it's happened like five times. It's obviously something." Lance nudged him in what he hoped was Keith's arm.
The red paladin grumbled something under his breath.
“Ya know, I may be blind, and my hearing is wonderful, but it’s not that great. You gotta speak up, Keith.”
Keith sighed and pulled Lance to a stop with a hand on his elbow. Lance crossed his arms and faced Keith’s general direction.
“I’m over here, you idiot,” Keith muttered, gently turning him.
“Oh, thanks…”
His friend sighed again and shifted his feet, the soles rubbed against the floor. Lance waited.
After a moment, Keith spoke, “Why were you crying inside your lion?”
Lance sucked in a breath and looked away. He felt like his body was gearing up to cry again –  his chest suddenly hurt, his head pounded and his heart felt like it stopped for a moment.
“You don’t have to tell me everything, I was just… just curious.” Keith buried his hands in his pockets and shrugged. “Just making sure you’re doing okay. As a friend.”
Lance shoved his own hands into his pockets, wriggling his toes inside this shoes. “Yeah, I’m okay, was just trying to bond with Blue.”
“And it didn’t go well?”
Lance frowned and looked down, blinking back his tears. He tried to keep his eyes closed as much as possible, everyone's reactions were nearly the same when he opened them out of habit. They either flinched away or immediately switched to doting on him. He'd rather keep his eyes closed and hide as much of the damage as possible.
“Yeah… it didn’t.”
Keith shifted again. “I’m sure she will come around.”
Lance nodded and bit his lip. He desperately wanted Blue to bond with him, he just didn’t know how to reach that point. Not even Keith had reached that level with Red.
“That’s the hope.”
Keith patted his shoulder and nudged him into walking again, the same direction they were going before they stopped. “You could always talk to Shiro, he was able to get the Black Lion to bond with him enough so he could see through her.”
“Wait, how’d you know –”
Lance could almost hear Keith roll his eyes and smirk. “C’mon Lance, it’d be the most logical thing to do.”
“Haha, okay wise guy, you haven’t managed to perfect that skill either.”
Keith laughed. “I know. And that’s the reason why you should talk to Shiro, he has.”
Lance raised his eyebrows in awe; Keith the Garrison’s best fighter pilot after Shiro, mister perfection himself, admitted to not having done something.
“Okay, who are you and what have you done with Keith?”
“Uh, nothing? I’m still me.”
“Riiiight, I so totally believe you.”
Keith laughed again and bumped shoulders with Lance. He could feel the tension melt away as they joked around a little. It felt like Lance wasn’t even blind.
The next day, Lance was wandering around, looking for Shiro. He missed meal time, something that had become a habit lately. It was hard to sleep when everything was already dark. Lance's internal clock was knocked out of rhythm and now he has the hardest time figuring out when it was the day cycle or the night cycle. And by the time he did – mostly because of Hunk's snoring – it was already well into the wee hours of the morning. When he fell asleep, it was still fitful and full of tossing and turning before his mind exhausts itself and lets him fall into unconsciousness.
So here he was, searching for their oh-so-awesome leader and ask him how the heck he managed to bond with the Black Lion so well after slurping down a bowl of food goo.
“Dammit, Shiro, where are y-”
Lance bounced off a solid and quite warm wall before hands grabbed his shoulders to keep him from falling.
“You okay, Lance?” Shiro asked.
Well, speak of the devil and he shall appear.
Lance rubbed his nose gingerly, it was smarting a little after running into Shiro. The guy really needed to take a break, those muscles were like rocks.
“Yeah, I’m fine, was actually looking for you.”
Shiro chuckled and turned Lance around to walk in the direction that he was originally heading. He kept a light hand on Lance’s shoulder.
“Okay, what’s up?”
Lance gnawed on his bottom lip for a second before diving right in. “Do you remember when we were on Arus and we just got all the Lions together? Like, the training exercises that Coran put us through?”
He heard Shiro sigh. “All too well, but what about them? Does this have something to do with your sight?”
“Yeah. Remember that one flight exercise we did where we had to see through our lions?”
“You mean the one where you and Keith raced to see who could hit that ground fastest?”
Lance scowled and flopped his hand around. “Okay, that was not the point, but if that’s the way you remember it, sure, that one.”
The older paladin laughed and patted Lance’s shoulder. “Meant nothing by it, but yes, I do remember.”
They turned a corner, Shiro gently guiding Lance along as they walked to wherever Shiro was going. From the way their steps echoed around them, they had to be close to the control room or the giant ballroom where they hosted the Arusians. Something told Lance it was the control room.
“Okay, so, how did you figure it you?” Lance asked, turning his head towards Shiro. “I’ve been trying to figure it out but it’s not working.”
He felt Shiro’s fingers tighten slightly. It was no secret to him that Shiro wasn’t exactly all for the idea of Lance still piloting the Blue Lion, but what choice did they have? Lance was still alive and Blue had roared oppressively when Shiro suggested that they find a new paladin. Blue was even averse to letting Allura pilot her, and that was saying something.
Shiro took a deep breath. “I trusted my lion to guide me.”
Lance’s jaw dropped. “That’s it?”
Through the hand on his shoulder, Lance felt Shiro shrug. “That’s it. We know the Blue Lion and you are both very trusting, it’s your natures. But I trust everything to my lion, she will get me out of situations in ways that I won’t think of.”
“But I do trust Blue!”
“I know you do, Lance. We all trust our lions, but it’s whether or not you trust her enough to see through her.”
Lance ducked his head and chewed on his lip more. Of course he trusted Blue, she was constant just like Hunk has been throughout his whole life. She comforted him when he couldn’t go to anyone else. She cared. She loved him. And he felt that same way towards her. He wouldn’t trade his lion for the world, not even being top of the class at the Garrison to lord it over Keith. He was proud to be the Blue Paladin of Voltron, he was proud to pilot the Blue Lion, and she was proud to have him. They worked, they clicked in ways that Lance never thought he would click with anyone or anything.
Shiro squeezed his shoulder. “Give it another shot, but Lance…”
He shrugged Shiro's hand off. Guess that hasn't changed. "I'm not giving up, Shiro. I’m going to pilot the Blue Lion.”
Lance spun on his heel and walked away from Voltron’s head, hand trailing along the wall to guide him. He was going to get this. Blue rumbled reassuringly in the back of his mind, guiding him to her. Looked like it was going to be another day spent in her hangar.
Hours passed and nothing. Absolutely nothing. Blue was there and not there at the same time and Lance hadn't felt this frustrated since struggling to become a fighter pilot – something he never really achieved but surpassed by becoming a paladin.
He thrust the controls away from him and pounded his fists on the armrests of his seat.
“Come on, Blue! Help me out here, what am I doing wrong?” he asked to the air. “Why can’t we get this!?”
His lion purred sympathetically, wrapping around him like a comfort blanket. He was so close to breaking down again. He’s missed the team training again, and lunch, and a meeting that Allura wanted to hold. Lance had ignored the call in favor of figuring out this damned ability with his lion. A fat lot of good that did.
He slumped in his seat and let out a rush of air. The inky black that surrounded him was oppressive, a constant reminder that he would amount to nothing. Not a fighter pilot, and now not even a paladin of Voltron. If he couldn’t figure this out, there was no point in keeping him here on the team. He couldn’t help Coran fix that ship, he couldn’t pilot the ship either since it was a job for Allura. He couldn’t fight. He couldn’t analyze data. He couldn’t even cook.
So what good was he?
Lance ran a hand down his face. The darkness crowded closer and if it was even possible, it felt thicker.
Yeah, he wasn’t worth much. Just a hindrance now.
Blue growled at him and pushed against his mind. She shoved images in his head: him making the team laugh, him consoling Hunk when things got too much, him helping Pidge as best as he can with her tech, him saving Coran, and finally, him shooting down all those Galra on the mission that cost him his sight. Each shot saving Keith and Pidge.
You are valuable she was trying to tell him.
Tears pricked his eyes and he stifled a small hiccup. “Thanks, Blue.”
She rumbled again, sounding so much like his mother scolding him for not believing in himself.
But once the feelings started, they were hard to stop. The darkness he was surrounded him felt wet, as much as Blue could tell him that he was needed and wanted as much as she wanted, he still couldn’t fight the feeling of being overlooked and shoved aside because he wasn’t useful.
Shiro’s words echoed in his head. Trust your lion.
He slid further down the chair, slouching heavily. “I don’t get it, Blue. I trust you, I trust you with my life and then some. I know you wouldn’t have chosen me if there wasn't something you saw in me. But I still don't get it."
He heard the hangar door swish open – the one leading outside, to the inky blackness filled with stars and planets and asteroids.
“Blue?” Panic shot through him and he grabbed at the controls. “Blue, you can’t – I can't! I can't see anymore, what if – what if we run into something!"
Blue growled, sounding like she was rolling her eyes and launched herself out of the castle.
“BLUE!” Lance screamed, pulling at the controls to pull her to a stop.
She kept going. His lion revved up her engines and the g-forces forced him into his seat. Lance grit his teeth and gripped the controls harder, pulling them back so much that he nearly touched the armrests of his chair.
What felt like light-years later, Blue finally stopped and Lance found his breath. He leaned forward over his knees and heaved air in and out of his lungs.
“Blue, where are we?”
His dashboard pinged and he knew coordinates were displayed. He groaned and sat up, tossing his head back. Since he was alone, he blinked his eyes open. His sight still revealed nothing, it wasn’t even a shade lighter with his eyes open.
Blue rumbled, telling him to lower his head and face forward. She was being extra bossy today, something she had to have picked up from Red over the last ten thousand years. Lance closed his eyes again, not like keeping them open was doing anything.
His lion growled, feeding him vague instructions just like the first time he flew her. Slow your breathing, open your mind, and trust me.
If he was being honest, he was ecstatic that he was out of the castle for once, and flying Blue again was his dream but the situation had him on edge. Never had Blue done something on her own before – not like how the black and green lions protecting Shiro and Pidge from that Robeast crash landing on Arus, and definitely not like Red launching herself after Keith every time he ejected himself into space.
No, Blue and Yellow never acted out like the other lions. Then again, their paladins rarely got into serious trouble without anyone else there to help them.
The Blue Lion roared at him sharply, almost bark, and it forced Lance to focus his mind back on what she told him to do. He took multiple deep breaths, calming himself. It felt just like when had those mind-melding exercises and he found himself slipping into his meditative state. Blue purred approvingly. She knew her paladin was capable, he just needed to be pushed in the right direction sometimes.
Slowly, the farther and farther Lance fell into meditation, his mind opened. He welcomed Blue into his mind. She curled around him and spun his mind around, aligning it with hers.
Open your eyes.
Lance opened his eyes.
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voltstrong · 8 years ago
My Past Has Tasted Bitter, Pt. 2
Hi there!!! Can you please do a continuation of the Keith oneshot? I really liked it and think you did a wonderful job <3
A/N: Thank you sm. <3 I was probably gonna do this whether it was requested or not tbh lmao. I love writing about Keith and Red so much. Also, remember when Black showed Shiro her past? I included something like that in here too. I hope you guys like this one as much as you liked the other!
P.S., Keith is a total weakling for you.
Summary: The team figures out that Keith, your boyfriend, has Galra blood. And the Galra Empire is what tore your life apart. Looking for advice, you feel a secondary bond with a certain red beast begin to form. Requested by: anonymous Pairing: Keith x Reader (gender-neutral) Warnings: PTSD, mentions of past torture, past imprisonment. Nothing sexual, but there are some somewhatly aggressive kisses ;;;;
Horror punched you in the heart.
Keith watched the realization unfold on your face and in your widening eyes. You could end up panicking, or lashing out at him, or worse. He had no idea what to do. What could he even say? The thing that terrified you the most was the Galra Empire. And now . . .
"[Name], I– . . . " Keith tried to talk a slow step towards you. And like lighting, you took a step backward. He winced at your fear, "[Name], it's still me . . . I'm still Keith! I always have been!"
Your facial expression and body language didn't change. It was like you were having millions of flashbacks all at once and it was making you completely stoic, aside from the clear utter shock on your face. You had one arm outstretched towards him, warning him, and your opposite hand was ready to come in contact with the wall behind you.
You looked ready to run.
"I– . . . " you started, throat tightening on your own words. You turned on your heel and hurried out of the room, "I need some space."
The red clad paladin stared after you in dismay. Everything in him was screaming to run after you, to tell you that he's always been the same person and that he'll never change, but the he just couldn't move. He didn't want to overstep his boundaries.
You were afraid. Afraid of him.
Shiro stepped up beside him and placed a hand on his shoulder, "She'll come around, don't worry about it for now. We need to get you into a healing pod."
Keith shrugged him off, "It's more complicated than that."
It's been a while since I cried like this, you wiped your cheeks with the sleeves of your shirt, Who am I kidding? I can't keep this held up inside. This is healthy. Crying is healthy.
The darkness of your own room was comforting. It had been a while since you'd been back in here. You were sharing Keith's bed almost every night.
Not tonight. You thought.
Keith is Galra.
But you could have gone your entire life and you still never would have expected it. He didn't look Galra, didn't act Galra, and he didn't sound Galra. So how?
Did he know about this?
Your breathing began to pick up again in a panic.
And if he did, for how long?
Anxiety laced it's way through your heart and you tried to get a grip, but it wouldn't come.
What if he was trying to hide it? Could he still be trusted? What if he's working for Zarkon? What if–?
. . . Is that growling?
Your mind went blank and the thoughts of fear and anxiety suddenly vanished, but were not forgotten however. You took a deep breath, trying to focus in on the newfound energy making a connection to you.
You could hear her purring.
Wiping the [suddenly annoying] tears from your eyes, you stood up from your spot against the wall and made your way toward the door. You looked both ways down the hall to ensure that Keith, or anyone else for that matter, wouldn't see you. You brought your sleeves down and walked down towards the hangar.
You reached the massive doors with a slight feeling of anxiousness. Was she really pulling at you? And if she was, why? And why you? You weren't Keith. The Red Lion is already distrusting as it is. Why would she trust you?
Not that you weren't trustworthy or anything, it's just so sudden.
From the things you had heard and seen, she only wanted Keith.
. . . Oh. That's what this is.
You inwardly cringed, turning back in the direction of the way you came. But then the hangar doors opened with a hiss.
You cringed once again, visibly this time, and turned back toward her. She sat pridefully with her scarlet plating almost glowing. Her bright yellow eyes beaming down towards you with such intensity, you could feel your chest tightening up.
This was just a little scary.
"Hi, Red." You shivered.
The lion released a small grunt that scared you half to death. It was small for her, but for a human who was the size of an ant compared to her, it was a car horn.
In spite of that, almost at once a cold breeze hit you and you suddenly felt the atmosphere grow dark. It felt as though the wind was knocked out of you and you wanted to double over at the sudden shock. You took a deep breath and stood straight up once again, inhaling and exhaling in order to calm your anxious thoughts, and opened your eyes.
Red was behind you now, flashes of light catching your sight every now and then. Keith stood before you, a good twenty feet away. You looked him up and down and noticed his emotions were changing rapidly, from a look of shock, to happiness, fear, anger, and love. They were changing as though you were seeing a number of different clips of him from different moments in time all at once.
Confusion locked in on you and you turned back to look up at the enormous lion, "Why are you showing him to me?"
She didn't respond. You sighed and turned back to the strange image. But your head began to pound and strange feelings of affection and admiration washed over you suddenly. A pulsing headache made you feel like you would split in two at the sudden pain. Confusion and fear wormed its way through your heart and you groaned, "What– is this? Please stop!"
Red purred.
What? She's never done that for me. She does this for Keith.
You looked up. Your headache began to fade as you finally figured out why she was doing this to you.
She wanted you to see him for who he was. You were experiencing Keith's feelings.
Keith loves you. He wants you safe. He protects you and would never trade you for anything in the world. "I get it now," you murmured, "I'm sorry. Even I should have realized that you trust him. You're the one who's trust is the hardest to earn."
You began to feel ashamed of the fact that you'd even thought of Keith as the enemy. Keith had never—even in one of his fits of rage—laid a hand on you. You realized that you were almost everything he wanted to protect.
"Keith isn't Galra," you spoke louder now with confidence and your heart began to swell once more with affection for your boyfriend, “I need to find him.”
Hesitant fingers stopped before you could knock on the door to his room. Keith was without a doubt inside, because whenever he was upset he was either with you or he would lock himself away somewhere.
How could you have been so stupid? Of course Keith wasn't the enemy, or even a spy if the Red Lion accepted and protected him as much as she had. That lion loved him, and you did too. Which made this all the more difficult. What if he panics, or lashes out at you? Or worse?
Well, you had to try.
"Keith?" Your voice was barely more than a pitiful whisper as the anxiousness overwhelmed your confidence, "Can you open the do–?"
Instantly, the door opened and there he stood. His brows were furrowed and his mouth was slightly agape. His body looked rigid but he stared with a soft look on his face and he seemed like he was meeting you for the first time all over again. That pitifully soft look he gave you as Shiro picked you up off the floor of that Galra cell.
It was so unlike him to show anyone this side of him. It was only you ever shown to you.
"I'm so sorry," you started awkwardly, "I was so overwhelmed and scared and I just–"
His arm dropped to his side and he closed his mouth.
You rubbed your arm and sighed, "It was selfish of me. I know you're not Galra . . . You would never hurt any one of us."
He stared for a moment longer before he shifted his weight forward. You looked back up at him and made eye contact with the paladin as his arms and fingers flexed nervously, " . . . Will you let me hug you?" He asked quietly.
Instant relief flooded you like a raging river. This boy had always respected your physical and emotional boundaries and you couldn't have loved anyone for it more, "As if you even have to ask."
He pulled you toward him and had his arms around you in what felt like a split second. You faintly heard the door close behind you under the sound of Keith's steady breathing against your head. His soft breathing lulled you almost asleep, right there against him.
"I never want to lose you," his voice was muffled in the crook of your neck, "Ever."
You stood there for a while, simply clutching onto each other like you hadn't seen each other in years. His hold on you grew to be even more intense as his body shuddered. You wondered what he could be thinking about.
Keith pulled away, not completely however. He still had his arms draped over your waist, "Will you come lay with me?"
"Of course," your voice was almost hushed enough to be a whisper.
He led you to his bed and got under the covers before leaving his arms outstretched for you to join him. You cuddled up as close to him as you could get and focused on his breathing. His breath trembled and you thought his body was going to start trembling again, but he simply pulled you closer.
He would never hurt you.
"I think I'm in love with you." Keith's hoarse voice made your heart stop at the sudden statement.
You shifted so you'd be able to look up at him and he was immediately ready to meet eye contact through the near darkness, "You're the only person I can see myself waking up with everyday. I'd never be able to live knowing that something happened to you and I wasn't there to protect you from it."
You stared, speechless.
"I love you, [Name] . . . And I know it's just words, but . . . I'd never hurt you."
Keith slowly went back in to hug you again after a brief pause between the two of you, but you leaned over him and crushed your lips to his. He kissed you back almost without thought, relief and affection exploding like wildfire in his chest. He brought his hands up to the sides of your neck, brushing your jawline and sending a shiver down your spine. You broke away to sit up and straddle him and he eagerly brought you back down to kiss you again. His hands went from your neck and down to your waist as he began to softly knead your skin in his hands. You broke away slowly to lean back for a moment to breathe.
"[Name] . . . " Keith's breathing began to pick up, "You're gonna be the death of me."
You laughed softly, running a hand through your hair to get it out of your face, "I love you too, Keith."
A soft smile broke across his face. And for a moment, you felt as though nothing else in the world mattered.
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redrightarm-blog · 8 years ago
REALLY  LONG  CHARACTER  SURVEY.   RULES.  repost ,   don’t  reblog  !    tag  10  ! good  luck  !   TAGGED.  by @jawblade   TAGGING.  @hologramandahardplace @bluetailored​ and anyone else who’s even still here
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FULL  NAME :   Keith Kogane NICKNAME :   Mullet ?? AGE :  19 BIRTHDAY :   March 28th ETHNIC  GROUP :  Japanese, Galran ?? NATIONALITY :   Japanese-American, Galran ???? LANGUAGE / S : English, Japanese, some words in Galran that he didn’t originally KNOW were Galran SEXUAL  ORIENTATION :  Homosexual ROMANTIC  ORIENTATION :  Homoromantic RELATIONSHIP  STATUS :  painfully attracted to the Blue Paladin HOME  TOWN / AREA :  Pioche, Nevada CURRENT  HOME :   Castle of Lions PROFESSION :  Red Paladin, right arm of Voltron
HAIR: Dark black, cut short in the front in a style that makes it easy to see past his hair, and longer in the back as he can’t see back there. ...He also has more to worry about than getting his hair cut. EYES :   Striking grey. In certain light, flecks of a darker color - almost purple in appearance - can be spotted. FACE :  Thin, coming down in a pointed chin. Muted structure - his cheekbones aren’t very prominent, nor is the shape of his lips. LIPS :   Also thin, frequently down-turned. Pale, though pinkened when he bites them. COMPLEXION :  Pale. Even with living in the desert his whole life, and even with how much he enjoyed being out there, his skin never held a burn, never got a tan. ...Though if you take his gloves off, there’ll be a faint difference between ‘cream’ and ‘eggshell white.’ BLEMISHES :   Boi... from a distance his face looks clear, but upon closer inspection one would find discreet signs of acne on his cheeks and forehead. SCARS :  Quite a few. Most gained since this Voltron business began - his worst to date is a nasty gash that healed at his shoulder. Others include small nicks and scratches on his hands (most made by handling that dagger of his), a couple on his legs from where he’d gotten hurt in his younger years. (A new one given to him by his brother slicing at his stomach when under mind control) TATTOOS :  none HEIGHT :   5′10 WEIGHT :   126 lbs. BUILD :   Slender. Slim, but fit. Despite his thin build, he’s got muscles built up, usually only noticeable in the form of flexed biceps when he crosses his arms. FEATURES :   Galran genetics. None visible. ALLERGIES :   bullshit. USUAL  HAIR  STYLE :  mullet. USUAL  FACE  LOOK :   resting bitch face. USUAL  CLOTHING :   When not in his armor, Keith’s dressed in blank t-shirt, black leggings, tall boots, and the fanny packs. He still has the blade of marmora suit in his room.
FEAR / S :   There’s not a lot Keith is afraid of - at least, not enough to make him stop and consider what he’s doing. His fears are losing Shiro (again), and failing. ASPIRATION / S :   Defend the universe. Free it from Zarkon’s tyrannical reign. Find out more of his own family tree - more of where he came from. Find mothman. POSITIVE  TRAITS :   Tenacious | Dexterous | Altruistic NEGATIVE  TRAITS :   Stubborn | Rash | Distant MBTI :   Logician (INTP-t) ZODIAC :   Aries TEMPEREMENT :   Choleric SOUL  TYPE / S :    Hunter, Helper ANIMALS :   Badger VICE  HABIT / S :    Biting his lips, crossing his arms, glaring. FAITH :  only in Shiro. GHOSTS ? :   believes. AFTERLIFE ? :   doesn’t WANT to believe. REINCARNATION ? :   doesn’t believe ALIENS ? :   he’s part alien, brah. POLITICAL  ALIGNMENT :  Down With Zarkon. EDUCATION  LEVEL :    Was at the top of his class in the Galaxy Garrison before dropping out.
FATHER :    left him at a young age. Keith doesn’t know much about him. MOTHER :    who even knows. She’s been gone longer than his father. SIBLINGS :   Takashi Shirogane, adoptive brother. EXTENDED  FAMILY :   n/a. NAME  MEANING / S :    "Keith” means large woods, forest; “Kogane” means gold in Japanese. HISTORICAL  CONNECTION ? :   n/a.
BOOK :  A Wrinkle In Time, by Madeleine L'Engle MOVIE :   Jurassic Park (1993) 5  SONGS :  Rise and Fall (Starset), You’re Going Down (Sick Puppies), Are You Ready For Me (The Unknown) DEITY :   n/a HOLIDAY :   New Years. Shiro always had something fun planned to welcome the beginning of the year. MONTH :   November. SEASON :   Spring. PLACE :    Space. He’s amazed by the sheer vastness - the endless possibilities, the unique species and planets to be found. WEATHER :   Warm. Just warm. SOUND :   Cats purring. SCENT / S :    Hot chocolate. Lilacs. Clean sheets. TASTE / S :    Almost anything sweet. FEEL / S :   Warm blankets. Hands on his shoulders. ANIMAL / S :    Panthers. NUMBER :  12. As a kid he always wanted to one-up Shiro. COLORS :   Red. Blue.
TALENTS :  He’s agile. A fast-learner. Incredible pilot. BAD  AT :  feelings. Considering consequences. Reading other people. TURN  ONS :   Hands. TURN  OFFS :   n/a HOBBIES :    Training, studying cryptids, training. QUOTES :     “ It's me, Keith. Your buddy. (Beat) It's me! Keith! Your- I. Am. Your. Pala-din! (Galra soldiers come in and start shooting at Keith) I'm bonding with you! Hey! Come on! We're connected! “
Q1 :   if  you  could  write  your  character  your  way  in  their  own movie ,   what  would  it  be  called ,  what  style  would  it  be filmed  in ,  and  what  would  it  be  about ?           A1 :   tbh I’m pretty happy w/ Keith as he is. The only thing I’d like to see is his childhood, but that’s only bc I want to know how far back his and Shiro’s relationship goes, and what the dynamic is like. Q2 :   what  would  their  soundtrack / score  sound  like ?           A2 :   Starset, honestly. Thank u @ Gab. Q3 :   why  did  you  start  writing  this  character ?           A3 :    He’s everything I love in a character. Feisty, unpredictable, headstrong, a little bit of a jerk, but overall just trying his best to be GOOD. I wanted to explore all these sides of him, so. Here I am. Q4 :   what  first  attracted  you  to  this  character ?           A4 :   soon as Lance shrieked “I’d know that mullet anywhere!” I was in love. Q5 :   describe  the  biggest  thing  you  dislike  about  your  muse.           A5 :   he’s perfect. don’t come at me with that sort of question. Q6 :   what  do  you  have  in  common  with  your  muse ?           A6 :   we’re very emotional, he just lets his emotions inspire his actions more than i do. Also, emo. Q7 :   how  does  your  muse  feel  about  you ?           A7 :   um. probs p wary, tbh. I like to give him good things, but I also like to make him hurt so badly. Q8 :   what  characters  does  your  muse  have  interesting  interactions  with ?         A8 :    All of the others here. it helps that you’re all so perfect. Q9 :   what  gives  you  inspiration  to  write  your  muse ?         A9 :    watching Voltron, lmao. Also Grey coming @ me with brogane feels. Q10 :   how  long  did  this  take  you  to  complete ?           A10 :    fffff... altogether, about an hour and a half.
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