DEFENDER OF THE UNIVERSE.Pilot of the RED LION.( Member of a closed Voltron RP group )
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Send my muse anons about their relationships.
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REALLY LONG CHARACTER SURVEY. RULES. repost , don’t reblog ! tag 10 ! good luck ! TAGGED. by @jawblade TAGGING. @hologramandahardplace @bluetailored and anyone else who’s even still here
FULL NAME : Keith Kogane NICKNAME : Mullet ?? AGE : 19 BIRTHDAY : March 28th ETHNIC GROUP : Japanese, Galran ?? NATIONALITY : Japanese-American, Galran ???? LANGUAGE / S : English, Japanese, some words in Galran that he didn’t originally KNOW were Galran SEXUAL ORIENTATION : Homosexual ROMANTIC ORIENTATION : Homoromantic RELATIONSHIP STATUS : painfully attracted to the Blue Paladin HOME TOWN / AREA : Pioche, Nevada CURRENT HOME : Castle of Lions PROFESSION : Red Paladin, right arm of Voltron
HAIR: Dark black, cut short in the front in a style that makes it easy to see past his hair, and longer in the back as he can’t see back there. ...He also has more to worry about than getting his hair cut. EYES : Striking grey. In certain light, flecks of a darker color - almost purple in appearance - can be spotted. FACE : Thin, coming down in a pointed chin. Muted structure - his cheekbones aren’t very prominent, nor is the shape of his lips. LIPS : Also thin, frequently down-turned. Pale, though pinkened when he bites them. COMPLEXION : Pale. Even with living in the desert his whole life, and even with how much he enjoyed being out there, his skin never held a burn, never got a tan. ...Though if you take his gloves off, there’ll be a faint difference between ‘cream’ and ‘eggshell white.’ BLEMISHES : Boi... from a distance his face looks clear, but upon closer inspection one would find discreet signs of acne on his cheeks and forehead. SCARS : Quite a few. Most gained since this Voltron business began - his worst to date is a nasty gash that healed at his shoulder. Others include small nicks and scratches on his hands (most made by handling that dagger of his), a couple on his legs from where he’d gotten hurt in his younger years. (A new one given to him by his brother slicing at his stomach when under mind control) TATTOOS : none HEIGHT : 5′10 WEIGHT : 126 lbs. BUILD : Slender. Slim, but fit. Despite his thin build, he’s got muscles built up, usually only noticeable in the form of flexed biceps when he crosses his arms. FEATURES : Galran genetics. None visible. ALLERGIES : bullshit. USUAL HAIR STYLE : mullet. USUAL FACE LOOK : resting bitch face. USUAL CLOTHING : When not in his armor, Keith’s dressed in blank t-shirt, black leggings, tall boots, and the fanny packs. He still has the blade of marmora suit in his room.
FEAR / S : There’s not a lot Keith is afraid of - at least, not enough to make him stop and consider what he’s doing. His fears are losing Shiro (again), and failing. ASPIRATION / S : Defend the universe. Free it from Zarkon’s tyrannical reign. Find out more of his own family tree - more of where he came from. Find mothman. POSITIVE TRAITS : Tenacious | Dexterous | Altruistic NEGATIVE TRAITS : Stubborn | Rash | Distant MBTI : Logician (INTP-t) ZODIAC : Aries TEMPEREMENT : Choleric SOUL TYPE / S : Hunter, Helper ANIMALS : Badger VICE HABIT / S : Biting his lips, crossing his arms, glaring. FAITH : only in Shiro. GHOSTS ? : believes. AFTERLIFE ? : doesn’t WANT to believe. REINCARNATION ? : doesn’t believe ALIENS ? : he’s part alien, brah. POLITICAL ALIGNMENT : Down With Zarkon. EDUCATION LEVEL : Was at the top of his class in the Galaxy Garrison before dropping out.
FATHER : left him at a young age. Keith doesn’t know much about him. MOTHER : who even knows. She’s been gone longer than his father. SIBLINGS : Takashi Shirogane, adoptive brother. EXTENDED FAMILY : n/a. NAME MEANING / S : "Keith” means large woods, forest; “Kogane” means gold in Japanese. HISTORICAL CONNECTION ? : n/a.
BOOK : A Wrinkle In Time, by Madeleine L'Engle MOVIE : Jurassic Park (1993) 5 SONGS : Rise and Fall (Starset), You’re Going Down (Sick Puppies), Are You Ready For Me (The Unknown) DEITY : n/a HOLIDAY : New Years. Shiro always had something fun planned to welcome the beginning of the year. MONTH : November. SEASON : Spring. PLACE : Space. He’s amazed by the sheer vastness - the endless possibilities, the unique species and planets to be found. WEATHER : Warm. Just warm. SOUND : Cats purring. SCENT / S : Hot chocolate. Lilacs. Clean sheets. TASTE / S : Almost anything sweet. FEEL / S : Warm blankets. Hands on his shoulders. ANIMAL / S : Panthers. NUMBER : 12. As a kid he always wanted to one-up Shiro. COLORS : Red. Blue.
TALENTS : He’s agile. A fast-learner. Incredible pilot. BAD AT : feelings. Considering consequences. Reading other people. TURN ONS : Hands. TURN OFFS : n/a HOBBIES : Training, studying cryptids, training. QUOTES : “ It's me, Keith. Your buddy. (Beat) It's me! Keith! Your- I. Am. Your. Pala-din! (Galra soldiers come in and start shooting at Keith) I'm bonding with you! Hey! Come on! We're connected! “
Q1 : if you could write your character your way in their own movie , what would it be called , what style would it be filmed in , and what would it be about ? A1 : tbh I’m pretty happy w/ Keith as he is. The only thing I’d like to see is his childhood, but that’s only bc I want to know how far back his and Shiro’s relationship goes, and what the dynamic is like. Q2 : what would their soundtrack / score sound like ? A2 : Starset, honestly. Thank u @ Gab. Q3 : why did you start writing this character ? A3 : He’s everything I love in a character. Feisty, unpredictable, headstrong, a little bit of a jerk, but overall just trying his best to be GOOD. I wanted to explore all these sides of him, so. Here I am. Q4 : what first attracted you to this character ? A4 : soon as Lance shrieked “I’d know that mullet anywhere!” I was in love. Q5 : describe the biggest thing you dislike about your muse. A5 : he’s perfect. don’t come at me with that sort of question. Q6 : what do you have in common with your muse ? A6 : we’re very emotional, he just lets his emotions inspire his actions more than i do. Also, emo. Q7 : how does your muse feel about you ? A7 : um. probs p wary, tbh. I like to give him good things, but I also like to make him hurt so badly. Q8 : what characters does your muse have interesting interactions with ? A8 : All of the others here. it helps that you’re all so perfect. Q9 : what gives you inspiration to write your muse ? A9 : watching Voltron, lmao. Also Grey coming @ me with brogane feels. Q10 : how long did this take you to complete ? A10 : fffff... altogether, about an hour and a half.
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[ text ] Lance is going to be jealous if he hears you talking like that
[ text » brotherdad ] i regret telling you anything about any of my feelings.
[ text ] You make it sound like you don’t want my advice
[ text » brotherdad ] oh, good. i was worried that wouldn’t translate well over text.
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Upon hearing his name actually being called, not simply spoken, Katsu’s head shoots up. He looks at Keith expectantly for a moment, but being talked to has him wagging his tail more violently, exactly the reaction Keith is looking for.
“Hey,” Shiro chastises with another amused swat at his brother’s feet. “He’s not a pork cutlet. Be nice.”
Of course, this is what he gets for naming the dog after a pork dish. Keith never lets go of the fact, even though they shorten the name down from ‘Tonkatsu’ most of the time. The name suits him though, and that’s something Shiro will forever stand behind, regardless of how much teasing his bratty brother throws at him.
Gaze flitting back down to the Shiba at his feet, Shiro leans forward, intentionally squishing Keith’s feet, in order tor rub the dog’s head affectionately.
“Don’t listen to him. カツちゃんは良い犬、ね?”
The second Katsu gets over-hype and wags his tail like he’s on full-power, Keith directs his most smug grin at his brother. Though the expression falls when Shiro responds, only so Keith can SCOFF at him.
“Look at him, Shiro. And then look at---here,” a moment to fiddle on his phone, and then he’s presenting Shiro with a picture of REAL tonkatsu. He holds it in a way so that the image on screen is in the same line of vision as the dog on the floor. “Identical.”
When Shiro hunches forward Keith grunts, mourning the time when his feet WEREN’T being squished between his brother’s hard chest and hard legs. Seriously, the man’s like a ROCK - the only soft part of him is, Keith suspects, his HEART. Which is unfortunate news for his feet.
“彼はいいけど迷惑だ .”
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Cracked that medical repository we stole. Half of it’s beyond me, but some of it looks useful.
That marshmallow allergy may actually have something to do with Galra in-species biodivergence. If I’m reading this right. Also, you may be immune to cancer.
I’ll be with Green if you want to look over what I’ve found.
The note Pidge had left him had curiosity sparking in Keith--- whatever data she picked up something he wanted to know; any information was good information in this case.
( Especially being immune to cancer? Cool. )
No time is wasted between discovering the note and heading for Green’s docking bay, and even though the doors opening are pretty telling of his arrival, he still knocks against the wall of the castle to announce his presence.
“Hey, Pidge. I got your note.”
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✌ ✿ 웃 ✔ ☯ ✘ ▼
✌ : Fondest role-play memory, between muses?
tbh the one that comes to mind first is Pawl.
✿ : Fondest role-play memory, between muns?
Okay, so. A while ago, back when I played on Adam,I made a friend named D. After a while of talking we got onto the topic of other muses we used to play, and I - ofc - dropped the name Priest.And D flipped.‘You’re the mun behind Priest???’talking about how she was always too intimidated to approach me, dropping compliments left and right about him. It was v heartwarming, v kind.
Also, finding Lacy again, lmao omfg. Still can’t believe it.
웃 : An existing character you’ve played in the past that you miss?
All of them !Especially Priest.And even Adam (even if i still pop in from time to time).
Priest, for me, was the most fun to play because his character was one I enjoyed sending out into the world. I connected with him easily, and I think that made for better writing tbh.
But I miss Adam, too, because he was for sure a crowd favorite, and I miss getting all the love. :’P got so many compliments over there and how enjoyable a character he was. I live for compliments on my OCs tbh.
✔ : What drew you to the character you currently play? What types of characters are you generally drawn to?
Honestly everything about Keith.Gosh, the moment he came on screen, I just. Fell in love.You know this because I shouted it to you over text.He seemed like fun. An adventure. But then he had his softer moments, and I wanted to be able to explore playing that.
Mmm, I think my favorite kind of character to play is the goofy sort ( see: OC Adam Lounge, my inquisitor, John Cheese ).But I also REALLY love to play the asshole characters, such as Johannes Cabal, or another OC, Raleigh. I’m normally drawn to either of those sorts.
☯ : Greatest challenge to writing your character?
words.Keith is a complex character who deserves to be written at length about on this blog. I want to be able to get into him properly, to easily cast him into any situation, but with the alexithymia, i can’t even express MYSELF, and so trying to do so for a character just… blah.I feel like my replies tend to fall flat because I can’t find just what I want to say, or how I want to say it, and things come across rather dull for that reason.
✘ : Any head canons you’d like to imply on your character but know they wouldn’t fit?
I’m sure there’s one or two, but nothing comes to mind RN. :’P
▼ : Are there popular head canons for your character that you disagree with? Why?
Nnnno. All the headcanons that I’ve seen have been ones I agree with. …I should say all the headcanons I remember seeing.
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#gonna be out all day#at work rn then going out for pre-birthday celebrations#but I have tomorrow off so I will get things done then
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😤 : Worse role play-related encounter and what advice you would give to others to avoid similar situations?
✌ : Fondest role-play memory, between muses?
✿ : Fondest role-play memory, between muns?
웃 : An existing character you’ve played in the past that you miss?
ツ : An OC you created that you are proud of?
유 : A role-play related instance that you regret/are ashamed/not proud of?
♂ : Do you have a role-play/writing routine? If so, what is it?
♀ : A trope you catch yourself falling back too often?
☿ : A trope you dislike?
✍ : Offer 3-5 tips on how to get other role players started on interacting with your muse.
✉ : On average, how long does it take you to write a reply that you’re pleased with?
❅ : Advice to non-role play blogs that want to get started?
✔ : What drew you to the character you currently play? What types of characters are you generally drawn to?
☯ : Greatest challenge to writing your character?
✘ : Any head canons you’d like to imply on you character but know they wouldn’t fit?
✯ : A head canon someone else has inspired you to adopt?
➳ : Do you prefer writing on your own, on tumblr/a forum, or on an IM platform? Why?
▲ : What sort of information do you like to see on someone’s role play page that helps you determine whether or not you would want to write with them?
▼ : Are there popular head canons for your character that you disagree with? Why?
♫ : Are there parts of your own personality that you reflect onto your character? How do they work?
❤ : What are some role-plays that you have done/are doing that you particularly enjoy and wish to share with your followers?
✈ : What do you think is your reputation in your role-play community?
⌘ : Where do you get some of your inspirations for plots/head canons? Offer an example, if possible.
ღ : What sorts of plots/characters/scenes do you have the most difficulty writing, and why?
☂ : Spread some love: mention someone you’ve met that has influenced you or your writing in a positive way, and explain how.
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[ text ] So that’s a yes
[ text » brotherdad ] thats a hell yes, shiro. i will never give up on mothman.
[ text ] がんばれ!!
[ text » brotherdad ] #余分にブロックされた
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▹ a snarky text
[ text ] So do I have to tell everyone about how you planned to be the first person to prove the existence of mothman? [ text ] Did you actually even outgrow that? [ text ] You don’t still believe mothman is real, do you?
[ text » brotherdad ] aliens exist. [ text » brotherdad ] if aliens can exist, so can mothman. [ text » brotherdad ] i WILL find him and i will make you eat your words.
▹ an accidental text
[ text ] No, we didn’t find him in Area 51. [ text ] You can stop with that joke any time now
[ text » brotherdad ] ...who said it.
▹ a shitty text
[ text ] Just remember that he’ll expect the gloves to go too if clothes start coming off [ text ] I realize that’ll be difficult for you, but I believe in you
[ text » brotherdad ] #blocked
#i didn't know how to answer the ones i wanted to answer#so i answered them all at once#Shiro;#Shiro; texts#jawblade
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Spoiler: he’s letting Keith get away with it because he’s nice.
His brother’s disbelief draws Shiro’s attention back, and he has to take a pause when the flaws in his supposed ‘threat’ are pointed out. It’s true, Katsu is far more likely to sniff at Keith’s feet then leave them alone than he is to bite them. The Shiba is too well-behaved at this point to be sicced on anyone.
…Unless he were to sic him to love on them.
“–Okay, you’ve got me there.”
There’s another pause, and Shiro’s eyebrows raise. If he set the cat on Keith’s feet, the kid would probably walk away with little more than shreds remaining. …That’s how it felt whenever Momo attacked his feet in the middle of the night when they shifted even slightly under the blankets, anyway.
“Threatening with Momo is a cruel act on its own. The whole point of this is that I’m too nice to let Katsu even sit on your feet.”
“Thanks, Shiro.” He smirks with a huff of laughter. Even if his brother had TRIED, Keith’s pretty sure Katsu would jump off Keith first chance he got.
It’s not as though the dog doesn’t LIKE him, he just likes Shiro way better. Which is fine, Keith’s biggest fans are Momo and Godzilla, and it’s all he needs ( even with Momo’s habit of going ballistic when she sees bare feet, she’s truly a very sweet cat ).
Not that he isn’t fond of Tonkatsu ( god, the little pup is the best dog he could’ve asked for ), he just prefers their more... low-profile pets.
Their four-legged pork cutlet is sometimes a little too much to handle.
“Katsu!” He calls, attention shifting immediately to the Shiba. “あなたがハッピーポークであれば揺れる !”
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“I don’t know what’s going through that thick skull of yours but this doesn’t look fine.” Despite his words a smile tugs at his lips, feeling Keith’s hands slip into his. It feels right. Lance hadn’t realized how worried he had been about Keith while he was down there until now, fighting against the telltale sting of tears threatening to betray him and instead offering a reassuring squeeze of their hands.
Keith was back, and okay yeah, Keith was Galra. Human or alien, Lance was just glad to have him back on the castle. The two days had felt a lot longer without him around.
“I don’t know what you’re thanking me for, mullet, but I’ll take it.” A soft laugh and bringing one of Keith’s hands up to brush his lips just briefly against the fabric covering his knuckles before letting them fall. “Seriously though, we need to get you patched up. You’re not looking too hot, and that doesn’t happen often. Don’t argue with me on this one.” Apparently even with alien genes accelerated healing wasn’t a Galra thing.
Moving so that he can support Keith better, taking his hand to drape it around his shoulders, wrapping an arm around his waist, and shifting his weight to see what was the best way to help him out, Lance hummed softly before speaking.
“Uh, how… How’re you doing with the news?” His voice is softer than usual, unsure he even has a right to ask what Keith’s thinking about. Though he’s dying to know how Keith even found out in the first place, his physical and mental well being were definitely a priority.
The heavy weight of anxiety he’d carried with him all this way now diminishes, allowing Keith the opportunity to relax. It’s visible when he does so, shoulders hunching some as he no longer puts effort into keeping himself held high. A breathless laugh falls from his lips when Lance goes on to do something so endearing as kiss the back of his hand. ---And then becomes a REAL laugh at the compliment. However, both actions have his cheeks warming, and---yeah. He won’t resist.
When Lance hooks his arm around his shoulder, he takes the invitation to lean against him, but is careful not to put all his weight onto him.
“Well,” he starts, making a face. “I guess I kind of... pieced it together a while ago, but I didn’t want to believe it, you know? Having it confirmed kind of sucks, but it’s not something I didn’t consider. ---I’m just glad YOU’RE taking it as well as you are.”
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As Keith stands, Shiro’s eyes follow him but the rest of him stays put where he’s seated, too tired at the moment to even entertain the idea of getting back up. The words that tumble from the Red Paladin’s mouth keep him silent, effectively rendering him at a loss for how to respond. God, Keith believes in him so much. What has he ever done to deserve someone like this?
The points made are, admittedly, difficult to argue, even for someone determined to believe that he’s not worthy. Keith’s right that Allura didn’t actually choose, that the lions themselves did. And it’s not as though he hasn’t bonded with Black at all – he’s seen through her eyes, she let him. She wouldn’t let him pilot her if he wasn’t somehow fitting of it, and yet she’d woken for him.
Shiro still has his reservations �� Sendak’s words still echo in the back of his mind, along with Haggar’s ‘greatest weapon’ comment – but Keith has made arguments that he really… can’t find any way to fight against. There is a bond between him and the Black Lion, it’s just… not as strong as the one Zarkon has. But, perhaps there’s potential for growth, given she’d allowed him back onboard after ejecting him?
…It’s a lot to think about, and he no longer has the energy to fight Keith so strongly. Releasing a low exhale, it ends on another note of a breathy laugh, but this one actually manages to hold some humour.
“When did you get so reasonable?”
Arguably, it is his fault for not thinking that the Galra would know he’d come to save Allura, but Keith’s already proven he’s not willing to accept or hear anything of the sort. Shiro’s not going to throw it out there, his need to blame everything on himself, at least out loud, not quite that strong.
For the time being, Keith has won.
In the ticks of silence that follows, Keith keeps his expression hard, just daring Shiro to fight him further on this. It takes all of his energy to remain standing, but he would go back to the ground if it meant he had to redirect all his strength into arguing his point further.
---Not that he WANTS to, so he’s glad when Shiro concedes. For now, at least. There’s no doubt in his mind that Shiro will continue to worry over the part he played in this, surely without telling Keith ( it’s a little aggravating how Shiro tries to keep all his problems to himself, especially when he doesn’t have to ), but they can broach the topic again at a later time. First and foremost, they need to take care of themselves and find the rest of the team.
“I grew up with YOU.” He returns, sass heavy in his tone. “Sense was bound to hit me at some point.” He holds back a quip of, ‘though it seems you’ve lost some of your own.’
A breath, and Keith paces carefully, just to ensure he can move without issue. As he does this, he nods towards Shiro’s side.
“How’s the creepy glowing alien wound treating you?”
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Having ‘dad-like traits’ and being team dad are two different things. At least, they are in Shiro’s mind. …He thinks. It’s not like he’s sat down to consider this stuff, since this is the first he’s hearing of it.
From the way Keith keeps responding without even a tick’s pause for thought, however, he absolutely seems to have. Which… is interesting. They’ve spent most of their lives being each others’ only family, but now it’s safe to say they’ve found themselves more people to add in, and… It’s been a fleeting thought most time on Shiro’s end, but maybe Keith has taken some time to think about it more seriously. Appointing people different roles in this found-family they’ve all accidentally created for themselves.
“Okay, that one I’ll agree to.”
A short laugh escapes, and Shiro’s smile widens as he shakes his head. Maybe because he’d never had the big family thing, Keith is looking at the team like this. …Or maybe he’s right, and everyone’s looking at it that way. Maybe that’s just what happens when you throw four teenagers, two young adults, and one weird uncle figure into space together?
The teens, he supposes, are more likely to look to those in charge and those older than them as parental figures.
“You know why I have some dad-like traits?” He asks, knocking his hand lightly against the top of Keith’s helmet. Shiro’s voice is light, still with a firm grasp on amusement as he goes on teasingly; “Because I’ve had to look after you for so long.”
A smug sort of smile crosses his face when Shiro agrees to that last one, glad that his brother agrees with him on at least ONE of these appointed positions.
With that expression still in place, the lingering amusement keeping it in place and keeping him from going back to his previous stressful state, Keith puts his attention back into guiding Red back to the castle, only looking back to Shiro when he speaks up again.
And what he says is met with a snort.
He leans with the gentle tap to his helmet, head rolling to his shoulder.
“You didn’t HAVE to.“ He points out, but damn is he grateful that Shiro never listened every time he’d said that;
���---But I’m glad you did. Really. I’m where I am because of you.”
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▹ @redrightarm ( continued from x )
Keith’s response draws a long, flat look from Shiro, but he can’t quite hide the amused glint in his eyes. He’s plenty used to Keith using him as a rest for just about everything and being a brat about it, so none of this actually comes as any surprise.
Swatting at the foot that pokes at his stomach, he huffs a breath and shakes his head.
“You’re lucky I’m too comfortable to get up,” he retorts, his own gaze flitting back to the TV, though his eyes narrow slightly in thought a moment later. “And that I’m not mean enough to get Katsu up here to bite your toes.”
Instead, the dog in question is on the floor next to Shiro’s feet, seeming to be napping contentedly. The only sign that he’s awake is the gentle wag of his curled tail, caused by hearing his name.
In all honesty, Keith’s not sure if Shiro really is too comfortable, or if he’s just letting Keith get away with this because he’s nice.
( Sometimes it feels like he lets him get away with too much, but Keith’s certainly got no problem with that. )
“Yeah, SURE.” He snorts when the Shiba’s name gets dropped. “The only time Katsu’s ever bitten me was when I was holding that piece of cheese in my hand and he REALLY wanted it.”
Katsu got scolded after that and quickly taught the ‘no biting’ rule, so Keith REAAAALLY doubts that Shiro would set the dog on him.
“If you REALLY want to scare me off, try threatening me with Momo.”
The CAT, now SHE's vicious, and feet may as well be her sworn enemies.
#what part of this is 'short'#i mean compared to other replies yes but#short to ME is 4-5 sentences#ur lucky ur cute#jawblade#Shiro;#Shiro;Shiro; Modern AU
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“we should cuddle… for warmth.”
cuddly / platonic-ish memes
» casual hang-out
For the first few seconds Keith just blinks at Lance, then makes a point of looking down to himself---pointedly looking at the t-shirt he’s got on.
When he lifts his head to look at Lance again,it’s with a brow raised to record heights.
“---But it’s not cold?"Cuddling would be totally fine with Keith, of course,but for WARMTH? It’s, like, seventy degrees outside.
“Are YOU cold? You could’ve said something. I’ll turn the heat on.”There Keith goes, rising from the couch to go messwith the thermostat, putting it at what he hopes iswill be a comfortable temperature for the both of them.Sorry, Lance.
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