#neutral alicent hightower
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susellesie · 5 months ago
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Succession, S3 E10: With Open Eyes; Sam Gordon, "A Mother's Hate"; Ella Wilson, Take Care: Mothers, Daughters, and Inheriting Self-Hatred; Jeanette Winterson "Why Be Happy When You Could Be Normal"
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callahanisms · 6 months ago
hotd masterlist
courtship (hcs | gn! reader)
diamond of the season - bridgerton regency! au headcanons
love is patient and kind (hcs | gn! reader | rom com au)
the monster is us (hcs | gn! reader | horror au)
lights! camera! action! (hcs | gn! reader | movie star au)
when you fall sick (hcs | gn! reader)
cooking and baking (hcs | gn! reader)
are you on the square? (shitpost)
manners maketh man (hcs | gn! reader | kingsman spy! au)
falling in love with a dragonrider (hcs | gn! reader | request)
arranged marriage with childhood friend (hcs | gn! reader | request)
falling into their crush’s chest (hcs | gn! reader | request)
having an s.o. who is afraid of children and childbirth (hcs | gn! reader | request)
driving (hcs | gn! reader)
daemon targaryen
general + relationship (hcs | gn! reader)
opposing sides (hcs | gn! reader)
rhaenyra targaryen
general + relationship (wip)
opposing sides (hcs | gn! reader | request)
victory for the opposing side (hcs | gn! reader | request)
coming out + their mother’s reaction (hcs | gn! reader | request)
reacting to the fact that (y/n) killed their child (hcs | gn! reader | request)
reactions to their lover cheating on them (hcs | gn! reader | request)
dragon’s smile (fic | gn! reader)
red lady (wip)
portrait of a princess on fire (fic | rhaenicent)
alicent hightower
general + relationship (wip)
opposing sides (hcs | gn! reader | request)
victory for the opposing side (hcs | gn! reader | request)
happy ending with their s.o (hcs | gn! reader | request)
coming out + their mother’s reaction (hcs | gn! reader | request)
reacting to the fact that (y/n) killed their child (hcs | gn! reader | request)
reactions to their lover cheating on them (hcs | gn! reader | request)
treatments for sorrow (fic | gn! reader)
green lightning (wip)
portrait of a princess on fire (fic | rhaenicent)
aegon targaryen
general + relationship (hcs | gn! reader)
opposing sides (hcs | gn! reader | request)
victory for the opposing side (hcs | gn! reader | request)
coming out + their mother’s reaction (hcs | gn! reader | request)
reacting to a bard (hcs | gn! reader | request)
aemond targaryen
general + relationship (hcs | gn! reader)
opposing sides (hcs | gn! reader | request)
victory for the opposing side (hcs | gn! reader | request)
happy ending with their s.o (hcs | gn! reader | request)
coming out + their mother’s reaction (hcs | gn! reader | request)
reacting to a bard (hcs | gn! reader | request)
study session (fic | gn! reader)
in the mood for love (fic | gn! reader)
helaena targaryen
general + relationship (hcs | gn! reader)
opposing sides (hcs | gn! reader request)
happy ending with their s.o (hcs | gn! reader | request)
coming out + their mother’s reaction (hcs | gn! reader | request)
reactions to their lover cheating on them (hcs | gn! reader | request)
reacting to a bard (hcs | gn! reader | request)
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unicoo · 6 months ago
The way we watch Alicent get pimped out by her dad, sworn to secrecy by the king, forced into a marriage with the same man (who isold enough to be her dad), maritally raped by said old ass husband & forced to carry his heirs in quick succession, all while still growing up herself and losing her only friend…….yet somehow, someway, there are people out there who………blame Alicent…the child? Book!Alicent is a different story, but to sit and WATCH show!Alicent go through all of this manipulation and grooming and abuse, and hate her?! Yeah some of y’all are sick 😭 I’m not even joking because like…..what?!
We are supposed to feel bad for Rhaenyra being forced to marry………but not Alicent? Why? Someone tell me why & quickly!! And don’t you dare say “sHE seDucEd vISerYs”, no, she was manipulated and then told to keep it secret by her king! He knew it was wrong yet didn’t gaf, so where is his hate? Are we being hypocrites guys?
We are supposed to feel bad for Rhaenyra & her kids, but not Alicent & hers who were ignored and treated like shit? Once again where is Viserys’ hate? QUICKLY, tell me!!! He’s neglecting his kids guys, we don’t support that do we?
We are supposed to hate Alicent for how she treated Rhaenyra, but not Rhaenyra for how she treated Alicent? (Especially when it was shown Alicent was trying and she didn’t become hateful until RHAENYRA LIED to her) Why, tell me, tell me, tell me. And don’t you dare say “sHE BEtRayEd hEr bY mARryInG ViSeRYs” SHE DIDNT HAVE A CHOICE!!! If we know Rhaenyra didn’t and we feel oh so bad for her, and we know most noble women don’t have a choice, then why are we mad at Alicent like she did? tell me please I BEG!
We scream girl boss for Rhaenyra wanted a son for a son, sorry make that sons for a son, yet Alicent is Beelzebub for wanting Justice for her son (WHO WAS A KID!!!! He hadn’t done shit yet, he was sweet and dragonless & got bullied, then maimed, YOU WOULD BE MAD TOO, lie & say you wouldn’t 😐) anyone who doesn’t understand Alicent’s motives behind the eye for an eye incident is either not a parent or is a heartless monster 🤷‍♀️
Y’all quite literally watched Alicent’s villain origin story and said why she so mad? Are you…..are you seriously dumb or just fucking with me? 😭
Y’all are pro Rhaenyra because she’s a “feminist” yet y’all hate every women who isn’t Rhaenyra……to me it sounds like…….✨hypocrisy✨
And how does one stand for a war against misogyny only to participate in the misogyny themselves? 🤔
The dance is a war against misogyny yet……….no one is stopping the misogyny, just dressing it up with cute excuses and throwing the blame onto the other side………..
(Also like it’s not far fetched to believe Rhaenyra would’ve had Alicent’s kids dealt with, especially since she’s hated Aegon since before he was a baby. My guy was 2 and she was beefing with bro like…. And you can’t say “AliCEnt & OtTo didN’T lEt tHeM hAVE a rElAtiOnsHIP” ummm SHOWwise that is untrue Rhaenyra just didn’t wanna fuck with them kids 😂)
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berriesandcherry · 3 months ago
House of the Dragon needed villains
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Hi! I don't want this to be a controversial take or to attack any actor, but there has been something about HOTD that has been bothering me, and I need to get it out. Also, I made a post for Team Black, too. Since everyone was a huge letdown compared to the book, I just don't like HOTD adaptation of events.
When I read the Dance of the Dragons, it felt clear that, unlike A Song of Ice and Fire, the Dance has a “right” side and a “wrong” side, at least legally. The question for lords and political figures wasn’t who was the better person or leader, but rather: Who is the rightful heir?
The lords who supported Team Black backed Rhaenyra because she was named heir by King Viserys I and held her title as Princess of Dragonstone until she was crowned queen. In a monarchy, the king’s word is law—going against it is treason. Just as Aegon IV’s legitimization of his bastards went unchallenged because it was the king’s will, Rhaenyra’s status as heir should have been final.
The lords supporting Team Green, however, chose Aegon II based on tradition and Andal law, which prioritized male heirs over females. Their claim becomes murkier with precedents like the Widow’s Law, but their main argument was that a son comes before a daughter.
No one cared if they were good people because the lords themselves were not good people (there are exceptions, obviously).
As viewers, with modern values, we’re encouraged to root for Rhaenyra. She’s the eldest, has more experience, and her main pre-Dance flaw—entitlement—is natural for a princess cherished by her father and the realm. Also, she was the only surviving child of a couple that had lost many children, so she was very loved and shielded. Picture Sansa pre-GOT or Myrcella.
Here we see it, everyone cherishes her! She never knew any hardships before her mother's death.
"At the center of the merriment, cherished and adored by all, was their only surviving child, Princess Rhaenyra, the little girl the court singers dubbed “the Realm’s Delight.” Though only six when her father came to the Iron Throne, Rhaenyra Targaryen was a precocious child, bright and bold and beautiful as only one of dragon’s blood can be beautiful. At seven, she became a dragonrider, taking to the sky on the young dragon she named Syrax, after a goddess of old Valyria. At eight, the princess was placed into service as a cupbearer…but for her own father, the king."
Obviously, she had flaws:
"She was very proud and stubborn, and there was a certain petulance to her small mouth."
"Though Rhaenyra could be charming, she was quick to anger and never forgot a slight."
Even her flaws—pride, stubbornness, and a tendency to hold grudges—are balanced by her charm and strength.
In contrast, Aegon II is portrayed in the books as a lazy, gluttonous, and abusive young man. For example:
"The groom was fifteen years of age; a lazy and somewhat sulky boy, Septon Eustace tells us, but possessed of more than healthy appetites, a glutton at table, given to swilling ale and strongwine and pinching and fondling any serving girl who strayed within his reach." (Septon Eustace, a Green supporter)
Mushroom (a very unreliable source but still not completely untrusting) says this:
"Prince Aegon was “at his revels,” Munkun says in his True Telling, vaguely. The Testimony of Mushroom claims Ser Criston found the young king-to-be drunk and naked in a Flea Bottom rat pit, where two guttersnipes with filed teeth were biting and tearing at each other for his amusement whilst a girl who could not have been more than twelve pleasured his member with her mouth."
And Munkun prefers another "more suitable" version where the girl is a wealthy merchant's daughter. Even more “respectable” accounts show him as unfaithful, neglectful, and unfit for leadership.
What HOTD Missed: Leaning Into Villainy
The issue I want to raise is this: House of the Dragon missed an opportunity to lean into the Greens’ flaws and make them true villains. Villains aren’t just hated—they’re fascinating. Look at Cersei, Tywin, Ramsay, and Roose Bolton. Their cruelty and ambition made them memorable, even loved by fans for their depth and complexity.
Instead of inventing new crimes for characters like Daemon or new storylines like Criston/Alicent, HOTD should have preserved the Greens’ darker traits from the books. I won't add all of them, it's not necessary to make my point, even though Criston Cole could easily be added here.
“I can’t judge them. I have to write them as if they’re making their case to God why they would be allowed into Heaven….There are a lot of people who get inspriation from [Colonel Jessup’s] speech because when they hear [it] they think, ‘you know what? He’s absolutely right. He has a point.’ I’ve gotta believe in that argument when I’m writing it. If [I] don’t, [I] really run the risk of having someone twirling their moustache”. (Aaron Sorkin, Masterclass)
Alicent should have been older and the "evil stepmother" trope that they hate is actually something interesting to explore! It's like saying you want to avoid an "evil queen" trope with Cersei, no! That's her appeal! A complicated villain could emerge from a woman torn between pity for a motherless child (Rhaenyra) and her own ambitions. You can make her religion weight on her decisions. You can make her a mother who refuses to see the faults of her children in favor of what she will gain once they have power. You can make a woman bitter about seeing a child have the power she had to marry a man to be able to grasp. A complicated relationship with her father can be drawn with manipulation and issues and make it interesting!
Aegon could be an abuser, a bad man, and an absolutely unworthy heir and still be interesting. You see characters like Tyrion be genuine monsters and still have people root for him. You can show a little brother who knows what's coming, who hates his position, his marriage and his sister, who once he gets power grows to patch up his issues with the expectant eyes of the small folk and supporters. You can show him being a bad father while thinking he is good. You could've had a man whose crown changes his character as he tries to heal himself with power.
With Heleana — while not a villain— she is surrounded by them. Her character in the books is forgettable, sure, but shows her having a genuine love for her father, for her mother. She knows she is just Aegon's wife in her mother's eyes, but she loves her. She is a bad person, but she is her mother. Imagine a sweet, naïve princess whose love for her mother blinds her to Alicent’s flaws. When crowned queen, she betrays her sister, a choice that haunts her after her children are murdered due to the people she loved and took risks for. When her children are murdered, she could have the dragondreams the showrunners gave her. Not everyone have them since childhood. Her descent into madness, fueled by guilt, dragondreams, and grief, could have been one of the show’s most tragic arcs.
Aemond was a wasted potential. Aemond didn’t need bullying to justify his self-esteem issues. He’s Baelon “the Brave” gone wrong—a second son destined to serve his brother, who claims Vhagar and becomes a fearsome swordsman. His lost eye shaped his personality: paranoia, resentment, and a thirst for power. Take Euron, for example. He is horrible, and yet people are fascinated by him. Alys Rivers was his slave as she was his wife, she could be a witch, let's give her that, show her struggle to tame him enough to send him to his death in order to avenge her family— Show him having power over someone completely, like they did with Joffrey and Sansa. Show how losing his eye affected him, maybe people giving him dirty glances, including Maris Baratheon and her comment that drove him to kill Lucerys! Include Floris/Ellyn/Cassandra's attempt to hide their disgust when either is chosen to be his bride, how people's perception of him changed because of what happened at Driftmark. Show how deep him losing his eye changed him. Because it was the core of his character.
And Daeron is THE forgotten child™️, the Addam/Daeron ship was actually an interesting twist to his character, but I won't include ships for the sake of the post. However, show how he is different as he was raised by the Hightowers. Highlight his bond with Heleana’s children, his love for Tessarion, and his shift from an idealistic boy to a man consumed by revenge. This would make his later actions both understandable and heartbreaking.
“The relationship between the hero and the opponent is the single most important relationship in the story. In working out the struggle between these two characters, the larger issues and themes of the story unfold.” (John Truby, The Anatomy of Story)
Villains matter
“The more powerful and complex the forces of antagonism opposing the character, the more completely realized character and story must become.” (Robert McKee, Story)
Well-written villains are a highlight of ASOIAF. The Dance of the Dragons is a tragedy, but the Greens’ flaws could have added layers to that tragedy because of how avoidable it was. Instead, HOTD made them more sympathetic, sometimes at the cost of depth. Alicent became a pawn; Aegon, a "pitiable" drunk; Heleana a dreamy woman who spoils the show; Daeron is not even there; and Aemond, a bullied boy. While these changes humanize the Greens, they also strip away the darkness that made them fascinating in the books. Imagine HOTD with Alicent as the ambitious stepmother, Aegon as a tyrannical yet broken king, and Aemond as a power-hungry second son. The Greens wouldn’t just be the opposition—they’d be villains we love to hate, like Tywin or Cersei. That complexity is what HOTD needed to make the Dance of the Dragons truly unforgettable.
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reignof-fyre · 8 months ago
I'd like to say something: just because you "neutrals" aren't chosing sides in hotd doesn't make you somehow mortally superior to people who have chosen and stand by the side they have chosen.
Stop with the fucking superiority and smugness jfc fuck off
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theancientwise · 7 months ago
The only reasons why i'm still going to keep watching Hotd
Sunfyre (if my baby dragon is indeed dead, i'll kill every HOTD writer and then myself);
Aegon and Larys: their storyline is very interesting and i want to see Aegon's revenge so much after what Alicent did in the last episode;
Haeleana: i got really attached to her;
Aemond: Ewan Mitchell was so good at playing this bad boy;
all the dragons;
Corlys Velaryon;
Otto Hightower: he must come back and snap some sense in his idiot daughter asap.
the dragonseeds: unlike the majority of people, i really appreciated each one of them, even Ulf (his scene with that petty boy Jace was fabulous) and i want to watch their growth.
For the rest (Rhaenyra, Alicent, Daemon, Jacaerys, Baela, Rhaena, Criston Cole etc), well
I don't care a single f***
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alishaaxo · 1 year ago
Culmination Of Resentment
Team Neutral Critique Of HOTD Characters
A metallic clang sounds out beneath as heavy breaths echo throughout the room, encompassed with a silent terror.
An eerie absence of speaking only highlights the abnormality of the situation.
Until a voice finally shouts out, breaking the short moment of silence which were once dictated by pause of confusion and pain.
“How dare you?”, raged the voice with an authoritative voice bellowed out in distress.
“You preach on and on about duty while your dastardly son lurks into the night to claim the dragon of the women whose funeral we are attending! And you dare to attack me, your future Queen!”
Rhaenyra yells out her anger with the fury culminated from years of resent upon the girl she loves and hates both equally with passion.
Alicent Hightower; the Green Queen.
Her once-bestfriend turned rival as betrayal struck the Targaryen in her girlhood prime.
“You sit upon your throne beneath my naive coward of a father while you and your beastly father cower upon his body to feast like crows and spread rumours about me! Have you forgotten who betrayed who first? You snidely chat with your oathbreaker of a swornshield while forgetting that both he and you gained your position due to the Targaryens you despise so much!”
“I on the other hand haven’t dared forgotten how you snuck into my fathers bedcambers in your mother’s dresses, indecent for an proclaimed virtuous maiden, on the night of my mothers funeral.”
The crowd of white-haired onlookers begin to murmur as if reassessing their evaluation of the Queen of most holy and devout beliefs.
A dark-skinned man lurking in the corner of the Velaryon-Targaryen crowd stirs in anger.
Jealously in his eyes as he recalls his lovely daughter Laena who had lost her chance to be Queen to this miserly women and lost her life, only to have herself be disregarded at her own funeral.
Alicent screeches with anger “I was a maiden at my wedding! At least I can say that unlike you who lost herself in the thralls of brothels and sworn-shields, married to a sword-swallower birthing pug-nosed bastards!”
The retort blares out within the crowd as an onlooker of Velaryon heritage rages at the disservice done to his house, being reduced to a brown-haired unlawful child as heir to his house, ancestry desolated by a whoreson and his rogue of a mother.
“Enough of this!”
“ Alicent!”
“Your feud has gone on too long. We are family! The bonds of our house must stay strong as our kingdom depends on us! Put aside your petty grievances!” King Viserys, the near-skeletal figure of a man clamours, fury moving his decaying body to stand with power.
“Our son has lost an eye and you’re call this petty! Your beloved daughter has called for the torture of your son and yet this matter is petty! How dare you!”
Alicent held his gaze, eyes bewildered in shame and wild in anger.
“You are the beginning root of all disservices done to us all! You wanted a son for heir but only from your precious Aemma. Whom you butchered like a pig for your heir for a day. You married me, the daughter of your friend. The age of your daughter!”
Viserys attempted to look down in shame but ceased as his eyes laid gaze upon Alicent, reminded of the once-youthful gaze in her eyes, turned erratic with this culmination of anger seeping through her.
“Then only named Rhaenyra heir out of shame and guilt, yet continued your mistakes of the past with your new family! Do you even remember our children’s names or are you too busy crying over your Aemma and playing with your Valyrian model to do so!”
The children, beaten and downtrodden look to their kingly ancestor, both brown-haired and white-haired alike glance to him with a judgement in their eyes. New-found for the grandchildren who have only regarded Viserys as a loving paternal figure, re-evaluating their thoughts on the shameful man.
A figure moves to the forefront of this moshpit, beridden with emulsing wrath towards all central individuals.
“Talking of sins, duty and respect while you desecrate my daughter’s funeral with this insolent feud!”
Rhaenys Velaryon stands firm in position, outrage fuelling her as she disregards the broken household in front of her gaze.
“All standing here have done a great disservice to my daughter and are debasing her further now. You’re son thought to claim my daughter’s greatest companion on the day of her remembrance!”
“And You!”
“Fornicating with your rogue of an uncle on his wife’s funeral, your own cousin and the sister of your husband!” Rhaenys snapped while the crowd of individuals loudly muttered.
Her husband stood beside her, towering over the others, portraying a tall statue of a man while his beloved wife let out her sequence of grievances.
“Cease the conversations now Viserys. This matter is finished and the Royal Household is to vacate Driftmark immediately.” Corlys commented in a calm yet commanding tone.
The children begun to cry, overwhelmed with the events unfolding and ushered out by their rageful yet tempered down mothers, focused on their children.
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darklinaforever · 8 months ago
I have no idea what show you are watching at all
I am not on any side I am an impartial viewer and merely stating what the plotline are. I am not rewriting it to suit my agenda like you and so many other people are doing. I am talking strictly about the show without the book being brought into it
Otto Hightower is an ambitious man who reaches too high. Alicent is his beautiful young daughter who is meek and biddable. Otto hold power as the Kings Hand and his daughter is a high value pawn for him to play by marrying her off to the highest bidder. When Aemma dies, Otto sees his opening and takes it. He forced Alicent forwards in a revealing gown to visit the king alone where she will probably lose her virginity or be manhandled and be compromised by the king who will be duty bound to marry her. Otto is playing on Viserys lust for beautiful women despite his grief. Alicent is visibly reluctant and frightened and is so when she is to be married to Viserys. Later she shuts down and does her duty. She wants to be the lady Alicent again.
Rhaenyra knows she is not the son Viserys wanted and she wants the freedom accorded to a son. She starts taking that freedom for herself, doing as she pleases. She speaks to Daemon as equals, she speaks informally to Criston and seems to have a good friendship with him. After Daemon rejects her she comes home drunk, hurt and horny basically. Criston is there. He is good-looking dashing knight. Liters the maidens dream. I'm pretty sure Criston is attracted to Rhaenyra but he wasn't going to act on it. It seems like he's living his romantic chaste fantasy protecting the woman he loves from afar. The issue is Rhaenyra holds power in a technical sense as the kings daughter. There is a power imbalance. When Rhaenyra puts moves on him, Criston is thinking of his vows etc. She puts him in a very difficult position professionally and also risking his life if he rejects her Rhaenyra could turn nasty and go to her father telling lies or if he doesnt reject her he could be killed for breaking his vows if found out. It's Criston who is in unfair position and then there's just the temptation he feels personally. There is many layers to this. Is Rhaenyra abusing her position. Is Criston being abused. Is Rhaenyra just acting on impulse and pushing Criston into surrendering to what they both feel. I don't know. Criston cannot confide in anyone or seek help as it is treason to question the princess virtue. The fact is her rejection of his proposal and the guilt over his vows being broken lead Criston to suicide. He has feelings for Rhaenyra being rejected and then all his personal dreams of being a king guard is ruined. My end opinion Rhaenyra was thoughtless and drunk and confused by Daemon she came home and saw Criston and acted on impulse/old attraction, but then abused her power by pushing herself onto him after he initially rejected her. Criston is put in a terrible position that has consequences for him. If Rhaenyra had been a man the narrative would be different. If Criston was a woman calling msn Rhaenyra a cunt she would be a girlboss.
There is shifting scale of power in the show, Alicent has no poeer, Otto has power, but through Otto Alicent gains power. Criston has no power but Alicent elevates him.
I do think Criston is a hypocrite by sleeping with Alicent because he made vows and could try to regain his honour by acting virtuously but he isn't. I don't feel sorry for him now. I felt sorry for him during that point in time with Rhaenyra.
And Alicent, a queen who sleeps with Criston Cole isn't likely power imbalance maybe ? 😂
Wouldn't Criston Cole rather want to kill himself more because he literally massacred a man for free ?
Rhaenyra did not abuse Criston Cole. He was more than happy and willing. You have to stop the bullshit after a while.
And no, many including me have already explained that gender reversal does not work. Rhaenyra could never have the position that Criston Cole had at that time as Kingsguard.
And sorry, but being neutral to me is just as ridiculous as being TG.
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stray-cowboy-cat · 1 year ago
God I’m coming out as an Alicent lover sorry guys..
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susellesie · 5 months ago
my opinion on s2 Alicent is that house of the dragon needs to be different from game and thrones, and that most of the criticism of house of the dragon is a reactionary instinct to relive certain beloved characters and tropes from game of thrones.
let me be clear; house of the dragon as a show is already going into characterization with a lot of options for characters and tropes off the board because they've already been done in game of thrones. they're already going to have to work with the instinctual assumption from the audience to relate back to what they know. rhaenyra = daenerys, otto = tywin, and alicent = cersei.
now, obviously these aren't exact matches. i'm talking about sweeping personality and the tropes they march. cersei, specifically, is the trope of the feral mother. she kills for her kids (in the books at least - technically in the show too, but that was revenge and i'm talking about premeditated murder) she lives and dies by her kids. her ethical code, goals, all of it rests on her children.
and cersei is an amazing character. she's fascinating to read and watch, and lena headey's performance will live in my brain forever. but cersei is one of the main characters throughout game of thrones. and say what you want about season 8- god knows i won't defend it - but her arc ends there, for better or for worse, after all her children have died before her.
now, years after watching game of thrones slowly decline and eventually bomb in the final two seasons, the show writers are tasked to explore these new characters in a prequel. to be the first "new" asoiaf content to air on television since. the reality of house of the dragon is that it has to be different from game of thrones. it just does. hotd has to be its own show with its own characters.
so, here's what i'm getting at; alicent is the deconstruction of the trope of motherly devotion.
alicent in season one has the exact same ethical code as cersei; do whatever to protect my children. even if that means taking the throne from my childhood best friend, even if that means forcibly removing her from power. and in driftmark, this escalates, if only temporarily - alicent shows a willingness to harm a child to avenge the harm that has been done to hers.
asoiaf have always asked tough questions of the reader. what do you do if someone hurts someone you love? how do you act with honor if honor gets you killed? cersei's character asks an audience a question: what would you do to protect your children? and to the audience, that question is simple, it's easy. anything. it's the thing that redeems cersei when her actions are irredeemable; she does it out of love.
alicent's character asks a different question is season two, one that i think will be explored more in season three. what would it take for you to stop supporting your children?
no matter what joffrey does, cersei is a bystander to it, and often an accomplice. that is the devotion that makes up her character, and the trope she represents in the story. alicent is the deconstructed answer cersei's dilemma, and i think ultimately what cooke, condal & co. are trying to say is that there is a reality where "a mother's love" is a trope.
think about media today. think about the characters we think of when we think about mothers. cersei, cat, rhaenyra? all mothers so devoted they die for it. the concept of a mother's love is so idolized by the media that we don't think about the woman behind the mother. the woman becomes more mother than person, a shield for children both good and evil. (not talking about George's wrting - i'm talking about the way people view these characters commonly.)
and it's unrealistic. it just is. for every mother who is completely and utterly devoted to their good, well behaved child there is another who has raised a child who ended up committing sexual violence, or domestic abuse, or hurting others in general. and that's not to say children/people who grow up to do these things do not deserve to be loved by their mothers - that's to say the expectation that mothers should always be not only forgiving, but silently accepting and an accomplice to the actions of their children is not the feminist trope people might think it is.
cersei is already the example of the dedicated mother. we saw that arc play out on screen. Alicent is the deconstruction of the devoted mother who is tested beyond belief. who is challenged in the worldviews she has held her entire life. and the decision at the end of season 2 - the decision to choose rhaenyra over her son, half dead, who never took ruling seriously, who sought revenge by killing innocents, is something many dedicated mothers have had to do in their lives too.
it's not an easy thing to stomach, because we have been told through media our entire lives that a mother who does not choose or defend her children is the evilest of evil. but that is an antiquated trope for a reason.
we have to be able to move past the reactionary instinct to desire the things that make us comfortable, and one of the things that makes us comfortable are the tropes we rely on. alicent's s2 characterization is the deconstruction of that trope.
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hllywdwhre · 2 years ago
You know everyone shits on Alicent for marrying Aegon to Helaena and Daemon for going after Rhaenyra but Rhaenys and Corlys literally offered up their 12 year old daughter to Viserys who was like 40 and that just gets ignored like carry the same energy
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callahanisms · 2 years ago
i gave a second chance to cupid
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i’ve been listening to fifty fifty’s song “cupid” on repeat. not because i totally don’t completely relate to it or anything (i absolutely do).
but i thought it’d be cute to include what a second chance romance would be like with the hotd crew. so enjoy!! (this is by no means following the song, because that would make this post very angsty)
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ser criston cole
the two of you had to separate. criston became a knight and your lover had to leave you. you two were children then. you came to king’s landing as an adult and with a child of your own. you would begin work in the palace while your child became a close friend with the princess helaena. and it was completely random how you ran into him. you were bringing something to the queen and there he was. and when criston’s eyes met yours, you saw them melt like years ago. but the two of you pretended to not know each other at moment and you left soon after. but at night, you saw him again and he held your hand with such tenderness it almost made you weep.
“we have been apart for years. i did not expect to see you in king’s landing, ever. but i am happy that fate has allowed us to reconcile.”
daemon targaryen
daemon had a fondness for driftmark, for many reasons. one of them was you. you two were lovers long ago, lovers once. but as time passed, you two had to separate due to duties. he had to leave and he didn’t come back for a while. and when he returned with laena, you were not there either. it wasn’t until the dance did he see you. you had carved your own way, formed a small army that was well trained. and you came to pledge to rhaenyra’s claim. you were still as attractive as before.
“it is a lovely surprise to see you here, dear (y/n). how long has it been? years?...well, people change. my hair is shorter than before, i know. but it is good to have you here and to be able to spend time with you again.”
rhaenyra targaryen
being the crowned heir, the princess, the realm’s delight, made things very difficult. when it came to wanting certain relationships, she was restricted y her status to maintain a certain image and to not pursue who she really wanted. she wanted you but her marriage to laenor velaryon would not allow for it. and you were too heartbroken to see your lover with someone else. you disappeared off the face of westeros for years. and you didn’t come back until after the dance when rhaenyra sat on the throne. and when she saw you enter the great hall, she almost lept from the iron throne.
“time has treated you well, (y/n). you come richer than when we first met, a successful merchan, and with gifts. your generous spirit has no wavered, i see. come join me in my chambers after the feast.”
alicent hightower
you died. you died before the two of you could run away together. she saw you killed right before her eyes and resigned herself to a life of duty and sacrifice. alicent suffered many years without you, thinking about how happy she would have been to be with you alone. when the war ended and rhaenyra took the throne, the queen decided to show mercy. but the leader of the greens would be banished from the lands of westeros, exiled. there was a sort of pain in her heart when thinking about that, about not being alive after her children and grandchildren had been killed. but when she saw who was manning the boat to take her away, she could not believe her eyes.
“i...i had to be sure it was you. i saw you die! killed by robbers! how are you? have the gods shown mercy? did the stranger decide not to guide you into the afterlife!”
aegon targaryen
right before the greens completely crushed the blacks, you had disappeared. aegon assumed that you, his longtime lover, had been taken prisoner when the blacks took control of king’s landing. but when looking through the cells, you were nowhere to be found. he assumed you had been killed when his grandfather was and when his sister-wife had jumped out of the window. years later into his kinghood, he spots a familiar face in court: you. you don’t seem to notice him, but he notices you. and that you’re dressed up in nice silks and with jewels and rings.
“it has been a long time (y/n). where have you been? i had the every inch of the red keep searched to find you, even a body. even all throughout king’s landing. and nothing. but here you are now, in front of me.”
aemond targaryen
becoming a successful war general required sacrifices. he had to sacrifice his devotion to you for the sake of his brother’s throne, even if he didn’t deserve it. you were too heartbroken and ran back to your home, disappeared from the war. during the nights, aemond would wonder where you were, what you were doing, what you were wearing, if you were reading and sleeping enough. no matter how much attention his betrothed tried to get from him, floris baratheon got none. and eventually, she died during the war. an unfortunate tragedy. but years later, he still wondered about you. sure he took lovers on occasion, but they didn’t last for long. that was until one day, when a rising vassal house under the lannisters entered the great hall, aemond saw you. you saw him too, but paid him no mind despite the fact that the only man who had your heart had aged like fine wine.
“(y/n), it has been a long time. i see that time has been rather kind to you....of course i have many questions. but now is not the time to ask, not during my nephew’s name day feast. see me in my room later so we can catch up.”
helaena targaryen
the world has changed. a woman ascending to the iron throne shook up the social rules of westeros. being banished from westeros was not as bad as it seemed to be. helaena just wished that you, her lover from long ago, were with her. it was quite lonely to be traveling, but she was making a decent living working at an inn. why had you disappeared? where had you disappeared to? she asked herself these questions as she worked. but when she went down to the market, she saw the face of someone familiar shucking oysters and asking her if she would like to try one.
“these oysters...they’re good. and fresh. i think the inn could use a few of these. you should come over some time. our food is quite good actually.”
jacaerys velaryon
the two of you were not meant to be. at least when you first saw each other. two opposite sides of a war. jace found it suitable that the two of you not interact. it made perfect sense. your family pledged fidelity to the greens and by default, that was who you were aligned with. he hadn’t seen you for years. the battle for the iron throne was rough but his mother won, sitting on the chair that controls the entirety of the continent. and he was the prince, her crowned heir. it’s been years since then. running courts is quite tiresome. but who enters the great hall but you, having ascended to take over your house for the time being.
“welcome (y/n). i presume you are here to give us your grievances. please know you can talk to me. anytime, anywhere.”
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witchthewriter · 7 months ago
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𝐁𝐞𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐰𝐢𝐟𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐆𝐰𝐚𝐲𝐞 𝐇𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐨𝐰𝐞𝐫 & 𝐝𝐫𝐚𝐠𝐨𝐧𝐫𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐰𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐥𝐮𝐝𝐞
⤷ female, ambiguous race, and any size reader. Requests are open, thank you for reading!
a/n: oh god this man is doing things to me...
ᴹᵃˢᵗᵉʳˡᶤˢᵗ | ᴹᵃˢᵗᵉʳˡᶤˢᵗ ᴵᴵ
Lawful Neutral to Neutral Good
Sagittarius Sun, Cancer Moon, Scorpio Rising
・You're the rider of Silverwing, the glorious, graceful and maternal dragon who watches over you wherever you go.
・When you were young, it was very difficult for your mother because Silverwing would sweep you away and take you to her nest. Making you one of her own.
・You knew about the Hightowers, and how close Alicent & Rhaenyra were. You were very jealous, but weren't the kind of person to bump shoulders just to be included.
・So your best friend was a dragon. And you wouldn't have it any other way.
・Your connection with her is incredibly strong. Almost telepathic at times. She can feel what you feel - like two one soul in two bodies.
・And when you become of marriagable age - she did not like any of the suitors. So she was there, right by your side, huffing and puffing (putting your white cloaks on edge...)
・Just like Rhaenys the Conquorer, you flew further and further with your mount.
・You weren't the sister of Rhaenyra, but of Rhaenys. Your parents were Aemon Targaryen and Jocelyn Baratheon. And they had you when they were very, very old. Your birth was a miracle.
・And your sister, who was many years older, became a mother to you. As your two parents died.
・Your marriage was put forth by Viserys, well, Otto mainly. He knew his daughter would become queen and yet he was still full of ambition.
・Rhaenys saw straight through this. And your sister did everything she could to stop the marriage.
・But Viserys would not be persuaded...
・When you first met Gwayne, your initial opinion was that he was an ass. A pompus, arrogant, rude, ass.
・He had kissed your hand within the first two minutes and let his eyes linger on your own for far too long.
'I hate him already.' You thought and Silverwing snarled in agreement.
・But the dragon did not deter the Hightower man. He simply smirked and bowed his head.
・As time went by, your cemented walls were slowly knocked down one by one by Gwayne.
・But it wasn't until you offered to take him flying that you truly bonded.
・Clinging as tight as he could to you, Silverwing did every trick in the book to make him faint; straight diving and pulling up at the last second, twirling over herself over and over etc.)
・The whole time you were laughing, not just at his reaction but laughing with pure joy. Your fiance feeling what you feel.
・After that Gwayne looked at you with a newly found gratitue. You were true friends.
・But when Rhaenys started to speak to you about what marriage was really like - you didn't want to hear it.
"...my love, he may stray and sometimes you cannot stop it."
The words had hit you like a boulder to the heart. No, you could not endure such a betrayal.
"Sister. If he dares, then Silverwing will have the most royal feast she has ever had."
・But you need not ever worry about Gwayne's attention turning to another. You are all he needs. All he wants.
・He shows it to you through the way he speaks; the charming, soft voice that makes your knees tremble. The ever so gentle brush of his hand against yours.
・It drives you insane.
・And you never, not once in a nillion years, thought you would say this.
・"Gwayne, please. Let's just marry. Now. It needs to be now or I'll explode."
𝑹𝒆𝒍𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏𝒔𝒉𝒊𝒑 𝑻𝒓𝒐𝒑𝒆𝒔
Forced Proximity
"I'd do anything for you." (Gwayne) x "As you should." (You)
Survives because of pure luck (You) x Is the pure luck (Gwayne)
𝑷𝒍𝒐𝒕 𝑻𝒓𝒐𝒑𝒆
Enemies to Lovers
𝑻𝒉𝒆𝒎𝒆 𝑺𝒐𝒏𝒈
Let It Happen by The Midnite String Quartet
𝑁𝑆𝐹𝑊 🔞 No one under the age of 18 past this point, makes me feel weird if you read it.
・Your first kiss was ... passionate. The hesitation of your lips before one another caused such heat you could not comprehend.
・You consummated your wedding night. Over and over and over again. Until Gwayne said, "my heart I cannot handle another round. I do not think I can move."
"Oh husband," you said while rolling onto your side. "You are going to have to get used to this. There's fire in my blood after all..."
・His eyebrows rose and his handsome face was covered in amusement.
"Well, wife. I guess I'll have to train harder," and with that he gripped your waist and flung on top of you.
・It is well known that the two of you cannot keep your hands off each other. You always do it when no one is around - but somehow someone always sees.
・But it's very difficult when he whispers in your ear all the things he thinks about. The things he wants you to do to him. Where he wants you to touch him.
・Is this not what married life is about? Being so incredibly obsessed with the other that your whole body hurts whenever they aren't near?
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alishaaxo · 1 year ago
currently contemplating FINALLY starting a long fic!!
a fic filled with my favourite trope, aka timetravel but revenge ✨
rhaenyra timetravelling to ep1 and preparing herself for revenge and finally playing the ���game of thrones” is so fun to read so i need to write some of that!!
warning for asoiaf team green fans, i love alicent but this fic will 99 percent feature an “evil” alicent where she eventually ends up gaining agency in her actions and isnt just an “otto puppet”
if i ever start and finish this fic then, ill write a team green, alicent timetravel but revenge ✨ fic and itll probably be very anti-team black and filled with rhaenyra bashing
im so team neutral since i see the points for both sides, but i just blame viserys for 99 percent of the problems!! HOWEVER i have a guilty pleasure for fics with evil characters who betray the mc and get bashed intensly, so my fics will be any sort of bashing/critical thoughts most likely 😭
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novaursa · 6 months ago
hello !! i hope ur doing amazing and i wanted to say how much i rlly enjoy reading ur work like its always amazing and just MWAH chef’s kiss fr fr !!
do you think you can do a short writing for either aemond or aegon and how they betray their mother and grandsire for the reader <3 ! sorry if it’s not detailed this is my first time requesting 😔💕
oh and if u can’t i completely understand bookie !!
Broken by War
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- Summary: When his mother and grandsire declare you a threat to be rid off, Aemond betrays his family for you.
- Pairing: niece!reader/Aemond Targaryen
- Note: The reader is the daughter of Rhaenyra and is bonded with Vermithor.
- Rating: Mature 16+ (just to be safe)
- Next Part: 2
- Tag(s): @sachaa-ff
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The pressure in the small council chamber was stifling, every member seated at the long, dark table focused on the map sprawled before them. A heavy silence blanketed the room as Dowager Queen Alicent’s voice echoed through the stone walls, calm but insistent.
"We must strike at Rook’s Rest," she said, her eyes glinting with determination. "Vermithor is a threat that grows with each passing day. We cannot allow her to roam free."
Otto Hightower, standing at her side, nodded in agreement. "Rhaenyra has grown too bold. Your niece wields too much power with that dragon. Vermithor must be neutralized, Aemond. Only Vhagar has the strength to bring the beast down, and only you have the will to do what must be done."
Aemond sat at the far end of the table, silent until now, his one violet eye fixated on the map. His jaw clenched as the voices of his mother and grandfather droned on, discussing tactics to trap her. You. The only person he had loved, the one who haunted his dreams and memories of youth. 
The very mention of your name, though unsaid, sent a ripple of heat through his chest. His gaze shifted from the map to Alicent, then to Otto, as they spoke of you and Vermithor as mere obstacles—just another enemy to be destroyed. 
But you were not a mere enemy. You were his niece, the daughter of Rhaenyra, and the girl who had once shared moments of innocent laughter with him. Before the war, before the bloodshed, before the divide of loyalties had driven them to opposite sides of this cursed Dance. How could they expect him to harm you?
A sharp crack split the air. The sound of his fists slamming against the table reverberated through the chamber, startling everyone into silence. Alicent and Otto turned, eyes wide, as Aemond rose from his seat, his face a mask of anger and resolve.
“I will not harm her.” His voice was low, dangerous, shaking with barely contained fury. “I will not harm my niece.”
“Aemond,” Alicent said softly, her brow furrowing as she reached out a hand as if to calm him. “She is a threat. You must understand—”
“No,” Aemond snapped, cutting her off. His gaze burned as he turned on them. “You expect me to kill her? To kill the one person I have loved since we were children? Vermithor is no more a threat than Vhagar is. And Y/N—she is not the enemy you make her out to be.”
Otto’s face remained impassive, but there was a flicker of something dark in his eyes. “She rides a dragon that is an old menace. Rhaenyra and her supporters will stop at nothing to see the end of this war, even if it means your death. You know this, Aemond. Only you can put an end to this before she burns the realm to ash.”
Aemond’s gaze flicked back to the map, the cold stone beneath his hands, and then to the faces of those who had shaped his life, who had molded him into a weapon. But not for this. Not against you. His chest heaved with barely contained emotion as the weight of everything pressed down on him—his duty, his family, his love for you.
Slowly, he shook his head, his voice low but firm. “No. I will not do it.”
“Aemond,” Alicent’s voice sharpened, desperation edging into it. “Where are you going?”
Aemond had already turned, his long coat sweeping the floor as he strode toward the door, each step heavy with purpose. He didn’t look back as he answered, the words cutting through the air like a blade. “I am going to Dragonstone. I will kneel before Y/N and Rhaenyra. I will beg for their forgiveness. For everything. For Lucerys.”
There was a stunned silence in the room as the weight of his words settled. Otto’s voice cut through the quiet, sharp as steel. “They will kill you the moment you set foot on Dragonstone, Aemond.”
Aemond paused at the door, his hand on the cold iron handle, and turned to face them. His eye gleamed with a fierceness that made Alicent flinch. “Then let them. I would rather die at her hand than live knowing I betrayed her.”
He left without another word, his footsteps echoing through the stone corridors, each one bringing him closer to you and the fate he had chosen. The weight of his family’s expectations, of the crown’s demands, fell away with each step. In its place, only one thing remained—his love for you and the need to right the wrongs that had torn them apart.
As he mounted Vhagar, he knew there was no turning back. His path was set, and for once, it was a path he chose for himself.
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cherryheairt · 6 months ago
O Hello, can you write about Gwayne? I really like the way you write.
EI was thinking something like enemies to lovers. Instead of Baela, she is the one who flies over the dragon. They met at the dinner Viserys prepared before he died in the first season.
At the end of the dance Gwayne is forced to bend the knee and accept Rhaenyra as queen. Her daughter doesn't miss the opportunity to make his life hell, until he corners her in a hallway and takes her like a dragon.
hello! I love this prompt, I miss gwayne already 💔
Beckae is the name I gave MC, just to add to the immersion of a Targ-Velyron lol, pronounced Becky still. No description for the reader (mother is Rhaenyra but father is anyone made up, lets say that the reader looks a spitting image of their father to keep it neutral. fem pronouns. I couldn't include the smut at the end, just a lil steam. I'm sorry 😞, I'm terrible at writing those scenes.
noticed that Gwayne's costume included a ring on a chain, a thing typically done by people who want to keep their wedding ring on them, but not lose them. It gave the the main idea for this lol
Dance of Green and Black
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When Gwayne Hightower and Beckae Velayron were forced to wed by order of Rhaenyra Targaryen, both did not bother to hide their vexation. They were married mere days after Rhaenyra won the Iron Throne, her loyal men killing Aegon ii in his state of disarray from his burns.
Now, months later, they had left their marriage uncomsumated and drier than the sandy hills of Dorne. They refused to sleep in shared marital chambers at the Red Keep, having agreed on that one thing. Gwayne reluctantly took his father's place at court, staying among the very snakes that brought him here in the first place. He cursed himself for ever responding to Alicent's letter when Aegon first took the throne. If he hadn't, he'd be living his life peacefully alone at the Old Tower.
Now, his days were spent being tormented by the spoilt Princess. She attended each council meeting, laughing snidely at every suggestion Gwayne gave his Queen, and suggesting one of her own in turn. She got away with this every time, seeing as her grandmother was the Hand of the Queen, Rhaenys, and her mother was the Queen.
Gwayne sipped on his wine, which he had taken to indulging in every council, listening to the drowl words of the nobles around him. His wife shared his boredom, apparently, twirling her own glass in her hand. Beside him, she huffed every few minutes. He resisted the urge to ask her to excuse herself if she were so bored. Suddenly, a wet 'splash' fell to his lap, dampening his breeches.
"Oops..." Fluttered the Princess, who covered her mouth in surprise. "That was an accident, I assure you." Though Gwayne could care less if it was genuine or not, he was already scooting his chair out and storming out of the council room. Shocked faces around the table landed on Beckae, who at least had the gaul to look embarrassed. Rhaenyra raised a brow at her daughter, nodding her chin toward the door shortly.
The Princess swiftly followed after her husband, not truly caring for his embarrassment but moreso glad to be given an excuse for leaving the room. If she had known putting her mother on the Iron Throne would have been so dreadfully boring, she would've taken her dragon to Pentos and lived out her days as an old maid.
Gwayne reached his private chambers first, long legs able to carry him so much faster. He took off his trousers and small clothes, left with his bottom half bare to the world. Beckae followed after him, gasping and turning around at the sight before her. Shit, she thought. Perhaps she should've waited at his doors.
"Here to empty your goblet entirely? Go ahead, I'm used to it." He sneered, rolling his eyes at her sudden bashfulness. It would not be the first time she witnessed such a thing. For modesty's sake, he slipped on a fresh pair of linens.
"I am merely here to apologize, husband. Not patronize." She mumbled, face hot.
"Hm." He stepped forward, taking her chin in his hand and forcing her to look up at him. "Where was this attitude when you were chasing after me on your dragon? I think your true colors much suit you, wife."
She grit her teeth, annoyed at his haughty behavior. "It was war. If I hadn't been on my dragon and your party happened upon me, I'd have been killed by Criston Cole without remorse."
"I wouldn't have allowed that to happen." He insisted confidently.
She snorted, "when had that man ever listened to you? He hardly heeded the usurper's orders when he was alive."
"Do you think I would have let you die, especially such a dishonorable death?" Gwayne questioned, squeezing her cheeks harder.
She grimaced, "we were not wed, then. Barely acquainted, to add."
He looked disappointed at her snarky reply. "I may not hold much affection for you, wife, but I have always shown myself to be an honorable man, have I not?" When she didn't respond, he continued. "I would say we were not acquaintances, either. Were we acquainted when I bestowed upon your head the crown of The Queen of Love and Beauty at your nameday tourney?"
"That's different. You had to name me that. It is the expectation of a tourney winner to name the celebration's main subject with that title." She said.
"I could've named someone else, even so. Was our little tryst that night meaningless?"
"You cannot use that against me, Gwayne. It is shameful enough that I allowed myself to do such a dishonest thing." She grabbed his wrist lightly, urging it away from its grip. He listened, moving it to a more gentle caresse at the base of her neck, tangled in her hair.
"I do not regret it." He said, softly. "Nor do I regret the night we spent together after the dinner with our families."
"Gwayne," she pleaded, avoiding his intense gaze. While their marriage was yet to be officially consumated, she was far from a maiden. He was to thank for that, of course. How ironic that they ended up married only after they begun to resent each other.
Gwayne resented his entrapment here. She resented his family and his actions during the war.
"What, Princess? I only speak the truth and you know it. Do you regret it?"
She remained silent, hands placed on his chest as if to ground herself.
Gwayne took that as his answer. "We do not have to live this way. We could leave—return to my home in Old Town. You can have your privacy, do whatever you please whenever you'd like. I beg you, it is torturous here for me, and I know you share that sentiment. I will not ask for heirs, I have my brother for that. You can take a lover, a paramour of your choice." He promised her, grabbing her hands and bringing them together. On his knees, he looked the proper image of a knight, kneeling like such. To beg for his Lady to do him this one favor, to release him from court.
"I do not want a lover." She said lowly. "I want for you."
His eyes widened, then his brows furrowed together in bemusement. "You have taken it upon yourself to belittle me publically every day, do you expect me to now believe that you do not resent me?" He scoffed bitterly.
The Princess looked away from him, unknowing of how to phrase her next words. "That is true, I will admit to my teasings–"
"I would hardly call them teasings." He cut in.
She glared at him, continuing. "–or torments, perhaps. No one truly enjoys court, it is both of us who are trapped her together. If I hadn't been forced to marry you, we would have both been free to live where we wished."
"Your mother is Queen, if you only ask she will provide."
"You overestimate my influence, Gwayne. She wants your advisory in council–for Gods know what–and she knows you being married to me keeps you loyal to her."
"Then I will stop being useful. I will be the worst advisor that council has ever seen." His face lit uo in a smirk, as if we were a profound genius.
"Do you not think she will see through this rouse."
"You will be my aid, dear Lady. You need only continue your extremely rude and annoying actions, only louder and more aggressive, so that they will have no choice but to kick you out from future meetings. In addition, my uselessness will send me with you out of the Keep to be rid of us both. If we hate each other in their eyes, they will not suspect that we are working together." He explains.
She carefully thinks it over. True, they would not want wither of them uselessly loitering around the Keep after they were kicked out of the council. She nodded firmly, agreeing to his plan. If all things went to shit and they were discovered to be playing a rouse, the only consequence would be a scolding. What was stopping them?
Gwayne and Beckae went through their little routine for weeks. The Princess rudely commenting on the entire council's opinions now, not just Gwayne's. Not rude enough to be kicked out immediately, but for irritated glares to be regularly shot at her. If looks could kill, Beckae would have been buried long ago. Gwayne, for his part, entirely stopped giving his opinions. If asked, he exaggeratedly thought for a long time before giving false information.
The weeks passed with many stressed advisors going through the boring meetings with many complaints to the Queen and her Hand. With Gwayne and his wife, however, they started to bond over their mischiefs. Late at night, after their duties were done, the two shared laughter and pleasent conversation over their cups.
When Rhaenyra pulled the married couple aside one morning, before the meeting started, Gwayne and Beckae felt giddy with anticipation.
"You two...I have been thinking for a while now. I think it is time you retired from court and traveled back to Old Town, to raise your children and take care of your House directly from it." The Queen avoided her true reasoning, skirting politely around the Hightower man.
They both nodded solemnly, agreeing with her choice. "We will miss the Keep, Mother. I expect next time I visit, you will perhaps be blessed with a grandchild." Beckae said, hugging her mother, who looked relieved.
Gwayne's brows raised at her words but agreed with them in front of the Queen. Soon, she left the married couple alone.
They shared a loud laugh together, holding each other at their small win. "Free at last!" The Princess cheered, earning a hearty chuckle from her husband.
"Indeed, wife. What were you saying, blessed with a grandchild? Are you so eager to be bed in your new home?" He asked teasingly.
She felt her face grow unrelentingly hot, scoffing. "I was only appeasing her." She said.
Gwayne hummed disbelievingly, nodding along. "I'm sure you were, wife."
At her gawking defenses, he only laughed and walked to his chambers to pack.
After a sickening three months on the road to Old Town, Beckae and Gwayne were more than ready to sleep on cushioned beds.
So ready, in fact, that they didn't bother to split into separate chambers. Both in Gwayne's chambers, the Princess and Gwayne relaxed in his spacious bed.
"I can not tell you how much I missed a proper bed." She sighed loudly, groaning in pleasure at the comfort. He did the same, humming his own praise.
Well into the night, the two merely talked and sipped on cups of sweet wine. In only their night shifts, Beckae could clearly spot a ring shining on his chest. She grabbed it, pulling it towards her slightly, fingerd brushing over his bare chest and earning a shiver from him. He leaned in with the ring, the chain pulling him by the neck.
"I did not notice this. I had thought you threw your wedding ring away the second you left the feast." She said softly, smiling at the sight of his matching ring.
"Of course not. I am not so cruel." He said, grabbing her own ring-adorned hand and gently placing a kiss on top of the ring. She giggled at the ticklish feeling, earning a smirk from Gwayne. He smirked, continuing to place feathery kisses up her arm, to her shoulder, then neck. The sensitive skin being so softly kissed made her shiver in turn, sighing pleasently. He paused before reaching her lips, grabbing her chin softly in his hand. Silently he asked for her approval.
Nodding, she was immediately drowned in a hot kiss, his tongue invading her mouth as she moaned. She moved her hands to his red hair, tugging at it. He moved her onto her back, hands squeezing her waist playfully. They pulled apart, lips swollen and panting.
The ring hung down to her own chest as he leaned over her. She twirled the ring in her finger, pleased at the sight of it. He was hers, and she was his. Entirely. She brought him down in a kiss again, pulling his chest to her own and adoring the heat that he brought with him.
That night, they comsumated their marriage in a way that no one could deny, every servant in the Tower being able to hear their Lord and Lady making heirs.
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