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PT/lesslover/neurolover/caed(o)lover./end ID
Lesslover is a label I have coined to refer to someone who feels technically loveless, however, they may have a close one or close ones who they say they love because they feel that it, although not technically correct, is the closest word they have to describe how they feel
Stripe meanings -
Darker pink for being an inclusive/umbrella term Red for lovelessness Light pink for having something close to love
(Additionally, the white heart symbol could represent the lightheartedness that love and things close to love can have)
Neurolover is a lesslover microlabel in which ones lovelessness is caused by neurodivergence
The red and light pink stripes mean the same thing as in lesslover and the purple stripes are for neurodivergence
Caedlover/caedolover is a lesslover microlabel where the lovelessness is caused by trauma
The red and light pink stripes mean the same thing as in lesslover and the black stripes are for trauma
#user mogailabels#lesslover#neurolover#caedlover#caedolover#aspec flags#loveless flags#caed flags#neuro flags#theme trauma#theme neurodivergent#theme loveless#: unlisted#alt text id
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El enamoramiento es PROPORCIONAL al incremento gradual de dopamina, al aumento de oxitocina en el cerebro y a la DISMINUCIÓN exponencial de la inteligencia. En el enamoramiento: - la vasopresina INCREMENTA la preferencia por la pareja - el cortisol y adrenalina la atracción y la presión arterial. - la serotonina el pensamiento constante, - la oxitocina el apego - el BDNF las conexiones neuronales. Tiempo promedio de duración de un enamoramiento de convivencia cotidiana: 3 a 4 años. Tiempo promedio de una relación hecha por internet (facebook): 7 meses. Si asocias con palabras de significado negativo (estúpido, fastidio, enojo) a tu pareja, existe la probabilidad de que se SEPAREN al cabo de 1 año. Neuroquímica básica del amor: - La dopamina disminuye los frenos - la adrenalina motiva - la serotonina inhibe la excitación sexual, - la testosterona fomenta la pasión sin apego - la oxitocina reduce la agresividad. Por fisiología (neurotransmisores) y anatomía (conexiones) el cerebro prefiere satisfacciones inmediatas y decisiones rápidas. AMAR y QUERER NO es igual, efectivamente. AMAR= dopamina +oxitocina +beta-endorfina +anandamida +vasopresina+ BDNF QUERER= dopamina. La exposición a oxitocina incrementa los niveles de confianza que pueden manifestar 2 personas: - un solo beso puede cambiar una controversia. La oxitocina se libera durante en un beso, por un abrazo, en un orgasmo, REDUCE: - la ansiedad - la agresión y, - el estrés. ¿Es pasión o es amor? La pasión tiene 3 componentes: cognitivo, emocional y conductual. La pasión es ABRUMADORA, OBSESIVA y AGOBIANTE. El amor tiene amistad, intimidad, compromiso. El amor otorga el valor para la sobrevivencia de la sociedad y contribuye a la calidad de vida. El amor se construye y existe... en el cerebro, en tu cerebro La ruptura abrupta del amor genera protesta y enojo. Cuando el cerebro entiende que NO VALEN los lamentos se inicia la tristeza y en ocasiones... la desesperación. Feliz #NeuroLove! https://www.instagram.com/p/B8krWcInzbApqCnxCckT83Tm1iMU2-bbS3mi680/?igshid=fnux9qo936xg
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#Repost @tudodaneuro with @get_repost ・・・ Vocês sabiam que temos quantidades diferentes de neurônios em determinadas regiões do encéfalo? Por exemplo, apesar do cerebelo ter uma quantidade reduzida de massa encefálica, ele tem MUITO mais neurônios do que o cérebro! . . . . . . ⠀#Repost @neurostudent . . . . . . #neurostudent #neurology #neurolove #neurologia #neurologist #fisioterapia #fisioterapeuta #fisio #enfermagem #studygram #studyhard #neuro #brain #neuron #terapiaocupacional #medicina #med #medstudent #medicine #medstudy #estudaquepassa #estudaqueavidamuda #mapas #mapasmentais #medulaespinal #mindmaps #studybrl #neurofuncional https://www.instagram.com/p/B6_jlYBnFuc/?igshid=1pk4odudxfati
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Basal Ganglia [Image Source]
The basal ganglia are nestled inside cortex, surrounding the thalamus (see image above). The striatum (part of the basal ganglia circuitry) is composed of the putamen, caudate, and nucleus accumbens. Other important parts of the basal ganglia are the globus pallidus (which has an internal and an external segment, GPi and GPe respectively) and the subthalamic nucleus (STN).
The basal ganglia function in a type of “loop” by which information enters the basal ganglia from cortex and then goes out through thalamus and back to cortex. Different parts of striatum control the loops for emotion (nucleus accumbens), movement (putamen) or thoughts (caudate). There are two kinds of loops for each of these systems- the direct (which is excitatory) and indirect (which is inhibitory) loops, which I will talk about in more detail in the next post.
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Olá! Feliz dia das mães com um pouco de Neurociência 🤓! Por @tudosobrecontroleneural: ⠀... A Neurociência das mães 🌹 ⠀ ➡️ A conexão entre mãe e filho é mais profunda do que imaginamos ♥️😍👩👦. Neurocientistas descobriram células de crianças do sexo masculino vivendo no cérebro de suas mães. Essas células parecem prevenir o Alzheimer porque as mães que as tinham não desenvolveram a doença (Chan et al., 2012) ⠀ ➡️ A mãe se vicia no cheirinho do seu bebê 👶🏻 Mães recentes consideram mais agradáveis os cheiros de bebês comparadas com mulheres sem filhos (Hoekzema et al., 2017) 😍♥️ ⠀ ➡️ Neuroplasticidade ♥️💀 Um estudo publicado na Nature relata que o cérebro das mães muda nas regiões cerebrais cinzentas associadas às percepções, relações sociais e à empatia. Isso não acontece nos pais. Essas áreas foram ativadas quando as mulheres olhavam fotos de seus bebês. As mudanças continuam dois anos após o nascimento da criança, quando ela precisa de mais cuidados (Hoekzema et al., 2017) 👶🏻♥️ ⠀ ➡️ A ocitocina é o hormônio do amor produzida pelos neurônios do hipotalâmo e liberada pelos neurônios da hipófise no fim da gravidez. Ela promove as contrações uterinas e estimula a liberação de leite, mas também desenvolve o amor e a empatia entre as pessoas, nesse caso mãe e filho ♥️ (Pedersen et al., 1979; Nagasawa et al., 2012) ⠀ 🌹 Carregar um recém nascido altera os genes dele por anos e o leite materno estimula o desenvolvimento de bebês prematuros então agradeça à sua mãe por ela ter cuidado de você desde o dia em que ficou grávida (Moore et al., 2017; Reynolds et al., 2016) ⠀ 📷 Essa ressonância magnética da mãe beijando seu bebê que eu amo foi obra prima de Rebecca Saxe e Atsushi Takahashi do MIT um dos melhores centros de pesquisa do mundo que fica em Boston. Eles tiveram que reconstruir um aparelho de ressonância para ser possível captar a imagem ♥️😍 ⠀ 🔎📚 Para ler os artigos originais acesso o stories ou o site. Deixei o link lá ♥️💀 ⠀ #aneurocienciadasmaes #neuroimagem #aneurocienciadoamor #neurolovers #neurociencia #fisioporamor #tudosobrecontroleneural #diadasmaes #sempreguiça #personaltrainer #nutrição #sp #abc (em Santo André, Brazil)
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Zodiac Signs Reaction To a Zombie Apocalypse
Aquarius Zodiac – will be totally unemotional and as the trendsetter for the future, their job is to eliminate as many “walkers” as they can. Aquarians tend to be rebels just for the sake of having their own way so don’t try to stop them…they will do it their way even if others have proved it wrong.
Pisces Zodiac – will try to befriend the zombies and understand their past. They will be the ones looking for medical supplies with Shane and will help to heal anyone regardless of whether they are a zombie or human.
Aries Zodiac – will be like the character Rick as they love to lead. They’ll be the ones to take a gamble and their desire for the “thrill of the hunt”, will drag others into the woods where their survival will be up to each person’s instincts.
Taurus Zodiac – will follow the leader and will not be happy on their adventure into the “unknown”, however they have an immense sense of perseverance and even when other give up, the Taurus will rage on.
Gemini Zodiac – will know who has been infected with the walker virus and will be more than happy to share that with everyone but they need to be careful because dangerous secrets will cause a lot of tension and their lives will immediately be in danger. Cancer Zodiac - will be the first ones to help convert the prison into their new home. They have a strong survival instinct and can become very manipulative if necessary. Zombies beware! Leo Zodiac – will be compared to the Governor who proudly shows off the heads of soldiers in aquarium tanks as his trophies. Ask him who’s who and he’ll puff out his chest and give you the 411, one head at a time. Virgo Zodiac – will have been working on a cure for the infection and ensuring that the protocols for safety are in place. Their analytical minds will allow them to be rational and if the end is near, they will make every attempt to send you in the right direction. Their goal is to keep the world in order. Libra Zodiac – will make every attempt to get the zombies to like them and if that doesn’t work, they’ll try something else because they don’t want to hurt anyone’s feelings or make the wrong decision. This will definitely be to their detriment and ultimately their demise. Scorpio Zodiac – will be turned on by the sex appeal of the “walkers”…the living dead can make the pulse beat faster and the scorpion is all about dominance so the quest to conquer will drive them to succeed. A “biter” will be their main conquest and they will battle it out to see who will win…and we all know how much a scorpion hates to lose. Sagittarius Zodiac – will be the ones the humans believe because they are void of emotion and believe that something good is just around the corner. The Sags luck and positive outlook just might lead others to a safe place.
Capricorn Zodiac – will plot out the escape of the humans as they rarely trust anyone else to finish the job. They will do everything they can to bond the group together and will lead them to the town of Woodbury, where they think everyone is safe
Zodiac Signs - Daily Horoscope! source: neurolove
#Aries#Taurus#Gemini#Cancer#Leo#Virgo#Libra#Scorpio#Sagittarius#Capricorn#Aquarius#Pisces#astrology#zodiac signs
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🧠 Repaso de neuroanatomía.
🔹Estructuras corticales; lóbulos,surcos, giros, circunvoluciones.
🔸 Estructuras subcorticales; núcleos, plexos, sistema Límbico.
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Wut up? Five hours later I'm still at Jon Snow level knowledge.
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i know i’m not very pretty
a dysfunctional disabled body
and a heart that seems empty
but i would love the ugliest man
if he genuinely appreciated me
together we create a life of beauty
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What's pararelational, afamflux and neurolover? /nf
Here's where I found them!
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#Repost @neurociencia_e_educacao • • • • • • #neurociencia_e_educacao #ciênciaparaeducação #psicologia #educacao #gestoreseducacionais #neurociencia #pedagogia #neuropsicologia #professores #pedagoga #psicopedagogia #escola #aprendizagem #professor #ensino #educacao #educar #ensinar #didatica #pedagogo #neurolovers #erickandel https://www.instagram.com/p/B6x3EgjhlrE/?igshid=a11u3gkfwo9k
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g @RealScientists - Stephani Page @realscentsts Follow v I just had an awesome experience @Starbucks at Eastgate in Chapel Hill, NC. Caleb has a degree in zoology and asks his customers what their favorite animal is. He gives them facts while completing their orders! Thanks for making my day, Caleb!!! cc @DNLeeS DNLee ©DNLeeS - Feb 20 v Replying to @realscentists @Starbucks OMGee Tell Caleb I'm searching for MS students to join my abit O a Oe O ix G Teall back to give him my emall and let him know what you and others have said. He defnitely wants to go to grad school - finances have been a barrie But he said that he wll each out. O as U 7o O0 2x 8 m @RealScientists - Stephani Page Qrealscintists - Feb 20 v C=» - @DNLees Replying to @tmswar @missnerda and 2 others He actually wants to go to Grad School. So when he gives you those Zoology facts be sure to drop some coin for him twitter.com /neurolover/sta ... illustration by Joel Havea
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How Each Sign Approach Love
Aries: Assertive
You’ll come right out and say what you want — and with the right person, it’s a turn-on. Play your opposite every once in a while, too. Stay feminine and keep them guessing.
Taurus: Sensual. You’ll appeal to all their senses at once. When you get all turned out, you’ll look touchable, smell divine and you’ll shimmer, too. You’ll understand that your presence is something special.
Gemini: Smart. You have a little bit of knowledge on a lot of topics — enough to get the conversational ball rolling in an exciting direction. With you, the witty and casual flirting clicks in almost immediately.
Cancer: Comfortable. Lull your love (or potential love) into a relaxed state of complete trust and openness. You do this by providing every creature comfort, and catering to your love’s unique appetite.
Leo: Bold. You’re feeling rather shocking these days, and you enjoy making a sport of raising eyebrows. Transfer your need to stir things up to your love life and you’ll create some truly exciting scenarios.
Virgo: Comprehensive. You’ve got it all going on. Your life is in order. You’re the complete package, well rounded, well versed, well turned out. All you have to do is share all that with someone who can appreciate you.
Libra: Indirect. Take the roundabout route to love. Let your mouth say one thing while your eyes say another. Insert yourself into the consciousness of your loved one without them knowing whether or not you even care for them.
Scorpio: Spicy. Open strong and let your ‘inner funny’ direct the conversation; then, refuse to ask the boring, usual questions that most people ask. Even when you’re flirting with a partner you’ve been with for ages, you’re sure to keep some kick in the interaction.
Sagittarius: Confident. From your hair to your shoes, and your walk to your voice, you’ll take the time, care and expense to make sure your choices are working for you. When you’re secure in the impression you’re making, you’ll feel free to let your inner self shine.
Capricorn: Unpredictable. One minute you’re complimenting them, the next your hinting at their weaknesses. You pour on the attention, then walk away and ignore them for a while. They won’t know what’s coming next, and you’ll love their anticipation.
Aquarius: Worldly. Your global mindset is sexy. You see yourself as part of the human family, so you keep aware of hot issues and communal happenings. You know where the fun crowd is going to be, and that’s where you create summer romance.
Pisces: Affectionate. Like an intimidating roller coaster, sometimes the romance ride has too many severe ups and down qualify as fun. Take a break from exciting tactics to try a little tenderness. It’s just what the world — and your object of affection — needs
source: neurolove
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#Repost @anatomia.repost (@get_repost) ・・・ #Repost @professorasamira with @get_repost ・・・ Veja que interessante a publicação a seguir: #Repost @neurostudent (@get_repost) ・・・ Tá vendo essas "coisinhas" amareladas ali nas artérias vertebrais e basilar?!! Então, isso é o que chamamos de ATEROSCLEROSE, que nada mais é do que placas de gordura! Elas se formam devido á vários fatores que podem ser modificáveis e ñ modificáveis. Interessante né?!! Imagem: @passion4pathology #med #medicine #medicina #medstudent #neurostudent #neurology #fisio #neurologia #neuro #brain #fisio #fisioterapia #fisioterapeuta #physiotherapy #physiotherapist #anatomy #anatomia #anatomiahumana #enfermagem #nurse #study #studying #neurostudent #neurolove (at Zapopan) https://www.instagram.com/p/BsuNZzylBbZ/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1hn1217oq9v2b
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Siguiendo con las apraxias...
Rehabilitación neuropsicológica de la apraxia ideomotora.
🧠 La rehabilitación neuropsicológica depende en gran medida de la neuroplasticidad, y neurogénesis la capacidad cerebral para modificarse y adaptarse a la nueva situación y crear nuevas conexiones, promoviendo así la sustitución y compensación donde participan las áreas periféricas a la lesión.
Además de la fisioterapia, se requiere de una alta demanda cognitiva al llevar a cabo cada uno de los ejercicios, esto es tener conciencia plena y total atención en los procesos cognitivos de la ejecución para llevar a cabo las interconexiones mente - cuerpo - movimiento y la adquisición de retroalimentación intrínseca.
A medida que se avanza en el proceso de rehabilitación la demanda cognitiva disminuye mientras se va adquiriendo mayor autonomía, este es un proceso que sin saberlo siempre llevamos a cabo al adquirir alguna nueva habilidad, por ejemplo al aprender a conducir un automovil, en la primera fase, toda nuestra atención y sentidos están puestos en el proceso (pisar clutch, meter velocidad, sacarlo lentamente mientras aceleramos, los espejos, las luces, etc.) Al ir adquiriendo práctica e ir perfeccionando la técnica, ganamos autonomía y la demanda cognitiva disminuye y hasta podemos diversificar nuestros recursos cognitivos, es decir, podemos manejar y al mismo tiempo escuchar música, prestar atención a la radio, platicar con nuestros acompañantes y hasta hablar por teléfono (no recomendable)* 😁
De esta manera es como ayudaremos a nuestros pacientes a recuperar la mejor medida de lo posible la movilidad y autonomía en su vida.
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