#nested components in vuejs
The Rise of VueJS: How VueJS Development Services Are Transforming Web Apps
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Have you ever wondered how some of today's most interactive and dynamic web applications are built? There's a good chance they are using VueJS, one of the fastest growing JavaScript frameworks. So what exactly is VueJS and why is it creating so much excitement among web developers and businesses?
VueJS is an open-source framework that makes it easy to build user interfaces and single-page applications. Released in 2014 by Evan You, Vue has quickly gained a loyal following due to its approachable API, blazing fast rendering, and small file size. More and more companies are turning to VueJS development services to build their web apps. But how exactly is Vue transforming modern web development?
Benefits of VueJS for Web Development
With its lightweight architecture and flexibility, VueJS offers some significant advantages for building web applications today.
Approachable for Beginners - Vue has a gentle learning curve, with an API that is easy for novice developers to quickly grasp and apply. The documentation is excellent, lowering barriers to entry.
High-Performance - Vue utilizes a virtual DOM and clever caching strategies to optimize rendering speed and efficiency. Apps made with Vue can achieve blazing fast performance.
Lightweight Framework - The core library focuses on the view layer only, keeping things simple at just 21kb min+gzipped. This makes Vue easy to integrate into projects using other libraries or frameworks.
Flexible and Modular - Vue is designed with a component-based approach. This makes it modular and flexible to build apps of any scale, complex or simple.
Great Ecosystem - Vue has a robust ecosystem of supporting libraries and tools, from state management to testing. There's strong community support as well.
Key Features of VueJS
VueJS packs a robust set of capabilities that make it an ideal choice for all types of web development projects.
Declarative Rendering - Vue uses an HTML-based template syntax that allows for writing declarative and maintainable code. No more huge nested DOM manipulations.
DOM Manipulation - Vue's reactivity system automatically tracks changes and efficiently rerenders components when your app data changes. This eliminates DOM manipulation by hand.
Components - Vue encourages building UIs with reusable, composable components. This makes for modular and organized code at scale.
Transitions and Animation - Vue provides transition effects and animation capabilities for applying entrances/exits, lists, and more. This brings apps to life.
Routing - Vue offers client-side routing support out of the box, making SPA navigation and structure a breeze. The routing system is modeled after React's.
Why Businesses Are Choosing VueJS Development
In recent years, more and more organizations and enterprises have been building web applications with VueJS. There are several key reasons the business world is increasingly adopting Vue:
Vue allows developers to ship faster. With its gentle learning curve, focus on HTML templates, and rapid rendering, Vue enables programmers to be productive right away. The framework is easy to pick up and integrate for any team. Vue's speed and approachability translate to faster development cycles and deployment.
Vue also enables progressive enhancement of existing sites and applications. You can introduce Vue into legacy codebases piece by piece, improving portions of the UI and experience incrementally. Vue plays well with other libraries and frameworks.
Lower Learning Curve
Faster Development Cycles
Improved Developer Productivity
Progressive Enhancement Capabilities
Component-Based Architecture
The business benefits of quicker iteration, modular code, and accessible development make VueJS an appealing choice.
The Role of VueJS Development Services
Expert Development - Hiring experienced VueJS developers allows access to specialists who know the framework deeply. They can build robust, complex applications using the latest Vue capabilities.
Consulting & Advisory - VueJS consultancies provide high-level guidance on best practices for architecture, state management, performance optimizations, and more. They advise on the smartest approaches.
Training & Support - Development shops offer VueJS training and workshops to level up in-house teams. Ongoing support can help troubleshoot issues and answer questions as they build Vue expertise.
Custom Solutions - VueJS agencies build custom web and mobile solutions tailored to specific business needs. This allows for bespoke Vue-based apps that provide unique value.
Testing & Maintenance - Outsourced Vue teams handle critical testing to ensure apps meet requirements. They also maintain and upgrade Vue apps to keep them running optimally.
Taking advantage of experienced VueJS development services allows for building high-quality, complex Vue apps backed by knowledge and support.
The Future of VueJS
Where is VueJS headed in the coming years? The framework shows no signs of slowing momentum and adoption any time soon.
Vue has seen meteoric growth since its release in 2014, and its community and ecosystem continue to expand. Its regular release cycle demonstrates the framework's stability as well as commitment to improvement. We can expect Vue will keep evolving with new capabilities in line with emerging web development needs.
As Vue continues maturing, it is likely to catch up to React in popularity for large-scale web applications. Its approachability makes Vue accessible for more novice developers. As Vue skills propagate, its enterprise adoption is expected to grow worldwide. The future looks bright for VueJS. It has proven itself as a versatile, high-performance, lightweight framework suitable for all manner of web development projects. As demand grows for its speed, flexibility, and ease of use, VueJS is poised to become a standard tool for web developers everywhere.
VueJS has rapidly emerged as a top contender in the web development framework space. With its lightweight architecture, blazing fast performance, and approachable API, it's easy to see why Vue has captured so much excitement and adoption. As more businesses choose Vue for building robust, interactive web applications, they are taking advantage of capabilities like reusable components, declarative rendering, and painless state management. Vue development services provide the expertise to build custom solutions that fully leverage Vue's strengths. The future looks bright for Vue as its community and ecosystem expand. For any organization looking to create next-generation web experiences, VueJS is definitely a framework to bet on.
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deltainfoteklive · 1 year
Best VueJS Frameworks to Follow
In the ever-evolving world of web development, staying updated with the latest tools and technologies is crucial. When it comes to VueJS, a progressive JavaScript framework, developers have a plethora of options to choose from. This article dives deep into the best VueJS frameworks to follow in 2023, offering valuable insights, expert recommendations, and FAQs to help you make informed decisions for your next project. Best VueJS Frameworks to Follow in 2023 Here, we present a list of the top VueJS frameworks to consider in 2023, each designed to cater to specific development needs and requirements. 1. Vue CLI - Power Up Your Project Setup Vue CLI, a standard tool for Vue applications, streamlines project setup and provides an intuitive interface to manage dependencies, configurations, and plugins. With Vue CLI, you can focus more on coding and less on configuration. 2. Nuxt.js - Optimal SSR and SPA Hybrid Nuxt.js is a versatile framework that excels in server-side rendering (SSR) and single-page application (SPA) development. Its module-based architecture enhances development speed and performance optimization. 3. Vuetify - Material Design at Your Fingertips For a visually appealing and responsive user interface, Vuetify offers pre-designed components following Google's Material Design guidelines. This framework empowers developers to create stunning applications with ease. 4. Quasar - Build Responsive Apps with Flexibility Quasar is a high-performance framework that supports building responsive applications for various platforms using a single codebase. Its extensive library of components and plugins accelerates development. 5. VueX - State Management Made Simple VueX is not just a library but an integral part of Vue ecosystem. It simplifies state management in complex applications, making it easier to manage and share data across components. 6. Vue Router - Effortless Navigation For creating dynamic and seamless navigation experiences, Vue Router is the go-to choice. It enables developers to define routes and nested views in a declarative manner. 7. Vue Test Utils - Ensure Code Quality Testing is essential in any development process, and Vue Test Utils provides a comprehensive suite of utilities for testing Vue components effectively, ensuring code quality and reliability. 8. Vue i18n - Globalize Your App For multilingual applications, Vue i18n offers internationalization support. It allows developers to easily add translations and switch between languages, enhancing user experience across different regions. 9. Vue Apollo - Vue meets GraphQL Vue Apollo seamlessly integrates Vue with GraphQL, offering efficient and powerful data fetching solutions. It simplifies handling complex data requirements and enhances overall application performance. 10. Vue Class Component - Class Syntax, Vue Magic Vue Class Component brings class-style component syntax to Vue, making it easier for developers familiar with class-based programming to transition smoothly into Vue development. 11. Vue Router Next - Exploring New Possibilities Vue Router Next, currently in active development, offers exciting new features and improvements. It's worth keeping an eye on this framework as it evolves. 12. Element UI - Elegant Desktop Components Element UI provides a collection of elegant and customizable components for building desktop applications. It follows a design language inspired by desktop applications. 13. Buefy - Lightweight UI Components Buefy, based on Bulma CSS framework, offers lightweight and responsive UI components for VueJS applications. It's a great choice for projects prioritizing simplicity and performance. 14. Vue Auth - Secure Your App Security is paramount in today's digital landscape. Vue Auth simplifies authentication and authorization processes, ensuring your VueJS applications are well-protected. 15. Vuefire - Vue Meets Firebase Vuefire bridges the gap between Vue and Firebase, enabling real-time data synchronization and efficient data binding. It's an excellent choice for building dynamic applications. 16. Vue Material - Material Design Reimagined Vue Material reimagines Material Design by Google, offering a set of beautifully crafted components and directives to create stunning interfaces that adhere to Material Design principles. 17. Vue Formulate - Advanced Form Handling Building and validating forms is a breeze with Vue Formulate. This framework simplifies complex form handling tasks and enhances user interactions. 18. Vue Apollo Next - Evolving with GraphQL Similar to Vue Router Next, Vue Apollo Next is actively evolving to bring improvements and optimizations to Vue's integration with GraphQL. 19. Vue Multiselect - Effortless Multiselection Vue Multiselect provides intuitive and customizable multiselect components, enhancing user experience when dealing with multiple options. 20. Vue Content Loading - Enhance UX with Skeleton Screens Vue Content Loading lets you create engaging skeleton screens to improve user experience while waiting for content to load, reducing perceived loading times. 21. Vue Virtual Scroller - Efficiently Handle Large Lists For applications dealing with extensive lists or grids, Vue Virtual Scroller efficiently renders only visible elements, resulting in improved performance and reduced memory usage. 22. Vue Good Table - Feature-Rich Data Tables Vue Good Table simplifies the creation of feature-rich and customizable data tables, complete with sorting, filtering, and pagination functionalities. 23. Vuesax - Responsive Design Components Vuesax offers a collection of responsive and customizable components, helping developers create modern and visually appealing applications. 24. Vue Toastification - Elegant Toast Notifications Toast notifications are essential for user feedback. Vue Toastification provides elegant and customizable toast messages for VueJS applications. 25. Vue Glide - Create Stunning Carousels Vue Glide facilitates the creation of impressive carousels and sliders, enabling developers to showcase content in a visually appealing manner. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) Is Vue CLI suitable for large-scale projects? Absolutely! Vue CLI provides a structured approach to project setup, which is beneficial for both small and large-scale projects. Its plugin system allows you to customize the setup to meet specific requirements. What sets Nuxt.js apart from other frameworks? Nuxt.js excels in server-side rendering and offers an intuitive module-based architecture. This combination enhances SEO, performance, and development speed, making it a preferred choice for complex projects. Can I use Vuetify components with other Vue frameworks? Yes, Vuetify's components can be integrated into various Vue frameworks. Its adherence to Material Design principles ensures consistency and a polished look across different applications. How does VueX simplify state management? VueX centralizes the state of your application, making it accessible and manageable from any component. This eliminates the need to pass props between components, leading to cleaner and more organized code. Is Vue Router suitable for single-page applications? Absolutely, Vue Router is well-suited for single-page applications. It provides a powerful mechanism for managing routes, views, and navigation, enhancing the overall user experience. Does Vue Auth support various authentication methods? Yes, Vue Auth supports a variety of authentication methods, including token-based authentication, OAuth, and social login. This flexibility allows you to implement the authentication strategy that best fits your application. Conclusion: Embrace the Power of VueJS Frameworks As we journey through 2023, the world of VueJS frameworks continues to evolve, offering developers an array of tools to create robust, performant, and visually appealing web applications. By exploring the best VueJS frameworks discussed in this article, you're poised to elevate your web development projects to new heights. Remember, the key lies in understanding your project's unique requirements and selecting the framework that aligns seamlessly with your goals. Whether you're aiming for efficient SSR, stunning UI components, enhanced state management, or seamless navigation, there's a VueJS framework tailored to your needs. So, go ahead and embrace the power of VueJS frameworks to craft exceptional web experiences that captivate users and leave a lasting impact. Read the full article
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laravelvuejs · 4 years
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Nested Components in vuejs – Vuejs tutorials – Tutorial 24 Master CSS Grid Course: Nested Components in vuejs - Nested component is component nested in its parent component. source
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javascriptfan · 4 years
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A Vue.js background Component for Canvas-nest ☞ https://bit.ly/30XtPbR #vuejs #javascript
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vuejstutorial · 4 years
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A Vue.js background Component for Canvas-nest ☞ https://bit.ly/30XtPbR #vuejs #javascript
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swarnalata31techiio · 2 years
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React is a JavaScript library created for building fast and interactive user interfaces for web and mobile applications. It is an open-source, component-based, front-end library responsible only for the application’s view layer. VueJS is an open source progressive JavaScript framework used to develop interactive web interfaces. It is one of the famous frameworks used to simplify web development. VueJS focuses on the view layer. It can be easily integrated into big projects for front-end development without any issues. Why are Vue and React so popular? Virtual DOM:if this expression is new to you, I need to take a step back and explain first what DOM (Document Object Model) means. HTML is a document with nested elements of text (e.g. a list is inside the body and has list items nested in it). This can be represented as a graph, which is called DOM. Component-based structure:This enables Front-end Developers to reuse components and to refactor code, improving the developer’s productivity and accelerating the whole development process. Which one is easier to learn? Vuejs While going through this interaction, I saw that the help documentation of Vue.js is much more "engineer cordial" than React's.This ended up improving the increase of my capability and impacted the venture's absolute length time. React Libraries can be particularly relevant when addressing core tasks because they improve the quality of the product and reduce development effort. Which one is better: Vue or React? After the learning process, coding and testing, it’s time to share with my insights (release the drum roll!): Vue.js development took about 9 days (approximately 72 hours). React development lasted about 13 days (approximately 104 hours).
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iamadevelopers · 6 years
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Recursion for Nested, Tree-Structure Components in Vue ☞ https://itnext.io/recursion-for-nested-tree-structure-components-in-vue-1cb600005475 #vuejs #JavaScript
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javascriptnext · 4 years
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A Vue.js background Component for Canvas-nest ☞ https://bit.ly/30XtPbR #vuejs #javascript
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developer-tv · 4 years
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A Vue.js background Component for Canvas-nest ☞ https://bit.ly/30XtPbR #vuejs #javascript
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opensourcefan · 4 years
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A Vue.js background Component for Canvas-nest ☞ https://bit.ly/30XtPbR #vuejs #javascript
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laurelkrugerr · 4 years
Differences Between Static Generated Sites And Server-Side Rendered Apps
About The Author
Front-end developer based in Lagos, Nigeria. He enjoys converting designs into code and building things for the web. More about Timi …
Statically generated sites or pre-rendering and server-side rendered applications are two modern ways to build front-end applications using JavaScript frameworks. These two modes, yet different, are often mixed up as the same thing and in this tutorial, we’re going to learn about the differences between them.
JavaScript currently has three types of applications that you can build with: Single Page Applications (SPAs), pre-rendering/static generated sites and server-side rendered applications. SPAs come with many challenges, one of which is search engine optimization (SEO Company). Possible solutions are to make use of Static Site Generators or Server-Side Rendering (SSR).
In this article, I’m going to explain them alongside listing their pros and cons so you have a balanced view. We’re going to look at what static generated/pre-rendering is as well as frameworks such as Gatsby and VuePress that help in creating statically generated sites. We’re also going to look at what server-side rendered (SSR) applications are as well as frameworks like Nextjs and Nuxtjs that can help you create SSR applications. Finally, we’re going to cover the differences between these two methods and which of them you should use when building your next application.
Note: You can find all the code snippets in this article on GitHub.
What Is A Static Site Generator?
A Static Site Generator (SSG) is a software application that creates HTML pages from templates or components and a given content source. You give it some text files and content, and the generator will give you back a complete website, and this completed website is referred to as a static generated site. What this means is that your site pages are generated at build time and your site content does not change unless you add new contents or components and “rebuild” or you have to rebuild your site if you want it to be updated with new content.
How static site generation works (Large preview)
This approach is good for building applications that the content does not change too often — sites that the content does not have to change depending on the user, and sites that do not have a lot of user-generated content. An example of such a site is a blog or a personal website. Let’s look at some advantages of using static generated sites.
Fast website: Since all of your site’s pages and content have been generated at build time, you do not have to worry about API calls to the server for content and this makes your site very fast.
Easy to deploy: After your static site has been generated, you would be left with static files, and hence, it can be easily deployed to platforms like Netlify.
Security: Static generated site are solely composed of static files, the risk of being vulnerable to cyber attacks is minimal. This is because static generated sites have no database, attackers cannot inject malicious code or exploit your database.
You can use version control software (e.g git) to manage and track changes to your content. This can come in handy when you want to roll back changes you made to the content on your site.
Content can become stale if it changes too quickly.
To update its content, you have to rebuild the site.
Build time would increase depending on the size of the application.
Examples of static site generators are GatsbyJS and VuePress. Let us take a look at how to create static sites using these two generators.
According to their official website,
“Gatsby is a free and open-source framework based on React that helps developers build blazing-fast websites and apps.”
This means developers familiar with React would find it easy to get started with Gatsby.
To use this generator, you first have to install it using NPM:
npm install -g gatsby-cli
This will install Gatsby globally on your machine, you only have to run this command once on your machine. After this installation is complete, you can create your first static site generator using the following command.
gatsby new demo-gatsby
This command will create a new Gatsby project that I have named demo-gatsby. When this is done, you can start up your app server by running the following command:
cd demo-gatsby gatsby develop
Your Gatsby application should be running on localhost:8000.
Gatsby default starter page (Large preview)
The folder structure for this app looks like this;
--| gatsby-browser.js --| LICENSE --| README.md --| gatsby-config.js --| node_modules/ --| src/ ----| components ----| pages ----| images --| gatsby-node.js --| package.json --| yarn.lock --| gatsby-ssr.js --| public/ ----| icons ----| page-data ----| static
For this tutorial, we’re only going to look at the src/pages folder. This folder contains files that would be generated into routes on your site.
To test this, let us add a new file (newPage.js) to this folder:
import React from "react" import { Link } from "gatsby" import Layout from "../components/layout" import SEO Company from "../components/SEO Company" const NewPage = () => ( <Layout> <SEO Company title="My New Page" /> <h1>Hello Gatsby</h1> <p>This is my first Gatsby Page</p> <button> <Link to='/'>Home</Link> </button> </Layout> ) export default NewPage
Here, we import React from the react package so when your code is transpiled to pure JavaScript, references to React will appear there. We also import a Link component from gatsby and this is one of React’s route tag that is used in place of the native anchor tag ( <a href='#'>Link</a>). It accepts a to prop that takes a route as a value.
We import a Layout component that was added to your app by default. This component handles the layout of pages nested inside it. We also import the SEO Company component into this new file. This component accepts a title prop and configures this value as part of your page’s metadata. Finally, we export the function NewPage that returns a JSX containing your new page’s content.
And in your index.js file, add a link to this new page we just created:
import React from "react" import { Link } from "gatsby" import Layout from "../components/layout" import Image from "../components/image" import SEO Company from "../components/SEO Company" const IndexPage = () => ( <Layout> <SEO Company title="Home" /> <h1>Hi people</h1> <p>Welcome to your new Gatsby site.</p> <p>Now go build something great.</p> <div style=> <Image /> </div> <Link to="/page-2/">Go to page 2</Link> {/* new link */} <button> <Link to="/newPage/">Go to New Page</Link> </button> </Layout> ) export default IndexPage
Here, we import the same components that were used in newPage.js file and they perform the same function in this file. We also import an Image component from our components folder. This component is added by default to your Gatsby application and it helps in lazy loading images and serving reduced file size. Finally, we export a function IndexPage that returns JSX containing our new link and some default content.
Now, if we open our browser, we should see our new link at the bottom of the page.
Gatsby landing page with new link (Large preview)
And if you click on Go To New Page, it should take you to your newly added page.
New gatsby page (Large preview)
VuePress is a static site generator that is powered by Vue, Vue Router and Webpack. It requires little to no configuration for you to get started with it. While there are a number of tools that are static site generators, VuePress stands out from amongst the pack for a single reason: its primary directive is to make it easier for developers to create and maintain great documentation for their projects.
To use VuePress, you first have to install it:
//globally yarn global add vuepress # OR npm install -g vuepress //in an existing project yarn add -D vuepress # OR npm install -D vuepress
Once the installation process is done, you can run the following command in your terminal:
# create the project folder mkdir demo-vuepress && cd demo-vuepress # create a markdown file echo '# Hello VuePress' > README.md # start writing vuepress dev
Here, we create a folder for our VuePress application, add a README.md file with # Hello VuePress as the only content inside this file, and finally, start up our server.
When this is done, our application should be running on localhost:8080 and we should see this in our browser:
VuePress landing page (Large preview)
VuePress supports VueJS syntax and markup inside this file. Update your README.md file with the following:
# Hello VuePress _VuePress Rocks_ > **Yes!** _It supports JavaScript interpolation code_ > **** <p v-for="i of ['v','u', 'e', 'p', 'r', 'e', 's', 's']"></p>
If you go back to your browser, your page should look like this:
Updated Vuepress page (Large preview)
To add a new page to your VuePress site, you add a new markdown file to the root directory and name it whatever you want the route to be. In this case, I’ve gone ahead to name it Page-2.md and added the following to the file:
# hello World Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.
And now, if you navigate to /page-2 in your browser, we should see this:
A “Hello World” page in VuePress (Large preview)
What Is Server-Side Rendering? (SSR)
Server-Side Rendering (SSR), is the process of displaying web-pages on the server and passing it to the browser/client-side instead of rendering it in the browser. Server-side sends a fully rendered page to the client; the client’s JavaScript bundle takes over and allows the SPA framework to operate.
This means if you have an application that is server-side rendered, your content is fetched on the server side and passed to your browser to display to your user. With client-side rendering it is different, you would have to navigate to that page first before it fetches data from your server meaning your user would have to wait for some seconds before they’re served with the content on that page. Applications that have SSR enabled are called Server-side rendered applications.
How SSR works (Large preview)
This approach is good for building complex applications that require user interaction, rely on a database, or where the content changes very often. This is because content on these sites changes very often and the users need to see the updated content as soon as they’re updated. It is also good for applications that have tailored content depending on who is viewing it and applications where you need to store user-specific data like email and user preference while also catering for SEO Company. An example of this is a large e-commerce platform or a social media site. Let us look at some of the advantages of server-side rendering your applications.
Content is up to date because it fetches content on the go;
Your site loads fast because it fetches its content on the server-side before rendering it to the user;
Since in SSR JavaScript is rendered server-side, your users’ devices have little relevance to the load time of your page and this leads to better performance.
More API calls to the server since they’re made per request;
Cannot deploy to a static CDN.
Further examples of frameworks that offer SSR are Next.js and Nuxt.js.
Next.js is a React.js framework that helps in building static sites, server-side rendered applications, and so on. Since it was built on React, knowledge of React is required to use this framework.
To create a Next.js app, you need to run the following:
npm init next-app # or yarn create next-app
You would be prompted to choose a name your application, I have named my application demo-next. The next option would be to select a template and I’ve selected the Default starter app after which it begins to set up your app. When this is done, we can now start our application
cd demo-next yarn dev # or npm run dev
Your application should be running on localhost:3000 and you should see this in your browser;
Next.js landing page (Large preview)
The page that is being rendered can be found in pages/index.js so if you open this file and modify the JSX inside the Home function, it would reflect in your browser. Replace the JSX with this:
import Head from 'next/head' export default function Home() { return ( <div className="container"> <Head> <title>Hello Next.js</title> <link rel="icon" href="/favicon.ico" /> </Head> <main> <h1 className="title"> Welcome to <a href="https://nextjs.org">Next.js!</a> </h1> <p className='description'>Nextjs Rocks!</p> </main> <style jsx>{` main { padding: 5rem 0; flex: 1; display: flex; flex-direction: column; justify-content: center; align-items: center; } .title a { color: #0070f3; text-decoration: none; } .title a:hover, .title a:focus, .title a:active { text-decoration: underline; } .title { margin: 0; line-height: 1.15; font-size: 4rem; } .title, .description { text-align: center; } .description { line-height: 1.5; font-size: 1.5rem; } `}</style> <style jsx global>{` html, body { padding: 0; margin: 0; font-family: -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, Segoe UI, Roboto, Oxygen, Ubuntu, Cantarell, Fira Sans, Droid Sans, Helvetica Neue, sans-serif; } * { box-sizing: border-box; } `}</style> </div> ) }
In this file, we make use of Next.js Head component to set our page’s metadata title and favicon for this page. We also export a Home function that returns a JSX containing our page’s content. This JSX contains our Head component together with our main page’s content. It also contains two style tags, one for styling this page and the other for the global styling of the app.
Now, you should see that the content on your app has changed to this:
Updated landing page (Large preview)
Now if we want to add a new page to our app, we have to add a new file inside the /pages folder. Routes are automatically created based on the /pages folder structure, this means that if you have a folder structure that looks like this:
--| pages ----| index.js ==> '/' ----| about.js ==> '/about' ----| projects ------| next.js ==> '/projects/next'
So in your pages folder, add a new file and name it hello.js then add the following to it:
import Head from 'next/head' export default function Hello() { return ( <div> <Head> <title>Hello World</title> <link rel="icon" href="/favicon.ico" /> </Head> <main className='container'> <h1 className='title'> Hello <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hello_World_(film)">World</a> </h1> <p className='subtitle'>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Voluptatem provident soluta, sit explicabo impedit nobis accusantium? Nihil beatae, accusamus modi assumenda, optio omnis aliquid nobis magnam facilis ipsam eum saepe!</p> </main> <style jsx> {` .container { margin: 0 auto; min-height: 100vh; max-width: 800px; text-align: center; } .title { font-family: "Quicksand", "Source Sans Pro", -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, "Segoe UI", Roboto, "Helvetica Neue", Arial, sans-serif; display: block; font-weight: 300; font-size: 100px; color: #35495e; letter-spacing: 1px; } .subtitle { font-weight: 300; font-size: 22px; color: #526488; word-spacing: 5px; padding-bottom: 15px; } `} </style> </div> ) }
This page is identical to the landing page we already have, we only changed the content and added new styling to the JSX. Now if we visit localhost:3000/hello, we should see our new page:
A “Hello World ” page in Next.js (Large preview)
Finally, we need to add a link to this new page on our index.js page, and to do this, we make use of Next’s Link component. To do that, we have to import it first.
# index.js import Link from 'next/link' #Add this to your JSX <Link href='/hello'> <Link href='/hello'> <a>Next</a> </Link>
This link component is how we add links to pages created in Next in our application.
Now if we go back to our homepage and click on this link, it would take us to our /hello page.
According to their official documentation:
“NUXt is a progressive framework based on Vue.js to create modern web applications. It is based on Vue.js official libraries (vue, vue-router and vuex) and powerful development tools (webpack, Babel and PostCSS). NUXt’s goal is to make web development powerful and performant with a great developer experience in mind.”
It is based on Vue.js so that means Vue.js developers would find it easy getting started with it and knowledge of Vue.js is required to use this framework.
To create a NUXt.js app, you need to run the following command in your terminal:
yarn create nUXt-app <project-name> # or npx npx create-nUXt-app <project-name>
This would prompt you to select a name along with some other options. I named mine demo-nUXt and selected default options for the other options. When this is done, you can open your app folder and open pages/index.vue. Every file in this folder file is turned into a route and so our landing page is controlled by index.vue file. So if you update it with the following:
<template> <div class="container"> <div> <logo /> <h1 class="title"> Hello NUXt </h1> <h2 class="subtitle"> NUXt.js ROcks! </h2> <div class="links"> <a href="https://nUXtjs.org/" target="_blank" class="button--green" > Documentation </a> <a href="https://github.com/nUXt/nUXt.js" target="_blank" class="button--grey" > GitHub </a> </div> </div> </div> </template> <script> import Logo from '~/components/Logo.vue' export default { components: { Logo } } </script> <style> .container { margin: 0 auto; min-height: 100vh; display: flex; justify-content: center; align-items: center; text-align: center; } .title { font-family: 'Quicksand', 'Source Sans Pro', -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, 'Segoe UI', Roboto, 'Helvetica Neue', Arial, sans-serif; display: block; font-weight: 300; font-size: 100px; color: #35495e; letter-spacing: 1px; } .subtitle { font-weight: 300; font-size: 42px; color: #526488; word-spacing: 5px; padding-bottom: 15px; } .links { padding-top: 15px; } </style>
And run your application:
cd demo-nUXt # start your applicatio yarn dev # or npm run dev
Your application should be running on localhost:3000 and you should see this:
NUXt.js landing page (Large preview)
We can see that this page displays the content we added in to index.vue. The router structure works the same way Next.js router works; it renders every file inside /pages folder into a page. So let us add a new page (hello.vue) to our application.
<template> <div> <h1>Hello World!</h1> <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Id ipsa vitae tempora perferendis, voluptate a accusantium itaque vel ex, provident autem quod rem saepe ullam hic explicabo voluptas, libero distinctio?</p> </div> </template> <script> export default {}; </script> <style> </style>
So if you open localhost:3000/hello, you should see your new page in your browser.
“Hello World” page in NUXtjs (Large preview)
Taking A Closer Look At The Differences
Now that we have looked at both static-site generators and server-side rendering and how to get started with them by using some popular tools, let us look at the differences between them.
Static Sites GeneratorsServer-Side RenderingCan easily be deployed to a static CDNCannot be deployed to a static CDNContent and pages are generated at build timeContent and pages are generated per requestContent can become stale quicklyContent is always up to dateFewer API calls since it only makes it at build timeMakes API calls each time a new page is visited
We can see why it is so easy to think both static generated sites and server-side rendered applications are the same. Now that we know the differences between them are, I would advise that we try to learn more on how to build both static generated sites and server-side rendered applications in order to fully understand the differences between them.
Further Resources
Here are some useful links that are bound to help you get started in no time:
“Getting Started With Gatsby,” Gatsby official website
“Getting Started With VuePress,” VuePress official website
“VuePress: Documentation Made Easy,” Ben Hong, Smashing Magazine
“Getting Started With Next.js,” Next.js by Vercel official website
“Why Do People Use A Static-Site Generator?,” Quora
“Static Site Generator,” Gatsby official website
“An Introduction To VuePress,” Joshua Bemenderfer, DigitalOcean
“What Is Server-Side Rendering?,” Edpresso, Educative.io
“What Is A Static Site Generator? And 3 Ways To Find The Best One ,” Phil Hawksworth, The Netlify Blog
“The Benefits Of Server Side Rendering Over Client Side Rendering,” Alex Grigoryan, Medium
(ks, ra, il)
Website Design & SEO Delray Beach by DBL07.co
Delray Beach SEO
source http://www.scpie.org/differences-between-static-generated-sites-and-server-side-rendered-apps/ source https://scpie1.blogspot.com/2020/07/differences-between-static-generated.html
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riichardwilson · 4 years
Differences Between Static Generated Sites And Server-Side Rendered Apps
About The Author
Front-end developer based in Lagos, Nigeria. He enjoys converting designs into code and building things for the web. More about Timi …
Statically generated sites or pre-rendering and server-side rendered applications are two modern ways to build front-end applications using JavaScript frameworks. These two modes, yet different, are often mixed up as the same thing and in this tutorial, we’re going to learn about the differences between them.
JavaScript currently has three types of applications that you can build with: Single Page Applications (SPAs), pre-rendering/static generated sites and server-side rendered applications. SPAs come with many challenges, one of which is search engine optimization (SEO Company). Possible solutions are to make use of Static Site Generators or Server-Side Rendering (SSR).
In this article, I’m going to explain them alongside listing their pros and cons so you have a balanced view. We’re going to look at what static generated/pre-rendering is as well as frameworks such as Gatsby and VuePress that help in creating statically generated sites. We’re also going to look at what server-side rendered (SSR) applications are as well as frameworks like Nextjs and Nuxtjs that can help you create SSR applications. Finally, we’re going to cover the differences between these two methods and which of them you should use when building your next application.
Note: You can find all the code snippets in this article on GitHub.
What Is A Static Site Generator?
A Static Site Generator (SSG) is a software application that creates HTML pages from templates or components and a given content source. You give it some text files and content, and the generator will give you back a complete website, and this completed website is referred to as a static generated site. What this means is that your site pages are generated at build time and your site content does not change unless you add new contents or components and “rebuild” or you have to rebuild your site if you want it to be updated with new content.
How static site generation works (Large preview)
This approach is good for building applications that the content does not change too often — sites that the content does not have to change depending on the user, and sites that do not have a lot of user-generated content. An example of such a site is a blog or a personal website. Let’s look at some advantages of using static generated sites.
Fast website: Since all of your site’s pages and content have been generated at build time, you do not have to worry about API calls to the server for content and this makes your site very fast.
Easy to deploy: After your static site has been generated, you would be left with static files, and hence, it can be easily deployed to platforms like Netlify.
Security: Static generated site are solely composed of static files, the risk of being vulnerable to cyber attacks is minimal. This is because static generated sites have no database, attackers cannot inject malicious code or exploit your database.
You can use version control software (e.g git) to manage and track changes to your content. This can come in handy when you want to roll back changes you made to the content on your site.
Content can become stale if it changes too quickly.
To update its content, you have to rebuild the site.
Build time would increase depending on the size of the application.
Examples of static site generators are GatsbyJS and VuePress. Let us take a look at how to create static sites using these two generators.
According to their official website,
“Gatsby is a free and open-source framework based on React that helps developers build blazing-fast websites and apps.”
This means developers familiar with React would find it easy to get started with Gatsby.
To use this generator, you first have to install it using NPM:
npm install -g gatsby-cli
This will install Gatsby globally on your machine, you only have to run this command once on your machine. After this installation is complete, you can create your first static site generator using the following command.
gatsby new demo-gatsby
This command will create a new Gatsby project that I have named demo-gatsby. When this is done, you can start up your app server by running the following command:
cd demo-gatsby gatsby develop
Your Gatsby application should be running on localhost:8000.
Gatsby default starter page (Large preview)
The folder structure for this app looks like this;
--| gatsby-browser.js --| LICENSE --| README.md --| gatsby-config.js --| node_modules/ --| src/ ----| components ----| pages ----| images --| gatsby-node.js --| package.json --| yarn.lock --| gatsby-ssr.js --| public/ ----| icons ----| page-data ----| static
For this tutorial, we’re only going to look at the src/pages folder. This folder contains files that would be generated into routes on your site.
To test this, let us add a new file (newPage.js) to this folder:
import React from "react" import { Link } from "gatsby" import Layout from "../components/layout" import SEO Company from "../components/SEO Company" const NewPage = () => ( <Layout> <SEO Company title="My New Page" /> <h1>Hello Gatsby</h1> <p>This is my first Gatsby Page</p> <button> <Link to='/'>Home</Link> </button> </Layout> ) export default NewPage
Here, we import React from the react package so when your code is transpiled to pure JavaScript, references to React will appear there. We also import a Link component from gatsby and this is one of React’s route tag that is used in place of the native anchor tag ( <a href='#'>Link</a>). It accepts a to prop that takes a route as a value.
We import a Layout component that was added to your app by default. This component handles the layout of pages nested inside it. We also import the SEO Company component into this new file. This component accepts a title prop and configures this value as part of your page’s metadata. Finally, we export the function NewPage that returns a JSX containing your new page’s content.
And in your index.js file, add a link to this new page we just created:
import React from "react" import { Link } from "gatsby" import Layout from "../components/layout" import Image from "../components/image" import SEO Company from "../components/SEO Company" const IndexPage = () => ( <Layout> <SEO Company title="Home" /> <h1>Hi people</h1> <p>Welcome to your new Gatsby site.</p> <p>Now go build something great.</p> <div style=> <Image /> </div> <Link to="/page-2/">Go to page 2</Link> {/* new link */} <button> <Link to="/newPage/">Go to New Page</Link> </button> </Layout> ) export default IndexPage
Here, we import the same components that were used in newPage.js file and they perform the same function in this file. We also import an Image component from our components folder. This component is added by default to your Gatsby application and it helps in lazy loading images and serving reduced file size. Finally, we export a function IndexPage that returns JSX containing our new link and some default content.
Now, if we open our browser, we should see our new link at the bottom of the page.
Gatsby landing page with new link (Large preview)
And if you click on Go To New Page, it should take you to your newly added page.
New gatsby page (Large preview)
VuePress is a static site generator that is powered by Vue, Vue Router and Webpack. It requires little to no configuration for you to get started with it. While there are a number of tools that are static site generators, VuePress stands out from amongst the pack for a single reason: its primary directive is to make it easier for developers to create and maintain great documentation for their projects.
To use VuePress, you first have to install it:
//globally yarn global add vuepress # OR npm install -g vuepress //in an existing project yarn add -D vuepress # OR npm install -D vuepress
Once the installation process is done, you can run the following command in your terminal:
# create the project folder mkdir demo-vuepress && cd demo-vuepress # create a markdown file echo '# Hello VuePress' > README.md # start writing vuepress dev
Here, we create a folder for our VuePress application, add a README.md file with # Hello VuePress as the only content inside this file, and finally, start up our server.
When this is done, our application should be running on localhost:8080 and we should see this in our browser:
VuePress landing page (Large preview)
VuePress supports VueJS syntax and markup inside this file. Update your README.md file with the following:
# Hello VuePress _VuePress Rocks_ > **Yes!** _It supports JavaScript interpolation code_ > **** <p v-for="i of ['v','u', 'e', 'p', 'r', 'e', 's', 's']"></p>
If you go back to your browser, your page should look like this:
Updated Vuepress page (Large preview)
To add a new page to your VuePress site, you add a new markdown file to the root directory and name it whatever you want the route to be. In this case, I’ve gone ahead to name it Page-2.md and added the following to the file:
# hello World Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.
And now, if you navigate to /page-2 in your browser, we should see this:
A “Hello World” page in VuePress (Large preview)
What Is Server-Side Rendering? (SSR)
Server-Side Rendering (SSR), is the process of displaying web-pages on the server and passing it to the browser/client-side instead of rendering it in the browser. Server-side sends a fully rendered page to the client; the client’s JavaScript bundle takes over and allows the SPA framework to operate.
This means if you have an application that is server-side rendered, your content is fetched on the server side and passed to your browser to display to your user. With client-side rendering it is different, you would have to navigate to that page first before it fetches data from your server meaning your user would have to wait for some seconds before they’re served with the content on that page. Applications that have SSR enabled are called Server-side rendered applications.
How SSR works (Large preview)
This approach is good for building complex applications that require user interaction, rely on a database, or where the content changes very often. This is because content on these sites changes very often and the users need to see the updated content as soon as they’re updated. It is also good for applications that have tailored content depending on who is viewing it and applications where you need to store user-specific data like email and user preference while also catering for SEO Company. An example of this is a large e-commerce platform or a social media site. Let us look at some of the advantages of server-side rendering your applications.
Content is up to date because it fetches content on the go;
Your site loads fast because it fetches its content on the server-side before rendering it to the user;
Since in SSR JavaScript is rendered server-side, your users’ devices have little relevance to the load time of your page and this leads to better performance.
More API calls to the server since they’re made per request;
Cannot deploy to a static CDN.
Further examples of frameworks that offer SSR are Next.js and Nuxt.js.
Next.js is a React.js framework that helps in building static sites, server-side rendered applications, and so on. Since it was built on React, knowledge of React is required to use this framework.
To create a Next.js app, you need to run the following:
npm init next-app # or yarn create next-app
You would be prompted to choose a name your application, I have named my application demo-next. The next option would be to select a template and I’ve selected the Default starter app after which it begins to set up your app. When this is done, we can now start our application
cd demo-next yarn dev # or npm run dev
Your application should be running on localhost:3000 and you should see this in your browser;
Next.js landing page (Large preview)
The page that is being rendered can be found in pages/index.js so if you open this file and modify the JSX inside the Home function, it would reflect in your browser. Replace the JSX with this:
import Head from 'next/head' export default function Home() { return ( <div className="container"> <Head> <title>Hello Next.js</title> <link rel="icon" href="/favicon.ico" /> </Head> <main> <h1 className="title"> Welcome to <a href="https://nextjs.org">Next.js!</a> </h1> <p className='description'>Nextjs Rocks!</p> </main> <style jsx>{` main { padding: 5rem 0; flex: 1; display: flex; flex-direction: column; justify-content: center; align-items: center; } .title a { color: #0070f3; text-decoration: none; } .title a:hover, .title a:focus, .title a:active { text-decoration: underline; } .title { margin: 0; line-height: 1.15; font-size: 4rem; } .title, .description { text-align: center; } .description { line-height: 1.5; font-size: 1.5rem; } `}</style> <style jsx global>{` html, body { padding: 0; margin: 0; font-family: -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, Segoe UI, Roboto, Oxygen, Ubuntu, Cantarell, Fira Sans, Droid Sans, Helvetica Neue, sans-serif; } * { box-sizing: border-box; } `}</style> </div> ) }
In this file, we make use of Next.js Head component to set our page’s metadata title and favicon for this page. We also export a Home function that returns a JSX containing our page’s content. This JSX contains our Head component together with our main page’s content. It also contains two style tags, one for styling this page and the other for the global styling of the app.
Now, you should see that the content on your app has changed to this:
Updated landing page (Large preview)
Now if we want to add a new page to our app, we have to add a new file inside the /pages folder. Routes are automatically created based on the /pages folder structure, this means that if you have a folder structure that looks like this:
--| pages ----| index.js ==> '/' ----| about.js ==> '/about' ----| projects ------| next.js ==> '/projects/next'
So in your pages folder, add a new file and name it hello.js then add the following to it:
import Head from 'next/head' export default function Hello() { return ( <div> <Head> <title>Hello World</title> <link rel="icon" href="/favicon.ico" /> </Head> <main className='container'> <h1 className='title'> Hello <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hello_World_(film)">World</a> </h1> <p className='subtitle'>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Voluptatem provident soluta, sit explicabo impedit nobis accusantium? Nihil beatae, accusamus modi assumenda, optio omnis aliquid nobis magnam facilis ipsam eum saepe!</p> </main> <style jsx> {` .container { margin: 0 auto; min-height: 100vh; max-width: 800px; text-align: center; } .title { font-family: "Quicksand", "Source Sans Pro", -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, "Segoe UI", Roboto, "Helvetica Neue", Arial, sans-serif; display: block; font-weight: 300; font-size: 100px; color: #35495e; letter-spacing: 1px; } .subtitle { font-weight: 300; font-size: 22px; color: #526488; word-spacing: 5px; padding-bottom: 15px; } `} </style> </div> ) }
This page is identical to the landing page we already have, we only changed the content and added new styling to the JSX. Now if we visit localhost:3000/hello, we should see our new page:
A “Hello World ” page in Next.js (Large preview)
Finally, we need to add a link to this new page on our index.js page, and to do this, we make use of Next’s Link component. To do that, we have to import it first.
# index.js import Link from 'next/link' #Add this to your JSX <Link href='/hello'> <Link href='/hello'> <a>Next</a> </Link>
This link component is how we add links to pages created in Next in our application.
Now if we go back to our homepage and click on this link, it would take us to our /hello page.
According to their official documentation:
“NUXt is a progressive framework based on Vue.js to create modern web applications. It is based on Vue.js official libraries (vue, vue-router and vuex) and powerful development tools (webpack, Babel and PostCSS). NUXt’s goal is to make web development powerful and performant with a great developer experience in mind.”
It is based on Vue.js so that means Vue.js developers would find it easy getting started with it and knowledge of Vue.js is required to use this framework.
To create a NUXt.js app, you need to run the following command in your terminal:
yarn create nUXt-app <project-name> # or npx npx create-nUXt-app <project-name>
This would prompt you to select a name along with some other options. I named mine demo-nUXt and selected default options for the other options. When this is done, you can open your app folder and open pages/index.vue. Every file in this folder file is turned into a route and so our landing page is controlled by index.vue file. So if you update it with the following:
<template> <div class="container"> <div> <logo /> <h1 class="title"> Hello NUXt </h1> <h2 class="subtitle"> NUXt.js ROcks! </h2> <div class="links"> <a href="https://nUXtjs.org/" target="_blank" class="button--green" > Documentation </a> <a href="https://github.com/nUXt/nUXt.js" target="_blank" class="button--grey" > GitHub </a> </div> </div> </div> </template> <script> import Logo from '~/components/Logo.vue' export default { components: { Logo } } </script> <style> .container { margin: 0 auto; min-height: 100vh; display: flex; justify-content: center; align-items: center; text-align: center; } .title { font-family: 'Quicksand', 'Source Sans Pro', -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, 'Segoe UI', Roboto, 'Helvetica Neue', Arial, sans-serif; display: block; font-weight: 300; font-size: 100px; color: #35495e; letter-spacing: 1px; } .subtitle { font-weight: 300; font-size: 42px; color: #526488; word-spacing: 5px; padding-bottom: 15px; } .links { padding-top: 15px; } </style>
And run your application:
cd demo-nUXt # start your applicatio yarn dev # or npm run dev
Your application should be running on localhost:3000 and you should see this:
NUXt.js landing page (Large preview)
We can see that this page displays the content we added in to index.vue. The router structure works the same way Next.js router works; it renders every file inside /pages folder into a page. So let us add a new page (hello.vue) to our application.
<template> <div> <h1>Hello World!</h1> <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Id ipsa vitae tempora perferendis, voluptate a accusantium itaque vel ex, provident autem quod rem saepe ullam hic explicabo voluptas, libero distinctio?</p> </div> </template> <script> export default {}; </script> <style> </style>
So if you open localhost:3000/hello, you should see your new page in your browser.
“Hello World” page in NUXtjs (Large preview)
Taking A Closer Look At The Differences
Now that we have looked at both static-site generators and server-side rendering and how to get started with them by using some popular tools, let us look at the differences between them.
Static Sites Generators Server-Side Rendering Can easily be deployed to a static CDN Cannot be deployed to a static CDN Content and pages are generated at build time Content and pages are generated per request Content can become stale quickly Content is always up to date Fewer API calls since it only makes it at build time Makes API calls each time a new page is visited
We can see why it is so easy to think both static generated sites and server-side rendered applications are the same. Now that we know the differences between them are, I would advise that we try to learn more on how to build both static generated sites and server-side rendered applications in order to fully understand the differences between them.
Further Resources
Here are some useful links that are bound to help you get started in no time:
“Getting Started With Gatsby,” Gatsby official website
“Getting Started With VuePress,” VuePress official website
“VuePress: Documentation Made Easy,” Ben Hong, Smashing Magazine
“Getting Started With Next.js,” Next.js by Vercel official website
“Why Do People Use A Static-Site Generator?,” Quora
“Static Site Generator,” Gatsby official website
“An Introduction To VuePress,” Joshua Bemenderfer, DigitalOcean
“What Is Server-Side Rendering?,” Edpresso, Educative.io
“What Is A Static Site Generator? And 3 Ways To Find The Best One ,” Phil Hawksworth, The Netlify Blog
“The Benefits Of Server Side Rendering Over Client Side Rendering,” Alex Grigoryan, Medium
(ks, ra, il)
Website Design & SEO Delray Beach by DBL07.co
Delray Beach SEO
source http://www.scpie.org/differences-between-static-generated-sites-and-server-side-rendered-apps/ source https://scpie.tumblr.com/post/622561623204315136
0 notes
deltainfoteklive · 1 year
Best VueJS Frameworks to Follow
In the ever-evolving world of web development, staying updated with the latest tools and technologies is crucial. When it comes to VueJS, a progressive JavaScript framework, developers have a plethora of options to choose from. This article dives deep into the best VueJS frameworks to follow in 2023, offering valuable insights, expert recommendations, and FAQs to help you make informed decisions for your next project. Best VueJS Frameworks to Follow in 2023 Here, we present a list of the top VueJS frameworks to consider in 2023, each designed to cater to specific development needs and requirements. 1. Vue CLI - Power Up Your Project Setup Vue CLI, a standard tool for Vue applications, streamlines project setup and provides an intuitive interface to manage dependencies, configurations, and plugins. With Vue CLI, you can focus more on coding and less on configuration. 2. Nuxt.js - Optimal SSR and SPA Hybrid Nuxt.js is a versatile framework that excels in server-side rendering (SSR) and single-page application (SPA) development. Its module-based architecture enhances development speed and performance optimization. 3. Vuetify - Material Design at Your Fingertips For a visually appealing and responsive user interface, Vuetify offers pre-designed components following Google's Material Design guidelines. This framework empowers developers to create stunning applications with ease. 4. Quasar - Build Responsive Apps with Flexibility Quasar is a high-performance framework that supports building responsive applications for various platforms using a single codebase. Its extensive library of components and plugins accelerates development. 5. VueX - State Management Made Simple VueX is not just a library but an integral part of Vue ecosystem. It simplifies state management in complex applications, making it easier to manage and share data across components. 6. Vue Router - Effortless Navigation For creating dynamic and seamless navigation experiences, Vue Router is the go-to choice. It enables developers to define routes and nested views in a declarative manner. 7. Vue Test Utils - Ensure Code Quality Testing is essential in any development process, and Vue Test Utils provides a comprehensive suite of utilities for testing Vue components effectively, ensuring code quality and reliability. 8. Vue i18n - Globalize Your App For multilingual applications, Vue i18n offers internationalization support. It allows developers to easily add translations and switch between languages, enhancing user experience across different regions. 9. Vue Apollo - Vue meets GraphQL Vue Apollo seamlessly integrates Vue with GraphQL, offering efficient and powerful data fetching solutions. It simplifies handling complex data requirements and enhances overall application performance. 10. Vue Class Component - Class Syntax, Vue Magic Vue Class Component brings class-style component syntax to Vue, making it easier for developers familiar with class-based programming to transition smoothly into Vue development. 11. Vue Router Next - Exploring New Possibilities Vue Router Next, currently in active development, offers exciting new features and improvements. It's worth keeping an eye on this framework as it evolves. 12. Element UI - Elegant Desktop Components Element UI provides a collection of elegant and customizable components for building desktop applications. It follows a design language inspired by desktop applications. 13. Buefy - Lightweight UI Components Buefy, based on Bulma CSS framework, offers lightweight and responsive UI components for VueJS applications. It's a great choice for projects prioritizing simplicity and performance. 14. Vue Auth - Secure Your App Security is paramount in today's digital landscape. Vue Auth simplifies authentication and authorization processes, ensuring your VueJS applications are well-protected. 15. Vuefire - Vue Meets Firebase Vuefire bridges the gap between Vue and Firebase, enabling real-time data synchronization and efficient data binding. It's an excellent choice for building dynamic applications. 16. Vue Material - Material Design Reimagined Vue Material reimagines Material Design by Google, offering a set of beautifully crafted components and directives to create stunning interfaces that adhere to Material Design principles. 17. Vue Formulate - Advanced Form Handling Building and validating forms is a breeze with Vue Formulate. This framework simplifies complex form handling tasks and enhances user interactions. 18. Vue Apollo Next - Evolving with GraphQL Similar to Vue Router Next, Vue Apollo Next is actively evolving to bring improvements and optimizations to Vue's integration with GraphQL. 19. Vue Multiselect - Effortless Multiselection Vue Multiselect provides intuitive and customizable multiselect components, enhancing user experience when dealing with multiple options. 20. Vue Content Loading - Enhance UX with Skeleton Screens Vue Content Loading lets you create engaging skeleton screens to improve user experience while waiting for content to load, reducing perceived loading times. 21. Vue Virtual Scroller - Efficiently Handle Large Lists For applications dealing with extensive lists or grids, Vue Virtual Scroller efficiently renders only visible elements, resulting in improved performance and reduced memory usage. 22. Vue Good Table - Feature-Rich Data Tables Vue Good Table simplifies the creation of feature-rich and customizable data tables, complete with sorting, filtering, and pagination functionalities. 23. Vuesax - Responsive Design Components Vuesax offers a collection of responsive and customizable components, helping developers create modern and visually appealing applications. 24. Vue Toastification - Elegant Toast Notifications Toast notifications are essential for user feedback. Vue Toastification provides elegant and customizable toast messages for VueJS applications. 25. Vue Glide - Create Stunning Carousels Vue Glide facilitates the creation of impressive carousels and sliders, enabling developers to showcase content in a visually appealing manner. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) Is Vue CLI suitable for large-scale projects? Absolutely! Vue CLI provides a structured approach to project setup, which is beneficial for both small and large-scale projects. Its plugin system allows you to customize the setup to meet specific requirements. What sets Nuxt.js apart from other frameworks? Nuxt.js excels in server-side rendering and offers an intuitive module-based architecture. This combination enhances SEO, performance, and development speed, making it a preferred choice for complex projects. Can I use Vuetify components with other Vue frameworks? Yes, Vuetify's components can be integrated into various Vue frameworks. Its adherence to Material Design principles ensures consistency and a polished look across different applications. How does VueX simplify state management? VueX centralizes the state of your application, making it accessible and manageable from any component. This eliminates the need to pass props between components, leading to cleaner and more organized code. Is Vue Router suitable for single-page applications? Absolutely, Vue Router is well-suited for single-page applications. It provides a powerful mechanism for managing routes, views, and navigation, enhancing the overall user experience. Does Vue Auth support various authentication methods? Yes, Vue Auth supports a variety of authentication methods, including token-based authentication, OAuth, and social login. This flexibility allows you to implement the authentication strategy that best fits your application. Conclusion: Embrace the Power of VueJS Frameworks As we journey through 2023, the world of VueJS frameworks continues to evolve, offering developers an array of tools to create robust, performant, and visually appealing web applications. By exploring the best VueJS frameworks discussed in this article, you're poised to elevate your web development projects to new heights. Remember, the key lies in understanding your project's unique requirements and selecting the framework that aligns seamlessly with your goals. Whether you're aiming for efficient SSR, stunning UI components, enhanced state management, or seamless navigation, there's a VueJS framework tailored to your needs. So, go ahead and embrace the power of VueJS frameworks to craft exceptional web experiences that captivate users and leave a lasting impact. Read the full article
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Props in Vuejs Components – Props are really useful when we want to communicate with vuejs child component. We can pass data from parent to child component as prop. Because we may want to pass multiple data rather than…
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scpie · 4 years
Differences Between Static Generated Sites And Server-Side Rendered Apps
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Front-end developer based in Lagos, Nigeria. He enjoys converting designs into code and building things for the web. More about Timi …
Statically generated sites or pre-rendering and server-side rendered applications are two modern ways to build front-end applications using JavaScript frameworks. These two modes, yet different, are often mixed up as the same thing and in this tutorial, we’re going to learn about the differences between them.
JavaScript currently has three types of applications that you can build with: Single Page Applications (SPAs), pre-rendering/static generated sites and server-side rendered applications. SPAs come with many challenges, one of which is search engine optimization (SEO Company). Possible solutions are to make use of Static Site Generators or Server-Side Rendering (SSR).
In this article, I’m going to explain them alongside listing their pros and cons so you have a balanced view. We’re going to look at what static generated/pre-rendering is as well as frameworks such as Gatsby and VuePress that help in creating statically generated sites. We’re also going to look at what server-side rendered (SSR) applications are as well as frameworks like Nextjs and Nuxtjs that can help you create SSR applications. Finally, we’re going to cover the differences between these two methods and which of them you should use when building your next application.
Note: You can find all the code snippets in this article on GitHub.
What Is A Static Site Generator?
A Static Site Generator (SSG) is a software application that creates HTML pages from templates or components and a given content source. You give it some text files and content, and the generator will give you back a complete website, and this completed website is referred to as a static generated site. What this means is that your site pages are generated at build time and your site content does not change unless you add new contents or components and “rebuild” or you have to rebuild your site if you want it to be updated with new content.
How static site generation works (Large preview)
This approach is good for building applications that the content does not change too often — sites that the content does not have to change depending on the user, and sites that do not have a lot of user-generated content. An example of such a site is a blog or a personal website. Let’s look at some advantages of using static generated sites.
Fast website: Since all of your site’s pages and content have been generated at build time, you do not have to worry about API calls to the server for content and this makes your site very fast.
Easy to deploy: After your static site has been generated, you would be left with static files, and hence, it can be easily deployed to platforms like Netlify.
Security: Static generated site are solely composed of static files, the risk of being vulnerable to cyber attacks is minimal. This is because static generated sites have no database, attackers cannot inject malicious code or exploit your database.
You can use version control software (e.g git) to manage and track changes to your content. This can come in handy when you want to roll back changes you made to the content on your site.
Content can become stale if it changes too quickly.
To update its content, you have to rebuild the site.
Build time would increase depending on the size of the application.
Examples of static site generators are GatsbyJS and VuePress. Let us take a look at how to create static sites using these two generators.
According to their official website,
“Gatsby is a free and open-source framework based on React that helps developers build blazing-fast websites and apps.”
This means developers familiar with React would find it easy to get started with Gatsby.
To use this generator, you first have to install it using NPM:
npm install -g gatsby-cli
This will install Gatsby globally on your machine, you only have to run this command once on your machine. After this installation is complete, you can create your first static site generator using the following command.
gatsby new demo-gatsby
This command will create a new Gatsby project that I have named demo-gatsby. When this is done, you can start up your app server by running the following command:
cd demo-gatsby gatsby develop
Your Gatsby application should be running on localhost:8000.
Gatsby default starter page (Large preview)
The folder structure for this app looks like this;
--| gatsby-browser.js --| LICENSE --| README.md --| gatsby-config.js --| node_modules/ --| src/ ----| components ----| pages ----| images --| gatsby-node.js --| package.json --| yarn.lock --| gatsby-ssr.js --| public/ ----| icons ----| page-data ----| static
For this tutorial, we’re only going to look at the src/pages folder. This folder contains files that would be generated into routes on your site.
To test this, let us add a new file (newPage.js) to this folder:
import React from "react" import { Link } from "gatsby" import Layout from "../components/layout" import SEO Company from "../components/SEO Company" const NewPage = () => ( <Layout> <SEO Company title="My New Page" /> <h1>Hello Gatsby</h1> <p>This is my first Gatsby Page</p> <button> <Link to='/'>Home</Link> </button> </Layout> ) export default NewPage
Here, we import React from the react package so when your code is transpiled to pure JavaScript, references to React will appear there. We also import a Link component from gatsby and this is one of React’s route tag that is used in place of the native anchor tag ( <a href='#'>Link</a>). It accepts a to prop that takes a route as a value.
We import a Layout component that was added to your app by default. This component handles the layout of pages nested inside it. We also import the SEO Company component into this new file. This component accepts a title prop and configures this value as part of your page’s metadata. Finally, we export the function NewPage that returns a JSX containing your new page’s content.
And in your index.js file, add a link to this new page we just created:
import React from "react" import { Link } from "gatsby" import Layout from "../components/layout" import Image from "../components/image" import SEO Company from "../components/SEO Company" const IndexPage = () => ( <Layout> <SEO Company title="Home" /> <h1>Hi people</h1> <p>Welcome to your new Gatsby site.</p> <p>Now go build something great.</p> <div style=> <Image /> </div> <Link to="/page-2/">Go to page 2</Link> {/* new link */} <button> <Link to="/newPage/">Go to New Page</Link> </button> </Layout> ) export default IndexPage
Here, we import the same components that were used in newPage.js file and they perform the same function in this file. We also import an Image component from our components folder. This component is added by default to your Gatsby application and it helps in lazy loading images and serving reduced file size. Finally, we export a function IndexPage that returns JSX containing our new link and some default content.
Now, if we open our browser, we should see our new link at the bottom of the page.
Gatsby landing page with new link (Large preview)
And if you click on Go To New Page, it should take you to your newly added page.
New gatsby page (Large preview)
VuePress is a static site generator that is powered by Vue, Vue Router and Webpack. It requires little to no configuration for you to get started with it. While there are a number of tools that are static site generators, VuePress stands out from amongst the pack for a single reason: its primary directive is to make it easier for developers to create and maintain great documentation for their projects.
To use VuePress, you first have to install it:
//globally yarn global add vuepress # OR npm install -g vuepress //in an existing project yarn add -D vuepress # OR npm install -D vuepress
Once the installation process is done, you can run the following command in your terminal:
# create the project folder mkdir demo-vuepress && cd demo-vuepress # create a markdown file echo '# Hello VuePress' > README.md # start writing vuepress dev
Here, we create a folder for our VuePress application, add a README.md file with # Hello VuePress as the only content inside this file, and finally, start up our server.
When this is done, our application should be running on localhost:8080 and we should see this in our browser:
VuePress landing page (Large preview)
VuePress supports VueJS syntax and markup inside this file. Update your README.md file with the following:
# Hello VuePress _VuePress Rocks_ > **Yes!** _It supports JavaScript interpolation code_ > **** <p v-for="i of ['v','u', 'e', 'p', 'r', 'e', 's', 's']"></p>
If you go back to your browser, your page should look like this:
Updated Vuepress page (Large preview)
To add a new page to your VuePress site, you add a new markdown file to the root directory and name it whatever you want the route to be. In this case, I’ve gone ahead to name it Page-2.md and added the following to the file:
# hello World Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.
And now, if you navigate to /page-2 in your browser, we should see this:
A “Hello World” page in VuePress (Large preview)
What Is Server-Side Rendering? (SSR)
Server-Side Rendering (SSR), is the process of displaying web-pages on the server and passing it to the browser/client-side instead of rendering it in the browser. Server-side sends a fully rendered page to the client; the client’s JavaScript bundle takes over and allows the SPA framework to operate.
This means if you have an application that is server-side rendered, your content is fetched on the server side and passed to your browser to display to your user. With client-side rendering it is different, you would have to navigate to that page first before it fetches data from your server meaning your user would have to wait for some seconds before they’re served with the content on that page. Applications that have SSR enabled are called Server-side rendered applications.
How SSR works (Large preview)
This approach is good for building complex applications that require user interaction, rely on a database, or where the content changes very often. This is because content on these sites changes very often and the users need to see the updated content as soon as they’re updated. It is also good for applications that have tailored content depending on who is viewing it and applications where you need to store user-specific data like email and user preference while also catering for SEO Company. An example of this is a large e-commerce platform or a social media site. Let us look at some of the advantages of server-side rendering your applications.
Content is up to date because it fetches content on the go;
Your site loads fast because it fetches its content on the server-side before rendering it to the user;
Since in SSR JavaScript is rendered server-side, your users’ devices have little relevance to the load time of your page and this leads to better performance.
More API calls to the server since they’re made per request;
Cannot deploy to a static CDN.
Further examples of frameworks that offer SSR are Next.js and Nuxt.js.
Next.js is a React.js framework that helps in building static sites, server-side rendered applications, and so on. Since it was built on React, knowledge of React is required to use this framework.
To create a Next.js app, you need to run the following:
npm init next-app # or yarn create next-app
You would be prompted to choose a name your application, I have named my application demo-next. The next option would be to select a template and I’ve selected the Default starter app after which it begins to set up your app. When this is done, we can now start our application
cd demo-next yarn dev # or npm run dev
Your application should be running on localhost:3000 and you should see this in your browser;
Next.js landing page (Large preview)
The page that is being rendered can be found in pages/index.js so if you open this file and modify the JSX inside the Home function, it would reflect in your browser. Replace the JSX with this:
import Head from 'next/head' export default function Home() { return ( <div className="container"> <Head> <title>Hello Next.js</title> <link rel="icon" href="/favicon.ico" /> </Head> <main> <h1 className="title"> Welcome to <a href="https://nextjs.org">Next.js!</a> </h1> <p className='description'>Nextjs Rocks!</p> </main> <style jsx>{` main { padding: 5rem 0; flex: 1; display: flex; flex-direction: column; justify-content: center; align-items: center; } .title a { color: #0070f3; text-decoration: none; } .title a:hover, .title a:focus, .title a:active { text-decoration: underline; } .title { margin: 0; line-height: 1.15; font-size: 4rem; } .title, .description { text-align: center; } .description { line-height: 1.5; font-size: 1.5rem; } `}</style> <style jsx global>{` html, body { padding: 0; margin: 0; font-family: -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, Segoe UI, Roboto, Oxygen, Ubuntu, Cantarell, Fira Sans, Droid Sans, Helvetica Neue, sans-serif; } * { box-sizing: border-box; } `}</style> </div> ) }
In this file, we make use of Next.js Head component to set our page’s metadata title and favicon for this page. We also export a Home function that returns a JSX containing our page’s content. This JSX contains our Head component together with our main page’s content. It also contains two style tags, one for styling this page and the other for the global styling of the app.
Now, you should see that the content on your app has changed to this:
Updated landing page (Large preview)
Now if we want to add a new page to our app, we have to add a new file inside the /pages folder. Routes are automatically created based on the /pages folder structure, this means that if you have a folder structure that looks like this:
--| pages ----| index.js ==> '/' ----| about.js ==> '/about' ----| projects ------| next.js ==> '/projects/next'
So in your pages folder, add a new file and name it hello.js then add the following to it:
import Head from 'next/head' export default function Hello() { return ( <div> <Head> <title>Hello World</title> <link rel="icon" href="/favicon.ico" /> </Head> <main className='container'> <h1 className='title'> Hello <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hello_World_(film)">World</a> </h1> <p className='subtitle'>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Voluptatem provident soluta, sit explicabo impedit nobis accusantium? Nihil beatae, accusamus modi assumenda, optio omnis aliquid nobis magnam facilis ipsam eum saepe!</p> </main> <style jsx> {` .container { margin: 0 auto; min-height: 100vh; max-width: 800px; text-align: center; } .title { font-family: "Quicksand", "Source Sans Pro", -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, "Segoe UI", Roboto, "Helvetica Neue", Arial, sans-serif; display: block; font-weight: 300; font-size: 100px; color: #35495e; letter-spacing: 1px; } .subtitle { font-weight: 300; font-size: 22px; color: #526488; word-spacing: 5px; padding-bottom: 15px; } `} </style> </div> ) }
This page is identical to the landing page we already have, we only changed the content and added new styling to the JSX. Now if we visit localhost:3000/hello, we should see our new page:
A “Hello World ” page in Next.js (Large preview)
Finally, we need to add a link to this new page on our index.js page, and to do this, we make use of Next’s Link component. To do that, we have to import it first.
# index.js import Link from 'next/link' #Add this to your JSX <Link href='/hello'> <Link href='/hello'> <a>Next</a> </Link>
This link component is how we add links to pages created in Next in our application.
Now if we go back to our homepage and click on this link, it would take us to our /hello page.
According to their official documentation:
“NUXt is a progressive framework based on Vue.js to create modern web applications. It is based on Vue.js official libraries (vue, vue-router and vuex) and powerful development tools (webpack, Babel and PostCSS). NUXt’s goal is to make web development powerful and performant with a great developer experience in mind.”
It is based on Vue.js so that means Vue.js developers would find it easy getting started with it and knowledge of Vue.js is required to use this framework.
To create a NUXt.js app, you need to run the following command in your terminal:
yarn create nUXt-app <project-name> # or npx npx create-nUXt-app <project-name>
This would prompt you to select a name along with some other options. I named mine demo-nUXt and selected default options for the other options. When this is done, you can open your app folder and open pages/index.vue. Every file in this folder file is turned into a route and so our landing page is controlled by index.vue file. So if you update it with the following:
<template> <div class="container"> <div> <logo /> <h1 class="title"> Hello NUXt </h1> <h2 class="subtitle"> NUXt.js ROcks! </h2> <div class="links"> <a href="https://nUXtjs.org/" target="_blank" class="button--green" > Documentation </a> <a href="https://github.com/nUXt/nUXt.js" target="_blank" class="button--grey" > GitHub </a> </div> </div> </div> </template> <script> import Logo from '~/components/Logo.vue' export default { components: { Logo } } </script> <style> .container { margin: 0 auto; min-height: 100vh; display: flex; justify-content: center; align-items: center; text-align: center; } .title { font-family: 'Quicksand', 'Source Sans Pro', -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, 'Segoe UI', Roboto, 'Helvetica Neue', Arial, sans-serif; display: block; font-weight: 300; font-size: 100px; color: #35495e; letter-spacing: 1px; } .subtitle { font-weight: 300; font-size: 42px; color: #526488; word-spacing: 5px; padding-bottom: 15px; } .links { padding-top: 15px; } </style>
And run your application:
cd demo-nUXt # start your applicatio yarn dev # or npm run dev
Your application should be running on localhost:3000 and you should see this:
NUXt.js landing page (Large preview)
We can see that this page displays the content we added in to index.vue. The router structure works the same way Next.js router works; it renders every file inside /pages folder into a page. So let us add a new page (hello.vue) to our application.
<template> <div> <h1>Hello World!</h1> <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Id ipsa vitae tempora perferendis, voluptate a accusantium itaque vel ex, provident autem quod rem saepe ullam hic explicabo voluptas, libero distinctio?</p> </div> </template> <script> export default {}; </script> <style> </style>
So if you open localhost:3000/hello, you should see your new page in your browser.
“Hello World” page in NUXtjs (Large preview)
Taking A Closer Look At The Differences
Now that we have looked at both static-site generators and server-side rendering and how to get started with them by using some popular tools, let us look at the differences between them.
Static Sites Generators Server-Side Rendering Can easily be deployed to a static CDN Cannot be deployed to a static CDN Content and pages are generated at build time Content and pages are generated per request Content can become stale quickly Content is always up to date Fewer API calls since it only makes it at build time Makes API calls each time a new page is visited
We can see why it is so easy to think both static generated sites and server-side rendered applications are the same. Now that we know the differences between them are, I would advise that we try to learn more on how to build both static generated sites and server-side rendered applications in order to fully understand the differences between them.
Further Resources
Here are some useful links that are bound to help you get started in no time:
“Getting Started With Gatsby,” Gatsby official website
“Getting Started With VuePress,” VuePress official website
“VuePress: Documentation Made Easy,” Ben Hong, Smashing Magazine
“Getting Started With Next.js,” Next.js by Vercel official website
“Why Do People Use A Static-Site Generator?,” Quora
“Static Site Generator,” Gatsby official website
“An Introduction To VuePress,” Joshua Bemenderfer, DigitalOcean
“What Is Server-Side Rendering?,” Edpresso, Educative.io
“What Is A Static Site Generator? And 3 Ways To Find The Best One ,” Phil Hawksworth, The Netlify Blog
“The Benefits Of Server Side Rendering Over Client Side Rendering,” Alex Grigoryan, Medium
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source http://www.scpie.org/differences-between-static-generated-sites-and-server-side-rendered-apps/
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React State Management: When to use the Context API over Redux
React is a library that was primarily created to build interactive and highly appealing frontends. It utilizes a component-based architecture to allow maximum code reusability and a bunch of other things. State is something that developers in any field have to grapple with at some point in time, in React too there were a lot of challenges that developers faced, much of which Redux a state management library solved. Overtime React evolved to try and solve some of these problems by itself, the Context API is the result of this attempt. This article will discuss both Redux and the Context API and identify some guidelines that can help you choose one over the other.
This post is aimed at developers that have a good amount of experience with writing web applications in Javascript and ReactJS. If you are familiar with another frontend framework/library like VueJS, AngularJS, SvelteJS, etc. you can still make use of this article.
✅ Experience with writing web apps using ReactJS ✅ Some experience with Redux and preferably the Context API
⭐ Make sure to check the resources topic to learn more!
By reading this post will be able to:
Understand that sometimes you do not need either Redux or Context.
Know what exactly the Context API provides which can help you make decisions.
Understand when you could use the Context API for state management over Redux.
State Management: The challenges
State management is not easy, despite the kind of application you're writing as long as it will face production at some point or have a couple of complex features. While in the initial phases of creating an application, a lot of thought goes into making the "best" decisions and this is commonly associated with what a lot of people in any community call the "best" tools. Redux is one of those "best" tools, that have been used since 2015 but does this mean that you should rely on Redux to solve any possible future problems? No.
Just like how when you have a hammer, every problem shouldn't be a nail for you, wherever state management has to be done you shouldn't sprinkle Redux. This can lead to inefficiency, which in turn leads to time being wasted.
With that bit understood, you should know about a few challenges that a lot of people use Redux to solve but really shouldn't:
Sharing state that could have instead be passed down as props.
Managing the state of a form - There is no need to do so, as the state of a form does not affect the application as a whole. Libraries like Formik help to do this better.
Using it in any situation that complicates how you tackle it instead of making it easier.
Context API: A solution for when Redux is too much The context API is nothing new, it has been around for a while but was officially announced in React version 16.3. The purpose you could say for introducing the Context API is to make passing data through deeply nested components simple. It is not a solution for state management, and all the logic that is required to manage your state must be written by yourself. You could better word this by saying that the Context API does not manage your state for you. This makes it very flexible, you can adapt it to your needs and pass state through nested trees of components easily. Let's implement a simple UI where a Navigation Bar holds a User Avatar. It would look a little like this:
const UserContext = React.createContext() const ProfilePicture = () => ( <UserContext.Consumer> {(user) => <img width="56px" alt="pfp" src={user.pfp} />} </UserContext.Consumer> ) const Nav = () => ( <nav> <ProfilePicture /> </nav> ) class App extends React.Component { state = { user: { pfp: 'https://i.picsum.photos/id/50/200/300.jpg', }, } render() { return ( <div className="app"> <UserContext.Provider value={this.state.user}> <Nav /> </UserContext.Provider> </div> ) } }
First off, you need to create a context, the context mainly holds 2 properties Provider and Consumer, both exist for a self-explanatory purpose. The provider must be used to wrap the major portion of the application that will consume the value that it provides, while the consumer simply consumes the value and passes it off to the component that requires it. This way passing data in nested subtrees of components can be greatly simplified.
Redux: A solution for advanced state management
Redux is a state management library that mixed quite a few different concepts from libraries like Flux and languages like Elm, to make state management as painless and testable as possible. It achieves this by living up to three fundamental principles:
Singe source of truth - Having a single store makes it easy to debug and test your application, features that are otherwise difficult implement are made extremely simple because you know that all your state is in one single store, hence the only source of truth in your application.
State should be read-only - You should only ever show intent to modify the state, this prevents your UIs or network calls from modifying the state directly. This intent is displayed using plain objects that are called actions. This makes it easier to debug and test the application.
Changes must be made using pure functions - The actual modification must be done using pure functions called reducers. Pure functions take an input and return the same output for that particular input and there are no side effects. Reducers simply take the current state and return the next state.
To get a better grasp of using Redux, let's implement the same example from before but use Redux instead of Context:
import React from 'react' import ReactDOM from 'react-dom' import { createStore } from 'redux' import { connect, Provider } from 'react-redux' const initialState = {} function reducer(state = initialState, action) { switch (action.type) { case 'SET_USER': return { ...state, user: action.user, } default: return state } } const store = createStore(reducer) store.dispatch({ type: 'SET_USER', user: { pfp: 'https://i.picsum.photos/id/50/200/300.jpg', }, }) const mapStateToProps = (state) => ({ user: state.user, }) const UserAvatar = connect(mapStateToProps)(({ user }) => ( <img width="56px" alt="pfp" src={user.pfp} /> )) const Nav = () => ( <nav> <UserAvatar /> </nav> ) const App = () => ( <div className="app"> <Nav /> </div> ) ReactDOM.render( <Provider store={store}> <App /> </Provider>, document.querySelector('#root') )
If you have never used Redux before, the above code example might be a little daunting but fear not there is no magic involved. Redux uses Context behind the scenes to make state available to a lot of different components. Quite often, developers take this point to say that the Context API will eventually replace Redux, but that is not and never will be the case. Redux is not just a simple wrapper around Context, before we get to that however let's discuss how Redux works in the example above. First off, you must create a store using createStore(), this function will take the reducer that will be used in your application to modify the state stored in your store. The reducer() is a pure function that contains the logic as to how the state should be modified based on the actions ( The { type: ...} object is an action) dispatched to the store. connect() is a pure function that makes all the associated components pure so that they will only rerender when the relevant part of the store updates.
Redux vs Context API: Which should you use?
If you read the previous two topics thoroughly, now it should be very apparent to you when you should use Context over Redux. However for those that still find it difficult to make the decision, it is worth taking note of the following points. If you use Redux, then you can make use of:
The Redux DevTools extension - This tool makes it very easy to inspect your store, and debug it by performing actions like diffing and tracing. You could even replay the actions you have dispatch. If you feel like debugging will be a tough candy to crack, then this extension is worth a shot. It can be installed as a package or downloaded from an extension store and configured in your codebase.
Middleware - Middleware is simply functions that execute every time that an action has been dispatched. Redux Thunk for example, is a very popular middleware that makes dispatching actions asynchronously possible or Redux Observable that makes use of RxJS to make side effects.
Testability - Using Redux will make testing easier when it comes to complex applications because of the way it has been built.
Lastly, it is important to address the fact that Redux is not something that is dead or will be deprecated anytime soon, even in the React ecosystem. Regardless, even if people stop using it in the React ecosystem, it will still be used outside of React. React Native, for example, is a framework for building mobile applications, and uses redux for state management, while it could be said that React Native is part of the React ecosystem, this is a fine example of how Redux will still prevail even outside of React itself. Some alternatives to Redux that are worth mentioning:
MobX - A relatively new library that solves a lot of the problems that Redux does.
GraphQL - A solution for data-driven applications, it makes this possible by making it so that the frontend need not know exactly how to fetch data to get the right response.
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PixelPlex is a software development company that has been delivering outstanding blockchain, web, game and so many more development services since 2007. With over 300+ products delivered, it's safe to say that your project is safe in our hands. If you wish to turn your dream SaaS into a beautiful reality, or start working on that one idea that you always wanted to, visit our software development company website and get in touch!
✅ ReactJS is a frontend library for building beautiful UIs, state management is challenging and can be performed using a library like Redux. ✅ The Context API was introduced to React in version 16.3 and is ideal for when you need to pass data through deeply nested component trees, however, it does not manage your state for you, and you must write that logic on your own. ✅ Redux is a state management library fit for situations where testability and maintainability are prime factors. Redux provides the usage of middlewares that can expand the potential of redux. ✅ The Context API is not a replacement to Redux, it never will be either. Whether or not you use Context over Redux, depends on your particular situation.
Feel like reading more? Check these links out:
Redux vs React’s Context API - An article by Academind that makes use of a few more code examples to bring out the differences between Redux and Context.
Awesome Redux - A whole bunch of resources regarding Redux, if you want to start learning Redux, then you should check this out.
Formik - While this isn't a resource you should read about to understand Redux or Context better, it is a library worth checking out if you struggle with state management in forms.
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