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jugglefish · 11 months ago
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Memes of me
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ferrocache · 22 days ago
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you have to keep going no matter what
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jagalart · 11 months ago
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sockeye salmon
And the final guy in the new gouache fish gang is here! I mean I painted him months ago, but then, as always, I forgot to post him :'D The in(famous) horny fish!
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colorsoutofearth · 1 year ago
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Male sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka) in Adams River, British Columbia
Photos by Alex Mustard
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moonface-on-tmblr · 2 months ago
for @peach-petrichor 💋
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raw-wild · 2 months ago
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Each year between July and September, millions of sockeye salmon migrate from the Pacific back up rivers to the fresh waters of Lake Kuril, to spawn in the waters where they were born. This volcanic crater lake, in the South Kamchatka Sanctuary in the Russian Far East, is the largest sockeye salmon spawning ground in Eurasia. The annual glut attracts Kamchatka brown bears from the surrounding forests to feast on the fish and fatten up for hibernation. Following the example of the bears, Valter waded into the icy water to get the right perspective and to wait for an action moment - a real test of physical endurance. By doing so, 'I almost became one of them,' and 'in the silence of the Garden of Eden I did not think about anything else.' This bear reared up some three metres on its hind legs and scanned the water for fish. Suddenly it pounced on a female salmon swollen with roe, the force sending a string of crimson eggs spinning out of her body.
Brown Bear & Sockeye Salmon | Valter Bernardeschi
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gh0sdae · 2 months ago
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Sockeye salmon / Oncorhynchus nerka, gouache painting
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namu-the-orca · 1 year ago
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SALMONIDS of ALASKA The bane of my existence for the entirety of 2020 and part of 2021: the salmon poster. You've seen the separate illustrations, but now, finally, here is the full thing.
This entire project was a journey. I had never illustrated fish before, let alone in this much detail. I have retained an appropriate hatred of scales and fin rays from this project. But also a persistent joy from having created these illustrations, and appreciation for what beautiful animals these salmon are. Putting together the poster, making all elements fit together and - not unimportantly - making the poster fit its allotted space on the wall was an additional endeavour.
It is currently displayed aboard the David B, the vessel of Northwest Navigation who commissioned this piece. If you're interested in having a copy of your own, you can contact them. For now I hope you enjoy reading this (if you open the image in a separate tab, I made it big enough to read) - and mayhaps learn something new about the intriguing world of salmon! I certainly did.
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laurelnose · 5 months ago
*cutting salmon puppets out of paper and humming to myself* tiiiiiis the season to swim upstream and die on the hill that there are six species of pacific salmon
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sturgeonsalad · 1 year ago
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percigrove · 1 year ago
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some salmon graphic design studies.
sockeyes are weird. they are so weird. gotta capture that weirdness
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unofficial-sean · 2 years ago
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askthesidestorycrew · 2 months ago
Did any of you ever come across one of the G3's officers? And/or have you had any crazy moments during your travels?
Oh, well, Tori and I were once captives of those “G-3” people.. They did horrible things to us… I don’t really wanna say what exactly they did, but we used to be normal fish before they got ahold of us… I hate them…
They’re all no good, I’ll tell ya that.
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spiffybits357 · 3 months ago
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Here's a big project I've been working on for a few weeks: a phylogenetic tree of everything in Minecraft! It would take ages to explain everything here, so if you want an explaination of any inclusions, exclusions, categorisations or Latin names PLEASE PLEASE PUHLEASE ask me I would love to answer any questions :3
Here's the slides I used to make it since i'm aware the text on the image there is pretty much unreadable.
Reblogs appreciated!
Edit: there are some problems with the image on here aside from the quality, so please check the slides for a slightly more accurate version! Also, if you have a question check the notes first! Odds are someone else has asked already.
Edit 2: PLEASE check the reblogs before you ask a question, most of the questions I'm getting now are ones that have already been answered. But I of course really appreciate how much people care :3
Full image description:
At the bottom is the Origin of Life, which branches out into five kingdoms - amoebozoa, animalia, fungi, algae and plantae.
Amoebozoa is in pink. It branches into Sculk (latin name sculk sculk) and then into slimes (scindo uliginosus) and magma cubes (scindo igneum)
Animalia starts off in orange. It branches off into the five types of coral (Fire - millepora, horn - rugosa, tube - tubipora musica, bubble - Plerogyra sinuosa, brain - diploria). The second branch of animalia branches off to the sponge (in the phylum demospongiae) and then to molluscs and arthropods.
Moluscs first branches off to the shulker (duopartes purpur) then to the nautilus (latin name nautilus), the ghast (Exspiravita inferno) the heart of the sea (unknown latin name), the squid (Immiforma caeruleum) and the glow squid (Immiforma crepuscula). The heart of the sea and nautilus are both marked with a dagger symbol, indicating they are extinct.
Arthropods branches off to the enderman (gracillis sapiens) and the ender dragon (draconiforma finis). It also branches off into insects, featuring bees (bombus enormus) and silverfish (Lepisma saccharinum), as well as to arachnids, featuring the endermite (terminus limina), the spider (rufoculos nocturnis) and the cave spider (rufoculos caverna).
Carrying on from the branch of animalia is the sea pickle (Pyrosoma) and then the vertebrates, which are coloured in reddish orange. The first branch contains the Queen angelfish (Holacanthus ciliaris), the emperor red snapper (Lutjanus sebae) and the moorish idol (Zanclus cornutus). the second branch contains salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka). The third branch contains the yellowtail parrotfish (Sparisoma rubripinne), the clownfish (Amphiprion percula) and the dottyback (Diadem pseudochromis). The next branch contains cod (Gadus). the final fish branch contains the triggerfish (Abalistes stellatus), the pufferfish (Arothron meleagris) and the yellow tang (Zebrasoma flavescens).
Next the branch transitions into tetrapods. coming off this are amphibians, which includes the frog (Lithobates thermochroma) and the axolotl (Ambystoma mexicanum)
image desc currently unfinished, would appreciate help
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valerianodrawsthings · 2 years ago
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MerMay's 30th mermaid was a Sockeye Salmon!
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i-give-you-a-fish · 3 months ago
Happy 2025 everyone
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You all get a Sockeye Salmon
Oncorhynchus nerka
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