#neon green hair era my beloved
roastedinmarch · 10 months
i miss having dyed hair but also i feel like dyed hair doesn’t fit my aesthetic anymore so i can’t :(
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coiajm · 1 year
my theories on parx’s most recent post!
as all of us parxies know, waterparks uploaded the following picture, a neon green gradient background with three horizontally parallel black dots… interesting..
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now, this photo could mean many things. there has been a recent discussion, especially on twitter, as to what this is, some of which I have thought of in the following:
a new album? already? that’s highly unlikely. personally, I doubt it.
a deluxe addition of intellectual property? hmm.. maybe.. however, parx has never even come out with a deluxe addition, let alone really mention one.
a new demo album? this is my personal favorite, considering it does line up with what awsten has said in the past when IP was competing with metallica on some buttfuck british charts..
a new tour announcement? maybe new dates? maybe asia tour dates!? (we can only hope, sending all my love to parxies who live in asia ❤️‍🩹)
you know, all of those technically are all in the realm of possibility.. but maybe that’s not it? they do say, “all good things come in three”, hmm.. kinda like the three horizontally parallel grenades in double dare!?
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these kinda leads into the next theory..
is parx coming to an end!?
I’ve heard some theories in this already, even from when before IP was even announced. sure, it gets annoying, but it also gets to my head.. I truly doubt that they’re disbanding anytime soon, but what if..?
after all, three dots does usually represent the end of something, it also represents silence, a disappearance..
but hey, that’s me just thinking the worst, right? (haha, right..?)
a connection to fandom.. perhaps?
our beloved third studio album! our favorite hatred spiked album ! that also revolves around .. green ? neon green ? cough cough.
(if i’m being honest, intellectual property does have kinda the same energy as fandom. lyrically wise, that is. but out of all the albums, those seem to match the most.)
the STARS!
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now riddle me this, motherfuckers, why would the stars only return for the IP era ? why weren’t the stars there before fandom, now that we think about it.. and the weird thing is, the stars only came back in the era that was HINTING green .. green like FANDOM! FANDOM WITH THE STARS. BITCH!?
what could this mean?
I mean, It could easily mean that we’re just having another green era? but why would awsten repeat a colour? that’s right, he wouldn’t. would he? i’m spiraling..
I mean, his star makeup at four chord was smudged, and that was the first time too, does this mean we’re fading away into another era? another green era?
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otto was a hint all along..
going back to “all good things come in three”.. do y’all remember otto’s cheek makeup?! literally the same as the photo.
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(omg.. otto solo album 😍 he’s my bias)
(…i’m joking...)
yeah, there’s really no theory here.. just the fact that these mfs were hiding it on otto’s CHEEK. damn. sneaky bitches. I guess it is weird.. geoff had a heart (which now that i’m thinking.. could be another sign..), and otto had three dots?
my last theory for now!
this is less of a theory, and more of me pointing out the obvious. (the obvious that we never saw.)
awsten was sporting neon green all the time. EVERYWHERE!
seriously, how did we not see it? we’re so fucking out of touch that we just okayed awsten having a neon- *gags* neon green phone case!? nah.
just look at this:
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also, maybe this is a reach.. but i don’t think so.. so, our last era was GH, right? rainbow hair? well.. look at the colour of his phone case then..
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It’s red! just like how RED was the next era. so, this leaves me no choice to believe that his next era will (maybe?) be green..? again..? hm, weird..
SO. sorry if that was all over the place. this was more just for me to unrot my brain a little about this! sorry!
love youuuu 🫧
- arlo
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beefromanoff · 1 year
Going Under Ch. 5
summary: Bucky Barnes is assigned to head the security detail of an internationally beloved singer named Gianna as his next mission.
characters: Bucky Barnes x OC
soundtrack: sleeping with a friend - neon trees; phantoms and friends - old man canyon
warnings: fluff, pop star fantasy x love story, set in an AU where the Avengers reunite after Civil War, pre-infinity war, slight angst, hurt/comfort, lonely reader/OC.
author’s note: realizing this story combines all my favorite things right now...the Anakin/Padme dynamic of love interests/assigned protection, the Taylor Swift eras tour content all over my FYP, and of course, James Buchanan Barnes.
chapter list/links - xo
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Standing backstage, Bucky shoved his hands deep into the pockets of his dark jeans, watching as Gianna took the stage. Tonight’s show would be the first time she was performing the song they had written together live in concert, and he was nervous. Since it wasn’t recorded or released yet, she planned to sing it in the encore as a special acoustic version for her fans. He’d seen dozens of her shows, and every single one went to at least one encore, sometimes even more. The time she chose to do a third encore, Bucky had been tempted to walk out onstage, throw Gianna over his shoulder, and force her to leave the show. He’d held back, seeing the light in her eyes that didn’t seem to dim as she sang to a stadium full of people who adored her. He did, however, give Tom and the tour staff a very pointed warning that anyone who woke her up before noon the following day would risk losing the hand that knocked on her hotel room door. 
Several hours later, the final song faded out and all Bucky could hear were the screams of the crowd. He wondered if he’d ever get used to the deafening roar of tens of thousands of screaming teenage girls, made even more unbearable by his heightened super soldier hearing. 
“Great job, doll. Took my breath away.” Bucky winked, handing Gianna a glass of water as she walked offstage. She gulped the glass down, too parched to respond, but the look she gave him over the top of the plastic cup made his stomach turn. Her green eyes didn’t break eye contact with him as Kate dabbed her brow and another stage hand checked the settings on her earpiece. Gianna didn’t seem to notice anything but Bucky, and he almost felt himself shrink under her undivided attention. Especially knowing what she was about to do. 
Just like all the nights before, not one person had left the stadium. The chants of encore, encore echoed throughout the arena, only growing louder the longer Gianna held out. 
Tucking her hair back over her earpiece, she remained locked on Bucky. “Are you ready for this?” Her eyes showed genuine concern. “I don’t have to sing this one, if it’s too soon, if you’d rather not -” 
Bucky cut her off, tilting her chin up to look at him as he stood inches from her face. The cool vibranium felt heavenly against her hot skin as he did so. 
“I’ve been waiting for this all night.” 
He looked back and forth between her eyes, shoving down the nerves he felt at something so vulnerable about to be shared with thousands of people. He reminded himself that no one would know what the song was about, or the circumstances it was written under. No one would know about that rainy day in the hotel room that changed their relationship from contracted security to something deeper and not yet defined.  
Gianna nodded, a smile spreading across her pink glossed lips as she reached for her microphone from the stage manager standing beside her, parting the curtain. She took a deep breath, her chest twinkling with the sweat beads still illuminated in the neon lights. 
Turning on her heel, Gianna walked back to the stage, taking a seat at the piano on the far side. She was facing the side of the stage where Bucky stood in the wings, shifting his weight as he waited for her to begin. 
“If it’s alright with everyone tonight, I thought I’d play a little something I haven’t gotten to share with the world yet.” Gianna’s eyes twinkled as she teased the fans. The crowd erupted and lit up with tiny pinpricks of light from every phone rising into the air. It looked like she was singing to a sea of stars. Bucky swallowed nervously, trying to focus on the beauty of the moment and not the prospect of this song being played for millions of people via the internet. He always seemed to forget about it, no matter how many different iterations of it were scrawled down in his notebook. 
“Okay, okay,” Gianna laughed, quieting the crowd down. “This song was written on this very tour, with someone who has come to mean a great deal to me.” If it weren’t for his super soldier eyesight, Bucky would never have noticed Gianna’s eyes searching for him in the wings. He took a step forward, letting the light illuminate him while remaining hidden from the crowd. Her eyes softened when she spotted him. 
“This song is about strength, struggle, and coming back to ourselves on the other side. I hope you all feel a little of yourselves in this one. It’s called…Going Under.” 
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The crowd roared and then quickly quieted down as she began to play, fingers dancing over the keys. Bucky stood stiff and still, soaking in everything from the sound of her voice echoing through the room to the fans in the front row wiping their eyes on their sleeves. 
Blurring and stirring the truth and the lies (so I don't know what's real)
(So I don't know what's real and what's not)
(Don't know what's real and what's not)
Always confusing the thoughts in my head
So I can't trust myself anymore
Gianna sang the lines that had gutted him the first time he heard them. After such a vicious struggle reclaiming his own mind, endless hours of work and therapy to find himself in his own mind, and years of brainwashing convincing him of what he was and what he wasn’t…these words sank heavily into his skin.
Her powerful voice filled the arena, stronger and bolder than the soft rendition he’d heard in the hotel room, and the words they had written together based on his history as the Winter Soldier took on new meaning.
For the first time, Bucky was able to see his horrific past as something other than shameful. He felt a sense of pride and gratitude that Gianna had been able to take his experiences and turn them into something beautiful. Everyone backstage had paused their closing duties to listen to her sing. He heard a chorus of soft voices saying “wow” and “this is her next hit” from the team gathered behind him. 
As the encore came to a close, Bucky stood ready to escort Gianna offstage. Instead of the usual hand outstretched to guide her to the green room, he greeted her with the tightest hug Gianna had ever felt. Typically the extent of their physical contact was Bucky’s hand grazing her back as he guided her through crowds, and that was mostly unintentional. This was different. Warm, firm, assuring, full of gratitude, and something else Gianna wasn’t sure if she was imagining. She closed her eyes and relaxed into him, feeling her sheer exhaustion for the first time all day. 
They stood like that for several moments before a sharp voice yanked them from their own world. 
“Hey! Stop! You can’t go back there!” Bucky opened his eyes to see a thirty-something man in a mask running towards Gianna, having hopped the barrier and evaded the preoccupied security. The man was barreling towards them with a crazed look in his eye, but didn’t appear to be armed. Bucky rolled Gianna behind him and took two powerful steps forward, left arm rearing back. There was a resounding thud as Bucky’s metal hand collided with the man’s skull, and a second one as the man landed on the stage, unconscious. 
Gianna gasped, unable to process what had happened in a matter of seconds, but Bucky didn’t hesitate. He put his arm around her shoulders and began weaving her purposefully through the backstage chaos. Her vision blurred with fear, confusion, and exhaustion as Gianna struggled t keep up with Bucky’s long strides. She heard him talking into his earpiece, but her ears were still ringing with the sound of the man’s head smacking the hard stage floor. 
She closed her eyes and concentrated on the warmth of Bucky pressed against her side and the weight of his arm resting on her shoulders. She heard a whoosh of the sliding door, felt the cool night air on her skin, and hear sirens in the distance. 
Gianna opened her eyes to see the black SUV parked right outside the back entrance to the stadium, but the bus was nowhere to be found. 
“Get in. We aren’t taking any chances.” Bucky growled, eyes scanning everything around them. Gianna nodded and climbed in through the door he was holding open for her. Bucky joined her in the backseat and the private driver peeled out of the parking lot. Glancing over at him, Gianna noticed that Bucky’s hand was firmly resting on his right hip, where she assumed he had a gun holstered. 
He must have felt her eyes on him, because he tore his eyes from the window and looked to his left where Gianna was sitting. His eyes softened, seeing her trembling from a mixture of fear, adrenaline, and cold sweat from the show. 
“Hey, don’t be scared, this is what I’m here for. We haven’t had an incident so far on this tour and nothing happened.” Bucky tried to keep the angry edge out of his voice. Reaching for her hand, he spoke softly. 
“I won’t let anything happen to you. I promise you, Gianna. That guy never had a chance.” He squeezed her hand and she smiled sheepishly. 
“Thank you, Buck. It all happened so fast, I didn’t even…and you moved so quickly…it was weird to see you like that, so intense…” She fumbled over her words, eyes glossing as she recalled the events playing out. Bucky stiffened next to her, worried that she was afraid of him. 
“It was cool, you know, seeing you like that.” She flipped her hand over to squeeze his. “You’re kind of a badass.” Bucky looked up and locked eyes with her again. 
“Just doing my job.” 
At that moment, with her green eyes locked on Bucky’s, it hit him how important his role on the tour was. He wasn't just there to protect Gianna physically, which proved to be more necessary than he’d originally thought, he was there to provide emotional support and comfort to a scared and lonely girl. Whether or not that was in the contract that Stark had given him, Bucky didn’t care. If he was all she had, he was determined to be everything she needed.
They took a service elevator back to the room and crept through the halls, Bucky remaining glued to her side as Gianna walked along. They got to her room and she slid the card into the door with trembling hands. 
“Your bag should already be on the bed, Tom gathered it for you. The room has already been cleared, but I can do it again if you’d like.” Bucky stood in the doorway, one hand above Gianna’s head to prop it open. 
“I’d appreciate that…y’know, can’t be too safe.” Gianna mumbled, flipping on every light switch in her reach. Bucky nodded and walked into the room, combing it for anything unusual. He ran his fingers over every door frame, checked each closet, and found nothing. 
“Alright doll, you’re good to go. You gonna be okay?” Walking over to where Gianna sat on the edge of her king sized bed, still in full sequin leotard and heels, he tilted her chin up to look at him. Bucky felt a pang in his chest when he saw the streaks where her tears had torn through her makeup. 
“Yeah, yeah, I’m all good. Thank you again.” She stood, mustering a smile. “Knight in shining armor and all.” Gianna reached for his hand, weaving her soft fingers through his metal ones. “Literally.” 
Bucky chuckled, relieved she still had her sense of humor after a rough night. 
“I guess that would make you a princess, which doesn’t seem like too big of a stretch.” Bucky’s voice was low and soft, gentler than she’d heard it before. He tucked a strand of her hair behind her ear and regarded her for a moment. Gianna couldn’t read him if she tried. 
“If you need anything tonight, anything at all, just ring my room. I’ll be here before you can even get my name out.” He squeezed her hand. 
Gianna felt a lump in her throat and hot tears welling up. Not wanting to seem childish or weak for being so upset over something that almost happened, she didn’t speak. She fixed her eyes on the ground and nodded, standing to walk him to the door. 
As Bucky walked through and pulled out his keycard from his back pocket, he heard Gianna’s voice, barely above a whisper. 
“Don’t go.” 
He hesitated, unsure if he heard what he thought he did. He looked over his shoulder, still holding the room key in his right hand. 
“Stay with me. Please.” 
She stood in the doorway, illuminated from behind with all the lights in the hotel room left on. The way the rays of light shone around her made her look like some kind of angel. Some kind of sad, scared angel. Bucky let the door fall shut behind him and crossed the hall towards her. 
“Whatever you need.” 
She let out a breath she didn’t realize she’d been holding, unsure how he’d respond to her asking him to stay the night with her. Even given the circumstances, there wasn’t any way around the fact that her room only had one bed. 
“Give me two minutes to get my stuff, I’ll be right back.” Bucky gave her a reassuring look. “You can time me if you want.” 
Gianna smiled at the super soldier’s attempts to be goofy, and slunk back into her room. She wiped off her makeup, throwing her lashes in the garbage and running the hottest shower the hotel pipes had to offer. She heard Bucky let himself back in and set his bag down outside the bathroom door. 
“I’m here, doll. Take as long as you need. I’m not going anywhere.” He rapped his metal knuckles softly on the door, a random but comforting thing he’d taken to doing when he had to retrieve her from her hotel room in the morning or green room before the show. 
After scrubbing her skin and rinsing all the hairspray and most of the glitter from her hair, Gianna emerged from the bathroom in the hotel’s plush robe and slippers. Her feet ached from the extended time in her heels tonight. The excess cushion in the slippers felt like heaven. She rounded the corner into the bedroom to find Bucky pacing, talking on the phone. 
He’d turned off the overhead lights but left all the lamps on, and even pulled back the covers so the bed was prepared for her to collapse into.
“I gotta go, I’ll call you tomorrow.” Bucky said to whoever was on the other end of his call. “Yeah, send me any details you can come up with. Thanks Nat.” 
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Bucky shoved his phone into the pocket of his sweatpants, a look Gianna couldn’t help but appreciate. He was typically in slight variations of the same outfit every day. Leather jacket, dark jeans, tactical boots, various holster buckles visible from different angles when he moved. 
Tonight, he looked softer, more human. He wore dark grey sweats with a black t-shirt that read Stark Enterprises across the chest. She let her eyes wander over him, soaking in this unfamiliar look. The shirt was snug across his chest and even more so on his arms. The short sleeves revealed more of his metal arm than she was used to seeing, and it caught the lamp light when he moved. Bucky ran a hand through his hair and took a deep breath, turning to face Gianna. The dog tags hanging around his neck clinked as he lowered his hand.
Tousling her damp hair with the towel, Gianna sat down on the bed. “Who’s Nat?”
“Natasha, she uh, works with me. She’s good, we should know this guy’s blood type and childhood stuffed animal’s name by the time we wake up in the morning.” 
“Natasha, she’s Black Widow right? I’ve seen her before, online and on the news, and wow - I can’t believe you just called her up, you are way, WAY cooler, than me…” Gianna gushed. 
Bucky couldn’t help but notice how young she looked. The excitement over Natasha, her bare face and wet hair, the way she was swallowed up by the robe and the giant bed, she seemed so small. So innocent. So undeserving of tonight’s circumstance. Selfishly, part of him was glad it had happened. He wasn’t sure there was really a need for him on this tour or if Tony had just given him this assignment to throw him a bone and keep him busy. 
Now, after tonight, he knew he was there for good reason. He tried to force away the small part of him that was thankful for the scare, because without it, he wouldn’t be crossing the room to spend the night with Gianna Cruz. 
He perched on the edge of the bed, giving her a sympathetic smile. “Feel better?”
She nodded and widened her eyes to show how serious she was. “Oh, god, yeah. The attempted assault, or whatever that was, that was bad, but those heels were the real crime.” 
“You’re a real trooper.” Bucky teased. “I figured I’d just sleep on the chair, I don’t want -” 
“No!” Gianna startled him with her abrupt response. “Sorry, I uh, I just really want…I want to be held tonight.” Looking down at her hands in her lap, she fidgeted with the belt of her robe. 
“It’s just been lonely, I guess, and tonight was so scary, and sometimes I have nightmares anyways, and you’re already here so I just thought…maybe you wouldn’t mind…” As she trailed off, she looked up to meet Bucky’s eyes. When he saw the way she looked up at him, his heart melted and turned to stone all at once. He knew he would do anything this strawberry blonde little thing asked him to do, hell, he’d throw himself off another train if it meant keeping her safe. He knew that he’d stop at nothing to protect her, and that scared him. He knew what he was capable of without having someone dear to him to protect…but now? He pushed the thought out of his mind and smiled. 
“Whatever you need.” He sat down beside her, sliding his legs underneath the plush white comforter. Propping his back against the wall, Bucky lifted his arm so Gianna could crawl underneath it. She rested her head on his chest and nuzzled in, her hair leaving a damp spot on his shirt. He felt her sigh and then relax, as if she hadn’t taken a deep breath all day. Her shoulders rose and fell with her breathing, and Bucky used his left hand to stroke her hair out of her face. 
Her eyelids fluttered open and looked up at him one more time. Wrapping his arms around her and holding her close, Bucky knew that he couldn't erase the trauma of what had just happened, but he could be there for her in that moment. He could stay through the night and until she didn’t want him there anymore. 
As they laid together, Bucky realized that he had come a long way since he first started working with Gianna. He had gone from being a distant and cold bodyguard, reluctantly assigned to protect a twenty-something singer, to being the one holding her as she fell asleep.
“G?” Bucky asked softly, wondering if she’d drifted off yet. 
“Your song was incredible tonight. I never got to tell you.”
Her cheeks turned the slightest bit pink, and he saw her smile into his chest.
“Our song.” 
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nuttyspacecactus · 5 months
Trying to create myself into an Addams Family character...
Trying to create myself as an Addams Family character...
Let's go with Decadant means decay.
Create myself as a new Addams Family cousin named Decadant Addams. I am a 40 year old gay male that is a bookworm, obsessed with astrology, loves good food, and enjoys the dark side of life. I am weird, but have a heart of gold. Wednesday and Pugsley lovingly refer to me as Uncle Decadant or Uncle Dec. I have dark brownish red hair with a bright red beard, sparkling blue green eyed, pale splotches skin reminding some people of spoiled milk, and a lazy eye. I reminisce about the 80s and my early 20s spend lost in the deep woods where I have romantic trysts with a werewolf around every full moon.
AI's first response.
Decadant Addams is the eccentric and enigmatic cousin of the Addams Family. At 40 years old, he exudes an air of mystery and charm, with a love for astrology, good food, and the darker side of life. Decadant is known for his peculiar yet endearing personality, making him a beloved member of the family.
He possesses dark brownish-red hair that contrasts sharply with his bright red beard, and his sparkling blue-green eyes are captivating. His skin, which features pale splotches reminiscent of spoiled milk, adds to his unique and otherworldly appearance. A lazy eye only adds to his quirky charm.
Decadant's intelligence and passion for books have earned him the title of a true bookworm. He enjoys diving into tales of the occult, ancient mysteries, and supernatural lore. His love for good food often leads him to whip up unusual yet delicious dishes in the Addams Family kitchen.
Wednesday and Pugsley lovingly refer to him as Uncle Decadant or Uncle Dec. They appreciate his wisdom, guidance, and willingness to indulge in their dark and mischievous adventures.
Decadant often reminisces about his adventures in the 1980s and his early 20s, which he spent lost in the deep woods. There, he experienced romantic trysts with a werewolf around every full moon, adding to his mysterious past and his connection to the supernatural. Despite his love for the dark and strange, Decadant has a heart of gold, always looking out for his family and lending a hand when needed.
Asking to expand on the character...
Decadant Addams is a multifaceted character with a rich past and an intriguing present. As a cousin of the Addams Family, he has inherited the family's penchant for the eccentric and the macabre, while also bringing his unique personality and experiences to the table.
### **Past:**
- **Early Years:** Decadant's fascination with the dark side of life began at a young age. Growing up in the Addams Family, he was exposed to the unusual and macabre from the start. His curiosity about the unknown and the supernatural led him to delve into books on astrology, ancient mysteries, and the occult.
- **Adventures in the 1980s:** In his early years, Decadant embraced the vibrant culture of the 1980s, immersing himself in the era's music, fashion, and pop culture. He developed a love for neon colors and the extravagant style of the time.
- **Time in the Deep Woods:** In his early 20s, Decadant spent a period of his life wandering in the deep woods. It was here that he experienced romantic trysts with a werewolf around every full moon. These encounters further deepened his connection to the supernatural and the mysterious.
- **Romantic Explorations:** During his time in the woods, Decadant's romantic explorations with the werewolf added to his understanding of love and desire. These experiences shaped his open-minded and accepting attitude toward different forms of relationships.
### **Present:**
- **Family Relationships:** Decadant is adored by his younger cousins, Wednesday and Pugsley, who affectionately refer to him as Uncle Decadant or Uncle Dec. He often shares his knowledge of astrology and the dark arts with them, encouraging their curiosity and creativity.
- **Bookworm and Astrologer:** Decadant is known for his love of books and astrology. He spends hours in the family's library, poring over ancient texts and modern tomes. His astrological insights are sought after by family members and friends alike.
- **Culinary Adventures:** Decadant's passion for good food often leads him to create unusual and delectable dishes in the Addams Family kitchen. He enjoys experimenting with exotic ingredients and flavors, much to the delight of his family.
- **Heart of Gold:** Despite his love for the strange and unusual, Decadant has a heart of gold. He is compassionate and caring, always looking out for his family and offering support when needed. His ability to balance his darker interests with his kind and empathetic nature makes him a beloved and indispensable member of the Addams Family.
In summary, Decadant Addams is a complex character with a rich history and a present filled with adventure and exploration. His love for astrology, books, and good food, combined with his open-hearted and quirky personality, make him a cherished cousin and uncle within the Addams Family.
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woozi · 10 months
my yzaaa!! hi!!
i'm so sorry it's been. seven whole months. i saw the news about dino solo and remembered in a rush that i hadn't responded to the last ask and - well. it's been months. apologies for being such a neglectful wife. i hope you've been well <3 are you excited for dolo (dino solo)!!!!
by the way. your new header is GORGE. the neon greens and the blacks... i love it omg. another slay from my darling beloved yza, you never miss.
dsfklhdsf last ask i said it would be studying nonstop til july and then. i failed to get into uni. so now i am retaking all those exams alas.
so last time we talked about the bss comeback! but now seventeen have had a comeback too! how did you find it omg? please do tell me your ranking, i am so curious. for me it's diamond days = back2back > monster > god of music = headliner > yawn > sos (which. idk i have some thoughts). what about you though!! which songs are your fav!! which songs surprised you!! which songs do you not like as much as you thought you might! i am dying to know!
speaking of the comeback. did you see that minghao is grey. he's slaying it so much that i want to die my hair grey now (as if i'm not already greying prematurely from my job lol) but idkkkk i am no the8 i don't know if i could slay it as well as he does. regardless. this is his ERA he is slaying so hard!
speaking of. i don't know if you know this but jun is pretty much no. 1 on my svt bias line. actually you probably know that, looking back on how we met haha. but i just want to say that i think he is SHINING this era like!!! idk i've been watching all the performances and he is making So Many expressions. i know i am talking about a 27yo man but he is so cute he is my little meow meow and i LOVE all his funky expressions. also idk i know carats like to meme it but i do love that he manages to be so unblinking sometimes like. king of eye contact tbh! god of eye contact, even! love that for him.
your life is going back to your pre-pandemic routine! is that still true (it has been seven months)? it's crazy how much the pandemic wrenched everyone's lives into such different things, honestly. how has it been, returning to your pre-pandemic routines? i hope you've been well?
sending you so much love and i hope you always have happy days! it is so nice to see you on my dash again btw! mwah <333 💗💗💗
your beloved wife,
honey <3
FIRST OFF I MISSED U SAUR SAUR MUCH??????????? ALSO U DONT EVEN HAVE TO WORRY ABT REPLYING LATE 😤😤😤😤 in my heart we r like penpals and i'll always be here anyway 😋
the way dolo (dino solo) brought u back to me IM CRYINGGGGGGGGG he really is the gift that keeps on giving!! AND THANK YEWWWWWWWWW, i try i'm v honored 🥺
hoping ur exam results turn out better for u this time!! i hope you're not pressuring yourself into it too much though, i'm sure things will work out for you <3 i'm here whenever u need an ear!!
DID U KNOW I WAS LOOKING FOR A FRESHTEEN CBBBBBBBBBBBBBB?!!??! i know they heard our Cries for cock songs back then, but i'm glad they've come around their roots soundwise for this album, it's a nice breather!! also a refresher (shoutout to ms diamond days) to why i liked em sm </333
URE SO VALID ABT SOS FDJKDFJKFDKJ my ranking atm is GoM > back 2 back = monster = yawn > diamond days > headliner > sos (sorry the lyrics make me …. 🤨🤨🤨 jkdsfjsdkjkdskjds 😭😭😭 but it’s understandable eng is not their first language!!)
for the first few weeks i have listened the most to back 2 back tbh, i didnt expect to like her as much as i now do!! monster, on the other hand, was the song i was looking forward most to hearing (VERNON PRODS WILL ALWAYS BE 🔛🔝 FOR ME) and i like her dont get me wrong!!! but i was expecting to like her the most out of all the songs in the album. she's still really good though <3 HOW ABT U 👁👁 V CURIOUS ABT UR THOUGHTS ESP ABT SOS FJDKDFFDJK
NOT THE PREMATURE GRAYING 😭 ALSO IK?????????????? sumn really going on with him when he has The Mullet ngl
i still cb we went from u being an eyebag anon to my now wife all bc of silly mr jun <33 thank god for him and the svteenies LMAOO AND I AGREE SOOOOOOOO MUCH <33 it's really so good to see how he's gotten so confident at performing that he's able to add these cute little touches to every perf </3 WE NEED MORE JUN APPRECIATION ON THIS SITE AND IM SAUR SAUR GLAD U See Him
also true!! but now i have graduated so things are also very different 👁👄👁 but change really is good!! i just cb i miss school this much fjkdjdf i've actually been thinking abt post grad (med school specifically) so.... there Might be new changes w me again!! life's been a little crazy on my side that's why i was on hiatus since feb until just before the recent cb season, but it's honestly made me realize a lot of things that (hopefully) have helped me grow as a person!! HOW ABOUT UUU <33 WHAT HAVE U BEEN UP TO!! we really have a lot of catching up to do 😋
sending you an even bigger hug and giving u much strength!! i hope the days r increasingly kinder to u, and that u find little joys in every step of the way!! i'm really so happy to hear from u again 🥺 LOV U MWAH <3333333
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the-siren-saga · 4 years
Scenes from the City
It starts with thunder so loud it seems to beckon to the land, lightning that strikes into it like the sharp sting of a blade, and the land responds in kind with feverish tremors. The sky is vivid, aurora of green and blue and deep purple flashing across it like brush strokes on canvas. It seems to coalesce in a roughly circular area around the city, as if creating a barrier, or perhaps a focal point. 
Needless to say, Shanna Averil is not impressed. 
"Figures this happens on a day I have to go into work," she sighs, flopping onto the couch in her pajamas. 
Victoire looks over from her computer. "They've closed all the roads anyway. Looks like all three of us have been granted a little forced vacation."
"Speak for yourselves," Moirah laughs. "My work is never done. A client wants info on this new TV preacher who's blown up overnight, and by the Hethe, this one's a slippery son of a bitch."
"The client or the preacher?" Victoire asks innocently.
Moirah slumps in her chair, an utterly lifeless expression on her face. "The preacher. And he's so calculatedly inoffensive, can't find a single crack in that disgustingly squeaky clean image he puts on for the cameras. I just want to break every bone in his body," she hisses.
"Is this what you're doing instead of going after the real threat here?" Shanna snaps. "I'm going back to bed. Wake me up when you've got your priorities–"
Another shudder as the ground moves under their feet. Shanna scrambles for something to hold onto, and, finding nothing, hits the floor with an unceremonious thud. 
Moirah offers her a hand, which she refuses, either out of anger or pride. "We'll have this conversation when the sky's not falling," she murmurs. Crawling to her feet, she looks out the window, to the electric-flashing sky and the wall of clouds that is beginning to build around the perimeter of Taveril'domaine, and as the immense golden door begins to materialize on the outskirts of the city, she silently curses the Hethe for never allowing her life to be normal.
He can't stop looking at the sky. It's his nature to distrust anything that transfixes him so, but it's impossible for him to look away. But oh, how he wants to. How he wants to run, to never look back. How, if he wasn't obligated to stay, he'd have done it already.
"What's happening in the palace?" he asks his contact through their earpatch network.
Carine, an experienced spy in the Court, looks around briefly before answering. "They're all transfixed. Obviously. I don't blame them."
"Where's Marchosias?" he asks. "Does he have anything to do with this?"
"Ha, yeah," Carine laughs, trying not to draw attention to herself. "Marchosias Aversen controls the weather. Is that what they teach in that Society of his?"
Respectfully, Timothée chooses not to dignify that with a response.
"No, he has nothing to do with it. He seems pretty interested, though. I'm sure he's gonna make some grand address on the subject later– I'll patch you in to watch if you want."
Timothée makes an effort not to cringe. "I'd prefer not to hear whatever he has to say. Just send it to Asra, they're more able to handle that shit than I am."
"Asra's a little busy right now," Asra's voice echoes through the earpatch. A deafening chant can be heard, almost drowning out their voice. 
"Where the hell are you?" Timothée questions them. "And for the love of Ced'ric, please turn on push to talk. That chanting is incredibly distracting."
"Done, there, got it," Asra pants in response. "And to answer your question, I'm at the door. I wanted to prove it a fake, just in case it turns out to be one of Marchosias's schemes. But, uh–"
Timothée can feel himself growing impatient. "But what?" he sighs. "Please tell me it's a, like, a cheap stage prop or something. Just once, let SOMETHING be simple."
"...To tell you the truth, I'm not sure what it is," Asra says quietly, a definite note of awe in his voice. "But I can tell you one thing. It's definitely not a stage prop."
Once the sky is clear, he gathers his faithful in the High Cathedral– and not just his faithful, either. Somehow, whether due to his celebrity status both within the Court and outside it or simply due to his otherworldly talent for swaying the minds of others, he's managed to get a camera crew to film this address and broadcast it on every channel in the city. A message to all with ears to hear it, Malistrade had said when he heard about the plan. Absolutely inspired, Master– my mind thrills at the thought of what a boon this could be. Marchosias's mind is, admittedly, caught up in the same thrill.
Forgoing his usual royal purple suit for a robe of flowing black silk trimmed in gold, he sits upon a gilded throne surrounded by flickering candles. His High Companion sits at his feet, looking up at him with an expression of worship, and his dear, sweet consort leads the assembled faithful in songs and chants of adoration, working the energy in the room into a frenzy. One heart, one soul, one body, one mind. One Power to lead us, one Purpose defined. It's more than music to his ears. Their worship is as much a drug to him as his presence is to them, and right now it's coming over him like a hit of pure jacrit, sharpening his senses and making every nerve in his body awaken. It's this moment that he lives for, the knowledge that his power is so absolute and unquestioned that he could tell them to fight for him, to die for him, to kill for him and they would accept this new directive without question.
He turns his power up as he rises, just enough to leave them craving more. To the ones who have come before him, kneeling at his feet and clutching at his robes, weeping and gnashing their teeth for more of him, more of his intoxicating aura, he gives a fond smile. To those in the back, scarcely an acknowledgement is given.
The cameras turn on.
"It's rare that I address the people like this," he purrs, stepping down from the altar to create at least the appearance of humility. "The sight of this innermost sanctum is usually reserved for my truest and most dedicated servants, those who are held eternally within the pulses of my Heart. But today… oh, today is a special occasion."
The earlier argument forgotten as arguments between those who truly love one another often are, Shanna, Moirah, and Victoire are in the living room, flipping channels as background noise for a more pleasant conversation. Shanna suddenly freezes, her whole body going rigid. Staring out from the screen is the face of none other than the man she used to serve.
"No," she whispers. "Not him. Can't be him. Can't be– I don't want to go back to him, please don't make me, don't lead me into the Heart, please…"
"Victoire, scrap the current project," Moirah says in a low, cold tone. "See to Shanna, make sure she's okay for the night. Looks like I've got unfinished business to take care of."
"You may have seen the door that appeared just outside of our fair city earlier today," Marchosias says in a tone that can almost be described as reassuring. "I want to make an announcement, both as a Master of the Dekn Court and as the head of this Society, that no one has anything to fear from today's events, or from what lies on the other side of that door. In fact, quite the opposite– that door is but a symbol, my beloved people, a symbol of a new age which is beginning to dawn upon the Lathrym as a whole!"
He pauses a moment, to allow the raucous cheers from the gathered worshippers to pass. What a lovely sound, the sound of those unable to restrain their adoration of him. He smiles as he takes it in, rewarding their enthusiasm with yet another pulse of that delicious, addictive aura. The deep purple neon lights that line the ceiling pulse in time.
He takes a breath before continuing. "We are entering an age of benevolence, of wisdom," he continues in the same soothing, disarming tones. "An age where all suffering shall be washed away, leaving only the joy and the thrill of worship. An age where the true God of this world shall be revealed in full. This door is the symbol of my new era, and within it is all power given to me for the building of this world. And so I offer a hand to all of you who wish to assist me in this creation."
Kellan and Asra watch the address with a sinking feeling of dread. All they've done, all they've tried to sabotage him, and he just comes back stronger.
"We can turn this off if you want, love," Kellan says, brushing a strand of hair out of Asra's eyes. "It's okay to take a break. I know how much this is hurting you."
Asra turns away, their eyes still glued to the screen, not out of Beguilement, but out of a compulsion to understand just how bad things are about to get. "Leave it on," they answer. "I don't want to be caught unprepared."
"All you have to do," Marchosias says with a chilling gleam in his eyes, "is come to me, and give yourselves over into my hands. You have my word that I will keep you safe– in fact, I may be the only one who can do so."
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FREE Kindle Book for 4 Days!!!
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Hello, dear book lovers!
I would like to announce that my sci fi/romance/cyberpunk book is FREE on Amazon for 4 days till April 24. You can read the beginning of the book below:
The Cyber-City was breathing in its usual rhythm. Sparkling ads were encouraging its citizens to live faster, to live better, to forget about their worries and indulge in pleasures, but he wasn't happy.  Some connections in his body were wrong, and he didn't understand this city and this age.
Evans was wondering what the earth looked like in ancient times. He often liked to imagine the green courtyards of mansions from prehistoric video files. He had seen even some with forests and meadows in them; things that contemporary man wasn't destined to see. Evans imagined that he was living in this prehistoric era.
He goes out of the sunny living room into the garden, where his wife awaits him. He embraces her tightly. She's the most beautiful woman in the world, and he loves her madly and deeply. He loves her in a way that cannot be expressed in words; her breath is his breath, and her life is his life. Their souls are pulsating in united, eternal rhythm.
However, in real life, Evans hadn't seen any wild forests or meadows, just like all the other inhabitants of the Cyber-City. He had never felt love for a significant other either and he didn't even know what it was, but his heart longed for love as a traveler longs for a drop of water in the desert.
Evans was sitting at his usual place beside the window in his favorite restaurant. It was raining outside, and raindrops on the glass were breaking rays of bright neon ads. These ads stretched endlessly—all around the globe. In this era, the whole earth had become this Cyber-City. Some of the natural environment was preserved in special parks, but they contained only a very small fraction of the species from the past.
Hundreds of bright signal lights were flashing behind the window in various notches. They belonged to a wide variety of vehicles and robots, which were roaring, humming and buzzing in different tones at different volumes. All this mess was usual and familiar to Evans. It merged into one continuous blur. He looked at this world as if he were wearing smeared glasses, only the blur was permanent, he couldn't clean it off...
However, something behind the window attracted Evans's tired look. A window cleaning robot was damaged, and it had departed from its usual route. This robot was a simple one, the type which was still allowed. At that moment, it was washing the concrete wall vigorously, and, as soon as the wind blew a little bit more rain water on it, sparks started flaring from the robot's shell. Evans continued to observe the robot's tumultuous movements until it stopped completely. After that, its red signal light slowly faded as if the robot's soul had left the shell and flown to the heaven of the Cyber-City.
Robots didn't have souls. Evans was completely aware of this, and therefore he hated them. He hated them just like this city, this globe, the soul of which had departed the shell a long time ago. People here were like an old echo of the true life from the past. Evans got up from the table and left his food uneaten.
The next day, he visited the same restaurant and sat down in the same place he had sat last night. He was looking through the window again, but this time his gaze was drawn to the ground. Hundreds of floors below, the land was barely visible. People were crowding on the ground, but they were so far away that it was impossible to see any smaller details. They look like worms, Evans thought. This comparison wasn't meant as an insult or scorn because he had never seen real worms. For Evans, this sight resembled only those worms that he had seen in old video files.
No matter how many people were down below on the ground and all around in the tremendous structures of glass and concrete, Evans was lonely. He was as lonely as a person could be. Since the death of his mother ten years ago, he had never expressed his feelings and emotions to another person.
Although he was a board member of a very influential spaceship engineering company, he didn't feel happy. He remembered that, earlier, when he had participated in the engineers' work he had been able to forget about how unhappy he was, but now Evans was dealing only with document signing. It was tedious work. There was nothing creative in this job, no room for self-expression. He hated this work as much as he hated the Cyber-City.
He lived on the 562nd floor. The floor on which a person lived showed their status in society. Evans was one of those lucky ones who had never been down on the ground. He and his family had always been wealthy. At that moment, the "successful" man was only eight floors away from the last one and an elegant roof terrace.
He often thought that, when he arrived, he would open his arms on the roof like a bird who's about to fly, and then he would jump. It would be the fulfillment of his life, his ultimate destination. It was unlikely that his body would reach the ground at all. More believably it would smash against an aerobus or private aerocar, and, because of the direction change, it would shatter the glass facade of some apartment, frightening its inhabitants to death.
He got up from the table and left his food uneaten again.
Evans visited the same restaurant for years. He always sat in the same place at the window when it was vacant. Three more years had passed, and Evans was living on the 569th floor now. Just a little bit longer till the end of his life. He had decided to jump for real. The suicide from the roof terrace was the whole purpose of his life now. If he hadn't had this goal, he would have opened the window of this same restaurant and put an end to this stupid masquerade, which others called life, a long time ago.
 On one particularly gloomy evening, when Evans was visiting his beloved restaurant again, he had to face the fact that all tables in this part of the restaurant were occupied. He had to go to an adjoining room where he had never had dinner before. Even he admitted that it was strange, but he wasn't the type who liked change. The man sat in a dark corner. The most remote place he could find. He continued to sit and sit there until there were no other visitors in the restaurant. However, this didn't disturb the restaurant's usual functioning, as almost all institutions in the Cyber-City were open around the clock.
Evans felt someone approaching his table, and a shadow slipped over its surface.
''Would you like something else?'' a fine, gentle voice asked. ''Your plate is empty.''
Evans raised his eyes from the point on the table where he had been staring almost all the time. There stood a delicate and fragile looking waitress who seemed very young, but Evans instantly noticed some of the almost invisible wrinkles in her face, which indicated that she was a lot older. She had maroon-colored hair and big, expressive eyes of the same color, which were beautifully marked by thin but pointy eyebrows.
''I don't want anything, thank you. I'm leaving. Please take this tip.''
She looked at him and said, "You don't have to do this, sir. You know it's an etiquette of the past.''
''Then consider me old fashioned!'' He put the money in her hand, clutched her fingers around it and went away, leaving the woman completely confused and incapable of protesting. He was surprised how cold her fingers were. It was probably awful to work if you felt so cold. He felt pity for her...
This is the end of the book’s beginning. If you want to read the rest, you will have to get the book on Amazon. Remember, it’s free and is available worldwide. Also, if you like the book, please leave a review on Amazon if possible (Amazon has strict rules regarding this). It can be only a few sentences, but it would really help me a lot. Below I provide all the links where you can get the book:
https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07C6BDKH3 US
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sanderssides-fics · 7 years
True Loves Kiss
Kid!Anxiety AU
Plot: HC rebel anxiety teen
Tw: mild swearing, mild violence, Morality’s name @the-prince-and-the-emo @analogically-prinxiety @the-sanders-sides _______777_______
“WHAT THE HELL!?” Anx shouted in a voice no one had heard in awhile resulting in everyone running upstairs except Roman who remained snickering on the couch. When they reached Anxiety’s room, an enraged 15 year old Anxiety was sat amongst his old room that matched how his room was at 15.
“I do not understand, what is going on here?” Logan questioned fixing his glasses while Patton stared in awe. Anxiety looked around at the mixture of Neon signs, pastel decor, and everything else was black. He was confused and got up checking in the mirror before groaning, unlike the other traits he hadn’t always looked like Thomas he rebelled at some point and right now was that point as his hair was more Danger Days Gerard Way with it being fright red and chin length.
“Awe Anxi you look so cute!!!” Patton squealed receiving a death glare from the literal younger now. Patton had always taken a liking to neon-emo Anxiety. This era ended after high school.
“Prince did this, I’m going to go kill him now” Anx spoke smoothly and moved to his door and slipped easily between them and stormed down to Prince. Whom was laughing on the couch seeing his beloved Neon Anx.
“Its been so long since I got to see my darling Sceneasaur. Roar means I love you in dinosaur right?” Prince teased making Anxiety growl.
“First of all its Rawr, second of all change me back!” Anxiety was not amused at all, as much as he was more carefree during this time, he hated this era of him because Prince used to nonstop bully him about it and it still stung.
“not happening Edward ScissorsFringe” Prince said and Anxiety tackled him on the couch rolling around punching wherever he wasn’t blocked, his punches were bruising Roman but it wasn’t enough for Anxiety as he started hitting him harder before being lifted up and held close by, Logan not-so-surprisingly.
Logan and Anxiety had been even more close during this era of Anxiety because Anxiety had gotten into Poetry and Making his own Neon and Argon signs so Logan was a go-to help for these things resulting in their closeness. Logan had missed this version of Anxiety, when they actually got along a lot more.
Anxiety slightly relaxed not really controlling it as he leant into Logan’s embrace and calmed down slowly. Morality helped Roman off of the floor and inspected the bruises.
“You Farquad!” Prince used a Dream works film in order to cover his swearing from morality as he aimed the insult at Anxiety. Anxiety whimpered a little.
“You’re not so nice looking yourself, Princey” Anxiety sneered prince’s nickname with venom.
“I said nothing about your attractiveness” Prince retaliates.
“You’re kidding me right?!” Roman practically shouts and Anxiety laughs gently. They continue back and forth, while Patton and Logan try and discuss what to do.
“Prince how long till this is fixed?” Patton asked a little frustrated but keeping a peppy attitude and smirk.
“Only true loves kiss can break the curse” Prince smirked, knowing Anxiety loved the maleficent movie and watched as Anxiety froze and his heart broke a little. True loves kiss was impossible,almost. So began the series of kisses Anxiety received for a week. A kiss on the lips from Prince when forced to try and fix it, nothing -Anxiety wasn’t surprised at this news-.
Patton made Anxiety dinner, his favourite Spaghetti and Garlic Bread, and then kissed his cheek, also nothing which disappointed them both they both wanted Anxiety fixed and happy.
Logan wasn’t very good at things like this, but he tried and he made Anxiety a poem and it was Anxiety who initiated that kiss which lasted long but it changed nothing. The sides were all bummed, well, Prince was only bummed cause the wifi password was changed and he wasn’t allowed to know what it was until the spell was broken.
It had been a month now, Anxiety being fifteen didn’t change how he worked he just didn’t manifest so Thomas didn’t know he was different until a sanderssides video and Anxiety popped up.
“What the heck is going on with Anxiety, Why does he look so many years younger?” Thomas asked instantly which made Anxiety grumble. Of course Anxiety still had his deep red hair, but he had fishnet long fingerless gloves in Neon pink and orange with Neon green and black fluffy arm bands, his sweater sleeves were rolled up at the moment which was why they were vidible. Beneath his sweater was a Neon designed black Ghost Town shirt. His jeans were Neon orange with Neon yellow vans on his feet.
“Roman did it!” All three said at once making Roman jump.
“Roman what did you do?” Thomas asked, a little amused.
“Made Anx 15 again, it’s quite funny really!” He laughs and Thomas couldn’t help but laugh too which made Anxiety feel bad and try to sink out but Logan stopped him.
“Anxiety can only be turned back by True loves kiss but we’ve all tried and nothing works,” Morality says.
“That’s because true love doesn’t really exist! It’s all a big made up thing and none of you actually care enough about me to truly love me” Anxiety snapped and crossed his arms sitting his dark corner.
Thomas rolled his eyes and kissed Anxiety gently, holding his chin as much as it felt weird. As he did this and Anxiety out of new habit kissed back, Anxiety turned back to his regular self.
“True love does exist, just not like you’d expect” Thomas says and everyone looked shocked, Anxiety the most. He never expected that Thomas loved him or at least his presence let alone loved him. It was hard to process.
However he got used to it and did the video, he continued liking Neon though, he just kept it hidden from everyone. He did poetry more with Logan, helped Patton make dinner more, and with Prince…well he treated Roman the same.
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