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ofegovisceral · 3 months ago
quando a prof ver seu trabalho e se oferecer pra ser sua orientadora do tcc ai tu pega e faz o L
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vintageadsmakemehappy · 9 months ago
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1953 Neolite Soles and a very fancy salesman!
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thatnununguy · 1 year ago
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Summer heat got me DEAD!!! MELTED just like a PUDDLE...
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04032021 · 11 months ago
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mari-animates · 1 year ago
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pollonegro666 · 2 years ago
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2023/04/07 El viernes de Pascua fuimos de viaje. Paramos en un lugar rocoso donde había un monumento de la Prehistoria que era un reloj solar completo del que se conserva la estrucuta principal, que se ve en la segunda foto.
On Easter Friday we went on a trip. We stopped at a rocky place where there was a Prehistoric monument that was a complete sundial of which the main structure is preserved, which can be seen in the second photo.
Google Translation into French: Le vendredi de Pâques, nous sommes partis en voyage. Nous nous sommes arrêtés à un endroit rocheux où se trouvait un monument préhistorique qui était un cadran solaire complet dont la structure principale est conservée, visible sur la deuxième photo.
Google translation into Italian: Il venerdì di Pasqua siamo andati in gita. Ci siamo fermati in un punto roccioso dove c'era un monumento preistorico che era una meridiana completa con la struttura principale conservata, visibile nella seconda foto.
Google Translation into Portuguese: Na sexta-feira de Páscoa, fizemos uma viagem. Paramos em um ponto rochoso onde havia um monumento pré-histórico que era um relógio de sol completo com a estrutura principal preservada, visível na segunda foto.
Google Translation into German: Am Osterfreitag haben wir einen Ausflug gemacht. Wir hielten an einer felsigen Stelle an, wo sich ein prähistorisches Denkmal befand, eine vollständige Sonnenuhr mit erhaltener Hauptstruktur, die auf dem zweiten Foto zu sehen ist.
Google Translation into Albanisch: Të premten e Pashkëve shkuam në një udhëtim. U ndalëm në një vend shkëmbor ku ndodhej një monument prehistorik, një orë diellore e plotë me strukturën kryesore të ruajtur, e cila shihet në foton e dytë.
Google Translation into Armenian: Զատիկի ուրբաթ օրը մենք գնացինք ճամփորդության։ Մենք կանգ առանք ժայռոտ տեղանքում, որտեղ կար նախապատմական հուշարձան, ամբողջական արևային ժամացույց՝ պահպանված հիմնական կառուցվածքով, որը երևում է երկրորդ լուսանկարում։
Google Translation into Bulgarian: На Великденския петък тръгнахме на екскурзия. Спряхме на една скалиста площадка, където имаше праисторически паметник, цял слънчев часовник със запазена основна конструкция, която се вижда на втората снимка.
Google Translation into Czech: Na velikonoční pátek jsme vyrazili na výlet. Zastavili jsme se na skalnatém místě, kde se nacházel pravěký pomník, kompletní sluneční hodiny s dochovanou hlavní konstrukcí, která je vidět na druhé fotce.
Google Translation into Croatian: Na Uskrsni petak krenuli smo na izlet. Zaustavili smo se na kamenjaru gdje se nalazio prapovijesni spomenik, kompletan sunčani sat sa očuvanom glavnom konstrukcijom, što se vidi na drugoj fotografiji.
Google Translation into Danish Påskefredag ​​tog vi på tur. Vi stoppede ved et stenet sted, hvor der var et forhistorisk monument, et komplet solur med bevaret hovedstruktur, som kan ses på det andet billede.
Google Translation into Slovak: Na Veľkonočný piatok sme sa vybrali na výlet. Zastavili sme sa na skalnatom mieste, kde bol praveký pamätník, kompletné slnečné hodiny so zachovanou hlavnou konštrukciou, ktorú vidno na druhej fotke.
Google Translation into Slovenian: Na velikonočni petek smo se odpravili na izlet. Ustavili smo se na skalnatem mestu, kjer je bil prazgodovinski spomenik, celotna sončna ura z ohranjeno glavno konstrukcijo, ki je vidna na drugi fotografiji.
Google Translation into Estonian: Lihavõttepühade reedel käisime reisil. Peatusime kivises kohas, kus oli eelajalooline monument, terviklik päikesekell koos põhikonstruktsiooniga säilinud, mis on näha teisel fotol.
Google Translation into Suomi: Pääsiäisenä lähdimme retkelle. Pysähdyimme kivikkoiselle paikalle, jossa oli esihistoriallinen muistomerkki, täydellinen aurinkokello, jonka päärakenne on säilynyt, joka näkyy toisessa kuvassa.
Google Translation into Greek: Την Παρασκευή του Πάσχα πήγαμε εκδρομή. Σταματήσαμε σε μια βραχώδη τοποθεσία όπου υπήρχε ένα προϊστορικό μνημείο, ένα πλήρες ηλιακό ρολόι με σώζεται την κύρια δομή, που φαίνεται στη δεύτερη φωτογραφία.
Google Translation into Dutch: Op tweede paasdag gingen we op reis. We stopten bij een rotsachtige plek waar een prehistorisch monument stond, een complete zonnewijzer waarvan de hoofdstructuur bewaard is gebleven, die te zien is op de tweede foto.
Google Translation into Norwegian: Påskefredag ​​dro vi på tur. Vi stoppet ved et steinete sted hvor det var et forhistorisk monument, et komplett solur med bevart hovedstruktur, som kan sees på det andre bildet.
Google Translation into Polish: W Wielki Piątek wybraliśmy się na wycieczkę. Zatrzymaliśmy się na skalistym miejscu, gdzie znajdował się prehistoryczny pomnik, kompletny zegar słoneczny z zachowaną główną konstrukcją, który widać na drugim zdjęciu.
Google Translation into Romanian: Vinerea Paștelui am plecat într-o excursie. Ne-am oprit la un sit stâncos unde se afla un monument preistoric, un cadran solar complet cu structura principală păstrată, care se vede în a doua fotografie.
Google Translation into Russian: В пасхальную пятницу мы отправились в путешествие. Мы остановились на скалистом участке, где стоял доисторический памятник, полноценные солнечные часы с сохранившейся основной конструкцией, которую видно на втором фото.
Google Translation into Serbian: На Васкршњи петак ишли смо на излет. Зауставили смо се на стеновитом локалитету где је био праисторијски споменик, комплетан сунчани сат са очуваном главном конструкцијом, што се види на другој фотографији.
Google Translation into Swedish: På påskfredagen var vi på en resa. Vi stannade vid en stenig plats där det fanns ett förhistoriskt monument, ett komplett solur med huvudstrukturen bevarad, vilket kan ses på det andra fotot.
Google Translation into Turkish: Paskalya Cuma günü bir geziye çıktık. İkinci fotoğrafta görülebilen, tarih öncesi bir anıtın, ana yapısının korunmuş olduğu eksiksiz bir güneş saatinin olduğu kayalık bir yerde durduk.
Google Translation into Ukrainian: У Великодню п'ятницю ми вирушили в подорож. Ми зупинилися на скелястому місці, де була доісторична пам’ятка, цілий сонячний годинник із збереженою основною конструкцією, яку видно на другому фото.
Google Translation into Arabic: في يوم الجمعة الفصح ذهبنا في رحلة. توقفنا في موقع صخري حيث كان هناك نصب تذكاري لعصور ما قبل التاريخ ، ومزولة شمسية كاملة مع الحفاظ على الهيكل الرئيسي ، والتي يمكن رؤيتها في الصورة الثانية.
Google Translation into Bengali: ইস্টার শুক্রবার আমরা একটি ট্রিপে গিয়েছিলাম. আমরা একটি পাথুরে জায়গায় থামলাম যেখানে একটি প্রাগৈতিহাসিক স্মৃতিস্তম্ভ ছিল, মূল কাঠামো সংরক্ষিত একটি সম্পূর্ণ সূর্যালোক, যা দ্বিতীয় ফটোতে দেখা যায়।
Google Translation into Simplified Chinese: 复活节星期五我们去旅行了。 我们在一个岩石遗址前停了下来,那里有一个史前纪念碑,一个���整的日晷,主体结构保存完好,可以在第二张照片中看到。
Google Translation into Korean: 부활절 금요일에 우리는 여행을 갔다. 우리는 두 번째 사진에서 볼 수 있는 주요 구조가 보존된 완전한 해시계인 선사 시대 기념물이 있는 바위가 많은 장소에 들렀습니다.
Google Translation into Hebrew: ביום שישי של חג הפסחא יצאנו לטיול. עצרנו באתר סלעי בו הייתה אנדרטה פרהיסטורית, שעון שמש שלם עם המבנה הראשי שמור, אותו ניתן לראות בתמונה השנייה.
Google Translation into Hindi: ईस्टर शुक्रवार को हम एक यात्रा पर गए। हम एक चट्टानी स्थल पर रुके जहां एक प्रागैतिहासिक स्मारक था, मुख्य संरचना के साथ एक पूर्ण धूपघड़ी संरक्षित थी, जिसे दूसरी तस्वीर में देखा जा सकता है।
Google Translation into Indonesian: Pada Jumat Paskah kami melakukan perjalanan. Kami berhenti di sebuah situs berbatu di mana terdapat sebuah monumen prasejarah, jam matahari lengkap dengan struktur utama yang dipertahankan, yang dapat dilihat di foto kedua.
Google Translation into Japanese: 復活祭の金曜日、私たちは旅行に行きました。 私たちは先史時代のモニュメントがあった岩場に立ち寄りました.2枚目の写真で見ることができる主要な構造が保存された完全な日時計です。
Google Translation into Kyrgyz: Пасха жума күнү биз сапарга чыктык. Биз аскалуу жерге токтодук, ал жерде тарыхка чейинки эстелик, экинчи сүрөттө көрүнүп тургандай, негизги структурасы сакталган толук күн сааты бар.
Google Translation into Malay: Pada hari Jumaat Paskah kami pergi melancong. Kami berhenti di tapak berbatu di mana terdapat monumen prasejarah, jam matahari lengkap dengan struktur utama yang dipelihara, yang boleh dilihat dalam foto kedua.
Google Translation into Mongolian: Улаан өндөгний баярын Баасан гарагт бид аялалд гарсан. Бид хоёр дахь зурган дээрээс харж болохуйц үндсэн бүтэц нь хадгалагдан үлдсэн нарны ��аг бүхий эртний дурсгалт газар байсан хад чулуутай газарт зогсов.
Google Translation into Nepali: इस्टर फ्राइडेमा हामी यात्रामा गयौं। हामी एक चट्टानी साइटमा रोक्यौं जहाँ एक प्रागैतिहासिक स्मारक थियो, मुख्य संरचना संरक्षित गरिएको एक पूर्ण सनडियल, जुन दोस्रो फोटोमा देख्न सकिन्छ।
Google Translation into Panjabi: ਈਸਟਰ ਸ਼ੁੱਕਰਵਾਰ ਨੂੰ ਅਸੀਂ ਯਾਤਰਾ 'ਤੇ ਗਏ। ਅਸੀਂ ਇੱਕ ਚੱਟਾਨ ਵਾਲੀ ਥਾਂ 'ਤੇ ਰੁਕੇ ਜਿੱਥੇ ਇੱਕ ਪੂਰਵ-ਇਤਿਹਾਸਕ ਸਮਾਰਕ ਸੀ, ਮੁੱਖ ਢਾਂਚੇ ਦੇ ਨਾਲ ਇੱਕ ਸੰਪੂਰਨ ਸੂਰਜੀ ਚਿੱਤਰ, ਜੋ ਕਿ ਦੂਜੀ ਫੋਟੋ ਵਿੱਚ ਦੇਖਿਆ ਜਾ ਸਕਦਾ ਹੈ.
Google Translation into Pashtun: د ایسټر د جمعې په ورځ موږ په سفر لاړو. موږ په یوه ډبرین سایټ کې ودریږو چیرې چې یو پخوانی تاریخي یادګار شتون درلود، د اصلي جوړښت سره یو بشپړ لمر ساتل شوی، چې په دویم عکس کې لیدل کیدی شي.
Google Translation into Persian: جمعه عید پاک رفتیم مسافرت. در یک مکان صخره ای توقف کردیم که در آن یک بنای ماقبل تاریخ وجود داشت، یک ساعت آفتابی کامل با ساختار اصلی حفظ شده که در عکس دوم قابل مشاهده است.
Google Translation into Sundanese: Dina Jumaah Easter urang indit dina lalampahan. Urang dieureunkeun di situs taringgul dimana aya tugu prasejarah, sundial lengkep jeung struktur utama dilestarikan, nu bisa ditempo dina poto kadua.
Google Translation into Tagalog: Noong Biyernes ng Pagkabuhay ay naglakbay kami. Huminto kami sa isang mabato na lugar kung saan mayroong isang prehistoric monument, isang kumpletong sundial na may pangunahing istraktura na napreserba, na makikita sa pangalawang larawan.
Google Translation into Thai: ในวันศุกร์อีสเตอร์เราไปเที่ยว เราหยุดที่ไซต์หินซึ่งมีอนุสาวรีย์ยุคก่อนประวัติศาสตร์ นาฬิกาแดดที่สมบูรณ์โดยยังคงโครงสร้างหลักไว้ ซึ่งสามารถเห็นได้ในภาพที่สอง
Google Translation into Urdu: ایسٹر فرائیڈے کو ہم سفر پر گئے۔ ہم ایک پتھریلی جگہ پر رکے جہاں ایک پراگیتہاسک یادگار تھی، ایک مکمل سنڈیل جس میں مرکزی ڈھانچہ محفوظ تھا، جسے دوسری تصویر میں دیکھا جا سکتا ہے۔
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uncanny-tranny · 1 year ago
I'm reblogging this with the addition that my cat is sleeping next to me as I crochet, and as I've been moving down the row, she's being swallowed up by the fabric and she looks so happy as she naps.
I wonder how many animals have slept near their person, just basking in each other's company. I wonder how many ancient people have invited their animal companion to be beside them, and I wonder how many animals have slept under the fabric their person is making. None of this is new - we have all loved in this same world.
And another thing that gets me about the human condition is how we weren't even meant to survive this world alone - humans with humans. We chose to trust certain animals, to nourish them, to be symbiotic with them, to love them like we love ourselves. I think a lot of people talk about how selfish it is for humans to take advantage of animals, but I think that's too simplistic. It's closer to friendship - if you do not foster the relationship, then it simply won't go anywhere, and I think the implication that animals can't ever know anything for themselves, for their survival, is also human-centric and selfish (selfishness not inherently being a bad thing).
It's just nice to know that we want to be around people - we want to be around comfort and security and safety so much that we now have animals by our side. Every time I cuddle with my cat, I think that we weren't meant to survive this world alone; she is shaped to fit in my chest, and my arms were made to wrap around her.
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homregeszet · 3 months ago
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🧩Puzzle haladóknak 🧩 Az asztalon kiterített kerámia mennyiség csupán egy része annak, ami egyetlen középső neolit gödörből előkerült a bükkábrányi feltáráson. 🫢 Lenne türelmetek elszöszölni vele? 😀
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Miniatűr edénykék
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Függeszthető szűrő edény
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orion-bun · 21 days ago
6. Crystal
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"Here boy, these are some of your mother's first neolits, will be useful for you to practice with them, just be careful with the crystal points" Laerte, his mother mentor would hand to Orion "A-Are those my mothers?! Really?"
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s-lycopersicum · 4 months ago
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Behold! A girl!
God, I remember this so distinctively... I probably first saw it back in my game dev forum days, as some character creation resource.
I can't remember much else about it, but I got this one I'm playing with from here.
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My god... A relic from a bygone era.
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vintageadsmakemehappy · 2 years ago
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1953 Crown Neolite Shoes… The ad really makes the assumption I am already onboard with the miracle known as Neolite. 😁
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magicalgirlmindcrank · 1 year ago
Neolitic furrys fursuit that are just whatever animal they've managed to skin and preserve the hide of. That or they create something really fucking cool but don't have the language to describe it to anyone. "That costume looks amazing, Grug, but what in the Pliocene epoch is a Protogen?"
Rotating the thought of a Caveman with zero idea of what an electronic is making a protogen in my head
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ofegovisceral · 3 months ago
Oiê! Vi seu post sobre gravura em neolite e desenho gestual. Cê tbm deve ser estudante de artes né?? Libera aí pra gente conseguir comentar nos seus posts! Bjsss
aiii sou simmmmm vou liberar!! mexi em alguma coisa q bloqueou os comentários (sou novo na rede kkkkkk
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yellowmanula · 3 months ago
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 Zamek książąt Sułkowskich - Kulturalnie w Bielsku-Białej, biedermeiery, młodopolskość, neolit, ekspresjonizm, o tak wszystko to na raz i oddzielnie zarazem. A na koniec zaś: Delicja!
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halleyuhm · 1 year ago
Trick or treat!!!!!!! - @maddstermind
You've got a treat!
Here's a chat scene from Route LXVI. I had to ultimately put it aside because it was not progressing the plot in an already slow chapter, but it was fun to write, and it worked as a great character study. Plus, it marks the beginning of Liv's worst lie~~
The layout is a bit weird because I normally write my chats adjusted to the left or right according to who is talking. Here in Tumblr it's a bit different. Bear with me. There it goes:
Hey remember this convo from the neolitic era
LMAOOO where did you find this?
Got them by digging in ancient discord convos
Damn I didn't know grammar
That youre is killing me
Aw I think you were trying to spell cool
like pot8os
pot8os I'm deceased
When you used to write everything wrong on purpose
to mess up with you
so you wouldn't know when I actually spelt something incorrectly due to me being an idiot
being dyslexic is not cinamons with being and idiot
I did it on purpose!
Highzs 🎱
You are missing an n too
I don't rely on the autoccorrect
Highzs 🎱
Such a helpful tool, though
Could have saved me some misunderstandings
That one time you told us that you were sick
Highzs 🎱
And I spent the whole afternoon searching "anime illness" on Google
and getting top tens instead of answers
Highzs 🎱
But that's the reason you finally watched Your lie in April, so worth it
Probably my fave dyslexia moment
Highzs 🎱
And meanwhile Soda like
Sucks dude, wanna play some Smash until you get better or
I distinctly remember the moment you said you just needed iron and he went like what
Highz 🎱
He still teases me about it
Did you know that
In those screenshots you sent
In that conversation
I was kinda
Towards him
I'm rearesding everything
Hahaha really???
Ok you are
Hey runt come back down
I'm back
Dammit Lou
I'm going to be so honest
During that whole conversation
I thought you were talking about me
The moment you said
"You know you could tell me anything right?"
I was so abviously trying to ease you idiot
I wanted to be a good friend regardless of the feeling situation
I was so off though, damn
Awwww that's so sweet
I actually did like you for a while though
I was pretty confused
Haha no bet
I'm glad you told me <3
Even though I already knew it lmao
Me too
*uno reverse card*
Tell me who you were referring to
As that written statement proves
We made a promise for a 50/50
Anytime one of us confesses, the other has to do so
Yeah ._. but I wanted to talk about the present, not the past
The present? Weren't you with Percy?
Uhm I could be poly
Alright, intriguing
But first things first
Years later I'll know who you were referring to in that convo
Man, you already know
Say it
Saaaayyyy it
I'm waiting
Man we were rivals and didn't even know it
Good grief
It was Soda
Don't act surprised you knew it
Okay runt
Why did you never tell me
You've activated my trap card!
Same question back to you
Sexuality struggles plus one of the pivotal points was you
I didn't expect a sound answer
Fair enough
I'm returning now to compensate though
I didn't send the screenshots for nothing
If you will also tell me your name, of course
That's the promise we made so
Cross my heart and hope to die
On three?
Uhh nice
On three
I like Maeve
I think I like Gray
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artparks-sculpture · 2 years ago
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A sculpture titled 'Composer (Human Inspiration Musician Musical sculpture)' by sculptor Rogier Ruys. In a medium of Synthetic material Neolite or bronze.
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