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projazznet · 7 months ago
Track#1 from the album “Oscar Peterson and Nelson Riddle“.
“Oscar Peterson and Nelson Riddle” is a 1963 album by Oscar Peterson with orchestra arranged and conducted by Nelson Riddle.
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thepsynok · 2 years ago
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✨1001 Albums You Must Hear Before You Die Series ✨ Album: In the Wee Small Hours Artist: Frank Sinatra Genre: #VocalJazz #TraditionalPop #Jazz ℹ️About The Album : n the Wee Small Hours is the ninth studio album by American vocalist Frank Sinatra. It was released in April 1955 by Capitol and produced by Voyle Gilmore with arrangements by Nelson Riddle. All the songs on the album deal with themes such as loneliness, introspection, melancholy, desolation, lost love, failed relationships, depression, and night life. (Wikipedia) 💭Thoughts : Ever since I first heard this album, almost a decade ago, I’ve come back to it seeking solace, rather to find the words to the silence that ensues on those nights that seem to go on forever. Every track is special, every track makes you smile even after 63 years of them being recorded; but that’s exactly what they say about great art ie it is timeless. (Breathing Out) You know when you’re crushing over someone and you’re not sure where it’s going to go, you run all these scenarios in your mind, maybe to condition ourselves but it feels pretty dopey more often than not. So, here’s to your post Valentine feels. (And in case you’re happy, go fuck yourself) 🍸Goes Best With : Jack Daniel’s Black Label, that’s the one. It was love at first sip for Sinatra and legend has it, he was even buried with one. So, pour selves a large and crack open that box of cigars (cigarettes, in case you’re like me and haven’t acquired the taste for it), Yes, the one you’ve been hiding in your toolbox in the garage. Favourite Tracks: 🔥In the Wee Small Hours of the Morning, 🔥Mood Indigo, 🔥Glad To Be Unhappy, 🔥Can’t We Be Friends, 🔥I’ll Be Around. Featured Tracks: ✨In the Wee Small Hours of the Morning, ✨Glad To Be Unhappy. #FrankSinatra #InTheWeeSmallHours #NelsonRiddle #Capitol #VoyleGilmore #Music #MusicReview #KANSASreviews #Musik_Co_ #TasteYourMusic #PsyNok #Psyn0k #FavouriteTracks https://www.instagram.com/p/Coz56UEvBP4/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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stvar · 2 years ago
Frank Sinatra – Too Marvelous for Words
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(link za pjesmu) Album broj 7/1001. Hajde da istražimo kakva je veza između ljubavnih stihova o nekome ko je pre-čudesan za riječi i nekih starih rječnika.
Ako je prvi album Frenka Sinatre koji se nalazi na ovoj listi od 1001-og albuma koje morate čuti, In the Wee Small Hours, bio posvećen baladama i propaloj ljubavi, ovaj album iz 1956. godine, Songs for Swingin’ Lovers,  je pun poletnih pjesama u kojima se slavi radost života i pozitivna energija koja dolazi iz magične zaljubljenosti. Kao i za prethodni Sinatrin album, pjesme (nijedan orginial, sve su već ranije objavljivane) je aranžirao genije orkestracije, Nelson Riddle. Sve je savršeno prepakovao u sving stilu, koji se do tada uspješno transformisao iz plesne big band džez muzike i na velika vrata ušao u svijet pop muzike. Pjesmu Too Marvelous for Words (Suviše čudesna za riječi), o djevojci čija se ljepota ne može opisati riječima, Frenk počinje veoma ležerno, orkestar ga u stopu prati, nastavlja malo dinamičnije da bi je zajedno sa orkestrom sa kojim se savršeno spojio, završio furiozono, na starinski način, kako i priliči maestru.
Ovu pjesmu sam izdvojio i zbog jedne lične asocijacije vezane za stihove „... Ti si puno, previše, i jednostavno, veoma, veoma/ Da ikada budeš u Vebsterovom rječniku...“ Moja majka je bila profesorica engleskog jezika i po kući su nam se uvijek motali neki rječnici, i njene druge stručne knjige. Od svega toga mene je privlačila jedna velika, debela, knjižurina sa tvrdim koricama koju sam povremeno prelistavao: Vebsterov rječnik. Bio je specifičan po dvije stvari: na svakoj stranici je imao po neku ilustraciju za riječ koju objašnjava i za svako slovo postajalo je udubljenje, polukružni izrez, tako da si lako mogao da dođeš do početnog slova riječi koju tražiš. Dušu dalo za radoznale istraživačke prste da listaju i prevrću stranice do mile volje. Ovi rječnici američkog engleskog su se pojavili negdje početkom 19. vijeka, i ostali do dana današnjeg veoma popularni. Majke već odavno nema, rječnik skuplja prašinu na polici već više decenija (mislim da je danas prvi put otvoren poslije više od 30 godina – slike priključene ovom postu) a ja se prisjećam nekih davnih dana djetinjstva.
Da se vratim na ovu pjesmu koja odmah nakon spominjanja Vebsterovog rječnika, nastavlja sa: „...  I tako pozajmljujem ljubavnu pjesmu od ptica/ Da ti kažem da si predivna/ Suviše čudesna za riječi“. Ko zna, možda bi ovi stihovi mogli da se upotrijebe kad sljedeći put pokušate da na neki novi način kažete nekome koliko vam znači.
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velouria-records · 4 years ago
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Both of Linda Ronstadt’s albums with the Nelson Riddle Orchestra! $5.98 each Comment to claim! #Vinyl #LindaRonstadt #NelsonRiddle #Jazz #LushLife #BigBand #Standards #1980s #ShopLocal #BrickAndMortar #LoyalToLocal #NoFilter #EverydayIsRecordStoreDay #Visalia #WaxWars #VelouriaRecords (at Velouria Records) https://www.instagram.com/p/CDmoOPSpVX_/?igshid=zp1wcbn4y7ri
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monsteriousbeat · 6 years ago
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Nelson Riddle & His Orchestra - Witchcraft!, Pickwick/33 Records 1965. "Double, double toil and trouble; Fire burn, and cauldron bubble." No, not really. This is a delightful bit of easy listening, the likes of which can emanate only from Nelson Riddle's wonderfully atmospheric arrangements. From the back of the jacket: "So if you can line up the lights, the breezes, the champagne, the supper and the enchantment, we supply Nelson Riddle and you have it made." 🖤 🧙 - #vinyl #vinylcollection #vinylrecords #vinyljunkie #vinylcommunity #nowspinning #nelsonriddle #pickwick33 #easylistening #lps #witchcraft #lpcoverart https://www.instagram.com/p/Bob2YZbj4ML/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=faweurnx192q
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jshatan · 4 years ago
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It’s day X of Edgar & Malachi’s #febvinylchallenge by @harma808: Anti-Love Song. Frank Sinatra - In The Wee Small Hours (Capitol, 1956) “Look at yourself/If you had a sense of humor/You’d laugh to beat the band/Look at yourself/Do you still believe the rumor/that romance is simply grand?” - Glad To Be Unhappy (Rodgers/Hart) Just one of many “anti-love songs” on this utter classic! #vinyl #vinylcollection #vinylgram #vinylgeek #vinylcollector #edgarandmalachisfebvinylchallenge @sinatra @capitolrecords #jazzvocals #popmusic #standards #greatamericansongbook #tinpanalley #nelsonriddle https://www.instagram.com/p/CLStV26gNyx/?igshid=gd7o42pzzttn
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tornamesass · 4 years ago
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#StevieWonder “ORIGINAL MOTION PICTURE SOUNDTRACK THE WOMAN IN RED" / 🇲🇽 1984 / P= VG D= VG / $70 MXN . #NatKingCole #LesBaxter #TheFourFreshmen #NelsonRiddle #PaulAndMaryFord #JackyGleason #DeanMartin #BillyMay #StanKenton #TommySands “EL DISCO DE ORO" / 🇲🇽 1966 / P= VG+ D= VG+ / $70 MXN . #AntoninDvorak “AUS DER NEUEN WELT FROM THE NEW WORLD" / 🇩🇪 1974 / P= VG+ D= VG+ / $80 MXN . . Promoción #Loveisintheair valida hasta del 14 de Febrero: 10% de descuento en la compra de 1 disco o artículo Y 20% de descuento en la compra de 2 discos o más, aplica en todos los productos y artículos de la tienda. 15% para ventas en linea (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Etc). . Envíos Nacionales e Internacionales 🌎 . #loverecords #loverecordstores #Vinyl #vinilos #lp #33rpm #records #recordstore #TiendaDeDiscos #LoveIsInTheAir #Rock #Pop #Soul #Ballads #classicalmusic (en La Tienda Del Disco De Vinyl) https://www.instagram.com/p/CLFV643MGcJ/?igshid=ac651gw5atrq
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kari3622-blog · 4 years ago
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Sue Raney "When Your Lover Has Gone" コロナ禍で世の中が一変した2020年のエンディングです。 待望のスーちゃん若冠17歳のデビュー・アルバム!とにかく17歳とも思えない、デビュー・アルバムとも思えない、落ち着きと着飾らないナチュラルな歌唱が彼女の魅力。 1957年Los Angeles録音。本盤は、東芝EMIからの「オリジナル・ヴォーカルLP・コレクション」オリジナル・レーベル、コーティング・ジャケット、TOJJ-6004(T 964)MONO 、Capitol原盤。 久し振りの♀ボーカルコレクションNo.62。 録音評は、ヴォーカル用に購入したTonar Bananaで。とても美しい!出だしだけは、異様な感じで引いてしまいますが。やっぱり、このカートリッジは、Aretha Franklinのような迫力で圧すソウルフルな歌唱だけでなく、こうしたジャズでも真価を発揮、上手に良さを引き出すようですね。 Shure SC35Cで聴いていた音とは、全く印象が異なります。ameba blog にも投稿しましたが、人の声質と再生性質が合っているのだと思います。分解能の良さ、クリア過ぎない高音域、濁らない中音域、シャープな低音域、このバランスがヴォーカル再生に適しています。 そして、Grado MC+MONOにチェンジ。モノにはモノ、飾りがなく、楽器の音色も含め、自然です。低音域から高音域までバランスもいい。このアルバムに関しては、ティーンエイジャーとは思えない落ち着いた雰囲気なので、総合的にはTonar Bananaを上回りますね。 盤イチは、Side 1-2 "I Stayed Too Long At The Fair" をオススメしたいです。 本作、17歳とは決して思えない歌唱力、キュートな面影を残しながらも、定評あるラブ・ソングの数々を見事に歌唱。アレンジャーにフランク・シナトラやナット・キング・コールとの共同作業でも知られるネルソン・リドルを起用、当時レコード会社がいかに彼女の才能を評価し、売り出しに力を入れていたかが分かるとのこと。写真も17歳とは思えません。 1940年のカンサス州生まれで母親から歌を習い4歳から歌い始め、何と8歳でプロの歌手!となり、12歳の時に自分のラジオショーを、14歳の時には15分のテレビ番組を持っていたと言う持って生まれた才能���言うのか、天才肌的な素質があった彼女。 1955年にロサンゼルスに移った後、1956年16歳の時にジャック・カーソンのラジオ番組でレギュラーに。17歳でソロ・シンガーとしてCapitalレコードと専属契約し、ネルソン・リドルとのファースト・アルバムで鮮烈なデビューを飾ったのが本作。そして、1960年の2枚目のアルバム "Songs for a Raney Dayが大ヒット、彼女の代名詞的アルバムで女性ジャズボーカルの名盤に必ず選ばれるほどの作品に。 彼女は今でも現役として活躍、オフィシャル・サイトもあるので、興味のある方は是非! #SueRaney (vo) #NelsonRiddle (cond) #jazz #fuzey #vinyl #jazzvinyl #vinylcollection #jazzrecords #recordcollection #jazzvocal #ジャズヴォーカル #ジャズ #スイングジャーナル #レコード *作品を知るとジャズはもっと輝きます。情報くださる先輩諸氏に感謝。 https://www.instagram.com/p/CJddzdoMsZ4/?igshid=56hgslqcq1wl
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#onlytheloney Es simplemente una obra maestra de #franksinatra con magistrales arreglos de #nelsonriddle . Una obra oscura y totalmente diferente. Grabada en horas de la madrugada por requerimiento de sus creadores. La obra describe a la perfección el corazón entristecido de un hombre que deambula por las calles de Nueva York en soledad y aunque nunca se menciona la compañía del whiskey se siente en todo momento. https://www.instagram.com/p/CHIX4KXLSoZ/?igshid=sjzdynzuxtj8
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wiseblood · 5 years ago
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#modernistmondays - HBD #NelsonRiddle https://www.instagram.com/p/CA56Jb3AE_F/?igshid=yopwzskkww2r
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majapyon · 5 years ago
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6月1日生まれの音楽家 シモン・ゴールドベルク ネルソン・リドル #音楽家の誕生日 #似顔絵 #szymongoldberg #nelsonriddle #illustration #musicians #musiciansbirthday https://www.instagram.com/p/CA5nKEpF7FH/?igshid=18rsv59o2vhdu
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projazznet · 8 months ago
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Peggy Lee – The Man I Love
The Man I Love is a 1957 album by Peggy Lee, with an orchestra arranged by Nelson Riddle, and conducted by Frank Sinatra.
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thrak576isback · 5 years ago
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Frank Sinatra sings for only the lonely #franksinatra #nelsonriddle #lp #vinyl #nowlistening #vinylcommunity #33rpm #vinylcollection #vinylrecords #recordcollection https://www.instagram.com/p/B95FvrKpuFP/?igshid=scdty3cvg9bc
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mediadigest · 5 years ago
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1959 | Nelson Riddle And His Orchestra - Sing A Song With Riddle Capitol Records Cover: VG Vinyl: VG+ Small Ad Find #washheargrade #nelsonriddle #nelsonriddleorchestra #capitolrecords @capitolrecords https://www.instagram.com/p/B8EC-sFovuY/?igshid=1rv6kvu95cj0s
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recordvision · 5 years ago
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"What's New," by Linda Ronstadt, was recorded with the late bandleader/arranger Nelson Riddle. The album exposed a new generation to the sounds of the pre-swing and #swing eras. Find it here on #Vinyl #LP: #LindaRonstadt #WhatsNew #NelsonRiddle https://etsy.me/2U2YK2N https://www.instagram.com/p/B73wEeKHFzZ/?igshid=mucqliin4np2
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brads1 · 6 years ago
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Tonight's soundtrack brought to you by the incomparable voice of Linda Ronstadt. What's New kicked off a three record collaboration with Nelson Riddle and his Orchestra and what a tour de force those three albums were. An elegant album, for a more civilised age... 😁 #lindaronstadt #whatsnew #nelsonriddle #nelsonriddleorchestra #standards #goodmusicisgoodmusic #part1of3 https://www.instagram.com/p/BzXwzmWAyih/?igshid=ym7yce8sj8bl
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