#neka.cc link
pinchbees · 2 years
🌟 Picrew Neka Time 🌟
Ok so, a couple years back, I started an archive to hold onto character creators for me and my friends. But after a certain point I just kinda forgot about it, until now! I wanna dip back into updating it (when I can) and help others find weirdly specific picrews/nekas.
My list is sorted into 5 sections (technically 6 if you count the banned section):
Feminine/Fem-focused - They can be categorized as picrews or nekas that are mainly for making girls or otherwise feminine characters. Though there are some "exceptions" to the rule, such as ladies with muscles.
Non-specific gender/NB - They have options available that wouldn't be targeted to a specific gender. Having things like unisex clothes, flat chests, and/or no muscle definition.
Masculine/Dudes - Basically the reverse of FFF, muscle/masc dudes (even to the point of bara) but you can make a twink in some.
Ones with two or more characters - I think this is self-explanatory. This section and the ones above aren't restricted by apparent age or the likes.
Fandom-based - Basically picrews for a specific piece of media, such as games or shows. As of now I only really have Lobotomy Corp creators and one for Genshin Impact. Under no circumstances will I accept Harry Potter ones or any with elements of that.
Well Bee, how the fuck am I suppose to know which picrew/neka is which? I'm not gonna just go off of a description, what if I do that and don't like the art style? WELL I THOUGHT THE SAME THING, CAUSE BAM, LOOK AT THE GIF!!
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Because I add an example image for all of them!
Hopefully I can keep up with it, especially if people are interested in using it and helping out. As I will be accepting submissions too. You can either link it in the replies or my asks. If you wanna go above and beyond, you can link it AND give an example image like the ones in the doc. Please make sure you Ctrl + F and search for the link just in case it's already there.
Here's a link to the doc!
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zorosdimples · 11 months
zoro + kae halloween edition
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ashestoshadows · 2 years
Some of my favourite Picrews and other things like it..
[DITZYDEVIL] OC Maker  (Picrew)
眠る君を見ている   (Picrew)
量産めーかー    (Picrew)
量産め~か~強  (Picrew)
🍊 희귤 픽크루   (Picrew)
一些换装小游戏   (Neka.cc)
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keithsandwich · 3 days
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Neka.cc link
Picrew Neka.cc tag: @bicayaya, @floydsteeth, @solacedeer, @jozhenji, @scummy-writes
@lorei-writes, @mxrmaid_poet, @bakersgrief, @candied-boys
Click here if you want to be added.
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white-nolse · 2 months
your icon is really pretty 🩷
Thank you, Nonnie! It's from the same page as the one before (aka, neka.cc).
Here's the link!
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candydollita · 10 months
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omg!! itz meee🩷
if anyone want to do it here is the link: neka.cc/composer/11910
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akikocho · 1 year
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My Twisted Wonderland hyperfixtation came back and I thought, what if my HPHM MCs in Twisted Wonderland world?
Neka.cc link is being put here lol
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webginz · 10 months
Omg can you link the picrews?
most were not picrew but neka.cc!!
here, here, and here!!
one was a picrew tho, and heres the link for that one :3
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windose20s · 2 years
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take wisteria’s advice go on neka.cc i think
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hanandromeda · 2 years
i made a pic of my unnamed oc f/o with a neka.cc character creator!! here he is!!!
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(link to the character creator here)
i’m working on him rn but he is a Evil scientist yandere (evil capitalized on purpose) and i lovbe him <3
im gonna post more abt him but i dont know what tag to use so ill keep using the “unnamed oc f/o” tag for now
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zorosdimples · 11 months
HAPPY SATURDAY i will make it through this weekend goddamnit!!!! how is everyone? i made this on neka.cc—here’s the link! <3
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leminhchau2004 · 2 years
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I think Samson like the white birds and he got a feather from one of them
Credits to the creator this Neka 
Link: http://neka.cc/composer/12350
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wildjuniperjones · 2 years
Juniper’s Massive World-Building Resource List
(Shamelessly cribbed from a dozen different sources)
1. The Checklists
These are the kinds of things that present you with a list of questions about your world, that you then answer as creatively as you want to. I find myself continually having to go back and add to them, because goodness sometimes I just want to write and not think about stuff that isn’t directly relevant to the plot...until it is. And then suddenly I have to think about the ramifications of that.
CRV’s Worldbuilding Checklists (originally from btot.de) - obviously more fantasy-focused Patricia Wrede’s Worldbuilding Lists - a good balance between fantasy and other genres
2. The Masterlist
This link has nearly everything you can think of. It’s not the be-all-end-all, because nothing is, but it’s damn good.
r/Worldbuilding’s Resources List
3. The Visuals
Yes, there’s the ever-present AI-generated images, things such as Artbreeder or Wombo Dream, but sometimes you need something more concrete. Like maps. Or people.
Also, pay artists to make beautiful things whenever you can. AI art is designed to remove the actual humanity from the creative process, and while it’s fine for face claims or inspiration, I would never ever use it as, say, my book cover.
Alsoalso, learn a little something about graphic design. Please. Color theory. Rule of thirds. I beg of you.
Things I have used for maps:
Inkarnate - Browser-based, but almost entirely fantasy-focused
Wonderdraft - Large-scale mapping for countries/continents/worlds
Dungeondraft - Smaller scale mapping that shines when doing smaller areas, especially interiors (both ‘drafts are from the same creator, and are desktop only) There is not, as of yet, a Towndraft, although the community is ravenous for it!
I highly recommend the art packs from Cartography Assets, although if you’re going to use them in a commercially released work, do be a good human and pay the artists for their work! If you want to do sci-fi or modern maps, this is where to get your assets!
Things I have used for people:
HeroForge - A 3D tabletop miniature creator with a vibrant modder community. The free version lets you create as many figures as you want, but their Pro deal lets you organize them into folders, which I absolutely love. It also lets you save specific colors/materials to use across multiple figures, which saves a lot of time when creating folks with a shared uniform. You can even import people/outfits/poses from other figures! I’m told that facial feature modification, clothing patterns, and kitbashing are coming this year! (I’m a little addicted, as you might’ve noticed.) Best on desktop, but you can get a quick “sketch” done on mobile.
Picrew - A truly massive collection of portrait creators. The Discord associated with it is really helpful, in that you can frequently get links to creators that meet your specific requirements, like ‘must have elf ears and POC skin tones’ or ‘must have heterochromia and vitiligo’. This site got me through the roughest parts of 2020. Great for mobile.
Meiker.io - Similar in scope to Picrew, Meiker has a few treasures, including a lot from the now mostly defunct DollDivine, which relied entirely on Flash. There are a few that I return to again and again, but not many. Best on desktop and very easy to create your own creators.
Neka.cc - A Chinese-based site with a lot of similarities to Picrew, although a lot less diversity, both in skin tones and bodies. Great for mobile.
Storior gets an honorable mention because it has a ton of potential, with a lot more options in some respects, but precious few in others. Best on desktop. Can you tell I really love these things?!
4. The Organizers
It helps to have somewhere to store all this information, right? Preferably in an easily accessed database? Perhaps with links or prompts?
These are the ones I’ve used:
World Anvil - Browser-based, incredibly detailed and complex, even for the free version. I found it to be too complicated to figure out, but maybe it’ll be your cuppa!
Campfire - Browser-based, mostly focused on writers, and has a suite of options that you can opt into or out of. This also wasn’t as useful to me, since there’s nowhere to put an outline!
Kanka.io - Browser-based, and just this perfect sweet spot between bare bones and overloaded. There are specific modules you can enable or disable, like in-universe calendars, dice rollers, character journals, etc. It’s my preferred option for organizing my world-building, outside of things like Google Docs.
I also understand a lot of writers like using Scrivener for their work, but as I have Linux, I don’t have any experience with it.
5. The Rest
So, a lot of world-building comes down to how well you know our world. I love world-building because it means I get to use all my education and interests together to create something that feels realistic to my readers and players. This is a time when ADHD is absolutely useful! Chase those squirrels! I can’t tell you how many times I’ve ended up reading an article on, say, rivers, only to end up with an idea for how leylines function in my world!
So here are my top 5 recommendations for figuring out how our world works:
Sociology! - If you want to know how different cultures interact, why certain customs come about, or just how a population reaches a decision, learn about sociology. It’s probably my favorite subject, and most useful to very culture-focused world-builders.
Geology! - If you want to know how your world fits together, what it’s made of, where things like mineral or gem deposits might be or how they might form... in addition to how rivers, lakes, and “strange” geographical features form, geology’s a great place to start.
History! - Okay, maybe this one is cheating, but I can’t tell you how many times I’ve read about something in history and thought “what if it went this way instead?” BAM, there’s a premise for you. (I have an entire novel idea built around that, told mostly through a writer interviewing a famous figure in this alt-history for their biography. After seeing the popularity of Dracula Daily, I almost want to release it like that...)
Ecology! - Oh man, if you want to figure out the botany and zoology of your world, ecology is a great place to start. It builds very nicely off of geology, and covers such a broad range of topics and how each of these pieces interact with one another - like how hydrology affects meteorology affects climate affects plant distribution affects animal distribution... which of course then affects culture!
I’m going to be sacrilegious in the eyes of some of my fellow world-builders here and NOT put linguistics - not because it’s not useful, just because it’s not a field I know much about. Instead, I’d suggest looking at world myths and religions. Yeah, it’s technically part of sociology, but if you’re developing a world from scratch, the creation stories that the sentient species tell themselves can inform a lot of their culture.
For instance, the world that Starcrossed, Amongst the Goblins & the Fishes, and The Silver Hand are all set in is an alternate Earth where magic never left the land. The creation myths in this world are much more centered around humanoids living in harmony with nature, rather than dominating it. In fact, some of the human societies have a specific taboo against desecrating the earth that is taken to such an extreme that other species, like elves and dwarves, occupy that niche instead, acting as stewards of the forest and mountain because they don’t have that same taboo. Part of these myths explain the existence of ley lines, and why they wither and die out (because of excessive logging, destructive farming/mining, or large-scale slaughter of creatures). Will this ever come up in Starcrossed? I highly doubt it. But it figures into the other two VERY prominently.
Phew! That was quite a tangent. Anyway - did I get any of your favorites? Do you have something you’d like to add? Should I make this all a separate page so it’s easy to access and update it regularly? Tell me things! Ask me things! I am an open book and love talking about world-building! Tell me where you’re stuck and maybe we can figure out a way forward together! (Also hmu on Discord, I am so mediocre at Tumblr.)
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zorosdimples · 10 months
okay would anyone be interested if i compiled a list (with links and examples, of course) of winter/holiday themed picrew/neka.cc makers?
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zorosdimples · 10 months
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stop by my inbox, tell me your fave, and i’ll recommend you a cute picrew / neka.cc maker to try out (with a link, ofc) 🤍 i’ll include an example if i’ve used it before!
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zorosdimples · 11 months
Can we please get the links for the picrews! 🥺 they’re so cute
i tried so hard to find all of them—the only one i can’t find (yet, anyway) is the stuffed animal one! i searched for over an hour last night and haven’t located it. i found the rest, though!!!
here’s a link to the original post with the picrew/neka.cc links <3
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