#keith and maeve
keithsandwich · 2 days
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Neka.cc link
Picrew Neka.cc tag: @bicayaya, @floydsteeth, @solacedeer, @jozhenji, @scummy-writes
@lorei-writes, @mxrmaid_poet, @bakersgrief, @candied-boys
Click here if you want to be added.
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nightghoul381 · 3 months
A day late for Brazil's Valentine's Day but I updated and colored this picture that I made for @keithsandwich I hope you like it as much as the original sketch!
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askthekeiths · 2 months
Happy Lughnasadh, my love! *gives you a basket of peaches and apples and berries and a loaf of corn bread she baked herself*
- @maevesgarden 🌿
Thank you, Mae! I always love your baking. Happy Lughnasadh!
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floydsteeth · 3 months
Small doodle of Keith and Maeve for Maeve's birthday!!!
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@keithsandwich !!!
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bakersgrief · 5 days
Keith trying not to groan and fall to his knees everytime @maevesgarden walks in the room because he just loves her so much
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twokinds-es · 2 months
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Anthrocon 2024 TK Sketches
Muchos bocetos hechos a mano por Tom durante la Anthrocon 2024, creo que Amelia va estar tras las rejas un tiempo XD, boceto sugerido por Anthrocon 2024.
Publicar original "Patreon"
(Salu2 de Spark)
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lorei-writes · 4 months
One Sunny Afternoon
Keith x Maeve (@keithsandwich 's OC) Fluff (?) ~500 words Content Warnings: none
@keithsandwich I was wondering when may be a good time to send it your way, but then I realised there's no such thing as bad time or a good time, so... Here it is? I hope it's a pleasant surprise.
Bumblebees buzzed in blooming clover, hundreds of hairy abdomens brushing against the white petals as a swarm of bees rushed ahead to another meadow. Shielding her eyes from the sun, Maeve turned her face towards the far end of the village, last few houses flickering at the very edge of the pasture. Something flickered between the faraway trees, further than her vision could reach…
Bumblebees buzzed in blooming clover, hundreds of hairy abdomens brushing against the white petals as a swarm of bees rushed ahead to another meadow. Shielding her eyes from the sun, Maeve turned her face towards the far end of the village, last few houses flickering at the very edge of the pasture. Something flickered between the faraway trees, further than her vision could reach…
Another something dropped on her head, a wide straw rim cutting away at the azure sky above.
“You’re goin’ to get burned,” Keith said. He said.
“Thank you. But I didn’t expect to see you now. I thought you said you weren’t interested in this inspection?”
Keith raised a quizzical brow. His mind took a pause, his lips pursing to then twist into a grin. “I ain’t, but I’m not lettin’ him blew it either.”
A large hand shot up, disappeared from within her field of vision, to then come down and take away the clouds. Keith tugged the hat further down – Maeve fought him, batting at his arm, and the pin in her hair only loosened, and loosened, until the knot at the back of her head fell apart. As if a dam broke, black waves cascaded down her shoulders, unrelenting current of hair drowning out her face, even if just for a moment. Maeve pushed the unruly strands back, eyes darting around to search for the lost accessory. Too slow, or perhaps Keith was simply too fast, the golden pin glinting, tucked behind his belt.
“He should have given ya a hat, not a pin. Wouldn’t want to see ya pretty skin get all red and hurtin’.”
Her eyes narrowed at his smirk. “I could have both.”
Playful winds tousled Keith’s hair, combed their fingers through the ashen brown curls to then pull at his cape, few wayward gusts getting lost in the skirt of Maeve’s dress. Gold flickered at the very bottom of his eyes, eternally surprised as their hands touched, both of them reaching to hold the hat down… and she…
...so small, so delicate…
So fragile…
… as if she herself could be stolen from before his eyes, snatched away, taken directly from his arms, lifted somewhere, far beyond his hopes, outside of even his dreams…
Her fingers entwined with his, roots taking firm hold of his feet. Whatever he felt, Keith pushed it back, hid it behind a smirk.
“Let’s go, Blackbird.” He pulled and Maeve followed. How could she not?
Sweltering sun seeped through the canopy of branches above, horses swaying in their trot, undulating air turning dry land into a sea. Maeve brought her mare to a halt, urgent chirping of juvenile starlings luring her towards a nearby tree hollow. The entirety of Jade shone crystallised in her eyes, her lips parting as beaks emerged, starved and pleading for a meal. Father-bird zapped through air… The silence, however, was momentary, gone before it fully settled, perhaps scattered by flutter of the wings.
“Watcha thinking about, hm?” Keith asked, laughter curling the ends of his words.
“You. I was thinking of you.”
He did not need to ask why.
You've seen a typo? Let me know!
Tag List: @lancelotscloak @starlitmanor-network @violettduchess @pathogenic @fang-and-feather
@tele86 @rinaririr @keithsandwich @cheese-ception @bis-enti
@claviscollections @queengiuliettafirstlady @sh0jun @lucyw260
Tell me if you'd like to be added to my tag list :)
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bicayaya · 5 months
after keeping it a secret for a few weeks, i can finally share the drawing i did for @keithsandwich’s bday 💗
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maeve, (both) keith and myara’s cats 💘
chuchu, i’m so happy that you liked it! i had a great time planning and drawing it for you (keeping it a secret sucked tho, lol)
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askyves · 2 months
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Prince Yves, I'm so happy you could join us for tea! I appreciate your company very much.
And I appreciate your friendship with Keith too... You're such a great friend! It's good to know he can count on you.
Also, thank you for teaching me how to properly make galettes.
@maevesgarden 🌿
Thank you for the invitation, Lady Maeve.
And what an adorable teacup this is. It was very thoughtful of you to find it for me to use.
I am very grateful to be friends with the both of you. I hope we can get together like this often.
And you're quite welcome.
Taglist: @floydsteeth @littlewitty @the12thnightproject @bubblesthegreat3 @anonymousnamedhera @5mary5 @otomedad @solacedeer @sh0jun @yvies-whore @ludivineikewolf
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aquagirl1978 · 3 months
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Run Away With Me
A/N: Day 1 of my Chevalier Sequel Route Release event I know I'm two days late Pairing: Chevalier Michel x Reader Prompt: Love Word count: 1058 Tags: fluff
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While working in the kitchen, you were putting the finishing touches on a tray of beignets for tonight’s garden party. It was a special event, the first time the guest of honor was a renowned author who just happened to be a childhood friend of Prince Keith. Needless to say, everything needed to be perfect. 
You knew he was there before he wrapped his arms around your waist and whispered into your ear. It was the little things that, after being together this long, became second nature. His familiar footsteps. The light rustle of his cloaks that billowed behind him. The scent of roses that followed him everywhere. 
“Someone’s been hard at work.” His hot breath tickled your skin before he pressed a gentle kiss on the pulse point of your neck. 
Making a soft sound, your body relaxed, melting into his as his kisses grew hungry, his teeth grazing your sensitive skin as his mouth traveled down your neck. His arm tightened around your waist, pulling you closer to him. Closing your eyes, you tilted your head, further exposing your neck to him, inviting him to nibble on your sweet skin.
Trembling, you gripped the edge of the counter as your knees weakened. The tip of his tongue felt so good laving your skin, you didn’t want any of this to end. Your lips parted, exhaling a soft moan, the sound of which brought you back to reality.
“Cheva–” you whimpered, your hand lifting, fingers winding in his pale locks, holding his face close to your neck, betraying the words caught in your throat. “We shouldn’t…not in the kitchen…”
“I'm sorry,” he replied, his face still buried in the crook of your neck, his lips barely brushing your skin as he spoke, “but I’m hungry.”
“If you’re so hungry….” Twisting  in his arms, you lifted your hand to his lips, offering the warm beignet held delicately between your fingers. “Try this.”
He took a small bite, graceful as ever, his lips curling into a satisfied smirk. “Keep improving at this rate, and you’ll soon be better than the palace chefs.”
Your face flushed with warmth; Chevalier was not one to offer compliments, so this was high praise from your king. When he finished the beignet, you began to pull your hand away, only to find your wrist tight in his grasp,  his fingers firmly pressing against your skin in a way that was not unpleasant. 
Your eyes widened as he brought your hand towards his lips, his tongue darting out licking the tip of your pointer finger. Your gaze fixed on his; pale blue flames of passion flickered back at you as he slid your finger slowly into his mouth.
“What’s gotten into you?” you asked. Not that you minded the attention, rather quite the opposite. But this affection – here, in the kitchen, where anyone could walk in at any moment – was very unlike him. A little thrill ran up your spine, leaving your body tingling as you wondered what would happen if someone did walk into the kitchen right now.
With your finger sill in his mouth, his lips curled into a smirk, his teeth gently nipping your skin as he withdrew your hand.
“You had some sugar on your finger,” he said nonchalantly, as if he had not just had your finger inside his mouth. He let go of your hand, allowing it to drop unceremoniously to your side.
An awkward silence fell as you gathered your thoughts, unsure if any action would encourage more biting.
“Are you ready to go?” you asked as you noticed his gaze lingering on the tray of sweets behind you. “We don’t want to be late,” you added in a whisper. 
“No, of course not,” he said, his smile soft. “I’ve heard how busy you have been planning this soiree.”
“Oh?” Warmth mixed with surprise filled your heart. 
He nodded and cupped your cheek in his hand. “I know the lengths you have gone to in order to prepare for this event. The lunches you shared with Maeve to discuss the details. Working with Yves to plan the perfect menu. Reading the copy of Sonia’s book that Maeve gave you in the few spare moments of your day.”
Your heart swelled with pride. He didn’t have to say it; his eyes did:  I see everything you do and appreciate it. The knowledge that he found you worthy – worthy of his love, worthy to stand by his side as the future queen of Rhodolite – was honestly a bit overwhelming in a good way.
“Run away with me,” he said, his eyes warm pools of pale blue water. 
This was hardly a thing Chevalier would normally say to you. But recently, he had developed this habit of quoting lines from books you both had read or were reading. Maybe it was his teasing way of testing your memory. Or maybe it was his way of expressing himself in ways he otherwise couldn’t. Either way, you found this new habit of his to be quite endearing.
The line he was now quoting was from a scene in the middle of the book, and you were grateful you remembered it so well. The protagonists – a young couple in love – dreamt about running away instead of dealing with the expectations imposed upon them by their stations in life.
It was hard not to relate to the young couple given everything you and Chevalier had faced together, burdened by the sheer fact that he was born into royalty and you were not. It was not an easy path to walk along, but it was the one that you chose. Everything you had gone through and will go through, it was all worth it to be able to stand by his side. 
You smiled wistfully, a part of you wishing that you could simply run away with your love. Even for a day. Wishing for a moment you were the characters in the book and had the luxury of even dreaming of running away.
“And where are you taking me?” you replied in a soft whisper.
“To the stars.” He held your gaze as he spoke; the way he looked at you made you wonder if maybe, for just this moment too, that he shared your wish of escaping together. 
Even if just for a day.
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@redheadkittys @alixennial @rhodolitesroseforclavis @chaosangel767 @queengiuliettafirstlady
@queen-dahlia @ikehoe @ikemen-writer @talfollowingstuff @kpop-and-otome
@kisara-16 @altairring @lucyw260 @lordsisterxotome @umi-adxhira
@crypticbibliophile @lancelotscloak @tele86 @nightfoxqueen @melodiousramblings
@wendolrea @randonauticrap @aria-chikage @nightghoul381
@maries-gallery @xbalayage @xenokiryu @alydra @drachonia
@ranhanabi777 @silver-dahlia @keithsandwich @lunaaka @portrait-ninja
@sh0jun @ikesenwritings
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keithsandwich · 27 days
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Today I offer you adorable Picrew.
Tagging @bicayaya @lorei-writes @evansnoir @violettduchess @bakersgrief
@solacedeer @floydsteeth @aquagirl1978 @fang-and-feather @welp-back-on-my-bs
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violettduchess · 2 months
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Welcome to the Sunshine and Starlight Content Creation Masterlist ☀🌙
A huge thank you from @lorei-writes and myself for all the wonderful entries! These challenges only succeed if people create for them and it's gratifying as a host and even more as a fan to see how many creations were entered!
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Ikemen Prince
Beneath the Silver Glow - @ikeprinces-stuff (Male OC x Reader)
Colors of Sunrise - @violettduchess (OC Leyla x Silvio)
Overheard [Transcribed] -@lorei-writes (OC Viva x Leon)
Symphony of the Sky -@ikeprinces-stuff (OC x Leon)
Luloj, luloj...-@lorei-writes (OC Esther x Chevalier)
New Dawn -@fang-and-feather (OC Maeve x Keith)
Surprise Confessions -@inkys-garden (Male OC x Reader)
String of a Long-Forgotten Melody -@ikeprinces-stuff (OC Romarin x Leon)
Lunar Phase -@kaizoku-musume (OC Aurelia x Yves)
Lullaby -@violettduchess (Chevalier x Reader)
A Taste of Bittersweet Memories -@venulus (OC Lorenzo x Leon)
Bonfire Night -@moonstruck-writing (Luke x Reader)
At Midnight -@lorei-writes (OC Esther x Chevalier)
Constellations -@dododrawsstuff (OC Melinda x Chevalier)
Festival at Night -@violettduchess (Headcanons: Cyran, Matthias, Clavis and Chevalier)
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Ikemen Sengoku
Ambitious Plans - @queengiuliettafirstlady (OC Juliet x Nobunaga)
Festival Memories -@eventinelysplayground (Yukimora x MC)
Sweet Kisses of Love -@queengiuliettafirstlady (OC Juliet x Kenyo)
Magical Charms Under the Moon -@queengiuliettafirstlady (OC Juliet x Kicho)
Sweet Delights at Dawn -@queengiuliettafirstlady (Kicho x MC)
The Goddess of Dragon and Demon (NSFW) -@afi-writes (Nobunaga x Reader x Masamune)
Glow of the Moon -@otomefoxystar (Ieyasu x Reader)
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Ikemen Vampire
Constellations - @violettduchess (Arthur x Reader)
Across Time -@eventinelysplayground (Arthur x MC)
Late Night Tryst -@violettduchess (Faust x Reader)
A Dance of Colors -@eventinelysplayground (Faust x MC)
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tmbgareok · 3 months
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Back l to r: gaslight gatekeep girlboss and dj. Snappy rat
Front l to r: Evelyn sassafrass maeve, kyle sleb, and keith
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askthekeiths · 30 days
Look out ! I'm gonna steal yo wife
Heh. Everyone says that (including mod).
What do you think you have that'll make Mae love you more than me?
Tags: @mxrmaid-poet @veryinactice @rou-luxe @5mary5 @welp-back-on-my-bs @keithsandwich @lostsnowflake3 @a11-mynames-r-taken @sh0jun @floydsteeth
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daegupaksu · 6 months
IFE: ✨Keith X Maeve (OC)✨
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This is like my what? 4th time participating Ikemen Flash Exchange hosted by @lorei-writes ( @flash-exchange ).
For the lovely @keithsandwich with her ult Keith and her OC! The prompts were Firecrackers/ Sparklers.
PSA: Stay safe when playing anything related to fire lovelies~
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bakersgrief · 4 months
Very late birthday gift for @keithsandwich I hope you like it! It's short and sweet. I was terrified of making Maeve ooc tbh 😅
WARNINGS: Very slight nsfw content
Keith was glad he was the one in charge the first time he saw Maeve in a sundress. He didn't have to watch while He was in charge.
The way the straps laid over her shoulders. The cute way the skirt swished around her knees. The bodice that hugged all her curves in the best ways.
Keith couldn't stop tracing his fingers over the straps of her dress, relishing in the slight shudders it pulled from her. Wrapping his arms around her waist and bending forward to kiss at Maeve's exposed shoulder blades, using his big hand to sweep her hair to the side.
He definitely didn't mean to leave a mark when he bit the back of her neck just now, not at all. However, the marks he left when he had her bent over the balcony railing that evening, her skirt flipped up over her back, were very intentional.
"You're way too cute for me." He whispered into her ear, breath hot on the side of her face.
Maeve gasped and panted under him, clutching the railing for dear life.
"That's right, hold on tight. I'm not nearly done with ya yet."
Keith's memories of the first time he saw Maeve in a sundress were hazy. He was still unused to being aware while He was in charge.
Fortunately, Maeve was kind enough to wear yet another sundress the next time he was in charge.
"Wow, you look beautiful, Maeve..."
The compliments fell from his lips like a waterfall, a light blush spreading across his cheeks.
How could he have such a lovely partner? Surely a weed like him didn't deserve this-
But here she was twirling and putting on a little show for him to admire her beauty. Although, he was a little jealous of the dark marks He had left the other day.
Keith wasn't sure how, but somewhere along the way while she was showing off her dress, Maeve ended up straddling his lap.
But hey, he wasn't complaining. Especially when he could press his face into her soft chest to hide his blush while his fingers skimmed over the smooth skin of her shoulders and back.
It was the perfect position to give her some marks of his own as well. Keith fervently sucked kisses onto her breasts and collarbones as Maeve moved on his lap.
"Haa, I love you so much..."
"You're so lovely, Maeve. Hnn!"
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