bitchnojutsu · 6 months
in regards to the shikanejitematen fic potentially involving some d&d: i’m very open to ideas about who’s playing which class, but i do want to specify, i’m not thinking of which classes these characters would be in naruto, i’m thinking about which classes they would want to play.
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chaosnojutsu · 7 months
do you like nejitema
short answer: yeah, i can get behind that. if certain canon events didn’t happen as they did, i could actually see this being plausible.
long answer: i have been thinking about nejitema a lot. they’re a rarepair that there’s not a ton of content featuring, for better and for worse — i like that my interpretation of them isn’t colored by anyone else’s, but i also wish i had *some* frame of reference for what their relationship would look like.
(extra long answer: i’ve specifically been thinking about them together in the context of the shikanejitematen fic i’ve been wanting to write. i’ll admit shikaten has given me an easier time than nejitema thus far, and tematen and shikaneji are incredibly fun. realistically, the next thing i publish will be shikatema so i can convince myself i know their characters before i dive too far into self indulgent territory!!)
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konohamommies · 5 years
Stay the Night {C}
Continued from HERE
Welcoming someone to stay with her wasn't something that the Suna Shinobi did very often, but she was interested in keeping this one around for a little longer. Her comfort with her own body was quite clear as she hadn't yet bothered to reach for the sheet to cover herself, quite content to sprawl across the bed naked. One arm was stretched towards the brunet as she smiled at him, her teal gaze locked on him.
"Mm, I mean there's a comfy bed right here that doesn't require getting dressed again...not to mention room service in the morning. And who knows, maybe a bit more fun in the morning." She grinned at him as she spoke, not at all embarrassed as she laid there. It wasn't like she needed to hide anything from him anyways.
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chakrajutsus-blog · 6 years
meme || no longer accepting
send me 👀 + a ship ( platonic / romantic / hate ) & i’ll give you 3 headcanons!
temari regularly initiates pda just to fluster neji. it works every time and he goes red and gets grumpy and she them smugly holds his hand across the village. 
neji knew the elders wouldn’t approve of anyone not of hyuga descent in the compound, but he didn’t really care since he literally attempted to expose their corruption so when everyone’s asleep he would sneak temari into his room because he wasn’t allowing her to stay in whatever shitty temporary home she would’ve stayed in anyway. sex rarely even happened, neji wouldn’t admit it, but he just liked cuddling with her. it helped him sleep at night. 
as a joke, temari loves replacing all neji’s hair ties. he only ever has black and she replaces them with the brightest coloured ones.
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tekka-dan · 6 years
Hi love! I have a game, if you feel like doing it. So, you know how fan I am of crack ships, so what if I tell you some weird pairings and you tell me your thoughts, headcanons or why the could/couldn't work? Here they go: NejiTema (Neji/Temari). DaruHina (Darui/Hinata). YahIno (Pain!Yahiko/Ino). KankuTen (Kankuro/Tenten). KisaSaku (Kisame/Sakura). TsuIno (Tsunade/Inoichi). Ok, i went overboard with the list. Sorry!
Sorry this took an absurd amount of time, I am not very good at headcanons (I am going to do my best though!)
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- Temari would keep Neji up all night with her need for constant affection - Temari loves giving hugs (after being raised around two of the best boys, she has SO much love to offer) - Neji remarkably loves to cuddle, he blushes like crazy too- Temari and Neji love visiting hot springs and talking about training (because these two work SO hard, that they would literally be the ones to talk about WORK while on VACATION)- Neji is absolutely terrible at flirting, to the point where Temari makes fun of him for not being able to flirt- Temari would be the one to propose because Neji would be too absorbed in his pride - On their wedding day, Neji would hold Temari’s hand for the first time and flush pink in front of literally everyone and passing out, resulting in Temari having to carry him from the alter, refusing help from her brothers(I know everything seems happy go lucky but as my final ruling; this couple ultimately would not work due to their brash / dominant personalities frequently clashing)
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- They would frequently walk on the beach every day, hand in hand, content with silence - Hinata makes coffee every morning for Darui who doesn’t even life coffee or being up early, yet he still accepts it and drinks his coffee anyway- Hinata even goes so far as to count each cream she adds to his coffee, to make it perfect every time- Darui surprisingly holds it DOWN in the kitchen! My boy whips up dish after dish! - Hinata surprisingly….eats like a TRUE CHAMPION! My girl can EAT lord have mercy- Darui often surprises Hinata during her mini training sessions to offer her flowers (he’s incredibly affectionate)- Darui’s number one obsession /addiction is working out. He can bench press for miles- Hinata watches him frequently while he lifts weights and jogs- They join a gym together and he becomes her personal trainer—how freakin’ rad!- He encourages her during the training sessions, making her work harder not to look “uncool” in front of him, pushing herself harder and harder to be able to keep up with him, eventually to surpass him- The two of them bring out the best in one another without having to change a single thing (As a last notation, this couple would work in the long haul, their timid and passive natures would complement one another)
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- Ino plays frequent pranks on Yahiko, resulting in them having frequent matches with one another
- Ino surprises Yahiko with flowers every single day; surprisingly Yahiko knows a lot about flowers despite growing up in a village that never stops raining 
- Ino would style Yahiko’s hair in different styles, her favorite being two tiny pony-tails- Yahiko actually ha as feminine side; he would paint Ino’s nails and even attempts to brush her hair- The two of them would be absolute geeks in the kitchen! Yahiko would fail epically at making simple mac n’ cheese and Ino would have to be the one to take over, sending him to clean dishes instead- Yahiko is a neat freak, he often complains about Ino’s hair in the shower drain and her infinite amount of clothes laying around their room under piles and piles of shoes - Ino decorates their apartment with flowers in every corner she can reach- They adopt a dog- They adopt TWO dogs!!- Ino eventually has to beg Yahiko to stop adopting dogs because he keeps bringing more and more of them home- The two of them would take goofy selfies together while sitting on their couch in their pajamas at 3 in the afternoon (This could would be so goddamn perfect that they would make everyone disgustingly jealous)
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- TenTen uses Kankuro’s puppets for target practice; much to his disapproval 
- Kankuro is surprisingly a very good cook and often makes TenTen’s lunches while she’s out training- Kankuro talks a whole lot when they are alone together; mostly about Gaara- TenTen makes everything an adventure; she drags Kankuro through mountains and forests looking for new targets for practice - Kankuro is the “best friend” guy in the relationship, letting TenTen vent when she’s frustrated and massaging her feet when she’s had a rough day - TenTen would be the “dominant” one in the relationship because she’s not used to being waited on and pampered- Kankuro is actually very insecure of his appearance when not wearing his makeup, despite the constant pleading from TenTen to remove it- TenTen considers picnics to be high class dates and Kankuro has no problem with this (Ultimately as my final say; this couple would not work, simply for the fact they are just way too opposite and introverted when it comes to s/o’s)
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- Sakura actually cannot swim, therefore she sits by the beach while Kisame floats in the ocean - They bond over the fact they both were at one point obsessed with a Uchiha (Kisame with Itachi / Sakura with Sasuke)- Sakura’s brash nature conflicts with Kisame’s quiet nature, resulting in Sakura constantly pummeling him - Samahada favors Sakura’s chakra over Kisame’s; which is the basis of most of their arguments - Sakura often refers to him as “fish out of water” in a joking sort of way- Kisame has a very hard time kissing Sakura, with his shark teeth and all- Kisame’s fashion sense usually makes people double look them in public because he doesn’t believe in shirts (This couple would not work due to the fact that Sakura has very little in common with Kisame and Kisame is more attached to water than anything else)
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- Tsnuade gets very defensive when Inoichi starts telling people her age in public - Her biggest fear is him reading her mind and knowing about how often she’s thinking about him- Inoichi is a heavy drinker; resulting in the two of them having a blast when drunk - He often gives Tsnuade flowers inside of liquor bottles- Inoichi brings Ino around, often joking about her Tsnuade could’ve been her mother- He’s extremely good listener, after the night of Jiraiya’s death he stayed up with her while she cried herself to sleep in his arms- Tsnuade is such a terrible cook that if she doesn’t go broke from gambling, it’s because she’s broke from eating out- Inoichi wins every gambling event due to his mind reading powers; making Tsnuade internally jealous (This couple would ultimately work out. Their personalities are not conflicting and both of them would take the time to understand one another.)
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tealwindwitch · 7 years
unmeinoishi replied to your post: “You cannot fathom the immensity of the fuck I...
//it’s shit like this that makes me see the plausibility of nejitema. literally, if the roles were reversed the answer would be the same
;;--- tru tho. sassy little shits
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bitchnojutsu · 6 months
in regards to the shikanejitematen fic potentially involving some d&d: i’m very open to ideas about who’s playing which class, but i do want to specify, i’m not thinking of which classes these characters would be in naruto, i’m thinking about which classes they would want to play.
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NejiTema //I was too lazy to switch blogs again
send me a ship and I'll tell you...
who is more likely to hurt the other? Temariwho is emotionally stronger? Nejiwho is physically stronger? I feel like they are both equals, because of how much Temari has to carry that fan.who is more likely to break a bone? Neji because he is more of a close range fighter.who knows best what to say to upset the other? Temari, she’s used to using her words as a weapon, not that she ever would.who is most likely to apologise first after an argument? Temariwho treats who’s wounds more often? Temari treats Neji because she worries a lot about him.who is in constant need of comfort? Temari, she has been plagued quite a bit by nightmares lately.who gets more jealous? Nejiwho’s most likely to walk out on the other? Temari, for sure.who will propose? Nejiwho has the most difficult parents? What parents? No but seriously, what parents... I can’t answer this one.who initiates hand-holding when they’re out in public? Nejiwho comes up for the other all the time? I’m not sure I understand this one in all honesty, so I won’t answer. who hogs the blankets? Temari, definitely. who gets more sad? Temariwho is better at cheering the other up? Neji, he’s good with words and he knows sometimes words aren’t needed.who’s the one that playfully slaps the other all the time after they make silly jokes? Temariwho is more streetwise? Nejiwho is more wise? Depends. Tactics would be Temari I assume seeing as that is her strong point.who’s the shyest? Temariwho boasts about the other more? Neji?who sits on who’s lap? Temari sits on Neji’s lap
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chakrajutsus-blog · 6 years
Give me the title of a series and I’ll fill out the list || accepting
Favorite character: Nagato Uzumaki
Worst character: tbh probably Madara
OTP: oh boy, i have to pick one?? uuuuuh… maybe saisaku
NOTP: probably narusasu tbh. i don’t hate it, i’ve just seen so much of it i don’t want to see it anymore.
Greatest emotional moment: yahiko’s death. fite me.
Most excitable moment: oh sai fighting his brother!!
Favorite series trope: oh def the hilarious filler moments where sai does weird things that are way too intimate in the name of making friends
Series pet peeve: sai’s constant disappearing when they don’t want him in the plot
Opinion on the writing: it’s sloppy at times, but can be good when he wants it to be
Overall review of series: solid like 7/10
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@doitforyourbigsister​ | (X)
Temari’s arms crossed over her chest as she watched him, her eyes narrowed as she watched him. “You tried to hide those wounds from me. You know how I feel about that.” She muttered, keeping her eyes averted from his
“Because this is how you act, you’re my girlfriend, not my mother. You know that we work dangerous jobs, but refuse to calm down when the inevitable happens.” God, she better reward him for all of this, because he was tired of dealing with this already.
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anekiscribbles · 11 years
NejiTema prompt
Argue: A drabble (main or AU) about our characters arguing about something.
"You're an asshole Hyuuga!"
"Must you always result to name calling."
"It's not name calling when it's the truth."
"Oh don't act childish."
"I'm not being childish! You're the one that's being the childish one here!"
"I'm not asking for much, you know?"
"Neither AM I!"
"It's five percent Temari... you can't expect me to be okay with that."
"Don't give me that tone Neji. I won't feel guilty, you can't make me."
"I'm not trying to make you feel guilty, I'm trying to make you understand."
"I can do this Neji! You're just doubting my abilities, I'm not less capable of you, you know!"
"I never said you were! God, Temari! Can't you just understand I worry about you. A five percent survival rate for a solo mission is not a lot."
"I am the only one who can lift the one percent to five."
"I don't want to lose you."
"You won't, don't you trust me?"
"I do."
"You look like hell you know,"
"What did you expect? It was a five percent, you couldn't expect me to come home without a few scratches."
"You came back with a fractured skull, countless broken bones and internal bleeding. That's not a few scratches."
"I came back alive didn't I?"
"Yes, yes you did."
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femprussiafan-blog · 12 years
100 Theme Challenge: NejiTema
1: Home Temari brushed out her shoulder length golden hair and tied it back in to a low ponytail. She sighed, feeling lonely, as she prepared for the long day. She touched her plump stomach, thinking of the father of her child. Neji had been gone for quite a while on a mission and Temari was starting to worry about him. It never took him and his team this long to complete a mission, even if his other two teammates were still Chūnin. Temari ventured out of her new home, she recently moved from Suna to Konoha to be with Neji, and looked at her to-do list. It was a bit hard adjusting to the new environment and acting as a housewife instead of a ninja. But she was determined to make the best of it. As she walked through the streets, she ran into several familiar faces that she knew since quite a while back. There was Naruto and Shion with their twin sons, Sai and Ino with their little son, and finally Shikamaru with Sakura and their daughter. Seeing all these faces made Temari feel better about going out and about this new place. She looked through several stores, looking for the perfect ingredients to make her favorite meal,Kenchin soup. She nearly drooled thinking of the smells and tastes. The ladies at the stores were very kind to her and gave her directions to other places. After that task, she went home and cleaned the house a bit, even though it was already clean enough. She knew how Neji wanted everything to be in order and perfect. Doing these simple chores and tasks comforted Temari, and thought it wasn't so bad living in this new place, though she had been there several times before. No matter how much she visited Konoha before, she never knew that she would actually move here. What was even more shocking was that she was living with one of the Konoha ninja, and actually engaged. Even with those past thoughts she couldn't be more happier anywhere else.
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@doitforyourbigsister​ | (X)
Send me a ۵ and my character will react to having your character come up behind them and start kissing their shoulder up their neck. 
Temari hummed softly, opening her eyes from a light sleep as she felt the man behind her, felt her shoulder and along her neck being kissed. “Well, good morning to you too, Neji.” Her voice was still soft, and a bit scratchy from sleep, though she couldn’t complain about this wake-up call. 
Neji didn’t stop or even slow down in the slightest. He hummed gently against her skin as she spoke, continuing to drag her lips along her skin. He wrapped his arms tightly around her and he continued his lust-driven kissing.
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