crowofthemurder-blog · 10 years
//Oooooo a bae returns and gives me the squeeeees
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fuzzybrowss-blog · 11 years
Send ✆ for a morning text
To: Neji
[4:30 AM] Were you serious about wanting to climb the Kage mountain this morning?
[4:34 AM] Because I have been waiting here half an hour.
[4:40 AM] I am beginning to think you were not serious.
Send ✉ for a text that wasn’t sent
To: Neji
[Draft saved @ 2:30 PM] I wish I could say my child-like need to impress you at every turn has died in our age. But it has not. It never will. When will you see me as your equal? That is all I want. It is all I have ever wanted.
Send ☏ for a loving text
To: Neji
[12:14 PM] Thank you for coming to my aid when my tongue became stuck to the ice-box this afternoon! I promise ‘not to speak of it again’, just like you asked! You are truly my best rival!
[12:15 PM] Oh…but I am speaking of it again now, right? Whoops! 
Send ⁇ for a drunk text
(There is no text, Lee’s hands have crushed the phone into oblivion. trying to locate Neji’s ringtone)
Send ø for a late night text
To: Neji
[1:37 AM] Do you think I would look good in a dress?
[1:38 AM] I have always wondered. Why are girls only allowed to wear them? They seem very comfortable to me.
[1:43 AM] Did you get my last text? I can not sleep, I am very curious to know this anwer.
[1:45 AM] Neeeejjjiiiiiiii.
Send ✘ for a hateful text
To: Neji
[10:12 AM] I know I am not as gifted as you Neji, but you do not have to be so rude to me whenever we face each other in battle. You are my eternal rival, not my enemy, and I do not like being treated as such! Know your words can sting worse than your gentle fist, sometimes. 
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anekiscribbles · 11 years
NejiTema prompt
Argue: A drabble (main or AU) about our characters arguing about something.
"You're an asshole Hyuuga!"
"Must you always result to name calling."
"It's not name calling when it's the truth."
"Oh don't act childish."
"I'm not being childish! You're the one that's being the childish one here!"
"I'm not asking for much, you know?"
"Neither AM I!"
"It's five percent Temari... you can't expect me to be okay with that."
"Don't give me that tone Neji. I won't feel guilty, you can't make me."
"I'm not trying to make you feel guilty, I'm trying to make you understand."
"I can do this Neji! You're just doubting my abilities, I'm not less capable of you, you know!"
"I never said you were! God, Temari! Can't you just understand I worry about you. A five percent survival rate for a solo mission is not a lot."
"I am the only one who can lift the one percent to five."
"I don't want to lose you."
"You won't, don't you trust me?"
"I do."
"You look like hell you know,"
"What did you expect? It was a five percent, you couldn't expect me to come home without a few scratches."
"You came back with a fractured skull, countless broken bones and internal bleeding. That's not a few scratches."
"I came back alive didn't I?"
"Yes, yes you did."
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anekiscribbles · 11 years
NejiTema prompt
Sleep: I’ll write a drabble of my character snuggling in bed with yours.
If Temari thought desert nights in Suna were cold, it was nothing compared to the freezing nights in the country of snow.
"Move over, Hyuuga." The blonde hissed at the male Shinobi in bed as she clutched her three blankets around her body. Of course the place they were staying it just had to have a heating problem.
All Temari had wanted after completely successful mission was to power down and get some we deserved rest. Instead she was now exhausted and cold. The cold floor under her feet didn't help either.
Neji peeked up at the female with an amused quirk of his eyebrow. It was entertaining seeing the usually headstrong Kunoichi, clutching the blankets as if her life depended on it standing by his bed. His lips quirked upward as he shifted across the bed and reached out for her wrist with one hand to tug her down.
"We could get caught by the others you know." He told her as she climbed onto the bed eagerly cover them with blankets. 
"Shut up, Hyuuga!" Was her response as she tangled herself with him, pressing her icy skin against his causing him to hiss at the cold but quickly wrapped his own arms around her pulling her in closer. 
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angelmaechxn-archive · 11 years
I love you guys. Thanks for everything
There are so many things upsetting me right now. A lot of things i really rather not talk about here on the internet. But one thing i will tell you is how hurt i am by my supposed "best friend" who gave up everything for some stupid guy, even tho she knows the poop i go through. I dont have many 'close friends' IRL so losing her pretty much breaks anymore sense that i have left. Anyways my point it, i want to thank all the amazing friends i have here. I love every single one of you. Special mention for Shalia-chan for all the BanMae that makes me squeal like a freakin fangirl. Idk how you find time to RP with me everyday ♡ For Nessa-Oneechan who talks to me every stinking day. I have no idea how you put up with my crazy. You really are the older sister ive always wanted. Ate Stephy who i know is so busy but still finds time to talk to me when she can. And for all the NejiMae! Omg here comes the lovin ♡ hehe. Mama Jazz just for making me laugh. Just omg i you cray cray but im cray cray so i guess that really makes you my mama. Oh and theres my crazy evil Imouto who loves me sometimes =3= kissies for you Danny bby! Omg theres so many more. Theres my Unnie! More NejiMae there lol. And effortlessshikamaru (idk if you want your name out in the open lol) and my bby Jadey and Vi-chan and Jaz-chan and Lina-chan and just everyone. omg so many people. Just every single person who follows me or whos ever talked to me ever. I LOVE YOU GUYS SO MUCH. YOU ARE MORE THAN FRIENDS. YOU ARE MY FAMILY NOW. Im so grateful to have you guys. You dont even know how much you guys have helped me get through some really tough times. Its just.. thank you so much. Thank you thank you thank you. I love you so much. ♡♡♡
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OH MY GOD. THEY'RE EVERYWHERE. it's amazing (cant see if I've typed this right though...)
[Exactly why I’m not keeping this new addition. You won’t be able to read anything on my blog.]
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dangerous-buns · 11 years
-Notices Tenten has lost her towel- I swear every time I'm near you, you end up naked. -smirks-
Although shivering from lack of clothing she turned bright red upon realising the source of the voice; wondering if he was purposely acting seductive in her moment of vulnerability. “Y-You’re so cruel, Hyuga..” However much she tried to pout she couldn’t help but let a slip of a smile escape onto her lips. 
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anekiscribbles · 11 years
NejiTema Prompt
Hug Me: My character will hug yours. Either by surprise or for a specific reason.
He was in full focus, she knew this of the way his shoulders tensed as he stood over the table, eyes roaming over the mass of papers in front of him.
Temari stood at the doorway of the deserted cryptology, deserted except for the Hyuuga over working himself. He didn't know she was arriving to Konoha today, she had decided to surprise him. It had been a couple of months since they last saw each other.
Her eyes quickly scanned the room confirming it's almost empty state before strutting over to the Hyuuga from behind and wrapping her arms around his waist. Fuck it, she missed him. His body tensed for a second before relaxing into the embrace.
"I didn't know you were coming to konoha today." His voice broke the silence as he took her hand in his and lifted it up to kiss her wrists.
"Surprise." She replied with an obvious smile on her lips.
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angelmaechxn-archive · 11 years
eightbirdsflyingfree replied to your post: - hands ✉ to Mae-
//Well then.
"Th-thank you Neji~" *smiles* "What's this for?"
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dangerous-buns · 11 years
// From what i gather from Tenten’s character, she’s capable of gelling with all types of Characters and is able to bond very easily with whomever she comes by. 
I act rather weirdly 193750% of the time so i’m basically grateful for anybody who comes and says hi..maybe i just force friendships, but i think i do pretty well at trapping them in my web, bwahahhaahaha
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mindwalkerninja · 11 years
5 YEARS I HAVE WAITED FOR THIS MOMENT, TO BE REUNITED WITH YOU AND YOUR AMAZING RP WAYS. *cough* I mean I missed you ;~; -runs into your arms-
Aiiishhhh, Ramen-Senseiiiii!! I missed you tooo!! You are my rp sensei. uv u
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anekiscribbles · 11 years
NejiTema Prompt
Goodbye: A drabble (main or AU) about our characters saying goodbye to one another.
"This is stupid." Temari spoke out loud as she headed towards the Konoha gates side by side with Neji. "You going to miss me, Temari?" Her companion responded with cock of his eyebrow and a hint of a smirk. And her response came out with a snort, even though it was true. Both of them would miss each other, and they each knew that.
But that was the disadvantage of being in a relationship with someone who lived in a different country, especially when you were a shinobi. Both their hands kept by their side, or hidden in pockets like their relationship. With a situation like theirs, family politics would get involved if people found out. So they had both decided on keeping their relationship on the down low. Of course this made their time together extremely limited.
And once more for what felt like the hundredth time they were at the city gates having to say good bye. Of course back at where the Suna kunoichi was staying, they had their 'real' good bye. Kisses that could bot be exchanged here out in the open, were done in her room a long with a little something extra that Temari hid with the high collar of her dress.
But now they stood face to face for one last exchange before Temari headed back to Suna.
"I'll see you around then, Hyuuga." Temari finally broke the silence before turning her back at him, starting to walk away.
"Temari, keep yourself safe."
The said Kunoichi looked back at the Hyuuga a small smile ghosting across her lips. Her teal eyes saying the same words right back at him before she leapt of into the trees.
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angelmaechxn-archive · 11 years
- hands ✉ to Mae-
“Thank you” *blushes*
//idk if that’s from Mun or Neji but same expression anyway lol
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chibi-buns-blog · 12 years
Reply masterpost.
I owe:
No one, yay~
Who owes me:
And that's all I can remember.
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