untilfajr · 21 hours
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I have over 10,000 unread emails cluttering my inbox, untouched for years. Today, I feel an irresistible urge to finally clear it out. While this may not be the root cause of my downfalls (who am I kidding?), I can't help but wonder if, subconsciously, it has weighed on me for all this time. Perhaps, this marks the beginning of a new chapter for me—a person who is organized, punctual, and no longer plagued by procrastination.
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untilfajr · 22 hours
“What’s the worst thing I’ve stolen? Probably little pieces of other people’s lives. Where I’ve either wasted their time or hurt them in some way. That’s the worst thing you can steal, the time of other people. You just can’t get that back.”
— Unknown
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untilfajr · 22 hours
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untilfajr · 1 day
I have over 10,000 unread emails cluttering my inbox, untouched for years. Today, I feel an irresistible urge to finally clear it out. While this may not be the root cause of my downfalls (who am I kidding?), I can't help but wonder if, subconsciously, it has weighed on me for all this time. Perhaps, this marks the beginning of a new chapter for me—a person who is organized, punctual, and no longer plagued by procrastination.
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untilfajr · 2 days
I saw people do this & adopted it myself, and it’s actually been super helpful—set a daily reminder to do your arab.org click of the day. It has been said ad nauseam at this point, but if each person in the thousands of people who engage on palestine posts clicked on this, we’d be raising thousands in revenue towards humanitarian aid. Don’t think your one little click is unnecessary. It adds up fast—but only if you actually do it.
A lot of people asked how they can help if they don’t have funds to spare. This is the most passive way to raise donations towards Palestinian aid.
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untilfajr · 2 days
Boundaries, man. Boundaries.
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untilfajr · 2 days
Don't talk to me about Muhammad
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untilfajr · 3 days
But they cling to what they know, mistaking their struggle for comfort, while freedom lies just beyond their reach.
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untilfajr · 3 days
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untilfajr · 3 days
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untilfajr · 3 days
“Don’t think that your heart is ‘strong’. The heart is a vulnerable fool. It turns easily. That’s why it’s called ‘qalb’(that which turns).”
— Yasmin Mogahed
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untilfajr · 3 days
Could it be all of them? None of them? Who can say?
Suddenly I don't find interest in poetry anymore. All the literature, all the poems look like a delusion to me. Am I getting old? Or too practical with life? Or just through a phase?
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untilfajr · 4 days
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I literally found out all the published albums of Dawud Wharnsby Ali and I am so excited to listen to all of them on repeat.
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untilfajr · 4 days
May the curse fall upon the evildoers and all they represent.
To the Muslims and all who despise injustice—continue your noble efforts, whether through charity, activism, or heartfelt prayers. Keep the spirit alive; do not grow indifferent. Contribute in any way you can, and do so with sincerity and purpose.
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untilfajr · 4 days
I enjoy asking elderly people about the most random topics, just to see their perspective. What I've noticed is that their regrets often surface more than their positive experiences. Some offer advice with their own past in mind, while others focus on my future, which creates a significant contrast. In the end, I tend to follow my own path, but hearing their perspectives makes me more cautious about certain outcomes. Perhaps, in a way, it helps me navigate life more wisely.
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untilfajr · 4 days
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untilfajr · 4 days
Ibn al-Qayyim رحمه الله said:
“The one who bears in mind the fact that Allāh is watching his thoughts and his heart, Allāh will protect him from falling short in what he does both in secret and openly.”
[Madarīj as-Salikeen | 2/1492]
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