#neither of us are bakers lol
pien-art · 18 days
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it may not look the best but look at the minecraft cake my sister and i made for my birthday!!! (with brownie crust, buttercream with strawberry filling, and a layer of cinnamonrolls inside) :D
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I'm gonna throw up rn thinking about work tomorrow 🤪
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itskrejsaitsparty · 4 months
!!! Gig Report Leipzig !!!
- Queue was very chill. We arrived at 4pm-ish and were 18 & 19 EA, so all good. While we were waiting for the doors to open Jan walked by, staring at his phone in confusion and vanishing behind a building. We were all a little worried if he was gonna find back to the venue ngl
- Met so many amazing people!!!! Everyone was so so so sweet and respectful oh my god I love you guys so much
- EA was so cute. Bojan explained the sound system to us. Kris walked out like a member of the royalty holding a tiny cup. The played ASTP & uhhhhh Omameljeno telo I think (?) blacked out a little there
EDIT: It was ASTP & Proti toku! thanks @mogoce-nocoj <3333
- Kris and Jure vanished immediately after, Jan, Nace & Bojan came down and took a few photos and gave a few autographs!!
- Sector5 & JC Stewart were really fun!!!
- I think from second one everybody in the room knew it was gonna be an amazing concert. The energy from the crowd (although NOT sold out, half of the room was empty basically) was INSANE and I think they really caught onto that.
- The mesh shirt was back
- Jure Eyeliner???? + THE sweater??
- Nace played a bass solo……the man is insanely talented…fr I was fucking changed
- Someone from the crowd shouted „Can you play *this song*?“ (didn’t catch what they said) and Bojan was like. „No. (Pause) Can you play rugby????…….just wanted to know.“ He is so silly istg. And really knows how to deal with comments lol
- Vse Kar Vem changed my life watered my crops etc. as always
- Bojan took a BIG walk around the audience during UM and let a lot of people sing. Jumped back out onto the stage right next to us. Ahhhhh. What the fuck
- During Metulji, Bojan propped up a painting of himself on Jan's piano to get Jan „in the mood“. Jan gave it a little kiss. During the first verse (?) the painting fell down with like. Perfect comedic timing. Bojan put it back up again and acted super heartbroken but then he could NOT stop giggling and neither could the crowd. It was so fucking funny
- Afterwards we got some pictures with the boys and talked. Jan Nace & Jure took their time, Bojan is getting sick again I think (no one is surprised) and really wanted to sleep and Kris went straight into the bus
- Oh yeah and Damon Baker was also there and spilled some tea hahahahah. An icon. Bless him
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fancyfeathers · 13 days
@luckycharm1 asked a question
Hello! I’m pretty bad when it comes to tumblr etiquette since i do not understand how it completely works, but I hope its alright to send you this 😭 Regarding your previous post I wonder what would happen if the intelligent daughter ended up escaping and not get caught for a while. Like what would her plan be and how in the end would have William found her (or have trouble finding her since she probably would come up with a better escape plan than moriarty brothers darlings lol) I also just wanted to thank you for writing these stories bc this definitely brought back my Moriarty the patriot obsession 😭🩷
Ah you are so sweet, thank you! It is completely alright, I adore questions like this because it gets the gears in my head turning ❤️💕
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This little girl knows enough about her parents history that she knows exactly what to do. During her walks through town, she had seen a house that leaves their bicycles against the side of their house and while she knows stealing is wrong but she doesn’t have much of a choice because if she sneaks on the train her father could easily have someone like Sebastian or James meet her at the station in London and that is exactly where she needs to go.
On bike it would take her at least three days, maybe four, to get to London. Traveling through the countryside it is harder for anyone to find her especially when they don’t know what she is trying to do. Luckily she does not have to steal anymore than she already has because she has memorized a book about edible plants, sure it does not taste good to the little girl, but it is what she has to do. Sleeping is the hardest bit, laying on the earth and using her coat as a blanket while she just wants to be with her mother and sister, but she can’t see them, not now anyway.
When she arrives in London, she immediately asks for directions from a stranger, which gets a weird look from the man but answers anyway. She is off once again, making her way through the London streets, avoiding any place she thinks anyone she knows may be. She props her stolen bicycle against the building and walks ups the stairs leading to the door and knocks, and a surprised blonde man answers, he was clearly startled by the sight of this child.
“M-may I help you, young lady? Are you lost?”
“No sir, this is the right address, correct?”
She hold a piece of paper up to the man for him to see. The man’s eyes widen with surprise even more so that this child was here.
“Y-yes, this is the right address.”
“Wonderful, judging by your expression you must be Dr. Watson.”
“Yes, I am and you must be the most intelligent child I have met.”
The little girl giggles at the compliment as the doctor handed the piece of paper back to her.
“Thank you, I wish I could stay to chat but I am afraid I do not really have time. Is Mr. Sherlock Holmes here?”
“Yes, um… please come inside.”
The doctor leads her upstairs to the flat and has to interrupt a conversation between Miss Hudson and the detective. Soon enough the residents of Baker Street find themselves sitting down with this little girl, having a conversation on the level of adults. She explains how she got there, biking all the way from Durham and then the question of why comes from the doctor and before the little girl can answer, Sherlock does.
“Because she wants to be my assistant, but why she wants to is the question.”
“Because my father is the Lord of Crime. I received my father’s intelligence but have the face of my mother, and I know she does not want to be with him and I want to figure out a way out for her… I-I won’t tell you my father’s identity if you don’t want to know, but please I want to help her.”
There is a shocked silence from around the table, except from the detective as he listens to her explanation. No one knows what to do, Miss Hudson would not have the heart to send her back to her family and neither would to two gentlemen, but surely they cannot expect this child to handle dangerous work that Sherlock deals with-
“Alright, seems like I have a new assistant.”
It would not take long for her father to find out where she is after that, living at Baker Street with the three adults. She put him in a stalemate, if he goes to claim custody of her, he will be exposed but he cannot let her continue down this road…
What to do?
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dickwheelie · 1 year
here have the first few paragraphs of my retired holmes/watson fic that is currently at 13k and counting. hoping putting some of it out there will force me to finish it in a timely manner lol.
this is sort of a combo of canon and granada holmes, based on whatever vibes were necessary in the moment. enjoyyyy if ya nasty
It was I who came to him, a few months before the end.
He had written me several times from his lodgings in the Sussex Downs, and so I had his address on hand for a visit I took in late June of that year. It was, I admit, a bit of a whim on my part, otherwise I would have sent a letter ahead, but then again I did not expect to be turned away and had only intended to stay for a few days, perhaps a week at the most. The fact of the matter was that year the summertime ennui had struck me with more strength than I could ever before recall, and with my practice closed for the season and my bachelor's apartments lonelier than ever, I felt I had no choice but to pay a visit to my old friend and colleague.
Holmes had retired to a rather modest cottage in the countryside, with a sizable bee farm, as he had so often spoken about in our younger days. I knew of this from his letters, of course--apparently the honey business was doing remarkably well--but it was another thing entirely to wander up the long drive and hear the incessant buzzing and humming crescendo as one approached the lines of wooden hives that dotted the back yard of the house.
I knocked at the front door with the head of my cane, which by then I was using full-time, but when no staff nor retired detectives arrived to greet me, I wandered round to the side of the house and through the back gate, which was latched but not locked. It was then that I caught sight of him, sitting smartly upon a metal bench at the apex of a small flower garden, a thin silhouette with a proud posture overlooking the lines of the beehives. His back was to the house and thereby also to me, but the bench sat a little off to the right from the gate so that I could see the outline of his profile. That proud, hooked nose, that pointed brow, the thin lips; in silhouette against the late afternoon sky he looked just as he might have back in our rooms at 221b, staring down at Baker Street from that upper window which at one time or another saw the entire world passing by underneath.
It was not my intention to surprise the man any further than my unexpected visit would undoubtedly do already, but taking a few steps across the grass towards him I realized that my footfalls were entirely silent, hidden beneath the unending buzzing of the bees. I might have called out to him, or made my presence known in some less startling way, but I did neither of these as I approached, silent as an Indian tiger in the underbrush.
At least, I had thought so. I was not a meter behind him when a sharp, clear voice cut through the breezy afternoon air.
"My dear Dr. Watson, you might have phoned ahead. I believe that is what the younger set call courtesy these days."
I could not help the bark of incredulous laughter that emerged from my throat as Holmes turned on the bench to face me, his eyes shining with mirth. Up close, with the full light upon him, I could see that he had changed considerably since our last farewell; his face, lined as mine now was, was even more angular than it had been, and indeed it was only those keen, grey eyes that had remained untouched in our decade apart. His hair was entirely silver, a quite distinguished look for his brunette, in my opinion, than the pale grey I had been left with.
He held a cane now, too, which rested now between his knees as he sat. His fashion, I observed, had not changed an iota; not in style, nor in color, nor in cut.
An almost unbearable fondness rose in my throat then, looking upon him in that moment, so familiar and yet so strikingly new. Perhaps if I had more of my wits about me I could have put all that he had taught me to some use and gleaned some clue as to his recent dealings, where he had been that day, what he had eaten . . . but I confess all my faculties faded away in the face of that wry smile, identical to that I had seen countless times across the breakfast table, in the armchair by the fireplace, facing me in a train car, next to me in a cab or in a concert hall. I had not realized, until that very moment, what a drought I had been in.
"Holmes," I said before any hellos, for they could hardly be of any use between us now, "you must tell me how you knew."
Read the rest on ao3!
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lucinatta · 3 months
GIRL OK I'm going to vent. If u want to read that'd be great cause I want to know if I'm in the wrong here lol. It's long tho so no need <3
Last monday was my birthday, it's a sucky day to have as a bday so what I did was invite my friends over for dinner on sunday, wait till midnight, blow the candles, eat some cake, open presents, and send everyone on their way at about 1 am so all of us could sleep relatively early. These were like, my "important" birthday plans, because they happened on my actual birthday. I invited my closest friends + 2 girls my friends have been dating for about 7/8 months, because a) I like them! and b) I knew they were spending that weekend over at my friends' places anyway so bringing them was easier than not.
Context for later: The 2 friends with the girlfriends are male, those are the only 2 partners that are external to the friend group, there's 9 of us, and we've been friends for about 10 years.
Anyway, so when I set that plan up on the gc, I explicitly asked both my friends to bring their girlfriends. They told me they would, they did, everything went great. After sunday's plan, I proposed we go out to dinner and then for drinks this saturday so I could have like proper bday plans that don't get cut short because everyone has to get up early for work. Everyone said they could come. Great, no issues so far.
Issues start yesterday, in a gc I'm NOT in that my friends made so they could discuss my present for sunday + a surprise cake (that now I know about lol) for saturday. This is not uncommon, we have bday groupchats for everyone in the group. One of my friends (girl) proposes the surprise cake, and apparently one of my male friends says that his gf can make the cake (as a gift) because she works as a baker. My friend (girl) says that it's not a good idea, since it be weird to have her make a cake for a plan she's not invited to. Apparently this caught both my male friends off guard, because they were under the impression that both their gfs were invited and had already told them about the plan. Now, to be clear, I didn't invite them and at no point did I imply they were invited. Not necessarily because I didn't want them there specifically, but rather because I wanted a night out with just my friends. These 2 girls come to a lot of our plans as a group, but when they do it's because we either tell them to, or our friends ask if they can come. NEITHER OF THESE 2 THINGS HAPPENED!! I want to clarify though, I didn't and still don't feel strongly about them not coming, and if it had been up to me, I would have liked both my friends to reach out to me and let me know that they had misunderstood, that they thought the girls were invited and that they had already invited them, and I would have told them to bring them!! like it really wasn't a big deal. Instead they got upset and told their girlfriends that they couldn't come because I DIDN'T WANT THEM THERE, which sounds sooooo much more drastic than what it actually is. So I find myself in a very shitty situation with NO WARNING (because again, this started in a gc I'M NOT IN!!!), when one of my friends sends me this really long message about how sad and hurt he is and asking me if I'm mad a him or his gf or whatever, and how he had hoped that I would think of her as my friend after all this time. To clarify she's not my friend, she's my friend's gf (that I really like!!), and "all this time" is 8 months lmao. Now these 2 girls think that I hate them, and I have to apologize for something I DIDN'T DOOOOOO. Like this wasn't my misunderstanding, I wasn't even on the gc!! and like what options do I have, realistically? Telling them to backtrack and invite them back gives major "you can come, IF YOU WANT" vibes and I hate that, and telling them that, no, they're not invited sounds like I don't like them or want them there. Like both my options suck.
Things have smoothed over now with my friends but I know they're mad about their gfs being hurt and SO AM I but like, it's not my fault!!! They (my friends) assumed they (their gfs) were invited when they weren't!! But again, it wasn't something I felt strongly about! like honest to god idk why they didn't just tell me they had invited them because they thought they were invited before stirring the pot behind my back. Now everything's a mess and things are tense because the rest of the gc sided with me. And I'm not gonna lie I'm kinda mad that they made this my problem on my bday week. Like couldn't you have waited a week to bring it up?? Anyway that's it lmao
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thatwildnya · 11 months
Centaur AU centaur AU (Number 1 fav AU hehehe)
I'm kinda curious about Riddle, Trey, and Cater - what kinda centaurs are those three? ALso are any of the guys particularly cuddly - regardless of their cuddlability (so, like, even if they might have rough scales or spikes of some kind or something like that, they're still a cuddler lol)
chitters and nickers:
Wild: our first request! I’m really happy to get one so quick! I started writing it as soon as I saw it, sat on it for over half a day, was unable to continue due to wifi issues, then spent another 2 hours editing before Nya convinced me it was good. I hope you enjoy anon!
Nya: it’s going to be an uphill battle convincing this man to stop editing and adding more for every request wish me luck lovelies-
TW: Rook
Griffins are known to be very independent centaurs and it isn't uncommon for them to be hotheaded and somewhat controlling, especially towards strangers or those they see as lesser. So don't expect him to be all friendly at first, let alone cuddly. But once he's comfortable and trusts you he won't ever shy away from your touch.
I knew right away I wanted him to be a draft horse. These horses are known for their even temperament and being affectionate gentle giants. If you asked me to picture a baker or anthro draft horse I would imagine a buff man with a sweet smile. Trey has the same physique as I picture plus the same vibes so it fits perfectly.
He’s a bunny boy. A floppy ear bunny boy. That’s it.
When it comes to who’s the most cuddly in general it’s hands down Kalim, strangers or not. If Nya and I hadn’t decided to make the light magic users all foxes as a little easter egg he would have been a golden retriever. If you let him Kalim will cuddle with you every time you sit down. If he’s full animal he will try to snuggle under your shirt, in your sweatshirt pouch, or if there’s room right next to your face squished in your hoodie.
In his humanoid forms he likes to stretch across your lap or midriff. You can have him curl around you and use him as a giant pillow but neither of us would recommend it. He will wiggle a lot and you’ll most likely get a face full of tail wagging at the speed of sound.
Never go to the bathroom without locking the door. He does not knock half the time and won’t leave unless you yell at him. Personal space does not exist in Kalim world. Has so much love to give but not enough places to give it too.
If we’re talking about who’s the most cuddly with mc in story then it would be Silver (yes even more than Kalim). I touched upon this in another ask, Silver absolutely adores mc and would follow them to the end of time. He’s always near them if he can help it. Mc will sit at the table to do something and he’ll be doing a snooze at their feet. Then they decide not to do the thing there and move to the living room, Silver following behind groggily. He rarely even sleeps in his room (which is the attic) because of his desire to be close to them all the time. Nobody complains because he won’t sleep in the bed unless it’s his turn.
The big cuddle bugs to their masters (excluding the two above and Floyd cuz y’know it’s Floyd) are Ruggie, Rook, Malleus, Leona, Cheka, Che'nya, Jamil, and Azul.
Ruggie’s first few years of life were rough. He comes from the equivalent of a puppy mill in this scenario and he didn’t have anyone to rely on. The first time he felt unconditional love was when you rescued him from that awful place. He was barely alive and wouldn’t have lasted much longer if he’d been there longer. He gives back to you through acts of service and physical touch. He likes being able to curl up next to you for some scritches and the occasional rough housing in full animal form. Absolutely loves taking baths with you or getting a full pet spa treatment bath delivered specially by you. When he was little he would curl up under your shirt for a nap so please let him use your belly as a pillow while he takes a snooze under the blanket occasionally.
Azul and Jamil have similar back stories. Both were neglected in favor of other pets for being less appealing. They are both teenagers by the time you adopt them and to say your relationship started out rocky would be an understatement.
Jamil (black mamba) assumed you chose him to be your servant, as that is what he was trained and advertised as. The last thing he expected was to get his own room, the newest phone model, and a trip to the store so he could pick out his collar himself. He still keeps his distance and it takes awhile for him to let you past his walls. But I swear it’s worth it in the end. He only gets super cuddly when it’s cold out. You are a warm blooded mammal and he is a cold blooded reptile give him your body heat immediately. If allowed he will wrap as much of himself around you as possible for maximum warmth.
Puberty hit Azul like a truck. With that and him putting in the extra work to stay fit he went from being completely overlooked by anyone who walked by to being the one to make the most passersby stop for a look in the shop. And yet despite that, none decided to take him home. He tried everything, from showing off his superior intelligence to having the best voice. Nothing worked. Then in came you. You took one look, smushed your face against the glass, fogged it up whispering ‘I must have him’ when he looked at you, and ran off to find the nearest employee. It was very startling to him, especially because he was busy studying when you slammed your face into the glass right next to him. But he isn’t complaining. Now he gets to spend his days scamming making deals with customers to contribute to the household expenses. As a reward he expects all the hugs, all the snuggles, praise, kisses, etc. If you deprive him of his rightfully earned wages the crocodile tears will start so be ready.
Cheka is baby.
Leona is a lazy manticore that has decided you’re his favorite pillow. Be careful not to overheat.
Che’nya wants your attention 24/7 and will get it one way or another.
Rook’s love language is yes. You will not escape. Accept your fate.
You are Malleus’ first friend and the only one he considers worthy of being his master. He is touched starved and you are his meal. Bone apple teeth.
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Sloot you have become THEE yandere Jason Todd writer. Like everything you say about Jason inArkham Knight feels canon to me that when I watch vids of the game I’m like “wait where’s his darling?☹️” I really can’t imagine a yandere AK Jason any other way than how you depict him
Dear Troy Baker and also Rocksteady,
It's me again. I don't have much money but it would be very cash money of you to let me use your talents and resources to mod my self insert into an already-released game and also rewrite and fix the dumb parts of Arkham Knight. If you give me a lifetime supply of peanut butter and/or gumbo file, I will also fix whatever dumb bullshit you guys are doing for the new Suicide Squad game too because I imagine there's quite a bit. I'm no Paul Dini but then again, neither are you guys considering how inconsistent and fucky-wucky AK was without him lol
Love and kisses, Sloot
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jamnotjam · 2 years
Liquid smooth pt.2
L.JH x f!reader
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The morning after sleeping with someone you met at the club, you realize hes actually a idol
Rating: fluff
Word count: 509
Warnings: none
Requested: kinda?
Note: someone wanted me to make a part 2 in the comments of my first one lol
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From seventeen.
You were so taken aback that you didnt realize you were standing half naked infront of a bakers dozen of men.
You get knocked back into reality when you heard someone speak
“jihoon, you brought her here? What were you thinking?!”
Another one chimes in
“someone couldve saw you two!”
“Im sorry, it was late!”
Jihoon says as he rushes over to you and nudges you back to his room.
You two go in and he closes the door behind him
“sorry about that”
he laughs nervously and goes in his closet
“your…a idol?”
“Yeah…i was hoping you wouldnt realize…”
he sighs and gives you a pair of shorts from his closet
“i know your kinda just…wearing my clothes now but…the dress seems uncomfortable”
you nod and slip the shorts on, basically drowning in them
he says with a little smile on his face, he tightens the shorts with the drawstrings
“hey…i understand if you just wanna forget about this, but, im not the type for one night stands”
he places his hands on your shoulders
“well…me neither”
you cross your arms
“idols could be a deal breaker for alot of people, its not easy to date one, but, maybe i can take you out sometime?”
you nod and smile
he smiles
“okay, then, friday?”
You nod
he grins and scratches the back of his neck
“oh, and ignore the guys, theyre just worried of a fan seeing us together”
“its okay” you say
“and you can hang out, if you want, we need to go to practice soon though, but i can take you home?”
“Well…my friends are probably wondering where i am, i can just call a cab though”
he nods and opens the door again, slowly shuffling out, you follow behind him. He takes you to the living area and starts gathering your stuff for you
“dude, are we just not going to talk about this?” Another member says
“talk about what?”
He says as he gives you your bag
“dont act dumb, someone couldve saw you”
“and? someone couldve saw us at the club too, dont act like im the only irresponsible one”
you slip your shoes on and open the door, jihoon goes to you
“sorry again, see you friday”
he says as he places a kiss to your forehead, you smile and nod
“see you friday”
you do a small bow to him before leaving, he turns around, seemingly to go back to arguing with his bandmates.
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As you look out the window of the cab, you think
how could i be so dumb, sleeping with and agreeing to go on a date with a idol?
You sigh and look down at your dead phone, your definietly gonna have a million and one voicemails from your friends, you look at your bag and see a small note in it, you take it out and see jihoons phone number on it, you smile to yourself.
your a idiot for liking him so much, but damnit
he is so sweet.
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Request info
Link to pt.1
Requested by @hoshihandholder
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mishwanders · 2 years
FUCK YES THANK YOU FOR ASKING!!!! Okay, most of these are village villains, but because there are more characters in the Hackett family, I’m adding in other RE characters to this mix.
Constance Hackett - Alcina Dimitrescu: The way in which this woman grieved over the loss of Kaylee reminded me of when Alcina found Casandra dead. She, like Alcina, are strong matriarch types and would get along through niceties by the grit of their teeth, until one of them finds something to be upset about, and then it’s a family brawl after that.
Jedediah Hackett - Jack Baker: Jed is less sadistic than Jack, BUT his undying loyalty to whatever his wife wants is basically how Jack is with Eveline when he’s infected with the mold. Also, both are like the guard dogs that are sent out after the counselors/Ethan to keep an eye on them. I think they’d both get along fine, probably go on a hunting trip together.
Bobby Hackett - Salvatore Moreau: in Bobby’s words, “MMMOOOOOOMMM”. Both of them are momma’s boys and would do anything for their mother figures, including murder. I wanna say they’d get along, but I think Moreau would scare the shit out of Bobby. But once they put aside their differences, they’re fishing buds, hands down.
Chris Hackett - Zoe Baker: now I know Zoe isn’t technically a villain, BUT she gives me the same vibes as Chris. Both are stuck with a situation another family member caused by accident, and literally run away and hide from their problems to try and not make shit worse (and shit still gets worse). I don’t think they’d get along though, at least when Zoe starts prodding him for answers about “the hag of Hacketts quarry”.
Amelia Hackett - Eva: deceased 💀
Kaylee Hackett - Donna Beneviento: because we don’t know too much about either character in game, I put them together. But in my head, I see them both not wanting the situations they’re in. Kaylee just wanted to help a child and Donna would have much rather be left alone to her own devices in her house. I think Donna would like her company though and Angie would talk the girls ear off.
Caleb Hackett - Lucas Baker: I hate them both. Lucas is an absolute asshole who likes to see people in pain and continued to do so with so many different characters - including the majority of Chris team in the Not A Hero DLC and Caleb is the reason the rest of the Hacketts are infected/is the one who infects or murders most of the counselors in game. In conclusion, I hate them. Don’t let Caleb anywhere near Lucas though - I don’t want him tainting that kids mind any more than it has been since being a werewolf.
Travis Hackett - Karl Heisenberg: both of these men are completely fed up with everything going on, and I love it. They both want an end to the suffering that’s going on/their freedom to not have to worry about it so much so that they will both go out of their way to get outside help, but not tell that outside help what the really want immediately because they’re both busy trying to sus out the situation. Not to mention they both have immense mommy issues - like they are the same lol. To be honest, idk if they’d get along or not. I think they’d both be eyeing each other up and down and would be waiting on the other to make the first approach.
Eliza - Mother Miranda: you saw this coming, right? BOTH ARE MOTHERS WHO ARE OBSESSED WITH THEIR LOST/DEAD CHILDREN AND USING THE COUNSELORS/ETHAN TO GET WHAT THEY WANT! They’d get along well, both witchy badasses. I just hope Eliza doesn’t try to hex Miranda lol.
Silas - Rosemary Winters: Rose is not a villain, but neither of these babies deserved the terror that happened to them and I just want to wrap them up in blankets and give them a hot coco and tell them it’s gonna be okay. As much as I went throughout the majority of The Quarry wanting Silas to die, watching him go back to his cage and sleeping there broke my heart. It was the only home he really had, and he was still suffering after the loss of everything. I feel that for Rose too - and I think she feels that way about the loss of her dad, Ethan. Idk if these two would get along or not. Can Silas even speak? I do think that Rose could keep him entertained with the mold though and he wouldn’t be scared.
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sigmastolen · 1 year
today i had what i think was a good conversation about gender and pronouns with the elderly, formerly-retired substitute librarian?
she's one of our favorite subs tbh (some of them are... better at the job than others), and we have a lot to chitchat about bc she's a musician, a baker, and a trekkie. last week there was a gender and sexuality diversity training that i missed whilst out sick with something that was neither covid nor strep but still extremely terrible (my boss was like, "you didn't miss much, i felt like none of the information was new to us" which is... probably an understatement if it was a 101-level discussion), so i think she's probably been percolating the information, you know? so toward the end of the day she asks me, "do you... use pronouns?" at first i did the facetious thing, all, "i mean, sure, i used one just now!" but she rephrased in a way that made it clear she wanted to talk about it for real, so i told her, you know, i don't feel super strongly about my own pronouns* but i have them in my email signature and my zoom id (and in reed class at the university and with my teen volunteers, i introduce myself with them and invite the kids to do the same), because part of the project is to normalize it and thereby make space for people to tell you how they want to be known, to claim their identity and have it recognized by the people around them. and she was like, it seems like it's kind of generational, the younger employees usually have them in their email signature but the older employees often don't, and she's not a bigot or anything but she's old and all of this is very new to her, it's taking her a while to catch on and understand and she's not trying to trigger anyone and she might make mistakes but she's happy to try when people let her know, and we had a pretty decent discussion about people generally being understanding of honest mistakes and about how much information someone may or may not disclose and how that's their choice, and how part of the goal is to make fewer assumptions about the people around us, and... idk, i feel like it was a good talk? i hope it was useful to her? i'm glad she felt comfortable talking about it with me? it seemed like the training made her feel a little worried and i hope she's a little more confident going forward, i guess? (glad i still count as a Young Person in certain contexts lol; hope i didn't mess this up)
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valmillion · 1 year
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i saw a post with this video compilation of a bunch of manufacturing machines and it made me think about the AI debate. These machines are unquestionably some of the most useful inventions to the manufacturing process. Everyone loves How It's Made. I don't think your average person would have any strong opinions about these machines, specifically. No, if they did have an issue, it would be about the wider labor practices and environmental impact that these machines allow, and how they put people out of work because one machine could replace 100 workers, or, in products like furniture, cookware, metalwork, printing, etc, they took the artistry out of the products. What was once a handmade table with intricate carved details is now a slab of particle board painted black.
But it's not the tool's fault, it's capitalism. Industrial manufacturing machines allow for cheaper goods that can be produced on a scale that would allow everyone to have one if they wanted. That is not a bad thing. You can make quality goods at scale. But now artisans are few and far between and therefore their goods are now luxury items. You have to pay a premium for something that used to be common.
But again, the machine didn't cause this, we did. The system exploited the benefits these machines give for monetary gain.
AI is a tool, too. It is neither good nor bad. The system, the way it might be used, is at this point nebulous. No company that needs to get art for something is really going to fire all their artists just to have a very shitty rendering of some vague idea they typed in. And even if they did, they would still need artists to fix the crappy job the AI did so why have AI do it in the first place?
I see the most complaints about AI from people who made art as a hobby and turned it into a business (with an online following and taking commissions and such). But they have even less of an argument. Sure, maybe I could type in "in the style of X internet artist" to some prompt and get some mismash of your art style, but do you really think the people who follow you would do that instead of commissioning you?? And even if they did, who cares? The argument for pirating applies here too; money wasn't deducted from your bank account every time an AI spits out something that is a mashup of your, and hundreds of other artist's, styles.
What an AI image generator does is the definition of Free Use, it's impossible for it to create a direct copy of any one image. You can tell it to generate the Mona Lisa and you won't get the Mona Lisa, you'll get an amalgam of scans, pictures, alternate versions, and completely unrelated stuff mixed together to create something that is what the AI thinks the Mona Lisa is. If that's not transformative then I don't know what is.
What people are getting mad about is the perceived future of the art world where the artist is dead and AI generated art has killed them. That's not gonna happen, sorry. Did an industrial bread maker kill off all bakers everywhere? Did furniture makers go extinct because of IKEA? Some industries had it harder than others during industrialization but you get my point. I realize the situation isn't 1:1, because, come on, I think the impact of the AI is not gonna be nearly as catastrophic as industrialization. Chill the fuck out.
As for the copyright law stuff: 🫵 LOL DUMBASS CARES ABOUT COPYRIGHT. aww you got your own little IP? gonna sue me if i make derivative works? call the police cus i downloaded your art? i bet you jumped for joy when chuck tingle wanted to shut down the internet archive. grow up.
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princessnijireiki · 2 years
Wait, is Q'orianka really friends with the racist and anti-black Gina Rodriguez??? 🤢🤢🤢🤢😵
Yeah, she mentioned Gina in a 2013 LatinoBuzz interview + there's photos of them at a 2015 MTV event in Park City, Utah. I don't know if they're friends ANYMORE (neither of them follow each other on IG), but they used to be, or at least enough for namedrops & photo ops.
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I also felt a type of way about this tbh (Q'orianka's friends with the Baker twins). But tbh so many non-Black Latinos + Native ppl are at least somewhat anti-Black racist that I just don't expect folks not to be. I'd rather a "disappointed but not surprised" stance with it being a pleasant surprise when folks AREN'T bigots than setting myself up to be let down constantly lol. Saves time.
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postwarlevi · 2 years
Every day's a good day for self-shipping!!! 💜
Jean says he's bringing you to the farmer's market during the weekend!! What are you going to wear, what are you two going to buy, and how does the day end?
(In all honesty I have no concept about how farmer's markets work and if they open during autumn so. Hopefully I get this right XD)
- Rei <3 @levi-supreme
Rei! Hello! You guys know me so well LOL
Farmers Markets are very fun! As long as it's cool enough. I don't go in summer cause I don't do well in the heat. But I just went to my favorite one that opened recently for the season last weekend. It was nice weather.
Mine sells lots of fresh produce and plants, dried fruits and ready made foods like pizza, popcorn, waffles, ice cream, lots of things! There's bakers and cheese vendors, and other things like dried pasta and honey and specialty items like sauces or jams. AND homemade items like straw hats and artwork and jewelry, and dresses! I'm not sure Farmers Markets usually have all the extras but I imagine so!
Okay here we go! Something like this with a large brim sunhat!
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We go when it opens and bring a few tote bags. We need to invest in a cart! We'll see who has what before we buy because sometimes multiple people are selling the same thing but the quality and price will be different!
We want to get the best produce so hit that first! From one vendor we get zucchini and tomatoes, apples and bananas, from other, pineapple and lemons, peppers and carrots. This is our normal gatherings! If the season is offering fresh strawberries he gets cartons (yes, many!) of them and we have to bring the produce to the car before continuing on haha. We gets greens, winter squash and other berries as well. We need a cart I said! We have a mini spat about all the strawberries but I let him have his way and honestly we'll get through most of them and freeze some.
Okay we're back from the car again, and this guy is ready to eat like he didn't just make us breakfast a little while ago. It's brunch so we take a few minutes to sit down with waffles, muffins and fruit water/smoothies. He gets strawberry, no surprise there, and I like nut milk smoothies.
We like sitting and talking under the shade of the umbrella and people watch. We keep talking about taking Murphy our pup since there's so many other dogs, but want to train him more before throwing him into the middle of all these people and their dogs, and want him trained more to stay with us. As of now he still is very excitable. But we'll bring him some fancy homemade treats home!
We generally stay together, or at least in the same area, maybe wandering to the stall next door if the other is taking their time.
We are bad about dried fruit and get pineapple and mango, and if we are splurging, pears and cherries. I don't know who is supposed to be keeping track of finances here but today it's neither of us apparently LOL.
We like fresh bread and agree to get one two loaves. One rye and one wheat. They smell delicious! Maybe a couple other small pastry items to take home. Who can pass up a pumpkin muffin or blueberry lemon bar!?
We look at things like homemade jams, it's easier to buy then to make so sometimes get them. Also honey and maple syrups. Sometimes we'll look at dairy but usually skip. If there's a good deal on eggs we'll get them.
We are all about the food but do look at other things. We'd like more plants but need something simple. While I get a basil plant he's buying me a sunflower and lilac bouquet :D We get a hanging plant as well for the kitchen window area.
And look, it's time to eat...again! This time we share a small woodfire pizza and get vegan ice cream as well! Though Jean eats meat which is cool with me, he is open to vegetarian or vegan options. He raves about the vanilla and says it's better than the dairy version. He's very considerate when he does have meat and has cut way down on it. He says it's better for him anyway.
Okay back to the market! We've been through the fresh food and ready to eat, and the plant area. Oh and didn't forget the dog treats for Murphy. So we look at the straw hats though we both have. Also the recycled totes which, again, we have. But we look just incase.
Neither of us wear much jewelry so skip it, but look at the handmade wooden cutting boards and coasters. We have so many kitchen things but these are so nice that we get a couple of bowls. We also think about coasters for gifts.
There's some stalls with dresses, handbags and sunglasses (this is where we split up haha). I get a dress and Jean gets another pair of sunglasses, neither of which we need haha. (A version of my dress :) )
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Other stalls have soaps and candles which we look at but don't usually buy, same which more handcrafted items and artwork. Again, maybe as gifts. But there is a papercraft vendor who has things like bookmarks and greeting cards and wall prints, and also magnets and keychains. The stuff is so cute we usually get a few things. They do customization too so it's a great gift for most events!
So, now we have run out of money HAHA so, it's time to call it a day.
Here's a picture of one of our produce haul. Note this man already grabbed most the strawberries...
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HAHA well that was more about the market then Jean and my relationship but, that's what we usually buy! Which maybe says something about us :)
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cindylcuwho · 2 months
“ sweetheart ★ ”
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— ꒰ 💌 ꒱ drug dealer! matt x baker! reader
— ꒰ 🍒 ꒱ after a deal almost went sideways, matt decides to pay a quick visit to his sweet girl.
— ꒰ 🐁 ꒱ fluff ! making out.. tbh nothing really lol (but the ending😦). 1726 words.
— ꒰ ☁️ ꒱ erm i think this is my most boring fic ever 😜
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what was only supposed to be a fast and easy twenty minute meetup turned into an hour long negotiation. matt had his jacket-covered back against a wall, hunched over as he coughed out strings of spit.
one of the guys he was supposed to meet was on the floor, a broken nose the was leaking deep red blood. his bottom lip quivered, closing against the upper one once the blood tried to make its way in his mouth.
matt watched intensely, eyes flickering up every now and then to make sure the other few men that let the sudden fight didn’t try anything. they held smirks on their faces, arms crossed as they stood tall.
“are you done?” the one on the far left rhetorically asked. matt glanced back to the guy on the floor before nodding, standing as straight as he could with his sore ribs.
his face crumpled into a snarl, “what the fuck was that?” he questioned, referring to what just happened. “we just wanted to test you.” one of them answered. “test me?” matt scoffed, “i could’ve killed him.”
“we know, but you didn’t.” the middle one shrugged, “you don’t live up to the family name, matthew.” before matt could respond, he continued, “we heard you were fearsome, someone that makes people shudder in fear at the mention.. and here you are letting a man that dared to take you on live.”
“thought he was one of your men, didn’t want to start anything neither of us could finish.” matt defended. “or.. you’ve gone soft.” the one on the right smiled, “word on the street is you’re wrapped around a girls finger, that true?”
matt immediately shook his head, holding a disgusted look, “i don’t know where you got that from but it’s a fuckin’ lie.”
“unless its straight from me dont believe shit.” the three guys gave matt a pointed look, but decided to not push it. “leave the package where you are and leave.” they commanded.
matt held out his hand for his payment before. the middle man rolled his eyes, stepping forward to place a wad of hundreds in his hand. he looked at the papers, doing quick mental math before leaning down and sliding the small box of goods to where he was standing.
“oh, and matt.. if we find out you lied, there will be a target on your lover.” one of them threatened, shooing him off as even more men walked in the room to pick up the bruised body that was still on the floor.
matt sucked in a breath, turning away and walking out the door. he contemplated in the car, he was well aware of how dangerous the life style he was living was, simply showing you were interested in him would have your life at risk and he just couldn’t do that to anybody.
but there was just something about you. he couldn’t stay away no matter how much he knows he should. you originally met when he had to hide from somebody and random the first building he saw; a small pink bakery building that he didn’t realize was in the process of cleaning for closing.
matt has never been told off in his life, but that night you scolded him for twenty minutes on how rude it was. the next morning he came by to buy a donut that seemed awfully delicious, and offered to take you to dinner as an apology.. who were you two refuse free food?
now what seemed like every night matt would swing by around the same time, almost every time half helping clean up and and half munching on the desserts that weren’t bought.
not breaking routine, even after the prominent threat, instead of making a left to drive to his well sized mansion, he made a right and quickly the familiar building was in his vision.
matt parked his car down the street, choosing to walk the rest of the way incase anybody was tracking the vehicle. he caught a glimpse of his reflection in the bakerys window, licking over the cut on his lip before treading inside and being hit with the overbearing smell of dough.
you were in the back, humming along to the taylor swift song playing as you washed the dirty pans, putting them on their respective drying wrack.
he watched from the doorframe, taking in the sight of how simple and innocent you looked. he would hate to be the one to ruin that part of you, you didn’t even know what his job was- but he wasn’t gonna let you know from the hands of higher class men he had to deal with.
matt walked forward, wrapping his arms around your waist and burying his head into the crook of your neck, breathing in deeply to take in your scent.
“hi.” he sighed. you smiled, wiping your hand on your apron before bringing it up to toy with the front of his hair. “hey, you okay?” you whispered to him, as if it’d disturb anyone.
he began peppering kisses along your shoulder before bringing his mouth up to your cheek, “just had a long fuckin’ day, missed you too.” he mumbled against your skin.
you nodded, turning to face him. your smile turned into a frown, your thumb lightly tugging at the ripped skin his lips were, “what happened?” you met his gaze, waiting for answers.
matt pulled your hand away, holding it with both of his, “clumsy and fell on the way here, nothing to worry about.” he reassured.
you kept the eye contact with him. matt wasn’t a bad liar, but he made it obvious with how he tensed and untensed. you nodded again, sucking your teeth, “i should have a bandaid around here somewhere.” your hands dug in the pockets of your apron before pulling out a hello kitty designed bandaid.
matt internally cringed at the design. “uh, i don’t think that’s necessary-“ “shut up?” you cut him off, “you’re the one that got hurt, not me, you have no say.”
he rolled his eyes, grabbing your hips to sit you on the kitchens counter. you giggled at him, wrapping your legs around his waist to pull him closer.
matt winced, making you instantly unwrapping them, “whats wrong?” he shook his head, trying to keep a calm expression. your fingers gripped the end of his shirt, slowly dragging it up and revealing the overly reddened skin that was turning purple by the second.
you looked back up at him, suspicion even higher. “i fell, ‘member?” you scoffed, “i’ve fallen a million times i never once got bruised like that.”
he rolled his eyes again, “are you gonna put the stupid bandaid on or what?” you lightly smacked his shoulder, “don’t call hello kitty stupid, you’re stupid.”
matt just laughed, pouring out his bottom lip for the bandaid. his fingers traced small shapes on your hips as you unwrapped it, occasionally giving small squeezes.
“pretty stylish, no?” he joked, turning his head to the side, giving you the full view of the silly bandaid. you smiled, “of course it is, its mine.” you wrapped your hands around his neck, pecking his lips.
matt held your head in place, keeping you there as he continued the kiss. you tugged at the ends of his hair, “the bandaids gonna come off if you don’t stop.” you warned, matt shrugged, leaning in for another kiss.
his tongue pushed against your bottom lip, having you open your mouth wider so he could stick his tongue inside. your tongues met, fighting and tangling against each other as matts over took yours, deepening the kiss even further.
his hands trailed all around your body, wanting to touch every part he psychically could. you moaned softly into the kiss as his hands squeezed under your thighs, grabbing and squeezing your ass.
matt couldn’t pull away. you tasted like chocolate cookies, which wouldn’t be incorrect considering you were snacking on them whilst cleaning. he tasted like root beer and a cigarette you know he smoked before arriving, but it didn’t matter, wasn’t strong enough to make you pull away in disgust.
once you both finally pulled away, it was only to take a quick breathing break. your foreheads rested against each others, small smiles on both of your faces.
“you drive me insane, you know?” he laughed, but his eyes seemed to be full of pure love, “just such a sweetheart.” he whispered, moving the bottom of his head, pecking your lips.
you nodded with a huge smile. your thumb pressed the bandaid back on his lips, but it was barely sticking. you groaned, “see, i knew this would happen! that was my last one too!”
“i’ll buy you s’more then.“ he pecked your lips once more. “you better.. but i guess take it off for now, its weird with it on.” he complied, ripping it off before leaning over to put it in the trash.
matts ring-cladded hands clasped against your thighs, “cmon sweetheart, we gotta finish cleaning.” he unnecessary helped you down from the counter. “can you hurry and sweep out there?” before matt could whine about anything, “i may have left a slice of cake on the holder for you. gotta go clean be for you can eat it, though.”
he nodded, shrugging his jacket off before walking to the front and grabbing the broom. matt hurriedly swept across the floor, there wasn’t much crumbs or trash on the floor so it was easier than ever.
a noise from outside pulled matts attention. his eyebrows furrowed, stepping closer to the front door with the expectation of seeing just a random critter, but the street was empty.
a moment passed and matt leaned from the door. his eyes stayed trained on the outside before being able to make out a figure.
the figure slowly began creeping closer. once the streetlight hit them, matt could see who, or what it was. they were in all black, the ski masks logo they were wearing being the only thing with color.
his heart quickened. matt knew what logo it was. he looked back at the empty doorway leading to the kitchen before back to the person.
matt chewed his cheek, making the quick decision to go outside, hand already grasping the weapon in his pocket.
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masterlist , taglist , TTPD masterlist .
— ꒰ 🖇️ ꒱ @freshloveee , @whicked-hazlatwhore , @55sturn , @lanas-doll , @chrissv4mp , @0strawberrysorbet0 , @imwetforyourmom .
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goldeg · 8 months
When you hang out with a friend do you prefer: 1) Day or night? 2) Listen to music or watch a movie 3) Go out or stay in 4) Cook a meal or order in 5) be the host or the guest 6) remove your shoes, shoes&socks, neither 7) hang out in a group or one to one
1) i used to love hanging out at night but now i’m more “go to bed at 7pm” kind of person ahahha so day
2) both! It depends of the mood i’m in. Mostly music bc then we can talk at the same time more!
3) stay in! Again i used to be night person and loved going out to clubs etc but now i’m old and sleepy hhaha
4) hmmm,, probably order something in but i also love cooking with kaneli! I’m more of a baker tho!
5) i host so rarely that i like it more! If i hosted all the time it would get boring. but i’m The Mom Person so it doesn’t really matter bc i’ll still be asking if everything is okay and ordering people to use coasters for their glasses anyway hahaha
6) i live in a country where you always remove your shoes when inside so that, but i also hate socks hahah so if i’m home i never wear socks either
7) i loooove parties and hanging out in groups, but that’s what i mostly see, so small groups and one to one is what i prefer. I used to hate being one to one but now i’m more comfortable with people so it’s okay. Mostly. Sometimes not lol
Thank you for sending me these!! It was fun to post something like this like the old times when i posted things like this a lot!! I rarely get asks anymore (probs bc I don’t post personal posts that much anymore) so this was nice!! Thanks!!! ❣️
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