#( not mutuals exclusive but i’ll be selective )
fadinglights · 23 days
like for a starter from the muses below! could be based on your wishlist or any of the wanted plots if they catch your eye :>
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anthony lee — 28, medium/baker, bisexual, fc: greg hsu
maybe a muse who's a regular/co-worker with a crush on him?
someone he used to know before he dropped out of med school
maybe they're exes.... kind of the power couple back then that people thought were going to places but neither of their lives turned out as expected
ghost in his apartment/cafe or anything supernatural!
he's brought to a blind date gathering thingy as his friend's support animal and oh wow actually glad he's here cause it's how he met your muse who's maybe a bit jaded in love but hit the jackpot with him (they both did) </3
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koji tanaka — 28, filmaker, bisexual, fc: mackenyu arata
maybe he's dating/sleeping with someone who he's working with? an actor/actress/screenwriter etc... it's a mess
friends with benefits situation
fake dating plot except he's the worst person to ask lmao
the one where he's accidentally the third person in a relationship... oops
kind of feel like a throuple plot would kinda suit him idk
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hyeon joonwoo — 24, professional figure skater, homosexual, fc: sung hanbin
someone he trains with (he's in the olympics team)... could be besties/rivals/rivals to lovers <3
alternatively someone he works with, maybe a physiotherapist or something
celeb/non-celeb plot, his schedule/the long distance getting in the way
someone he met and fell for in another country (could be another athlete/anyone), could be oblivious about his job until they see them on tv lol
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elodie yoon — 25, designer/mafia heiress, bisexual, fc: kim yoojung
'i'm your ex and once i got into a near-death situation with criminals and they left me alone cause i'm in your protection list???? explain'
best friends to lovers, your muse could be from a family of crime too or works for hers
rivals to best friends to lovers.... give me children of rivaling families who fall in love and say fuck it...
bodyguard/protectee plot because yes (warning she's a menace)
a partner unaware of her background, until that one time they have to suddenly start running for their lives on a cute date????
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leah willems — 30, er doctor, bisexual, fc: davika hoorne
something something spicy with a colleague (doctor, nurse, therapist etc)... in my medical drama era tbh
they're in a perfect marriage except it's falling apart and maybe your muse is cheating and regretting it when she finds out </3 maybe they even work in the same hospital gASP
your muse is the barista of the coffee shop she always goes to for her caffeine fix but she fell off the radar for a while and your muse is lowkey worried????
our muses used to date in high school, were the power couple and broke up due to long distance? now they meet again years later, maybe in her er or a reunion event idk
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jules kwang — 26, makeup artist, bisexual, fc: roseanne park
she's on a dating show (kind of like the boyfriends but maybe it not just guys lol, or single's inferno) except she's a jaded skeptic and only here for the free vacation <3
could be combined with the first one, a hopeless romantic/skeptic golden retriever/black cat dynamic
she's dating a client/someone she worked for, someone from the world of fame and it gets messy
someone she's collabing with for a youtube video for her makeup channel, cute chemistry ensues and maybe fans are begging for more collabs and lowkey wish they'd date <3
something slightly forbidden like her brother's best friend or she's your muse's sibling's best friend sth... if it's the latter the best friend probably thinks they shouldn't date her just to avoid getting their heart broken lmaoooo
a before sunrise kind of plot idk
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damnedrainbows · 7 months
These are five years old and are going to change with things to be added in the next few days, but they’re mostly the same! A i was informed they weren’t showing up on my blog so I made a pin for now
Generally the entire show, but my mains are Alastor, Lucifer, and Charlie
Following and Unfollowing
I am selective.
I will only follow back blogs I actively wish to RP with. Or people I’ve made friends with. I’ll be ever grateful for every follower I get, but it doesn’t mean I’ll follow you back.
You don’t have to be an rp blog for me to rp with you. One of my partners is just a normal fandom blog. Writing is writing C:
I don’t do exclusives. For me I find it takes a lot of the opportunities away to get to know more cool people. If you want to make me an exclusive for something…go right ahead, but I won’t do the same. You’ll simply stay my partner. I want to be able to interact with everyone. That being said, I do mains! That doesn’t really mean anything other than your blog would be the first I tag if I see something that reminds me of our muses, that sorta thing.
If I hear wind that you’re harassing any of my friends you’re done. And if you’re harassing me in any way. I do not put up with bad treatment of my friends or me. You don’t want a block from me. Jordan doesn’t block ANYBODY.
Threads and Communication
Sometimes I’ll have long posts, sometimes short ones. It depends purely on my inspiration at the time, but I’ll always put my best effort in. I want you to do so too!
Before writing any verse you want to do, please talk to me first C:
I LIVE FOR RANDOM STARTERS TBH. It’s like…waking up to Christmas morning and seeing your present. Mutuals please drop me a random starter any time.
I play my characters the way I want to play them, the way I interpret them. So if you don’t like how they’re played, that’s fine, but I’m not likely to change it.
If you send IC memes please specify the muse, since…well, I have the whole show.
I’m of age so I do smut but nothing too-too graphic. It will be tagged of course.
My threads are for my PARTNER only. Or partners if it’s a threeway. Please do not reblog them. You can like em, you can use the little reply button to say something–if you really want to talk about something that’s happening in them shoot me a message-but do not reblog unless you are said partner. C:
For the love of God, don’t hound me. I’m aware I can take a while to reply, but I have a lot of threads usually at the same time and some I have more muse for than others. Please don’t link me to our thread, please don’t say “it’s your turn” or some sort of variation of passive aggressive harassment. You aren’t going to make me respond faster. You are just going to spark my anxiety and make me resent our rp. If it’s been four days feel free to message me–not four hours.
Unless you’re a canon character my muse needs to get to know you a bit. C: So it’s unlikely you can just pop up to one of my muses, never having met, like ‘hi, how you been?’ and not have them be like “who da fuck are you"
Shipping will mainly be thread-dependent. If you feel like our muses may mesh, go for it!
I will not tolerate hate for what I ship. I don’t need to be told I’m shipping something unhealthy because chances are I’ll state it’s unhealthy and I by no means condone dating a psychopath in real life. Hate will be deleted and blocked.
When it comes to OC ships and any ship really, ship needs chemistry. Do not force a ship onto my muses. They need to get to know each other, and this mainly applies to OC ships–not so much the pr-established characters in the show. If I already ship it, I’m down to jumping straight into a shipping thread.
I am mildly less selective with crossovers since this show is literally…all about crossing over into other media. I’m still selective but not as much. For my own comfort I won’t be rping with characters from the Sonic franchise.
Triggers and Tagging
I know very little about triggers myself and what people consider a trigger. IF you want something tagged you’ll have to ask. I’ll be clueless otherwise, but I will tag all ships. And the basic gore and blood and such. Be aware of the fact I have bad memory problems. If I forget to tag something you asked me to tag I’m sorry, it wasn’t on purpose.
This is an insanely dark show and there will be a lot of blood and gore and horror. There will be torture and killing talk, but it will still be tagged.
Mun Notes
I have serious memory problems. Like, really bad due to a combo of illnesses. Cut me some slack, I’m going to forget rules and probably certain triggers if I’m not used to tagging them. You have no ida how many friggin rule pages I’ve read on this blog. I’ll do my best but I’m going to forget, and probably more than once. It’s not my fault, I’m trying my hardest.
I do not do passcodes. For some reason they make me…severely anxious and I don’t know why. If we rp, I’ve read your rules, rest assured. If you really really depend on a passcode…well, we probably won’t be rping then. ;-; sorry.
I’m a physically disabled person who’s online rather…all the time because I can’t work really. So rp is like all I got going on right now as I work on my animation portfolio at home.
I’m a very sweet twenty two four old that loves to talk to people. Talk to me any time about my muse, about anything! Feel free to approach me just to talk in general. I really love people! We don’t have to rp to be friends.
And finally, what I write, my characters’ views do not reflect my own. I do not condone the destruction of entire civilization or eating babies. Unless they are tasty babies.
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laprimera · 9 months
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2024 rules update! these will go across my blogs, but lemme drop the changed stuff here the rest has p much stayed the same.
thanks for following em btw or asking questions when needed, helps a lot!
. Selective, crossover/oc friendly, mutuals only etc etc. I only interact with mutuals and wait to be followed first before following back if I can see our characters and writing meshing well. This is just so I can have an active dashboard that I can freely interact with. please let me know if you have a side you'd want me to engage and follow if its not prominent somewhere.
. You do not need a verse to interact with my muse. If anything I prefer general crossover to see how they interact in their various worlds.
. While open to shipping and discussing possible connections with my muses I will not insta-ship and please dont assume they are even if we’ve talked about it a bit. It’ll have to be chemistry and interaction based with buildup and note the blog is not ship-focused. The blog’s central plot focuses solely on themselves and their themes unless heavily plotted otherwise.
. Note I don’t do mains or exclusives in any way. While I do have close mutuals I’ll interact with a lot because of comfort there are no central characters or plots otherwise besides my own. If a muse wants to get involved in some exclusive way please come by me to see if we can plot something out.
. I’m not interested in poly-shipping. Nothing wrong with it ofcourse but Im only really comfortable shipping with friends or mutuals I know and on the same space as I’m in. I’d ask for a single-verse for my muse or we can go through a platonic route if your muse is exclusively poly, but as with anything please come talk to me for anything.
. You dont have to ask to reply to an ask. Please do! If anything I ask if possible to follow through on a meme or ask you’ve sent be turned into an interaction unless the point is moot or its a drabble. Not required of course, it just helps start and build interactions!
. Note the plot is centralized to my characters and canons put under the v. main tag. Dash events, rpc happenings and the whathavs unless I say so otherwise are not canon and often put under the crack tag or untagged. Please dont assume anything from my muse or expect them to engage either as sadly I have to step away from the dash often and cant catch up. I prefer to have control over my narrative and if you want something outside included please plot with me!
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auburniivenus · 7 months
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#auburniivenus,   Orihime   Inoue from   BLEACH   franchise.   Canon-divergent,   slow-paced   blog   and   non   affiliated   with   BLEACH   rpc.   Selective   ,   multiverse,   multimuse,   multiship,   crossover   and   oc   friendly. Penned   by   Mallow   she   /   her   30.   
Main   (college)
    Soon   to   be   available:
    –––   ❛   STUDY   IN.   emotional,   physical   abuse,   love,   friendship,   death   ,   insecurity,   character   development,   faith,   struggle   with   emotions,   blood,   tragedy,   self-discovery,   family,   dream,   healing.     
    Mains   :   @geraniumplant   (grimmjow   aka   kazui   godfather)
    Exclusives:   @adversitybloomed   (Hime's   precious   Mulan)   ;   @orangeshinigami   (canon   ichigo   to   my   orihime.)   ;   @estarion   (vampire   lover   to   my   cleric   hime)
LINKS:   carrd,   prompts,   headcanons,   verses.
This blog will change formatting upon request to make interactions more comfortable to read.
    001.   selective/semi-private   blog.   i’ll   only   interact   with   mutuals.   if   i   follow   you   and   you   don’t   follow   me   in   the   next   week,   i’ll   probably   unfollow.   sorry,   but   if   you   have   no   interest   in   interacting   with   me,   i’ve   no   interest   in   following   you.
002.   you   don’t   need   to   match   my   reply   length.   however,   if   i   write   one   paragraph   and   you   just   answer   me   a   line.   i’ll   drop   the   thread   for   sure.   
003.   i'm   oc/   multi-muse/   crossover   friendly.   so   please   don’t   hesitate   to   role-play   with   me.   however,   your   oc   must   have   some   data.
004.   english   is   not   my   native   language.   so   please   be   tolerant   about   some   minor   grammatical   mistakes.
005.   i   ship   chemistry   and   development   the   most.   
006.   i'm   here   to   have   fun   so   i   don't   tolerate   any   kind   of   hate.   i   sometimes   forget   to   answer   dms   but   that's   because   my   atention   spawn   is   short.
Note:   the   border   i   started   using   is   made   by   the   amazing   @lavenderph   .
 Note:   New   border   I   am   using   is   made   by   @paletterph
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volucerrubidus · 2 months
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Updated my Rules recently; there are a few new additions, so I'm going to copy/paste them here for ease of reading! If you don't feel like going through every single line to see what's new, the main section that's new is the "Disclaimers" section at the bottom. Otherwise, I've just altered wording, sorted things into categories, and tried to make everything clearer and easier to understand. Thanks everybody!
I am not harsh about enforcing these rules, but I will ask politely that you abide by them! They are in place to ensure that we have a good time together!
I usually hate DNIs, but I do want to make it clear: if I find out you are not pro-Palestine, I will hardblock you and move on. End of story. 
Mun is 24. This is an 18+ blog.
Please note that if I can’t see what age bracket you’re in anywhere on your page, then I’m not taking a chance. You don’t have to disclose your age to me, but if I don’t see at least something that says you’re an adult, or over the age of 18 in some way, then I’m not going to follow back, and will softblock you. If you follow again, I will hard block you.  
RP etiquette applies. No godmodding, no metagaming, etc. Mun is not muse. Don’t assume your muse can automatically beat Tim in a fight. There’s more on combat below, but just be fair, and plot it with me beforehand.
This blog is selective and mutuals-only. That said, I’m very likely to follow back/follow first. If you don’t follow me back in a week or two, I’ll unfollow again.
If I ever follow you a second time (or more times after that because I have memory issues and I’m not here often enough to remember urls well [I am so sorry]), I promise that I’m not trying to make you follow; it’s likely because I forgot about the first/previous time. Feel free to soft/hardblock me for your own comfort if it happens! I’ll do my best to avoid doing this. 
I am a low-activity blog; I work a full-time job, and struggle with energy and brain fog. Tim is also a finnicky muse.
Please do not pester me for replies. I will respond when I can.
Personals are free to follow, look, and like, but please do not reblog any of my posts.
Asks are a fantastic way to interact with me, and perhaps the best way. Often, I cannot access tumblr on the browser due to my work, so asks are something I can do on mobile at a higher frequency than threads.
If you want to continue from an ask answer, please make a separate post. If you don’t, then I will transfer to a new post on my turn.
I do not do M!A’s (magic!anons) unless I specifically reblog an M!A post– otherwise, I will not respond if you send one in.
Don’t forceship with me. Ships come from chemistry. That said, you are welcomed with open arms to tell me if you want to ship with Tim, and we can go from there! I do reserve the right to deny a ship, but if that’s the case, then I’ll work with you to plot a fun and interesting dynamic that makes us both happy!
I don’t do exclusives or mains; please don’t ask me to make you one or the other. If you do have exclusives or mains, then that’s awesome! No judgement either way; I just personally won’t have them on my blog.
Please reblog memes from the source. This is to keep my activity page easier for me to keep up with. 
I don’t rp smut.
I don’t use fancy text formatting for the sake of my own ability to proofread my writing. You are welcome to continue to use whatever text formatting you’d like, though!
I will make sure to tag any warnings that I find necessary (and upon request if I miss something!), and in turn, I ask that you please tag topics involving non-con situations. Thank you!
If I do something you don’t like, PLEASE tell me! I want this to be fun for everyone involved, but if I don’t know that I did something you were uncomfortable with, then I can’t fix it, and thus, we are no longer mutually having fun. I know confrontation is daunting, and people have probably treated you very poorly when you tried to communicate a grievance in the past; it’s happened to me, and it’s happened to so many people I know. I will do my best to be kind, fair, open, and apologetic, and I will do what I can to help rectify the situation, no matter how big or small. Come open a dialogue; I’ll be happy to have one with you. 
I chat in the tags often.
If there’s something in a thread that you want to discuss, please come chat with me about it!
Please tell me if you want to ship! I want to know!
If you have a plot request, send it my way!
Combat between muses is going to come up often on this blog given the muse and source material. If a thread starts to go in that direction, I require that we plot out the fight before proceeding, so that we can work together to write a scene that both goes the way we need it to for plot reasons, AND goes the way we want it to for fun reasons. The only exception to this is people I’ve written with for long enough that I feel we will not accidentally step on each other’s toes during a fight.
I do not and will never ship Tim with Bruce, Dick, Jason, Cass, Duke, or Damian. If you write batcest, I don’t care, but I will not follow you. If you follow me, I’m likely to soft or hard block. The only exception to this is multimuse blogs who have muses I want Tim to interact with, or blogs that have a clear line of separation between batcest and batfamily interactions. I will be HIGHLY selective about this, though.
If you do not make it clear on your blog that you ship batcest, and then we become mutuals, and I see you suddenly start writing batcest, I will softblock you. It is not personal; I just don’t want to read that stuff on my own personal dash. I just ask for honesty. Please don’t trick me into following you; tumblr rp follower counts are not that important.
For full transparency: I do think the pro/anti debate is stupid. Those words are thrown around willy-nilly to vilify people or virtue signal, and I will not entertain that discourse on this blog. In my humble opinion, anyone can write whatever they want in fandom spaces, and I just would hope that tags are used appropriately, so that people can curate what they read or view. I personally could not care less what another writer ships; if there’s stuff I don’t wanna see, I’ll just not look for it, and I won’t follow people who write it. Simple as that.
You’ll see it in my bio too, but I want to address it here as well: I actively dislike fanon, and it will have no place in my writing of Tim. I don’t care if your muse draws from fanon—you do you—but don’t be shocked if my Tim acts surprised or confused by fanon assumptions of him (ex: if your muse brings Tim coffee to drink, he will be very confused as to why that was the choice. Tim Drake is not a coffee drinker). I am not going to gatekeep your experience with comics, and I am never going to send you anything that might make you feel bad for how you write your character. I love everyone’s interpretations, and I like seeing different takes on them! I just think it’s courteous to put this note here to be fully open and honest.
Thank you for taking the time to read through all of this; I know it’s long! I hope you have a fantastic day, and I look forward to writing with you! :D
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speargifted · 3 months
-- Cas. They/them. 21+ --I’ll be sporadic activity, selective and mutuals only. Crossover selective and OC friendly(Though I won’t follow OCs that don’t have a somewhat detailed about page). --I am friendly with duplicates! --I am disabled and it takes a lot of energy to write sometimes, I’m also not a particularly chatty person and I can struggle with OOC communication and if that’s ever the case, I promise it’s a me issue and not something you’ve done. -- I am multiverse and multiship; I don’t practice ship exclusivity, because I like fostering unique dynamics with people writing the same muses. -- General RP etiquette - No godmodding, don’t reblog threads you’re not involved with, move asks to threads, ect ect -- Dark themes will be present, possible triggering content. I will do my best to tag things but mutuals can let me know if additional things should be tagged. I have no triggers. -- I don’t believe in this new wave of purity culture. Writing is writing. I will write problematic content. I will ship problematic ships. I will explore content these new fandom police deem nasty and appalling. I will ALWAYS tag and warn for what my writing will involve and I will never write a subject my writing partner is uncomfortable with. But this is my blog and outside of my threads with you, you have no say in my writing.
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amplichor · 1 year
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A STUDY IN ― burning the wick , hosting a spark to temper , making the moonlight your stage , grieving those a breath away & * being haunted by your reflection .
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independent private roleplay blog for utahime iori of jujutsu kaisen , heavily influenced by personal headcanons and Japanese mythology . & treated as an original character . ( 21 + , oc / crossover friendly ) . written by ford : she / they 24 y/o , cst . sporadic activity , not spoiler free ( please read rules before following . ) est. september 2023.
mains : @chikyodai , @sugurau , @moonsmourning , @killerhubby . @usagimen , @kuraokcmi
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𝟏. my portrayal of utahime doesn't align with canon, it's based heavily on my own ideas / headcanons as well as elements from japanese mythology . i treat her as an original character . if you dont like how i write her, please unfollow or don't interact.
𝟐. basic rp etiquette rules apply , mutuals only, minors will be blocked, be respectful. , problematic and toxic behaviors / mindsets will get you blocked . please don't interact with my posts if you're not a mutual oc - friendly . not duplicate friendly . unaffiliated with the jjk rpc. on top of following muses i can see utahime interacting with : i follow muns and muses im familiar with and i'm going to be selective, hence the private label on this blog. i curate my space accordingly and will softblock or hardblock if i feel the need. i like to operate in smaller circles so i won't be following everybody back !!
𝟑. im slow with replies, i'm a mother , work and have other hobbies , on top of that i'm manic depressive / bipolar and have general anxiety, all of which can affect my motivation and activity . if i'm not here i can be found on one of my other blogs ( @zefahai , @yookimi , @audiear , @dielogue )
𝟒. in general i'm a patient rp partner and can take a while to respond. please remind me if it's been a while since I’ve replied to a thread or ask . if you lose muse for a thread let me know, that way i'm not wondering if you've lost interest in me / writing with me . mains + friends are prioritized when it comes to answering asks, replying to threads, etc. please take the time to fill out my interest tracker. it'll help with navigating interactions and chances are i won't know where to start otherwise ..
𝟓. you can continue anything into a thread ! -- starter calls are rare. I’m ok with having multiple threads with you at once and encourage you to send multiple asks ! please like any starters or ask replies i write you, just so i know you see it ( tumblr notifs aren't reliable ) , I format heavily with special characters, double spaced , small colored text, if this gives you any issues lmk and I’ll accommodate ! icons aren't a must, and i often prefer to write without them.
𝟔. i prefer to talk on discord but will still use the tumblr IM system too. ( you can request my discord at any time if we are mutuals . ) i also write on discord in private servers if you'd like to write there too .
𝟕. multi exclusive ship ( i only ship with one portrayal of any specific muse and expect this in return ), I don’t autoship so any shipping requires development and chemistry both ic and ooc . —- the relationship HAS TO develop through our interactions . you can send me shippy memes but we aren’t shipping until it’s discussed ooc and i generally prefer to ship with muns i know well & talk to frequently ! ( i just think that this helps the process of timelines and development better, if you want to ship , reach out to me ! i promise i probably already ship it but i won't make a move to actively ship unless you outight say " i want to ship " because im oblivious. ) -- also , i am okay with duplicates only when the dynamic is different ( unrequited vs. requited. )
𝟖. i use a basic tagging system for triggering or nsfw posts. all nsfw is tagged #nsft or #nsft /, and #usfw , triggers are tagged #trigger or #trigger / , if i miss one please let me know ! I want this to be a safe space <3
𝟗. everything posted is made by me ! do not steal or lift any headcanons, concepts, or graphics i'm happy to help with photoshop or carrd and have a commissions blog if you're interested in that !
𝟏𝟎. the most important rule on this blog is to communicate with me ! [ . . . ] in my 10+ time on this site i've been involved in my own drama, and i gotta say : i'm too old for it. i don't participate in petty drama, vague blogging, clique behavior ,or any other unsavory behaviors as such, and i will not tolerate it ! i don't pay attention to call out posts unless there's undeniable proof / it's not from petty misunderstandings. if there's ever any problems please communicate with me ! if i'm ever interacting with somebody problematic please let me know so i can get rid of the bad apples ! ( given that I was involved in drama at one point : if you hear something about me please get my side of the story before ushering judgement , I’ll take responsibility for any toxic behaviors I’ve had in the past. )
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xthedevilscircusx · 4 months
Mun is 40+ and will not interact with minors. If it’s not clear in your rules how old you are or if I even suspect you are under aged, I will block you.
People who Kin their characters DNI
Minors DNI
Pedophiles, Racists, Bigots, Homophobes, Transphobes, assholes and creeps DNI
I'm only interacting with mutuals.
I do not have exclusives or mains. Everyone will be treated equally here.
Reblog and like from the source. If you keep liking and reblogging things from me, this will clog my activity feed and I can lose track of a lot of my threads. However, if I tag you in art or anything you can like and reblog from me since that’s my invitation to share with you. It’s also fine to like posts that are from me but please do not reblog RP threads you are not a part of.
If we are following each other and I am attempting to RP with you a few times and you keep dropping or ignoring it, I’m going to assume you have no interest in my muse and I may unfollow. There’s no point in following each other if you choose to not interact with me. I do make an attempt to reach out and talk it out first.
I do encourage you to reach out to me. I send out memes to encourage starters. I can say I’m shy. Just because I don’t reach out first doesn’t mean I’m not interested.
Please let me know if you have to follow from a personal so I know it’s you—if it’s not stated in your rules or bio somewhere. I will not follow personals.
If I follow you and you do not follow back after a few days, I will assume you’re not interested and will unfollow you. If you follow me and I don’t follow back after a few days, I may not be interested in Rping with you. Sometimes certain muses do not catch my interest. Please do not take offense because of this.
My writing can vary depending on who I’m rping with, I can write short and paragraph style format. It will also depend on how much inspiration I have for the thread. I will say though that if I’m writing a full-on paragraph and you give me one liner, don’t expect me to respond back. I take our time to write. If you are not interested just simply say so. I’m not here to force anything.
I’m very selective with OC’s—I’ll only accept OC’s from close mutuals or if I so happen to like your OC I’ll follow you. I’m also not interacting with characters outside the Helluvaboss or Hazbin Hotel universe.
I have no triggers. I try to tag appropriately for nsfw. There will be sexual themes and horror themes on this blog and I will tag as tw;; nsfw or anything else that’s appropriate IE;; TW;; gore, TW;; Blood ect...
Please no godmodding
I’m a ship whore but I will not be Rping M/F at this time as that’s not my main preference for this muse. I will write NSFW mainly M/M. Of course there needs to be chemistry for this to work.
There will be no Lucifer/Lilith, Lucifer/Adam, Lucifer/Eve or even (can't believe this is a thing but) Lucifer/Lute here.
Lute and Adam muses DNI
Duplicate Lucifer's are welcome and yes, if interested he'll also make out with them to.
Be a decent human being. I don’t tolerate rudeness, homophobia, and drama of any kind.
About the Muse
I’ll keep this basic for now but will flesh this out as I go
Lucifer still stays at the hotel to help his daughter and to rebuild his relationship with her.
He’s trying to get out of his depression, and work to rebuild his kingdom again due to his long absence.
Lucifer is the angel of creation, as such, he will not be fixated on building ducks. He likes to build other gadgets and contraptions—even if sometimes they don’t go very well. He has different projects in place that he wants to build around the city. Charlie’s inspiration to redeem sinners had rekindled his drive not only for his creativity, but to make Pentagram City a better place to live and to be a source of inspiration for others.
Lucifer is completely divorced from Lilith. He does not wear the wedding ring. Their marriage had been falling apart way before the 7 year absence. He’s going to be very wary of her if she comes around. They can still be on friendly terms but there will not be anything in the romantic sense.
As an angel, Lucifer is intersex. He can become pregnant or impregnate others (if they have the right parts). He goes through heats.
He considers the Sins like brothers and sisters, but he wouldn’t say he’s particularly close to them. A lot of the things they do he finds questionable.
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atomiqueen · 5 months
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this is an INDEPENDENT, SELECTIVE, and PRIVATE rp blog for LUCY MACLEAN of amazon prime's FALLOUT tv show. written by bean. mainly show & headcanon based, as i slowly familiarize myself with the lore. oc & dupe friendly! NOT SPOILER FREE.
A STUDY IN: being neutral good in a chaotic neutral world; a variety of tv tropes (the pollyanna, action girl, martial pacifist, the golden rule, took a level in badass, the conscience, break the cutie)
beta editor + xkit rewritten only! rules under the cut; everything else on carrd.
wandering the wasteland with: @radiaking
blogroll: @atomiqueen. @heartsdefine. @thiefscant.
GENERAL: SELECTIVE AND PRIVATE. this means i’m particular about who i follow and i will only write with mutuals. my blog is semi-iconless (depending on the muse/if i feel like making icons or not). NOT SPOILER FREE. NO GODMODDING, metagaming, etc. EXCLUSIVITY IS RARE but not unheard of so you can find my mains/exclusives list here
WRITING: I USE PRIMARILY THIRD PERSON PAST OR PRESENT TENSE. i'm not entirely comfortable roleplaying in first or second person (yet). when it comes to verb tense, i'll often check to see what my partner is most comfortable using and go with that. i can do one-liners or multipara threads, but longer things will likely take a bit more time.
SHIPPING: I SHIP CHEMISTRY, and i do not force ships because i’m not a monster. i definitely enjoy a good romance, but platonic and queerplatonic dynamics, rivalries, etc. are just as interesting to explore!
FOLLOWING/UNFOLLOWING: IF I FOLLOW YOU, IT MEANS I LIKE WHAT YOU HAVE GOIN' ON AND WOULD LOVE TO INTERACT. it doesn't have to happen immediately, just down the line! i'll give most folks at least a week to follow back (thus indicating mutual interest in writing together at some point) before unfollowing. but if i really enjoy your blog/portrayal, i may stick around as a passive follower so long as i am welcome!
BLOCKING: I PREFER TO BE HARDBLOCKED IF YOU NO LONGER WISH FOR ME TO FOLLOW YOU for any reason. this is so i don't assume tumblr unfollowed you for me and refollow, inadvertently crossing your boundaries. if i suspect someone has softblocked me, i will likely hardblock them myself to avoid refollowing in the future. (i am generally quite liberal with the block button, as i'm serious about curating my online space.)
PLEASE DO: BREAK YOUR REPLIES FOR ME UP INTO SMALLER PARAGRAPHS if we write together, as my adhd makes hugelong paragraphs difficult to read; ASK ME TO TAG YOUR TRIGGERS if i’ve neglected to do so (whether i’m following you back or not); like my starter calls, SEND ME MEMES, turn my meme replies into threads (if we are mutuals); SHOWER ME IN PLOT IDEAS and ooc chatter; HAVE PATIENCE with me on all of the above; FEEL FREE TO UNFOLLOW ME at any time for any reason, as i will be reserving the right to do so myself 
PLEASE DO NOT: USE SUBSMALL TEXT or multiple spaces between words in our threads as i find both difficult to read; UNFOLLOW/REFOLLOW to get my attention (it won’t be the kind of attention you’re hoping for); EXPECT ANY KIND OF IMMEDIACY FROM ME IC OR OOC. i love making friends via roleplay, but i’m one smol nerd just trying to have a good time and i won’t stress myself out by trying to keep up with everything at once. just know it’s not personal, and i’ll get back to you as soon as i have the energy.
I WILL GLADLY: TAG NSFW AND TRIGGERS appropriately and accommodate those who ask to the best of my abilities; WELCOME LGBTQIA+ HEADCANONS; USE MY SHITPOST TAG (#blacklist for less soft nonsense.) on most of my inane ooc content so feel free to block it, that’s why it’s there
I WILL TRY: TO REMEMBER IF YOU DON’T LIKE TO BE REBLOGGED FROM, but please note that I have ADHD and may forget. Often and repeatedly. (A bit more info about this can be found here.) If being reblogged from on the reblogging website really bothers you, please feel free to soft/block me as needed. Relatedly, I don’t really care if you reblog things from me that aren’t in-character roleplay posts and/or headcanons. I do think it’s polite to reblog a meme from the source if you don’t send one in, but I don’t personally consider it a blockable offense.
I WILL NOT: FOLLOW BLOGS THAT DON’T HAVE ANY RULES OR GUIDELINES set up; exceptions to this are reserved for muns i already know aka those whose boundaries i’m already familiar with; FOLLOW VERY MANY BLOGS THAT INCLUDE CHARACTERS from game of thrones and/or house of the dragon, as i’m just not comfortable having a lot of ASOIAF content on my dash; exceptions to this are typically reserved for people i already know and/or multimuse blogs that include other fandoms/muses i’m interested in 
MUNDANE: MY NAME IS BEAN/BEE. they/she. nonbinary lesbian. i’m 32, neurodivergent, and a full-time grad student with two jobs. I’M WHITE. in the event that i fuck up and/or swerve out of my lane, i invite my friends and followers of color (or fellow white folks who are wiser than me) to let me know. i can and will do better.
CREDITS: banner, promo, psd
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thelightofdemacia · 8 months
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#THELIGHTOFDEMACIA ·· ind. semi selective lux crownguard from league of legends by riot games · written by vic ( she / her, +30 ) · mature themes present · shitposter extraordinarie · established 2019 ·
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·· Basic rules!
· Hate/drama: … will not be tolerated. I’m here for fun, I’m as old as gunpowder, keep your hate inside your box, thank you very much.
· Shipping: I'm multiship so, sure! In case you're wondering I probably ship it too. But EzLux is OTP and i would give my soul for them.
· Mature themes: mun is way over 21. ok way over 25. FINE over 30. Mature content, including gore, smut, torture and other touchy subjects, might happen, as long as you are the right age and have the mental strength to follow me. I do not have any triggers, but I’ll tag the most common ones. Please let me know if something specific needs to be tagged.
· Language: english isn’t my mother language, not even a distant cousin, so please forgive the mistakes i’ll make. because i will. have patience.
· Vic: is a friendly potato. is also a jungle main irl. +30 years old, latina, and a menace to society. Do not hesitate to contact me, send asks or interact with my posts even if I'm not following. I'm not mutuals-exclusive. No, you're not bothering me. No, I'm not mad at you.
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daensuse · 2 months
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#𝐃𝐀𝐄𝐍𝐒𝐔𝐒𝐄 is an independent & selective blog for original character 𝘢𝘭𝘪𝘤𝘦 𝘦𝘷𝘢𝘯𝘨𝘦𝘭𝘪𝘴𝘦 𝘥𝘶𝘣𝘰𝘪𝘴. by dirk, 24, he/him, since 2015. a study in: queen bee with a heart, the prima ballerina, lovesick girls will always listen, walking down the runway of american dreams, and the nicest french person on the planet. affiliated with 𝘸𝘰𝘳𝘭𝘥𝘯𝘦𝘦𝘥𝘴, 𝘳𝘦𝘵𝘳𝘰𝘮𝘶𝘵𝘢𝘨𝘯 & 𝘦𝘵𝘦𝘳𝘯𝘪𝘵𝘺𝘢𝘧𝘳𝘢𝘪𝘥.
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about. prompts. rules under the cut.
BEHIND THE BLOG: i’m dirk, 24, he/him! i’ve been writing on tumblr on/off since early 2013. i took a while out, but now i’m back. don’t forget youre here forever
THE BASICS: no force shipping, no godmodding, etc. i reserve the right to unfollow, drop threads, not follow back, etc. i’m mutually exclusive and memes/starter calls are for mutuals only.
USUAL DNI CRITERIA APPLIES. no bigots or other such weird freaks. i'm a grown man and i'm sick of having to make 'don't be racist, homophobic or transphobic' clear
I’M OF AGE but don’t write smut. all other nsfw content is canon typical and will be written, but i will tag everything appropriately.
PASSWORDS: rule passwords tend to spike my anxiety, but i read rules before i follow.
ICONS: i have a full time job so frankly i will not be using them. i’ve always been terrible at graphics though so i’m doing us all a favour
SHIPPING is fine by me! all i ask is do not be a weirdo you’ll be blocked. i’ll always prefer to develop a ship before jumping right in, so please don’t hesitate to shoot me a message.
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goffard · 1 year
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# GOFFARD - — An independent and highly selective roleplay blog featuring Derek Goffard of The Price of Flesh. Est. on July of `23. Loved by Vulpe.
FOREWORD... Due to the nature of Derek's character, as well as the originally source material, I advise that you proceed with caution here if you are particularly sensitive to topics of abuse, gore, violence, and horror in general. Though I'm here to have a good time just like everyone else, such topics will nevertheless be mentioned in some capacity through my writing. Please keep yourselves safe and take a step back if need be.
That being said, I absolutely will not tolerate any minors here. This is a place for adults only, and because of this, I ask that your age is present somewhere on your blog. You will be blocked otherwise. I, myself, am twenty - five years old.
Thank you for your consideration ♡ Now, I have just a few other rules to keep in mind... ✘ This blog is highly selective and mutual exclusive. However! As long as you keep your posts trimmed, don’t spam OOC content, have basic information about your muse, and I believe our muses also have a decent chance with connecting, then there’s a good chance I’ll follow you back. I absolutely love original characters and I’m welcome to most fandom muses, so, there's no need to be shy here. ✘ Practice patience with me. I ask that you keep in mind that I’m a busy little bee, and that I also have many other muses that I write for. Though it usually takes me a while to get through replies, know that it’s just a matter of life simply getting in the way. ✘ I will be extremely selective in regards to shipping. It’s important for me to take into consideration how problematic of a person Derek is, as well as the chemistry involved with any potential romantic interest. Still, if that’s a matter you’d like to discuss in the future after we’ve had some time for our muses to interact, remember that I'm very open to exploring the possibilities. I love a good slow burn and lotsa development!
✘ Themes of sexual nature will also appear here from time to time, whether in the form of headcanons or actual threads and so forth. I’m also very open to writing smut, as long as the right circumstances fall into place between our muses. Anything that may contain such themes will be tagged as #not sfw.
... And I think that does it! Have questions, want to plot, or simply wish to chat? You’re more than welcome to shoot me a message!\(^▽^)/
Derek Goffard, The Price of Flesh, and art featured here in my own personal edits are properties of Gatobob. My icon PSD was designed by the lovely Beckowsky.
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frostwnd · 2 years
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              MUSELIST | RULES | ASK | MAIN BLOG
     indie multimuse ft. Genshin Impact, Star Rail, original characters, and more
                      penned by ASH
Just a few of the usual rules you see around! Thank you for taking your time to read this!
1) As per usual, no god moding please! I’m here to write my character, don’t do it for me.
2) Please don’t reblog threads if you aren’t part of the roleplay.
3) If you want to continue a thread from an ask, please make it a separate post!! Please. I cannot stress this enough.
4) NSFW may be present, including smut. Smut is reserved for mutuals only! Sorry, I’m really only comfortable with it with people I know.
5) I ship chemistry. Please don’t pressure or assume any ships!
6) Please don’t pressure me for replies! Kind reminders are okay, but I do ask for you to not be pushy or demanding.
7) I am non-exclusive, so don’t worry if I’m already roleplaying with another blog with the same muse!
8) I am somewhat selective- I’m more comfortable roleplaying with those I’ve talked to and follow.
9) I don’t send in passwords! I always read rules before following, don’t worry.
10) I do not roleplay with personal blogs.
11) I am multi-verse and multi-ship!
12) My sense of time can be…. abysmal. Sometimes it can take me up to a week to check out your blog if you follow me, and I’ll think it was only day before yesterday. Sorry about that!
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auraspheres · 7 months
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an INDIE. SELECTIVE. CANON DIV. AURA GUARDIAN RILEY from POKEMON D/P/PT + ancestor verse ft. Sir Aaron written by leche! Multiverse, crossover, and oc friendly. please read rules under cut before following!
✧ Very canon divergent. A lot of history, headcanons, and even in-game events are explored differently here. While in some realm canon complimenting this iteration greatly diverges from the norm.
✧Triggering content containing NSFW both sexual and intensive themes. I do write smut but all of the above is put under a read more and tagged accordingly. Please be 18+ to interact.
✧ Selective, crossover/oc friendly, mutuals only etc etc. I only interact with mutuals and wait to be followed first before following back if I can see our characters and writing meshing well. This is just so I can have an active dashboard that I can freely interact with.
✧ You do not need a verse to interact with my muse. If anything I prefer general crossover to see how they interact in their various worlds.
✧ While open to shipping and discussing possible connections with my muses I will not insta-ship. It’ll have to be chemistry and interaction based with buildup and note the blog is not ship-focused.
✧ Please like any ask or starter I answered for you! Tumblr as always has its faults in its notifications. It’ll save me a lot of anxiety if you do! Thanks a bunch!
✧ I don’t do mains or exclusives in any way. While I do have close mutuals I’ll interact with a lot because of comfort there are no central characters or plots otherwise besides my own. If a muse wants to get involved in some exclusive way please come by me to see if we can plot something out.
✧ I’m not interested in poly-shipping. Nothing wrong with it ofcourse but Im only really comfortable shipping with friends or mutuals I know and on the same space as I’m in. I’d ask for a single-verse for my muse or we can go through a platonic route if your muse is exclusively poly, but as with anything please come talk to me for anything.
✧ You dont have to ask to reply to an ask. Please do! If anything I ask if possible to follow through on a meme or ask you’ve sent be turned into an interaction unless the point is moot or its a drabble. Not required of course, it just helps start and build interactions!
✧ Note the plot is centralized to my characters and canons put under the v. main tag. Dash events, rpc happenings and the whathavs unless I say so otherwise are not canon and often put under the crack tag or untagged. Please dont assume anything from my muse or expect them to engage either as sadly I have to step away from the dash often and cant catch up. I prefer to have control over my narrative and if you want something outside included please plot with me!
✧ Think I missed you when ya followed? Just like my pinned post and Ill check you out but please dont harass me or ask to be mutuals following that. Sometimes there’s just no clear way for our writing, content or characters to interact and asking me to be mutuals puts me in an uncomfortable spot.
✧ The rules above are the most prominent but THE REST FALL UNDER GENERAL RP ETIQUETTE. Anything not listed but known should be adhered. But if you have any questions please feel free to send me an ask for clarification!
templates: header ,
PSD: spun sugar
icons: x
And hello! Im Leche, 30, Mexican Latinx, and first generation American. Im tired, gay, transmac but can’t stop rp'ing as a fun hobby
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>HSR Multimuse & OC Roleplay Blog. >Indie. >Selective/Mutuals-only. >OC/Duplicate friendly. >written by Willow. (she/they | 22 | EST)
An RP blog ft. Jing Yuan, Feixiao, and Dr. Ratio from Honkai Star Rail, as well as multiple OCs. Please read the rules before following; dark content is present on this blog! banner ©
Personal Blogs DNI! 20+
> Roster | Verses | Headcanons | Memes | Tags | Relations
Wishlist | Crush Check | Dynamics Interest | Perm. Inbox Call | Owed Replies
>Replies: 10 | Starters: 0 | Inbox: 5 | Queue: 0
Rules under the cut for easy viewing: [Updated 09.07.2024 (m/d/y)]
Howdy, I’m Willow! You'll see that I use Tabasa from END ROLL as my faceclaim. As I'm perpetually tired, my activity is irregular, but I tend to stay fairly present even if it's just as a lurker. My Discord is available for chatting, but I will only give it out to trusted individuals.
1. OC friendly! Duplicates are welcome, too! For comfort reasons, I try to not follow duplicates first unless they state they're okay with it. I am hesitant on crossovers unless I know you, the mun, well. It's just a bigger comfort zone for me to step out of.
2. I am mutuals only. If I can’t read your carrd/theme, I will softblock or hardblock you to avoid interaction. If I don’t see our rules and preferences meshing well, I’ll hardblock to avoid any conflict! Feel free to softblock/hardblock me as well if that’s the case on your end too, but if there’s a specific issue you have please come talk to me!
3. Please take a look at each muses’s bio for more details on their ship status! I am very open to multiship and shipping in general; so long as our muses have chemistry, I’ll likely vibe. That being said, some muses might have restrictions based on their character or sexuality, so it’s best to look at each muse. Please also take a look at the relations tab for other restrictions, such as potential exclusives. 3a. I’m open to having you as a main if we RP a lot or talk extensively about our muses OOC! Exclusives are rare and more circumstantial based on friendship or dynamic; I do not default to limiting my ships. Of course, I respect others' rules on exclusivity. 3b. I am a dark/toxic dynamic enthusiast, and shipping to me does not necessarily connote a healthy romance for that reason. I will of course require discussions for that kind of thing, but note that I'm absolutely not opposed to the occasional dead dove, or even (noncanon) drabbles, asks, or threads where my muses are killed or worse in those scenarios. Obviously, rape, incest, and pedophilia are absolute no-gos.
4. I am very willing to have duplicates interact, particularly for Stelle! I think there's a lot of very fun potential to be explored there. Due to the inherent multiversal nature of HSR, as a general rule my canon HSR muses are aware of the multiverse and will react accordingly. You will not see any surprised by another version of themself. 4a. Please check this post for more information.
5. Magic Anons. I will not participate in these, so please do not send them to me.
6. I will also not pressure myself to answer every single ask I receive or commit to every starter. I delete asks, a lot, especially if they're spontaneous/unprompted. This is nothing against you if I don’t respond to your ask or starter, though I do my best; my energy can be rather fleeting and unpredictable, and though I love unprompted asks I sometimes struggle to maintain the motivation to answer them. I will absolutely let you know if I feel I need to drop a thread. 6a. If you don’t specify which muse you want me to answer for in an ask, I may not answer it.
7. Mun is of age, HOWEVER I will not be roleplaying anything explicitly smut-related on Tumblr (though sexual HC memes might be shared for my adult muses depending on my mood). Some things might get a little spicy, but at most I will fade to black. Gore and other disturbing scenarios are more than okay. Angst is tasty. That being said, see the next rule:
8. I’ll do my best to tag potentially triggering topics, but if something comes up that I haven’t tagged properly, do let me know! I tag as #trigger tw and #trigger cw.
9. Respect my muses’ power. I do play some very powerful characters, including gods. I will not metagame nor godmod, and all I ask is that you do the same.
10. Communication is key! Please talk to me for anything, whether it be potential plots, current ones, headcanons, active threads, etc etc. If you have questions or concerns, please please reach out.
11. As a selective blog, I won’t be roleplaying with non-roleplay/personal blogs! Sorry! If you’re a personal blog and you don’t have an RP dedicated sideblog, please do not interact with my posts. I will block personal blogs that reblog my content on sight. 11a. DNI list: for my own comfort, I found that it is best for me to set up a DNI list for fandoms/series that I'd like to avoid. That being said, please dni if you rp the following series: Helluva Boss. Hazbin Hotel. Welcome Home.
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ancicntforged · 8 months
Mobile Rules
This blog mainly focuses on Honkai Impact, Genshin Impact Cthulhu Mythos, and Honkai Star Rail, along with various original characters and other fandoms like Dragon Ball. The primary characters I often feature are Magnum Tenebrosum and Kiana Kaslana. While these two are the main focus, I also occasionally highlight other muses and themes, depending on my current interests and creative direction.
-I’m a semi-selective roleplayer and I will only roleplay with mutuals. I will kindly ask for you to please check and make sure that we’re mutuals before interacting with me, if you do not then I will ignore you. If you persist, then it’ll earn you a block.
-Please do not reblog threads you are not apart of or reblog ooc posts. It’s rude to do, but feel free to like any thread or ooc post you want.
-This is a supportive and friendly space. I stand by my friends and fellow roleplayers, so if I notice any form of harassment, I won’t hesitate to block to maintain a safe and enjoyable environment for everyone.
-I don’t have exclusives since I know people come and go just as blogs do, but if we’re very close friends (or just roleplay a lot together) I don’t mind coming up with verses specifically for our muses.
Memes, Asks & Plots 
-My inbox and IM are always open for asks, memes, chatting, plotting, etc.I’m all ears for whatever creative ideas you’ve got cooking.
-Reblog Karma? Nah: Here’s the deal - you don’t need to feel any pressure to reciprocate when sending asks. Feel free to reach out whenever the inspiration strikes, no strings attached! And as for me, I might reblog directly from you or the original source, depending on what’s easiest at the moment.
-Curious about my character? Got a question for me personally? Bring it on! I’m more than happy to answer most questions. Just a heads-up, in-character (IC) asks are a mutuals-only zone, but I’m open to all sorts of other questions, whether we’re mutuals or not. Though, I’ll be a bit selective with those.
Characters & Roleplay 
-Ruby is Canon-Divergent and won’t be played any differently. Most other muses are played by how I interpret them.As for my other muses, they’ll be played by how I interpret them.
-Each muse has their own codename, a secret alias they use until they get to know your muses better. The depth of your muses’ knowledge about mine will vary with each thread. Curious about these codenames? Find them on the muse page or in their individual bios.
-All muses are multi-ship. Each ship takes place in its own verse.
-I love seeing new faces! Feel free to bring your OCs or canon characters into the mix. Just make sure there’s a short bio or some basic information available for them.
-Some of my muses are gonna be overpowered. If you don’t like the fact that you’re essentially going to be seeing deities and other powerful individuals in equal measure, then this blog is not for you.
An important thing to read, which is relevant for this blog, as taken from this. Link
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-My muses are multi-dimensional, capable of both good and bad deeds. Their actions are shaped by the tone and circumstances of each thread, keep that in mind. -No God-Modding, Please: Let’s keep our roleplay fair and fun for everyone. If god-modding happens, I will talk to you in a civil manner. It’s all about respecting each other’s characters and their stories.
-All Genres and Lengths Welcome: Whether it’s novella-style depth or light-hearted crack, I’m open to all kinds of roleplay. Bring on the variety!
-Slow and Steady Roleplaying: Just a heads-up – I’m on the slower side when it comes to replies. But don’t hesitate to nudge me for a response. I promise to get back to you, though it might take a bit of time.
-Real Life Comes First: Remember, the real world keeps me busy with work and daily commitments. So, please bear with me if my responses take a while.Thank you for understanding.
NSFW & Triggers
-Mature Themes Ahead: This blog features mature content, including torture, gore, and sexual themes. If these topics are not your cup of tea, feel free to use the unfollow button. Or, if you prefer, let me know and I’ll tag these posts for easier navigation.
-NSFW Content and Tags: As this is an NSFW blog, I occasionally reblog NSFW material. But don’t worry, I’ll always tag it with #nsfw and label it as mature for your convenience.
-Trigger-Free Zone: Personally, I don’t have any triggers. However, I’m always mindful of the content I share and its impact on my followers.
-Approach to Angst: While I have a penchant for roleplaying angst, an overabundance has somewhat dimmed its appeal for me. So, expect it to appear only sparingly.
-Dealing with Anon Hate: Anonymous hate messages will mostly be ignored. I might post them occasionally, especially if I’m feeling a bit sassy, but they won’t get much of my attention.
-Drama-Free Space: Drama, should it arise, will be sidestepped or tagged accordingly. I’m all about maintaining a positive and enjoyable space here.
A special shoutout to Cloud-Ya, the amazing artist behind the HoV icons. Big thanks to them for granting permission to use their work.
Word from the Mun
Thank you for reading my rules, fam. My name is Joy Boy and it’s nice meeting ya. There won’t be many details on myself, but do know that I will answer most questions that are asked about me. I have a few mental disorders, but won’t say what they are.
That aside, I am here for the roleplay and stress relief, not for some petty drama and god knows what else, hence why I don’t associate myself with the RWBY Fandom and neither will I participate in any callout or otherwise drama either. Most of us are adults here, so let’s act like it.
Worry not, there is no password here and I will send in any myself once I read your rules as well.
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