#neither of them are alone đŸ„°
harryslittlefreakk · 4 months
favourite crime
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summary: a chance meeting between y/n and her professor leads to a dare
 which leads to a forbidden affair neither of them will forget
wordcount: 8k!!!! can you even believe it!!
warnings: smut (exhibitionism, foreplay) , inappropriate relationship (lol)
a/n: i love professorry & you guys voted for this one so i hope i’ve done him justice! this was going to be a one shot but i wrote so much more than i planned lol so it will be a mini series. please let me know if you enjoy <3
my masterlist and taglist can be found here đŸ„°
“I’ll give you £50 if you go over there.”
“Not a chance, Courtney. I’m not sacrificing my education for £50.”
“I’ll buy your drinks for the rest of the year then.”
You wrapped your hands around your glass, a playful smirk tugging at the corners of your mouth. Your eyes had been glued to the back of your professor’s head since he arrived, jitters coursing through your body. He’d stayed frozen at the bar the entire time, a neat whiskey in one hand and his nose deep in a book.
“He’s so fucking sexy,” you muttered, a blush creeping up your cheeks as you watched the way his tongue jutted out just slightly, wetting his finger so he could turn the page. “Alright, wish me luck,” you beamed at your friend, sliding out of the booth.
You wove through the crowd around the bar, making sure to stay out of Harry’s sight. Your voice was barely audible as you ordered two drinks, a spicy marg for you and a neat whiskey for him. Even the roar of music and chatter was dimmed as your heart pounded in your ears, still watching Harry like a hawk in case he was suddenly joined by a girlfriend.
The coast was clear when you got the drinks, the barstool next to him still invitingly empty. You turned back to your table, pulling a mock nervous grimace as you held the drinks up in the air. After a final check for anyone heading towards Harry, you decided to make your move.
“What would a handsome young man like you be doing here alone?” you teased, slipping into the seat next to Harry as you set down a new drink in front of him. His eyes lingered on his book for a second before looking over at you, an expectant smirk quickly replaced by a frown.
“Miss y/l/n,” was all he managed to say, his mouth drying up as he scanned your body, green eyes lingering just a second too long when they met your cleavage.
“Professor Styles,” you replied, tapping the rim of your glass against his. “Cheers.”
“It’s wildly inappropriate to buy your professor a drink,” he told you, voice stern but a small smile playing on his lips.
You turned away from him, craning your neck to look around the bar. His eyes followed yours, brows knitted when you eventually looked back at him with a satisfied grin. “Just checking. No university higher ups here, so you’re free to act inappropriately.”
“Thank you for the drink,” Harry smiled, folding over a corner of the page he was reading before reluctantly closing the book.
You snatched it from his grasp, a mocking gasp falling from your lips as you flicked through the tattered book. Almost every page was dog-eared, the spine broken and sellotaped back together, half the book bent out of shape from water damage. “You’re an English teacher. And you treat your books this way?”
He chuckled, stretching out an open hand to silently ask for his book back. You clutched it close to your chest, hands splayed across the book to protect it from his touch. “You can’t be trusted with it anymore.”
“This is so inappropriate,” Harry muttered, covering his smirk with a tanned hand as he shook his head. Every second you spent at his side felt like a step closer to unemployment, but he couldn’t bring himself to turn you away. After all, you were in a bar out of town, and the likelihood of anyone seeing you was low.
You grabbed a napkin while he mused, pulling him out of his thoughts when you shoved a hand into the pocket of his slacks. Harry's eyebrows raised in surprise as you pulled out a pen, a mischievous glint in your eyes. He couldn't help the rush of adrenaline he felt at your touch, sparks tingling where your fingers had brushed against his thigh, the silk lining of his pocket suddenly warm.
He cleared his throat, trying to regain some semblance of composure as he leaned one elbow against the bar. "I think it's time you head back," he said, his husky voice tinged with a mix of amusement and apprehension. The tension between you was palpable, and he knew he needed to put some distance between you before things went too far.
You scribbled something on the napkin, folding it in half and slotting it into Harry’s book, taking time to lovingly smooth out the crease he had folded into it before handing it back to him.
“Nice seeing you, Professor,” you winked, downing the remainder of your cocktail and setting the glass down next to his book before making your way back over to your table.
Harry watched as you sauntered back, your hips swaying in time with the music. There was an air of danger about you that lingered just out of his reach, intrigue creeping through his bones. He’d noticed your natural charm from the day you joined his class, the way you were a friend to everyone who gave you as much as a glance, and an enemy only to the girls who cared more for their looks than their popularity. You’d always submitted good papers, asked important questions, and listened when he asked you to stop your incessant chatting to the people around you. But he’d never noticed this side of you, and now that he had, he didn’t think he could go without it.
With a final glance over in your direction, Harry finished his whiskey and stalked out of the bar, desperate to cool off before he got carried away with the idea of you.
By the time you looked over at him, he was gone, and your friend was interrogating you about what had happened.
“Nothing,” you mumbled, drawing on your greatest acting skills to feign a pout.
“I don’t buy that for a second,” Courtney poked, grinning excitedly as your frown morphed into a smirk.
“You can’t tell anyone, I mean it.”
“Swear on my life.”
“I gave him my number,” you grinned, unable to keep your cool for even a minute.
Courtney gasped, banging her hand down on the table. “You didn’t!”
“I did. But I don’t think he’ll use it,” you laughed, silently hoping that he would.
You’d checked your phone the entire way home, waiting for a text that might never come. But the second you climbed into bed, reluctantly accepting your love affair had died a premature death, your phone let out the most glorious little ding it ever would.
unknown number: did you get home safe?
You thrashed around the bed for a second, jaw snapping so low it could have smacked against the floor. You read and reread the message, eyes wandering over every letter.
y/n: safe and alone if that’s what you’re asking
You watched as the little white dots appeared and disappeared, over and over again, until they finally vanished for good.
But you’d already taken it further than you’d ever planned to, so you added Harry’s number to your contacts, and called him.
He answered after a few rings, his voice low and husky when he finally spoke. “You shouldn’t be calling me.”
“And you shouldn’t be answering,” you teased, giddy at the realisation that you were now having a late night phone call with the hottest man on the planet.
“How else am I going to tell you how inappropriate this is?” Harry sighed, though you could hear the reluctant amusement lacing his words.
You rolled onto your front, grinning at your phone like a love drunk teenager. “You can tell me to back off if you really want,” you offered, fingers crossing in a desperate plea for him to do the exact opposite.
He stayed silent for a minute, the cogs almost audible as he weighed up the pros and cons. “It’s already gone this far,” he murmured eventually. “Thank you, by the way. For the drink and the bookmark.”
You bit down on your lip in a desperate attempt to control your grin from splitting your face clean in half. “That’s two gifts from me now, what do I get from you?”
“You get to keep your education and not be reported to every higher up there is,” Harry laughed.
“And what else?” With every word you felt like you were falling deeper into cuckoo land. It was so out of character for you, never the one to blindly make your move on a man. And not just a man, the professor you’d harboured a juvenile crush on for the entire academic year.
“Nothing else. You’re bad news,” Harry replied. You pictured him sitting with his phone in hand, a stern frown and warm smirk juxtaposed on his chiseled face.
“Am I really?”
“Definitely.” Even the sound of his voice had you weak at the knees. You’d never make it through tomorrow’s lecture, melted to a puddle in your seat within five minutes.
“Maybe you should delete this number then.”
“Bold of you to assume I’ve saved it,” Harry replied, his turn to tease now.
“Well then what are you worried about? There’s no evidence of your crime,” you mocked.
“Don’t call it a crime.”
“Can I at least be your favourite crime?”
Harry sighed again, a real exasperated sigh this time. Your grin fell as he stumbled over what to say, the potential repercussions of your chase suddenly weighing heavy on you both. “Look, I’ll be honest with you here y/n, I don’t know what I’m doing,” Harry confessed, his voice soft as he spoke.
“Can we not just worry about it later?” It was a plead you hoped the both of you would take notice of.
“Not when my career hangs in the balance.” He went quiet again, only shallow breaths and the drumming of his fingers audible from the other end of the line. “Meet me in my office at the end of the day tomorrow,” he finally muttered. “And not a word of this to anyone.”
“Goodnight, professor,” you smiled, heart pounding so violently you feared it could burst through your chest as you ended the call.
Either he wasn’t done with you yet, or he was really done. And if the tone of his voice and the reluctance that laced it gave you any clues, you had your money (and hopes) on the former.
You spent the whole morning in a daze, pulling your phone out every few minutes to check your message history in case you’d made the whole thing up. It felt like a bizarre fever dream, an alternate reality you’d stumbled into. Every time you saw the read the text from Harry your heart skipped a beat, doing nothing to calm you. Whatever he wanted to see you for was eating away at you, your fate resting in his hands. You didn’t even notice the campus barista calling your name, over and over again as your head and your heart argued loudly in your mind.
When you finally snapped back to reality, grabbing your coffee with a stream of apologies tumbling from your lips, you saw Harry watching you, an amused smirk curling the corners of his mouth.
You winked at him as you left the cafe, unnoticeable to anyone but him, but just enough to make him uncomfortable.
“He looks good today,” Courtney mused, pushing open the lecture hall door and leading you towards the nearest empty seats. They were too near the front for your liking, especially today, but at least Harry couldn’t miss you.
“How do I look?” you asked Courtney, glancing down at your outfit. You’d tried to be cute, in case that swayed him towards fulfilling your dirtiest desires, but not too over the top. You weren’t going to force him into bed if that isn’t where he wanted to end up with you.
“Like the little slut you are,” she teased, grinning as you rolled your eyes.
“He told me to go to his office at the end of the day. What if I get there and he’s sitting with the head waiting to grass me up?”
“Then you can blame me,” Courtney smiled, always ready to shoulder your academic and personal failures.
“What if he’s not?”
“Then you can thank me.”
You rested your chin in your hands, eyes glued to the head of whoever was sat in front of you as you grumbled and groaned. You were too busy freaking out to notice Harry coming in, his eyes continually flicking to you as he set up the projector.
“I really want him,” you groaned, just loud enough for the words to reach Harry’s ear, a tiny blush creeping up his cheeks as he read your lips.
“Silence, please,” he called out, eyes still locked on yours with his lips curled into a barely noticeable smirk.
He kept his eyes trained on you the entire class, not even attempting to look away whenever you caught him staring. If you were crazy, you’d notice that he’d paid a little more attention to his appearance that day. His brown curls were pushed back with a little gel, his ringed fingers falling to his side every time he reached up to brush a hand through his hair. He’d ditched the v-neck sweater for a crisp white shirt, hints of tattoos you didn’t know he had poking through the material.
You didn’t even notice it was the end of the day until your subconscious carried you out of the crowd of students heading for the exit, and you found yourself knocking on Harry’s door.
He called you in, straightening up as you pushed open the door and looked around expectantly. The university higher ups weren’t there to escort you off campus immediately, and you felt a little weight fall off your shoulders.
His office was quaint, littered with books and notes. Harry sat behind a tower of papers, an old fashioned table lamp illuminating his desk in warm orange hues. He waited for you to sit down in front of him, grinning as he handed you an uncapped pen. “I thought you could help me with some marking since you’re so desperate to harass me outside of lessons,” he smirked, nodding to the stack of papers.
“Any excuse to spend time with me,” you muttered, grinning as you dropped your bag down next to you. Harry handed half of his pile to you, and you work silently for a while, your mind running a million miles an hour. He hadn’t shut you down, hadn’t made any effort to tell you to stop. And he found a way for you to spend more one on one time together.
Harry cleared his throat suddenly, pulling you out of your thoughts. “Need to ask you something,” he murmured, setting his pen down on top of the paper he was working on.
You looked up at him silently, brows knitted and pouted lips falling open as you waited for him to continue. He was shifty, eyes squinted as if he didn’t want the words to come out. “You’re not trying to get something, are you?” he paused, tensing up in his seat. “Like
 I don’t know. ‘Let me get some dirt so i can blackmail my professor for good grades.’”
His mouth hung open as he waited for you to reply, watching you go from confusion, to anger, to hurt in the time it took you to comprehend what he said.
You rubbed a hand over your face, trying to maintain your composure as you took in the weight of his words. “If that’s what you think then-”
You stood up, pulling your bag onto your shoulder. Harry jumped to his feet, circling around his desk as he read the hurt in your eyes. “It’s not, I have to ask-”
He reached out, grabbing a hold of your sleeve as you turned to walk away. Part of your brain willed you to stay, to not cause a scene and show him the immaturity that came with being tangled up with a younger woman. But you couldn’t stay there, not with him and his absurd view of you.
You pulled out of his grip, shrugging your sleeve back into place. “That’s not who I am,” you murmured, heading for the door as quickly as your shaky legs would take you. You left Harry standing there dumbfounded, face screwed up as you tried to make sense of him.
“Come on, please. Just one little boogie,” you pleaded with Courtney, already rifling through her wardrobe for something to wear. You’d promised each other to slow down with the nights out this year, try and use your evenings for important things like studying, or swiping through each other’s Tinders. But you were still a little pissed off, just enough that you required a best friend boogie to shake it off.
“Fine.” Courtney rolled her eyes, dragging her body off the bed to get changed.
The bar was busy when you got there, as noisy and as crowded as it was on the weekends. You groaned as you sunk into your seat at a corner booth, too irritated to deal with handsy men and having to shout about your problems over loud music.
unknown number: are you home?
Your phone lit up as you pulled it out your bag, a scowl taking over your features as your eyes gazed over the words.
unknown number: ?
“Who’s that?” Courtney asked, searching your frown for answers as you turned your phone face down on the table.
“Who do you think?”
“What the hell happened in his office?”
“Nothing, seriously nothing. He asked me if I’m trying to get dirt on him. So I can get better fucking grades.”
“It’s a valid question,” Courtney shrugged.
You groaned, holding your head in your hands. “I know it is. I’m just offended that he thinks I’m that kind of girl,” you explained.
“I’m sure he doesn’t. But if anything were to happen, there’s more for him to lose.”
“Well I don’t think I’d be finishing my education anywhere near here if it ever got out.”
“No, you’d be the town whore. Young women would come from all over the world, desperately seeking advice from their hero. Professors would fear even looking you in the eye,” Courtney teased, well prepared for your dramatics.
“You’re making me regret it before it’s even begun.”
“Stop pursuing him then.”
“You’re the one who dared me in the first place!”
Courtney patted your arm fondly, swilling the last of her drink around the walls of the glass. “While you’re brilliant company, I’d rather have a full glass while I talk to you. Same again?”
You picked up your phone hesitantly, as if it would detect your fear and automatically message Harry. He was too confusing, messing with your head already despite having spent less than an hour with him. You didn’t want messy, but somehow you needed him.
You threw your head in your hands, groaning as you peeled through your fingers. Courtney was taking too long, and naturally your eyes found her twirling her hair and grinning in the direction of the man with his arm around her waist.
He was cute, the exact kind of beachy blonde man you knew would leave Courtney in love after five minutes. She turned to look back at you with wide eyes, her excitement palpable even through the crowds between you.
You gave her a thumbs up, smile only faltering when you spotted a familiar face behind Courtney, the same brown curls that seemed to haunt your every move. Harry looked up from his phone at just the right moment to catch you staring. Busted. His warm gaze met your frosty glare, his cheeks tinged pink as his eyes focused on you.
You couldn’t exactly continue to ignore his texts now, especially with your phone quite clearly placed in front of you, so you broke eye contact, glancing down to type out a text to Harry.
y/n: no, busy riding the university head at the minute. thought i’d do go for the big dog đŸ€·đŸ»â€â™€ïž
unknown number: come outside .
You watched as Harry slipped out of his booth, stalking towards the entrance. And like a little lap dog, you followed, eager to know what he had to say.
You slipped an arm around Courtney’s waist as you passed her, whispering in her ear about getting some fresh air. She nodded, but her eyes were glazed over, too deeply interested in this man to really hear what you said.
Harry was leaning against the wall outside when you reached him, head turned upwards towards the late evening skies. You stood next to him, back pressed against the brick with your eyes resting on him. Scanning over his features like it was the first and last time you’d ever see his face. The little mark of his glasses on the bridge of his nose, curls in tatters after a full day of running his hands through them every five minutes. He was attractive from the second you first set eyes on him, but most of his pull was in his personality. You didn’t know much of him, but what you did know was charming. He always told a stupid dad joke at the start of class to draw everyone in, his feedback was always positive even on the worst essays. No one ever felt stupid or less than around Harry, he made that his mission. And yet somehow now you felt like the most ridiculous little girl, chasing after someone she can’t have just for any benefits it might bring.
Harry had turned to face you at some point during your musing, silently watching your features soften and then change, moulding into different emotions as the cogs turned in your mind.
“I didn’t mean to offend you,” he started, shifting his body slightly as you looked back out onto the street.
“Then you shouldn’t have asked an offensive question.”
You knew you were showing your age, only aiding his perception of you, but you couldn’t help acting petty for a minute. You weren’t the adult in this situation, not the one who needed to be mature.
“I’m sorry. I just needed to know your intentions before-”
“You had every right to ask.”
Harry frowned, mouth opening in preparation to disagree with you before your rambling cut him off.
“No, you did. A lot more is at stake for you, I should’ve thought about that before I- I didn’t think you’d accept the drink, but you did, so I pushed, I was-”
“Testing the boundaries,” Harry finished for you.
“Well, I don’t think we’ve hit them yet,” Harry mumbled, pulling his gaze away from you. You kept making him shy, painting an uncomfortable blush upon his skin, trailing goosebumps down his back. He was supposed to have the power here, yet he felt completely surrendered to you.
“Do you still want me to help you with marking?”
“If you want to. Was actually really helpful for me today.”
Your phone started buzzing in your hand, a stream of texts flashing up on the screen. “Courtney says she wants to go home with her new boyfriend, he has a roommate who can ‘have’ me,” you told Harry, face screwing up as you read the last words.
“That sounds nice,” he chuckled dryly, glancing down at his watch.
“Sounds horrific, no thank you. Haven’t even had my boogie yet,” you groaned, quickly tapping a similar yet softer message to Courtney.
Harry turned on his heel, stalking back towards the entrance of the bar as you dawdled behind him, eyes still glued to your phone screen.
“Where are we going?” you asked, following him to his table. Courtney was leaned against it, the new drink she’d meant to bring you long forgotten next to her. Her new lover was attached to her like a conjoined twin, his lips hitting places you’d dreamed of finding Harry’s. “Your table’s been taken over,” you mumbled, watching as Harry interrupted the snogging session with a firm tap on the back of the beachy blonde’s head.
“Y/n, Josh. Josh, y/n,” Harry beamed, inwardly cringing at having to explain his connection to you and Courtney.
You shot her a puzzled look, mouth hanging open as you looked between the three of them standing across from you. Courtney’s face mirrored yours, smile morphing into a smug smirk as she realised. “He’s your roommate?” she asked Josh, thumb pointing towards Harry.
“Yeah. How do you-?”
“Story for another time mate,” Harry laughed, patting down his pockets to check he had everything before leading you out of the bar.
“Did you plan this?” you laughed, cocking your head in mock suspicion. Josh and Courtney had disappeared into his bedroom before you’d even taken your shoes off, leaving you and Harry alone for the evening. In his house.
It was cute, a tiny but spacious two bed. He had books littering every surface, all as tattered and worn as the one he’d been reading in the bar. And the shut of him fixing you some dinner, a tea towel thrown over his shoulder
 it was a good job you were propped up against the breakfast bar for how weak your legs had become.
Harry held his hands up in defence, turning round to look at you. “I swear on my life, no. I invited Josh out for one, he went to get our drinks and they must’ve bumped into each other at the bar.”
“Why did you go back to the same bar?”
“Why did you?” Harry countered, the pasta water bubbling dangerously high as he abandoned the jumble of pots and pans on the hob, leaning on the countertop in front of you.
“I asked you first,” you smirked, reaching out to swat at his face. He caught your wrist in one quick movement, pinning your hand down between you both.
“I’m older.” Harry cocked his head to the side, a playful curl tugging at the corners of his mouth. There was something soft about him, an air of domesticity that you dreamed about in a man but rarely saw.
You wrapped your fingers around his, pushing your hand against his until they sat just between your faces. “How old are you?”
“I am
 old enough to be your teacher,” Harry grinned, pulling his eyes from your face to frown at your hands. “Are you seriously trying to arm wrestle me?”
You felt his arm tense up, his grip on your hand tightening as he slammed your hand back down on the countertop, a laugh rising out of him. “Seriously,” you frowned, making no attempt to loosen your grip on him as he rounded the breakfast bar, stopping when his face was only inches from yours.
The food was long forgotten, the pasta water sizzling as it overflowed onto the hob. Neither of you noticed, too enthralled by your proximity and the crackle of tension in the air.
“Thirty four,” Harry replied finally, his breath tickling your skin.
It didn’t matter anymore. He could’ve been fifty, seventy even and it wouldn’t even reach your ears. You couldn’t think with him this close to you, couldn’t force your brain to do the mental maths when the scent of his last coffee of the day lingered on his breath, the woody notes of his aftershave clinging to his shirt, deep grey ink drawn onto the inches of exposed tan skin.
“Dinners ruined,” Harry murmured, nodding his head back towards the hob, eyes still glued to yours.
“I’m not hungry,” you whispered, breath hitching as Harry moved closer. He cupped your jaw, running his thumb along your lower lip. And then he was moving around the corner, stepping into you as you opened your legs to let him closer. Your heart was hammering in your chest, eyes wide as you stared up at him.
Harry’s lips had barely met yours before the smoke alarm set off, barely given you a taste of him before he was across the kitchen, stabbing at the smoke detector with pain etched into his features.
Your eyes met when the wailing finally stopped, his frustration turning to amusement as he looked up towards the ceiling. “Maybe that was a sign,” he smirked.
You rested your head in your palm, brows knitted as you watched him lean against the sink, too far away from you. “Maybe we should follow the universes rules,” you whispered. “So you shouldn’t cross this,” you pointed to the breakfast bar.
“What if I need to get to that side of the room?” Harry countered, throwing his head back on his shoulders.
“You can ask me to pass you something.” But he was already moving closer, already rounding the countertop. And then his lips were on yours again, your makeshift barricade already forgotten. He was stronger this time, his tongue faster as it wrestled against yours, the sweet nectar of his mouth like honey as he kissed deeper into you.
“We shouldn’t be doing this,” you whispered, pulling away for a second to catch your breath.
“No, we shouldn’t,” Harry echoed, pressing fervent pecks to your swollen pout.
“It’s really bad.” The words were tumbling out like a reminder to you both, your brains final plea for some display of sanity before it went too far.
Harry’s hands were wandering over your body, his eyes locked on yours as his mouth trailed down your neck. “I fear the line is too far behind us now,” he murmured, husky voice muffled against your throat. You were sure he could feel your heart working overtime to try and calm itself down, thumping against the walls of your ribs as if it were about to break free.
“I can’t see it”, you mumbled, tangling a hand in his hair. You were panting, your mouth gaping open as Harry’s fingertips clawed and kneaded at your doughy hips, his other hand cupping the nape of your neck. His mouth was magic, his tongue grazing over the spots his teeth would nip as he moved further down your body. It was as if he’d been starved for years, your skin his lifeblood, the food he so desperately craved.
But footsteps at the top of the stairs broke your spell, you and Harry forced to tear yourselves away from each other like repelling magnets. You could see the regret in his eyes, the hesitance of his touch as it left your body. He stumbled across the room to the sofa, throwing himself down as if physically pained to be out of your reach. You forced a smile onto your mouth, straightening out your skirt as Courtney rounded the corner into the living room.
“Nice night?” you smirked.
“I was just explaining to Josh that we’re being responsible now. Which means no sleepovers with boys you meet in bars, especially when you have classes the next day,” Courtney shrugged, putting on her best puppy dog eyes for you.
“I’m not your mum,” you laughed, turning to face her properly. “If you want to stay then stay.”
Courtney’s eyes flicked to Harry, as if waiting for him to tell her to leave. “Stay,” he told her, raising his eyebrows suggestively to Josh. “Even if it’s a bit weird,” he mumbled, low enough for only you to hear.
“Text me!” you called after Courtney, though her and Josh were already running back up the stairs for round god-knows-what.
“You can stay too if you like,” Harry told you, settling back into the sofa cushions.
“Mmm, maybe not. One boundary crossed in a day is enough, no?” you shrugged, busying yourself by fiddling with a loose thread on your tights.
“Who said anything about crossing boundaries?” Harry smirked. He passed your jumper to you when you rolled your eyes, grabbing his keys from the side table as he stood up.
The air was tense when you got in the car, only speaking to direct Harry to your flat. His fingers danced along your thigh at every red light, his eyes lingering on you every time he glanced to the left.
“It’s just here,” you murmured, gesturing to the building ahead of you. You didn’t know why you kept talking yourself out of something you so clearly wanted, something that came to you both so naturally. It was right with a hint of wrong, wrong with a little right. But you couldn’t shake the feeling of his lips on yours, the taste of something you so desperately craved.
Harry pulled into your driveway, questions written all over his face. You looked at him wordlessly, setting your hand on top of his.
“Do you trust Courtney?” he asked, rubbing his temple with his free hand.
“With my life.” It wasn’t Courtney finding out that bothered you, and he knew that. If you were sloppy, anyone could see you together and realise what was going on. Or worse, other students could find out and use it against him in the very way he’d accused you of. Or worse still, you could be only one of many students he did this with.
“Then as long as we’re careful, there doesn’t have to be consequences,” Harry murmured, somehow knowing exactly how to dispel all of your worries. “Unless you’d rather leave it where it is. No harm, no foul,” he offered, squinting slightly as he tried to gage your reaction. He so desperately didn’t want to leave it, to put it aside as a twenty-four hour romance, never to be spoken of again. But it was clear that neither of you wanted to suffer the consequences.
“I don’t know if I can just close that door,” you sighed, the thrill too addictive to put aside. “Keep an eye on Courtney for me, please,” you whispered, slipping out of the car before you could manage to confuse yourself further.
He stayed outside until you get in the door, a small smile playing on his lips. You hadn’t wanted to leave it, and you weren’t trying to get something out of him. It was still dangerous, still as threatening to both of your lives, but you were both in it.
You’d barely met Harry’s eye for the entire class, willing yourself to forget he was that hot before your foolish desires turned into something unforgivable. Even still, your legs had carried you to his office at the end of the day with urgency. The warm glow of his lamp was too familiar, the woody aftershave you could smell from outside the door too inviting. You stepped into his office silently, pushing the door closed behind you.
“Hi,” Harry smiled from behind a stack of papers. He watched as you pulled out the chair in front of his desk, dropping into it with a content grin. “I had a very fun chat with Josh this morning.”
“I bet. What did he say?”
Harry halved the papers in front of him, placing the smaller pile in front of you. His fingertips brushed against your hand as you reached for the top one, lightning bolts streaking through your skin from the point of contact.
“That I’m a creep. And someone should’ve told him yesterday,” Harry grinned, reluctantly moving his hand away from yours.
“Did Courtney not say anything?” you laughed, screwing your face up as you imagined that conversation. Harry shrugged, running a hand through his tousled hair.
“I can’t believe she’s stayed at your house,” you cringed, nose wrinkling as you thought about it. It was enough of a boundary crossed to stay there if you were sleeping with him, but to have your professor know you’d been having sex under his roof
“You could’ve stayed too,” Harry murmured, shifting his marked papers to the empty space beside him.
“You know I couldn’t, Harry.”
“Remind me of your reasons.”
You turned the name plate on his desk round to face him, pointing at the word ‘professor’ with raised eyebrows.
“That didn’t stop you kissing me.”
“It was an act of charity!” you protested. “How can you turn down an old, lonely man who keeps trying to kiss you?”
Harry chuckled, leaning his forearms on the desk. “I’m old and lonely now?”
You nodded, a tiny smirk emerging as you chewed on the end of your pen. The more you got to see the playful side of Harry, the more you needed him. He seemed to have just the right dose of everything you wanted, your perfect man right in front of you and yet just out of reach.
“If that’s what it takes to kiss you, I’ll gladly be the oldest and loneliest man in the world,” he mewled, eyes sparkling as he leaned closer, his grin only centimetres away from you.
But then came a knock at the door, leaving you both springing away from each other once again. Harry cleared his throat as he walked over, straightening himself out as he tried to come up with a million plausible reasons why you would be in his office.
You craned your neck to see who had chosen to interrupt that moment. It another student from your class, asking about the assignment he’d set that day. You’d never spoken to her much, and from the way she was flicking her hair at Harry, you probably wouldn’t push for a friendship. Something lit up inside of you when you watched how professional and curt he was with her, a far cry from how he’d ever acted around you.
He got rid of her fairly quickly, wishing her a good weekend. Harry slammed the door behind him, giving it a second before walking back towards you. He stopped in front of your chair, crouching down just centimetres away from your face.
“I have a proposition. I think my house will be occupied this weekend, and it doesn’t seem like luck is on our side here. Why don’t we go somewhere? Out of the city obviously. If you’d like,” he was blushing slightly as he spoke, his fingers anxiously tapping on the armrests of your chair.
“That would be nice,” you smiled, the fire inside of you only growing warmer at the thought of spending proper alone time with Harry.
He leaned forward, pressing a quick and gentle kiss to your lips before flashing you a grin. “Sorry. Just had to do that once,” he mumbled.
You watched as Harry circled around his desk, hips swaying in mock seduction when he felt your eyes on him. “Did you ever notice me before?” you asked, curiosity lacing your words.
“Of course I did.”
“No, like, notice me, notice me,” you were gesturing wildly, hoping he’d catch on to your insinuation. Asking a man if he ever fancied you was embarrassing even for you, never mind if you had to physically spell it out for them.
“I never thought about you that way, if that’s what you’re asking. You’re my student, it never crossed my mind,” Harry told you, placing his glasses at the of his nose as he resumed grading.
“But now?”
He paused for a moment, gaze dripping with lust as it dragged over your face. “Now
 I am beginning to think about you that way.”
‘Beginning’ was good enough for you. You leaned back in your chair, lips curling into a satisfied smile as you fiddled with the pen cap, anticipation coursing through your veins.
“You realise you’re supposed to be helping me? You’ve only graded about four papers,” Harry teased, head nodding towards his towering ‘finished’ pile.
You thumbed through your pile, counting under your breath as Harry watched with an amused smirk. “Five, actually,” you shot back.
Harry’s only response was to raise his eyebrows, arms folded across his chest as he leaned back in the seat. “You shouldn’t be rushing me anyway. The longer I take to grade, the more time you spend with me,” you grinned.
Harry stood up again, circling around the desk to tug your chair - with you still in it - next to his. You looked over at him as he sat back down, his eyebrow raised as an amused giggle bubbled out of you. “You’re clearly distracted by looking at me,” he shrugged, grinning as you slapped a hand over your mouth to stop the laughing fit.
“Now I’m more distracted by my proximity to you,” you grumbled, tearing your eyes away from Harry to stare back at the paper. That lasted all of 5 seconds before you were turning to face Harry again, knocking your pen against his shoulder to get his attention back on you. “Since you never replied, do you not want me to take forever, so you get to spend all that time with me?”
“Do you think I’m ever going to run out of papers?”
“You could always stop setting assignments,” you shrugged.
Harry swatted at the tip of your nose, his eyes bright behind his tortoise shell glasses. “You are just full of suggestions that all end in me being unemployed.”
“You chose this career,” you murmured, voice faltering as Harry placed a finger under your chin, pulling you up to face him properly. “I wouldn’t mind if you took forever,” he smiled, his eyes dark as they landed on your mouth.
Harry’s thumb was running across your bottom lip, swiping a tiny bead of spit over it until the rosebud skin was reflecting the glow of the lights. Your heart was hammering in your throat, almost willing someone to catch you in such an innocent yet inexplicable position. You stayed frozen for a few minutes, eyes caressing every shape on the other’s face, until Harry sucked in a deep breath, springing to his feet. “Let’s go,” he grunted. “Walk over to the bus stop and meet me there.”
“Are you kidnapping me?” you laughed as you slipped into the passenger seat.
“Damn. You got me,” Harry grinned, his smile not quite hiding the frustration in his eyes, his eyebrows knitted as he drummed his fingers against the steering wheel. “Couldn’t take one more second in that fucking office,” he groaned, tires squealing as he sped away from the bus stop.
He was a man on a mission as he raced across town, desperate to put as much distance as he could between you and the university. You stayed silent, the anticipation threatening to burst out of you if you dared open your mouth.
You couldn’t help but feel a sting of disappointment as he pulled up in a secluded car park, any signs of life obscured by overgrown bushes and trees. You so desperately wished for Harry to take you home, to do the things that you’d dreamed about.
He lead you over to a bench just behind the trees, wildflowers and unkept grass tickling at your bare legs as you set next to him. He was still silent, brows still knitted in frustration as he pulled a pack of cigarettes from his pocket, flicking open the lid and holding it out to you. You took one, eyes flitting between the box and Harry’s face as he watched you.
“Only when I’m stressed,” Harry murmured, answering your puzzled look. You handed the lighter back to him, turning to face him fully as you exhaled the first drag. “And you’re stressed why?” you asked, watching the frustrations fall from his face as a wisp of smoke trailed over the pair of you.
“Because you’re dangerous,” he smirked, watching the ash fall as he tapped the cigarette. The remnants of chipped nail varnish on his fingertips, the prominent veins in his strong hand. You never thought watching someone smoke could turn you on, but the growing wet patch in your panties was proof that there wasn’t a thing Harry could do that wasn’t overwhelmingly sexy.
Harry turned his attention back to you after a beat, resting an arm behind you on the bench. “Because you look at me like that,” he groaned, his voice husky as he spoke. “You sit there with something so filthy yet innocent in your eyes, making me want you when we both know you’re out of reach.”
He dropped his cigarette at his feet, stumping it out as you took a final drag of yours before mimicking him. “I’m not out of reach,” you whispered, reaching up to push a curl from Harry’s face.
“I can’t have you,” Harry murmured, wrapping his fingers around your wrist and pulling until you were straddling his thighs. His hands found your hips as you settled on top of his bulge, the cotton of his trousers melding to the slick coating your panties. You wrapped your arms around his neck, relaxing into his touch.
“You already do.” You knew what Harry was saying. You just couldn’t bother caring any longer about who might see you, or what would happen when you’d given him your all and yet couldn’t take it any further. He was exactly the kind of person you shouldn’t get involved with, and if you were a better person, you would have paid attention to that rather than finding yourself perched atop his thighs, leaning into his mouth as he pressed urgent kisses to your neck.
His fingers traced a question along the neckline of your jumper, his green eyes pleading with yours to let him uncover more of you. You couldn’t speak, couldn’t function for a second longer unless Harry released some of the energy built up inside of you. All you could do was grab a hold of the curls at the nape of his neck and hope what Harry saw in your eyes was permission.
He wasted no time in yanking down the top of your jumper, taking your bra with it until your nipple was exposed, inches from his lips. You ground down on his hips as he took you into his mouth, breathy moans clawing their way out of your throat as his tongue swirled around the pink bud. His hand was squeezing as he suckled, the perfect blend of hard and soft. Your whole body was electric, lightning bolts sending shudders through your system from where he touched you.
Harry’s lips popped off your nipple, his fingers still groping and massaging the exposed skin of your breast. He kissed his way back up to your jawline, his free hand slipping under your skirt. “Gonna do so much to this body when I have the time,” he murmured against your lips, pushing his hips up against yours. The moan that slipped past your parted lips was animalistic, your fingertips clawing for a hold on Harry’s crumpled collar.
You let his forehead push against your cheek, putty in his hands to be molded to whatever he needed you to be. His lips met yours with pure desire, your whole body limp as you succumbed to him. His lips, his touch, his cock throbbing under your core, it was too much to bear. The evening breeze that trailed over your exposed skin barely made a dent in cooling you down, did nothing to alert you to where you were or who you were with.
You reached down, leaning back until your shaking hands met the cool metal of Harry’s belt buckle. His hips bucked, nudging his clothed tip closer to your core, drawing a deep moan out of him when your fingertips brushed over his length. “Not here, princess,” he groaned, sinking his teeth into your swollen bottom lip.
You wanted to touch him, to make him feel as needed as he did to you, to feel the burn as his cock broke through your walls. The disappointment that throbbed through your core was short-lived though as his fingers moved to your entrance, plucking your panties to the side as your slick coated his lap. You were soaked through, ready for him in a way that you’d definitely be embarrassed by later. His fingertips had barely grazed you, yet you were writhing and panting as if you’d never been touched before.
You dipped your head onto Harry’s shoulder, reluctantly pulling your hands away from his hips as he presses his thumb against your clit. Your gasp was quietened by your lips pressing into his collar, your teeth tugging against the material as he rubbed slow circles over your sweet spot.
You barely managed to croak out a plea for more, your voice failing you as every muscle in your body contracted, your walls begging for Harry to touch you deeper.
He answered with a groan, shifting you in his lap until two fingers sunk into you, piercing through the tension in your core. You were rocking against his hand, lips ghosting along his jawline as you chased the high you were already so close to. Every buck of your hips pressed your clit into his palm, the contact making your hair stand on end. He was electric, his fingers fucking into you with a power that almost had you fearing what he could do in bed.
You were burning, your heart pounding in your ears. It was too loud, the sound of your slick, your moans and Harry’s breathless pants mixing together in a filthy symphony spurring you closer to your release. You wanted more of him, for him to fuck you in every way possible, but it was overwhelming. You couldn’t focus, pleasure rolling through your body in waves as his mouth found your nipple again, the added sensation pushing you over the edge. You were too weak too hold on, too close to do anything other than succumb to your high, tensing in his hold as you cried out his name.
It echoed around your mind, your eyes screwed shut as he rode you through it, your inner walls clamping down on his fingers. Your thighs were still trembling as he pulled his hand from your core and pushed his fingertips past his lips, sucking every bit of your come from them.
You were frozen, staring at Harry through heavy eyes with the ghost of a smile curling the corners of your mouth. You felt lifeless, trapped inside a body that didn’t feel like yours, even as he tucked your exposed breast back into your jumper and pulled you into his chest. You’d given him everything you had, and you’d happily stay on that bench in your blissful bubble for the rest of your life.
“Should get you home,” Harry murmured, his voice as he pressed a kiss into your hair. You hugged him tighter, unable to get up and walk away even if you wanted to.
eee guys what did you think ?! this was a bit choppy and weirdly written but đŸ€Ș it will all come together in the next part
taglist: @angeldavis777 @softestqueeen @jerseygirlinca @palmettogal508 @drewsephrry @vonnexann @austiebuttbutt @indigo24hughes @peterparkerbae @im-an-overthinker @daphnesutton @loveableidioticweirdo @harryshotpocket @thegrapejuiceblues1982 @tenaciousperfectionunknown @swag13r @ashleighsss @tswiftsgf @chesthairrry @nikkisimps @hannah9921 @lilfreakjez @prettygurl-2009 @s-h-e-l-b-e-e @indierockgirrl @cicicavill7 @harrystylesluverrrr @cohnfusedarling @ell0ra-br3kk3r @stylesfever @stylesbrock @harry-nialllover @fanfic-whore
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ghouldump · 2 months
Your fics are amazing!
Lestat and y/n remind me of a scene on what we do in the shadows:
Lestat: i would like to say that i think all marriage is a sham except mine with my darling wife y/n
Reader: â˜șïžđŸ‘‹
Btw do NOT feel pressured to put out content, this is suppose to be a safe space for creators and i am sure that the rest of the readers feel that way.
Kisses 💋
thank you đŸ„° your words of encouragement mean so much to me đŸ©· i prefer lengthy fics myself and so naturally i like to make my stories a bit long. i know that a few of you guys enjoy my writing and are wondering what is taking so long, so i really appreciate the understanding. i am also posting the requests at the same time, so you guys can have a few new posts to read instead of one. anyways, that so seems like him 😂 i literally came up with a tiny imagine for this 😙
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“and what about you two, are you married?” the young woman asked you.
she and her husband were tourists in new orleans, choosing the city for their honeymoon. you spotted the newly wedded couple in the restaurant, they were the perfect meal for the night. although, you found them slightly interesting, forcing lestat to sit through the dull conversation.
“yes, lestat took longer than most, but we’ve been married for what feels like an eternity,” you laughed.
it had been only a few decades since you’d become mrs. de lioncourt, compared to your century of love.
“forgive me, ma chùrie,” lestat said lowly, as he kissed your hand.
“i didn’t grow up with the best example of marriage,” he said, a sly grin on his face.
“that’s a shame, my pa married my mama after only a month of knowing her, they’ve been together for over 30 years,” the husband bragged. you resisted the urge to laugh, watching as lestat went from grinning to frowning in disgust.
“you know what i find shameful? humans and their boresome matrimonies. you have no real reason other than legality burdens and for misogynistic idiots like yourself to have an at-home womb and servant,” lestat told the man, his nose turned up to him.
“that’s quite a harsh thing to say when you’re married yourself,” the young bride told him, furrowing her eyebrows.
“exactly, miss
y/n, was it? you sure have a handful on your hands,” the groomsman laughed, awkwardly.
slowly looking over at you, you smiled as you met his eyes, his fingertips softly brushing against your jaw.
“our marriage is beyond anything you've experienced in your short life, or your insufficient parents, the epitome of all things neither of your insolent brains could ever understand. your marriage is useless, nothing more than a piece of paper, and if you permit her beautiful name to even slip from your thoughts, let alone your tongue again, i will rip out your spine from-
“lestat,” you called his name, he stopped instantly, facing you.
“yes love?” he asked, his eyes softened. over the years, despite being your maker, he found himself willingly under your command, doing any and everything in his power to please you.
“don’t scare them too badly, honey, the blood will change its course, and taste funny,” you told him, your usual soft smile in place.
the couple was by now confused and disturbed, looking around for the safest exit.
“my apologies, ma chùrie,” he shook his head.
“you don't have to apologize, shall we eat?”
“ladies first,” he nodded, as you both bare your teeth, to plunge into your meals.
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zegrasdrysdale · 3 months
head cannons for luke hughes please if you want!! đŸ™‚đŸ˜›đŸ„°
lh43 headcanons
fluff & smut
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warning(s) : smut !!
author’s note : luke hcs have been requested twice so here we are since im home sick from work
fluff !!
Luke isn’t the most extroverted guy but he’s never been afraid to speak his mind around you. you bring out a side in Luke that even his brothers don’t ever seen
he’s always glued to your side when you go with him to Devils events, but he introduces you to all of his teammates (other than Jack)
you’re very close with Jack since he plays with Luke, but you’re also friendly with Quinn as well even though you’re four years younger than him
you go to every Devils home game with a jersey that you borrowed stole from Luke
he’s nearly a foot taller than you so he’s always easy to spot in the crowd
movie night every Friday (when he’s around)
going to the lake house every summer since you were both 13
Luke is very touchy sometimes. he’ll usually wrap an arm around your shoulders or hold your hand or rest one of his hands on your knee / thigh when he gets a little touchy
your first kiss happens at the lake house one summer night because he gets jealous that Trevor Zegras is flirting with you and he wants you to know that you’re his
“if all it took was flirting with Z for you to kiss me then I would have done it a long time ago”
the two of you are inseparable once your relationship changes from friendly to romantic
you sleep in his bed whenever you visit the apartment he shares with Jack
and Jack always makes jokes about it, even when you were just friends. Quinn finds out and he joins Jack in teasing both of you
you’re super supportive of him as he transitions from college hockey to the NHL, even being there while he struggles during his rookie season but being proud of him when he’s nominated for the calder
he’s also super supportive of you while you finish up school (you transferred to a school in NY after he went pro)
you buy each other gifts all the time, but for his 20th birthday before his first season started, you bought him a chain with your first initial on it and he wears it for every single game. he bought you a matching necklace a few weeks later
✧: *✧:*
nsfw / smut !!
Luke will fuck you everywhere and anywhere as long as you’re okay with it (and when he knows you won’t get caught)
bending you over the nearest surface is probably his favorite thing, but he loves when he can see your face too
morning sex before he leaves for roadies !!
shower sex when he comes back from games and needs to release some of his frustrations happen more often than not, and you don’t complain since you love his rougher side sometimes
you love his thighs so sometimes you will ride them just to get off
and Luke could get off on that alone, but he always waits until he’s inside of you before he comes
Luke loves when you beg for his cock
and when your fingers are on his curls
you make sure he knows how proud you are of him by making him feel good after a good game, whether it’s with a blowjob or riding his dick
he’s very much a giver rather than a receiver. he will go down on you until your entire body shakes. you love when he uses his fingers and his tongue at the same time
Luke isn’t a fan of using toys on you, but he doesn’t mind if you use them while he’s away
neither of you run off to hook up while visiting Luke’s parents because you’re both so afraid of one of them (or Jack or Quinn) walking in on you
but the second you get back to one of your apartments in Jersey 
 that’s a different story
his stamina is insane. Luke could go for multiple rounds or all night without needing sleep to recover
but he always lets you sleep after sex. he’ll take care of you, especially if you literally cannot move
as a matter of fact, luke is the king of aftercare. he’ll get you whatever you need
requests are currently CLOSED !!
wanna be added to the taglist ? fill out this form !
taglist : @dasiysthings @axaslee @ithinkimokeei @dancerbailey3 @love4lando @mangoluver @prettyinsatiable @ivy-34 @bunbunbl0gs @marie7366 @naughty-box @memandi
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mikaela-the-slut-expert · 8 months
Hello! I'm so happy I found your blog! I like your story, the way you write it! And it’s so easy for me to imagine my OC with your story, because our OCs are a little similar, only my character is something like a god/demon of death, a little more cold and his pets are snakes))
Sooooo... Sorry for taking a lot of time with my character 😅 the request for headcanons is haulian x reader and how will Xie Lian and Hua Cheng react if the reader feels like the third wheel in their trio and become a little bit distant because want to give them some space? (I have the idea in my head that the reader is basically like your OC, i like him soooooo much)
Sorry if it's not clear, English is not my native language. And if you don't like the idea, just ignore it))
Closing The Distance
Hua Cheng x M!Reader x Xie Liam
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I'm so happy you like my writing and I love to hear about your OC so don't worry. I'm happy our OC's are so similar đŸ„°đŸ–€
I like writing stories with my headcanons soooo bare with me, bear with me???
You've been distant. Well you've never reached out to people before this either, but you're more distant than usual.
Xie Lian and Hua Cheng noticed immediately.
How you start declining things, how you just sit to the side, you don't talk much, You let them sleep alone, eat dinner alone.
You stop being near them. The kisses you give dwindle down to nothing and the words "I love you" have been reserved.
They haven't a clue why. Xie Lian and Hua Cheng have tried to think of every reasonable possibility but don't know why
Why would you want to be alone when it's supposed to be the three of you together?
It gets to the point where they have to visit you instead of the other way around. Paradise Manor, and Puqi shrine is all of your homes but you don't show up to either one anymore.
You're hiding away at your own place and they just don't know what to do
It really breaks Xie Lian's heart because you've been by his side all these years why do you want to leave now?
Hua Cheng is equally devastated. He would do anything for you and Xie Lian but you're pulling away.
The two can only think that maybe you just don't love them anymore, maybe you're tired of them?
You would never do that though
Xie Lian doesn't like it and neither does Hua Cheng. They intend to get to the bottom of it because they love you.
They would try to give you space but when it seems to only make it worse they don't stop bothering you
That's what it seems like you need, to be bothered.
Xie Lian keeps asking, and caring for you
Hua Cheng gets insecure. He knows he's good that Xie Lian loves him but do you? You aren't disgusted by him are you? Contrary to popular belief ghost kings get insecure too
You are pathetic, at least you feel like you are. Hiding away like a bug under a rock. You don't know when it started and you couldn't control it when it got out of hand. It's nothing against Xie Lian and Hua Cheng, you love them dearly. But the problem you have feels like a problem you can't even bring up. You don't want to hurt them.
Would you hurt them more by bringing it up or staying hidden?
So you've been... Lying here. Bed rotting. If you can even call it that. You're actually just lying under a rock. Very literally. You're hanging out in a small cave. It's nothing you aren't used to you used to do it with Xie Lian all the time.
You could've gone to the heavens and hidden up there but you don't have friends. You have Feng Xin, and Mu Qing but you know they would snitch on you if it came to Xie Lian. So here you are under a rock. Overthinking.
You always overthink, it's why you left in the first place. You also felt selfish. It's hard to see Xie Lian and Hua Cheng together. You love them both, honest! But what do they even need you for? They look perfect without you, like they were made to just have each other. You felt like you were getting in the way, or like a third wheel.
You know they love you too but... It feels so difficult to be included. When Hua Cheng first showed up he immediately was able to take Xie Lian's side and help him with missions. Which was fine you guys needed the extra help anyways but then you learned their pasts. They're just so intertwined with each other
Hua Cheng built temples for Xie Lian, released 3,000 lanterns, built statues, fought in war, challenged 33 gods, cut out his eye, and died 3 times for him, and broke his shackles! What could you possibly add to the relationship. No one could care for Xie Lian better than Hua Cheng.
Xie Lian saved Hua Cheng when he was a child, and stayed with Wu Ming. Gave him a coral pearl, and red string. What have you done?
All the heavens talk about is Xie Lian and Hua Cheng. The ghost realm is the same. You were never a prominent figure so people forget you're even there. They don't even know you're their lover too.
So yes it's hard, and maybe it's selfish that you want to feel more included when they already spoil you when anything you could ask for. Which is why you're hiding in a small, dumb cave. You eventually fall asleep to the pitter, patter of rain.
When you wake up you aren't under a rock anymore. You're in bed. In red sheets, in a red room, red, red, red. You're at paradise manor. You wouldn't mind that if you weren't actively avoiding your lovers. You sit straight up in bed and before you can tumble out Xie Lian is at your bedside. He's frowning and has this worried look in his eyes that makes you feel guilty.
"Where have you been, y/n?" You look away and shrug. "In the cave you found me in" your lips wobble a little. You don't know what to say. What excuse could you use this time? You pick at a loose piece of thread on the blanket and notice that Hua Cheng isn't in the room with you two. ". . . Where's San Lang?"
"A-Lang" Xie Lian interrupts you and his hand finds yours "You've always called him A-Lang"
You want to crinkle under his piercing gaze. "Where's A-Lang?" You whisper glancing back at the blanket.
"Standing outside the room. Baobei why have you been avoiding us?" Xie Lian turns your gaze back to him.
"I-I just was dealing with my own issues" Your hands fist in the blankets and your eyes get watery just thinking about how selfish you've been.
Xie Lian's hand caresses your cheek, "Our issues. We can help you if you tell us."
You bite your lips and bring your hand up trying to wipe your tears before they get the chance to stream down your face. "It's selfish" you spit, venom covers your tongue. "It was a pathetic reason, really. I just was overthinking and I felt like. . . A third wheel. It's not a big deal though" You glare at the blanket. Your anger of course isn't directed at them but at yourself. Xie Lian knows this too.
"A third wheel, how come?" He runs his fingers through your hair. Him and Hua Cheng have tried everything to include you so how could one feel left out?
"It's my own fault, I just don't feel like I have anything to add. I've nothing to offer. I've done nothing compared to you two" You're completely useless like always.
Xie Lian's questioning is interrupted when the door slams open. You both jump when Hua Cheng storms in and grabs a hold of your face. He would never hurt you, you all know this. "Nothing to offer? Just who are you talking about right now?" He frowns at you with furrowed brows. "I don't think we're seeing the same person." He doesn't let you divert your gaze keeping you there.
Hua Cheng knows what you're feeling, your insecurities stemming all from feeling useless. He knows how it is. "You have everything to offer and even if you didn't we would love you anyways. You don't have to add anything y/n, you can just be" he frowns and sits on the bed.
"I think you're going blind in your other eye. I really don't have anything" you blink away tears. "This one offers so much and he doesn't even know, he's done so much for the two of us and doesn't remember. Right gege?" Hua Cheng looks at his other husband for approval and Xie Lian nods.
"This one is a heavenly official. You have to work hard to become a god in the upper court" Xie Lian adds. You scoff though. "That's not what I'm talking about, I-I haven't done anything for the two of you"
Hua Cheng wants to shake you in a jar. "You have though!" Now he's yelling and Hua Cheng doesn't yell only when it comes to the two of you. "Who's rayed by Xie Lian all these years protecting him when I was lost? You did! Who took care of Hong er when Gege's other servants wouldn't dare touch him? You did. Who gave a mongrel child their family heirloom because he had sympathy and was kind? You did!" Hua Cheng holds your face in his hands still.
"You work so hard, and have gone through so much just like the rest of us and yet you still worry about others still!"
"every night this one takes care of us and helps Gege make dinner. Every day this one protects us, every day this one thinks of us and gives his best for us!"
Hua Cheng gives endless reasons small to large. You're crying in his hands and Hua Cheng wipes them away for you.
"No one is allowed to insult my lovers, even if they're doing it themselves" Hua Cheng finishes and kisses your forehead. Xie Lian is smiling and he kisses your forehead too.
"Don't run from us anymore, you can tell us what you're thinking anytime. Me and San Lang have no problem giving you the reassurance you need" he hums and joins you two in bed. All three of you cuddle for the rest of the night and the two practically suffocate you, not allowing you to leave bed. But you love them and would gladly lie here tangled in their limbs.
I hope y'all like it! Also ignore my grammar mistakes guys I always have some. đŸ–€
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littlexdeaths · 3 months
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the car troubles saga continues

older brother’s best friend eddie x fem reader
a continuation of this and this.
it’s a recipe for disaster masterlist.
a/n: shoutout to @uglypastels for helping me come up with reader’s brothers name, i appreciate you đŸ„°
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so you agree to let him take you home.
your heart is pounding in your ears as he opens the door of his van, ushering you in with a wide grin. and your palms start to sweat when he reaches around you to click your seatbelt into place, making the excuse that it’s finicky— when really he just wants the excuse to be close to you.
he can smell the floral perfume and sweat lingering on your skin, and he has to force himself away before he does something drastic. when the car starts you wince as the sounds of judas priest pierce your ears, and he immediately reaches to turn down the volume.
“sorry, ‘bout that.” he chuckles, resting his arm on the back of your seat as he backs out of his driveway.
his fingertips graze over your shoulder blades when he turns back around, beginning to drum them along the steering wheel as you drive through hawkin’s. you find yourself continuing to glance at him out of the corner of your eye, fiddling with the hem of your work vest.
“sorry to make you go out of your way like this, eddie.” you say finally, as the van rolls to a stop at a red light.
you dare another peek over, but he’s already looking at you. his dark eyes are practically drinking you in, and you know that you’re both fucked.
“hey, it’s really no trouble, mouse.”
you inwardly cringe at the use of your childhood nickname, something your brother still used just to get on your nerves. and you’re suddenly feeling very stupid, because of course eddie still saw you that way.
as sid’s annoying kid sister.
“he still calls me that, huh?” you sigh, shifting as the back of your thighs begin to stick to his leather seats.
“aww, come on now. it’s a cute nickname.” he grins, nudging your side before turning down the street.
“yeah, maybe when i was twelve.”
eddie frowns, now realizing his mistake as he pulls into your driveway. the windows are dark, and only his van remains idling in the driveway. no one’s home.
you both sit there in silence for a beat, neither of you quite sure of the next move.
 thanks for the ride, ed.” you utter lamely.
you turn from him then, your hand hovering over the door handle. but you aren’t ready for him to go just yet. and if you were being completely honest with yourself, this might be one of the last times you could be alone with him like this. without the watchful eye of your older brother.
so as nervous as you are, your desires outweigh the possible fear of rejection.
it’s now or never.
when you turn back to him, he looks a little surprised. but the corner of his mouth begins to lift into a soft grin.
“do you want to come inside?”
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pupyuj · 2 months
Arranged marriage with yujinnie 🙏
AAHHH been wanting to do this ask for a while and i finally have my thoughts sorted out 😭🙏 this is gonna have sooo much unnecessary plot but ya’ll know how i roll 😭
unlike most arranged marriages, i’d like to think that yujin doesn’t hold any strong animosity towards you just bcs she was forced to marry you for business purposes đŸ€“ she was a chaebol granddaughter who was next in line to rule her own company and you also just so happened to be an heiress of some sort plus neither of you had any romantic relations with anyone at the momet—it was a match made in capitalism heaven! đŸ„° you lived in the same house, slept in the same bedroom (you didn’t have to but both of your parents insisted that you do so that you don’t totally hate each other), shared the same limo and chauffeur
 and yet not a single sign of affection has been seen to be shared between the two of you! well, why would you?? it’s not like either of you expected it from the other 😖
it wasn’t until you took a moment to really look at yujin one day that you started to realize why she was so adored by everyone around her; she was charming, she was friendly, she was polite, and she was surprisingly thoughtful despite her powerful position. meaning she remembers every employee and staff by name and greets them like a longtime friend—hell, she even talked to you like she had known you for the longest time when you first met! she did become a bit more serious and
 cool(?) around you after you got ‘married’. a real gentlewoman
 with a face to die for oh god!
so nobody can blame you when yujin’s perfectly-sculpted face distracted you from your daily reading! and ofc she notices đŸ€­ it wasn’t everyday that she would find you acknowledging her presence, let alone looking right at her! when you smiled clumsily and hurriedly tucked your nose back into your book, that was when yujin got the courage to take a seat beside you on the couch
 and almost automatically, her hand landed on your thigh 😳 you were used to it as the two of you always had to make it look like that you were a couple in love in the public eye, so yujin tends to have an arm around your waist or holding your hand every time the two of you leave home
 but that was business. this was
 something else!
“i always forget to tell you how stunning you look every morning
“is that part of the act, yujin-ssi?”
“gods, no,” it was really hard to stay composed when she scoots closer with her eyes giving you all the answers to your millions of questions 😖 “why would i lie about my wife’s beauty?” oh yeah she really got you there! 😳 which is why you had no problem when she took your book, put it aside and kissed you
 and you knew that by the way her hand slid up behind your thigh and squeezed your ass that your morning was about to be a lot more interesting than usual đŸ«ŁđŸ«Ł
now yujin
 she has secretly fallen for you during your time as fake wives! and all she has rlly wanted to do was please you in so many more ways possible
 but she’s a romantic at the same time, and her heart jumps at the way you giggled as she princess-carried you up the stairs and into your bedroom, laying you down on the mattress so gently before getting on top of you
 letting you touch her all over before she starts kissing down your neck
 a hand sneaking in between your legs and feeling your wetness leaking through your shorts
 100% she starts getting soaked as well, especially you start tugging on her hair and grinding your clothed cunt on her hand! đŸ˜”â€đŸ’«
omgomg imagine the shock on yujin’s face when you start whining, “from behind
 please.” đŸ«Ł she didn’t know you were needy enough to ask for that kind of thing! and ofc the puppy obliges, taking off your shorts and underwear before flipping you around
 yujin had plans to tease your entrance and make you beg some more bcs your voice was just lovely but that would have to wait for another day! she loves the sharp gasp that leaves your mouth when she swiftly inserts two fingers in your cunt
 loves it even more when you’re moaning her name while she slowly fucks you, your tightness only adding to both of your pleasures

at one point yujin would definitely get hungry đŸ«Ł bcs come on! almost a whole year of this arranged marriage and neither of you have slept with anyone! it wasn’t like you both agreed to stay loyal to each other bcs you really didn’t have to, but yujin fell in love with you and something inside your brain always told you to never even think about ‘betraying’ yujin
 so this? this was very much a need!! meaning that yujin starts fucking you faster, and harder every second
 ah she’s so pathetic she might actually cum from how you’ve been moaning her name so loudly and sweetly! 😳
no joke the way you tighten around her fingers has her going insane 😣😣 she even slows down her pace a but just to feel it more
 and you’d been relieved to have a moment to catch your breath but then yujinnie surprises you by suddenly just plunging her fingers inside you, making you squirt all over her hand—embarrassing for you, fucking heaven for her đŸ€­
and that wasn’t the end of course! yujinnie wants to make up for all the time she wanted to fuck you but couldn’t bcs she thought you weren’t interested
 and now that she knows that you are definitely interested and that you can take more than you look
 well, guess it’s a sleepless night for the two of you! đŸ˜”â€đŸ’«đŸ™
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pickingupmymercedes · 3 months
I'm a sucker for angsty so if you could do something with “love?! you think i’m in love?”.
Thanks and congrats on your mark! đŸ„łđŸ„°
Thank you lovely!!!
This one hit home, so hope you enjoy the angst (also, I got carried away and it almost turned into a one-shot on it's own)
“Love?! You think I’m in love?”
"You’re always running from me” Lewis finally said, his voice raspy. "It's like you don’t want me around."
Y/N scoffed. "Don't be ridiculous. I'm right here."
"But are you?" he countered, his eyes filled with a pleading Y/N found infuriating. "It feels like you're constantly checked out."
Y/N knew he was right, but admitting it aloud was something else. Lewis, with how open he’d been, threatened her walls she'd so carefully constructed around herself.
"Maybe I just need some space," she said finally, her voice laced with defiance.
Lewis threw his hands up in exasperation. " We haven’t seen each other in two weeks. How much more space do you need?"
"Emotional space!" she shot back, surprising even herself with the pleading in her voice. "I can't
 I can't handle all this
" she gestured vaguely between them, unable to articulate what she was really feeling.
"All this what?" Lewis pressed, his voice gentle now, laced with a hint of desperation. "What are you so afraid of, Y/N?"
Afraid? Was she afraid? Afraid of the way her heart did a little skip whenever Lewis smiled at her? Afraid of the longing she felt when they were apart? Afraid of how she felt at home whenever he was around?
"I'm not afraid" she lied, her voice brittle.
Lewis's gaze softened, a hint of sadness replacing the frustration. "Then what is it, Y/N?"
She couldn't explain it. How could she articulate the fear of losing control, of being vulnerable, of letting someone see the mess beneath her carefully constructed facade?
"It's nothing," she finally mumbled, turning away from his searching gaze.
“I don’t buy it" he persisted, his voice laced with determination.
"It's you, okay?" the words tumbled out before she could stop them. "You and this
 this intensity."
Lewis's eyes widened with shock. "Intensity?"
"Yes! This
" she continued, the word tasting bitter on her tongue. "I can't handle how much you
 you care." The truth laid bare in the air.
A part of her expected Lewis to back away, to be intimidated by her emotional immaturity. But instead, he stepped closer, his eyes holding a gentle understanding.
"Is that why you push me away?" he asked, his voice soft.
Y/N swallowed hard, the knot in her throat tightening. "Maybe."
He reached out, his hand hovering hesitantly over hers before he turned his palm to her, an offer. "Y/N," he began, his voice a low murmur, "love isn't a burden. It's a gift."
Y/N recoiled from his touch, a scoff escaping her lips. "Love?!" she exclaimed; the word laced with disbelief. "You think I'm in love?"
The accusation hung in the air. The hurt in Lewis's eyes a mirror reflecting her own denial. Y/N knew she couldn't hide anymore, not from him, not from herself.
For a moment, neither of them spoke. Then, Lewis took a deep breath, his voice quiet when he spoke. "Maybe love is the wrong word" he admitted, his gaze holding a vulnerability that captivated her.
"But Y/N," he continued "whatever this is. It's real. And I'm not going to pretend it's not."
He took a step closer, his hand still reaching out to her. "You don't have to figure this out alone," he said gently. "We can do it together."
Y/N stared at his hand; the warmth of his gaze compelling. Denial was a comfortable cloak, but the longer she wore it, the more stifled she felt.
"I don't know what I want," she admitted finally, her voice barely a whisper.
Lewis's hand settled gently over hers as she accepted his touch. "That's okay," he murmured. "I'm not going anywhere." He squeezed her hand, his eyes holding a quiet determination. "Not until you tell me to."
The simple statement, devoid of pressure or expectation, cracked open the dam within her. Tears welled up in her eyes, blurring her vision to his concerned gaze.
"Lewis," she started, her voice choked with emotion, "I
Taking a shaky breath, Y/N finally met his gaze and saw his comforting smile as he whispered “You don’t need to say anything. Not until you’re ready.”
The words wouldn't come, not yet. But maybe his love wasn't a burden, maybe it was a chance. A chance to be vulnerable, to explore the unknown, to face her fears with someone strong enough to be vulnerable for the both of them.
TAGLIST - @saturnssunflower @xoscar03 @chocolatediplomatdreamerzonk @happy-golden-hour @vicurious28
@0710khj @thecubanator2 @neilakk @bigratbitchsworld @adriswrld
@fearfam69691 @cmleitora @goldenroutledge @timmychalametsstuff @jpgnsf @priopp123 @jajouska
If you’d like to be added/removed from my taglist you can leave a comment or send me a dm/ask.
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sea-lanterns · 5 months
(In contrast to what Signora anon said)
Now imagine Arlecchino jealous and worried for the Empress. She cannot bear the thought of fighting even the Tsaritsa to win your heart, nu uh, she won't have that
If it's just some paper business you'll be found inside Arle's office in her lap buried in her coat (imagine that you're enough small compared to her so shell rest her head on top of yoursđŸ„ș). You don't even have to worry about leaving your warm spot neither for a second: want some water? There's already a bottle with two glasses on the table. Hungry? She got yourself your favorite snack previously prepared (what a caring husband right? đŸ„°)
If she has to go out however she will leave you her coat and when she comes back she expect to see you in it (otherwise you'll be getting a grumpy pookie bear so I warmly suggest you to keep it on👀)
Awwww we made the Pookie Wookie Bear jealous đŸ„ș
Arlecchino comes back from her duties and is like “where’s my Empress?” Only for Signora to open up her coat and reveal the Empress all snug and warm while cuddled up to the fair lady. Oh, you bet Arle is going to be upset. She won’t really show it, but she gently tugs you away from her coworker and stuffs you in her coat instead, shuffling away with her Empress like she was a toy being fought over.
After that, Arlecchino does everything in her power to be the best husband she can be during your stay. She’s always keeping you in her lap or snuggled up against her, feeding you your favorite foods and drinks while she works to ensure you don’t get bored. Heck, whenever the other female Harbingers or god, even the Tsaritsa ask to coddle you for themselves, Arlecchino just shuffles away with you in her grasp, pretending she didn’t hear them 😭😭
Poor Pookie Wookie Bear. She thought traveling to Snezhnaya without the other courtesans would get her some alone time with her love, but unfortunately for her, it seems her coworkers have taken a liking to you too :(
Gib her kiss. She is trying to be a good hubby.
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measuredingold · 11 months
hi, angel <33 back with a request! also also no pressure at all ofc, if you’re not vibing with it just delete đŸ„°
just had a lil fluff idea, friends to lovers type beat. reader is on tour with the band, tagging along as a friend when she’s out late one night with the guys, gets a lil drunk/tipsy and ends up in the wrong bunk. (Noah’s.) he didn’t go out, he went to bed early. she doesn’t realize and she’s like “what are you doing in my bed?”
neither of them end up moving, and it doesn’t help that she’s a cuddly drunk. plus, he has a hard time saying no to you đŸ„ș💗
anyway, do with that what you will 💖
just friends
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authors note: thank you so much lovely anon for requesting this! i enjoyed writing this and kind of want to take it further, but i'm not sure? :) anyways, i hope this is what you were looking for and you enjoy it <3 reminder that my requests are open! also, happy birthday noah :)
pairing: noah sebastian x reader
cross-posted on ao3
word count: 2.6k
cw/tags: fluff (like tooth-rotting fluff imo), friends to lovers, confessions/admission of feelings, drinking/reader is drunk, 18+ minors do not interact
"Easy there, girl."
You giggled as Nicholas helped you onto the bus, his hands pressed against the small of your back to keep you in place. You didn't even mean to drink this, usually not one to do so, but after Folio had challenged you to see how many shots you could take in under a minute you had to prove to him that it definitely was more than two. Now here you were, giggling obnoxiously to yourself as Nicholas guided you onto the bus, feet tripping over one another.
"Nick," You hum, eyes squinting around the bus. "Is the room spinning?"
"It very much is not. You," A finger pressed to your forehead, and you barely registered that Nicholas was now in front of you, a smile tugging at his lips, "are very much drunk, though. Come on, let's get you to bed. Go change and I'll get you some water and Tylenol for that headache that should be kicking in... now."
You go to retort, but there was already a dull pain in the back of your head causing you to wince. Your headaches came a lot earlier when you drank, not waiting until the morning to hit. You give him a grateful smile when he hands you your bag you kept above one of the seats up front, knowing your drunk ass could not get that even if you tried your hardest, and you pulled out a change of clothes and made your way back to the very small, and very tight bathroom.
You change, clumsily, and shuffle your way back to the front of the bus where Nicholas was waiting for you. You take the Tylenol and bottle of water gratefully, swallowing down the medicine in one go. You take a few more sips of water, realizing just how thirsty you were before deciding you were good to go, twisting the cap back on a tossing it onto the couch.
“Good?” You nod, giving Nicholas a thumbs up in response. He smiles. “Alright. I’m gonna meet back up with guys, but Noah’s still here.”
Your brows furrow for a moment before you remember that Noah is still on the bus, opting out of going out with you and the crew after tonight’s show. You give Nicholas another nod as your response.
“If you need anything, just wake Noah up. He’ll get you whatever you need.” He leans forward now, tipping his head down to press his lips to your forehead, and you smile brightly up at him when he pulls away. “And if he doesn’t, hit ‘em upside the head and then call me.”
You laugh, “I’m sure I’ll be fine if I need anything. I’m drunk, not injured.”
He rolls his eyes at you before you gently shove him away, pushing him towards the door. You say your goodbyes and watch the door shut behind Nicholas, leaving you to stand alone in the front of the bus all by yourself. You stay put for a second, the dizziness coming back before a yawn rips from you, and you decide to finally shuffle your way towards the bunks.
All you needed was your favorite blanket and your bunk, and that duck squishmallow Noah had gotten you a few months ago. It’s quiet and you think Noah’s probably asleep already, and you yawn again as you finally reach your bunch, pulling the curtain back. You stare quizzically, though, at the man curled up in your bunk, and he stares right back, brows raised and just as confused.
"What the hell are you doing in my bunk?"
Noah blinks at you before pulling his airpods out, a brow raised. "What?"
"I said," You let go of the curtain to place a hand on your hip. "What the hell are you doing in my bunk, Davis?"
He stares at you for a beat before his lips slowly start curling into a smile.
"How drunk are you?" Noah squints at you.
"Why does that matter?" You argue, words slurring slightly. "I'm drunk and you're in my bunk. Two very obvious and true things. Now answer my question."
Noah snorts out a laugh. "You're right about one thing, you definitely are drunk. This is my bunk, though."
If you were sober, you would realize that yes, he was right. This was definitely not your bunk, yours was right below his, but for some reason in your drunk and hazy mind you were sure that this was your bunk. It looked just like it - just like the rest of the damn bunks on this bus - so it had to be true. You purse your lips, arms crossing over your chest.
“Very funny, Noah. Now get out, I’m tired and want to go to sleep.”
“I’m not moving.” He says more firmly, eyes narrowing at you. “This is my bunk, yours is over there.”
You turn as he points to the bunk across from his, the curtains drawn, and you squint. You look back at him, then back at the other bunk, and a voice in the back of your head is telling you that he was right. That was your bunk, not the one Noah was currently occupying. None of your stuff is there, your pillow isn’t even there, but for some reason the drunk – and very stubborn – part of you was firm on your stance.
Noah was in your bunk.
You turn back to him, arms still crossed over your chest, and you square your shoulders. “I’m just gonna climb up if you’re not moving, dude. So, either get out or we’re cuddle buddies for the rest of the night.”
The two of you stare at each other for a moment and you see the exact where Noah’s shoulders drop, realizing there’s no point in arguing with you because you are right (no, you’re not) and he sighs deeply, though you barely catch the slight curl of his lips.
“Whatever. Get in.”
You climb into the bunk beside Noah, slowly because you knew in your inebriated state that was a disaster waiting to happen, and the boy sighs to himself again, rolling onto his side and pressing his back against the wall to make room for you. You roll onto your side, back facing Noah, and press against him. It wasn't hard to do with how tight the space was, and you hummed to yourself when you finally got comfortable enough to relax, pulling the blanket up to your chin.
"Comfy?" You hear Noah murmur behind you.
You nod, "Very."
You feel him shift behind you and if you had been sober, maybe the thought of being so close to him would have your skin blazing, but as your thoughts swirl, the only thing you can really think is how nice he feels pressed against you and how comfortable you are. His arm slings over your waist underneath the blanket and you swear he pulls you closer to him, if that was possible. A pleased sigh escapes him, the air fanning over the back of your neck. Now that has your body firing up, tiny goosebumps scattering across your skin. You melt against him.
"Why didn't you go out?" You ask through a yawn, eyes fluttering.
"Didn't want to."
"Why not? Everyone else did."
"Just wasn't in the mood," He mumbles behind you, his breath fanning against the back of your neck again. "Cold? You got goosebumps.”
You shake your head but feel Noah pull you closer anyways, sweatpant covered legs slipping in between yours. His limbs snake around yours and practically confines you, locking you against him. You're finding out that you like it way more than you probably should for a friend, but the drunken haze of your mind doesn't care too much about the technicalities of it all. 
"Did you miss me?" You ask after another beat of silence, and you feel Noah's body tense behind you.
"Yeah, maybe."
You pause. "Is that why you're in my bunk right now? Because you missed me?"
Noah lets out a groan and you can't help but smirk, soft giggles escaping you. You feel his hand move down to your hip, pushing your shirt up slightly to pinch at your skin playfully and you squeal, squirming against him. You barely move because this six-three, giant man has you tight in his grasp, and you feel his chest move against your back with his laughter. 
"Oh my fucking god," He grumbles into your hair, but you hear the smile in his voice. "Go to sleep. Please."
"I'm trying." You whine out, eyes slipping shut at the feeling of his hand now spreading out against your tummy, rubbing soothing circles there. "My head hurts too much."
"Did you take anything?"
"Mhm." You hum. "Nicholas gave me some Tylenol and water before he met back up with the guys."
"You drink all the water?"
You shrug. “Maybe like half?”
"Good enough for me." You feel the brush of his lips against the back of your neck and your eyes spring open, freezing in his hold. "You just need to relax. It should start kicking in soon."
You don't say anything, hyper-focused on the way his lips felt against your skin and the way you liked it too much. Even in your inebriated state you knew what that meant, and maybe you always had, but was just too scared to even think of the possibility. You and Noah were just friends... who sometimes teetered the line between friends and something else. It went unspoken for as long as you could remember, and you're not sure why you never said anything. 
You don't know if it's the alcohol, or if you're finally sobering up, but your stomach turns at the thought. Why didn't you say anything? Why didn't he say anything? You feel dizzy again, and there's a voice in the back of your head trying to tell you to shut up and sleep but you've never been a good listener, even to yourself, and your lips move before you can think twice about it. 
"Noah." Your voice is hushed and the feel of his fingers rubbing circles against your bare hip as your head spinning more than it probably should be right now.
"You do realize friends don't do this, right?"
It takes him a moment to reply, "Do what?"
You feel more sober than you did five minutes prior. You're aware of everything - where you are, who you're with, who you're pressed against. Noah lets out a sigh and you feel him nose at your shoulder, a shiver running through your body at the feeling.
"You know we’ve never exactly been just friends."
You can't believe he had just said that as your eyes almost bulge right out of your head, and you try to turn in his arms so that you can face him.
His grip only tightens on you, and you can't move, stuck where you are, and you hear him huff out a laugh before saying, "Nope. No way. We’re not having this talk right now when you’re drunk as shit, and we’re trapped in this glorified death box. Go to sleep.”
"If you remember this in the morning, then ask me again." You feel his lips move against the back of your neck and you shiver again, squirming against him.
"I will." You finally whisper after two beats of silence, trying to settle back against his chest. "I'll ask you tomorrow."
He presses another kiss to the back of your neck and your entire body flushes, and you can hear the smile in his voice when he says, "Okay."
You both lay in silence and it's not long for sleep to find you, body finally relaxing after the long night.

You wake some hours later, groaning quietly as you lifted your head up from the pillow. You blink blearily around you before rubbing at your eyes, trying to rid them of sleep as last night’s shenanigans flooded your brain. With another groan you roll onto your back and stare up at the top of the bunk, picking a part your memories.
Going out with the guys, taking way too many shots with Folio, Nicholas having to walk you back to the bus, the Tylenol, Noah
 Your mind pauses at the thought of the male, and you realize you’re in the bunk alone. You remember everything clearly, from arguing with him about how this was your bunk – it in fact very much was not – from climbing into said bunk and cuddling with him. You remember him saying that the two of you have never been just friends but refused to elaborate.
If you remember this in the morning, then ask me again.
The bus is quiet, the only sound you hear are Jolly’s snores coming from below you, and the soft sound of the bus’s engine running. You were most likely on your way to the next city. You’re sure Noah’s already up, probably in the front working away on his laptop, and you peel his blanket off your body and do your best to get down from his bunk.
You find him where you expected him, beanie on top his head and hoodie wrapped around his body, headphones on as he typed away at his laptop. You’d make a joke about him always working, but you’re only thinking of one thing right now.
You come stand in front of him and he notices you almost instantly, pushing his headphones off his head as he stares up at you.
“Morning, sleeping beauty.”
You blush, eyes dropping for a moment as your arms come to cross over your chest.
“What did you mean last night?” You blurt out.
Noah pauses but his eyes never leave you, and you watch as he slips his computer off his lap and into the seat next to him. He leans forward, elbows resting against his knees.
“Ask me again.”
“No, I’m not-“ You huff out a groan and brush your fingers through your hair, wincing a bit at the knots that caught between your hands. “I’m not playing that game, Noah. What did you mean we’ve never exactly been just friends?”
“It’s exactly what it sounds like.” He leans back against the couch now, arms crossing over his chest. “And you know I’m right.”
Your heart hammers against your chest and all you can do is nod at his words, cheeks flushing with color. He was right. You two have never been just friends, too close, too touchy to be labeled as platonic. You’d be lying if you said last night was the first time you shared a bed together. But now what? You got the answer you were looking for, but for some reason you can’t even look at Noah, but his eyes are burning into you, watching your every move.
” You start, sucking in a breath as you finally moved your gaze back to Noah, eyes locking with his. “If we’re not just friends, then what does that make us?”
He smiles. “People who like each other more than friends but are too scared to admit it?”
Damn. He got that spot on. You blush again, trying to find the right words, but come up short. Your brain is still playing catch up, sleep still very much in your veins, and Noah notices. He leans forward again and gestures you to come closer and you do, his hands reaching out to grab your own.
“We have the next two days off. Let me take you out. Dinner or something. A movie. Whatever you want.”
“And then what?”
He shrugs. “And then we see where this goes. I’m willing to give it a try if you are.”
You can’t stop the smile that’s slipping onto your lips, your fingers curling around his as warmth spread throughout your chest.
“That sounds good to me.”
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forever-rogue · 11 months
I saw this prompt a while ago that said: one small kiss before fully devouring the other person and I thought it would be perfect for pining idiots Peter and r. Maybe they dare them to kiss at a party or they get tipsy enough to be very affectionate which leads to the kiss. But then one of them is like shit I ruined our friendship and ghosts the other until they talk and get back together and kiss again đŸ„°
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AN | If there is one thing I love it’s blind fools in love! Enjoy ❀
Pairing | tasm!Peter Parker x fem!reader
Warnings | Language
Word Count | 4.5k
Masterlist | Main | Peter
───  ïœĄïŸŸâ˜†: *.☜ .* :☆. ───
He was so pretty like this.
Wild, unruly hair, plush lips, pink cheeks and eyes like rich honey. 
“What’re you lookin’ at, huh?” he reached over and brushed a lock of your behind your ear, so close that you could smell the sweet alcohol that lingered on his lips. Your heart skipped a few beats at the tender touch; it was nothing new but every one of his touches felt like the first time. He rested his palm against your cheek as you swallowed the lump in your throat, “you’re being weird.”
“Nuh uh,” you narrowed your eyes at him but your weak attempt at being serious did nothing for him. Instead he laughed, a sugary sweet sound you wanted to bottle up and keep as yours and yours only forever, “you’re being weird, Pete.”
“Whatever you say,” his long, lithe fingers ghosted along your jaw before he retracted his touch. You missed the warmth of his skin on yours almost immediately, “I think you’re drunk.”
“Shut up,” you groaned and finished the last bit of the hard cider in your bottle. You were so far from drunk, having nursed the same bottle over the last hour and a half just as he had with his beer. Neither of you were even tipsy, just enough to feel a slight buzz in your bones, let alone drunk, “‘m not. Just tired of you.”
“That’s a lie,” he whispered as you nodded meekly. You could never lie to him, or even fool him in the slightest. He’d been your best friend for almost a decade; he knew you better than anyone ever had.
“It’s a lie,” you confirmed, shifting your gaze away from him. You looked around the room, trying to focus on literally anyone else at the party. Unfortunately, no one else seemed to capture your attention - at least not as much as Peter Parker did. You could feel his gaze trained on you, and part of you was worried for a moment that he was almost able to hear every single thought you had running through your mind. You turned back and immediately felt your warm up, “Pete?”
“I want to kiss you,” he whispered, voice so soft that your ears were playing tricks on you. When you saw the quiet and determined expression on his face you could tell that you had actually heard what you thought you’d heard.
“What?” you’d leaned in closer, inadvertently, but found yourself inches away from the pretty boy. The corner of his mouth tipped up in a very Peter-esque smile - that your smile. You wanted to bottle it up and keep it safe in your heart forever. You huffed when he just stared at you like you were magic, “Peter. What did you say?”
“C’mon Bee,” you could hear the subtle groan in his voice, “you heard me. I want to kiss you.”
“Why?” your brows knitted together in confusion; you were so ridiculously cute especially with the way your nose scrunched, “me? Pete, you’re just drunk.”
“Yeah you,” an incredulous huff escaped his lips. How? How did you not know that he was in love with you? Especially since he’d fallen for you days into your friendship so many years ago, “I like you, you know. And I’m not drunk. Not in the slightest.”
“Of course you do,” he was drunk. He had to be despite his insistence that he wasn’t. Right? You swallowed thickly, “you’re my best friend.”
“No, you don’t
” he put a hand on your neck, his thumb brushing along the soft skin under your ear, “I’m going to kiss you, okay?”
“Okay,” your voice was so small it was basically a squeak, but it was enough to set him at ease to actually do what he’d been dreaming of for so long.
Peter closed the small gap between the two of you, pressing his lips to yours - softly at first, questioning and learning. When you didn’t panic or pull away. He deepened the kiss, earning a small moan from you. That sound made electricity shoot throughout his entire body; he wanted more, he wanted it all. All your sounds just for him. 
Before you let it get too far, you pulled back, wrapping your fingers around his wrist and taking his hand away. Peter stopped immediately and looked at your in surprise and
 hurt? on his face. You held up your hands, both of them shaking, your mouth opening and closing a few times as you searched for the right words.
“I-I can’t do this,” you scooted your chair back and stood up, shaking your head, “this was a mistake. I’m sorry, Peter. I gotta go.”
You grabbed your bag and started to push your way through the throng of crowds to leave. Peter had jumped up to his feet and attempted to follow you, “wait - Bee!”
But you didn’t wait. By the time he got to the door, you were already long gone. He sighed heavily, banging his head against the wall as he tried to figure out what he did wrong. But, he figured, he’d give you space tonight and then check on you tomorrow. Surely this was all just
a misunderstanding. 
Surely you felt the same things he did. He’d been wishing for nothing else for so long.
───  ïœĄïŸŸâ˜†: *.☜ .* :☆. ───
Peter’s hopes that he would be able to talk to you and get to the bottom of what was going on were quickly dashed the next. 
He didn’t hear a peep from you - but it wasn’t for the lack of trying. He texted and called and even showed up at your apartment to no avail. In reality you’d received and read every text, sent every call to voicemail, and ignored his knocking. You just couldn’t face Peter, not today
make not ever. 
You were still trying to put all the pieces of what had happened together. He’d told you that he liked you and that he wanted to kiss you. 
And then he did exactly that. 
But it didn’t make sense. Peter Parker was your best friend, and best friends definitely didn’t kiss like that. He said he wasn’t drunk but there couldn't be any other reason, right? Why else would he suddenly want to kiss you? Part of you was afraid that you’d taken advantage of Peter to get what you wanted. Of course you wanted to kiss him; you’d been in love with him for years. Instead of risking anything, you’d kept yourself thoroughly in the best friend zone. You’d rather pine for him and suppress those feelings and keep him in your life, than potentially risk losing him completely. 
Life without Peter Park wasn’t anything you wanted to experience. 
And in a few moments of inhibition, you might have ruined everything after all. You couldn’t face him ever again. The thought of that alone was enough to make you want to curl up and cry. 
You were being dramatic
you knew you were. You needed something - someone - logical to keep you from spiraling. Grabbing your phone, you quickly found her contact and called her, pacing around as you waited for her to answer.
“MJ,” you let out a sigh of relief when she picked up after a few rings, “I did something bad. Can you come over?”
You heard her sweet laugh on the other side, “of course. I’ll be there in twenty? Shall I bring a bottle of wine?”
“Yes please,” you rubbed at your forehead, “two bottles if you have it.”
“On my way!”
───  ïœĄïŸŸâ˜†: *.☜ .* :☆. ───
Little did you know, MJ was already way ahead of you. She was already well aware of what had happened; Peter had called her, close to tears, about an hour beforehand. He was quick to spill his guts out to her, trying to make sense of everything
and definitely panicking that he’d never see you again.
MJ, meanwhile, was terribly amused at the panic both of you were displaying. She was well aware that the two of you were in love with each other, even if you the two of you weren’t aware. To be fair
everyone was aware but the two of you. It was so obvious to anyone that spent even a moment around you that you were in love. Somehow that just didn’t get through to you - not yet but Mary Jane Watson was determined to finally get you both to realization and clarity. 
───  ïœĄïŸŸâ˜†: *.☜ .* :☆. ───
“Hi honey,” MJ let herself into your apartment with the key you’d given her long ago. You raised your hand and gave her a small wave from where you were curled up on the couch, buried under a heap of blankets. She set the bottles of wine down on the coffee table before raising an eyebrow at you, “and just what do we call this?”
“It’s calling wallowing,” you huffed, sitting up and looking at her with an upset expression on your face, “I fucked up.”
“I’m sure you didn’t,” she insisted softly before going into the kitchen and grabbing a couple of wine glasses and a bottle opener. You made room for her on the couch, and sat down next to you, carefully opening a bottle and pouring a couple of glasses. You picked yours up and clinked it against hers, “cheers. Now tell me what’s wrong.”
“Peter,” you took a huge drink before allowing yourself to look at the giant grin on MJ’s face, “it’s Peter.”
what about Peter?” she was prying, gently doing so, but curious to know. If there was someone that knew Peter almost as well as you it was her. She’d dated him for a few years in high school after all, “what did he do? And/or what did you do?”
You sucked in a deep breath and let it out slowly just as you’d learned in yoga class. You pinched the bridge of your nose before setting your glass down and angling your body closer to her, “hekissedme.”
“Pardon?” oh, she’d heard you loud and clear and you both knew it.
“Peter kissed me,” you said more slowly, letting the words wash over you as the memories of last night popped, “and I
kissed him back.”
MJ was practically giddy with excitement, barely holding back her smile. She was definitely the president, vice-president, secretary, and treasurer of the ‘you and Peter fanclub.’ She took another sip of her drink before setting the glass down and reached for one of your hands, “and what’s the problem with that? The two of you are clearly in love! It’s about time one of you made a move!”
“What?” you tilted your head to the side and looked at her in confusion, “what do you mean?”
“Oh my god,” she threw her head back with a loud groan, “how are you so smart and dumb at the same time?!”
“I know how you feel about Peter,” you’d confessed your love and adoration for your best friend many times - tipsy, drunk, and sober. And it wasn’t like either of you did anything to hide it. You huffed and looked at her like a lost little puppy, “and I know how he feels about you. I’m not sure what the problem is
“Peter doesn’t
.he was drunk.”
“Peter doesn’t get drunk,” she raised her eyebrows in a sort of tell me I’m wrong expression, “but what exactly led to him finally making a move?”
“We were at that party at Beth’s and we were just hanging out and talking. I’d had a few drinks and he did too,” ugh. The way he’d looked at you was like something else, “and later on he told me he wanted to kiss me. I asked him why and he just sort of
made it seem like it was obvious. I asked if he was drunk but he said no and I don’t
fuck, I don’t know.”
“It is obvious, all things aside,” she waved her hand, “but if he says he wasn’t drunk, what’s wrong? Was it bad?”
“No. No,” it was anything but bad. In fact, you were ready to admit that it was easily the best kiss of your life. That made you both nervous and excited, “it was good.”
“But you didn’t want it?”
“I did, I do,” you drained the rest of your glass before pulling your legs up and hugging your knees to your chest, “I liked it and I want to do it again. You know I do. It’s just
what if he thinks its a mistake? What if he hated it and it’s ruined everything. I don’t want to lose him, MJ. He’s too important to me.”
“Honey,” she mirrored your position and her face turned serious, “I mean in the most loving way possible, but you are so incredibly obtuse. Peter is in love with you. You’re in love with Peter. What else could you possibly need to know?”
“I know I love him,” you agreed, “so much. But how can you be so sure?”
“Because he’s told me!” she threw up her hands as your eyes widened in surprise. She put her hands on yours and gave you a little shake, “he’s told me that he’s in love with you. More than once. I’ve just been
the two of you are so damn stupid. You’re so clearly in love with each other but neither of you can just admit and move forward. You’re not going to lose Peter, I swear on that. But sometimes you just have to take a leap of faith and move forward. Otherwise nothing is ever to change.”
“It’s not even that big of a leap,” she whispered gently, “it’s Peter. He’s always going to be there to catch you.”
You swallowed thickly, blinking back the tears stinging at the back of your eyes, “I’m scared, MJ.”
“I know,” she gently brushed her knuckles against your cheek, “and it’s okay to be scared. But this is a sure thing. But, for now, let’s have some more wine and watch a bad movie and order pizza?”
“That sounds perfect,” you agreed sniffling slightly, “thanks MJ.”
You hoped she was right. You hoped that this leap of faith would be worth it.
───  ïœĄïŸŸâ˜†: *.☜ .* :☆. ───
As it turned, your great leap of faith
was a little delayed. As in one thing led to another and your nerves and anxiety got the better of you and you hadn't seen or talked to Peter in two weeks.
It was the longest you'd gone in the decade you'd known him without talking or seeing each other. It sucked. You knew Peter was a huge part of your life but you hadn't realized just how much
until he was gone. 
And it was definitely your own fault. Peter kept trying and trying to get through to you. That part warmed your heart and made things worse at the same time. You almost wished he could let it go but you knew that wasn't his style at all. His persistence and big heart were some of the many things you loved about him. You were going to talk to him at some point
you just needed to work up the courage. Soon hopefully. Soon.
Soon, as it turned out, came on a chilly fall day as you saw at your favorite cafe. You were halfheartedly sipping on a coffee as you worked on your laptop. You had hoped that getting out of the house and the office to work in a different space, one you normally loved, would help to cheer you up but it didn’t work. Not that you had anyone to blame but yourself. 
With an unwittingly heavy sigh, you looked up and stared out the window, watching the rain drizzle down. The city was beautiful this time of year; only this time it didn’t feel as lovely. 
What you didn’t expect, however, was to find Peter Parker stopping mid-walk and looking straight back at you. A tentative little smiled up the corners of his mouth as held up his hand in a small wave; a white flag gesture. You let out a nervous huff of laughter before smiling back at him and holding up your hand in response. 
He stood there for a moment before mouthing something at you, motioning with his to see if you’d come out. This time you didn’t hesitate as you shoved your laptop into your bag and almost ran outside to meet him. You didn’t know where you stood with Peter, but even just seeing him already made your heart feel so much better. 
“Hi,” he sounded almost nervous as you stopped in front of him, neither of you caring that you were getting wet. 
“Hi,” you whispered back, unsure of what to say or do. But this time you couldn’t run away or hide; you had to face up to what was going on, “can we talk?”
“Yeah,” he took your bag from you and hooked it over his shoulder, starting to walk in the direction of his apartment. You fell into step with him, neither of you saying anything, but walking close enough so that the backs of your hands continued to gently brush against each other. The tension hanging in the air between the two of you was palpable but you were afraid to say anything to break the silence. 
Peter didn’t seem to harbor any ill feelings as he continued to open the doors for you. By the time you were inside the apartment, he closed the door and leaned against, watching you closely. You stood there nervously, trying to think of what to say, all the while hoping that Peter would say something instead. 
The two of you looked at each other in silence for what seemed like a small eternity. The next thing you knew, Peter came over to you and took your face gently in his hands, warm doe eyes searching yours. You offered him the tiniest of nods before he leaned in and kissed you. This time, instead of over thinking anything, you allowed yourself to live in the moment. At first Peter was afraid that you didn’t want this and he’d somehow read the signs wrong, but then he felt you loop your arms around his waist and kiss him back. 
And it felt like pure magic. It was everything you could have ever dreamed of and then some more. Kissing Peter felt so
right. Judging by the way he refused to pull away from you until you were both breathless, you were sure that he felt the same. He pressed his forehead against yours and let a small, wistful sigh. 
“I’m sorry,” you whispered softly, unable to get your emotions in check from what had just happened. The only thing you knew was that you loved Peter; that was all that mattered, “Pete.”
“Don’t apologize,” he traced his fingers along your jaw and down your neck, causing goosebumps to explode all over your skin, “just talk to me please.”
You nodded, allowing yourself to look into his eyes. There was no malice in them, only
well, you weren’t absolutely sure what it was, but it was
something. There was a hopeful expression on his eyes as you nervously played with your hands. 
“Pete,” he loved the way you said his name; it always made him weak in the knees, “when you kissed me last time, were you drunk? Tipsy? Anything?”
He made a small sound, but shook his head, giving you the answer that you had already known was true, “no.”
“Why did
want to kiss me?” you were adorably; adorably blind. Peter looked at you softly, tilting his head to the side as he tutted. 
“You really don’t get it, do you?” he asked as you bit your lip. He moved towards his bedroom and motioned for you to follow him. When he stepped inside, he went to his dresser and dug around for a few moments before pulling out a big cardboard box. You watched with rapt attention as he took off the lid and poured the contents out on the bed. It was a large pile of photo strips, receipts, notes, and other silly little trinkets, “I have kept every silly note, every set of photobooth pictures, every receipt from anything important or special that we’ve done in the last decade.”
“Oh,” your eyes started to sting with tears as you looked at everything. You reached for a strip of photos - the first ones you’d taken together - and looked them over. It was the two of you, about nine years younger, making silly poses. Except in the last photo; you were making a silly face but Peter wasn’t. He was looking right at you with that same expression he’d always had just for you. Just for you. You looked at him and found him watching you intently, his cheeks tinged with a pretty shade of pink. It was like everything suddenly clicked in your mind, “oh. Peter
“It’s been a long time Bee,” his voice was so soft and low, “all this time, I’ve been waiting for you to catch up.”
“You never
” you sifted through the other photos and gathered them all up, looking through them. Fuck, you were an idiot. Every single time there was that look, “you never said anything.”
“No,” he admitted, “I was sure you’d get there eventually, and I’d always be here.”
“But at the party,” you felt even more stupid now; he had basically when telling the same thing then but you just didn’t want to believe that it could be true, “you said something.”
“I couldn’t keep my eyes off you. You’re so beautiful,” he watched the smile on your face grow as you looked at some of the silly post-it notes the two of you had exchanged when you still worked at the same lab, “I never can. I couldn’t help myself.”
“Wait,” you sat at the edge of the bed, clutching one of the notes tightly in your hand, “can you just
spell it out for me? I-I don’t know if my brain is working properly right now.”
“Bee,” he crouched down in front of you, large hands settling on your thighs, “I love you. Not just as a best friend, but as everything. I want everything, but only if it’s with you.”
You put one of your hands on his and gave it a gentle squeeze, “yeah?”
“Yeah,” he turned your hand over and traced a finger along the heart and life lines on your palm, “I’m in love with you.”
“I was wondering when you were going to catch up,” he brought your hand to his lips and pressed a tender kiss to your palm, “MJ’s been trying to get me to tell you for a long time.”
“This whole time?” he nodded as you looked at him with a most ardent and loving expression, “when did you know?”
“It was at that first fair we went that summer after we met,” you remembered that day so clearly. From the sounds and the smells to what the two of you were wearing, to all the whispered conversations and longing looks, “you were wearing that pretty sundress - the yellow one with the little daisies on it - and I almost lost it. I think I knew that night. I really wanted to kiss you then.”
“I wanted you to kiss me then too,” you admitted sheepishly, feeling your entire face warm up, “it was that New Years Eve for me. You took me ice skating and I really wanted to hold your hand so I pretended to be super bad at skating. When it was midnight and kissed my cheek, I knew it was always going to be you for me.”
“I knew you were faking,” he laughed softly, eyes sparkling with happiness, “but I really liked holding your hand and didn’t want to let go. I’ve taken every and any excuse over the years to hold your hand or touch you.”
I’m scared, Peter,” you couldn’t imagine a life without him. He was the biggest part of your heart, “what if something happens and we can’t be friends anymore? I don’t want to lose you. Ever.”
“I promise you that you are never going to lose me,” you hoped it was true; you desperately wanted it to be true, “not as Spider-Man and not as plain old Peter. I’m not going anywhere.”
“Pinky promise?” you held up your other hand and extended your pinky towards his. He hooked his finger around yours without hesitation.
“Pinky promise,” he repeated, “and you know the pink promise is law. No one can break them. It’s for life.”
“What if you start to hate me?” that would be your worst fear, “if we start dating or something.”
“I hate to break it to you, honey,” he plopped onto the floor and gently pulled and maneuvered you into his lap. Yeah
that might have become your new favorite spot, “we’ve basically already been dating. It’s really not going to change much. Just some
added benefits.”
And at that, you relaxed, allowing yourself to melt into his body, laughing softly as you rested your forehead on his shoulder, “I guess you’re right. But, Pete-”
“I’m sure,” he put his hand under your chin and turned your face up to his, “I always have been sure. It’s always going to be you.”
“Me too,” you took advantage of the moment and leaned up to steal a quick kiss from him, “I am sorry though, for ignoring you for the past couple of weeks. I was scared and then I didn’t know how to approach you after that.”
“I knew you were doing okay
ish,” he immediately knew what he was going to say next, “MJ kept me updated.”
“She’s going to kill me,” you sighed, “she’s been so mad at me for how I’ve been acting - not that I blame her. She told me to tell you how I felt. She told me it was just a small leap of faith.”
“I’m right here to catch you,” of course he was. He had been since the day he’d met you, “how do you feel, Bee? Tell me.”
“I’m in love with you, Peter Parker,” the smile on his face was beaming. It was enough to warm your heart a million times over, “I want you.”
“You have me.”
“I know,” you took his hand in yours and laced your fingers together. You’d held hands before but it felt so different this time around, “you have me too, you know.”
“I know,” he mirrored the actions with your other hands, “I’ve always known.”
“Hmm,” you closed your eyes and hummed in content, “will you kiss me again?”
“Gladly, Bee,” he brushed his nose against yours, “always.”
MJ was going to flip when she heard the news.
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jackhues · 2 years
world tour - charles leclerc
request: could you do an ig edit where charles is dating toto's daughter, and she's a singer who's on tour, and everyone thinks she's dating one of the guest singers she's on tour with, and then she and charles just hardlaunch a relationship?
requested by: anon : )
notes: woww, i had lots of fun writing this, first f1 fic guys! thanks for requesting <3
join my f1 taglist!
pictures are not mine!
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liked by pierregasly, oliviarodrigo, conangray, & others
y/nwolff - it's my favourite colour tagged: conangray
view top comments
y/nisqueen: SHE IS THE MOMENT liked by y/nwolff
lucawolff: ew -> y/nwolff: you're ew -> randouser: y/n and luca showing us what it's like to have siblings
conangray: next stop: italy -> y/nwolff: i'm so excited!! -> conangray: i wonder why... -> userone: he knows something, calling it from now
usertwo: anyone else ship it?? -> y/nisqueen: they're just friends -> usertwo: okay but they look cute together
userthree: she's only famous bcz of her dad 🙄 -> y/nisqueen: toto's in motorsports and y/n's a singer, what's ur point?? -> userfour: honestly nepo babies need to move aside, there's ppl with real talent in this world
lewishamilton: so proud of you!! -> y/nwolff: đŸ„°đŸ„° -> userfive: SIR LEWIS HAMILTON??! WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE? -> usersix: he's known her ever since toto became mercedes' principal ??!
userseven: no one's gonna comment on the pierre gasly like? -> usersix: pierre likes everything we all know that
usereight: the vibes are wow
charles_leclerc has posted on his story!
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liked by charles_leclerc, lewishamilton, taylorswift & others
y/nwolff: quick stop at the gp before the concert tmrw
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userone: WHERE'S CONAN? -> usertwo: he posted the second pic on his story -> userone: soft launch?? -> usertwo: i'm screaming omgg that's so cutee
userthree: how does it feel to live my dream?? 😭
userfour: i love how all the f1 fans are here for this post, and this post alone -> userfive: we're also here for the toto bday posts
usersix: can't wait for your show!!
userseven: charles leclerc liked? no comments on that? -> usereight: she's friends with the drivers, is that a problem??
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liked by userone, usertwo, userthree, & others
f1newsandmore - y/n wolff spotted behind the scenes of the italian gp in a ferrari cap?? we're as shocked as you are. rumour has it that she's dating conan gray, a guest star on her world tour, though neither of them have come outright and confirmed it. have we been misled? is y/n wolff dating a ferrari driver instead? tagged: y/nwolff
usertwo: she can't wear a ferrari cap?? -> userthree: i think it's a bet. remember when she lost that bet against pierre. she died her hair blue -> userfour: OMG I FORGOT ABOUT THAT
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liked by charles_leclerc, lucawolff, conangray & others
y/nwolff - italy, you've been good to me tagged: charles_leclerc
comments on this post have been limited
conangray: nice to know i don't make the final cut when ur bf is involved -> y/nwolff: i'll get you ice cream
userone: I CALLED IT!
charles_leclerc: mon amour 💖💖 liked by y/nwolff -> y/nwolff: đŸ€đŸ€ -> conangray: stop speaking french, she's currently grinning like an idiot and is turning red -> userone: CONAN OMG 💀💀
usertwo: the way he looks at her in the first pic 😭😭 -> userthree: don't mind me, just gonna sleep on the highway tonight
userfour: omgg, i was not expecting this
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liked by pierregasly, y/nwolff, lewishamilton & others
charles_leclerc - the colour might be growing on me tagged: y/nwolff
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part two
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joeys-babe · 8 months
Joey B Imagines: I’m On Fire*
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Summary: When Joe mistakenly leaves his JB9 iced-out chain while at an away game, you bless him with a little photoshoot while you're hours away in Cincinnati.
Warnings: Smut
Paring: Joe Burrow x reader
Imagine universe: Just the Two of Us
*No specific date for this fic!*
(y/n’s pov)
Joe had just left the house for an away game, and due to some work-related stuff, I wasn't able to go with him.
The pouty expression he gave me when we were standing at the front door just a little bit ago made me want to climb into his bag. His lower lip sticking out was oddly convincing, along with his blue eyes.
“Joe, you know I can't go, baby.” - you
 I want you to go with me.” - Joe whined
“I wish I could go too, but I can't, J.” - you
Joe whined once again, but this time, it made me roll my eyes. My annoyance didn't last long, though, as he hunched over and laid his head on my shoulder.
“I love you.” - Joe mumbled
His face being pressed into my neck made his words muffled, but it was oddly adorable.
“I love you too, but if you don't leave now, you're going to be late.” - you
I laughed when he stood up straight and groaned.
“I'm gonna be so lonely by myself in my hotel room tonight.” - Joe
“We can Facetime, goofball.” - you
“Not the same.” - Joe whined
“Okay, enough whining. Goodbye, Joe.” - you
Joe stared at me for a few seconds, trying to come up with a response that didn't show how annoyed he really was.
” - Joe mumbled
I stood up on my tiptoes and pressed a kiss to Joe’s lips. When I pulled away, I giggled at the look of his flushed cheeks.
“Love you, sheisty.” - you
“Love you too.” - Joe grinned
Hours later, I was bored out of my mind, all alone in this big house.
I had cleaned almost the entire house, scrolled through Pinterest, made a dinner recipe I had pinned, and finished a show I had been binging - Fool Me Once.
There was pretty much nothing to do.
All I was doing right now was lying in bed, watching the ceiling fan turn, and feeling kinda sad when I got a whiff of Joe’s scent off of his pillow.
I missed him, and I saw him just hours ago.
That's what happens when your boyfriend turns into your best friend, I guess.
Joe’s game wasn't till tomorrow, but they'd probably just landed at their destination.
Maybe I should text him?
After thinking about it for a few minutes, I made up my mind and texted Joe.
Ew, no. Sounds desperate.
What am I even talking about? I've been with this man for six years.
I had almost deleted my message, but Joe answered before I could.
He's such a dork, I thought to myself with a giggle.
Nothinggg, hbu??
Do I tell the truth or make a lie to seem productive? In the end, I told the truth.
Missing you.
My heart warmed at Joe’s message back.
I miss you too. â˜č
Are you at your hotel yet?
It took Joe a few minutes to answer, but his reasoning was ironic.
Just got back from checking in actually. Imma head up to my room, take a shower, and then ft you.
Okay, I'll talk to you then! đŸ«¶
Talk to ya then, I LOVE YOU! đŸ„°
I hearted his message and than sent the sentiment back.
Love you more, baby. 😘
The conversation ended after Joe’s simple but butterfly-inducing text.
Not fuckin’ possible.
We were on Facetime for way longer than we should have, but neither of us cared.
The call ended with the usual “I love you more” back-and-forth playful argument.
Joe won in the end, and I can't say I’m surprised because he always did.
After the call ended, I was just lying in bed, my head on Joe’s pillow, just to smell his scent.
I got bored eventually and decided to play around in the closet. Joe always forbade me from trying on his chains, but he wasn't here.
My eyes immediately widened with excitement as I opened the top drawer on Joe’s side of our walk-in closet.
Everything was cleared out except one chain, he probably took them all with him to have options for his fit tomorrow.
“Damn, this is heavy.” - you mumbled
It was the JB9 Nike check chain Joe wore for the AFC Championship in 2022.
One of my personal favorites out of his collection but too iconic to be worn again.
God, he looked so hot that day.
I stared at myself in the mirror, the chain of my boyfriend’s initials and number adorning my neck.
That's when I got the idea.
Settling into my bed for the night, I grabbed my phone and giggled to myself as I looked through the pictures recently taken in my camera roll.
Nothing but black lace and that iced-out chain.
Next Day
Joe won his game, and sure, I was happy to see him win, but being miles away from him and unable to celebrate with him put a damper on my mood.
I watched the game by myself in the living room, and then proudly watched his post-game conference.
Just a minute after Joe left the media room, I received a text from him.
Did you watch the game?
Of course. Watched your conference too, baby.
Joe didn’t answer for a few minutes, and I thought he might've gone to take his postgame shower, but his text back made me laugh.
I just got made fun of because I was blushing from your text. “You texting yo girl?”
What did you say back? 😂
I proudly said yes. 😁
A few seconds passed before another text vibrated my phone.
Hey, I gotta go shower, though. We're set to get home late tonight, so don't wait up on me.
What if I want to?
You'll wake up with me next to you in the morning either way, so no need to wait for me to get back.
He was right, so I left him alone to go shower.
It was around ten o'clock, and Joe had texted me just a little bit ago, saying they were on the bus to the airport.
Out of nowhere, with no context or caption with it, I sent Joe my little experiment earlier.
Attachment: 10 images
When I was left alone with Joe’s chain earlier, I took a little photo shoot with some black lace lingerie and Joe’s chain.
He'd usually take a power nap on his way to the plane, so I was surprised when his response was quick.
Joe sent a picture of himself with his eyes wide and mouth dropped open in shock.
The silly reaction picture made me giggle, but I had no idea that Joe had just pulled his bag onto his lap while on the bus in an attempt to hide the stirring between his legs.
Fucking shit, y/n. I'm getting so hard right now that I might have to rub one out on the plane.
No. 😘
Wdym, no?
How do I word this?
You always get pissed when I get off without you, how about a taste of your own medicine?
I don't get pissed

Joe, honey.
Please, baby.
Joe sighed and put his phone on his chest, discreetly slipping his hand down his sweatpants to rearrange the erection in his boxers. He's so hard just from the sight of nothing but lingerie and his initials in the form of diamonds on your body.
He so wished he was with you, inside you.
When Joe got home, it was really late.
You were already sleeping, so when Joe slipped into the bedroom he made sure to be quiet.
Joe stood there for a few seconds, just admiring how peaceful you looked while sleeping.
A small smile found its way onto his face when he noticed you were wearing his t-shirt and snuggled onto his pillow instead of yours.
After staring for a lot longer than he anticipated, Joe put his bag down and took his sweatshirt off before crawling into bed beside you.
You stirred for a bit, feeling the presence of someone else near you. After moving around for a bit, you were met with a hard chest, but you knew it all too well.
Joe grinned to himself when you snuggled into him, your face against his pec. He ran his fingers through your hair, and soon, you were peacefully sleeping again.
Feeling tired but unable to sleep, Joe discreetly grabbed his phone to see the messages he wasn't able to answer on the plane and his drive home.
You sent him a video?
Joe made sure his volume was down before pressing play on the video. His eyes went wide when he was met with the sight of you fingering yourself.
All at once, Joe’s heart rate picked up, he started sweating, and his cock stirred in his sweatpants.
He didn't need volume to know you were moaning his name with each thrust of your fingers. Joe was able to read your lips.
The sight of your head thrown back, bare chest, and your sweet heat swallowing your fingers had Joe fully erect in a matter of a minute.
He needed you badly.
Joe can admit he was thinking with his dick and not his brain when he shook you awake. In his defense, most of his blood supply was in the wrong head.
“Joey?” - you mumbled
“Shit- sorry I woke you up
” - Joe
“I missed you
” - you
His heart fluttered, and he hoped you wouldn't shift around and feel him. Please just go back to sleep.
In all honesty, Joe felt guilty waking you up with his sexual needs in mind. He felt horrible and selfish.
“Missed you too, baby.” - Joe
You moved around and Joe’s eyes went wide. Please don't feel it. Please don't feel it.
Abruptly, you paused your shifting and looked up at Joe’s face. Maybe she just found a comfortable spot?
It was hard to make out Joe’s features in the dark, but you could see his piercing blue eyes easily.
Unbeknownst to Joe, you'd felt his hard-on as soon as he got it, but you wanted to mess with him, make him beg for it.
Slowly, you reached your hand out and palmed his bulge. Joe bit his lower lip to stop an audible reaction as you started rubbing him.
“He missed me too, huh?” - you giggle
“Fuck- so much.” - Joe
“Take your pants off, Joe.” - You
Joe shed his pants and boxers off faster than the speed of light, all because his girl asked.
Now that he was completely free from restraint, Joe got even harder, and he didn't think that was possible.
You spit into your hand and firmly grasped his cock, a plan forming in your mind as you started to jerk him off.
Joe was a groaning mess, relishing in the feel of your hand around his length because he'd needed this for days.
Precum was beading at Joe’s tip, so you maneuvered yourself around to take him into your mouth.
“Sh-it.” - Joe moaned
He was close, so close.
“Baby- I'm gonna
 cum!” - Joe
You pulled off of him, trying to follow your plan of edging him until he couldn't help but beg for you to finish him off, but Joe was too close to stop his inevitable orgasm.
With a loud moan, Joe shot his load onto your face, some making it into your mouth.
Both of you were surprised when it happened, looking at each other with wide eyes.
“I- I'm sorry
” - Joe
“No, don't be.” - you
You reached out and put a hand on his chest, rubbing comforting circles on it.
He grabbed a tissue off of his nightstand and wiped his cum off of your face.
“That was kinda embarrassing
” - Joe
“Why?” - you
Your voice was soft, a little sad yourself that Joe felt embarrassed.
“I don't know, I couldn't stop it from happening, but it happened so fast. Like under three minutes? That's embarrassing.” - Joe
“Joe, don't be embarrassed. How long you last doesn't matter to me at all, I just wanna make you feel good.” - you
He nodded but bit the insides of his cheeks.
“I think it's kinda hot that I can get you off that fast. Makes me feel good about myself.” - you
“Really? You don't think it's funny or embarrassing?” - Joe
“No, baby.” - you
You leaned up and pressed a big kiss to Joe’s lips, one of his legs slotting between yours, causing you to grind down onto his thigh.
“Mmm, Joey baby.” - you moaned
“That's it.” - Joe
Next Morning
You woke up with a grin on your face as you replayed last night's events in your mind.
Joe had gotten you off twice with his fingers and tongue before he filled you up with his thick cock.
In the back of his mind, he was still feeling a little self-conscious about his first orgasm of the night, but he wouldn't let it show.
When you two were in the shower cleaning up, you could tell something was on Joe’s mind and that something was what had happened earlier.
Without saying anything, you dropped to your knees when his back was to you. He turned around and looked down at you, his dick stirring to life at the all-too-familiar position.
Despite the fact you two had just gone four rounds, Joe’s craving for you was never-ending.
You'd slowly reached out to stroke him, and you finished him off with your mouth.
He manhandled you back to your feet before pressing you against the shower wall.
“If you want me to stop, I will, but you started this.” - Joe
The feel of his thick length against your behind, and his hands holding you in place was getting you worked up all over again.
“Fuck me, Joey.” - you
You two ended the night giggling in bed as you counted up the number of orgasms shared between you two that night.
“Four for me, four for you, gah-lee!” - Joe
“I’m not gonna be able to walk tomorrow morning.” - you
“Fuck I might even have a limp.” - Joe
You were pulled out of your fantasies when Joe walked into the bedroom. Toes curled at the sweet sight of him.
Joe wore nothing but a bashful smile, a pair of sweatpants, and raging bedhead.
“Hi.” - you smiled
“Hi. How'd you sleep?” - Joe
“Good. Get in bed with me?” - you
He did as you asked and curled up in bed beside you, pulling you into his chest in the process.
“Where were you?” - you
” - Joe
You sat up and looked at him, giving him a skeptical look as you narrowed your eyes at him.
Joe sighed and broke your eye contact.
“I was doing something downstairs. It was supposed to be a surprise after you got ready, but you can come downstairs now.” - Joe
You excitedly jumped out of Joe’s arms and ran out of the bedroom, your hand grabbing his as he followed you.
When you two got downstairs, you saw the dining table set up like a date. Breakfast on both of the plates and a bouquet of roses between them.
Joe walked away from you for a second and grabbed a rose.
He walked back up to you and held the flower in front of his bare chest.
“Go on a date with me?” - Joe
You grinned at your boyfriend so big that your cheeks hurt.
“Of course.” - you
Joe handed the single rose to you, and you stood up on your tiptoes to place a kiss on his smooth cheek.
“Thank god, woulda been really awkward if you said no.” - Joe
“I'd never say no to you.” - you laughed
The blush on his cheeks went deep, almost to the shade of the rose he gave you.
You spent the rest of the morning laughing with the handsome man you loved so deeply, wondering about how you got so lucky, and thinking about your future with him.
You were so grateful to have a man you could laugh with, share secrets with, tell all the drama to, and have intense intimate moments with. Sometimes, all within the same day or hour.
It was scary to realize how much of yourself you put in Joe’s hands, but you trusted him more than anything.
The sweet thoughts and realizations were swirling in your mind and making you smile. You'd been staring out of the window, but your thoughts were abruptly interrupted

Your wide eyes snapped over to Joe, who was holding a hand over his mouth and shared the same wide-eyed look.
“Sorry, didn't expect it to be that loud.” - Joe laughed
“Gosh, I love you.” - you laughed along with him
Request for this fic;
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Hope you enjoyed! ❀❀
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jobean12-blog · 1 year
Can't Keep my Hands to Myself
Pairing: Pre!Outbreak Joel Miller x reader
Word Count: 1,922
Summary: You and Joel have been flirting and dancing around each other for months but neither of you have made a move so Tommy decides to take matters into his own hands and plans a night out.
Author's Note: Here is my second story for Kinktober! One of my favorite things ever are a man's hands and Pedro and his hands are like porn so here we are. I literally just melt when I see them. It's real. LOL Thank you so much for reading! Much love always! ❀❀❀Divider by the lovely @firefly-graphics thank you Daisy! đŸ„°
Warnings: flirting, teasing, tension, pet names, light praise, mentions of a-l-co-ho-l, light di-r-t-y talk, semi-pu-b-li-c s-e-x, f-in-ger-in-g.
PS the way he fucking rubs the arm of that chair. IS HE FOR REAL?!?! WTF PEDRO. How am I to live? Anyway, enjoy <3
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Kinktober 2023 Masterlist
Joel Miller Masterlist
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“Why do you keep checkin’ the door?”
Joel’s question makes Tommy pull his eyes away from the entrance of the bar as his lips spread into a wide smile.
“No reason big brother.”
Joel’s eyes narrow as he grinds his teeth.
“What are you drinkin’?” Tommy asks him, ignoring Joel’s gruffness.
“Whiskey. On the rocks.”
Just as the bartender finishes pouring the amber liquid and Joel lifts the glass to his lips he catches movement by the doorway. It swings open and you walk in.
You don’t see him yet but he can’t take his eyes off you. He watches over the rim of his glass as you scan the crowd with slow steps.
“I didn’t know she was comin’,” Joel mumbles before downing the rest of the whiskey.
“That a problem?” Tommy asks with a smirk.
“No,” Joel states. “Course not. Why would it be?”
Tommy and Joel stare at each other, an unspoken challenge in their eyes, until you shout Tommy’s name and launch yourself into his arms.
“Hi Tommy!”
Tommy wraps an arm around your waist and kisses your cheek.
You slip from his grasp and turn to Joel.
“Hey Joel,” you say, more quietly.
You lean in to kiss his cheek, missing how his eyelashes flutter closed and his grip tightens on the drink he’s still holding, the glass dwarfed in his large hand.
“Hi darlin’,” he replies.
You start to catch up with Tommy and order a drink, the whole while feeling the weight of Joel’s eyes on you.
“Do you want another?” you turn to ask him, eyeing the empty glass still clutched in his hand.
Your gaze lingers on his hand longer than it should and Joel clears his throat.
“I’m good,” he answers, still watching you intently.
After Tommy finishes off his third drink he excuses himself to the bathroom and you find yourself at the bar alone with Joel.
“I’m going to have one more,” you state, more to yourself than him.
You lean over the bar and try to get the bartenders attention. As you’re doing so, a body knocks into you, throwing you off balance and into Joel.
With an ‘oof’ you practically land in his lap, your palms pressed to his chest and his hands planted firmly on your hips.
“Oh my god,” you breathe out as your body instinctively moves closer.
“Are you alright darlin’?” he murmurs, still holding onto you.
“What?” you say, blinking at him.
“You ok?” he asks again.
yeah. I’m sorry! I didn’t mean
that guy is drunk and
“It’s ok,” Joel says.
Your hands slide up his chest and onto his shoulders as you right yourself. He still doesn’t let go of you. The man behind you teeters again and bumps you, causing you to slip between Joel’s spread thighs.
“He’s really drunk,” you whisper, your face only inches from Joels.
“Seems that way,” Joel grumbles. “Sure you’re alright?”
“Fine,” you assure him, not wanting to move.
Joel’s eyes drag away from yours as he looks over your shoulder. The drunken man is still wobbling on his feet so Joel slides his arm around your waist and pulls you into his side, getting you out of the way.
When he removes one of his hands from your waist and rests it on his thigh your eyes are drawn to the gesture. Your skin heats as he spreads his thick fingers and rubs his jeans.
“If he doesn’t move I’m going to make him,” Joel growls.”
Your eyes lift and you meet his gaze. “Hmm?” you ask.
Joel studies your face. “Sure you’re ok princess?”
“Princess?” you repeat, glad to have his solid body keeping you upright.
The corner of Joel’s mouth lifts slightly and his eyes sparkle.
“Totally fine,” you whisper.
When the drunken guy doesn’t leave Joel stands, keeping you tucked safely into his side as he shifts his body protectively in front of you to block you from any more harm.
You feel Joel stiffen when the man knocks into him and just as he’s about to tell him off, the man’s friend rushes over and pulls him away from you both and the bar.
“I hope he has a ride home,” you mutter.
Joel just grunts, his body still pressed to yours as he cages you against the bar.
Tommy returns from the bathroom with a satisfied smug.
“What’s goin’ on here?” he asks, raising his brows as he looks between you two.
You and Joel stare blankly back before quickly separating.
“Nothin’. All good,” Joel mumbles, sitting back down on the barstool.
“Some guy was drunk and kept bumping into me. Pretty sure Joel was about to kick his ass but luckily his friend saved him.”
You giggle and look at Joel, grinning when he winks at you.
“You never got your drink?” Joel says as he waves down the bartender.
He orders for you and gets another whiskey for himself.
While you wait for the drinks Tommy fills you and Joel in on his latest dating escapades. You’re listening, trying to focus, but when Joel starts to mindlessly smooth his hand across the bar top it distracts you and you find yourself drowning in thoughts of what his hands would feel like on your bare skin.
“Babe?” Tommy says, snapping his fingers in front of your face.
“Yeah! Hi!” you squeak. “What did you say? I missed that.”
“I could tell,” Tommy teases before repeating his question.
You don’t dare look at Joel because you can feel his eyes on you.
You manage to stay involved in the rest of the conversation but then Tommy gets a phone call and walks outside the bar to take it.
You fiddle with your empty drink glass and avoid meeting Joel’s eyes.
“What’s goin’ on with you princess?” Joel asks.
He mimics your movements, twirling the whiskey glass between his long fingers. You watch the action instead of answering.
“Can you stop?” you ask, a bite in your words.
“Stop what?” he counters, leaning into your space.
You huff out a sigh of annoyance and cross your arms over your chest.
“Why do you keep staring at my hands?”
Your mouth falls open and then you close it abruptly.
“I am not!”
“Yes,” he murmurs as he takes the edge of your stool and pulls you and the seat between his spread legs, “you are. Wanna tell me why princess?”
“I’m not a princess.”
You press your lips together and raise your chin defiantly. His lips curl slowly upwards as he lifts his hand and ghosts it along your thigh, his touch so light it makes you shiver.
Your breath rushes out in a sigh and you drag your teeth over your bottom lip.
“You have hands!” you blurt out, feeling flustered.
He stops moving his fingers and presses them into your skin.
“You’re right about that darlin’,” he smirks. “I do have hands.”
“Joel!” you huff. “What I meant to say
You trail off and look for your drink but you finished it a while ago so instead you grab Joel’s whiskey glass and throw back the last sip.
“You have really nice hands and your fingers are so
After you say the words you dip your chin and settle your gaze on his fingers pressed into your skin. “They’re so big.”
When you lift your face to look at him his jaw is clenched, the muscles flexing as he holds your gaze. Your eyes drop to his mouth and then wander over his beard.
“See somethin’ else you like princess?” he simpers.
Your fingers reach out, hovering just centimeters away from his lips and your breath hitches when you feel his grip on your thigh tighten. The air between you crackles with electricity and it feels like your skin is on fire.
He murmurs something you don’t quite catch, tilting his head closer as his calloused fingertips slide over your silky skin.
The moment is broken when you hear your name being shouted over the noise of the crowd. Joel’s eyes snap up and he pulls back. Your turn to see your friend coming toward you. Her excited hello breaks you out of your haze but you barely have time to say anything to Joel before your friend whisks you away to the bathroom, going on about how great it is to see you and how she has something to tell you that absolutely can’t wait.
After giving her as much attention as you can muster without being rude you excuse yourself and sneak out of the bathroom, wanting nothing more than to get back to Joel.
Before you can turn the corner of the dimly lit hallway a strong hand wraps around your arm and you’re yanked into something hard.
You gasp but sag in relief when you lock eyes with Joel’s dark brown irises, feeling his chest brush yours with every breath he takes.
“Where’d you go?” he asks, tension radiating off his entire body.
“Missed me that much?” you counter, batting your lashes.  
His eyes darken at your cheekiness and your eyes light up in victory. He carefully backs you up toward the wall, trapping you against it with his body.
“Think I’ll keep you all to myself for the rest of the night,” he whispers, his voice hot against your ear.
With an arch to your back you press closer, lowering your lashes as your fingers dance up his chest. When you hear your name, a whispered plea on his lips, you comb your fingers through his hair and tug on the soft strands.
His hand slips around the back of your neck and draws you closer, his mouth so close you can feel his warm breath.
You lift a challenging brow and he growls, squeezing your neck harder as his free hand smooths down your curves, teasing the hem of your dress.
He dips his head, inching closer and at the same time his fingers move higher, grazing between your legs. You tremble in his arms.
With a hiss he runs a finger over your soaked panties. His touch is teasingly light and you spread your legs, opening them in a silent invite.
“Good girl,” he praises, pushing your panties aside and sliding his finger through your wetness, gathering it before he circles your clit.
“Tell me princess. What do you want?”
your fingers,” you whimper as you circle your hips. “Fuck me with your fingers.”
His groan is guttural and in sync with your wanton moan as he slips a long finger inside you, pushing deeper when you beg for more.
It isn’t until you’re chanting his name and quietly pleading that he adds a second finger, fucking you in earnest.
Your eyes flutter closed but he slides his hand from the back of your neck and settles it at the base of your throat, putting light pressure before his thumb presses under your chin and he pulls your focus to him.
“No, keep your eyes on me. I want to see you come for me.”
You’re instantly on the edge, teetering so close that the slightest stimulation will make you shatter. With a swipe of his thumb across your clit he pushes a third finger inside you, the stretch bordering on pleasurable pain and you come hard, crying out his name.
He draws out your bliss, fingers still buried deep inside you as he growls in your ear, “you’re going to remember just how much you love my hands with every step you take tomorrow.”
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@lorilane33 @hiddles-rose @littleseasiren @pedritosdarling @kmc1989 @blackwidownat2814
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maidragoste · 1 year
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Harwin Strong x Velaryon!Reader (unrequited love), Alicent Hightower x Velaryon!Reader, Larys Strong x Velaryon!Reader
Part 3 of this Part 4
Serie Masterlist
comments, reblogs, likes are always greatly appreciated. I will always thank you for supporting this series đŸ„°đŸ’– because I really did not expect so many people to like it
My inbox is open so I'm always willing to read your headcanons, opinions and answer your questions.
Disclaimer: English is not my first language so I apologize for any mistakes.
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You had only stopped by the nursery because you wanted to see Daeron before continuing your duties. Normally there were two nannies to take care of the smaller princes but one of the women had fallen ill so the other woman was left alone to take care of. You were sorry to see how tired she was so you told her to take a break for at least an hour. You took care of all of Alicent's children so you didn't have a problem. You knew how to calm Daeron down in case he woke up. What is the worst that could happen?
He was the one who woke up crying. Probably any other woman would have refused to comfort the bastard of her husband and went looking for a maid. But you didn't even doubt it, you took him in your arms and began to sing the song that your mother used to sing to you when you were little. You only did it because you didn't want him to interrupt Daeron's sleep.
You thought it would be something strange or uncomfortable because the truth is, whenever you could, you avoided being near the little prince. You were sure you only picked him up when Rhaenyra introduced him to you. For a moment you thought that the baby's crying would get worse but to your surprise, Jacaerys' little hands clung to you. It didn't feel bad. You supposed that the little prince had a bad dream because if you didn't you didn't understand his reaction after all you thought you were a stranger to him
 Or maybe Laenor sang him the same song when he was restless. Still, you were relieved that Daeron hadn't woken up.
You started walking around the room while you sang. You were surprised to hear him babble as if he was trying to sing with you. You couldn't help but laugh. Jacaerys smiled at you. And at that moment you knew you couldn't hate him. It was unfair. Rhaenyra and Harwin have no right to have such cute babies
 Years ago you imagined what your children would be like with your husband. Of course, they didn't look like Jacaerys. You always imagined them to be more like you, but they shared the same eyes as Jacaerys, Harwin's eyes.
"He likes you"
Your brother's voice brought you back to reality. Laenor had gone to check on Jace and was amazed to see you carrying his son while you sang to him. The truth was that Laenor had lost hope of seeing you form a bond with his son, but after seeing this scene he had hope again. He knew that your heart would not allow you to hate Jacaerys and he hoped that one day you would forgive him.
“The prince woke up grumpy. I'm sure I would have accepted anyone's company" you said trying not to give importance to Laenor's words "Now that you're here and you can watch over the princes I can continue with my duties" you wanted to pass the baby to your brother but as soon as Jacaerys saw As you walked away, he began to cry again. Laenor returned the prince to you and you began to sing again. You were sure that neither of you two thought about it and you only did it to avoid hearing his cry.
The situation is this: you can't leave because if you do then Jacaerys cries again. So now you have to put up with being in the same room as Laenor, whom you avoid as much of the time as possible, and knowing him he would take this opportunity to talk to you.
"Sorry," your brother said over your singing. You knew he was apologizing for not telling you about Harwin's affair with Rhaenyra. It wasn't the first time he apologized "I thought you knew."
"That's new," you said surprised, interrupting your singing.
"Well, if you weren't avoiding me all the time we could have had this conversation earlier."
"Continue" you demanded. You weren't about to admit that he was right, they probably should have had this conversation months ago, but I couldn't blame you for ignoring it. He is your brother, he is your family, and he chose Rhaenyra over you. He betrayed you, too, and his betrayal hurt more than Harwin's and Rhaenyra's because you had always trusted that Laenor would have your back.
“I thought they had an agreement. The three of you” you looked at him like he was stupid because you couldn't understand how he came to think that you would let your husband fuck your cousin “Don't look at me like that. You loved her. I remember when you were little girls"
You couldn't help but tense up at his last words. Of course, you remember. You remember all too well. The picnics on sunny mornings, how shiny her hair looked in the sun. The races to see which dragon flew the fastest, her smile every time she won, and when you taught her to swim at Driftmark. But that was in the past.
"Of course I loved her. We were friends and she was my family" you said trying to ignore the wave of nostalgia you were having.
"Of course, friends." Laenor looked at you sadly
as if he didn't believe you and as if he knew something you didn't. “The point is that if I had known it was something between just the two of them I would have told you and even done everything I could to nip it in the bud. I tried to do it now but-"they both winced as they remembered the big celebration Viserys had after Rhaenyra announced her second pregnancy"I swear to the gods I thought you knew, I realized my mistake when I saw your face holding Jace for the first time" he approached you and felt joy when you didn't back down "You are my little sister and I would never do anything to cause you pain. I miss you"
A week ago your parents and your sister had written to let you know that they would be coming to King's Landing soon because they wanted to be by your side during your pregnancy. You were sure that Laenor had also received their respective letters with the same information.
"In part" he admitted with a small smile and it didn't take long for you to imitate him. You still hadn't fully forgiven him but you were tired of being mad at him all the time. You missed your family.
“It's a joy to have the whole family together again,” Viserys declared, and Daemon raised his glass with a smile.
Sometimes you're surprised by how dense Viserys is. Sometimes you think that in reality, he is not stupid and that he only pretends to be blind because he does not want to see reality
 You refuse to believe that the king is such an idiot that he does not realize that your parents seem to want to kill Harwin and Rhaenyra. If looks could kill they would already be ten meters underground. It gives you satisfaction to see the discomfort on the faces of the princess and your husband. Still, you wish the king hadn't organized this dinner, you just wanted to be with your family alone. Every time Viserys talked about how your son and Rhaenyra's baby could become great friends in the future because they'll only be apart for a few months made you want to punch the king. Alicent also seems to be sick of hearing those words because you think you see a tick in her eye.
Laenor and Laena seem to restrain themselves from jumping on Daemon because he won't stop smiling every time Viserys talks about your and Rhaenyra's son. Of course, he also sometimes makes his own contributions to the conversations, stressing mostly the surprise that the Baratheon genes are so strong.
The Strongs had been invited out of courtesy. Larys is silent for most of the dinner but you're sure he's thinking of different ways to torture Daemon for his comments.
Poor Lyonel Strong seems to be on the alert all the time, especially when your mother takes the knife to cut her meat. You're sure he fears that she'll throw the knife at Harwin or she'll throw herself across the table and murder his heir.
So the only people who seemed to enjoy this dinner were Viserys and Daemon. The rest could not wait for it to end once and for all. It seemed that the king did not plan to end the evening soon so you decided to use your condition to withdraw early. You groaned and put your hand on your stomach. Instantly all eyes turned to you.
“Are you okay?” Harwin asked, looking at you with concern.
“I'm fine” you forced yourself to smile at him because any other woman would have appreciated her husband's concern “I'm sorry the baby is fussy” you winced ”. My king, I hope I do not offend you, but I will ask your permission to withdraw. In my condition, I'm sorry to say that I don't have the same energy as before."
“Sure, dear. You do not have to apologize"
"Thank you" you smiled and got up from your seat "It really was a wonderful evening"
"Let me walk you," Harwin said, getting up quickly.
You wanted to hit him. But instead, you told him "No need, my love" you felt disgusted for calling him that but you tried hard not to show it. You couldn't abandon the role of the good wife “I would really prefer my mother to accompany me. She has more experience than you in this area” you rubbed your stomach with a small smile as you felt that this time she was really kicking your baby.
"Oh good," your husband said somewhat stunned by the nickname. I haven't heard you call him that in months. I was already thinking that you would never call him that again. He wanted to hear it again soon. He also missed when you spoke to him in High Valyrian.
Harwin was so deep in his thoughts that he barely said goodbye to you and your mother. In fact, his father had to remind him that he was still standing.
“I know you were lying,” your mother whispered to you as they walked, arms linked, toward your chambers.
You didn't answer. There weren't many servants awake yet but you don't want to risk one of them overhearing you talking to your mother. You always had to be careful.
“Yes, I lied” you admitted once they were alone in the safety of your chambers “But it was for a good cause. If we continued at that dinner someone was going to end up dead," you said as you watched her take your comb.
Your mother made you sit on the bed. She sat behind you and began to brush your hair. She reminded you of the ritual you had when you were little. Every night before you went to sleep she would come to comb your hair and they would talk about your day, sometimes she would tell you a story, other times she would sing to you. When your baby was born you planned to do the same.
"I can still kill your husband," your mother said making you snort.
"You can't burn him alive"
Rhaenys allowed herself a moment to stop combing your hair and imagine Harwin's screams as Meleys's flames engulfed him. That image calmed his anger a bit.
"I can kill him in other ways"
“If you kill him, you will be the first suspect. Everyone can see how you look at it. Lord Hand was on alert for you all dinner."
"I'm not going to apologize. Your husband deserves nothing but death. He humiliated you in front of the whole court, in front of the whole world. He not only humiliated you, but he also humiliated your brother and our entire family. There is no part of the entire kingdom in which the resemblance of Jacaerys and your husband is not discussed ”he tightly gripped the comb“ He never deserved you. ”
Neither of your parents had been happy with your marriage but they supported you because they love you and you looked so happy that they were not going to get in the way of your happiness. For them, you were always destined for great things. Not necessarily to be queen, Rhaenys would never say that but much of her was relieved that Viserys won't marry you, but there were better matches than a Strong. Your beauty and kindness had always been a source of admiration in the kingdom so you could have gotten any man you wanted.
“You deserve better than this. You can still start over. I can hire someone to—
"I need him alive" you abruptly interrupted your mother, surprising her.
If Harwin dies then you have no reason to stay in King's Landing. You cannot leave your house. You could never leave Alicent or Larys, let alone the children. You would not hesitate a week without being able to see your children; without going to Dragons'pit with Aegon and teaching him Valyrian, without accompanying Heleaena to look for new creatures, without singing to Aemond and Daeron.
It made you want to cry to imagine yourself without Alicent and Larys. They are your lovers. You couldn't abandon them. Nobody cares about them as you do. Alicent doesn't have any real friends, people only see her as the queen, not the real Alicent. And Larys, people see him as a burden, as someone broke, as someone useless, all because of his clubfoot.
They love you, they care for you, and they are always ready to punish anyone who has upset or hurt you. Your lovers know when you are having a bad day and they are there for you. They remind you how important you are, Alicent is always ready to pamper you, asking the cooks to prepare your favorites and give you kisses, and Larys lets you unload while he massages you.
“I need him alive” you repeat, turning around to look her in the eye “I know everything he did” you continued talking to see that your mother seemed to want to interrupt you “Mother, I'm not stupid, I didn't forgive him and I won't. You taught me well to value myself. I don't need him alive because I love him. I need it because I want my son to meet his father” you took her free hand and squeezed it “Please don't do anything” you kissed her knuckles.
Your mother dropped the comb and caressed your cheek "My little girl, what did you do?"
Rhaenys was not stupid. If you said you hadn't forgiven Harwin then it meant you hadn't slept with him
You aren't pregnant by your husband.
"I did my duty" you answered with a smile "I gave the Strongs an heir"
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tkaulitzlvr · 1 year
Hiii so I've been holding onto this idea for a while and like, thought it would look so good in ur style of writingđŸ«¶đŸ»
Reader and tom are extremely close friends đŸ«Ł
Reader is like sleeping in her bed and like her eyes flicker open and she sees a massive spider yk on her pillow 😍 so she gets a fright but tried being quiet. Her hotel room and Tom's hotel room were joined together, so she opened the door that separated the two rooms and she walks inside. She goes over to Tom and like lightly shakes him awake. He wakes up and asks her what's wrong and she says what happened. She asks him if she can sleep in his bed for the night and he's hesitant but he says yes. She gets in his bed and and after a little while, alot of smut đŸ„°
I love you and ur stories so much!! đŸ€
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synopsis: there is an unwanted guest in your hotel room, so you decide to share a room with your best friend, the outcome something neither of you ever expected.
content: fluff & smut.
a/n: honoured u chose me for this request🙏 i hope i did it justice, thank you for requesting!!
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my eyes were slowly beginning to close, after what felt like hours of trying to fall asleep, tossing and turning, trying out multiple positions, coming to the conclusion that this is one of the most uncomfortable hotel beds i had ever slept in.
tom had been snoring obnoxiously loud in the room next door for at least an hour, falling asleep soon after he had said goodnight to me, the loud snores emitting from his mouth not helping, his door slightly ajar, no light coming through it.
turning on my side as my eyes are almost shut, i spot something round and black on the corner of my pillow. assuming it is just my imagination, my lethargy making me see things, proving to me how much i really need to sleep, i ignore it. but then it moves. my eyes shoot open, now alert and my mouth opens in horror, seeing the huge spider standing on my pillow, crawling quickly across it. i shriek, jumping out of bed and standing on a nearby chair in the corner of the room, quickly covering my mouth as i worry about waking tom. it begins to move across the sheets, until it slips underneath them, now out of sight.
“fuck fuck fuck!” i whisper, standing on the chair, afraid to move, not having any idea what to do, not wanting to step onto the floor, or anywhere, let alone kill it, my arachnophobia kicking in, spiders, or any insect in fact, always being my biggest fear. my eyes slowly move to tom’s door, trying to peer inside, the gap too small, but i soon come to the realisation that my choices are limited, and if i want to get any sleep tonight, then it will have to be in his room.
it wasn’t that i was worried it would be awkward - tom and i were really close, having known each other since we could walk, our friendship only blossoming from that point. we had never slept in the same bed, though, and i was a little reluctant to ask him, but, as the large spider re-emerges from the sheets, i dart from the chair to his room, creaking the door open and closing it behind me, worried that the spider will find its way into his bedroom.
the room is dark, hard for me to make out anything, but the minimal light through the small gap in the curtains, allows me to spot tom’s sleeping body. his chest is bare, he never slept with a shirt on, rising up and down slowly, quiet snores coming from his parted lips. i feel bad for disturbing him, but i have no other choice, creeping around to the side of the bed he is sleeping on and grabbing his shoulders, gently shaking him awake.
“tom? hey, wake up.” i whisper, trying to be as gentle as i can, knowing he won’t appreciate the 3am wake up call. he stirs a little in his sleep, but doesn’t wake up.
“tom!” i hiss, a little louder this time, watching his eyes slowly flutter open, his eyebrows furrowing once he sees that i am standing at the side of his bed.
“what are you doing here? you okay?” he yawns, his voice raspy and full of sleep as he sits up, flicking the bedside lamp on and rubbing his eyes, adjusting to the light.
“there’s a really big spider in my room.” i say, tom giving me an irritated look, clearly not impressed with my excuse for waking him up.
“really? what, you want me to go in and kill it for you?” he asks, moving the covers off of him, revealing the only item of clothing he is wearing, a pair of baggy shorts.
“i don’t know where it went.” i pause, a little anxious to ask him what i actually wanted. “can i just sleep with you for the night?”
he hesitates a little, pursing his lips together. “i can just kill it-”
“please tom? i really don’t want to go back in there, you know how much i hate spiders.” i plead, studying the way his face softens as he gives in, getting back under the covers.
“fine, get in.” he says, opening the sheets for me at the other side as i climb in, resting my head on the covers whilst he shuts the light off, leaving us in the dark.
“i bet the spider wasn’t even that big.” tom laughs, breaking the silence as i turn to face him, laying flat on his back as i am, little distance between us, but enough to stop someone making assumptions if they were to walk in.
“it was! i saw it crawl across my pillow, i wouldn’t have woken you if it was small.” i defend, a smile creeping onto my face as he returns it, my eyes falling to his lips.
“pfft, you know that’s not true, remember when we were kids? you screamed at the top of your lungs, and the spider was literally this big!” he teases, making a tiny circle with his thumb and pointer finger, laughing as i roll my eyes.
“so what i’m scared of bugs? it’s like the most common fear in the world, give me a break.” i sigh sarcastically, tom putting his hands in the air in defense, muttering a small ‘okay okay’, before letting the room return to its previous silence.
my mouth falls open as a yawn escapes from it, my body falling further under the covers as i get comfortable, ready to fall asleep.
“goodnight.” i say, closing my eyes.
“night.” tom mutters, his limbs spread across the bed, giving me little space, but i didn’t mind, enjoying his company, even though we weren’t speaking. the silence was nice, comforting even, tom and i so close that we didn’t have to make conversation, able to sit quietly beside each other without it being awkward.
his arm slings loosely around my waist as he shuffles a little closer, his head so close to mine i feel his calm breathing against my neck, my body tensing up a little at the unexpected touch. we were best friends, but never really got physically close to each other besides from hugging, definitely not doing anything like this.
“this okay?” he asks, not wanting to push any boundaries, making sure i was comfortable with it, this the first time we have ever done anything even close to cuddling, the idea never crossing my mind as i didn’t see romance in him - only a friend, at least not until now.
“yeah, of course.” i manage to say, clearly nervous, not expecting him to want to be this close to me after he was so hesitant about letting me sleep in his bed.
“you sure?” he asks, sensing the uncertainly in my response.
“mhm.” i say, relaxing my body a little as i melt into his embrace, loosening up and feeling a sense of security that i had never experienced before.
i turn my head to the side, facing him as my eyes open slowly, seeing his already staring into mine. the look on his face is foreign, the light from the curtains illuminating his features so that i can just make out his expression. his lips are parted, slow breaths emitting from them. and his eyes, the look in them is hard to decipher, soft yet concentrated, studying my features as they repeatedly flicker from my eyes to my lips, the brown pools filled of a look similar to one of admiration, love even. he is hard to read, my mind trying to figure out what he is thinking as i continue to look into his eyes, the pit of my stomach swelling in nervousness.
but, before i can buy myself more time to try fathom the complex system that is his emotions, he fits the puzzle pieces together for me, attaching his lips to mine. my eyes widen in shock, his mouth gently moving against mine. his hands find their way to my waist, pulling me closer to him. i slowly begin to relax, kissing him back as i feel him smile against my lips, my arms resting behind his neck.
our lips move in sync, fitting together perfectly, moulding in a way that echoes our love for each other, one that we always thought to be strictly platonic. but the way he holds me so gently, with so much care that i could break if he applies pressure, carries the unspoken yet completely mutual realisation that this is way more than just a friendship - and the certainty of our kiss meaning we can never go back from this.
he slowly moves on top of me, not breaking the kiss, his hands cupping my face as his thumbs smooth over my cheeks, the skin turning a light shade of red at his touch. the kiss becomes a little more heated, not yet messy, the passion reciprocated between us as neither us want to pull away, addicted to the feeling, silently wondering how and why it has taken us so long to get to this point, wishing we had done this earlier. yet the way i deepen the kiss, tom holding me with so much love it is palpable even through the heavy air, makes me feel as if i have held him like this for years, us being like this seeming so natural, so right.
his hands reach for the hem of my t-shirt, stopping briefly and breaking the kiss for the first time.
“are you sure about this? we don’t have to.” he says, staring into my eyes, his eyes full of concern, showing me all the patience in the world as he studies my features, a small smile tugging at his lips, both of us breathless.
“i want to.” i say, holding his face in my hands, nodding my head slowly, giving him more reassurance as he still looks a little uncertain. but he soon relaxes once i reconnect our lips, his hands carefully lifting my shirt up and over my head, breaking the kiss to stare at my body, my top half now bare as i wasn’t wearing a bra.
i begin to feel insecure as his eyes scan my figure, instinctively covering my breasts with my hands. he tilts his head, shaking his head a little before placing his hands over mine, interlocking them so that they are no longer covering me, my body now exposed to him.
“don’t cover yourself. you’re so perfect, i want to see it all baby.” the pet name rolls off his tongue so naturally, so smoothly as if he had been calling me it for years, this entire situation feeling so right, the way he looks at me with such admiration confirming that we are meant to be like this, destined to be intimate with one another.
his head moving to the crook of my neck, planting small pecks there, low whines escaping my lips when he hits my sweet spot, teeth grazing the area, i take this as an opportunity to attach my fingers to the waistband of his shorts, pulling them down as far as i can. he sees that i am struggling, placing one final kiss to my neck before pulling them down past his feet, his boxers soon following, leaving him completely naked, the only physical barrier between us being my shorts, tom noticing this.
he reattaches his lips to mine, gently kissing me whilst looping his fingers around the material, pulling them down, along with my panties, throwing the clothing somewhere onto the carpet, nothing but the thick air, filled with our unspoken love for each other, between us, our nakedness a mirror to the desire that takes over.
his forehead rests against mine, his inconsistent breathing tickling my cheeks. i feel him position himself at my entrance, his eyes looking into mine, searching for any uncertainty within them, hating the idea of pressuring me into doing anything. i nod, sensing his apprehension, putting any doubts he has to bed.
“i’ll be gentle, i promise.”
those are the last words he says before sliding into me, my walls stretching with his thickness, pain soon clouding my senses as i wince a little, grabbing onto his arm and squeezing the flesh, signalling for him to stop his movements. he senses my discomfort, taking my hands in his and using his thumbs to stroke the skin gently.
“i’m so sorry. i promise it won’t hurt for long.” he whispers against my lips, giving me a short kiss, his eyes never breaking away from mine as he waits for any signal, any sign that the pain has subsided.
i begin to become accustomed to the feeling, ready for him to carry on, his dick still not fully inside me. i squeeze his hands, letting out a small ‘move’, as he nods his head, kissing my forehead and continuing to slide into me, a strained moan escaping from his lips.
my eyes fall shut, pleasure soon taking over as he said it would, my mouth falling open as he bottoms out, our chests moving in and out, in sync with one another.
“keep going.” i breathe out, wrapping my legs around his waist, drawing him deeper into me.
he quickly obeys, moving in and out of me slowly, going gentle as he promised, the pace just right as i can feel every inch of him inside of me. small moans escape from my mouth, tom placing his head into my neck once again, planting open-mouthed kisses onto my collarbone, my hands threading through his dreads, savouring the feeling of him inside me, knowing that i will never experience anything else like it, our bodies fitting together so perfectly, moving in a way that seems too good to be true - the way he hits all the right places sending me into heaven, my mind questioning wether i am there already.
“you’re doing so good baby, so good.” he praises, his words muffled into my shoulder, his hands now roaming my body, feeling anywhere that he can manage to touch, his pace increasing slightly as he works towards his release, still making sure he doesn’t hurt me.
his skin resembling pure silk, smooth and soft, each muscle crafted by god itself, tensing and relaxing as he moves in and out of me, concentrating on nothing but the pleasure i am feeling, his face now inches away from mine.
a knot starts to form in my stomach, signalling that i am close. my legs tighten their hold on his waist, allowing him to move into me even deeper than he was, hitting a whole new angle as i cry out in pleasure, my eyes rolling to the back of my head. tom watches my expression, acknowledging the way my face twists in contentment when he moves at a certain angle, now doing it repeatedly, my release close.
i try to verbalise it, but my ability to produce coherent sentences is long gone, my mouth uttering a small ‘so close’, tom nodding his head as his eyebrows knit together.
“i know baby, i know. me too.” he sighs, kissing me messily as our lips collide together, the cold metal of his lip ring contrasting with his warm hold on me.
he snaps his hips once more, this enough to push me over the edge as i release, my mouth falling in an ‘o’, shape, no sounds escaping from it despite the millions of thoughts rushing through my head.
after a few more sloppy thrusts, i feel tom shoot his cum inside of me, throwing his head back with a loud groan, riding out our highs before collapsing breathlessly on top of me, stroking my hair with his shaky hands, our heavy breathing sounding throughout the now silent room.
he pulls out, our juices dripping down my legs as i whine at the loss of contact. he wastes no time in wrapping his arms around me, bringing me into his inviting embrace, kissing my lips softly.
“i love you. i’m sorry it’s taken me this long to realise, but i really am in love with you.” he whispers, his hand sitting comfortably at my lower back, the other tucking any loose strands of hair behind my ears.
“i love you too.”
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1000roughdrafts · 7 months
Just Another Day
Summary: Fluffy Dean x female!reader Valentine's Day post
Warnings: some language (like 2-3 words), light mentions of angst, but mostly fluff
Word Count: 1.6k
A/N: Not betad, all mistakes are my own 😊 and bear with me, I’m a little rusty đŸ„° happy love day đŸ„°
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Valentine's Day has never really been a favorite of mine, let alone anything I'd consider more than 'just a day'. Hell, Christmas, Thanksgiving, New Years, even birthdays are all just 'another day' for me. It's kind of difficult not to harbor ill feelings about them after constantly being let down by the people in my life, one broken promise after another.
Dean and Sam have kept every promise they've made, though. In fact, they're managing to break down my walls bit by bit from stolen candy on Halloween to a fried chicken meal with beer on Thanksgiving all while living in cheap motels chasing monsters. When I told them this morning that I just wanted to hunt as usual for the day, I couldn't help but to feel a tad disappointed that they agreed. Bit by bit, I'm breaking my own rules about not getting my hopes up on holidays.
This is our first Valentine's Day as a couple, and I've known Dean long enough to know that chocolate and flowers aren't exactly his style. But I can count on him to bring me a piece of pie "just because" or he'll clean my weapons for me after a particularly grueling hunt because he knows all I want to do is shower and get in bed.
After a long day of exorcising demons, we are on the road again. Burnin' For You by Blue Oyster Cult plays low on the radio, but the clattering of rain on the roof has my full attention. Sam loudly rifles through the papers in his lap with one hand, flashlight held in the other, hesitant to ever let himself relax. Dean's eyes flicker between the road and the rear-view mirror to periodically check on me.
"Hey, you seem off today, you okay?" Dean asks, picking up on my vacant eyes and slight frown.
I suck in a breath, inhaling the scent of the Black Ice air freshener and a hint of stale whiskey, "yeah," I say curtly, keeping my eyes on the trees swaying in the wind as we drive past, lit only by the moon above us. The wind howls against the windows of the Impala, sneaking in and covering my skin with goosebumps.
His face scrunches a bit and he nods before the tick of the blinker signals that he's turning off the highway. I feel a twinge of discomfort knowing we're only minutes away from the motel now. As much as I hate the numbness I feel in my butt and thighs, there is something meditative about being a passenger on a long drive.
We pass an abandoned gas station before I can see the dim lights of the Wandering Inn. Dean parks us by the front desk, leaving the Impala to run with a soft purr as he gets us a key to a room. Neither Sam nor I take our time getting the bags together, so by the time Dean is back out and we find a parking spot near the room, we're ready to head in.
The door whines as Dean pushes it open, immediately palming the peeling wall for a light switch. The overhead light flickers a few times before settling on a weak glow, and before I can even shut the door behind us, the smell of burnt dust and old pledge assaults my nose. I glance around the small room. The musky yellow walls seem to make it feel even smaller, somehow.
Dean turns to me with outstretched arms and a smile, asking for my bags. I dutifully and sleepily hand them over, not realizing the weight they bared until the relief of their absence waves over me. Dean nods his head towards the bathroom, "ladies first on a shower," he says softly. His boots click on the tile as he walks over to toss our bags onto the bed, plopping down next to them to remove his boots.
In a few short strides I head over to grab my bag for the bathroom, stopping in front of him to plant a kiss on his forehead. His eyes, droopy and half-closed, look up at me in a smile. He places his hands my back, thumbs rubbing circles on my skin as he pulls me in for a kiss.
"Thanks for first shower, Dean," I say, letting my hands rest on his shoulders.
His eyebrows rise and fall before he says, "yeah, well, by the looks of it, you need it more than we do tonight."
My ear to ear smile is real, but I fake a laugh before pulling away. "Whatever," I say, but I slowly lose my smile on the way to my shower. Dean's ability to pick up on even the most subtle of changes in me are a testament to how great of a hunter he is, and even greater boyfriend. How he can't pick up on how torn I'm feeling about this wretched day I've no idea. What conflicts me further is that I know it's my responsibility to share these feelings with him. Dean may have an attention to detail I haven't seen in a partner in, well, ever, but he's not a mind reader.
The tile of the bathroom is cold under my feet, so I remove my shirt to stand on it while I wait for the water to heat up. I hear the guys shuffling and moving things in the room, keeping their voices hush, but I'm too tired to give a shit. Waving a hand under the water I decide that it's the perfect temperature and remove the rest of my clothes to get in.
I don't even realize how tense I am until the water hits my shoulders, nearly forcing me to relax under it. My body's reflexes take over and I go into autopilot as I think about today and Valentine's Day is already almost over, but we did nothing
 at my request. I roll my eyes at myself, brushing my teeth while the conditioner sits in my hair. The scent of fruit and mint fill the room among the steam. When I rinse my hair, I imagine I'm rinsing the day away.
The mirror is completely fogged up by the time I get out. With slightly damp skin, and a towel wrapped around my head, I struggle to get my clothes on, and it frustrates me.
I open the door and allow the steam to pour into our room, and I'm immediately hit with a surprising smell. It's almost as if someone is roasting marshmallows in our motel room. I take a small, careful step and peek just my head out, eyes zeroing in on the lit candles on the table.
My eyes skip over to Dean who sits on the edge of the bed with his elbows resting on his knees, a single flower in one hand, and a mix-tape in the other. Beneath his feet is a trail of rose petals leading to the door of the bathroom. He keeps his eyes on me, a smile peaking through his lips as he awaits my next move.
Sam's eyes and mine meet before he offers an awkward smile and shuffles a few things around on his bed. He grabs his shower bag, and I take a few steps towards Dean to allow him to enter the bathroom. Dean and I are both silent until the door closes behind Sam.
"What is all this, Dean?" I asks, astonished. Moldy motel room, or 5 star suite, never in my life has anyone laid out rose petals for me. I feel my heart racing like it's ready to burst right out of my chest.
Dean smiles, standing to hand me the flower with a kiss on my cheek. My skin is warm where his lips just were, and he reaches to take my hand, guiding me to sit on our bed.
He notices my eyes glance down at the mix tape before jumping back up to his. "I've been working on this for a few weeks now," he says, shaking the tape in his hand before handing it to me.
My hand shakes when I grab it, and I flip it to see "To my Y/N/N, Love Dean," scribbled on the front. My cheeks grow hot again, but this time with embarrassment that I'd spent the whole day thinking about myself, when here's Dean blowing expectations right out of the water.
"It's, uh, all the songs that remind me of you," he says softly, and I notice the scent of my favorite candle as the flame burns. My head spins.
"I don't know what to say, Dean," I start, and he just smiles, caressing my hand with his calloused fingers, "I mean, thank you. This is the kindest, most loving thing anyone has ever done for me," I say, tears welling in my eyes.
It's overwhelming to think a personal could love someone so much that amidst hunting Heaven, Hell and everything in between he could find the time to make this moment so special.
"Aw, sweetheart, don't cry," he says, arms wrapping around me, pulling me in for a tight hug.
"I'm not crying, Dean," I contest, but I nuzzle my face into his soft, comforting shirt, allowing my arms to wrap around his torso, and under the warmth of his jacket.
I soak in the smell of his sandalwood cologne and tighten my arms around him. Kissing his chest, I mutter another "thank you" before lifting my head to look him in the eyes. He brings his hand to either side of my face, eyes looking back and forth between mine, "you're very welcome," he says, kissing me with a tenderness that takes my breath away, and I realize that it's moments like these that I want to fill my heaven with.
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