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Technological Servant or Tool of Technopoly? LOGOS Takes a Leap
John offers a review of Logos Bible Software's new subscription model, designed to enhance accessibility and maintain revenue. Mixed user feedback highlights concern about costs versus value, and the introduction of AI features into the software.
I was a young Jesus freak when I purchased my first “Christian” book. It was a paperback entitled Manners and Customs of the Bible, and it changed my life. Up until then, my approach to Scripture had been somewhat haphazard. I dropped into various books of the Bible like a visitor on a day trip, interested but ignorant about much of what I found there. The Bible seemed mysterious and peculiar,…
#AI#Logos#NeilPostman#Subscription#Technopoly#Jesus#pastoral ministry#Preaching#Religion and Spirituality
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Finished Arabian Nights tonight. As I start exploring machine learning and stable diffusion I think this book is a nice counterbalance. #neilpostman #currentlyreading https://www.instagram.com/p/CoTx1z5LwbR/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Türchen #️⃣2️⃣1️⃣ Schlüssel zur Erkenntnis🔑 Diese Haftnotiz erinnert Dich daran, dass alle Informationen schon da sindℹ️ Mal wieder eine Haftnotiz die zum Nachdenken anregt💭 Fragst Du Dich auch manchmal woher geniale Ideen kommen❓ Eine Theorie besagt, dass jeder Gedanke "Energie" ist und diese Energie war schon immer vorhanden🤔 So könnten es z.B. uralte Erkenntnisse sein, die in einem neuen Kontext den Schlüssel zu Lösungsansätzen bilden, die wir aktuell brauchen⁉️ Wie interpretierst Du die Aussage von @neilpostman❓ Schreib es uns gerne in die Kommentare✍️ In diesem Sinne... Start to make a difference... Und kleb Deinen Mitmenschen mal wieder eine... positive Haftnotiz 🗒️😉 #smallnotesbetterworld #snbw #starttomakeadifference #haftnotiz #stickynote #Community #coaching #personaldevelopment #persönlichkeitsentwicklung #zitat #zitatdestages #zitateundsprüche #lieblingszitat #art #urbanart #streetphotography #street #photography #streetart #content #contentcreator #Adventskalender #energie #schlüssel https://www.instagram.com/p/CmcR-YQP3kt/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Neil Postman, Teknopoli: Budaya, Saintisme, Monopoli Teknologi, Yogyakarta, Basabasi, April 2021, 276 hlm, 75.000 . . Dalam buku yang berisi kritik budaya yang cerdas dan mendebarkan ini, penulis mencatat transformasi masyarakat dunia menjadi sebuah teknopoli: masyarakat yang tidak lagi hanya menggunakan teknologi sebagai sistem pendukung melainkan juga dibentuk olehnya. Pembacaan Neil Postman tidak hanya penting untuk memahami bagaimana posisi teknologi di masa modern dan postmodern, namun juga penting untuk melihat kemungkinan-kemungkinan terburuk yang bisa terjadi di kemudian hari. * Neil Postman adalah salah satu analis pendidikan, media, dan teknologi berkepala dingin, dan dalam buku ini dia menjelaskan ketergantungan yang meningkat pada teknologi, kuantifikasi numerik, dan penyalahgunaan “saintisme” untuk semua urusan manusia. Postman berargumen dengan penuh wawasan dan menulis dengan selera humor yang dalam. (Amazon.com) . . #NeilPostman #Teknopoli #Budaya #Sains #teknologi #PenerbitBasabasi #KatalogJBS (di Kedai JBS) https://www.instagram.com/p/COGjrkLHEGQ/?igshid=1jfu0958sb2qf
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Book Arguments to remember in Bullet Journal
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When we turn away from the news, we will confront a startling loneliness. It is the loneliness of life. The loneliness of thinking, of having no one to think for us, and uncertainty.
Neil Postman
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了解這些東西對兒童究竟有什麽影響,多年來一直是研究人員試圖解答的問題。他們提出的主要問題是:當電視節目在兒童面前連篇累牘地、栩栩如生地描繪暴力行徑,它究竟對誘發兒童的暴力傾向產生了什麽影響?雖然這不是個小問題,但它卻轉移了我們對一些重大問題的注意力。比如,如果電視真實地描寫這個世界,究竟會如何削弱兒童對成年人的信念,包括相信成人是理性的、世界是井然有序的和未來是充滿希望的等等?電視真實地描寫現實,又會如何削弱兒童自身��未來控制暴力衝動的信心? 實際上,成人暴力的秘密僅僅是電視所揭示的更多秘密的一小部分。從兒童的觀點來看,電視上播放得最多的是成人世界充滿了無能、競爭和擔憂這個無可爭辯的事實。用喬希・梅羅維茨(Josh Meyrowitz)的話說,電視打開了通往成人生活後台的視窗。研究人員卻很少注意到電視以各種形式向兒童揭示如下秘密的含義:產生婚姻衝突的原因,購買人壽保險的需要,產生誤解的無限可能性,政治領袖永遠的無能,人體本身無數的苦惱。這樣的秘密可以列滿一張清單,但有兩個特別有趣的實例可以證明電視如何毫不留情地揭示成人生活的秘密。 第一,有關政治領袖的無能,或者至少是脆弱。對於這一點,梅羅維茨曾高瞻遠矚地做過論述。在尋找素材時,尤其是具有 “人類興趣”的題材時,電視發現在政治家的私人生活中可以找到取之不竭的材料。以前從未有過這麽多人有機會如此了解 他們國家領袖的妻子、孩子、情人、飲酒習慣、性取向、口誤甚至口拙。那些有所了解的或至少了解一些的人,都是從報紙和雜誌上看來的。這就是說,直到電視出現以前,政治生活的陰暗或隱晦的一面大多只是成人的事。兒童並不讀報,他們從來都不是報紙的消費者。但他們是電視觀眾,因此那些人的弱點不斷在兒童面前暴露,若是在其他年代,那些人完全可能被認為是完美無瑕的。其結果是兒童對政治領袖和政治過程本身產生了一種被稱之為成人的態度,即從憤世嫉俗到漠不關心。 同樣,兒童時時被告知人體的種種弱點,這是成人通常設法遮掩的事情。當然,兒童始終知道人會生病,並且不管怎樣總有一天都會死亡。可是,成人覺得大多相關的細節還是不讓他們知道為好,待到那些事實不會令他們不知所措的時候再告訴他們。而電視打開了這個密室的門。為了說明這一點,我特地連續三個晚上對全國電視網的節目中所展示的各種疾��或身體殘疾進行了統計。從痔瘡到令人心碎的牛皮癬,從神經炎和神經痛到頭痛和 背痛,從關節炎到心臟病,從癌症到假牙,從皮膚疤痕到糟糕的 視力,一共有43次提到這些我們皮肉之軀承襲的打擊。仿佛這 還不足以使人生的旅程顯得充滿不安,如果不是令人害怕的話, 在同一時段裡,還有兩次提到氫彈、一個有關國家在阻止恐怖活動上多麼無能的討論以及有關ABSCAM審判的總結。 #童年的消逝 #neilpostman #readingtime (在 國立臺灣大學 National Taiwan University) https://www.instagram.com/p/CL0U0yTndqp/?igshid=famumj4d848a
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Televizyon öldüren cazibe kitabindan #Neilpostman https://www.instagram.com/p/B8rL3e6Dsr8/?igshid=njbpkw1b1edg
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“We were keeping our eye on 1984. When the year came and the prophecy didn't, thoughtful Americans sang softly in praise of themselves. The roots of liberal democracy had held. Wherever else the terror had happened, we, at least, had not been visited by Orwellian nightmares.
But we had forgotten that alongside Orwell's dark vision, there was another - slightly older, slightly less well known, equally chilling: Aldous Huxley's Brave New World. Contrary to common belief even among the educated, Huxley and Orwell did not prophesy the same thing. Orwell warns that we will be overcome by an externally imposed oppression. But in Huxley's vision, no Big Brother is required to deprive people of their autonomy, maturity and history. As he saw it, people will come to love their oppression, to adore the technologies that undo their capacities to think.
What Orwell feared were those who would ban books. What Huxley feared was that there would be no reason to ban a book, for there would be no one who wanted to read one. Orwell feared those who would deprive us of information. Huxley feared those who would give us so much that we would be reduced to passivity and egoism. Orwell feared that the truth would be concealed from us. Huxley feared the truth would be drowned in a sea of irrelevance. Orwell feared we would become a captive culture. Huxley feared we would become a trivial culture, preoccupied with some equivalent of the feelies, the orgy porgy, and the centrifugal bumblepuppy. As Huxley remarked in Brave New World Revisited, the civil libertarians and rationalists who are ever on the alert to oppose tyranny "failed to take into account man's almost infinite appetite for distractions". In 1984, Huxley added, people are controlled by inflicting pain. In Brave New World, they are controlled by inflicting pleasure. In short, Orwell feared that what we hate will ruin us. Huxley feared that what we love will ruin us.
This book is about the possibility that Huxley, not Orwell, was right.”
Introduction to Amusing Ourselves to Death: Public Discourse in the Age of Show Business Neil Postman 1985 Unfortunately Postman isn’t around anymore to weigh in on current events. Regardless, I’d recommend this book as well as Technopoly and The End of Education. And of course Brave New World, written by Orwell’s teacher. -Adam
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@Regrann from @kitabihayal - 📺Hayatın içinden... • #siradaki • ... .. . ... .. . #televizyonoldureneglence #neilpostman #ayrinti #ayrintiyayinlari #television #televizyon #vscocam #vsco #vscobook #instalike #instagood #instabook #instakitap #vosvos #1kitap1fotograf #bibliophile #kimneokudu #pdrneokur #okumakgörebilmektir #kitap #kitaptahayatvar #kitapdostu #kitapkurdu #kitaptavsiyesi #bookworm #photooftheday #Regrann
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Celebrity Worship is Corrupting Black Unity by Diallo Kenyatta @diallokenyatta #diallokenyatta
Celebrity Worship is Corrupting Black Unity by Diallo Kenyatta @diallokenyatta #diallokenyatta
Celebrity Worship is Corrupting Black Unity Celebrity Worship is Corrupting Black Unity Website: http://diallokenyatta.com Support Bro. Diallo http://patreon.com/diallokenyatta Venmo: @BroDiallo CashApp: $BroDiallo http://africanworldorder.com #BroDiallo #BLKPWR #BlackUnity #ClassCon #ClassWar #CivilRights #RacialIntegration #NeilPostman #AgeOfDistraction #InfomationAge #CultureBandits
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#kitapokufotografcek 🐞 ✏🐝 @egitimdanismaniyiz teşekkür ederiz.🐾💐🌱 Galerisini takip etmelisiniz.🔍 📚📚📚 Televizyon bir cazibe merkezi olarak hayatımızın baş köşesine oturdu. Yirmi dört saat yayın yapan kanallarla tam bir görüntü sarhoşluğu yaşıyoruz. Alışkanlıklarımız, konuşma biçimimiz, ilişkilerimiz televizyona endekslendi sanki. "Eğlenceli", "renkli" bir hayat yaşamaya başladık. Resmi ideolojinin yasaklıları, toplum kıyısında yaşayanlar bütün "giz"leriyle evlerimizde artık. Kameralar pervasızca mahremiyetimizin en ücra köşelerine giriyorlar. Şiddetin bütün türleriyle tanıştık. "Reality show"larla kan ve acının da bir satış değeri olduğunu, reklam alabileceklerini öğrendik. Kapitalizmin en temel özelliği olan rekabetin insanları nasıl vahşileştirdiğini, iğrençleştirdiğini gördük. Duygularımız, tepkilerimiz, duyarlılıklarımız törpülendi... Postman bizi, duygularımızı ehlileştiren renklerin ötesine, eğlendiğimiz şeyin ne olduğunu düşünmeye çağırıyor. DÜŞÜNMEYE! O kadar! Yeter çünkü! #neilpostman #televizyon #öldüreneğlence #gösteriçağındakamusalsöylem #huxley #orwell #ütopya #psikoloji #eğitim #bibliyoterapi #egitimdanismaniyiz #pdrneokur #pdrmerkezim #kitap #okul #bilincliebeveyn #instabook #bookstagram
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Amusing Ourselves to Death Neil Postman
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#68: Orwell VS Huxley/Humanity Values Is homeschooling a detriment to a child’s social development? This week we will tackle if homeschooling is harming children or if it has become a tangible option given the recent nomination of Betsy Devos. Then we will interview David Teachout, founder of Life Weavings and Humanity Values Podcast, as we talk about how his experience and degree’s make for an educational show. We will then end on a discussion about Neil Postman’s book “Amusing Ourselves To Death” and we look at whether or not the future is closer to an Orwellian or Huxley perspective. https://www.spreaker.com/user/cellardoorskeptics/orwell #Psychology #JustinTrudeau #HumanityValues #1984 #HomeSchool #NeilPostman #LifeWeavings
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This arrived today! Can't wait to get stuck in #amusingourselvestodeath #neilpostman (at Hampton Common)
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#readingtime #coleman #童年的消逝 #neilpostman https://www.instagram.com/p/CL0Spyxnbw2/?igshid=cblbu2zshtwb
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