#neil & aaron friendship
naturecalls111 · 2 months
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thegayexyagenda · 3 months
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Headcanon that Jeremy and Laila watch Rupaul’s drag race together and are 100% Trixie and Katya stans. Also Wymack cameo (I feel like he would open Twitter for two minutes once every month and then dip). All Kevin does in this AU is get bullied and that’s something so very personal to me.
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neil never charges his phone, aaron is really good about charging his phone but always forgets it, and jean will not pick up his phone if he feels safe it just doesn't occur to him. ... basically they're unreachable and it stresses all of their partners out bc aaron what do you mean you've been gone since six this morning to go running with neil? jean did you really stay out until 4 am to help aaron study? neil did you get ice cream without me??
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jtl-fics · 3 months
The more time I spend writing AFTG fan fiction the more I realize how desperately want Neil & Aaron friendship content. They both are in such desperate need of a friend who'll absolutely call them on their shit and take zero shit from them.
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palmettoshitposts · 1 year
andrew had only been at psu for a year before neil came which means he had to learn to trust renee very quickly (by andrew standards). therefore, i believe it was renee who introduced andrew to the truth for a truth game.
andrew’s there like right what’s the quickest way to make this woman fuck off? i don’t need friends, i don’t need anyone. right, let’s tell the truth, but you know, the ugly truth.
andrew, into the complete silence: i’ve killed someone and i’d do it again
renee, without missing a beat: get in line, we’re friends now 😁
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ofsunshineandfoxes · 1 month
I think if there wasn’t so much shit between Aaron and Andrew, Aaron and Neil would honestly be friends. Like they’re not b/c Aaron’s not allowed to have friends and then because he’s got issues with Andrew liking Neil better and Neil understanding Andrew more (not even going down the homophobia rabbit hole) but without Andrew in the picture I think they’d get along.
Neil’s main reasons for hating Aaron are that he thinks he’s stupid and selfish for not understanding Andrew and winding up in the situation they’re in, otherwise they mostly ignore each other. But i think there’s a world in which they’re friends. Like Neil would appreciate Aaron’s absolute apathy towards him. Aaron gives no shits about how crazy Neil’s backstory is, he’s curious sometimes but he never asks and I think that would create a kind of safe space for Neil. Everyone else wants answers out of him and explanations but Aaron never pushes and yeah it’s partly cause he doesn’t care, but partly just because he’s seen enough already.
And Neil would be so good for him, I mean he’s already trying to fix him, and he always calls him on his bullshit which I think he frankly needs and I think Aaron could appreciate it if it wasn’t all set against the backdrop of Andrew. Plus they could totally bond/understand each others weird abusive mother issues
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Neil: Who wants to make fifty bucks?
Aaron: How?
Neil: I need someone to take the fall.
Aaron: What did you do?
Neil: I can't tell you. Yes or no, no questions asked.
Nicky, from the other room: Oh my god.
Aaron: ...
Nicky: OH MY GOD!
Aaron: Make it a hundred.
Neil: Deal.
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exy-shmexy · 1 year
What if Neil and Aaron find out they have a class in common during Neil’s second year and they reluctantly agree to team up for a group presentation because doing it together is better than doing it with unreliable strangers. Although a lot of snark is involved at first, they start warming up to each other the more time they have to spend together to work on their presentation and one evening, while it’s late and only the two of them are still awake, one of them—under the guise of exhaustion—makes a dark joke about his childhood that surprises a bark of laughter out of the other and that’s ultimately what makes them open up to one another. They find out they have more in common than they would like and this one evening marks the beginning of an unspoken friendly truce between them.
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the-plothole-court · 2 years
riko: you can’t hide forever
neil: try me
matt: yeah, try him
neil: my middle school classmates think my name is stefan
matt: yeah
neil: the only girl i kissed thinks my name is alex
matt: YEAH
neil: and my teammates think my name is neil josten
matt: OH YEAH
matt: wait what?
neil: don’t worry about it
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Nicky bought one of those toy phones for kids and exchanged it for Kevin's phone one night at Eden's, he was to drunk to notice, but when he wanted to take a photo suddenly "AY AY AY AY, I'M YOUR LITTLE SAMURAI" started blasting.
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kevindavidday · 3 months
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crazy times when aaron was nice to neil. can't believe this is canon
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attineilde · 7 months
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neil helping aaron study for the MCAT like "this was the fifth bone I broke, I was 13..." and aaron is like "oh! humerus!"
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ok555ficideas · 8 hours
Rereading one of my fics ( Help me remember ) and decided to spread more of my Neil & Aaron friendship agenda. Here are them bounding over their mothers
“Sometimes I’m glad she’s d*ad.”
Neil could hear the sadness and guilt in Aaron’s voice. He knew exactly how Aaron felt. He took a deep breath and voiced his own guilt out loud. “I’m glad mine is d*ad too.” Aaron looked at him again so he continued. “She was not that bad. Way better than my father, that’s for damn sure, but seeing how my life had turned out, even if I don’t remember all of it, makes me happy and I know that I would have never gotten all of it with her still alive.”
“My mom used to dr*g me when she didn’t feel like taking care of me.” Aaron said a little louder than the rest of their conversation.
“Mine beat the sh*t out of me when I kissed a girl once.” Neil said and couldn’t help but laugh a little. “It wasn’t even a good kiss.”
Aaron lougheed as well. “She used to kick me out when she had one of her boyfriends over. I had to sleep on a bench in front of our apartment building.
“She used to make me do fake emergency drills at two a.m. just to see if I would be prepared for a real one. I had to run around without a coat in the middle of winter in Canada one time, because I was too slow for her liking.” Neil added.
They were both full on laughing at this point. None of what they said was funny. Far from it, but somehow Neil found peace in the laughter. He felt understood. He felt like he didn’t need to explain himself. He could say all the terrible ways his mother f*cked him over and say that he had never loved anyone more in span of few minutes and it wouldn’t be met with judgment.
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knickknacksandallthat · 10 months
now all i can think about is matt asking jean if he and kevin have bumped baguettes yet and the chaos that follows
anon, the gift that keeps on giving...Matt's completely inappropriate use of french pastries:
*Jeremy, Jean, and Kevin return from hospital*
MATT: Hey, you guys are back! Great! We have a question for you.
AARON: *sliding hand over face* oh no.
DAN: *pointing finger at Matt* Matthew Donovan Boyd, don't you dare-
MATT: so, I mean, clear this up for us if you can, boys. What exactly are you doing with Kev?
JEREMY: *visibly confused* You mean...other than taking him home from the hospital?
MATT: And?
JEAN: And what?
MATT: Come on, Moreau, don't play dumb. Tell us - are you and Knox bumping baguettes together with him?
JEAN: *deadeyeing matt now* What.
AARON: Jesus fucking Christ, Boyd.
ALLISON: Shush, don't stop them - I'm recording.
MATT: Dude, I'm just saying - are you putting the tang in his tart? The cream in his eclair? The flake in his croissant? The meringue in his macaron? The pain in his au chocolat? The tutti in his frutti?
KEVIN: *brow furrowed as he turns to Jean* Are you suddenly opening a French bakery that I'm unaware of?
JEAN: *handing his coat to Jeremy and rolling up his sleeves* Boyd, in the name of Kevin's honor and justice for all of France, prepare to have your ass kicked.
Part 2 to this ask
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palmettoshitposts · 1 year
some andrew & renee thoughts
andrew likes renee because she’s not afraid to confront him, contradict him or say no to him. she’s not afraid of him at all.
renee is easily more dangerous and andrew knows and respects that. renee has a grasp on how to use knives better than andrew could ever imagine (before neil, at least) and it leaves him more than slightly in awe.
the whole sparring thing came about because when andrew pushed her one practice early on, she pushed back harder and they started fighting
she definitely hurts his feelings once or twice and he lies awake at night thinking about it. what bugs andrew that what she’s said is right. comments that are just observational in nature about his behaviour or character but they cut because he trusts her opinion on things.
one time, she just calls him out on something he thought she’d support him on - some stupid opinion - and he’s offended and irritated. and renee never says I told you so, so she just shrugs and moves on.
renee calls andrew out on being a misogynist. andrew is initially confused but renee bullies him into being a feminist. that’s how their friendship works. most of this takes place on the roof. before that was andrew and neil’s place (and even after), it was andrew and renee’s. but renee has no interest in smoking, so she joins him by bringing tiny bottles of bubbles and punctuating her sentences by blowing them. the one time andrew calls her a bitch, she just responds with ‘don’t🫧be🫧a🫧misogynist🫧’. weirdly, it works.
andrew likes renee because she’s all sharp edges and imperfections. andrew’s had more than enough of the horrors that lie behind the perfect facade.
when you get close to renee, you learn she’s got crooked teeth and a honky laugh. when she dyes her hair, it’s because of sheer boredom but she has a list of her next ten hair colours in her notes on her phone. andrew knows these things, and knows that knowing them is a privilege. he keeps this to himself.
renee can be spiteful and rude. renee can be snappy and unkind. but she acknowledges these things and takes accountability in a way that’s totally revolutionary for andrew.
she rarely apologises. one time, early on, a remark she makes at his expense is far too cutting and he’s not mad about it but clearly it’s impacted her. she apologises later on, carefully and sincerely, and it’s the first apology andrew has ever fully believed, even if he doesn’t think it’s required. he shrugs her off and she knows exactly what it means.
andrew never admits it aloud, but what he deep down loves about renee is how she can make him a better person.
she gently nudges him and his rigid thinking along the path of self development and it’s something he would never thank her for but he is endlessly grateful for.
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