#need to pick up hand sewing again desperately...
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ctkira · 11 months ago
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nya plushie...
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criibibi · 5 months ago
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Synopsis: After losing so much, Spider-woman learns to just keep moving. Only for her to end up somewhere far from home. Her first agenda is figuring out where she is, and how to get back. The only problem is that she ended up somewhere fictional (to her). Playing hero with Batman was not in her bingo cards this year. Hopefully she will be able to make it back home before she catches unwanted attention.
Masterlist: Prev; Next;
Chapter 2 - Spider Luck
Morning came quickly despite the shitty sleep you received that night. The constant tossing and turning, the constant fear and anxiety of getting caught or broken into, really you couldn’t catch a break. 
Despite that, you did get some sleep, even if the sum total was like three hours. Still, it’s not like the nightmares would have let you sleep regardless. All your failures would consume your thoughts and drown you, reminding you of your losses. 
Sure you moved on, but it’s not like you had forgotten. Uncle Ben’s wisdom, Aunt May’s lessons, and Peter Parker’s kindness. You vowed to honor and cherish those memories, but here you are, in another fucking world, with a high possibility of you breaking some laws just to get out.
Desperate people do crazy shit, and you aren’t that sane to begin with.
Luckily this motel has a shower and you plan to use it. Making sure to clean yourself with what you have (unfortunate) and pick up the necessities that you desperately need. 
Taking your time (since you paid for it) you get yourself ready, making sure your mask, gloves and (stolen) wallet are secured inside the hoodie’s pockets. Suite nice and tucked underneath the turtleneck and leggings. First order of business is shoes. Maybe that should have been your first mission yesterday- oops. 
You definitely should have followed the young spiderlings example and fight crime with shoes. Well if you ever meet them again, you will…
When you meet them again. You will. You have to. No matter the cost.
And then your stomach rumbled. “Great! Time for cheap food. Wonder if that knockoff Wack-Donld place is open. 
Oh that’s a nice plan. But you forgot one thing, genius. Where is it? How would you know where it is? You can’t even map it since you also don’t have a phone. 
About to unlock the door, you realized something. It already was unlocked… “Hmm…” Well, it was good that you webbed the door then.
“Fuck.” Leaving the motel keys at the front, you skedaddled your way back into the streets, looking for either a bodega or a shoe store. In order to keep yourself somewhat sane, you start softly humming music you recall Miles shared with you.
After some time of walking around aimlessly (you avoided asking others for directions, gods know gothamites unwritten rule is to mind your fucking business), you found a thrift store.
Guess what you realized while browsing for shoes. If you buy and fight crime with shoes, and (as of right now) are your only pair, you will get found out. So crocs it is!
Black ones, because white gets dirty too damn easily.
Finding your size and other clothing necessities, face-mask, a backpack and a portable sewing kit, you were good to go and all for a cheap price! God you love thrift stores. You used to go to as many and as often as you could with Peter. Ya had a bad spending habit and Peter certainly never discouraged you. He was your terrible financial buddy.
Not now! You can’t reminisce right now, not until you found a way home. Asking the cashier for directions while also subtly declining their phone number (your excuse is that your phone got stolen) you made it to a corner store. Hurray!
Making sure to stock up on snacks, since- let’s be real, this will be your food source for a while, (no income, remember, silly) you stand in line to pay before your spider sense goes off.
Behind you. There’s a man, hoodie on, looking down, covering their face, hands buried inside their pockets. You’re betting it’s either a gun or a knife. 
“Don’t move or I’ll shoot.” Oh, it’s a gun. How original.
The cashier seemed to clock in to what is occurring and subtly reaches under his counter. Not subtle enough because the man behind you yelled, pulling out his gun and pointing at the back of your head.
What the fuck spider luck.
You quickly assess your surroundings, making note that there is only one exit, two normal people not including you but including the gunman, and the room feels tight and too small to do anything.
Conclusion? You’re fucked. 
“I said don’t move, hands up! Give me the money, all of it!” From the corner of your eyes you can see just how fidgety this man was. Probably trigger happy if you do something stupid.
“He-hey man, I don’t got much in here.” The cashier had his hands in the air, trembling and freaking out. 
“I don’t care, give me the money! Yours too, bitch. Now!”
How rude. “Alright, I’m going to get my wallet. Don’t shoot.” You made slow movements of reaching into your pocket for the wallet.
“Hurry up! Both of you!” The thug yelled impatiently. You could practically feel how sweaty and anxious this guy is.
You watched the employee open up the cashier and take the money out. The assailant motioned for you to place your wallet on the counter, which you do and step to the side, getting out of his way. Just as he goes to grab the money you quickly grab the wrist with the gun and twist it, making sure he dropped it before smashing his head onto said counter, money flying everywhere. 
Both you and the cashier watched the assailant fall to the ground, nose bleeding and out cold. “Um,” The cashier looked at you, spooked. “I panicked.”
Hey look at that, no shots fired baby! Ya still got it! You are a pro-fess-io-nal~!
“Hey man, no-um no sweat. You saved me.” He replies with a tremble in his voice.
“Cool, cool, I also didn’t want to get shot. How much for my stuff?” You asked, picking up the money on the floor, handing it back while placing your snacks on the counter..
“What stuff? I see nothing. Just go. I already called the cops.” Oh, so he wasn’t reaching for a gun (corner stores usually have one under the counters) but a buzzer or something? Nice, cool, great.
“Thanks buddy!” Hey man, free food is a blessing. Picking up your wallet and bag of snacks, you step over the knocked out guy, (pick pocketing any cash he had on him,) picking up the gun with your sweater sleeve and placing it at the counter. “Here, for the cops.”
“Thanks so much, again for everything. Hey, can I get a name? For the next time you come and…buy stuff.” He shot his shot.
“I appreciate it man, but I don’t give out my name like that. You know?”
And he missed.
“Ye-yeah…” He looked like a kicked puppy.
Just as you stepped out you heard the sound of a motorcycle nearby and your senses went off again.
“Stop right there, not another step.” A third party voice joins the fray.
What the fuck, spider luck?!
Instantly you recognize the vigilante in front of you but regardless you are not taking any chances today. 
Taking a step back inside the store, making sure to close the door on the guy. “Um, hey not to alarm you or anything but there is a guy with a mask standing outside.” Bringing your hands up (again) you back away from the entrance, snack bag swinging around with your movements. 
The employee nods pulled out the pistol from the counter (what the fuck, why would you grab that with your fingers my dude?) and aimed.
Well at least he doesn’t hold grudges for being rejected.
The door swung open and there stood a masked vigilante, but a familiar bat symbol on his chest caught the employee’s attention.
“Oh thank god it’s not another one.” Putting the pistol again he sighed in relief.
“Ah!” The yellow vigilante turned his focus onto you, (who backed up so much you tripped over the k.o.ed dude, fucking embarrassing) hands still in the air and snacks littering the floor.
Some professional you are. Fuck you spider luck.
“I didn’t steal anything, I swear.” God, you're embarrassed and stressed.
The vigilante ponders for a few seconds, taking in the scenario, glancing at the employee who nods and turns his attention back. “Sorry about that. Here.” He extends a hand out towards you and to not be suspicious you hesitantly take it, your body tenses on instinct, pulling away immediately.
“Thank you.” you mumbled silently cringing at your embarrassment over spilled snacks.
“What happened?” He still faced you but you knew that question was for the other party member. And even if it was for you, you’re silent.
“That dude tried to rob us and they knocked him out. Oh,” The cashier looked at his hands. “This is his.” And placed the pistol on the counter.
This looks like the perfect time to poof away so you do. Right after you pick up your snacks. Signal sees this and silently aids you. “You both aren’t hurt, right? Need medical assistance?”
No you fucking don’t.
Holding out the bag as Signal placed the last snack in you as you shook your head. “I’m a-okay. Thank you though.” And you walk out for the second time. You could still feel his eyes on you until the door closes.
And guess who shows up.
The men in blue.
“Hold it right there.” Bro, you just want to be left alone, is that so much to ask? This time instead of bringing your hands up (for a third time), you instead clutch your bag to your chest, mask down and point inside, making sure your voice matches your facial expression.
“In there, he stopped him there.” meek, timid, nervous.
It seems to have worked as the pair of policemen entered the store and you didn’t think twice and booked it (in a non suspicious manner- if you run, they might chase). Passing by a yellow motorcycle you take a glance back and see the vigilante stepping outside the store, looking somewhat bothered in the presence of the authorities. 
Sucks to suck, bud, you know that feeling very well, not your problem anymore.
As if feeling your eyes on him he turns his face towards you, your eyes meeting a mask. Oh fuck! You felt your hair stand up. Holding his gaze for a few seconds before turning away (any other abrupt movement would definitely make you look suspicious) you continue on your way.
Forcing yourself to not tense up and fight the urge to shiver at his cold gaze you round the corner and you feel somewhat safer again. But it’s a false sense of security, because you know you’re slowly losing your mind.
Hopefully you won’t run into him or any of the other bats.
Duke Thomas was patrolling his territory, the Narrows, when he got a notification.
“Signal, there’s a robbing occurring five blocks from your location. The corner store Convenience. Know it?” Oracle’s voice spoke through the comms.
“I know my way. I’m checking it out now.”
“Checking the cameras- there are only three people inside. The assailant, a civilian, and an employee.”
“Got it-”
“Oh wait. Huh, well look at that.” Disbelief could be heard through the comms.
“What is it?” Did things escalate too fast?
“The civi knocked the guy out. Basically one move.” Color Oracle impressed.
“I’m here, anything else I should know about?”
“I’m scanning what I can see of their face, but I’m coming up blank. I’ll let you know if anything.”
Duke didn’t reply, instead as he pulled up he saw someone coming out of the store. “Stop right there, not another step.”
He watched the figure (gender unidentifiable with the oversized hoodie) freeze before making eye contact with him-er his visor. Despite the hood being down, he could not see their face completely with their mask, only their eyes and hair. Just a normal civilian, who apparently knocked out a guy with a gun.
Then silence and no movement.
Until the civilian backed away, closing the store door.
Stunned for a moment, Duke could hear Oracles snort through the comms. “Think they’re scared?”
“From what, me? They took down a guy with a guy and I scared them?” 
“Careful, gun pointed straight at you inside.” warned Oracle.
He moves towards the front door, pushing it open to see the civilian from earlier backing away still, hands up before turning his attention to the employee with a gun. “Oh thank god it’s not another one.”
“Ah!” A yelp caught his attention and it seems the civi tripped on the knocked out guy he just noticed. They immediately spoke, catching his eyes,“I didn’t steal anything, I swear.” 
Duke holds in a snort before glancing at the employee who nods in confirmation before he focuses on the fallen person. He calmly walks towards them, taking note of their discomfort and reaches his hand out. “Sorry about that. Here.” 
Despite his covered eyes somewhat obscuring his vision, he couldn’t will them away from this stranger’s visible face. 
Duke watched their hesitation but placed their hands in his, and he swore he felt a spark that sent shivers down his spine. How curious. He pulled them up, noting just how light they felt in his hold.
“Thank you.” Their voice was soft, but audible.
They quickly pulled their hand away, the warmth gone. His hand held its place for a couple of seconds before he let it fall to his side. “What happened?” He still faced the civilian, both unmoving. He already knew what occurred, Oracle told him everything, but he wanted to hear them talk more.
Only the employee replied. He took note of their lack of eye contact. 
“That dude tried to rob us and they knocked him out. Oh,” Duke glanced as the cashier placed the gun on the counter. He’ll leave that for the cops to pick up if they don’t get here before he leaves. “This is his.”
His attention is once again stolen as the civilian in front of him kneels to pick up their half empty bag. Standing above them, he notes the tips of their ears are red, how cute.
“You good there, romeo? You kinda have a staring problem.” Oracle’s voice snapped him out of his trance.
Duke cleared his mind (he hoped he didn’t look weird or creepy, yikes) before leaning down as well and helped pick up the tossed chip bags.
Though he did take his time, just to squeeze a bit more time with this civilian that he has yet to identify. “You both aren’t hurt, right? Need medical assistance?” He mostly directed this question to them than the cashier behind him. He wonders if Oracle figured out this civilian's name. 
Placing the last snack inside the plastic bag he watches them straighten up before shaking their head. “I’m a-okay. Thank you though.” His eyes couldn’t seem to leave their figure as he watched them walk out the door.
“Cops outside, Signal.” Oracle once again breaks his attention. 
“Got it.” Duke turns his attention to the guy on the floor, sitting him up as two officers enter the store. One takes the guy off his hands while the other questions the employee, taking the gun.
A slight restless feeling took over him and he made his way outside, the one carrying the passed out guy following. Duke quickly takes notice of eyes watching him and he turns to see the complete unmasked civilian from earlier. 
This time, he really felt like he had a staring problem. He drinks up their appearance like water. Their nose, lips, face shape, everything. He didn’t know how to explain it, but he really couldn’t look away this time. Everything around him suddenly felt silent. He felt his body shiver.
Such a pretty face, this civilian caught his breath regardless. He’s not one to lose himself by a pretty face but it seems this one was an exception. He felt mesmerized, entranced, and tongue-tied. Something about this person had a strong lock on him, and he couldn’t help but feel somewhat excited then put off. It felt like a very tight leash, and he doesn’t mind one bit.
Three seconds. Ever since he caught their gaze, they made eye-contact (despite him wearing a mask) before she looked away and left, turning the corner. (Their features look pretty feminine so he’s going with her). 
“Anything Oracle?” He mumbled, still a bit lost.
“No dice. How strange…”
Bummer. He mounts his ride and drives off to finish the rest of his patrol. He’s tempted to drive in the direction the civilian went to, but he wills himself to not do that. God it’s like he’s down bad. Really bad.
Hopefully he gets to see you soon, it seems you’re staying in the Narrows which increases his chances to see you. As much as he curses himself internally, he hopes he can save you next time something dangerous happens again.
Something formed in the pit of his stomach, and he doesn’t know if it’s desire or obsession.
Regardless, he embraces this feeling whole heartedly.
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I struggled really hard, like REALLY hard. Duke is new to me (i only learned of him because of the webtoon) Now I'm reading issues he has been in and I don't know his character well but there is a SEVERE lack of Duke fics and I made it everyone's problem. So now he's down bad.
Updates are random and spars, no update schedule and don't plan to make one. This is my hobby not my obligation.
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somanyratsinthewalls · 2 months ago
Hello I very much enjoy your writing! Idk if this is where I can put in my request for the game but here it is:
Silver (kid) and (mentions of indigo killer) with prompt: “You're not taking me to bed. Not now, not ever”
I imagine kid’s flirting would come off as bullying. Leading to a rivalry where reader thinks he’s a hot asshole and wants to one-up him. And kid just CANNOT express his feelings and keeps it going to be close to them. Leading to this sexual tension between them that needs to be broken before they both perish from their bottled up feelings.
Again I love your writing! Keep it up!
Not Ever (18+)
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THANK YOU FOR THIS REQUEST! (one of my favorites that I got hehe)
Pairing: Eustass Kid x Female Reader
WC: 2700
Prompt: “You’re not taking me to bed. Not now, not ever.” 
TW: unprotected sex, angst, enemies to lovers, arrogant asshole kid, but also softie kid... oral, f receiving, nipple play, kissing, pet names, cream pies, emotions to an extent, theyre so cute idk? it's porn!
— — 
Your captain drove you mad.
He was crass. Gross. Rude. Loud. Vulgar. Argumentative. Hard-headed. Huge. Muscular. Handso-
He was a dick. 
In every possible opportunity, Kid was a dick. 
You ended up hitching a ride on the Kid Pirates ship for a few weeks and somehow found yourself never leaving after they realized you had advanced medical knowledge, being a nurse on your former island. You enjoyed the company of the crew and the dangerous life on the high seas excited you to no end. The only thorn in your side was the pain-in-the-ass captain. He busted everyone’s balls in the crew, but you knew he picked on you more than the others… 
— — 
“Oi! Y/n!” The harsh voice of Eustass Kid rung out on the deck, cutting through the crashing waves and pouring rain. “Pick up the fuckin’ slack! If we end up at the bottom of the sea in this storm I’ll raise you from the dead just so I can kill ye again!” 
A loud crack of thunder sounded and flash of lightning lit up the ship. 
“Wire hasn’t pulled a single rope and you’re yelling at me, ya shit bag?” You shout back, heaving coil after coil of sail rope over your shoulder, desperately trying to pull the sail down in the storm to keep the Victoria Punk from capsizing. “We wouldn’t be stuck in this if you hadn’t pissed off everyone in the Grand Line and had to take the scenic route!” 
“Less yappin’ more haulin’!” He barks back. 
— — 
“Get off me, ye fuckin' harpy, I’m fine!” Kid slurs out, clutching the bleeding, open wound on his chest. 
“Hey dick-nose! You told me I was here to be your fuckin’ medic, so let me be a fuckin’ medic!” You shout as you haul Kid’s massive body onto the medical table. 
“Urrgg-“ Kid groans. 
You quickly grab a surgical needle and thread along with antiseptic and antibiotic ointment. You thread the needle nimbly and start to close up the gash. 
“OW!” Your captain yells and lurches forward. “You ain’t have any anesthetic?” 
“Big bad worst generation pirate captain needs an anesthetic for some stitches?” You ask with a cocked head. 
“I’m still human, you bitch!” He snarls. 
“Here, pour this-“ You hand him a bottle of vodka from under the surgical table. 
Kid rips the bottle from your hand and chugs it til it’s near empty. He winces and sighs. 
“Alright I’m ready.” He says, wiping the liquor from the sides of his mouth. 
“Oh that’s not-“ You begin. “You know what, fuck it.” You say as you begin to stitch up his chest wound. 
Kid winces each time the needle pierces his skin to pull it together. A silence comes over the room. 
“You need to be more careful.” You say softly, carefully focused on sewing up the gash. 
“You don’t know shit about what I need.” Kid says with his eyes squeezed shut. “I’m the captain. I make the rules.”
“Yeah, well… maybe your rules suck sometimes…” You say as you continue to sew up the injury across Kid’s chest. 
Kid lets out a deep exhale. Silence falls again. After a few more minutes, you finish the last stitch and pull your hands away. 
“Hey-“ Kid says as he sits up and suddenly grabs your wrist, so small in his large hand. 
“Yeah?” Your head turns to meet his gaze. You hold each other’s eyes for a moment… there was something different in the way he was looking at you right now… 
“… nothing.” Kid says and drops your wrist. He slings his legs over the side of the medical table and hops down. He storms out of the room without so much as a ‘thank you.’
— — 
You belly up to the wooden bar in the galley of the ship with a sigh. Killer was washing dishes at the sink when he heard you plop on a stool and turns around. 
“Long day, huh?” He asks, drying a beer stein with a dish towel. 
“When is it not?” You huff. “Can I get a beer?” You ask tiredly. 
Killer nods and takes the clean beer glass over to the keg against the wall and fills it to the rim with amber bubbles. He slides it from across the bar into your waiting palm. You grip the glass and start to bring it to your dry lips. Before the glass could touch your mouth, the door the galley swung open and slammed against the wall. 
“Hey piss-pots, I need a drink.” Captain Kid’s massive, fiery haired frame came barreling through the doorway. You roll your eyes, irritated that your moment of peace was interrupted. 
Kid stomps up to you at the bar, huge black jackboots clanging against the wooden floor. He rips the beer from your grasp. 
“Hey-!” You shout in protest, but it was too late. Kid brought your beer to his lips and begins to chug. He drank with such voracity that the beer seeped from the sides of the rim and trickled down his chin and neck. You watched as the beverage spilled down his thick neck, Adams apple bobbing with each gulp. Your eyes were drawn as the droplets traveled down to his exposed chest… so toned and wide… ew what?
He finishes the beer, slams the glass back down on the counter and lets out a massive belch. 
You grimace. 
“Fucking pig.” You sneer. 
You hear Killer sigh heavily and he grabs the glass to refill it for you. 
“What? I’m thirsty.” Kid grins cheekily at you. 
“You’re disgusting is what you are.” You add. Killer gives you back a full glass of beer. “And I’m supposed to drink this after his filthy mouth touched it?”
“You’d hate to hear the shit I do to your toothbrush after you go to bed, then.” Kid laughs. “Killer, get me another drink.” 
Killer grabs two more glasses before filling one for himself and another for his captain. After handing the stein to Kid, the captain takes a few heavy gulps and drains the cup halfway before setting it back down on the counter. You scoff and pick up your own glass and move to hop off your barstool. 
“Where ye headed little one?” Kid asks and takes another drink. 
“Away from you.” You respond coldly. 
“You’ll stay and drink with me. Captain’s orders.” He commands. 
You pause. 
You settle yourself back onto the stool and take a drink. 
“You’re an ass.” 
“I’m your captain, that’s what matters.” He says without looking at you. 
You roll your eyes again. 
“How is it you’ve gotten this far in the Grand Line acting like such an incompetent prick?” You ask before you take another gulp from your beer. 
“Y/n…” Killer says with warning. 
“How is it that you’ve lived this long without me throwing your ungrateful, bratty ass overboard?” Kid shoots back at you. 
You were too busy chugging your beer to respond. 
“Most likely because you can’t stop thinking about her bratty ass itself.” Killer says casually as he lifts his mask to drink his beer. 
“Oi? What’re you implyin’ then?” Kid asks with a growl across the bar top. 
“I’m not implying shit. We’re all tired of the tension between you two and wish you’d just take her to bed already.” Killer informs his captain and best friend. 
“HAH!” You laugh out lout, spraying droplets of beer from your lips across the table. “Like I’d let that happen.” You turn to your captain as you drain your drink. “You’re not taking me to bed. Not now, not ever.” You chuckle as you push your glass towards Killer indicating for him to pour you a fresh one. 
“Yeah? Like I’d ever bed this fuckin’ nightmare.” Kid slurps down more alcohol as he puts his thumb out to gesture towards you. “All she does is bitch at me all day.” 
“Bitch at you? You mean care about your well-being?” You scoff. “Gods forbid anyone care about wether you live or die!” You take several heavy drinks from your glass. 
“It’s not your business wether-“ Kid starts. 
You rise from your stool and set your beer down. 
“I’m going to bed, I’ve had enough idiocy for one evening.” You leave the galley to head to your room. 
— — 
“Good riddance, I’d say.” Kid remarks with another gulp of liquor. 
A few silent seconds go by after the clink of the stein hits the wooden bar top. 
“Go get her.” Killer sighs. “If you don’t do it now, you’ll push her even further away.” 
“I don’t know what the hell you’re-“
“Oh shut up. Go find her.” Killer states and grabs the glass from his captain’s grip. 
— — 
You make your way across the dark, silent deck towards the crew’s quarters before you heard the galley door swing open behind you. 
You stop in your tracks and turn. 
It was Kid. 
“What now? Come to ridicule me some more?” You call out with your hands on your hips, tired of your captain's antics. 
Kid silently storms up to you. 
His metal arm suddenly grips your waist and pulls you flush to him. You look up into his eyes, they were fiery and determined.
“Captain.. I-“ You stammer out, suddenly breathless for some reason. 
Kid brings his flesh hand to the back of your head and pulls your face into his and smashes your lips together. 
“Mmmph!” You whimper out with wide eyes as you realize what’s happening. 
What was happening?
Your arrogant, idiot, asshole captain was kissing you in plain sight on the ship’s deck. Before you knew it you were being swept off your feet and over Kid’s shoulder. 
“Kid!  What the fuck!” You holler out while draped over Kid’s back. 
“Hush up for once!” He calls out and smacks your ass lightly on his shoulder. You yelp. 
You were being hauled through the ship’s belly and into the captain’s quarters. You had never been here before. You were flung suddenly against the door of Kid’s room as he shut it behind him. His heavy metal arm held up your body as he attacked your neck with his mouth, nipping and sucking harshly against your soft flesh. Instinctively you bring your hands up to his long, red hair and weave your fingers through it. 
Kid suckles on your pulse point and you gasp. 
“Enough of that.” Kid growls. “You know what to call me.” He licks down the center of your sternum. 
Kid grips your blouse and bra at once and rips them to pieces with ease, leaving your body exposed to him. 
“Kid!” You shout in protest, it was one of your favorite bras. 
“That’s more like it…” He coos as he sucks one of your nipples into his red lips. 
You body is pushed further against the wooden door as he ravishes your breasts, suckling on one and kneading the other in his palm. Your head rolls back as you sigh, letting the pleasure overtake you. 
Kid rips your body from the door and tosses you onto his red velvet comforter. He pulls your panties down forcefully and shoves his own coat off his shoulders. Before you could register the change, your captain’s head was between your legs lapping at your slit hungrily. 
You gasp. 
His tongue breaches your hole and you arch your back. 
“Gods! Fuck! Kid!” You cry out. 
You writhe against Kid’s face and he brings his lips to suckle your clit, making your thighs tense further. 
“Mmmph… so much sweeter than I imagined…” Kid says with a long lick up your slit, the tip of his tongue dancing across your clit teasingly. He pushes a thick finger into your entrance and crooks it up into your sweet spot as he laves his tongue over your sensitive nub. 
“Shit… I-“ You slam your eyes shut and throw your head back. 
“Yeah yeah, I know baby, let it go, come on…” Kid goads you in between suckles and kisses on your clit. He eventually shuts up and focuses on bringing you to your peak. 
Your core spasms and you release all over your captain’s face. You moan and writhe under the hot touch of Kid’s flesh and the cold grip of his metal arm around your hips. You return to reality after your powerful climax and see Kid’s smug face hovering over yours, having removed the rest of his clothing. His massive cock bobbed heavily against your slit, weeping in wait. 
“Ow..” You wince, feeling the hard metal of his prothetic wrist dig into your flesh. 
“Aye… you alright?” He asks, a foreign expression of concern decorating his painted face. 
“Take that damn thing off… Be with me…” You gasp out, referring to his metal arm. 
“I…” He looks to his arm then to your face again. “Okay..” Kid removes his metal arm and slides it next to the bed. “I… I wouldn’t do that… if it wasn’t… you…” He hesitates as he hovers over you again, leaning on his good arm. 
“I know…” You say and you reach your arm down to grip his member to line it up with your soaked entrance. “Please…” You plead as you press his mushroom tip into your hole, stretching it slightly. 
Kid presses his forehead to yours and pushes himself into you. 
The two of you both gasp and moan as he bottoms out inside of your wet, stretched cunt. Your mouth stays wide open as you adjust to the intrusion, Kid grunts and pants as he grinds his hips into yours. You’re full beyond all comprehension as you claw at your captain’s shoulders. 
Kid starts to thrust shallowly and you moan embarrassingly loud, he was bigger than anyone you’ve ever taken. 
“Shit- fuck- Oomph!” Kid collapses on top of you. 
He had lost balance on his arm and fallen forward. 
“I- Sorry- I-“ Your captain fumbles over his words all while still inside of you. 
You rip him back by his hair and kiss him with fervor. While your tongue slid into his mouth your flipped him onto his back. After adjusting to the new position, you rode him softly and passionately while kissing him and massaging his chest. Kid pulls his head back into the pillows away from your lips. 
“Gods, you’re so fuckin’ perfect aren’t ye?�� He regains his confidence and grips your hip with his flesh hand. “My everything…” Kid sighs out dreamily as he watches you bounce up and down on his cock. “So beautiful…” He admires you and moves his hand from your waist to bring your face back down to his and kisses you. 
You feel your peak approaching again and pull back. You gasp and grind your hips down harder. 
“You’re going to cum again? I can feel it…” Kid plants his feet and starts to thrust upwards into you. You’re tipped over and you cry out. 
“Kid!” You scream with your head thrown back. 
“Me too, baby, me too… shit-“ Kid grips the back of your neck and pulls you down on him impossibly hard. You feel the pulse of his hard cock and rope after rope of sticky spend fill your insides as you pant and moan, not caring who else could hear you on the ship. 
“oh…” You whisper, exhausted after your climax. You fall forward, your breasts falling directly into Kid’s face. He catches you with a hand around your back and pulls you in to lay at his side. 
A few moments of heavy breathing go by before you break the silence.  
“We should probably talk abo-“ You begin. 
“You stay here now.” Your captain interrupts you. You pick your head off Kid’s chest in interest. 
“Oh?” You ask. 
“You’re mine. My pirate queen. I’ll have Killer move your stuff in tomorrow.” Kid says as he gently pulls your head back down into his pecs. 
“I can very well move my own-“ You start before Kid interrupts you again. 
“You’ll be busy tomorrow… very busy…” Kid looks down at you with a wicked grin. 
— — 
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islayhawkin · 1 year ago
Jack dawkins x f!reader
Summery: you get hurt and jack does everything in his power to save you
Request: i loooooove your writing and i was wondering if you could do a htc with jack dawkins, maybe reader gets hurt and he had to operate & just them after xxx
A/N: ahh thank you so much! I'd never miss a chance to write angst and hurt/comfort 😌 Jack is one of the most unfamiliar characters for me right now so I‘m still trying to figure him out but I‘m happy that you guys seem to like it
Warnings!: blood, wounds, surgeries (basically everything that happens in the show too)
Angst, hurt/comfort
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It had been a usual work day at the hospital for jack. Almost boringly so. Nothing really seemed to happen. No surgeries were planned. Only patients with some problem or another. That was until you came falling into his arms in the evening. Literally.
You stumbled into the hospital door with a hand on your bleeding abdomen. Your breath was heavy and you tried to blink the nauseous feeling away but had to hold yourself up against the wall. It left a bloody print on it but you didn‘t notice as you staggered over to Jacks room.
It wasn’t really logical to aim for Jacks room since he probably was still at work in the hospital but it was the first place you could think of. Lucky for you, Jack turned the corner into the hall and discovered you slumping against the wall.
His heart almost came to a stop at the sight before starting to bound out of control again. He ran over to your side with long strides and quickly wrapped his arm around your waist to holy you upright. His hands were shaking.
"What happened?" His accent was thicker than usual, panicked.
"Stabbed." You breathed out, barely getting the word out.
Jack cursed under his breath and quickly took action. He pulled his neckerchief from his neck and pressed it against the wound earning ragged breaths from you.
"Apologies. Press it." He ordered firmly. You had never seen him quite so stern with you. But Jack had no time for gentle words, he had to act quickly.
He swiftly picked you up bridal style with his hand in the crook of your knee and carried you over to the operation table. Meanwhile he screamed for Hetty or any nurse or help nearby for that matter.
You hang limply in his arms. Though you tried to follow his order to press the cloth against your abdomen, it was difficult to mentain the strength in your arm.
The feeling of your limp body against him didn't help Jacks panic. It wasn't as if the wound seemed so gruesome. He had seen and operated a lot more but this was different. It was you.
Usually he went into surgeries with ease. He put on a show for the audience, operate with steady hands and show off a bit. Now he wasn't even sure if he could do it.
It was his heart that looked at you not his brain. But he needed to push through and shut his heart off for a moment.
Jack pushed some things roughly from the operation table, which made a clattering sound as the stuff hit the floor.
At last Hetty rushed into the room too and her eyes widened at the sight before her. She knew what you meant to him.
Jack looked up briefly as she entered. "We need to check for any interanal demage immediately, then sew it close."
With quick fingers Jack pucked up his gear and sat it on the side table.
"Are you sure you are in a position to perform this surgery dr dawkins?" Hetty asked hesitantely.
"I have to." Jack snapped at her.
"Jack..." you whispered trying to catch his attention.
His eyes flew to yours and what he saw in them broke him. You were afraid. Terrified. He felt as if you were afraid of him. He was gonna cut you open, he was going to hurt you. But he needed to.
He swallowed. "It'll be okay love. I promise. I'm going to have to operate on you now but you will not feel anything." He tried to reassure you. Desperate to get that terrified look off of your face.
You searched him with your hand and gripped onto his pants. You needed some kind of closure to him. He understood and took your hand in his. Giving it a reassuring squeeze. There was blood smeared everywhere on your hands but that didn't matter.
He held a mask over your mouth with his other hand. "Just breathe. You'll feel nothing." He whispered.
That's the last thing you remembered before you slipped into a sweet sleep.
The moment you were out jack immediately went into action and took the scalpel from hettys hand. His hand trembled slightly and he pinched his fingers together in a attempt to get it under control.
It felt so wrong to hurt you. Of course he knew that he was just saving you. He did that on a daily basis. But your delicate form usually snuggled up against him, the one he was made to protect, to cut with a knife made him almost feel it on his own skin.
Hetty gave him a concerned look but didn't say anything else. He tried to focus on the task at hand and definately not look at your face. He had to take short breaks where he leaned on the desk and breathed deeply in and out but in the end the procedure went well.
After he had closed you up and checked for the 10th time if you still had pulse and were breathing, he picked you up in his arms gently and carried you to a free bed in a seperate room with ease. He'd get you positioned in his room later anyways.
It was dark already so he lit a candle on your bedside table.
He took a deep breath and gave himself permission to relax for the first time since you came stumbleing in. He got a blanket and gently draped it over you. He checked your pulse again and sat down on a chair next to your bed.
Jack slumped down and put his head in his hands. It had been terrible to witness, to do himself and it didn't leave him unscathered. The dried blood was still on his hands as he went through his hair.
He was distressed to say the least by this whole situation, not only felt he responsible for what happened to you, as if he should have protected you better, shouldn't have to cut you open, but also was this feeling terrifieingly new to him.
Jack was a street kid. He had grown up seeing gore and death. And he was a surgeon. He was living with death constantly. He had a living human under his hands daily. But with you it made him feel terrified.
He also wasn't very often terrified. His eyes moisted up. And he blinked hastily to get it away again.
So he engulfed your smaller hand in his big, calloused one. He had always loved the feeling of your hand in his. It made him feel like he was protecting you even though he failed so miserably in real.
You started to gain consciousness again as you blinked your eyes open slowly. The first thing you noticed was that everything hurt. The second was your hand resting in another and your gaze fluttered to jack on your side. He honestly looked a mess. Not that he looked less good because of it.
"You look like a mess." You muttered your thought out loud.
His head snapped up at the sound of your voice. "You're awake." He checked you over even though he knew excactly what state you were in.
Your hand softly squeezed his.
"How are you feeling? Are you feeling sick or dizzy?" He started to pepper you with questions.
"Feels horrible. Like I was hit by a horse." you croaked out.
Jack grimaced. "Yeah that's normal." He opened his mouth to start a sentence but clamped it shut again. Swallowing.
"I was really afraid." He whispered. His big brown eyes looking at yours sincerly.
You smiled weakly. "I was too. I'm glad you were there. Thank you."
He shook his head. "No that's not- I should've been there for you. I'll never forget that frightened look on your face...what happened excactly?"
You sighed and closed your eyes. "I was assaulted. Honestly I'm not sure what they wanted. Probably harass and rob me or something. Well I fought against them and it seemed they didn't like that very much. Stabbed me in the gut and left me on the street."
Jack ran a hand over his face. "I am so sorry. Still I'm glad that you at least weren't sexually assaulted... I shouldn't have let you gone outside alone. I told you it was too dangerous!" Jacks eyes started to wet again at the mental image.
"No. There is always a risk I know that. But i don't want you to- and I can't ask you to escort me everywhere I go. Just...thank you for saving me jack."
"Of course. I was bloody shaking doing that you know?" He gave you a small smile.
"You are the most chill person in a surgery." You stated confused.
"Well not when it's you under my scalpel."
He took the side of your face in his hands. Your skin was still pale. His eyes were switching between yours. "I don't want anything to happen to you ever again. I don't think I could bare it." He whispered. His face incredibly close to yours.
You layed your hand on to of his. "You're always there to save me if it should hapoen again doctor dawkins."
"I cannot fathom a life without you in it Y/N." He whispered.
You smiled lovingly up at him. "Will you join me in bed?"
He grinned widely. "Gladly darlin'. We have to be careful of your wounds though so no thigh cuddleing."
"Probably for the best." You groaned slightly as your attention turned back to the pain.
He got into bed next to you. It was a thigh fit but neither of you minded it at all. His movements were very careful and tender as he wrapped his arm around you.
You relaxed against him as he soothed the pain a bit away.
"I'll never let that happen again." He whispered rather to himself before a sweet slumber overcame you both.
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dancingbirdie · 1 year ago
Hi hi! I absolutely adore your astarion smut and I saw you were looking for ideas sooooo, how about reader being distracted watching him work with his hands?? Like he could be sat fixing his shirt with a sewing needle, flicking book pages or lockpicking- whatever- but it has an effect, his nimble, veiny hands being just soo good at things that he can’t help but notice just how zoned out and squirmy they get.. some teasing and loving jokes about it ensue until maybe one thing leads to another and he’s sat behind his pretty tav fingering them, bringing them to the edge over and over, whispering and nipping, carefully mocking them about somthing as simple as his hands getting them going.. just making them melt.. idkkkk man it gets me just thinking about it pahahah
Hi, anon! This was a WONDERFUL prompt to get me out of my smut rut. Hope you enjoy! xoxoxo
Like my smut writing? Find more here.
A Lesson in Lockpicking
Rating: Mature
Pairing: Astarion x fem!Reader
Word Count: 2.5K
Warnings/Tags: Hand kink, praise kink, semi-public sex, mild exhibitionism, teasing, vaginal fingering, smut with a little plot
Summary: Astarion notices you watching him pick some locks. He offers to give you a lesson you won't soon forget.
It was unfair, really. No one should have hands as lovely and dexterous as he did. 
You were practically salivating, watching Astarion’s nimble fingers pick lock after lock in the underground bank vault that you and the party had happened to stumble upon. While the others were far too distracted by crates of silks and gold troves, you had eyes only for Astarion. Or, more specifically, Astarion’s hands. 
The others were slowly pilfering their way around the cavernous room, pocketing what they could without encumbering themselves. But not you. 
No, you were too entranced by the movements of the rogue before you, as he worked to release the heavily rusted lock on one of the many jewel-encrusted chests scattered about the vault. You bit your lip, studying the way the tendons in his hands flexed and relaxed with every twist and fidget of the wrench and pick he held. His long, slender fingers balanced the tools with a graceful sort of ease that you knew could only come from years of practice. And the way he curled his wrist while manipulating those tools, it was almost too much to bear. 
You blushed as you realized you had subconsciously clamped your thighs together, your body desperate to relieve some of the growing tension within you. 
Gods above, you hoped that if anyone – especially Astarion – noticed your intense gaze, it could be chalked up to your excitement over another chest opened. Surely that made sense given the circumstances. Right? It was embarrassing enough to catch yourself squirming over just his hands doing some mundane task, let alone having someone else realize it. 
Within seconds, Astarion had the lock released. Tossing it carelessly to the side, he heaved open the lid of the old chest to reveal the contents within. Another heaping mound of gold and jewels, same as the rest. Clearly unimpressed, he rose from his crouch and slunk over to the next locked chest, beginning the process again.
Gods, you needed some air. Needed to be anywhere else but watching him pick another lock open. With a tight cough and shake of the head, you mumbled a “nice job” as you skirted by him, desperate to put some distance between yourself and those mesmerizing hands of his. 
He had known why you were watching him so intently earlier in the day. Of course he had known. Even without his heightened sense of smell alerting him to your arousal (thank you elven heritage and vampiric consolation prizes), your expression in his peripheral vision told him everything he needed to know. 
You were coveting. But not for the gold in the old chest he had popped open in record time. 
No, your eyes had been focused singularly on him. On his hands. And sure, knowing this, perhaps he had embellished his movements a bit more than necessary. Perhaps he’d slid his fingers across his tools with a more lascivious flourish than lockpicking ever required. And perhaps he’d curled his wrist suggestively as he released the tension from those over-wound lock pins. But, oh, the way you had squirmed and clenched your thighs together as he did so was worth every second of that exaggerated performance. 
So enamored with his hands, you’d neglected to see the smirk ripple across his features as the lock opened with a muted snick. 
All the better for him, though. 
Your starving expression had produced so many entertaining ideas in his mind while he worked. 
And what made those ideas all the more enticing? You had no idea of the plans he had in store for tonight. 
It was late. Everyone else had retired to their tents for the evening, but you had volunteered to take the first watch. Like most nights, it was fairly quiet, nothing but the sound of crickets chirping and owls hooting in the distance.
You were stoking the fire with fresh tinder as you caught sight of Astarion reentering the camp. He was whistling some bawdy tune you recalled from the pubs of Baldur’s Gate while he sauntered toward you, tossing and catching some metallic thing that flashed in the firelight. 
“What’s that you’ve got?” you whispered as he drew closer, mindful of your sleeping compatriots. 
“Practice lock,” Astarion replied, tossing you the object. You turned it over in your hands, noticing its striking resemblance to one of the locks he’d picked earlier in the day. 
“Why are you giving me this?” you questioned, eying him warily. 
“I caught you watching me today, darling. I assumed you were too shy to ask for… lessons,” he supplied. 
He had an innocent-enough tone, but still, it had you gulping audibly. Did he intend a double meaning to his words, or were you just desperately lusting after him? You couldn’t be sure. It certainly meant he had noticed your staring earlier, but far be it from you to correct the narrative he had formed in his mind. You would rather be buried alive than admit the truth to him right now. 
No Astarion, I couldn’t give a damn about lockpicking. I just can’t stop watching your hands and thinking about all the ways I’d wish you’d use them on me. Even the idea of that confession caused a blush to bloom across your neck and cheeks. 
You cleared your throat and nodded. “Right. You’re right. Thank you for offering.”
His smile widened. “Of course. I was thinking,” he began, as he circled around you, graceful as always. Like a feline cornering their dinner. 
“We could have our first lesson tonight. Right now,” he continued. 
You shivered, unable to see him any longer, but feeling him close behind you. 
“Isn’t it a little late for that?” you asked weakly. 
You both felt and heard his chuckle by your ear, his breath blowing tendrils of your loose hair into your periphery. He’d gotten so close without you even realizing. His preternatural stillness was always catching you off guard. 
“Oh no, darling. It’s the perfect time for it, I think,” Astarion murmured. You shivered again as his nose traced a path up the column of your neck. “Let me show you.”
“All right,” you whispered, desire choking your voice into some muted, demure thing. 
You clenched your jaw, commanding yourself to remain calm, as you felt him settle around you. Felt his body press snugly against you. You watched as his long legs stretched to bar you in while he circled his arms around you, resting his forearms on bended knees. His chest was flush against your back, his chin resting on your shoulder. You knew if you turned your head, your lips would be close enough to touch. 
You were effectively caged within his embrace. Even fully clothed, it felt electric, everywhere his body touched yours. It took everything within you just to maintain your breathing. 
Your eyes tracked his every move, as one hand moved to pluck the lock still clutched in your fingers, while the other hand revealed a simple lockpick – a long metal stem with a tiny curved hook at the end. 
“It’s simple, really,” he murmured. “Do it once, and you’ll never forget.”
“Is that so?” you replied.
“Mm, quite so,” he crooned. You could hear the grin in his voice. 
“Watch me,” he continued, as he held the lock in one hand and inserted the pick with the other. 
You obeyed, taking in every minute movement of his fingers as he twisted the pick this way and that. This close, you could truly appreciate his beautiful porcelain skin. The way the blue-gray veins underneath snaked around each knuckle of his hand, a delicate webbing that came alive with each fidget of his fingers. The dance they performed against the tendons in his hand, as they rose and fell while he continued to work. 
A quiet snick, and the lock handle popped open in his palm. 
You blinked, impressed by how quickly he’d managed to free the pins within. 
“See? Simple. Now you try,” he whispered. 
You felt your stomach drop. 
Fuck. You were utterly, completely fucked.
You hadn’t been watching the actual pick at all. You hadn’t the slightest clue how he’d maneuvered the tool. Once again, you’d been far too distracted by his hands. 
You remained still, hesitating to accept the lock and pick he now offered.
“Is there a problem, darling?” he crooned after a moment’s pause. You could hear it again, that grin in his voice. 
You turned your head slightly to take in his expression. There was mischief in his eyes, that much was unmistakable. Whatever game he was playing with you, you could tell he was enjoying it immensely. 
“I, um… I think I may need to see you do it again. I’m not sure I’m ready,” you confessed in a hoarse voice. 
“Oh, but you were watching my hands so intently! I doubt you missed a thing,” he chuckled, his eyes alight with amusement. 
Gods damn it all, you thought to yourself, eyes roving across his face. Taking in the telltale signs in his expression.
He knew. He’s probably known this whole time. 
You sighed, surrendering to the heat of the blush that was now coloring your entire face and neck. 
“You know I haven’t been watching the pick, Astarion,” you murmured.
“Whatever do you mean, darling?” he gasped in mock surprise. “What could you have been watching then?”
You rolled your eyes, turning away from him to face the campfire once more. “You know already, you ass,” you grumbled.
“Tsk, tsk. Evading my questions and now name calling? Honestly, darling, I thought we had something special,” he pouted. 
You groaned, smacking one hand against your forehead. His teasing would be the death of you. 
“I was watching your hands,” you groused. 
“My hands? Whatever for?”
“Gods damn you, Astarion. You’re really going to make me say it?” you snapped, whipping your head around again to glare at him. 
“Oh, I really am,” he chuckled. His shit-eating grin did little to lessen your embarrassment. 
“Fine. Fine!,” you spouted, exasperated. “I like watching you work with your hands. It… gets me… excited. And then, I start thinking about all of the other things I’d like you to do with your hands…” you paused.
“And?” he prompted. His teasing expression was gone, replaced with something more akin to what you had been feeling for him all day. 
“And… and I think about how I’d like you to use your hands on me,” you finished in a whisper, mouth watering at the look of anticipation on his face. 
“All you had to do was ask, darling,” he whispered, leaning in to kiss you as his hands slipped down to the front of your breeches. With deft hands, he loosened the knot there and pulled the strings free from their bindings, jerking the leathers down past your hip bones.
You gasped and keened back against his chest as you felt his fingers slip beneath the fabric, skimming past the tuft of curls to brush against your swollen clit, slick with arousal. 
Astarion groaned. “Fuck, you’re absolutely drenched. Is this all for me?” he asked, as his fingers drew slow, languid circles against you. 
You mewled a pathetic “yes” as your hips subconsciously rutted up, pressing yourself harder against his fingers. 
“Just from watching my hands, darling? Just from watching me pick a rusted lock?” he teased. 
You huffed and nodded your assent. 
“Naughty thing, you,” Astarion chuckled, trailing the fingers of his other hand against your entrance, barely entering you with one finger before removing it entirely. 
You whined your disapproval, inching yourself forward in an effort to communicate how much you needed those fingers inside you. 
“Shh, shh,” he admonished, kissing your temple. “We don’t want to wake the others, now do we?”
“No,” you breathed, burrowing your face into his neck to muffle your noises. “I’ll be quiet.”
“That’s my good girl,” he cooed, slipping two fingers inside you. The sudden fullness caused you to groan desperately against his skin, becoming a long, drawn-out noise as he began pumping them with sure, deft strokes. 
“No, we can’t have them see you getting finger fucked by the rogue in the firelight,” he whispered, working you now with both hands. “Although, I think the wicked part of you likes the idea of getting caught like this, hmm? Part of you wants them to see how I’m taking you, so easily, right under their noses? In the middle of camp? You want them to see how well I fuck you into oblivion with only my hands. You want them to hear and see how I make you moan.”
With his fingers on your clit and three knuckles deep in your cunt, you were far too gone to form an articulate response. His voice, so alluring it was sinful, only stoked the growing inferno within your lower body. 
“Yes, yes, yes,” you cried against the column of his neck, both an admission and a plea. “Yes, Astarion, yes.”
“I know, I know. You naughty, precious thing. My sweet girl. My wicked one,” he cooed, planting kisses along your cheek and temple. “You’re doing so well. Making this so easy for me, love.”
You whined at his words, relishing the sound of his voice as it uttered the sweetest and most deplorable things. You nearly saw stars as he slipped a third finger inside you, thrusting into you harder as his fingers drew tighter and tighter circles around your clit. 
“You can’t last much longer now, can you, darling?” he whispered. “Not when I’m fucking you like this, hmm? Tell me. Tell me how much you want to come.”
“Please, gods, please, Astarion. Let me come,” you pleaded, covering your mouth with your hands now to try to quiet your noises. It was becoming almost impossible to keep quiet. You could feel your release barreling through your body, desperate to spring free.
“I want you to. I want you to, my sweet one,” he responded between kisses. “I want to feel you clamp around me, knowing it was my hands that turned you into this pliant, mewling little thing.”
“Yes,” you moaned in agreement. “Yes, please.”
“Take your hands off your mouth, darling,” he whispered hoarsely against your jaw as his fingers ratcheted up their pace. “If you’re going to scream for me, I want everyone to hear it.”
It was the last push you needed before freefalling into ecstasy. Your climax rocketed through your body as his name burst from your lips, your hands freed from your mouth to clutch his thighs in a vice-like grip. 
You were so lost to the sensation, you couldn’t tell how loud you had cried Astarion’s name. You simply melted back into his embrace, absorbing the aftershocks of your release while he held you snugly against him. 
“Good girl. So good for me. So very good,” he whispered praises while his hands trailed errant patterns across the goosefleshed skin of your arms. 
“Did anyone hear us?” you whispered after a while, blinking open your eyes to take in his expression. 
He laughed, causing you to bounce lightly against his chest. “Oh, I’m sure they did. You sang like a songbird for me, darling.”
You huffed in annoyance, too relaxed to drum up much more irritation.
“If anyone complains, I’m going to tell them it was your fault,” you grumbled. 
“I suppose that’s fair. I’ll apologize to them on behalf of my hands, since that’s what started it all,” he smirked. 
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stargalaxxy · 6 months ago
⋆˚ʚɞKai Smith x Reader𓂃 ࣪˖ ִֶָ𐀔
˚₊‧꒰ა ☆ ໒꒱ ‧₊˚ Oki,, so I know it's been a while.... but I swear I see requests given I just need time to think how much time.....idk But I thought while you wait why not post shortiesss... So I hope you guys enjoy this ₍ᐢ. ̫.ᐢ₎ ᡣ𐭩 (*ᴗ͈ˬᴗ͈)*.゚Now Playing: Apocalypse by Cigarettes After Sex ⭑.ᐟ
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Tw. Fighting???
‧₊˚ ⋅My Comfort °❀⋆.ೃ࿔*:・
Racing around every room was not how you wanted to spend your free day, turning each room you entered upside down in a desperate search,
“Where is it!?” you frantically flip over the gaming rooms couch haphazardly. “Woah (y/n)? what’s wrong?” Lloyd follows your frantic movements as you pass him, 
He stares at you as you finally pause debating your next move as you swivel your head left from right. “Are you looking for something?” Lloyd peaks his head over your shoulder looking down to try and make sense of your change in behavior. 
Your hands grow clammy as you rub your index and thumb together, a soft whine leaves your closed mouth, brows arching upward with concern. 
Lloyd has honestly never seen you like this, “do you want me to ge-“ before Lloyd could finish you gasp racing outside in a hurry. Using this time to answer his own question Lloyd goes to retrieve your boyfriend in hopes of calming you down.
“N-no Riyu, please let it go!” you were involuntarily playing tug-o-war with your comfort doll. With building anxiety, you give in partially to Riyus tug after hearing fearful rips.
“P-please Riyu this is not a toy!” tears begin to bubble as the baby dragon shakes his head playfully, much like a puppy. He was slow to making the connection of the sentimental value of the toy. 
The display brought many eyes as Lloyd comes out with Kai, at sudden realization Kai sucks in air through his teeth cringing at a predicted site.
“oh shi-"
You fall back on your butt with an oof, the torn half of your stuffed doll in hand the other on the ground now forgotten by the dragon who pranced over to Arin. It takes a moment for you to process what had happened, to the others it was like waiting for the jump scare in a horror movie. All were at the edge of their seats for what would happen.
Coming to action you jump up and quickly grab the other end of your toy and raced back inside pushing aside anybody that was in the way,
“What’s wrong with (y/n)?” Sora picks up Riyu tilting her head as Arin looked concerned as well. Kai makes no effort in explaining as he runs after you, Jay rubs the back of his head anxiously as he ponders on how to explain your dilemma. “Well, that doll Riyu had is important to (y/n), she’s had it for years...” Jay looks to where you ran off as Cole nods, “I always seen it in her room she’s so protective of it” Cole crosses his arms as Zane even agrees. “I have recalled her once saying that it was special to her, however I do not understand how an object could hold so much sentimental value.” Zane tilts his head as he ponders. Sora shakes her head, “no way I completely get it! Poor (y/n) I feel horrible..” Arin looks down guiltily as well, “I should’ve been watching Riyu..” Lloyd shakes his head, “what’s done is done, I’m sure (y/n) will be oki.. Kai will make sure of it” Lloyd walks over to pat Sora and Arin on the head a small comfort.
Kai walks over to your door hearing objects being harshly knocked down, you were looking for something again. Opening the door, he finds you with a box, it was old and had a few holes, it was an old sewing kit that master Wu gave you way back to when you first joined the ninjas, your hands shake as you search around for what he can assume a needle and thread. “(y/n)..” Kai’s voice was drowned by the jostling of items being moved in the box as you lift your hands to a needle and very small piece of thread. Not enough to fix your doll, 
Kai’s mouth shifts as he watches you try and shakily push the thread through the eye of the needle, however as one would guess it wouldn’t be easy with the state that you’re in. 
“(y/n)..- (y/n) that’s not gonna work” Kai walks over to take the needle and thread, as if he had threatened you Kai catches the meanest glare from you. “Don’t touch me.” Your words were sharp almost cutting Kai, he knew how you could get with this doll, but it never got this bad…
“(y/n), just lemme help you..” Kai goes to try and take your hand in a way to calm you down, “I don’t need your help, just leave me alone” you rise to your feet storming out of your room with your broken doll passing concerned faces you leave.
Tears fell down your face as you hiccupped hiding your face in your sleeves you turn into a old building, it was deserted of customers grabbing materials you needed you place onto the counter startling the cashier with your sudden appearance.
“Is (y/n) still not back?” master Wu sits with the cup of tea in his hands as Kai paces running his hands through his spiked hair, “no, she completely stormed out.. and it’s been hours now” Kai slumps on the couch defeated. “She totally freaked out, I shouldn’t have reached to her so suddenly I know how she gets with that doll” “it’s important to her” “I know, but doesn’t she know she has me?” “Does she?” the back and forth between the young adult and the old man came to a stop as Kai leans his head back against the couch. 
Kai has always been there supporting you, however that doll had always seemed closer, it was dumb of him to admit but at times he was jealous of how much more it seemed you cared about the doll than your own boyfriend.
Of course this was all in his head, you have always been affectionate with him, however not as much open. For years it seemed as though you struggled to talk about your feelings, instead you had the routine of shutting yourself in your room hugging your doll close to your body. Instead of confronting you, Kai seemed to let you wallow, assuming it was the way of how you cope not wanting to step over boundaries.
Kai sighs as he leans up standing off the couch and grabbing his jacket, sensei opened his eye peaking at the man who was leaving to find you. 
Your hair was soaked from rainwater your clothes no different as you walked inside, a bag of sewing supplies in your hands as you looked defeated and tired. 
(Y/n) had just walked through the door before I could walk out to find her, she was completely drenched “(y/n)..” Kai calls to her with worry as he grabs her hand, (y/n) could feel his hand slowly start to warm hers. Wanting to say so much Kai said nothing in the moment of both of you finally coming back together, so he said the only thing that made sense to the moment, 
“Hey, let’s get you warm and outta’ those clothes”
A fuzzy towel laid on your head with fresh pair of pajamas, sitting beside Kai in silence. Your outburst was the only thing on your mind, your hands in your lap as your stare down at the floor hearing Kai hum as he sews your doll back together. Guilty wasn’t appropriate to describe how you felt, ashamed maybe.. embarrassed. Sorry didn’t feel enough for Kai. But what else could you say..
You both stop as you stare at each other, “s-sorry, you go.” Kai fiddles with the string as he directs his attention to you, “Kai, I’m so sorry for yelling at you, you didn’t deserve that. I got so scared of losing this doll that I let my emotions get the better of me..” you look to Kai before falling your gaze to the floor again.
“No, this is important to you, (y/n)”
“But you’re more important than that silly doll!” the desperation in your voice brought a new mood in the atmosphere. “that doll, I had it for so long, it’s been with me through a lot of tough times.. sometimes it felt like the only thing.” You stare down at the doll before continuing, “I always seemed to lose the people important to me. That doll was the thing that stayed..” Kai looks down at the doll rubbing its stitched body with his thumb.
“When I joined you guys, I found a new family, and when we started dating… I began to worry more, what if I lose you.. The more people a meet and care about the more I feel I might lose them.” The lump in your thrust seemed to refuse to move no matter how much you tried and swallow it down, “the closer we got the more scared I became.. These missions aren’t getting easier, they never are, so seeing you get in trouble kinda makes me revert to the one thing I know I can’t lose. But after today, I know that losing anything and everything possible..”
You take a breath as you sat everything on the table, your heart on your sleeve. You never been so vulnerable, but you knew Kai deserved to know what was on your mind, your grip tightened feeling your nails pierce the skin of your palm as you wait anxiously for anything.
Kai places your doll in your lap now fixed, looking up Kai smiles, “(y/n), thank you for telling me what’s been on your mind.. I want you to know, I’m your boyfriend I want you to share everything that you’re feeling so that I can help you, even if I can’t.. I don’t want you to feel like you’re handling this on your own.”
“But you’re right, anything can happen to me, but that will never stop me from being by your side. Even when it feels like I’m not I’ll find a way to hold you as if I were.” Kai tilts his head catching a glimpse of tears bubbling in your eyes, he chuckles as he pats your head rubbing it affectionately before pulling you into his chest. “I love you, (y/n), nothings gonna stop me from loving you,” Kai chuckles as he rubs your back, “sorry to say but your stuck with me, from this life and the next..” hearing you giggles muffled into his jacket Kai’s smile widens. “I want you to talk to me and lean on me, (y/n) that’s what I’m here for, oki?” Kai turns his view to the back of your head as you nod, “oki, I love you Kai..” you sniffle as your grip tightens on his jacket as if he would slip away from you.
“No need to hold on so tight babe, ‘m not going anywhere.” Kai rubs your back as you shift your body closer into his, your breathing turns even as you let out one last shaky breath. Pushing your body forward with your knees you lay on top of Kai whose head meets your pillow. He grins as he runs his hand a top of your head, quiet snores leave your slightly open mouth as Kai watches your body rise and fall.
Looking down Kai finds your doll on the floor, every night it would be him, you, and your comfort doll. But tonight, it was you and him,
And that is how he will keep it for as long as he can. 
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I'm sorry if this is short, I honestly had the thought and wanted to write it down on the spot,, It's currently 2:30 in the morning, and I have classes tomorrow so there is gonna be so many mistakes I wouldn't be surprised if I wake up to this not remembering making it... ໒꒰ྀིっ˕ -。꒱ྀི১ But I hope you guys enjoy it, again don't worry I see your guys requests I jus need tiiime... sowwy
𝄞⨾𓍢ִ໋ Love, ⋆˚࿔ Karrots 𝜗𝜚˚⋆
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acowardinmordor · 1 year ago
Wayne Munson never graduated high school. Neither did his piece of shit brother, but unlike Al, Wayne had the good sense to keep his nose out of trouble. That wasn’t to say he’d let something bad happen in front of him, but he didn’t grab a flashlight and go looking if he heard something strange in the trees.
He tried to teach Eddie any of that common sense, but his kid loved the idea of adventure too much for it to stick. Since there wasn’t any stopping the kid going looking, best Wayne could do was teach him how to handle himself.
Simple stuff like rewiring a lamp and how to patch and sew. More complex stuff like repairing his van and how to play the guitar. And since the kid always wanted fodder for those games he played, Wayne taught him bits and pieces that he learned in the war. Some first aid, basics of camping and getting yourself un-lost. Taught him the start of morse code, but the kid liked learning that elf language more.
Wayne knew there was something strange about Hawkins, and would have worried about Eddie snooping around it, but his eyes were on the highway, ready to get gone. Soon as the kid got his diploma, Wayne would hand him the money he’d been saving all these years, and he could stop worrying about Ed’s being too damn curious.
There was never a second where Wayne thought his nephew hurt that girl. Even if it had looked like something a human being could do, Eddie never would. And it certainly didn’t look like anything human. Wayne wasn’t one to go looking in the woods when he heard something. He spent his days trying to find his kid, and hoping that some grain of good sense had stuck, and Eddie wasn’t getting involved in it.
By the time that Henderson kid talked to him, Wayne had already thought it. Didn’t like it. Didn’t acknowledge it. But Wayne had had the thought. The earthquake wasn’t too bad, some feds had announced a copy cat killer and the not as dead as they thought chief of police cleared Eddie’s name.
Eddie would have shown back up by now.
So the kid handed over that guitar pick and told him a story, and Wayne couldn’t say it was a shock. Hearing that his boy was a hero wasn’t a shock either. Eddie always wanted to be the kind of person that protected others.
The feds brought Wayne some paperwork and an offer of compensation. They wanted the trailer, the whole damn thing. Wayne politely told them they could have it when he had the cash in hand. Compensation and restitution. He’d been lied to by the United States government before, and he wouldn’t trust them again.
They said it would take a few days. Wayne didn’t budge.
Now, Wayne knew what a broken heart could do. He knew that it wasn’t just romance and sweethearts that could break a man’s heart. He’d seen his buddies come back haunted, hearing whispers no one else could, jumping at shadows.
The first time the phone rang, Wayne reminded himself of those buddies, and that he was imagining what he wanted to hear.
The second time. Well.
Wayne knew that the Henderson kid was telling what he thought was truth, so he wasn’t going to go yell at him about it. He wasn’t going to go to the damn feds since they would hide his body before they gave him an answer. Henderson wasn’t the only name he heard on the phone though, and Wayne had not a single damn problem yelling at Richard Harrington’s kid. Eddie’s told some gossip the last few years, so maybe Steve wasn’t as much an asshole as his daddy, but that wasn’t going to matter.
Wayne wanted answers.
He didn’t expect the Harrington kid to listen, definitely didn’t expect him to grab a walkie talkie and a go-bag and a weapon as soon as Wayne finished speaking.
Wayne didn’t chase after the weird noises he heard coming from between the trees. Too much sense for that. He wasn’t the curious sort, needing an explanation for everything. Heartbreak did odd things to a man. He knew that lots of folk imagined a bit of hope when they were desperate. Wayne wasn’t one of those.
He was a simple, sensible man, kept his head down and lived his life. He didn’t go chasing adventures and mysteries. He wasn’t like his nephew in almost any measure or mark.
But for Eddie, he would do much stupider things than put aside his common sense.
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lexi-the-demon-69 · 9 months ago
Tell us more about dad-bod Dark Choco, please! I gotta know how our boy is healing now that the COD have been divorced from his life.
I'd love to! He's from my first ever CRK AU "A New Life" which was made around when episode 14 was released. It's basically a continuation of Dark Choco's story and how he heals from his trauma.
So, after Dark Choco leaves his sword and old life behind, he decides to live in the woods for the rest of his days. He soon settles down right by a little creek with a waterfall and builds himself a nice, cozy cabin. His little cabin is far away from the Dark Cacao Kingdom and is settled near the Cookie Kingdom for convenience if he ever decides to go into town, which is quite rare.
Thanks to the Strawberry Jam Sword, Dark Choco has vowed to never pick up a sword ever again for the sake of his own safety, and now uses only a spear, along with a bow and arrow for hunting. He is still very skilled in hand-to-hand combat, though he is a little rusty with his archery skills. (Haha bad eyesight go brr.)
During his time in solitude, Dark Choco starts picking up some hobbies and habits that he never knew he had or never tried. Such as gardening, sewing, and napping... a lot. He's a big napper, since, well, that's what you get when you stay up for days on end. Not to mention nutrition. Choco was either starved or never given a proper diet so he was never able to eat the kind of stuff he liked/needed. Now that he's away from his old kingdom and COD, he can now eat whatever and whenever he wants! However... doesn't really help his pants line, does it? Yeah, the poor guy has packed on some extra dough and his dad can and will tease him about it.
Speaking of which, after his son left his homeland again, Dark Cacao has been desperately searching for him. Not to punish him for his crimes... but to apologize to him, properly. As Dark Cacao reflected on the past, he soon realized that he was not a great father... at all, and the apology he gave to Dark Choco was not one he truly deserved. So, he searches for his son day and night whenever he gets the chance, just to tell him he's sorry.
Long story short, Dark Cacao finds Dark Choco's cabin after months of searching and apologizes to him. Dark Choco simply says that he doesn't need to apologize and he already forgives him, after he showed him how much time he put into finding him. Dark Cacao asks if he would like to come home and they could start over, fresh, but Dark Choco declines. Stating that he isn't ready to come home... just, not yet. He still needs some time to heal properly before he can face the kingdom again. Dark Cacao accepts this and now, once a month, he visits his son to repair their relationship and to catch up after being apart for so long.
Later, Dark Choco finds and rescues Parfait Cookie after she is attacked by cake monsters. Parfait is initially scared of him until he reassures her that he means no harm. (he saves her before he gets the dad bod UwU) After this, Parfait goes out of her way to see Choco, soon becoming his friend and now girlfriend after Dark Cacao reads Parfait's love letter out loud in front of them during a visit on Valentine's Day. (Dark Choco also liked her too long before this happened-)
That's about it, really. I had a lot of fun making this AU and to think that this AU actually predicted the future.- I must be a psychic-
(Also, if you guys wanna see more dad bod Choco, please let me know!)
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begging you to post a fic PLEASE desperately need a distraction right now
unfortunately it's a pretty long way from done but I have a decent snippet from something I'm working on!! I hope this is enough distraction for ya love!!
The nights soft 'n warm with the memory of a long, hot June day. The porch creaks in all the places it always did, comfortin'. The tangible reminder of all the places feet have drug 'n run 'n tripped, rippin' hole in once new jeans. Cars hum vaguely up 'n down streets all around them, lights flashin' in the twilight like deer through the woods.
Pony's perched on the steps, knees tucked up to his chest, book balanced flat across the patches there, sewed 'n resewed carefully, patiently. The street lights flicker on, one by one, up the street. The sun shiftin' lower 'n lower until it vanishes completely behind the houses, silhouettin' them for a moment, harsh 'n dark against a brilliant sky.
Pony slaps his palm flat on the page to save his spot, closes it 'n watches the slow fadin' of the sun. 'N Darry 'n Soda watch with him. 'Cause they've always noticed sunsets, sure. Who hasn't dug a good sunset every now 'n then? But it was always in that absently, flickerin' way. Enough to see 'n nothin' more. But Pony? He got 'em. 'N they've been tryin' more. To really see it.
The sun blazes, orange 'n red 'n burnin' to look at too long, 'n disappears beyond the horizon. Pony picks the book back up 'n Soda shifts, props his back against his brother's side.
"Whatcha readin', Pone?" Darry rocks back 'n forth in the swing chair their daddy used to take down at the end August but Darry left up all year 'round. Too many things to do, too many people passin' back 'n forth, never enough places to sit. Or maybe it was just an excuse to step out into the quiet. To still a body now 'n then.
"Dandelion Wine." He pauses, eyes flickerin' up 'n over the lawn grown high 'n dense, here a bike tipped on its side, there Steve's beater he swears to god just needs one more part. Just another five minutes work. Never mind he's been sayin' that for the better part of the young summer. "Y'know. I just started."
A question lingers at the end of his words. Somethin' that remembers summers gone by. Darry 'n Soda 'n Pony curled up on a couch or the back of a car, a page 'n a half here, a chapter there, 'round the kitchen table, Soda movin', movin', movin'. Darry always busy. Pony always still. Nose down, voice clear 'n ringin'.
When was the last time Pony'd read to them? The last time they'd all been still together? Just the three of them?
"What's it about, Pone?" Soda tips his head back, slides down so he's restin' against Pony's thigh, looks at him upside down.
Pony laughs, soft 'n light, whacks him on the forehead. "Dunno. Just started. This kid, Doug, 'n his brother, Tom. I think it's about their summer."
"Well go on, Pone." Darry shifts, tips his head back, pushes himself gently again. "Let's hear it."
Pony hesitates, blinks at Darry with those wide, sea-just-after-a-storm eyes he's had since he was a kid. Darry lifts his head back up, looks down at his kid brother, 'n smiles. The kinda soft smile he only ever gets on nights like these. "We're workin' on limited time here, kiddo. Soda's gonna start thrashin' around like a hooked fish if you make him wait much longer."
Soda hoots a laugh, wriggles his back around on the splinterin' wood to prove the point. Pony snorts, reaches over 'n jabs him once in the ribs. Soda yelps, twists to his knees, wrestles Pony to the ground til they're a mess of scraped elbows 'n socked feet.
Darry doesn't stop them, lets them thrash around, hands to shoulders, turnin' 'n rollin' until they get too close to the stairs Pony once jumped off 'n cracked his head open at the bottom of, Soda once rode a trash can lid on 'n spilled out of, head over heels into the grass, laughin'. "Alright you two, settle. Pony, sometime tonight, please."
They reluctantly separate, a tug at the hair here, an open-handed slap to a bicep there, gigglin' 'n howlin' with wide open mouths.
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asher-agere · 17 days ago
um um can s cans i has mmoar atshi n n. lil. reade pprettie pleas!!!!! i i i mis. i misses him :(((( 👉👈
Hehe hi there! I can absolutely do that for you ദ്ദി( •̀ ᴗ - ˵ ) Once again I’m not a fan of writing with reader as a character though, so basically just caregiver Atsushi headcanons!
Caregiver Atsushi
☆ Atsushi would be the sweetest most gentle caregiver ever! He had to go through so much as a kid… It would be so healing for him to get to take care of someone one else, help them heal their inner child, take care of them how he wanted to be taken care of. It would just be so healing for him! After all the stuff he went through he wants to make sure his little one is always taken care of, that all their needs and wants are being met and that they feel safe and comfortable around him! Just an open space to heal, that’s what he wants to be
☆ Atsushi loves to spoil his little one! He doesn’t exactly have all that much money, and he feels incredibly bad about it. But he’s more than willing to shower his baby in affection and attention! If his baby ever mentions wanting something that he can’t afford he’ll make it on his own! They point out a cool custom pacifier? He’s designing one similar! They like an outfit? He’s learning to sew! He’s willing to put in all of the effort for his baby. But if it’s something he can’t make he’ll pick up odd jobs to get extra money! He’s practically begging the agency members to give him tasks
☆ Super protective! Atsushi knows what it’s like to feel alone or to be used by someone. He never wants to leave his baby alone! Not even for a second! Even if they fall asleep he’ll either stay with them or carry them around with him! And if they regress in public he’s always holding their hand. If someone tries talking to them he intervenes, directing the conversation to flow through him. If his little one seems uncomfortable he’s quickly swooping them away to a calm quiet space where they can calm down! And he always explains his plans and stuff out loud so his little one knows what’s going on
☆ Tiger cuddles! Atsushi as a caregiver is basically a package deal because his little one is also getting Byakko the mama tiger as a caregiver. Byakko is especially nice in the winter when it’s cold outside! All that tiger fur holds in a lot of warmth. And it’s the softest pillow ever! Atsushi can also just transform a few limbs though! He’ll transform his hands so his little one can use them as pillows, or his eyes so he can read to them in the dark and check in on them at night!
☆ Atsushi is incredibly interactive! There’s some caregivers that are content to just let their little ones watch cartoons or color, and there’s nothing wrong with that! But it’s not really for Atsushi. He wants to play games with his little one! Do silly little activities in their coloring books together! Act out scenes with dolls plushies and figurines! He prefers that one on one interaction that he has desperately craved as a kid. Plus it improves his relationship with his little one and that’s always an amazing thing!
☆ He’s like the best baby chef ever! Atsushi likes to eat, but he doesn’t have much money. He definitely learns to cook and make his own food! He pays a lot of attention to what food his little one orders when they’ve eating out, or the foods they mention craving. He takes the time to find a good recipe, takes the time to learn how to make the dish, and he eagerly presents it to them! Definitely learns how to make a bunch of snack like foods to be ready to go! He doesn’t want to lose time with his little one by making them things, so he has a bunch of the common snacks that they like already prepared! Just might need to be microwave or something quick and easy like that though depending on what it is
☆ Atsushi definitely likes reading storybooks to his baby! He spends a lot of his free time renting books from the library, he definitely takes the time to add some children’s books in there! He likes getting to directly interact with his little one though, so he likes holding them in his lap and having them try to read with him! And of course his little one can do no wrong. They could say something completely different than what’s on the page and he’s like “Yeah good job!” Or if all they can manage to do is babble as they try to read he’ll ‘translate’ by reading it himself “Right! Just like you said…” Then he reads the page
☆ This man is so weak to the puppy dog eyes… He can’t say no to things to save his life. He tries just closing his eyes, thinking that if he can’t see the sad puppy dog eyes he’ll be immune! He is in fact wrong, the image is practically burned into his eyes. If anything serious ever happens tough he learns from it, anything related to it he’s no longer relaxed about, it’s a hard solid no. He’s weak when he can understand and emphasize with his babies points, but if they want to put themselves in danger then for him it’s a hard solid no and he’s impossible to budge
Why am I able to post this much in one day (Technically where I live it’s the next day but I haven’t slept yet so it doesn’t count:^). What’s going on. Thank you whichever gods and goddesses of inspiration have blessed me I’ll use this inspiration to make characters babies because they deserve it
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[DNI ID: A white box with a grey border. Atsushi to the right and a white tiger to the left. Grey text reads “DNI if your blog isn’t child safe. I be will block NSFW accounts” End ID]
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ghoultrifle · 1 year ago
Thoughts on this but with a vibe?
original post !!
i have many thoughts about this with a vibe, anon, far too many, very impure thoughts.
cw for sex toys and exhibitionism (let's pretend this takes place in a universe where each and every person they share a public space with has consented and wants to be there)
ant actually picked up sewing so they could add little pockets to all of their boxers, just the right shape to fit a remote controlled bullet vibe. it sits nicely, snug in the pocket and cradled right up against their tdick. when they started out, they'd just keep the remote in their pocket, a low buzz most of time, but cranking it up when they went to more populated places: the dining hall, the common room, even shopping trips.
their favourite is going to a clothing shop, trying to keep themself composed as they can feel their dick throbbing and their cunt leaking. when it all gets too much they hastily grab an outfit and head to the changing rooms. shucking their trousers they admire the wet spot they've made in the many mirrors surrounding them. then they get really desperate and will grind on anything to get off; their hand, a bench, a hanger, even the mound of clothes they've discarded (and will buy later). they go to town, feeling their clit dragging over the vibe relentlessly as it buzzes, sending shockwaves of pleasure through their whole body. they whimper quietly as they flood their boxers, orgasm crashing over them, frantically humping their object of choice.
even once it's over, the vibe stays on, squirming from overstimulation until they get back to their room and inevitably see the wet spot that made its way through their boxers and onto their trousers, for anyone to see.
another favourite is giving the remote to dewdrop during dinner, he's the only ghoul they can trust to not hold back and really make them suffer. the only one who will see them twitching, shuffling, and decide to turn the vibe up more. the only one who revels in the look on their face as they can't keep it together any longer and cum on the spot in front of the pack. and unlike ant, dew doesn't turn the vibe down, he just keeps it rolling until the poor ghoul has to excuse themselves, at which point dewdrop will feign an excuse also before he rides that ghoul into many more orgasms, taking exactly what he needs. he calls it a punishment, but ant enjoys it too much for that to be true...
as i said, many thoughts sjafkld
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starfruitwyne · 1 year ago
Quiet On The Other Line - Bellice Oneshot
After encountering yet another bump in the rocky road of her situationship, Bella finds herself on Alice Cullen's doorstep in the middle of the night in the pouring rain. With Edward simmering down by himself in the mountains for a month, Bella takes to Alice for comfort and companionship. Together they start to bond in unexpected ways and Alice starts to wonder if Bella has had ulterior motives from the beginning. // Lots of angst and plenty of sm*t here. Enough to give you an adrenaline rush! You can Google what that is.
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Alice wasn't surprised to see the soaked, shivering brunette on her doorstep at three in the morning in the middle of a heavy rainfall. She had received an earful of her aggravated brother's relationship drama all afternoon. Bella this, Bella that. Despite having half listened to at least an hour of Edward’s incessant rambling, Alice scarcely remembered what had caused the fight between him and his equally emotional human lover.
‘Edward’s not home,’ Alice said. And this was true. The broody vampire had left to “clear his head,” as he’d put it. That was always how he’d put it.
‘I know,’ said Bella Swan, the girl on the doorstep. She was soaked to the skin from the violent downpour. Her red college varsity jacket did little to protect her from the wind and rain. At her side, she clutched a thick, canvas tote bag. Her keys dangled from a shiny carabiner hooked to her jeans. Through long, drenched strands of hair, Bella peered up at Alice like a lost kid. ‘I came to see you.’
Alice was confused. Usually, if Edward wasn't around after a fight, Bella would walk home and stay home. Usually, Alice wouldn't see Bella for a few days. Usually, she'd be so distraught, she’d even skip a day or two of college. None of this, none of it at all, was usual. Something must have been very, very wrong.
‘Come in,’ Alice said, not wanting to leave the girl out in the harsh weather.
Bella bowed her head gratefully and quickly shuffled inside like a wet kitten, though she shook like a dog once Alice closed the front door.
‘Why didn’t you bring a freakin’ raincoat? Or even a hoodie, for crying out loud!’ Alice said, bringing her hands to Bella's frozen face. ‘You’re as cold as I am!’
‘It started pouring when I was halfway here,’ Bella shivered. ‘And the truck's in the damn shop again.’
‘Jesus, that's a twenty minute walk! You need a damn phone, you could have called,’ Alice rambled.
‘I know,’ Bella said dismissively, followed by a hard shiver.
‘Someone could’ve come and got you.’
‘I know.’
‘You know I can't always foresee shit like this! If you had a ph—’
‘I know! Alice! I fucking know!’
Alice closed her mouth, stunned by the girl's outburst. She brushed it off and pressed the back of her fingers to Bella's forehead.
‘Go to my room. Get in the shower and then change into whatever.’
‘Are you sure—’
‘Go, just go! You're gonna catch a cold,’ Alice said, gesturing for Bella to hurry upstairs already.
Without another word, Bella did as she was told. She dripped rainwater onto the smooth, marble steps as she went. Alice went to find a mop and met her mother in the kitchen.
‘Is that the Swan girl?’
‘Yeah, she was looking for Edward,’ Alice said. She rummaged through a broom closet.
‘She knows he's not here, right?’ Esme asked, looking up from the sewing project she had laid out on the kitchen table.
‘Yup,’ Alice said. She pulled out a mop and then a plastic bucket.
‘Poor girl,’ Esme said with a motherly frown. ‘Does her father know she's here?’
‘I don't know,’ Alice said. ‘And I've been looking into Edward. He's not coming back for, like, a month. I think.’
‘You’ve seen it?’
‘Yup,’ Alice said. She picked up her bucket and mop and hurriedly left, wanting desperately to avoid any more questions from her mother.
‘Ah, young love,’ Esme sighed.
Love, Alice thought incredulously. Whatever it was that Bella and Edward shared was not love. Infatuation at best. Obsession at worst.
‘I hear those angry words!’ Esme called in a sing-song voice from the kitchen. Alice ignored her and quickened her pace to escape the vicinity of her mother's mind-reading barrier.
Once she had finished mopping up Bella's wet footsteps, she went to check her bedroom for the girl.
She was crying, all curled up in the middle of Alice's reading nook. She had found a pair of tennis shorts and a black band t-shirt. Her clothes were tossed into a heap by Alice's laundry, along with her dirty, green high-tops. Her damp, lengthy hair clung to her trembling shoulders.
‘Hey, woah,’ Alice said, approaching the girl slowly. ‘You gotta tell me what happened this time. Edward never said anything. And I can't read your mind, remember?’
The vampire sat down on her couch next to the quivering ball of tears. She awkwardly placed a hand on Bella's shoulder and stroked it as if she were a pet. The rain beat down on the large skylight above them. Bella’s crying was so distraught, it seemed to be spurring the weather on.
‘Come on, B, tell me what's up,.’ Alice had softened her voice now, a tone she often used with human babies. In her current state, Bella could pass as one.
‘Stupid shit,’ Bella said. She sniffed and shakily sat up, crossing her legs and grabbing a pillow to hold to her chest.
There was something so youthful about the motion. So juvenile. Alice stared at Bella's sad, brown eyes and how they seemed to never end. Two murky pools of deep, dark grief. That was something that Alice secretly thought Bella wore well. Grief. The way the bags under her eyes never seemed to leave simply accentuated her constant gloomy expression. The way her jaw was sharp and rigid when she cried - there was just something about it that Alice found pretty. She was always a sucker for Shakespearean tragedies. Maybe that's where the admiration for such a face came from.
‘He said I'm a brute,’ Bella said hoarsely. ‘That I need to work on myself. And a bunch of other crap. Fucking stupid.’
The girl rested her forehead on her pillow and let out a few more pitiful sobs. Alice continued to pet her shoulder, unsure of what else to do.
‘I’m sure he was just concerned about you,’ Alice said quietly. ‘Boyfriends will say things the wrong way now and again.’
‘He’s not my fucking boyfriend,’ Bella said frustratedly. ‘I dunno what the hell he is or what we are or what any of this shit is.’ Bella slapped her hands against her pillow.
‘Damn,’ Alice said with a chuckle. It wasn’t unusual for Bella to get angry. She had two very dominant emotions: sadness and anger. And a lot of things, Alice noticed, made Bella angry. Authority. Hierarchy. Paris Hilton. But never Edward. It was unusual for her to show so much disdain towards Edward. Tonight, however, seemed to be full of unusual things.
‘Why did he say you were brute?’
‘Because of… everything, I dunno! Vampires and humans and bullshit. I… He said I’m too much, whatever that means. Too much for a vampire? Kiss my fucking ass,’ Bella said, throwing her arms up in frustration. ‘Sorry, I just— Ugh! I'm just sick of him. He called me stubborn. Like a child, y’know? Do I look like a child?!’
Alice pondered this. She lifted away a lock of Bella's damp hair to get a better view of her face. The lamp light illuminated her features — the slope of her button nose, her round cheeks, her frowning lips. However, no matter how warm the light was, the bags under Bella's eyes were dull and prominent. And, of course, Alice thought she wore them quite well.
‘Enlighten me,’ Bella said, grinning amusedly. Her bleary eyes blinked up at the vampire, spilling two more tears over her rosy face.
‘Apart from the pouty lip and angry eyebrows, I wouldn't say you look like a child,’ Alice said. ‘A street fighter, perhaps.’
‘Sick,’ Bella sniffled. She tapped at her nose with a tissue.
‘How come you wanted to see me?’ Alice asked then.
‘Oh, yeah,’ Bella said, suddenly reminded of why she was there.
‘You’re usually only here for Edward,’ Alice added. ‘In fact, I think the last time we spoke one-on-one was a whole month ago. At your volleyball game, remember?’
‘I try not to,’ Bella said. ‘My damn knee still isn't right. I dunno why I thought joining a college team would make me any better at it.’
‘Bella, seriously,’ Alice said, a tiny smirk creeping over her lips.
‘Oh, you're fucking laughing!’
‘I’m not!’
‘Bitch, you're a liar!’
‘Look, when Newton sent you flying into the stratosphere with that slide, it was kind of hilarious, okay? Jesus.’
Bella laughed — really laughed at Alice's confession. She burst into a fit of teary giggles. Alice placed a hand over her grinning mouth. It was rare for Bella to express such outwardly joy. And when it happened it was simply infectious.
‘I always thought you were real funny, y’know?’ Bella said with a tired sigh.
‘Oh, really?’
‘Uh huh, totally.’
‘Well, I'm flattered. But you still haven't answered my question.’
Bella took a shallow breath. ‘Can we smoke first?’
Alice had foreseen the question coming, though not in a vision. Bella usually - if not always - partook in the stuff when she and the other Cullens got together for a hangout. THC was one of the few substances that had any effect on vampires. Carlisle had once explained it had to do with their metabolism. Vampires could experience intense highs from certain chemicals. However, the effects wouldn't last nearly as long as they could for the average human.
In other words, when Bella wanted to smoke, Alice had to smoke even more.
‘You didn't come here just to mooch off my supply, did you?’ Alice asked, rolling the first joint. Her nimble fingers made quick work of the roach and paper. She pushed her sweater sleeves above her elbows for ease of movement. Rolling was serious business. Alice took the utmost pride in her joints.
‘Hey, no, it's not like that,’ Bella said.
‘Easy, I'm joking. I'm funny, remember?’
Alice flicked at her green lighter and held the end of the joint in her mouth over an ashtray. The lighter sparked a couple of times, occasionally giving flame before dying out again.
‘Shit,’ Alice murmured through her teeth.
‘Hang on,’ Bella said. She hopped up from the couch and went to fumble in her tote bag. Alice continued to spark her lighter.
‘Whatcha bring in that thing?’ Alice asked, her sticky joint hanging lazily from her lower lip.
‘Uh, just my phone and shit,’ Bella said nonchalantly. ‘Ah! And this baby,” she smiled, holding up her cherry shaped jet lighter.
‘Cherry, my old friend!’ Alice cheered. ‘Always coming through for us.’
‘Filled her up yesterday,’ Bella said, tossing Alice the tiny blowtorch. ‘I’d have brought some fuel if I’d known yours was dead.’
‘Well, you could have texted me,’ Alice teased, ‘If only you had a—’
‘Oh, give it a rest,’ Bella laughed. ‘Cells freak me out, okay?’
‘I promise you, there’s nothing scary about owning one. Unless you want me to send you a cursed chain letter?’
‘Wow, you’re really selling this to me,’ Bella said, raising an eyebrow.
Alice smirked and flicked at Bella’s lighter. A steady, noisy flame ignited from the ceramic vessel. ‘Hallelujah,’ the vampire smiled. In seconds, the end of her joint was lit. She inhaled. Her vampire strength made for excellent lung capacity. Over the decades, Alice found she had perfected the art of the slow drag, knowing exactly when she had enough smoke to get her buzzed. Alice exhaled without even the slightest cough and passed the joint to Bella.
Bella had been watching her. She rocked back on her crossed legs and leaned against the stack of pillows behind her. Her baby pink lips pursed and took the joint between them. She dragged and puffed and dragged and puffed. And coughed. And dragged again. And puffed again.
‘Fuck, what are you tryna forget?’ Alice asked.
‘Oh, shoot. Guess I should get to talking now, huh?’ Bella choked. She passed the joint back to Alice, who took one more drag before setting it down in the ashtray.
‘Talk to me, B.’
‘Okay,’ Bella sighed. She cleared her throat. ‘Well, first of all, can you tell me how long Edward's gonna be gone for?’
Alice rolled her eyes.
‘Please, Alice? And I won't ask again.’
Alice stared Bella dead in the eye. Had Bella’s visit simply been a disguise to ask her a boatload of questions about her lovesick brother? Was Bella only here to use Alice as her crystal ball?
‘I swear,’ Bella said.
Alice sighed. ‘About a month,’ she said plainly. ‘Three weeks and four days, to be exact.’
Bella exhaled sharply and cursed under her breath. Her mouth formed a thin line and she nodded to herself. ‘Thank you. That's all I wanna know about him, I promise.’
Alice raised a thin eyebrow. ‘Go on.’
Bella dragged her red-knuckled fingers through her hair. It was a bit wavy after having some time to dry. Alice liked it.
‘I just felt like I… wanted to see you. I mean, yeah, I wanted to see you— needed to see you, actually.’
‘Yeah?’ Alice said. ‘Why’s that?’
Bella's chin was tucked into her arm. She had curled up like before, though no pillow was wedged between her and her thighs now. Her pale legs were squeezed together. Alice stared at the slight bruising on Bella's right knee. She gently reached out her hand to stroke it softly. Bella lifted her head to watch.
‘Does it still hurt?’ Alice asked.
Bella shrugged, ‘Just a little.’
Alice wasn't sure what compelled her to do so, but she continued to rub her fingers over Bella's knee in small circles. Bella watched quietly. Alice could tell she was trying not to cry again. Her eyes, now tinted pink from the weed, were growing shiny once more.
Slowly, Bella's hand crept up to hold onto the fingertips that stroked her knee. Alice wordlessly let her. It was such a vulnerable act; so desperate for the touch of another. Even if it wasn't human.
Alice stared at the ring Bella wore. It was an old, gilded, antique thing with a carved image of Jesus adorning its circular face. Alice recalled Bella saying her father had given it to her as a child, but these days he didn't so much as say Grace at dinner.
‘Bella?’ Alice said, softly prompting the girl to speak.
‘I think I just didn't wanna be alone,’ Bella said.
Alice frowned pitifully. ‘Whatever happened to your new college friends? Or your old school friends?’
Bella winced. ‘I think they're all avoiding me. But it's not like I'm a joy to be around lately.’
Alice leaned in closer, moving aside the stray pillows and the ashtray in between them. Bella still hung loosely onto Alice's hand. Gently, Alice squeezed Bella's fingers. The tender touch sent Bella over the edge, as fresh tears spilled over the girl's dark lower lashes.
‘C’mere,’ Alice said. She let Bella sink into her arms. Bella wrapped her arms around the vampire and buried her face into her neck. They stayed like that for some time, Alice slowly rocking Bella and stroking her hair, Bella sobbing against her. The rain outside started to ease until it became a gentle shower.
‘Everybody fucking leaves me,’ Bella said finally. ‘My mom, my friends, Edward; Everybody leaves eventually.’
Alice let the words hang in the air. They were so defeated. And yet, Alice knew that even if she couldn't read Bella's mind, they begged for reassurance.
‘I’m here.’
The girl stiffly pulled away from Alice's embrace. Her eyes were slightly puffy now, only adding to the tragedy which consumed her expression. And still, Alice found it so fitting.
Silently, they gazed at one another — into one another. Alice could hear the slight crackle of Bella's lungs as she breathed, no doubt caused by the copious amount of weed and tobacco the girl smoked daily. It was a wonder how Charlie had never smelled the stuff on her clothes.
Alice followed the direction of Bella's gaze. Her eyes would fall upon her lower face and back up again, asking a question which Alice could not hear.
‘Alice?’ Bella said then.
‘Can I kiss you?’
Alice blinked. Her lips parted in surprise. ‘Kiss me?’
Silence. Unblinking silence. Alice stared. Bella stared.
‘Why?’ Alice said.
Bella chuckled incredulously. She scrunched her eyes, flicking the remnants of tears down her face and onto her knuckles. ‘Because I think you're fucking pretty, that's why.’
‘But… what about—’
‘Don’t say his name,’ Bella interrupted. ‘Please, just don't. I don't wanna think about him.’
‘I’m sorry,’ Alice said.
Bella shook her head, dismissing the apology. She shakily shuffled closer to Alice before flopping down in front of her again. She used both hands to brush Alice's spiky bangs out of her eyes. All the while, Bella made sure to keep eye contact with the vampire. There was a new look on her face - one of determination. Her nose and her cheeks were a sugary blush. Her eyes shimmered, still fending off new tears. Her eyebrows were furrowed as if she were thinking particularly hard about something. And her mouth was a thin, pink line.
Bella's hands came to a stop at either side of Alice's face. She cupped her like a precious jewel. Her big, brown eyes were so intense. Alice thought about how burdened they looked.
‘You’re sooo pretty, dude. I can't fucking believe it sometimes,’ Bella said, still with that hardened expression.
‘You look so damn angry,’ Alice said softly. She brushed her thumb over Bella's wrist. She knew it would do little to soothe her.
‘Kiss me, Alice,’ Bella whispered.
Alice licked her lips instinctively. Their faces were inches apart. Alice could see the depth of colour in Bella's eyes now. When she looked closely, she could see flecks of sparkly caramel. The hint of a rusty, red hue also hid behind the earthy brown. Like rich clay in a riverbed.
Bella had freckles. They were a delicate fawn colour and were sprinkled over the apples of her cheeks, her forehead, and the tip of her nose. Alice was compelled to count them. To just spend the day sitting and talking and counting.
Alice couldn't remember who had leaned in first. And usually, she was quite good at remembering things. But one moment she was taking Bella in, and the next she was pressed against Bella's body, kissing her tenderly as the girl straddled her lap.
The kiss was slow. Bella's hands had found their way under Alice's sweater. Even so, they only lingered around her waist and back. Alice's hands were lost in Bella's hair. She allowed herself to tug on it every so often, eliciting a quiet moan from the girl.
Bella tasted like weed. And Monster Energy. And gun metal. It was intoxicating. She smelled like a burning forest; pine needles and smoke and charred flowers. When their lips would pull apart, Alice found that she was the one to close the gap again. And still, it was all so careful; full of the intensity and lust of a first kiss, but holding an air of unspoken hesitance.
Bella was out of breath when the kiss finally came to a natural end.
‘Shit,’ the girl panted.
‘You good?’ Alice asked softly.
‘Yeah, I’m good,’ Bella laughed breathily. She removed her hands from underneath Alice's sweater. The vampire was surprised at the sheer warmth they left behind. Memories of the girl's presence. Ghosts on her skin
‘Um… I should go. I've probably overstayed my welcome,’ Bella said, glancing at the clock over Alice's writing desk.
‘At this hour? Out there?’ Alice asked, looking out her window. The rain, though no longer violent, still fell at a pace that was less than inviting.
‘Bella, just stay here.’
‘Are you sure—’
‘Yeah, idiot. I'll make up the couch bed for you.’
‘Geez, well, if you insist,’ Bella smirked. Something about the smirk told Alice that Bella knew she'd rather be executed than let the girl catch pneumonia.
Quickly, Alice got to fishing out top sheets and meticulously fluffing up pillows, much to Bella’s amused protests. Alice waved her hand away and smoothed down the sheets. She was hosting. That was something she did best.
‘Seriously, you’re not a hotel maid,’ Bella said. ‘I don’t need— What is that?’
‘A spritz of lavender essential oil. It’ll help you sleep,’ Alice said, smiling proudly at her work.
‘Jesus,’ Bella laughed. ‘I think you’re doing too much.’
‘Am I?’
Soon Bella was tucked under thick blankets. She nestled down like a rabbit in a warm burrow, closing her eyes once she was in a comfortable position. Alice decided to sit by her writing desk, facing her from across the small room.
‘Comfy?’ Alice asked.
‘Mmf,’ Bella said through the fuzzy covers.
‘I’ll take that as a yes.’
Alice continued to watch the girl. Only the top of her face peeked out from the covers. It was almost five in the morning. Birdsong had begun to swell outside, greeting the warm hue of the slowly rising sun. Bella’s soft snoring joined their chorus.
Alice laughed quietly. She turned towards her desk and absentmindedly drummed her fingers against the wood.
‘Ali?’ came a sleepy voice.
‘Hmm?’ Alice said, turning around once again.
Bella’s eyes were still closed. She had turned slightly to face Alice.
‘I like kissing you.’
Before Alice could process the whispered words, Bella was snoring quietly again. The vampire exhaled through her nose, surprised yet again by the human’s unusual behaviour tonight.
‘Same,’ she said to herself.
When Bella left the next morning, awoken by an unimpressed phone call from her father, Alice was left wondering if they’d ever again hang out the way they had. Alone. Just the two of them. Something about the night’s activities left Alice yearning for more. More pointless conversation. More bitching about her mopey brother. All of it had made Alice feel so warm. It had made her feel like a girl. It had made her feel human.
And the kiss. At first, it did not thrash around Alice’s mind the way she had expected it to. But it still lurked in the corners. Three whole days went by, and still, it crept into Alice’s frontal lobe when she folded her laundry. It flashed across her vision when she tried to read or write in her bedroom. Only ever in brief bursts. Only ever a whisper of what the kiss had truly been.
And then it started to plague her. It appeared in her daydreams in vivid colour, wrapping itself around her brain like an obsessive, flesh-eating worm. Afraid of her family peering into her thoughts, Alice began to seclude herself in her bedroom. But staying in the place where the kiss had happened did little to banish it from her memory.
Alice tried to write to distract herself, but all of her poems and stories ended up being about love and pink lips and girls with big, brown, puppy dog eyes. How could one kiss take up so much of Alice’s mental capacity? It was getting ridiculous.
‘Swanny girl’s been looking rough lately,’ said Rosalie, passing Alice by in the kitchen. The clock struck noon. Alice raised her eyebrows. She could have sworn it had been much later in the day. When Alice didn’t reply, Rosalie continued.
‘Saw her passing through town the other day. Does she even sleep? Humans need a lot of that, don’t they?’
‘That’s rude,’ Alice said, mulling over a wineglass of deer blood.
‘Ooh, is that fermented?’ Rosalie asked, swiping the glass before Alice could protest. She sipped once before Alice could stop her.
‘Girl,’ Alice said.
‘Geez, you're off your game today. Hanging around Bella threw off your foresight, huh?’
‘Leave her be, she's dealing with Edward.’
‘Oh, I know. He seemed pretty heated when he took off. I told him to spare me the details of his lover’s quarrel though.’
‘He didn't tell me anything about it anyway,’ Alice said, trying to hide her frustration.
If there was one thing she didn't like about Bella, Edward never spoke about her to anyone. Never allowed her to cross his mind when surrounded by family.
Alice loved her brother, even if it was not always reciprocated. She cared about his wellbeing. And not being allowed to know about someone who so greatly impacted his immortal life thoroughly bothered her.
‘You said a month, right? Girl's gonna be abusing that drum set of hers.’
‘They’ll hear it halfway to the moon,’ Alice chuckled fondly.
Bella played drums. Alice remembered how she had explained that it channelled her anger into something productive. The vampire admired that about her. She was full of rage. But she had somewhere she felt safe putting it. Even though Charlie had to beg her to “can it” after nine pm.
‘You coming with us to hunt later? We're looking for deer,’ Rosalie said, typing rapidly on her white Nokia.
‘I’ll think about it,’ Alice said.
‘Aw, come on! You can get blood drunk at noon some other time.’
‘I’m not getting blood drunk!’
‘Oh, please. I barely had to tip the glass to get that sip.’
Alice laughed at her sister's quick wit. ‘Okay, look, I'll strongly consider it.’
‘Great. See you in the clearing at six then,’ Rosalie said, walking off with her eyes glued to her phone.
Alice huffed. She wasn’t particularly in the mood for hunting today, and that was truly telling that something was bothering her. She loved the thrill of a good, long chase. She loved feeling the dirt between her fingernails and the salty air of the bay on her tongue. Most of all, she loved the catch. She could not deny the guilty pleasure that would overcome her after a successful hunt. Alice relished the sensation of bringing a living thing to its demise, tearing at flesh and sinew with her sharp teeth. She was somewhat of an animal herself, after all. How could she starve her beastly instincts of the adrenaline rush of killing?
Sighing, Alice went to take another sip of her deer blood, only to find out that Rosalie had sneakily stolen it. Perhaps Bella truly had shaken her foresight askew.
‘Bitch!’ Alice yelled into the house.
‘Thank you!’ came a faint reply.
Perhaps a good hunt would take her mind off of Edward. And Bella.
The deer was fast. It weaved in and out of the trees like the wind itself. It knew these woods. But Alice knew them better. She had seen many of these trees when they were only skinny saplings. She had watched humans map out the hiking trails. Knowing this, Alice let the deer run ahead. She would catch up eventually.
It was always a treat when the other animal put up a fight — posed a good challenge. As Alice slowed her sprint, Carlisle, Emmett, and Esme caught up with her.
‘What a runner!’ Esme exhaled. ‘She’s taking us to the border!’
‘Well, she won’t reach it,’ Emmett said, grinning smugly.
‘You don’t plan on taking the kill do you?’ came a voice from above. Rosalie dropped down from the trees. Her leather hunting boots lifted the pine needles from the forest floor as she landed.
‘Don’t worry, babe. I’m a man of my word. No one’s taking down that deer but you.’
Rosalie placed a loving kiss on Emmett’s cheek. Alice faked a gag.
Carlisle sniffed the air, looking for signs of where the deer had fled. He stretched out his back and placed his hands on his hips. ‘I’d say if we split and circle, we’ll be able to direct her back into our territory. If we let her get too close to the border, that’s dinner off the table.’
Alice looked in the direction the deer had run. She closed her eyes and inhaled, allowing herself to smell every little note the forest held within. She rooted her boots to the ground, letting her body absorb every small motion; every padded footstep and slow blink. In her mind’s eye, she saw that Carlisle’s plan would work. However, for everything to play out correctly, the coven would have to move quickly.
‘You’re on the money, Carlisle,’ Alice said. ‘But we need to move now!’
‘Perfect,’ Carlisle grinned. ‘Esme, Emmet, the three of us will form the triad formation. Alice and Rosalie, outer circle.’
‘Adaptive triad, on your mark,’ Alice and Rosalie said in unison. They crouched at the ready.
‘Move out,’ Carlisle instructed.
In seconds, the family had split. Alice and Rosalie created a wide circle around the deer’s trail. The rest of the Cullens would form a triangle around the animal, decreasing in size as it became easier to trap.
Alice could swear she could feel her heartbeat when she ran this fast. Like the still ichor within her had suddenly found a purpose to flow once more. Nothing could distract her at this moment. Alice was locked in like the beast she was, pinpoint-focused on the task at hand and absolutely nothing else.
A faint rumbling noise sounded off in the distance. It played out in a rhythmic, four beat time signature. When Alice listened closer, she could hear the quiet reverb of an accompanying instrumental track.
“Laid to Rest.”
‘Lamb Of God?’ Alice thought out loud. She listened for longer, coming to a stop in the middle of her sprint. ‘Bella,’ she whispered.
The aggressive melody of the Lamb Of God song was being bashed out at a violent pace. It sounded like Bella had moved her drumset to the garage, most likely under Charlie’s wishes.
She played every note like she had the intention of somehow killing each one. Alice was intrigued. She listened and felt for Rosalie’s presence. She was already starting to hone in on the deer. Taking this as a sign that she could break away from the group, Alice leapt into a nearby tree, scaling it so she could gain a better vantage point to listen to Bella’s angsty performance.
Atop the thick branches, Alice closed her eyes and listened. A vision formed. She could see the girl, alone in her garage with the roller door up. Her truck was probably still in the shop. But its absence certainly gave Bella more room in there.
She was heating up from her rigorous playing and had stripped down to a white tank top and baggy sweatpants. A small cross hung from a dainty chain around her neck. Her dark hair was pulled back into a ponytail, though it did little to stop the finer hairs from falling over her lashes as she played. Alice envisioned Bella’s hands and was surprised to find that they were bandaged and slightly bloodied. What on earth had she been up to over the last three days?
Charlie was away today, Alice could sense it. She could also guess from seeing the cigarette that dangled from Bella’s lip. Bella had stolen a few of her father’s Newports. A second one rested behind her ear. A third was nestled in her pants pocket.
The thought of Edward was surely still bothering Bella. She looked pained. Frustrated. So damn angry. Alice’s attention, unfortunately for her family, had been grabbed by the neck.
Where are you? I’m about to move in. It was Rosalie’s voice in Alice’s mind. Unsurprisingly, she sounded very annoyed.
I’m here in the canopy. Do you need me?
I guess not. But why? Where are you going?
Alice didn’t answer. And Rosalie didn’t wait for her to. Alice heard the crunch of meat and bone as her sister took down the deer, a mile away from where she stood. Alice jumped down from her tree and started up a sprint in the other direction.
It was time to pay someone a visit.
‘Fucking damn it!’ Bella groaned, slamming her drumsticks down on her set.
Obscured by thick foliage, Alice watched her from afar, studying her intently like the forest creatures she hunted. Prey. Amusing prey.
‘There you are,’ Rosalie huffed. She reeked of her fresh kill. Dark splashes of blood ran down her hunting gear and smeared across her lips. She joined Alice on her chosen tree branch, swaying it gently.
‘Rosalie,’ Alice greeted.
‘What happened back there? Why are you here?’
Alice had predicted Rosalie’s arrival and also her question.
‘I just wanted to see her,’ Alice said quietly. ‘I heard her across the forest.’
‘So did I! But I didn't dissolve the hunt over it!’ Rosalie said. When Alice didn’t answer, Rosalie followed Alice’s line of sight. She clicked her tongue. ‘What has you so interested?’
Alice shook her head, ‘I don’t know. I just think she’s so fascinating. Don’t you?’
Bella was sparking up her second cigarette. She had sat herself upon a treestump in her front lawn. The temperature change sent a shiver down her spine. The sweat on her skin had surely been cooled by the evening air. She rubbed at one arm and continued to smoke.
‘Truly fascinating,’ Rosalie hummed. Her mouth curled to one side and she wrinkled her nose. ‘You’re not fawning over this girl, are you?’
Alice’s eyes widened. ‘What? No, of course not. Edward would freak,’ she hissed.
‘As if,’ Rosalie said. ‘You’re his favourite.’
‘That’s a joke. And I won’t be inserting myself into his relationships.’
‘Well he certainly isn’t nurturing this relationship, if you could even call it that.’
‘Rosalie!’ Alice gasped.
‘I’m serious. All he’s done to that girl is love bomb her, throw childish fits, and abandon her when he needs to take responsibility. And I’m damn sick of everyone leaning back and watching it happen.’
The blonde vampire’s face was stern. The blood on her mouth had begun to dry, cracking and flaking onto the forest floor. Her lower lip was sucked under the top one in a tense frown.
‘I don’t particularly like her,’ Rosalie said. ‘But I also don’t like how Edward’s treating her. All this running away.’
‘Things are complicated between them,’ Alice said.
‘I don’t see how up and leaving the girl by herself will help that.’
‘What are you saying?’
‘What do you wish I was saying?’
Alice was silent. Rosalie observed her wordlessly. There was a hint of what Alice could only describe as sadness in her eyes. She was unsure of why it was there.
Suddenly, that look of sadness changed to one of surprise. Rosalie’s mouth slowly hung open and she frantically looked Alice up and down. Her brow lowered, creating lines at the corners of her eyes.
‘You kissed her?’
Alice bared her teeth. She must have let the memory slip. She could not pinpoint when the vision had crossed her mind exactly. But Rosalie had caught it. Rosalie knew.
‘It wasn’t my idea,’ Alice whispered guiltily.
‘Dear god,’ Rosalie said, stretching the last word.
‘She just— She wanted to! It really wasn’t anything like that. I haven’t even thought about it, really. Until now, I suppose. But I mean it, it didn’t mean anything. We were high.’
‘This is… Damn, this is—’
‘We were high. And she was so upset. And— And it was so nice, Rosalie. It was so nice. And it wasn’t for very long. I…’
Rosalie stared, letting Alice ramble herself into her grave.
‘Oh, I've screwed up. Say something, Rose.’
‘Hey, all right. Calm down, I’m not angry. I’m kind of happy for you.’
‘What do you mean?’
‘Come on, Alice. Don’t pretend like you haven’t been gushing about a partner since the day we met. I think you even hit on me when we did.’
‘Oh god, do you think I look desperate?’
‘No, stupid. I think you need to catch a break. Look, what you guys choose to do is your decision.’
‘I don't want to do anything with her,’ Alice said.
‘Why’s that?’
‘Because! Because... I don’t think she needs that right now.’
‘Needs what? A healthy relationship?
‘No, Rose. Another one of… us.’
‘Ain’t that the truth,’ Rosalie sighed heavily. She poked her tongue into the inside of her cheek. ‘What are you going to do then?’
Alice watched Bella through the leaves. She hated how pretty she looked when she was focused. Shaking the thought away, Alice pulled her eyes away from the scene.
‘I need to tell her we can’t kiss again.’
‘Man,’ Rosalie said, ‘This coven’s a damn soap opera these days.’
Alice laughed sadly. ‘I think it’s the right thing to do. I think if I stop this now, it’d hurt Edward less. Won’t it? God, tell me it will.’
Rosalie shrugged. ‘He’ll find out regardless.’
Alice let those words sit with her. Suddenly, Bella’s drums started up again. Both vampires turned to watch her.
Rosalie sighed. ‘We’ll put your drink aside. See you at home.’ She placed a tender hand on Alice’s shoulder and stared at her with a knowing sincerity. Alice watched her silently disappear between the tree trunks. She turned back towards Bella, who was trying to master a particularly difficult part of her song.
Carefully, Alice slipped down from the tree and began to walk towards Bella’s garage. The girl spotted her quickly and quit her drumming to wave at the vampire. Alice waved back.
‘Yo!’ Bella exclaimed. She hopped up from her drum set and hurried over to bring Alice into an awkward hug. ‘Whatcha doing here?’
‘Hey, B,’ Alice said, smiling warmly, ‘I was just out hunting with my family.’
‘Shit, well, it’s nice to see you. You missed Charlie. He left not too long ago.’
‘Ah, gone for the evening?’
‘For the night. You wanna smoke?’
‘I don’t mind.’
Bella playfully punched Alice’s arm and brought her inside. The house was cooled by the late summer air. A glowing, honeyed hue was creeping in through the windows, draping over the walls and furniture like a gold-spun gossamer blanket. Bella sat Alice by the breakfast table and laid out her smoke box between them. Sunlight pooled into her dark eyes, turning them from deep brown to a gilded amber. It was magic.
‘You’re awfully quiet,’ Bella observed as she unfurled a new slip of wax paper.
‘I guess I’m just tired after the hunt,’ Alice said.
‘Nice save,’ Bella chuckled. ‘Something bothering you? You might as well take your turn to unload on me after last weekend.’
‘Aw, Bella, I didn’t mind our talk. You needed it.’
‘Yeah, yeah, whatever. What’s up?’
‘Your smoke alarm is about to go off.’
A high pitched beeping noise blared over the kitchen. A thin pillar of smoke was rising from the oven.
‘Shit! My hashbrowns!’
Bella scrambled out of her chair, knocking it to the tiled floor with a bang. She flung open the oven door and stuffed a towel around the metal tray inside. Frustrated, she slammed the tray into the kitchen sink and coughed as she waved away the smoke.
‘Aw, it’s fucked,’ Bella muttered, staring at the blackened pucks of potato.
‘I’m sorry, my foresight has been so off lately,’ Alice said, turning to open a window.
‘I ain’t blaming you, dude,’ Bella chuckled, fanning the grey mist out of the house. ‘Shit, well, I guess I gotta order takeout. That was the last thing I had to eat for tonight.’
‘It’s Wednesday, you didn’t do any grocery shopping over the weekend?’
‘No, I was crying and eating your face off last weekend, remember?’
‘Oh, yeah.’
Bella snickered. ‘Light up on the porch, I’m ordering a pizza.’
Alice gathered the half-rolled joint and sat herself outside. She had to shield her eyes from the low, setting sun. Her skin glittered softly, but she knew she’d soon be safe from its damning rays.
She fiddled with the end of Bella’s joint and flicked at her lighter. It sparked and failed again.
‘Shit, yeah, you’re dead,’ Alice muttered, turning the plastic thing in her hand.
She had forgotten. Sighing, Alice leaned back on her step, letting the chill forest breeze brush over her face. The faint smell of burnt hashbrowns mixed with the mountain air. Something began to tap rapidly at Alice’s left knee. When she looked, she noticed it was her fingers. They quickly rapped against her knee like they were trying to gain her attention. Unsettled, Alice placed her other hand over them.
Odd, she thought. Phantom nerves, perhaps.
‘That’s done,’ Bella said, appearing on the porch steps. She hunkered down next to Alice and handed her the cherry lighter. ‘Sorry, I forgot yours is bust.’
‘At least one of us remembered,’ Alice said.
Bella briefly narrowed her eyes at the statement. She shrugged it off after Alice finally sparked up. They sat in silence as Alice took the first pull.
‘You said your family went hunting?’ Bella said, taking her turn to drag. ‘Did you not go with ‘em?’
‘I did.’
‘They leave without you, or?’ Bella trailed off.
‘Uh, no. I kind of ditched them.’
‘Flake,’ Bella grinned, tapping out her ashes.
‘I wanted to stop by,’ Alice said.
Bella inhaled and puffed. ‘Just to see me?’
‘Yeah, I guess.’
Bella fiddled with the roach of her joint, turning it over and over between her fingers. A small smile was creeping across her face. It was dripping with mischief.
‘What?’ Alice said.
‘Oh, nothing,’ Bella replied and went to take another drag.
‘What?’ Alice repeated, more urgently than she would have liked.
‘Well,’ Bella began, ‘You’ve never stopped by before. Not by yourself. And not to see me. Just me.’
‘Yeah,’ Alice said. She didn’t know what else to say.
‘I don’t mind, ya know?’
Silence. Alice watched the girl drag once more, reeling back to cough a few times.
‘Y’good?’ Alice asked.
‘Good,’ Bella choked. She brushed a hand over her face, giving Alice a glance at her bandaged knuckles.
‘Hey, what happened to you?’ the vampire asked, reaching out to inspect the damage.
‘Your hands, B, you look like you've been cage fighting.’
‘Oh!’ Bella laughed, ‘Yeah, uh, I was just punching shit.’
‘Yeah, walls and stuff,’ Bella said. She nodded over to an old, disintegrating brick wall, which stood at the end of her lawn. ‘I been punching that thing, uh, a lot. And also the drywall in my room. My wardrobe is currently hiding quite the crater.’
‘Geez,’ Alice said.
‘Yeah, shit’s fucked,’ Bella said, puffing shortly on her joint.
‘How have you not broken something?’
‘I dunno.’
Alice shook her head in amazement. ‘You are so bizarre.’
‘Thank you.’
Silence. Staring. Silence.
‘Look, Bella,’ Alice started.
‘Yeah, here it is,’ Bella laughed quietly.
‘No, listen. I wanted to ask you something. About last weekend?’
‘Mhmm?’ Bella nodded, tapping her joint and letting it die in her fingers.
‘About… the kiss?’
‘Ah,’ Bella said. Her gaze was focused on her green high-tops. She shuffled them awkwardly. ‘You come here for round two?’ the girl asked. She forced a sheepish grin.
‘Bella,’ Alice said dolefully.
‘I’m joking.’
‘I know.’
‘I don’t think we should do it again,’ Alice said finally. ‘I think it’d just make things more complicated for you. Don’t you think?’
‘Hell if I know what’s good for me,’ Bella shrugged. She flicked her roach into the gutter. ‘But, yeah. Maybe you’re right. I’m sorry if I’ve made things weird between us—’
‘Not at all, absolutely not at all,’ Alice breathed. ‘I promise.’
‘Okay,’ Bella said. ‘Good.’
A delivery truck began to approach the house. Alice hurriedly stood and rushed inside. Her skin was still shimmering against the sunset. As she waited for Bella to fix up with the driver outside, she silently rehearsed her departure. It was done. She wouldn’t have to worry about Bella or kissing her or thinking of kissing her anymore. She could deal with composing her explanation to Edward later.
‘He forgot my sauce,’ Bella grumbled once she reappeared in the kitchen. Once she had set her food down on the table, she glanced over to Alice awkwardly looming by the doorway.
‘You’re leaving?’
The vampire played with her fingers. ‘Oh, yeah. I thought I should get going.’
‘Stay a while.’
The words caught Alice off guard. She had expected Bella to want some alone time after such a loaded conversation.
‘I mean, are you sure?’
‘Yeah, dude. I was gonna put on What Lies Beneath.’
‘You hate that movie.’
‘Yeah, but I like watching it with other people,’ Bella shrugged.
Alice couldn’t help the amused smile that crossed her face. ‘I’m dressed in my hunting gear.’
‘Then wear something of mine.’
It was clear that Bella didn't plan on letting Alice leave any time soon. Thinking it'd be rude to refuse her invitation a second time, Alice gave in.
‘All right. But I’ll bounce after.’
Alice sat on the lumpy couch in Bella's living room, dressed in a pair of her sweats and an oversized hoodie. Bella finished two slices of her pizza before becoming engrossed in the low-budget horror movie. Despite it being a movie she heavily disliked, she knew the ins and outs of every terrible shot and stilted line of dialogue. She laughed at every cheap jumpscare and rewound when Alice laughed too. During the boring parts, Bella rolled a handful of pinners and insisted they be smoked to “enhance the experience.” Alice joked that she was the only human who could out smoke a vampire, though she didn’t exactly doubt the notion either.
With about a half hour left of the screening, Bella’s pocket buzzed and beeped. She idly fished out a shiny, silver Motorola.
‘Are you joking? When did you get that?’ Alice questioned.
‘Oh, yeah,’ Bella said sheepishly, ‘I decided to finally enter the digital age,’ she said, awkwardly waving the phone about.
‘Since when?’
Bella shrugged. ‘I’m, like, nearly twenty-one. And if my college friends weren't initially on my ass about it, you sure hammered it into me last weekend.’
‘Who’s in it? Add me!’
‘Sure,’ Bella smiled, handing the phone over.
Alice excitedly clicked on Bella's contacts. She glanced over the small list of names. Her father was pinned at the top of the list. Alice also recognised the names of Bella's old high school friends and a few names she did not recognise.
One particular name stuck out like a sore thumb.
‘You have Edward on here.’
‘Uh, yeah. I had his number in my journal from, like, a year ago. He told me to take it down. Just in case I ever decided to get some digits.’
‘Did you text him?’
Bella was quiet. She was focused on the screen of the TV now, sheltered by her long hair.
‘I did,’ she said bluntly.
‘He hasn't responded.’
Bella messed with the shoulder of her tank top. Her eyes were locked on the TV, but they did not move.
‘I’m sorry, I didn't mean to upset you,’ Alice said.
‘It’s fine. I don't care.’
Alice frowned. She gently brushed away the curtain of Bella’s hair that separated them on the couch. Her mouth had formed into a familiar thin line. Her cheeks shifted as she clenched and unclenched her jaw.
So damn angry.
‘You sure you don’t wanna talk about it?’
‘I’m very sure.’
‘All right,’ Alice said softly.
Without realising, Alice had let her fingers linger in Bella’s hair. Her fingertips rested behind the shell of her ear. Bella turned herself slightly, not leaning into the touch but not pulling away either. Her eyes were still narrowed, still angered by the person on her phone.
‘It’s okay,’ Alice whispered tenderly. A finger slipped from Bella’s ear and stroked her cheek. Bella blinked slowly as she studied Alice's face.
‘What?’ Alice whispered.
‘Hmm?’ Bella said.
Alice smiled crookedly. ‘What are you looking at?’
‘Mm,’ Alice hummed.
‘I like looking at you,’ Bella said.
‘Oh, yeah?’
‘Uh huh, very much so.’
Damn it, Alice thought. This was not the type of conversation that people who don't kiss would have. And Bella was looking extremely kissable right now. All glowy in the light of the TV. Warm from the weed. Soft to the touch.
Bella had turned her body so that she was leaning towards the vampire. One hand was nestled between them, dangerously close to Alice's hip. The girl's chin was tilted upwards, practically inviting Alice in. It became clear to Alice that vampires weren't the only creatures to harness the power of seduction.
‘I like looking at you too,’ Alice said. Her voice was a low whisper as if she were telling Bella a closely guarded secret. In a way, Alice felt like she was. She wasn’t supposed to say things like this to Bella. Right? Friends don’t speak to each other like that.
‘What do you like about looking at me?’ Bella asked. Her eyes had half closed and the hint of a smirk played on the corners of her lips.
If Alice could blush the way humans did, she was certain she’d be redder than Bella’s cherry lighter.
The vampire’s throat ran dry. Her next word was strained but true.
Bella was inches away now. She placed a gentle hand on Alice’s thigh and slid it upwards.
‘We can't,’ Alice whispered, though she found herself leaning in just as close.
‘I know,’ Bella whispered back, tilting her head ever so slightly.
‘Oh, Bella,’ Alice whined. Mournful. Wanting.
The end of Bella's name was cut short by an eager mouth. Firm lips pressed against Alice's, so hard the vampire feared Bella would bruise herself. It was so hungry. And frighteningly determined.
The girl slid into Alice's lap, and Alice couldn't stop the way her hands fell onto Bella's hips or trailed up her back under her tank top; how they clawed down Bella's skin, how they pulled her even closer.
The kiss was a mess, all tongue and teeth. Alice couldn't get enough. It was addictive. She nipped at Bella's lower lip and lost her hands in the girl’s hair, not minding how rough she was being; Bella's soft moaning only spurred her on.
Bella sucked once on Alice's tongue, slow and deliberate. When she pulled away with a ragged breath, Alice could see the hard nubs of her nipples poking through her white tank top, which had slid up significantly to reveal her pale under breast. Her ribs peeped out from under the thin fabric. Alice gasped at how soft she looked. Her pale silhouette tinted blue against the TV screen made her look as if she were made of milk glass.
‘No bra?’ Alice said breathlessly.
‘Yeah, yeah, fuck the patriarchy,’ Bella panted. And Alice giggled.
Their lips collided once more. Bella held Alice's face in both hands, kissing her with a passion that was so intense it was almost animalistic. Feral.
Alice shifted in her place on the couch, causing Bella to moan into her mouth.
‘Shit,’ Bella gasped, pulling away briefly. ‘Do that again. Please?’
‘This?’ Alice asked, pushing her hips upwards and into Bella's straddled centre.
‘Uh huh,’ Bella squeaked.
Alice obeyed. She began to grind herself over Bella's sweatpants, allowing some error for the girl to settle into her rhythm.
‘Jesus,’ Bella panted, ‘Fuck. Shit.’
‘Does that feel good?’ Alice asked shakily.
‘So good,’ Bella nodded. Her hair began to stick to one side of her face and forehead. It reminded Alice of when she’d shown up on her doorstep in the rain.
The way Bella’s hips moved with Alice's was simply hypnotising. Alice observed every bone and muscle working together to aid Bella towards her high. And it wasn't far off, judging by the girl's quickening pace.
Alice's eyes fell on Bella's heaving chest. She inched Bella forward so that she could take one nipple between her lips through the fabric. She tugged lightly, eliciting a needy whine from the girl.
‘Don’t stop,’ Bella breathed, ‘Please, don't fucking stop.’
Bella's hands gripped Alice's shoulders. She bucked into her frantically, beginning to lose her rhythm as her orgasm finally rose to the surface.
It was heaven to watch. Bella pressed herself deep into Alice's centre, grinding slower and slower until she'd rode out every last wave of her release. She had fallen against Alice's chest and buried her face into the vampire's neck. Alice rested hers into Bella's mane of hair.
Bella trembled against her, still rubbing out the last of the high. Eventually, she came to a still, letting her breath catch up to a regular speed. Alice stroked her smooth back with both hands, allowing the girl to collect herself.
For a while, Bella's irregular breathing filled the room. The movie had long ended. Alice stroked the girl's hair with one hand, her other draped over her back.
‘Shit,’ Bella finally mumbled against Alice's hoodie.
‘Yeah,’ Alice sighed finally. ‘Shit indeed.’
‘We… I shouldn't have that.’
Bella shakily sat up on the vampire’s waist. And of course, Alice would have painted her vision on the finest canvas. Hung it in the damn Louvre. Written poetry about how pretty every damn hair on her damn head was. She was perfect. Half naked, hair dishevelled. Perfect.
‘You’re so beautiful,’ Alice said.
Bella huffed, ‘Thanks.’
‘I mean it,’ Alice said.
‘Well… You still want to leave?’ Bella asked, turning back towards the vampire.
Alice laughed. She couldn't help it.
‘I probably should.’
‘I’m sorry, I said I'd be home later.’
‘Can you lie?’
Alice rolled her eyes and went to budge Bella off of her. The girl hissed, startling Alice.
‘What? What is it?’ Alice asked worriedly.
‘Nothing, I… I'm just really wet.’
‘Oh,’ Alice said.
The two burst into a fit of giggles, falling about the couch as they did. Bella awkwardly pulled down her tank top and insisted Alice keep her clothes, no doubt a reason for them to meet up again.
‘You can text me, you know?’ Alice grinned, standing with Bella on her front porch. ‘Whenever you need.’
‘I know. Thank you,’ Bella said. ‘Um, and thanks for… staying a bit.’
‘No problem,’ Alice said. ‘I guess I'll see you around?’
‘Yeah,’ Bella said. ‘I’ll see you. Around.’ She gestured awkwardly.
‘Goodnight, Bella.’
‘Night,’ Bella said, waving shyly as Alice descended the steps.
‘Ali?’ Bella called.
Alice turned to face her inquisitively.
Bella tapped her foot on the porch wood. ‘This was… We can’t… What do we do now? After… all that?’
‘I don't know, B,’ Alice said softly.
Bella nodded dumbly. ‘Was it… bad?’
Bella cleared her throat. ‘Was it a bad thing that we did this?’
Alice frowned - a heavy sadness weighing down her chest. She walked back up the porch steps and drew Bella in for a firm hug. The girl hugged her back just as tightly, burying her face into the soft fabric of Alice’s borrowed hoodie. When Alice pulled away, Bella’s winced expression resembled that of a wounded animal.
‘How about we talk about it another time?’ Alice whispered.
Bella’s lips pouted for a brief moment before she nodded slowly.
‘All right,’ Alice said quietly.
Bella reached down to kiss her, slow, firm, and longingly; as if it would be the last time she’d ever get the opportunity. In the back of Alice’s mind, she wondered if it would be. It took all of her strength not to kiss her just as firmly back.
Bella pulled away, her eyes not meeting the vampire’s.
‘Goodnight, Alice.’
‘Goodnight, Bella.’
Without another word, Alice sped home.
‘You motherfucker!’
‘Rosalie,’ Alice groaned.
Her sister had greeted her at the front door, a shit-eating grin on her pristine face.
‘I knew it! I knew you were bullshitting me. You were gawking at her like she was the second coming!’
‘Who’s coming?’ Emmett asked, walking into the foyer and holding a mug of blood from the family hunt.
‘Alice and Bella boned.’
‘Aliba— Bwuh, huh?’
‘We did not bone,’ Alice huffed, ‘Don’t be so vulgar.’ She made a beeline for the stairs, mortified by her sister’s shameless prying.
‘Hey! Get back here!’ Rosalie yelled up the stairs.
Alice shut her bedroom door behind her. She leaned against the wood, silently begging her sister not to charge through it. Rosalie's muffled ranting echoed throughout the foyer. She was cackling like a hyena. Alice had to admit that her enthusiasm towards the situation was somewhat of a comfort, even if it was at the expense of her dignity.
With her mind a swirl of untamed emotions, Alice shakily sat herself down at her writing desk. Her haven. The walnut surface was hidden beneath several crumpled pages of Alice's mind matter. She sighed and took one of the white, crinkled balls, smoothing it out with her palms. It was a single phrase, hastily scrawled in black ink.
If I should take your pain away, would you still look as sweet?
Alice moved the page aside and grabbed another.
Sadness flows through you and permeates your blood. To drink of it would surely bring me to my knees.
‘Jesus Christ,’ Alice mumbled.
‘Bitch, open the door,’ came Rosalie's voice from outside the room.
‘I’m brooding,’ Alice called back.
The door opened. Alice sighed. Rosalie entered with a tall glass of red in one hand. She slammed it down on Alice's desk and then folded her arms.
‘Start talking and then you can start sipping.’
Alice reached for the glass, only to have it swiped away.
‘Are you going to talk?’
‘Rose,’ Alice groaned.
‘Don’t make me poke around in that filthy little mind of yours,’ Rosalie said, twiddling her fingers in Alice's face. ‘Tell me what happened.’
‘Fine,’ Alice sighed, throwing her arms up in defeat. ‘We kissed. Again.’
‘And… maybe some heavy petting.’
‘Ohoho,’ Rosalie beamed. ‘This is incredible.’
‘Yeah, you seem weirdly pleased about it,’ Alice said dryly.
‘Because it's you! You don't do stuff like this. You're Alice. Our sweet little Alice,’ Rosalie said, tousling her sister’s hair.
‘Knock it off,’ Alice grumbled. She snatched the glass of blood from Rosalie and took a long gulp. ‘It’s not like I've been the one initiating all this.’
‘Yeah. Bella has been, like, so… intimate? I feel like she’s never even looked my way until now.’
‘Well, maybe you just didn't notice,’ Rosalie said. ‘You had Edward shielding her from you.’
‘Don’t talk like that. Don't speak of him that way.’
‘I’m serious! Maybe Bella's been trying to get closer to you but she's been too busy scrapping with that man-child every other week.’
‘Can we drop this? I'm done. I'm done talking about this.’
Rosalie shook her head. ‘You need to lighten up.’
‘And you need to stop talking about Edward like he isn't going through his own stuff.’
Less than amused, Rosalie began to make her way out of the room. She paused at Alice's door.
‘Edward has had plenty of time to deal with his own emotions. That girl shouldn't be the one to sort them out for him.’
As Rosalie opened Alice's door to leave, Emmett stood outside with one fist in the air, ready to knock.
‘Yo… Uh, so did Alice and Bella really—’
‘Yes, they did,’ Rosalie scoffed, pushing past Emmett and heading downstairs.
‘Damn it,’ Emmett muttered, scratching the back of his neck.
‘What?’ Alice asked.
‘I owe Rose so much money.’
Three more days passed, each without any word from Bella. Alice began to wonder if she'd decided to revert to her phoneless ways. She wondered if she'd texted Edward again. She wondered if Edward had replied to her. Or if she had punched the rest of her brick wall into dust. Most of all, Alice wondered if Bella was thinking of her.
The girl’s vengeful drumming could be heard across the forest. It was enough to assure Alice that she was at least still alive. Though it did little to distract her from thinking about her.
Alice had lost all hope in trying to banish the girl from her mind. Thoughts of Bella came frequently now. They took form in Alice's brain whenever she had a moment of peace. When she was walking in the woods at night. When she was cleaning her fangs. When she was listening to her vinyl records. Not even the soothing tones of Ella Fitzgerald could free her from the mental prison that was a new crush.
When she tried to peer into Bella's future, Alice could see her brother there with her. The vision was not clear. She could not tell if they were happy or sad together, just that they were with one another. When Alice dared to look even deeper, still she found Edward, his blurry face staring back at her from a world that had not yet dawned.
Alice couldn’t fathom the disappointment that followed when she did not see herself in the visions. This disappointment was then often followed by guilt. It was ridiculous even to consider. Of course, Alice wouldn't play a part in Bella's future love life. The vampire wasn't sure why she had even wanted to look. Had she truly expected to find herself there? A fuzzy figure wrapped in Bella's arms? How silly it was even to imagine.
Then why do you keep checking? Alice asked herself as she curled up on her couch bed. She had failed to fold it away after Bella's unexpected visit. A part of Alice didn't want to do such a thing. She liked remembering that Bella had been there. Her scent still lingered in the pillows and blankets. Smoke and flowers.
Saturday night had rolled back around and Alice found herself alone in her bedroom, listening to Louis Armstrong, waiting the night away. Brooding had become something she had found herself doing more and more. Despite it being quite a popular vampire pastime, Alice rarely indulged in the activity. She was built for movement. Running aimlessly with friends. Driving fast down a highway. Dancing for hours in exclusive speakeasies.
These days, she found herself uninterested in anything else but the headstrong girl living in the little white house, with bloody knuckles and dark circles. Bella Swan. Tragic, doomed, Bella Swan.
A mug of warm blood was nestled between Alice’s fingers, covered by the sleeves of her oversized sweater. It was well into the early hours of the morning. Alice had planned on going for a solo hunt, but she could not bring herself to get into a hunting mindset. Her body had felt off as of late. She knew damn well why.
The life of a settled vampire was simple: Hunt. Drink. Brood. With most of those things knocked off her list today, Alice was growing frustrated with the lack of enrichment.
Bzz bzz.
No. It couldn't be. Could it?
Alice slowly picked up her phone. A contact which she had lovingly decorated with star emoticons appeared on screen.
hey. u awake?
Alice re-read the contact name over and over, making sure that it was who she saw it was. After taking a full minute to come to terms with the fact that Bella had contacted her, she received another message.
i 4got u dont need 2 sleep. im dum as fuk :P
Alice bit back a smile, hearing Bella's voice in her head. The girl typed the way she talked. Alice found it amusing. She hovered her fingers over her keyboard, hesitating before bringing a single finger to the buttons.
Wide awake :)
Bella’s response was slow. Alice figured she was still getting used to the small keys.
sweet. r u busy?
No, why?
The chorus of “Inside Your Heaven” by Carrie Underwood blared from Alice’s phone. She jumped in surprise, usually able to sense when she was about to get a call.
Bella’s name lit up on her screen. Alice stared at her phone in silence, letting the song play until the chorus repeated once again. She accepted the call.
‘Hello?’ Alice said warily.
‘Hey,’ came Bella’s voice over the speaker. It was quiet and slow and was followed by a burst of two short coughs.
‘Hey, sleepy,’ Alice replied. ‘You’re up late again.’
‘Yeah,’ Bella said groggily, fighting a long yawn. ‘I can’t fall asleep.’
‘Why’s that?’ Alice asked. She pulled up one of her blankets from the couch bed. Something about the way Bella spoke made her want to feel cosy.
‘I dunno. The house is creepy when it’s just me sometimes. Maybe that’s it.’
‘Charlie’s out?’
‘Yeah. Or, shit, maybe it’s this stupid microbiology exam I have coming up.’
‘You study?’
‘Yeah, dude, sooo much,’ Bella groaned.
Alice giggled. ‘Maybe you’re a bit overworked then. Too much brain activity in that noggin of yours.’
‘Sure, sure,’ Bella said.
God, her voice, Alice thought. Does she know how delicious it sounds?
‘What you been up to the last few days?’ Bella asked.
‘Oh, you know. Feeding, reading, standing in one place for hours at a time.’
‘Damn, I’m getting serious FOMO.’
‘You’re sure missing out.’
Bella shuffled in her bed, causing the audio from Alice’s phone to crackle. Alice listened intently as Bella sighed and settled into a different position. Eventually, the line went static, accompanied by Bella’s soft breathing. Alice wondered for a moment if she’d suddenly fallen asleep. But that question was soon answered with another short cough. Alice smirked.
‘All good?’
Once again, it got quiet on the other line. Alice’s ears pricked with anticipation. The way Bella was breathing didn’t sound like she was dozing off. It sounded like she was almost holding it. Alice then picked up on a small, dry swallow.
‘I wish you were here, dude,’ Bella said.
It was Alice’s turn to go silent. She messed with her sweater sleeve, pinching it and twisting it between her thumb and index finger.
Bella cleared her throat. ‘You still there?’
‘I’m right here, Bee.’
Alice heard the subtle squeeze of Bella’s throat tightening and untightening. She heard fingers slowly scratching across tangled hair and the wet slide of teeth chewing on soft lips.
‘It’s cold here,’ Bella said, her voice growing low and quiet.
‘I’m not sure I can help you there,’ Alice replied.
‘I could. We could.’
Alice had to close her eyes and take a slow inhale. She fluttered her eyes open again and leaned back into her couch, staring at her ceiling.
‘Yeah? How’s that?’
Bella took her time answering. The static on the other line seemed to grow louder.
‘I could hold you till you’re warm.’
‘You could.’
‘I could rub my hands all over you until you’re just as warm as me. And then we’d both be warm.’
Alice had started to tug at the neckline of her sweater. She bit down hard on her lower lip to stifle her quickening breath; a primal instinct that only kicked in when she was nervous or excited.
‘That might warm me up, yes,’ Alice said. She hated how evident her flustered voice was.
‘Mhmm, I’d make sure of it.’
‘You sound determined.’
‘I am.’
Alice rolled onto one side. She focused her eyes on her hunting boots by the doorway. Her next words were whispered and shaky.
‘How else would you warm me up?’
Bella laughed softly. Alice pictured her smile.
‘How do you want me to, Alice?’
Alice dragged her fingers through her hair and scrunched it at the ends.
‘I’ll be over in five.’
Bella shoved Alice into her bedroom door, rattling the picture frames on her walls. Her lips locked with the vampire’s the second it slammed closed. Her hands pulled at Alice’s coat, though Alice had already shimmied it halfway down her arms. It fell to the floor, followed by Alice’s sweater.
In a frenzied waltz, Bella guided Alice towards her bed, never once breaking their makeout session. Alice’s hands had snaked down to Bella’s ass, squeezing it over her boxers. The two stumbled and collapsed onto Bella’s mattress, Bella rolling Alice onto her back. Her eager hands trailed over Alice’s chest, down her stomach, and finally rested on the zipper of her jeans. The desperation and speed at which Bella moved was sending Alice’s mind into a spin. She was so quick yet so calculated. She’d done this before.
Alice’s jeans soon joined the growing mountain of clothes on Bella’s bedroom floor. Bella had slid them off with ease.
‘I like your panties,’ the girl smiled, coming to straddle Alice’s lap.
‘You’ll like ‘em better on your fucking floor,’ Alice replied, sitting up to crash her lips to Bella’s once again.
In unison, two pairs of hands fiddled with the clasp of the other’s bra, resulting in giggles when it took longer than expected to unhook them. Again the clothes pile grew. Alice flopped back down against the mattress.
‘Jesus,’ Bella breathed, ‘Oh my god, they’re so fucking pretty.’
‘Yours too,’ Alice said wistfully.
‘And you,’ Bella began, leaning down to pepper kisses along Alice’s jaw and neck, ‘are so perfect.’
‘Oh, B,’ Alice groaned, arching against the bed.
Bella inched herself to the end of Alice’s waist - Alice watching her go down - and gently pried open her pale legs. She placed a firm kiss against the thin fabric of Alice’s panties, eliciting a soft gasp from the vampire.
‘You’re so wet already,’ Bella said in awe.
‘Look what you’re doing to me,’ Alice panted.
Bella made quick work of tugging the underwear down and throwing it aside. An unfamiliar warmth radiated from Alice’s body. It felt so strange but so nice all the same. A long dead hearth reignited.
Bella’s movements had come to a snail’s pace, a startling contrast to her once erratic speed. A slow, firm tongue pressed against the slit of Alice’s pussy. It travelled upwards, swiping over each dip and fold. The care and attention to which Bella gave each second of eating Alice out was admirable. She did not race to reach her sensitive clit, only teased it with the tip of her tongue. When Alice thought the girl would finally give in to her bucking hips and needy whines, her tongue would only slip downwards again to lap and suck at her folds. Bella was going to take her time, and she seemed to be sadistically relishing in the torture she was inflicting upon the vampire. Alice could see the corners of Bella’s mouth twitching upwards. She knew she would have to be patient.
‘What do you want, pretty girl?’ Bella hummed against Alice’s heat.
‘You’re such a fucking bitch,’ Alice laughed breathlessly. Bella only grinned.
‘Oh, am I not being nice to you?’ Bella mewled. ‘Am I not giving my pretty girl what she wants?’
‘Please, Bella,’ Alice panted. ‘Please, I need you.’
‘I… I need your fucking tongue on my fucking clit.’
‘That’s more like it,’ Bella said.
She ducked her head back down, repeating her agonisingly slow journey from the bottom of Alice’s soaked entrance to the very edge of her pulsing clit. Just when Alice thought she was still going to deny her any relief, Bella lapped her tongue over the shiny, pink nub.
‘Oh, fuck,’ the vampire exhaled.
Bella continued. She gently licked and swirled her tongue across Alice’s clit in a steady rhythm. Alice matched her movements by gyrating her hips, pressing herself harder against Bella’s tongue. Bella slid her arms towards Alice’s tits. She squeezed them tenderly and rolled her fingers between her erect nipples.
Alice felt like she was burning up. She hadn’t been this warm in a long time. She begged her body to keep her orgasm at bay for just a few minutes longer, but she knew that such a goal was foolish to think attainable. Bella felt too good.
‘I’m so fucking close,’ Alice whimpered. Her eyes felt watery. Her legs were stiffening. Bella hummed against her clit. ‘Oh, god,’ she moaned, her hands scrambling to grab hold of something before settling in Bella’s hair, ‘Oh, Bella.’
Alice’s back lifted from the mattress as her high finally reached its peak. She stroked herself against Bella’s mouth, Bella’s tongue lapping over her with every move. Each wave was as vibrant and wonderful as the last. Alice imagined pure, shimmering light radiating from within her, shooting through her arms and legs; right to her toes and fingertips. When the light finally began to dim, a warm buzz washed over the vampire, numbing her gently.
The vampire melted back against the bed. Bella sat up, skin glistening with Alice’s juices. She wiped at her mouth with the back of her hand and flicked her thumb across her lower lip.
‘Yo, you’re shaking,’ Bella said, crawling towards Alice at the top of the bed.
‘Yeah, I’m still coming down,’ Alice exhaled.
‘C’mere,’ Bella murmured, pulling her in for a cuddle.
Alice eagerly accepted the embrace, lazily rolling onto her side. Bella placed her chin atop Alice’s head and draped her arms around her shoulders. Alice pulled the girl in by her waist, face nestled atop Bella’s warm chest.
The silence that passed was short lived. Alice placed a tender kiss on Bella’s jaw. Bella hummed in approval.
‘That’s nice, baby,’ Bella said quietly.
‘Mhmm,’ Alice mumbled against her skin, reaching up to massage one of Bella’s tits in her palm.
‘Shit,’ Bella breathed.
It was Alice’s turn to roll Bella onto her back. She couldn’t help grinning at Bella’s excited expression. She was too adorable for her own good.
‘What do you want, B?’
Bella licked her lips.
‘I want you to fuck me.’
‘That can be arranged.’
Bella giggled, ‘No, Alice, I want you to fuck me.’
Alice raised an eyebrow but still smirked at the smiling girl beneath her. There was a mischievous glint in her eye.
‘Gimme a sec,’ Bella said, wriggling out from underneath Alice’s hips.
Alice watched as the girl hurried into her closet, rummaging about the shelves for something hidden away. She soon reappeared with a shoebox and placed it on the bed.
‘Whatcha got there?’ Alice asked.
‘Just… something fun,’ Bella said.
She opened the lid and revealed a series of leather straps and fasteners.
‘Item number one,’ Bella grinned. She fished into the box again. ‘And two,’ she added.
Alice’s mouth fell open as the girl revealed a sizable purple dildo. The vampire giggled incredulously. ‘She’s huge!’
Bella cackled, ‘Are you surprised?’
‘I don’t know, I… Jesus, Bella.’
Bella laughed again and began to piece together the toy and the heap of straps.
‘I said I wanted you to fuck me, Alice,’ the girl said, voice falling a pitch lower.
Warmth pulsated at Alice’s centre. ‘You did say that, didn’t you?’
‘Come here, baby,’ Bella said, patting the edge of the bed in front of her.
Alice obeyed. She watched intently as Bella connected the toy to the straps via a rubber ring. Alice giddily waited for Bella to help her into the strap-on and adjust it so that it hugged her comfortably.
‘Fit okay?’ Bella asked, stepping back to admire her work.
‘Shit’s heavy,’ Alice chuckled. ‘But yes, it— Oh, fuck, the swing!’
Bella erupted in laughter, holding her hands over her face. Alice steadied herself against a nearby dresser, also falling into a fit of giggles.
When the laughter had died down, Bella had placed her hands atop Alice's shoulders, kissing her tenderly. The vampire pressed her close, the toy squished between them.
‘Where should I put you?’ Alice hummed.
‘Bed,’ Bella mumbled through kisses.
Alice guided Bella towards the edge of the mattress. The girl wasted no time in wriggling out of her underwear and sitting up on her elbows, staring darkly at her secret lover.
‘You look so beautiful,’ Alice said, positioning herself between Bella's legs. Bella was drenched, her inner thighs slick with her wetness.
‘God, I need you so bad, Alice. I need you so fucking bad.’
‘I’m here, B,’ Alice grinned, eyes half-lidded.
Alice wrapped Bella's legs over her hips to get a clearer angle. She felt slightly awkward in her harness, having never used such a contraption before. But seeing Bella below her - impatiently squirming with anticipation - was enough to ease her nerves.
‘I’ll go slow at first, okay? I haven't done this before.’
‘That’s okay, Ali,’ Bella smiled warmly, ‘I’ll guide you through it.’ A look of adoration crossed her face. Alice felt butterflies again.
The vampire gripped the middle of the silicone shaft, her other hand clamped on Bella's left hip. She carefully eased herself forward, Bella eagerly meeting her halfway. Slowly, Alice placed the tip of the dildo at Bella's entrance. The single touch alone was enough to make the girl whine.
‘God, you're soaked for me,’ Alice said.
‘Put it in, Alice. I need you, I need you now,’ Bella rambled.
Alice inhaled slowly before easing the tip into Bella's entrance. The girl moaned encouragingly. It was music.
It was easy to slide the rest of the toy inside. Bella was dripping to the point of it being almost too frictionless. But Alice soon found a steady pace, allowing both her hands to grip Bella's hips. She rhythmically thrust into Bella's walls, garnering short, approving moans from the girl. The wet slap of each stroke made Alice feel dizzy. It thrilled her to know just how aroused Bella was. Because of her.
‘Harder, Alice,’ Bella spoke after a few unspoken minutes.
‘You sure?’ Alice asked.
‘Mhmm, please. I can take it. Fuck me harder. Please.’
Alice obeyed. She scooted Bella further onto the bed before supporting both of her legs in her arms. With bated breath, Alice began to thrust deeper. Harder. The bedframe knocked against the back wall at an even tempo. Alice hoped that none of Bella’s neighbours were having an early morning stroll right now.
Bella's mouth was a long O. Her eyes were squeezed shut, her brows raised and scrunched together. Her arms flopped against the mattress above her head like a ragdoll. She had grown quiet with this new pace - but Alice was reassured that she was enjoying each minute by the tiny whine that occasionally escaped her lips.
‘That’s so fucking good,’ Bella grunted through gritted teeth.
‘Yeah, baby?’ Alice panted.
‘Yes, fuck, yes. Mmm, I need you from behind. I wanna turn around.’
‘Okay, baby,’ Alice said, slowing her pace and pulling out with a wet pop.
‘Shit,’ Bella panted. She sat up on her knees and pulled Alice in for a passionate kiss. Alice moaned into it and hosted Bella onto her waist. Bella squeaked in surprise.
‘Christ, I forgot how strong you are.’
Alice giggled and peppered kisses over Bella's neck. ‘I wanna try something.’
‘Oh, yeah?’
Alice carried Bella over to a nearby armchair. She positioned her so that Bella was kneeling away from her. Alice eased Bella forward and grabbed her wrists, securing them behind her back with one hand.
‘I like where this is going,’ Bella smirked.
‘I’ll make sure you love it,’ Alice whispered into Bella's ear, causing her to whine in desperation.
She slapped the dildo up against Bella's dripping pussy. The girl moaned impatiently, wriggling herself towards Alice's strap-on.
‘Uh uh, good girls wait,’ Alice said sternly, holding the tip of the dildo to Bella's throbbing entrance.
‘Alice,’ Bella whined.
Alice began to slide the shaft of her strap-on inside Bella's folds, painfully slow. The frustrated whimper that followed this decision only spurred her on.
‘Does my good girl not want to wait?’ Alice cooed.
‘Mm mm,’ Bella whimpered, shaking her head.
‘Oh, how bad does my good girl want it?’
‘So fucking bad, Alice.’
‘You’re going to have to do better than that, my love.’
‘Please, Alice. I can't wait any longer. I need you, I'm desperate for your strap inside me.’
‘Good girl.’
Alice thrust herself into Bella's pussy at a pace that was almost brutal. Bella did not hold back her moans of pleasure, fully submitting to the desperate, horny mess she had become.
Alice gripped hard at her wrists behind her back. Her other hand had taken a bunch of Bella's hair and cocked the girl's head backwards. Alice managed to pull Bella up towards her, pressing firm kisses into her cheek and jawline. Bella's mouth hung open, allowing Alice to hook her thumb inside the girl’s jaw between her teeth.
‘Choke me,’ Bella mumbled.
‘What was that, love?’ Alice asked, removing her thumb from Bella's mouth.
‘Choke me, Alice,’ Bella panted.
‘Yeah? You want me to be real rough with you, huh?’
‘Uh huh,’ Bella whined.
Alice reached her hand down to Bella’s neck. She carefully placed her fingertips on either side of the girl's throat, making sure not to apply any pressure to her airway. She picked up her pace again, thrusting hard into Bella's warm walls. Gently, Alice squeezed at Bella's throat, eliciting a new kind of moan from the girl. It was guttural. Unashamed. It told Alice that Bella was close.
‘You’re being such a good girl for me, Bella,’ Alice muttered between hard thrusts. ‘Letting me fuck you so roughly. You're taking this strap so well.’
‘Oh, Alice,’ Bella whined, ‘You’re gonna make me cum so hard.’
‘Mmm, I wanna hear you cum for me, baby.’
‘Oh, fuck… Oh, fuck!—’ Bella exclaimed.
She came undone, calling out Alice's name and trembling against her hips. A splash of sticky juices ran down her legs, coating Alice as well. At last, after three more slow and deliberate strokes, the dildo slipped out from Bella's entrance and she began to fall against the armchair.
‘Woah, I got you,’ Alice said, hoisting the limp girl into her arms. ‘I got you, b.’
‘Unnghh,’ Bella groaned.
Alice stifled a giggle, ‘You okay?’
She pulled back the covers on Bella's bed with one hand and then placed her onto the mattress against her pillows. Bella remained limp, curled up on one side, eyes delicately closed.
‘I wasn't too rough with you, was I?’ Alice asked, now growing worried. Perhaps Bella wasn't able to take her after all. She leaned over Bella, one knee sinking into the bed.
A small, breathy laugh escaped Bella's lips. ‘You were fucking phenomenal, stupid.’
Alice sighed in relief and shook her head, bewildered. She slipped out of her strap-on harness and joined Bella in bed, covering their naked bodies with the cool duvet.
Once Alice had laid down, Bella stiffly wriggled closer to her, nestling underneath the vampire's chin. Alice draped one arm over Bella's body.
A few minutes of peaceful silence passed. Alice watched as Bella's body rose and fell with each steady breath.
‘Hey,’ Bella mumbled against the vampire's cool skin.
‘Do you think ‘m too much?’
Alice rubbed Bella's arm over the covers. ‘No, Bella.’
‘Y’don’t think ‘m too angry all the time?’
Alice placed a tender kiss atop Bella's hair. ‘I think your anger is valid. I think you're allowed to feel it.’
Bella took so long to reply to Alice that the vampire assumed she had fallen asleep. But the girl suddenly shuffled closer against her naked body.
‘I like you, Ali.’
Alice closed her eyes gently. ‘I like you too, Bella.’
‘G’night, Ali,’ Bella mumbled sleepily.
‘Goodnight, B,’ Alice smiled softly.
Though she would not sleep, Alice was grateful for the moment of peace that was following such an active night. She silently stroked Bella's damp hair and listened to her gentle snoring, accompanied by the dawn chorus outside.
Alice did not worry about what she was to Bella, or how they'd navigate their relationship from here. All that mattered to her now was that the girl was in her arms, safe and asleep. And that Bella wanted — needed Alice to be there.
Fucking Bella became an almost daily occurrence. If Alice wasn't texting her regularly, she was at Bella's house when Charlie was out, screwing her like an animal in heat.
Alice became accustomed to learning exactly what would give Bella the best high. She also learned what would slow it down, keep it from her, and drive her insane. It was such a thrill to figure out what exactly made the girl tick and what made her squirm with frustration.
Bella liked pain. And lots of it. She begged Alice to grip her thighs and leave bruises on her soft skin. She wanted hickeys everywhere; her neck, her chest, her tits. She liked nails down her back and her hair pulled into a ponytail by a firm fist. She liked being spat on and slapped and choked and dragged.
She liked being bitten. Alice had found a way to nip at the girl without her fangs getting in the way. And though Bella had pleaded with her at one point, Alice did not dare draw blood.
She did not question Bella's need for such extreme physical activity. It was relieving some stress. And Alice was only glad to help her.
Bella had purchased herself some thin turtleneck shirts. Alice's fingers had left dark marks on her wrists, waist, and neck; and Bella was not planning on conjuring an excuse for Charlie anytime soon. She would just tell him she was preparing for the fall and that turtlenecks were totally in right now.
Alice knew that her own family suspected something was up, though they never made any attempts to pry on the matter. Something told her that they already knew but did not dare to intervene. If not out of fear, then for unspoken respect. Rosalie would smirk and roll her eyes if she ever caught Alice heading out alone.
‘You’re so good to me,’ Bella moaned on the verge of yet another high, face shoved against her pillows with Alice pounding her from behind. ‘I’m close.’
‘Me too,’ Alice panted, slamming herself into the girl at a practised pace.
‘God, I love it when you cum when you’re wearing that thing,’ Bella said. ‘You’re so fucking hot.’
‘Mmhmm,’ Alice mumbled, too on edge to form words.
‘Fuck me, Alice,’ Bella pleaded, a sign for Alice to start speeding up so she could finish.
Alice gripped Bella’s waist and flipped the girl onto her back. She pounded the girl onto her strap, staring intensely. Bella’s face scrunched into a stern look, an expression that formed when Alice was giving it to her particularly hard.
‘Kiss me,’ Bella breathed. And Alice did.
They came in unison, a divine melody of long moans and fluttered breaths. Alice chewed on Bella’s bottom lip, grinding herself against her a few more times before pulling out and flopping down beside her.
‘Was that good, my love?’ Alice asked as Bella sprawled out on top of her like a lazy cat.
‘As always,’ Bella said, placing a firm kiss on Alice’s cheek and lips.
They held one another, basking in the morning sun while their bodies relaxed and settled.
‘I’m sensing Esme wanting me to come home,’ Alice said then, staring at the ceiling and tracing circles on Bella’s shoulder.
‘What for?’ Bella mumbled.
‘A hunt perhaps. It’s been a while.’
Bella stretched and groggily sat herself up. Her hair was a tangled mess, all bunching to one side. Alice smiled fondly and did her best to tame it with playful fingers.
‘Will I see you soon?’ Bella asked.
Alice wriggled herself out of the strap-on harness and pulled on one of Bella’s shirts.
‘Probably,’ the vampire said, rummaging around the room for more clothes. She pulled on her jeans and sweater before busying herself with her boots. As she dressed herself, she felt Bella’s eyes watching her closely.
Alice was about to ask the girl what was catching her eye so intensely when a sudden surge of nausea swelled in her gut. Alice stumbled and steadied herself against Bella’s dresser. She could hear Bella’s surprised gasp and the clamour of her feet as she approached her to see what was wrong. But the girl’s voice was far away and Alice’s vision was becoming blurred. A shot of pain ran up through Alice’s chest and into the back of her skull. The room melted away, revealing an explosion of colour on the back of Alice’s eyelids.
A vision. A strong one.
A fuzzy figure was running — no, sprinting through the woods, crashing through trees and breaking boulders as it went. The ground beneath the figure was hardly touched at all. They were chasing something. Someone. And they wanted them dead.
A clear voice broke through Alice’s noisy mind. A familiar one. It was terrified, all raspy and broken.
‘It’s Edward,’ her voice said, forcing its way into Alice’s consciousness. ‘He said he caught wind of your thoughts on his way here.’
Rosalie desperately pushed six more words into Alice's mind, ones that sent a visceral shiver through her body.
‘He’s come home, Alice. He knows.’
Bella would not let go of Alice’s sweater sleeve. She dug her shoes into the dirt, trying desperately to get Alice’s attention.
‘You can’t go alone! I need to see him! I can talk to him—’
‘He’s going to kill me, Bella!’ Alice screamed, yanking her arm away from the girl’s firm grasp.
‘He won’t if I’m there! Please, Alice. Let me fucking come with you!’
‘Get. Off!’ Alice yelled, tugging at her shirt collar before shoving Bella backwards.
The girl tumbled to the ground. She lay there in the dirt, propped up on her elbows. Alice stared in shock. Bella’s wide, brown eyes blinked up at her. Horrified. Angry. So damn angry.
‘I… I can’t fucking bring you,’ Alice said, her voice now a hissed whisper.
Bella struggled to her feet and stared hard at the vampire.
‘So you’ll just leave? You leave and get yourself killed and then what?’ Bella said as hot tears began to spill over her blushed cheeks.
‘I don’t know,’ Alice said. ‘Then you can be with him.’
‘That’s such bullshit,’ Bella spat. ‘This is such bullshit.’
‘It is!’ Alice screamed. ‘It was! All of this… All of this fucking was.’
‘The fuck are you saying?’
‘I should have stopped!’
The two fell silent. Bella’s heavy breathing created clouds of condensation which billowed up into the crisp air. Only two feet of space lay between them. But to Alice, it felt like miles.
‘I should have stopped,’ Alice repeated shakily. ‘But I couldn’t.’
‘I… I didn’t want you to,’ Bella sobbed. Her words were strained. Slow. ‘I didn’t let you. I needed someone. And… I just didn’t let you go, Alice. I didn’t want to.’
Alice stared softly. ‘I didn’t want you to either.’
Bella swallowed roughly. She angrily brushed away her tears and balled her hands into tight fists.
‘I don't know what happened, Alice. I… I fucking used you. But somewhere along the way I… I started—’
‘Don’t,’ Alice pleaded, ‘Don't start that sentence.’
‘I started loving you, damn it! I don't fucking love anybody!’ Bella screamed. More tears fell to the dirt beneath her. ‘But I love you. I fucking love you, dude.’
Alice was stunned. Bella's sweet face, scrunched into a pained expression, begged her to stay.
The vampire stared out across the treeline behind her. The woods were so silent. In any other circumstance, she would have thought it to be quite pretty. Peaceful. But now, the towering pine trees swayed in a way that reminded her of Death beckoning her forward, welcoming her in with long, dark fingers.
‘I thought we had so much more time,’ Alice said calmly, still facing the trees. ‘I thought we’d never reach the end. Isn’t that silly?’
‘Alice,’ Bella whimpered.
‘But here we are. The end.’ Alice turned slightly, not wanting to look Bella in the eye. ‘I sure wish it could have been a different one.’
Alice ran. The forest blurred past her. She squinted through her tears, begging in her mind for Bella’s cries of anguish to fade fast. But they followed her all the way home, echoing like a swan song.
A clawed hand swiped across Alice’s face, sending her into the dirt with a booming thud. Esme screamed and fought to reach her daughter, but Carlisle held her back, not wanting his wife to get caught in the middle of the dispute.
‘They’re killing each other, Lisle!’
‘Emmett!’ Carlisle yelled.
Emmett lunged for his brother, sending him flying into a nearby boulder. Edward crashed against the hard stone, shattering it to pieces.
‘Get out of my way!’ Edward grunted, flinging a sharp, stray piece of the boulder in Emmett’s direction. Emmett dodged, sending the piece into a porch window.
Rosalie leapt onto Edward’s back, slashing her fangs across the vampire’s shoulder. Edward yelled in pain and frustration before flipping Rosalie onto the ground, creating a sizable crater in the earth. Emmett raced towards his lover, shooting Edward a look of pure, feral rage. Rosalie was quick to regain her posture, hunching down in a ready stance. Emmett mirrored her, prepared to take down his brother with her. Edward loomed over them.
‘Edward!’ Alice screamed, shakily standing and wiping ichor from her mouth, ‘This is our fight.’
Edward huffed and charged for the smaller vampire, who gnashed her teeth into his face. Edward hissed and aimed his fangs at Alice’s jugular. Alice was quick. She dipped in and out of Edwards slashing teeth and swinging fists. But she knew she would have to start fighting back before exhaustion took hold of her.
Edward finally managed to tear at Alice's arm with a firm swipe, sending Alice to the ground once again. Alice stared up at her brother through the black liquid that oozed out of one side of her forehead. Her sweet, darling Edward. Who was this creature above her? This tall, scary, ravenous thing? The very vampire that had saved her from death all those years ago was now about to send her there for good.
Edward took a step back, maliciously waiting for Alice to stand again. Alice never broke eye contact with him as she trembled to her feet.
A car horn blared in the distance. Edward and Alice jerked their heads towards the sound. A little red truck was speeding towards the house, shaking like a tin barrel of snakes.
‘Bella,’ the vampires spoke in unison.
The truck swerved into the driveway, spinning in a circle before screeching to a halt. Bella kicked open the driver-side door and raced towards the pair of battling vampires.
‘Bella! Get back!’ Rosalie screamed.
‘Don’t come closer, Bella, please!’ Alice begged. But still, the girl ran.
‘Well, look who’s here,’ Edward grunted, shoving himself into Alice’s chest and sending her back down to the dirt. Alice huffed, clutching her body.
Bella screamed and slid to a halt, hands clawing at her face in terror.
Alice dry heaved, beginning to feel the toll of her brother’s strength. She attempted to stand but a heavy boot gently pushed her back down. Horrified gasps erupted from her onlookers. Alice’s eyes strained to see Edward, now towering over her like a menacing giant. It was too late. His dark eyes shimmered, blinded by the rage that flowed through him.
‘So, this is it, brother?’ Alice coughed weakly. ‘What a fine and honourable death you have given me.’
‘Oh, don’t get pretentious. You don’t deserve the pleasure.’
‘Edward!’ Bella begged.
‘Don’t move, Bella,’ Edward demanded. He leaned in closer to Alice. ‘This is for betraying your family. For betraying me.’
Edward’s boot raised above Alice’s head. Alice closed her eyes and let her body relax. She felt the earth beneath her shift as if a grave were already taking form around her. It was near bliss.
‘Edward, she's mine.’
Edward froze. His wild eyes stared holes into Bella’s spirit. Slowly, silently, he lowered his boot to the dirt beside Alice’s face.
‘What did you say?’ Edward asked lowly.
‘I… I said she's mine,’ Bella said hoarsely.
Alice fluttered her eyes open. All of a sudden, Bella was by her side and hoisting her up, supporting her against one hip.
‘She… She was there for me,’ Bella began. ‘And she listens to me and she tells me things about myself that I don’t fucking believe but she swears them anyway. And I… It feels… good. It feels safe. And I love her, Edward, I'm so sorry. I love her.’
Edward was silent. His stern expression only softened slightly as he stared between the two. Alice stared back at him, her lower lip quivering.
‘Alice?’ Edward said quietly.
Alice hung her head, exhausted. When she met her brother’s gaze again, his face was dark with grief.
‘I love her too,’ Alice said.
From across the yard, Rosalie buried her face in Emmett’s chest and sobbed. Carlisle and Esme looked on in frozen concern.
Edward’s shoulders relaxed. He nodded to himself, staring at the ground. His eyes, dark from blood lust, were somewhere far away.
‘I… I run, don’t I?’
‘Oh, Edward,’ Bella said sorrowfully.
‘And I still want to. I still… can’t give you what you want. Perhaps I should have realised that long ago.’
‘I can’t do this,’ Bella whispered. ‘Not with you. Not anymore.’
He nodded again. ‘Very well.’
Edward turned to Alice, who had been holding back the urge to collapse into his arms; forgive him for his anger, tell him that it was all going to be okay. He was her brother, in life and death, he was her brother.
Today that had all changed.
‘Please, take care of her,’ Edward said solemnly.
Alice could only nod as she clutched Bella’s arm. In complete silence, Edward turned and started to walk back into the forest, the midday sun glinting off of his diamond skin. The coven surrounded Bella, watching him disappear into the trees.
‘Will… he be back?’ Bella asked.
‘He will,’ Carlisle said.
Esme placed a wary hand on Bella’s shoulder. ‘But not for a while.’
Alice winced and buckled against Bella’s body.
‘Ali,’ Bella gasped.
‘Let’s get her inside,’ Rosalie said, ‘She needs help.’
Summer left like a slow whisper, its heat still apparent in the fall air. Alice sat on her porch steps, smoking a pinner and reading her original copy of The Strange Path. A mild breeze sent crinkled leaves scattering across her shoes. Rosalie was inside with Esme, preparing the blood from a recent hunt. Emmett and Carlisle were chopping firewood out back.
Alice turned a page and found that her mind had completely scrambled the last paragraph she had read. Though her memory had started to vastly improve since Edward’s departure, she found it still faltered in places. Sometimes she’d forget to take out her favourite hunting bow. Sometimes she lost track of a deer in the woods.
There were things she could not forget. Her brother’s face. Despite it all, it remained sweet in her memory. The way his thick, dark eyebrows raised when he was curious. The shade of his swooping hair. His strong arms. Edward. Dear Edward. Her brother.
A beat up, red truck pulled into Alice’s driveway. A girl with choppy, chestnut hair and a canvas tote bag exited the driver's side and waved to her. Alice smiled and waved back.
Bella plopped herself down beside her and leaned in for a kiss before swiping the vampire’s pinner away.
‘Ay!’ Alice exclaimed, ‘Naughty.’
Bella puffed and exhaled, ‘What do you think?’
Alice cupped the girl’s face and studied her new hairstyle. It was cut messily, almost haphazardly so; no doubt a bold DIY. But damn, did Bella make messy look good.
‘I love it. It’s so rugged,’ the vampire smirked. ‘Makes you look like a rockstar.’
‘So you’ll ride me all night long?’
‘Fuck off,’ Alice chuckled.
The two stood and headed inside, Bella immediately greeted by the coos of the Cullen welcoming committee. A small table had been decorated with branches, red leaves, and fairy lights. Alice sat back on a stool in the kitchen and watched as Bella laughed at Emmett’s terrible jokes and graciously thanked Esme for preparing her a giant turkey leg.
A fuzzy feeling swirled in the back of Alice’s skull. When she let it swell - if she focused very hard - she saw herself standing outside a little white house.
Beside her was a girl with choppy, chestnut hair. They shared a kiss.
The End
"Demi Moore" by Phoebe Bridgers
Thank you so much for reading! Hope you're all doing well :) I like to imagine that Bella looks how Kristen Stewart does in Love Lies Bleeding at the end of this story. It just suits the canon hehe. I leave you with "Demi Moore" by Phoebe Bridgers as this story's theme song, linked after the end of this fic.
18 notes · View notes
kyoranrilynth · 7 months ago
🩸BloodNotes🎶: After the Love Trial
As the group settled down for the night, Kyoran made her way to Astarion’s tent. Unlike most nights where he stood outside reading in the moonlight, that night Astarion nestled himself inside his abode, working on what seemed to be some needlework when Kyoran peeked inside.
A lump caught in her throat as she watched his hands carefully sewing away without taking any notice of her presence. Clearly, he was still agitated about the Trial of Love from the festival. She hadn’t meant to upset him and she certainly hadn’t anticipated the Dryad to be Orin in disguise either, but she’d still inadvertently caused problems between the two of them. So, Kyoran took a steadying breath and asked, “Can we talk about what happened today?”
“Which part, darling?” Astarion responded without looking up from his handiwork. “The rampaging clown, the ghoul who nearly ate your face off, or that farce of a love trial?”
Kyoran winced as she heard the bite behind the final listed event. “The love trial…” Her voice fell to a whisper as she crouched down beside him, but he refused to look at her. “I’m sorry, Astarion.” She reached out toward his shoulder but drew back, thinking better of it. “I got caught up in the moment in hopes of finding out the future about us.”
He choked out his signature cold, sharp laugh as he put down the shirt he’d been sewing. “You truly believed her, didn’t you?”
Kyoran sat silently, eyes glued to the mat beneath them.
“Gods, there are days I believe you’re quite stupid.” He picked up the shirt and needle again.
“I used to travel with people like her,” Kyoran sharply retorted, but lost her nerve the moment ruby eyes met hers. “At least the person I thought she was.”
“And did you believe the fortune teller then?” Astarion waved his hand as if gesturing to a non-existent person standing in the tent with them.
“I believed them well enough,” Kyoran pouted. “Besides…it’s not like they ever cared to remember any of their customers’ details anyways. Unless they were exceptionally interesting…” She began to trail off but realized what she admitted last second and tried to placate it by adding, “But we aren’t that interesting! I gave mundane, vague answers.”
“Sweetheart,” Astarion’s tone fell to a dark lull, “you told her I didn’t want to be a slave.”
“But that could mean anything…”
“Let me be abundantly clear: While that may be all well and true, we do not share that kind of information with just anyone. Especially not strangers at a circus.”
Kyoran nodded. “Again, I’m sorry. I was caught up in…” She gestured vaguely at him.
“In what?” He sighed, setting his project aside and finally turning to face her.
“Well, you.” Her face flushed. “I just worry.”
“Ah,” he tsked playfully and coyly placed his hand on his chest. “About me? How thoughtful.”
“Please, Astarion. For just a moment, can I talk to you about this?”
He grabbed her hand and pressed a chaste kiss to the back of her knuckles. “Of course, my sweet. But there’s nothing for you to worry about. I’ll kill Cazador, take the Ascension, and we’ll be on our merry way. You’ll be safe because I’ll be powerful.”
But Kyoran didn’t like the thought of that. Something about the ritual scared her. If Devils had any part of it, she didn’t trust it. She desperately wanted him to abandon the idea of it, but knew she had to play it safe in order not to cause the rift to split any further. If she lost him…
She squeezed his hand. “I’m uncertain whether we can trust Raphael’s information about the ritual, but I’ll be beside you when you meet Cazador next.”
“Devil’s always lie,” Astarion scoffed. “But Cazador clearly has done his research. If that Devil lied to us, we likely can find more information in the palace.”
“Sure,” Kyoran lightly nodded, hoping her lack of response would deter him from the subject.
“Anyways, as adorable as it is to watch you fret over me, we don’t need to consult anymore fortune tellers…do we?” He quirked his eyebrow with a sly grin, waiting on the ‘correct’ answer.
“No, we don’t.” Kyoran complied.
“Good. Now, was there anything else you wanted to talk about, my dear?”
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pure-garbage · 8 months ago
Old Skills and New Friends! Wisdom of the Runaway
Chapter warnings: Gore, mild violence
The events at Little Garden unfolded almost entirely out of Lana's line of sight. Since the island boasted no civilization to speak of, she decided she would travel on with the Straw Hats to the next port.
"You should at least go help Luffy and Vivi find some water," Nami huffed while most of the crew dispersed. "Aren't you good for anything besides picking the same ten locks over and over again?"
Lana wasn't keen to set foot on the wild, mysterious isle.
"I do have one other skillset," she offered, desperate to save herself from being forced off the ship to forage with the others. "My Mama was a seamstress, and I was supposed to be one too. Don't you guys have anything you need mended or patched?"
"Hah! Please, have you met any of the people on this crew?" Nami laughed. "Come on. I'll introduce you to the pile."
Lana gave a low whistle when she laid eyes on it.
"Have fun," Nami smirked, leaving her alone in the cabin with a sewing kit and a towering heap of slashed and torn garments.
"Is that a sail?" Lana wondered to herself, tugging it experimentally as she prepared to start sorting.
Lana wasn't unhappy to have something with which to occupy her time, even if the work did bring back a lot of memories.
"Beautiful stitching, La-La, you're a natural! Such a good little helper for your Mama!"
"It's so fun! You really get to do this all day, every day?"
"Mm-hmm. I'm glad you enjoy it too..."
Lana smiled while she was lost in the memory of her Mother's pride, but once she came back to the present, that smile quickly faded.
'It's been five years since I ran away... I wonder if she's even still alive.'
Lana forced the thoughts away and focused on the task at hand. She wanted to turn her mind's eye ahead, but she had no idea what the future held for her and the past offered little but pain. With a sigh, she kept herself perfectly in the present, all her attention turned outward as she sewed and listened to the sounds of Nami and Usopp out on the deck.
The soft noises of their conversation suddenly became shouts and thumps. Lana set the spare sail down and peeked out of the cabin door to see the two remaining straw hats conversing loudly with a giant.
'This island has giants? Well thank god he's friendly,' Lana sighed inwardly with relief. If the big guy was going to smash their ship, surely he would have done it by now. Even if he didn't seem threatening, Lana wasn't in a hurry to let him see her. She closed the door and went back to patching the sail.
"After this, I'll take a break and stretch my legs," she decided aloud.
When the time came, she was surprised to find the ship vacant.
"Nami? Usopp? Where'd you guys go?" she called. "Hey! Ugh, I wish they would have said something if they were going to leave me alone with their ship! Guess I should stay on the lookout... but I'm not sure what they expect me to do if something goes wrong. I'm not exactly a power house when it comes to fighting..."
Lana continued grumbling to herself all the way up the mast to the crows nest.
"... stab one lousy marine captain and suddenly everyone expects you to know how to fight. If I could fight worth a damn, I wouldn't have been stuck with the Seeker pirates for so long."
Lana pursed her lips, knowing she'd just lied to herself, but unwilling to call herself out on it. Her hand crept over the sash covering her right wrist.
Lana pulled it back a bit, part of her hoping she would only see skin. The orange outline of Corrin's mark caught her eye, sending her heart sinking and her stomach rolling nauseatingly. She quickly pulled the sash back into place and looked away. She hadn't really expected the mark to vanish, but still couldn't help being disappointed.
"It doesn't matter," she reminded herself. "By now, Corrin's been turned over to the marines for his bounty. He's sitting behind bars somewhere... even if I never shake his mark, there's no way he'll ever come after me again."
Deep down, foreboding curled in her gut like a wriggling, sickening clutch of maggots, slowly but surely eating her from the inside out. Despite her reasoning and rationalizations, she couldn't bring herself to truly believe she'd yet seen the last of Seeker Corrin.
As darkness threatened to fall, the Straw Hats stumbled back to the ship, battered and bloodied.
"What in the... What the hell happened to you guys?" Lana gaped.
Luffy and Usopp were all but carrying Zoro. Even Nami and Vivi looked like they'd taken a beating. Out of them all, Sanji was the only one who still looked alright.
"Long story," he sighed in response. "Baroque Works is still after us. It's been taken care of now, Lana sweetest, so no need to worry."
"Sanji! Quit your cooing and help me and Vivi clean up!" Nami scowled furiously.
"But of course, Nami my love!" Sanji cried elatedly.
"I'll help too," Lana offered. "Just tell me what to do."
Nami's blazing eyes snapped to fix their unscathed guest with a glare that could have curdled fresh cream.
"Oh really? As a matter of fact, I do have something you can help with," she snarled. "Come on."
She led Lana into the cabin, where Luffy and Usopp were trying to wrestle Zoro out of his boots while he howled and cursed.
"Just leave 'em!"
"Zoro, you have to take them off so I can wrap your ankles up!" Usopp yelled. "Luffy, hold him tighter!"
"Maybe Zoro's right," Luffy thought aloud. "The bleeding already stopped. I'm sure he'll be fine if we just-"
"The bleeding probably stopped because this bonehead is out of blood!" Nami raged, slapping Luffy and Zoro at the same time, stunning the latter into complacence.
'She's so scary!' Lana thought with alarm.
"Now pull the damn boots off, Usopp! Lana, grab the sewing kit!" Nami ordered.
"Yes ma'am," Lana mumbled, obeying hastily. Behind her, Zoro's boots came off with a pair of wet sloshes that she didn't spare much thought as she searched under the now-repaired sail for Nami's sewing kit.
"Oooh, I'm gonna be sick," Usop groaned.
"Lightweight," Zoro muttered.
"You're both morons," Nami seethed. "Luffy, go get some alcohol from Sanji!"
"Yeah Luffy, bring sake," Zoro requested.
"Whiskey, genius! Bring whiskey!" Nami corrected them.
"Got the kit," Lana said, turning back to the others. "Left it under- holy mother of- Nami! What the hell!"
Lana loosed a shriek, eyes popping out of her head as she realized the splashing she'd heard had been blood emptying from Zoro's boots.
"What the hell happened to him?!" Lana demanded.
"Oh, this dumbass thought it made sense to chop his own feet off to escape a trap!" Nami seethed, still not over the swordsman's brutal logic.
"Wow, that's kind of hardcore, honestly," Lana managed, swallowing her squeamishness while Usopp pushed Zoro's pants up to his knees.
"It was the best option at the time!" Zoro insisted.
"Got the whiskey!" Luffy announced. Lana thought his tone was far too bright given the circumstances, but she'd come to expect as much from this crew.
"Gimme!" Zoro demanded, reaching for the alcohol.
"No way!"
Nami slapped Zoro's hands off the bottle, then shooed Luffy and Usopp away. "This is for cleaning, not drinking. Lana, here!"
She shoved the bottle at their guest, who gulped hard. She was starting to get a good idea of what Nami's idea of 'helping' would entail.
"I'm going to clean myself up," Nami informed her. "Help this idiot get patched up if you really want to make yourself useful."
"Well, I-"
Nami left Lana holding the bottle.
"I didn't know you were a doctor," Zoro groaned from the couch.
"I am not a doctor at all," Lana corrected him swiftly. "But uh... well, you guys are giving me a free ride, so I guess... I'll just have to do my best."
"Don't worry about it," he panted. "Just leave the bottle and the needle. I can deal with this myself."
"No, I do want to be helpful," she sighed, stealing a gulp of whiskey. "Drink?"
Lana examined his wounds while he took a long swig. Her gut squirmed and her flesh crawled at the sight. Her discomfort wasn't lost on Zoro.
"Pass me the needle and I'll do it myself," he sighed.
"No need. I can do this. Lemme see that again."
She took the bottle from him and knocked back another shot or two.
"Kinda seems like a waste of alcohol to use it for cleaning," she sighed. "Nami's right though... if these get infected, it'll be ugly."
Lana expected Zoro to protest when she splashed whiskey over the gashes, but he didn't even flinch. He demanded the bottle back as soon as she finished. She set to threading the needle, wrinkling her nose at the smell drifting up from his toes.
"Woof. Bottle, one more time," she requested. "Don't you ever wash your feet?"
"Is that really your most pressing concern right now?" he scowled, passing the bottle down again. She doused his feet to kill the stink, took one final sip and surrendered the rest of the whiskey to Zoro's custody as she got to work.
"Seems like you know what you're doing," Zoro observed after a few minutes.
"Not really. I've mended a lot of clothes, but I gotta say, this is... definitely a first for me."
"Hm. You've got steady hands."
She wondered how much of that stability was thanks to the whiskey.
"You're steadier than I thought you'd be too. I was kinda worried you wouldn't hold still for me," Lana admitted.
'Then again, it stands to reason that anyone with the grit to do something like this to themselves wouldn't be fazed by a few stitches.'
Lana closed the first wound with a brief, relieved sigh. She was glad to be halfway done with the macabre task Nami had foisted on her. Sweat began to bead on her brow as she started on his other leg.
"This ship really needs a doctor," she grumbled, doubt creeping in at the seams of her confidence. Would the crew hold her responsible if their swordsman ended up losing his feet? "I don't know if I can do enough to..."
"It'll be fine," Zoro assured her between drinks. He was all but lounging, relaxing on his elbows while she kept stitching. "I heal fast."
"I just..."
Lana's disbelief at the extraordinary situation finally got the better of her.
"I don't understand how you could even do something like this... to think you got halfway through!"
Her tone was incredulous, but Zoro misinterpreted her volume and vehemence.
"Ugh, spare me. I already got the welfare lecture from Nami."
"I didn't mean it like that," Lana explained. "I just meant... well..."
She struggled to articulate the sentiment overcoming her. It was closer to admiration than the disdain he seemed to take it for.
"Your resolve is like nothing I've ever come across before," she finally managed. "I just have a hard time understanding how anyone could be this... this tough, I guess."
"Oh," Zoro repied, amused now that he understood. "Well that's simple, really."
Lana closed the final stitch and reached for a rag from the pile. She wiped the drying blood from his skin while he explained.
"If I'm going to be the world's greatest swordsman, my will needs to be unbreakable. Otherwise, I'd just be wasting my time."
His grin was breathtaking, toothy and manic.
'This sword guy's actually pretty cool,' she thought, hiding her starstruck reaction from him by clearing her throat. She started wrapping his wounds with gauze.
"World's greatest swordsman, huh?" she repeated. "That's your life's goal?"
"Your ambitions are just as lofty as your captains."
"So we've been told."
"I just hope you realize... actually, never mind."
"What? Tell me."
"Well, by that logic, wouldn't this foot-chopping business be an awfully bad omen?"
"You lost me."
"Well if the resolve you used to make these cuts is the same you're relying on to make you the world's greatest swordsman... wouldn't it stand to reason that you'll only make it halfway through that effort as well?"
Zoro froze for a long moment and Lana wondered if she'd made a huge mistake.
'Is this psycho about to slice me to ribbons?' she wondered apprehensively. 'Damn it, Lana, you should have kept your stupid thoughts to yourself!'
The silence in the cabin was thick enough to choke on. Zoro broke it with laughter.
"Well aren't you a wise little runaway lockpick?" he guffawed.
Lana rolled her eyes at him, relieved that her observation hadn't cut deep enough to put her in danger.
"You're not wrong, Avariya. Maybe my body isn't the only thing I should be training to strengthen," Zoro mused.
She patted his knee and rose to see what else Nami had for her.
"Seems like the best solution. Just consider giving it some time so your feet don't fall off," she cautioned.
<== Previous Chapter
Next Chapter ==>
== First Chapter ==
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cangrellesteponme · 1 year ago
(read this on AO3 here)
dadbastian week day four let's go! this one's fun.
just modern au silliness with the most pathetic dadbastian ever, ft. some friends!
in which ciel goes on a school trip, as thirteen-year-olds sometimes do, and sebastian is being ridiculously grief-stricken about it. everyone wants to get involved. chaos ensues.
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Sebastian feels his whole heart collapse and rot and fully disintegrate in an instant as he watches the 6:24 a.m. train leave — and with it, his boy is gone.
He’s so little — the size of the smallest of kittens, of a single sugarcube, of a tiny grain of uncooked rice — and he is going to be so far away from home.
(Ciel is of course only a bit short for his age, and thirteen is more than old enough to go on a school trip under constant strict adult supervision. Not to mention the trip is to a town that is only four hours away. But Sebastian worries, still.)
Sebastian immediately calls. It is, of course, ignored.
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The moment Sebastian steps foot into the house, his phone rings. He knows from the ringtone that it isn’t his boy.
If things would just go his way for once, he would drape himself over the couch and weep into a handkerchief, letting himself mourn the devastating loss of his child so cruelly ripped out of his caring arms and whisked away where he can’t keep him safe and watch him at all times.
(Truly, the boy is safe and sound and does not need his parent watching over him day and night. Sebastian doesn’t even spend this much time with him. But distance makes the heart grow fonder, as they say, even if it has not even been a day, not even a handful of hours, really, and he is simply being ridiculous, approaching a measly five days of separation with the anguish of a mother experiencing the most severe of postpartum depressions.)
But of course, the universe simply won’t let Sebastian mope around, so someone has to call him. He ignores the call. It rings again.
Sebastian sighs, and looks at the caller ID. Sighs again.
Wolfram always calls for a reason, excessively serious as he is, so he has to answer. No moping around for now.
“…What is it? If no one died, I might not forgive you for calling.”
Wolfram immediately launches himself into an, again, excessively serious explanation of the dire situation he is in: little Sieglinde has suddenly decided to pick up sewing. Wolfram, who only has an observer’s appreciation for the more delicate arts, is desperate to find someone who will help her fulfil her curiosity without running every dress she owns in her attempts at improving them.
Sebastian thinks of his little handkerchief and truly considers saying no. His poor friend truly sounds out of his depth though, so he agrees.
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On the way there, he calls Ciel again. No answer.
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The entire morning is a bit of a disaster, but an entertaining one, at the very least.
It quickly becomes very clear that Sieglinde, little mastermind that she is, did not trust Wolfram to lie convincingly should she let her in on her machinations. Thus, she pretended to be terrible at sewing — not that she is any good, but she is nowhere near as terrible as she seemed to be — to get him to act according to plan. However, her true intentions behind getting Sebastian to come are uncharacteristically unclear, and she does not ask for anything more than company and occasional advice as she tries to fix up and resize an old skirt of hers.
Sebastian wonders what, or rather who made her come up with such a plan. He does not, however, get much time to figure that out, as he keeps having to patch up little Sieglinde’s fingers and watch out for more injuries — she keeps accidentally sinking the needle into her own skin and she won’t do much but stare at her hands. Sebastian thinks she is an odd child, being a creature of fascination more than hedonism, but he is aware of the irony of someone like him making such a judgement.
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The moment he’s out of the Gelzers’ home, his phone rings again.
“I swear, if the situation is not dire, I will make it that way by lethally injuring you. Now talk, Mr. Agni.”
Agni, forever unfazed by Sebastian’s moods, barely sounds threatened as he speaks. Apparently, young Soma is very ill, and Agni is very busy and must leave as soon as possible, hence the express need for Sebastian to come and be there for the boy, nursing him back to health.
Sebastian doesn’t buy it. He agrees anyway, because he might as well, while he’s at it.
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When Sebastian gets there, Soma’s acting is… lacking, to say the least. To his credit, he does seem to actually have a mild cold, so he clearly tried to come up with a believable half-truth. Unfortunately, he and Agni — who all but ran out the door the moment Sebastian arrived, quite suspiciously so, too — are absolutely terrible at selling any kind of lie.
Though Sebastian is somewhat irritated, he does stay by Soma’s side, even if he looks way too lively to be bedridden, talking his ear off for most of the afternoon, and well into the evening.
When the hour grows late and Sebastian moves to leave the boy’s room, Soma puts on his I Swear I Am Not Lying Why Would You Ever Think I am Lying face, and it is quite hard not to laugh at him.
“Ah, well, you have to read me a bedtime story,” he starts, sounding very uncertain, before hurriedly adding, “Agni always does.”
Sebastian knows for a fact Agni doesn’t. He knows that Soma, childish as he may sometimes be, does not get bedtime stories every night at the ripe age of seventeen. He also knows, however, that they both are well-aware it is something akin to a tradition in the Phantomhive household. Their poor attempts at deception would be quite infuriating if they weren’t also clearly just meant to comfort Sebastian, making them somewhat annoyingly endearing.
Pretending to be fooled, he reads the story, and even makes voices — Ciel has outgrown his love for such theatrics, but Sebastian is a performer at heart, still. Not to mention Soma seems to actually enjoy that part of the storytelling, and Sebastian almost feels like he is caring for a young child, even if the boy is significantly too attentive, and never asks for the meaning of a word, and is so tall as he sits in his — mildly elevated — bed that he looks down rather than up at Sebastian. Despite all that, it is… quite pleasant.
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Soma pretends to fall asleep eventually, Sebastian sees right through it but does not point it out, lest he burst into tears upon being told his attempts at helpful deceit are in vain. Not that he would — probably.
He’s about to send Agni a very unimpressed text — something along the lines of “How are YOU the better parent when you haven’t even taught Soma how to lie properly?” — when a string of notifications pop up. A photo, sent by Ciel, with four more text messages.
Little Blue Devil <3 here. now stop calling me. hope you had fun with sieglinde and soma. goodnight. world’s worst parent Sleep well. (:
Looking at the picture, a slightly blurry selfie of his son not even looking at the camera as he glares at Alois — his very luckily assigned roommate — and Elizabeth having a pillow fight — and how did she even get in their room? — Sebastian feels part of himself settle down.
He thinks he might survive four more days of multiple people trying to be his children while Ciel is away, as long as his boy is having fun out there.
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boffeeceans · 2 years ago
You Remembered
A present from me to yall for my birthday, and apparently Billy's too even though his is in March
Billy's birthday is coming up. He has already said that he doesn’t want a party or do anything, but still, Eddie wants to get him something. Problem is, Eddie doesn't know what. He wracks his brain on what Billy could possibly want, the guy is not an easy person to get a present for, his hobbies mostly consist of sports, working on his car, and working out. Of course, you could maybe consider Eddie to be one of his hobbies as well, but that’s a given, besides, he gets that practically everyday anyway. Eddie needs something else.
It's not until Eddie's browsing the fantasy section at the library and spots an out of place book on sea life that he gets an idea. He quickly slides the book under the other ones he had already picked out before making a b-line for the crafts section.
About an hour or so later, Eddie’s sitting on his bed, a copious amount of black and white yarn, a crochet needle, and two books splayed out in front of him. Eddie fears he might be in over his head, he doesn’t know how to crochet, has never even tried it. But he’s not a quitter, he already decided he was going to do this, so he’s doing this.
Reluctantly, Eddie picks up the needle and yarn, he looks over the instructions and the picture of an orca for the millionth time before getting to work. Unfortunately for him, Eddie couldn’t find any patterns for an orca, the closest he could find was some kind of fish so he’s mostly winging it and hoping it will turn out okay.
Deciding to crochet is probably the worst decision Eddie has ever made, if he had decided to just get some fabric and sewed the damn thing he would’ve been done already. In the past week, Eddie had to restart four times. It doesn’t help that Billy is constantly asking for attention, which usually isn’t a problem, Eddie loves giving Billy attention, but his birthday just keeps coming closer and closer and Eddie is nowhere near finished.
Billy is also nosy, so when Eddie tells him to wait outside while he hides his work in progress, Billy has questions. Like: “What were you doing?” “What were you working on?” “Why can’t I see it?” “Who’s it for?”
Eddie does his best to either give Billy vague answers or just completely avoid them.
“Just forget about it,” Eddie tells him, hooking his fingers through the belt loops on Billy’s jeans. He leans in close and tugs on Billy’s earring with his teeth. “It’s not important.”
Distractions work wonders.
The day before Billy’s birthday, Eddie looks over the finished plushie and it’s… well it’s something. It doesn’t quite look like an orca, it’s lumpy, and it’s ugly as hell, that’s for sure. Eddie would start over again, but there is no way he can make another one in just one day. He also doesn’t have anything else to give Billy so the deformed orca will have to do. He wraps it up in an old newspaper and places it in his closet.
The next morning Eddie stands in his little kitchen and makes Billy a pancake extravaganza — bacon mouth, egg eyes, drenched in syrup and whip cream, the whole shabang with a candle on top. Eddie takes the breakfast to his bedroom where Billy is still sleeping soundly. After lowering himself on the edge of the bed, Eddie balances the plate on one hand and with the other he tucks a strand of hair behind Billy’s ear. “Happy birthday,” Eddie says softly at the sight of Billy opening his eyes.
Billy grumbles but smiles nonetheless, and when Eddie shows him his breakfast his whole face lights up. It’s totally worth the kitchen looking like someone set off a bomb.
Eddie knows Billy hates Indiana, knows that he desperately wants to go back to California, but God, Eddie is so glad he moved here. If he didn’t Eddie would’ve never been able to call this amazing and beautiful person his boyfriend. Would’ve never been denied any of the pancakes. That’s fine though, he might actually throw up if he has one more bite after eating all the pancakes that he didn’t deem good enough. Which were a lot.
When Billy is about halfway through his breakfast, Eddie gets off the bed and heads for his closet.
“What are you doing?” Billy asks from the bed.
Eddie takes the wrapped plushie from its place and turns around. “So you know how I was making something? Said it was no big deal?”
Billy’s eyes dart from the present in Eddie’s hands to his eyes. “I told you-”
“I know,” Eddie quickly cuts him off and takes the spot between Billy’s legs. “I know you said not to get you anything, but I did. Besides, it's not that good anyway, just open it,” Eddie says, taking the plate to place on the nightstand and shoving the present in Billy’s hands.
He bites at his thumbnail as he impatiently waits for Billy to unwrap the present. Once the plush orca is freed from its confinement Billy looks at it, blinking. He runs his fingers over the crocheted yarn and gives it a squeeze, but he doesn’t say anything.
It’s not doing anything good to Eddie’s nerves.
“Like I said, it’s not that good. I really messed up on the tail, it’s too round and kind of looks like a heart but like a messed up heart… You don’t have to keep it, y’know, I don’t mind if-”
“You remembered.”
Eddie stops his rambling, goes over Billy’s words in his head a few times, not sure if he heard right. But, no, he did. “Of course I remembered.”
Taking his eyes off the plush, Billy looks back at Eddie with watery eyes and a soft smile. Eddie scoots closer at the sight. Before Eddie can say anything Billy closes the distance between them, pressing their lips together, soft and sweet. “I love it,” Billy says once pulling back.
“But it’s so ugly.”
Billy hums. “It is, but I still love it.”
Billy never does end up finishing his breakfast.
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