#need to be on a leash ffs
livelaughlovesubs · 6 months
how are you doing today, sweetheart? any random thought you'd like to share?
Yea I do actually.
1. I don’t know what to think of the seraphim’s relationship now, cuz they all call luci brother, but (at least with Michael) he seems to be… Yk, pretty into his dear hyung.
Like- isn’t this incest? Ofc they are all children of god but they even CALL him brother so, yea. I mean I don’t really mind it, cuz I know this game has dark themes, so if it turns out they ‘love him alot’ then I wouldn’t hate on it. It’s fiction, I don’t need to get mad over a work of fiction. Just, should one be allowed to ship it then? Idk man, the ship lucifer x Michael is now a little… ehhh, questionable. I’d want them to get along though, their family issues pains me so much.
2. Honestly, god is kind of an ass in the whb universe. It’s one thing that he disappeared from those immature children, but he also couldn’t take responsibility for their actions? If you are a parent and your kids does some bs you have to take responsibility as their guardian. God, ffs, teach your kids, get them under control like there are so many ways. You can literally create anything, make them wear a bracelet that informs you whenever they have murderous intentions and resurrect the dead or smt, put your dogs on a shorter leash.
3. I kind of have a feeling lucifer, since he hallucinates, would sometimes mistake people as his brothers. I wonder how he’d react to my MC? Cuz she looks like Michael, since I based her of me. Anyhow, it’d be kinda funny, just imagine it:
“I’m the descendant of Solomon.”
“No, you are Michael.”
“The fuck, you don’t see those tits? I don’t even have a wing!”
“You ripped your wings off too?”
4. I posted a fic I worked on yesterday, and that was a batshit decision. Because now everyone is concentrated on the new update, and the post got buried behind all the spoilers. I should have posted it like in a week, when things calm down. I think I’ll actually, I spend a lot of time on it.
That’s my rant for now :]
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Gregor really didn't need POB ffs
dialogue: Ares: We are going to have to dispose of this one, Gregor (referring to baby bane)
Gregor: CHILL, Batman. Geez, I'm not gonna kill an actual baby.
Gregor: N O
vaguely referencing Venom and Eddie (human does not feel comfortable with murder and their huge beefy black entity with sharp teeth takes great offense to being kept on a leash.)
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kuekyuuq · 2 years
Supercorp FF-Fluff-Prompt
The one where Kara and Lena have to babysit Esme for a few days.
So, they leave the city and go suburban (maybe visiting Midvale), with a farmers market and late or mid-summer fair, beach-time and a stay at a cozy cabin. 
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Could be from Emse’s POV or the POV of our oblivious girls, as: 
starts off with Kara presenting a mix-tape of her and Lena’s favorites (lotsa N’Sync, late 90′s/early 2k pop, I’d presume)
constant playful banter (e.g.: who drives better [Lena])
suncream another (not that Kara needs it, but so Esme lets it be done to her, she plays along) 
they share food / feed each other (”Ohmygawd, this is good! You have to try..”)
always know where the other is
know each others’ favorites (food, color, books, movies, songs, flower...)
they win each other prizes at the fair
keep holding hands / constantly brush another
constantly make another blush and swoon
they without argument (tho with awkward glances and fumbling) share a bed in the cabin when there’s only one for the adults
Lena keeps giving Kara head-scratches
Kara goes out of her way to hold doors open for Lena
during shopping sprees, Lena knows Kara’s dress sizes by heart (bc she made her a suit... yeah.)
they casually start wearing each others’ clothes (Lena starts it, bc Kara’s sweaters are more comfy)
when Lena shivers at late evening walks, Kara keeps her warm, cuddles her
Esme wakes from a nap finding the women cuddled up on the couch, reading the same book together...
they buy partner-look / “friendship” accessories 
work in perfect tandem to tuck Esme in (Lena reads, Kara sings)
have fun pillow-fights with Esme
have a food-fight while cooking/baking
Kara wants to be the fun aunt, but Lena has her on a short leash (Kara: “Yes! Let’s do that!” - Lena: “Kara, no.” - Kara: “No, let’s not do that.”)
they talk about Kara’s apartment as their (shared) home (Lena: “Oh, this would look cute in the kitchen! It matches perfectly with the sideboard you brought in last month.”)
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Plot could involve Esme mimicking some of Kara’s powers that has to be dealt with as well as distracting the kid from her separation anxiety, maybe even a low-key detective plot due to some mysterious things happening at Eliza’s place (which may have been why they needed to stay in a cabin / lodge on short-notice and not at Kara’s childhood home?). 
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And it all ends with Esme calling / being returned her mothers and asking them when Lena and Kara are going to marry, because they are so obviously in love, just like her moms and they would be great mommies, too. 
Because, we all know, this kid is very observant and speaks the truth.
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And really, SOMEONE has to tell them!
...so, anyone who wants to turn this into a sugar coma inducing fic? 🧸
Edit: In case this wasn’t obvious, this is presumably canon compliant, post-series and our girls are still in denial / not dating (yet). They need a little push, be it by a little helper. 
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jennyandvastraflint · 8 months
Xena Reactions S2Ep13
Cold opener with Gabrielle my poor girl looks so tires
"Xena?" she wants her backkk
"What a coincidence. So have you." Who's that... Should I know who this dude is?
Gabrielle my bbg is desperate for a hug she needs all the hugs
"She just left me. How could she do that? I really want to hate her for it." "No you don't." "I miss her." NOOOOOOO. I'M SOBBING
"How empty my life was without her"
Ohhhh! The guy is Hercules's boytoy!
Ephiny is gorgeous...
Bruh I don't like this new queen
Bigass statue
Who are these boring men in hood and armour
Shfhfs bdbd He just picked the lock
"No offence" 😂
Oop... Possession?
"Because she's strong and talks about the old ways" Ah...
"And maybe then, you can..." "Let her go..." How about NOOOO
Gabrielle is like You entitled shitttt XD
"Choose the one drink you wouldn't give your worst enemy"
"i want you to steal my dead body from the amazons"
'No messing with my limbs or bodily functions unless I say so" shdhfhs
"Xena, I'll always love you"
"I always thought of you as my home"
"I'm not just leering at scantily clad women, I'm working." sdjfhs
"Losing your body has done nothing to improve your patience" Xena HITS him
Oh Gabrielle looks GOOD in that armour
And the one earring? 👀
What is this Ephiny slander from this woman
"Look, they made me queen" SHE'S SO BROKEN AND SAD
"There are two kinds of tears."
"I won't say goodbye to you, Xena, because we'll be together again, one day" AAAAAAAAH
"Actually it is what you think it is, but not WHY you think it is"
Xena "Pathetic..." Gabrielle "That's so pathetic" sjdhdsv
Is she controlling his body
Yup. Gabrielle is about to believe it
Ephiny is like Whaat is happening
Ffs she's such a shittttt...
"I'm going to speak through you"
"why did you leave" T_T
"Get your hands off my butt" sbfhdhdhd
Spikes. OBVIOUSLY there's spikes
No signal underground 😔
Ew why is she kissing him
"I like pain. I like what it does to people and I like what it makes people do" sadist... 😂
"One or the other"
"Hey I paid for an hour" djfhdhs
Urgh ffs stop sexualising her...
"I wanna tell you THIS"
"With that Amazonian... Female"
Oh the grin on Gabrielle's face is SEXY
Holy shit they're hanging over fire and spikes... And fight
Was that wobbly jelly thing the ambrosia
HAND HOLDING. HAND HOLDING. "Come back. Please come back."
OH NO She's gonna eat it...
"I'm just giving you your chance... to thank me."
He's a good person, in some aspects
"Promise me that you'll never die on me again"
"It was warm, friendly, loving... I felt protected."
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chalkrevelations · 2 years
ANYWAY, I guess it’s WIP Friday. I’ve been planning blindfolded Pete for a while now as part of the VP Arranged Marriage AU, and DH does NOT get to have blindfolded Pete, not like THAT, so here. Have some notes for one of the blindfold scenes, as a unicorn chaser for this week. Keep in mind that this is IN PROGRESS and notes-y. This is at some point after they’re arranged-married but before they’re actually sleeping together.
“Would you like me to kill him for you?” Pete says, now looking at Vegas, and Vegas is lucky he’s had plenty of practice at thinking on his feet, because otherwise all he’d be able to do is marvel at exactly HOW hard he just got. Pete sounds deadly serious, and this isn’t even like him being a trained attack dog on the main family leash, now doing Vegas’s bidding. No, this is Pete, offering this like a gift, like he might buy an expensive watch for his husband, if Vegas liked it.
Vegas can feel Pete’s gaze on his face, but he’s smart enough to not look back, because he knows, suddenly and surely, that if he gets a look at Pete now, in this moment, he’ll never be able to look away. And if there’s one thing Vegas is good at, it’s survival. So instead, he never takes his eyes off the asshole on the other side of the table, even as he curls his hand around Pete’s free hand, weaving their fingers together so they’re palm to palm, and raises it to his mouth to kiss Pete’s knuckles. He grins at the asshole across the table over the ridge of them and asks if they need any further assurance.
The first time Vegas blindfolds Pete is before a meeting with some supplier where Pete is going along for the main family rep he now provides, but also, a little bit as protection for Vegas, because the minor family – read, Vegas, himself – wants to manage the subtle insult of making it look like he’s only expecting to need to be lightly guarded with these dumbfucks, while not wanting to actually leave himself vulnerable. Vegas perversely both does and doesn’t want to go ahead and blindfold Pete in his bedroom, where Pete’s come, with a roll of his eyes, to have his outfit approved by Vegas, because Pete’s fashion sense - blunted by years in those awful bodyguard suits (the main family actually pays their tailor money?) - has in no way recovered to the point where Vegas is willing to be seen with him unless he’s been vetted first. [Something goes here about Vegas’s satisfaction over knowing that Pete is, pretty much, dressed for him, and how that settles something in his chest that he’s trying more and more not to think about – this is going to require an entire earlier scene to reference back to, a scene dealing with some of the layers involved with Vegas and Pete negotiating the rules for when and how much approval Vegas gets over how Pete dresses, ffs Vegas, and what kind of satisfaction Vegas gets when he looks at Pete and knows not only that Pete’s wearing clothes Vegas has bought for him, but that Pete is consciously and deliberately dressing himself – at least sometimes – in ways that will please Vegas. Also, hah. Something about what Pete actually is wearing, here.]
Putting the blindfold on Pete in his room would mean getting to lead Pete all the way through the winding halls and down the stairways of Vegas’s home, his stronghold - dependent on Vegas’s every move for safety, following Vegas’s every word - but then, the thought of anyone but him seeing Pete that vulnerable eats away at the warm, satisfied feeling Vegas gets seeing Pete in clothes that so clearly mark him as Vegas’s. So he waits until they’re standing together outside in the bright midafternoon sun, waiting for the car to pull up, before he pulls out the strip of black fabric and holds it up, waving it a little bit at Pete. Pete looks at him narrowly in response.
The location where they’re meeting is protected minor family intel, Vegas tells him. He can’t expect to continue professing himself a main family member, even by proxy, and just be allowed to walk in. Would Vegas be allowed to just go wherever he wanted, even in the main family compound?
He can see the way Pete’s jaw firms, a little mulish, before he says, “fine,” and closes his eyes.
Vegas puts the blindfold on him from the front, hoping to see at least another twitch, but Pete is as bland-faced as he ever was while standing against the wall behind Kinn at family meetings - at least until Vegas smooths his thumbs over Pete’s eyesockets under the soft fabric, fingers cupping his face, and Pete jumps, the way he had when Vegas used to clap his shoulder, back in the day, and his breath stutters in a quick, barely-there little gasp.
Neither of them is expecting the way Pete leans on Vegas just a little bit when Vegas takes his arm to help him into the car. Pete’s not privy to the way Vegas’s heart gives a slow double-thump as Pete obediently lowers his head under Vegas’s touch to get in, Vegas cupping the back of Pete’s skull with one palm to be sure he clears the car doorway. Neither of them are expecting the way Pete goes sleepy-soft five minutes into the drive, where the only sound is the quiet hum of the wheels and Vegas keeps one hand circled around Pete’s wrist on Pete’s thigh; neither of them are expecting the way Pete lists a little toward Vegas in his seat when the car finally slows to a stop at the safehouse meeting location. Pete’s a little uncharacteristically clumsy, leans on Vegas a little more, as he climbs out of the car, and as he almost stumbles, Vegas catches him with a hand under one elbow, fingers tight and thumb pressed into the soft flesh of Pete’s forearm where his sleeve is rolled up, hard enough to maybe leave a bruise, later. Pete looks a little dazed, softer than Vegas has ever seen him, when the blindfold comes off, and he turns his head toward Vegas’s hand, looking for all the world like he’s going to try to nestle his cheek into Vegas’s palm, when Vegas brushes his bangs back into place off his forehead, fixing the halfway decent haircut Vegas insisted on instead of that dumb “don’t notice me” bowlcut Pete spent his time looking out at the main family from under.
Vegas’s heart gives another little double-thump as he says, “Hey, wake up, ok? Wake up for me,” and Pete’s eyes meet his at “for me,” and Pete gives a nod, taking a deep breath before rolling his shoulders and stamping his feet a bit and patting himself down in all the places where he keeps the weapons that Vegas is allowed to know about. He lets Vegas take his hand as they walk into the house, into the big dining room where the meeting’s going to be held.
Vegas keeps his hand over Pete’s hand, obvious and in everyone’s face - the hand with the ring on it, and not the family ring, no – on the table where they sit beside each other as the meeting starts. [blah blah blah insert drug supply shenanigans] At some point, when Pete makes a comment – some kind of probing question - the other side of the table makes some kind of reply about doubting this … UNION between the main and minor families.
Pete smiles in response, a sharp smile so unlike the dumbass grin that Vegas has seen in the main family mansion, and asks how they would like him to prove his commitment to Vegas and their common mind on these matters. Vegas’s traitorous brain has a split-second to flash up the image of himself getting to fuck Pete on the conference table in front of everyone like some kind of porno, before Pete continues “Would you like me to kill you for him?” and Pete has one of his guns out, pointing it at the annoying guy across the table, other hand still under Vegas’s on the table, although Vegas can feel how tense he’s suddenly gotten.
“Would you like me to kill him for you?” Pete says, now looking at Vegas, and Vegas is lucky he’s had plenty of practice at thinking on his feet, because otherwise all he’d be able to do is marvel at exactly HOW hard he just got. Pete sounds deadly serious, and this isn’t even like him being a trained attack dog on the main family leash, now doing Vegas’s bidding. No, this is Pete, offering this like a gift, like he might buy an expensive watch for his husband, if Vegas liked it.
Vegas can feel Pete’s gaze on his face, but he’s smart enough to not look back, because he knows, suddenly and surely, that if he gets a look at Pete now, in this moment, he’ll never be able to look away. And if there’s one thing Vegas is good at, it’s survival. So instead, he never takes his eyes off the asshole on the other side of the table, even as he curls his hand around Pete’s free hand, weaving their fingers together so they’re palm to palm, and raises it to his mouth to kiss Pete’s knuckles. He grins at the asshole across the table over the ridge of them and asks if they need any further assurance, sitting back and letting Pete’s hand go only long enough for Pete to put away his gun as the asshole assures them that no, no. They seem perfectly legit.
“I’M getting tired of people underestimating you,” Vegas tells Pete afterward, as they wait, jittery from adrenaline and still on alert, for the car to pull around and pick them up , and Pete kind of shrugs and gives him another of those small, almost real, smiles.
“It happens,” he says, and, it certainly fucking DOES, Vegas thinks, studying him now, because he’d even managed to fool Vegas for so long in the main family mansion, managed to keep even Vegas’s eyes sliding right over him and away.
“Where did you learn that move?” Vegas asks him now, and Pete gives him a look like Vegas is the crazy one.
“From watching Khun Kinn, of course,” Pete says.
Vegas is a little bit uncomfortable at the idea that he got SO turned on by Pete play-acting some “What would Kinn do?” script, but the car pulls up before he can really get too jammed up in his head about it, and then Pete’s just standing there, looking at Vegas, fathomless dark eyes, even after Vegas opens the door for him, until Vegas cups the back of Pete’s head again to guide him into the car, and Pete releases his breath like he’s been holding it since he pulled out his gun, and he bows his head, just as biddable as earlier even though he can see where he’s going this time, and he climbs into the car under Vegas’s touch. He holds very very still as Vegas puts the blindfold back on him. If there’s the faintest, finest tremor in Vegas’s fingers while he does so, while he smooths back Pete’s bangs again so they’re not caught, so they don’t pull, if the catch is in Vegas’s breath this time, neither of them says anything, and they’re both ready to startle like wild animals at first, but as the car gets moving, Vegas deliberately makes himself settle back into the seat.
“Come here,” he says, reaching out, remembering, and there, again, that softening, almost imperceptible, as he closes his fingers around Pete’s wrist, pulls Pete to lean back beside him. They sit there as Pete’s breathing evens out, gets slower, deeper, and this time when he lists toward Vegas, Vegas pulls him to lean on his shoulder and tells Nop to take the long route home.
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thatpupcrash · 1 year
I am so fucking tired of being stressed out and exhausted. I'm having a really hard time lately and I'm at the end of my leash. FFS I just need a fucking break.
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whitedvl · 1 year
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Yuma needs to be fucking leashed he is a menace to just about everyone he gets in contact with. No matter what the situation is. No matter what he says.
Osamu please leash your cat.
Please ffs
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This is the most trustworthy untrustworthy guy you can meet
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derpressoespresso · 2 years
I’m at the point where I’m going to need a fucking leash to keep me from going too far
I can’t take this fucking emotional torture, I’d rather feel a dozen punches than go through one more hour of this-
And the fact that I keep being suggested therapy?? Bitch! If I go you’re going to need to fucking muzzle and cuff me!
I’ve accepted I’m a broken house, let me fucking collapse on my own, I don’t need your quack asses speeding up the process!!
I may be breaking myself down but nowhere near as fast as you fucks who can’t mind your own damn bidness! Digging up shit and opening closets, you only cause people more pain. When someone wants that sort of help, they’ll ask. Don’t keep suggesting it ffs- 🤦‍♀️ 💀
It only makes people like me want to do more than hurt themselves. For real. It’s like leaving a can of fuel next to a fire. It’s gonna blow and nobody will be prepared, and everyone close will get hurt.
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prompt-master · 4 years
Baby enoshima sounds like she would be a completely fun nightmare for daddy makoto 😌😇
He thought that by reverting her back to a kid she could have a fresh restart
He didn't realize she was always like this.
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jencala · 6 years
Y’all I have more issues than I thought I did.
I just got an email from Ulta that said something about “National Lash Day” except my kinky ass misread it and thought it said “National Leash Day” and I was like hell yes!
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highly-flammable · 2 years
List of missing scenes that I think would have benefited Moon Knight:
1. JAKE LOCKLEY’S PART IN THE FINAL FIGHT (FFS that would have been the perfect point of reveal and if written cleverly, it still wouldn’t have foreshadowed that Khonshu would continue to keep Jake on his leash while seemingly letting Marc and Steven go free)
2. The fight at the dig site where Layla’s dad died
3. A montage or scene of Marc’s past as a mercenary
4. Marc actually having to kill people in the past as Moon Knight because Khonshu forced him
5. Layla interacting with her father in the past, maybe working together at a dig site or saying goodbye before sending him on his final expedition (makes the revelation of Marc being there when he died hit harder)
5. Marc meeting Layla
6. THE WEDDING (this one is super important because as much as we love the pairing it was important for us to see how they actually ended up married and it also makes the relationship more compelling when you see them happy in the past)
7. HARROW’S TIME AS KHONSHU’S AVATAR (Khonshu being terrible to Harrow was something we needed to see in order to better grasp his motivations)
8. Marc and Layla searching for Ammit’s ushabti (this was necessary IMO because how Marc had been investigating Ammit’s cult and trying to stop her rise before this has been left entirely unclear and it’s just an annoying gap)
9. MARC LEAVING LAYLA (if you’re going to give us angst in the present you also have to show us at least one scene where it comes from bloody hell)
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sailorhyunjinz · 3 years
Fwb oh mai
Now cherry make a headcanon or reaction whatever that's called. Where you wanna be fwb with them ig
also just realised this after i’ve written the entire thing - this is more like what it is to be fwb with them and not them reacting to you asking it SO SORRY BUT IDK I FELT LIKE THIS IS GOOD ENOUGH,,,, right?~
warnings; fwb relationship, skz x gn!reader, mentions of rough sex, degrading, dom/sub!skz, leashes, cum, explicit photos, aftercare 
hmm,,, nobody wants to hear this but,,, he’d fall in love,,, very quick
he loves everything about you and just cant help his feelings?
very very caring
will never admit that he’s a huge softie for you in bed
all types of sweet nothings in your ears when he softly rolls his hips against yours
very much a giver
want YOU to feel good and pleased, his needs can wait,,,
for a while,,,, until he explodes
comes these times where he’s just fucking ruthless
rutting into you like crazy and cumming on your face OOP-
mother of god he’s rough
he gives you exactly what you want in bed
whether that’s being rough or soft (but mostly rough)
calls you all types of degrading names during sex
bitch, cocksucker, slut, whore, cumdumpster AND SO ON...
allergic to feelings and so this is perfect for him
but even if he’s rough during sex he’s very much mature and really cares about how you truly are
he’s never gonna see you as just a friend he has sex with 
but a friend he really cares about
lets you put your head on his chest and talk about your feelings :(
binniebinnie is a tough one,,,
very passionate 
the sex is always very hot, heated and sweaty
there’s hair and saliva everywhere
will always eat you out or eat your ass IM SORRY BUT I SAID IT
but expects the favor to be paid back yk ;))
i feel like this could go on for A LONG ASS TIME
mostly dom,,,, but wont hesitate to sub 
very unexpected??
randomly hits you up
sometimes in the studio because yk he needs stress relief and so you’re his first pick
honey think again. 
he loves the idea of it
have sex,,, WITHOUT FEELINGS??
but then he gets his feelings involved DAMNIT
sensitive baby (both physically and mentally)
bruh so whiny if you’re busy or dont feel like it
calls you like 100 times
“y/n~ are you sure you cant make it today~? pleeeeaseeee,,,”
you give in because he’s cute
scratch cute when you’re actually fucking
its either pounding into you for an hour or super cute and he’s very subby
he’d feel comfortable subbing for you and so he loves this relationship 
he can get his needs fulfilled and DAMN HE LOOKS CUTE DOING IT
imagine putting him on a leash, his blonde sweaty hair hanging infront of his wide, glossy eyes :( 
the lazy fwb
“come suck my dick” is his texts most of the time
very much like,,, fuck and be done
sure he’d cuddle you afterwards but maybe not too much like aftercare??
but if you tell him he would of course try to implement aftercare in your SEGGSY TIME SESSIONS
he usually just passes out and when he wakes up in the morning you’re already gone lmao
he will text you as soon as he wakes up though!!
“thank you y/n, i’ll buy you food”
also the dirtiest memes
might accidentally say “i love you” during sex 
the sweetest boy ever
he really cares about how you’re feeling every time the two of you have sex 
“is this fine?” 
“are you sure? i can stop at anytime you know?”
almost gets annoying sometimes LIKE BOY FUCK ME STOP ASKING QUESTIONS
very touchyyyyy~
hands all over you if he’s on top
caressing your waist, nipples and hips
wants to see your face as well (cause he thinks you’re cute)
same as hyunjin in where he’d feel comfortable to be subby with you
will ask you to ride him a lot :(
because then he can see your pretty face when you cum and your entire upper body is on display for him!!
always cuddles you afterwards ALWAYS!!!
strokes your hair and hears your heart beat in sync with his :((
only reason to why he agreed to this was to get out his pent up stress
shy the first couple of times because he thinks its so odd to like ask you for sexual favors?? 
but he gets used to it pretty quickly ;)))
will make sure that you cum every time
also seems like the type to sext a lot
ya know,,, uses it to masturbate ;)) 
but he doesnt tell you that
instead just sends a pic of his cock, the tip leaking with white 
with some stupid emoji
i feel like he doesnt just randomly text you but instead plans days where the two of you meet up and fuck ahsahsha
he wants you to be totally relaxed and not thinking about something else 
even if he knows you and you guys were friends before
he’d almost feel guilty??
because he’d be afraid that he’s using you in some way and that you get the wrong impression of him
so he always buys you food and snacks after fucking ashahsa
its a good opportunity for him to both explore what he likes 
but also to gain some sense of control because i have a feeling that he’d be dom most of the time
he’s often the baby is most situations and truth be told,,, he doesnt really like it
and so when you actually see him as an adult and he sees that you really likes it when he takes control IT MAKES HIM VERY VERY CRAZY 
also very prone to mixing his emotions into this
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blissfulalchemist · 2 years
WIP Tuesday
Tagged by @blackreaches to share a little something on this fine tuesday. So sending tags out to: @belorage @florbelles @strafethesesinners @heroofpenamstan @dihardys @jackiesarch @confidentandgood @indorilnerevarine @themarcspector @shellibisshe @shallow-gravy @adelaidedrubman @chyrstis and anyone else that wants too!
All I have is an extension of my last wip with Stasia and Sib in FF. Under the cut for length and spoilers for shadowbringers on kind of.
“As for an advantage, I believe keeping the Warrior of Light alive is as good an advantage as any in these times.”
Siberite sighs, following as close as she can, “Why can’t you just trust me a little bit here? Answer my questions honestly or hells just answer a damn question. We may not be friends but I no longer have full distrust of you.”
“Well aren’t you stupid? I would have thought your experiences would have taught you better by now. Or at least shown you the consequences of trusting someone with all that you are.”
“Don’t presume to think you know anything about the consequences I’ve faced,” Siberite says through gritted teeth. “Do you not see that I had to put my trust in you in those fights back there? You offered to be my back up and I had to trust that you wouldn’t let me die.”
“Well the battle is done so you can put that notion aside.”
“And what if it isn’t?”
“Then I’ll be there to save your ass again like in The First.”
The Warrior stops, blinking quickly, “You did what now?”
“I helped you, to help me in The First.” She waves a hand, “Keeping you living is my best route, and it wasn’t like you were going to let Emet-Selch win anyway so what’s it matter.”
“Are-are you admitting to-.”
“Having a heavy hand in his death? Yes I am. Did you honestly think the Exarch in that weakened state could escape the bonds Emet-Selch had him in?”
“Wh-why? What was the point in doing so?”
Stasia stops, exhaling slowly, letting her head fall back with eyes closed, “My reasoning is my own. Though does one really need a reason to kill another, Warrior of Light?”
Her eyes snap open, “Pardon?”
“Yes, you need a reason to kill another person,” she shrugs, “Take Carly, she’s been known for senseless and no reason killing, if you stop and ask her though she’ll tell you why she opted to kill that person over anyone else….even if it is something that’s really minor.”
“So then what’s your reason? Simply taking pleasure in it like Zenos assumed?”
The young woman crosses her arms, glancing down at the small patch of grass , “It’s complicated, each one is for a different reason,” her eyes look back at Stasia, “So tell me, why did you partake in the killing of Emet-Selch? A man who had been your mentor for at least one hundred years,” Closer to three hundred but who’s keeping count anymore?. “Knowing someone for that long and since you were fairly young, I assume, means there was some part of both of you that cared for the other. More so on his end after meeting his younger self. So what did he do?”
“But yes, moral relativism and all that. Case in point--I do not consider you to be truly alive. Ergo, I will not be guilty of murder if I kill you.", His words still echo in her mind bringing with it the barb of pain and anger upon finding out she once again wasn’t good enough. That her mother, and gods help her in admitting it, was proven right once more that no one could love her or care for her in any capacity. And for all his talk of speaking nothing but the truth, he’d lied to her about seeing her as one of his own kind, he never had and he played her much like Lahabrea had attempted to do so when she was but a child. “You witnessed it, Siberite,” she says, “the old man was losing it and he was becoming a problem, which I had enough of keeping that blood lusting beast on a leash.”
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Hellsing Fanfictions - Masterlist
Beneath the cut you will find a collection of all Hellsing fanfictions found online. 
If you want to contribute in any way, just get into my inbox or messages.
Reblogs are allowed and appreciated.
~ As you see it is still under construction.... at least I added a few names, will add the rest of their work and then add genres to the ffs ~
Animell0w/Dethronedgod (ff.net)
The Symphony of War (series)
Aevon-ottercat (A03 / Tumblr)
Circadian Rhythms (series)
Nightmare (oneshot)
Playing Chase (oneshot)
What happened to Walter (oneshot)
Crystallinee (A03 / Tumblr)
Closer (series)
Mine (oneshot)
Moonrise (oneshot)
Satellite Mind (oneshot)
Vice (series)
Visceral (oneshot)
What It Wants and Where It Goes (oneshot)
All this, and love too, will ruin us (oneshot)
Dogofthestate (A03)
A little sympathy (oneshot)
...But I Think I Shot the Gun (series)
Excess (oneshot)
Powerless (oneshot)
Nail (oneshot)
Doodleferp (A03 / Tumblr)
The Red Yarn (oneshot)
We Need To Talk (oneshot)
FriendlyNeighborhoodAnon (A03)
She calls me (series)
Goblins-riddles-or-frocks/blood-and-cigars (A03 / Tumblr)
A Diversion (oneshot)
Beautiful, Wicked, Brazen (oneshot)
Dream of Daylight (oneshot)
Fragments, Glory, And What It Is To Lose (oneshot)
Grief’s Cold Hands (oneshot)
Hold This Heart In Your Teeth (oneshot)
If He Wills It (oneshot)
In This Darkness, I Have You (oneshot)
Leave Them and Walk With Dust (series)
Mercy (oneshot)
Spare A Cigarette?(oneshot)
The Fate of Prometheus (oneshot)
The Hand Which Holds The Leash (oneshot)
These Truths That Shape Us (oneshot)
This Is Where Monsters Weep (series)
Thirty Years of Silence (oneshot)
Waiting (oneshot)
Girlycards/Hellsing Security (A03 / Tumblr)
ABO Isn't Just Blood Types (series)
Autophilia (oneshot)
A Patient Phase (oneshot)
A Ghost In My Town (oneshot)
At Her Feet (oneshot)
Bad Time To Laugh (oneshot)
Balategra One-Shots (series)
Blood Runs Black (series)
Blue Lilies and Peach Tiffanies (oneshot)
Bump In The Night (oneshot)
Come On Fill Your Cup Up (oneshot)
Craving (series)
Flowers, Roses, Weeds (oneshot)
Hermes's Wings (series)
Hellsing Balategra Role Switch AU (series)
Hom0w-30 (oneshot)
Hotel Hellsing (oneshot)
Holy Smoke! (series)
Restraint Level 69 (oneshot)
Revolutionary Girl Integra: The Vampire Bride (series)
Ride It (oneshot)
Only Girl In The World (oneshot)
Scene Of The Crime (oneshot)
Seras-tonin (oneshot)
Stale Crisps (oneshot)
Stained (oneshot)
Splinter (oneshot)
Smooth Action (oneshot)
Tears Can't Put Out A Fire (oneshot)
There Will Be Blood (series)
The Arcana: The Knight & The Night (series)
The Defilement Of Integra Hellsing (oneshot)
The Five Love Languages (series)
The Silver Mirror (oneshot)
The Wolf And The Sheep (oneshot)
Nightmares (oneshot)
Lovebirds (oneshot)
Life Couldn't Get Much Sweeter (oneshot)
Like A Fruit On A Tree (oneshot)
Live By The Sword (series)
In Vain (series)
Year Of The Strap (series)
With Surgical Precision (series)
Winter Sun & Summer Snow (oneshot)
Hylla (A03 / Tumblr)
Beyond the Dead Reef (oneshot)
Black Shadows (#BFAFB2) (oneshot)
Canticum Canticorum Salomonis 1 (series)
Catholic Undergraduate (oneshot)
Fire Orange (#FF7700) (oneshot)
Morning Drinks (oneshot)
Just One More (oneshot)
Therustycage (A03 / Tumblr)
Embracing Sin (series)
Eternal Sin (series) 
My-mild-ginger (A03 / Tumblr)
Like Real People Do (series)
Lesmismignon/Eiserne (A03 / Tumblr)
Satis (series)
Snow White (series)
Threnody (oneshot)
Psyche (oneshot)
Pushing Daisies (oneshot)
Morgan-diablood (A03 / Tumblr)
Tale of a Phoenix (series)
Scourge (Ao3 / Tumblr)
Absolute Clownery (oneshot)
Addressing the cringe trauma from my fail childhood (oneshot)
Ass Backwards (oneshot)
And then i said "dude, check it out. it's got extra mayo" (oneshot)
Baby's First Stand Spar (oneshot)
Bed Of Roses (oneshot)
Better (oneshot)
Beautiful Boy Delinquent, Jan Valentine (oneshot)
Big Stink (oneshot)
Bitches (oneshot)
Call that a role reversal (oneshot)
Carefree Action (oneshot)
Cherubim-Verse (series)
Disappoint (oneshot)
Drawing Dead (oneshot)
Do Robots Have Dicks? (oneshot)
Dumb Bitch Hours (oneshot)
Fellas? (oneshot)
Feeling a little mixed (oneshot)
Gift (oneshot)
Girlboss And Malewife (oneshot)
Happy bitch (oneshot)
Human Nature (oneshot)
Influence (oneshot)
I know a weenie man (oneshot)
I May Be Stupid (oneshot)
Imagine surviving. Fucking cringe! (oneshot)
I've got news for you doc... i'm mr scars (oneshot)
Jan gets pegged (oneshot)
Jan Valentine Yoshikage Kira Moments (oneshot)
Judgement (oneshot)
Luke Meowentine (oneshot)
Love Loses (oneshot)
Make her a member of the midnight crew (oneshot)
Medical Emergency (oneshot)
Modern DocJan Cinematic Universe (series)
Moonsweater (oneshot)
Nyan Valentine (oneshot)
OC Dump (oneshot)
On It (oneshot)
Out Of My Minds (oneshot)
Out Of My Minds (oneshot)
Open Secret (oneshot)
One Of Life's Little Tortures (oneshot)
Pale (oneshot)
Paralyzed (oneshot)
Reverie (oneshot)
[S] Valentine Brothers: Ascend (oneshot)
Savior Of The Dreaming Dead (oneshot)
The Gun Show (oneshot)
Tight (oneshot)
Tornado (oneshot)
This Hurts (oneshot)
Vati (oneshot)
Vampire Surgery (Surgery That Turns You Into A Vampire) (oneshot)
Warmth (oneshot)
Wishing Well (oneshot)
Wow jan, how come your bro lets you have TWO boyfriends? (oneshot)
Your bro looks gnc as fuck (oneshot)
You're bi-curious i'm bi-obnoxious. we are not the same (oneshot)
JaydenRayne01 (A03 / Tumblr)
Plutonian Sun (series)
Neet0 (A03 / Tumblr)
Revelations (series)
Moonfallthefox (A03)
Easier said than done (series)
High enough (oneshot)
Punishment (series)
The Golden Road to Heaven (oneshot)
makes a cathedral, him pressing against me (oneshot)
Sanctitas/Miscellanium (A03)
But i have chosen you out of this world (oneshot)
Ecclesiastes 5:2 (oneshot)
Ex opere operato (oneshot)
Indulgence (oneshot)
Inveniam viam aut faciam (oneshot)
Lupus est homo homini (oneshot)
Makes a cathedral, him pressing against me (oneshot)
Spectaculum venandi (or: the unmaking of the hart) (oneshot)
The Golden Road to Heaven (oneshot)
Saturnberry (A03 / Tumblr)
A New World (oneshot)
Daffodils in the Rain (series)
Therewasatale/Numbika  (A03 / Tumblr)
Answer (oneshot)
Are we in love? (oneshot)
Arsenic (oneshot)
Confession (oneshot)
Dad (oneshot)
For I have sinned (oneshot)
Guest (oneshot)
Had a thought (oneshot)
Instinct (oneshot)
In the rain (oneshot)
Poor decision (oneshot)
WhispyBoi (A03 / Tumblr)
And Then You Became the Moon (series)
Hellsing: Tales of Iscariot (series)
Non sum qualis eram (oneshot)
62 notes · View notes
thorniest-rose · 3 years
kreese is just the one guy in all of kk/ck that is immune to the larusso pheromones that make every other man go psychosexually insane. the real reason he delayed calling terry was because he knew he'd have to listen to another 6 hour soliloquy on 'danny's beautiful obedience' and 'perfect, pouty mouth' in between all the schemes like you alMOST feel bad for the guy
dhdhshs EXACTLY. Sometimes Terry's like a slobbering dog straining at the leash like, "gimme gimme gimme I want him I need him I'm going to take the biggest BITE out of him!!!!" and other times he speaks elegantly for three hours about the exact shade of purple Daniel's skin bruises when he's been tied with rope. And every time Kreese is like oh ffs not this again I'm going to hang up on you is2g or just leaves the phone so Terry can ramble and comes back hours later and Terry hasn't even noticed he'd been gone.
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elvenferretots · 4 years
I try to be as kind as possible in my training. I strive to give my animals as much positive reinforcement and choice as possible in their lives, and strive to train least invasive and minimally aversive.
But there is a certain point where you need to consider your own and your dog’s quality of life when assessing your tools and your methods. And the fact that the dogs you handle as a FF trainer might be a better fit for your methods than a balanced trainer’s clients, or that the dog you’re really struggling with might have a better QOL with a different approach.
A dog who gets long sniffy hikes on a prong is better off than a “force free” dog confined to a yard because its owner doesn’t enjoy walking it. An ecollar trained dog who gets to go everywhere with its human and gets lots of off leash time is better off than one forever clipped to its owner’s belt by a headcollar or in a purse because she doesn’t trust it and can’t control it.
Yes, we should do things as kindly as we can, and strive to improve our abilities and methods as best we can. But we shouldn’t lose the forest for the trees. Quality of life will always come before training theory, and different dogs/owners are in different places.
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