#ned and him act out the musical all the time
erinwantstowrite · 2 months
Ok, but fr Peter should totally sing all of Hamilton for Dink. He's not cultured, and Peter, as an avid fan, has an obligation to fix this worldwide error that has occurred. It's what Lin Manuel Miranda would want
maybe it was Lin Manuel Miranda haunting Peter all along
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the-kr8tor · 1 year
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Pin my Heart
Pairing: Hobie Brown x fem! Reader/ Spider-Punk x fem! Reader
Word count: 3.2k
Tags: Use of Y/N sparsely, no specific physical description of the reader (except for her clothing), Sexual innuendos, FLUFF.
*I don't consent to having my work translated/published on other platforms*
Main Masterlist
Thread the Needle Masterlist
Chapter 1 >>> Chapter 2
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Shielding yourself from the harsh rain with your windbreaker, you bravely wade through it, with one objective - convince Hobie to be your partner and model for your final project. The entire day you've been thinking if he still owes you a favour that you can maybe cash in, and you've got the perfect one. You think at least, You never know with Hobie really. You'd think after more than ten years of being friends, you can get a read on him, but alas he's quite unpredictable, maybe that's why you like him so much, he still has a few surprises up his leather sleeves even after years of friendship.
The loud music coming from Hobie's and his roommates' garage acts as a beacon for you to follow through the downpour.
Entering the band's domain, you wave at them since they wouldn't even hear your greeting with the loud music they're playing. You watch Hobie do his guitar solo as you wrangle your wet windbreaker off you, used to the loud music, you watch his long fingers expertly play with the guitar. You catch yourself staring, so you turn around to hang your soaking windbreaker on an empty shelf, using this excuse to hide your flustered state.
Hobie finishes his solo and you turn back around, avoiding the knowing stares from his bandmates.
"There's our number one fan!" Hobie screams, his ears still ringing from the loud guitar riffs, adrenaline still rushing through him.
"Hey, everyone" you awkwardly greet.
"Hi, shy girl!" Hobie gives you a hug, knowing he's all sweaty from rocking out.
You try to avoid his hug by putting your arms towards him, "Hobie! You're all sweaty! Stop!"
"Look who's talking! You're also wet!"
"Yeah! from the rain, not sweat, asshole!" You try to push him off, but he's too strong, damn him and his strong arms.
He hugs you fully, putting all his weight on you, chin on top of your shoulder, his breath tickles the shell of your ear. "How's your day?" The ringing in his ears finally stops, and he can finally talk without screaming at you.
"It would've been good, if I didn't get Hobie sweat all over me" you huff, leaning away so that Hobie couldn't hear your heart beat quickening.
"Don't act like you don't like it, sweets" he winks at you, releasing you from his grip, but he keeps his hands on your shoulders, you're an arms length away from him. He stares at you, head tilted to the side.
Yuri, their new drummer pipes up, she clears her throat, getting both your attention from eachother. "I'm making Tea, y/n you want some?"
"Yes please, thanks Yuri" You smile at the raven haired sweetly.
They all pile out of the garage, as Hobie manually closes the gate. He reaches up to grab the handle to pull it down, his shirt rides up, you ogle at the exposed skin on his hip. For the second time that day you look away immediately, finding the discarded drum kit more interesting than Hobie's toned back.
The loud crash of the gate closing signals you to look back at Hobie. A chill runs through your body, you wrap your arms around your shivering form.
"Shit, you're gonna catch a cold, let's get you warm, yeah?" Hobie rubs your arms. He grabs your backpack from the floor, and then slings his precious guitar on his back. Hobie leads you inside the house.
The house seems to be much cleaner than the last time you visited, probably thanks to Yuri. The warm aromatic smell of the tea hits you like a truck, you sneeze at the sudden change of smell, or it might just be from the rain soaking you.
"Bless you!" Ned, the band's bassist, yells from the living room.
"Thanks Ned" You sniff.
"C'mon, let's get you dry, don't want you getting sick on me now" Hobie hugs your shoulder with his free arm.
"That was one time, Hobart" you glare at him. He snickers at your comment.
You two stand in front of his door covered in various punk band stickers. He leads you in by your shoulders, and sits you down on the bed.
"I like the new song" you say as Hobie plugs in the portable heater, then places it in front of your shivering form.
"Thanks, we've been working on it for a while" he grabs a towel from his drawer, while rummaging through it for a clean shirt, he tosses the towel on your head.
"Is this even clean?" You get a whiff of soap from the towel, answering your question.
"I'm not a barbarian" Hobie takes off his shirt, before you could ogle at him once more, instead you watch the light on the heater flicker. It's not the first time you've seen him shirtless, so why are you feeling so flustered right now? "What do you wanna do today? Can't go out though 'cause of the rain"
"Can I ask you for a favour?" You try to be blunt, so you could get it over with, wrapping yourself in the towel.
Hobie leans against the door, hands on his hips, he's now wearing a grunge long sleeved shirt that's too big on his shoulders, you see a peek of his skin from the various tears of the shirt.
"Ah, already cashing in the favour I asked you last night?" He raises his pierced brow.
"Yeahh? It's - I need your help" You look at Hobie, determination in your eyes.
"Are you in some kind of trouble? Knew you had it in you" he smirks.
"No, it's not that, I need your help for my final project"
Hobie remembers the tea waiting for you, "hold that thought" he leaves the room, you try to call him back in, but he continues towards the kitchen, you huff but you still follow closely behind. There goes the privacy of convincing him.
Yuri, Ned and their other band mate, James stop their conversation in the kitchen when they see you both walk in.
"Alright, what kind of project?" He questions your intentions, while preparing your tea, your preferred mixture practically ingrained in his mind.
You swallow your nerves, "It's nothing too big really, I - no, we need to create a look that encompasses us both, and for you to model it in front of my class?" The end of your sentence unintentionally sounded like a question.
Hobie stops from pouring milk on your tea, you can't see the growing smirk on his face. You snuggle the towel closer to you. His housemates sip their tea simultaneously.
Hobie stirs your drink wordlessly. He composes himself, turns back towards you, still stirring your drink dramatically. He looks like a Bond villain who can't wait to tell you his master plan.
"What's in it for me?" There it is. He sips your drink loudly, knowing that he's annoying you with the sound.
He doesn't even like milk in his tea, you thought, you bite your tongue from saying it out loud, you need to sweeten him up, so you try playing the nice card.
"What do you want?" Saying it through gritted teeth, trying to give him your best smile, you probably look like you're in pain though.
"Hmm, let me think" he taps the teaspoon against the mug, it clinks against the ceramic, he then brings it to his mouth with a loud slurp, releasing it with a pop. He's doing this on purpose, you cringe at the sound.
"How about I do your laundry for a month?" You negotiate.
"Nah, I can do my own laundry"
"I'll wash your motorbike every month for the rest of the year" you counter.
"Y'know I never let anyone else touch my baby"
His band mates' heads move from Hobie back to you, like they're watching a tennis match.
"Ok, um I'll buy you a new guitar then!" Gotcha you finally got him, hook, line and sinker.
Hobie hums at that "hmm, tempting, but no"
Frustrated at his lack of cooperation, "You know what fine, James," you turn towards his equally punk friend, "you wanna do it with me instead?" You should have worded that out better.
Hobie widens his eyes at the unintentional innuendo, he smiles at the opportunity, "Hey! No! I'm the only one you can do it with!"
His friends snicker, James looks at you with a slight blush on his cheeks.
"Maybe you can ask Yuri, She might be more of your type." Ned teases.
Yuri winks at you. They laugh, Hobie looks at you through his mug with a smile, watching your reaction.
"Guys, really? You're a child, Hobie" You cross your arms over your chest.
"Wait, I've got an idea" Yuri runs off to her room before you could question her.
You and Hobie stare at each other, while he drinks your tea.
"You're lactose intolerant, you're gonna shit yourself later" you grin at him.
"I have lactaid," he says matter-of-fact.
Yuri comes back and gives you a card. "Here"
"What's this? A business card?" You ask.
"Oi, are you actually trying to get a lawyer involved?"
"Yeah, a divorce lawyer, with how you both are acting like you're married" Yuri sarcastically says.
"It's a rewards card from starbucks?" You show Hobie.
Hobie comes closer to see, you both look at Yuri questioningly.
"Since Hobie here can't figure out what to ask of you in exchange for his cooperation with your thing," Yuri points to the both of you. "I figured you both need a rewards system. You poke out a hole in the card every time Hobie wants you to do something for him"
You look at the card with ten logos you can poke out, words printed neatly on top 'buy ten drinks and get a free one!' you look at the back - it expired a year ago.
"So he can ask for ten things then?"
"That's right, better than what you were suggesting, and you can keep track of it all," Yuri adds.
"Nah, I don't think this is better" Hobie declines.
"Do you have any better ideas, genius? Or do you want us to keep going back and forth" you shove the card in his free hand.
"Fine, say pretty please first, lovey" Hobie walks closer to you, the tips of your sock clad toes kisses his bare ones with how close you two have gotten. He looks down at you with a smile.
If you didn't like Hobie so much you would've asked James or any of his punk friends. Honestly you just want an excuse to spend more time with him. With how busy your schedule is, the same goes for Hobie, compared to when you were younger, you two barely hung out this year.
Hobie hopes this project of yours makes you two closer than ever, he also hopes when you finally graduate you get to finally hang out more, but it's a stretch.
You exhale, you look up at him through your eyelashes, "Pretty please, Hobie" you say sweetly. You don't break eye contact, you're not going down without a fight "with cherry on top?" You bat your lashes for added effect.
With how pretty you look up at him, Hobie's breath hitches in his throat, he tries to play it cool though, so he lightly shoves his mug on your chest, signaling his defeat.
You take the mug to your lips, and sip victoriously. You lean against the kitchen island.
"Does that mean I'm out of the picture then" James says, you all look at him unsure if he's joking or if he actually means it.
"Come off it, mate" Hobie shuts him down.
You're sweating bullets, wringing your fingers over the other, you wonder where in the world is Hobie? You sneak glances over your classmates and their chosen partners.
You see Flash next to a bombshell of a woman- all high heels, and manicured nails. Compared to his sporty style, he chose well. But judging from how the woman picks at her nails, and sighing every now and then, she definitely did not want to be there.
Your other classmates also chose well, the differences between their partners a stark contrast to each other.
Then there's you, sitting alone, without a partner. You busy yourself by sketching out a prototype of your project, instead of letting your thoughts freak you out.
The creaky doors open, like nails on a chalkboard. You stop in your tracks, head perking up at the sound, is it Hobie?
Your hope fades when your professor's heels echo around the room.
I'm gonna kill him, you internally curse.
Your professor looks around the room, her nose held up high. She opens her mouth to speak—
The door opens in a loud bang, the familiar leather boots strides in nonchalantly.
You would've sighed in relief, if not for Mrs. Williams glaring at Hobie.
"Sorry I'm late, teach" Hobie's hands are tucked inside his leather jacket, your professor's eyes narrow as she looks him up and down.
His eyes zeroes in your form. He smiles lopsidedly, Mrs. Williams follows his gaze, sizing you both up, she finds your pale blue cardigan a glaringly obvious difference to Hobie's leather jacket.
Noticing eyes on both of you, you give Hobie a shy smile, waving to get his ass over to your station.
The various metal on his clothes swing loudly, grabbing attention from everybody else who wasn't already looking your way. You cringe at the unwanted attention.
"Hey, love" Hobie gives his signature smirk.
"You're late!" You whisper-shout.
"Y'know how much I hate waking up early"
"It's half past eleven, Hobie"
"I'm here now aren't I?" He raises a pierced eyebrow.
You would've scolded him more if it weren't for your professor, glaring daggers in your direction.
"Looks like you all partnered up well" Mrs. Williams says plainly "ready your photographs" as she strides up to the nearest station.
"What photograph?" Hobie mimics your professor's cadence.
You elbow him to stop, just in case Mrs Williams has super hearing.
"This picture" you show him a polaroid tucked inside your sketchbook.
Hobie grabs it carefully, it shows you both two years ago, you're smiling widely right next to Hobie as he slings his arm around your neck with his guitar on his back. Hobie grins at the camera as sweat drips on his face.
He chuckles at the memory "I remember this, battle of the bands, right?"
"Yeah, your band won second place" you point at the silver trophy that Hobie's holding in the photograph.
"Should've won though" he slides the picture back to you.
"Aww, still salty, huh"
He leans on your side of the table, hand on his chin "we were robbed, lovey"
"Mmhm, sure" you tease him, even though he's right.
From your peripheral you see your professor looking in your direction.
You swallow down your anxiety, leg bumping up and down, feeling a firm hand on your thigh, you stop, looking at Hobie, a comforting smile on his lips, but all you can give him is a tight lipped smile.
He rubs comforting circles over your thigh, leaning slightly towards you to whisper "it'll be alright, it's just an introduction, you've got this" you would be flustered at the contact, but your nervousness triumphs over it. Hobie shakes your leg, taking his hand back when the professor stops on your station.
She takes one look at the both of you, eyes darting between your forms, she watches as Hobie places an arm behind your chair, smirking at the woman.
You can feel the bead of sweat falling on your forehead, hands shaking.
Mrs. Williams extends a lithe hand to you, asking for the picture on your table. You quickly hand it over, you don't want to make her wait, fumbling a bit, scared to give her a papercut.
She flips the picture to face her, you try to read her reaction, but her straight face makes it hard for you to understand her emotion.
"Good" she hands it over to you after a quick scan of the picture.
"Thank you?" You hold the picture like it's your most precious possession (it is) you can't believe that you actually impressed her, not knowing that the word 'good' is even in her vocabulary.
She moves to the next student, Hobie leans back in his chair, looking at you through his lashes "good? That's it?" He watches as you look at the picture with stars in your eyes, disbelief on your pretty face, Hobie thinks he's gonna have a lot of fun with you in this project, before you inevitably leave him for greener pastures.
He sighs, trying to dampen his thoughts, he's not ready for you to leave his side yet. You've been through thick and thin with him for more than ten years, it's hard for Hobie to think of you not by his side. He's proud of you, truly, but he can't help feeling that you're gonna leave him behind for someone better. He wants to savor every last second with you.
Hobie flicks your cheek, trying to get your attention.
"Ow, what?" You whisper-shout.
"What're you gonna do after this?"
"I don't have other classes today, I guess just go back to the dorms and design?"
"That's loser talk" he pokes your cheeks, what is up with him and your cheeks these days? "Come with me after this snooze fest"
"Where to?" You swat at his hand.
"Somewhere" Hobie shrugs, leather jacket squeaking when he moves.
"Last time you said that, I had to haul your band's equipment, while you lot were blacked out drunk"
"I wasn't blackout drunk" he mimics your voice on the last two words, "I wasn't even drinking that much"
"You introduced me to Ned, I've known him for five years, Hobs"
"So? A reintroduction doesn't hurt?" He tries to play it off, fixing the collar of your shirt.
"Just promise me it's not a pub, I don't want to take care of drunk you again"
He grabs his chest, feigning hurt "I thought you liked taking care of me?"
"I do" his heart sings, you slap your palm over his chest, Hobie's hoping you don't feel the thudding of his chest. "I just don't like getting your sick all over my new trainers"
He winces at the memory, but he bounces back immediately "yeah, but I can't help getting sick over you" Hobie casually flirts, hoping you finally get the hint, ten years isn't too late, right?
You roll your eyes, used to his flirting "stop, my classmates could hear"
"Let 'em" He leans back in his chair, mission failed, he'll get you next time.
Mrs. Williams clasps her hands, one look from her gets the entire room quiet, Hobie doesn't seem fazed though, staring directly in her eyes.
"We'll reconvene next week with your sketches and fabric samples, your partners included. Is that understood?"
A collective "yes ma'am" can be heard from her students, even some of the non-students say it. Hobie mockingly salutes in her direction, you're horrified, good thing she missed it though.
"Hobie!" You say through gritted teeth, grabbing his half raised arm.
"What? She didn't even see" he stands up, heavy boots thudding on the linoleum floors. "C'mon then" Hobie beats you to your backpack, waiting hand stretched towards you.
You hear shuffled feet, your classmates and their partners slowly file out of the room.
"Where are we going?" You narrow your eyes at him suspiciously, he's being too nice.
"Told you, somewhere nice"
"Not a pub?"
"Not a bloody pub, it's too early anyway" he flexes his fingers, beckoning you over, "don't make me exercise my rights"
You chuckle "what?"
"The bloody card"
"You want to use one, for this?" You wave the rewards card after grabbing it from your pocket "must be some place important" you tease him.
"Yes, now give me the bloody thing" Hobie snatches it from your fingers, punching out the logo, you see it float down on the table. He hands it back to you, tucking it safely inside your pocket.
"Ooohh one down nine to go" you finally stand up.
"Let's go before they close" He slings his arm over your shoulders.
"Are we taking your bike?"
"Of course, I'm not letting you ride the tube, don't worry I brought your helmet"
"You're such a softie, y'know"
"Yeah, yeah" only for you, he wanted to add, maybe next time he gets to finally say it to you.
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A/N: Thank you for reading! Hope you enjoyed it, as always likes and reblogs are appreciated ❤️
*pictures above are from pinterest*
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queermediaanysis · 11 months
How Izzy’s Death Could’ve Made Basic Storytelling Sense
Just to be clear, Izzy is my favorite and I wanted him to live more than anything. This isn’t about that, and that is NOT why I hated his death. Had it served the narrative in a way that made even the most basic storytelling sense, while I’d admittedly have been devastated in a different way (i.e. the character whose queerness was relegated to the subtext in s1 and as soon as it’s textual and his whole arc is that he’s killed, but that’s a whole separate post…), but at least there would’ve been a correctly crafted arc from a surface level narrative standpoint that ended in the death of my favorite character. But that’s not what this is about. It’s is about how the show could’ve actually made the death actually make sense and work effectively. (Also, if you want my unasked for thoughts on how most of the existing plot of s2 (minus 7-8) could’ve easily been adjusted to fix the narrative as a whole and keep Izzy alive, I wrote this)
But. For those in the fandom insisting that Izzy HAD to die, including DJenks who has said as such in interviews (for reasons I do not understand), from an objective developmental editor standpoint, this is what I think needed to change to make Izzy’s death serve the narrative, character arcs and dynamics, pacing, structure, and thematic elements correctly.
It’s about 2K words just so you know what you’re gonna get into. Spoilers under the cut.
Issue 1. Izzy’s relationship with the crew and how they truly became his family this season totally vanished during his death scene. The same crew who he protected from Ed during the later, worse parts of the Kraken phase. The crew who banded together to save his life by hiding him from/lying to Ed about it, and amputating his leg to save him. The crew he saved by crawling up those stairs during the storm, hobbling out into the rain with one leg and shooting Ed before he could shoot a cannon ball through the mast and kill them all. The crew who called him “our dick”. The crew that then banded together with Stede’s half of the crew to him the leg and the new unicorn (aka the figurehead of the ship). That crew didn’t cry a SINGLE tear when he died. What?? Fang sobbed most of episode one and really lost it when Izzy got shot. Where was that when he died?? Izzy’s last speech to Ricky had something along the lines of: piracy is about belonging/family. We are Good. (Forgive me, I’m paraphrasing, but that’s the gist). Izzy truly did find his family in the crew outside of Ed. That was absolutely fantastic, especially in the first four episodes and episode six. It VANISHED when he was dying and dead.
The fix: To make the death impactful, effective, or even to make it make sense on a very basic acting and writing level, the crew should’ve been utterly DEVASTATED. At least heartbreaking music and like 30 seconds of everyone breaking down and holding each other. At least some of them crying and holding each other in the background when he was dying. Come on.
Issue 2. Thematically speaking, is piracy Good or Bad? Again, Izzy tells Ricky that they (the pirates/his crew) are capital G Good. Yet Ed has spent a lot of time maintaining piracy is capital B Bad. He tells the urchins as such. Here’s some money that I never had, now you don’t have to be pirates. Don’t be pirates. He doesn’t want Stede to kill Ned Low in cold blood. Ed just doesn’t want to be a pirate. Even at the end AFTER Izzy dies telling Ed he’s with his family (implied that this is the crew) and they love Ed, Ed LEAVES THAT FAMILY AND LEAVES PIRACY IMMEDIATELY. We’re left with him and Stede watching the family Izzy swore was Good and loved Ed sail away because Ed thinks piracy is Bad. Which is it?? The death served nothing in convincing Ed he could be happy with his found family on the sea as Ed, not Blackbeard, so the dying words were pointless. The thematic elements are all over the place (for the whole season but that’s another post) and that needs changing to make the death scene make sense.
The fix: Izzy should’ve told him he sees he doesn’t want to pirate anymore, he’s glad he’s found love with Stede because Izzy isn’t going to make it, go run your fokkin’ inn, you twat (affectionate).
Issue 3. Izzy died of bad planning and bad luck. Why didn’t they take the gun from Ricky? Between Spanish Jackie, Izzy, and Jim, SOMEONE would’ve thought about it. If not those three, someone else would’ve, but come one. One if not all of those three would’ve known better. Yeah, Izzy happened to be standing in front of Ed and he got shot instead of him, but you’ve gotta be REALLY looking for that to even be aware it’s what happened. It wasn’t even on purpose unless Ed strategically placed himself behind Izzy (which I doubt was the intent). Izzy didn’t position himself protectively/take the bullet for anyone on purpose. It was just happenstance and you only notice it if you’re rewatching and hyper-analyzing everything (which a lot of us, me included, in the fandom do, but casual watchers don’t. It’s totally unclear as far as the surface level narrative goes) Any sort of “heroism” is not acknowledged, it’s barely even noticeable in the shot. If that was the intent, it HAD to be clearer and acknowledged by the characters so the audience would realize the stakes and repercussions of clear choices. As it is, I don’t think it was intentional. If Izzy HAS to die, it should truly have rounded out his arc in a way that CLEARLY changed the course of the scene, leaving him to protect people he’d put in danger at the end of s1. It didn’t. It just read as terrible planning to the point of it being out of character for more than one character, and bad luck.
The fix: Izzy should’ve saved someone. I personally don’t like the idea of it being Ed. I’s have rather he save Stede (Not really, but it’s better than Ed I guess) But really Izzy should’ve died saving the crew. The crew makes the most sense to me, narratively speaking. He’s their figurehead, he’s protected the Kraken Crew for months and they should’ve been fiercely loyal to him, he blames himself for what Ed did to them (more on this later) so it makes sense for him to fiercely protect his crew. His family. Who should’ve been devastated that it happened because Izzy is the one character of the main three who’s managed to earn that status this season.
Issue 4. The death did not serve to move the plot along. There are literally zero things that would’ve been different for the end of the episode, save Izzy being alive and on the Revenge in his rightful role he earned with his crew as the captain, if he’d have lived. Ed and Stede aren’t partnering with Zheng to go after the guy who killed him in the next season. Nope. They got the offer but nah. They’re running an Inn. Which Izzy would’ve supported based on literally everything we’ve seen from him in episodes 5-8. The crew who Izzy protected fiercely and who viewed him as their leader? Not one tear during his death or the the funeral. Happily sailing away to do presumably more Muppet Treasure Island hijinks. No character development happened. No plot development happened. The season could’ve ended literally the EXACT SAME WAY with Izzy alive aboard the Revenge!!! No stakes were changed at all. No one was impacted enough for it to seem like it was even going to be a plot obstacle next season. It just happened, Izzy’s toxic situationship who maimed him multiple times over the course of months to the point of his leg needing to be amputated was sad for one (1) scene, then we moved on and did not seem sad at all at the funeral. What.
The fix: The plot should’ve been driven by the death. Ed and Stede (but especially Ed), and DEFINITELY the crew should’ve been sailing off plotting to avenge the death and defend piracy against Ricky and the British, especially with Zheng who lost her whole fleet. Ricky and the British are clearly (or so I hope, nothing’s clear here anymore tbh) the primary antagonist for the theoretical third season. No one should be running an whim-based inn for fun or sailing off happily into the sunset after the death of the most major character aside from Ed and Stede, who beyond proved himself a major part of something every character (his family) should’ve cared about this season. If he HAD to die, that death should have furthered the plot. But instead, it seems everyone shrugged it off with tears exclusively from Ed.
Issue 5. Izzy got shot in the left side. The side in which canonically NO ONE DOES FROM BEING INJURED ON IN THE OFMD UNIVERSE.
The fix: Yeah I know this is just too nit-picky but it was also just SO sloppy. Like just shoot him on the other side if he has to die, because this was a very memorable plot point more than once in s1. Like, come on y’all.
Disclaimer: Issues/fixes 1-5 would all need to happen together to truly fix it and make the death serve the narrative correctly. Issue/fix 6 is a totally separate route, which I personally hate, but at least the narrative would’ve made sense this way.
Issue 6. The idea that Izzy had to die so that Ed could be free of Blackbeard makes no sense at this point in the story. Ed already threw away his leathers and gave away his treasure to symbolically get rid of Blackbeard, and Izzy very sweetly encouraged him to follow the feeling that throwing out the leathers gave him. Izzy told Stede that he and Ed were good for each other. They balance each other out. Izzy is on good terms with both of them and their relationship, so Izzy “having to die” so Ed could flourish as Ed genuinely makes no sense and came totally out of left field.
The fix for 6: This one stands alone and is my absolute least favorite option, but if it HAD to happen without the 1-5 fixes, here’s how it could’ve made sense. If THIS is truly the way it was going to end, Izzy needed to be continuously antagonistic or avoidant to at least Ed and actually be shown holding Ed back from happiness until that last second. He wasn’t. He was so much better. Izzy clearly does blame himself (that’s for a separate post because I have lots of thoughts there) but to be fair they were both abusive in that relationship, for years it seems. Although I think by the beginning of s2, the power dynamic has clearly flipped and it was Ed who was doing most of it and Izzy was exhausted and knowingly “reaping what he’d sewed” (I don’t Blame Izzy for his abuse but I think this was his mindset) so the crew wouldn’t get the brunt of it.
If he seriously HAD to die because the writers just had to have it that way, those are the changes I think would’ve made the narrative work/make sense, served all the character arcs and dynamics correctly, and actually driven the plot as fictional deaths are supposed to, compelling things into a third season. Seriously, this season finale was a mess of baffling choices the most series finale season finale I’ve ever seen.
Anyway. There’s my unsolicited two-cents. Now back to hoping Izzy’s in the gravy basket waiting to be sea witch necromancied back by seagull Buttons in season 3. I love this show and I hate hating what I hate hating about it because it’s my absolute favorite and I can’t stand it because it’s fantastic and the worst thing I’ve ever seen. (Also, Izzy should’ve lived).
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taytrashmouth · 1 year
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Just finished rewatching game of thrones and the Jon snow obsession has been reborn.
This is a long one!
TW: rape, abuse, crying, murder, etc, all normal GOT stuff.
Jon snow x reader.
Looking at the empty walls of the stone cell I’ve been trapped in for weeks I can’t help but feel that these walls of winterfell that I’ve known for so long are no longer the walls I call home. This is a prison.
I pushed myself back against the furthest wall as I heard the keys rattle in the door. The chain around my waist felt heavier than normal.
As the door opened I felt a tear escape my eye…Ramsey
“You’re not excited to see me?” He pouted and wiped my cheek.
I tried to hide my fear and pain and sadness but I knew he could see through my act.
“I’m going to meet with lady Bolton tomorrow.” He sat down in front of me.
I thought about Sansa….I thought about when we were little, how we would sneak into the kitchens after everyone was asleep, how we’d laugh and talk, how we would dance in the snow outside and go for long walks in the snowy hills. She was bigger now, more mature. The last time I saw her was at the wedding…she got locked in Ramseys room and I got locked in a cell. I heard people talk of her escape through the small widow towards the top of my cell, I’d never been that relieved in my life.
Sansa never treated me as her handmaiden, only ever as her friend.
“Her bastard brother will be there too…” Ramsey spoke.
I couldn’t help my reaction, I let out a gasp and tears fell from my eyes.
Jon was alive.
“I want you to come with me to meet with them tomorrow…”
I looked up at him and frowned, there was a catch, Ramsey was insane, he liked to play games.
“You see… I know that Jon cares for you…and lovers should always be reunited at the end of every story.” Ramsey smiled as he touched my cheek, I tried to move away but he held me still.
“But I’m afraid this story doesn’t have a happy ending…” he pouted. “Jon will have to see what I’ve done with you.” Now he smiled.
He began to untie my dress, I tried to move away but he held me down and the chains were too heavy. After not being fed for a week I could barely have the strength to push him off.
He grabbed my hands and held them high above my head as he sucked hickeys into my neck, and put bite marks all over my skin.
Eventually I stopped screaming, I just accepted him inside of me, I cried and looked away, knowing there was nothing I could do. I thought of everything that wasn’t Ramsey. Then eventually I didn’t think of anything at all, I didn’t even feel as though I was in the room anymore. I was somewhere deep inside my own mind, somewhere I couldn’t even place.
I felt Ramsey hit me and become rough but I just lay there in the cold cell…hopeless.
When he was done he had his guards unlock the chains around my waist and wrists, and lead me to a room in the castle….Aryas old room.
They locked me in there for the rest of the night I had a bath and scrubbed my skin till it was raw and red trying to get Ramsey off of me…
I put on the dress that was laid out on the bed, it showed off my shoulders and my sides, exposing the bruises and scrapes all over my body. I brushed my hair that had grown a lot since I last saw myself. I tied it back into a braid exposing my face and neck like Ramsay instructed
I looked at my thin figure, I could see my own ribs. I looked awful. I drank the soup that was left on top of the dresser.
And I waited…to see Jon again, to see Sansa.
I walked out of the dining hall to see Jon hitting a training dummy repeatedly with his sword.
“I think it’s dead.” I smiled as he turned around.
He smiled softly, something he didn’t do often. “What am I missing?” He asked gesturing back into the hall
“Ned’s angry because Arya flicked food at Sansa.” I spoke. He laughed under his breath. “So nothing new?” He smirked.
I shook my head.
It was quiet for a moment, the music from inside distant. The air was cold.
I had liked Jon since I was about 10, he often caught Sansa and I in the kitchens late at night and instead of telling Ned, like Robb sometimes did, he would join us.
But I’d never say anything, I couldn’t…technically he was a stark, and technically I was a prisoner, a Greyjoy. Although the starks had never made me feel like a prisoner.
“Why so frustrated?” I asked him.
He looked down at his sword and the blisters he’d caused on his hand.
“A lot on my mind, my lady.” He replied.
“I am no lady….just a handmaiden, My lord.” I spoke back, knowing he only ever wanted me to call him Jon.
He smiled to himself. “Just Jon.”
“Okay….just Jon, may I have this dance.” I asked as the band began to play another song that could be heard vaguely through the closed doors to the dining hall.
“Anything for you, princess.” He spoke slowly and made his way over to you. Putting his sword against the stone walls of winterfell.
“I am no-“ you were interrupted when his finger pressed to your lips. “You are to me.” He whispered.
He valued me, always. He never treated me like less, in fact he always treated me like more, like royalty, like a princess.
I smiled up at him. He placed his hands on my waist and i put mine on his shoulders.
“I must warn you, just Jon I’m not a good dancer.” I spoke.
“I know, I’ve watched you dance with sir Cedric Mormont a few years back, and sir Jamie earlier tonight.”
I playfully smacked his arm and he smiled.
“I’ll tell you what princess y/n Greyjoy…I’m not that good either.” He smiled.
We swayed and laughed when Jon jokingly spun me around, or when I tried to lead. We ran around the castle walls for about 3 hours before lady Katlin caught us.
We both froze when she saw us.
“Sansa was looking for you y/n.” She spoke firmly. Glaring at Jon.
“My lady- I-“ you stumbled.
“It was me! I wanted to try on Robb’s armor, see what it was like, to be a knight. I had lady Greyjoy assist me putting it on-“ Jon interrupted. He never lied, but he was protecting me.
I glanced worriedly at him.
“Typical.” She whispered under her breath, and shook her head. My blood boiled. “Y/n get to Sansa’s chambers immediately, Jon… out of my sight.” She spoke loudly.
I quickly walked off to Sansa’s bed chamber, thinking about Jon the whole way there.
“Where we’re you?” Sansa spoke.
“I’m sorry, I-I was with Jon.” I blushed.
She squealed. “Tell me everything.” She spoke, handing me her hairbrush as she sat down at the dresser.
It was like having a permanent best friend, I was only two years older than Sansa.
I carefully undid the intricate braids in her hair and brushed her copper locks.
“We danced…sort of.” I smiled.
“Was he any good?” She frowned.
“No.” We both laughed.
We giggled and spoke until she had to go to bed. Laughing about Jon and how she was to marry prince Joffrey.
You walked along the empty passages towards the servants quarters. Through the snow covered courtyard. 
I was pulled from the happy memory when the lock to the chamber rattled and Ramsey and two of his guards entered.
I dropped the soup onto the floor, my hands must have been shaking.
“Oh clumsy are we? You’ll need a new dress I suppose.” Ramsey pouted.
Tears filled my eyes.
“Luckily I have the perfect one for you.” He smirked and held out some purple material…open back.
He wanted Jon to see my pain, to see that I belonged to him. I shook my head and tears fell from my eyes.
His guards grabbed my wrists and shoved me onto the bed, i sobbed when they began to tie my hands to the headboard. They ripped away the gown I was wearing and I could no longer see Ramsey, and that scared me more than anything.
“This will hurt darling.” I could hear the smile in his voice. And I screamed and sobbed as a hard whip hit my back, digging into my spine, I felt blood pour down my back.
It hurt again and again, 20 times he hit me, 20 times I screamed and 20 times I did not prey for help, I wished for death.
He left me tied there, facing the wall, bleeding.
I cried for a long time until I fell asleep from exhaustion. Naked and beaten.
The morning was a rush, Bran had fallen from the tallest tower and hadn’t woken up. Lady Katlin was devastated and Ned had informed Sansa and I we were leaving for kings landing tomorrow. He had been offered the position of hand of the king.
He also informed me that Jon was to become a man of the nights watch.
I walked as fast as I could to his room, my dress blowing behind me in the wind. I tried desperately not to cry.
I shoved his door open and there he was packing his things.
As he turned to me I slapped him, hard.
“Were you not going to tell me!” I yelled, the tears began to fall.
He swallowed hard and looked down, and then at me…my face.
“I didn’t know how-“
“Lies!” I screamed, tears falling like snowflakes.
“I love you! And I didn’t know how to say goodbye to the one thing! The one good thing in my life! The only thing that matters!” He yelled too now.
You cried harder.
“You are the only thing keeping me from going! But I can’t love you, n/n….I can’t! I’m a bastard, and I refuse to force you to burden that name too. You are going to king’s landing tomorrow, you’ll meet a Duke of something there and you’ll grow old in a castle, and have beautiful daughters and strong sons.” Jon was crying too, he held my shoulders.
“No-“ I shook my head. “I don’t want that…. I love you Jon snow. I will never love anyone else. I want to run away with you, I want to carry your children, I want to grow old with you!” I sobbed.
He shook his head, and pressed his forehead to mine.
“I don’t care if you’re a bastard- it’s a stupid title. Like king or queen it’s just a name. But you’re so much more than that you’re brave and kind, loving, you’re funny and smart and-“ he kissed me, gently but passionately.
For a moment everything made sense. All the stars aligned and the puzzle fit together beautifully.
But then I pulled away.
“I love you.” We stated at the same time, we both laughed lightly.
There was a heavy silence after that. I knew I had to go to kings landing, and he knew he had to go to the wall, to make something of himself.
“Promise me.” I spoke slowly as he held my cheeks. “Promise me when I see you again you’ll kiss me, like you just did, promise me that someday we’ll grow old together. Promise me-“ I choked and he kissed my forehead. “Promise that I’ll see you again.”
He nodded. “I promise.” He knelt to the floor and kissed my hand, “ I promise I’ll come back for my princess.” He spoke.
I smiled through the tears as he stood.
“Promise you’ll write to me…every day.” He whispered as we hugged. I nodded.
“Promise you’ll write back.” He chuckled and nodded against my head.
That was goodbye.
I rode with Ramsey on his horse, my back aching and my lips blue. I was freezing in the revealing dress. Bruises, gashes, hickeys, scars and deep wounds covered my body.
We stopped after a long ride. I saw horses approaching in the distance. My heart sunk, I didn’t want Jon to see me like this. What if he had moved on.
I must have looked terrible because Sansa took in a sharp breath before demanding my release. There he was, Jon…my Jon.
I almost smiled when I saw him, almost.
He looked older, a fuller beard and darker eyes, he was taller. He was handsome.
He looked devastated when he saw me. I looked down at the floor, not seeing the tears fill his eyes.
They debated the war that was to come, tomorrow. And Rickons release.
I began to shiver.
“Give her a coat she’ll freeze!” Jon yelled. His voice was husky and sad. I looked at the anger on his face.
Ramsey smiled.
“Jon don’t-“ I tried to explain it was just one of his games but Ramsey hit me, across the cheek.
Jon’s horse jerked forward as he drew his sword but his men held him back.
And then we rode away, at the perfect angle for Jon to see my back.
Ramsey threw me back into my cell, I cried…I didn’t want Jon to fight- I feared Ramsey would win.
I felt my heart sink…I had imagined seeing him again for so many years and it broke me to know that might’ve been the last time.
Last I saw him he was 16, only a boy. I was 15, a young girl who knew nothing of the world outside winterfell.
I knew not of vicious fighters like sir clegane or horrible woman like Cersei. I wouldn’t have imagined such an unfair ruler as Joffrey. Or such an abusive leader as Ramsey.
I wouldn’t have ever imagined seeing Theon like that….like reek. Ramsey told me he’d to the same to me if I disobeyed him. Another Greyjoy to his collection.
I hadn’t looked death in the eye the last time i saw Jon and yet now I had seen so much of it, it all seemed insignificant.
I heard of Jon’s battles, I even heard of his death. Seeing him again was like seeing a ghost. I wasn’t the same girl he left at winterfell but I had the same heart.
“You’re going to take someone’s eye out.” I smiled across the courtyard as I saw Jon and Robb attempting to sword fight in the snow, they kept slipping on the ice.
“That’s the point my lady.” Robb smiled.
“It’s not that simple.” Jon huffed.
“Can I have a go.” I asked gesturing to their swords.
They both chuckled until they realized I was serious.
“The arena is no place for a lady.” Robb spoke, he looked a bit sympathetic though.
I frowned.
Jon was about to speak until Theon called them to lunch.
That evening when I was lying on my bed I felt something shake me awake.
“Jon?” I frowned in the dark. He nodded.
“Come on.” He pulled me out of bed.
“Where are we going?” I asked but he shhhhed me.
“You’ll see, it’s a surprise.” He whispered.
He dragged me out to the courtyard, where he lit a bunch of candles.
I smiled.
“Jon it’s beautiful.”
“Like you.” He responded, both our cheeks flushed.
“You sure you’re ready?” He asked me, changing the subject.
“You’re greatest opponent.” He smiled and threw me a sword which landed on the floor in front of me. I smiled.
“Thank you.” I looked at him. He nodded.
He spent the rest of the night trying to teach me how to fight, and by 4AM I could have a basic spar with him.
He quickly blew out all the candles and lead me back to my chambers.
“Was I any good?” I asked.
He nodded as we walked.
“Are you just saying that?” I asked again.
He smiled. “You were better than Theon let’s put it that way.”
I smiled.
Ramsey chained me up and dragged me outside of winterfell with Rickon. We both got a bad hit when I hugged him, I was so relieved he was alright.
I watched as Ramsey explained the rules of his stupid little trick, how rickon had to run across the field to Jon. It was too easy. There was a catch.
I watched as he began to run and I watched Ramseys men began to load their crossbows.
I began to scream. “Nooo! Stop!” I screamed and they hit me, but I didn’t stop, I had to warn him.
Jon began to ride towards his brother… holding out his hand. But there it was, another stark gone.
My own scream was silent in my ears, I couldn’t hear anything as I watched him fall to the floor.
I sobbed. I watched Jon loose his horse and begin to take on an entire army by himself. I screamed again.
I felt Ramsey pull at my chains and drag me back to winterfell. Leaving the battle of the bastards. His war that he wasn’t even fighting.
Leaving the carnage. He took me to the courtyard. He put me on the execution platform and tied a rope around my neck. He explained how if Jon came to save me, the floor would disappear and so would I.
I waited, I saw the bodies pile up through the windows in the castle walls. I watched the giant break down winterfells gates. I smiled and cried when I saw him….just Jon.
“You’re too late.” Ramsey smiled and pointed at me. Jon’s face dropped he was covered in blood.
“No!” I yelled as I watched one of Ramseys men move to pull the lever.
Jon began to run towards me, as a red haired man threw an axe at the soldier. It killed him as he pulled the switch. I closed my eyes and took in a sharp breath.
I opened my eyes, Jon had caught me. I smiled as a tear ran down my cheek. He looked at me, examining my face.
His red hair friend cut the rope and jon put me down.
Ramsey began to load his crossbow.
“Jon.” I said and pointed at Ramsey.
His hands left my hips, and I almost missed his touch.
He used some debris as a shield as Ramsey fired arrows at him, he grew closer and closer to him.
I watched as Jon beat him up. A part of me liked that Ramsey would die here, today. A part of me knew it was wrong.
“Stop!” I let out. Jon looked at me and then at Sansa, still punching. And he did, he stopped.
He walked off into winterfell.
I ran across the courtyard to Sansa and we held each other. Tight.
“Are you okay?” I asked her. She laughed.
“Are you?” She scoffed.
We quickly decided Ramsey should be reunited with his pets. He didn’t deserve to live. Not even as a prisoner.
Later that evening I found myself in Aryas old bed chambers attempting to stitch up some of my cuts. I heard a knock at the door and looked up.
“Hello.” I spoke.
I slowly stood up.
It wasn’t long before his lips were on mine. We kissed for a long time, passionately. A kiss that made up for all our time lost.
We pulled away breathless, both crying.
“You stopped writing letters.” I spoke, he smiled.
“You stopped writing back.” He answered.
He hugged me, gently. I hugged him back as tightly as I could.
“You’re taller.” I smiled.
“You’re shorter.”
We both laughed.
He sat me on the bed and helped me stitch up my wounds. He held my hand tightly as he poured alcohol on my back.
We spent hours catching up.
We both sat on the end of the bed, my head on his shoulder.
“I thought you were dead.” I told him. “Twice.”
He chuckled. “You gave me a few scares too.”
“How was the wall?”
“Cold.” He looked down at me. I laughed.
“Is it true? The whitewalkers?” I asked more seriously now.
He sighed. “Unfortunately.”
“I’ve fought them, they’re too strong. I fear we won’t win this battle. But I’ll make sure you’re as far south as south goes-“
“No!” I interrupted, shaking my head.
Tears brimmed in his waterline.
“I’m not leaving again….I just got you back. We’re going to grow old together, remember?” My voice broke. “Even if you’ve found someone else-“
“There’s no one else.” He brushed his hand over my cheek.
“If you fight, I’ll fight.” I spoke.
“You did have a really good teacher.” He stated. I playfully nudged him as he smiled.
“I love you…just Jon, I always have.” I finished.
“I love you too, princess y/n Greyjoy.” He kissed me again gently.
“Snow.” I corrected and he frowned. “Queen y/n snow.”
A smile took over his whole face.
“If you’ll have me, that is? King Jon snow.”
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TOP Theory
This is my opinion and what I have gathered from what they have given us especially in reference to the use of color in this story. I would love to know what you guys think:
Blue – Defeat. (Cold, ice, isolation, lifeless (Literally ‘the blues’)
Pink – Hope/love (warmth, purpose, affection, motivation, ‘showing signs of life’)
Yellow – Strength (light, awareness, presence, fight; temptation)
Red – Insecurity (Lies we tell ourselves and others, false sense of control)
Orange – Awareness (Unity, power, true control)
Battle between Red and Yellow before unity - “Tempted by control, controlled by temptation.”  
DEMA – the intense feelings of isolation and hopelessness; a wall we put up around our world and the others in it
Trash – Purpose (fire from within)
Ned – Idea/Creativity (a literal neuro expansive device) He starts as this strange looking rabbit creature and upon careful purification (Chlorine and all of its lyrics explain the careful balance between toxicity (overcompensation,) and cleansing) becomes this mythical Jackalope. (look up the origins of the Jackalope and you’ll roll your eyes, I promise.)
I feel like the identities of all of the characters in the story are completely interchangeable and are very much a metaphor for ‘masking’ (“I’ll morph to someone else”)  and  all of the different personas we take on as we battle ourselves and go to war for others. Josh and Tyler are torchbearers for one another. ( As we are for our loved ones/the clique and vice versa.) Tyler and Clancy are the same, just different personas that reflect the state of his mind and the point of the cycle he is currently trapped in. The same for Blurryface and Spooky Jim; characters that we create for ourselves to present to the world when lost and angry; a farce, a tough persona, false sense of control. Masking the problem without admitting to ourselves that we are masking the problem. The Banditos are us. They are Tyler and Josh. They are loved ones and family who have all awoken to the problem and serve as ‘battle buddies.’ “Cover me.” The Bishops are what Spooky Jim and Blurryface have the potential to become in the opposite, if they were to allow the anger to win. People who turned the anger into the desire to hurt others with their personal pain stemming from the intensity of their own insecurities that they have allowed to win; they relish and thrive in hurting others, especially those who are already low, lost, and isolated.
I think we’re all thinking that at this point in the story we will also focus on Josh and his insecurities as well as Tyler’s. The blue beams of light coming from Josh in the ‘Choker’ music video that gave him the ability to shrink figures – Negativity literally spewing from the eyes and mouth of Josh/Spooky Jim, (which is also why Jim was in the video. I feel like that was a hint for us.) Was a signal to us that Josh/Spooky had also been under the control of the bishops and trapped in DEMA for a time, (hence Joshua’s t-shirt) so much so that he was oozing defeat, isolation, spitting ice. Interestingly, Tyler appears in this video in an orange beanie, which tells us that in this point in the story/cycle he had found balance within himself and was acting as the torchbearer for Josh to bring him back into himself.
This is similarly reflected in the video we thought was just a joke with a very alone Josh flashing his blue eyes and mouth at random objects and turning them pink before finally catching Tyler, who bursts into the room suddenly, and turning his hair pink. Feels to me more like yet another visual metaphor for allowing the defeat to spill out into your world amidst feelings of loneliness without aim or purpose, until sometimes, we manage to reach out to the right person. A person who upon hearing and seeing a loved one in distress is hit with a spark, motivation, and purpose to fight for you/themselves when you are incapable.
Pink is the in between. It’s purgatory. Where you decide to sink or swim.
In Shy Away – Trash is flying, the feeling of finding ones purpose has taken off. The walls of isolation are beginning to crumble. The set looks as though it is falling apart. We see multiples of Tyler and Josh (Different personas or even a reflection of how many times they’ve been in the same place,) all wearing masks that are almost useless at this point with how destroyed they are.
Now we move to the Saturday  music Video – Everything is coded cold blue, defeated; lifeless, not yet dead but still strong enough to seize the mind and break free from the isolation, from under the control of your insecurities. Even sometimes using them to do so. Keons. Keons being the bishop in the story to come to awareness against the other bishops, befriend Tyler/Clancy and harnessing the lifeless (but not dead) Trash dragon to break through the submarine in the ‘Saturday’ music video. The submarine acts as an extension of DEMA in this part of story. An attempt by the bishops to further isolate and drown out the fire that had been sparked within Tyler/Clancy by placing them ‘within a fishbowl’ under water. (Which is also clever because what is ice?) Tyler’s hair is pink in this video, he stands on a platform that looks like it glowing, like he’s standing on embers, and Josh’s drum set has also changed to reflect this. Josh, Tyler, and Keons together with Trash (still blue, but the beginnings of self-actualizing purpose) break free of the submersed walls of DEMA to then wash up on the shores of Voldsoy. Sink or swim? Display or redecorate?
The Outside – Again in this video, we start with blue, with ice. Josh is again now The Torchbearer for Tyler/Clancy who upon battling the waves (frigid waters of the mind and its waves,) is beaten down and in need. Once together, Josh drops the torch and together they go in search of shelter, respite on this ‘Island of Violence.’ It’s not until they catch sight of Ned that the lighting begins to change. Together they’ve found the tool, an idea, a spark, a weapon. Tyler and Josh part ways. The camera angle changes on Tyler and for a moment he almost seems larger than life as he travels through this dark cavern, (going down the rabbit hole, chasing the rabbit,) Tyler then sits with all the Neds, his ideas, around a blazing fire, taking a drink from one of them (a call back to the ‘Chlorine’ music video where we are shown purification and realization of an idea.) The lighting becomes orange. He follows the Ned we all assume to be the one from Chlorine to the sand, to the sea. Using the antlers, Tyler reaches across the gap and into the isolated parts of his mind, of DEMA, to then take down Keons using the very same weapons that Keons himself used to free Tyler from the submarine. Because “sometimes to stay alive, you’ve got to kill your mind.” The video ends with both Tyler and Josh carrying torches, signaling to us that The Torchbearer has always been interchangeable, that at this part in the story, they have won against themselves and are ready to fight for others.
Now we’ve got the colors of this new era coming together. Everything points to ‘war.’ “Am I the only one I know waging my wars behind my face and above my throat?” Blurryface, Spooky Jim, Banditos, the Bishops; Red and Yellow. Duality within oneself. I personally feel that Blurry and Spooky are fighting alongside the Banditos BECAUSE they are all interchangeable. The Bishops are painted as being the ultimate bad guys in this story and that is because of their origin. Anyone can become a bishop when you let anger, spite, and vindictiveness consume you in the cycle of sadness, hope, creation, fight, and anger. We’re fighting against people who seek to target others in their own misery. We’ll see Trash again, only this time it will breathe fire. We have been weaponized with this idea, this purpose of his which has become ours as we use it to fuel our own fires. We hold the antlers. We too can control Trash. Bring it to life and create an inferno.
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lindsayribar · 10 months
I've seen a lot of posts about how having Ricky and Ned together, in the same season, clogged it up with too many villains -- and also about how Ricky was a good, if underdeveloped, mirror to who Stede could have been if he came from similar circumstances but was a less kind person.
All true, I think.
But here's the thing. I think that if I were to "fix" the season (I loved the season overall, but I do think it was weaker than the first), I'd ditch Ricky entirely and develop Ned more instead. Because we don't need Stede to have a mirror this season. Season one was his. Season two, in terms of giving a big life-changing arc to a main character, was Ed's.
Ed's the one who should have had a mirror this season.
And Ned Low was the perfect mirror, in exactly the way Ricky tried to be for Stede. He's who Ed could have turned into, if Ed didn't yearn for kindness and softness underneath all the trauma and lashing out and terrible shit we saw in "Impossible Birds" and "Red Flags." Ned tortures for the fun of it, for the music of it.
In season 1, we saw Stede running from his old life (as personified, largely, by the Badmintons chasing after him while embodying everything that he was "supposed" to be). We saw it catch up to him just as he was figuring out how to be happy in his new life, and we saw it nearly destroy him. We saw him defeat it.
In season 2, Ed starts out by deliberately baiting Ned Low, breaking his record knowing that he would come after him for it. It was a deliberately suicidal plan... except, by the time Ned actually catches up to him, Ed's moved into the phase of his life where he's actively trying to heal from all those suicidal tendencies. Ned catches him just in time to shine a floodlight on the gap between who Ed was and who Ed's trying to be. Same as Chauncey did in "Act of Grace" when he pulled Stede out of bed at gunpoint.
What if Ned-as-villain had stretched out for multiple episodes, forcing Ed (and, by extension, Stede -- and, by extension, the crew members that Ed hurt) to face, head on and out loud, what he'd tried to do to himself? What if he suffered a setback similar to Stede's from season one, then had to work twice as hard to recover from it?
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veryace-ficrecs · 2 years
Social Media Fic Recs
One of my guiltiest and pickiest pleasures in fic are twitter fics! This list is made up of some of my favorite in the category, including socials other then twitter.
This list will include all ratings and tags, so read at your own discretion! :)
The Martian:
The Mark Watney Report by AsperJasper - Rated G
Space Pirate-Ninja @MarkWatney nasa must agree with me if they only censored my f*uck a little bit last time i tried to swear at martinez they replaced it with an emoji
Space Pirate-Ninja @MarkWatney this is what power feels like: making some poor person at nasa decide which curse words are appropriate to be tweeted out over work wifi
You Know You Have a Permanent Piece of My Medium-Sized American Heart      by tricatular - Rated T
“Hey Hermes!” The ambient suspicion level in the Rec ratcheted up significantly. Kapoor was disturbingly cheerful. “We’ve sent you some mission updates in the data dump, but Mitch and I wanted to personally let you know—” Mitch visibly rolled his eyes in the background. “—That thanks to some…strong suggestions from the White House, and on Annie and Director Sanders’ recommendation, we’ve started releasing Watney’s Mars logs to the public.”
Caption That by maddo - Rated T
Peter’s Instagram had been pretty popular since Instagram’s account noticed and reposted one of his photos, an impossible angle of the New York skyline (thank you Spider-Man) and was floating at around twenty thousand followers.
Then suddenly, @pparker was in the top 100 most followed Instagram accounts.
Just a bunch of little anecdotes regarding our favourite spider and his Instagram account, feat. a meme-tastic Tony Stark.
The Life of Spidey (As Seen Through A Spider-Man Fan Account) by hi_im_jared_19 - Rated T
Spidey-is-a-disaster @chaoticgoodboy
Disclaimer: I appreciate Spidey stepping up to help others. If more people acted like him, the world would be a better place. He is undeniably a good person. That being said, he is an entire human disaster, and I’m here to prove it.
Spider-Man's rise to popularity through the lens of a random twitter account dedicated to his dumbassery.
the conspiracy kids by tempestaurora - Rated T
Series: 3 Works
in which peter, harley and ned ask the all-important question: WHO IS SPIDER-MAN? 
one mask at a time by natelette - Rated T
Spider-Man is unmasked, and the world reacts.
Or how Peter, the internet, and the entire world deal in the wake of Mysterio’s video. Spoilers for Far From Home.
The True Identity: Bruce Wayne by November_Clouds - Rated G
makayla | sc mkyla457 @mkyla456        lmao watch him go off        [attached: Video of Bruce Wayne in business casual clothes screaming as he charges towards The Penguin brandishing a long black pipe. Behind him is the main center for the Martha Wayne Foundation, front windows shattered and reception desk on fire. The Penguin looks Scared.]      
After a tweet goes viral, people think they've finally figured it out. The real identity of Bruce Wayne.
Red Hood.
(social media fic, based off that tumblr post)
Gotham Online by julidoesnotwrite (notjuli) - Rated  T
The Waynes and the Bats as seen through social media.
gotham : a conspiracy thread by noahfense (orphan_account) - Rated T
ti(i wanna die)m @nightwingsass
the real reason Batman hasn’t responded to my conspiracy thread is because he’s jared,19,
in a world where Jason Todd didn't die and Tim Drake has parents that actually care about his wellbeing, Tim runs a popular batfam stan account and his followers convince him to start a YouTube channel.
Yuri on Ice:
Night is Young and the Music's High by opalish - Rated T
"Best press conference ever," the Japanese Nationals silver medalist says when asked.  “Ten out of ten, would medal again.”
"I would die for Katsuki-kun," Minami declares, with terrifying sincerity.
  On ICE!!! by Watermelonsmellinfellon - Rated M
The first time Katsuki Yuuri saw Victor Nikiforov perform, he realized he had a great desire to see figure skating in a video game. In fifteen years, his dream is realized. Little does he know that Victor's attention has been caught by the very game he unknowingly inspired. So ensues the cutest meeting ever and the relationship that follows.
Love Born in the Eye of the Storm by ScribblerQueen1 - Rated T
After a snowstorm cancels their return flight and all the hotels are overbooked, Yuuri decides to detour home to wait it out. He offers to let other stranded skaters stay at Yuu-topia, he just didn't know one of them was Victor Nikiforov. 
(i'm) the boy you'd die for by jenmishe - Rated T
v-nikiforov ✓
[Video: A short clip where Victor is laying dramatically on the couch with miserable expression. “Heartbreaker” by Marina and the Diamonds is playing.]
v-nikiforov✓ Am I the another one? (((
vitYASS victor,,,, honey,,,, i lvoe you so much,,,, but WHY are you like this.
red-blue-gay but??? does that mean that somebody has broken victor’s heart???? I DON'T UNDERSTAND
christophe-gc ✓ You’re ridiculous.
starsaregay But who recorded it?? Makkachin???
vityathebabe user @starsaregay asking the real question.
--- The adventures of Yuuri "Heartbreaker" Katsuki, or: how Yuuri became known as a cold player full of himself who doesn't care about anyone. (Hint: it's an anxiety and obliviousness.)
Framing by Fayah - Rated M
At age 22, Kozume Kenma had millions of subscribers on youtube, one blissfully fucked out Hinata Shouyou on his bed, and a plan. 
conflict of interest by zukushou -Rated T
“If you are familiar with the world of D-1 volleyball, chances are you’ve heard the names Hinata Shouyou and Kageyama Tobio. Both twenty-four-year-old athletes are famous for their skill and athletic prowess, but they’ve recently become household names for their intense rivalry.
Early this year, Hinata Shouyou signed onto the MSBY Black Jackals as a wing spiker after a two-year stint in Brazil, playing beach volleyball. He was an unknown in the V-League, but he quickly proved himself with his defensive skill and incredible jumping height and speed.
It wasn’t until the fateful Schweiden Adlers vs. MSBY Black Jackals match just yesterday that viewers came to the realization that Hinata Shouyou was the long-awaited rival of Kageyama Tobio.”
Kageyama and Hinata are married. The press seem to think that they’re hostile rivals who despise each other.
On Great Rivalries and General Dumbassery by NocturnalNights - Rated G
It's not exactly that they were hiding the fact that they had been married for about 7 years now. It's that no one seemed to have caught on yet.
Or: Kageyama and Hinata may have forgotten to mention one very important part of their rivalry.
Good Omens:
 it's a new craze by attheborder - Rated T
CROWLEY: I try not to make a habit of gratitude, but I must give our appreciation to everyone out there who’s been listening and subscribing to The Ineffable Plan. AZIRAPHALE: Ooh, yes, we’ve become quite popular, haven’t we? CROWLEY: Yeah, just hit number eight on the advice charts … No advertising at all. AZIRAPHALE: Mm. How … miraculous. CROWLEY: … Aziraphale. You did not.
Crowley and Aziraphale are very possibly the people least qualified, on the entire planet, to start up an advice podcast.
But what else is there to do when the world isn’t ending anytime soon, you’re technically on indefinite sabbatical from your lifelong careers, and you need a plausible excuse to spend more time with your best friend who you’re definitely not, absolutely not, maybe just a little, actually maybe overwhelmingly in love with?
hear that bell ringing (but won't get the door) by Rivran - Rated T
Social media: 1 Aziraphale and Crowley: 0.
These could all be read standalone, but it’s better if you read them in order. No, yeah, you should definitely read these in order. Each story features Aziraphale and Crowley, with a supporting cast of human characters for that sweet sweet outsider POV.
It (movies):
Retweet Verse by plinys - Rated T
Series: 12 works
A collection of post-It Ch2 fics that are a mix of domestic Richie/Eddie and social media interactions from all the Losers.
Buzzfeed Presents: 10 Times Richie and Eddie Tozier were Very, Very Married by kyaticlikestea - Rated T
Stanley Uris @surisaccounting I was going through my most recent photos and came across this nice one of @richietozier and @etozier at their wedding last week. Congratulations to the happy couple. They’ve never looked better. [attached image is a photo of two penguins arguing]
Richie ‘My Husband is Also A’ Tozier ✔ @richietozier replying to @surisaccounting Hey @surisaccounting take down that tweet or I’ll keep doing this [attached image is a photo of a Common Potoo, which has been incorrectly labelled ‘Crow’ in Comic Sans font]
Buzzfeed makes a list of all the times Richie and Eddie Tozier, beloved husbands of the Internet, were incredibly married. Perhaps unsurprisingly, it isn't a short list.
Nicest Celebrity You've Ever Met? by atomicteaparty - Rated G
Richie Tozier is a loudmouth guy who can’t be kept down by any woman at all! He’s a party animal who’s constantly meeting new people and living up the party lifestyle… or at least, that’s what his onstage persona is.
What if people who’ve met him realize he isn’t the same guy in real life?
Or: Some people talk about how Richie Tozier surprised them on reddit
14 Reasons Why Richie Tozier and His Husband Are #relationshipgoals by robin_hoods - Rated M
Get yourself a man who looks at you like Richie Tozier looks at Eddie. 
areas of expertise by dudski - Rated T
The Exoneration of Richie Tozier by Blissymbolics - Rated T
Tozier reportedly struck the assailant on the back of the head with a blunt object in defense of his childhood friend, Michael Hanlon, a librarian who lives in Tozier's hometown of Derry, Maine.
I killed a clown. AMA! by liesmyth - Rated T
I (39M) got stabbed twice today and now I want a divorce. Help?
Or: the one where Eddie is on Reddit.
October 14, 2016.
@PuzzleStan is:
-A puzzle enthusiast named Stan (44%, 3553 votes) -An anonymous stan of puzzles (44%, 3602 votes) -A puzzle enthusiast named Stan who is leaning into the wordplay (12%, 969 votes)
Misc - For Fandoms with only one fic:
#thatjacksonkid by The_German_Grim_Reaper - Rated G
Fandom: Percy Jackson
Following an episode of Buzzfeed Unsolved, several twitter users do their best to uncover the truth about Percy Jackson.  They get surprisingly far.
 Mr LAFD Updates Man by hammersmiths - Rated T
Fandom: 9-1-1
Series: 2 works
Eddie mans the LAFD Twitter account. Buck tries to be supportive.
Audience: 822,000 and Homeland Security by WerewolvesAreReal - Rated G
Fandom: Leverage
Hardison starts a live-stream for Dragon Age to show off his new mods. And he kicks ass. But his viewers are actually a bit more concerned about the angry guy in the background of his videos, and the blond chick who keeps peering through his windows.
"Is this some kind of performance art," asks peskytroll341.
Actually Me - Eddie Munson by Savi_Yoi - Rated G
Fandom: Stranger Things
This idea was bouncing around my brain at 3am so I just had to write it down.
Eddie is a famous musician. Gaining fame through the 90s with Corroded Coffin. Him and Steve have been together since 1987, but they were always very private about their relationship. Steve is like a cryptid in the Corroded Coffin fandom, with very little information about him, and very few pictures. Eddie is promoting a solo album in 2021, and Steve is pulled on camera to do a silly interview with him. They're about 54/55 in this fic.
This is the transcript of that interview.
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tilbageidanmark · 4 months
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Movies I watched this week (#176):
6 new Romanian films:
🍿 After listening to the angelic voice of Maria Coman, I wanted to re-visit some Romanian films.
Acasă, My Home, a raw, unexpected gem! A quiet documentary (with no music score!) about a family of feral Romas (9 kids and their stubborn parents) who live isolated from society, in a nature reserve just outside Bucharest. Filthy, proud, tight-knit and independent, they are eventually chased out of their shack and subsistence living, and struggle with their integration into the system. With a surprise cameo by Prince Charles (WTF?) who shows up for a UN ceremony to plant a tree. Sublime 💯 score on Rotten Tomatoes. 9/10.
🍿 Betisoare rock n'roll (2010) a moving short about a deaf woman who goes to a concert, to find the singer. She's his mother who gave him up for adaption 35 years prior. 10/10.
🍿 Bad Luck Banging or Loony Porn, an absurdist, post-modernist riddle by infant-terrible Radu Jude. A history teacher at a secondary school films a sex tape with her husband, but the video leaks on the internet. Everybody around her is scandalized and she has to attend a raucous free-for-all parent conference, where they get to vote if she should be expelled or not.
It's a wild, uneven film. It boldly opens with and features several hardcore pornographic scenes without any excuses. It also uses experimental / structuralist tropes a-la-Godard, which makes this into a jarring experience; The first act basically follows the teacher as she keeps walking through the noisy streets. The second act is a provocative pastiche of images and thought-bubbles which criticizes the schizophrenic, reactionary Romanian society today, dealing with ignorance, sexism, xenophobia, the trauma of history, as well as misinformation during the Covid years. The third act, of the 'trial' against the teacher, offers three different outcomes, including a surprising dream-vision where the teacher turns into Wonder Woman, and she fucks the mouths of all the attendees with a giant silver dildo.
🍿 I was planning on exploring Radu Jude's complete works, but (after that ^) I will continue another time. Instead, I just saw his first touching film The Tube with the Hat (2006). A village boy convinces his dad to take their broken TV set to a repairman in the city. Show, don't tell.
🍿 The dictator and his servant, an odd, experimental short from 1967. Found on 'Cinepub', a free YouTube channel with over 900 Romanian films. [*Female Director*].
🍿 2 Lottery Tickets (2016), a lighthearted and sweet comedy about 3 hapless, bumbling losers from a sleepy provincial town, who win the lottery but lose the ticket. Low-key, but assured directing style, follows wretched situation without condemnation. 8/10.
Waking Ned is a 1998 feel-good Irish comedy that was the inspiration for '2 Lottery Tickets', the Romanian film above. The plot deals with Ned Devine who dies from a heart attack, when he hears on the telly that his numbers match the big lottery winning numbers. And with the whole tiny village which conspires to claim the big prize money. The simple, rustic wholesomeness is being excessively idolized, but it ends on a surprising twist. 5/10.
[Extra - Not-A-Movie-But - Spark, an infectious rap video that some County Cork kids just made!].
Barbara Stanwyck X 3:
🍿 Meet John Doe, Frank Capra's wholesome, politically-naive tale. An average Joe Shmoe, an "Everyman", (but one who looks just like Gary Cooper), becomes a lightning rod for a populist 3rd party candidate. An ordinary citizen vs. money and corruption in government. 'Come together' and be 'Nicer to your neighbors'. (Screenshot Above).
🍿 "Use men - to get the things you want!"
Baby face was an extreme pre-Code story of a young woman using sex to advance in the world. Stanwick goes from a 14-year old daughter, sexually-abused by her pimp-father, to a serial seductress who heartlessly ends up with the president of the bank. No wonder The Hays Office was able to clamp down on morality and filth in the movie business around that time. Blatant whoring and early feminist sentiments, mixed with motivation born of reading some Nietzsche philosophy. Too much for the poor plebeians suffering from The depression. With a 2-line cameo by John Wayne. WOW! 8/10.
🍿 "Once I watched my big brother shave..."
Ball of Fire, a 1941 Howard Hawks screwball comedy with a ridiculous premise. A group of stodgy "professors", all bachelors except of one widower, live in an old-fashioned boarding house while writing an encyclopedia. The old men, all foreigners but Gary Cooper, know nothing about sex, but are all titillated when a young woman takes refuge there. They are anti-intellectual, creepy and infantile, and the whole story was difficult to swallow. 💯 score on Rotten Tomatoes, but only 1/10 on mine.
"These are fantastic mushrooms..."
(Not to be too personal, but I feel quite melancholic recently, what with the looming end of the world, destruction of all life, etc. So, the only remedy is to lose myself for the 15th, 16th, Nth time in Palm Springs, and forget that soon we'll all be dead too.) Another (very) frequent re-Watch ♻️.
The slender thread was Sydney Pollack's first feature film, and also the first film featuring Dabney Coleman. A mixed bag social drama, with young Sidney Poitier working at the then-new suicide prevention hotline, and trying to save the life of Anne Bancroft, who had just ingested a bunch of pills. With a fantastic score by Quincy Jones, and evocative locations of 1965 Seattle. But the psychological play between the the two is dated and ham-fisted. Nobody today would treat her as clumsily and unprofessionally as it was then. 4/10.
RIP, Dabney Coleman!
Challengers, the new Health and Wealth soft-core porn-drama for bi-curious teenagers. Tennis and Threesomes, served in a slick, non-linear package. Lush cinematography (and irritating tecno-score by the otherwise always-outstanding Trent Reznor and Atticus Ross). Surprisingly (or maybe not), it's the latest from Luca Guadagnino, but doesn't compare to his so much better 'Desire Trilogy'. I wish he would just stay in Italy! 4/10, mostly for the initial seduction scene.
2 more with Denzel Washington:
🍿 My first by Carl Franklin, Devil in a Blue Dress, a 1948's LA Neo-Noir. It's obvious that they were going for a Chandler style 'Chinatown' clone, but with a black hero, Hunky Denzel in his white undershirt. There was a moment where they even say nearly verbatim "Just find the girl, Mr. Gittes" but without Noah Cross's deep, guttural voice, and definitely without his gravitas. 5/10.
🍿 The Equalizer, a re-watch ♻️. I felt like a silent vigilante movie, and this was is actually pretty good, especially the meticulous, quiet build-up. The violent action portions I could do without. 7/10.
"...Daddy won't be living here anymore..."
Shut the Door. Have a Seat, one of Mad Men's greatest episodes, Season 3 finale. A perfectly-perfect 47 minutes of pure economic drama. Concise dialogue, compact story telling, classic build up. Everybody's invited to hear unexpected news, by being told to 'sit down'. And it ends with all the suffering characters, from the glacially-beautiful Betty Draper, to Sally, her 10 yer old daughter. moving on with their lives, while Roy Orbison sings 'Shahdaroba' in the background. "When a dream dies... And a heart cries... Shahdaroba Is the word they whisper alone..."Another regular 10/10 Re-Watch ♻️.
3 by Dutch animator Mascha Halberstad:
🍿King sausage (2022) is a weirdly-animated musical about love among the offals. 2 butchers duke it out in a small town sausage competition. The descriptions of the meats are not for vegetarians. The language sounds extremely harsh. 7/10.
🍿 In Goodbye mister de Vries, a 93 year old man receives a package with his childhood skates, and tries to go skating on the ice one more time.
🍿In the weird Pregnant (2015) a guy pisses up on a pregnancy test thingie, to discover that he's expecting a baby. [*Female Director*].
I only decided to give the new horror film For sale a try because it looks like the world I knew so well. Shady salesmen and dirty real estate tricks. I knew I would probably hate it, but maybe it will be accurate? However, the actor who played the sleazeball piece of shit Realtor had as much charisma as the character he played, and as soon as the standard "horror" tropes appeared on screen, it was time to pack it in. Couldn't finish it.
I still would like to find some realistic new real estate movies [besides '99 homes', 'The big short', 'Glengarry Glen Ross'...?]
Chloë Sevigny’s debut film as a director, Kitty (2016). A little girl dreams of becoming a kitten, and then she turns into one. Moody and unsettling. [*Female Director*].
2 First generation A.I. nightmares by obscure indie director Damon Packard:
🍿 The Man Who Couldn’t Miss Screenings an imaginative agony of a on obese, middle-age cinephile, sitting at home on his computer, being hen-picked by his nagging Chinese wife, who doesn't appreciate his love for the art of moving pictures... All that played against Pink Floyd's 'Comfortably numb'. It hits too close to home. man! Made in 2023, which means that the A.I. is very passé, so this is nearly an historic document. Astounding 9/10!
🍿 The Sleeping Audience, another early onset nightmare fuel about mass scare, audiences sleeping through real messages about the end of the world, but waking up when the 'fake' movie starts. [Terrific, but the audience is all black for some reason- ?]
Apparently this guy had been making indie movies under the rader for 40 years. Many more of his new A.I. shorts can be found on his YouTube channel. (Including the nightmarish Welcome to the machine, which is based on the famous photo of Roger Waters riding the subway...)
(My r/truereddit post about him was deleted for some reasons...)
(My complete movie list is here).
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voulezloux · 5 months
Hello hello I am here to bother you <3
What’s your comfort movie or tv series?
And what’s a quote from a book that stuck with you?
Hope you have a great day 🫶
this is gonna expose me so hard oh my GOD
my comfort tv shows have been niche one off shows that were on netflix for the longest time before being taken off and i’ve been unable to find them since 😭😭 shows like cheapest weddings that’s from australia, frisky business about a sex toy company called lovehoney from the uk, shit like that. if they were vhs tapes, i’d wear them down so bad that’s how much i watched these shows. my comfort movie is the recording of shrek the musical 😭 it’s literally one of my favorite musicals to ever be made unironically. i have a tattoo for it and i even referenced it in my big bang fic. it was on netflix for the longest time before i was taken off in the past couple years, and i legit had a bit of a panic attack before i found out i could buy it for streaming on amazon prime. i do plan to eventually get a physical copy of the musical just in case!
i could not for the life of me remember literally any quote from any book i’ve read (it’s more of the impact of the overarching story than a quote itself for me) and it’s been so long since i’ve been able to sit down and read a book (i’m very ashamed of this too) so instead i’ll recommend books ive read in the past that i loved growing up
it’s kind of a funny story - ned vizzini
the giver - lois lowry
copper sun - sharon m. draper
endangered - eliot schrefer
flowers for algernon - daniel keyes
number the stars - lois lowry
the outsiders - s. e. hinton
paper towns - john green
the giver is honestly my all time favorite book and i fucking despise the movie adaptation of it (sorry meryl streep) i once annotated and lent my copy of it to my high school boyfriend who then broke up with me a month later and never gave it back so get fucked [redacted]
a lot of these books i read as apart of english courses throughout school, save for it’s kind of a funny story and paper towns. there’s something that john green said in a vlogbrothers video about paper towns that i cannot for the life of me find. i found a scathing review from 2012 about it’s kind of a funny story where they put a 2012 mindset on a book published in 2006. im not say that it makes up for what they said was bad about the book, but it lends itself to why there were ignorant things written in the book. ned vizzini also wrote be more chill, which is also a musical apparently, and sadly took his own life at the end of 2013. it’s kind of a funny story is written based on his stints in psychiatric wards and it hits harder considering the circumstances around his death
copper sun i read in 8th grade and it’s a very good read. i read it so fast that i finished it before i was supposed to (nerd) and my english teacher had us do an assignment where we predicted the end of the book. i asked him what do i do since i finished the book and he told me to act like i didn’t finish the book and pretend to predict the ending. i obviously did not do that and instead gave the ending away and drew a crude stick figure depicting it
flowers for algernon fucking hurts. it’s both a book that makes you feel great and then it takes it away from you because you were feeling too great. i still recommend it bc while it hurts, the story itself is still wonderful. the outsiders is a pretty standard read for middle school kids and still a great book. we read it in 7th grade and watched the movie during the last week of school. number the stars is about the holocaust and two friends with one being jewish living in a nazi occupied town. there’s one scene that has stuck with me for years since i’ve read the book where someone is killed by firing squad by nazi soldiers (i won’t spoil who) and i can’t remember if it happened on screen in the book or im confusing it with the death by firing squad scene in the film life is beautiful (which is also about the holocaust and made my entire 8th grade english class cry) which happens off screen. endangered is about a teen girl trying to save a group for bonobos during a country’s civil war. its apart of a four part series by this author called the ap quartet
sorry to ramble but thank u for asking 🥺
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On the way home
Fandoms: Avengers, Spider-Man, Iron Man
Rating: R
Warnings: Blood, Injury, Spider Son and Iron Dad, OOC, Family, Comfort, Warm Relationship, Supporting, Bullying, AU, Secret Personality.
How tired I am. How many days without a good night's sleep? Five? Or six? Okay, that's enough for today. I'm so sore... everything. My head from lack of sleep and my body from two, no, three bullet wounds. And yesterday's stab wound still hurts. It's... 06:34, so I can go home to my aunt.
Message for you from Ned.
"Dude, you didn't forget we have a field trip today, did you? The bus leaves at 7:00. I hope you don't oversleep."
Shit. I didn't forget about it. I didn't know about it. What am I in for? I just don't have time to go home. Then it's straight to school. Maybe I'll get some sleep on the bus.
It took me about seven minutes to get to school. Mr. Harrington was surprised to see me so early, but had no problem with me being on the bus. I put some music on my headphones and went to bed.
A short while later.
I woke up to someone poking me in the side. The one with the hole in it. The sensation was fire. When I opened my eyes, I saw Ned. He was saying something, but I couldn't understand the words because of the headphones, so I just nodded. He seemed completely satisfied with that. I was still in a half-asleep state, so I was completely oblivious to the world around me and acted on complete autopilot. I heard no insults from Flash, no taunts from M.J., and no attempts to call me to order from Mr. Harrington. I was just walking toward the tower, because that was the route my body was used to. I didn't even realize that this was where we'd come for the tour.
Unfortunately, my brain wasn't working yet, so I didn't think about FRIDAY at all. I wasn't thinking about anything at all. There was a blissful silence in my head. Only some unobtrusive melody was playing in my headphones, but I didn't pay any attention to it either. And I knew about the "Nanny for a Spider" protocol. And I knew about the mandatory body scan for injuries when I entered the tower, too. And I knew, too, that if the results of the analysis are far from the norm, FRIDAY sends them to their creator. But I just waddled along with everyone else toward the entrance.
I didn't hear the excited gasps of my classmates, the even more furious cries of the Flash, or Ned's attempts to contradict him. I didn't pay attention to the tour guide's surprised exclamation at the sight of my access level, and I didn't hear the traditional FRIDAY  greeting. I felt sick and wanted to sleep. We had already gone several floors, and I could hardly see anything anymore because of the dark spots in front of my eyes. Blood loss is no joke.
And then I just saw my daddy and went to him. He gently put his arms around me and started to say something. Then an epiphany came over his face and he pulled my headphones out of my ears.
- Hey, kiddo. You okay? - He said it so softly that if it weren't for my improved hearing, I wouldn't have heard it.
- Dad, I'm tired.
That was enough for him. He didn't ask me anything, but simply led me to the elevator, supporting me by the shoulders. He could see my vitals and he knew that there was no point in saying anything. He had been in this condition more than once himself, so he knew I didn't need a lecture. He led me toward the medical unit. I didn't argue. I felt completely safe now, so I put control completely in the hands of the man I trusted more than myself.
Dad sat me down on the bed and gave me something to drink. Probably sleeping pills, because my eyes closed almost immediately. And why? I could fall asleep without it. In this state, the mere presence of a pillow would have been enough for me. Or a blanket. Or...
I didn't see Dad call the doctors, led by Dr. Cho. I didn't see him turn pale when he saw my wounds. Didn't see him sitting there holding my hand. I was finally at peace. I was home, my daddy was beside me, and I was asleep.
Yeah, then he'd give me a real head-scratcher, resent me, threaten to take away my suit, and more. He'll get all the vigilantes involved in the lecture, and maybe even Aunt May. But all that will come later. For now, I feel surprisingly good. For the first time this week.
No one remembered about the class, which was still standing downstairs. And that's right, because the most important thing in life is family.
And how can a parent think about anything else when their child is not well. That's right.
no way
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petershannah · 2 years
Peter Parker head canons I thought of (my opinion ofc) .
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- his favorite season is fall. I’m sure . He would request the most random requests when walking you home sometimes like , playing with the leaves or running in the rain like crazy people. (I would love that-)
-he’s always listening to music. ALWAYS. It makes sense , when he’s with you he doesn’t though, because your voice is very calming to him. Especially when he goes to sleep , he either calls you or listens to songs because he can’t sleep without both cause of his high sense of hearing .
-his love language would be touch , acts of service and word affirmations .
-prefers Dunkin’ over Starbucks . (Because of both the price and taste)
-hates black coffee so much. (Same same)
-loves books and comics .
-prefers hot drinks over cold drinks sometimes (not same)
-would eat ice cream in winter.
-he smells like soft vanilla and daisies
-buys perfume from bath and body works
-insecure about his body and looks
-loves to have LED lights on in night times .
-so smart but doesn’t shame anyone for not knowing something even if it’s dumb. (But ofc not TOO dumb)
-would be his very real self if he knows you well and vice versa .
-would sell everything he owns to get you a gift.
-makes so much effort in gifts , he’s creative like literally so thoughtful and remembers what you like and don’t like .
-he’s so clean-
-would watch k drama or anything with you because you suggested it.
-his fashion sense is as good as his spider sense .
-talkative <3.
-overshares some times .
-doesn’t get so angry easily .
-he would play with your hair .
-he loves hair massages so much that if he lays his head on your lap and you play with his hair he’ll be asleep within minutes .
-loves club sandwiches and pizza .
-defends delmars all the time . If you told him it isn’t good he’ll do a whole argument with how much advantages delmars has .
-would open up to you , and doesn’t let any secrets between you .
-loves to have “cry sessions” with you it makes him feel at peace . ( cry sessions is something I made with Peter , it’s when any of us want to cry the other would stay with them and hug them , even if there isn’t much to say , the presence of any of us is enough. ) most of the time he’s crying because he couldn’t save someone or life has been a stress for him .
-movie dates , ALWAYS his favorite.
-makes lame jokes , that you still laugh at.
-would def bring you a locket of both of your pictures inside .
-his blanket is so soft .
-such a big fan of the avengers .
-would take you on swings and show you the most pretty places out there .
-loves to watch sunsets.
-probably had a teddy to hug as a kid .
-him and Ned are sticked together. ALL THE TIME. You don’t mind cause Ned is hilarious. You still have time alone with Peter too
-he got drunk only 1 time in Berlin (it was in his vlog the extended version)
-a very good doctor , he learns quickly , Bruce loves him.
-definitely a “the neighborhood” fan .
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There’s more but I’ll post them later <3
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the-kr8tor · 1 year
Hello again you're probably going to get annoyed with me but I do got another request for you can you please do a Hobie x punk rock star reader
where Hobie finds out that reader is a famous female punk rock star and he just happens to go to one of her concerts and she's on stage performing paparazzi by Kim Dracula 💕😍🥰
Hi hun! Thanks for the request! I'm sorry but I don't know that song I feel so old so I hope you don't mind me not adding it in. Hope you like it ❤️
Hobie Brown x fem!reader
Cursing, FLUFF
Hobie doesn't boast, he definitely doesn't, but he can't help but talk about you to his friend. Hobie finds himself yelling over the concert's speakers announcing a new act on stage.
"I'm telling you, mate" he grabs Ned's arm to get his attention "she's fantastic! We clicked just like that!" Hobie snaps his fingers "we talked about everything, there was never an awkward pause"
Hobie smiles through his praises.
Ned side eyes Hobie, annoyed at hearing the exact same story that Hobie told him mere minutes ago "yeah, you clicked so much, you forgot to ask for her number. You didn't even bother to ask for her name!"
"Yeah, I kinda forgot about that!" Hobie yells through the crowd's screams, he mentally slaps himself for his stupidity.
"Well if it's meant to be, you're bound to see each other again" Ned finally takes his full attention towards the new band, the lights flicker and change colors to match the new song.
Hobie doesn't believe in soulmates, fate or love at first sight, but with you, he's starting to question his beliefs.
A guitar riff sounds aloud throughout the concert hall. Hobie ignores it, his mind still on your last encounter.
"What's up, London!" You scream at your mic, hyping up the crowd. A wave of excited shouts and shrieks reverberate around the place.
Hobie almost breaks his neck with how fast he moved towards the familiar voice.
"Hoooly shiiittt" He shakes Ned's shoulders. "That's her! Bruv, that's her!" Hobie smiles widely, he can't believe it.
"Fuck off, really?" Ned shoves off Hobie "no way, mate, she's bloody famous!"
Hobie doesn't reply, he stood throughout your entire set, eyes glued to your form. Everytime you play your guitar, he watches your fingers expertly play it, he hangs onto every song lyric you sing out.
He barely registers your wink thrown at him on stage. Was that even for him?
You smirk, the tip of your tongue peeks through your teeth, nodding at his direction, you point at him with the head of your cherry red guitar, as you play your guitar solo, head bobbing up and down to the music.
That was definitely for him.
Hobie smiles proudly, while Ned stares at him in disbelief.
After your band's set, you thank the crowd for being such a great audience. Sweat and adrenaline clings to you.
You drop down gracefully from the stage, running towards Hobie's general direction.
He notices this immediately, so he pushes through the crowd to get to the front of the stage. Hobie ignores all the angry stares thrown at him, he dodges an elbow, still pushing through the tightly packed crowd.
You both get to the front at the same time, a huge smile on your lips, Hobie mirrors your expression.
A metal barricade separating you two. The event's security held back the crowd, they try to stop Hobie from getting closer to you but you signal them that he's okay.
"Hey there, stranger" your voice, velvety smooth.
"Found you"
"That you did" you laugh, "you forgot something, the last time we saw each other"
Hobie looks at you curiously "What is it?" He doesn't remember if he left something at the pub where you met.
"My name and number"
"That right?" His grin gets bigger, Hobie flirts back.
"Mmhm, I'll see you backstage, stranger" you leave him speechless.
Maybe Hobie does believe in fate.
Thanks for reading! Please consider reblogging if you enjoyed it! ❤️❤️❤️
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amaryllisthegheist · 11 days
Blog Directory
Hello and welcome everyone, this is a blog primarily dedicated to the various stories I write and a lot of my art. Secondary blog to @myths-of-fantasy
Major Projects
Ignavus - A warrior ccats inspired Xenomoggy series with its own blog here on cohost.
The Earth 470 Project - A fleetingly worked on DCEU project where I am building up an alien species that was nearby Krypton and thus, acted as a refugee planet for a decent amount of their people
Sable Wren - An original story that started as a school project that is being developed very, very slowly
Troubled Times - A Percy Jackson Inspired story that will probably go on to be an original work, following twins Percy and Kiara as they navigate the supernatural world, get accused of serial murder and stop an evil bastard from manipulating children
Lesser Projects
Creed - A somewhat selfish assassin stumbles her way into becoming the respect lord of a city during the explosion of a violent gang-war and learns to love her found family along the way
Lurking Dragons - Before Caitlyn, there was a woman that Ned Stark loved beyond all else, a leader and spitfire that he was pained to give up for his duty. When he dies at King's Landing, Analliah flips out the dragon-queen seeks out the Mother of Dragons to right a few (hundred) wrongs.
Boss Music - Light Yagami's stunt as Kira attracts the attention of a particular powerful gheist who promptly performs an audit on Death's Servants, unknowingly setting off a ripple effect of events. The Shinigami King never saw her coming.
Exodus - A fic of a fic, Exodus is the 'what if Firestar left' of the story Exile
Sleeping Giants - The Gamer Naruto featuring a half yokai girl who has Player 2 mechanics.
Story Directories
Some of my works have fully assembled directories or multiple posts to be navigated
The Farlands - A post-magical apocalypse world originally inspired by warriors but well on its way to becoming its own thing with just a few name changes. Oh, and it was sparked by the idea that after enough time suffering, eventually life adapts. Ao3 | Wattpad
The Black Wolf Capers - A Carmen Sandiego AU series features magic and an OC known as The Black Wolf who gave up everything to keep Carmen happy. Ao3 | Wattpad
Impulsive works
A Stalwart Survivor - Lara Croft has forged herself into the perfect channel and champion of a long forgotten goddess of survival and everyone else deals with the insanity that follows it
Stardust in Her Eyes - A wordgirl fic but I went a little bit insane, invented a new species and really leaned into the underlying tragedy of what it means for this series to be based on Superman XD
Shadows in the Mirror - Rusty is a faefolk wandering among mortals running from his mother, who seized control of the summer throne after his father's death
The Outsiders - Rusty's sister Kite rules a powerful Syndicate of outside cats not far from clan territory, and it's there that he takes Ravenpaw, convinced that his little sister would take perfectly good care of him
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hitchell-mope · 2 months
Elephant love medley by numa.
Ned: All you need is love
Uma: You're being ridiculous
Ned: All you need is love
Just one night, give me just one night
Uma: There's no way 'cause you can't pay
Ned: In the name of love
One night in the name of love
Uma: You crazy fool, I can't give in to you
Ned: It's so easy
All you have to do is fall in love
Uma: Love hurts
Ned: All you have to do is play the game
Uma: Love scars
Ned: All you have to do is take on me
Uma: No, no, no, it ain't me
Ned: Take me on
Uma: No, no
No because you'll be gone in a day or two
(Uma dashes off back towards the lake followed closely by Ned)
Ned: I love you, always, forever
Near or far, closer together
Everywhere I will be with you
Uma: Love is a battlefield
Ned: Everything I will do for you
(She rounds on him)
Uma (with tears in her eyes): Don't speak i know just what you're thinking
So please stop explaining
Don't tell me 'cause it hurts
(Ned deflates for a nanosecond before going back into Romance Mode, dancing acrobatically around the forest)
Ned: Open up your eyes, then you'll realize
Here I stand with my everlasting love
Need you by my side, girl, you'll be my pride
You'll never be denied, everlasting love
(Uma stops him with one hand and pushes him against a tree)
Uma: What's love got to do, got to do with it?
What's love, but, a second hand emotion?
What's love got to do, got to do with it?
Who needs a heart
When a heart can be broken?
Ned (smirking flirtily): You're breaking my heart
S'pose I never, ever met you
Uma: What's love got to do with it?
Ned: Suppose we never fell in love
Uma: Who needs a heart?
Ned: Suppose I kept on singing love songs
Uma: All of this music breaks my heart
(They start ballroom dancing back to the lake)
Both: Yes, it breaks my heart
Yes it breaks my heart
(Ned pulling Uma ever closer to him)
Ned: I can't help falling in love with you
(Uma pushes him away and turns to face the lake)
Uma: I'm all out of faith this is how I feel
I'm cold and I'm ashamed lying
Naked on the floor
Ned: Take me on
Uma: Illusion never changed into something real
I'm wide awake and I can see
The perfect sky is torn
(Ned teleports to the rock facing the dais)
Ned: They will see us coming
From such great heights
"Come down now", they'll say
(Uma joins in)
Both: Everything looks perfect from far away
"Come down now", but we'll stay
(Uma joins Ned on the rock)
Ned: 'Cause, love lifts us up where we belong
Where the eagles fly on a mountain high
Both: Love makes us act like we are fools
Throw our lives away for one happy day
Ned: We can be heroes, just for one day
Uma (putting her arms around Ned’s shoulders): Though nothing can keep us together
Ned: We can steal time, just for one day
Both: We can be heroes forever and ever
We can be lovers just for one day
We can be heroes forever and ever
We can be lovers just for one day
Ned: And you can tell everybody
Both: This is your song
It may be quite simple but
Now that it's done
I hope you don't mind, I hope you don't mind
That I put down in words
Ned: We can be heroes
Uma: How wonderful life is
Ned: We can be heroes
Uma: How wonderful life is
Ned: We can be heroes
Uma: How wonderful life is
Both: While you're in the world
(The combo eclipse slowly dissipates around them)
Both: I will always love you
And I will always love you
And I will always love you
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nedcollette · 3 months
LP out September 6 via Sophomore Lounge Records CD/Cassette via ever/never records
Pre-orders available now.
LP Europe/UK: NC bandcamp OZ/NZ: Poison City US/AMERICA: Sophomore Lounge bandcamp CD/Cassette ever/never bandcamp
Featuring Leah Senior, Steve Heather, Mick Turner, Elisabeth Fuchsia, Mike Majkowski, Joe Talia, Eamon McNelis, Judith Hamann, Jim White, Fredrik Kinbom, & Chris Abrahams.
Insightful words from beautiful people below...
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'Our Other History' is a wonderful new LP by this wandering Berlin-based Melbourne expat. Ned's last album, 'Afternoon—Dusk' was an avant instrumental trio outing with James Rushford and Joe Talia, but 'Our Other History' is a return to delicate, sophisticated song craft of his 2018 masterpiece, 'Old Chestnut.' 
Ned's approach to lyrics, vocals and music shares a melancholic beauty that is both haunted and haunting. His words are often more impressionistic than overt in their storytelling, but his vocals carry hints that recall those of the legendary Roy Harper. But where Harper's attack was often Dionysian, Collette's approach is Apollonian, and the tracks often have a compositional feel with a distinct taste of Canterbury. 
The players this time include old hands, like drummer Steve Heather and pianist Chris Abrahams (of The Necks), but there are a bunch of new players on hand, including Melbourne mates, Jim White and Mick Turner (of Dirty 3 fame) and the folksinger, Leah Senior. All these elements (and more) are fitted together with elegance and allowed space to breathe. 
Collette's music is hard to classify. It exists inside a dynamic flux made up of equal parts post-rock, folk, jazz and avant prog, but it manages to remain plain-spoken and uncluttered regardless of how complex its structure can be when you start parsing it. But why bother? With a record as throughly lovely as 'Our Other History', the best idea is to just relax and let the music flow. Beautifully. 
– Byron Coley 2024 
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 
I don’t really know Ned Collette. That’s about to change, and I am energized with anticipation. Last summer, I saw Ned in performance here in my hometown of Louisville, KY, accompanied by Elisabeth Fuchsia who had recently become a hero-friend. And it was ‘magical’, ‘alchemical’, engaging and illuminating and inspiring; I witnessed Ned’s and Fuchsia’s almost overpowering fluency with music and with music’s ability to act simultaneously as the medium for communication between performers and with audience. 
I’m bouncing back and forth with how I refer to Ned Collette in this writing. If I always called him “Collette” it might disguise the fact that, should I wish to, I could reach him now, easily, on the telephone or over email, and that our acquaintance continues to grow and just about resembles something I’ve learned can be called friendship. If I only referred to him as “Ned”, though, it would belie the fact that I am humbled by his ability. 
These are songs. They are also sound-pieces, artful constructions of dynamic arrangement. 'Our Other History' is a dreamworld unto itself and, where each song stands on its own, this is one of those increasingly rare beasts: a full-length record to to experience and behold and live in for a while as a whole thing. The contributors’ voices (including the human voice in the cases of Leah Senior and Judith Hamann) bring such significant impact that it is beyond what we think of as musical parameters, getting deeper into the drama and tone of each piece. I would call it “Lyric Music” because the lyric carries much of the weight (not to say burden) of what is communicated. The word dominates, and here the word rewards. When Mick Turner’s guitar enters the scene, I am overwhelmed with joy; and Jim White’s drum playing has never felt more natural and powerful and appropriately modifying than it does here. And then I begin to notice Steve Heather’s drumming everywhere else and am floored by its dusty elegance. But isn’t fair to single out players; I’m being fully subjective, and my perspective changes with each listen. The record as a whole is directed in ways that we understand a movie director oversees the identity of her or his film. 
Ryan Davis and I were driving around the United States not long ago and he played this record in the van. I couldn’t believe that something so fine was also new. But it could only be new; it wears its modernity subtly and surely and is as rewarding a listening experience as I’ve come across in recent times. 
– Will Oldham 2024 
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I know nobody is going to see this but I NED to talk about something or rather someone.
Daniel Balavoine, a late seventies, early eighties french singer who I love with all my silly little hurt.
He started singing in 1975 and died in 1986 but managed to stay one of the most loved singer from this era till today. He became famous with the musical « Starmania » produced by Michel Berger who saw him singing « Lady Marlene »for the TV in 1977. He immediately saw how much talent this young man had and decided to give him one of the lead roles. Daniel then managed to make some of the most iconic albums in French history ( no I’m not just saying that because I love him, literally everyone in France knows like ten of his songs). He stood out with his very powerful voice and his mannerisms as he acted out his songs on stage.
He is also known for yelling at socialist French president Mitterrand for five minutes on live TV. Iconic.( although it made him look like a prick in the eyes of many socialists). But don’t get my wrong, he’s still a very engaged leftist whom will yell at his public when they didn’t sing loud enough for immigrants. (It happened multiple times).
But in truth what made him what he is today are is lyrics. « Leurs évangiles ont fait de moi un non-croyant » « Quand les cris des femmes s’accrochent à mes larmes, c’est pour m’aider à mieux porter tous mes chagrins » « Qu’en est-il des idéaux sous la mitraille, quand les prêcheurs sont à l’abris de la bataille ».
Translation :- Their gospel made me a non believer.
-When the women’s cries hold at my tears, I know it’s to help me to bear all my sorrows.
-What about ideals under the fire when preachers are away from the fight.
( It all sounds better in French)
And of course, he was also fucking unhinged.
I love him.
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