#necro talks
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necromancercoding · 1 year ago
Aviso a navegantes
Siento mucho tener que hacer esto, y saben bien si me siguen desde hace tiempo que no soy persona a la que le guste el bardo y lo evito en la medida de lo posible. Pero esto ya es tremendamente cansino.
Me han llegado cantidad de mensajes en las últimas semanas diciéndome que cierto skin hecho por Queenie Coding era muy 'de mi estilo'. No le di mayor importancia puesto que un estilo no se copyrightea, no tengo los derechos sobre usar fondos transparentes o blablabla. Pero uno se pone a cotillear por curiosidad y es cuando me doy cuenta de que 'una copia de estilo' (< que, reitero, me la finfla) no es el problema aquí.
El problema es que esta persona está usando códigos javascript literalmente copiados de mis skins y ni me ha pedido permiso para ello, ni me ha acreditado de ninguna manera.
Pueden ver algunos ejemplos en el JS de un foro que usa su skin (ciertas cosas están censuradas puesto que la culpa no es del staff). A la izquierda mi código, en uno de mis skins (concretamente, State of Grace). A la derecha, el código copiado. Un par de cambios de nombre de atributos pero está usando hasta el mismo nombre de variable.
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Mismo lugar, loop para asignar informaciones, usa hasta los mismos nombres de las variables.
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No tendría problema con esto si me hubiese contactado y me hubiese pedido ayuda o que le compartiese mi código. Todos los coders que han hablado conmigo personalmente saben que proporciono ayuda incluso a nivel personal, ofreciendo códigos propios que no he compartido aquí, testeando cosas que no han conseguido hacer, o enseñándoles a hacer algo.
Porque me gusta ayudar. Pero no me gusta que me tomen el pelo y me crean estúpido.
No quiero tener que bloquear a nadie de la comunidad, y mucho menos vetar a esta persona de usar mis aportaciones, tutoriales y astucias. Pero si esto sigue así, lo voy a hacer. Que ya tenemos una edad para saber pedir permiso antes de robar códigos de skins ajenos que luego vas a vender.
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necropathys · 2 months ago
Out of pure curiosity how did you design your persona? Was it difficult?
I've been trying to design my own for roughly 3 years but I'm so unsure with myself on what I want represented as myself.
Oh, I fought with the design for such a long time—I went through so many iterations before settling on something.
Even now, I find myself tweaking the outfit design every time I draw it because nothing feels quite perfect yet. But I think that’s fine! It’s a representation of me, and people change all the time, so it makes sense for the design to evolve, too!
I can show you the initial design—it’s similar in some ways but also very different. It’s fun to look back and see how much it’s grown and shifted over time.
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Initially, my Sona was so different! The human version had green hair, and then there was the octopus girl I designed. I think it’s pretty common to ‘shop around’ with different ideas until you find something that really resonates with you. Or maybe we just grow out of certain designs over time, and that’s okay.
The key is not to overthink it—just go with something you enjoy!
For me, I love the rose motif and lolita fashion, so incorporating those elements lets me draw things I really love. Have fun with it. Take inspiration from other characters or designs you like and mix them together. Make your Sona as cool, sexy, or adorable as you want—whatever feels right. (Its all about aura.)
Most importantly, be self-indulgent! After all, it’s your Sona—it’s you!
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romance-of-three-memes · 7 months ago
Anyway I'm going to talk about the world-building and 'lore' for that story I mentioned about some of the people from the Three Kingdoms era who were historically men being women instead. I don't want it to be a reflection of modern values, women clearly have more autonomy since they can join the military but it wasn't because of an attempt at realizing gender equality, a lot of that was because everything was so chaotic and you had to drum up support on such short notice that military leaders started going 'fuck it, I need to fill out my ranks, I'll settle for women if I have to', and they're almost always a minority in the group.
It certainly is a way to potentially avoid scenarios you'd rather not deal with, like a shitty abusive home life... If you can avoid being tracked down, anyway, because if a guy comes along and says 'hey give me back my wife/daughter' it's just easier for the leader to do what he wants and lose one soldier, the only time there's really any push-back is if the woman has distinguished herself enough for this to be seen as a detriment, but even then it's a 'you're not like other girls' scenario, or to make it sound more like something someone in this setting would actually say, 'you're a woman but you have the strength of a man'.
And there's plenty of social ostracism. It's begrudgingly accepted, the wider sentiment is 'look at the times we're living in, even women must take up arms'. A lot of people think these women are there because they were so undesirable as wives/daughters-in-law that no one wanted them, so their parents either kicked them out or sent them off to the military so they wouldn't have to provide for their needs as much, and they could potentially bring their families back some extra resources if they survived, or their husbands want to get rid of them without an official divorce and has another wife or concubine he likes more. That describes some of them, but certainly not all of them.
They tend to come from poorer backgrounds since families with more security are less willing to risk the more reliable bargaining power their daughters bring with arranged marriages, with the exception being women who get their position through hereditary means, like Sun Ce.
And Sun Ce wasn't really meant to be an heir, Sun Jian just had no sons and started bringing her along around age 13, which was fairly common for boys expected to inherit military positions, and went 'oh you know she's helpful, but once I have a son I can have her marry a good guy and she can help me train her brothers and sons when she eventually has them, she'll never have to step on the battlefield again' (Spoiler alert, he never had sons or knew his grandchildren). People occasionally think 'well Lady Wu and Sun Jian only had three children and they were all girls, *clearly* they didn't try that hard, what did they expect?' but you see, Lady Wu also had three miscarriages. So that's a bit of a sore spot. Maybe don't bring it up.
But here and historically it was actually Sun Ce's cousin Sun Ben that immediately took over when Sun Jian died, but a few years down the line he seems to have voluntarily stepped down. Who knows why, he could've easily held onto it since his father was Sun Jian's older brother and he was older than Sun Ce, but I envision him as being deeply uninterested in leadership positions and happy to be rid of it. Maybe Sun Ce kind of talked him into it because she knew it would be easier to convince him to step down and let her take over down the line and promised him it wouldn't be for long, just until she hit age 20 aka the age of official adulthood. There was trouble over a woman taking leadership of the clan, but everyone involved quieted down considerably after she proved herself to be more than effective. It's a bit harder to complain once she's carved out a good bit of territory for them and raised their status.
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littlenecromancer · 1 year ago
Just wanted to share my excitement on finding a therapist for gender affirming care! My goal is to go on a low dose of testosterone to help masculinize my features a bit more ( deepening of voice, increased muscle tone, etc.) I've done a lot of research on what entails doing this and I think I am finally ready to take the step to make myself more comfortable in my body.
Here's to it all working out! ☺️
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littlenecromancer · 8 months ago
How is this a lukewarm take? Its pointing out a fundamental flaw in Christianity. How is it, in a religion that, supposedly, focuses on forgiveness, does not allow even the dredges of sin to rise up and earn such forgiveness? I'm prefacing this by saying I am not Christian, but I was raised evangelical Baptist and one of my biggest issues I had growing up was this very principal. If God is a forgiving god, then why can't the sinners, the wretches, the condemned, why can't they be redeemed? I understand that supposedly our life on Earth is from which we are judged but if there is life eternal would it not be more heartening to know that there is a possibility during that eternity to redeem yourself of what you did in life? Should God not want to uplift his creations? I just think that every being deserves a chance to redeem themselves if they so choose.
Personally, I don't believe in Heaven or Hell. I don't even really believe in an afterlife per se. Reincarnation would be cool but otherwise, I don't want to exist forever because Eternity is long and probably boring.
hey uhhh but fr the concept of fallen angels existing but risen demons being an impossibility is kind of a great summary of sin in christianity
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elalmacen-rp · 2 years ago
Ayuda, literalmente me estoy interesando en tumblr para usarla como plataforma de rp pero no tengo ni idea de si hay fandoms de rp donde pueda unirme o si hay roles 2D de habla hispana, sinceramente todo esto es nuevo y tengo miedo. 😫
¡Hola anon! La verdad es que no sé de tumblrs localizados que promocionen rps de tumblr en español; sé que de inglés hay un montón aunque no te sabría decir un sitio que los 'reúna', véase un tumblr de promo. Pero por si acaso alguno de mis followers sabe algo, dejo este ask por aquí 😊
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plagueharvest · 14 days ago
I'm a few meters away from a fresh dead body and i can't do anything about it, it's driving me insane. And he was hot.
I'm rubbing my thighs together in a fucking ICU.
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lords-of-mayhem · 3 months ago
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littlebunnyblogs · 1 year ago
n3crophilia but it's a cold sentient revenant thing r4ping me, perhaps maliciously because it knows how disgusting this is for me, perhaps out of sheer superhuman zombie need. either way, need to be overpowered by a corpse. need a cold cock viciously pounding me rn
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necromancercoding · 4 months ago
Recapitulación de updates recientes de FA
Aprovechando que FA está de mantenimiento, y como hace tiempo que no hago un update de cosas nuevas de FA, vamos a hacer recapitulación de las cosas más recientes que han integrado.
Botón de ver contraseña: implementado por defecto, modifica (con javascript) los campos de tipo password para incluir un botón que alterna la apariencia de la contraseña.
Color de grupo del usuario conectado agregado al array de _userdata: Se terminó el tener que usar mod_login para esto; ahora podemos usar _userdata.groupcolor para crear nuestra variable de groupbody.
Temas en grid: Con la posibilidad de configurarse en cada subforo por separado en cualquier momento, usando la imagen de SEO, y con un template nuevo, topics_grid_box (sustituye a topics_list_box en estos subforos).
Posibilidad de usar gifs y dados en la CBox.
Widget de novedades: permite mostrar los últimos posts en un subforo determinado.
Widgets en footer: localizados en overall_footer_begin.
Algunos no han sido anunciados por Foroactivo en español, sorprendentemente 😂
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necropathys · 4 months ago
i am down with the sickness. bed ridden. tis the season, i guess 🤧
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necromancercoding · 1 year ago
Aprovechando este post (perdónenme el tocho, chicos de DG, les quiero (?)). No culpéis a los admins que tengan skins de esta persona. Nadie sabía de esto (ni siquiera yo mismo) así que los staffers menos. Me han contactado muchas administraciones y muchos han puesto créditos o han retirado ciertos códigos, incluyendo DG. Por favor, pido de rodillas que no acoséis a los admins afectados.
La culpa la tiene sólo una persona y no son ellos. Y no sé a ciencia cierta si todas las versiones del skin en cuestión portan el código robado. Tendría que revisar skin por skin.
Eternos agradecimientos al staff de DG y al resto de staffers que me han contactado por tomarse el tiempo de contactar conmigo y querer hacer lo correcto, que esta situación es bastante más difícil para ellos que para mí.
Vigilen por favor, tienen una skin hecha por alguien a quien han destapado por robar códigos.
Somos conscientes de ello. Por eso, ayer, al conocer la situación, lo primero que hicimos fue contactar con @necromancercoding para pedirle disculpas por privado y saber cuáles códigos podían ser suyos para acreditarle correctamente.
No estamos a favor de ningún tipo de plagio y, por lo tanto, no queremos vernos involucrados mas de lo necesario. Nuestra compra de skin se hizo desde el desconocimiento y la ilusión de armar un foro con una temática que nos encantaba. De haber conocido los hechos de antemano, jamás hubiéramos invertido nuestro dinero en alguien que hace uso de este tipo de prácticas.
Lamentamos mucho la situación y, si alguien más reconoce sus códigos en la skin, le animamos a contactarnos para darle la debida acreditación.
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absolutedisaster69 · 8 months ago
It's so interesting to me how more attention isn't given to the interactions Arthur has with Mr Black and Mr White.
Specifically the fact that he warns them not to linger near town if they're going to stay together. He says something like "they don't like pairs of men together, trust me."
And it's like... yeah Arthur could be talking about the gang. But he's not. He's not stupid, he obviously knows what they have going on between them, and his words are meant to warn them and keep them safe. Why?
Arthur is not a person who likes "getting involved" in things he does not consider his business. We see that with the missions between Beau and Penelope, we see it especially with the women's suffrage thing. We see him remark about his feelings on voting in general. We see that he is reluctant to involve himself in the Wapitis issues when he's not getting paid to, and it takes Charles asking him to convince him to help. He has to feel some sense of connection or sympathy to invest himself in other people's business.
But he offers this advice to Wendell and Sampson freely. Why? Because he already considers himself involved. Not because of the favors he's done them. Again, with the context, he's clearly aware of their relationship, and he clearly has no problem with it. Whether or not he's talking about himself, or more probably, Dutch and Hosea, he feels personally invested in warning these two gay men to remain careful. I just think there's a lot to that, and I barely see anyone talk about Mr Black and Mr White at all, OR what Arthur's words indicate.
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littlenecromancer · 1 month ago
I love ME1 but Noveria can eat my entire ass.
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slylock-syl · 1 year ago
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I guess you could say he's, fallen into his trap? :>
Chapter 7: Re:Gain >Pages 927 - 928<
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Ko-fi | U/S Official Discord (15+)
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r0tt3n-soul · 1 month ago
need a gun and pills asap im not even kidding.
wanna shoot someone (myself) in the head so bad and watch the blood and brain matter spills into the floor, their limp body falling onto the ground. cant wait to fuck into their headwound and fill up their leftover brains with my cum.
oh and the pills are to get me drugged up during it all. actually need to be hallucinating so bad while raping all of their dead holes nhghshh
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