#ncis la family
liar-or-lawyer · 2 years
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Season 5 : Episode 2
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keenmoonus · 4 months
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"They always come back, Owen. Until one day they don't."
ncis: los angeles - season 05 (2013 -2014)
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ejzah · 3 months
A/N: Set shortly after Rosa moves in with Kensi and Deeks.
The first few weeks with Rosa were admittedly a little rough. Not because of Rosa herself, but adjusting to a third person into the house, a scarily close to adulthood person, took time.
Every day, they learned some new detail about Rosa or discovered a new facet of her personality. For example, Deeks had inadvertently found out she hated brussel sprouts only after she forced her way through last night’s dinner. That had lead to an in-depth discussion about vegetables, which further revealed Rosa only liked cauliflowers raw, loved potatoes, and had never tried eggplant.
“I feel like we’re failing her,” Kensi lamented one night as they got ready for bed. She plopped onto their bed, rubbing both hands over her face. “I know nothing about raising a sixteen year old. What about when she starts school in the fall? I’m not sure I can help her if she needs it.”
Deeks had the same worries. How could he not? They’d planned as much as they could, but nothing could quite prepare them for the reality of adopting a teenager.
Sitting next to her, Deeks took her hand. “Hey, this is not going to be easy and we’re for sure going to make a ton of mistakes, but that doesn’t make you a bad parent.” She nodded, not looking like she actually believed him. “We’re going to get through this. It’s going to be really hard for all of us, but we will be here for her, whatever that’s means. And we’ll ask for help if we don’t have the answers ourselves.”
“You really think so?” Kensi murmured, and her uncertainty and vulnerability nearly killed him.
“I know it.” He pressed his forehead to hers, breathed in with her. “We’re going to be ok.”
Despite his best attempts to reassure Kensi, Deeks started to have his own doubts a few days later when he found Rosa sitting in her room, curled up on the bed, her hunched shoulders the image of sadness. He’d noticed that she was careful to cause as few disruptions as possible.
She tried to wash the dishes after every meal, insisted on washing her own clothes, and kept to herself unless directly invited into an activity by Kensi or Deeks. She was naturally shy, but this seemed excessive, even given everything she’d gone through.
Deeks almost walked by, but at the last second, knocked on the door jamb. Rosa immediately straightened, and offered him a weak smile.
“Hey, mind if I come in?”
“Of course. Is everything alright?” she asked, and his heart squeezed painfully at the realization that she automatically thought the worst.
“Yeah, no. Everything’s fine. I just wanted to check on you,” Deeks said softly. He joined her, sitting on the end of the bed. “You’re been, uh, pretty quiet, so I wanted to make sure you didn’t need anything.”
“You’ve already given me everything.” She glanced over the room, decorated with her reluctant help.
“Well, I wasn’t necessarily talking about things. Though if there is anything else you need, or want, we can talk about that too.” He paused, giving her time to respond. When she remained silently, fiddling with a button on the cut of her jacket, he continued. “Kensi and I want you here—”
“I know that,” she interrupted quickly, nervously. She muttered under her breath in Spanish, and Deeks’ eyes widened.
“Whoa, Rosa, you don’t have to feel grateful for any of this.”
Her mouth dropped open slightly, and then she closed her eyes, looking chagrined. “I keep forgetting you understand Spanish.”
“Yeah, most people do,” he agreed. “Why do you think you have to be grateful?”
Rosa shrugged. “You gave me a home, kept me from staying in refugee housing or worse. I would be an orphan without you and Kensi,” she explained softly. “I should appreciate it.”
“Oh sweetheart.” Deeks opened his arms, and to his surprise, she leaned into him. He blinked back tears, trying to find the right words to silence her fears. “We’ve done all of this because we care about you. You could shout and leave dirty dishes all over your room, and that wouldn’t change.”
“Really?” Rosa let out a shuddery breath.
“Absolutely. Kensi’ll tell you the same thing,” he said, hugging her closer. “And, one more thing. This is your home too. You’re allowed to go wherever you want, use what you want, eat whatever and whenever. Hell, you can make messes if you want. It’s not like I’ll notice with Kensi’s stray cheese sticks laying around.”
Rosa giggled, sniffing a few times, and pulled back. “I just don’t want to make it inconvenient,” she told him.
“You won’t,” he promised. He gave her another squeeze. “Ok.”
She nodded, and he smiled. “C’mon, I hear there’s some chocolate cake with out names on it.”
Later that week, Deeks found a book Rosa had been reading next to a plate with the remnants of a sandwich on the coffee table. He smiled as he carried the plate to the kitchen. It was a start.
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raurquiz · 2 months
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#happybirthday @ScottGrimes #scottgrimes #actor #eric #startrek #thenextgeneration #evolution #theorville #ted #critters #mysteryalaska #robinhood #ER #PartyofFive #AmericanDad #bandofbrothers #Justified #lawandordersvu #FamilyGuy #TheLostTree #ncisla #Oppenheimer #PearlyGates
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densi-mber · 10 months
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A/N: Once again, @mashmaiden is responsible for the premise of today’s story. We’re starting off Densimber with a whole lot of fluff.
It Takes a Village
The next morning, Rosa found herself still thinking about skipping the outside Christmas decorations. Maybe it was a silly thing to worry about, but she’d noticed how disappointed Kensi and Deeks seemed at missing out on part of the tradition, despite their attempts to brush it off.
Yesterday had been fun for sure, between sharing stories, adding Kensi’s ball of lights to the tree, and consuming their weight in cookies and the hot chocolate Rosa made. Somehow it didn’t have the same magic as the year before when they’d started decorating after everyone got home, needing to pull out lights to finish, and then all stood outside examining their efforts in the dark.
Since it was a Saturday, she met for a morning study session, and then was free for the rest of the day. As she waited for her coffee at one of the campus cafes, a plan started to form.
Heading for the student center, she looked around for one of the students who’d become a close friend in the last few months. Alex Swartz was tall, lanky and in two of her pre-law classes. He also spent the majority of his time outside of classes camped out at one of the tables outside the cafeteria.
“Hi Alex,” she greeted him, taking a seat on the opposite side of the table. He looked up from the book in his hands, instantly straightening as a smile stretched across his lips. In many ways, he reminded her of Marty. If only in his personality.
“Rosa, hey! I didn’t know you were coming in today. You should have told me,” he said.
“I just had a study session. What are you doing today?”
“Um, studying for my history exam and then I’m not sure what else,” Alex said, lifting an eyebrow. “Why?”
Rosa folded her arms on the table, leaning forward, and exhaled quickly. “How would you feel about coming to help me decorate my parents’ house while they’re out at an appointment?”
“Oh my god, those chicken strips smell amazing!” Kensi groaned, thumping her head back on the headrest of her seat. After a financial appointment, a trip to the grocery store, and stopping at the Dairy Queen drive through, she felt like she could easily eat an entire chicken. Not that the twins would allow that at this point in her pregnancy.
“I told you I don’t mind if you dig in,” Deeks reminded her as he pulled into their neighborhood.
“No, no. You just got the truck detailed. I’m not getting grease on the seats.”
“That’s true love,” Deeks teased. He turned the corner onto their street, slowing down to accommodate the various cars and trucks parked along the sides, and frowned at the two parked on either side of their driveway. One he recognized as Rosa’s, the other was a mystery.
“Is it just my imagination or are there three kids on our roof?” Deeks asked as he climbed out of the truck with a bag of groceries.
“Nope. There’s definitely kids on our roof, and if I’m not mistaken, they’re putting lights up,” Kensi replied, walking up the driveway with him.
“Hi, Mr. And Mrs. Deeks!” called out a dark-haired young man Deeks had met a couple times before, waving from his perch on the roof.
“Hey Alex,” Deeks drawled as Rosa appeared from the garage.
“Oh, Kensi and Marty, I didn’t expect you back so soon,” she said in a rush, hurrying towards them.
“Clearly. What’s going on?” Kensi asked.
Intertwining her hands a little nervously, Rosa pressed her lips together, which made her resemble Kensi remarkably, and let out a short breath. “I asked Alex and his roommates to come help decorate.”
“Rosa, that’s—”
“I know, I know. You said you didn’t care, but I know how much it means to you,” she interrupted, her accent increasing slightly as she spoke more quickly. “And you’ve done so much for me, always making sure I have the best, and sacrificing for me. I wanted to do something for you, even if it isn’t that important.”
She finished with a little shrug, and Deeks’ face crumpled at the uncertainty in her voice. Simultaneously, he and Kensi enveloped her in a hug. Rosa made a little “oof” sound as she was squished between them.
“That’s one of the sweetest things you could have done,” Kensi whispered. “Thank you.”
“Best present ever,” Deeks added, kissing the side of Rosa’s head. “Just for the record though, there isn’t anything we wouldn’t do for you, and you never have to repay us for any of it. Because we love you.”
“I love you, too,” Rosa whispered, and Kensi pulled back waving a hand in front of her face.
“Ok, we gotta stop before I start bawling in front of your friends.”
Rosa laughed wetly, hugging Kensi closer as she leaned into Deeks’ shoulder.
“Hey, Rosa, I thought you were going to come up here and help me,” Alex called out from the roof, breaking the moment.
Rosa rolled here eyes, pulling back with an apologetic shrug. “I’m supposed to do the eaves.”
“Be careful,” Deeks shouted after her, watching her jog back to the house. “Damn, we sure got lucky, didn’t we?”
“We did,” Kensi agreed softly, laying her head on his shoulder.
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deeksblye · 1 year
I still can't believe I'm gonna have to live without this show! It has been such an amazing ride... This characters will forever be in my heart ❤��
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Spy x Family season 1 ep 2 did not just pull an explosion proposal like: NCIS LA: #Keeks or #Densi style.
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chrisodonline · 1 year
Fatima is ALL BUSINESS today. Hopefully she gets something fun next ep.
Man, considering the previouslies, they've got A LOT to address still in 9 minutes...unless those were also for the next ep?
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redgoldblue · 2 years
s6 truly just
Michelle: this is my husband Sam
Michelle: and this is his boyfriend Callen
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sassyzazzi · 2 years
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glenncoco4 · 2 years
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liar-or-lawyer · 2 years
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Season 10 : Episode 3
"The Prince"
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keenmoonus · 1 month
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I love one FAMILY.
ncis: los angeles "s06ep01 deep trouble (2)"
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ejzah · 8 months
A/N: A small Densi family fic in honor of @mashmaiden’s birthday. Hope it’s been a great day!
Sandwiches and Slides
“Hey, hey, hey, get back here!” Deeks called out, breaking into a slight jog to keep up with a running Caleb. He stopped, looked back over his shoulder at Deeks, then started off again across the foamy surface of the playground, giggling madly the whole time.
Caleb narrowly missed a low hanging swing, but swerved at the last second. It was enough to slow him down though, and Deeks caught up with him, snatching him up under the arms.
“Ah, where think you’re going?” he asked conversationally, swinging Caleb up into one arm. It was more difficult now at 14 months. Caleb laughed and wiggled for a few seconds before he gave up, and settled.
“Looks like somebody’s giving you a workout,” Kensi observed from across the playground. She stepped over the ledge, walking towards them with something in each hand. She’d gone in search of snacks about fifteen minutes ago.
“Yep. Apparently making me chase him is way more fun than the plethora of features designed specifically for him to play on.” Deeks gave Caleb a mock stern look, and the toddler grinned up at him. “Isn’t that right, Mr. Caleb?”
“Dada kiss,” Caleb requested, presenting his forehead, and Deeks obliged.
Turning back to Kensi, Deeks nodded at the stack of wrapped packages in her hands. “What’s that?”
“I got us waffle sandwiches.” She peeled back a wrapper enticingly. “Bite?”
“Yes, please.”
Smiling, Kensi held out the sandwich for Deeks to take a bite, then started in on the other side herself.
“Where’s Rosa?” she asked, brushing a few wind blown strands of hair out her face.
“By the slides with Thing Two,” Deeks answered, gesturing with his chin now. Kensi offered him another bite, and Caleb leaned forward, opening his mouth wide.
“Bite,” he echoed.
Shaking her head indulgently, Kensi broke off a small piece and popped it into Caleb’s waiting mouth.
“Ank you,” Caleb replied around his mouthful.
Between the three of them, they finished one sandwich. Kensi balled the empty wrapper up and stuff it into the backpack on Deeks’ shoulder.
“We better go find the girls,” he said. “They’ll be furious if they found out we ate without them.”
“Mm. It’s amazing how similar they look when they’re mad,” Kensi commented.
“They get it from their mother.” He threw a wink at Kensi, who gave him a wry smile.
“You wanna play on the slides with your sissies?” Kensi asked Caleb as Deeks set him down once more. He perked up at that, pointing in the direction of the slides.
“Sopee?” He made a face as though he’d completely forgotten the existence of his twin. “Sopee! Sopee!” he called out at the top of his lungs, keeping it up until they reached the other side of the slides.
As soon as he caught sight of Rosa and Sophia, he ran the rest of the way, crashing into Rosa’s legs. Rosa stooped to hug him, then he moved over to Sophia, and they hugged as though they hadn’t seen each other in months.
“We got you lunch,” Kensi called out, holding one of the remaining sandwiches in the air.
“Oh thank you, I’m starving,” Rosa said. She hurried over to get it, taking it back to a bench off to the side, the twins tagging along.
Kensi sighed, resting her head on Deeks’ shoulder. “You know, I worried a little bit about the age difference between them, but seeing them like this makes me realize that it was the best thing that could happen.” Across from them, Caleb and Sophia were steadily conning Rosa into sharing her food. For every bite she took, they got two.
“We have some amazing kids,” Deeks agreed softly.
“Yes, we do.” Kensi tipped her chin up for a kiss. “Share the last sandwich with me?”
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raurquiz · 2 months
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#happybirthday @dominicburgess #dominicburgess #actor #mrvup #startrekpicard #thegoodplace #drdeath #themagicians #betterthings #laconfidential #modernfamily #santaclaritadiet #americanhorrorsrtory #theflash #teenwolf #911lonestar #ncisla #RebelMoon #FeudBetteandJoan #startrek57
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densi-mber · 2 years
Bring out the Holly
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“Hey, how are we doing on snacks?” Kensi asked, turning to Deeks as he popped in the kitchen with a load of empty bowls. She was currently wrist deep in a bowl of cheese dip. Her stomach turned slightly at the squelching sound as it mixed, but so far, she’d done pretty well by sipping on 7UP.
“Uh, we need more chips. And if Arkady keep going at his current rate, way more vodka,” Deeks responded. He dumped the rest of a bag of potato chips and then tortilla strips into bowls.
“Well, it’s a good thing we stocked up.”
Deeks grinned, making a detour to kiss her firmly while they had a moment. They’d been going pretty much non-stop since this morning, and the pace had only picked up once guests started arriving.
Kensi heard a loud cheer, which she assumed had something to do with Arkady, and possibly Roberta. She could only imagine what they were getting up to.
Deeks dragged in a deep breath. “Ok, I’m headed back into the wild. Keep me in your prayers. Kensi snorted, watching him balance the bowls of snacks before she turned back to the dip.
Deciding it was as mixed as it would get, she transferred it to a cut glass dish Roberta had insisted giving them during her recent move, washed up, and fortified herself with another sip of fizzy pop.
When she made it out to the living room and few minutes later, she found everyone spread out in little groups. Fatima and Rountree were talking with Rosa by the Christmas tree. Sam, Callen, and Anna appeared to be in a lively conversation with Arkady. Meanwhile, Nell and Eric were sandwiched between Julia and Roberta on the couch. Deeks was circling the room making sure everyone had enough to drink and eat.
When Nell caught sight of her, she hurried over, enveloping Kensi in a massive hug.
“Hey you!”
“Hey. You know, we did see each other less than 20 minutes ago,” Kensi reminded her teasingly.
“I know, but I really missed you,” Nell said, reaching up to straighten her Christmas inspired headband. Miniature ornaments hung from her earlobes and she wore a piece of sparkly garland as a necklace. Looking over her shoulder, she added, “Plus, I needed a minute. Your moms are grilling us about out relationship.”
“Oh, do tell?”
“Uh, you know everything thing there is to know, and I am not delving into that very complicated can of worms on Christmas.”
“Fair enough,” Kensi agreed. “But, once the holidays are over, be prepared to be grilled.”
A pair of arms wrapped around Kensi’s waist, followed by the familiar and reassuring presence of Deeks’ chest.
“Just so you know, Fatima and Rountree are trying to convince our daughter to move out of state for college,” he murmured.
“How dare they.”
“Ooh, I didn’t get a Shaggy hug yet,” Nell realized, reaching around Kensi to give Deeks a very big hug.
“I missed you too, Velma,” Deeks said, grinning as he pulled a couple pieces of tinsel from Nell’s outfit out of his mouth. “Maybe we should go rescue your partner in crime, he’s looking a little suffocated.”
“Yeah, I’m going to need at least one more drink before that happens.”
“Fair enough.”
Sam, Callen, and Anna wandered over then, making a pit stop for snacks on the way.
“You know, I don’t think I’ve been here since you two completed all the renovations. It looks good,” Sam commented. Kensi had no doubt that he’d been discreetly examining the drywall and flooring.
“Thanks. We had a lot of help from good friends,” Deeks said.
“Mostly thanks to Deeks’ surfing connections.”
“So, your first Christmas as parents in your new home. How’s that feel?” Sam asked, grinning when Deeks groaned.
“Terrifying,” Kensi answered. “Amazing, but terrifying.” Anna reached out to squeeze her hand.
“Alright, time for a new topic before we stress out our hosts,” Nell decided. Kensi sent her a grateful look.
“Ok, how about Arkady’s taken command of your kitchen?” Callen suggested. “His words, not mine.”
“Do I want to know what he’s doing in there?”
“According to him, making a famous Russian drink that only our family know,” Anna answered with a raised brow for emphasis. “I would not go in there right now.”
“Fantastic,” Deeks said, shaking his head. “But, It’s Christmas, so we’re not going to worry about it.”
“What are we not worrying about?” Eric asked, positioning himself between Nell and Deeks.
Kensi noticed that he automatically wrapped his arm around Nell’s waist. She pressed her lips together, holding back a litany of pointed comments. That could wait for later.
“Whatever weird and wonderful things Arkady is currently doing in our kitchen. How’d you escape the terrifying duo that are our mothers?” Deeks glanced over to the couch, but Julia and Roberta had moved on to join Rosa’s little group.
“Uh, with my extremely agile way with words,” Eric answered. “I learned from the master after all.” He bowed to Deeks and then casually added, “By the way, we’re having a June wedding.”
“Great, we can make it a double wedding.” Callen grinned and raised his glass of egg nog in a mock toast, ignoring Nell and Anna’s twin glares.
“It’s been nice knowing you, brother,” Sam said, slapping Callen on the back,
Fortunately, Rosa, Fatima, and Rountree came over before things could get too out of control.
Kensi noticed Rosa wore the birthstone necklace they’d given her that morning. She’d worried it was a little too personal, or Rosa might find it cheesy, so seeing her with it now warmed Kensi’s heart.
She took a quick sip of ginger ale before her hormones got completely out of control and she started crying.
“So there’s this Christmas game going around. I thought it would be fun to play,” Rosa said, more animated than usual. Kensi wondered just what she’d been talking about with Rountree and Fatima. “Basically, you put a bunch of gift bows on the table, and each person takes a turn trying to scoop them into a basket while blindfolded.”
“You want to blindfold a bunch of highly competitive people, at least half of whom know multiple fighting styles,” Deeks summed up, pulling a face. “I see absolutely nothing going wrong here.”
“Hush, we can behave ourselves,” Sam protested with a smirk.
“We’re also going to need a lot of dollar bills,” Fatima added. “It’s part of the game.”
“Well, I don’t have any ones, but I got a stack of 20s,” Eric offered.
“Why the hell do you have a bunch of 20s, Eric?”
“He likes to be prepared.” Nell patted his shoulder, looking up at her not-fiancé with a happy smile.
“Oh, this is a going to be a massive disaster,” Deeks commented with a chuckle as everyone headed off to gather bows and spatulas. Callen was making side bets on who would collect the most bows.
“Definitely,” Kensi agreed. She took advantage of the relative privacy to pull Deeks in for a deep kiss. “But I wouldn’t want it any other way.”
A/N: I would describe this as the happy chaos that develops when you gather a bunch of different people together for the holidays. Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!
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