#ncfc theory
boygirlctommy · 2 years
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no cause for concern my best friend my beloved I miss you every single day ;-(
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mcmactictac · 3 years
@hopefully-not-the-ghostbusters MHM YES I DID (spoilers for chapter 23 of no cause for concern ahead)
Mhm much to discuss here let’s start with my obligatory photo dump
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yiKES. How are the found family enthusiasts with crippling low self esteem and severe guilt feeling tonight!
Very good chapter, I loved the first sleepover chapter so a second one was great. The more domestic things like mariokart, and all of the drama too. Let’s break it down shall we.
Tommy and Ranboo have my whole heart. They care about each other so much and they bounce off each other so well. It’s clear how much ranboo is trying to protect tommy. Their dynamic is so good it’s one of my favourite things.
Crimeboys my BELOVED. The edition of the tension with ghostbur has been wonderful, especially with ghostbur knowing Tommy’s secret now and keeping it from Wilbur. Watching tommys guilt skyrocket when he realizes Wilbur is in pain because ghostbur is protecting him. Wilbur cares so much for him and he’s such a consistent positive support. He doesn’t push too hard but is always there. Very excited to see how Wilbur will react when he eventually figures out tommys identity.
I swear techno already knows. He should. It would make sense. He’s protective over tommy but In a different way. He lets things slide and doesn’t ask nearly as many questions as everyone else. And with the amount of time he spent with Theseus, how could he not know?
Ok ok theory time. So popular theory brought to you by one of my friends is that Ranboo is the man in the alley that threatened to kill Tommy. Now I’m not personally a huge fan of this one but the ogic is the emphasis on the figure being tall, and the fact that Ranboo texted saying he was going to be late right afterwards. Now I see multiple flaws in this like I feel like tommy would recognize Ranboo’s voice, Ranboo would supposedly be at the police station like. Many plot holes. That being said with the end of this chapter Ranboo lying about the interviews is a possibility. Is it egg related? Is it enderwalk related? Good questions I do not have the answer too. There’s multiple different directions this could go and be interesting so I’ll leave it untouched for now.
But talking about my egg theories!!! So anyone who all is at schlatts right now (I don’t remember who all is there) but I KNOW Dream and Puffy stayed. I stand firmly by the fact both of them are infected by now. We haven’t heard from puffy in ages, Phil even commented on it. She used to check in regularly and then she just. Stopped. Now specifically that scene with dream and tommy in the hallway seemed very out of character for what we know of dream. He didn’t seem to have problems with Tommy before.
From what we have seen of egg infected people they get much more aggressive, agitated quickly, angry and upset. Both Skeppy and Bad are full of anger and snap at Tommy incredibly quickly. Dreams behaviour in that scene lines up with this. He gets unnecessarily angry, and is aggressive and violent with tommy when he doesn’t need to be. This is a big shift from whenever we’ve seen his character before this. And if I remember correctly at some point the dream team joins him. So George and Sapnap are likely infected by now too.
I’m also a firm believer in this theory because I think it would be fun to have Tommy fight an egg infected Tubbo. Tubbo who has the enhancement of being able to grow things. Tubbo with the power hungry father. Suddenly Tubbo isn’t looking so “useless” anymore. It’s unclear how the egg works in this story, but if it’s anything like canon it’s some kind of plant. It grows and spreads and infects. Sounds like something Tubbo could control, for better or for worse. Also I just miss Tubbo he was cool.
Now with everything I just said about the egg let’s go back to ranboo. He doesn’t display any of these signs, at least not around tommy. Now there’s two possibilities here
Ranboo genuinley doesn’t remember. Like that kid at the hospital, he just kinda blacked out and when he snapped out of it he didn’t know what was going on. Ranboo could just be affected when he isn’t around Tommy. The incident at work that caused him to get fired? Might not have been the enderwalk. It could be the increased aggravation and violent tendencies infected people have
Now the other thing to consider is that Ranboo is not aggressive with Tommy in the slightest. He has still been kind and gentle to him, despite the story trying to steer us in a direction of suspicion and mistrust for him. Although something is up with Ranboo, I think we might be being purposefully misled as to what it is. This isn’t the first pattern of odd behaviour with Ranboo, it could just be a coincidence it happened after the egg incident.
Many thoughts. Head full. As you can tell. Very good chapter though I enjoyed it and I’m excited to see where the next update will go!!
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dewberrybramble · 2 years
OK I READ NO CAUSE FOR CONCERN (which you should really if you like superhero/ vigilante aus and sbi and vigilante tommy) AND I HAVE SO MANY THOUGHTS
Spoiler warning tho cuz imma be talking theories
OK SO THE RUA OR WHATEVER THEYRE CALLED HAVE ABSOLUTELY GOT TO BE RELAVENT RIGHT? That chapter did barely anything to progress the plot otherwise, and checkovs gun and stuff.
It’s a large source of magic, and manipulates people
The rua, and this is a direct quote ‘manipulated the world around them to their will’ and were the only people with magic, and so were very powerful. HOWEVER! Tubbo says the rua ceased to exist. So how can the rua be related?? Well, the rua ‘ceased to exist’ because magic was non exclusive, and the giver figured out how to absorb the magic, which suggests that the magic got stolen. But I think while this may partially be the case, a significant portion of the magic wasn’t stolen (especially since it seems like the giver was hit and then ran)
Sooooooo what happened to the magic? Well, I raise you the egg. I don’t know if it is just a weirdly conscious blob of magic or the mutated form of the last rua, but either way, it is seeking the control it once had. I’m not sure how much ncfc mirrors dsmp, but if it does mirror it, then it’s possible something like this was previously attempted many years ago, and possibly that the egg may have even been the rua’s power.
This also ties into my theory that tommy either is an incarnation of the giver or will do something similar to the giver. Heck, he may even have the same abilities.
Alternatively, this could be entirely the opposite, and in a lovely twist of storytelling, tommy could be the remains of rua and the egg could be a warped version of the giver or someone who had tried before to do the same thing the giver did (also it could be someone who discovered the same technique that the giver did at a later time)
Anyway probably none of this is accurate but hey, that’s just a theory. A fic theory
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mcmactictac · 3 years
JUST READ IT IM INCREDIBLY DISTRESSED. Thank god for a mostly comfort chapter tho we need it.
For those of you who don’t know, the fic is No Cause for Concern by hedgehoggeryyy on AO3 and it’s a tommy centric vigilante AU. Currently at 125K words and more to come. It’s a lovely fic with a great balance of hurt and comfort. The character dynamics are off the charts I highly recommend it.
Everything I say below here is SPOILERS for Chapter 24: Brothers
Enjoy screenshots of my favourite parts
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they’re BROTHERS. The alium duo content we got this chapter. We were not just fed we were given a whole BUFFET. Tommy’s so damn protective over him it makes me lose my mind. Give ranboo a hug he deserves it. Poor guy is going through so much. And I’m sure his enderwalk is connected to the egg plot. Hate to put this out there into the universe but Ranboo is part of the training program now right. So he needs a mentor? Now you see if ranboo comes into contact with any of the likely egg infected hero’s (I’m thinking puffy here as a potential mentor, close with Phil and just. Sweet. Would totally take ranboo on) I would not want to see what happens. Cause then he’s just RIGHT THERE to be a scapegoat and things can go downhill quick for him when blame starts to be placed.
That being said I am incredibly excited that we could get to see ranboo actually using his powers. Especially with the teleportation I’m very curious to see how that gets written in. If ranboo and Wilbur don’t start to bond more? Please the potential is right there get Wilbur to help design ranboo a suit that’s water protective too. Let ranboo be his intro to trusting vigilantes again because Tommy trusts him and he cares about Tommy. Let ranboo pave the way for Tommy to feel safe sharing. I’m also very excited to see ranboo and techno interact. It seems pretty clear that techno knows tommy is Theseus and has probably figured out most of the lies by now. So of course he’ll be chill and supportive with ranboo. That dynamic is simply something so special to me.
Also just give us more techno overall. No cause for concern techno has my entire heart he is such an interesting character and such a genuine nice person it’s so NICE. He’s a wonderful balance to all the other personalities and is such a good older brother figure in a role model type way to Tommy. I sense we’ll get more crimeboys angst as the lies start to fall apart more but I’m holding on to what we have right now.
I also love that we are addressing the fact tommy has serious trauma from being a vigilante and that the mental impacts are being discussed as well as the physical. Tommy takes so much responsibility upon himself, even though he did the best he could it’s either perfect or a failure to him. Some people getting hurt is still too many. It’s very interesting to see how his need to constantly help others and do all he can plays out differently with the people he has different relationships with. Like he’s willing to give it all up for ranboo at any cost, he genuinley cares and is empathetic towards wilburs situation but with techno and Phil it’s nice to see that he mostly lets them take care of him. Especially with Techno and even when he doesn’t cave you can see how badly he wants to just let it all out. Give Tommy therapy, validation and more hugs the poor child needs it.
Anyways! Head full. Heart warm. Very excited to see where things go from here!
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mcmactictac · 3 years
No cause I’m in a STATE.
“I’m not losing two of you” ncfc techno you are killing me I love you but OUCH.
I have so many theories for what’s about to happen I’m losing my mind!!
Like let’s have Phil not die but get infected by the egg instead! Cause he’s alone in the med bay with ranboo who is barely trained and Wilbur who is severely injured. It would be a shame if something. Happened to them. (I’m choosing to ignore that theres a pattern of egg related incidents impacting tommy and Tubbo and techno are the only ones that haven’t had something happen yet cause if techno gets infected that’s it for me)
My head is so full of possibilities like. Phil and puffy team up? Tubbo slipping up about Tommy’s powers and Schlatt learns about them so he threatens Tubbo to hurt Tommy? Wilbur gets infected by the egg but it doesn’t impact ghostbur so Tommy and ghostbur have to finally talk again to help save everyone? I’m so HYPED
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