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popcornoncemore · 8 months ago
From reblogs: @godforsakenprospero
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Jehan being respected for who they are and what they believe in is so amazing! Often times, people think nonbinary people (especially nonbinary people who present in a decidedly "fem" or "masc" way) are too confusing or weird. Then, even when they accept your identity, they struggle to take your causes and beliefs seriously. It's like the ambiguity of gender immediately indicates an ambiguity of beliefs, like you can't be definitively strong without being binary.
But Jehan's friends both see them and respect them. That's true acceptance
One of the things I just adore about the fannon portrayal of Jehan Prouvaire is how most people depict him as effeminate or nonbinary, somewhat introverted, shy, and disinclined to aggression, but they do so with nuance.
Jehan isn't shown to be defenseless or weak-willed, he fights for what he believes in and generally doesn't fall into that delicate twink stereotype. So often, I find the characters I relate to most cannot be shown as both the queer, eccentric, and introverted type as well as the assertive and strong character. Jehan stands out, however.
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gundamthey17 · 4 years ago
Find What Fits
This is prompt 2 / 2 for the @transwizardtournament! Thanks to @lifetoanother for commissioning me (again!) This one is a les mis/marauders crossover.
Read on AO3
The Gryffindor fifth year boys’ dormitory was filled nearly to capacity as thirteen students sat laughing, talking, and drinking butterbeer and contraband firewhiskey. (In fact, it was entirely possible that the room had been filled to capacity, and then had simply expanded to accommodate more people as they entered. Remus was reasonably sure that he had never seen at least one of those chairs before.)  It was a Friday night, and the Beauxbatons exchange students would be heading back to France that Sunday.  The fifth years were making the most of what little time they had left together, now that winter break was starting and they had no assignments to complete.  
Bahorel, James, Sirius, and Peter were playing a drinking game. Remus wasn’t sure who had started it, but he suspected all four of them would be spending some quality time in the bathroom before the night was out. Marius and Cosette were laughing with Dorcas and Marlene; Lily, Enjolras, and Combeferre were engaged in an intense-sounding discussion of Wizard-Muggle relations in France. That left Remus sitting at the edge of the room alone, nursing his firewhiskey, but he was quite content with that arrangement. He was still recovering from the full moon earlier in the week, and he would likely find himself dozing off soon. ��Suddenly, the room’s final occupant appeared at his side.
“May I sit with you?” Jehan asked. They had been flitting from conversation to conversation for the majority of the night.
“Of course,” Remus replied, moving over to make room on the small couch.
Jehan settled back with a sigh and took a delicate sip from their half full glass of firewhiskey. Their long auburn hair was coming out of its braid, and it spilled over the back of the couch. Their inquisitive hazel eyes roamed the room for a moment before coming to land on Remus’ face. “Hard to believe the semester is over already,” they said, with just a trace of a French accent.
“Yeah,” Remus replied. “It’s been great getting to know you all. We’re going to miss you.”
“Will you write?”
“All of you,” Jehan clarified. “I am trusting in you to remind the others if they forget.”
Remus smiled. “Lily won’t forget. She’s fascinated by wizard politics. I’ll give the others some gentle reminders now and then. Or not so gentle.”
“Good. Enjolras and Combeferre seem to have met their match in Lily. I honestly did not think it could happen. And everyone else has been wonderful too.” They paused, and seemed to choose their next words carefully. “I wish the rest of our friends could have come as well. They would have liked to meet you.” Remus hummed in response. Jehan continued, “I should put you in touch with our friend Feuilly. You and he have… some things in common.”
“Oh? Is he in your year?”
“Not exactly. There were certain… factors… that prevented him from becoming a student. Our headmaster is perhaps not so accepting as yours.”
Remus turned his head sharply, more curious than offended. His eyes flicked about the room warily, but everyone was intent on their own conversations. “Your friend… you’re saying he’s got a similar… problem? Like mine?”
“I do not want to assume anything about you. But there are certain similarities. I wonder if you two can perhaps encourage one another. He has never encountered anyone whose case is quite the same as his. I could put you in touch with him. If you want, that is.”
“I’d like that.”
“I’m sure Feuilly will appreciate it. And Bahorel too. He and Feuilly are together.”
“That must be hard. I can’t imagine what it would be like for Sirius and me if we – “ Remus cut himself off quickly, realizing what he had said. The fact that he and Sirius were – whatever they were – was not common knowledge. But Jehan merely nodded.
“You would find a way, I am sure. My… what is the word? Significant other? He does not attend Beauxbatons. For reasons mostly of his own choosing, unlike Feuilly.”
Remus couldn’t help but admire the way Jehan spoke about themself and Bahorel having boyfriends. “Is it easier in France?” he asked suddenly.
“Is what easier?”
“Being… you know…” he gestured vaguely.
Remus let out a startled laugh. “Yes, I guess that’s what I mean. Or – or bisexual, or – any of it.”
Jehan sighed pensively. “Some things, perhaps yes. Others less so. Being entirely yourself will always take courage, no matter the setting.”
“Sirius is always telling me to be myself. But I’m not even sure I know who I am. Or… or what I am.” He wasn’t sure why he was suddenly saying all of these things out loud. Jehan was easy to talk to, and it was entirely possible that the firewhiskey was helping as well.
“That is all right. It takes time. And it’s different for everyone. Sirius may know who he is and be comfortable with that, but you are not him.”
“How did you know that you were…?” Remus trailed off, realizing he actually wasn’t sure how Jehan identified. He finally settled on, “That you wanted to be called they, instead of he or she.”
“Ah,” Jehan nodded. “In some ways, this is easier in English. In French, everything has a gender, he or she.  There is very little room for someone who is a different gender, or many genders, or no gender.” Remus listened attentively. Jehan gave a knowing smile.  “But this is not what you asked.”
“No, I guess it’s not.”
“How did I know that I am non binaire? Well, how is it that I know anything else? Let us look at you, for example. Would you say that you are gay?”
“I’m – I’m bisexual, actually.”
“And how do you know this?”
Remus paused, a furrow appearing between his brows as he considered the question.  “I knew I liked Sirius,” he said slowly, “so I thought at first that I was gay.  But that… I don’t know, it didn’t seem quite right. I think that I like some girls as well. Or I could. Bisexual seemed to fit better.”
Jehan’s face lit up.  “Yes, this is it exactly! Gender is the same. You try something for a while, and maybe it does not fit. Then you try another thing. It is okay to keep trying until you find what fits.”
Remus took a long sip of his drink and nodded.
Jehan laid a hand on his shoulder.  “I can see I have given you much to think about, my friend. I will go and make sure the others are not drinking themselves to death. Thank you for your questions. It is nice to be able to speak openly about such things.”
“Thank you for your answers,” Remus replied earnestly.
 It was well past midnight by the time the last of the guests left the dormitory. Peter and James were both snoring loudly on James’s bed. Remus had taken a seat by the window and was watching the stars. Sirius came up and nudged him from behind.
“You coming to bed?”
“Hm?” Remus said, startled out of his reverie. “Oh. Yes, I’m coming.”
“I know that look.” Sirius took a seat across from him, the expression on his face not quite a grin, but carrying a playful air. “What are you thinking about?”
“Something Jehan said.”  They were both silent as Remus considered whether or not to elaborate. His eyes drifted from Sirius’s face back out the window. “Would you still like me if I wasn’t…”
“Wasn’t what?”
“Wasn’t a boy,” Remus finished softly. “I’m not saying that I’m not! Or that I’m a girl. I’m just not sure… that I’m either.”
Sirius took Remus’s hands in his own. “Rem.  I like you for who you are. How you identify isn’t going to change that. And it’s okay if you don’t know yet. We can find out together. Keep trying different things until something sticks.”
Remus ducked his head and smiled.  “That sounds like what Jehan said.”
“Then you have it on good authority that I know what I’m talking about.”
“That, or you were eavesdropping on me earlier.”
Sirius clasped a hand to his chest in mock offense. “I would never! You impugn my honor, good sir!”            Remus grinned. “I didn’t realize you had any to begin with.”
“How dare you! I demand you cease this chatter at once!” Sirius rose and, in one fluid motion, swept Remus out of his seat and carried him across the room, depositing him onto his bed. Remus tried and failed to suppress his laughter, but James and Peter were sound asleep and did not stir.
Sirius leaned down and pressed a kiss to Remus’s temple.  “Good night, Remus Lupin.”
“Good night, Sirius Black.”
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hi i sent the ask about wondering how the hc of jehan being nb began, and i’m not always so great with words, so i think it may have come off a lil bit wrong. i was asking bc i just keep seeing people portraying jehan in dresses and skirts and small and skinny and going “uwu my lil nb baby” and it just felt kind of wrong to me. i’m not arguing against the hc or anything i see absolutely nothing wrong with it i just felt like it was really wrong and i get really upset over these things cuz (1/2)
i’ve always struggled with my gender identity and i don’t really know who i am or where i fit and idk what i’m saying really but seeing things like that just make me so uncomfortable and they feel almost like someone came up and slapped me in the face themselves. tbh idk what i’m saying anymore but ya i just wanted to clear things up because i felt like i was a little harsh/ignorant with my original ask. (2/2)
So first things first: you weren’t harsh or arrogant, and especially when you are stepping into the waters of advocating for yourself it can feel really uncomfortable.  I am so proud of you for speaking up for yourself and how you feel represented.  Gender is such a difficult topic to grapple, and I think a lot of people who don’t comfortably identify within the binary find peace in accepting that gender is both a construct and a journey, and your answer and feelings may change throughout your life, and that’s okay.
What you describe here is a really complex topic: woobifying trans people is an enormous problem in the trans community (even the queer community, if we also want to consider the trend of commodifying “gay best friends” and other objectifying stereotypes), as is falling into the trap of often presenting nb people as looking a particular way or another (frequently as you describe: skinny and androgynous--nothing wrong with presenting this way, but the nb representation that does exist often weighs inordinately in this direction).  
I think another issue here is, though, that there is a common headcanon for Jehan’s appearance that exists entirely independent of eir gender identity, y’feel?  Jehan is frequently presented as nb and androgynous, but I’ve seen plenty of situations where ey’re still presented as a man...and look the same.  I think it’s hard to separate the character and the gender identity because, well, a character is a personality that we then assign labels to that we feel do or do not fit.  Were they real, it would be up to them to determine what labels they find accurate or inaccurate.  Unfortunately, neither Jehan nor Vicky are available to provide clarification in this particular case.
Consider Enjolras, or Grantaire, or Bahorel: most of the fandom have a pretty particular idea of how they look, right?  And that appearance often remains the same regardless of gender headcanons (for example, I HC that Bahorel is he/him nb, and I also HC that he looks like Jason Momoa: they’re not mutually exclusive).  Nonbinary in particular has extraordinary potential for diversity given that it’s any presentation that does not fall strictly into the narrow categories of “man” and “woman.”  
Regarding clothing: I think that also goes along with bucking gender norms.  One does not have to wear clothing traditionally reserved for one gender or the other to be nonbinary (read: you are still valid if you are AMAB and not interested in wearing skirts or dresses, or AFAB and want to continue to wear them), but it’s also not something off-limits.  It is also not something reserved for trans people: cis people who want to also frequently break these gender norms.  The example that comes to mind most immediately is this super-fly look, but also I want you to please consider that I personally currently live in a culture where men frequently have long hair and wear hot pink sarongs anytime that they’re not working in the fields, and no one would ever doubt their masculinity: gender is a cultural concept, as are the performative acts that represent it.  As such, I don’t see the portrayal of Jehan wearing a skirt or a dress as being inherently infantilizing or femininizing.
I agree that I would love to see more diversity in appearance and representation, and I agree that we as a society should be more cautious about how we discuss trans people and characters (I remember this being a major topic of discussion during Druck too).  I also believe, however, that people are allowed to present however they want, regardless of their gender identity.
I wish you the best of luck on your journey of self-discovery, and I invite you to please reach out to me if you ever want to discuss this further! 
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monstersman · 7 years ago
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jehan prouvaire / Les Misérables
“Jean Prouvaire was timid only in repose. Once excited, he burst forth, a sort of mirth accentuated his enthusiasm, and he was at once both laughing and lyric.” - Victor Hugo
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jondrettegirls · 2 years ago
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ok explanations seem to be in order (well just for r since the other points are pretty widely acknowledged lol) but i wanna give them all
enjolras- brick canon
grantaire- definitely a man but relates to AND TRULY UNDERSTANDS paper bag & fleabag. so, a woman
jehan- doesnt go by their last name, therefore genuinely not a man in a gender way
important to always remember that enjolras has a woman’s face but is very much a man and grantaire is very much a man but on a far more fundamental level he’s a woman and jehan is genuinely nonbinary
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ferresuggestions · 7 years ago
Why is Jehan frequently referred to as 'they' by like the entire fandom?
Our dear friend Jehan Prouvaire is nonbinary and goes by they/them pronouns!
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jackieparty · 2 years ago
How I Described the Amis to My Friends
there's 9 of them and no i am not counting marius bc marius can suck my cock and balls he’s not an amis. they’re also known as the “barricade boys” specifically in the musical, all of them die spoiler alert, modern au versions of them (very popular in les mis fandom) are queer 
ENJOLRAS - the leader, probably gay (real brick quote "it did not seem as though [Enjolras] were aware there was on earth a thing called woman") usually blonde and sexy as fuck, i personally go with the hc that he's trans bc in the brick he's described as feminine all the mf time "slab of marble" my ass (oh i kin him), “the leader” in the triumvirate 
COMBEFERRE - enjolras's second in command technically, wears glasses and associated with the color blue, he's known as a sexy scholar and the voice of reason within the group, aka group dad, i refuse to believe he's straight or white, “the guide” in the triumvirate
COURFEYRAC -  the other one in the triumvirate “the centre”, primary color yellow, everyone's best friend and marius's canon roomie (marius is bi for him and cosette we know this), he's known to be really flirty, but he keeps the group sane and together
JEHAN - everyone in the fandom hcs them as nb so they are nb because i say so, the poet of the group very indie vibes and horribly adorable sense of fashion, plant parent hippie bs 
FEUILLY - enjolras def favors him over everyone else, he canonically makes fans for a living and is really well-versed, interested in different parts of the world and really wants to travel, he’s precious and i adore him 
BAHOREL - BEAR MAN, gets into brawls all the mf time and also associated with the color red like enj, def a fruity gym bro, but he studies law despite not wanting to be a lawyer so what's the point even 
BOSSUET/LESGLES - name literally means eagle (lesgles) but i refer to him as bossuet bc its easier to remember, canonically bald all versions of him are bald, he is the clumsiest most unlucky mf in the entire world, unlucky is his personality trait, def in a relationship with musichetta (cafe worker) and joly 
JOLY - doctor man basically raddle from animal crossing bc he's always convinced that he's sick or that there's something wrong with him, therefore always carries around a cane and canonically lays in his bed so that hes aligned with the earth's poles, bf of bossuet and musichetta, hes the litol one in the poly couple
GRANTAIRE - also referred to as the letter "r", drunk as fuck all the time and believes in absolutely nothing except for CANONICALLY enjolras, his description in the brick is literally simping over enjolras and how beautiful he is, hes hced as an artist who paints enj all the mf time which i believe, canonically dies holding enjolras's hand, associated with the color green, in love with enjolras did i mention that hes in love with enj
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probably-enjolras · 7 years ago
jetaire! nb R and genderfluid jehan!
ooooh jehantaire is one of my guilty pleasures, like as much as i love exr, these two hold a special place in my heart (also jetaire autocorrects on my phone to je t’aime so it’s canon)
as i’ve said before, Grantaire gives zero shits when it comes to their gender. they have and will wear their stubble proudly while walking around in a skirt or dress
Jehan also uses they/them pronouns unless they specify otherwise. they struggled for a long time on their gender before accepting it as a fluid thing and just going with the flow
once, jehan convinced R to grow out their beard and Jehan stuck flowers into the messy hair
grantaire always leaves little fingerprints in paint when Jehan leaves the house. Jehan never washes it off and its always careful to keep it on their hand until they get home
their house is a mess. jehan goes through many outfits before settling on one in the morning and the moment R gets home, they just shed their clothes in random rooms, so the entire house is a tripping hazard
there is a wall dedicated to throwing paint at it when stressed, there are some flower petals in the paint as well
jehan once knit grantaire a blanket and it’s now sitting in the living room for cuddle sessions
(a personal favorite headcanon for me) jehan helped grantaire become sober, and r thanks them for that everyday
there is a debate going on in their house on whether coffee or tea is better
both love canon nonbinary characters and jehan totally dressed as Alex Fierro for halloween one time
grantaire is probably the only person to come close to having as messy of a fashion sense as jehan
jehan knitting a pronoun sweater for grantaire
grantaire defending jehan from bigots
ok i love these babes so damn much ok?
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nb transfem (they/them) jehan owns my heart. if you even care
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batrachois · 8 years ago
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les proud amis 2/?
Aromantic Feuilly | Bear Gay Baz Non Binary Jehan | Trans Enjolras
(ask and credit me if you use them as icons)
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jules-of-the-sea · 2 years ago
I would love to see a Blorbo ranking for your blorbos from Les Mis, if you are willing to share :)
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so i made a character tierlist, i dont actually hate thenardier but its funny to hate him. for side characters: m mabeuf would be guy!!!, fauchlevent would be eh (although the graveyard scene was funny), and marius's relations would all be in eh/mildly annoying because i have no strong feelings about them.
you did say blorbo ranking though and i have no idea what exactly that entails so im just going to do everything i can think of. so heres a list of everyone on the tierlist and a few thoughts on each of them
enjolras 12/10 love of my life, top kin, red <3, hes literally just a guy god i wish i was him its all i ever want hes so !!!!!
grantaire 10/10 love him, probably more like me than enj lmao, jaded, alcoholic, cynic, ao3 always makes him an artist but i dont remember them saying that in the book??? maybe i missed it though, it did say that he knows all the best spots in paris though so thats pretty cool
feuilly 10/10 self taught king, he makes fans, he wants to deliver the world and i support him. we all need a feuilly in our lives
combeferre 10/10 (these ratings are a little redundant at this point) fan interpretation always makes him a bookworm nerdy guy (which i have also done) which i understand bc in the book hugo talks abt how he wants to learn everything and he loves progress and education, but honestly i feel like hes a lot warmer and more social than people characterize him. like they talk about how compassionate he is and how he focuses on the actual people in the revolution more than the movement as a whole
gavroche literally just a little guy, hes got his two children in his wooden elephant what more could a street urchin want
courfeyrac party guy, literally tholomyes but if he wasnt a dick, love him for it. actually thinking abt it, tholomyes was a poet right?? and hugo compares him w courf so,,, poet courf???
bossuet unlucky, actually named lesgle, bald, in a poly relationship w joly and musichetta
eponine bro she was not that close with marius in the book, and i dont think she even knew the amis. its fun to pretend she did though. also the musical makes marius actually care that she dies which is sweet i guess. also i love every queer eponine interpretation.
jehan jean provaire, medieval enthusiast, just a little guy i guess. trans/nb jehan is one of my favorite things actually
joly happy guy, apparently nicknamed jolly because of that, doctor(?), likes self diagnosing, must suck being a germaphobe in 1832
bahorel tbh i forgot like everything the book said abt him. im pretty sure he was the guy who saved marius from being kicked out of law school though?? and also visibly expresses disgust when he passes by law school??? king.
javert single-minded policeman, love the themes and internal struggle, javerts soliloquy and stars are some of my favorite songs in the musical
jean valjean all around a good guy, white bread personality but like,, nice. so i guess hes more like the pre-made pound cake you can get at the store. certified girlboss tho
cosette pretty? i like the cottagecore interpretations but also shes literally just a lonely child from 1832 so i guess its just by default. she seems like the type of girl who would be a pleasure to have in class
fantine sad lady, cosettes mom, i wish she had just gotten cosette back from the thenardiers when she had her job but oh well.
marius annoying little bitch boy mf i swear to god he deserves very little of what he gets. also isnt he like 10 years older than both cosette and eponine??? 1832 moment i guess. anyways hes not that bad but its funny to hate on him.
madame thenardier me when child abuse, kinda a girlboss in the musical but in the book shes just kinda there
monsieur thenardier little rat bitch man, fuck that guy, but also hes literally a cartoon villain and its funny
also the tierlist is made in mspaint, i would have found pictures for everyone but a lot of them arent in the 2012 movie long enough for anyone (me) to know whos who so. crunchy mspaint version
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findroleplay · 3 years ago
Yoooo~ I mean standard posting on here; looking for rp partners. For Les Mis [Enjolras, Jehan, Joly, and Montparnasse]. Like Les Mis is my big one 😌 BUT I’m also getting into Bbc sherlock and if anyone wants to rp that with a newbie I would be up for it [I think I’d wanna write for Moriarty]
Para and Lit is my preferred way of writing. Doesn’t have to be multi-para at all times 🤷🏻‍♀️ As for ships and that kinda thing honestly… Idk. It can be discussed it can come naturally whatever! I’m fluid and easy.
I think discord is the most rp friendly place… so there works for me but if you have any suggestions i’ll take them.
Like this and I can dm you here~ I’m 23, nb, any pronouns work. I’m UK based but that means nothing because I have a sleep schedule and a day schedule that makes little to no sense so I am a lowkey sporadic replier.
and a TL;DR if you want the basics;
Fandoms: Les Mis [most wanted] and bbc sherlock [curious].
Style: Para/Lit
Characters: Enjolras, Jehan, Joly, Montparnasse [Les Mis. Confident at all]. Moriarty [sherlock. Need a patient partner]
Pairings: Surprise me
About me: 23, nb, UK based
Where: Discord
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thunderfcknroad · 8 years ago
One day Everyone turned up to a meeting in dresses and skirts without discussing it and Courfeyrac walked in in his usual skinny jeans, froze, cursed, left, and came back 10 minutes later in a skirt apologising for forgetting the protest.
No one has the heart to tell him it was coincidental so they spent the rest of the meeting discussing gender politics. 
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hello hello!! i come with a question that i just want an answer for, i’m not trying to be rude or anything, i just need to see if there’s something off here. where did the idea that jehan was nb come from? or that jehan only went by they/them pronouns? genuinely curious on this one, cuz rn it just seems like people view jehan this way because they’re the most feminine member of les amis, and that’s....a lil gross.....
This is such a great question, and unfortunately it is not one that I have an answer to.
My personal guess would be that ey seem the least concerned with conforming to gender-based standards based on the description in the text, but in truth I mostly started doing it because I saw that it was already prevalent in the fandom when I joined (March 2018) and liked the headcanon and am nb myself. ^^;
The earliest mention I see of nb Jehan on AO3 dates back to June 2013--does anyone else have any light to shed on this topic?
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fixaidea · 4 years ago
ugh. yeah. les mis. i got so tired of enjolras in particular being completely out of character. like everyone collectively forgot that he's canonically CHARMING. he's not a dick, he's not socially incompetent. and just... idk. it all just got so fucking tropey, with courf being quintessential flaming gay, and jehan being NB, and feuilly being trans, etc. and of course if you dare to point out that there are problems in those stereotypes, then YOU'RE the problem.
Same. Enjolras’s fanon presentation was the worst offence for me too. Like...? BBC Sherlock/Feuilly But Depressed sounds like it could be an interesting ship, but WHY call it Enjolras/Grantaire?
Also while everyone’s entitled to their headcanons, however stereotypical, the line for me is crossed when they go out of their way to police others who don’t share them. Like... some of my friends got anon hate over not using they/them for Jehan. Anon hate for not sharing a headcanon. The hell?
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oulious · 8 years ago
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Les Miserables: Sexualities & Gender (5/?)
Jean “Jehan” Prouvaire - Nonbinary
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