#nazism mention -
twig-gy · 6 months
saw that callout post about hitler being cunty n this completely goes against the spirit of the post so i won’t but like. he just wasn’t. that’s an insane thing to say in every way but one of them is just he just WASN’T WHAT DO YOU SEE IN THAT MAN
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dogcasino · 1 year
Hey there I'm genuinely wondering why "yellow face frisk/kris" is a problem? As an Asian person I'm just happy protagonists are heavily implied as Asian in games and in fan arts
I don't see what's the issue here can you explain what you mean
hi! i'm really happy to explain my thoughts but before that i do want to say i am white and i do not want to tell you how to feel about this. if you still feel happy or take away a positive perspective from this, that's great! my perspective is based on what other asian people have said on the subject as well as what i know of historical racism against asian people and how that has manifested in art (specifically in the US, where undertale was made).
so firstly, i don't actually think frisk or kris were Intended to be asian by toby and i think it would be fairly upsetting with how their current designs are if they were. in my understanding, their designs resembling yellowface caricatures was an unfortunate coincidence, which was pointed out by fans with the hopes that there would be some form of course correction or acknowledgement that making a character with bright yellow skin, a brown bowlcut, and squinted eyes is, not ideal. instead, the design motifs (barring the eyes) were repeated in deltarune. people take issue with them because yellowface historically has not been used to represent asian people with kind intentions- i bring up US history because when i think of yellowface some prominent examples i think of are anti-japanese propaganda from WWII which led to the establishment of concentration camps for japanese americans and art in support of the chinese exclusion act targeting chinese immigrant laborers to keep them from being able to work in the US. both of these had real, horrible impacts on asian americans and the depictions of asian americans in art during these eras were reflections of the intentions to do harm to and dehumanize asian americans. because of the harmful past of these caricatures, i feel like many don't see kris and frisk's resemblance to them to be representation, but instead a hurtful accident that intentionally or not references a visual tool that has been used to harm asian people in the past and present on a political scale.
i think it would be amazing for frisk and kris to be asian but i think there would have been a better way to accomplish that than giving them unnatural skintones and making them resemble these caricatures. i don't intend to strip any potential asian identity from them by asking that people in the safeutdr tag draw them in natural skintones, and i believe many people do actually draw them as asian in the tag! i would also like to invite anyone else with thoughts on the matter to chime in, especially anyone who is also asian like anon. this is worth talking about and the last thing i want to do is say "i'm right so shut up" haha.
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babbybones · 2 years
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maybe don't open with this
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Putting these links out there (and encouraging people to look for others) because I've been seeing people in oppenheimer debates implying that the creation of the atomic bomb was a necessary evil to "defeat the Nazis," and the reality is...slightly more complicated.
According to these Atomic Heritage Foundation articles, major work on the German push towards the atomic bomb was halted in June of 1942. This took place months before the Manhattan Project began on August 13, 1942. Germany's halting of atomic production was known to the allies by 1944 at least, before the bomb's completion or Germany's surrender.
More to the point, the fucking film itself involves Oppenheimer pushing for the use of the bomb, in Japan, post Germany's surrender. But I've literally seen people claiming Oppenheimer did "nothing wrong" because he was trying to use the bomb to stops Hitler or something, and the timeline simply does not match up with these simplifications.
I've ranted about this film in other regards elsewhere, but please, whenever we discuss it (this is a warning to myself as much as anyone else), at least keeps the facts straight, and stop letting speculation blur a very real and bloody part of history.
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icypiece · 25 days
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"I've chosen 20 philosophers who I think belong among the most important ones in the history of western thought. I like all of them, except for Heidegger."
(Heidegger joined the nazi party/was later classified as a fellow traveler of nazism..I don't know if that's the reason Gunnar Fredriksson doesn't like him or if it's due to his philosophy, but he definitely deserves to be dissed)
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autisticlio · 4 months
While I have yet to read the Notebook Trilogy, knowing the subject matters in it, it honestly explains a lot of stuff in Mother 3 such as what happens to the twins in the ending, the twist of false memories, how tonely dark Tanetane Island gets, the commentary on facism (it's heavily speculated the book takes place during WWII as the author escaped from nazi invasion), etc.
I will say I don't like the few bad apples I've seen who think the Lucas and Claus in the game are meant to be the same ones in the Notebook. Especially as the book ones, in thanks to the abuse they face, end up not caring when their parents die and associate with those who are very much immoral. It's more their names come from them than just being essentially stolen from it. Personality and motivation wise, they are completely different.
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minu-moni · 10 months
USA politicians bend over backwards to claim fighting for Palestine is antisemitic but won’t bat an eye when there’s actual Nazi marches on the street. Thank god I don’t live in this country.
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i feel like we never discuss this part of the chainsaw man lore.
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sayruq · 10 months
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neechees · 2 years
How is the cult from Midsommer white supremacist? Because they are swedish and borrow from paganism? The nazis appropriated Norse culture, they even misused different runes and symbols, and Scandinavia is one of the most tolerant regions in Europe.
There's Nazi imagery throughout the film, & the fact that all the poc die first is no mistake. Ari Aster himself has said that the Harga are White Supremacists:
Defying an outdated horror trope, Aster does not kill off Josh (William Jackson Harper) — the only black character for miles — first. As Aster points out, though, the Hårga are racist, a callback to “a part of Swedish history and European history,” and all of the “outsiders” or “new blood” recruited for mating are purposely white.
“He’s thrown away in a way that the other members of the main cast are not," Aster notes. “And that is because these people have no further use for him.”
The Harga, when not inbreeding with each other, go out and groom new members to either 1. Be sacrified or 2. Introduce new genes by manipulating people into the cult or drugging & raping them (what they did to Dani & Christian), & they ONLY pick white people for this. There are no nonwhite Harga & that's not an accident.
The script also makes it crystal clear that the nonwhite couple were specifically chosen (bc they are not white) & brought there to be sacrificed & were never going to live. The member that brought the nonwhite couple displays hatred & malice towards them when they're not looking, but doesn't do this with the other white outsiders
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(Ingemar is the Harga that brought Connie & Simon, the nonwhite couple). Connie & Simon didn't do anything wrong, they didn't do anything outright to insult the Harga. The only thing they did was be shocked about seeing the ritual suicide & express desire to leave (and they weren't the only ones who did this, Dani also did). And yet they were some of the first to die.
Even the visuals-- the Harga wear all White, it's always in blinding daylight. Whiteness is a GLARING theme. There's also foreshadowing early on in the film, where a book titled "The secret Nazi language of the Uthark" featured in Christian's room just before they go to Sweden.
There's also other Nazi ideology present within the Harga, such as the strict gender roles (the women all wear dresses & cook & clean & care for the children together but the men butcher the bear together), eugenics & ableism (the elderly are killed off at a certain age because they see disability & needing to be cared for as an elder "shameful", which is what one Harga states at the ritual suicide scene, & of course killing off the nonwhite characters), the "return to tradition" ideology (there are NO modern technology in the community, & it's in the countryside).
You see a cult full of ONLY White people, using Norse paganism (something VERY popular with Nazis) in an isolated area, who routinely murder poc, don't intermix with poc, kill off their elderly, Dani (the blonde, light eyed white girl) is praised for her beauty & made their May queen by the Harga, with strict gender roles, & this film was made by a JEWISH MAN to show the Harga as the bad guys, & you don't have a hunch that the Harga are maybe supposed to be white supremacists/nazis? That doesn't raise any red flags for you?
& let's not forget how Scandanavia committed genocide against the Saami, the Indigenous population who were there for hundreds of years before anyone else. That's a little off topic, but as a First Nations Canadian I aint gunna let that just go unacknowledged. Scandanavia has a white supremacy problem too, & Ari Aster is right for pointing it out
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I got the majority of this information from the YouTuber Annamarie Forcino's video "The Alarming "Gnome Hunting" Trend No One's Talking About". (https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=pf0bZOMuVFs)
This post is to help spread this information.
Please be aware:
• If you come across anything with the term "gnome hunting" or anything listed below online, block and report the account immediately. If you come across it offline, covertly and safely get the absolute fuck out of there. Warn others.
• Keep yourself safe. As with any bullshit like this these people may be violent. The wearing of tactical gear and the use of the word hunting when talking about a group of human beings is not peaceful or respectful of life. Exercise caution. Especially if you are in a group the groups they're in target.
• This is mostly on TikTok, DO NOT SEARCH FOR IT ON SITES WITH THE ALGORITHM. This will drive engagement and help it spread. If you come across it block and report it but do not search it.
The term "gnome hunting" is being used by antisemitists/neonazis/white supremacists to refer to themselves, they themselves being the "hunters" and those they target, Jews, being the "gnomes" and is a way for them to talk in code.
Things to watch out for with this specific wave of antisemitic bullshit are but are not limited to:
"join the hunt" = join us.
"millions wear the hats" millions = the Jews, hats = the Jewish Yarmulke/Kippah (a Jewish head covering). This phrase refers to Jewish people in general. When they use this phrase they are talking about Jews.
"kike" a slur against those of Jewish descent and or those who are practicing Judaism.
"88" H is the 8th letter of the alphabet. 88 = hh = "hail hitler".
"⚡⚡" "ᛋᛋ" "ϟϟ" Two lightning bolt emojis, two Greek letter ᛋ's, or two lighting bolt symbols side by side = the nazi ss. The nazi ss flag is two lighting bolt symbols side by side.
"Z" or "z" The English letter Z/z is used by russian nazis against Ukrainians who are being murdered by and suffering war crimes at the hands of russian nazis since the current russian dictator putin invaded Ukraine. Has unfortunately spread and is being used by nazis in other countries. The symbol has similarities to the wolfsangel.
"Ƶ" The wolfsangel. An ancient runic symbol believed to have been capable of warding off wolves, appropriated by nazi organizations in nazi Germany. Still used by white supremacists/nazis today.
(Cannot find a symbol for this.) The sunwheel, sonnenrad, or black sun. A symbol from old Norse and old Celtic culture. Also appropriated by nazis, still used by neonazis today.
"schizopost" "schizoposting" Used by neonazis when they use neurodivergence/mental illness (they do not struggle with) as an excuse for their bullshit. Ex: saying "I'm insane" "I'm schizophrenic" "me and the boys being schizophrenic" in the same post about "gnome hunting" or with any relation to nazi/white supremacists ideology.
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he’s the adult supervision, he’s the voice of reason, he’s a cringefail king, it’s Captain Haddock! Quite a few people asked for a timeline post for Haddock after I posted one of Tintin.
I found the whole idea of the Haddock family curse to be very interesting, and the implications behind it to be pretty dark... cw for alcoholism and childhood abuse. Let me know if you need anything tagged.
To figure out the timeline the evidence for Haddock’s age I found was in an animated adaptation of Explorers on the Moon where Haddock mentions he has around forty years of sailing experience. I doubt he was running around on ships as a newborn so that places his age during the canon comics at around 60ish, give or take a few years, which in my timeline places his childhood during the late Victorian era!
Left to right, top to bottom:
Child - Archibald Haddock had a pretty rough childhood and family life. The legacy of the “Haddock family curse” weighs heavily on him, and so does the alcoholism that runs generationally. His father is often drunk, taking his anger and frustration out on Archibald. Fully believing the family curse, Archibald’s father drills the idea that he is destined for failure into his head. 
Archibald’s only respite is his grandfather, who tells him stories of Sir Francis Haddock and other tall tales from the sea. His grandfather also would take him out on fishing trips, the lochs and the sea being his refuge. 
Teenager - It’s the 1880s and Archibald is left aimless after his grandfather passes away, passing the time by hiding from his father and drinking during the day. He fully believes he has no real future and lets himself get swept up by whatever will come along next.
Young Adult - Archibald decides to follow in his grandfather’s footsteps and becomes a sailor, feeling at home at sea. He cleans up somewhat after befriending George Chester as the two train on the same merchant vessel. Chester drags a reluctant Archibald along into all kinds of crazy antics, with Archibald wanting to stay on the straight and narrow.
Archibald is drafted during the First World War, serving in the Grand Fleet. He is stationed at the Orkney and Shetland Islands with Chester.
Canon - After the war Archibald relapses on his addiction again, but is able to hold onto work in the merchant fleet. He eventually becomes a captain of a merchant vessel where his mental health issues are taken advantage of in the Crab with the Golden Claws. 
Seeing his crew mutiny, kidnap (and attempt to murder) a boy on his ship was a major wake up call - Haddock is now imbued with a sense of responsibility for Tintin (even if Tintin seems to handle things better than Haddock!). He doesn’t understand what Tintin sees in him but he’ll be damned if he proves him wrong. He’s not above calling him an idiot when the time is right though.
Post Canon - After Tintin loses his job Haddock does his best to support him.  He uses his wealth to further causes he believes in, donating money to artist collectives and scientific research that was repressed by fascist governments. Before Belgium even joins the Second World War he and the Marlinspike team proactively go out and foil various Nazi plots. Marlinspike Hall is firebombed by the Nazis in retaliation, but after the war Haddock funds various housing cooperative projects. Coming from a working class background he hasn’t forgotten the hardships a lot of people face.
Elderly - At this point Haddock is secure in his found family. He’s been living with his partner Ramo Nash, and has taken up various arts and crafts as hobbies. Looking back, he never expected to be a father, but is incredibly proud of Tintin. He never officially adopts him as a part of him still fears the family curse (plus they both agree “Haddock” as a name definitely does not suit Tintin)!
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blackpearlblast · 9 months
hey, if my ask is insensitive or simply too much work/you dont want to give your opinion/energy thats ok, and im sorry for bothering you if it is. ive seen many jewish people say "from the river to the sea" is a dogwhistle/generally antisemitic phrase to use, but you used it in your golem art's text part(incredibly moving text btw.) im asking you bc you mentioned youre jewish and i thought you might have insight or thoughts to give on why you use it/what you think about the first statement about the phrase?
hi, yes, i would be glad to talk about my perspective on this! first of all, i do want to say that i think a lot of palestinian bloggers have already talked about this and their voices will always be what you want to seek out first when educating yourself. however, i do know the crowd of people claiming that "from the river to the sea" is antisemitic/genocidal has been very loud so i understand why you would want to hear a jewish perspective on it too. second, in order to explain why i think "from the river to the sea" is not antisemitic will involve me comparing it to actual antisemitic, nazi slogans and dogwhistles and talking about what they mean. so just a heads up for that before it comes up.
the full phrase is "from the river to the sea, palestine will be free!" i think a lot of times in accusations of antisemitism people leave off the second half of the phrase in order to claim it is calling for something else to happen from river to sea (like the expulsion or execution of all jews.) but that's just like, not, ever, a thing? that is said? you can tell the pieces of the phrase go together because they rhyme and also are said together by palestinians and allies near constantly. it's "from the river to the sea, palestine will be free." and i think all of the fearmongering relies on a good bit of ambiguity beyond that too. "what does a 'free palestine' mean? could it meant they want to throw all the jews into the sea?" - some zionist when i tried to look up the origin of the phrase in case there was anything really important i was missing that i should cover in this. there's like this idea that they can't really be asking for a free palestine, there has to be some kind of catch.
i think it's also important to look at the circumstances that this slogan was born under. the thing about modern day palestine and occupied palestine, on which israel tries to build itself, is that even though spatially the land stretches from river to sea, the people's experience of it does not. because of the apartheid system of checkpoints, ID-based restriction of movement, and blockades (in the case of gaza), there exist great gulfs in the land that are impossible or near impossible for people to cross. there can be a place a couple miles away, that due to lacking the "proper credentials", is more distant for palestinians living under apartheid than perhaps a destination a cross-country trip away would be for you. so i see the call for a free palestine specifically "from river to sea" to remove those gulfs and allow freedom of movement for everyone. i find very little of this has to do with jews, personally. the only connection is that the people who set up and maintain this system of apartheid happened to be jewish. and i hope that we would all agree that resisting one's oppressors- even if those oppressors are also marginalized and oppressed in other ways- is not a bad thing.
but it is true that many white supremacist/antisemitic slogans may focus more on the creation of a (white) nation than actually the jews themselves, since they have already established among themselves that a white nation has to mean no jews. so let's look at some of the more famous nazi rallying cries and how different they are from "from the river to the sea."
the fourteen words are most primarily known to be "we must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children." wow! i guess we could find some superficial similarities between this and river and the sea, like if we really wanted to stretch it. but personally, there's a ton of alarm bells in my head that this phrase sets off while river to the sea doesn't. the emphasis of "we" and "our" when used in this way really implies an us versus them narrative. and here the ambiguity really is present and malevolent! a "free palestine" is a palestine unrestricted by apartheid and colonialism. a "secure existence" and "future for white children" is uhhh, what does that Mean. like, we Know what that means right. but they aren't saying it. we can very easily find people saying what a free palestine means if we listen to palestinians. please, please listen to palestinians. there are so many people talking about what their idea of a decolonized palestine looks like, but the basics are generally one state, for all people, with equal rights for all, and the ability for those who were expelled from their homes in the nakba and all of the many long years following it, to return.
"blood and soil" is even vaguer. but thankfully(?), nazis were very enthusiastic about explaining what the phrase meant to them. "blood" is the superior aryan bloodlines and eugenic values that they wished to propagate and the "soil" represents the land of germany and the desire to "reject modernity and embrace tradition" by leaving urban life behind and living in the idealized countryside. (see we got a twofer here!) the only possible connection i could make to from the river to the sea here is the emphasis on the land but that on its own doesn't feel significant to me. land and the place where you live is very important to all kinds of humans all over the world. and i think another particular aspect of "blood and soil" is the emphasis of how you are living on the land. it's not just enough to be able to live in your homeland with freedom of movement and the ability not to be killed with impunity by occupying soldiers (lucky you!), you want to live there in a state of racial purity exemplified by eugenic values. in general, in nazi slogans, there is a particular fixation with a society shaped to represent these specific values. the call is not for freedom from repression, from an actual occupying colony, but instead from the considered bad actors and impure values coming from within their society. freedom from having degenerates sullying their perfect aryan nation. there is a plea to be able to get rid of those who do not match their view of a perfect society. the plea for a free palestine is, so much, a plea to be able to keep their family members, their friends, the friendly stranger down the block. that is not a fascist ideology, that is the will to live. and though i am referring to the ideology surrounding "blood and soil" in past tense because i am referencing the coining of the phase, these sentiments and slogans are obviously (and unfortunately) alive and well today. though, there is a particular irony to white american neo-nazis chanting it on stolen land.
"they will not replace us"/"jews will not replace us" refers to the "great replacement" theory, that jews are orchestrating a mass replacement of white people with immigrants (specifically non-white, often muslim immigrants.) i do not think this slogan has even any superficial similarities to from the river to the sea. you could definitely compare this sentiment to israel's attempts to maintain an artificial ethnic majority, since in many ways the potential "solution" to the "great replacement" would also need to involve creating/maintaining an artificial ethnic majority. (this is obviously not saying that israel subscribes to the great replacement theory, but that the tactic of maintaining artificial ethnic majorities is shared between zionism and great replacement theorists, since both ideologies rely on a specific ethnicity being the majority in their country.)
dogwhistles like 88, triple parenthesis, etc. rely on being vague symbols so that only those who know what the symbols stand for know what they mean. (88=HH=heil hitler, the triple parentheses representing the supposed (((echoes))) of jewish influence throughout history.) "from the river to the sea, palestine will be free" is a complete phrase that directly names its cause. people who say "free palestine" want you to know they stand with palestine. i guess if you wanted to be going for the most bad faith reading possible you could say "free palestine from what?", to which every palestinian and everyone who has been remotely paying attention to what palestinians are saying would shout: "from apartheid, colonialism, ethnic cleansing, and currently, very open and deliberate genocide!" like, it is true that if you felt you did not glean every aspect and detail of what the people in the occupied territories are calling for, you would be correct! but they are answering this. they want to talk about it. the reason i do not believe from the river to the sea is genocidal or antisemitic is because i have been reading and listening to what palestinians are saying and none of them have said they want to kill all jews. they do not want genocide, they want to go home! they just want to go home. i don't know most of this was written pretty tongue in cheek because i was talking about nazi slogans and nazis are pathetic and even more pathetic when held up against a movement of people who are legitimately trying to fight against a great wrong that was committed against them, but i just get so sad saying this. they just want to go home. haven't you ever felt that way before?
in the end, words mean things, and even more importantly, the contexts they're said in mean things. and while it's true that antisemites do hide behind dogwhistles and vague statements for plausible deniability, the alternative meaning does have to actually be established somewhere for them to be effective. from the river to the sea lacks an established alternative meaning. fearmongering from people who refuse to listen to what palestinians are actually saying does not make sense to me as legitimate definitions of the phrase.
also!!!! i'm sorry this got so Fucking long, thank you if you actually made it this far! i intentionally used "from the river to the sea" in my artists statement because it frustrates and upsets me so much to see people making such a big fuss about it when actual antisemitism goes unpunished. like a lot of the phrases i talk about here were chanted at the charlottesville neo-nazi march in 2017 and while many people were deeply upset and angry at what happened, the jewish community was not rallied around even Close to as much as it right now. and with joe biden saying "if it weren't for israel, not a single jew in the world would be safe" at a fucking hanukkah celebration i just. i don't know. the push back against "from the river to the sea" has so much to do with backing colonial and imperial interests and so so little to do with our actual safety. the concept of our identities and safety is being weaponized against palestinians, and at the same time makes it harder to identify actual antisemitism. and that hurts.
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nedermemes · 3 months
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Nederland in juli 2024 moodboard
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newsfromstolenland · 1 year
The speaker of Canada’s House of Commons resigned Tuesday for inviting a man who fought for a Nazi military unit during World War II to Parliament to attend a speech by the Ukrainian president.
Just after Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy delivered an address in the House of Commons on Friday, Canadian lawmakers gave 98-year-old Yaroslav Hunka a standing ovation when Speaker Anthony Rota drew attention to him. Rota introduced Hunka as a war hero who fought for the First Ukrainian Division.
Observers over the weekend began to publicize the fact that the First Ukrainian Division also was known as the Waffen-SS Galicia Division, or the SS 14th Waffen Division, a voluntary unit that was under the command of the Nazis.
Full article
Tagging: @allthecanadianpolitics
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kaban-bang · 3 months
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This is how people sound when they justify buying Harry Potter stuff.
The Anya piece was just last year, btw.
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