#nazism m
kommunistkaitou · 1 year
last night was the beginning of passover, so of course in my dream (nightmare) last night it was tisha b'av and I was biking home from across town around sunset even though I was all weak from fasting, and then a neo-nazi in a car started like chasing trying to hunt me down and I had to like run into some random person's yard and knock on their back door to try to get them to let me into their house and then. the person who answered the door (my hero) was Carrie Fisher
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genderkoolaid · 10 months
in reference to an addition to the post speculating about James Somerton going through a far-right pipeline, what's this about him "romantisicing nazis" now? Do you know anything about that? What's it even mean?
Its discussed in Todd in the Shadows' video, but essentially he made up a bunch of weird lies about how the Nazis were all mega ripped and sexy and the SS & Hitler Youth were full of basically out gay men fucking each other. Not openly saying "Nazis are good" but lying about the history of Nazi Germany in very weird ways that, when you know he is making these facts up himself, feels really fucking off
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iidsch · 10 months
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absolutely wild to read this in a manga from 1995. 28 years later and nothing has changed
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moscowwitch · 17 days
News: Germany's electing a nazi party again due to immigration! Germany: I am may be bad, but I am good at it.
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selkiesstories · 2 months
As promised all the antisemitic tropes associated with the Greens in House of the Dragon because I guess when you double down on the divinely ordained Aryan as heroes you need Jewish coded villains. Please note that I am not accusing anyone including Condal or other producers of secretly sympathizing with Nazis or antisemitism if for no other reason that I suspect they are simply too ill informed to realize what their playing with. (for a better understanding about the metaphysical role Jews played in Nazism see Alon Confino's A World Without Jews: The Nazi Imagination from Persecution to Genocide)
Let's start with casting:
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And Alicent is the embodiement of the Beautiful Jewess- curly dark reddish hair, and big beautiful eyes ( It's over a year since I read Höss's complaining about how his officers were susceptible to Jewish women and their "beautiful eyes" and I am still not over it.)
Moving on-
1) Alicent and by extension the Greens are portrayed as religious. This religion is implied or certainly interpreted by fans to be oppressive towards the Targaryens (Valeryians) notably by setting rules and thus bringing them to the level of mortals. Hitler considered Christianity to be a Jewish invention that was a “scar” on the German race by imposing a conscience.
2) The Hightowers and the Citadel/maesters are implied in the fandom to be running a conspiracy to bring down the Targaryens. Some fans have them poisoning Viserys and/or responsible for all the Targaryen stillbirths, and dismal maternal and infant mortality rates. The Protocols of Zion are an old debunked many times conspiracy theory about how Jews secretly work to run the world. Jewish doctors were accused of damaging Aryan women. The Doctor’s Plot is actually Soviet where Jewish doctors were accused of poisoning Stalin.
3) Heleana who coincidentally fits the Targaryen aesthetic is considered the only redeemable one so long as she supports Rhaenyra (and marries Jace- who according to Rhaenyra and therefore the show/fans is a Targaryen- and raises her children to be loyal to the true Targs). Nazis would sometimes accept a half Jewish woman if she was married to a full German and had his children whom she raised with no connection to her family/faith (sometime a man but a woman was more likely since they were seen as more passive and therefore less of a threat to the all sacred race)
4) the Greens are portrayed as both overly sexual and sexually repressed. The Nazis were obsessed with sex and variously accused Jews of being sexual predators or of being unnaturally restrained which tied in with (1).
5) Aegon is an alcoholic and Aemond is implied to have an opioid addiction. Jews were associated with drugs especially morphine (for a summary of the Nazis relationship with drugs see Norman Ohler’s Blitzed: Drugs in the Third Reich)
5) The men on the Greens are either dangerous predators or emasculated "simps" or "mama's boys". Jewish men were variously dangerous predators or unmanly men who were dominated by their women.
6) Alicent is either sexually repressed or a slut who sexually entices good Valyrian men to their doom. (1) and (4)
7) Alicent is an overbearing mother. She occasionally seems to overstep her designated feminine boundaries to assert her opinions over men's.
8) the Greens are either too close knit or they betray each other. Höss described Jews as both extremely attached to their families to the point where news of their death had a fatal effect and as eager to betray their families even at no benefit to themselves.
9) Alicent schemes to betray the righteous Valyrian princess and supplant her with her own sons. She is considered redeemable only when she serves Rhaenyra and places her on a pedestal even at the expense of her and her children's well being. This is the basis of many Jewish female characters in literature
10) Alicent's children are never considered to be real Targaryens. In F&B Aegon and Helaena are described as plumper and less striking than most Targaryens, Jaehaerys has extra fingers/ toes and Jaehaera as neurodivergent. Jaehaera dies and is replaced by the perfect Valyrian girl.
I'm open for asks and DMs. For context my MA was set in Nazi Germany and I took several courses on the subject.
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wibta if i punched a teenager?
i [16 X] have a friend [16 M, we'll call him E] who idolizes stalin. my brother [20s M] says that makes him a Nazi, and while we were discussing it i joked that i should punch him[cuz. yeah nazi punching]. we all laughed it off, but im still thinking about it. ive been trying to devise a way to bring it up, try to talk him out of/convince him not to be a nazi anymore, but to be candid i cant think of anything. i dont want to push him off the edge into true Nazism by accident, so i guess im asking tumblr. wibta?
What are these acronyms?
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the-garbanzo-annex-jr · 3 months
by Alan M. Dershowitz
It was [Hitler's friend, the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, Haj Amin al-] Husseini who turned the Arab-Jewish dispute from a resolvable conflict over land to an irresolvable conflict over religion.
Were a Hamas-run state to replace Israel "from the river to the sea", it would be a theocratic regime closer to that of Iran than to the autocracies of Jordan or Egypt. Jews and Christians would not be allowed to live as equal citizens in such a state. Indeed, in areas currently controlled by Hamas, Christians and other non-Muslim minorities have been ethnically cleansed.
Hamas is a wholly owned subsidiary of the Iranian mullahs....
The real focus of these demonstrations is not on the alleged victims, but rather on the alleged perpetrators. The perpetrators are actually more anti-Israel than pro-Palestinian... It has always been more about identifying with the alleged perpetrators -- Stalin, Hitler, Mao, Castro, Che Guevara -- than with the alleged victims.
It is Hamas, not Israel, that is responsible for much, if not all, of the victimization of Palestinian civilians.
The disproportionate focus on the Palestinians and Israel can be explained only by bigoted hatred of the nation state of the Jewish people and its alliance with the US, and the wish to see them brought down.
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eretzyisrael · 3 months
by Alan M. Dershowitz
It was [Hitler's friend, the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, Haj Amin al-] Husseini who turned the Arab-Jewish dispute from a resolvable conflict over land to an irresolvable conflict over religion.
Were a Hamas-run state to replace Israel "from the river to the sea", it would be a theocratic regime closer to that of Iran than to the autocracies of Jordan or Egypt. Jews and Christians would not be allowed to live as equal citizens in such a state. Indeed, in areas currently controlled by Hamas, Christians and other non-Muslim minorities have been ethnically cleansed.
Hamas is a wholly owned subsidiary of the Iranian mullahs....
The real focus of these demonstrations is not on the alleged victims, but rather on the alleged perpetrators. The perpetrators are actually more anti-Israel than pro-Palestinian... It has always been more about identifying with the alleged perpetrators -- Stalin, Hitler, Mao, Castro, Che Guevara -- than with the alleged victims.
It is Hamas, not Israel, that is responsible for much, if not all, of the victimization of Palestinian civilians.
The disproportionate focus on the Palestinians and Israel can be explained only by bigoted hatred of the nation state of the Jewish people and its alliance with the US, and the wish to see them brought down.
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er1chartmann · 10 months
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these are some facts and curiosities about the SS-Leitheft, monthly publications from the Nazi period:
They circulated mainly among SS officers, both belonging to the Allgemeine-SS and the Waffen-SS.
They were prepared by the SS Personnel Office or SS-Hauptamt of Reichsführer SS Heinrich Himmler in Berlin.
Each issue of the SS-Leitheft publication contained articles of a historical and ideological nature, all containing illustrative photographs, often of great interest and quality.
They were printed by the M. Müller & Sohn publishing house also in Berlin.
The articles were often signed by the most famous SS figures.
It would then serve, after the outbreak of the Second World War, as a means of propaganda and recruitment, and therefore of support for the Germanische Leitstelle in Oslo, Norway; in Copenhagen, Denmark; in Brussels, Belgium; in The Hague in the Netherlands; with the aim of helping to enlist Norwegian, Danish, Walloon, Flemish and Dutch volunteers in the ranks of the Waffen-SS.
The spiritual leader of the periodical was Dr. Franz Riedweg, a Swiss SS man who became the head of the Volunteer Recruitment Office, a division of the SS-Hauptamt.
Wikipedia: SS-Leitheft
if you don't like go with your life.
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burninglights · 1 year
“Race, Colonialism & Politics in the African, Caribbean & Black Diasporas” reading list:
Black and British: A Forgotten History by David Olusoga
Natives: Race and Class in the Ruins of Empire by Akala
The Anatomy of a South African Genocide by Mohamed Adhikari
Black and British: A Forgotten History by David Olusoga
Brit(ish) by Afua Hirsch
The World's War by David Olusoga
Behold, America by Sarah Churchwell
Sweet Land of Liberty? by Robert Cook
The Kaiser's Holocaust: Germany's Forgotten Genocide and the Colonial Roots of Nazism by David Olusoga
From Protest to Challenge, Vol. 1: A Documentary History of African Politics by Gwendolyn M. Carter & Thomas Karis
Lilly (@the-azzangna) has a far more comprehensive list of books, articles and YouTube videos, as this is her area of study; this is merely a springboard into reading material.
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ekman · 1 year
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La notion de frontière est indissociable de celle de civilisation. La frontière, c’est la souveraineté et la souveraineté, c’est l’outil de la destinée. Y renoncer, c’est faire de la nation un pays, voire une province, ou même une simple région. Le projet mondialiste ne s’est jamais exprimé aussi clairement qu’aujourd’hui, qui fait mesurer à chacun les conséquences catastrophiques du traité de Maastricht. Ouvrir les territoires de notre vieux continent à toutes les marchandises et à tous les colons, c'est renoncer à notre identité, c’est à dire à notre Histoire, à notre culture, à notre art de vivre.  Plus avant, le communisme a tenté cette aventure en brandissant l’image sacrée du Prolétaire, unique, universel et dictateur par essence. Il a cerclé les nations de pseudos frontières et les a décorées de constitutions de papier. Toutes les contestations conduisaient au néant barbelé. Dans le même esprit, le nazisme, au prétexte d’un reich en expansion perpétuelle, a tenté l’aventure de l’Histoire en portant la race en étendard – concept ô combien fumeux et fragile. Pour finir, le Juif vénal et le Mongol bestial ont eu raison des rêves absurdes d’une germanité illusoire. Les Américains ont eu la bonne idée de réunir ces deux fléaux en une seule organisation, l’Union Européenne, pauvre serpillère tissée et passée aux mains d'une Allemagne dominatrice, au détriment d’une vassalité hétérogène ayant à subir la transmutation du marxisme en “néo-féminisme”, en “genrisme”, en “wokisme”... en socialisme pour tout dire. La frontière est également mentale et protège des fléaux modernes en gardant vive la flamme de la tradition. Elle oppose la réflexion et le temps long à la fulgurance des ambitions ravageuses, les cordages spirituels à la déliquescence des m��urs, l’éthique virile à l’immoralité libérale. Cette frontière-là n’est pas moins menacée que la vieille borne en pierre qui séparait notre monde du reste du monde. La franchir, c’était partir à l’aventure. Aujourd’hui qu’elle a disparu, c’est l’aventure qui entre en nous, sauvage, barbare, mortelle. J.-M. M.
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lepartidelamort · 4 months
Allemagne : un leader patriote condamné pour « nazisme » après avoir dit vouloir le meilleur pour son pays
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Björn Höcke
Björn Höcke n’avait qu’à dire « Tout pour la Turquie ! », comme tout le monde.
DW :
Un tribunal régional de la ville de Halle, dans l’est de l’Allemagne, a ordonné mardi à l’homme politique d’extrême droite Björn Höcke de payer 100 jours-amende d’un montant journalier de 130 euros chacune pour avoir utilisé un slogan nazi interdit. M. Höcke, chef du parti Alternative pour l’Allemagne (AfD) dans l’État de Thuringe, dans l’est du pays, a été accusé d’avoir sciemment utilisé le slogan de la Sturmabteilung (SA), ou troupes d’assaut. La SA était un groupe paramilitaire nazi communément appelé « Chemises brunes ». M. Höcke, âgé de 52 ans, est le principal candidat de l’AfD de Thuringe pour les élections régionales de début septembre. Les agences de protection constitutionnelle l’ont décrit comme un extrémiste de droite. Le ministère public avait accusé Björn Höcke d’utiliser des symboles d’organisations anticonstitutionnelles et terroristes.
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En 2021, M. Höcke aurait déclaré lors d’un rassemblement de l’AfD dans l’État de Saxe-Anhalt, dans l’est de l’Allemagne : « Tout pour notre patrie, tout pour la Saxe-Anhalt, tout pour l’Allemagne ». Les procureurs affirment que M. Höcke, ancien professeur d’histoire, savait que « Tout pour l’Allemagne » était un slogan interdit des SA. Il l’a nié au cours du procès, décrivant la phrase comme un « dicton de tous les jours ». Le procureur Benedikt Bernzen a fait valoir dans son réquisitoire que Höcke avait utilisé le vocabulaire nazi « de manière stratégique et systématique » dans le passé. Lundi, un tribunal régional a confirmé, dans une affaire distincte, la désignation de l’AfD comme organisation extrémiste « présumée ».
C’est rassurant de voir les autorités réagir fermement contre les Allemands.
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À ce stade, la « justice » dans les états occidentaux n’est plus qu’une machine destinée à terroriser les Blancs, rien de plus.
Qui peut croire que la justice d’états réputés « tyranniques » comme la Russie ou la Chine persécuterait ses propres habitants pour avoir dit « Tout pour la Russie ! » ou « Tout pour la Chine ! ».
Les démocraties reposent exclusivement sur la haine de l’homme blanc et seulement ça.
Pourquoi tolérer un système qui veut nous détruire ?
Démocratie Participative
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gryficowa · 30 days
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You know what pisses me off? If Zionists misuse "Anti-Semitism", which in the future could be fucking dangerous for future generations, if future generations of Jews are treated like shit and no one takes this term seriously, it will be your fucking fault
In addition, many Zionist blogs have the name "Anti-Semitism" (And they are blogs about "Anti-Semitism", read calling Zionists bad people), so yes, they will be responsible for the harm that Jews will experience in the future
You care about Jews so much that with your behavior you spread propaganda that Jews are genocidal people who rejoice in the death of Palestinian, yes, you are the fucking propaganda, because instead of separating Zionism from being a Jew, you fucking promote that every Jew is a sadist who rapes and fights about the right to rape, you are fucking sick
You are the anti-Semites (Which you have proven many times by attacking Jews fighting for Palestine)
Zionists are the worst on many levels, and this is the most disgusting, because they drag behind them an ethnicity that was fucking persecuted, because they spread propaganda that attention THEY ARE GENOCIDALERS WHO KIDDING CHILDREN FOR RITUALS, so yes, you promote that Jews are genocidal and rapists, bravo Zionists, you fight anti-Semitism by spreading fucking anti-Semitism
I will separate Zionism from being a Jew, because assuming that Jews are Zionists is fucking disgusting on many levels.
Now that I have your attention:
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iidsch · 9 months
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I'm of the opinion that this type of censorship is incredibly stupid and useless but also I will never not see Registeel doing a nazi salute from now on
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unwelcome-ozian · 7 months
What do you think of JOYOFSATAN.ORG? They follow the Sumerian Gods. They claim to support abortion rights, gay rights and birth control.
Joy of Satan Ministries, also known as Joy of Satan (JoS), is a website and Western esoteric occult organization founded in 2002 by Andrea M. Dietrich (also known as Maxine Dietrich). Joy of Satan Ministries promotes theistic Satanism, Nazism, Gnostic paganism, Western esotericism, UFO conspiracy theories, and extraterrestrial beliefs similar to those propagated by Zechariah Sitchin and David Icke. He advocates a comprehensive ideology called ``Spiritual Satanism.'' Members believe that Satan is: God, the true father and creator of mankind, desired that his creation, mankind, would improve themselves through knowledge and understanding. Their anti-Semitic beliefs and ties to the former chairman of the National Party have made them the subject of significant controversy. Socialist movement, American neo-Nazi organization. Source
JoS is a hate organisation.
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non-exhaustive list of sources that are imo especially interesting/thought-provoking, just really solid, or otherwise a personal favorite:
“Leaders and Martyrs: Codreanu, Mosley and José Antonio,” Stephen M. Cullen (1986)
“Bureaucratic Politics in Radical Military Regimes,” Gregory J. Kasza (1987)
A History of Fascism, 1914–1945, Stanley Payne (1996)
The Fascist Revolution: Toward a General Theory of Fascism, George L. Mosse (1999)
Fascism Outside Europe: The European Impulse against Domestic Conditions in the Diffusion of Global Fascism, ed. Stein U. Larsen (2001)
Ancient Religions, Modern Politics: The Islamic Case in Comparative Perspective, Michael Cook (2014)
“Crisis and the Way Out: The Rise of Fascism in Italy and Germany,” Mihály Vajda (1972)
“Austro-Marxist Interpretation of Fascism,” Gerhard Botz (1976)
“Fascism: some common misconceptions,” Noel Ignatin (1978)
“Gramsci’s Interpretation of Fascism,” Walter L. Adamson (1980)
“The Ideological Origins of Right and Left Nationalism in Argentina, 1930–43,” Alberto Spektorowski (1994)
“The Making of an Argentine Fascist. Leopoldo Lugones: From Revolutionary Left to Radical Nationalism,” Alberto Spektorowski (1996)
“Argentine Nacionalismo before Perón: The Case of the Alianza de la Juventud Nacionalista, 1937–c. 1943,” Marcus Klein (2001)
“Tenentismo in the Brazilian Revolution of 1930,” John D. Wirth (1964)
“Ação Integralista Brasileira: Fascism in Brazil, 1932–1938,” Stanley E. Hilton (1972)
“Integralism and the Brazilian Catholic Church,” Margaret Todaro Williams (1974)
“Ideology and Diplomacy: Italian Fascism and Brazil (1935–1938),” Ricardo Silva Seitenfus (1984)
“The corporatist thought in Miguel Reale: readings of Italian fascism in Brazilian integralismo,” João Fábio Bertonha (2013)
“Corporatism and Functionalism in Modern Chilean Politics,” Paul W. Drake (1978)
“Nationalist Movements and Fascist Ideology in Chile,” Jean Grugel (1985)
“A Case of Non-European Fascism: Chilean National Socialism in the 1930s,” Mario Sznajder (1993)
Revolutionary Nativism: Fascism and Culture in China, 1925–1937, Maggie Clinton (2017)
“An Authoritarian Parliament: The Croatian State Sabor of 1942,” Yeshayahu Jelinek (1980)
“The End of “Historical-Ideological Bedazzlement”: Cold War Politics and Émigré Croatian Separatist Violence, 1950–1980,” Mate Nikola Tokić (2012)
“An Interpretation of Nasserism,” Willard Range (1959)
Egypt’s Young Rebels: “Young Egypt,” 1933–1952, James P. Jankowski (1975)
“The Use of the Pharaonic Past in Modern Egyptian Nationalism,” Michael Wood (1998)
“Mores, “The First National Socialist”,” Robert F. Byrnes (1950)
“The Political Transition of Jacques Doriot,” Gilbert D. Allardyce (1966)
“National Socialism and Antisemitism: The Case of Maurice Barrès,” Zeev Sternhell (1973)
“Georges Valois and the Faisceau: The Making and Breaking of a Fascist,” Jules Levey (1973)
“The Condottieri of the Collaboration: Mouvement Social Révolutionnaire,” Bertram M. Gordon (1975)
“Myth and Violence: The Fascism of Julius Evola and Alain de Benoist,” Thomas Sheehan (1981)
“A German Racial Revolution?” Milan L. Hauner (1984)
“Abortion and Eugenics in Nazi Germany,” Henry P. David, Jochen Fleischhacker, and Charlotte Höhn (1988)
“Nietzschean Socialism — Left and Right, 1890–1933,” Steven E. Aschheim (1988)
The Brown Plague: Travels in Late Weimar and Early Nazi Germany, Daniel Guérin, tr. Robert Schwartzwald (1994)
“Hitler and the Uniqueness of Nazism,” Ian Kershaw (2004)
“Ideology and Political Protest in Haiti, 1930–1946,” David Nicholls (1974)
“Michel-Rolph Trouillot’s State Against Nation: A Critique of the Totalitarian Paradigm,” Robert Fatton, Jr. (2013)
“Iran’s Islamic Revolution in Comparative Perspective,” Said Amir Arjomand (1986)
“Arab-Kurdish Rivalries in Iraq,” Lettie M. Wenner (1963)
“From Paper State to Caliphate: The Ideology of the Islamic State,” Cole Bunzel (2015)
“Iraqi Archives and the Failure of Saddam’s Worldview in 2003,” Samuel Helfont (2023)
“The Emergence of the Israeli Radical Right,” Ehud Sprinzak (1989)
“Max Nordau, Liberalism and the New Jew,” George L. Mosse (1992)
The Stern Gang: Ideology, Politics and Terror, 1940–1949, Joseph Heller (1995)
““Hebrew” Culture: The Shared Foundations of Ratosh’s Ideology and Poetry,” Elliott Rabin (1999)
“Israel’s fascist sideshow takes center stage,” Natasha Roth-Rowland (2019)
“‘Frightening proportions’: On Meir Kahane’s assimilation doctrine,” Erik Magnusson (2021)
“The Fascist Conception of Law,” H. Arthur Steiner (1936)
“The Goals of Italian Fascism,” Edward R. Tannenbaum (1969)
“Fascist Modernization in Italy: Traditional or Revolutionary?” Roland Sarti (1970)
“Fascism as Political Religion,” Emilio Gentile (1990)
“I redentori della vittoria: On Fiume’s Place in the Genealogy of Fascism,” Hans Ulrich Gumbrecht (1996)
“A New Look at the Problem of “Japanese Fascism”,” George M. Wilson (1968)
“Marxism and National Socialism in Taishō Japan: The Thought of Takabatake Motoyuki,” Germaine A. Hoston (1984)
“Fascism from Below? A Comparative Perspective on the Japanese Right, 1931–1936,” Gregory J. Kasza (1984)
“Japan’s Wartime Labor Policy: A Search for Method,” Ernest J. Notar (1985)
“Fascism from Above? Japan’s Kakushin Right in Comparative Perspective,” Gregory J. Kasza (2001)
“Political Aspects of the Paraguayan Revolution, 1936–1940,” Harris Gaylord Warren (1950)
“Toward a Weberian Characterization of the Stroessner Regime in Paraguay (1954–1989),” Marcial Antonio Riquelme (1994)
“The Men of the Archangel,” Eugen Weber (1966)
“Breaking the Teeth of Time: Mythical Time and the “Terror of History” in the Rhetoric of the Legionary Movement in Interwar Romania,” Raul Carstocea (2015)
“Was There a Russian Fascism? The Union of Russian People,” Hans Rogger (1964)
“The All-Russian Fascist Party,” Erwin Oberländer (1966)
“The Zhirinovsky Threat,” Jacob W. Kipp (1994)
Russian Fascism: Traditions, Tendencies, Movements, Stephen Shenfield (2000)
“Why fascists took over the Reichstag but have not captured the Kremlin: a comparison of Weimar Germany and post-Soviet Russia,” Steffen Kailitz and Andreas Umland (2017)
“Storm-troopers in Slovakia: the Rodobrana and the Hlinka Guard,” Yeshayahu Jelinek (1971)
“The Forgotten Falangist: Ernesto Gimenez Cabellero,” Douglas W. Foard (1975)
Fascism in Spain, 1923–1977, Stanley Payne (1999)
“Spanish Fascism as a Political Religion (1931–1941),” Zira Box and Ismael Saz (2011)
The Ba‘th and the Creation of Modern Syria, David Roberts (1987)
“Kemalist Authoritarianism and fascist Trends in Turkey during the Interwar Period,” Fikret Adanïr (2001)
“The Other From Within: Pan-Turkist Mythmaking and the Expulsion of the Turkish Left,” Gregory A. Burris (2007)
“The Racist Critics of Atatürk and Kemalism, from the 1930s to the 1960s,” İlker Aytürk (2011)
“Northern Ireland and British fascism in the inter-war years,” James Loughlin (1995)
“‘What’s the Big Idea?’: Oswald Mosley, the British Union of Fascists and Generic Fascism,” Gary Love (2007)
“Why Fascism? Sir Oswald Mosley and the Conception of the British Union of Fascists,” Matthew Worley (2011)
“Ezra Pound and American Fascism,” Victor C. Ferkiss (1955)
“Populist Influences on American Fascism,” Victor C. Ferkiss (1957)
“Vigilante Fascism: The Black Legion as an American Hybrid,” Peter H. Amann (1983)
“Silver Shirts in the Northwest: Politics, Personalities, and Prophecies in the 1930s,” Eckard V. Toy, Jr. (1989)
“Women in the 1920s’ Ku Klux Klan Movement,” Kathleen M. Blee (1991)
“‘Leaderless Resistance’,” Jeffrey Kaplan (1997)
“The post-war paths of occult national socialism: from Rockwell and Madole to Manson,” Jeffrey Kaplan (2001)
“The Upward Path: Palingenesis, Political Religion and the National Alliance,” Martin Durham (2004)
“The F Word: Is Donald Trump a fascist?” Dylan Matthews (2021)
“Castizo Futurism and the Contradictions of Multiracial White Nationalism,” Ben Lorber and Natalie Li (2022)
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