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canalmenorca · 2 months ago
La Naveta des Tudons: Un Monumento Prehistórico Único
Ver esta publicación en Instagram Una publicación compartida de canalmenorca.com (@canalmenorca) La Naveta des Tudons: Un Monumento Prehistórico Único Ubicada en la zona oeste de Menorca, la Naveta des Tudons es un importante monumento funerario que data de la prehistoria. Construida entre los años 1200 a.C. y 750 a.C., esta estructura se utiliza como tumba colectiva. Su peculiar forma de barco…
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industrialgender · 1 year ago
saatana maantaina jourun töitten jälkeen lastaan teuraita ja sit joskus yheksältä illalla ottaan vastaan uuet vasikat....
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gacougnol · 2 years ago
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Jacques Léonard
Naveta dels Tudons
Menorca c. 1960
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dabid-motozalea · 1 year ago
Cuento de Navidad
Ya de todos es sabido, los reyes magos de Oriente...Melchor, Gaspar y Baltasar. No eran magos ni eran reyes, solo eran tres ciudadanos de tres sitios diferentes que persiguiendo una estrella se encontraron un pesebre. Los tres viajaban solos no rodeados de gente, sin escolta de enchufados ni séquito de sirvientes.
En este cuento se cuenta lo que ocurrió simplemente, hace 2018 años a finales de diciembre.
Melchor era gruñón ya sesentón barbicano y un poquillo impertinente, viajaba en un elefante de colmillos relucientes. Gaspar joven y rubi cundo, era Director-Gerente en su tierra Cachemira de una cadena de hoteles, montaba en un camello con dos gibas imponentes.
Ni de elefante altanero, ni de camello indolente, ni siquiera de burrillo el tercero era jinete... iba andando y descalzo. Baltasar camerunés, era un negro peregrino, era un pobre sin papeles.
Entre dos mil pastorcillos que tañian sus rabeles, se fueron abriendo paso hasta llegar al pesebre donde adoraron al niño y le dieron sus presentes.
Melchor entregó al niño, diez monedas refulgentes, de oro de 30 quilates(que es un oro inexistente).
Gaspar regaló al niño (que se encontraba muy alegre) una naveta de incienso de plata con cascabeles.
Baltasar le dio al niño algo a lo que llaman mirra, bien envuelto en un paquete.
Y entonces el Niñodios que hablaba perfectamente (para eso es un dios, el dios que todo lo puede), dijo:"Mil gracias amigos por haber venido a verme, vuestra visita es histórica y como tal se agradece, las monedas de Melchor las guardo para ponerle en Nazaret a mi padre una fábrica de muebles; para mi madre el incienso, que me gusta como huele, para echarlo en el brasero y perfumar el ambiente; y a lo que tu llamas mirra", dijo el niño al simpapapeles "Lo guardaré bien guardado y lo tendré listo siempre, para que mi padre fume de vez en cuando un porrete; antes de iros acercaros", dijo el niño finalmente y a cada uno le puso... un dulce beso en la frente.
Cuando Melchor torció el gesto no contento con su suerte; San José fue el que intervino y dijo haciendo de interprete:" Dando a los tres igualdad el Niñodios decir quiere, que todos somos iguales, el rico y el indigente. Ni el color ni la fortuna diferencian a la gente" .
La feliz Virgen María sentada en su taburete decía por lo bajini:" ¡Que bien se explica mi Pepe! ".
Y cuando los tres se fueron... ya eran magos y eran reyes... y allí donde nunca nieva... blanca y negra era la nieve.
Antonio Garmendia (1932 - 2007)
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stiriarges · 19 days ago
Poliția naveta! L-ați văzut?
L-AȚI VĂZUT? Continue reading Poliția naveta! L-ați văzut?
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binicarsmenorca · 1 month ago
Why Car Hire in Menorca Is the Best Way to Explore the Island
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Menorca, the tranquil and picturesque gem of the Balearic Islands, offers a wealth of natural beauty and cultural treasures. From hidden beaches to charming towns, the island is a haven for travelers seeking a unique escape. While public transportation exists, it’s often limited in scope and frequency, making car hire Menorca the most convenient and flexible way to explore the island. Let’s dive into why renting a car is the best choice for navigating Menorca.
1. Complete Freedom and Flexibility
When you opt for car hire Menorca, you unlock the freedom to travel anywhere on the island at your own pace. Public buses are limited to certain routes, and relying on them can restrict your ability to explore less touristy spots. With a rental car, you can create your own itinerary and visit:
Secluded beaches like Cala Macarella and Cala Mitjana.
Quaint villages such as Binibeca and Es Mercadal.
Historical landmarks like Naveta des Tudons and Talaiotic settlements.
Having your own vehicle allows you to linger at your favorite spots or make spontaneous stops whenever inspiration strikes.
2. Access to Hidden Gems
Menorca is known for its pristine beaches and scenic countryside, many of which are tucked away and not easily accessible by public transport. With car hire Menorca, you can venture off the beaten path to discover hidden gems like:
Cala Pregonda: A remote beach with red sand and crystal-clear waters.
Favaritx Lighthouse: Located in a dramatic, rocky landscape.
Cami de Cavalls: A historic trail circling the island, ideal for nature lovers.
These destinations are often difficult or impossible to reach without a car, making a rental vehicle essential for uncovering the island’s true charm.
3. Convenience and Comfort
Traveling by bus or taxi can be time-consuming and inconvenient, especially if you’re carrying luggage or traveling with children. Renting a car eliminates the hassle of waiting for buses or negotiating taxi fares. You can enjoy the comfort of your own vehicle, complete with air conditioning—a major perk during Menorca’s warm summer months.
4. Saves Time and Maximizes Your Experience
Time is precious when you’re on vacation, and car hire Menorca allows you to make the most of your trip. Instead of adhering to bus schedules, you can plan your day around your own priorities. Whether you’re heading to Mahón for shopping or Ciutadella for its historic charm, having a car ensures you can visit more places in less time.
5. Affordable and Cost-Effective
While some might assume that renting a car is expensive, it can actually be quite cost-effective. When traveling as a family or group, splitting the cost of a rental car is often cheaper than buying multiple bus tickets or paying for taxis. Many car hire Menorca providers offer competitive rates, especially if you book in advance or take advantage of promotions.
6. Scenic Drives and Stunning Views
One of the greatest joys of driving in Menorca is the opportunity to enjoy its scenic routes. From coastal roads offering panoramic sea views to countryside drives surrounded by lush greenery, the island’s roads are a treat for drivers. Some must-try routes include:
The road to Monte Toro: The highest point on the island with stunning vistas.
The southern coastal route: Connecting beautiful beaches and coves.
The road to Fornells: A picturesque drive leading to a charming fishing village.
7. Easy Navigation and Accessibility
Menorca’s road network is well-maintained and easy to navigate. Most of the island’s attractions are within a 30- to 60-minute drive from each other, making it an ideal destination for road trips. With GPS or a smartphone app, you’ll have no trouble finding your way around.
Tips for Renting a Car in Menorca
To ensure a smooth car rental experience, keep the following tips in mind:
Book Early: Especially during peak season, rental cars can be in high demand. Booking early ensures you get the best rates and vehicle options.
Choose the Right Vehicle: Compact cars are ideal for navigating narrow roads, while larger vehicles may be better for families.
Understand the Insurance: Opt for full coverage to avoid unexpected costs in case of damage.
Check Fuel Policies: A full-to-full fuel policy is usually the most cost-effective option.
Inspect the Car: Before driving off, check the vehicle for any existing damage and ensure it’s documented.
Renting a car in Menorca is the ultimate way to experience everything this stunning island has to offer. From hidden beaches to historic landmarks, car hire Menorca allows you to travel comfortably, conveniently, and at your own pace. Whether you’re seeking adventure, relaxation, or cultural exploration, a rental car ensures that no part of the island remains out of reach. So, don’t hesitate—book your car hire today and get ready to uncover the best of Menorca!
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yesmariasantiagosfan · 4 months ago
Alquiler de casa en Menorca. El lugar perfecto para tus vacaciones
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¿Deseas optar por el alquiler casa Menorca, pero no sabes por dónde empezar? No te preocupes, ya que estamos aquí para guiarte en el proceso a fin de que consigas la mejor casa en Menorca.
Como sabes, esta isla se caracteriza por ser uno de los destinos turísticos más deseados en España. Por lo tanto, muchas familias, parejas y amigos buscan el alquiler de casas en Menorca que ofrezcan lujo y confort. Y nosotros somos especialistas en ello.
Alternativas para el alquiler de casas en Menorca
Diversas son las alternativas de alquiler casa Menorca que te ofrecemos. Aquí podrás disfrutar del excepcional clima durante todo el año, sobre todo en verano. Igualmente, podrás apreciar sus calas vírgenes, la calidez de su gente, la privacidad que tanto deseas y la tranquilidad que todo el entorno te ofrece.
Pero además de esto, cada una de las casas que te ofrecemos destaca por brindarte el lujo y la comodidad que tanto te gusta. Sin duda, Menorca es el destino por excelencia para disfrutar de unas merecidas vacaciones con tus seres queridos. Dentro de nuestra clasificación te ofrecemos:
Primera línea mar.
Casas de campo y fincas de lujo y confortables.
Las opciones realmente son variadas. Por ello te invitamos a explorar nuestro amplio catálogo de casas, villas y fincas a fin de que encuentres la que tanto buscas. De esta manera podrás pasar unas vacaciones de ensueño, tanto así que siempre querrás volver a Menorca.
¿Qué actividades se pueden realizar en Menorca?
Si te decides por el alquiler de casa en Menorca debes saber, que aquí podrás realizar múltiples actividades para una máxima diversión, dentro de ellas cuentan:
Deportes acuáticos. Menorca destaca por sus playas y calas vírgenes. De modo que aquí podrás disfrutar de diversos deportes acuáticos como el buceo y el kayak.
Recorrer Menorca en bicicleta. Si amas la naturaleza, entonces quizá te interese pasear en bicicleta por la hermosa isla. Aquí encontrarás variados caminos que podrás recorrer y explorar de manera divertida.
Senderismo. La isla cuenta con un sendero que la rodea por completo, hablamos de Camí de Cavalls, que posee 185 kilómetros.
Excursiones culturales. Podrás hacer excursiones por los yacimientos arqueológicos y fortalezas como la Basílica de Son Bou o la Naveta d’es Tudons.
En caso de que tengas alguna duda o inquietud al respecto del alquiler casa Menorca no dejes de contactarnos. Estamos atentos a tus inquietudes a fin de ayudarte en lo que requieras. Así que no esperes más, contáctanos y ven a disfrutar de todo lo que Menorca tiene para ti.
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stefanlol · 1 year ago
Bicicleta, un mijloc de transport tot mai popular
De la invenția sa în secolul XIX, bicicleta a parcurs un drum lung, transformându-se dintr-un simplu mijloc de transport într-un simbol al libertății, durabilității și inovației. Această evoluție nu doar că a schimbat modul în care ne deplasăm, dar a adus și beneficii semnificative sănătății noastre și mediului înconjurător. Astăzi, bicicleta rămâne una dintre cele mai eficiente, accesibile și ecologice modalități de transport, adaptându-se nevoilor diverse ale utilizatorilor săi prin diferitele sale forme.
Tipuri de biciclete
Biciclete de oraș: Cu designul lor confortabil și poziția relaxată de pedalare, bicicletele de oraș sunt perfecte pentru naveta zilnică sau plimbările lejere prin parc. Adesea echipate cu coșuri și portbagaje, sunt ideale pentru cumpărături sau transportul unor obiecte mici.
Biciclete de munte (MTB): Proiectate pentru terenuri accidentate și trasee dificile, bicicletele de munte vin echipate cu suspensii și roți robuste, oferind aderență și confort sporit. Sunt alegerea perfectă pentru aventurierii care iubesc natura și terenurile provocatoare.
Biciclete de șosea: Cu cadrele lor ușoare și roțile subțiri, bicicletele de șosea sunt construite pentru viteză și eficiență pe suprafețe netede. Sunt preferate de cicliștii care participă la curse sau de cei care caută performanță maximă și distanțe lungi.
Biciclete hibrid: Combinând caracteristicile bicicletelor de oraș și cele de munte, bicicletele hibrid oferă un echilibru între confort și versatilitate. Sunt ideale pentru cicliștii care doresc o bicicletă bună atât pentru deplasări urbane, cât și pentru excursii pe teren ușor accidentat.
Biciclete electrice (e-bikes): Dotate cu un motor electric care asistă pedalarea, e-bikes fac deplasările mai puțin solicitante și măresc autonomia de călătorie. Sunt o alegere excelentă pentru cei care caută un impuls suplimentar pe dealuri sau pentru distanțe mai lungi, fără a transpira excesiv.
Ghid achiziție
Stabilirea bugetului: Prețurile variază în funcție de tipul, calitatea și caracteristicile bicicletei, așa că este important să știi de la început cât ești dispus să cheltuiești.
Determinarea nevoilor: Reflectează la modul în care intenționezi să folosești bicicleta: pentru navetă, recreere, sport, sau o combinație a acestora. Acest lucru te va ajuta să îngustezi opțiunile.
Mărimea bicicletei: O bicicletă cu mărimea potrivită este crucială pentru confort și eficiență în pedalare. Majoritatea magazinelor oferă ghiduri de mărime sau consultanță specializată.
Testarea bicicletei: Dacă este posibil, testează mai multe biciclete pentru a te asigura că alegi modelul care ți se potrivește cel mai bine atât din punct de vedere al confortului, cât și al manevrabilității.
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xtruss · 1 year ago
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The Museu de Arte de São Paulo (MASP) stands out in this aerial view of São Paulo, Brazil 🇧🇷. The powerhouse art museum is completing an ambitious expansion project due to open in 2024. Photograph By Mavinho Acoroni
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Stars glitter above Naveta des Tudons, Spain 🇪🇸, Menorca’s most famous burial monument. It’s just one of over a thousand sites on the island built by the Talayotic culture in the Iron Age. Photograph By Sebastián Iturralde
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Sandstone formations, dunes, and ancient rock art fill Tassili n’Ajjer National Park, a UNESCO World Heritage site in the Algerian Sahara, Algeria 🇩🇿. Photograph By Matjaz Krivic
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A juvenile whale shark glides over Ningaloo Reef, in Western Australia 🇦🇺, where these gentle giants congregate annually. Photograph By Kiliii Yüyan, National Geographic
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The majestic Magdalena River is at its narrowest near San Agustín, Colombia 🇨🇴. But new small-ship cruises take in the landscapes, birdlife, and villages along the vital waterway’s wider stretches. Photograph By Florence Goupil, National Geographic
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Brown bears graze in Hallo Bay, in Alaska’s Katmai National Park, United States 🇺🇸. The bay‘s grassy meadows are a popular spot for bear-watching tours from June through September. Photograph By AcaciaJohnson, National Geographic
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Guide Hamprey Mweterwa (center on white horse) leads a group on a safari in Kenya’s 🇰🇪 Borana Conservancy. Visitors to Borana might encounter zebras, leopards, impalas, elephants, and the area’s population of 200 rhinos—a relative of the horse. Photograph By Nichole Sobecki, National Geographic
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canalmenorca · 1 year ago
Menorca Talaiòtica
Patrimonio cultural de la UNESCO
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coolfancywitches · 5 years ago
462-001-5 / Cargo by CFR2100CP
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fortimbras66 · 3 years ago
Naveta oriental de Biniac
Naveta oriental de Biniac
Término municipal: Alaior. Fincas o caminos cercanos: Urbanización l´Argentina. Acceso: Muy fácil, se deja el vehículo en el parking de un centro zoológico, si en la taquilla indicamos que sólo queremos visitar el talayot, nos dejarán entrarán sin pagar entrada, ya que se encuentra al principio del recorrido. Hay que ser escrupuloso en este aspecto. Tipo de yacimiento: Naveta…
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ateliermanosalaobra · 5 years ago
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Miren todos los bellos regalos 🎁 que nos enviaron los amigos de @ejez_cl , #portabastidor #reglasashiko #botones #naveta #aguja #portahilos perro y carrete #aro, #pajaritopqrabordar. 👏👏🧶👏🧶🧶🧶👏🧶👏👏👏👏🧵🧵👏🌈🧵🧶👏🧶🌈🧵🧶👏🧵🌈🌈 muy agradecida por la buena honda, se pasaron muchas gracias ( que conste que nos conocemos en vivo solo por la net ) (en Lo Vásquez, Valparaiso, Chile) https://www.instagram.com/p/CD43hRznemJ/?igshid=o09fqzdh4q0r
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binicarsmenorca · 1 month ago
How to Make the Most of Menorca with a Rental Car
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Menorca, a jewel of the Balearic Islands, is known for its pristine beaches, charming towns, and tranquil countryside. The island’s diverse attractions are spread out, making a vehicle the ideal way to fully experience its beauty. Opting for car rental Menorca provides the freedom to explore at your own pace. Here's how you can make the most of your visit with a rental car.
Benefits of Renting a Car in Menorca
Having your own vehicle on Menorca means you’re not limited by bus schedules or restricted to crowded tourist areas. Whether you're traveling with family, friends, or solo, a rental car offers flexibility and convenience. With car rental Menorca, you can visit hidden beaches, scenic viewpoints, and historical sites that are otherwise hard to reach.
Planning Your Journey
Research the Best Rental Options
Before arriving in Menorca, research reliable car hire companies. Look for customer reviews, compare prices, and book in advance to secure the best deals. Choose a vehicle that suits your itinerary—a compact car is perfect for narrow roads, while a larger vehicle might be better for groups or longer trips.
Essential Documents
Ensure you have a valid driver’s license, passport, and rental confirmation. If you’re traveling internationally, check whether an International Driving Permit (IDP) is required. These documents will be needed to pick up your vehicle.
Understand the Local Rules
Familiarize yourself with local driving laws. Speed limits, seatbelt requirements, and parking regulations vary across regions. Understanding these rules will help ensure a safe and hassle-free journey.
Must-Visit Destinations by Car
Mahón’s Historic Harbor
Start your trip in Mahón, the island’s capital. Its historic harbor is one of the largest natural harbors in the world. Drive along the waterfront to explore local shops, restaurants, and cultural landmarks. Parking is available near the port, making it a convenient stop.
Ciutadella’s Old Town
On the opposite side of the island lies Ciutadella, a town steeped in history. Its narrow streets, Gothic cathedral, and elegant squares make it a must-visit. With car rental Menorca, you can easily drive between Mahón and Ciutadella while enjoying scenic coastal routes.
Remote Beaches
Menorca is famous for its beaches, many of which are off the beaten path. Cala Macarella, Cala Turqueta, and Cala Pregonda are stunning spots that require a car to reach. Arrive early to secure parking and enjoy the tranquility of these less crowded locations.
Monte Toro
As the island’s highest point, Monte Toro offers breathtaking views of Menorca. The drive up is scenic and manageable, with ample parking at the top. A visit to the sanctuary and its surrounding gardens is well worth the trip.
Tips for Driving in Menorca
Plan Your Routes: Use GPS or a map to navigate the island’s rural roads and ensure you stay on track.
Fuel Stations: Fill up before heading to remote areas, as fuel stations are concentrated in major towns.
Parking: Beaches and towns often have designated parking areas. Some may require a small fee, so keep coins handy.
Safety: Drive cautiously on narrow roads, especially those leading to rural destinations.
Local Experiences Made Better with a Car
Explore Menorca’s Gastronomy
Having a car lets you visit traditional restaurants and local markets scattered across the island. Enjoy fresh seafood, Mahón cheese, and other regional delicacies without worrying about transport.
Discover Cultural Landmarks
Menorca is rich in history, with ancient Talayotic sites like Naveta d’es Tudons. A rental car allows you to visit these landmarks conveniently, fitting them into your itinerary with ease.
Enjoy Outdoor Adventures
From kayaking in hidden coves to hiking in Albufera Natural Park, having a car ensures you can carry equipment and reach activity starting points effortlessly.
Environmental Considerations
If sustainability is a priority, look for eco-friendly options when choosing a vehicle. Some rental companies in Menorca offer hybrid or electric cars, reducing your environmental footprint while exploring the island.
Menorca’s charm lies in its untouched beauty and diverse attractions. To truly experience everything the island has to offer, consider car rental Menorca for your travels. With a vehicle, you can craft a personalized itinerary, visit remote locations, and immerse yourself in the island’s culture. Whether it’s exploring historic towns, lounging on hidden beaches, or enjoying scenic drives, a rental car makes your Menorca adventure unforgettable. Plan ahead, drive safely, and enjoy all the treasures this beautiful island has to offer.
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dragaica · 3 years ago
Persoanele care dau sute de lei pe O(1) lentila si apoi incearca sa pretinda ca nu au fost jehmaniti pe fata...
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