aresdifesa · 11 days
Impostata la chiglia del nuovo OPV marocchino In Spagna il cantiere Navantia San Fernando ha raggiunto un traguardo importante nella costruzione del nuovo pattugliatore d'altura (OPV) per la Marina Reale del Marocco
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wpristav · 4 months
Navantia среди потенциальных поставщиков подводных лодок для Польши
Испанская судостроительная компания «Navantia» является одним из четырех потенциальных поставщиков...... Читать дальше »
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defencestar · 1 year
Indian Navy: Larsen & Toubro teams up with Spain’s Navantia for P75(I) submarine programme
Larsen & Toubro-Navantia agreement for Navy’s P75(I) submarine: India’s leading defence manufacturer and engineering giant Larsen & Toubro has signed a Teaming Agreement (TA) with Spanish naval shipbuilder Navantia on Monday (July 10) for the purpose of submission of a techno-commercial bid for the Indian Navy’s prestigious P75 (India) submarine program. Project 75 (I) requires the Indian bidder…
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eurekadiario · 1 year
Australia podría empezar a embargar bienes de Navantia por los impagos de Sánchez a las renovables
Tras la incautación de edificios, cuentas de banco y derechos de cobro aprobada en Reino Unido, se esperan medidas similares en Australia.
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Navantia, la empresa pública española dedicada a la construcción naval civil y militar, cuenta con una serie de filiales internacionales que extienden su actividad más allá de las fronteras españolas. Esta apuesta por la internacionalización llevó a la compañía a suelo australiano en 2007, cuando las autoridades del país oceánico confiaron al astillero la construcción de cinco buques.
Desde entonces, la presencia de Navantia en suelo australiano no ha parado de fortalecerse. Primero llegó el encargo de catorce buques más, después un contrato para el mantenimiento de cientos de embarcaciones civiles y militares y, desde 2012 en adelante, la empresa ha oficializado su operativa en el mercado australiano, con la apertura de una oficina general en Canberra, un centro de diseño e ingeniería en Melbourne y dos instalaciones de mantenimiento y construcción en Sídney y Perth.
Sin embargo, la operativa de Navantia en Australia puede verse afectada de forma drástica - y todo por un asunto que no tiene nada que ver con la filial. Así, esta semana hemos conocido que la justicia australiana reconoce las deudas de España con los inversores afectados por la retirada retroactiva de las primas ofrecidas a las energías renovables.
Dado que tales obligaciones no están siendo resarcidas por parte del gobierno de Pedro Sánchez, la Corte Suprema del país oceánico ha abierto la veda para que se embarguen bienes del Reino de España como medida compensatoria. Es aquí donde entra en juego la posibilidad de que la filial australiana de Navantia acabe intervenida por las autoridades australianas y vea cómo sus bienes y activos se entregan a los inversores afectados.
La compañía que protagoniza este proceso es el fondo Antin, especializado en inversiones en el ámbito de las infraestructuras y la energía. De momento, ya ha logrado que los tribunales reconozcan y legitimen su derecho a protegerse ante el impago por parte del gobierno español de un laudo valorado en 101 millones de euros. Por lo tanto, en la medida en que Sánchez insiste en no cumplir con estas obligaciones, la incautación de bienes de Navantia podrá desarrollarse hasta que los activos confiscados alcancen dicho umbral de valoración.
Aunque el gobierno ha litigado hasta el final, la decisión de la Corte Suprema es definitiva abre la veda a la incautación de todo tipo de bienes vinculados a la filial australiana de Navantia. En este sentido, portales especializados en el ámbito de la Defensa se han hecho eco de varios contratos valorados en 7.000 millones de euros que estarían cerca de ser adjudicados al astillero, pero que pueden quedar parcialmente intervenidos por los fondos afectados por el impago de las renovables.
Además, en la medida en que la decisión de la Corte Suprema sienta un precedente en términos de jurisprudencia, las demás empresas afectadas pueden seguir los pasos de Antin y pedir que se reconozcan las deudas del Reino de España en suelo australiano. En este sentido, cabe recordar que las obligaciones pendientes de pago ascienden a 1.200 millones de euros.
De momento, en Reino Unido ya se han activado distintas medidas orientadas a resarcir a las víctimas de los impagos, entre ellas el embargo de la indemnización por el hundimiento del barco Prestige y la confiscación de una cuenta de banco, una oficina de promoción económica de Cataluña y la sede del Instituto Cervantes en Londres. Estos procesos permiten anticipar por dónde pueden ir los tiros en Australia, más allá de lo que suceda con Navantia.
Fuente: https://www.libremercado.com/
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marcofuentes63 · 1 year
Sector Marítimo, Portuario y Logístico Nacional e Internacional #NACIONALES Declaración conjunta entre China y Venezuela sobre la asociación estratégica “A Toda Prueba” Más Información en: AlbaCiudad Conexión aérea facilitará el intercambio comercial y turístico entre China y Venezuela Más Información en: AlbaCiudad Niños, niñas y jóvenes de todo el país muestran su talento en las…
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eaglesnick · 2 years
101 Things You Should Know About the UK Tory Government
Thing 31
In 2019, Boris Johnson, then Prime Minister, pledged “to bring shipbuilding back to the UK and strengthen the Royal Navy.” GOV.UK:12/09/19).
Ben Wallace was Johnson’s Secretary of State for Defence at the time. Ben Wallace is still Secretary of State for Defence under Sunak, but now the message has changed. Instead of bringing back shipbuilding to the UK Wallace has been accused of betraying British workers.
“Tories hand shipbuilding contract to Spanish-led bid in ‘a stab in the back’ for UK. Defence Secretary Ben Wallace used a visit to a shipyard in Devon to confirm the £1.6 billion order for Fleet Solid Support ships would be awarded to Team Resolute, led by Spanish firm Navantia.” (Mirror: 16/11/22)
On the day he took office, unelected Sunak made the country a number of promises including:
“Levelling up and building an economy that embraces the opportunities of Brexit, where businesses invest, innovate, and create jobs."
What he didn’t tell us was that many of those jobs he wanted to create would be going abroad and that British taxpayer's money would be paid into the coffers of over-seas companies.
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nawapon17 · 1 month
Navantia Australia’s design capabilities drive Hobart Class Destroyer Upgrade forward - Naval News
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militaryandgun · 2 months
Navantia's ALFA 3000 frigate at IODS 2024 in Perth, Australia
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ifreakingloveroyals · 2 months
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Through the Years → Felipe VI of Spain (2,601/∞) 22 April 2021 | King Felipe VI attends the launching ceremony of the new submarine 'Isaac Peral' at Navantia Shipyard in Cartagena, Spain. (Photo by Carlos Alvarez/Getty Images)
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aresdifesa · 3 months
La Armada Española punta ad ottenere una nuova coppia di sottomarini S-80 e di fregate F-110 In Spagna l’Armada ha pubblicamente confermato i progetti di ampliamento della flotta subacquea S-80 e delle fregate multiruolo F-110 attualmente in costruzione da parte di Navantia. Il programma S-80, con l’Isaac Peral (S-81) che è impegnato in un ciclo di prove sempre più complesse, prevede la costruzione di due coppie di sottomarini, la prima S-80 e la seconda di S-80 Plus. Questi ultimi si distingueranno dai precedenti per adottare un sistema di propulsione indipendente dall’aria che comporterà anche un incremento dimensionale e di tonnellaggio; queste importanti modifiche nei piani originali dell’Armada dovevano essere apportate anche ai primi due S-80 in
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themarketupdate · 3 months
Fast Attack Craft Market is Booming Worldwide | Gaining Revolution In Eyes of Global Exposure
A fast attack craft is a small, fast, agile and offensive warship armed with anti-ship missiles, guns or torpedoes. These warships usually operated in close proximity to land as they lack both the seakeeping and all-round defensive capabilities to survive in blue water. It is designed as a high-speed multi-role platform able to operate in both anti-air and surface combat situations. It incorporates advanced technologies to minimize infrared, radar, magnetic and noise signatures to reduce the chances of detection and enhance the operational effectiveness of the ship.
Free Sample Report + All Related Graphs & Charts @: https://www.advancemarketanalytics.com/sample-report/69678-global-fast-attack-craft-market-1?utm_source=Organic&utm_medium=Vinay
Latest released the research study on Global Fast Attack Craft Market, offers a detailed overview of the factors influencing the global business scope. Fast Attack Craft Market research report shows the latest market insights, current situation analysis with upcoming trends and breakdown of the products and services. The report provides key statistics on the market status, size, share, growth factors of the Fast Attack Craft The study covers emerging player’s data, including: competitive landscape, sales, revenue and global market share of top manufacturers are BAE Systems PLC (United Kingdom), China Shipbuilding & Offshore International Co Ltd (China), Hanjin Heavy Industries & Construction (South Korea), Garden Reach Shipbuilders and Engineers (India), Damen Shipyards Group (Netherlands), CMN Group (France), Fincantieri - Cantieri Navali Italiani SpA (Italy), Navantia (Spain), Goa Shipyard Limited (India)
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Navantia presenta a la Marina india el submarino S-80 y el innovador sis...
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militaryleak · 4 months
Exail Awarded Navantia Contract to Equip Spanish Navy S80 Submarines with WECDIS Navigation System
Exail, a global leader in naval navigation, along with its distributor in Spain, GRAFINTA, S.A. has secured a contract with Navantia to supply its Gecdis-W Warship Electronic Chart Display and Information System (WECDIS) for the four Spanish S80 Plus-class submarines. This latest success confirms Exail’s leadership in naval navigation for Electronic Chart Display and Information Systems. Exail has indeed already been selected to equip all the platforms of the French Navy, as well as platforms of the navies of Latvia, India, Greece, UAE and New-Zealand. Developed by Navantia for the Spanish Navy, the S80 Plus-class submarines are designed with operational mobility to navigate discreetly and swiftly at high speeds, enabling them to complete missions involving potential threats. The integration of Exail Gecdis-W system will further enhance the submarines’ capabilities, supporting the crew with electronic navigational charts. IMO-certified as ECDIS software and fully compliant with NATO’s STANAG standards, Exail Gecdis-W system will serve as a cooperative navigational asset for the Spanish Navy during sea-based military operations. #military #defense #defence #militaryleak
Exail, a global leader in naval navigation, along with its distributor in Spain, GRAFINTA, S.A. has secured a contract with Navantia to supply its Gecdis-W Warship Electronic Chart Display and Information System (WECDIS) for the four Spanish S80 Plus-class submarines. This latest success confirms Exail’s leadership in naval navigation for Electronic Chart Display and Information Systems. Exail…
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javieralonsocx9aaw · 4 months
El Descubierta (P-75), originalmente botado como corbeta con el numeral F-31, fue un buque de la Armada Española. Su construcción se llevó a cabo en los astilleros de la Empresa Nacional Bazán en Cartagena y El Ferrol. Aunque comenzó como una corbeta, posteriormente se reclasificó como patrullero de altura en el año 2000, recibiendo el nuevo numeral P-7512.
Las corbetas de la Clase Descubierta se caracterizaron por su diseño español, aprovechando la experiencia tecnológica de Bazán (hoy en día Navantia), que previamente había construido las corbetas de la clase João Coutinho para la Armada Portuguesa. Estas corbetas se exportaron internacionalmente, marcando un hito como el primer buque moderno de combate diseñado en España que se vendió en el extranjero. A pesar de su desplazamiento limitado, las Clase Descubierta eran conocidas cariñosamente como las “Hormigas Atómicas” debido a su poderoso armamento. A continuación, algunos detalles clave sobre esta clase de buques:
Desplazamiento: 1640 toneladas (a plena carga). Eslora: 88,9 metros. Manga: 10,4 metros. Calado: 5,2 metros. Sensores: Radar aéreo: Thales DA-05/2 en banda E/F. Radar superficie: Thales ZW-06. Radar navegación: Kelvin Hughes Type 1007 en banda I. Radar Koden MD 3721. Dirección de tiro: Thales WM-25. Sonar: DE-1160B casco. Armamento: 8 misiles antibuque Harpoon (Exocet en la corbeta marroquí). 1 lanzador óctuple Sea Sparrow con 24 misiles Sea Sparrow en total (Aspide en la F-35 y F-36). 1 cañón Oto Melara 76 mm de doble función antiaéreo y antisuperficie. 2 cañones Bofors L/70 de 40 mm antiaéreos. 1 mortero doble Bofors de cohetes antisubmarinos de 375 mm. 2 tubos lanzatorpedos triples de 325 mm.
Guerra electrónica: Elsag Mk-1000. Ceselsa DENEB y ELNATH. Ceselsa CANOPUS. SLQ-25 Nixie. FMC SRBOC Mk.36. Propulsión: 2 hélices. Velocidad: 25 nudos. Autonomía: 7500 millas náuticas a 12 nudos. Tripulación: 115 personas. En 2009, el Descubierta (P-75) fue dado de baja y posteriormente desguazado en 20111. Su historia y contribución a la Armada Española son parte integral del legado naval de España.
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jayanthitbrc · 5 months
Analyzing Growth Drivers and Market Dynamics Shaping the Naval Vessels and Surface Combatants Industry Landscape through 2033
  Overview and Scope Naval vessels and surface combatants are a kind of naval warships equipped with armaments for fighting on the water's surface. These are employed to hinder the enemy from moving military forces and, if required, to confront them. Sizing and Forecast The naval vessels and surface combatants market size has grown strongly in recent years. It will grow from $38.04 billion in 2023 to $39.97 billion in 2024 at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 5.1%.  The naval vessels and surface combatants market size is expected to see steady growth in the next few years. It will grow to $48.48 billion in 2028 at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 4.9%.  To access more details regarding this report, visit the link: https://www.thebusinessresearchcompany.com/report/naval-vessels-and-surface-combatants-global-market-report Segmentation & Regional Insights The naval vessels and surface combatants market covered in this report is segmented – 1) By Type: Aircraft Carrier, Battleship, Cruiser, Destroyer, Frigate, Destroyer Escort, Other Types 2) By System: Marine engine system, Weapon launch system, Sensor system, Control system, Electrical system, Auxiliary system 3) By Application: Search and rescue, Combat operations, Mine countermeasures (MCM) operations, Coastal surveillance, Other Applications North America was the largest region in the naval vessels and surface combatants market share in 2023. Asia-Pacific is expected to be the fastest-growing region in the forecast period. The regions covered in the naval vessels and surface combatants market report are Asia-Pacific, Western Europe, Eastern Europe, North America, South America, Middle East, Africa. Intrigued to explore the contents? Secure your hands-on sample copy of the report: https://www.thebusinessresearchcompany.com/sample.aspx?id=8729&type=smp Major Driver Impacting Market Growth Increasing maritime security threats are expected to propel the growth of the naval vessels and surface combatants market going forward. Maritime security threat refers to any breach of vessel security, both inside and externally. Naval vessels and surface combatants aid in the defence of the country's sovereignty against potential threats in the oceans and abysses by safeguarding accessible resources and coastal areas. Key Industry Players Major companies operating in the naval vessels and surface combatants market report are Huntington Ingalls Industries Inc., General Dynamics Corporation, Damen Shipyards Group, Naval Group, BAE Systems plc, Navantia SA. The naval vessels and surface combatants market report table of contents includes: 1. Executive Summary 2. Market Characteristics 3. Market Trends And Strategies 4. Impact Of COVID-19 5. Market Size And Growth 6. Segmentation 7. Regional And Country Analysis . . . 27. Competitive Landscape And Company Profiles 28. Key Mergers And Acquisitions 29. Future Outlook and Potential Analysis Contact Us: The Business Research Company Europe: +44 207 1930 708 Asia: +91 88972 63534 Americas: +1 315 623 0293 Email: [email protected] Follow Us On: LinkedIn: https://in.linkedin.com/company/the-business-research-company Twitter: https://twitter.com/tbrc_info Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TheBusinessResearchCompany YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC24_fI0rV8cR5DxlCpgmyFQ Blog: https://blog.tbrc.info/ Healthcare Blog: https://healthcareresearchreports.com/ Global Market Model: https://www.thebusinessresearchcompany.com/global-market-model
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kingjain · 6 months
Royal Australian Navy Hmas Adelaide (l01) Australia Day Cheap Hawaiian Shirt
The Royal Australian Navy (RAN) is the maritime branch of the Australian Defence Force, responsible for providing naval capabilities to protect Australia's interests and support international security. One of the notable vessels in the RAN fleet is the HMAS Adelaide (L01), an amphibious assault ship that plays a crucial role in supporting military operations and humanitarian missions. HMAS Adelaide (L01) is the second ship of the Canberra-class, which comprises two ships named after the capital cities of Australia. The ship was constructed by BAE Systems Australia in collaboration with Navantia, as part of a partnership known as the Air Warfare Destroyer Alliance. The vessel was commissioned in December 2015, and since then, it has been an integral part of the RAN's capabilities. This state-of-the-art ship is designed to provide the Australian Defence Force with enhanced amphibious and sealift capabilities. With a length of 230 meters and a displacement of 27,500 tonnes, HMAS Adelaide is capable of carrying up to 1,046 personnel, including a crew of approximately 400. The ship is equipped with an extensive range of systems, including helicopter hangars and a well deck capable of launching and recovering landing craft. HMAS Adelaide is not only an impressive military asset but also a symbol of Australian maritime power. It represents the country's commitment to security and its ability to respond to a wide range of operational challenges. The ship's flexibility allows it to support humanitarian relief efforts, disaster response, and peacekeeping operations, both in Australia and abroad. Australia Day holds a special place in the hearts of Australians, as it commemorates the arrival of the First Fleet on 26th January 1788 and the establishment of the first European settlement in Australia. It is a day of celebration and reflection, where people come together to honor their country's history, diverse culture, and achievements. To mark this special occasion, many Australians choose to wear clothing that reflects their national pride. One popular choice is the Australia Day Cheap Hawaiian Shirt, available for both men and women. This vibrant and colorful shirt features iconic Australian symbols, such as kangaroos, koalas, and the Southern Cross, giving wearers a distinct Australian look. The Australia Day Cheap Hawaiian Shirt is not only a fun and trendy clothing item but also a great gift for everyone. Its unique design and affordable price make it accessible to people of all ages and backgrounds. Whether you're attending a Australia Day barbecue, watching the fireworks, or participating in a community event, this shirt is sure to make a statement and spark conversation. In conclusion, the Royal Australian Navy's HMAS Adelaide (L01) is a formidable asset that enhances Australia's maritime capabilities. It represents the country's commitment to security and its ability to respond to various operational demands. As Australia Day approaches, the Australia Day Cheap Hawaiian Shirt offers Australians a fun and affordable way to celebrate their national pride. Whether worn by men or women, this shirt is a gift that can be enjoyed by everyone, adding a touch of Australiana to the festivities.
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