#nautre pictures
lotus-kahili · 20 days
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4 notes · View notes
cubration · 1 year
The Long Haul 1983 session 2 (french version)
day 3
start the engine
4dF -> [-1, 1, 0, 0] -> 0
Le moteur démarre
je tourne la clé et le moteur démarre immédiatement.
Il est temps de démarrer la journée.
Hit the road
As de trèfle
You come across your twin: a rig, same model, same year, but in much better condition. You can salvage parts, make repairs, etc. How do you picture the driver of this twin? Advance the Rig Stat.
RIG - [x] - [x] - [ ]
je continue à conduire le long de ces routes interminables.
Le temps progresse lentement.
je vois finalement u nautre camion arriver dans l'autre sens et quand je le croise je peux voir le visage de l'autre chauffeyr : un type sensiblement plus vieux, nez cassé, les yeux dans le vide, il semble résigné.
Je sens le camion vrombir légèrement à ce moment, comme poussant un soupir d'aise.
5 de trèfle
As you climb a steep, miles-long hill, the engine groans. You push it, and the needle of the temperature gauge rises. Make a Rig Roll. If your game is not over: You reach a scenic overlook and cut the engine to let it cool down. You have a few quiet minutes, and decide to write something short and special and precisely-worded; you’ll carry it to your destination. Play “Blink” by Hiroshi Yoshimura (track 13). Begin writing; stop when the song ends.
4dF -> [1, 1, -1, 1] -> **2
Le moteur a pas mal hurlé pendant cette montée.
Je décide de lui accorder une petite pause.
Je stoppe sur la crète et j'en profite pour admirer le paysage gelé.
Une étendue à perte de vue, blanche, froide et silencieuse...
Aucun mouvement.
Je laisse les évènements des jours précédents remonter à la surface tout doucement.
La livraison, l'embuscade, le bruit, l'explosion, la fuite...
Les souvenirs me permettent de me remettre mais en même temps ils me rappellent qu'il ne vaut mieux pas trainer dans les environs...
Je remonte dans la cabine et reprend la route.
10 de carreaux
You are once again overwhelmed by your solitude. You fantasize about a passenger seated next to you as you drive. Describe the imagined conversation.
La route reprend, j'avale les kilomètres, toujours seul, ne croisant que peu d'autres véhicules dans ces terres gelées.
Soudain le poids de la solitude m'écrase.
Je sens la présence familière à mes côtés, elle m'a déjà accompagné dans ce genre d'épreuves auparavant.
Je sais ce que tu penses... Pas la peine de me regarder comme çà.
Quelle autre solution avais-je ? Comment aurais-je pu lui refuser ça ?
Tu sais bien que je devais le faire...
De toute façon c'est la dernière fois, j'ai décidé d'arrêter.
Dès que nous serons arrivés je raccrocherai.
Je poursuis la conversation, mais après quelques temps le cœur n'y est plus.
J'abandonne, et reprend la conduite en silence.
Je monte légèrement le son.
4 de pique
Beckoned by neon lights, you find a stash of something helpful: maybe a field of fresh produce, some water purification tablets, or a first aid kit. Where did you find it? Why does it feel like a blessing? Advance the Body Stat.
BODY - [x] - [ ] - [ ]
Je décide de poursuivre la route plus longtemps aujourd'hui, je voudrais sortir de cette zone.
La glace laisse finalement place à de la neige, une fine couche légèrement poudreuse..
Il fait noir depuis un bon moment quand je finis par tomber sur une espèce d'aire de repos où je décice de m'arrêter.
Je me gare et coupe le moteur.
Je sors quelques instants pour me dégourdir les jambes.
Un peu plus loin j'aperçois une espèce de guérite ou de cabane.
Je m'en approche doucement.
A l'intérieur une petite table, personne.
Je regarde un peu plus en détail et aperçois un glacière sous la table.
Je regarde autour sur le parking : aucun autre véhicule.
Tout cela doit avoir été oublié.
Je décide de l'ouvrir : à l'intérieur quelques conserves et quelques bouteilles de bière.
check your progress
Travel - [x] Ice - [x] snow - rain - wind - flood - fog - heat - dust
J'en profite pour me détendre un peu après cette longue journée. Je vais finalement me coucher dans le camion en attendant la journée de demain.
make the call
Je me dirige vers la cabine, insère quelques pièces et décroche le combiné.
Gavin ? Pas de réponse, un silence ponctué de bruits de statique.
J'ai finalement réussi à quitter cette étendue de glace. J'espère pouvoir progresser plus vite désormais.
Les choses ont mal tourné là-bas tu sais, je ne ferai plus de livraisons pour toi. J'observe le reflet de mon visage blessé dans le métal poli de la cabine.
Je pense que je ferais mieux d'aller me coucher, j'ai conduit longtemps aujourd'hui.
A bientôt...
day 4
start the engine
4dF -> [-1, 1, 1, 1] -> 2
Le moteur démarre instantanément.
hit the road
8 de pique
Food has been especially hard to find today. What compromises have you made to keep yourself fed?
Je ne croise aucun lieu habité aujourd'hui, je préfère économiser les provisions que j'ai accumulées en me rationnant.
La route se poursuit.
valet de carreau
You remember a horrific nightmare about a Wound. It grows, shifts, pulses, and trans- forms. Describe the dream. Make a Mind Roll.
4dF -> [1, 0, 1, 0] -> 2
je roule depuis des heures, je sens mon corps qui commence à s'engourdir.
Je risque la somnolence je le sais, mais je ne veux pas perdre de temps.
Je sens mon esprit qui part à la dérive.
La coupure sur mon nez, résultat d'un saut puis d'une roulade mal exécutés suite à l'explosion pulse dans ma tête.
Je sens la douleur, sourde, revenir et envahir mon crâne.
Je sens ma peau se tendre, la coupure s'écarter, la douleur m'envahit, mon nez se brise, le sang coule à gros bouillons et inonde mon visage.
Je sursaute, je me suis assoupi au volant pendant un court instant.
Je secoue la tête et continue ma route, mon nez est toujours douloureux cependant.
2 de coeur
The next time you fail a Body Roll, you get a second chance and can reroll your dice. Save this card as a reminder; discard it when you reroll.
Cet épisode m'a ébranlé mais je continue la route cependant...
La neige tourbillonne sur les côtés alors que je roule.
7 de carreau
Sleepless and exhausted, you find yourself staring at the fires along the horizon. You swear you see a shape, or maybe even a physical form, in the smoke. What do you see? Make a Mind Roll.
4dF -> [0, -1, 1, 0] -> 0
La route se poursuit. Au loin le rougeoiement persiste et ondoie. Quelques panaches de fumée semblent s'en échapper. Dans le rougeoiement, des traces foncées semblent se mouvoir et ne semblent pas correspondre à ce qu'on pourrait imaginer dans des flammes. Qu'est-ce que ça peut bien être ?
Épuisé je décide de m'arrêter. Je gare la camion sur le côté.
check our progress
Travel - [x] Ice - [x] snow - [x] rain - wind - flood - fog - heat - dust
la neige se mue lentemant en pluie...
make the call
Je me dirige vers le téléphone public.
Gavin ? Toujours rien
que peux-t-il bien se passer dans le sud Gavin ?
Et ici, où sont les gens ? Que sont ces flammes dans le lointain ?
Dans quoi as-tu pu bien m'embarquer ? Le silence de l'autre côté du téléphone me pèse énormément. Je décide de raccrocher.
day 5
start the engine
4dF -> [1, -1, 0, 1] -> 1
le moteur démarre instantanément.
hit the road
5 de carreau
As you drive, your mind drifts to a past moment of regret and shame directly connected to your Destination. What happened? Make a Mind Roll.
4dF -> [-1, 1, 1, 0] -> 1
La route se poursuit inlassablement, une légère pluie vient s'écraser contre le pare-brise et mon voyage est ponctué par le bruit des essuie-glace.
Je repense à Gavin, à la fois où je l'ai mis dans l'embarras.
Il m'avait demandé une livraison et j'avais décidé de faire un détour.
Finalement j'étais arrivé en retard au rendez-vous et la livraison avait été annulée.
C'était un paquet important pour lui et ça lui avait causé des ennuis.
roi de coeur
You have a violent, face-to-face encounter with the Threat. Advance the Threat and describe the encounter. If the Threat has not overtaken you, make a Body Roll to determine the extent of your injuries.
Threat - [x] - [ ] - [ ] - [ ]
4dF -> [0, -1, -1, -1] -> -3 (Failure)
relance en utilisant le 2 de coeur
4dF -> [1, 0, 1, -1] -> 1
Alors que je roule, je vois un phare arriver en face.
Une moto arrive. Alors qu'elle se rapproche, je peux voir une espèce de logo sur le casque : une espèce de crâne grimaçant.
J'ai déjà vu ce logo; le jour de la livraison.
Il s'agit d'un de mes poursuivants.
Comment a-t-il fait pour arriver de l'autre sens ?
Mon cœur bat la chamade, la moto me croise et continue son chemin. Il me semble voir le conducteur me regarder en grimaçant. Il continue sa route.
Je suis tellement perturbé que je fais une embardée, je reprend le contrôle difficilement, le souffle court.
8 de coeur
(j'ai utilisé à tort la description du 8 de coeur pour le 8 de pique plus haut, donc j'utilise la description du 8 de pique cette fois)
You watch the distant fires along the horizon as they grow and shrink. What do you think started them?
Le rougeoiement lointain est toujours présent.
Je l'aperçoit même au travers de la pluie qui tombe ici.
A quoi peut-il bien être du ?
9 de pique
You pull over to nap in a safe place. Describe it.
L'épuisement finir par prendre le dessus, je décide d'arrêter pour aujourd'hui, même si la journée de conduite aura été plus courte.
Je me gare et décide de dormir un peu.
check your progress
Travel - [x] Ice - [x] snow - [x] rain - [x] wind - flood - fog - heat - dust
make the call
Je me réveille en sursaut, peu habitué à dormir autant.
Je décide d'aller appeler Gavin.
Allo ?
J'ai croisé une moto aujourd'hui, je suis sûr qu'il s'agit de mes poursuivants. J'espérais réussir à les semer mais les choses ne sont pas aussi faciles.
J'espère avoir encore un peu d'avance sur eux.
La pluie a cessé ici. Le vent commence à monter, j'espère éviter la tempête. je crains un peu l'effet de tout ce vent sur les flammes.
Vois-tu ces flammes Gavin ?
Pourquoi ne réponds-tu jamais ?
Je raccroche et retourne me coucher, hagard.
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avucaptures · 3 years
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I. The Path of Hallet Cove
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missfly-polaroids · 6 years
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caitlinyardley · 7 years
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Offroading in Mongolia
May 2017
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familiarvulpes · 7 years
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szopenhauer · 4 years
Last thing that made you go “aww!” probably a dog I saw 
Is a crow’s caw annoying to you? hmm... not usually, no
Do you enjoy jazz music? one song, when there’s another and more I get sick :x  
Do you like the topaz birthstone? no What are your thoughts on gas prices? I don’t drive so no idea  Are you an ass? can be Have you ever caught any fish while fishing before? I never went fishing nor want to Do you attend Mass? I listen to the mass online every Sunday even though it annoys me and I can’t focus much What was your favorite class in school? can’t decide, depends on the grade/school/teacher etc. Are you full of sass? I’m not Grav3yardgirl
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Do you like razzamatazz ice cream? dunno what that is How often do you pass gas? in the morning - a lot, later - not at all unless I have a flare  Do you have a favorite mug/cup/glass? I use those that I like less because I am afraid I will break those I love lmfao Name anything you own that is made of brass. I don’t think I own anything like that even tho brass is cool, I hate copper tho Does your grass need to be cut right now? I like it long, atural *wink wink* Would you like to live in a castle? Why or why not? too much space to take - that’s unfair as some ppl are homeless and nautre should be more free, it’s also too much space to clean and... to get lost in lol
Do you own a car? What kind? I don’t as I already mentioned I don’t drive
Did you live far from your parents, or close by? I live with them, still
Is it easy or difficult for you to open a jar? depends
Tell us how you got one of your scars. fallen from a clothes horse on a piece of wood and scratched deeply my left leg, wound was full of splinters
Do you wish upon a star? it doesn’t work, I tried...
Have you ever smoked a cigar before? nope, just a cigarette and didn’t like it
Would you ever have boudoir photography taken of yourself? Why or why not? hmm...
Do you know how to play the guitar? If not, would you like to learn? tried and it’s not for me
Have you ever had caviar before? Did you like it? I wouldn’t try that, gross and expensive for such a small amount of food
How old were you when you had your first kiss? 18 or 19
Miss anyone right now? sure
Are there some songs you cant listen to because they remind you of someone? could say so
Have you ever cheated on a partner? nooo
Ever been cheated on? kind of
Do you have a friend who you think you’ll be best friends with forever? my dad I hope
Does it annoy you when you accidentally delete things? very
What`s a movie / book / TV show / band / whatever you highly recommend? I usually don’t recommend anything to anyone without knowing them and their taste first
Are you anticipating or dreading anything? some things both at the same time even
What`s the most annoying thing in the world? can’t choose only one thing
When did you last use one of those water slides you put on hills? never
What does your bedside lamp look like? I have a green night light, used to have a mushroom one but I can’t find a light bulb to replace 
What did you last take a photograph of? I took several today but the last one was of the wild flowers growing near my fence 
When was the last time you got really frustrated with technology? today, my camera didn’t want to cooperate, not even mentioning my computer and cellphone failing me constantly
What was the last funny thing someone said to you? I don’t remember what was last, I know I said some dry/daddy jokes/puns myself
Who taught you to tie your shoelaces? I don’t remember but I know I do that differently than everybody else in my family 
Do you want to move to somewhere else? If so, where? badly, just my own apartment 
What’s your favourite picture of yourself as a child? hmm... dunno
Do you like your neighbours? some I hate
Does your room need to be cleaned? absolutely
Do you have a good relationship with your family? it’s complicated, depends on the family member, my father is my best friend tho
What is something people are surprised to hear about you? the truth? *shrug*
Do you hate any particular groups of people? yup but won’t list them in here
Do you fall up or down stairs usually? I don’t fall often enough to compare
Do you constantly break things? (By mistake or otherwise) luckily not
What was the last bug you saw? plenty of bugs this day
Are there any smells which make you feel nauseous? basically all of them make me feel nauseous
Do you have anything unusual in your bag? I suppose
What`s your favourite key on a keyboard? don’t think I have one, some I don’t use at all tho
Who`s your favourite character from The Simpsons? Or do you hate that show? Lisa I think
Have you ever had any friends who always tried to steal your things? sorta
If you were abandoned in the wilderness, would you survive? maybe How do you make your money? I use my parents money for now :( sometimes I sell my belongings 
What color are your eyes? hazel?
How tall are you? 156 cm short
Which do you prefer, to eat or sleep? sleep
Do you look more like your mom or your dad? mom, besides eyes
How long does it take you to shower? about half an hour?
Are you flexible? in a weird way
Can you speak any other language than English? polish, a bit of russian and used to know Braille’a
What is the last letter of your middle name? I have no middle name, just confirmation one 
Do you wear your seatbelt in the car?: yes
Are you scared of flying? not crashing but smells and noise and puking etc.
What do you sleep in? pajama Who was the last person you kissed? @muziasta​ 
What jewelry do you wear all the time? recently necklace I got from my gf
Is the last person you kissed older than you? younger, almost 2 months hahaha
Do you have a favorite item of clothing? I like most of my clothes
Last movie you saw in theaters? last time I was in cinema I still attend high school, not a fan of that place
What was last thing you drank? water
Are you left handed? am not
What is the last thing you thought about? lots of stuff
Do you want to get married & have children one day? I don’t want any kids!
What is the most recent gift you’ve been given? a mug Did I just roll my eyes out loud Is what you’re wearing comfortable? why not?
Did you leave the house today? twice
Are there bumper stickers on your car? if I had a car...
Are you watching tv right now? What? I didn’t watch TV for months
Do you have a job? not currently
Have you ever shot a gun? in middle school
What do your parents do for a living? my mom is retired and my dad is a guard
Have you ever had a pet that had babies? noooo
What color is the blanket on your bed? blue and yellow with sun and moon
What are your parent’s middle names? they don’t have those
Have you ever broken a bone? just my nose?
Do you wear lasses? nope
What color are they? -
Are you currently reading a book? finished one and didn’t start another yet
When did you last get your blood drawn? not that long time ago
How many contacts are in your phone? about 5
What things do you take with you everywhere? that’s personal
Do you know someone that is/was over 100 years old? nah
Do you own any rings? yeah
Could you list all 50 states? no way
What internet browser do you use? Opera
Do you know someone that’s missing a limb? there’s this guy that sometimes takes a bus with me and he has no leg but that’s all
Are you a bad person? possibly
What was the last swear you said? not sure which was last, I say way too many for my own good :x
Have you ever called the police on someone? not me but my parents, also fire department 
What is the most amount of pets you’ve had at one time? 2
When did you last check your email? last week
Have you ever ridden in an ambulance? few times
How long is your hair? short
Do you lock your doors at night? of course
Does your bedroom have a lock? sadly not
How big is your bed? smol
Do you know someone that was murdered? not personally 
Do you know someone who’s pregnant not now
Do you wear a watch? no
How much jewelry do you own? too much for how often I wear it
Have you ever gotten x-rays? shitload 
Do you wear gloves in the winter? fingerless
Do you consider yourself smart? in a way, I might be
Are your teeth straight? they’re not 
Do you own a bike? push scooter but I plan to buy a bike of some sort this summer
Are you taller than your mom? I am :D
Have you ever been engaged? I have not
What, in your opinion, is the ugliest name? many are to me, especially those I relate to certain enemies
Have you ever come up with your own idea for an app? of a game 
Do you remember to put the caps back on your pens? what for? 
When’s the last time you sat on someone else’s lap? this week
Do you take naps often? once in a few months
Do you like to listen to rap? meh
Do you prefer gift wrap or gift bags? gift bags, gift paper annoys me and it’s worthless
What chore do you wish you could get done just by snapping your fingers? all of them? XD
Have you ever done tap dancing before? pretend
Have you ever felt trapped? always?...
Has a strap on your bag ever broken before? it started to so I changed it
Do you watch episode recaps, or skip ahead? skip
Do you know anyone who owns a Venus flytrap plant? my (now ex) friend wanted to, they’re interesting but you have to clean them and I’m not fond of picking up dead flies, yuk
Do you drink water out of the tap, or does it have to be bottled? bottled or I boil it
0 notes
wallpapernifty · 4 years
24 Doubts You Should Clarify About Rachel Ruysch Flower Still Life | Rachel Ruysch Flower Still Life
Artwork brings so abundant acceptable activity to a room. But accepting from a bald bank to that blessed abode can feel daunting—even for the best assured DIYer. (If you’ve anytime larboard a anatomy aptitude adjoin a bank in the den, you’re not alone!) Whether you appetite to abbey a mix that encapsulates your family’s appearance or you’re an ardent beneficiary who artlessly needs a nudge to assuredly abide that big bald wall, here’s a adviser through the action of creating a absolute arcade wall.
If you accept ever-changing tastes and an always-expanding collection, a bank shelf lets you adapt your affectation on a whim (without abrogation holes in the wall).
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Rachel Ruysch – Flowers in a Glass Vase (с изображениями .. | rachel ruysch flower still life
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Flower Still Life – Rachel Ruysch Fine Art Reproduction Oil Painting – rachel ruysch flower still life | rachel ruysch flower still life
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Rachel Ruysch Flower Still Life High Resolution Stock Photography .. | rachel ruysch flower still life
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Eat your heart out Rachel Ruysch: My garden just turned .. | rachel ruysch flower still life
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Still life with flowers – Rachel Ruysch as art print or .. | rachel ruysch flower still life
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Rachel Ruysch, Flower Still Life, c,1700 | Flickr – Photo .. | rachel ruysch flower still life
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Flower still life with butterflies at a – Rachel Ruysch as art .. | rachel ruysch flower still life
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Rachel Ruysch – Still-life of Flowers on a Marble Ledge – rachel ruysch flower still life | rachel ruysch flower still life
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Rachel Ruysch – 25 Artists You Didn't Learn About in Art .. | rachel ruysch flower still life
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Rachel ruysch | Essay Sample June 24 – kztermpapertbdh.mangala | rachel ruysch flower still life
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Забытые имена.Rachel Ruysch (24 – 24).Натюрморт. Обсуждение на .. | rachel ruysch flower still life
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"Still life with flowers and fruit" Rachel Ruysch .. | rachel ruysch flower still life
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IMG_5670A Rachel Ruysch 1664-1750.Amsterdam Nautre morte aux fleurs Still Life with Flowers. 1691. Hambourg Kunsthalle | rachel ruysch flower still life
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Rachel Ruysch, Flower Still Life with Tulips, Popp – by Lempertz .. | rachel ruysch flower still life
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Rachel Ruysch – Flowers in a Glass Vase | Flowers, still .. | rachel ruysch flower still life
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Art & Culture: 104: Flower Still Life, Ruysch – rachel ruysch flower still life | rachel ruysch flower still life
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20. The Baroque in the Netherlands – Art History X with X .. | rachel ruysch flower still life
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Tumblin' Dice: Rachel Ruysch – rachel ruysch flower still life | rachel ruysch flower still life
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Mar. 24 Art Minute: Rachel Ruysch, “Flower Still Life” | The Toledo .. | rachel ruysch flower still life
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Flowers Still Life 24, by Rachel Ruysch | www.nortonsimon .. | rachel ruysch flower still life
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Anna Ruysch – Wikipedia – rachel ruysch flower still life | rachel ruysch flower still life
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Still Life of Flowers on a Table Ledge by Rachel Ruysch, 24″ Art .. | rachel ruysch flower still life
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Floral Still Life Masterpiece by Female Old Master Rachel Ruysch – rachel ruysch flower still life | rachel ruysch flower still life
The post 24 Doubts You Should Clarify About Rachel Ruysch Flower Still Life | Rachel Ruysch Flower Still Life appeared first on Flower Nifty.
from Wallpaper Nifty https://www.flowernifty.com/24-doubts-you-should-clarify-about-rachel-ruysch-flower-still-life-rachel-ruysch-flower-still-life/
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roses …
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ameliakramer-blog · 7 years
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