#naughty aughties
nicholasr · 2 years
Analogue Days in The Evergreen Review #112
When Harper is at home on her own, She keeps the light off so it won’t burn out. It is only switched on for good books and gatherings of her best friends and their best friends too.
Early in the morning, camping in the country, the sun burns straight through the day. Wasted in her sleep, light sets cold just when she needs a bulb the most.
The trip was planned before him. Now, after him, she may as well have come. Before she left, she unplugged all of her appliances. [a quirk he witnessed and said he loved]
Uncertainty swells: (in night’s time of siring) the backdoor, the hall light, her skitter-scattering of feelings of him ... unlocked, left on, latent ...
Harper–stuck in dark on public land remembers her youth: throwing sand back into the ocean to stop the encroaching waves; taping fall leaves to their branches to stem the tide of autumnal colors piled dead on the sidewalk.
And worst: desperately counting times at church she crossed herself for prayer because to her, an accidental odd number brought the next week under the bright gaze of God’s piercing realm. She’d leave in a panic– is God off or on?
Now, she only has faith in Esther, the computer, [visibly unplugged] who will know the time and date exactly – unjudging – even if it is years until Harper returns the electricity to her system.
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xmenred2022 · 1 year
Watching quantumania made me reread ewings antman mini and oh my god it’s so good and I’m not even talking about the writing. The way each issue mimics the era of marvel comics it’s set in is incredible. Jordie Bellaire, the colorist, is a superstar and Tom Reilly’s art is always incredible. Everyone read it it’s so so good.
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theboost · 2 years
More people need to open their hearts and realize that 2 fast 2 furious is a pinnacle of naughty aughties gay cinema. It’s like bound if bound was about gay men and instead of having sex they raced cars (gay sex metaphor) and ludacris was there
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moregraceful · 1 day
joey votto anon #2 back from the dead (except not anon this time cause fuck it you've seen me say far worse things by now. also like. who else would it be who else cares about joey votto and also knows this much about daulton varsho -> if there is anyone else like this. hiiiii <3)
i think that retired joey votto should bartend like 3 times total at a gay bar for shits and giggles. in a mysterious fashion and then never show up again. and wear perhaps a fun neckerchief. this is both inspired by my love for the idea of joey votto i have created in my head and by the hilarious events (not even that funny it was just gay and silly) + very kind bartender of the single time i have been to a gay bar earlier this month
i hope this brings joy in this disaster evening!!!
i haven't been to a gay bar in several years bc i do not drink and did not have the kind of friends who are fun to be with in gay bars (straight women) but i remember one time before i quit drinking i was at this bar falling in love with this bartender who was wearing leather pants and a white kind of see-through tank top #hashtag the naughty aughties...like in retrospect that had to have been so awful for working all night but she was making insane tips off all the gay people. anyway i think if joey votto bartended he would be very good at it bc he seems like the kind of guy who is good at everything he puts his mind to and also he would wear a fun outfit and everyone would fall in love with him. i think that fun outfit should involve leather pants and a neckerchief at minimum and he would make so much money in tips. thank you for engendering this imagine i am going to ponder it all night
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moonshotpods · 2 years
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Moonshot is delighted to introduce our first Class of '23 show: SO EMO I FELL APART! SEIFA is a podcast about emo/pop punk culture, bandom, and history hosted by Ria and Chloe, with a special focus on the naughty aughties.
SEIFA will be searchable on your podcatchers soon, and for now you can find its RSS feed right here!
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uncloseted · 4 months
1/ Hi! First I'd like to say I really like reading your answers here. Been following it on and off for years. I have this idea to conduct one or several analysis on certain themes present in Skins. Maybe for personal enjoyment, maybe to post it on a blog, maybe to submit an article to a scientific journal, aaand maybe (but it's very ambitious, we'll see) to turn it into a book project. I have a primary background in sociology, so the analysis would mainly be approached from that angle.
2/ I also have a literary background and I am open to any discipline, especially film analysis. History and psychology could also be interesting, but more secondary. I'm of course searching for references on Google by myself, but do you happen to know any interesting academic articles (or even press articles) about Skins? Or even methodology for film analysis in general? Not asking for you to do the research work for me, it's just in case you remember some stuffs you found interesting. Thanks!
3/ (in english or french)
Ooh, let me know if you find a journal that's interested in this kind of thing. I've been writing about this show for ten years, I feel like I deserve an honorary doctorate degree for the amount of analysis I've done 😭 so I would love to publish about it in a more official capacity.
These are a few of the articles that I could find:
Naughty in the Aughties, 21st Century British Adolescent Culture and Alienation in Skins Seasons 1-2 focuses on generation 1 and 2. 
Just a Queer Little Love Story: Skins and the Naomily Phenomenon examines why Naomily is so popular and the impact that it has.
“‘The dark side of Naomily’: Skins, fan texts and contested genres”, focuses on fan reactions to Naomily’s series 4 story arc.  
Skins and the Impossibility of Youth Television is a chapter from a book by David Buckingham, Emeritus Professor at Loughborough University and Professor at Kings College London.  
Transmedia audiences and television fiction: A comparative approach between Skins (UK) and El Barco (Spain) compares the transmedia narratives of Skins and El Barco.
‘Doing it for the kids’? The Discursive Construction of the Teenager and Teenage Sexuality in Skins looks at the show’s approach to sex and sexuality.
My generation(s): cycles, branding and renewal in E4’s ‘Skins’ explores the challenges of getting a new cast of characters every two seasons and the relationship between Skins’ authenticity and its penchant for melodrama.
‘Skins’: A Contemporary Moral Panic is about the opposition Skins received for its depiction of teenage drug use, partying, and sex.
UK youth television: moral panic and the process of US adaptation in Skins discusses the moral panic US censors had over the US adaptation of the show.
Serialising the Queer Girl in Sugar Rush and Skins looks at the way queer girls are depicted in serialized television.
I’ll update this page if I can find more, but it seems like some of them have disappeared from the internet…. and please let me know if you find any that are interesting!
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bakedbakermom · 1 year
it's about to be the fucking naughty aughties in my car again. 🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️
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sick to fuck of paying for something and never owning it. capitalism is dead and feudalism has risen from the grave to take its place.
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niennanir · 1 year
I just heard a muppet call the most interesting and enjoyable time of my life the “naughty aughties’ 
Seems accurate
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kkpwnall · 2 years
hey kk why are you on tumblr if you’re 30something
because i’m a bad person and for the money idk why does anybody anything?
but for a real answer and to assume the best from your question, that it’s meant genuinely and not some ageist gatekeepy bullshit: it’s because i’ve been on this site for time immemorial, since the naughty aughties, 20xx, and through all its ups and downs, it’s the one that continuously brings me the most joy. where i can meet and interact with people who like the same stuff i like, and it’s got the best community vibes.
of all the socials, it’s also got the best filtering, blocking, and content moderation tools hands down, bar none. so it’s easy to still follow people you like but just not see content you don’t jive with. it’s easy to dip out on discourse. on tumblr, you are the algorithm, you curate your feed and what you see, and you control how you share it. and it’s all super easy to do!! they don’t hide these tools from you!! sure things died down in the Great Porn Purge, and i’ve taken breaks from the site here and there over the years, but it’s honestly the only social media that keeps actively trying to be a better place for its users. i unironically really love this site.
it’s not that deep, i’m here because it makes me happy.
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rgr-pop · 2 years
naughty aughties after all
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raviolibygee · 7 months
Secretaria chic core surge en 2021, y se perfecciona gracias a las colecciones de Prada y MiuMiu
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ruins-posts · 3 years
Affection and naughty for sukuna please?
Affection: How do they show their love and affection? How intense would it get?
Sukuna is not very gentle in his ways of showing affection- he's often going to bruise your lips with every kiss and leave your neck covered in his harsh love bites. Most of his affections are more lustful, but occasionally he'll swallow up all of his pride and cuddle you aggressively.
Naughty: How would they punish their darling?
Sukuna is not easygoing when it comes to punishments, he'll tie you up and leave you all alone in a room where no light reaches you.
It actually depends on the severity of your crimes, if you've done something to really anger him, your food and water supply would be cut off too, and Sukuna won't let you free before you're almost half dead and beg him for forgiveness like a good girl.
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theboost · 2 years
The thing is. Like. Brian and Dom are in love the fast and the furious movies are the tale of their epic love story it’s almost Shakespearean in the way it weaves between mutual betrayal and respect and love and jealousy and the inherent eroticism of metaphorical dick measuring competitions. Brian throws away his career as a law officer for Dom TWICE. He gets fired, does time, has a little gay adventure, SOMEHOW gets hired by the fbi and then gives up everything to be a fugitive with Dom!!! It’s a love story!!! But they’re played by Paul Walker and Vin Diesel so it’s the worst performances you’ve ever seen. And Brian and Roman are also in love they are literally friends to enemies back to friends again and 2f2f seems to KNOW this because I don’t even think Brian and the nominal love interest of the movie even kiss and it ends with Brian and Roman starting a life together. But every movie afterwards refuses to acknowledge the events of 2f2f and their friendship. And in Tokyo Drift (which is either set in 2006 or anywhere from 2013-2015 depending on whether you take F&F and F5 to be prequels to Tokyo Drift or Tokyo Drift to be set in the future and for some inexplicable reason the technology is still stuck in the naughty aughties) there was a character named Twinkie and everybody kept calling him Twink throughout the run time. And everyone stands like this all the time. I think if any of the characters fucked in any combination it would be the worst sex of all time though
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deathsprofit · 3 years
He lit that ass up real good~ were you a naughty puppy? Wait did you chew his shoes?
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" N-aughty? I was just giving a political opinion.. and no I f*k*in didn't....."
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aviculor · 3 years
Okay, so the Cabin Fever remake isn’t all Naughty Aughties and it skimmed out the off-color jokes, which were my two biggest criticisms. But I feel like Bert the annoying fifth wheel guy loses something when you change him from a fat idiot fratboy to a scrawny gamer. Like this Shaggy Rogers motherfucker brought an assault rifle with him on the trip for no reason? Especially considering he only just learned they were going to be cut off from television and the internet? At least the original one had a BB gun and it was in line with his character.
It’s not completely shot-for-shot, but it’s definitely beat-for-beat, as if Roth thought his script was otherwise immaculate and just had to be tweaked to have smartphones. Definitely a ballsy move no matter how you feel about the film itself. But to be honest, I do like it. The couple changes really are improvements (for example, the scene where Paul finds Karen’s groin lesions is consensual), the scenery is picturesque, and the gore effects are even better than before. It’s just that because this is basically a re-casted re-shoot rather than doing its own thing, I can’t bring myself to love it. It removed a few flaws the original had, but that doesn’t mean it’s flawless.
Now that I’ve seen Cabin Fever, I can say with clarity that Ice Nine Kills naming their upcoming song “A Rash Decision” does make sense beyond the “rash” pun. Because multiple rash decisions are in fact made.
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dear-yandere · 5 years
Requests: Yandere alphabet CHTN + IP for Nikolai Gogol.
tw. torture / violence / abuse.
Nikolai Gogol
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Cruelty: How would they treat their darling once abducted? Would they mock them?
He’s very fond of cages, so darling would come to know a bird cage or other small enclosure as their home. And gods, a day wouldn’t go by where he doesn’t laugh or mock their pitiful state, especially if darling insists on being defiant. Although he enjoys broken darlings just as much as unbroken ones, a defiant darling every now and then is certainly a breath of fresh air.
Hell: What would be their darling’s worst experience with them?
It depends. Although Nikolai is very fond of physical torture and abuse (see Naughty), he’s very big into theatrics and would force his darling to take part in little plays, sometimes in front of an unknowing audience -- and if he’s in a particularly jovial mood, sometimes while darling is injured or very weak from his beatings. Nonetheless, to be thrust onto a stage in a foreign area of Russia and forced to perform for people who don’t know that you’re an abused captive, much less know how to speak your language, is bound to wear down darling’s resolve. They’ll quickly become nothing more than a marionette for Nikolai’s entertainment!
Ideals: What kind of future do they have in mind for/with their darling?
Nikolai isn’t fond of thinking about the future, especially not someone else’s future. All he wants to do is live in the moment and have fun, and needlessly thinking about what could happen puts a hamper on his mood.
Either way, he sees his darling as a play thing to entertain him for a short while, at least before he finally decides to throw them aside. Sure, he loves darling very dearly, but to him, love is fleeting! It’s something to be enjoyed in the moment, used up until there is nothing left, then thrown aside for another lover! His darling has no future with him just as much as he desires no future with them - life is full of surprises, so there’s no need to be bound to one person. That said, he’ll kill his darling once he’s had his fun.
Naughty: How would they punish their darling?
Nikolai loves games, and oh what fun it would be to play games where defeat means punishment! He’s quite fond of physical torture, such as hitting his darling with whips (seeing them wince and stifle their cries is great fun). Unfortunately these ‘sessions’ are brief since darling eventually becomes numb and stops screaming, crying, or wincing.
Sometimes he’ll indulge in a game of cat and mouse. He’ll set darling free and give them a running start before he begins chasing them. He wouldn’t do this if he thought darling had a big chance of escaping, naturally, so the first few times he tries this, darling is distraught to learn they never had a chance from the start.
Patience: How patient are they with their darling?
He’s surprisingly patient; in fact, nothing can really put a hamper on his mood or make him snap. Nikolai lives for whatever escape plan, tricks, taunts, and insults his darling cooks up -- what use is a toy that doesn’t fight back a little? So it isn’t possible to piss him off since he knows darling’s weaknesses, but he would get rather annoyed if they insulted Fyodor.
Tears: How do they feel about seeing their darling scream, cry, and/or isolate themselves?
Nikolai would actually get bored rather quickly if darling didn’t do these things. Although their screams will die out and their tears will dry up, seeing them slowly lose that spark in their voice and light in their eyes is the best part. To have a darling who doesn’t do these things during the time he keeps them is so... boring.
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