#natural infertility treatment
candorivf · 1 year
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Optimal hygiene is one of the most important pregnancy tips to follow. 
Keeping a few monsoon pregnancy care tips in mind can make sure you stay safe at all times, and enjoy the weather and the beautiful rains with your little one inside you!
Sticking to a well-balanced, Nutritious diet
Maintain the usual Fluid intake
Make dressing choices as per the Weather
Sanitization of surroundings
Get consult with best Gynecologist at Candor IVF Center for Pregnancy
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arogyamcentre · 2 months
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drerandes · 6 months
Treatment on Unconsummated Marriages in Pune | Mumbai | India
Resolve issues in unconsummated marriages with expert guidance from Dr. Sanjay Erande in Pune, Mumbai, or India, fostering understanding and intimacy between partners.
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gofitnesspro · 6 months
Demystifying PCOD and PCOS: Spotting the Variances
PCOD (Polycystic Ovary Disease) and PCOS (Polycystic Ovary Syndrome) are related conditions, but they have some differences: Definition: PCOD: Primarily refers to the presence of multiple cysts in the ovaries along with irregular menstrual cycles and elevated androgen levels. It may or may not present with symptoms like acne, hirsutism (excessive hair growth), and weight gain. PCOS: Involves a…
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sara2399 · 2 years
Best Ayurvedic doctor in Chennai | Ayurvedic doctors in T nagar Chennai
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Chennai Natural Treatment Clinic Known for the best Ayurveda Hospital and provides holistic Ayurvedic treatments and therapies, cures all diseases in authentic way.
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sweetstarcollector · 1 year
So phrases like "people with uteruses" or "people who have periods" never really bothered me as much as more overtly dehumanizing phrases like "bleeders" or "birthing bodies", but I saw a post today talking about the abnormal symptoms women experienced after getting tear gassed protesting, that ended with something like "we don't know the full effects of tear gas on people with uteruses". And what struck me about that is that's not really correct, because female people without uteruses (either bc they were born without one or bc they had a hysterectomy) will still experience different symptoms after being tear gassed than male people. Women metabolize substances differently than men, our immune systems are different, our hormonal cycles are different, our skin has different thicknesses, etc. All of those things have potential effects on tear gas reactions, and are not dependent on whether or not we have a uterus. They're dependent on whether or not we're female. So saying "people with uteruses" when what is meant is "female people" is not really accurate. And I realized that a lot of times when people use those kinds of phrases, they aren't being accurate.
For example, I'm sure we've all seen people say things about how the repeal of Roe v Wade will harm people with uteruses/people who can get pregnant/etc. And while yes, it definitely harms those people, the full truth is that abortion bans harm *female* people, *regardless of if they can get pregnant or have a uterus.* Because female people who don't have uteruses can still get pregnant, and in those rare cases will 100% of the time need an abortion. Female people who deal with infertility and can't carry a fetus to term can still be jailed for miscarrying. Female people who are completely sterile (for whatever reason) can still be denied medications/medical treatment on the grounds that the treatment could theoretically harm a fetus. Female people who may currently have no uterus/no longer be able to get pregnant but who have had an abortion in the past will face increased stigma.
Here's another example:
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It seems pretty straightforward- menstruation stigma is experienced by people who menstruate. But again, that's only half true. Period stigma is experienced by all female people, regardless of if they menstruate. Think about the fact that we are told female people should not hold political leadership because "what if a female president has PMS and starts a war", despite the fact that almost all female presidential candidates are old enough that they would have experienced menopause. Female people have their feelings dismissed because "it must be that time of the month", regardless of if they're too young to menstruate or too old or if they have a condition causing amenorrhea. Female children grow up seeing periods- a natural function of their bodies- portrayed as disgusting, dirty and gross, as making them unclean, as something to dread and fear. This affects them before they experience menarche, this affects them even if they never experience menarche. It affects all female people.
I could come up with more examples, but you get the idea. Reducing female people to singular body parts and organs inherently denies the reality of femaleness. All parts of us (both biological and social) interact with all other parts of us to form an experience that can't be understood by chopping us up and putting our individual functions under the microscope. In order to get an accurate picture you need to look at the whole (female) human.
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doberbutts · 1 year
I was typing a big long thing about the changes I've experienced in a year on testosterone and how it's affected me and all that and then tumblr ate it and I really don't feel like retyping that whole thing but I am kinda salty about it so tldr:
Starting testosterone has been the best thing for my health that I've done. Ever. Better than getting a service dog. Better than restructuring my life to cater to my disabilities. Better than any procedure or medication or otherwise that I've tried. Simply rubbing a pack of gel on my arm once a day has done more for me than anything else.
When I went to my endo to start T, I went with a suspicion that I am intersex. She confirmed it via blood test and told me that with my variation I could try two different things: estrogen to control my high levels of natural androgens, or testosterone to lower my estrogen further and make it stop arguing with my androgens about whether I'm supposed to be a boy or a girl, as it's that argument that was causing a significant portion of my health problems. Estrogen has been tried in the past and only made things worse. She told me it was my choice, and only I could choose my path forward, as I knew my body the best.
When TERFs have a fit about gender affirming care, they usually leave out people like me, or they brush my story aside by saying that I'm just an anomaly, or they claim for me and my demographic that we don't want to be part of this discussion. But I don't fit their definition of a woman- I have a testicle, and my natural testosterone was within normal range on the low end for a cisgender, perisex man, and enough male sexual partners have commented on what's in my pants to tell me that it's far from the picturesque womanly pussy, especially considering I can- and have- use it to penetrate with the help of devices designed for cis men who are a little lacking in length.
When TERFs have a fit about gender affirming care, they scaremonger about side effects and changes. But, I was already hairy. I was already growing facial hair. I already had atrophied- and by 30 to the point that it's not really possible to fix without significant medical intervention. I was already infertile. I already had an adam's apple and a deep voice. I already had belly fat and blood pressure problems. My menstrual cycle was already hellish and had interfered with my school and work schedules. A popped ovarian cyst sent me to the ER.
I'd tried no treatment. I'd tried estrogen-based solutions. These not only did not work but actively made things worse. I was fainting at school. I was calling out of work. I couldn't drive without my service dog. I couldn't go out and have fun with my friends. I spent days at a time laying in bed in too much pain to move.
TERFs say, gender affirming care turns you into a forever patient.
I already was one of those. I almost died when I was a baby strictly because of lack of access to care that accepts children who are born who are both and also neither from the womb, before anyone has a chance to develop a personality or understand the difference between a boy and a girl.
Testosterone has turned me into a "once every 3 months" patient instead of a "twice a month minimum" patient. I pay less than $15/month for my prescription and it's mailed to my house in three-month increments. Stopping my wildly irregular and incredibly painful menstrual cycle has increased my quality of life so much. My body doesn't ache for no reason anymore. I don't faint anymore. I can go out and do things and not be punished for it for days on end by fevers and chills and vertigo.
Don't let a handful of transphobic assholes scare you. If this is your way forward, then live your life to its fullest.
My only regret is that I didn't have the chance to do this sooner.
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In 2017 I interviewed Bernadette Wren, then head of psychology at the Tavistock Gids clinic, and asked what effect puberty blocking drugs have on the adolescent brain. Looking highly uncomfortable, she replied that the evidence so far was only anecdotal but that the clinic would study its patients “well into their adult lives so that we can see”.
Even back then, before whistleblowers had exposed the rush to medically transition children, it was alarming to hear that heavy-duty GnRH agonists such as triptorelin — used to treat advanced prostate cancer and “chemically castrate” sex offenders — were being prescribed to arrest puberty in hundreds of children as young as 11.
Moreover, they were being used “off-label” before any clinical trials. And the long-term study Wren promised never materialised: Gids (the Gender Identity Development Service) routinely lost touch with patients, and the 44 it did follow reported little long-term mental health improvement.
This shocking chapter in medical history, where the ideological objectives of trans rights campaigners trumped the welfare of disturbed children, is coming to an end worldwide. The decision by NHS England effectively to ban the prescription of puberty blockers comes after the Cass review noted these drugs could “permanently disrupt” brain development, reduce bone density and lock children into a regime of cross-sex hormones requiring life-long patienthood.
NHS England unites with other national health services including those in Finland, France, Sweden and, most notably, the Netherlands — where the “Dutch protocol”, a regime of early blockers then hormones, was devised in 1998 — in pulling back from prescribing them.
Even in the United States, where a toxic combination of extreme activism and medical capitalism has pushed child gender medicine to grotesque extremes, with double mastectomies performed on 14-year-old girls, there is some retrenchment.
Leaks from the World Professional Association for Transgender Health, the body which formulates guidance on “trans healthcare”, reveal doctors perplexed at how they should explain to an 11-year-old child that drugs will render them infertile. Crucially, liberal media such as The New York Times are now reporting grave medical misgivings about child transition, once dismissed as a culture-war issue for the Republican right.
Yet the question remains: how was this ever allowed to happen? For years, puberty blockers were cheerily billed as a mere “pause button”. In 2014, Dr Polly Carmichael, the last head of Gids before the Cass review ordered its closure, went on CBBC in a show called I Am Leo, saying of blockers: “The good thing is, if you stop the injections, it’s like pressing ‘start’ and the body carries on developing as it would if you hadn’t started.”
The BBC permitted her to make this unevidenced claim to an impressionable audience of six to 12-year-olds. Imagine hearing this as a developing girl, freaked out by your new breasts and periods. No wonder Gids referrals subsequently rocketed.
Carmichael failed to mention that she did not know if pressing “restart” on puberty is always medically possible — it is not — and in fact, almost every child Gids put on blockers went on to irreversible cross-sex hormones.
After years in a Peter Pan state while their peers developed, they understandably felt there was no way back and forged on with treatment. Yet if allowed to experience natural puberty, almost 85 per cent of gender dysphoria cases resolve themselves.
Nor did Carmichael tell CBBC kids that the blockers-hormones combination, if taken early enough, not only results in sterility but kills the libido so that a young person will never experience an orgasm.
At the 2020 judicial review brought by a former Tavistock clinician and Keira Bell, the brave young detransitioner rushed onto hormones by Gids, judges expressed astonishment at Gids’s lack of an evidence base.
Reporting on this issue for seven years, I too have been struck by a complete clinical incuriosity. Not only was data not collected, but those who queried treatments or pressed for evidence faced angry condemnation. Perhaps activists knew what research might find because one long-term Finnish study, recently reported in the BMJ, destroyed the myth used to justify blockers: that a child will commit suicide if denied them.
The Finns found that “gender-affirming care” does not make a dysphoric child less suicidal. Rather, such children had the same suicide risk as others with severe psychiatric issues. In other words, changing bodies does not fix troubled minds.
Yet even after NHS England’s announcement, activists refuse to heed the now-overwhelming evidence. In its response, Stonewall persists with the myth that puberty blockers “give a young person extra time to evaluate their next steps”.
Many questions remain unanswered: will private clinics still be permitted to prescribe puberty blockers; and is Scotland’s Sandyford child gender clinic still determined to close its ears to all evidence? Plus, we have few details on how the NHS’s new “holistic” treatment for gender-questioning children will operate when it opens next month.
This repellent experiment — in which girls who like trucks or little boys who dress as princesses, and who invariably grow up to be gay, are corralled inexorably down a road towards life-changing treatments — belongs in the book of medical disgraces. As do the cheerleaders who raised money for Mermaids and those who persecuted whistleblowers or damned journalists asking questions as transphobic.
In 50 years, chemically freezing the puberty of healthy children with troubled minds will be regarded with the same horrified fascination as lobotomies — which, never forget, won the Portuguese neurologist Antonio Egas Moniz the 1949 Nobel prize.
{Article source (behind paywall)}
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candorivf · 1 year
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Pregnancy is a very special and beautiful time period for every woman. This is the time when women need more attention and care.
Anemia in pregnancy is a major public health problem in India leading to health issues in the mother and the baby (fetus).
Foods that improve your Hemoglobin during Pregnancy :
Green leafy vegetables
Nuts & Dry Fruits
Non- Veg Sources : Chicken, fish, beef, eggs etc.
If have any doubts regarding Pregnancy, consult with best Gynecologist in Gujarat at Candorivf.com
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sweetlittlegingy · 2 years
Sweet Nothings
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☑︎ Next Chapter | Sweet Nothings Masterlist
☑︎ Pairing: Jake Seresin x Y/n Seresin (Mitchell)
☑︎ Word Count: 5.3 k
☑︎ Warnings: Infertility, IVF, Adoption, Dad!Jake, Teacher/Mom!Reader, Kindergarteners, Y/n mom is a bitch
☑︎ A/n: I'm so excited to share this one with you guys, and I hope you love it just as much as I do.
☑︎ Library (Follow for updates! I no longer have a taglist.)
You can’t seem to stop the shake in your leg while you sit on the bed, and as your hands run across the comforter you pick off a stray piece of lent. Your eyes dart back to the bathroom door, and the pregnancy test that sits on the counter waiting. The little pink and white stick is a hard contrast against the marble countertop, and you can’t help but glare at it.
It had been 4 weeks since your last treatment, and while the doctors said you would get a positive or negative test by the second week, you couldn’t help but wait. As if the extra two weeks would make the embryo take and you would finally be pregnant.
You and Jake had been trying to have a baby for, four years. Just after your one-year anniversary, you both decided that you were ready and that having a little one running around was the next step. You had been 26 and Jake was 28, it felt like the perfect time. Jake was doing amazing in his career and has been permanently stationed at Top Gun. While you had just been hired on as the kindergarten teacher at Bay Park Elementary. Everything was falling into place, just like you had both planned.
Though after the first year and a half with no success naturally, your OBGYN suggested IVF. She had told you that due to your irregular ovulation pattern you would have trouble the natural way and that IVF would fix everything. That was two and a half years ago, and you were now on your third treatment. Each of the past two ended in failure, and with the third result waiting in the bathroom, you didn’t know if you really wanted to check.
Jake had gotten up this morning for an early run, while you enjoyed the fact that it was Saturday, and you could sleep in for a little bit. Though the need to pee came only moments after Jake was out of the house and now you couldn’t go back to sleep. In the five-minute time span, you were supposed to wait, you had made the bed, eaten breakfast, and started a load of laundry. The recommended five minutes quickly turned into twenty and now you were silently sitting and staring from afar.
You knew that Jake would be home soon, his run usually took thirty to forty- five minutes depending on which route he took, and you didn’t need him walking in on you. You hadn’t told him that you were going to take a pregnancy test, and he never pushed you to. Jake had been wonderful through the whole ordeal, helping with the medication injects that “boosted” your ovulation and he had never missed an appointment. And yes, while your father might have been in charge of the Dagger Squad, he didn’t give Jake any special treatment… Well, not a lot and Jake always made sure to figure out his days. Plus, it helped that the IVF hospital was on base, at the San Diego Naval Medical Center. Yet another plus of being married into the military, your insurance offers reduced fees for IVF. It was still expensive, but cheap enough that you had been able to save for each treatment.
Though the grim outlook was the fact that usually after your third treatment, doctors suggested looking into other options. That was another reason you were avoiding the test, you didn’t think you could mentally or physically go through another round of IVF, even with added ideas.
The last four years had been a continuous loop of your body failing you and Jake. He never said it, God he would never. Jake treated you amazingly, but the small nagging voice in the back of your head played the words on repeat. You were a failure as a woman.
You glance at your watch once more, 7:32 am, Jake would be back anytime. It was now or never. You reluctantly push yourself from the comfort of your mattress and quite literally drag your feet to the bathroom. The tile floor has a shiver running up your spine and you silently curse the cooling weather.
It’s sitting upside down on the counter and you just stare at it for a moment. Hands twisting in anxiety as you slowly spin your wedding ring around your finger. The white stick sits there taunting you, begging you to look.
“Fuck it.”
Your hand snatches the test and flips it over before you can rethink the decision. Your fingers shake as you lift it, eyes zeroing in on the clear window where two pink little lines are supposed to be. A harsh breath leaves your chest, and you bite on your bottom lip to stop it from quivering. Your hands are working on autopilot, grabbing the test and wrapping it in toilet roll before tossing it in the small garbage can. You couldn’t look at the single line anymore. You had seen the exact same test results more times than you could count in the last four years and didn’t need to stare at it to know the answer.
Once again, your body had failed you.
Your hands gently brush across the side of your legs, before reaching forward to wash your hands. You dry them quickly, before glancing in the mirror and the small tear resting on your cheek has you releasing a harsh laugh. Your eyes fall shut as you suck your teeth in annoyance, before wiping the tear away and taking another deep calming breath. If it could work for your 5-year-olds, it could work for you.
“It’s fine.”
Your grasp the counter and roll back on your heels, then lean forward releasing another harsh breath. It wasn’t like your heart felt like it was breaking, nope defiantly not that feeling. Your hands harshly smack against the granite counter, and the palm of your hand stung. Though the pain is welcomed, anything that would distract from the ever-growing crack in your heart.
You hear the front door open and shut before Jake is calling out to you. You can hear his shoes padding along the hardwood floors, and you hate when another tear falls from you. You didn’t want to do this to Jake again. He never signed up for this, he wasn’t the broken one.
Your voice cracks and you grit your teeth in frustration. You can feel Jake’s gaze through the mirror, though you really don’t feel like looking. Not when you feel like an utter failure. Your nose sniffles slightly and your hands against the counter tighten, turning your knuckles white.
Your eyes raise to look at Jake through the mirror, though before you can look at him you catch sight of your face. Tear stricken and the harsh gasp you were working so hard to hold in falls. Your chin immediately falls back into your chest as a sob breaks from your lips, and before you know it Jake’s grasping onto you. He’s dripping in sweat, but you could care less, and you fall into his chest as he rocks you. One hand traces up and down your spine, while the other weaves in your hair to hold you as you sob. Every breath is followed by a harsh sob, and you can’t stop the words as they release.
“I’m sorry. I’m so sorry”
“No, baby. No.”
Jake’s hold on you tightens, as he lays kiss after kiss across the top of your head. You pull away slowly and the hand in your hair comes to rest against your cheek. His thumb rubs small circles and a shuttered breath has you fighting against the way your lips beg to tremble.
“It was negative.”
You watch as a forced smile tugs at his lips and the small tear that traces down his cheek, has you reaching a hand up to brush it away. Your thumb moves over the stubble on his cheek and you give him a small smile, that surely looks like a grimace.
“I love you.”
His words break your heart because it was one thing that you always knew, no matter what Jake would always love you. Even when you feel like he shouldn’t. You gently push up on your toes and place a soft kiss on his lips. It’s short and sweet, but just what you both needed. You settle back on your feet, while Jake cradles your face in both hands and places a kiss on your brow.
“I love you,” Another small unsteady breath falls, “and even though you say you don’t need it. I am s–” Jake’s hand stills your trembling lip as another onset of tears falls. “I am so sorry, that I can’t … I can’t give you a baby.”
The words all but leave your chest before you crumble to the floor as Jake grasps onto your shaking form. His arms wrap around you to pull you into his chest, as sweet nothings are whispered into your hair and you once again, wait for the tears to dry.
“Daniel, wait for your mom to cross the road.”
You were on pick-up duty this week and while the older kids were wonderful at waiting inside the school grounds for their parents, your 20 little ones always seemed to slip passed the gate. You wave back to Mrs. Johnson as she takes hold of Daniel's hand. A sigh leaves your body as you glance around and find the school yard nearly empty. 8 of your kids rode the bus and that was the 10th pick-up of the day, now you just had to wait for the twin's foster mother.
The cool wind of the November day cresses your body and causes you to shiver. You might have lived in San Diego, but that didn’t stop the recent set of lower-than-75-degree days you had been having. A sudden grip on your pant leg is followed by what you could only describe as a mini human heater and as you glance down your eyes meet a pair of icy blue ones belonging to one-half of the twins.
“Hi Gray, where’s sissy?” Your hand gently strokes through his sandy blonde hair, to push back the stray pieces that fall over his forehead.
“Laine went back inside. She was cold and I told her that she couldn’t go whifout you, but she not listen.”
A small shutter racks through his chest, and you have to hold your tongue when you see his evident lack of a jacket. Their foster parents weren’t exactly your favorite people, and you had learned firsthand that they were only keeping the twins for the cheque at the end of each month.
It was at the beginning of the school year, not even the second week in and you noticed immediately that the twins were only rotating through 3 sets of clothes. You had gone to visit Mrs. Adam’s, the school's Head Teacher, and she had explained the situation.
It was their 12th foster home in the last 5 years, and while you found them to be perfect little angels, sometimes crazy, but still angels others did not. You had tried to reach out to their foster parents, but after a phone call that ended in you crying, you didn’t bother with them anymore. You had tried to leave it alone; it wasn’t your place to pry, and you knew that the kids were physically safe.
That answer came from Madelaine, she was a talkative five-year-old that honestly reminded you of Jake, and most days she would chat with you about different things she had learned, mostly in concern to the ocean and its sea life. Though one day, out of nowhere she had come to sit with you and Grayson on the playground bench during recess and told you, “He likes you cause you are nice and warm. Plus, you don’t push us like Mr. Meanie's face did.” It had stunned you for a moment, while Laine wasn’t affected by the words, little Gray had gone ridged at your side and clasped onto your hand. You had questioned her and found out that it was one of the other 12 foster homes. You didn’t push for specifics, not wanting to upset either of them, though Laine had told you that they only got in trouble when Gray did something wrong.
“He doesn’t mean to. Sometimes his eyeballs just go funny.”
Your gaze moved between the two of them, a questioning look on your face, before asking Gray to explain. That was how you had figured out he needed glasses, lucky the school provided testing, and not even two days after the test, you had him in a little pair of wire-framed glasses. You had him pick them out the day he had the testing, and without a second thought, you bought them.
You buying them things had become a regular occurrence. While the kids didn’t know it was you giving them clothes, Mrs. Adams made sure that they had whatever you gave her. Though now looking at Grayson you curse yourself for not thinking of “winter” coats before and mentally add it to the list to pick up when you and Jake are next at the mall.
“Come on my darling, let’s go find Miss Madelaine.”
Gray unwinds from your tan pant leg, before grasping your hand and tugging you forward. You glance behind you, up and down the road to check if their car is anywhere in sight, and find an empty street. You and Grayson make your way back into the school, stopping to ask Ms. Reynolds to call their foster parents, before heading down to your classroom.
“Did you know when a plane goes like this,” The hand not holding yours reached up and turns over, with his palm facing up. “it’s called in– inverturd”
You glance down at the little boy as he slightly adjusts the glasses on his face while waiting for your reply.
“Inverted, Gray. With an ‘e’”
You found out recently that while at home the kids either watched tv or played on a shared tablet, from an anonymous individual this last month. The twins weren’t allowed to go outside, and the pair barely had any toys, which left them to learn all sorts of things.
You learned early on in the school year that the Gray loved planes and watched an array of war movies. While Laine loved the ocean and watched the discovery channel quite religiously. The fact that they were watching movies and shows not explicitly meant for children had your gut twisting, but they had told you that the house didn’t have children’s channels. So, the next best option was military films and shark week, Laine’s favorite. That had come directly from Laine after she explained that they were learning at least unlike other kids, she was the bona fide sassy one of the pair.
Your classroom comes into view, the fall-decorated door stands ajar and Madelaine sits at your desk eating a pack of gummies. She has both hers and Gray's backpacks sitting on the floor, while she hums along to the music coming from the Alexa on your desk.
“Good job bringing Ms. CeeCee, Gray.” You glance down at the small boy still grasping your hand, his eyes remain on his sister though a big smile spreads across his face. Laine wiggles another bag of gummies at Gray, and he drops your hand, quick to grab the snack from his sister.
“Miss Laine, what do you think you’re doing in here?” You try to appear stern though a smile breaks across your face as she gives you a toothless grin. Her middle bottom tooth had fallen out just last week, and it made her smile all the more cute.
“I was cold, and Janice wasn’t coming anyway. She never does.” The small grimace she gives you makes your heartache.
“I know, but I’m here and we can do some crafts while waiting. Ms. Reynolds in the office is trying to call her.”
You glance up at the clock and see that it's nearing 5 pm. You glance back to the twins and find Grayson meticulously gluing things to his paper in a pattern. While Madelaine has used every color of feather you have, on a crown that now rests on her head. You didn’t mind staying after with the kids, what was frustrating was the lack of care that their “parent” was displaying.
“I’m just going to go see if Ms. Reynolds has heard anything, you two be good while I’m gone.”
Gray only nods in reply as his tongue peeks out between his lips in concentration. Laine gives you a cheeky smile, followed by a ‘mkay.’ Your shoes click against the tile floors, and you wave to Mrs. Rogers, the 5th-grade teacher, that’s shutting off lights for the night.
The office isn’t far from your room, and you find a frustrated Mrs. Adams that’s sitting and talking with Ms. Reynolds. They glance at you at the sound of you knocking on the door frame, and you already know the answer.
Jake had gotten off a little early, the team had run drills all morning and then Jake was stuck doing paperwork. He was more than happy when he finished that last of the paperwork at 4:30 and decided to leave early.
He slips in the truck, though before he can head out there’s a knock against his window. Jake glances over, before rolling down the window for Mav. Jake had been surprised when he got called back for the Dagger Squad and even more surprised to find out that his father-in-law was in charge. You had been married for just over a year when Jake got called back to Top Gun and you both couldn’t have been happier to come back.
“Have you talked to Y/n yet?”
The older man sighs while leaning up against the truck, he grabs the ball cap from his head while running his hand through his hair. He was clearly stressed about something, and it had to have occurred in the last 4 hours because Maverick had been perfectly fine this morning.
“No, I was just about to call her about dinner. What’s up?” Jake questions slightly confused.
“She must be ignoring Lanell. The woman’s called me twice today, wanting to know about the last round of treatment.”
A harsh sigh leaves Jake at the mention of your mother. Lanell was an interesting woman, to say the least, and your relationship was almost nonexistent. She had a habit of putting you down, and during the last treatment, she had said some unforgivable things about your lacking ability.
“Y/n blocked her and she’s lucky that’s all that happened.”
Mav’s brow furors slightly in question and leans farther into Jake’s truck.
“Lanell told Y/n that unless she got pregnant, she was a failure as a woman.” Jake’s head slightly shakes, still astounded by what your mother had said. “I don’t hit women, but by God, I wanted to lay her out.”
Mav slowly blinks at Jake, before dropping his head and pinching the bridge of his nose. A harsh laugh falls from the man, followed by a deep breath before he’s looking back at a less-than-happy Jake.
“Every time she calls me, I regret having a child with her. Why couldn’t I have just been smart from the beginning and had Y/n with Penny.”
Another laugh falls from Jake, as he shakes his head in agreement. With a nod, Mav is pushing off Jake’s door and tells him that he will handle your mother.
The drive home isn’t long, and the chill of the day is crisp and exactly the type of weather Jake loved. Living in California didn’t exactly mean that there was a fall and having days like these made Jake miss the cool weather.
Pulling into your drive, Jake notices your missing car and reaches for his phone to call you. Even when Jake got off early, if it was after 4:30 you were usually home before him. There had been times in the past, but they were few and far between.
The buzzing causes the whole table to shake and has both of the kids looking up from their current art projects. Their eyes bounce from the phone and back to one another. Madelaine is reaching for it before Grayson can stop her, as a teasing smile followed by a giggle erupts from her.
“You shouldn’t touch Ms. CeeCee’s phone, that’s not nice.”
“It’s not nice to ignore phone call’s either.”
Gray falls silent at the comment, before glaring at his sister and going back to his beads. Laine does a small dance in her chair in victory, before pushing the green answer button.
“Ummm, Hi”
“Who’s this.”
Grayson glances back at his sister and then to the door, in hopes that you’ll show up and take the phone from Laine. He didn’t want to get in trouble and would be completely fine with letting his sister take the fall for this.
“I’m Jake, where is Mrs. Seresin?”
“I’m Madelaine. Ms. CeeCee went to the office, but you can talk to me.”
A laugh echoes through the phone and a wide grin breaks across Laine’s face. Gray looks up when he hears the quiet laugh and finds his sissy with her tongue out at him. His own tongue pokes out at her before he gets up to move closer to the phone. Laine notices Gray’s sudden interest and brings the phone down to set it on the tabletop. The twins silently look at the phone’s call screen before Gray finds the speaker button and Jake’s voice echoes through the room.
“Mr. Jake, my bubba is here too. Gray, say hi.” She nudges at the boy’s shoulder, who only looks at her before shaking his head. “It’s not nice to ignore people Gray. How would you feel if Mr. Jake ignored us?”
A smile breaks across Jake’s face at the young girl, though makes sure he doesn’t laugh and waits for Grayson to speak.
“Hi.” His voice is small and it’s only a little peep from him, but Jake’s heart aches at the sound of the pair together.
Before Jake can say anything else, he hears a high-pitched squeal followed by your laughter and the shuffle of the phone.
His voice is still on loudspeaker, the echo gives it away and his question is followed by two separate voices saying ‘yes?’ One is clearly your voice, while the other is undeniably the cheeky little spitfire that had been holding a full conversation with him. A full laugh falls from Jake and he can’t help but smile at how adorable both kids were, even if Grayson didn’t talk much. Jake just knew the pair of them were adorable, trouble, but adorable.
“Not the little darlin’, Ms. CeeCee Darlin’.”
You can hear the giggling of the pair before you even reach the door of your classroom, though you hadn’t expected to hear Jake’s voice ringing through the classroom. You walk in trying to be as quiet as possible, not wanting to interrupt the twins. Their art projects sit abandoned, while Laine sits up on her knees in a chair, leaning over your phone with the biggest smile on her face. Gray stands at her side, leaning against the table but looking between the phone and Laine before a small ‘hi’ is mumbled from his lips.
They are completely consumed with the conversation with Jake, which gives you the perfect distraction, so you can sneak up on them. You slowly walk across the room, making sure to avoid anything that would make noise. As you get next to them you almost laugh at how consumed they are, though you're quick to reach out and tickle them both on their sides. Gray only jumps as a small squeak is released, while Laine jumps full-on and releases a scream. Both kids spin around, their own hands coming out to tickle at you now and making you laugh.
Jake’s laugh is followed by him calling for you, though you weren’t prepared for Madelaine to answer as well. Gray silently laughs at your hip, while Laine wears a shameless smile that only grows when you shake your head. Your hand tracks through her long dirty blonde hair, it was a few shades darker than Grayson’s, though their eyes were the exact same shade of blue. You take the phone from the table and gently tell the kids to begin putting their crafts away, while you talk with Mr. Jake.
“Hi, honey.”
“Hey, darlin’. You got the phone back from the twin terrors?”
His voice is teasing, and you can’t help the smile that crosses your lips as you watch them clean up. You listen to Jake and hum in answer to his question about dinner, though your main focus stays on the twins as they work in tandem perfectly together. You agree to pick up something on the way home, and that you shouldn’t be too late.
“Darlin’ did you hear me?”
The words pull your attention back to the phone call that you were still on.
“I’m sorry honey, I was just watching the twins clean up and get ready to go.” Your voice is soft and holds a longing that makes your and Jake’s hearts ache.
“They stayed late today, is everything okay?”
Jake knew bits about their story, though you tried hard not to bring your work home with you. The both of you already had so much going on that consumed your thoughts daily, that worrying about the twins more than you already did, would lead to disaster.
“Yeah, I will explain when I get home. I’m going to get them ready to go though, I love you.”  
“I love you, darlin’. Drive safe, I’ll see you soon.”
You take a deep breath as you hang up, clearing your mind of the silent longing that the wish the twins were yours. That they were going home with you to Jake, in a warm loving home that always put them first. Though the thought only creates room for heartbreak and so you push it to the back of your mind as you get ready to leave.
You watch as Janice gets the twins in the car, though she doesn’t bother with helping them buckle, and a deep anger blooms in your chest. Though it’s eased as you see both kids get the latches in place, and a smile crosses your face when they wave to you with small smiles.
Your smile stays in place until the car disappears down the street, then it falls, and you wrap your arms around yourself as you make your way to your car. The cool air plays no part in how your heart clenches and the small squeeze you give yourself before getting in the car to head home.
The drive home was fast, given that it was late enough that the rush had already passed. The stop at the Italian place was even quicker and luckily easy, given that Jake had called your order in and you just had to pick it up. Your hip pushes against the car door causing it to close, as you hold the takeout in one hand and your school bag in the other.
A small smile graces your lips as you see the front door open, and Jake already has his hand out to take part in your load. He is quick to grab the steaming Italian food, but you reach up and pull him into a sweet kiss before he can pull away. The food and school bag sit in your hands completely forgotten, as Jake places a kiss on the top of your head as you rest against his chest.
He gives your hip a tiny squeeze before he pulls away to lead you into the kitchen. You drop your bag in the hall and kick off your shoes before following Jake. He’s already got the table set and you place a kiss on his cheek in thanks, as he places the different containers from the Italian place out.
The slow tune of Bing Crosby floats through the kitchen and you smile as Jake slowly hums along to the track. You skirt around each other, and after five years of marriage, you know each other like the back of your hand and work flawlessly together. A laugh falls from your lips as Jake’s arms wrap around your waist and turn you in his arms to dance along to the old vinyl.
“How’s my best girl doing?”
The words are spoken against your hair, and you hum as he spins you out, before bringing you back in his arms.
“I’m good.” Your words ring out though there’s a hitch in your words that has Jake waiting for you to continue while he sways you. “I just don’t understand. They don’t care about them; how can you just forget about picking up your children.” A small sniffle comes from you that has Jake pulling you back, and as his hand settles on your cheek your lips twist in annoyance. “She didn’t even check to make sure they were buckled.”
Tears gather in your eyes as Jake’s lips brush against your brow, and you can’t stop them as they start falling. His hand tracks across your face and sweeps the hair from your eyes to tuck it gently behind your ear. He watches you in silence, with a frown marring his face at the words.
Jake knew how much having a child meant to you, it meant just as much to him, but seeing you so heartbroken over it was almost worse than the actual fact. You had mentioned the twins to Jake before, though you never went fully in-depth. Even without you telling him every small detail concerning their life, Jake knew how much they meant to you.
Hell, Jake knew that you had started buying them clothes, after finding a bag marked ‘twins’ in your car. After that, he may or may not, have gone out and got them a few things. Including the tablet that they so dearly loved. Jake had given the pile of items to Mrs. Adams one day and asked her not to tell you. The elderly woman only smiled at him and gave him a wink, before taking the items. Jake didn’t even know the children and yet he felt a connection with them. Having the call today only confirmed that they were absolutely perfect, hell raisers, but perfect.
You shuffle in Jake's hold and brush the stray tears from your face, while you lean back against the counter. You pull Jake with you and wrap your arms around his waist easily, silently toying with the band of his sweatpants.
“How is it fair that they get to have children and they don’t even care. Meanwhile, we try and try, and it never happens.” Another broken sob, “I would love them so much. I do love them so much, but they aren’t ours and they’re never going to be ours.”
The final words are no more than a whisper from your lips, but Jake hears them perfectly. The food on the table is easily forgotten as Jake pulls your whimpering form into his hold, in the only way that he knows how to comfort you. It wasn’t a problem that Jake could just fix and the harsh truth, that only time would tell, was not something he would ever get used to.
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hiiragi7 · 1 year
What’s wrong with people who take HRT describing themselves as chemically intersex? If your body is different after treatment that does make you technically chemically intersex does it not?
It does not.
And, to be very blunt with you, simplifying us down to our sex characteristics is intersexist.
Being intersex is not only about your sex characteristics. It's also about lived experience, and the differences in sex characteristics must be something inherent to your body, not induced medically.
A lot of intersex advocacy revolves around getting people to recognize us as a natural variation of human sex. (This is not to say that people transitioning through HRT are "not natural", but rather placing emphasis that being intersex is something inherent and unchangeable about your body which happens on its own without external influence - A perisex person can't become intersex, and an intersex person can't become perisex)
Because people on HRT have their effects induced through medication, also, it is not the same as an intersex person whose body works like that without external influences. If a trans woman were to take puberty blockers and take E, she would be able to stop HRT at any time and resume T production and would see the masculinizing effects of that. However, someone with CAIS cannot ever use T even though their body produces it.
Or, as another example, no amount of HRT will give you a 3-beta enzyme deficiency, so your experiences are inherently different from mine, who has 3-beta deficient CAH.
Being intersex also commonly comes with health issues, and is not just about our sex characteristics. For me, I have problems across my entire body due to my CAH, because I have a problem with my hormone production.
Additionally, being intersex comes with community trauma and struggles that perisex people broadly do not experience in the same way.
Perisex people generally (Though I'm sure there are exceptions) do not have to worry so much about their doctors hiding medical records about their birth sex or infant sex surgeries from them, or coerced hormones, or growing up with forced sex reassignment surgeries with multiple surgical corrections and scarring and chronic pain, or your entire family hiding things about you being born intersex from you, or the bullying that comes from being 'visibly' intersex, or the confusion and self-hate and anxiety that often comes when you realize you are not developing the same way your peers are, or people pressuring you to shave your facial hair to hide your intersex features, or being teased about your intersex features, or being sexualized for them, or realizing you may be/are infertile, or the feelings and identity confusion that often come with finding out you're intersex, or feeling isolated in spaces you should feel welcomed in because of how intersexist they are.
There's also the longer-term trauma from growing up in an intersexist society and knowing about what they do to people like you even if you managed to scrape by without a lot of the above mentioned things happening to you directly.
Not every intersex person will call themselves traumatized due to intersexist trauma, but it is so prevalent in the community that I feel a need to mention it. Intersex people experience unique types of discrimination and have unique life experiences that perisex transgender people simply do not experience in the same way.
Finally, people calling themselves intersex due to HRT makes it much harder for intersex people to speak about their issues when they are drowned out by trans people using our language for their own purposes. How are we meant to talk about things intersex people specifically experience or talk about intersexism if every trans person who is medically transitioning is now considered intersex?
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storiesbyjes2g · 4 months
3.116 What if
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One morning, I got up, determined to ease back into the SimTube game. I wasn't quite ready to make another video, so I opted to read and respond to comments, mostly apologizing for my absence. Scrolling and reading through them, I began to understand why my one video performed so well. The comments were predominantly from thirsty girls shooting their shots. It was kinda weird knowing women drooling over me fueled my success, but it got me paid, so... Sophia would have a field day with that one.
I heard her march downstairs, enter the bathroom, and turn on the tub. Minutes later, the toilet flushed. Then, the crying started. Though I loved and admired her tenacity, I couldn't take much more of her heartbreak. The treatments should have worked already. Was the doctor wrong? It felt like we were dealing with infertility, not low fertility. Suddenly, a heaviness accompanied by a random yet à propos thought fell on me. What if she wasn't the only one with a problem? What if I was the reason she hadn't gotten pregnant yet? As chilling as that thought was, it gave me a weird sense of hope. If I had a problem, maybe a doctor could fix it. I got up immediately and left the house as quietly as I could because I didn't want to Sophia hear me leaving while she was in there bawling her eyes out. I went to the hospital to get my fertility checked, and it turned out I too had low fertility. Of course I did. Nothing in my life was ever easy. The doctor gave me the same schpiel: try the treatments blah blah blah...artificial insemination yada yada yada...adoption and surrogacy womp womp womp. We were painfully aware of our options, but of course he didn't know that. I hadn't given up hope that we could birth our own child, but I knew Sophia wouldn't want us spending more time and money on those treatments, especially since we both needed them now. I told the doctor we would probably want to do IVF and asked if I could go ahead and leave a sample, and he said yes.
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When I got home, Sophia was entertaining Chris Michaelson. We lived next door to them now, and he came to welcome us.
"Luca! Where'd you go?" she asked.
"Uhhh...I'll tell you later."
Seeing him under these circumstances reminded me Celeste had mentioned their children were adopted. I chatted and caught up with him for a bit, but when Sophia was out of earshot, I got down to business and asked him about his experience with adopting children. I hadn't realized Celeste was a trans woman, so they had always planned to adopt. Though their experience differed greatly from ours, I still enjoyed hearing about his life and the joy his children brought him. Time had flown by crazy fast, though. When I first met them, Orion, their daughter, was just a baby. Now she was in high school! And their son, Atlas, was married. I still felt as young as I was back then, but my birthday came barreling around the corner right behind Sophia's. Mama used to look at Less and I and jokingly ask us to stop growing. I totally understood what she meant now.
Speaking of Less, she texted me, inviting us to bar hop with her and some friends. First of all, since when did she have friends? Secondly, weren't we too old to be bar hopping like university students? Third, I didn't feel like being social. I had some potentially devastating news to share with my wife, and who knew if she would be up for it. Unfortunately for me, Sophia was nearby when my notification chime went off, and I made the mistake of groaning after reading the message. Naturally, she asked what was wrong, and I told her of the invite. She was in a good mood at the time and insisted I accept.
"Maybe that guy she was swooning about will be there," she said.
I did want to meet that schmuck and see what kind of spell he put on my sister. I also didn't want to ruin Sophia's good mood with my news, so I replied and told Less we'd be there. The tears could wait until tomorrow.
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reasonsforhope · 1 year
A new drug was able to quickly and temporarily immobilize sperm in male mice, according to a study published Tuesday in Nature Communications, a discovery researchers described as a “game-changer” that could pave the way for a male contraceptive pill and could ultimately allow men to share equal responsibility with women for birth control.
A single oral dose of the drug immobilized mice sperm for up to two and a half hours and was 100% effective in the first two hours, the researchers said.
Treated mice showed normal mating behavior but none impregnated a mate despite 52 different attempts to do so, the researchers said, compared to almost a third of mice impregnating mates after being treated with an inactive control substance.
The drug is fast-acting—Melanie Balbach, one of the study’s authors and a researcher at Weill Cornell Medicine, said it worked within 30 to 60 minutes—and works by inhibiting an enzyme needed for sperm to function.
It is also temporary, with efficacy dropping to 91% at three hours and fertility returning to normal by the next day.
These properties set the drug apart from many of the other efforts to develop a male contraceptive, the researchers said, which often rely on hormones to control fertility and can take weeks or months to be effective or to wear off.
The study demonstrates proof-of-concept for “safe, non-hormonal, on-demand, male contraceptives,” the researchers said, and while it may work in theory any product will be many years and a great deal of testing in the future.
-via Forbes, 2/14/23
And there is ANOTHER breakthrough with a different method from just two months later:
A ground-breaking contraceptive pill for men could be just around the corner after a major genetic breakthrough. Scientists at Washington State University have identified a gene which temporarily renders sperm infertile after they remove it.
The research team discovered a protein encoded by this gene, found solely in the testicular tissue of most mammals, which reduced sperm counts and deformed remaining sperm to make them incapable of fertilizing an egg when altered. The potentially historic breakthrough contraceptive pill would also have no hormonal side-effects and could be additionally help control animal overpopulation — replacing castration.
Crucially, the destabilization of the infertility protein is not permanent, meaning sperm will recover once the person or animal stops taking the treatment. Scientists have hailed the discovery as potentially important for the future of the human race. In their study, researchers identified the expression of a gene called Arrdc5 in the testicular tissue of mice, pigs, cattle, and humans...
However, disrupting the functions of this protein will not require any hormonal interference, a key hurdle considering the multiple roles testosterone plays beyond sperm production in men, including the building of bone mass and muscle strength as well as red blood cell production. The team also says that designing a drug which only targets this protein would further make it easily reversible as a contraceptive.
-via Study Finds, 4/19/23
Note: Please excuse the cissexist language from the sources here, which I have not edited out for accuracy, etc. The Forbes article does respectfully discuss trans and nonbinary people and their birth control needs further down.
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omegaversetheory · 4 months
Assuming that the A/B/O labels are based in genetics, I Wonder if you have any headcannons for genetic disorders?
In my AU, I like to imagine that some people usually believe that persons who have an "extra alpha chromosome" or an "extra omega chromosome" are blessed because they would be like "super alphas" or "super omegas" due their increased capacities when it comes to strenght, size, fertilitie...when in reality they are only partially true.
Sure, those "super alphas and omegas" are more "powerful" when it comes to these característics, but overall, they arent sacred individuals nor super heroes or nothing like that, they are chronically ill people that usually present a lot of health complications that in most cases overcomplicates their daily lives or even can shorten their lifespans (for example, said "super omegas" would be way smaller than the average omega, which usualy leads to frequent bone pains due the incorrect development and consequent malformation of their bones) I also imagine said "super alphas and omegas" being very prone to suffer mental illnesses since the massive amount of hormones they segregate would make them turn into very problematic individuals in general (for example making omegas to be extremely volatile and emotionally irrational individuals, or alphas to have a weird mix between a higly stoic nature and maximized protection instincts, causing them to either become toxic/ manipulative or directly psychopats)
What an interesting idea. In my au, well I've never thought about it, but I'd also say that they would be ill, if not extremely chronically ill, people. Depending which age you're writing in, I'd venture to guess there just may not be many of these people around - they would've died very young without the proper medication and constant treatment. That also leads into a larger scientific question about how many chromosomes people in omegaverse have and how exactly their genetics operate. A conversation I'd need a much better grasp of biology and genetics to answer! So I leave it "behind the curtain" in my au, and in fact it's never come up. But if it does, I'll be sure to post.
My notion that having extra chromosomes may result in chronic illness is based on the idea that they probably have more chromosomal pairs or some other genetic system - one that would make the extra material very unlike the human world. Here we see trisomy - which leads to conditions like Down Syndrome. People with DS can now live very fulfilling and rich lives, but it wasn't always that way and it still isn't smooth sailing for many.
I don't use the "super powered" "ultra alpha/omega" headcanons in my au but let's see what we can whip up for you.
It gives the bearer a stronger scent and a better ability to interpret other people's scents.
Decreases fertility and ability to reproduce
Longer heats/ruts that are more intense emotionally/mentally and may cause pain like cramping, migraines, and nose bleeds.
May cause allergic reactions to foods, natural products, etc... This is a common sign (besides infertility) of the condition. Common allergies include - dairy, wheat, some meat products, and nightshades. Some bearers may also have allergic reactions to biological fluids and substances that are not their own including saliva and other natural lubricants.
Have a slightly higher endurance.
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sara2399 · 2 years
Best Ayurvedic hospital in Chennai | Ayurvedic hospital in Chennai | Best Ayurvedic Centre in Chennai
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Chennai Natural Treatment Clinic Known for the best Ayurveda Hospital and provides holistic Ayurvedic treatments and therapies, cures all diseases in authentic way.
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