#natsumi talks fandom
tamamatango · 1 month
Friendship Power Scaling (normal thing to do)
Hello space frog fans, how’s everyone? Take another random off-the-cuff analysis post while I procrastinate on the more significant things I’m supposed to be doing (including the Project I plan to reveal when I put up the next part of said project) because I feel like my brain is melting like candle wax these days.
Here’s a topic I’m sure people have thought about but not really put a quantification to: I will be ranking the Keroro Platoon and their partners by their mutual closeness, as in which have the most believable Platonic Soulmates dynamic. (Read: strictly platonic we do not ship any of these in this house.) Why? Idk do I look like I know why I do anything?
So first place is Keroro and Fuyuki. Duh. Literal world-saving levels of bestest best besties forever, would be completely devastated without each other, needs very little explanation really. I guess it is sort of funny that in terms of demeanor they are maybe the least similar out of the duos but they adore each other so much it just doesn’t even matter.
Second I would say is Dororo and Koyuki. Koyuki rescued Dororo both physically and emotionally and completely changed his outlook on everything pretty much, and Dororo is Koyuki’s only real constant in her life from the village. Dororo is pretty overtly more loyal to her and their shared duty to the Earth than he is to the platoon lmao. More pronounced in the manga but still. It’s kinda hard to pinpoint their exact relationship (siblings? Dororo is her dad? Koyuki is his emotional support human?) but their bond is definitely Very Special. Even in the new project trailer Koyuki is holding him, they are so friggin sweet dude.
For third I’m gonna be spicy and say it’s Kururu and Saburo yes I am very biased but hear me out. Despite being the only pair that doesn’t live together it is heavily implied that they are near perfectly in sync but just have a really weird indirect communication system that’s sort of obscured from the audience and even more so the rest of the cast. They act nonchalant about it but they will drop whatever they’re doing immediately if the other needs a solid no questions asked. In the manga they’re even more openly buddy-buddy with all the 親友 and マブダチ talk (anime Kururu is tsun af and pretends he’s too cool for friendship) but they get even less screen time together so rip. I’ve spent more than enough time on these two before but yeah they have extreme best bro energy everyone else just isn’t big-brained enough to Get It.
Fourth is Tamama and Momoka. They’re very much cut from the same cloth and are definitely like siblings, helps that they’re the closest in age out of all the pairs (Tamama might even be a little younger than Momoka depending on what exact Keronian age theory you subscribe to). Momoka pampers Tamama like a pet, they occasionally boost each other via training, and Tamama helps with Momoka’s Love Schemes. But despite the fact that they are kindred spirits in several ways I think they put their pursuits of Keroro and Fuyuki a little above their friendship. And Momoka is not afraid to just kinda kick Tama’s ass, sometimes for good reason sometimes for no reason lol. They still love each other they’re just not as deep in each other’s heads as the higher duos.
And finally the take that would get me tarred and feathered in earlier Keroro fandom days which is putting Giroro and Natsumi last. Okay, so we know Giroro is for better or worse extremely dedicated to Natsumi in an arguably unhealthy way (well, it’s not rly arguable lol, but it’s more innocuous if you headcanon father figure theory and not The Other Thing). But does Giroro have the same level of importance to Natsumi? Eh, I mean she sees him as a close family friend and she obviously really cares about him plus certainly favors hanging out with him well over the other little guys (though she is closer with Keroro than it seems), but I think the affection is very lopsided on one end here. They both have a warrior-like disposition and a soft side but idk how much they relate outside that. And they’re not really each other’s clear BFF in the same way the other duos are since Natsumi has Koyuki and Giroro has Keroro (and Dororo as part of the RGB trio but it’s Keroro who is specifically stated to be his Best Friend in the manga). Their friendship is very cute but they just don’t have the same Unbreakable Bond Sauce that the others have yknow. And sadly they kinda Have to be a little less good at reading each other for the Giroro pining over her jokes to land. Sadly.
Well that’s it, kind of ironic the explanations got longer the lower down the list but that’s more where I felt I had to justify my positions. Like nobody is going to argue me about Keroro and Fuyuki right. At least I hope not because then I think we might have watched a different show? I mean I guess they win a bit less overwhelmingly in Sgt Frog Abridged maybe you watched that. Fuyuki gives Keroro a speech about how fucked up he is in that one that was surprisingly metal
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fictional-evidence · 11 months
Reading that post gave me flashbacks to this ongoing RP blog that characterized Nagito as a memey caricature and had Hajime act as a self-insert for the writer to vent their contempt for the character. It did eventually tone down the Nagito bashing, since the aim of the story was healing for everybody. And I guess the writer had enough self-awareness to realize they'd look like massive fucking hypocrite to keep endorsing that shit. But man it was exhausting. I distinctly recall they lambasted the OVA for Nagito being a "karma houdini".
It was always makes me laugh when Nagito and the OVA gets cited as one of the most unforgivable things about the anime. His characterization in Despair Arc is arguably one of the LEAST butchered of Class 77-B. People just singled him out because they couldn't wrap their heads around the idea that he's multifaceted and generally doesn't go around trying to start murders outside of a killing game. And the OVA is one of the few parts of the anime besides stuff like Natsumi's expansion that actually added some more character depth. The implication that deep down Nagito has always subconsciously hated what talent has done to the world of Danganronpa and to his life adds a whole extra layer of tragedy to the character.
Maybe I'm reaching a bit. But I feel like there's a strong overlap between Hinanami shippers and people who downplay loads of canon evidence that Hajime cares about Nagito, and vice versa. Like you said in your post, it's not even a matter of being pro-Komahina. I still like to play around with other ships (Hinatsumi, Komaegi, Komazumi, etc.) from time to time. It's simply a matter of acknowledging that they give a damn about each other, regardless if that's romantic, platonic, or whatever.
Thanks for adding something to the conversation.
I genuinely make no idea what blog are you talking about. You don't need to mention which one it is, I'm not participating in the fandom outside of making KomaHina/KamuKoma content.
In my opinion, Danganronpa 3 is actually the worst part of the Danganronpa franchise. It turned AI into a human and ignored entirely the strong bond Hinata and Komaeda formed in the game (do they know that you can have bonds outside of romance?) They turned Komaeda into some criminal and created some plot holes like in the case of Twilight Syndrome Murder Case (who played SDR2 should notice the errors that anime created). OVA is closer to the games than DR3 because, unlike the anime, it was written by Kodaka himself.
I noticed it, too, that people who ship it have tendencies to ignore a good part of canon for the sake of their ship and "ha ha, KomaHina isn't canon". Excuse me, their ship isn't canon either because there are no canon ships in Danganronpa (+ Nanami is dead so it can't become canon).
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Have here something cute (you probably know it but why not to add something sweet to the conversation)
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suffarustuffaru · 4 months
I think Subaru remaining a child is actually a very purposeful choice?
It allows us to explore Subaru as his child prodigy self, and who he would be if he had come to this world as that version of himself instead of at the age of 17, and who is VERY different from the Subaru we’ve come to love over the course of the series so far. He’s more brash and arrogant, WAY more cutthroat, and even though I don’t think he’s lost that compassionate core of his personality, he does lack a great deal of the sympathy and kindness that’s defined his character so far. Like, older!Subaru would absolutely not have abused RBD like this, especially not after Arc 4, and it is turning him into something that is genuinely terrifying. Like, you said that Arc 8 would not have changed if Subaru was returned to his normal self but — I actually COMPLETELY disagree with that, because while the general plotbeats might remain the same so far, Natchuki Subawu is a MONSTER. He’s paralleling every IF Route so far, he’s disregarding his life as a tool, he’s dismissing other people’s wills and wants for how they live their own lives, and he’s explicitly been using RBD in a way that prevents them from developing unfavorable opinions of him (Gladiator Island) and is now promising to keep using it with Jamal and Berstetz in order to prevent them from dying “noble deaths” on the battlefield (which is a complicated subject, but is current way of dealing with that conundrum is just him going “I’ll just bring you back lol”).
I really believe that Natsuki Subaru would not have done any of this — at the very least, not to this extent. Natchuki Subawu is allowing Tappei to explore 1) a version of Subaru we have been told existed but have not been properly introduced to until now (his child prodigy self, before his mental health spiraled and he ended up alone and anxious) and 2) a version of Subaru that is turning into something really, really terrifying — and I honestly believe he’s going to end up getting very severely punished for this by the end of Arc 8.
(I just took that line in your previous post talking about why Subaru is remaining as Subawu for so long as an excuse to dump my thoughts in your inbox lol, sorry)
hey anon!! no need to apologize hah, in my last ask i invited anyone who disagreed with my stance on the childbaru arc (given my general opinion being “i get Why its there but i Dont Like It and dont feel its 100% necessary”) because 1. id love to learn more about the intricacies of this arc!! subaru is such a complex interesting character as well on top of that!! and 2. i feel like some people, not just me in this fandom, have some mixed feelings on the childbaru arc so im very curious to hear from people who are bigger fans of this arc yes!! i would like to expand my horizons and all ☝️☝️
and also its been a while and im only answering your ask just now Oops but my feelings on childbaru have changed over time for sure 👍 just a little bit. and i didnt explain myself super well in past posts!!
yeah so. you really delivered on very succinctly explaining the purpose of the arc and you have such a great understanding of the plot and the effect this all has on subaru!! (i also appreciate you using “natchuki subawu” HAH we should all stop using childbaru or something and just use “natchuki subawu” now because that has gotta be one of my favorite rezero chapter titles ever). and also all the points you bring up are really really good!! and it takes all of my more in depth thoughts on it out of my head because yeah, its why i dont Entirely dislike the childbaru arc. in fact, its why i like it hah.
it’s absolutely a very purposeful decision. as much as the symbolism has the subtlety of a hammer (i can respect that though <3). it builds off of the natsumi arc and subarus previous major arcs (arcs 1-3, arc 4, arc 5, and amnesiabaru in arc 6) in a very interesting way and shows subaru regressing to Horrifying extents thats still different yet fascinatingly reminiscent of the if routes. i like a lot of aspects about the childbaru arc for this reason—the complexities of subarus character in general, the themes regarding Heroism and Image, more Horrifying exploration of rbd, the way subaru is reaching whole new heights but extreme lows (like the suicide pill) and is likely bound to be narratively punished for regressing at some point!! because tappei doesnt Usually hold back on punishing subaru, so i have next to zero doubt that he’ll deliver on that hopefully!! childbaru is a Regression overall in more ways than one, which is an idea ive warmed up to for sure because its fascinating!! i also am pretty fond of childbarus design—his outfit is very nice and fits him perfectly imo, and ive always liked the decision to add green to subarus color palette post-arc 5. his color palette quite Literally depicts him having a more colorful palette to match the colorful fantasy world around him, i think. and it just looks really nice with the warm yellow/orange.
but okay enough about me gushing over subarus character design, back to the topic at hand!! yeah so. i still have Some mixed feelings on childbaru despite all the Purposeful Intent behind it and all the things i like about it.
and my only reason is like. okay i feel like this is super petty but at the same time HAH. i Really dont like how subaru declares louis as spica, his daughter, when they both look the same exact age 😭😭😭 i have a few personal problems with louis’s arc 7-8 storyline anyway, as much as i like her causing drama in arc 8, but im hoping tappei proves me wrong on that with the rest of her arc but. anyway.
yeah like subaru and spica both look 12 yrs old 😭😭😭 preteen adoptive dad moment??? its just so incredibly awkward and i feel like the impact of that scene did not Hit. both in the sense that the entire time i was thinking “subaru you look like a kid just like louis how the fuck are you her adoptive dad” and also my personal problems and opinions regarding arc 7-8 louis means i dont care about her too much so that scene did not Land for me. but thats mainly a personal thing!! and i might change my mind on it later but yeah like. louis is always gonna be my biggest beef with arc 7-8, which i talked about a bit in previous posts iirc??
as for subaru, i def like both the natsumi and childbaru arcs and completely understand their purpose. i respect tappeis crazy wild character development hes done with subaru—its absolutely amazing. but i do kinda wish the transition from natsumi to childbaru wasnt so Jarring. i almost wish we just saved natsumi and childbaru for Each Half of arcs 7-8, which is a combined arc as you know, or moved childbaru to when capella comes into play later in rezero.
and i know that sounds like doing A Lot just to avoid subaru and spica being the Same Age when he declares her his daughter, but i feel like pacing wise it wouldve been cool to give the natsumi arc and the childbaru arc Their Own Main Story Arcs. not that theyre bad as they are in canon—i love them, for the most part (apart from my beef with louis HAH)!! but def i think it would be way less jarring in a lot of ways if—and ok youd have to move and change plot points but this is just me spitballing random ideas here—if childbaru was All/Almost All of arc 7 and natsumi was arc 8.
childbaru takes up a good chunk of arc 7 anyway, and then once the emilia camp and julius/ana come back in arc 8, subarus grown already to put him on an. Aesthetically Equal ground as the rest of his friends bc now hes grown again. but this is after childbaru arc so the Wack Lessons his childbaru self learned carry onto the natsumi arc—and i know in canon the natsumi arc lay groundwork for childbaru but the themes go right into each other in canon anyway so i think this could work!!
and since im sure the Consequences of Subarus Actions will probably start catching up to him around arc 8 (and kind of already have. with the louis drama ig?? if you wanna count that??) the natsumi arc is. a good transition ig. and now we can have mom natsumi with spica instead of 12 yr old preteen adoptive dad subaru ?? 😭😭 natsumi but in front of all of her friends and the entire country and the entire world this time ?
but no yeah what i just said is a wacky idea and its not that i think canon is Bad. i just have personal problems with louis 😭😭 and im petty about 12 yr old preteen adoptive dad subaru akfndnd and i kind of wish natsumi got a full arc to balance out the Combined Themes of natsumi arc and childbaru arc !! the transition from natsumi to childbaru felt a little jarring imo <3 but as im rereading arc 6-7 now (its been a while and my memory is Hot Garbage pfft) ill probably think more on this. and ill be reading arc 8 front to back once its fully wrapped up to get a better and complete read on it 👍
also other people like cecilus al medium got turned into kids too, but i think it just felt the most significant with cecilus :,) though i may be wrong on that. feel free to enlighten me 👍
i just think the thing with a lot of tappei plotlines is that they go on for a while. theyre kinda slowburn and of course theres a lot of characters in the cast so arcs get put on pause and picked up later alll the time. which is totally fair and understandable with so much ground to cover!! but bc of that i feel like for me personally (and for a good number of people probably, such as how audience reactions to the amnesiabaru arc 6 arc were when it was beginning (people Did Not Like It) vs when it ended (people called it the best arc ever))….. anyway for me personally i think bc of how tappei does his arcs its normal to feel uncertain about it in the beginning or middle bc its hard to predict how itll wrap up and If itll get wrapped up well. which is how i be feeling rn with rem and louis and otto and lots of other people 👍 and honestly even when i first saw childbaru in arc 7 i was like “wtffff but okay ill trust tappei for now and hope he wont get weird about kids again ahahaha”. but thats just my thoughts on it.
so all in all thanks for the ask :3 !! you have a lot of passion anon ty <3 (and im pretty sure i know who you are but totally cool if youre shy pfft)
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wr1stcutlandmine · 1 year
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Hello, welcome to my blog! You can call me Kiyoko, This blog centers around true crime! I want to make friends and talk about my tcc favs! I'm also radqueer and proship (∩^o^)⊃━☆
My favs are: Natsumi Tsuji (Nevada Tan), Eric Harris, Dylan Klebold, Alyssa Bustamante, Adam Lanza, Yuka Takaoka, Brenda Spencer, Jung Yoo-Jung, Jeffery Dahmer, Richard Ramirez, Aileen Wuornos, Aiden (Audery) Hale, John Wayne Gacy, Jack the Ripper, James Holmes
Fandoms I'm in: True Crime, Zero Day, Lucky Star, K-On!, Invader Zim, South Park, Super Mario Bros (Movie), Sanrio, My Little Pony, Serial Experiments Lain, Vocaloid, Danganronpa, Heaters, Thirteen, Menhera Chan (Wrist Cut Warrior manga)
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iemanagers · 9 months
💛 Q: What is this blog for?
This blog is about the managers from Inazuma Eleven because I feel like they’re not as loved as they should be in the fandom. This will act as an ask blog where u can ask each of the 4 managers questions, I will also try to include art whenever I can!
⚽Q: What Canon does it follow?
This follows the og canon, where Haruna joins as a first year into Raimon and Fuyuka is introduced during the FFI and joins Raimon after, questions can be asked or set at any time in the first 3 seasons or even in go or between that time. 
🧡Q: what characters can I ask?
Natsumi, Haruna, Aki and Fuyuka (I might add the go managers later on) 
💛Q: How many asks can I send?
Ask as much as you’d like! 
⚽ Q: What can I ask?
You can ask whatever you’d like, wether it’s about a characters friendship with another, their hobbies or what they like to do. It’s really limitless although they are minors so keep it sfw. (which should be expected lol)
🧡Q: Do i have to ask all of them a question?
Of course not, you can ask an individual character anything you’d like
💛Q: What are the ships this blog supports?
This blog is to share my love for the managers as they’re a female minority in the Inazuma franchise and I live for strong representation of girls in shounen, girlhood and all that (watch the barbie movie)
But, I don’t mind shipping, I’d prefer though if a the questions weren’t specified towards that because I personally have like 3 main otps only, 
However! If you wanna ask about ennatsu, please ask away i love them, and if you don’t like them then that’s okay too!
Some Rules
•No hate to any of the characters please, I understand that many people in the fandom dislike Natsumi for whatever reason but if you do you can ask away at any of the other managers.
•If you want to follow the blog but don’t want to see ennatsu, you can block the tag.
•please understand that I can be busy sometimes which may lead to a delay in me answering asks, if there is a substantially long time after you’ve asked something I don’t mind you following up or messaging me, there might be a chance I just forgot.
That’s all!
Art Req Rules.
•You can request anything related to the 4 managers or something related to them interacting with the Raimon team.
•I’d prefer not to do anything gore or au based, focusing on the main timeline.
•If there is a request that makes me uncomfortable somehow I’ll let you know so that you can change it or I’ll most likely not do it. I’ll try work with whatever is given though.
Tag List:
✏️askiem’s- asks for managers (not a fan of this tag name so I’ll take requests or change it to something better)
✏️opramble- talking about anything related to the blog that isn’t necessarily to do with an ask
✏️artreq- for art requests
-I’ll probably update this if i need to, but yeah start asking away!!
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boypussydilf · 6 days
idk if i have anyone else to talk to about Koyuki x Natsumi since like- despite it generally accepted in the fandom- its like- not generally the most talked about? So I'm gonna like put my lil hcs here if any rare koyunatsu/natsukoyu fan (or as id call them snowsummer or summersnow) want to hear about them.
-Mutual pining that took a long ass time considering one of them is closeted bisexual (Natsumi) and the other couldn't put a name for what she feels about her crush (Koyuki).
-They kissed, like once or twice before they got together. Natsumi thinks its because she was experiementing on how to kiss someone (she wont exactly admit that she was finding an excuse to kiss Koyuki), Koyuki thinks its a friendship thing- (well, she feels very differently about it aside from her friendships. She thinks that her friendship with Natsumi is very. Very special above all the others.)
-Natsumi likes eating Koyuki's homemade riceballs everytime they go on a picnic. She's ambivalent about the fried salamanders (as long as its like- not the whole salamander and is put in dumplings and other stuff where you use cooked meat for) but she still isn't used to the preserved foods that Koyuki has.
-Koyuki LOVES whatever Natsumi cooks, its all delicious to her. She was also estatic to find that Natsumi has tried out the fried salamanders.
-Most favorite memory? The one time they went on a date with eachother without exactly dating.
k thats all bye
YAAAAAAAAYYYYYY sat down like it was storytime as soon as i read the first few words of this ask because ive been a huge koyunatsu champion since i was very young. this is so so cute i love them :’)
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cosmicseaofgender · 5 months
Hello! I’m looking for a roleplay partner!
My name is Juno. I’m 32 years old, and I’ve been roleplaying for a full 20 years. My current time zone is EST (or UTC-5). I mostly write 3rd person, past/present tense, limited perspective. I tend to write however much feels right to me- that said, I do tend towards multi-paragraph replies. I’m bisexual, intersex, and genderfluid, and perfectly happy to write any and all types of characters, gender sex and sexuality notwithstanding. I am multiship and polyamory friendly.
9 hours of my day are taken by work and I also have a few minor disabilities that can drain my energy and make replying difficult sometimes. As such, I also understand when other people experience something similar. I may gently check in with my roleplay partners every so often, but I don’t find it helpful to pressure anyone to push a reply out when they aren’t feeling it.
Age: 20+
Writing Styles: Third person is necessary, past or present tense.
Location: Discord, Email, Google Docs
Reply Lengths: Whatever feels right in your heart! The important thing is the content.
RP Content: For original content I will be very interested in worldbuilding- I like to make sure I’m fully invested in the universe before I focus on characters. For fandom content, I’m fine with canon-adjacent and AUs both. SFW and NSFW are both fine by me, as long as discussed beforehand. I am kink-friendly within certain limits, which can also be discussed.
Other Considerations: I will not engage in pro-vs-anti discourse on either side of the line for any topic. If someone having a stance on that is very important to you, it would be better not to contact me.
Message me here for my Discord. No passwords required, just let me know that you’re interested, and we can talk about it!
Kamen Rider (Decade, Kabuto, OOO)
Natsumi, Yuusuke, Kagami, Eiji, Ankh, Date
Lord of the Rings
Legolas, Faramir
Hades (Game)
Nyx, Hypnos, Zagreus, Chaos, Aphrodite, Artemis, Hermes, Achilles, Patroclus
Yuri on Ice
Viktor, Phichit, Yuri P., Mari, Minako, Emil
Too many to list
See above
Harry Potter
See above
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kagender · 7 months
N - Name three things you wish you saw more or in your main fandom (or a fandom of choice). hmmmm lets see..... i definitely would LOOOVE to see more rarepairs. i live off that shit.... especially if theyre compelling..... i need to go back to drawing jirazero and shurakage etc..... i would love to see more art of the keroro platoon being besties with their human partners too! their friendships can be so sweet sometimes wwww..... tamama and momoka always seemed to get the least fanart from what ive seen. please i love my evil siblings duo. they kill people together. speaking of humans, more art of the scrapped beta human partners always gets me HYPED.... i really need to get around to drawing them myself. if anyones confused these guys are what im talking about!
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i need to see fuyumi being a mother/big sister figure to tamama....i need to see kururu and haruna chill together..... i need to see jun (later made into natsumi!) butting heads with chinatsu because they give off such a school rivals vibe to me. with a bit of yuri of course. sorry ive had this all figured out since 2021 or so
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vanillashusband · 1 year
Moonlight Mushroom Hunting
Word count: 1845 words Fandom: K/eroro Gunso Relationship(s): Jay/Giroro A/N: yay a little fic for the prompt "moonlight" of safeshiptember! :D I actually began this oneshot forever ago as an alternate ending to ep 84 but lost steam on it and forgot about it hjghfg But I revived it for this prompt and managed to finish it!
Everyone was sitting in the living room admiring the spread of food excitedly. Keroro and the rest of the platoon had brought back wild mushrooms from their trip to the mountains earlier that day, and Jay and Natsumi had cooked a bunch of delicious dishes using the fresh matsutakes. Natsumi handed Jay a bowl of rice and soup.
"Here, Jay." She said.
"Thanks!" Jay replied cheerfully.
"Wow, that smells so good, sir!" Keroro said. Matsutakes were incredibly expensive, so having this many was a special treat, especially since they were the wild handpicked variety straight from nature. Jay sat down with everyone ready to enjoy the tasty meal they had prepared, but something stopped him. As he looked around, he realized that Giroro was missing. Jay knew Giroro was a bit of a loner, but since he went mushroom hunting with Keroro, he had expected him to be here. Maybe he had gone to grab something or was roasting sweet potatoes to go with the meal.
"How many years has it been since I had matsutakes?!" Fuyuki exclaimed happily.
"There aren't very many, so be sure to savour them," Natsumi said. Everyone said their thanks for the food before digging in and enjoying the meal.
The matsutake rice and soup were delicious. Jay never had wild foraged mushrooms before. The matsutakes taken straight from nature were robust and aromatic, with a slightly spicy taste to them. Tamama started talking about how Keroro had misled the platoon into thinking matsutake mushrooms were some horrible, dangerous beasts on Pekopon. Keroro whined when Natsumi poked fun at him for it. The group laughed lightheartedly, and the air over them was carefree. But Giroro still hadn't shown up, which weighed on Jay's mind.
"Hey, where's Giroro?" Jay spoke up. Everyone else paused mid-bite as they glanced around, seemingly noticing just then that the Corporal was not present.
"Gero!" Keroro blurted out. Keroro, Mois, and Tamama's eyes went wide as they all simultaneously realized. Kururu laughed to himself quietly. "I forgot about him…" Keroro admitted. Jay stared at Keroro with a look of disbelief.
"You… forgot him." He said. Natsumi shrugged.
"He likes camping, and he's a soldier. I'm sure he'll be fine one night alone in the mountains." She said nonchalantly.
"That's right!" Keroro agreed. Jay frowned, unimpressed. They had just been talking about how the platoon ran around for hours chasing imaginary mushroom creatures. Knowing Giroro, he would be losing his mind on that mountain trying to fight an enemy that didn't exist.
Jay sighed and put down his bowl of soup. He got up from the couch. "I don't think so. I'm going to go find him." He muttered. Natsumi let out a quiet groan.
"You're leaving right now? Seriously?" She huffed. "I'm sure he'll be fine, Jay. Can't you stay and finish dinner with us?" Natsumi urged.
"Sorry, kid. Someone's gotta look after that idiot." Jay replied with a smirk. "I won't be gone too long." He said. Natsumi pouted slightly, but she didn't raise any further objections.
Jay went outside into the backyard and pulled a small box from his pocket. He pressed the single button on the top, and two curved rods extended from it, forming a collar-like device. Jay put it around his neck, and the ends connected in the back. As soon as Jay spoke the activation command, the KLL-ETJ-00-GT armoured suit materialized on his body. After the prior incident the suit caused, Jay was hesitant to use it again. But Kururu had modified it since then, locking the berserk mode behind a special command that only Jay knew to prevent a repeat of the last time when the suit took over.
Energy wings popped out from his back, and Jay took off straight up into the sky. He went above the clouds to ensure no one saw him. He swiftly flew to the countryside. With the battle suit, Jay would be able to find Giroro and bring him back home all before his food got cold. A message came through on the communicator on Jay's arm. Kururu's distinct laugh crackled over the transmission.
"I sent you the coordinates of our last positions on the mountain before we left. Hopefully, he'll be nearby. Good luck." He said.
"Thanks, Kururu," Jay replied with a smile.
Jay followed the directions and landed gently on a dark mountain path. It was so far from the city that there was no light pollution. It would have been pitch black if not for the light of the full moon. Jay glanced around. There was evidence of a battle. The ground was scorched in some places, and there were holes from explosives. Giroro had definitely been here. Jay continued along the path, floating just above the ground, calling Giroro's name.
"Giroro! Come out, it's me, Jay! Giroro!" He shouted.
Deep in the woods, hidden in a camouflaged hole, Giroro tensely waited with his gun gripped tightly in his hand for the dreaded matsutake to make its next move. The red Keronian was drenched in sweat. He listened hard to the silence for any movement, and in his mind, every sound was that of the matsutake. But that's when a different sound pieced the stillness, one that made Giroro's heart jump from the suddenness.
"Giroro! Where are you!?" Jay called.
Jay was here!?
Giroro was worried about Jay. The matsutake was out there, and with Jay attracting attention to himself, he could get ambushed by the enemy. Giroro nearly ditched his hiding place to run to Jay's rescue, but he stopped himself.
No. It couldn't be Jay. His voice sounded close, but Giroro couldn't hear any footsteps.
The matsutake was somehow imitating the voice of his beloved to lure him out of hiding.
Matsutake… it may be an enemy, but Giroro commended its skill.
"Ugh, Giroro, come out! It's time to go home!" Jay yelled. Giroro steeled himself as shafts of light filtered through the leaves at the top of his spider hole. It was right beside him.
Giroro leapt from his hole in the ground and brandished his gun to put an end to the matsutake that had been stalking him, to put an end to their game, and emerge victorious. But he wavered as he came face to face with Jay.
Jay screamed in fright and whipped around, instinctively kicking Giroro in the face with all his strength. The small red Keronian went flying and collided with a tree trunk. He fell to the ground. It was definitely Jay. Giroro would know that kick anywhere. Once the momentary scare wore off, Jay panicked.
"Oh my god! Giroro!" He exclaimed in worry. Jay ran to Giroro's side and scooped up his small form into his arms. Giroro looked terrible. He was sweaty, dirty, covered in bandages, and his cheeks were gaunt. He looked like he spent 3 months on the mountain rather than 6 hours. And Jay kicking him in the face definitely didn't help him either.
"What happened to you?! Are you ok?" Jay asked in concern.
"You have to get away. The matsutake is… out there." Giroro grunted. Jay stared at the red Keronian for a moment and then let out a tired sigh. He had been right.
"Giroro. Keroro was wrong about the matsutake. It's just a mushroom, not a monster or an enemy." Jay explained. Giroro blinked in confusion and sat up, staring blankly at Jay.
"It… wasn't real?" He mumbled. Jay shook his head.
"Nope." He answered simply. Jay stood up and began looking around through the leaf litter for something. "Here, look." He said, gesturing Giroro to come closer. Jay crouched by the trunk of a tree, and Giroro approached cautiously, still holding onto his knife just in case. The clouds parted, allowing the moonlight to shine down through the yellowing leaves. Growing at the base of the tree were a couple of sizable mushrooms.
"These are matsutake mushrooms, or they're also called pine mushrooms." Jay said.
"That's what I've been fighting this whole time?" Giroro said in disbelief.
"Yeah." Jay nodded. Hot anger washed through Giroro like a wave. "I should have known! Keroro, that idiot!!" He shouted, angrily stomping his foot in the dirt. Jay stifled a laugh.
"Hey, he didn't know either." He reasoned. Jay straightened up and offered his hand to Giroro. "C'mon, let's go home." He prompted.
Giroro held onto Jay's shoulder as he flew them back to Inner Tokyo. The wind whipped past them. Giroro couldn't help but steal glances at Jay from the corner of his eye. Jay's soft features were washed in pale light under the glow of the moon.
"Thanks… for coming back for me." Giroro said quietly. Jay smiled, but kept his eyes locked forward.
"Of course. I couldn't just let you lose your mind on that mountain by yourself." He replied with a small chuckle.
"When I get back, I'm going to smack Keroro for all this. Especially for leaving me behind." Giroro grumbled. Jay laughed again, filling Giroro with a warm fuzzy feeling, despite the cold wind.
They touched down in the backyard of the Hinata household. Jay took off the KLL-ETJ-00-GT collar, and the suit disappeared in a flash, leaving him in his regular clothes. Jay knocked on the sliding glass door and entered the living room with Giroro.
"We're back!" Jay called. Natsumi and Fuyuki were on the couch watching TV. Natsumi turned around with a frown. "There you are. You've been gone for an hour!" She said. "Everyone left already." Natsumi pouted.
"Sorry, sorry." Jay apologized sheepishly. "I found Giroro, though." He said, nodding to the small frog alien.
Giroro and Natsumi regarded the other with a flat look. "Natsumi." The red Keronian greeted.
"Giroro." Natsumi muttered. Jay blinked.
"Um, we saved your food, Jay!" Fuyuki cut it to break the sudden tension.
"Thanks, kid." Jay smiled.
Giroro sat at the kitchen table while Jay warmed up the leftovers. He wasn't sure why he was hanging around inside. He should be going down to the base to give Keroro a piece of his mind, but still, he stayed. Listening to gently clinking tableware and Jay shuffling around in the kitchen. Then a delicious aroma caught Giroro's attention.
Jay placed two bowls in front of Giroro. One filled with rice and the other with a clear soup. Both contained fragrant mushrooms, like the ones Jay showed him on the mountain.
"Here. I saved some for you." Jay said softly. "It'll warm you right up." He smiled. Jay sat in the seat next to Giroro and began to eat the rest of his meal. Giroro picked up the spoon and began to quietly eat the soup. The matsutake soup had a subtle spiciness. It was sweet and savory all at once, reminding him of autumn, very refreshing and pleasant. Especially since he hadn't eaten anything is hours. Even if the matsutake hadn't been the formidable enemy he thought it was, Giroro still got a little satisfaction from eating the meal made from it. In a sense, he had been victorious.
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catgirl-catboy · 1 year
I'm deeply relate Ryoma in a way I don't want to accept.. I even tried to break the fingers I own to stop myself doing the things even I fear and I'm so pissed at the fandom about Ryoma's characterisation. He is not the guy who deserved to reduce being depressive edgy one, analyse him more you cowards!
And i hate gonta x ryoma way too much because of how their characters get flanderised often when they paired.
And yes yes yes! Kokichi didn't buy it while Gonta buying the lie Ryoma told. This is why Kokichi and Ryoma feels like they have some sort of respect to eachother. And i like the sprite Ryoma laughing with Kokichi. That was cute lol
And again I switch the topic because of one thing you pointed out; parallels. I should let go tsuhara (Tsurugi x Kinji) but when we talk I realised something.
Uehara believed he deserved the death penalty so I realised one thing. Tsurugi affected him much as he affected Tsurugi too only difference they had was.. one of them have the chance the think of the topic while other don't and I start to hardly ship them for one blabber we had again. Wow
(I relate to Ryoma too, but I'm in a much better headspace now then I was when I was first playing Dr. I think if he knew he had a hand in that, he'd be happy)
Yeah, like Gonta and Ryoma have good potential as a ship, but the ship attracts most of the worst Gonta and Ryoma fans so I hardly ever find content for it.
Like, Gonta's toxic trait is that he will do anything to help people, but not ask the people in question thier thoughts. Despite his inferiority complex, he trusts his own judgement the one time I wish he wouldn't.
And half of Ryoma's arc is him asking for the tools so he could help himself, so reducing the ship to "Gonta helps Ryoma because he's pure" is the most boring dynamic they could have! I could see Ryoma helping Gonta out actually! I could also see it turn toxic, but thats just because I love toxic relationships. (in fiction, IRL do not recommend!)
Listen, Danganronpa can have some of the best parallel character arcs I've ever seen and they never capitalize on it, and it drives me insane. Half of the time, the characters in question never interact. Ibuki is the anti!Sayaka, or what Sayaka could have been if she valued authenticity more. Despite Fuyuhiko not directly killing Natsumi, he and Mondo still have a shitton of unhealthy coping mechanisms in common!
Another is so much better in that aspect. Still would like to lock Tsurugi and Kanade in a room together and watch the fallout.
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danggirlronpa · 1 year
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Seed B2 Masterpost
Tsumugi/Chiaki art by justrandomgrill
Natsumi/Peko art by pechebeche
These two have three scenes together across UTDP and Summercamp. And they spend every second of all three of these conversations talking about video game fandoms. This is neither a joke nor an exaggeration. Chiaki and Tsumugi’s romance is all about roleplaying as Master Chief and Cortana
There is an interesting level here of two characters who are both The Traitor TM of their games but in very different ways. We have both created a new person from ourselves to save (to kill) the people around us. We both connect to a higher organization whom we speak for. The Narratives. The Mountain Goats’ No Children of it all
Tsumugi calls Chiaki “a fellow Otaku.” The highest badge of Tsumugi honor. They’re basically already married
OOH. OOOOH. Now THIS is what I call TRAGEDY!! Not only is there the inherent tragedy of I Am Assigned To Protect My Charge Before My Beloved. Of having to choose between duty to your best friend and the love of your life. Not ONLY is there the family hangups of berating yourself for falling in love with someone so high above you, whom you could never dare to reach, for whom you are just a tool of a friend, not even worth glancing at. Not ONLY that.
But then she DIES. The love of your life DIES!! And you can avenge her as many times as you want, over in over, in worlds real and digital, but she will still be dead, because you did not protect her. You can die to avenge her and it will not change. You can experience your grief a hundred times and it will not change.
In Peko’s third Free Time Event she talks about how she isn’t good at smiling and both her childhood friend cried and said her face was scary AND her first love coldly told her that. Which means that the best friend (Fuyuhiko) is clearly a different person than the first love. And who else does Peko know who she could have a crush on and also is an asshole? THAT’S RIGHT
※To avoid spamming artists, I will only @ them the first time their work shows up unless told otherwise. If you want to check all the art I used, check here!
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ryqoshay · 2 years
Putting on Hairs - Post Production: Of Trolls and Bridges
Primary Pairing: N/A Starring: Natsumi, Kinako, Mei, Shiki Rating: T? Words: 524 AU: Theater, Monsters, Cryptids Fandom: Love Live Superstar Parent Fic: Putting on Hairs - Post Production Time Frame: Sometime before the main story Event: Promptober 2022 Event Source: Idol Fanfic Heaven channel on Discord Prompt: Bridge Content Warning: Dark themes and grim implications of actual historic superstitions and practices
Author’s Note: Primary entry for Oct 11th
Summary: Natsumi explains her monster type
Bury one deep at the foot of your bridge And it will never fall But be ever warned, for you it awaits The grimmest fate of all
For under the bridge there shall lurk a troll With large and toothy maw And it shall seek out all those who have killed And rend them with its claws
And hung upside down, your corpse on display For all the world to see A mason’s secret, slayer of children For no one heard their plea
The bridge will remain steadfast and sturdy And weather will not wear With child below and builder above Make quite the lovely pair
Kinako blanched. “Wh… What the heck kind of memorial is that?”
“The fitting kind.” Natsumi replied, swiping to the next picture on her tablet, one that showed the bridge in question, or rather an old, faded painting of it. “Etched into the stone by my great great great whatever grandma’s claws. She is the one who punished the mason for his crimes because the children he immured were her friends.”
“Immured?” Mei inquired.
“Immure. Verb. To enclose within walls. To build into or entomb in a wall.” Shiki stated.
“Immurement, or burying alive, has been used as punishment, or sacrifice, throughout history.”
“But… what did that have to do with bridges?”
“Didn’t you listen to the memorial poem?” Natsumi huffed. “Age old superstition said that burying a person, specifically a child, preferably living, at the foundation of a bridge would ensure that it wouldn’t collapse.”
“That’s what London Bridge is Falling Down is about.” Shiki added.
“Exactly.” Natsumi nodded.
“Thank the gods I didn’t sing that as a child…” Mei muttered under her breath.
“Anyway, the bridge is still there, so there must be some truth to it.” Natsumi swiped to a more modern picture.
“Wait.” Kinako spoke. “You said the children were your ancestor’s friends?”
“So… she didn’t eat them?”
“My bloodline gave that up generations ago, long before even her time.”
“I presume intermingling with humans and the dilution of the troll blood played a part in that.” Shiki surmised.
“Probably.” Natsumi shrugged.
“So, is that why you’re just an internet troll now?” Mei suddenly quipped.
“Also, does your surname not mean demon mound?” Shiki inquired. “What does that have to do with trolls or bridges?”
“Eh, trolls, ogres, demons. All the same, right?”
“I believe there are two demons employed at the other newly opened theater in the district. Perhaps we can ask of them?”
Natsumi furrowed her brow. “Is that any way to talk to your future producer?”
Kinako tilted her head. “I thought you were hired as…”
“I’ll be the producer soon enough! Just you wait and see. Then I’ll be raking in the <money!>” Natsumi declared, using the English word for money for some reason. “Anyway, you guys are the ones who asked about what kind of monster I am, and I gave you the most fabulous of productions! Now it’s time to see who can live up to it. Who’s next?”
The other three new hires glanced at one another.
“Uhm, I guess I can go next.” Kinako offered.
Author’s Note Continued: My apologies for anyone first learning about London Bridge from a silly LL fanfic.
That said, with how many tabs I had open while writing this, I’m almost certain this chapter will see some expansion before being added into my PoH-PP collection.
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namoamii · 2 months
Diff anon here but just wondering, when/where was Natsumi’s ultimate status retconned? I don’t have Twitter or bluesky so I’m a bit behind on the stuff Kodaka has been posting and she’s not popular enough for people to post much about her 😔
I'm quite old in this fandom. I joined fandom in 2013 when there were only 2 games to base off of. So until the anime came out, all info we have about Kuzuryu's sister is that she will be enter the school with the title "Ultimate Little Sister." And you get this piece of info by talking to Kuzuryu. I'll attach the screenshot later if you'd like.
So naturally for me the anime retconned this piece of info — though I know it's like the Nanami situation where people would be like "they just didn't reveal this piece of info in the game," I get it, but I've been in this fandom for way too long to deal with all these contradictions 🥲.
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mountainfrogs · 10 months
"What OTPs in your fandom do you just not get?"
mmMMMM I don't get GaruCorporal. I know it's a manga thing but i just kinda scratch my head. I mean you do you ofc i am Unbothered i just don't get it!!!
9. "Most disliked character(s)? Why?"
Dislike is kind of a hard word in this fandom bc I'm chill with like most all of them but I do sigh at both Keroro And natsumi. Keroro for his borderline narcicissist personality traits and the sheer inability to just nod understandingly when Natsumi gets upset, and then natsumi for being a hotheaded 14 year old who just kinda bullies him without just cause. like yall got some growing to do chill tf out
23. "Unpopular character you love?"
Answered this already but Karara and Taruru! I don't ever see anyone like talk about them but they're both just silly kids in funny circumstances and need parental guidance neither of them have enough brain wrinkles to form rational thoughts
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odessasilver · 1 year
That time my protagonist took the reins and suddenly I have a series
Sometimes it’s strange to remember a time when I wasn’t working on Tales of Yamato. It’s been my near-daily life now for a short while, and before that I was planning bits and pieces towards it. But it wasn’t always like this. It wasn’t even meant to be a whole book and more originally.
All the way back when I was writing a short story for Darkness & Moonlight, I had a different idea. It had major Asian influences, magic, and gods, however it ended up more towards the high fantasy genre. After feedback I realised the piece I’d written needed so much more work than I could do in time for the deadline and I had two options. Not have a story for that anthology, or write something new. I wasn’t ready to give up however, and so I went for the latter option.
For those of you who have read my stories, you might agree with a statement that gets given to me often by my beta readers. I’ve whittled it down to: BIG ideas, small space. I seem to have the knack for ideas which could expand out into something much bigger, and yet I cram it into a 2-5k story. Side note: At the very least my currently short stories keep gaining in length and I am learning how to write longer! So because I’d already had a failed story because of plot, and now I had pretty much no time to write a second story, I was worried about the same thing happening again. The thing is, I never do these things on purpose! It just… happens. And gaining ideas itself is tricky for me too, so the whole thing was a crazy idea, but damn I was going to give it a try.
Introducing Hotaka. My saviour and creator of so much chaos, the good kind at least.
During my flailing for an idea, I’d latched on to two things moonlight and the film Saw. Why Saw of all things? Well, I’d reminded myself of something I’d learnt about it on a random facebook post (those are useful after all!); they were low on budget and it made things so much simpler and easier to shoot it all in one room. Bingo. Just what I needed. If I kept my characters to one room, the plot can’t get too out of hand… Right?
So I had a vague location and the moon… and then what? Well amongst this I’d also latched onto a comment of a Japanese saying thanks to the author Natsumi Sōseki: 月が綺麗ですね / tsuki ga kirei desu ne which translates into “The moon is beautiful, isn’t it?”. It’s a beautiful way of saying I love you without saying it directly, and I loved the idea so much. That, and combined with various moon viewing scenes I’d read or watched in the fandoms I am in sealed the deal. (I’ll also talk about the fandom side in a later post!)
Armed with my idea, I broke open a new document and threw myself into the scene. Hotaka immediately emerged, as do most of my characters who make themselves, and oh boy was he looking at Ryoichi. Fantastic. So they did their thing and Hotaka broke my heart, even though I knew what he was going to do, and finally my story was done. I’d written it faster than any other story before (however it also was a shorter than average story unfortunately) and it could be submitted to the anthology after all!
End of story.
Well along comes the next Worldsmyths anthology, this time about seasons. And as I’m trying to figure out what to write again, along with help from some others, Hotaka rears his pretty little head. Summer has wonderful matsuri (Japanese festivals) which are so much fun and another fandom I loved covered it and I fell in love. So here we go again. Hotaka runs around doing his thing some more and it’s a continuation of the first story but still a standalone story, and things are going great and then…
Oh by the way Hotaka is a yokai.
He dropped that little bombshell on me, making me flail and figure out which yokai he might be (I only knew a few back then). And that opened up so many things. I finished the story, ended it in a way that could be continued if I felt like it, or left alone. Part of me knew that Hotaka wasn’t done with me yet.
Fast forward a little more, and while I’m figuring out what I want to do with my author self and also learning all about serialising fiction, Hotaka throws another bombshell at me. I could write more about him and his rich world and serialise it. As with the comment of my BIG ideas always being squished, by doing this I could change that issue by going back and exploring more ideas which had cropped up. I could see other yokai, meet other gods, try to finish writing about Hotaka…
And that’s pretty much where I am now.
Except Hotaka’s story is still not over. I planned one more story with him, making a trilogy of short stories with him in, but it wasn’t enough. Now he has a full prequel too, plus a very small glimpse in between that and where we see him in Beneath Tsukuyomi.
I’ll be sad when I finish the last story with him in. I vaguely know what will happen, and it won’t be long before I write it. However it needs to be done for Tales of Yamato to be complete. He’s resilient and unpredictable, and knowing my luck, he’ll find a way of coming back somehow. But at the same time, I think I’m ready to let him go. He swooped in at my time of need and completely set me on this path, and I’ll be forever thankful for that.
To my Hotaka, who I hope others enjoy as much as I have.
The first story I mentioned with Hotaka is Beneath Tsukuyomi, and the second is Survival, both can be read for free right now.
The anthologies they are published in are Darkness & Moonlight and Seasons Unceasing both by Worldsmyths, of which I am a member of.
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soccerpunching · 1 year
Favorite Own Posts
By LoreoftheFritz
Last Updated: Oct. 26, 2023
✨ - newly added 📸 - posts with pictures 💫 - other people's post I added in 💌 - others added things in my post (ty!!) 💐 - asks i sent to others or sent to me 🤣 - unserious/funny things 🎞 - from my liveblogs 🖇 - crossposted on my other masterlist ~ 🌸 - long-term personal project 🪨 - post/writing under 100 words 🌱 - post/writing under 200 words 🌷 - post/writing under 500 words 🌻 - post/writing under 1k words 🌺 - long post
teeth-rotting engoukidou chilling fluff 🌱
OC I added on the tags (I will post him someday) 🪨
Kidou and Hecate dynamic 📸🪨
Kira Hiroto gets reincarnated in the og timeline 💐🌷
All Stars as soon as Gouenji gets home 💐🪨
Reverse harem romcom-esque IE retelling 🌷
HCs about the girls as an adult that i haven't talked abt yet (i'll go back to this) 🪨
Kidou should call in gay to work
Fudou adopting kusaka
Random Imagines
Endou not immune to mcdonalds
When Kidou isn't sobber
og Casts in "this could have been an email" scenarios
Engoukidou ship dynamic 📸
Engoukidou cute mood
My Old Man Yaoi and their children
Teikoku's collective gay awakening 💌
just text that says "adult natsumi in a ponytail"
Unfulfilled wish of natsumi as chairperson
Weirdest Chairman ever
I want the managers to be violent
TouRika & lesbian!KoguHaru vibe
Why I want Kidou to be short
Break trio w "solving everything w soccer"
Inazuma Eleven casts interacting with the Haikyuu casts
Fun, Personal, Helpful, or Fandom Posts
Fun: Endou is a butch woman
Fun: Gouenji made an igloo for cats 💫
Fun/Fandom: Inazuma Eleven is a Weird Show: V1 💌🤣 || V2 💌
Fun: GouKidou line that exploded me
Fun: Endou audhd poll 💐
Fun/Personal: I'm a well-adjusted individual
Fun: HiroMido Family (w Kariya) Crack Family Drama
Fun: Incorrect Quote w engoukidou living together
Fun: Kidou is the pointing meme
Personal: I think about Kageyama a lot
Fun/Personal: Home brewing my adult yuri
Fun: Anything is possible in the inazuma eleven universe if you're not a coward
Fun/Fandom: og manager mono sapphic ship poll
Fun: Thank you endou inazuma eleven for giving me autism
Fun: Fandom daily reminder
Personal: I appreciate this fandom
Personal: My tumblr sexyman
Fun: I forgot to include cishets in my stories
Fandom: autistic inazuma eleven blog origin
Fun/Personal: Filipino bread opinions
Fun/Personal: You can trust my takes
-> Incorrect Quotes:
Fun: Incorrect Quote w Break Trio & Raimon 11 (Go)
Fun: Incorrect Quote w Kidou & Endou
-> Fun? Gouenji posting:
Let's make fun of Gouenji 💌
My wife is so beautiful! 💌
Personal: Autistic Gouenji 💌
Gouenji as Ken from the Barbie Movie 2023
Gouenji is a little loser
Personal: pspsps me with one simple trick
Gouenji projecting on kidou
Gouenji Blorbo Bingo
Personal: Trying to resist making a Hans clone
Please dont date Gouenji
Gouenji, my personal entertainment
Gouenji's fire tornado therapy
-> Helpful posts:
Fandom (from mutual): Mammon's google drive link for inazuma eleven movies and episodes 💫
Fandom: We can have different opinions
Fandom: Block everyone you find uncomfortable
-> Fandom ask games
Fun: Lightning Bolt Ask Game
Fun (from mutual): Marmolao's fandom ask game
-> Personal: Aggressively Compassionate Crows <3
First | Second | Third | Fourth | Fifth | Sixth | Seventh | Eighth - andrew | with memes | Ninth | Tenth | Eleventh | Twelfth | Thirteenth | Fourteenth | Fifteenth | Sixteenth | Seventeenth | Eighteenth | Nineteenth - hunternugget | Twentieth | Twenty-first - hunternugget | Twenty-second | Twenty-third | Twenty-fourth | Twenty-fifth | Twenty-sixth | Twenty-seventh
Fandom: Autistic headcanons are canon
-> Crossposted on other fandoms:
Personal: Kind of autistic I'm obsessed with
Live-Blogging Tags
#fritz disconnected live blogging - all liveblogs
#1.001 - 1 for the season number and 001 for the episode number. || Season number equivalent: 1 - og ep 1-127; 2 - inago; 3 - CS; 4 - galaxy; 5 - ares; 6 - orion
Tags that now existed: #1.001
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Other Inazuma Eleven Masterlist: - Fanfiction, OCs, and WIPs Masterlist - Hissatsu Techniques Headcanon Masterlist - General Headcanons - Observations and Analyses
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