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readyforevolution · 2 years ago
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adnanmustafa09161 · 2 months ago
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mubasherblog · 2 months ago
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lorenzlund · 2 years ago
Kanzlerdouble in Berlin sollte besser in Zukunft keine eigenständigen völlig überzogenen und auch übereiligen politischen Entscheidungen mehr fallen dürfen gemeinsam gemeinsam mit dem dann wieder auch angeblichen Vizekanzler von ihm, als auch noch zweitem vorhandenen Double, wie jenes Gesetz welches alle Deutschen durch die Bank weg ab 2024 zur Anschaffung gänzlicher neuer Heizöfen zwingt! Ansonsten hat sich meine Sicherheit klar natürlich dadurch erhöht, seitdem sie da sind! Wir werden im Winter ‘24 alle frieren! Einschließlich des wahren Kanzlers!! Dieser dürfte sich weiter in Hannover aufhalten! Solche Entscheidungen blitzartigen er hält sie für falsch, treffen Double sie, so wie hier, und stammten diese dann aus dem Katalag von Schauspiel-Agenten oder einer Agentur! Vorher gaben beide noch wiederholt den Hamlet beim Theater, oder den Otello! Oder sie spielten in der Allgemeinheit weniger bekannten Fernsehserien mit! So wie es hier zu vermuten ist! Und es ist ja auch völlig ersichtlich dann, warum sie es sind!  Für die meisten Hausbesitzer wird sich ein solcher Einbau als zu teuer erweisen!  Und so zielt dies Gesetz womöglich nur wieder allein auf ihn ab! Und der gesamte übrige Rest der Gesellschaft fröre dann über die Wintermonate mit! Der Kanzler liebt nun einmal das Reisen unter freiem Himmel, er wandert gern, oder benutzt für die Weiterreise auch gern einmal erneut das Rad, anstelle anderer Verkehrsmittel! Und so überlege ich schon jetzt, sollte ich doch besser bald schon nach Berlin vielleicht zurückkehren, gerade wegen dieser beiden Doubles immer! Und jetzt soll es ein solches plötzlich noch genauso dadurch im Kreml an vorderster Stelle auch geben! Plötzlich beschäftigt er solche Doubles auch! Beständig ahmt da jemand erneut nur den anderen nach dadurch! Armes auch Russland dann für die Zukunft! Sollte sich ein solches ledigliches Double nämlich auch hier dann wieder mehr und mehr auch verselbstständigen wollen, und immer wieder selber zu sehr einsamen Entscheidungen auch gelangen, auf höchster politischer Ebene, welche womöglich die halbe Welt dann wieder beträfen! Vielleicht sogar die gesamte! Und wer kontrollierte selbst solche Doubles für oberste Präsentanten des Staates aber bisherige nur Schauspieler auf deren auch eigene korrekte Arbeitsweise immer hin? Das scheint  bislang so immer noch nicht ganz abschließend auf allen Seiten geklärt! Und auch nicht auf Seite Russlands dann nicht! Stark ähnliche Szenarien müssten wir dann eines Tages für Kiew noch genauso befürchten! Womöglich tun wir es schon jetzt! Wie sähe die Welt dann morgen für uns alle aus? Wir müssten uns das dann in etwa so vorstellen: Selbst der Bürgermeister Kiews beschäftigte dann erstmals vielleicht ein paar auch eigene Doubles dadurch, welche auf gesellschaftlichen Anlässen immer wieder auch ihn verträten, immer dann, hält die eigene Polizei das so vielleicht erneut für sinnvoll und auch im Fall der Ukraine! Als sehr erfahrener Boxer früherer! Aber hätte er das dann nötig? Und es gibt gleich eine noch weitere Entscheidung, die wirkt, als wäre sie auf ähnliche Weise auch sehr einsam gefallen, und ohne vielleicht sogar die Spitze der Bundeswehr getroffen worden! Für Khartum fänden sich bei ihr doch sicher genug auch Freiwillige, die sich für den geplanten, aber jetzt leider wohl doch abgesagten, Einsatz zur Rückholung gefährdeter Deutscher aus dem umkämpften Krisen-Gebiet bereitwillig beim eigenen Oberkommando in den nächsten Tagen meldeten! Ein solcher Soldat kennte die Risiken eines solchen Einsatzes, er wäre sich ihrer bewusst! Sie wurden ihm mitgeteilt zuvor! (Privat vielleicht mitgeführte Handies von Soldaten auf einem solchen Einsatz sollte dann es auf gar keinen Fall geben dürfen! Über die genaue Flugroute die man dabei nähme würde erst von unterwegs entschieden, an Bord, von den Soldaten selber und sehr spontan, nie schon vorab, und auch nicht von  außerhalb und über Funk, und über vielleicht die weit entfernte Leitstelle! Ein vielleicht dennoch dann mitgeführter Feldlaptop, wie desjenigen, der den Einsatz leitete, gehörte extrem gut gegen mögliche Attacken und Eindringversuche von außerhalb abgesichert! (Die Bundeswehr hätte danach auch neuen Zulauf durch Rekruten! Der Soldat übernimmt dabei eine wirklich tolle Aufgabe, mit der kann er auch andere begeistern!) Am Boden angelangt sollte man sich von da an aber anderen offen  zu erkennen geben als Evakurierungsspezialkräfte aus Deutschland auf alleiniger Rettungsmission im Ausland für die eigenen Bürger, beispielsweise durch von außen angebrachten Hoheitsabzeichen an den Fahrzeugen, und ein Neutralitätszeichen! In der Regel werdet ihr dann von beiden Seiten in Ruhe gelassen werden! Wenn auch unter Bewaffnung! Der Einsatz fände begrenzt statt und er wäre ein temporärer! Man befände sich auf dem Weg zu einem vorab vereinbarten Sammelpunkt und Sammelstelle für Deutsche, über dessen genauen Standort man keinerlei Informationen an Dritte weitergäbe! Entweder man sucht sich dann, sobald das einem irgendwie machbar und möglich erscheint, eine gänzlich neue Route dafür aus, eine zweite Alternative könnte darin bestehen, dass man sich den Weg für das ungehinderte eigene Weiterfahren und Vorankommen zuvor erst dabei freimachte, vermittels dann sogar erstmaliger auch eigener Kampfhandlungen, man besäße die inere wie äußere Bereitschaft selbst dann auch dazu, was man dem anderen dann so aber immer auch vorher noch zu erkennen geben sollte ! Eine vielleicht zusätzliche auch noch dritte ist hier nicht erkennbar! *Als letzte Generation gelten übrigens wir Deutschen! Das endgültige baldige Aus oder Ende bald schon auch für uns  jemand teilt es vorausschauend erneut auch uns dann wieder mit! Nie meint derjenige sich selber damit! Stattdessen sind es jedes Mal erkennbare Spässe auch hier dann nur wieder, in der Regel stammen diese dann erneut von selber Nicht-Deutschen! Wir werden dabei wiederholt als besonders hartnäckige Klimakleber bezeichnet, die nicht bereit wären, sich wie andere von der Stelle zu bewegen! Oder wir tun es in nicht ausreichender Weise! Die Schritte unternommenen sie wären zu klein! Also wird damit begonnen, man klebt sich wiederholt auch selber dort fest, und blockiert dann Autobahnen, welche den Deutschen gehören, oder verhindert wirksam auch dadurch, dass beispielsweise Pendler aus Deutschland am Morgen wie gewohnt zu ihren Arbeitsstellen gelangen! Und so erhöht man die schon auch bisherigen Drohgebärden halt nochmals sehr stark, an auch die deutsche Bevölkerung, in der Hoffnung, dass diese irgendwann doch vielleicht Wirkung zeigen! Man droht ihr mit der Gesamtauslöschung!
Max-Anton Raiter
“Mac on Ar”. ars, lat. Häufige zusätzlich auch noch verwendete Buchstabenkürzel dafür oder für das erneute Hinterteil des Menschen oder auch Bürgern sind oft: ‘r’, ‘R, ‘S, und selbst: ‘ss, (the ass findet nicht selten ebenso Verwendung, das a es würde wiederholt dabei sogar mitgeschrieben, ein Beispiel dafür wäre: D-ass = German ass, which means, that by even the former Kraut or some Krauts, Eastern Krautrockband, die Ossieband, Krautpunk, der Kraut diente aber noch genauso auch als Soldat bei sogar der ehemaligen Wehrmacht, als auch Militärmusiker.)
Die Hoffnung, ich würde dann wenigstens im Winter des Jahres ‘24 während des Weiterreisens vielleicht doch noch erfrieren, ist eine sehr trügerische! Denn natürlich besitzen jene Soldaten, welche mich selbst auch auf sehr weiten Wanderungen wie über Feld und über die Dörfer und des Nachts bei hellem Mondschein seit Jahren beständig schon auch begleiten, eine gewisse Fürsorgepflicht für mich! Und diese gälte natürlich noch genauso auch in dem Fall! Begleitet werde ich ohnehin fast immer dabei von einer der Saturnos, höchst selten weicht diese überhaupt mir von der Seite, stattdessen schwebt sie dann erneut vielleicht nur wenige Hundert Meter wieder über mir, wo ihr sie auch direkt erblicken könntet, selbst mit bloßem Auge, denn was mir gelingt, allen anderen müsste es dann eigentlich ebenso glücken wie mir! Und es gab durchaus auch schon Leute, die versuchten sie dann zu fotografieren! Dazu gehörten sogar halb-professionelle Fotografen, wie mindestens einmal schon ein auch Vater-Sohn-Gespann, welches plötzlich des Nachts unvermittelts noch genauso dabei vor mir auftauchte mitsamt schwerer Gerätschaft aus den beiden von ihnen mitgeführten Rucksäcken, welche man sorgfältig auf dem steinernen Pflaster vor mir aufbaute, am Rande eines Sees, um dann wiederholt den Himmel abwartend so zu beobachten direkt über und hinter mir, wie in Lauerstellung auf den einen großen Jahrhundertschnappschuß und/oder Bild! Bis heute weiß ich so immer noch nicht genau, ob es einem von ihnen nicht vielleicht doch glückte, dass er also letzten Endes damit vielleicht sogar erfolgreich war! Die Enterprise wirkte dagegen geradezu immer winzig! Ohnehin gab es sie nur im früheren Fernsehen der USA und war dort frei erfunden! Für die gänzlich neu in Dienst gestellte Baureihe der Saturnos gilt das selber so aber nicht!! Ganz zu Beginn war deswegen auch nur ich in der Lage dazu sie überhaupt zu fliegen! (*Dennoch kam es dann zu keiner wirklich größeren Explosion kurz vielleicht schon nach dem Start und auch bei mir, so, wie es anderen passiert ist, erst gestern wohl, wo vom Erdboden aus gestartet wurde, der Start also diesmal nicht von der Mond oder Jupiterrückseite aus  erfolgt ist oder von der Venus herunter, erheblich anders also als der Deutsche es kennt oder selber auch gewohnt ist, zumindest stand darüber in den Zeitungen heute morgen in Hannover nicht das Geringste zu lesen (Weltnachrichten/über auch England und die USA), denn wäre es so, und hätte es sich demgemäß verhalten, so hätte wohl längst schon auch ich komplettt mit dem Schreiben in der Zwischenzeit als Schriftsteller auch aufhören müssen, dessen bin ich mir mir ganz gewiss! Selber war ich ja damals als Tester mit auch an Bord, wenigstens ich hatte diesen Mut!!
Und so ist selbst der auch heutige Deutsche nicht wirklich wehrlos dadurch, oder steht seinem Schicksal beständig nur wehrlos selber auch gegenüber!!
Er suchte halt dann nach neuen eigenen Verbündeten irgendwann auch für sich! Und er fand sie zuhauf im All! Dort gilt er heute als extrem beliebt! Etwas, das auch mit den Ingenieuren von ihm zu tun hat! Jedoch nicht nur!
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dreaminginthedeepsouth · 3 months ago
“When someone tells you who they are, believe them.” – Maya Angelou
Remember when John F. Kennedy promised to bring “The Best and the Brightest” into his administration? Yes, I know, Strange McNamara and Walt Rostow and McGeorge Bundy and several others turned out to be The Least and the Dimmest when they followed their boss into the Grand Adventure in Vietnam, but at least an attempt was made.
While several presidents managed to bring people along into their administration who turned out to be corrupt and venal and “less than competent,” until 2016, no president ever used “corrupt,” “venal,” and “incompetent” as the qualities he was in search of for people to carry out his wishes and policies.
But now Donnie Dumbfuck has topped himself. The search terms this time are “Evil,” “Wicked,” “Terrifying,” and “Godawful.”
The shape of an administration whose sole goal is vengeance is being assembled right out there in the open.
None of the named appointees or possible candidates for other offices yet to be named have the slightest doubt vengeance is the main goal. Vengeance against imaginary criminals committing imaginary crimes; vengeance against the people who attempted to hold the first Trump administration liable for its many crimes and lies; vengeance against “the traitors within” the administration who went public and informed the country of just how bad things were inside the White House; vengeance against four years of successful policies that actually helped the Gammas who were fuckheads enough to vote for him a second time after seeing what he did the first time, since these policies have inconvenienced his real friends, the plutocrats; vengeance against Ukraine for failing to ratfuck the 2020 election for him and having the temerity to kick Russian ass for the past three years; vengeance against NATO because its leaders laughed at him, publicly; and vengeance against any part of the world that failed to recognize him as the world-historical genius everyone knows he isn’t; vengeance against all of us who oppose him.
Tom Homan, successor to Organizer of the Holocaust Adolf Eichmann, who says there’s no need to separate a family between those who are U.S. citizens and those who aren’t when the whole bunch of them can be deported, has been named Border Czar in charge of the Massive Deportation that is the only thing that can get Donnie Dipfuck’s “widdle mushwoom” hard now.
There’s one problem here: “Border Czar” isn’t an actual governmental position, with actual legally-defined responsibilities and powers. Homan can expect to spend the 18 months these war criminals have, starting from Inauguration Day to the beginning of the 2026 mid-term, in court defending the legality of the authority he doesn’t have for every decision he makes and order he gives, while the whole trainwreck of Donnie Bumfuck’s wet dream piles up on top of them.
Professional Puppy Murderer and Presidential Musical Accompanist Kristi Noem was announced as the new Secretary of Homeland Security. If you have any doubt just how obsequious and spineless she is, how willing she is to do anything for Dear Leader, go check that video of her dancing around a semi-comatose Trump during his 39-minute “musical interlude” last month. The last time ‘round, DHS had five different leaders, only two of whom were Senate-confirmed. The agency has within it Customs and Border Protection, Immigration and Customs Enforcement, the Federal Emergency Management Agency and the US Secret Service. She’ll be in charge of the punishment of Democratic-led “sanctuary cities” that protect undocumented immigrants by not cooperating with federal agencies.
My advice is, if you live anywhere where natural disasters happen, if something happens to you and yours, expect a relief effort right down there with how George W. Bush’s jockey handled Hurricane Katrina, and what happened to Puerto Rico with Hurricaness Irma and Maria in 2017. In other words, bend over and kiss your ass good-bye. And if she comes to visit the scene of her crime, don’t let your pets outside. And expect no federal aid if you live in a Blue State.
Noem will also accompany Homan on his many trips to DC courtrooms (the irony of the possibility they end up in front of Judge Chutkan is too delicious), to defend her decisions to follow his unlawful orders.
Mike Davis, leading candidate to take the Heinrich Himmler role as head of the Gestapo in the new administration, manages to combine “Evil,” “Wicked,” “Terrifying,” and “Godawful” in the most complete way of any of these gargoyles. Politico describes him as “someone with an understanding of how to get things done on the inside who also has the grievances and background of a flyover country native. He has a fighting instinct and a commitment to finishing the job, regardless of how he might be hurting himself in the long run.” He’s promised to “rain hell” on Washington come January 2025 and to eviscerate institutions that he says treat Trump unfairly. He calls Democrats “Marxists” and “evil” and has “joked” that he would send journalists and former GOP personalities including George Conway and Tim Miller to “the gulag,” put migrant kids in “cages,” and work toward the goal of ...”having the Supreme Court to dismantle most of the federal government.” Steve Bannon calls Davis “a full fucking MAGA warrior.” If he does become Attorney General, there’s every chance that his toxicity will result in the Justice Department being quickly depopulated of the capable and competent in the ranks of government attorneys, leaving the Homans and the Noems and the rest of the gargoyles to be defended in court by “Trump lawyers.” We’ve all seen what they’re capable of.
Senator Marco Rubio, the primary opponent who back in 2016 pointed out the connection between Trump’s small hands and his even-smaller woody, co-author of the report by the Senate Intelligence Committee that confirmed Donnie Traitor’s 2016 collusion with Russia, is now the Traitor’s pick for Secretary of State. This led the Press Corpse and the adjacent Establishment Policy types to aggressively wish-cast once again that things wouldn’t be so bad after all, and it was possible that Trump would be “presidential” after all.
Sorry, there still aren’t any ponies hiding under the mountain of horse shit. Don’t let that stuff from eight years ago lead you to think he might “enforce guardrails” anywhere. Rubio is a staunch defender of Israel’s right to take direct action in Lebanon and to respond militarily without restraint in Iran. He endorsed Trump’s proposal to deport pro-Palestinian protestors who are in the U.S. on student visas. He has refused to call for a ceasefire in Gaza and blames “100 percent” of civilian deaths there on Hamas, holding the Israeli Defense Forces blameless. He does, however, believe in NATO, so there’s that. But remember, Trump picked Rubio because he squashed him like a bug in 2016. And Rubio knows he can and will do it again at the slightest provocation. How much “independence” do you see there? Rubio is what Trump wants: people who he’s already broken.
The “foreign policy” Rubio will be representing has been clearly defined. By Vladimir Putin. On November 11, Putin’s top aide Nikolai Patrushev (the man who supervised the assassination of Prigozin) stated to a Moscow newspaper: “To achieve success in the election, Donald Trump relied on certain forces to which he has corresponding obligations. As a responsible person, he will be obliged to fulfill them.” Tass distributed the statement globally to make sure the message was received by all parties. Yes, the incoming President of the United States has been put on notice that he has a debt to repay - to our most dangerous enemy. Is this going to be the only debt Trump doesn’t welsh out on?
Florida Representative Mike Waltz, Trump’s pick for National Security Advisor, isn’t a household name, but in his position he could sharply alter the calculus on the ground in Ukraine. He is a former Green Beret who currently serves on the House Committees dealing with the military, intelligence agencies and foreign affairs. The day before the election, Waltz gave an interview to NPR that made clear he would permit escalation of the war in Ukraine in order to bring it to an end through a diplomatic solution. That includes enforcing “actual” energy sanctions on Russia in order to strangle Russia’s economy and war machine. While that sounds good, it could also push Russia to more extreme measures, despite Trump’s recent “warning” to Putin not to “take any actions” in Ukraine. Waltz also favors “taking the handcuffs off the long-range weapons” the U.S. provides Ukraine. This puts him at odds with the MAGA wing’s desire to end U.S. financial and military assistance to Ukraine.
Nominee for UN Representative Representative Elise Stefanik Stefanik has no background in international relations or diplomacy that would prepare her for representing the United States at the international body, but then the reason he chose her is for her to pick fights with other states rather than trying to resolve them.
Nominee for Secretary of Defense, Fox News “Fox & Friends Weekend” co-host Pete Hegseth has an interesting background. Among other things, he has said women shouldn’t serve in combat roles. Last month he told CNN: “I’m straight up just saying we should not have women in combat roles.” Also, he not only disagrees with allowing gays to openly serve, but with “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell.” Additionally, Hegseth proudly proclaims he hasn’t washed his hands in ten years because “Germs are not a real thing. I can’t see them.” Yes! Really! He said that!! In the 21st Century! Hegseth is also known as a serial adulterer - which must be why Trump like him. Hegseth even sired a love child with a Fox producer while cheating on his second wife, who he cheated with on his first wife. And then the producer became his third wife in 2019. (White women can be soooooo fucking stupid.)
U.S. Navy Secretary Richard V. Spencer spent eight months in 2019-20 locked in a power struggle with Hegseth over the fate of Eddie Gallagher, the Navy SEAL accused of war crimes by his fellow team members, and found guilty of having committed them by a Navy court-martial. This eventually led to Spencer’s removal, while Gallagher was restored to his rank and officially pardoned by Trump, who called him “a true warrior” when he invited the pardoned war criminal to the White House. That fight would have been over in an instant if the Heritage plan had been in effect, with a compliant Navy secretary giving Trump whatever Hegseth wanted. He also intervened with the Secretary of the Army over the murder convictions of officers Mathew L. Golsteyn and Clint Lorance, who were pardoned by Trump. He has called for replacing Chairman of the Joint Chiefs General C.Q. Brown (who is African American) for being “woke” and a “DEI hire.”
It is impossible to think of him ever objecting to any of the unconstitutional, illegal, immoral things Trump plans to do, from using the military to round up immigrants to intervening regarding the decision to promote politically aligned general officers to get Trump his “German generals.” Hegseth will probably personally volunteer to lead that commission.
Hegseth wants to limit recruiting from urban areas, alleging that “diverse” recruits (meaning Black and urban) are “pumped full of vaccines and even more poisonous ideologies.” The war he wants to fight is Civil War 2.0 - he actually said, “Time for round two - we won’t miss this time.”
When he was the executive director of Concerned Veterans for America, a Koch network organization advocating privatization of the VA, he claimed veterans groups advise veterans to obtain more benefits than they should be getting, insinuating that they are cheating the system out of billions of dollars rather than simply obtaining the benefits to which they are legally entitled. (Personally, I’ll be fine with every white male moron veteran I didn’t want to meet in the Navy “getting theirs” for their vote for Trump. The problem is the what happens to the rest of us.)
Paul Rieckhoff, founder of Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America, commented: "Hegseth is undoubtedly the least qualified nominee for SecDef in American history. And the most overtly political. Brace yourself, America."
This nomination is the explanation of why Trump has demanded whoever becomes Senate Majority Leader must pre-emptively accept recess appointments. When even Tommy Tuberville says ”Really? I’d have to think about it” regarding this guy, you see all the “why” you need.
Mike Huckabee, nominee for Ambassador to Israel, believes the West Bank is part of Israel and is not “occupied” because Palestinians “don’t exist.”He’s a “Christian Zionist” the wing of Fundamenalist Insanity that supports Israel because they believe the state of Israel must exist when Jesus returns and Armageddon - the final battle between Good and Evil - is fought on the Plain of Armageddon in northern Israel. The future after that for the Israelis doesn’t look so good, because these people also believe that Jesus will then cast the Jews “into the fiery pit” except for the 144,000 KAPOs who drop to their knees and proclaim him. Throughout his political career, Netanyahu has gone out of his way to cozy up to these people as “Allies of Israel.” He and Huckabee should get along like the proverbial peas in the pod. (Hope you’re still happy with all your protest votes, residents of Dearborn - we did try to warn you this shit would happen thanks to.) Essentially, think of him as the End Times Ambassador.
John Ratcliffe, Trump’s nominee for CIA Director, was previously his Director of National Intelligence in Trump 1.0 - in that position, he sat on the whistleblower report of Trump’s attempted extortion of Vladimir Zelensky that led to Impeachment No. 1. I can’t think of anything more that needs to be said.
Yesterday, Trump named Elmo Musk and Vivek Ramaswamy as co-chairs of the Department of Government Efficiency. DOGE (get the joke?) is not actually a government agency at all, but merely an advisory commission. They will have no budget for their non-existent “department,” and their “advice” will only become fact if Congress acts favorably on what they advise.
Mike Murphy put up a savvy prediction of how this will work at his Substack :
1.) Great fanfare; 2.) Nice offices; 3.) Painful discovery I: Fed Gov’t doesn’t work like hedge fund or start up; 4.) Painful discovery II: 75% of Fed spending is basically on auto-pilot; 5.) Epic squabbling with Agencies, Congress, WH; 6.) Elon gets bored. Wiles kills it off
Yes, this all looks as bad as it really is, but let’s remember that Trump’s “eccentric mix of interests and priorities” is NOT well aligned with the public’s hopes and fears. Remember George Bush taking his 2004 “political capital” to “reform” Social Security? We should particularly remember Nancy Pelosi’s response to the Vichy Democrats who asked her what the Democrats’ Social Security reform counter-offer would be. “None. Is that clear?”
Carrying out all these fascist fantasies will be challenging for the “birds of a feather” surrounding Trump. Their “politics” range from being at once dovish and hawkish, libertarian and activist, traditionalist and revolutionary, authoritarian and anti-establishment. The chances they will end up at cross-purposes before next June are One Hundred Percent.
There is no constituency for Robert F. Kennedy Jr. taking fluoride out of our drinking water, and in fact there is no authority for the Federal government to base any such decision on. And the majority of Americans do believe in vaccines. Even the dumbasses in the 310 Area Code and the (Rich) People’s Republic of Santa Monica are coming around on this.
All the whackadoodles who think they’ve won a mandate for their pet cause, even though voters have no idea who they are or what they want, are about to discover that the majority of Americans aren’t likely to be on board with this bullshit when they find out. Ovr 70 percent of Americans are opposed to Project 2025 now, and that’s unlikely to change in the 724 days before the 2026 mid-term election, when these MAGAmorons discover the truth of their “overwhelming victory.”
Trump’s favorite fantasies, from mass deportations to steep tariffs, will very likely prove fairly unpopular when he actually tries to put them into practice.
This is going to be the story of the next 724 days: over-reach and extremism, with large dollop of incompetence and crazy.
And just in case you wondered how long it would be before te jackals decided to celebrate their victory by going after their own, if you bet “one week and a day” - come on down! You win.
Hard-line conservatives are plotting to challenge Speaker Mike Johnson (R-La.) for the gavel during Wednesday’s internal House GOP elections, four sources familiar with the matter told The Hill.
The sources — who spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss the sensitive internal deliberations — said the conservatives are planning to nominate an alternative candidate to Johnson for Speaker during Wednesday’s internal GOP elections. The sources said they are still discussing whom to nominate, and one source cautioned that the opposition could fall apart.
“There will be a nomination,” one of the sources said. The intent is to show opposition within the House GOP to Johnson’s bid to continue as Speaker, one of the sources said. The House GOP is set to consider Johnson for Speaker during internal GOP elections on Wednesday.
See? They are still Dumber Than Shit.
The 12 worst people surrounding Trump according to Rolling Stone:
1. Elon Musk; 2. Stephen Miller; 3. Robert F. Kennedy Jr ; 4. Tom Homan; 5. Mike Davis; 6. JD Vance'; 7. Ric Grenell; 8. Jeff Clark; 9. Laura Loomer; 10. Kash Patel; 11. Russel Vought; 12. Tucker Carlson
Don’t worry, the list of recess appointees is only going to get worse. Trump just nominated Tulsi Gabbard to be Director of National Intelligence. What a fucking oxymoron.
Alina Habba no brain is said to be Trump’s likely nominee for White House Press Secretary.
And yes, “clowns with flamethrowers, still have flamethrowers.”
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missallyblue · 2 years ago
Let's paint a Cyclops!
Lore wise, the Cyclops is famous for being a command mech. For it's weight class, it's armament is acceptable, but it's very light on armour. While it's often not the best choice for a frontline brawler, it's a common platform for dual cockpit refits (what if we kissed... And we were both pilots... In the Cyclops cockpit?), and carrying equipment to command, control and coordinate it's unit.
So, let's paint one (and the rest of the mechs in the box, but you'll see those at he end).
First up, priming in Vallejo's light grey spray primer. This stuff is cheapish, and works great:
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Next up, we slap on some Citadel Militarum green. It's a contrast paint, and normally you'd wick it around to avoid patchiness. For what we're doing though, patchy is good! Bob Ross that shit on.
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Now that's done, we drybrush on Vallejo's Green Sky. Very heavy, very rough is the order of the day. I was inspired by tropical paint schemes on US tanks in WW2, where they're scratched and scuffed and have a more yellow green tone:
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Next up, details in Citadel Leadbelcher. I'm not a huge fan of Leadbelcher to be honest. It doesn't thin well and is a pain to work with.
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Now, I'm utterly shit at blending, so I tend to do my cockpits and glass in solid purple. It stands out well from the green without looking insanely bright:
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Finally, add a grey wash (I make mine with Vallejo NATO black) and dot in the glass. The wash is still drying here:
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And here's the rest of the unit, dried, badged, and based:
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It works just fine as a tabletop scheme, and it's quick, simple and easy to batch paint.
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kneedeepincynade · 2 years ago
You could say he is a real MARXial artist
The post is machine translated
Translation is at the bottom
The collective is on telegram
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(Some related photos and video)
(Alcuni video e foto legati all'argomento)
🚩 Tra i Delegati del Comitato Nazionale della Conferenza Consultiva Politica del Popolo Cinese per la Regione Amministrativa Speciale di Hong Kong vi è anche Yen Ji-dan, più noto come Donnie Yen, Artista Marziale e Attore, che lavorerà nel Settore "Letteratura e Arti" del massimo Organo Consultivo della Repubblica Popolare Cinese 🇨🇳
🇨🇳 Nato a Guangzhou, nel Guangdong, nel 1963, Yen Ji-dan ha partecipato, per la prima volta, alle Due Sessioni di Marzo 2023 come Delegato della CCPPC, e ha dichiarato che - come Artista Marziale e Attore - fornirà suggerimenti e lavorerà per attrarre investimenti per film d'azione Cinesi che possano raccontare al meglio lo Spirito (精神) e l'Orgoglio (自豪) del Popolo Cinese 🐲
🎬 Inoltre, ha dichiarato che sarà sempre più selettivo nelle sue apparizioni in quanto Artista Marziale nei film Occidentali, e che sceglierà solamente ruoli rispettosi nei confronti della Cina, della Cultura Cinese e del Popolo Cinese 🇨🇳
🇨🇳 Bruce Lee («Un eroe!» | Mao Zedong), Jackie Chan (Membro della CCPPC 2013 - 2023) e Jet Li hanno portato in Occidente la Maestria delle Arti Marziali Cinesi, ha dichiarato Yen, che ha poi condiviso il suo stupore per il sentimento anti-Cinese e la visione negativa della Cina nei film Occidentali, spesso legati a stereotipi sinofobi 😡
📺 Nel 2023, è uscito il film "John Wick: Chapter 4", di cui Yen ha preso parte nel ruolo di Caine, artista marziale e assassino estremamente abile, amico-avversario del personaggio interpretato da Keanu Reeves 💕
💬 "La maggior parte delle persone al di fuori della Cina non vede il nostro progresso finché non viene qui: le autostrade, l'architettura, la comodità della vita: i media Occidentali si concentrano solo sulle storie negative sulla Cina, non parlano mai del nostro progresso, non menzionano mai la realtà della Cina" 🇨🇳
🎬 Filmografia del Compagno Yen 🇨🇳
🌸 Iscriviti 👉 @collettivoshaoshan
🚩 Among the Delegates of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference for the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region is also Yen Ji-dan, better known as Donnie Yen, Martial Artist and Actor, who will work in the "Literature and Arts" Sector of the highest Advisory Body of the People's Republic of China 🇨🇳
🇨🇳 Born in Guangzhou, Guangdong, 1963, Yen Ji-dan first attended the March 2023 Two Sessions as a Delegate of the CPPCC, and stated that - as a Martial Artist and Actor - he will provide suggestions and work to attract investments for Chinese action films that can best tell the Spirit (精神) and the Pride (自豪) of the Chinese People 🐲
🎬 Also, he stated that he will be more and more selective in his appearances as a Martial Artist in Western movies, and that he will only choose roles that are respectful towards China, Chinese Culture and Chinese People 🇨🇳
🇨🇳 Bruce Lee ("A hero!" | Mao Zedong), Jackie Chan (CCPCC Member 2013 - 2023) and Jet Li brought Chinese Martial Arts Mastery to the West, said Yen, who then shared his amazement for the anti-Chinese sentiment and negative view of China in Western films, often linked to Sinophobic stereotypes 😡
📺 In 2023, the film "John Wick: Chapter 4" was released, in which Yen took part in the role of Caine, an extremely skilled martial artist and assassin, friend-opponent of the character played by Keanu Reeves 💕
💬 "Most people outside of China don't see our progress until they come here: the highways, the architecture, the convenience of life: Western media only focus on the negative stories about China, never talk about the our progress, they never mention the reality of China" 🇨🇳
🎬 Filmography of Comrade Yen 🇨🇳
🌸 Subscribe 👉 @collettivoshaoshan
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automatismoateo · 2 months ago
Christianity has oficially ruined my country via /r/atheism
Christianity has oficially ruined my country I live in Romania, a country whose population is extremely religious to the point of insanity. Not only that you can't find any atheist people there, but even moderate Christians are a minority, most of them are so paranoid and crazy about religion they can't accept seeing anything related to Halloween posted on social media, they have zero tolerance for people who don't share their backward views or religious beliefs, and they hate most things related to science, because they don't fit in their Biblical naratives. The level of education in my country can be compared to the the one that an African, South Asian or Latin American country has. If you would move here, you wouldn't say this country is European. A lot of people live through the entire life without learning anything, in complete ignorance. Now we have to choose our future president and we have to select from a Centre-Right woman politician Elena Lasconi, and the Far-Right/Fascist religious fanatic Călin Georgescu, who is pro-Russian, anti-EU and anti-NATO, there is the risk to totally lose our democracy and our place in the EU, and became a Russian puppet state, just like Belarus. We might live our last days in a democratic EU country, because a huge part of our population is semi-illiterate, bigoted, insanely religious and can't think rationally. It all started with the garbage platform called TikTok, where hundreds of bots and several influencers promoted his campaign. He talks a lot of non-sense, such ridiculous stuff that can shock even a mental pacient. There are plenty of videos and posts that show that. Lasconi is very hated by the majority of the population, because she promotes LGBT rights and some people from her political party didn't say quite the nicest things about religion. Also, plenty of priests make propaganda for the fascist wacko, and tell lies about the progressive candidate Lasconi. A main reason why Romania will be destroyed soon is the Medieval mentality of the Romanian people, which is way too backward even for an average Eastern European country. No kidding! Hungary is just over the border, and they are so much more open-minded, it seems you travel to a paralel Universe when you go few steps from Romania. Even Bulgaria, another neighbour which is a poorer country is more open-minded, and has a more significant atheist population. There are still a lot of decent, more educated people including University students, professors, celebrities, politicians, activists, journalists, TV stations, and even music artists who warn people about the danger of a potentional far-right regime, but people don't seem to care. There are even online petitions with thousands of signatures, that request the closing of a TV station that warns the population about this strange character. In what kind of European country such thing can actually happen? This seems so unreal... That's it, guys! We are doomed! Soon, I won't have the privilege to enjoy anything good an European country can offer anymore, and we will become an isolated Russian satelite, just because a vast majority of the Romanian population cannot think like grown-ups or rational human beings. I knew people in my country aren't too smart, but I couldnt imagine they can get this low. That's the power of religion and how wicked can it be, the reason why several (WAY TOO MANY) communities and societies on this planet are suffering and staying in poverty. The election will take place on December the 8th (unfortunately I will have to lie to my mother that I'll vote for the looney guy, because she hates Lasconi, and she can't accept anyone who would supports her). I hope some miracle will occur and most people will wake up to reality, but that's not likely to happen. I totally lost all my patriotism, the hope for my country's future, and I cannot enjoy life anymore. Submitted December 03, 2024 at 04:57PM by xyzwarrior (From Reddit https://ift.tt/7C5HfeQ)
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kashifameen805 · 2 months ago
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mujahidblogs · 2 months ago
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ahmadblogs · 2 months ago
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faisalqureshi6 · 2 months ago
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adnanmustafa09161 · 2 months ago
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mubasherblog · 2 months ago
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alijam804 · 2 months ago
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jimykhor96 · 2 months ago
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